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AS Media Studies
OCR G321: Foundation Portfolio
Create the front cover, contents and double page spread for a new music
I aimed my
magazine at..
People who have
diverse taste
People that read:
17-28 year olds
People that use:
People Involved in music
Males and Females
My magazine would be similar to other music magazines such as
NME and Kerrang and share a similar target audience. However
my magazine would focus more of a wider taste of music and not
on a single genre. The magazine would be for people trying to
discover new music this would be one of my unique selling
points. The magazine would target both genders and anyone
involved with music and not just listeners of music. For example
there would be a small section of the magazine what would review
and advertise instruments which will also attract musicians,
another unique selling point.
Based on my audience research I discovered by using surveys that that
there was a massive amount of people that did not play any instrument.
As a musician I found that there was a large gap in the market for a Music
magazine that would review and advertise instruments. The reason
why there is a large gap for this magazine is because there isn't a big
enough audience that would buy the magazine. My media product would
fill this gap, in each issue there will be a small section dedicated to
reviews of certain makes of instrument that mainstream guitar bands
use. In the interviews with bands there will also be a small section for each
band member to share their favourite instrument and make. With small
features like in music magazine it would help inspire more people to pick
up instruments increasing the audience size and popularity of the
The sub genre of my media product would
be Indie rock music. Based on my
audience research I discovered there was a
massive gap in the market for a magazine
that advertises and reviews instruments
as well as indie music. My magazine would
be aimed at a primary audience of middle
class musicians and musical lovers of
both genders.
In this issue of NME the main
image is of the lead singer and
guitarist from the indie band
MUSE. This Issue is the “Guitar
issue” that includes interviews,
tip and chords from famous
indie bands. This is similar to
what my media product features
will include in every issue. This
magazine appeals to the same
audience that my media product
will. This special edition that
shows that NME is trying to
expand their audience and
encourage young musicians to buy
the magazine.
The primary audience for my media product would be
mostly Males between the ages of 16 and 30 however,
this magazine is not just for males it also attracts
females because either gender can enjoy the indie
genre. However from my audience research I found that
male readers are more interested by interviews and
reviews of indie bands than females. The majority of the
features I would use in my media product would be
related to new and interesting genres that wound
attract a young audience looking to listen to new music.
My secondary audience would be young or beginning
musicians looking for somewhere to start. This
audience may not particularly buy the magazine just for
the guitar content but could read the magazine that
another family member brought. My magazine would be
aimed at a demographic who are open minded and
willing to listen to new and interesting music. My
product is more to help readers discover new music that
reviewing the same genre of music. There may be other
readers that are not interested in the music or guitar
tutorials and read it simply because is available to
them such as friends, family members etc.
The demographic for my media product
would be people who are open minded
and willing to discover new and
interesting music and are not set on
one specific genre. Such as people who
want to be different and are not
overwhelmed by mainstream music.
The of Intertexuality within my text and features
of my media product create a code that the
audience would understand.
The two cover stars in the main image are suppose to
represent the ideal reader. They are both wearing casual
clothes with normal haircuts, this is so the reader can relate to
the stars. The Black and white make it so the reader can’t tell
what colour the stars are wearing, or what colour hair their
have so the reader can create their own image of the stars. The
black and white connotes some class and style to the
magazine and to the stars. This follows the usual conventions
of indie rock band members meaning from the first look
readers will know what my media product is about.
To appeal to my chosen Target Audience the band
member on my main image would have to represent
what the reader will aspire to be. To appeal to a wider
audience the star must seem mainstream and from the
Indie genre.
On the following slides I will show how Alex Turner the
lead singer/ rhythm guitarist of one of the largest indie
bands in the world, The Arctic Monkeys and how he
filters his appearances and performances depending on
his audience.
Smart slicked back
hair, well kept, shows
that he cares about his
public image and puts
effort in to look good.
Smart clothing, wearing
a suite jacket and shirt.
Wants to look smart in
the public eye.
He is preforming on a
stage and playing the
guitar. This shows he is
appealing to a young
audience as a talented
Wearing black and
grey colours and
playing a black guitar,
this connotes class.
Not wearing tie with
shirt so this suggest he
is going for a semi
formal look.
Appealing to a young
male audience as a
positive role model.
Overall “Clean cut
Direct address (Direct
eye contact with
Elvis inspired hair cut,
greasy quiff.
Leather jacket, 70s look
Neutral facial
expression not positive,
not negative.
Goes against
conventions of typical
indie/rock star meaning
readers will aspire to be
like him.
Cigarette connotes how
the star is rebellious.
He is trying to appeal to
a young male audience
with a typical “Bad Ass”
look making him seem
Lazy posture, not
posing for photograph.
Casual clothing. Not
putting much effort in.
Both of the images represent and show
different public images of Alex Turner.
The Smart outfit on the left symbolises
a smart clean cut musician making
himself a career, and is a positive role
model to his audience. However the
outfit on the right shows a more
rebellious side of Alex, with a leather
jacket and a cigarette in his hand
which breaks the conventions of the
typical indie rock stars. This shows a
negative role model that people want
aspire to. Both outfits appeal to
different audiences
Turner would usually wear this while
preforming at formal events, and while he
is in the public eye, as this gives his a good
reputation in front of people who don’t
follow the band closely.
Alex Turner wears this kind of clothing when
he isn't preforming, to give him a reputation
as a rebel and this appeals more to the
audience that follows Alex and the Arctic
Monkeys closely.
The Cover stars I used in my Front Cover, Contents Page and Double Page Spread were suppose to cover
the usual conventions of an Indie rock band, that would appeal to the target audience as good role
models. The Stars are slightly younger than the Target audience, but are in the genre and profession that
the target audience enjoys, which is usually dominated by people over 20. This is unusual and would
create allot of attention in the Indie Genre. There is noting exaggerated about my main image. The Stars I
have used are ordinary people, which means the reader can connect with the starts and be inspired by
what they have achieved.
UpBeat would be a weekly magazine priced at £2.10 per issue. This price is
slightly cheaper than NME which is also released weekly. UpBeat is cheaper
than most music magazines published weekly this is due to the more
advertisement in the magazine such as instrument advertisement. Each
issue of Upbeat will contain a code, used to download one piece of music
featured in the magazine each week. These two points are unique selling
points and will help the magazine sell.
I would publish my magazine with IPC Media. This is because IPC media
are a renown for publishing great music magazines such an NME. I
believe that using IPC Media to publish the magazine would instantly give
UpBeat recognition, publicity and popularity as ‘NMEs little brother.’
Once people know that the magazine is Published by IPC Media, a well
respected publisher everyone will be interested to see how it compares to
The ‘New Music Express.’
Online distribution:
There will be many different ways that UpBeat will be
distributed. One of the biggest mediums for magazines is
the Internet. I will be using social media such as Facebook
and Twitter to advertise Upbeat magazine. Upbeat magazine
will have a Facebook page and a Twitter account which will be
posting teasers and information on a daily basis. UpBeat
magazine will also have its own web page that will have
information about the magazine such as Special offers,
Forums, Q+A, Pictures, Music videos, Interviews,
Instrumental tutorial videos, UpBeat Merchandise and
somewhere to redeem your weekly code for the free music in
each issue. The following slides will show how I will
represent my Website and merchandise.
The first thing you see when
you look at the website is the
‘UpBeat’ Masthead so the
viewer instantly knows what
Magazine is associated with
the website.
One way UpBeat is distributed is
on the internet so at the top of
the webpage there is a link to
subscribe to get the digital
edition as well as the hard copy.
This is an image of the
most recent issue of
‘UpBeat’ Magazine with a
subscription link next to
the image as well as a
search bar.
This section of the
webpage shows video
interviews and reviews by
music critics. There is also
a link to view all the
websites videos and
The main image of the page is for
exclusive content such as
Interviews, reviews and music
videos that were advertised and
teased in the most recent issue of
UpBeat magazine.
This section is dedicated to
news in the music world as
well as a Q+A section and
This is the Log in and
Register buttons. Readers
must have to have a
Website account to
redeem their Free song
I am comparing my Media product to these other two issues of NME for several
reasons. NME magazine share a similar audience to my Media Product, young
adults interested in the Indie genre and are open to new music are an ideal
audience for my Magazine. These two magazines share a similar colour schemes
to my Media product. The main images are another similarity these products
share. My main image is in black and white similar to the magazine on the left,
both my cover stars have blank emotionless faces similar to the other two
I like to think that my media product is quite unique and I created
my own inspiration and didn’t get my inspiration from other
magazines. I decided to go for a Red, White, and Black colour
scheme with Yellow Banners to attract the eye. Unlike most Music
Indie magazines my Main image is in black and white. This was
because I wanted to challenge typical front cover conventions. The
Black and White gives connotations of past music and this is the
effect I want. I wanted my masthead to catch the eye so I used a font
(Birth of a hero) to create that aged look. For my Cover Line I used a
bold simple font on top of red blocks to make white font contrast
with the white. Mt secondary Images are placed in a yellow banner at
the bottom of the page and directly link to an article inside. The
picture are in colour so show how vibrate festivals can be. I used a
promotion/pug on the top of the page in the other yellow banner for
a competition to win tickets to festivals in the summer of 2014. My
Tag line also used a Pull quote like many other music magazines to
help give an idea of what the main image is about this is an example
of anchorage in my magazine. I believe that my magazine fits the
criteria and conventions of a music magazine such as NME. The
main image is of two young musicians in causal clothing with messy
hair. There are also advertisements for things such as tickets and
festival reviews.
Main image
Secondary Images
Cover Line
Pull Quote
Banner with
Direct Address
Cover Stars
Bright colours on
points of interest
Main image
Cover Line
Direct Address
Bar Code
Direct Address
Cover Line
Bar Code
Main image
Similarities: Both My Media Product and NME have
placed our mastheads in the top Left
corner on the magazine. Since we read
books from left to right and top to
bottom, this is where most people will
look first allowing the potential reader
to instantly know the Brand of
Colour Scheme
My Media Product uses a very
similar colour scheme to NME.
Red, White, Black are all classic
colours and work together Well. I
developed on NME’s colour
scheme by using a bright yellow on
points of interest on the front
cover. This is a unique selling point
of my magazine.
Similar to NME my media Product is also
advertises Leeds festival on their front cover. This
is because the target audience of the magazine is
very interested in these types of festivals. To
emphasise this and draw the potential reader to
this point I placed the Logo for Leeds Festival on a
Bright Yellow Banner at the bottom of the page, to
draw attention to this point of interest. I also made
this a main feature on the front cover like NME
who placed the promotion at the bottom corner of
the page.
Main Image
The main image that the NME magazine uses a black and
white image, however editors have colour corrected the
clothes that Jimi Hendrix is wearing in the photo into vibrant
colours, leaving the head and hands in black and white. I
found that using a main image in black and white created a
feeling of an authentic music magazine. The colour of
clothes that my two cover stars were wearing did not match
my colour scheme so instead I altered the pictures to black
and white which matched the colour scheme and created an
authentic look to the magazine.
Unique selling points/Challenging
One way I challenge the conventions of
magazines such as NME is the way I
present features on my front cover. Both of
the Front Covers of NME have banners at
the top of the page however theses banners
are somewhat hard to see in comparison to
the rest of the page, and are unnoticed
when quickly glancing at the cover. This
puts the Magazine at a disadvantage
because the information on these banners
could be the reason why the consumer
would purchase the magazine. To combat
this I used a bright yellow colour to
highlight any points of interest on my front
cover. The bright colour attracts the eye to
that part of the page. I also use other
coloured fonts and secondary images to
draw attention to that part of the page. In
Information surrounded by this bright
colour is what I consider interesting to my
potential audience. Such as Festival
reviews and tickets. I consider this a unique
selling point.
Both these contents pages are from NME. A magazine very similar to my media
product. I looked at these two contents pages when I was creating my own
media product for inspiration, so natural these contents pages would share
similarities to my final contents page. However I believe I have taken, developed
and challenged the conventions of these two contents pages. Such things like
the colour scheme and picture layout are similar the NME’s contents page but I
believe I develop these ideas to create a unique look for my contents page.
Structured layout
Captions on images
Page numbers
Editors letter
Page index
Pull Quotes
Captions on images
Page numbers
Page index
Main image
Subscription Box
Page numbers
Captions on images
Subscription Box
Page index
Structured layout
Pull Quotes
Structured Layout
I believe that a neat structured page is extremely important
when it comes to information pages such as the contents page.
The page has to present the information in an aesthetic and
interesting way that will catch the readers eye. If someone
looks at a page that looks messy and disorganised the reader
will usual skip the page all together. I liked the way NME
presented its information, it looks good and is easy to read.
NME sections off separate stories and features using lines, I
liked how they did this and I created my own version. I
sectioned off the contents page into 10 different sections. Each
section had a different feature from the magazine with a
corresponding picture and caption. I believe this is a
interesting and aesthetic way to present important information
in the contents page.
Pictures and Captions
As you can see I used a similar design when placing my pictures
and text into one of my separate sections. Both these pictures are
mid shots on lead singers. I placed the page number in one of the
corners of the picture so the reader knows what the text is about
with a visual aid. I placed bold text underneath the image as a
caption to explain what the image is about. The Larger text is a
pull quote from the lead singer, readers are drawn to Pull Quotes
because many readers are interested in what certain celebrities
have to say. Underneath the pull quote I placed small text that
then explains the pull quote and image, this is example of
anchorage. I have used the same colour scheme as my front cover
this carries on the house style of the magazine.
Title and Mastheads
Both of the Contents pages I used were from weekly issues
of NME. The first NME magazine shown used the
Masthead and a title “This Week.” this tells the regular
reader what is inside that weeks issue. The other NME
magazine doesn't use any Masthead and just a Title.
However my magazine uses a Masthead and a Title. I
make sure that this page is clearly labelled to the reader. I
use the word ‘Contents’ instead of ‘This Week’ so it is
clear to the reader that this page is the contents page. I
make sure the title is in the same front as the Masthead to
fit with My Masthead and Title use all three of my colour
scheme colours to fit in with the house style of my media
When I first looked at these two
contents pages I found the
information quite difficult to
understand because there was
too many words and numbers. I
wanted to simplify the index so
it would be easy to read. The
second NME used a different
index that was allot easier to
understand. I based my index of
the second NME page index.
Just using the Title of the article
and page number that was not
given a separate section on the
Page Index
Unique selling points/Challenging
Editors Letter
For some reason the two
contents pages I read
didn’t have an Editors
Letter so I decided to add
one on the bottom of the
page with a picture of the
front cover.
Advertisement and Promotions
One of my Unique selling point of my magazine is that it comes with
reviews and offers of instruments, this helps attracts musicians as well
as music lovers. I added an advertisement for Gibson Guitars in the
contents page to allow people to quickly find the offer in the magazine if
they brought the magazine for the reviews and offers. Another of my
unique selling points is that when you buy a copy of UpBeat magazine
that you get to choose a free song from the UK Top 10 Charts. No other
magazine offer this, this will give UpBeat and edge on other competing
magazine. Putting this in the Contents page will allow the consumer to
quickly find the promotion. I believe this is a unique selling point of my
For my double page spread I used this NME Double Page Spread (DPS)
for inspiration. I liked that the main image used four stars which went
well with how many stars I was using. I liked the use if blue rectangles so I
used the same technique in a different way. I used the blue shapes to place
text upon to help them stand out to the reader.
Large main image
Pull quote
Text Columns
Page number
Social Media
Secondary Images
Stand First
Large main image
Pull quote
Text Columns
Page number
Main Image
I took inspiration from this double page spread. I
wanted to use four stars on my DPS to show an
entire band. I used a similar position and facial
expression with my stars. I liked the aged look of
the NME double page spread how ever I decided I
wanted a crisper image so I put a filter over the
images after altering the images through
Photoshop. My main images take up the majority of
the page like the NME DPS. I believe this is
important for the double page spread because it
catches the eyes of the reader as they flick through
the magazine. However I use props such a globe
instead of guitars and instruments.
Font and Design
I used a bold font for the Headline similar to the font NME
used. The Headline is the largest font on page which draws
attention the that part of the page. I liked the NME DPS
was decorated with blues rectangles. However I developed
this by using these blues rectangles as a backing for
important text on the page. I also placed my Masthead at
the top of the page surrounded by a blue square. The
white text and blue rectangles help the text stand out
against the rest of the page.
Unique selling points/Challenging
The NME DPS does not have any social media
conventions on the page to interact with their
audience. What I have done with my DPS is post
exclusive content on the UpBeat Twitter page.
This helps the magazine become more know and
help consumers to interact with their audience. If
the audience follows the UpBeat twitter page they
get access to exclusive pictures of The Vectors.
This will encourage people to find the
photographs and increase the overall popularity
of the magazine. This is unique selling point of
UpBeat magazine because no other magazines do
this. This challenges the conventions of
traditional Indie Music Magazines.
Main image
Secondary Images
Cover Line
Pull Quote
Banner with
Direct Address
Cover Stars
Bright colours on
points of interest
Gender, Age and Artist
If The magazine had to have a primary audience, male or female,
UpBeat would be more directed towards a male audience. Only
because Indie music stars are mostly male, and is followed more by
males than females. However my magazine can also appeal to
females, because Indie Music is a very unisex, and is followed by
both genders. The Colour scheme is neutral with no gender
specific colours and the Main image is in Black and White to avoid
being associated with a specific gender.
The target audience for my magazine is mostly aimed at young
adults between (17-28) this is because the Indie Genre is more
popular with young adults that early teens because of the era of
indie bands. The stars are at the beginning of the Age range and
are very young for to be in a successful Indie Band this will
attract the reader because it is unusual in the Indie genre.
The Genre of my magazine is Indie. This is portrayed through the
main image. The Cover stars are particularly typical of indie bands,
wearing normal clothing, with unusual haircuts, this means they
are easy to relate to. The Indie characteristic is particularly
obvious because of the other bands in the rest of the magazine.
Both banners on the page are in a
bright ‘Yellow’ this catches the eye of
passers by and potential readers in
shops, and news stands. Each banner
has a point of interest that will
instantly interest the potential reader.
The Cover Line is one of the largest
text of the page surrounded by a
bright read box with white text and
a pull quote. This makes the Cover
line eye catching as it occupies a
considerable amount of space on
the cover it will attract passers by
Being the largest text on the entire
front cover in a bright red, the
masthead draws attention allowing
passers by to identify the Brand of
magazine instantly.
When people are looking for a
good magazine or when reading
something quickly, they tend to
skim read over the cover, so
words like “WIN” will attract
their eye and encourage them to
read the rest of the front cover.
This might lead to them buying
the magazine.
The colour scheme of my magazine is simple. Red, White and Black
all compliment each other well. The Black and White stand out
against the bright red which helps ‘UpBeat’ to stand out against other
competing magazines. The main image is in Black and White
meaning it also follows the colour scheme. The Bright Yellow banners
are very eye catching, and have interesting information on them
about what the magazine has inside. This will help the sale of the
Mentioning and advertising different music festival and reviews,
will help attract younger readers. This is because many festival
tickets are recently going on sale, so if a potential reader sees
reviews of festivals on front cover, they will be interested to discover
which festival have the best reviews, and because festival tickets are
so expensive, people want to make the right decision about which
festival to attend. This will greatly increase the sale of the magazine
because this is what my target audience is interested in.
Main Feature:
The main feature of my magazine is in the centre of the front
cover, in large bold text, in a large red box which means it is
very eye catching. This is important because when people look
at a magazine, the first thing they look at is the Main image and
cover line to see if it will interest them.
The heading for the contents page uses the
same font and house style of ‘UpBeat’
magazine. The white text stands out well
against the red background so the reader will
quickly know that this is an important page
of the magazine, and allows the reader to
discover what sort of features are in the
Advertisement is very important in
magazines and helps raise the total
outcome of the magazine. It is important
not to use too much advertisement, as
this could stop the reader from buying the
magazine. That is why the advertisement in
my magazine has a dedicated page to
‘Gibson guitars’ this makes the
advertisement seem like a feature of the
It always helps the magazine
sell if the magazine has a
free offer inside. For my
magazine this is one of my
unique selling points, a
free song download of the
readers choice with every
issue. I believe this alone will
encourage some people to
purchase the magazine.
People will see the offer on
the front cover and turn to
the contents page to find out
more about the offer.
It is important to link what is
in your contents page, with
what is on your front cover. If
people are interested in the
Leeds Festival reviews that are
shown on the front cover, they
will then turn to the contents
page to find out more about
the feature. This is why I have
white bold text surrounded
by red so it stand out to the
consumer. This means the
reader can then quickly look
at the page with festival
reviews and if interested, buy
the magazine.
For my double page spread I used a
different colour scheme of white, Blue
and brown to change from the house style
on the magazine, to surprise and interest
the reader. The white text stands out
against the blue box behind the pull
quote. The pull quote is at the top of the
page and is the first thing that draws the
attention of the reader. The words
against the blue rectangle behind the pull
quote. This create a dramatic effect and
intrigues the reader to read on into the
The Main image of the band occupies
about 2/3 of the page. This is because
when a potential reader is flipping
through the pages of the magazine this
image will attract the readers
attention and make them turn back to
the page to skim read the title and pull
quote, then they will be hooked by the
other feature which will lead to them
purchase the magazine.
The Title of the magazine stands out to the reader, this title is the largest text on the page
this is similar to the bands name and cover line on the front cover which means when the
buyer sees the name of the band on the front cover and in the magazine they will know that
the double page spread is the main feature in the magazine. When people pick up a
magazine it is usual because of the main image or about the main feature when people see
this double page spread they will defiantly read through it quickly since it is the main
-For my Front Cover and Contents Page I kept the colour scheme consistent, because this is the house style of the
magazine. Red, White and Black are all classic colours which are not put under a specific gender. Meaning this colour
scheme attracts multiple audiences.
-However I changed the colour scheme when it comes to the double page spread. The colours I used were Blue, White,
and Brown. I used these colours because they contrast with the colour scheme of the magazine’s house style, The red
contrasts with the blue. This is because I believe that the main feature of the magazine should not share the house style.
The common theme I used throughout the magazine, is white bold text surrounded by a bright colour. I used this
because it is a good way to attract the readers eye.
(Continues on next slide)
Original Image
First I wanted to get
rid of the green
background that
was in the studio
where the photo was
shot, as well as the
Lights in the back
ground. I put the
photo into Adobe
Photoshop and used
the Magic eraser
I experimented with using
four cover stars but I found
this difficult to fit four people
into the design on my front
cover. I could not fit in any
features at the side of the
magazine with out covering
the stars faces or other
important details. So I
decided to delete the two stars
on the left and right and kept
the two middle stars. I put the
Photo into Adobe Photoshop
and used the lasso tool and
eraser tool to manually
remove the two stars.
I couldn’t fit four
stars so I had to
delete the two stars
on the left and right.
I used the polygonal
lasso tool to cut the
other two stars out
Then I touched up
the edges of the
picture with the
eraser tool
(Continues on next slide)
I had already chosen my
colour scheme and
designed my front cover
before taking the photo. I
didn’t want to have to redo
the entire Front cover, so
instead I converted the
photo into Black and white
which fits in well with my
magazine colour scheme,
and with the Indie genre. I
use the black and white
layer tool to make the
picture black and white and
then used a Brightness and
Contrast tool to slightly
Alter how the picture
After I was happy with
the effects used on the
picture, I zoomed in on
the picture so the photo
was now a mid shot of
the two stars. Then I
applied a white back
ground to the photo and
touched up any small
Then I added the photo
to my Front Cover
design I had created to
get the finished
Finished Photo Finished product
(Continues on next slide)
For my contents I wanted to
have a simple layout with
clean, crisp pictures and text. I
created a simple but good
looking template, by using 9
red squares to create a grid
with several boxes to put
features and information in.
I then placed my Masthead
and the title at the top of the
page in a red box. Then I
placed the photos I took over
the summer along with a
picture of a guitar, and the
photos of the cover stars in to
the boxed off sections of
the template. It took me a
while to find which pictures
to use and where to put them
in relation to each other. I
wasn’t happy with some of
the lighting on the photos so
I edited some of them by
adding a
‘Brightness/contrast’ layer
over all of the photos
Then I wrote in all the
captions and pull quotes
beneath all the photos,
explaining what each photo
was. I had to use anchorage
to link each piece of text with
all of the images. I also wrote
the editors letter and put a
picture of the front cover in
the bottom red box. However
I didn’t know what to put in
two of the boxed areas so I
left then until I had an idea
what to put in them.
I then decided I needed
something in the two boxed
spaces. In the first one I put a
review of the most recent
Headliners of Leeds Festival
2014. In the second one I put
the page numbers of the pages
that didn't have a designated
picture on the contents page.
Finally I placed page numbers
on each image so the reader
knows where to find that page
in the magazine if they were
interested in the image.
Finished product
(Continues on next slide)
Originally I wanted to take the
photo of the stars on a white
back ground and then added a
filter to create a great looking
image. However as you can see
from the original photo there
was not enough space for all four
band members on the white
back drop so I had to process the
photo through Photoshop. This
is how I transformed the photo
First I got rid of the
green and white
background from
the original photo
using the magic
eraser tool.
I found that the four band
members were standing too far
away from each other. They would
take up too much space on the
double page spread and there
would be no space for text. That
meant that I would have to cut out
each member individually and put
them on separate layers so I
could move the members closer
together. I used the polygonal
lasso tool to cut each member
(Continues on next slide)
After separating each
member on to differently
layers I dragged each layer
closer together to make it
look like the members are
standing closer together.
Before After
Then I wanted
to put the
photo through
a filter so I put
a grey
behind the
band members
I couldn’t find a
filter I liked on
Photoshop so I
uploaded the
photo of the band
members with the
grey background
to a photo editing
website called,
and picked a filter
I liked.
(Continues on next slide)
After choosing a filter
I liked, I placed the
photo on a landscape
A3 document in
Photoshop. I moved
the photo to the left
and added a grey
rectangle next to the
photo for text and blue
decorative boxes that
will be used for the
Headline of the article
and pull quote.
Then I added the
name of the band
as the Title of the
article as well as a
pull quote from
the band and the
page number.
Finally I added two
columns of text about
the band its self and all
the information the
reader needs to know. I
then added a stand first
as well as a social media
design link at the bottom
of the page to help the
audience interact with
the magazine through
social media. After some
small finishing touches
my double page spread
is complete.
Finished product
Through out the entire Unit I
feel like I have improved greatly
from my practice work. I had
never used Photoshop before
taking the course and found it
very daunting, and complicated
so for the practice front cover
and contents page I didn’t use
Photoshop, and used Microsoft
publisher. Since then I am
confident using Photoshop and
feel that my skill have
improved massively over the
unit. I have learnt more about
the conventions of music
magazines which can be seen
from the difference between the
college magazine and the music
I was very pleased with my first front
cover however I didn’t not completely
understand the uses of all front cover
conventions at the time. This front
cover is allot less detailed than my final
front cover. I hardly edited the main
image and the magazine looks very
simple and plain. I have a simple
colour scheme of white and blue
based on what the cover star was
wearing at the time. I do not have any
banners or text surrounded by a bright
colour making it hard to read in places.
The points of interest do not stand
out unlike my final magazine. The text
overlapping the cover star is hard to
read, I should of put a bright colour
behind the text to help it stand out to
the reader. I learn from this and use this
technique in my final front cover.
I found my first contents hard to
create because I had a lack of
knowledge on contents page
conventions. This can be seen on
the actual contents page. The page is
quite boring compared to my final
contents page. I only used one font
on the entire page making it
unappealing to the eye. None of the
picture have been edited and the
entire page was created in Microsoft
Publisher, this limited the amount
of creativity I could put into the
page. The index does not attract the
eye. I make sure to improve this on
this in my final contents page.
I believe that Colour schemes are very
important when it comes to a magazine. The
colour scheme and main image need to link
with the target audience, genre and style of
the magazine. My practice magazine has the
main image of a student because it is a
student magazine. The colour scheme is
simple, using a common colour that
students would wear around collage. I have
linked the main image and the colour
scheme to the target audience, genre and
style. Similarly I have done the same with my
final magazine. The Colour scheme is bright
and vibrant with out losing class. The Bright
red, links with dangerous and new ideas in
music. The main image is of two Indie band
members and is in black and white linking
back to the colour scheme and the classic
style of indie music. This is what the target
audience wants to see in a music magazine.
I feel like my final Contents
page is a huge improvement
from my first Contents page. It
has the convention and fits the
target audience of young
adults looking for new
music. The colour scheme
follows the house style of the
magazine and has allot more
interest on the page. I feel that
using a grid like layout has
helped me structure the page
allot better.
My Photoshop skills have
improved massively from the
start of the unit and I can use
many new techniques with
confidence to create my desired
Conventions of the magazine
Main Image
Secondary Images
Cover Line
Strap Line
‘The Gaze’
Pull Quote
• Microsoft Publisher
• Photoshop
• Digital Cameras
Pug at the top of the
magazine is eye
catching, and 20%
offer encourages
reader to look
through/buy the
magazine. To attract more potential
readers the features on the front
cover must attract the target
audience. The target audience of
the college magazine was
students, so that is why I created
this design using different social
media and apps.
The first letter of the Font is Blue to go
with the colour scheme. The letter is
highlighted to attract attention to the
Masthead. This is part of the brand
identity and helps the reader remember
the magazine.
The first letters of each word on the cover line
are highlighted in blue just like the masthead,
helping establish a brand identity in the
readers head. I anchored the strap line and
pull quote to the chest of the cover star, so
people link the cover line to the main
image, this is an example of anchorage.
My secondary images are
images from the summer
at festivals. These photos
are what the target
audience are interested
in so they will more likely
want to read the
The cover star’s photo was taken
with a digital camera against a
white background. The cover star is
looking directly at the camera,
(‘The Gaze’) this is known as a
direct address and allows the
audience to connect with the cover
I used Adobe Photoshop and
adjusted the brightness because
the image was too dark to begin
I experimented with removing
the background completely but I
found that the original white
background looked better. I used
the negative space around the
cover star to place features and
other conventions.
We took many different photos but I
found it difficult to pick one. To find
which photo I wanted to put on my
front cover I made a contact sheet
with all of the photos I would
considered. I didn’t want to use any
photos with a funny angle or with the
cover star looking away from the
camera. This is because I find a
magazine that has the cover star
looking directly at the reader more
appealing than other magazines
where the star is looking away.
Page Title
Editors Letter
Feature Images
Feature one
Feature two
Page Numbers
Blocked layout
• Microsoft Publisher
• Digital Cameras
I used the masthead from the
front cover in the contents page
to continue Brand Identity.
The Title has the first letter
highlighted blue just like the
masthead, this makes both the
title and masthead interesting
to look at.
Using logos from
mainstream companies that
are extremely popular with
the target audience will attract
allot of attention from
readers. The reader will then
follow the page number to find
the offer within the magazine
The first two words
‘Thank You’ are in
bold text so they
stand out. This is
accustom in editors
letters. I also put a
photo of myself in the
editors letter as this is
also accustom in
editors letter
I used a blue box to
surround the white text
and help the text stand
out. Using the boxes
helps me to structure
the page. The Blue and
White text follows the
colour scheme and
brand identity of the
I used captions on the
photos so it is clear what
the photo is about if the
reader is interested in the
photo. I used black
rectangles that I made
45% opaque, to put the
text on. This allows the
audience to read the
caption and still see the
image beneath
I only used two photos on the
contents page, this was because I
wanted the reader to be more focused
on the information and text. The
first image is a photo I took from the
summer while at a festival.
The second image is one of my
classmates. The image and caption
link to the strapline on the front
cover. Showing two different people
that are in the same article tells the
reader that their will be multiple
I didn’t use Photoshop or any
editing software on either photos,
because they both had good lighting
and were not being used as main
Main image
Secondary Images
Cover Line
Pull Quote
Banner with
Direct Address
Cover Stars
Bright colours on
points of interest
• Microsoft Publisher
• Photoshop
• Digital Cameras
I started by experimenting with
several different fonts on publisher
to find what fonts I preferred. I fount 7
different fonts of Microsoft
publisher that I liked and changed the
colour of each font to fit the colour
scheme of my magazine. After I used
each font as my masthead on my final
magazine design, I chose the font that
went well with the genre and style of
the magazine . The final font I chose
was the ‘Birth of a Hero’ font. I like
the ‘aged’ look of the front to show the
reader that it is an experienced
Bright Red bold font on a white back ground
for the masthead stands out to the audience
as well as coordinating with the colour
scheme. The masthead looks ‘aged’ with parts
breaking off the font, this gives the masthead
a classic and experienced feel and goes well
with the main image that is in black and
white, which also connotes age, experience
and class. This draws attention to masthead
and makes it interesting to look at.
The Banner is a bright yellow which is eye catching. Bold black
text contrasts with the yellow. Names of different festivals are
in different colours to attract the eye. Readers are more likely to
buy a magazine if there is a competition for something the
audience cares about. In this case the word ‘WIN’ attracts the
White bold text surrounded by red goes
with the colour scheme and stand
out to the reader. The bands name is
the most important text on the cover
line so it is in the largest front and in
a different colour from the rest of the
A bright coloured banner at the
bottom of the cover with
interesting images, that the target
audience will like will make
potential readers scan the entire
cover for more interesting
I anchored the
information and
pull quote about
the exclusive
interview feature
to cover stars body.
This is relevant
because the
interview and pull
quote is about the
cover star that the
information is
anchored to.
I found it difficult to fit the entire band on to a A4 sized document for the front cover. After
experimenting I decided to only have two members on the Front cover instead, The
Guitarist and Vocalist. The photo would have to go through allot of editing to edit out the
other two members. I put the photo into Photoshop and deleted the green background and
other objects using the magic eraser tool. Then I proceeded to manually cut out the two
other members using the Lasso tool.
I had then edited out the two band members but the two band cover stars I had chosen,
were wearing blue clothes which clashed with my colour scheme. To tackle this issue I
decided to convert the photo into black and white in Photoshop. This way the photo would
fit in with the colour scheme, and go well with the style of magazine, as well as the ‘aged’
font used for the masthead, giving a classic look and feel to the magazine. Finally I zoomed
in on the two cover stars so the image was a mid shot of the band members
Original Photo Finished Final
Structured layout
Captions on images
Page numbers
Editors letter
Page index
Pull Quotes
• Microsoft Publisher
• Photoshop
• Digital Cameras
Putting in a image of the two cover
stars and the rest of the band in
the middle of the contents page
allows readers to make a instant
connection between the front
cover image and the contents page
image. A pull quote that is not
very informative from the band
itself helps interest the reader
and make them want to
investigate further.
Using the ITunes Logo as
well as the word “Free” will
attract the reader to the
feature when the reader
glances at the page. The
target audience would be
very interested in a music
related offer.
Part of the magazines
unique selling point is
that it also advertises
and reviews
instruments to try and
get people even more
involved in music. I took
this picture from the
Gibson Guitar website
as well as the logo.
One of the main features shown throughout the
magazine is reviews of Festivals. In the contents page
this is continued. I reused the picture from my practice
contents page because I found the photo was very
effective. The other photo is of the festival grounds. I
edited this image in Photoshop because the picture
was dull and taken on a cloudy day so I increased the
brightness and saturation to make the photo look
like it was from summer.
To make my contents page look more
professional I used a photo of the issues
Front Cover as this is want most
mainstream magazines use in their
editor letters. I also used a real signature
at the bottom right of the editors letter at
the end of the text, to look like I had singed
the letter and make it look even more
I decided not to process the original studio images through
Adobe Photoshop and leave them with the green
background. I did this because this way the images look like
the band has done a exclusive Photo shoot with ‘UpBeat’
magazine, this will interest readers making them look for
more images within the magazine. Another reason I did not
edit the images was because they looked good without any
editing, and the images are not the main feature in the
contents page. I did not have one main image the contents
page focused on, so the photos did not need as much
editing as the main image on a DPS would need.
The Picture of the Festival Grounds was the only photo
that went through any editing. The original photo was quite
dull and gloomy because the photo was taken on a cloudy
day. To brighten up the picture I put the photo into
Photoshop, then added a Brightness and contrast filter
and raised the brightness and used colour correction on
the sky and clouds to make the picture look more summer
Large main image
Pull quote
Text Columns
Page number
Social Media
Secondary Images
Stand First
• Microsoft Publisher
• Photoshop
• Digital Cameras
• Picmonkey
This was my first time creating a double page spread so I wanted to
keep it simple on the. presentation features. I went for a colour
scheme that contrasts with the magazines house style. I used a
blue rectangle and put a pull quote in bold letter s across it so ir
stands out as the first thing seen when you look at the page.
I used several blue quadrilaterals around
the page for decorative effect. I did this in
Photoshop by making 3 squares and then
changed their dimensions and colours.
Then I put while bold text over some of the
blue shapes to make the text stand out to the
This photo was taken in a professional
studio. I hoped to have the band stand next
to each other against a white background, and
then use the natural lighting and a filter to
create a great looking photo. However the
entire band would not fit on the white
background in the studio. To combat the
situation I decided to process the photo
through Photoshop.
First I removed the green background and
other objects in the shot using the magic
eraser tool. However I found that the band
was standing too far apart from each other,
and the picture would not fit on the double
page spread with out looking awkward. So I
had to cut out all the band members
individually and bring them closer together.
Then I added a grey background instead of
bright white, and put the picture through a
photo editing website called Picmonkey. I
found a filter I liked and then saved the photo.
This gave me my final photo.
Original Photo
Edited Final Photo

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Evaluation questions

  • 1. AS Media Studies OCR G321: Foundation Portfolio Brief: Create the front cover, contents and double page spread for a new music magazine
  • 2.
  • 3. I aimed my magazine at.. People who have diverse taste People that read: 17-28 year olds People that use: People Involved in music Males and Females
  • 4. My magazine would be similar to other music magazines such as NME and Kerrang and share a similar target audience. However my magazine would focus more of a wider taste of music and not on a single genre. The magazine would be for people trying to discover new music this would be one of my unique selling points. The magazine would target both genders and anyone involved with music and not just listeners of music. For example there would be a small section of the magazine what would review and advertise instruments which will also attract musicians, another unique selling point.
  • 5. Based on my audience research I discovered by using surveys that that there was a massive amount of people that did not play any instrument. As a musician I found that there was a large gap in the market for a Music magazine that would review and advertise instruments. The reason why there is a large gap for this magazine is because there isn't a big enough audience that would buy the magazine. My media product would fill this gap, in each issue there will be a small section dedicated to reviews of certain makes of instrument that mainstream guitar bands use. In the interviews with bands there will also be a small section for each band member to share their favourite instrument and make. With small features like in music magazine it would help inspire more people to pick up instruments increasing the audience size and popularity of the magazine.
  • 6. The sub genre of my media product would be Indie rock music. Based on my audience research I discovered there was a massive gap in the market for a magazine that advertises and reviews instruments as well as indie music. My magazine would be aimed at a primary audience of middle class musicians and musical lovers of both genders.
  • 7. In this issue of NME the main image is of the lead singer and guitarist from the indie band MUSE. This Issue is the “Guitar issue” that includes interviews, tip and chords from famous indie bands. This is similar to what my media product features will include in every issue. This magazine appeals to the same audience that my media product will. This special edition that shows that NME is trying to expand their audience and encourage young musicians to buy the magazine.
  • 8. The primary audience for my media product would be mostly Males between the ages of 16 and 30 however, this magazine is not just for males it also attracts females because either gender can enjoy the indie genre. However from my audience research I found that male readers are more interested by interviews and reviews of indie bands than females. The majority of the features I would use in my media product would be related to new and interesting genres that wound attract a young audience looking to listen to new music.
  • 9. My secondary audience would be young or beginning musicians looking for somewhere to start. This audience may not particularly buy the magazine just for the guitar content but could read the magazine that another family member brought. My magazine would be aimed at a demographic who are open minded and willing to listen to new and interesting music. My product is more to help readers discover new music that reviewing the same genre of music. There may be other readers that are not interested in the music or guitar tutorials and read it simply because is available to them such as friends, family members etc.
  • 10. The demographic for my media product would be people who are open minded and willing to discover new and interesting music and are not set on one specific genre. Such as people who want to be different and are not overwhelmed by mainstream music.
  • 11.
  • 12. MODE OF ADRESS: The of Intertexuality within my text and features of my media product create a code that the audience would understand. IDEAL READER: The two cover stars in the main image are suppose to represent the ideal reader. They are both wearing casual clothes with normal haircuts, this is so the reader can relate to the stars. The Black and white make it so the reader can’t tell what colour the stars are wearing, or what colour hair their have so the reader can create their own image of the stars. The black and white connotes some class and style to the magazine and to the stars. This follows the usual conventions of indie rock band members meaning from the first look readers will know what my media product is about.
  • 13. To appeal to my chosen Target Audience the band member on my main image would have to represent what the reader will aspire to be. To appeal to a wider audience the star must seem mainstream and from the Indie genre. On the following slides I will show how Alex Turner the lead singer/ rhythm guitarist of one of the largest indie bands in the world, The Arctic Monkeys and how he filters his appearances and performances depending on his audience.
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  • 15. Smart slicked back hair, well kept, shows that he cares about his public image and puts effort in to look good. Smart clothing, wearing a suite jacket and shirt. Wants to look smart in the public eye. He is preforming on a stage and playing the guitar. This shows he is appealing to a young audience as a talented musician. Wearing black and grey colours and playing a black guitar, this connotes class. Not wearing tie with shirt so this suggest he is going for a semi formal look. Appealing to a young male audience as a positive role model. Overall “Clean cut look”
  • 16. Direct address (Direct eye contact with audience) Elvis inspired hair cut, greasy quiff. Leather jacket, 70s look Neutral facial expression not positive, not negative. Goes against conventions of typical indie/rock star meaning readers will aspire to be like him. Cigarette connotes how the star is rebellious. He is trying to appeal to a young male audience with a typical “Bad Ass” look making him seem tough. Lazy posture, not posing for photograph. Casual clothing. Not putting much effort in.
  • 17. Costume: Both of the images represent and show different public images of Alex Turner. The Smart outfit on the left symbolises a smart clean cut musician making himself a career, and is a positive role model to his audience. However the outfit on the right shows a more rebellious side of Alex, with a leather jacket and a cigarette in his hand which breaks the conventions of the typical indie rock stars. This shows a negative role model that people want aspire to. Both outfits appeal to different audiences Turner would usually wear this while preforming at formal events, and while he is in the public eye, as this gives his a good reputation in front of people who don’t follow the band closely. Alex Turner wears this kind of clothing when he isn't preforming, to give him a reputation as a rebel and this appeals more to the audience that follows Alex and the Arctic Monkeys closely.
  • 18. COVER STARS: The Cover stars I used in my Front Cover, Contents Page and Double Page Spread were suppose to cover the usual conventions of an Indie rock band, that would appeal to the target audience as good role models. The Stars are slightly younger than the Target audience, but are in the genre and profession that the target audience enjoys, which is usually dominated by people over 20. This is unusual and would create allot of attention in the Indie Genre. There is noting exaggerated about my main image. The Stars I have used are ordinary people, which means the reader can connect with the starts and be inspired by what they have achieved.
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  • 20. UpBeat would be a weekly magazine priced at £2.10 per issue. This price is slightly cheaper than NME which is also released weekly. UpBeat is cheaper than most music magazines published weekly this is due to the more advertisement in the magazine such as instrument advertisement. Each issue of Upbeat will contain a code, used to download one piece of music featured in the magazine each week. These two points are unique selling points and will help the magazine sell.
  • 21. I would publish my magazine with IPC Media. This is because IPC media are a renown for publishing great music magazines such an NME. I believe that using IPC Media to publish the magazine would instantly give UpBeat recognition, publicity and popularity as ‘NMEs little brother.’ Once people know that the magazine is Published by IPC Media, a well respected publisher everyone will be interested to see how it compares to The ‘New Music Express.’
  • 22. Online distribution: There will be many different ways that UpBeat will be distributed. One of the biggest mediums for magazines is the Internet. I will be using social media such as Facebook and Twitter to advertise Upbeat magazine. Upbeat magazine will have a Facebook page and a Twitter account which will be posting teasers and information on a daily basis. UpBeat magazine will also have its own web page that will have information about the magazine such as Special offers, Forums, Q+A, Pictures, Music videos, Interviews, Instrumental tutorial videos, UpBeat Merchandise and somewhere to redeem your weekly code for the free music in each issue. The following slides will show how I will represent my Website and merchandise.
  • 23. The first thing you see when you look at the website is the ‘UpBeat’ Masthead so the viewer instantly knows what Magazine is associated with the website. One way UpBeat is distributed is on the internet so at the top of the webpage there is a link to subscribe to get the digital edition as well as the hard copy. This is an image of the most recent issue of ‘UpBeat’ Magazine with a subscription link next to the image as well as a search bar. This section of the webpage shows video interviews and reviews by music critics. There is also a link to view all the websites videos and media. The main image of the page is for exclusive content such as Interviews, reviews and music videos that were advertised and teased in the most recent issue of UpBeat magazine. This section is dedicated to news in the music world as well as a Q+A section and Forums This is the Log in and Register buttons. Readers must have to have a Website account to redeem their Free song code.
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  • 27. I am comparing my Media product to these other two issues of NME for several reasons. NME magazine share a similar audience to my Media Product, young adults interested in the Indie genre and are open to new music are an ideal audience for my Magazine. These two magazines share a similar colour schemes to my Media product. The main images are another similarity these products share. My main image is in black and white similar to the magazine on the left, both my cover stars have blank emotionless faces similar to the other two magazines.
  • 28. I like to think that my media product is quite unique and I created my own inspiration and didn’t get my inspiration from other magazines. I decided to go for a Red, White, and Black colour scheme with Yellow Banners to attract the eye. Unlike most Music Indie magazines my Main image is in black and white. This was because I wanted to challenge typical front cover conventions. The Black and White gives connotations of past music and this is the effect I want. I wanted my masthead to catch the eye so I used a font (Birth of a hero) to create that aged look. For my Cover Line I used a bold simple font on top of red blocks to make white font contrast with the white. Mt secondary Images are placed in a yellow banner at the bottom of the page and directly link to an article inside. The picture are in colour so show how vibrate festivals can be. I used a promotion/pug on the top of the page in the other yellow banner for a competition to win tickets to festivals in the summer of 2014. My Tag line also used a Pull quote like many other music magazines to help give an idea of what the main image is about this is an example of anchorage in my magazine. I believe that my magazine fits the criteria and conventions of a music magazine such as NME. The main image is of two young musicians in causal clothing with messy hair. There are also advertisements for things such as tickets and festival reviews.
  • 29. Masthead Features Main image Secondary Images Cover Line Pull Quote Banner with Promotion/ Competition Direct Address Cover Stars Bright colours on points of interest
  • 31. Masthead Direct Address Cover Line Secondary Features Bar Code Main image Banner Advertising exclusive interview
  • 32. Similarities: Both My Media Product and NME have placed our mastheads in the top Left corner on the magazine. Since we read books from left to right and top to bottom, this is where most people will look first allowing the potential reader to instantly know the Brand of magazine. Masthead Colour Scheme My Media Product uses a very similar colour scheme to NME. Red, White, Black are all classic colours and work together Well. I developed on NME’s colour scheme by using a bright yellow on points of interest on the front cover. This is a unique selling point of my magazine.
  • 33. Developments: Similar to NME my media Product is also advertises Leeds festival on their front cover. This is because the target audience of the magazine is very interested in these types of festivals. To emphasise this and draw the potential reader to this point I placed the Logo for Leeds Festival on a Bright Yellow Banner at the bottom of the page, to draw attention to this point of interest. I also made this a main feature on the front cover like NME who placed the promotion at the bottom corner of the page. Promotions Main Image The main image that the NME magazine uses a black and white image, however editors have colour corrected the clothes that Jimi Hendrix is wearing in the photo into vibrant colours, leaving the head and hands in black and white. I found that using a main image in black and white created a feeling of an authentic music magazine. The colour of clothes that my two cover stars were wearing did not match my colour scheme so instead I altered the pictures to black and white which matched the colour scheme and created an authentic look to the magazine.
  • 34. Unique selling points/Challenging Conventions: Banners: One way I challenge the conventions of magazines such as NME is the way I present features on my front cover. Both of the Front Covers of NME have banners at the top of the page however theses banners are somewhat hard to see in comparison to the rest of the page, and are unnoticed when quickly glancing at the cover. This puts the Magazine at a disadvantage because the information on these banners could be the reason why the consumer would purchase the magazine. To combat this I used a bright yellow colour to highlight any points of interest on my front cover. The bright colour attracts the eye to that part of the page. I also use other coloured fonts and secondary images to draw attention to that part of the page. In Information surrounded by this bright colour is what I consider interesting to my potential audience. Such as Festival reviews and tickets. I consider this a unique selling point.
  • 35. Both these contents pages are from NME. A magazine very similar to my media product. I looked at these two contents pages when I was creating my own media product for inspiration, so natural these contents pages would share similarities to my final contents page. However I believe I have taken, developed and challenged the conventions of these two contents pages. Such things like the colour scheme and picture layout are similar the NME’s contents page but I believe I develop these ideas to create a unique look for my contents page.
  • 36. Structured layout Captions on images Images Page numbers Editors letter Masthead Title Page index Pull Quotes
  • 37. Captions on images Page numbers Features Masthead Title Page index Main image Subscription Box
  • 38. Page numbers Title Captions on images Subscription Box Page index Structured layout Images Pull Quotes
  • 39. Similarities: Structured Layout I believe that a neat structured page is extremely important when it comes to information pages such as the contents page. The page has to present the information in an aesthetic and interesting way that will catch the readers eye. If someone looks at a page that looks messy and disorganised the reader will usual skip the page all together. I liked the way NME presented its information, it looks good and is easy to read. NME sections off separate stories and features using lines, I liked how they did this and I created my own version. I sectioned off the contents page into 10 different sections. Each section had a different feature from the magazine with a corresponding picture and caption. I believe this is a interesting and aesthetic way to present important information in the contents page. Pictures and Captions As you can see I used a similar design when placing my pictures and text into one of my separate sections. Both these pictures are mid shots on lead singers. I placed the page number in one of the corners of the picture so the reader knows what the text is about with a visual aid. I placed bold text underneath the image as a caption to explain what the image is about. The Larger text is a pull quote from the lead singer, readers are drawn to Pull Quotes because many readers are interested in what certain celebrities have to say. Underneath the pull quote I placed small text that then explains the pull quote and image, this is example of anchorage. I have used the same colour scheme as my front cover this carries on the house style of the magazine.
  • 40. Developments: Title and Mastheads Both of the Contents pages I used were from weekly issues of NME. The first NME magazine shown used the Masthead and a title “This Week.” this tells the regular reader what is inside that weeks issue. The other NME magazine doesn't use any Masthead and just a Title. However my magazine uses a Masthead and a Title. I make sure that this page is clearly labelled to the reader. I use the word ‘Contents’ instead of ‘This Week’ so it is clear to the reader that this page is the contents page. I make sure the title is in the same front as the Masthead to fit with My Masthead and Title use all three of my colour scheme colours to fit in with the house style of my media product. When I first looked at these two contents pages I found the information quite difficult to understand because there was too many words and numbers. I wanted to simplify the index so it would be easy to read. The second NME used a different index that was allot easier to understand. I based my index of the second NME page index. Just using the Title of the article and page number that was not given a separate section on the page. Page Index
  • 41. Unique selling points/Challenging Conventions: Editors Letter For some reason the two contents pages I read didn’t have an Editors Letter so I decided to add one on the bottom of the page with a picture of the front cover. Advertisement and Promotions One of my Unique selling point of my magazine is that it comes with reviews and offers of instruments, this helps attracts musicians as well as music lovers. I added an advertisement for Gibson Guitars in the contents page to allow people to quickly find the offer in the magazine if they brought the magazine for the reviews and offers. Another of my unique selling points is that when you buy a copy of UpBeat magazine that you get to choose a free song from the UK Top 10 Charts. No other magazine offer this, this will give UpBeat and edge on other competing magazine. Putting this in the Contents page will allow the consumer to quickly find the promotion. I believe this is a unique selling point of my magazine.
  • 42. For my double page spread I used this NME Double Page Spread (DPS) for inspiration. I liked that the main image used four stars which went well with how many stars I was using. I liked the use if blue rectangles so I used the same technique in a different way. I used the blue shapes to place text upon to help them stand out to the reader.
  • 43. Large main image Headline Pull quote Text Columns Page number Social Media Promotion Secondary Images Stand First
  • 44. Large main image Headline Pull quote Text Columns Page number Promotion
  • 45. Similarities/Developments: Main Image I took inspiration from this double page spread. I wanted to use four stars on my DPS to show an entire band. I used a similar position and facial expression with my stars. I liked the aged look of the NME double page spread how ever I decided I wanted a crisper image so I put a filter over the images after altering the images through Photoshop. My main images take up the majority of the page like the NME DPS. I believe this is important for the double page spread because it catches the eyes of the reader as they flick through the magazine. However I use props such a globe instead of guitars and instruments. Font and Design I used a bold font for the Headline similar to the font NME used. The Headline is the largest font on page which draws attention the that part of the page. I liked the NME DPS was decorated with blues rectangles. However I developed this by using these blues rectangles as a backing for important text on the page. I also placed my Masthead at the top of the page surrounded by a blue square. The white text and blue rectangles help the text stand out against the rest of the page.
  • 46. Unique selling points/Challenging Conventions: The NME DPS does not have any social media conventions on the page to interact with their audience. What I have done with my DPS is post exclusive content on the UpBeat Twitter page. This helps the magazine become more know and help consumers to interact with their audience. If the audience follows the UpBeat twitter page they get access to exclusive pictures of The Vectors. This will encourage people to find the photographs and increase the overall popularity of the magazine. This is unique selling point of UpBeat magazine because no other magazines do this. This challenges the conventions of traditional Indie Music Magazines.
  • 47.
  • 48. Masthead Features Main image Secondary Images Cover Line Pull Quote Banner with Promotion/ Competition Direct Address Cover Stars Bright colours on points of interest
  • 49. Gender, Age and Artist Gender: If The magazine had to have a primary audience, male or female, UpBeat would be more directed towards a male audience. Only because Indie music stars are mostly male, and is followed more by males than females. However my magazine can also appeal to females, because Indie Music is a very unisex, and is followed by both genders. The Colour scheme is neutral with no gender specific colours and the Main image is in Black and White to avoid being associated with a specific gender. Age: The target audience for my magazine is mostly aimed at young adults between (17-28) this is because the Indie Genre is more popular with young adults that early teens because of the era of indie bands. The stars are at the beginning of the Age range and are very young for to be in a successful Indie Band this will attract the reader because it is unusual in the Indie genre. Genre: The Genre of my magazine is Indie. This is portrayed through the main image. The Cover stars are particularly typical of indie bands, wearing normal clothing, with unusual haircuts, this means they are easy to relate to. The Indie characteristic is particularly obvious because of the other bands in the rest of the magazine.
  • 50. Both banners on the page are in a bright ‘Yellow’ this catches the eye of passers by and potential readers in shops, and news stands. Each banner has a point of interest that will instantly interest the potential reader. The Cover Line is one of the largest text of the page surrounded by a bright read box with white text and a pull quote. This makes the Cover line eye catching as it occupies a considerable amount of space on the cover it will attract passers by eyes’ Being the largest text on the entire front cover in a bright red, the masthead draws attention allowing passers by to identify the Brand of magazine instantly. When people are looking for a good magazine or when reading something quickly, they tend to skim read over the cover, so words like “WIN” will attract their eye and encourage them to read the rest of the front cover. This might lead to them buying the magazine. FRONT COVER
  • 51. Colour: The colour scheme of my magazine is simple. Red, White and Black all compliment each other well. The Black and White stand out against the bright red which helps ‘UpBeat’ to stand out against other competing magazines. The main image is in Black and White meaning it also follows the colour scheme. The Bright Yellow banners are very eye catching, and have interesting information on them about what the magazine has inside. This will help the sale of the magazine. Festivals: Mentioning and advertising different music festival and reviews, will help attract younger readers. This is because many festival tickets are recently going on sale, so if a potential reader sees reviews of festivals on front cover, they will be interested to discover which festival have the best reviews, and because festival tickets are so expensive, people want to make the right decision about which festival to attend. This will greatly increase the sale of the magazine because this is what my target audience is interested in. Main Feature: The main feature of my magazine is in the centre of the front cover, in large bold text, in a large red box which means it is very eye catching. This is important because when people look at a magazine, the first thing they look at is the Main image and cover line to see if it will interest them.
  • 52. The heading for the contents page uses the same font and house style of ‘UpBeat’ magazine. The white text stands out well against the red background so the reader will quickly know that this is an important page of the magazine, and allows the reader to discover what sort of features are in the magazine. Advertisement is very important in magazines and helps raise the total outcome of the magazine. It is important not to use too much advertisement, as this could stop the reader from buying the magazine. That is why the advertisement in my magazine has a dedicated page to ‘Gibson guitars’ this makes the advertisement seem like a feature of the magazine. It always helps the magazine sell if the magazine has a free offer inside. For my magazine this is one of my unique selling points, a free song download of the readers choice with every issue. I believe this alone will encourage some people to purchase the magazine. People will see the offer on the front cover and turn to the contents page to find out more about the offer. It is important to link what is in your contents page, with what is on your front cover. If people are interested in the Leeds Festival reviews that are shown on the front cover, they will then turn to the contents page to find out more about the feature. This is why I have white bold text surrounded by red so it stand out to the consumer. This means the reader can then quickly look at the page with festival reviews and if interested, buy the magazine. CONTENTS PAGE
  • 53. DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD For my double page spread I used a different colour scheme of white, Blue and brown to change from the house style on the magazine, to surprise and interest the reader. The white text stands out against the blue box behind the pull quote. The pull quote is at the top of the page and is the first thing that draws the attention of the reader. The words “WORLD DOMINATION” stands out against the blue rectangle behind the pull quote. This create a dramatic effect and intrigues the reader to read on into the article. The Main image of the band occupies about 2/3 of the page. This is because when a potential reader is flipping through the pages of the magazine this image will attract the readers attention and make them turn back to the page to skim read the title and pull quote, then they will be hooked by the other feature which will lead to them purchase the magazine. The Title of the magazine stands out to the reader, this title is the largest text on the page this is similar to the bands name and cover line on the front cover which means when the buyer sees the name of the band on the front cover and in the magazine they will know that the double page spread is the main feature in the magazine. When people pick up a magazine it is usual because of the main image or about the main feature when people see this double page spread they will defiantly read through it quickly since it is the main feature.
  • 54. -For my Front Cover and Contents Page I kept the colour scheme consistent, because this is the house style of the magazine. Red, White and Black are all classic colours which are not put under a specific gender. Meaning this colour scheme attracts multiple audiences. -However I changed the colour scheme when it comes to the double page spread. The colours I used were Blue, White, and Brown. I used these colours because they contrast with the colour scheme of the magazine’s house style, The red contrasts with the blue. This is because I believe that the main feature of the magazine should not share the house style. The common theme I used throughout the magazine, is white bold text surrounded by a bright colour. I used this because it is a good way to attract the readers eye.
  • 55.
  • 57. Original Image First I wanted to get rid of the green background that was in the studio where the photo was shot, as well as the Lights in the back ground. I put the photo into Adobe Photoshop and used the Magic eraser tool. I experimented with using four cover stars but I found this difficult to fit four people into the design on my front cover. I could not fit in any features at the side of the magazine with out covering the stars faces or other important details. So I decided to delete the two stars on the left and right and kept the two middle stars. I put the Photo into Adobe Photoshop and used the lasso tool and eraser tool to manually remove the two stars. I couldn’t fit four stars so I had to delete the two stars on the left and right. I used the polygonal lasso tool to cut the other two stars out Then I touched up the edges of the picture with the eraser tool (Continues on next slide)
  • 58. I had already chosen my colour scheme and designed my front cover before taking the photo. I didn’t want to have to redo the entire Front cover, so instead I converted the photo into Black and white which fits in well with my magazine colour scheme, and with the Indie genre. I use the black and white layer tool to make the picture black and white and then used a Brightness and Contrast tool to slightly Alter how the picture looked. After I was happy with the effects used on the picture, I zoomed in on the picture so the photo was now a mid shot of the two stars. Then I applied a white back ground to the photo and touched up any small details. Then I added the photo to my Front Cover design I had created to get the finished product Finished Photo Finished product
  • 60. For my contents I wanted to have a simple layout with clean, crisp pictures and text. I created a simple but good looking template, by using 9 red squares to create a grid with several boxes to put features and information in. I then placed my Masthead and the title at the top of the page in a red box. Then I placed the photos I took over the summer along with a picture of a guitar, and the photos of the cover stars in to the boxed off sections of the template. It took me a while to find which pictures to use and where to put them in relation to each other. I wasn’t happy with some of the lighting on the photos so I edited some of them by adding a ‘Brightness/contrast’ layer over all of the photos Then I wrote in all the captions and pull quotes beneath all the photos, explaining what each photo was. I had to use anchorage to link each piece of text with all of the images. I also wrote the editors letter and put a picture of the front cover in the bottom red box. However I didn’t know what to put in two of the boxed areas so I left then until I had an idea what to put in them. I then decided I needed something in the two boxed spaces. In the first one I put a review of the most recent Headliners of Leeds Festival 2014. In the second one I put the page numbers of the pages that didn't have a designated picture on the contents page. Finally I placed page numbers on each image so the reader knows where to find that page in the magazine if they were interested in the image. Finished product
  • 62. Originally I wanted to take the photo of the stars on a white back ground and then added a filter to create a great looking image. However as you can see from the original photo there was not enough space for all four band members on the white back drop so I had to process the photo through Photoshop. This is how I transformed the photo First I got rid of the green and white background from the original photo using the magic eraser tool. I found that the four band members were standing too far away from each other. They would take up too much space on the double page spread and there would be no space for text. That meant that I would have to cut out each member individually and put them on separate layers so I could move the members closer together. I used the polygonal lasso tool to cut each member out. (Continues on next slide)
  • 63. After separating each member on to differently layers I dragged each layer closer together to make it look like the members are standing closer together. Comparison Before After Then I wanted to put the photo through a filter so I put a grey background behind the band members I couldn’t find a filter I liked on Photoshop so I uploaded the photo of the band members with the grey background to a photo editing website called, and picked a filter I liked. (Continues on next slide)
  • 64. After choosing a filter I liked, I placed the photo on a landscape A3 document in Photoshop. I moved the photo to the left and added a grey rectangle next to the photo for text and blue decorative boxes that will be used for the Headline of the article and pull quote. Then I added the name of the band as the Title of the article as well as a pull quote from the band and the page number. Finally I added two columns of text about the band its self and all the information the reader needs to know. I then added a stand first as well as a social media design link at the bottom of the page to help the audience interact with the magazine through social media. After some small finishing touches my double page spread is complete. Finished product
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  • 68. Through out the entire Unit I feel like I have improved greatly from my practice work. I had never used Photoshop before taking the course and found it very daunting, and complicated so for the practice front cover and contents page I didn’t use Photoshop, and used Microsoft publisher. Since then I am confident using Photoshop and feel that my skill have improved massively over the unit. I have learnt more about the conventions of music magazines which can be seen from the difference between the college magazine and the music magazine.
  • 69. I was very pleased with my first front cover however I didn’t not completely understand the uses of all front cover conventions at the time. This front cover is allot less detailed than my final front cover. I hardly edited the main image and the magazine looks very simple and plain. I have a simple colour scheme of white and blue based on what the cover star was wearing at the time. I do not have any banners or text surrounded by a bright colour making it hard to read in places. The points of interest do not stand out unlike my final magazine. The text overlapping the cover star is hard to read, I should of put a bright colour behind the text to help it stand out to the reader. I learn from this and use this technique in my final front cover.
  • 70. I found my first contents hard to create because I had a lack of knowledge on contents page conventions. This can be seen on the actual contents page. The page is quite boring compared to my final contents page. I only used one font on the entire page making it unappealing to the eye. None of the picture have been edited and the entire page was created in Microsoft Publisher, this limited the amount of creativity I could put into the page. The index does not attract the eye. I make sure to improve this on this in my final contents page.
  • 71. I believe that Colour schemes are very important when it comes to a magazine. The colour scheme and main image need to link with the target audience, genre and style of the magazine. My practice magazine has the main image of a student because it is a student magazine. The colour scheme is simple, using a common colour that students would wear around collage. I have linked the main image and the colour scheme to the target audience, genre and style. Similarly I have done the same with my final magazine. The Colour scheme is bright and vibrant with out losing class. The Bright red, links with dangerous and new ideas in music. The main image is of two Indie band members and is in black and white linking back to the colour scheme and the classic style of indie music. This is what the target audience wants to see in a music magazine.
  • 72. I feel like my final Contents page is a huge improvement from my first Contents page. It has the convention and fits the target audience of young adults looking for new music. The colour scheme follows the house style of the magazine and has allot more interest on the page. I feel that using a grid like layout has helped me structure the page allot better. My Photoshop skills have improved massively from the start of the unit and I can use many new techniques with confidence to create my desired design.
  • 73. Conventions of the magazine
  • 74. Masthead Main Image Secondary Images Cover Line Strap Line ‘The Gaze’ (Direct) Pug Features Barcode Slogan Pull Quote Conventions
  • 75. • Microsoft Publisher • Photoshop • Digital Cameras
  • 76. Pug at the top of the magazine is eye catching, and 20% offer encourages reader to look through/buy the magazine. To attract more potential readers the features on the front cover must attract the target audience. The target audience of the college magazine was students, so that is why I created this design using different social media and apps. The first letter of the Font is Blue to go with the colour scheme. The letter is highlighted to attract attention to the Masthead. This is part of the brand identity and helps the reader remember the magazine.
  • 77. The first letters of each word on the cover line are highlighted in blue just like the masthead, helping establish a brand identity in the readers head. I anchored the strap line and pull quote to the chest of the cover star, so people link the cover line to the main image, this is an example of anchorage. My secondary images are images from the summer at festivals. These photos are what the target audience are interested in so they will more likely want to read the magazine.
  • 78. The cover star’s photo was taken with a digital camera against a white background. The cover star is looking directly at the camera, (‘The Gaze’) this is known as a direct address and allows the audience to connect with the cover star. I used Adobe Photoshop and adjusted the brightness because the image was too dark to begin with. I experimented with removing the background completely but I found that the original white background looked better. I used the negative space around the cover star to place features and other conventions.
  • 79. We took many different photos but I found it difficult to pick one. To find which photo I wanted to put on my front cover I made a contact sheet with all of the photos I would considered. I didn’t want to use any photos with a funny angle or with the cover star looking away from the camera. This is because I find a magazine that has the cover star looking directly at the reader more appealing than other magazines where the star is looking away.
  • 80. Conventions Masthead Page Title Editors Letter Feature Images Feature one Feature two Captions Page Numbers Blocked layout
  • 81. • Microsoft Publisher • Digital Cameras
  • 82. I used the masthead from the front cover in the contents page to continue Brand Identity. The Title has the first letter highlighted blue just like the masthead, this makes both the title and masthead interesting to look at. Using logos from mainstream companies that are extremely popular with the target audience will attract allot of attention from readers. The reader will then follow the page number to find the offer within the magazine The first two words ‘Thank You’ are in bold text so they stand out. This is accustom in editors letters. I also put a photo of myself in the editors letter as this is also accustom in editors letter
  • 83. I used a blue box to surround the white text and help the text stand out. Using the boxes helps me to structure the page. The Blue and White text follows the colour scheme and brand identity of the magazine. I used captions on the photos so it is clear what the photo is about if the reader is interested in the photo. I used black rectangles that I made 45% opaque, to put the text on. This allows the audience to read the caption and still see the image beneath
  • 84. I only used two photos on the contents page, this was because I wanted the reader to be more focused on the information and text. The first image is a photo I took from the summer while at a festival. The second image is one of my classmates. The image and caption link to the strapline on the front cover. Showing two different people that are in the same article tells the reader that their will be multiple interview. I didn’t use Photoshop or any editing software on either photos, because they both had good lighting and were not being used as main images.
  • 85. Masthead Features Main image Secondary Images Cover Line Pull Quote Banner with promotion/ Competition Direct Address Cover Stars Bright colours on points of interest Conventions
  • 86. • Microsoft Publisher • Photoshop • Digital Cameras
  • 87. I started by experimenting with several different fonts on publisher to find what fonts I preferred. I fount 7 different fonts of Microsoft publisher that I liked and changed the colour of each font to fit the colour scheme of my magazine. After I used each font as my masthead on my final magazine design, I chose the font that went well with the genre and style of the magazine . The final font I chose was the ‘Birth of a Hero’ font. I like the ‘aged’ look of the front to show the reader that it is an experienced magazine.
  • 88. Bright Red bold font on a white back ground for the masthead stands out to the audience as well as coordinating with the colour scheme. The masthead looks ‘aged’ with parts breaking off the font, this gives the masthead a classic and experienced feel and goes well with the main image that is in black and white, which also connotes age, experience and class. This draws attention to masthead and makes it interesting to look at. The Banner is a bright yellow which is eye catching. Bold black text contrasts with the yellow. Names of different festivals are in different colours to attract the eye. Readers are more likely to buy a magazine if there is a competition for something the audience cares about. In this case the word ‘WIN’ attracts the reader
  • 89. White bold text surrounded by red goes with the colour scheme and stand out to the reader. The bands name is the most important text on the cover line so it is in the largest front and in a different colour from the rest of the text. A bright coloured banner at the bottom of the cover with interesting images, that the target audience will like will make potential readers scan the entire cover for more interesting details. I anchored the information and pull quote about the exclusive interview feature to cover stars body. This is relevant because the interview and pull quote is about the cover star that the information is anchored to.
  • 90. I found it difficult to fit the entire band on to a A4 sized document for the front cover. After experimenting I decided to only have two members on the Front cover instead, The Guitarist and Vocalist. The photo would have to go through allot of editing to edit out the other two members. I put the photo into Photoshop and deleted the green background and other objects using the magic eraser tool. Then I proceeded to manually cut out the two other members using the Lasso tool. I had then edited out the two band members but the two band cover stars I had chosen, were wearing blue clothes which clashed with my colour scheme. To tackle this issue I decided to convert the photo into black and white in Photoshop. This way the photo would fit in with the colour scheme, and go well with the style of magazine, as well as the ‘aged’ font used for the masthead, giving a classic look and feel to the magazine. Finally I zoomed in on the two cover stars so the image was a mid shot of the band members Original Photo Finished Final Photo
  • 91. Structured layout Captions on images Images Page numbers Editors letter Masthead Title Page index Pull Quotes Conventions
  • 92. • Microsoft Publisher • Photoshop • Digital Cameras
  • 93. Putting in a image of the two cover stars and the rest of the band in the middle of the contents page allows readers to make a instant connection between the front cover image and the contents page image. A pull quote that is not very informative from the band itself helps interest the reader and make them want to investigate further. Using the ITunes Logo as well as the word “Free” will attract the reader to the feature when the reader glances at the page. The target audience would be very interested in a music related offer. Part of the magazines unique selling point is that it also advertises and reviews instruments to try and get people even more involved in music. I took this picture from the Gibson Guitar website as well as the logo.
  • 94. One of the main features shown throughout the magazine is reviews of Festivals. In the contents page this is continued. I reused the picture from my practice contents page because I found the photo was very effective. The other photo is of the festival grounds. I edited this image in Photoshop because the picture was dull and taken on a cloudy day so I increased the brightness and saturation to make the photo look like it was from summer. To make my contents page look more professional I used a photo of the issues Front Cover as this is want most mainstream magazines use in their editor letters. I also used a real signature at the bottom right of the editors letter at the end of the text, to look like I had singed the letter and make it look even more professional.
  • 95. I decided not to process the original studio images through Adobe Photoshop and leave them with the green background. I did this because this way the images look like the band has done a exclusive Photo shoot with ‘UpBeat’ magazine, this will interest readers making them look for more images within the magazine. Another reason I did not edit the images was because they looked good without any editing, and the images are not the main feature in the contents page. I did not have one main image the contents page focused on, so the photos did not need as much editing as the main image on a DPS would need. The Picture of the Festival Grounds was the only photo that went through any editing. The original photo was quite dull and gloomy because the photo was taken on a cloudy day. To brighten up the picture I put the photo into Photoshop, then added a Brightness and contrast filter and raised the brightness and used colour correction on the sky and clouds to make the picture look more summer like.
  • 96. Large main image Headline Pull quote Text Columns Page number Social Media Promotion Secondary Images Stand First
  • 97. • Microsoft Publisher • Photoshop • Digital Cameras • Picmonkey
  • 98. This was my first time creating a double page spread so I wanted to keep it simple on the. presentation features. I went for a colour scheme that contrasts with the magazines house style. I used a blue rectangle and put a pull quote in bold letter s across it so ir stands out as the first thing seen when you look at the page. I used several blue quadrilaterals around the page for decorative effect. I did this in Photoshop by making 3 squares and then changed their dimensions and colours. Then I put while bold text over some of the blue shapes to make the text stand out to the reader.
  • 99. This photo was taken in a professional studio. I hoped to have the band stand next to each other against a white background, and then use the natural lighting and a filter to create a great looking photo. However the entire band would not fit on the white background in the studio. To combat the situation I decided to process the photo through Photoshop. First I removed the green background and other objects in the shot using the magic eraser tool. However I found that the band was standing too far apart from each other, and the picture would not fit on the double page spread with out looking awkward. So I had to cut out all the band members individually and bring them closer together. Then I added a grey background instead of bright white, and put the picture through a photo editing website called Picmonkey. I found a filter I liked and then saved the photo. This gave me my final photo. Original Photo Edited Final Photo