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Rapido, intuitivo, potente: Qt Quick all'assalto delle User Interfaces Alessandro La Rosa
Di che si parla? ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Speaker ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Cos'è Qt Quick? ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Strumenti di sviluppo ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Qt SDK Qt Creator Qt Designer Qt Simulator
Devices ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],v
QML Dichiarativo Aspetto e comportamento UI  Struttura ad albero (DOM-like) Estendibile con QML o C++
QML – Basics import   QtQuick   1.0 Rectangle { width: 200; height: 200  color: "blue" Image { anchors.centerIn: parent source: "qt-logo.png" } } ,[object Object],[object Object]
QML – Basics import QtQuick 1.0 Rectangle   { width :   200;   height :   200   color :   "blue" Image { anchors.centerIn: parent source: "qt-logo.png" } } ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
QML - Elementi ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
QML – Proprietà Rectangle   { id :   root  (4) width :   360;   height :   360  (1) property   variant   myList:   [ "QML" ,   "Rocks!" ,   3]  (2) onWidthChanged :   console.log( "Proprietà   di   tipo   Script" ) Text   { text :   root.myList[0]   +   "   "   +   parent.myList[1]; font :   { bold :   false;   italic :   true}  (3) } } ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
QML – Proprietà Rectangle   { id :   root width :   360;   height :   360 property   variant   myList:   [ "QML" ,   "Rocks!" ,   3] onWidthChanged :   console.log( "Proprietà   di   tipo   Script" ) Text   { text :   root.myList[0]   +   "   "   +   parent.myList[1]; font :   { bold :   false;   italic :   true} } } ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Alcune proprietà fondamentali ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Il property Binding ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Questi sono binding Questi NO! Rectangle   { id :   root ;  width :   360;   height :   360 Rectangle   { id :   redRect width :   root.width   /   2 height :   root.height   /   2 } Component.onCompleted :   { redRect.width   =   root.width   /   2 redRect.height   =   root.height   /   2 } }
Comporre la User Interface ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Layout basati su anchor Rectangle   { width :   200;   height :   200;   color :   "red" Rectangle   { width :   100;   height :   100;   color :   "blue" : anchors.horizontalCenter :   parent.horizontalCenter anchors.topMargin :   10 anchors.horizontalCenterOffset :   -20 } } ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Elementi Positioner Column   { anchors.centerIn :   parent Rectangle   { width :   100;   height :   100;   color :   "red" } Rectangle   { width :   100;   height :   100;   color :   "blue" } Rectangle   { width :   100;   height :   100;   color :   "green" } } ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Proprietà x, y, width e height Rectangle   { width :   200;   height :   200;   color :   "red" Rectangle   { color :   "blue" width :   100 height :   100 x :   50 y :   80 } } ,[object Object],[object Object]
Interazione Utente – Touch ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Rectangle   { width :   200;   height :   200;   color :   "red" MouseArea   { anchors.fill :   parent onPressed :   parent.color   =   "blue" onReleased :   parent.color   =   "red" } }
Interazione Utente – Touch ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Rectangle   { width :   200;   height :   200 color :   myMouseArea.pressed   ? "blue"   :   "red" MouseArea   { id :   myMouseArea :   parent anchors.fill :   parent } }
Interazione Utente – Tastiera ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Rectangle   { width :   100;   height :   100; focus :   true; Keys.onPressed :   if (event.key   ==   Qt.Key_Left) console.log( "LEFT" ) Keys.onUpPressed :   console.log( "UP" ) }
Gestione del focus ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Estendere QML con nuovi componenti ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],RoundedTextInput.qml Rectangle   { radius :   5 color :   "blue" property   string   text:   textInput.text TextInput   { id :   textInput color :   "white" anchors.fill :   parent ;  anchors.margins :   5 } }
Estendere QML con nuovi componenti ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],main.qml Rectangle   { width :   300;   height :   300   RoundedTextInput   { height :   60 width :   parent.width text :   "Some   default   text" } }
Property Alias ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Item   { width :   200;   height :   200 property   alias   rectColor:   myRect.color rectColor :  "blue"   //   NON   FUNZIONA! Rectangle   { id :   myRect ;  anchors.fill :   parent } }
Aggiungere segnali ad un componente ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],RoundedButton.qml Rectangle   { radius :   5;   color :   "blue" property   string   text signal   buttonClicked Text   { anchors.centerIn :   parent text :   parent.text color :   "white" } MouseArea   { anchors.fill :   parent onClicked :   parent.buttonClicked() } }
Definire metodi per un componente RoundedButton.qml Rectangle   { radius :   5;   color :   "blue" property   string   text   function   getSomeValue() { return  Math.random() } ... } main.qml RoundedButton   { id :   myButton width :   450;   height :   100 text :   "Click   me" Component.onCompleted :   { console.log( myButton.getSomeValue() ); } }
Componenti e moduli ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Struttura folder MyApp |- main.qml |-  MyModule / |- Triangle.qml   |- Circle.qml |- Ellipsis.qml main.qml import   QtQuick   1.0 import   "MyModule" Rectangle   { width :   300;   height :   300 Triangle   {...} Circle   {...} Ellipsis   {...} }
Versioning e named imports qmldir metadata file Triangle 1.0 Triangle.qml Circle 1.0 Circle.qml Ellipsis 1.0 Ellipsis.qml main.qml import   QtQuick   1.0 import   "MyModule" 1.0 Rectangle   { width :   300;   height :   300 Triangle   {...} } ,[object Object],[object Object],import   "MyModule" 1.0 as  Shapes Rectangle   { width :   300;   height :   300 Shapes.Triangle   {...} }
Gestire e visualizzare dati ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],ListModel   { id :   myModel ListElement   { nome :   "Symbian" } ListElement   { nome :   "Maemo" } ListElement   { nome :   "MeeGo" } }
Visualizzazione di un Data Model ListModel   { id :   myModel ListElement   { colore :   "blue" } ListElement   { colore :   "red" } ListElement   { colore :   "green" } } Row   { anchors.centerIn :   parent spacing :   20 Repeater   { model :   myModel delegate :   Rectangle   { width :   200;   height :   200 color :   colore Text   { text :   index; anchors.centerIn :   parent} } } } ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Visualizzazione efficiente: le Views ListModel   { id :   myModel ListElement   { nome :   "Symbian" } ListElement   { nome :   "Maemo" } ListElement   { nome :   "MeeGo" } } ListView   { anchors.fill :   parent model :   myModel focus :   true delegate :   Rectangle   { color :   ListView.isCurrentItem   ? "lightblue"   :   "white" width :   parent.width;   height :   100 border   { width :   1;   color :   "black" } Text   { text :   nome;   anchors.centerIn :   parent} } } ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Altri Data Model... VisualItemModel   { id :   myModel Rectangle   { width :   800;   height :   100;   color :   "red" } Rectangle   { width :   800;   height :   100;   color :   "blue" } Rectangle   { width :   800;   height :   100;   color :   "green" } } ListView   { anchors.fill :   parent;   model :   myModel } VisualItemModel ListView   { anchors.fill :   parent model :   100 delegate :   Text   { text :   "Index:   "   +   index } } Anche un Number! ,[object Object],[object Object]
Animare la User Interface ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Animazione esplicita Item   { width :   360;   height :   360 Image   { width :   64;   height :   64 source :   "myImage.png" NumberAnimation   on   x   { from :   0;   to :   200 duration :   3000 easing.type :   Easing.OutElastic } } } ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Animazione standalone Item   { width :   360;   height :   360 Image   { id :   myImage;   width :   64;   height :   64;   source :   "myImage.png" MouseArea   { anchors.fill :   parent onClicked :   myAnimation.running   =   true } } NumberAnimation   { id :   myAnimation target :   myImage ;  properties :   "x" from :   0;   to :   200;   duration :   3000 } } ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Animazione al variare di una proprietà Item   { width :   360;   height :   360 Image   { id :   myImage width :   64;   height :   64 ;  source :   "myImage.png" Behavior   on   x   { NumberAnimation   { duration :   3000 } } } Component.onCompleted :   { myImage.x   =   200 } } ,[object Object],[object Object]
Animazione in un signal handler Item   { width :   360;   height :   360 Image   { id :   myImage width :   64;   height :   64 ;  source :   "myImage.png" MouseArea   { anchors.fill :   parent onClicked :   NumberAnimation   { target :   myImage;   properties :   "x" to :   200;   duration :   3000 } } } } ,[object Object]
Gestire la UI tramite stati ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Definizione di uno stato Rectangle   {   id :   root ;  width :   360; height :   360 ;  color :   "red" states :   [ State   { name :   "pressed" PropertyChanges   { target :   root color :   "blue" } } ] } ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Attivazione di uno stato Rectangle   {   id :   root ;  width :   360; height :   360 ;  color :   "red" states :   […] MouseArea   { anchors.fill :   parent onPressed :   root.state   =   "pressed" onReleased :   root.state   =   "" } } ,[object Object],[object Object]
Condizioni di uno stato Rectangle   {   id :   root ;  width :   360;   height :   360 ;  color :   "red" states : [ State  { when : myMouseArea.pressed name :  "pressed" PropertyChanges  {...} } ] MouseArea   { id :   myMouseArea anchors.fill :   parent } } ,[object Object],[object Object]
Transizioni tra stati Rectangle   { [...] transitions :   [ Transition   { from :   "" to :   "pressed" PropertyAnimation   {   target :   root; properties :   "color" ;   duration :   250 } } ] } ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Animazioni parallele e sequenziali Image   { id :   myImage width :   64;   height :   64;   source :   "qt-logo.png" SequentialAnimation   { running :   true;   NumberAnimation   { target :   myImage;   properties :   "x" from :   0;   to :   200;   duration :   1000 } ParallelAnimation   { NumberAnimation   { target :   myImage;   properties :   "rotation" from :   0;   to :   90;   duration :   1000 }   NumberAnimation   {   target :   myImage; properties :   "y" from :   0;   to :   200;   duration :   1000 } } } }
QML e JavaScript ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Esempio di libreria JavaScript function   startup()   { // cambio il colore dell'elemento con id “root”   root.color   =   "lightblue" ; } function   randomNumber()   { return   Math.random(); } js/MyLibrary.js import   "js/MyLibrary.js"   as   CoreLogic Rectangle   { id :   root;   width :   200;   height :   200 Text   { text :   "Numero   casuale:   "   +   CoreLogic.randomNumber(); } Component.onCompleted :   CoreLogic.startup(); } main.qml
Estendere QML in C++ ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Utilizzo di un tipo implementato in C++ import   QtQuick   1.0 import   FormeGeometriche   1.0 Rectangle   { width :   300 height :   300 Triangolo   { anchors.centerIn :   parent width :   200 height :   100 color :   "green" } } ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Implementiamo il nuovo visual item triangleitem.h #include   <QDeclarativeItem> class   Triangletem   :   public   QDeclarativeItem { Q_OBJECT public  : explicit   Triangletem ( QDeclarativeItem   *parent   =   0 ); void   paint ( QPainter   *painter, const   QStyleOptionGraphicsItem   *option, QWidget   *widget   =   0 ); }; ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Definire nuove proprietà triangleitem .h class   TriangleItem   :   public   QDeclarativeItem { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY  ( QColor   color   READ   color   WRITE   setColor NOTIFY   colorChanged) public  : [...] const   QColor   &color()   const ; void   setColor ( const   QColor   & newColor ); signals  : void   colorChanged(); private  : QColor   m_color ; }; ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Costruttore e metodo paint() triangleitem.cpp TriangleItem  :: TriangleItem ( QDeclarativeItem   *parent)   : QDeclarativeItem  (parent) { setFlag( QGraphicsItem :: ItemHasNoContents ,   false); } void   TriangleItem :: paint ( QPainter   *painter,   const   QstyleOptionGraphicsItem *option,   QWidget   *widget) { painter->save(); painter->setBrush( m_color ); QPolygon   triangolo; triangolo.putPoints( 0 ,   3 ,   option-> rect .width()/ 2 ,   0 ,   0 ,   option-> rect .height(),   option-> rect .width(),   option-> rect .height()); painter->drawPolygon(triangolo); painter->restore(); } ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Implementiamo setter e getter triangleitem.cpp const   QColor   & TriangleItem :: color ()   const   { return   m_color ; } void   TriangleItem ::setColor(const   QColor   &newColor)   { if   ( m_color   !=   newColor)   { m_color   =   newColor; update (); emit   colorChanged (); } } ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Registrazione del nuovo tipo main.cpp int   main (int   argc,   char   *argv[]) { QApplication   app(argc,   argv); qmlRegisterType< TriangleItem >( &quot;FormeGeometriche&quot; ,   1 ,   0 ,   &quot;Triangolo&quot; ); QmlApplicationViewer   viewer; viewer.setOrientation( QmlApplicationViewer :: ScreenOrientationAuto ); viewer.setMainQmlFile( QLatin1String ( &quot;qml/MyQtQuickApp/main.qml&quot; )); viewer.showExpanded(); return   app.exec(); } ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Aggiungere metodi richiamabili da QML triangleitem.h class   TriangleItem   :   public   QDeclarativeItem { public : Q_INVOKABLE   QColor   randomColor()   const; } triangleitem.cpp QColor   TriangleItem :: randomColor ()   const { return   QColor (qrand()   &   0xff ,   qrand()   &   0xff ,   qrand()   &   0xff ); } main.qml Triangolo   { width :   200;   height :   100 color :   randomColor() } ,[object Object],[object Object]
Aggiungere proprietà custom triangleitem.h class   TriangleItem   :   public   QDeclarativeItem {   Q_ENUMS  ( Style ) public: enum   Style   {   Normal ,   UpsideDown   }; const   Style   &style()   const; void   setStyle(const   Style   &newStyle); private : Style   m_style ; } ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Utilizzo di proprietà  enum triangleitem.cpp void   TriangleItem :: paint ( QPainter   *painter, const   QstyleOptionGraphicsItem  *option,   QWidget   *widget) { painter->save(); painter->setBrush( m_color ); QPolygon   triangolo; if ( m_style   ==   UpsideDown ) triangolo.putPoints( 0 ,   3 ,   option-> rect .width()/ 2 ,   option-> rect .height(),   0 ,   0 ,   option-> rect .width(),   0 ); else triangolo.putPoints( 0 ,   3 ,   option-> rect .width()/ 2 ,   0 ,   0 ,   option-> rect .height(),   option-> rect .width(),   option-> rect .height()); painter->drawPolygon(triangolo); painter->restore(); } triangleitem.cpp Triangolo   { anchors.centerIn :   parent width :   200;   height :   100 color :   randomColor() style :   Triangolo.UpsideDown }
Velocizziamo lo sviluppo ,[object Object],[object Object],v
Plugin QML di Qt Mobility ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]

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Rapido, intuitivo, potente: Qt Quick all'assalto delle User Interfaces

  • 1. Rapido, intuitivo, potente: Qt Quick all'assalto delle User Interfaces Alessandro La Rosa
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  • 6. Qt SDK Qt Creator Qt Designer Qt Simulator
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  • 8. QML Dichiarativo Aspetto e comportamento UI Struttura ad albero (DOM-like) Estendibile con QML o C++
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  • 28. Definire metodi per un componente RoundedButton.qml Rectangle { radius : 5; color : &quot;blue&quot; property string text function getSomeValue() { return Math.random() } ... } main.qml RoundedButton { id : myButton width : 450; height : 100 text : &quot;Click me&quot; Component.onCompleted : { console.log( myButton.getSomeValue() ); } }
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  • 45. Animazioni parallele e sequenziali Image { id : myImage width : 64; height : 64; source : &quot;qt-logo.png&quot; SequentialAnimation { running : true; NumberAnimation { target : myImage; properties : &quot;x&quot; from : 0; to : 200; duration : 1000 } ParallelAnimation { NumberAnimation { target : myImage; properties : &quot;rotation&quot; from : 0; to : 90; duration : 1000 } NumberAnimation { target : myImage; properties : &quot;y&quot; from : 0; to : 200; duration : 1000 } } } }
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  • 47. Esempio di libreria JavaScript function startup() { // cambio il colore dell'elemento con id “root” root.color = &quot;lightblue&quot; ; } function randomNumber() { return Math.random(); } js/MyLibrary.js import &quot;js/MyLibrary.js&quot; as CoreLogic Rectangle { id : root; width : 200; height : 200 Text { text : &quot;Numero casuale: &quot; + CoreLogic.randomNumber(); } Component.onCompleted : CoreLogic.startup(); } main.qml
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  • 57. Utilizzo di proprietà enum triangleitem.cpp void TriangleItem :: paint ( QPainter *painter, const QstyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget) { painter->save(); painter->setBrush( m_color ); QPolygon triangolo; if ( m_style == UpsideDown ) triangolo.putPoints( 0 , 3 , option-> rect .width()/ 2 , option-> rect .height(), 0 , 0 , option-> rect .width(), 0 ); else triangolo.putPoints( 0 , 3 , option-> rect .width()/ 2 , 0 , 0 , option-> rect .height(), option-> rect .width(), option-> rect .height()); painter->drawPolygon(triangolo); painter->restore(); } triangleitem.cpp Triangolo { anchors.centerIn : parent width : 200; height : 100 color : randomColor() style : Triangolo.UpsideDown }
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