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Many professional athletes dedicate their life to sport. They spend many hours training for years on end to be-
come the best in their chosen field. However these hours can be wasted if the training is not tailored to create a
specific increase in performance. Little is still understood about the precise training methods that create the best
outcomes for the athletes. Therefore the key to gaining outcomes for athletes is to know the relationship between
training load and bodily response.
To keep training on the edge, the Dutch Olympic Swimming Team and Innosportslab NL are always looking to
improve and tailor training programmes for their swimmers to get the best results To get a detailed look at the
bodily response of professional swimmers, Innosportlab NL are proposing to use detailed Heart rate data from
an Electrocardiogram (ECG). It is hypothesized that an insight into heart while training will give scientist a better
insight on athlete response to training. This could lead to further personalization of training for individual athletes.
This project looks at the development of device or swimming suit for the Dutch Olympic Swimming Team that will
record detailed ECG data about the athlete underwater while training.
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The Innosportslab comes under the umbrella of InnosportNL, a company set up to provide innovative products,
services and support to professional Dutch Athletes. Innosportslab works directly with the Royal Dutch Swimming
Federation to improve sporting performance. To do this they focus on Biomechanics, physiology, talent develop-
ment, psychology and propulsion optimisation with measurements such as start speed, stroke frequency, turn
speed and force generation.
The current method of measuring and improving performance maximal testing once every 6 weeks. The data is
compared with the athletes previous test 6 weeks ago, and seeing where the improvements where made. However
findings show that many times, athletes do not improve.Therefore the questions are asked;
What happens in the 6 weeks between tests?
Can we optimize programs to prevent over or under training?
Can we predict a certain outcome?
Innopsortslab’s idea is to use continous heart rate meausrement as a basis. Heart Rate data allows scientists to
deduce a number of factors key in improving performances including Heart Rate Reserve (HRR), Heart Rate Vari-
ability (HRV) and recovery times. Heart rate measurements also allow scientists to deduce velocity, heart rate
kinetics and how long it takes to get to different heart rates at different velocities. Innosportslab can than compare
how swimmers get through the water as fast as possible using different techniques.
Innosportslab have theoretical models for optimizing performance, but they need Heart Rate data to prove their
theories. This data can then determine whether training methods are effective. Currently they cannot apply these
models, as there is no sound data from professional swimmers, only out of water experiments.This data should
give an in depth picture of a swimmers physical state.
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Sander Ganzavles is the stakerholder
in this project. He has been an Embed-
ded Scientist at the InnosportsLab, for
the past 3 years and focuses on human
movement sciences and athlete perfor-
mance. He was a professional swimmer
for the Netherlands until 2004. After
missing out on Olympic selection for
the 2nd time, he felt he had been over
trained, which gave birth to his drive
for the current project. Sander offers a
unique standpoint in this project. His ex-
perience as a professional swimmer and
his knowledge as a human movement
scientist not only allows him to test the
suits ability record the necessary data
needed to make training gains, but also
allows him to empathise with current
swimmers on the comfort and style of
the suit.
Rik Vullings is an expert in obtaining
and processing signals in medical fields.
His experience in measuring ECG over a
variety of patients is key to the develop-
ment of monitoring ECG underwater. Ac-
quiring ECG underwater involves a lot of
motion artifacts. From the data captured
from various prototypes, Rik will process
and filter the data into a useable format
to be analysed by Innosportslab.
Gabriele Spina is currently a pHd stu-
dent at TU/e and staff in the Signal
processing department in Electrical
engineeing.His PHD studies are look at
emergin technologies and ebiquitous
sensors to monitor patients in health-
care scenarious. Gabriele is an expert in
using th Shimmer research platform and
will be helping us code the device to our
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This project has a number of key objectives set out by our client, Innosports lab.
One suit of all training
Currently Innosportslab use 3 devices to measure ECG and heart rate in different types of training sessions. These
devices work at different levels of quality and strength. There an inherent objective of this project is to create one
device for all training situations.
ECG Underwater
The main objective of this project is to develop a wearable swimming suit that measures detailed ECG of the heart
with more than one lead underwater. This data must be able to be then be processed by scientists at Innosportslab
to see the bodily response of athletes.
Swimming Suit
It must measure ECG in the most comfortable way possible while in an non- invasive manner. The device must be
suitable for professional athletes doing long training sessions. The suit must have minimal impact on the tech-
nique and speed of the swimmer. The suit must also be aesthetically pleasing and be something the swimmers
would want to wear.
Adquisition Device
During the previous project, the PASAQ acquisition device was damaged due to water. Therefore we must find a
device that can gather detailed ECG data over more than one lead. This device must be able store the data on a SD
card, as currently wireless transmission of data is not possible underwater. The device must also be small enough
to be non invasive on the swimmer while training. It should be relatively inexpensive as is will need to be inte-
grated into many suits. Preferably the device should also work above the water, so in future it can be developed for
different sports.
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Previous to this project, Robert Noome, a masters student in Industrial Design at the Technical University of Eind-
hoven conducted the first iteration of this project with Innosportslab. He made some key findings and his project is
a basis from where this research project can continue.
Conductive fabric electrodes or “Textrodes” seem to be a viable way forward to attaining an ECG signal underwa-
ter. There is potential to integrate them into a range of suits with different techniques, with the use of conductive
yarn as well. Robert also proved that water does not majorly effect the electrode connections to an acquisition
device or the skin, as he was able to measure full ECG underwater [16].
His research showed no proof that textrodes would provide a strong enough signal above or under water. Because
of technical problems with his acquisition device, he was unable to prove his final concept worked. He came up
with a number of different shape iterations, however still believe there is a lot of opportunities left to explore the
suit of the shape that will meet all the requirements set by Innosportslab [16]
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Heat rate and its derivatives, Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and Heart Rate Recovery (HRR) are directly linked to the
metabolic system of the body. The metabolic system is where carbohydrates, calories and fats are converted into
energy to be burnt by muscles in the body. The better your metabolic system is, the faster and more efficient you
can transfer this energy in the body into power. The more power you have and the more efficiently you can develop
it, the stronger and faster you can swim [9] [16].
Swimmers are looking to be as efficient as possible in the water. To be efficient they must have the perfect balance
of power and technical ability. Efficiency is defined as the work accomplished divided by the energy expended to do
that work. The more efficient a swimmer is, the faster they can go using the least amount of energy [8].
Heart rate increases when there is a higher metabolic demand. This is when more energy is being consumed to
create more power. This is because the heart needs to deliver more oxygenated blood to your system. Heart rate
therefore can show the rate at which you develop power while swimming and also the performance of your
cardiovascular system. From the heart rate we can see a relationship with VO2 max levels and anaerobic/aerobic
metabolism [9].
This entire system can show the rate at which the heart can transport oxygen, therefore showing the metabolic
rate, which in-turn shows how fast you can develop power through the water.
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ECG or Electrocardiogram is a technique for measuring the electrical activity produced by the heart. Every time
the heart compresses to send blood around the body, it depolarizes. Depolarization is like the firing of the
electrical pulses, when the heart rests, it re polarizes. What an ECG does is it creates a visual interpretation of the
electrical activity of the heart over time. Electrodes can detect the electrical signal from the heart. To detect this
signal, electrodes need to be placed in pairs and this is called a lead. Electrode pairs must be placed across the
heart, as leads detect the small rises and falls in the voltage between two electrodes. This difference in voltage is
then shown as the wavy line known as the PQRS Complex on the ECG readout [4].
Heart Rate Reserve (HRR)
HRR can be used as a gauge of training intensity, HR max – HR rest = HRR. As the cardiovascular fitness for an
athlete improves, HRR should increase [11].
Heart Rate Variability (HRV)
HRV is the time between heartbeats. This can also be known as RR variability, which is the time between the R
peak in the PQRS complex in an ECG. This data is Important for knowing the stress of training and cardiovascular
health [2].
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Scientists such as Sander Ganzevles from the Innosportslab have hypothesised that there is a lot more
information available in the complete Electrocardiogram (ECG) of the heart. This is in contrast to the conventional
R-R top heart rate recorded by current devices. Having a multiple lead ECG signal because will reduce the noise
and motion artifacts that occur in the current 1 lead ECG products. By means of a redundant system Innosportslab
will be able to be sure they measure the correct RR intervals [9].
The real start of a heartbeat is the P-top. If coaches can measure this instead of the RR they might get a more
accurate indication of heart rate of the swimmer. Another interesting value hypothesized by sports scientists is the
QT interval. Accurate PQRS tops are needed to do analysis on for instance Heart Rate Variability [2]
From the ECG data recorded of the heart rate, sports scientists and coaches are able to determine a number of
things about professional swimmers. Coaches can measure heart rate data over a number of trainings to see how
their cardiovascular and metabolic system improves. When the swimmer is at the same velocity but with lower
heart rate, the swimmers body has become more efficient at developing power, which is the goal [9]. Through
using heart rate, coaches and scientists at the Innosportslab are able to see how swimmers respond to various
training regimes. They will be able to see if swimmers stick to the program, if they have to adjust the program and
potentially might be able to indicate the dosis-response relation of different sessions [11].
Detailed HRV and HRR data from ECG measurements of the heart can also be used after training to find out
optimal recovery periods. The HRR during post exercise sessions can track changes in physical and cardiovascular
performance, and show a functions autonomic nervous system. If swimmers do not show a response or a different
one than expected after a certain training, they know something is wrong. Some responses can indicate under-
training, while others overtraining [12].
The use of detailed ECG data and HRV also allows for the detection of abnormalities in the heart of professional
swimmers. Through monitoring the athletes HRV, scientist can look at the autonomic nervous system of the
athlete, which can show sympathetic hyperactivity or reduced parasympathetic activity, which is associated with an
increased risk of cardiac disease and overall mortality [13].
Detailed ECG data showing variations in the PQRS complex of the heart can show other abnormalities Theses can
suggest the presence of structural cardiovascular disease, such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, arrhythmogenic
right ventricular cardiomyopathy or myocardial infraction [13].
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This project presents a unique set of challenges, as it has a number of goals that have never been achieved to a
level required by Innosportslab before.
Acquiring ECG Signal Unerwater
Water will play a big part in affecting the signal strength of our ECG data. As water is a conductor, it is possible
that if the electrodes are placed too close, the presence of water will create a short circuit. Water can also create
impedance between the skin and electrode, which can reduce the resulting amplitude of the ECG signal.
Motion Artifacts
Perhaps the most important challenging and important goal, is a detailed ECG signal underwater. To do this we
must create a suit that causes minimal motion artifacts when it records ECG. ECG is prone to artifacts within the
signal when there is excessive movement of the skin or the electrode. This can be reduced to an extent by signal
processing, but correct compression is needed to reduce it further [16].
Normal foam electrodes that are used in day-to-day experiments are disposable and not designed for use
underwater. For this application we need to develop an electrode that will withstand water, washing, stretching
and multiple uses. Textile electrodes are a possibility in this area, but stretching the fabric has the possibility to
influence skin-electrode contact negatively. We must make sure also the electrode will not cause abrasion to the
Signal Transmission
The suit will require a means of transferring the heart signal from the electrodes to the ECG acquisition device.
Since the signal from the heart will be extremely weak, it will be prone to artifacts. The transmission ideally would
come from active electrodes, or the cabling should be shielded in a way the movement through the cable will not
cause changes in signal. The better intergrated the cable can be into an elastic suit, the better the comfort will be.
A casing will need to be designed to facilitate waterproofing of the acquisition device while swimming. The case
will have to be a small as possible whike being able to be easy taken off for analysing of data
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Currently, Innosports lab uses 3 different devices to record heart rate. None of these devices are able to reach the
requirements needed by Innosportslab to get sufficient data on athlete performance. Following this, they must
switch devices during different parts of training as some only work in certain environments. This causes inconsis-
tent cross overs of data, increased costs for Innosportslab and inconvenience for the swimmers.
Polar Team 2
This device is used to measure resting heart rate and heart rate variability with up to 10 swimmers simultane-
ously. These measurements take place several times per week just before morning training sessions. This data is
used to measure the parasympathetic/orthosympathetic balance of the swimmers ie; are the swimmers in recov-
ery mode or ready for high loads. However this system is useless underwater as it does not stay in place for con-
sistent measurement
The freelap system is used for measuring heart rate during underwater training sessions. It records 1 lead ECG
data. This data is used to compare training output from the training relationship calculated based on a maximal
test. It also used to calculate HRR. This is the only current device Innosports lab have for training underwater.
The hosand system is used to measure heart rate online when swimmers are submerged in cold water (not mov-
ing) on recovery sessions. The problem with this system is that it gives Innosportslab a 4 second average and not
the beat-to-beat data. For this specific situation, it is important to get continuous information during the session.
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These sketches on the next page
represent a range of shape concepts that
could be used for the swimming suit. The
show a number of different style options
that incorporate different shapes,
compression area’s and ways to minimize
motion artifacts.
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30 31
Made out of Politex* material, and
intended to focus on the left-hand
side of the chest, where the heart
is situated (therefore, its shape was
asymmetric). It did not provide the
right amount of compression. It was
sewn with a classic stitch.
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Pattern developed from base male shirt
pattern with standard measurements.
Wide armholes, especially in the back
in order to allow comfortable swimming
movements, it was found too long and still
not compressing enough. Politex* mate-
rial was used in this prototype.
Sewn with classic stitching and overlocked
in all edges. Zip on the centre back in-
tended to allow the prototype to be easily
placed above the head.
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38 39
Changes to the patterning made
the prototype smaller and finally
delivering the desired compres-
sion. Also made out of Politex*
material and sewn with double
classic stitching (which represent-
ed a problem during trial since the
stitching did not stretch). Elec-
trode- textrodes have not been
fitted in the prototype yet.
40 41
42 43
First prototype including integrated
textrodes. Made in two layers, an
internal one made out of Lycra and an
external layer made out of Politex*.
For data recording purposes, the suit
includes non-elastic conductive mate-
rial, sewn to the internal layer. The
pattern is the same as the one used in
prototype 3, and sewn using Turkish
stitching for elastic purposes.
First suit that allowed ECG recording.
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Single-layer suit including elastic bands
placed on top of the textrodes in order to
achieve a better contact between the con-
ductive fabric and the body.
This was the first prototype including elastic
conductive fabric stuck using specific textile
glue as well as first to use shielded wires
provided by our coach, Wei Chen.
Pattern remains the same as in prototype 4,
and this time it was made out of Lycra only.
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Same as prototype five except for two
main differences: first, an improvement
e on the metallic joints connecting the
cable to the conductive fabric, which
consisted of a smaller joint with a flat
surface. Second, a more homogeneous
distribution of the elastic bands, which
allowed a better compression.
This was the first prototype to be tested
underwater for data recording purposes.
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Having researched where the electrodes needed to be placed, we discovered that they
were focused on the left-hand side of the body, which is the one surrounding the heart.
This is why the first designs were driven to develop a single shoulder suit, which em-
braced the body from underneath the body and was supported on the left shoulder.
During the first test, apart from the fact that the suit was not tight enough, the asym-
metric shape was not very appreciated by Sander, since he mentioned that swimmers
do not feel comfortable when wearing asymmetric suits.
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As a result of the first test, we decided to start working with a totally different shape. This time our
starting point was a base male top pattern with standard size measurements. Since it was intended
to be on an elastic fabric, we decided to take in two centimetres all around the patterns from the
beginning in order for it to be tight. Since we needed to try it on a mannequin, we added a zip in the
centre back to make sure it will fit through the head.
After drawing the pattern, we cut it in the fabric and sew it, and then put it on the mannequin, where
we drew the desired shape with the intention of reducing the friction and movement limitations be-
tween the fabric and the body as much as possible.
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We transported the previous pattern into paper again, in order to cut a new one with the shape
result we wanted. The process was to put it on top of the paper, and bearing in mind that the base
pattern was not as fitted as we wanted, we took in another centimetre and a half for it to be tighter
on the body.
We kept the zip just in case we needed it; since it was likely that it would not fit as well through the
head once it was taken in.
When we tried the prototype on Sander, his overall impression was positive in terms of shape. The
shape of the sleeves was not limiting his movements while moving his arms as if he were swim-
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The main change when developing this pattern was to remove the zip and substituting it with a centre
We also changed the neckline to avoid the problems inside the water, and then we shortened the
pattern until just underneath the chest muscles. Finally, we took in another centimetre and a half in
order for the prototype to compress the body more.
The feedback from the fitting was very positive. All improvements were spot on. We worked with this
same pattern on the next prototypes, except for the one intended for the final exhibition.
This was the first pattern to be tested underwater.
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For the final prototype pattern, bearing in mind the results of the underwater testing with
the previous one, we made the neckline smaller, since it was still flapping as a result of
the currents formed underwater.
This was the only change that the prototypes and testing were demanding in terms of pat-
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While producing the patterns, we found out that we were in need of an extra compression material where the
electrodes would be placed. We decided on wide elastic bands for this purpose.
We started by using 25 mm wide elastic bands on the prototype number 5. Before sewing them, we placed the
already sewn prototype in a mannequin in order to decide the position where the elastic bands would be placed
in regards to the body.
Two bands formed a V shape in the front and another two crossed each other in the back, while another was
placed underneath the chest. The way the bands were sewn into the fabric did not distribute the compression
evenly. The crossing of the elastic bands in the back generated big issues on the pattern, since fabric got caught
in between them.
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Taking into account the issues with the first ellastics, we decided essentially on three improvements: a much more
evenly distributed compression and changing the placement of the bands in the back in order to reduce the fabric
accumulation, as well as a wider band underneath the chest.
To achieve an even compression, we drew marks on the bands and fabric in order to have the same amount of fab-
ric in each part of the band. In the back we placed a central elastic band that opened in a v shape both close to the
neck and underneath the shoulder blades.
The band underneath the chest was changed from a 25 mm to a 40mm wide one, which was much more consistent.
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SEWING TECHNICS The first prototype was sewn by using plain
seams. As we decided not to continue with this
prototype, on the second one we used plain
seams as well as overlocking in the edges.
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Due to the need to work in the prototype’s compression, we didn’t fo-
cus as much into sewing in a more “elastic” way.
On the next prototype, we used double plain seams, reinforcing them
every two centimetres, since this prototype already had the desired
level of compression, Sander faced some difficulties since the seams
were not elastic and were not giving when expanding the fabric.
Due to this, the majority of the seams were torn apart when Sander
tried it on, so the next step would be to focus on the elastic properties
of the sewing.
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We decided to try different techniques of elas-
tic stitching (see appendix) and finally decided on
Turkish stitching. We used this type of stitching
from then until the final prototype.
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Throughout the whole project we used three different types of fabrics in the prototypes.
We first used a thick curtain fabric 100% polyester. This fabric was used to make the
base shirt pattern. Since this was a step we had to do in order to get a more athletic
pattern, which allowed the swimmer to move freely, we did not use an elastic fabric.
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The second type of fabric was a Lycra fabric we purchased in the Eindhoven Market.
The seller could not give us that much information about the fabric, but we found a
similar fabric in Its called “Nylon-Spandex Tricot Shiny”. Excellent for
Swimwear, it is made of 83% Nylon and 17% Spandex.
We used this type of fabric for development of prototypes 4,5,6 and final prototype. [19]
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The third type of fabric used was another fabric bought at Eindhoven market. By looking on the
Internet, we discovered that the most similar material is Politex, made out of Polyamide 100%.
Its main characteristic is that it only stretches on one direction (horizontally).
This feature was highlighted by Sander when he tested the prototype, since swimmers consider
relevant that the garment does not stretch vertically, since it would affect their movements un-
der water.
Due to the limited amount of fabric, we could only use it in prototypes 1, 2, 3, 4 and final. We
tried to find more, but we did not succeed. [20]
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After extensive research into existing products and possible solutions into finding a replacement acquisition device at low cost, we
settled on the Shimmer platform. “Shimmer is a small wireless sensor platform that can record and transmit physiological and
kinematic data in real-time. Designed as a wearable sensor, Shimmer incorporates wireless ECG, EMG, GSR, Accelerometer, Gyro,
Mag, GPS, Tilt and Vibration sensors. Shimmer is an extremely extensible platform that enables researchers and industry to be at
the leading edge of sensing technology.”[18]
The shimmer device is a base platform that allows the attachment of expandable sensor modules for a range of physiological and
kinematic data. The shimmer system has an ECG module that can record detailed ECG data. This device fitted the needs of Innos-
portslab for a number of reasons [8].
As this suit will eventually need to be worn by many swimmers in the Dutch Olympic Swimming team, it is essential that costs are
kept down so many of these suits can be manufactured. Currently, the Shimmer Sensor module costs 200EUR, the expandable ECG
sensor module costing EUR147 and the base station is 170EUR. This is a drastic reduction in price from the previous PASAQ device
which was approximately 4000EUR [18].
The Shimmer system is a expandable module that allows for a number of different parameters to be measured. In future if Innos-
portslab wishes to measure other data from sensors such as EMG, Strain Gauge, GPS and Kinematics [18].
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The Shimmer plus ECG expansion module is extremely small. This is key to reducing the invasiveness on the swimmer.
The external casing measures 53mm x 32mm x 25mm with a total weight of 50g. Creating your own custom enclosure for
the electronics can reduce this weight and size [18].
The ECG module for the Shimmer platform records a 3 lead ECG at customisable sample rates. It is able to store this data
on a microSD card for underwater measurement. It also is able to wirelessly stream the data in real time over Bluetooth,
which allows for more applications above water. The base module also includes an accelerometer on board. This is a great
advantage, as it will record the motion of the chest muscles while swimming. This data should in turn be similar to the
motion artifacts on the ECG data. Therefore it can be processed out to get a cleaner signal. It also allows Innosporstslab
to calculate stroke frequency. The battery can record data for over 20 hours, perfect for long training sessions. The device
uses stock DIN42-802 jacks, which allows users to use or make their own custom cables [18].
The Shimmer system is completely programmable via the software VMware. This allows for high customization of the
device. You can change the amount of data it records, when it records and what it records. This allows for greater person-
alization of training sessions. The data can then be easily processed in matlab by Innosportslab scientists [18]
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To test our protoypes, we used an asalab acquisition device by Ant Neuro [1]. It is a hi tech system that can record
between 32 nd 256 channels over noise insensitive signals allowing for excellent data transmission even with no
shielding. This allowed us to test the progress of our electrodes and get real time feedback on the effect of motion
artifacts and the quality of our textrodes.
This system allowed us to increase our understanding of medical software and devices. It also made more aware
of the different factors in getting a good signal. The placement of electrodes is key to gettting a good signal, aswell
the use of a ground cable.
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Conductive fabric was chosen as the most viable way to create an integrated electrode (textrode) within the swim-
ming suit that would withstand multiple uses. These textiles are an alternative to conventional gel electrodes.
These textiles promote a viable way of recording ECG with easy intergration into a suit or garment. Samples where
acquired from a range of companies, but Sheildex fabrics by Statex, manufactured in Germany were chosen as the
best supplier. These farbics are a staple yarn spun with a blend of normal textile fibres and conductive metallic
Extensive studies have used conductive fabrics for vital signs monitoring in projects such as WELTHY, MYHEART
and MAGiC [3] [5] [10] [17]. The Technical University of Lisbon has published a number of research papers into
measuring ECG underwater using textrodes, as well as developing a suit called BIOSWIM that measures ECG un-
derwater. They’re results showed promising proof that textrodes work underwater and acquire a signal [5] [6] [7].
When using textrodes as dry electrodes above water, there is a large skin-textrode impedance due to the lack of
electrolyte gel. This increases noise and decreases signal amplitude. However when underwater, water acts like
an electrolyte get, reducing the skin-textrode impedance and allowing for a stronger signal. However water aslo
acts as an electric conductor thus reducing the resulting amplitude of the ECG signal [5] [6] [7].
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For our initial test we used Sheildex Bremen Ripstop fabric stitched onto some sample fabric. We then attached
this to the ANT system, which proved that Textrodes worked, however the data was high in artifacts and hard to
get a full ECG signal from. This was due to poor compression, gel between the skin and the type of fabric.
In the double layer prototype we utilized Bremen Ripstop fabric again, but with intergrated with in our 3rd
prototype. The suit initially picked up no signal, but when extra pressure was applied to the electrodes, an ECG
signal was clear on the ANT system. Artifacts were still apparent in the cables, as they were not shielded.
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In our final prototype, we used Sheilded Medtex 130+B fabric. This medical grade conductive fabric, which
means it is antibacterial and can be used on a number of swimmers. It’s a 2 way stretch fabric, so it is able to
fit to each swimmers body. We utilised elastics as tight compression to reduce movement and create a tight
connection with the body. The result of this was a superb ECG signal with little artifacts even with movement.
The stretching of the textrode seem to have little effect on the quality of the signal because once stretched it
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We have been recording data from before the third prototype until the the latest prototypes. First, we used the ANT
system to record, to make sure that the data was good enough or to try to improve something regarding the conductive
fabric, or anything that had to do with compressions, etc.
When we considered the contact with the body to be the best that we could achieve, we went to try it underwater with the
Shimmer. We were not sure if there was data recorded or not, since we didn’t know if the shielded cables would short
circuit underwater. Fortunately, Sander did filter the data and managed to see the signal the suit was collecting. With the
Shimmer we tried underwater, as well as out of the water in order to compare and evaluate the differences.
Sander’s impressions were very positive. He considers the data recorded underwater very good and he points out that it
could definitely be used in training scenarios.
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The final prototype was the same as prototype number 6 but including two additions and an improvement.
The first addition was to integrate the electronics inside the suit, and the second was to add an outer layer of
Politex* material for aesthetic purposes.
The improvement we made was in terms of patterning: we adjusted the neckline even more in order to avoid
the material to move inside the water due to currents formed under the chin.
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The final exhibition was an excellent opportunity to show our proposal and get all kinds of feed-
back. We used most of the feedback to set new goals for the “next steps”. Most of the people
found our prototypes very feminine, it is curious because that was the first impression. On the
other hand, in the swimmers environment no one commented anything similar to that, they are
willing to improve their training quality regardless of how the device to measure ECG looks as
long as it’s comfortable and lets them swim normally.
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After all the work, we saw room for improvement. If we were to continue with this project, we
would need to consider this list of factors:
	 - Make further research into more materials for the suit, considering the weight, elasticity 	
	 underwater and its behaviour in chlorine environment.
	 - Find other ways to integrate the conductive fabric into the suit.
	 - Experiment with elastic cables or other types of cables to see which is the best way to inte	
	 grate them into the elastics and suit.
	 - More underwater testing with Shimmer in various training situations.
	 - Developing a way of waterproofing the Shimmer that allows easy access to the data trans	
	 mission once out of water.
	 - Look and learn at a professional swimming brand in order to study how they make their 	
	 suits, to make it resemble a real swimsuit as much as possible.
116 117
RESEARCH APPENDIXResearch was carried out at the begin-
ning of this project to compile an archive
of existing products, research prototypes,
manufacturing techniques, textiles and
different techniques of measuring ECG.
Through this research we were able to
provide a reference going foward on
previous to show us what had and had not
worked. It also to exploit problems that
had not been solved and fill a gap in the
Brand: Sheildex®
Type: Medtex® 130+B
Material: 99.9% Pure Silver Plated Nylon. 78%Nylon,
22% elastomer
Form: Knit
Resistance: Average <5 Ohms
Weight: 140g/m2
Stretch: Double Stretch Direction
Data Sheet:
Brand: Sheildex®
Type: Curtain – 2611 Mesh Fabric
Material: High conductive silver plated nylon elastic
Form: Knit Mesh.
Resistance: <1 Ohms
Weight: 28g/m2
Thickness: 0.23mm
Stretch: None
Data Sheet:
Brand: Sheildex®
Type: Bremen-RS Bremen Mil-Std-285 Modified
Material: Silver plated Nylon fabric.
Form: Rip-Stop
Resistance: < 0.5 Ohms
Weight: 48 g/m2 ± 15%
Thickness: 0,120 mm
Stretch: None
Data Sheet.
Brand: Sheildex®
Type: Technik-tex P 130 + B
Material: 99% pure Silver Plating.
78% Polyamide + 22% Elastomer.
Form: Knit
Resistance: <5 ohms
Weight: 135g/m2 ± 10%
Thickness: 132cm ± 5cm
Stretch: Double stretch direction
Data Sheet: Via Email
Brand: Sheildex®
Type: Technik-tex P 180 + B
Material: 99% pure Silver Plating.
94% Polyamide + 6% Dorlastan.
Form: Knit
Resistance: < 0.5 Ohms
Weight: 220g/m2 ± 10%
Thickness: 0.55mm ± 10%
Stretch: Single direction
Data Sheet: Via Email
Brand: Sheildex®
Type: Silverjersey
Material: PA 16% with 99% pure Silver
/ 84% Modal
Form: Jersey Yarn Knit – Plated Yarn
Resistance: < 5 Ohms
Weight: 137g/m2 ± 10%
Thickness: Data N/A
Stretch: None
Data Sheet : Via Email
118 119
Brand: Sheildex®
Type: Supertext P130+AT
Material: 78% Polyamide + 22% Elastomer 99% pure
Form: Knit
Resistance: < 1 Ohms
Weight: 155g/m2 ± 10%
Thickness: 0.50mm ± 10%
Stretch: Double Direction
Data Sheet: Via Email.
Brand: Sheildex®
Type: Supertex P180 + AT
Material: 94% Polyamide + 6% Dorlastan 99% pure
Form: Knit
Resistance: < 1 Ohms
Weight: 165g/m2 ± 10%
Thickness: 0.57mm ± 10%
Stretch: Single Direction
Data Sheet: Via Email
Brand: Sheildex®
Type: Silverknit
Material: PA 34% with 99% pure Silver / 58% Cotton
/ 8% Lycra
Form: 3 way bonded
Resistance: 0.8 -1.2 Ohms
Weight: 160—180 g/m2
Thickness: NA
Stretch: One direction
Data Sheet: Via Email
Brand: Sheildex®
Type: SilverCurtain
Material: Nylon, Silver Plating
Form: Knit
Resistance: 0.8 -1.2 Ohms
Weight: 30-35g/m2
Thickness: 0.22mm
Stretch: None
Data Sheet: Via Email
Brand: Sheildex®
Type: 235/34 dtex
Material: Silver Plated Nylon 66,
Form: Multi String Yarn
Resistance: 10-30 ohm/cm
Brand: Sheildex®
Type: 110/34 dtex
Material: Silver Plated Nylon 66
Form: Multi String Yarn
Resistance: < 30 ohm/cm
Brand: Karl Grimm®
Type: 7077 High Flex with Kevlar
Material: Silver Plated Copper and Kevlar
Form: 2 Ribbon Multi Filament Yarn
Resistance (Ω/m):: 2.9
Twisting: 3x1
Diameter (mm): 0.52
Brand: Karl Grim®
Type: 7314 High Flex with Kevlar
Material: Tin Coated Copper and Kevlar
Form: Single Ribbon Multi filament Yarn
Resistance (Ω/m): 0.85
Twisting: 7x1
Diameter (mm): 0.65
Brand: Karl Grim®
Type: 8325 High Flex with Vectran
Material: Vectran with Copper and Silver Plating
Form: Single Ribbon
Resistance (Ω/m):
Diameter (mm):
Brand: Karl Grim®
Type: 3981 High Flex
Material: Sliver Plated Copper
Form: Single Ribbon
Resistance (Ω/m): 1.2
Twisting: 7x1
Diameter (mm): 0.5
Brand: Karl Grim®
Type: 3981 High Flex
Material: Copper
Form: Multi Filament Yarn.
Resistance (Ω/m): 2.3
Twisting: 7x1
Diameter (mm): .42
Brand: Karl Grim®
Type: 3981 High Flex
Material: Silver Plated Copper
Form: Multi Filament Yarn
Resistance (Ω/m): 2.3
Twisting: 7x1
Diameter (mm): 0.42
Brand: Karl Grim®
Type: 3981 High Flex
Material: Tin coated Copper
Form: Multi Filament Yarn
Resistance (Ω/m): 2.3
Twisting: 7x1
Diameter (mm): 0.42
Brand: Karl Grim®
Type: 3981 High Flex
Material: Silver Coated Copper
Form: Multi Filament Yarn	
Resistance (Ω/m): .45
Twisting: 7x5
Diameter (mm): 0.9
120 121
Intelesens is a Dublin based company that focuses on smart sensor and electrode technology for hos-
pital and home use. They have developed a number of products that all incorporate wireless monitoring
over long periods of time. These products include Zensor, V-Patch and Aingeal. The main difference in
these products is the use of long term disposable electrodes that do not cause skin irritance. Another
point that sets these prdoducts apart are their sleek interfaces and product design. These are one of
the only sets of products that look functional as well as aesthetically pleasing that are on the market to
Aingeal & Zensor- This design utilizes a revolutionary new electrode patch system that can be worn for
48 hours (zensor 7 days) with little motion artifacts and irritation. Real time monitoring and analysis of
respiration and 2 lead ECG signals aswell as skin temperature and activity by a 3-axis accelerometer
Advantages: Up to 48 hours use, Recognition and notification of specific cardiac events, Pre and post
event data recording, Out of range detection and alert to patient, Minimum signal path from electrode to
electronics produces clearer signals, miniaturised, reusable, body-worn wireless sensor compact and
lightweight design.
Disadvantages: Electrodes are not reusable, not waterproof, cables are loose, wireless does not work
underwater, Only 2 lead.
This design is for monitoring outside the hospital, where datat is wirelessly uploaded onto a web based
platform for real-time analysis Events are automatically detected and recorded, producing a diagnostic
quality 3-lead ECG,. The design of the patch is compact to wear, ensuring greater compliance, and can
be worn for 7 days without changing and minimal motion artifacts.
Advantages: Long use time, compact design, wireless upload to web platform, alerts physians about
possible heart problems, compact, non irritating.
Disadvantages: One use’s electrodes, loose cables, no wireless underwater, not waterproof.
MagIC system (Maglietta interattiva computerizzata)
MagIC is a garmet designed to be worn to detect heart and respitory functions through smart textiles.
The suit uses conductive fibres to transmit signals from sensors to a portable electronic board on the
suit. Elastic fibres around the thorax allow for compression while monitoring ECG. It has been tested
during movement and artifacts are minimal.
Advantages: Complete integration with conductive fibres for signal transmission, washable, multiple
use, portable.
Disadvantages: Not on the market, still in development, only 1 lead ecg – not deatailed enough, con-
ductive transmission will not work underwater, will need to be shielded [7].
BIOSWIM; Body Interface System based on Wearable Integration Monitoring
BIOSWIM is a research project performed by universities around Portugal that aims to crates an “au-
tonomous instrumented swimsuit, capable of recording several signals available in real time for ob-
servation and also for later analysis”. This project looks at a higher level of integration of sensors, by
knitting the sensors seamlessly into the garment. The system is a full compression suit that monitors
performance, EMG and ECG. It wirelessly transmits the data by antenna
Advantages: Works underwater, High Compression means minimal artifacts, wirelessly transmits data
through antenna, full integration of sensors in the yarn, completely autonomous, reusable and comfort-
Disadvantages: Entire swim suit, labour intensive construction, custom made for each swimmer. Re-
cords more data than necessary. Not in production [8].
ANT: asalab
Asalab developed by ant neural is in fact an EEG machine by trait, but can be configured to record ECG
measurements. It is a hi tech system that can record between 32 and 256 channels over noise insensi-
tive signals allowing for excellent data transmission even with no shielding. This state of the art system
can measure many parameters at once at a very high resolution.
Advantages: Can measure 8 channel ECG at very high quality – no shielding needed, - no noise, com-
pletely customizable and programmable.
Disadvantages: Very large, not designed for ECG, Expensive. [1]
122 123
Shimmer research platform allows for the measuring of multiple physiological and biometric systems
through the use of different sensors. It can record and transmit data in real time over wireless or store
on an SD card. It measures 4 lead ECG data that can be programmed to the users needs.
Advantages: Sensor unit is cheap, Bluetooth technology for out of water transmitting, small – 4 leads –
Can store data on SD card – Configurable Hardware
Disadvantages: Not water proof, not wireless underwater – Possibly not enough channels to record
detailed enough ECG[18].
Wealthy is a garment that incorporates sensors and electrodes through conductive and peizoresistive
materials. These materials are connected to an electronic portable unit to process and transmit these
signals to a computer. The aim is simultaneous recording of vital signs to create a synoptic patient table
and alert messages over a long period of time. Designed to be used in intensive care units for manage-
ment of critically ill patients, measuring respiratory function and heart rate.
Advantages: A full garment, monitors multiple signals, integrates conductive yarns, local processing on
garment, multiple parameters.
Disadvantages: Not waterproof, not compressive to minimize motion artifacts, not in productions, wire-
less wont work underwater. [3]
MyHeart is a European Union project that creates a new system of rehabilitation in preventing cardio-
vascular problems. It involves a textile sensor garment worn by patients. This suit can be involved in a
variety of scenarios, from Heart care, to training and exercise and use on chronically ill patients. The
idea is for the system to gather data from Vital sign sensors, such as ECG. This data is then provided
back to the user to show them how their body is coping with the activity and gives them recommenda-
tions and overview on their health. This data can also be sent to physician’s aswell for further analysis.
Advantages: Gives users real time feedback and reccomendations, reusable textrode suit.
Disadvantages: The system is based on a bigger conceptual plan of patient rehabilitation rather than a
detailed electrode suit, not in production, not for underwater [7].
Free lap is the existing product used by the Innosports lab to monitor the swimmers while training.
Advantages: Works underwater, stores data, non invasive, minimal impact on swimming
Disadvantages: Only l lead, not detailed enough, motion artifacts coause to much noise, loose signal
more often than not.
The Hosand system is used to measure heart rate online when swimmers are submerged in cold water
before in-between trainings (not moving). The problem with this system is that it gives a 4 second aver-
age of the heart rate, not the beat-to-beat data. For this specific situation, it is important to get continu-
ous data during the session.
Advantages: Comfortable suit, measures underwater, streams online
Disadvantages: 4second average of Heart rate, not beat to beat ECG.
The Polar Team 2 system is used to measure resting heart rate and heart rate variability with up to 10
swimmers simultaneously. These Measurements take place several times per week just before morn-
ing sessions. Data is used to measure the parasympathetic/orthosympathetic balance of the swimmers,
or in other words: are they in recovery mode or ready for high loads.
Advantages; Measures multiple swimmers
Disadvantages: Un-useable underwater because belt slides off, not wireless underwater
124 125
VitalJacket, developed by Biodevices, is a commercially available ECG monitoring shirt. It uses a com-
pact Holter ECG system to measure ECG over 5 leads. It uses conductive film to create cabling to a
small storage and wireless device that sends real time data over Bluetooth to its own developed soft-
ware. It uses disposable electrodes rather than textile electrodes.
Advantages: Commercially available product, 5 lead ECG, small and compact acquisition device, wash-
able garment
Disadvantages: Uses disposable electrodes, not waterproof, no wireless underwater, not enough com-
pression to reduce severe motion artifacts
The nuubo nECG is cardiac monitoring garment that focuses on its special e-textile technology, the
BlendFix®sensor. This sensor integrates into a suit with a various number of leads. It is cost-effective,
wearable, remote, continuous and non-invasive. This sensor uses an elastic textile with minimal mo-
tion artifacts. The nECG platform can be used simultaneously for both individuals and large number of
patients. It can be used with minimal impact on patient lifestyle, and is capable of being used in real-
time and for continuous recording. It comes with personalized software that works with the monitor.
Advantages: High detail ECG from multiple leads, commercially viable, comfortable and non invasive.
Disadvantages: Not for use underwater, no wireless/data sorage for underwater
The EKG shield as an add on for the open source controller Arduino. It stacks on top and allows for 6
inputs to create ECG or EMG visualisations.
Advantages: Low Cost, programmable to out needs, medium sized.
Disadvantages: Not waterproof, need protecting, no data storage.
Silver Chloride Electrodes -(Ag-AgCl)
Standard Medical Electrodes. Low polarization, stable skin electrode impedance – acquires good signal. Have to be used with hydro gel to
improve connection. Largest part of them is the adhesive area to make sure no movement appears in the connection.
Textile Electrodes
Sensory areas of textile electrodes present a much higher ductility than normal electrodes. Can adapt to a range of contours on the body.
Textile integration means they can be reused. Permeability to air and water prevents skin irritation. This can be improved by balancing the
ph of the fabric. The larger area textile sensors can cover means them minimize skin impedance to reduce noise and have a better contact
with the skin.
Conductive Rubber - MIRAESANG Engineering co
These electrodes are made from Silicone Rubber with a nickel coated filler material. The electrodes are thin, flexible and are able to be
integrated into garments for non invasive monitoring. They have a very good long-term stability due to the chemically inert material along
with little to no slin irritation. The electrodes also maintain their properties through washing. They are possibly less comfortable than tex-
tile electrodes and can be susceptible to motion artifacts, requiring adequate compression to reduce this. Sheilded cable should be used to
connect to the amplification device and if conductive connecting yarn is used, it must be isolated.
126 127
Fabric Electrodes – Flat knitting technology.
Flat knitting allows a topographical style of application, where the fabric electrode is sewn on to the garment. This can be achived by using
commerical machines such as the Steiger Flat knitting machine. It involves standard commercial stainless steel thread twisted around cot-
ton textile yarn to create a textile electorde. The quality of signal gathered during movement can be improved by coupling the fabric elec-
trodes with a hydro gel membrane. The PH levels of hydro gel should be neutral as to not cause skin irritation. (Not need for underwater
applications.) [14]
Fabric Electrodes – Seamless Knitting Technology.
This technique involves using a base yarn, an anti bacterial fabric and sewing stainless steel yarns or cunductive yarns directily into the
fabric. This alows for a “seamless intergration” of the electrode into the garment. The seamless intergration is created by expensive indus-
machines such as the Santorini sewing machine. This technique allows for a more complex distribution of the sensors throughout the gar-
ment [14].
Knitted Piezoresistive Fabric - Seamless knitting technology
Piezoresistive fabrics are often resistive across distance (x,y) but have a resistance that decreases under pressure (mechanical stress)
through a material. Peizoresistive materials alow for making pressure, bend and stretch sensors. In terms of intergration within fabric,
they can applied to garments using Santoni seamless machines using the intarsia technique. Fields of different colours and materials ap-
pear to be inlaid in one another, but are in fact all separate pieces, fit together like a jigsaw puzzle [14].
Printed Piezoresistive Fabric relized by Serigraphy technology
This techniques is similar to screen printing, which involves a modifies conductive silicone with a reduce viscocity. This allows the use of an
industrial coating process. The silicone or elastomer then coast the elasctic substrate or base to create a desired sensor topography. The
senors and connections can be created with the same material [14]
Printing through Conductive Inks. (study of vital signs monitoring in swimming)
These materials may be classed as fired high solids systems or PTF polymer thick film systems that allow circuits to be drawn or printed
on a variety of substrate materials such as polyester to paper. These types of materials usually contain conductive materials such as pow-
dered or flaked silver and carbon like materials. This production technique allows complete flexibility of the design pattern and placement
of elctrodes on the substrate. This additive production process creates no wasted materials [14]
[1] Asalab, “Turnkey Solutions for ERP Research,” Advanced Neuro Technology B.V., Enschede, The Netherlands, 2010
[2] A. E. Aubert , F. Beckers, B. Seps, “Heart Rate Variability in Athletes”, Laboratory of Experimental Cardiology, School of Medicine, K.U. Leu
ven, Leuven, Belgium, Sports Med 2003; 33 (12): 889-919, 2003
[3] L. Bourdon, D. Cianflone, S Coli et al., “First Results with the Wealthy Garment ElectroCardiogram Monitoring System” Computers in Cardi-
ology, p615 - 618, 2005, DOI 10.1109/CIC.2005.1588176
[4] S. Bouwstra, Smart Jacket, Final Master project by Sibrecht Bouwstra, Indus- trial design, TU/e NICU, Maxima Medisch Centrum Veldhoven,
ATION” Faculty of Architecture, Technical University of Lisbon, Department of Art and Design, Portugal, Center of Textile Sciences and Technol-
ogy, University of Minho, Portugal, AUTEX 2011 Conference, June 2011.
[6] A.Catarino, H. Carvalho, A. M. Rocha et al .,“Study of vital sign monitoring with textile sensors in swimming pool environment” University
of Minho, Technical University of Lisbon Industrial Electronics, 2009. IECON ‘09. 35th Annual Conference of IEEE: 4426 – 4431, DOI 10.1109/
[7] A.Catarino, H. Carvalho, A. M. Rocha et al.,, “TEXTILE SENSORS FOR ECG AND RESPIRATORY FREQUENCY ON SWIMSUITS” Technical Uni-
versity of Lisbon, Faculdade de Arquitectura, Alto da Ajuda - 1349-055 Lisboa, Portugal, 2009.
[8] G. Cea E. Gaeta, “AmIRTEM: A Functional Model for Training of Aerobic Endurance for Health Improvements” IEEE Transactions on Biomedi-
cal Engineering, Vol. 59, No. 11, November 2012. DOI 10.1109/TBME.2012.2207953
[9] S. Ganzevles. (2013, 05, 28). ECG & Heart Reate Information [Email]. Available e-mail: Sander Ganzevles
[10] J. Habetha, M. Harris, “The MyHeart Project: A Framework for Personal Health Care Applications” Philips Research, Aachen, Germany,
Computers in Cardiology 2007;34:137−140.
128 129
[11] A.J. Hautala, H. Kinnune A.M. Kiviniemi, n et al., “Endurance training guided individually by daily heart rate variability measurements” De-
partment of Exercise and Medical Physiology, Verve Research, Kasarmintie, Oulu, Finland. European Journal of Applied Physiology Volume 101,
Issue 6, pp 743-751, December 2007
[12] M. I. Lambert, T.D. Noakes, J. Swart, “Changes in heart rate recovery after high-intensity training in well-trained cyclists” Dept Human Biol-
ogy, Fac Health Sciences, The Sport Science Institute of South Africa, University of Cape Town, European Journal of Applied Physiology, Volume
105, Issue 5, pp 705-713, March 2009
[13] M. J. Lewis, A. L . Short, “Sample entropy of electrocardiographic RR and QT time-series data during rest and exercise”, Physiol. Meas. 28
731, Department of Sports Science, University of Wales Swansea, Swansea, U doi:10.1088/0967-3334/28/6/011 2007
[14] G.Loriga. M.Pacelli, N.Taccini, et al., “Sensing Fabrics for Monitoring Physiological and Biomechanical Variables: E-textile solutions”, 3rd
IEEE-EMBS International Summer School and Symposium on Medical Devices and Biosensors MIT, Boston, USA, Sept.4-6, 2006, DOI 0-7803-
[15] J. Muhlsteff, O. Such, “Dry electrodes for monitoring of vital signs in functional textiles” Philips Research Aachen, Germany, 26th Annual
International Conference of the IEEE EMBS San Francisco, CA, USA, Sept 1-5, 2004, DOI 0-7803-8439-3
[16] R. Noome, Goby, Research Project M1.2 by Robert Noome - Industrial Design TUE, InnosportsLab ,2012
[17] G. Parati, M. D. Rienzo, F. Rizzo et al., MagIC System: a New Textile-Based Wearable Device for Biological Signal Monitoring. Applicability
in Daily Life and Clinical Setting” Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology 27th Annual
Conference Shanghai, China, September 1-4, 2005, DOI 0-7803-8740-6/05/
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  • 1.
  • 3. 4 5 INTRODUCTION Many professional athletes dedicate their life to sport. They spend many hours training for years on end to be- come the best in their chosen field. However these hours can be wasted if the training is not tailored to create a specific increase in performance. Little is still understood about the precise training methods that create the best outcomes for the athletes. Therefore the key to gaining outcomes for athletes is to know the relationship between training load and bodily response. To keep training on the edge, the Dutch Olympic Swimming Team and Innosportslab NL are always looking to improve and tailor training programmes for their swimmers to get the best results To get a detailed look at the bodily response of professional swimmers, Innosportlab NL are proposing to use detailed Heart rate data from an Electrocardiogram (ECG). It is hypothesized that an insight into heart while training will give scientist a better insight on athlete response to training. This could lead to further personalization of training for individual athletes. This project looks at the development of device or swimming suit for the Dutch Olympic Swimming Team that will record detailed ECG data about the athlete underwater while training.
  • 4. 6 7 CLIENT The Innosportslab comes under the umbrella of InnosportNL, a company set up to provide innovative products, services and support to professional Dutch Athletes. Innosportslab works directly with the Royal Dutch Swimming Federation to improve sporting performance. To do this they focus on Biomechanics, physiology, talent develop- ment, psychology and propulsion optimisation with measurements such as start speed, stroke frequency, turn speed and force generation. The current method of measuring and improving performance maximal testing once every 6 weeks. The data is compared with the athletes previous test 6 weeks ago, and seeing where the improvements where made. However findings show that many times, athletes do not improve.Therefore the questions are asked; What happens in the 6 weeks between tests? Can we optimize programs to prevent over or under training? Can we predict a certain outcome? Innopsortslab’s idea is to use continous heart rate meausrement as a basis. Heart Rate data allows scientists to deduce a number of factors key in improving performances including Heart Rate Reserve (HRR), Heart Rate Vari- ability (HRV) and recovery times. Heart rate measurements also allow scientists to deduce velocity, heart rate kinetics and how long it takes to get to different heart rates at different velocities. Innosportslab can than compare how swimmers get through the water as fast as possible using different techniques. Innosportslab have theoretical models for optimizing performance, but they need Heart Rate data to prove their theories. This data can then determine whether training methods are effective. Currently they cannot apply these models, as there is no sound data from professional swimmers, only out of water experiments.This data should give an in depth picture of a swimmers physical state.
  • 5. 8 9 EXPERTS Sander Ganzavles is the stakerholder in this project. He has been an Embed- ded Scientist at the InnosportsLab, for the past 3 years and focuses on human movement sciences and athlete perfor- mance. He was a professional swimmer for the Netherlands until 2004. After missing out on Olympic selection for the 2nd time, he felt he had been over trained, which gave birth to his drive for the current project. Sander offers a unique standpoint in this project. His ex- perience as a professional swimmer and his knowledge as a human movement scientist not only allows him to test the suits ability record the necessary data needed to make training gains, but also allows him to empathise with current swimmers on the comfort and style of the suit. Rik Vullings is an expert in obtaining and processing signals in medical fields. His experience in measuring ECG over a variety of patients is key to the develop- ment of monitoring ECG underwater. Ac- quiring ECG underwater involves a lot of motion artifacts. From the data captured from various prototypes, Rik will process and filter the data into a useable format to be analysed by Innosportslab. Gabriele Spina is currently a pHd stu- dent at TU/e and staff in the Signal processing department in Electrical engineeing.His PHD studies are look at emergin technologies and ebiquitous sensors to monitor patients in health- care scenarious. Gabriele is an expert in using th Shimmer research platform and will be helping us code the device to our needs.
  • 6. 10 11 OBJECTIVES This project has a number of key objectives set out by our client, Innosports lab. One suit of all training Currently Innosportslab use 3 devices to measure ECG and heart rate in different types of training sessions. These devices work at different levels of quality and strength. There an inherent objective of this project is to create one device for all training situations. ECG Underwater The main objective of this project is to develop a wearable swimming suit that measures detailed ECG of the heart with more than one lead underwater. This data must be able to be then be processed by scientists at Innosportslab to see the bodily response of athletes. Swimming Suit It must measure ECG in the most comfortable way possible while in an non- invasive manner. The device must be suitable for professional athletes doing long training sessions. The suit must have minimal impact on the tech- nique and speed of the swimmer. The suit must also be aesthetically pleasing and be something the swimmers would want to wear. Adquisition Device During the previous project, the PASAQ acquisition device was damaged due to water. Therefore we must find a device that can gather detailed ECG data over more than one lead. This device must be able store the data on a SD card, as currently wireless transmission of data is not possible underwater. The device must also be small enough to be non invasive on the swimmer while training. It should be relatively inexpensive as is will need to be inte- grated into many suits. Preferably the device should also work above the water, so in future it can be developed for different sports.
  • 7. 12 13 PREVIOUS WORK Previous to this project, Robert Noome, a masters student in Industrial Design at the Technical University of Eind- hoven conducted the first iteration of this project with Innosportslab. He made some key findings and his project is a basis from where this research project can continue. Conductive fabric electrodes or “Textrodes” seem to be a viable way forward to attaining an ECG signal underwa- ter. There is potential to integrate them into a range of suits with different techniques, with the use of conductive yarn as well. Robert also proved that water does not majorly effect the electrode connections to an acquisition device or the skin, as he was able to measure full ECG underwater [16]. His research showed no proof that textrodes would provide a strong enough signal above or under water. Because of technical problems with his acquisition device, he was unable to prove his final concept worked. He came up with a number of different shape iterations, however still believe there is a lot of opportunities left to explore the suit of the shape that will meet all the requirements set by Innosportslab [16]
  • 9. 16 17 WHY HEART RATE Heat rate and its derivatives, Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and Heart Rate Recovery (HRR) are directly linked to the metabolic system of the body. The metabolic system is where carbohydrates, calories and fats are converted into energy to be burnt by muscles in the body. The better your metabolic system is, the faster and more efficient you can transfer this energy in the body into power. The more power you have and the more efficiently you can develop it, the stronger and faster you can swim [9] [16]. Swimmers are looking to be as efficient as possible in the water. To be efficient they must have the perfect balance of power and technical ability. Efficiency is defined as the work accomplished divided by the energy expended to do that work. The more efficient a swimmer is, the faster they can go using the least amount of energy [8]. Heart rate increases when there is a higher metabolic demand. This is when more energy is being consumed to create more power. This is because the heart needs to deliver more oxygenated blood to your system. Heart rate therefore can show the rate at which you develop power while swimming and also the performance of your cardiovascular system. From the heart rate we can see a relationship with VO2 max levels and anaerobic/aerobic metabolism [9]. This entire system can show the rate at which the heart can transport oxygen, therefore showing the metabolic rate, which in-turn shows how fast you can develop power through the water.
  • 10. 18 19 WHAT IS ECG? ECG or Electrocardiogram is a technique for measuring the electrical activity produced by the heart. Every time the heart compresses to send blood around the body, it depolarizes. Depolarization is like the firing of the electrical pulses, when the heart rests, it re polarizes. What an ECG does is it creates a visual interpretation of the electrical activity of the heart over time. Electrodes can detect the electrical signal from the heart. To detect this signal, electrodes need to be placed in pairs and this is called a lead. Electrode pairs must be placed across the heart, as leads detect the small rises and falls in the voltage between two electrodes. This difference in voltage is then shown as the wavy line known as the PQRS Complex on the ECG readout [4]. Heart Rate Reserve (HRR) HRR can be used as a gauge of training intensity, HR max – HR rest = HRR. As the cardiovascular fitness for an athlete improves, HRR should increase [11]. Heart Rate Variability (HRV) HRV is the time between heartbeats. This can also be known as RR variability, which is the time between the R peak in the PQRS complex in an ECG. This data is Important for knowing the stress of training and cardiovascular health [2].
  • 11. 20 21 WHY ECG? Scientists such as Sander Ganzevles from the Innosportslab have hypothesised that there is a lot more information available in the complete Electrocardiogram (ECG) of the heart. This is in contrast to the conventional R-R top heart rate recorded by current devices. Having a multiple lead ECG signal because will reduce the noise and motion artifacts that occur in the current 1 lead ECG products. By means of a redundant system Innosportslab will be able to be sure they measure the correct RR intervals [9]. The real start of a heartbeat is the P-top. If coaches can measure this instead of the RR they might get a more accurate indication of heart rate of the swimmer. Another interesting value hypothesized by sports scientists is the QT interval. Accurate PQRS tops are needed to do analysis on for instance Heart Rate Variability [2] From the ECG data recorded of the heart rate, sports scientists and coaches are able to determine a number of things about professional swimmers. Coaches can measure heart rate data over a number of trainings to see how their cardiovascular and metabolic system improves. When the swimmer is at the same velocity but with lower heart rate, the swimmers body has become more efficient at developing power, which is the goal [9]. Through using heart rate, coaches and scientists at the Innosportslab are able to see how swimmers respond to various training regimes. They will be able to see if swimmers stick to the program, if they have to adjust the program and potentially might be able to indicate the dosis-response relation of different sessions [11]. Detailed HRV and HRR data from ECG measurements of the heart can also be used after training to find out optimal recovery periods. The HRR during post exercise sessions can track changes in physical and cardiovascular performance, and show a functions autonomic nervous system. If swimmers do not show a response or a different one than expected after a certain training, they know something is wrong. Some responses can indicate under- training, while others overtraining [12]. The use of detailed ECG data and HRV also allows for the detection of abnormalities in the heart of professional swimmers. Through monitoring the athletes HRV, scientist can look at the autonomic nervous system of the athlete, which can show sympathetic hyperactivity or reduced parasympathetic activity, which is associated with an increased risk of cardiac disease and overall mortality [13]. Detailed ECG data showing variations in the PQRS complex of the heart can show other abnormalities Theses can suggest the presence of structural cardiovascular disease, such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy or myocardial infraction [13].
  • 12. 22 23 CHALLENGES This project presents a unique set of challenges, as it has a number of goals that have never been achieved to a level required by Innosportslab before. Acquiring ECG Signal Unerwater Water will play a big part in affecting the signal strength of our ECG data. As water is a conductor, it is possible that if the electrodes are placed too close, the presence of water will create a short circuit. Water can also create impedance between the skin and electrode, which can reduce the resulting amplitude of the ECG signal. Motion Artifacts Perhaps the most important challenging and important goal, is a detailed ECG signal underwater. To do this we must create a suit that causes minimal motion artifacts when it records ECG. ECG is prone to artifacts within the signal when there is excessive movement of the skin or the electrode. This can be reduced to an extent by signal processing, but correct compression is needed to reduce it further [16]. Electrodes Normal foam electrodes that are used in day-to-day experiments are disposable and not designed for use underwater. For this application we need to develop an electrode that will withstand water, washing, stretching and multiple uses. Textile electrodes are a possibility in this area, but stretching the fabric has the possibility to influence skin-electrode contact negatively. We must make sure also the electrode will not cause abrasion to the skin. Signal Transmission The suit will require a means of transferring the heart signal from the electrodes to the ECG acquisition device. Since the signal from the heart will be extremely weak, it will be prone to artifacts. The transmission ideally would come from active electrodes, or the cabling should be shielded in a way the movement through the cable will not cause changes in signal. The better intergrated the cable can be into an elastic suit, the better the comfort will be. Waterproofing A casing will need to be designed to facilitate waterproofing of the acquisition device while swimming. The case will have to be a small as possible whike being able to be easy taken off for analysing of data
  • 13. 24 25 CURRENT DEVICES Currently, Innosports lab uses 3 different devices to record heart rate. None of these devices are able to reach the requirements needed by Innosportslab to get sufficient data on athlete performance. Following this, they must switch devices during different parts of training as some only work in certain environments. This causes inconsis- tent cross overs of data, increased costs for Innosportslab and inconvenience for the swimmers. Polar Team 2 This device is used to measure resting heart rate and heart rate variability with up to 10 swimmers simultane- ously. These measurements take place several times per week just before morning training sessions. This data is used to measure the parasympathetic/orthosympathetic balance of the swimmers ie; are the swimmers in recov- ery mode or ready for high loads. However this system is useless underwater as it does not stay in place for con- sistent measurement Freelap The freelap system is used for measuring heart rate during underwater training sessions. It records 1 lead ECG data. This data is used to compare training output from the training relationship calculated based on a maximal test. It also used to calculate HRR. This is the only current device Innosports lab have for training underwater. Hossand The hosand system is used to measure heart rate online when swimmers are submerged in cold water (not mov- ing) on recovery sessions. The problem with this system is that it gives Innosportslab a 4 second average and not the beat-to-beat data. For this specific situation, it is important to get continuous information during the session.
  • 14. 26 27 CONCEPTS These sketches on the next page represent a range of shape concepts that could be used for the swimming suit. The show a number of different style options that incorporate different shapes, compression area’s and ways to minimize motion artifacts.
  • 16. 30 31 PROTOTYPE 1 Made out of Politex* material, and intended to focus on the left-hand side of the chest, where the heart is situated (therefore, its shape was asymmetric). It did not provide the right amount of compression. It was sewn with a classic stitch.
  • 17. 32 33
  • 18. 34 35 PROTOTYPE 2 Pattern developed from base male shirt pattern with standard measurements. Wide armholes, especially in the back in order to allow comfortable swimming movements, it was found too long and still not compressing enough. Politex* mate- rial was used in this prototype. Sewn with classic stitching and overlocked in all edges. Zip on the centre back in- tended to allow the prototype to be easily placed above the head.
  • 19. 36 37
  • 20. 38 39 PROTOTYPE 3 Changes to the patterning made the prototype smaller and finally delivering the desired compres- sion. Also made out of Politex* material and sewn with double classic stitching (which represent- ed a problem during trial since the stitching did not stretch). Elec- trode- textrodes have not been fitted in the prototype yet.
  • 21. 40 41
  • 22. 42 43 PROTOTYPE 4 First prototype including integrated textrodes. Made in two layers, an internal one made out of Lycra and an external layer made out of Politex*. For data recording purposes, the suit includes non-elastic conductive mate- rial, sewn to the internal layer. The pattern is the same as the one used in prototype 3, and sewn using Turkish stitching for elastic purposes. First suit that allowed ECG recording.
  • 23. 44 45
  • 24. 46 47 PROTOTYPE 5 Single-layer suit including elastic bands placed on top of the textrodes in order to achieve a better contact between the con- ductive fabric and the body. This was the first prototype including elastic conductive fabric stuck using specific textile glue as well as first to use shielded wires provided by our coach, Wei Chen. Pattern remains the same as in prototype 4, and this time it was made out of Lycra only.
  • 25. 48 49
  • 26. 50 51 PROTOTYPE 6 Same as prototype five except for two main differences: first, an improvement e on the metallic joints connecting the cable to the conductive fabric, which consisted of a smaller joint with a flat surface. Second, a more homogeneous distribution of the elastic bands, which allowed a better compression. This was the first prototype to be tested underwater for data recording purposes.
  • 27. 52 53
  • 29. 56 57 COMFORT AND SHAPES PATTERNS PATTERN 1 Having researched where the electrodes needed to be placed, we discovered that they were focused on the left-hand side of the body, which is the one surrounding the heart. This is why the first designs were driven to develop a single shoulder suit, which em- braced the body from underneath the body and was supported on the left shoulder. During the first test, apart from the fact that the suit was not tight enough, the asym- metric shape was not very appreciated by Sander, since he mentioned that swimmers do not feel comfortable when wearing asymmetric suits.
  • 30. 58 59 COMFORT AND SHAPES PATTERNS BASE PATTERN As a result of the first test, we decided to start working with a totally different shape. This time our starting point was a base male top pattern with standard size measurements. Since it was intended to be on an elastic fabric, we decided to take in two centimetres all around the patterns from the beginning in order for it to be tight. Since we needed to try it on a mannequin, we added a zip in the centre back to make sure it will fit through the head. After drawing the pattern, we cut it in the fabric and sew it, and then put it on the mannequin, where we drew the desired shape with the intention of reducing the friction and movement limitations be- tween the fabric and the body as much as possible.
  • 31. 60 61
  • 32. 62 63 COMFORT AND SHAPES PATTERNS PATTERN 2 We transported the previous pattern into paper again, in order to cut a new one with the shape result we wanted. The process was to put it on top of the paper, and bearing in mind that the base pattern was not as fitted as we wanted, we took in another centimetre and a half for it to be tighter on the body. We kept the zip just in case we needed it; since it was likely that it would not fit as well through the head once it was taken in. When we tried the prototype on Sander, his overall impression was positive in terms of shape. The shape of the sleeves was not limiting his movements while moving his arms as if he were swim- ming.
  • 33. 64 65
  • 34. 66 67 COMFORT AND SHAPES PATTERNS PATTERN 3 The main change when developing this pattern was to remove the zip and substituting it with a centre dart. We also changed the neckline to avoid the problems inside the water, and then we shortened the pattern until just underneath the chest muscles. Finally, we took in another centimetre and a half in order for the prototype to compress the body more. The feedback from the fitting was very positive. All improvements were spot on. We worked with this same pattern on the next prototypes, except for the one intended for the final exhibition. This was the first pattern to be tested underwater.
  • 35. 68 69
  • 36. 70 71 COMFORT AND SHAPES PATTERNS PATTERN 4 For the final prototype pattern, bearing in mind the results of the underwater testing with the previous one, we made the neckline smaller, since it was still flapping as a result of the currents formed underwater. This was the only change that the prototypes and testing were demanding in terms of pat- terning.
  • 37. 72 73 COMFORT AND SHAPES COMPRESSIONS COMPRESSIONS 1 While producing the patterns, we found out that we were in need of an extra compression material where the electrodes would be placed. We decided on wide elastic bands for this purpose. We started by using 25 mm wide elastic bands on the prototype number 5. Before sewing them, we placed the already sewn prototype in a mannequin in order to decide the position where the elastic bands would be placed in regards to the body. Two bands formed a V shape in the front and another two crossed each other in the back, while another was placed underneath the chest. The way the bands were sewn into the fabric did not distribute the compression evenly. The crossing of the elastic bands in the back generated big issues on the pattern, since fabric got caught in between them.
  • 38. 74 75
  • 39. 76 77 COMFORT AND SHAPES COMPRESSIONS COMPRESSIONS 2 Taking into account the issues with the first ellastics, we decided essentially on three improvements: a much more evenly distributed compression and changing the placement of the bands in the back in order to reduce the fabric accumulation, as well as a wider band underneath the chest. To achieve an even compression, we drew marks on the bands and fabric in order to have the same amount of fab- ric in each part of the band. In the back we placed a central elastic band that opened in a v shape both close to the neck and underneath the shoulder blades. The band underneath the chest was changed from a 25 mm to a 40mm wide one, which was much more consistent.
  • 40. 78 79
  • 41. 80 81 COMFORT AND SHAPES SEWING TECHNICS The first prototype was sewn by using plain seams. As we decided not to continue with this prototype, on the second one we used plain seams as well as overlocking in the edges.
  • 42. 82 83 Due to the need to work in the prototype’s compression, we didn’t fo- cus as much into sewing in a more “elastic” way. On the next prototype, we used double plain seams, reinforcing them every two centimetres, since this prototype already had the desired level of compression, Sander faced some difficulties since the seams were not elastic and were not giving when expanding the fabric. Due to this, the majority of the seams were torn apart when Sander tried it on, so the next step would be to focus on the elastic properties of the sewing.
  • 43. 84 85 We decided to try different techniques of elas- tic stitching (see appendix) and finally decided on Turkish stitching. We used this type of stitching from then until the final prototype.
  • 44. 86 87 TEXTILES Throughout the whole project we used three different types of fabrics in the prototypes. We first used a thick curtain fabric 100% polyester. This fabric was used to make the base shirt pattern. Since this was a step we had to do in order to get a more athletic pattern, which allowed the swimmer to move freely, we did not use an elastic fabric.
  • 45. 88 89 The second type of fabric was a Lycra fabric we purchased in the Eindhoven Market. The seller could not give us that much information about the fabric, but we found a similar fabric in Its called “Nylon-Spandex Tricot Shiny”. Excellent for Swimwear, it is made of 83% Nylon and 17% Spandex. We used this type of fabric for development of prototypes 4,5,6 and final prototype. [19]
  • 46. 90 91 The third type of fabric used was another fabric bought at Eindhoven market. By looking on the Internet, we discovered that the most similar material is Politex, made out of Polyamide 100%. Its main characteristic is that it only stretches on one direction (horizontally). This feature was highlighted by Sander when he tested the prototype, since swimmers consider relevant that the garment does not stretch vertically, since it would affect their movements un- der water. Due to the limited amount of fabric, we could only use it in prototypes 1, 2, 3, 4 and final. We tried to find more, but we did not succeed. [20]
  • 47. 92 93 TECHNOLOGY ECG DEVICE/SHIMMER After extensive research into existing products and possible solutions into finding a replacement acquisition device at low cost, we settled on the Shimmer platform. “Shimmer is a small wireless sensor platform that can record and transmit physiological and kinematic data in real-time. Designed as a wearable sensor, Shimmer incorporates wireless ECG, EMG, GSR, Accelerometer, Gyro, Mag, GPS, Tilt and Vibration sensors. Shimmer is an extremely extensible platform that enables researchers and industry to be at the leading edge of sensing technology.”[18] The shimmer device is a base platform that allows the attachment of expandable sensor modules for a range of physiological and kinematic data. The shimmer system has an ECG module that can record detailed ECG data. This device fitted the needs of Innos- portslab for a number of reasons [8]. COST As this suit will eventually need to be worn by many swimmers in the Dutch Olympic Swimming team, it is essential that costs are kept down so many of these suits can be manufactured. Currently, the Shimmer Sensor module costs 200EUR, the expandable ECG sensor module costing EUR147 and the base station is 170EUR. This is a drastic reduction in price from the previous PASAQ device which was approximately 4000EUR [18]. EXPANDABLE The Shimmer system is a expandable module that allows for a number of different parameters to be measured. In future if Innos- portslab wishes to measure other data from sensors such as EMG, Strain Gauge, GPS and Kinematics [18].
  • 48. 94 95 TECHNOLOGY ECG DEVICE/SHIMMER SIZE The Shimmer plus ECG expansion module is extremely small. This is key to reducing the invasiveness on the swimmer. The external casing measures 53mm x 32mm x 25mm with a total weight of 50g. Creating your own custom enclosure for the electronics can reduce this weight and size [18]. DATA AQUISITION The ECG module for the Shimmer platform records a 3 lead ECG at customisable sample rates. It is able to store this data on a microSD card for underwater measurement. It also is able to wirelessly stream the data in real time over Bluetooth, which allows for more applications above water. The base module also includes an accelerometer on board. This is a great advantage, as it will record the motion of the chest muscles while swimming. This data should in turn be similar to the motion artifacts on the ECG data. Therefore it can be processed out to get a cleaner signal. It also allows Innosporstslab to calculate stroke frequency. The battery can record data for over 20 hours, perfect for long training sessions. The device uses stock DIN42-802 jacks, which allows users to use or make their own custom cables [18]. PROGRAMMABLE The Shimmer system is completely programmable via the software VMware. This allows for high customization of the device. You can change the amount of data it records, when it records and what it records. This allows for greater person- alization of training sessions. The data can then be easily processed in matlab by Innosportslab scientists [18]
  • 49. 96 97 ASALAB/ANT To test our protoypes, we used an asalab acquisition device by Ant Neuro [1]. It is a hi tech system that can record between 32 nd 256 channels over noise insensitive signals allowing for excellent data transmission even with no shielding. This allowed us to test the progress of our electrodes and get real time feedback on the effect of motion artifacts and the quality of our textrodes. This system allowed us to increase our understanding of medical software and devices. It also made more aware of the different factors in getting a good signal. The placement of electrodes is key to gettting a good signal, aswell the use of a ground cable. TECHNOLOGY
  • 50. 98 99 CONDUCTIVE FABRIC Conductive fabric was chosen as the most viable way to create an integrated electrode (textrode) within the swim- ming suit that would withstand multiple uses. These textiles are an alternative to conventional gel electrodes. These textiles promote a viable way of recording ECG with easy intergration into a suit or garment. Samples where acquired from a range of companies, but Sheildex fabrics by Statex, manufactured in Germany were chosen as the best supplier. These farbics are a staple yarn spun with a blend of normal textile fibres and conductive metallic fibres. Extensive studies have used conductive fabrics for vital signs monitoring in projects such as WELTHY, MYHEART and MAGiC [3] [5] [10] [17]. The Technical University of Lisbon has published a number of research papers into measuring ECG underwater using textrodes, as well as developing a suit called BIOSWIM that measures ECG un- derwater. They’re results showed promising proof that textrodes work underwater and acquire a signal [5] [6] [7]. When using textrodes as dry electrodes above water, there is a large skin-textrode impedance due to the lack of electrolyte gel. This increases noise and decreases signal amplitude. However when underwater, water acts like an electrolyte get, reducing the skin-textrode impedance and allowing for a stronger signal. However water aslo acts as an electric conductor thus reducing the resulting amplitude of the ECG signal [5] [6] [7]. TECHNOLOGY
  • 51. 100 101 CONDUCTIVE FABRIC For our initial test we used Sheildex Bremen Ripstop fabric stitched onto some sample fabric. We then attached this to the ANT system, which proved that Textrodes worked, however the data was high in artifacts and hard to get a full ECG signal from. This was due to poor compression, gel between the skin and the type of fabric. In the double layer prototype we utilized Bremen Ripstop fabric again, but with intergrated with in our 3rd prototype. The suit initially picked up no signal, but when extra pressure was applied to the electrodes, an ECG signal was clear on the ANT system. Artifacts were still apparent in the cables, as they were not shielded. TECHNOLOGY
  • 52. 102 103 In our final prototype, we used Sheilded Medtex 130+B fabric. This medical grade conductive fabric, which means it is antibacterial and can be used on a number of swimmers. It’s a 2 way stretch fabric, so it is able to fit to each swimmers body. We utilised elastics as tight compression to reduce movement and create a tight connection with the body. The result of this was a superb ECG signal with little artifacts even with movement. The stretching of the textrode seem to have little effect on the quality of the signal because once stretched it did not move.CONDUCTIVE FABRIC TECHNOLOGY
  • 53. 104 105 DATA RECORDING TECHNOLOGY We have been recording data from before the third prototype until the the latest prototypes. First, we used the ANT system to record, to make sure that the data was good enough or to try to improve something regarding the conductive fabric, or anything that had to do with compressions, etc. When we considered the contact with the body to be the best that we could achieve, we went to try it underwater with the Shimmer. We were not sure if there was data recorded or not, since we didn’t know if the shielded cables would short circuit underwater. Fortunately, Sander did filter the data and managed to see the signal the suit was collecting. With the Shimmer we tried underwater, as well as out of the water in order to compare and evaluate the differences. Sander’s impressions were very positive. He considers the data recorded underwater very good and he points out that it could definitely be used in training scenarios.
  • 55. 108 109 FINAL PROTOTYPE The final prototype was the same as prototype number 6 but including two additions and an improvement. The first addition was to integrate the electronics inside the suit, and the second was to add an outer layer of Politex* material for aesthetic purposes. The improvement we made was in terms of patterning: we adjusted the neckline even more in order to avoid the material to move inside the water due to currents formed under the chin.
  • 57. 112 113 FINAL EXHIBITON The final exhibition was an excellent opportunity to show our proposal and get all kinds of feed- back. We used most of the feedback to set new goals for the “next steps”. Most of the people found our prototypes very feminine, it is curious because that was the first impression. On the other hand, in the swimmers environment no one commented anything similar to that, they are willing to improve their training quality regardless of how the device to measure ECG looks as long as it’s comfortable and lets them swim normally.
  • 58. 114 115 NEXT STEPS After all the work, we saw room for improvement. If we were to continue with this project, we would need to consider this list of factors: - Make further research into more materials for the suit, considering the weight, elasticity underwater and its behaviour in chlorine environment. - Find other ways to integrate the conductive fabric into the suit. - Experiment with elastic cables or other types of cables to see which is the best way to inte grate them into the elastics and suit. - More underwater testing with Shimmer in various training situations. - Developing a way of waterproofing the Shimmer that allows easy access to the data trans mission once out of water. - Look and learn at a professional swimming brand in order to study how they make their suits, to make it resemble a real swimsuit as much as possible.
  • 59. 116 117 RESEARCH APPENDIXResearch was carried out at the begin- ning of this project to compile an archive of existing products, research prototypes, manufacturing techniques, textiles and different techniques of measuring ECG. Through this research we were able to provide a reference going foward on previous to show us what had and had not worked. It also to exploit problems that had not been solved and fill a gap in the market. Brand: Sheildex® Type: Medtex® 130+B Material: 99.9% Pure Silver Plated Nylon. 78%Nylon, 22% elastomer Form: Knit Resistance: Average <5 Ohms Weight: 140g/m2 Thickness:0.45mm Stretch: Double Stretch Direction Data Sheet: Medtex%20130.pdf Brand: Sheildex® Type: Curtain – 2611 Mesh Fabric Material: High conductive silver plated nylon elastic Form: Knit Mesh. Resistance: <1 Ohms Weight: 28g/m2 Thickness: 0.23mm Stretch: None Data Sheet: pdfs/2611.pdf Brand: Sheildex® Type: Bremen-RS Bremen Mil-Std-285 Modified Material: Silver plated Nylon fabric. Form: Rip-Stop Resistance: < 0.5 Ohms Weight: 48 g/m2 ± 15% Thickness: 0,120 mm Stretch: None Data Sheet. men.pdf Brand: Sheildex® Type: Technik-tex P 130 + B Material: 99% pure Silver Plating. 78% Polyamide + 22% Elastomer. Form: Knit Resistance: <5 ohms Weight: 135g/m2 ± 10% Thickness: 132cm ± 5cm Stretch: Double stretch direction Data Sheet: Via Email Brand: Sheildex® Type: Technik-tex P 180 + B Material: 99% pure Silver Plating. 94% Polyamide + 6% Dorlastan. Form: Knit Resistance: < 0.5 Ohms Weight: 220g/m2 ± 10% Thickness: 0.55mm ± 10% Stretch: Single direction Data Sheet: Via Email Brand: Sheildex® Type: Silverjersey Material: PA 16% with 99% pure Silver / 84% Modal Form: Jersey Yarn Knit – Plated Yarn Resistance: < 5 Ohms Weight: 137g/m2 ± 10% Thickness: Data N/A Stretch: None Data Sheet : Via Email CONDUCTIVE FABRIC /SAMPLES
  • 60. 118 119 Brand: Sheildex® Type: Supertext P130+AT Material: 78% Polyamide + 22% Elastomer 99% pure Silver Form: Knit Resistance: < 1 Ohms Weight: 155g/m2 ± 10% Thickness: 0.50mm ± 10% Stretch: Double Direction Data Sheet: Via Email. Brand: Sheildex® Type: Supertex P180 + AT Material: 94% Polyamide + 6% Dorlastan 99% pure Silver Form: Knit Resistance: < 1 Ohms Weight: 165g/m2 ± 10% Thickness: 0.57mm ± 10% Stretch: Single Direction Data Sheet: Via Email Brand: Sheildex® Type: Silverknit Material: PA 34% with 99% pure Silver / 58% Cotton / 8% Lycra Form: 3 way bonded Resistance: 0.8 -1.2 Ohms Weight: 160—180 g/m2 Thickness: NA Stretch: One direction Data Sheet: Via Email Brand: Sheildex® Type: SilverCurtain Material: Nylon, Silver Plating Form: Knit Resistance: 0.8 -1.2 Ohms Weight: 30-35g/m2 Thickness: 0.22mm Stretch: None Data Sheet: Via Email Brand: Sheildex® Type: 235/34 dtex Material: Silver Plated Nylon 66, Form: Multi String Yarn Resistance: 10-30 ohm/cm Brand: Sheildex® Type: 110/34 dtex Material: Silver Plated Nylon 66 Form: Multi String Yarn Resistance: < 30 ohm/cm Brand: Karl Grimm® Type: 7077 High Flex with Kevlar Material: Silver Plated Copper and Kevlar Form: 2 Ribbon Multi Filament Yarn Resistance (Ω/m):: 2.9 Twisting: 3x1 Diameter (mm): 0.52 Brand: Karl Grim® Type: 7314 High Flex with Kevlar Material: Tin Coated Copper and Kevlar Form: Single Ribbon Multi filament Yarn Resistance (Ω/m): 0.85 Twisting: 7x1 Diameter (mm): 0.65 Brand: Karl Grim® Type: 8325 High Flex with Vectran Material: Vectran with Copper and Silver Plating Form: Single Ribbon Resistance (Ω/m): Twisting: Diameter (mm): Brand: Karl Grim® Type: 3981 High Flex Material: Sliver Plated Copper Form: Single Ribbon Resistance (Ω/m): 1.2 Twisting: 7x1 Diameter (mm): 0.5 Brand: Karl Grim® Type: 3981 High Flex Material: Copper Form: Multi Filament Yarn. Resistance (Ω/m): 2.3 Twisting: 7x1 Diameter (mm): .42 Brand: Karl Grim® Type: 3981 High Flex Material: Silver Plated Copper Form: Multi Filament Yarn Resistance (Ω/m): 2.3 Twisting: 7x1 Diameter (mm): 0.42 Brand: Karl Grim® Type: 3981 High Flex Material: Tin coated Copper Form: Multi Filament Yarn Resistance (Ω/m): 2.3 Twisting: 7x1 Diameter (mm): 0.42 Brand: Karl Grim® Type: 3981 High Flex Material: Silver Coated Copper Form: Multi Filament Yarn Resistance (Ω/m): .45 Twisting: 7x5 Diameter (mm): 0.9 CONDUCTIVE FABRIC /SAMPLES CONDUCTIVE YARN /SAMPLES
  • 61. 120 121 INTELESENS -MONITORING EQUIPMENT ST&D electrodes Intelesens is a Dublin based company that focuses on smart sensor and electrode technology for hos- pital and home use. They have developed a number of products that all incorporate wireless monitoring over long periods of time. These products include Zensor, V-Patch and Aingeal. The main difference in these products is the use of long term disposable electrodes that do not cause skin irritance. Another point that sets these prdoducts apart are their sleek interfaces and product design. These are one of the only sets of products that look functional as well as aesthetically pleasing that are on the market to date. Aingeal & Zensor- This design utilizes a revolutionary new electrode patch system that can be worn for 48 hours (zensor 7 days) with little motion artifacts and irritation. Real time monitoring and analysis of respiration and 2 lead ECG signals aswell as skin temperature and activity by a 3-axis accelerometer Advantages: Up to 48 hours use, Recognition and notification of specific cardiac events, Pre and post event data recording, Out of range detection and alert to patient, Minimum signal path from electrode to electronics produces clearer signals, miniaturised, reusable, body-worn wireless sensor compact and lightweight design. Disadvantages: Electrodes are not reusable, not waterproof, cables are loose, wireless does not work underwater, Only 2 lead. V-Patch- This design is for monitoring outside the hospital, where datat is wirelessly uploaded onto a web based platform for real-time analysis Events are automatically detected and recorded, producing a diagnostic quality 3-lead ECG,. The design of the patch is compact to wear, ensuring greater compliance, and can be worn for 7 days without changing and minimal motion artifacts. Advantages: Long use time, compact design, wireless upload to web platform, alerts physians about possible heart problems, compact, non irritating. Disadvantages: One use’s electrodes, loose cables, no wireless underwater, not waterproof. MagIC system (Maglietta interattiva computerizzata) MagIC is a garmet designed to be worn to detect heart and respitory functions through smart textiles. The suit uses conductive fibres to transmit signals from sensors to a portable electronic board on the suit. Elastic fibres around the thorax allow for compression while monitoring ECG. It has been tested during movement and artifacts are minimal. Advantages: Complete integration with conductive fibres for signal transmission, washable, multiple use, portable. Disadvantages: Not on the market, still in development, only 1 lead ecg – not deatailed enough, con- ductive transmission will not work underwater, will need to be shielded [7]. BIOSWIM; Body Interface System based on Wearable Integration Monitoring BIOSWIM is a research project performed by universities around Portugal that aims to crates an “au- tonomous instrumented swimsuit, capable of recording several signals available in real time for ob- servation and also for later analysis”. This project looks at a higher level of integration of sensors, by knitting the sensors seamlessly into the garment. The system is a full compression suit that monitors performance, EMG and ECG. It wirelessly transmits the data by antenna Advantages: Works underwater, High Compression means minimal artifacts, wirelessly transmits data through antenna, full integration of sensors in the yarn, completely autonomous, reusable and comfort- able. Disadvantages: Entire swim suit, labour intensive construction, custom made for each swimmer. Re- cords more data than necessary. Not in production [8]. ANT: asalab Asalab developed by ant neural is in fact an EEG machine by trait, but can be configured to record ECG measurements. It is a hi tech system that can record between 32 and 256 channels over noise insensi- tive signals allowing for excellent data transmission even with no shielding. This state of the art system can measure many parameters at once at a very high resolution. Advantages: Can measure 8 channel ECG at very high quality – no shielding needed, - no noise, com- pletely customizable and programmable. Disadvantages: Very large, not designed for ECG, Expensive. [1] RESEARCH /EXISTING PRODUCTS RESEARCH /EXISTING PRODUCTS
  • 62. 122 123 SHIMMER RESEARCH PLATFORM Shimmer research platform allows for the measuring of multiple physiological and biometric systems through the use of different sensors. It can record and transmit data in real time over wireless or store on an SD card. It measures 4 lead ECG data that can be programmed to the users needs. Advantages: Sensor unit is cheap, Bluetooth technology for out of water transmitting, small – 4 leads – Can store data on SD card – Configurable Hardware Disadvantages: Not water proof, not wireless underwater – Possibly not enough channels to record detailed enough ECG[18]. WEALTHY Wealthy is a garment that incorporates sensors and electrodes through conductive and peizoresistive materials. These materials are connected to an electronic portable unit to process and transmit these signals to a computer. The aim is simultaneous recording of vital signs to create a synoptic patient table and alert messages over a long period of time. Designed to be used in intensive care units for manage- ment of critically ill patients, measuring respiratory function and heart rate. Advantages: A full garment, monitors multiple signals, integrates conductive yarns, local processing on garment, multiple parameters. Disadvantages: Not waterproof, not compressive to minimize motion artifacts, not in productions, wire- less wont work underwater. [3] MYHEART MyHeart is a European Union project that creates a new system of rehabilitation in preventing cardio- vascular problems. It involves a textile sensor garment worn by patients. This suit can be involved in a variety of scenarios, from Heart care, to training and exercise and use on chronically ill patients. The idea is for the system to gather data from Vital sign sensors, such as ECG. This data is then provided back to the user to show them how their body is coping with the activity and gives them recommenda- tions and overview on their health. This data can also be sent to physician’s aswell for further analysis. Advantages: Gives users real time feedback and reccomendations, reusable textrode suit. Disadvantages: The system is based on a bigger conceptual plan of patient rehabilitation rather than a detailed electrode suit, not in production, not for underwater [7]. FREELAP - Free lap is the existing product used by the Innosports lab to monitor the swimmers while training. Advantages: Works underwater, stores data, non invasive, minimal impact on swimming Disadvantages: Only l lead, not detailed enough, motion artifacts coause to much noise, loose signal more often than not. HOSAND - The Hosand system is used to measure heart rate online when swimmers are submerged in cold water before in-between trainings (not moving). The problem with this system is that it gives a 4 second aver- age of the heart rate, not the beat-to-beat data. For this specific situation, it is important to get continu- ous data during the session. Advantages: Comfortable suit, measures underwater, streams online Disadvantages: 4second average of Heart rate, not beat to beat ECG. POLAR TEAM 2 - The Polar Team 2 system is used to measure resting heart rate and heart rate variability with up to 10 swimmers simultaneously. These Measurements take place several times per week just before morn- ing sessions. Data is used to measure the parasympathetic/orthosympathetic balance of the swimmers, or in other words: are they in recovery mode or ready for high loads. Advantages; Measures multiple swimmers Disadvantages: Un-useable underwater because belt slides off, not wireless underwater RESEARCH /EXISTING PRODUCTS RESEARCH /EXISTING PRODUCTS
  • 63. 124 125 VITALJACKET - VitalJacket, developed by Biodevices, is a commercially available ECG monitoring shirt. It uses a com- pact Holter ECG system to measure ECG over 5 leads. It uses conductive film to create cabling to a small storage and wireless device that sends real time data over Bluetooth to its own developed soft- ware. It uses disposable electrodes rather than textile electrodes. Advantages: Commercially available product, 5 lead ECG, small and compact acquisition device, wash- able garment Disadvantages: Uses disposable electrodes, not waterproof, no wireless underwater, not enough com- pression to reduce severe motion artifacts NUUBO nECG - The nuubo nECG is cardiac monitoring garment that focuses on its special e-textile technology, the BlendFix®sensor. This sensor integrates into a suit with a various number of leads. It is cost-effective, wearable, remote, continuous and non-invasive. This sensor uses an elastic textile with minimal mo- tion artifacts. The nECG platform can be used simultaneously for both individuals and large number of patients. It can be used with minimal impact on patient lifestyle, and is capable of being used in real- time and for continuous recording. It comes with personalized software that works with the monitor. Advantages: High detail ECG from multiple leads, commercially viable, comfortable and non invasive. Disadvantages: Not for use underwater, no wireless/data sorage for underwater ARDUINO EKG-EMG SHEILD - The EKG shield as an add on for the open source controller Arduino. It stacks on top and allows for 6 inputs to create ECG or EMG visualisations. Advantages: Low Cost, programmable to out needs, medium sized. Disadvantages: Not waterproof, need protecting, no data storage. Silver Chloride Electrodes -(Ag-AgCl) Standard Medical Electrodes. Low polarization, stable skin electrode impedance – acquires good signal. Have to be used with hydro gel to improve connection. Largest part of them is the adhesive area to make sure no movement appears in the connection. Textile Electrodes Sensory areas of textile electrodes present a much higher ductility than normal electrodes. Can adapt to a range of contours on the body. Textile integration means they can be reused. Permeability to air and water prevents skin irritation. This can be improved by balancing the ph of the fabric. The larger area textile sensors can cover means them minimize skin impedance to reduce noise and have a better contact with the skin. Conductive Rubber - MIRAESANG Engineering co These electrodes are made from Silicone Rubber with a nickel coated filler material. The electrodes are thin, flexible and are able to be integrated into garments for non invasive monitoring. They have a very good long-term stability due to the chemically inert material along with little to no slin irritation. The electrodes also maintain their properties through washing. They are possibly less comfortable than tex- tile electrodes and can be susceptible to motion artifacts, requiring adequate compression to reduce this. Sheilded cable should be used to connect to the amplification device and if conductive connecting yarn is used, it must be isolated. RESEARCH /EXISTING PRODUCTS
  • 64. 126 127 Fabric Electrodes – Flat knitting technology. Flat knitting allows a topographical style of application, where the fabric electrode is sewn on to the garment. This can be achived by using commerical machines such as the Steiger Flat knitting machine. It involves standard commercial stainless steel thread twisted around cot- ton textile yarn to create a textile electorde. The quality of signal gathered during movement can be improved by coupling the fabric elec- trodes with a hydro gel membrane. The PH levels of hydro gel should be neutral as to not cause skin irritation. (Not need for underwater applications.) [14] Fabric Electrodes – Seamless Knitting Technology. This technique involves using a base yarn, an anti bacterial fabric and sewing stainless steel yarns or cunductive yarns directily into the fabric. This alows for a “seamless intergration” of the electrode into the garment. The seamless intergration is created by expensive indus- truial machines such as the Santorini sewing machine. This technique allows for a more complex distribution of the sensors throughout the gar- ment [14]. Knitted Piezoresistive Fabric - Seamless knitting technology Piezoresistive fabrics are often resistive across distance (x,y) but have a resistance that decreases under pressure (mechanical stress) through a material. Peizoresistive materials alow for making pressure, bend and stretch sensors. In terms of intergration within fabric, they can applied to garments using Santoni seamless machines using the intarsia technique. Fields of different colours and materials ap- pear to be inlaid in one another, but are in fact all separate pieces, fit together like a jigsaw puzzle [14]. Printed Piezoresistive Fabric relized by Serigraphy technology This techniques is similar to screen printing, which involves a modifies conductive silicone with a reduce viscocity. This allows the use of an industrial coating process. The silicone or elastomer then coast the elasctic substrate or base to create a desired sensor topography. The senors and connections can be created with the same material [14] Printing through Conductive Inks. (study of vital signs monitoring in swimming) These materials may be classed as fired high solids systems or PTF polymer thick film systems that allow circuits to be drawn or printed on a variety of substrate materials such as polyester to paper. These types of materials usually contain conductive materials such as pow- dered or flaked silver and carbon like materials. This production technique allows complete flexibility of the design pattern and placement of elctrodes on the substrate. This additive production process creates no wasted materials [14] [1] Asalab, “Turnkey Solutions for ERP Research,” Advanced Neuro Technology B.V., Enschede, The Netherlands, 2010 [2] A. E. Aubert , F. Beckers, B. Seps, “Heart Rate Variability in Athletes”, Laboratory of Experimental Cardiology, School of Medicine, K.U. Leu ven, Leuven, Belgium, Sports Med 2003; 33 (12): 889-919, 2003 [3] L. Bourdon, D. Cianflone, S Coli et al., “First Results with the Wealthy Garment ElectroCardiogram Monitoring System” Computers in Cardi- ology, p615 - 618, 2005, DOI 10.1109/CIC.2005.1588176 [4] S. Bouwstra, Smart Jacket, Final Master project by Sibrecht Bouwstra, Indus- trial design, TU/e NICU, Maxima Medisch Centrum Veldhoven, 2008 [5] A.Catarino, H. Carvalho, A. M. Rocha et al., “BIOSIGNAL MONITORING IMPLEMENTED IN A SWIMSUIT FOR ATHLETE PERFORMANCE EVALU- ATION” Faculty of Architecture, Technical University of Lisbon, Department of Art and Design, Portugal, Center of Textile Sciences and Technol- ogy, University of Minho, Portugal, AUTEX 2011 Conference, June 2011. [6] A.Catarino, H. Carvalho, A. M. Rocha et al .,“Study of vital sign monitoring with textile sensors in swimming pool environment” University of Minho, Technical University of Lisbon Industrial Electronics, 2009. IECON ‘09. 35th Annual Conference of IEEE: 4426 – 4431, DOI 10.1109/ IECON.2009.5414898 [7] A.Catarino, H. Carvalho, A. M. Rocha et al.,, “TEXTILE SENSORS FOR ECG AND RESPIRATORY FREQUENCY ON SWIMSUITS” Technical Uni- versity of Lisbon, Faculdade de Arquitectura, Alto da Ajuda - 1349-055 Lisboa, Portugal, 2009. [8] G. Cea E. Gaeta, “AmIRTEM: A Functional Model for Training of Aerobic Endurance for Health Improvements” IEEE Transactions on Biomedi- cal Engineering, Vol. 59, No. 11, November 2012. DOI 10.1109/TBME.2012.2207953 [9] S. Ganzevles. (2013, 05, 28). ECG & Heart Reate Information [Email]. Available e-mail: Sander Ganzevles [10] J. Habetha, M. Harris, “The MyHeart Project: A Framework for Personal Health Care Applications” Philips Research, Aachen, Germany, Computers in Cardiology 2007;34:137−140. RESEARCH /ELECTRODE TECHNIQUES RESEARCH /REFERENCES
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