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International Journal of Engineering Research and Development
e-ISSN: 2278-067X, p-ISSN: 2278-800X,
Volume 3, Issue 2 (August 2012), PP. 35-40

  Fixed Point Theorems for Mappings under General Contractive
                   Condition of Integral Type
                        Shailesh T. Patel, Sunil Garg, Dr.Ramakant Bhardwaj,
                                                       The student of Singhania University
                                                         Senior Scientist,MPCST Bhopal
                                    Truba Institute of Engineering & Information Technology,Bhopal(M.P.)

Abstract––In the present paper, we establish a fixed point theorem for a mapping and a common fixed point theorem for
a pair of mappings for rational expression. The mapping involved here generalizes various type of contractive mappings
in integral setting.

Keywords––Fixed point, Common Fixed point, complete metric space, Continuous Mapping, Compatible Mapping

                                        I.               INTRODUCTION AND PRELIMINARIES
Impact of fixed point theory in different branches of mathematics and its applications is immense.The first important result
on fixed point for contractive type mapping was the much celebrated Banach’s contraction principle by S.Banach [1] in
1922. In the general setting of complete metric space,this theorem runs as follows(see Theorem 2.1,[4] or,Theorem
1.2.2,[10]) In the present paper we will find some fixed point and common fixed point theorems for rational expression,
which will satisfy the well known results. I have developed new result in above theorem with rational expression, by using
R.Bhardwaj,Some common fixed point theorem in Metric space using integral type mappings[12].

Theorem 1.1 (Banach’s contraction principal)
Let (X,d) be a complete matric space,cє(0,1) and f:X→X be a mapping such that for each x,yєX,
d(fx,fy) ≤ c d(x,y)                                                         …………………(1.1)
then f has a unique fixed point aєX,such that for each xєX, lim                                        f n x  a.
                                                                                               n 
after this classical result , Kannaan [5] gave a substantially new contractive mapping to prove fixed point theorem.Since then
a number of mathematicians have been working on fixed point theory dealing with mappings satisfying various type of
contractive conditions(see[3],[5],[7],[8],[9] and [11] for details).
In 2002,A.Branciari [2] analyzed the existence of fixed point for mapping f defined on a complete matric space (X,d)
satisfying a general contractive condition of integral type.

Theorem 1.2 (Branciari)
Let (X,d) be a complete matric space,cє(0,1) and f:X→X be a mapping such that for each x,yєX,
d ( fx , fy )         d ( x, y )

       (t )dt  c   (t )dt
     0                     0

Where        :[0,+∞)→[0,+∞) is a Lesbesgue-integrable mapping which is summable(i.e.with finite integral) on each compact
subset of [0,+∞),nonnegative,and such that for each є>0,                                    (t )dt ,then f has a unique fixed point aєX,such that for each

xєX, lim        f x  a.
         n 
After the paper of Branciari, a lot of research works have been carried out on generalizing contractive conditions of integral
type for different contractive mappings satisfying various known prpperties. A fine work has been done by Rhoades [6]
extending the result of Branciari by replacing the condition (1.2) by the following
                                                                [ d ( x , fy )  d ( y , fx )]
                      max{d ( x , y ),d ( x , fx ),d ( y , fy ),                              }
d ( fx , fy )                                                                  2

       (t )dt  c
                                                           (t )dt

The aim of this paper is to generalize some mixed type of contractive conditions to the mapping and then a pair of mappings
satisfying a general contractive condition of integral type,which includes several known contractive mappings such as
Kannan type [5],Chatterjea type [3],Zamfirescu type [11],etc.

Fixed Point Theorems for Mappings under General Contractive Condition of Integral Type
                                                                                           II.             MAIN RESULTS
Let f beaself mapping of a complete matric space (x,d) satisfying the following condition:
d ( fx , fy )                      [ d ( x , fx )  d ( y , fy )]                 d ( x, y )                       max{d ( x , fy ),d ( y , fx )}

       (t )dt  
                                                  (t )dt     (t )dt  
                                                0                                      0
                                                                                                                                     (t )dt 
                                                                                                     d ( x , fy )  d ( y , fx )  d ( x , fx )
                                                                                                     1 d ( x , fy ).d ( y , fx ).d ( x , fx )

                                                                                                                         (t )dt

For each x,yєX with non-negative reals  ,  ,  ,  , such that 0< 2                                                                     2  3                 <1,
where         : R  R                     is a Lesbesgue-integrable mapping which is summable(i.e.with finite integral) on each compact

                                                                                                            (t )dt …………….(2.2)
subset of R               ,nonnegative,and such that for each є>0,

Then f has a unique fixed point zєX,such that for each xєX, lim                                                              f n x  z.
                                                                                                                   n 

Proof: Let x0єX and, for brevity,definexn=fxn-1.For each integer n≥1,from (2.1) we get,
d ( Xn, Xn1)                     d ( fXn 1, fXn )

           (t )dt 
                                             (t )dt
         [ d ( Xn1, Xn )  d ( Xn, Xn 1)]                                       d ( Xn1, Xn )                       max{d ( Xn1, Xn1),d ( Xn, Xn )}

                              (t )dt
                                                                                            (t )dt  
                                                                                                                                                (t )dt

                      d ( Xn 1, Xn1)  d ( Xn, Xn )  d ( Xn 1, Xn )
                      1 d ( Xn 1, Xn 1).d ( Xn, Xn ).d ( Xn 1, Xn )

                                                     (t )dt
         [ d ( Xn1, Xn )  d ( Xn, Xn 1)]                       d ( Xn1, Xn )                         d ( Xn1, Xn1)

                              (t )dt
                                                                        (t )dt  
                                                                                                                   (t )dt 
                                                              d ( Xn1, Xn1)  d ( Xn1, Xn )

                                                                                    (t )dt
                                                                                       d ( Xn1, Xn )                                                 d ( Xn, Xn1)

                                      (      2 )                                           (t )dt  (     )   (t )dt
                                                                                                 0                                                         0
Which implies that
d ( Xn, Xn1)                                                d ( Xn1, Xn )

           (t )dt  (                                               (t )dt
                                          2
                                     1             )
         0                                                          0
                d ( Xn, Xn1)                       d ( Xn1, Xn)

                        (t )dt  h   (t )dt
                                                                                                                                                2
And so,                                                                                                            where             h=      1  
                                                                                                                                                         <1           …………..(2.3)
                      0                                       0
Thus by routine calculation,
                  d ( Xn, Xn 1)                             d ( X 0 , X1 )

                            (t )dt  h                              (t )dt

                          0                                         0                                                                                                       ……………(2.4)
                                                                                       d ( Xn, Xn1)

Taking limit of (2.4) as n→∞, we get                                          lim
                                                                               n                   (t )dt  0

Which,from (2.2) implies that                                                                    lim d ( Xn, Xn  1)  0                                                    ……………(2.5)

Fixed Point Theorems for Mappings under General Contractive Condition of Integral Type
We now show that {Xn} is a Cauchy sequence. Suppose that it is not. Then there exists an ϵ˃0 and subsequences {m(p)} and
{n(p)} such that m(p)˂n(p)˂m(p+1) with
          d(Xm(p),Xn(P))≥є, d(Xm(p),Xn(P)-1)<є                                                   ……………(2.6)
           d(Xm(p)-1,Xn(P)-1)≤ d(Xm(p)-1,Xm(P))+ d(Xm(p),Xn(P)-1)
                            <d(Xm(p)-1,Xm(P))+є                                         …………..(2.7)
                          d ( Xm ( p ) 1,, Xn ( p ) 1)                  
Hence            lim
                     p                        (t )dt    (t)dt
                                            o                             o                                                                                           ……………(2.8)

Using (2.3),(2.6) and (2.8) we get
                                               d ( Xm( p ),, Xn( p ))                 d ( Xm( p ) 1,, Xn ( p ) 1)                  

                   (t)dt 
                                                             (t )dt  h
                                                                                                             (t )dt  h  (t )dt
                                                                                                           o                          o
Which is a contradiction, since hє(0,1). Therefore {Xn} is Cauchy, hence convergent. Call the limit z.
From (2.1) we get
d ( fz , Xn1)                                  [ d ( z , fz )  d ( Xn, Xn1)]                d ( z , Xn)                      max{d ( z , Xn1),d ( Xn, fz )}

           (t )dt
                                                                    (t )dt  
                                                                                                       (t )dt  
                                                                                                                                                      (t )dt

                                                             d ( z , Xn1)  d ( Xn, fz )  d ( z , fz )
                                                             1 d ( z , Xn1).d ( Xn, fz ).d ( z , fz )

                                                                                   (t )dt

Taking limit as n→∞, we get
                 d ( fz , z )                                                              d ( z , fz )

                       (t )dt
                                                           (    2 )                          (t )dt
                                                                                      d ( fz , z )

                 2    2  3                                   <1,                     (t )dt  0

Which, from (2.2), implies that d(fz,z)=0 or fz=z.
Next suppose that w (≠ z) be another fixed point of f. Then from (2.1) we have
d ( z , w)                      d ( fz , fw )

       (t )dt 
                                       (t )dt
d ( z , w)                                       [ d ( z , fz )  d ( w, fw )]            d ( z , w)                         max{d ( z , fw ),d ( w, fz )}

       (t )dt
                                                                (t )dt     (t )dt  
                                                                0                               0
                                                                                                                                              (t )dt 

                                                                                                    d ( z , fw )  d ( w, fz )  d ( z , fz )
                                                                                                    1 d ( z , fw ).d ( w, fz ).d ( z , fz )

                                                                                                                        (t )dt
                                                                                            d ( z , w)

                                                           (     2 )                         (t )dt

                                                                                                                            d ( z , w)

                                          2                     <1 this implies that, ,                                      (t )dt  0
Which from (2.2), implies that d(z,w)=0 or, z=w and so the fixed point is unique.

Fixed Point Theorems for Mappings under General Contractive Condition of Integral Type
Remark. On setting  (t )  1 over R+, the contractive condition of                                                             integral type transforms into a general contractive
condition not involving integrals.

Remark. From condition (2.1) of integraltype,several contractive mappings of integral type can be obtained.
1.        0      є(0, 1 ) gives Kannanof integral type.
                             2        and

2.       0 and   (0, 1 ) gives Chatterjea [3] map of integral type.

Theorem 2.3. Let f and g be self mappings of a complete metric space (X,d) satisfying the following condition:
d ( fx , gy )                             [ d ( x , fx )  d ( y , gy )]             d ( x, y )                       max{d ( x , gy ),d ( y , fx )}

       (t )dt
                                                       (t )dt  
                                                                                          (t )dt  
                                                                                                                                        (t )dt 

                                                                                             d ( x , gy )  d ( y , fx )  d ( x , fx )
                                                                                             1 d ( x , gy ).d ( y , fx ).d ( x , fx )

                                                                                                                 (t )dt
                                                                                                                 0                             ………………(2.9)
For each x,yєX with nonnegative reals  ,  ,  ,  such that                                                2    2  3                    <1,    where                                   :
                                                                                                                                                                                                   
R R                    is a Lesbesgue-integrable mapping which is summable(i.e.with finite integral) on each compact subset of R
,nonnegative,and such that for each є>0,                                 (t )dt …………….(2.10)
Then f and g have a unique common fixed point zєX.

Proof. Let x0єX and, for brevity,define x2n+1=fx2n and x2n+2=gx2n+1. For each integer n≥0, from (2.9) we get,
d ( X 2 n 1, X 2 n  2 )          d ( fX 2 n , gX 2 n 1)

              (t )dt 
                                                (t )dt
         [ d ( X 2 n , X 2 n 1)  d ( X 2 n 1, X 2 n  2 )]                                d ( X 2 n , X 2 n 1)                   max{d ( X 2 n , X 2 n  2 ),d ( X 2 n 1, X 2 n 1)}

                                 (t )dt
                                                                                                        (t )dt  
                                                                                                                                                                  (t )dt

                     d ( X 2 n , X 2 n  2 )  d ( X 2 n 1, X 2 n 1)  d ( X 2 n , X 2 n 1)
                     1 d ( X 2 n , X 2 n  2 ).d ( X 2 n 1, X 2 n 1).d ( X 2 n , X 2 n 1)

                                                             (t )dt

                                                                              d ( X 2 n , X 2 n 1)                                           d ( X 2 n 1, X 2 n  2 )

                                  (      2 )                                       (t )dt  (     )
                                                                                                                                                           (t )dt
Which implies that
d ( X 2 n 1, X 2 n  2 )                                   d ( X 2 n , X 2 n 1)

              (t )dt  (                                              (t )dt
                                           2
                                       1          )
             0                                                        0
                              d ( X 2 n 1, X 2 n  2 )                d ( X 2 n , X 2 n 1)

                                            (t )dt  h                           (t )dt where
                                                                                                                                       2
                 And so,                                                                                                     h=     1  
                                                                                                                                                <1             ………….(2.11)
                                          0                                      0
                 d ( X 2 n , X 2 n 1)               d ( X 2 n 1, X 2 n )

Similarly                   (t )dt  h                          (t )dt
                          0                                     0                                                                              ………….(2.12)

Thus in general, for all n=1,2,……………
                                 d ( Xn, Xn1)                        d ( Xn1, Xn)

                                           (t )dt  h                        (t )dt
                                          0                                  0                                                                                             ………….(2.13)

Fixed Point Theorems for Mappings under General Contractive Condition of Integral Type

Thus by routine calculation, we have
                 d ( Xn, Xn 1)                          d ( X 0 , X1 )

                             (t )dt  h                       (t )dt

                           0                                   0
                                                                                d ( Xn, Xn1)

Taking limit as n→∞, we get                                               lim
                                                                           n              (t )dt  0

Which,from (2.10) implies that                                                              lim d ( Xn, Xn  1)  0                                                           ……………(2.14)
We now show that {Xn} is a Cauchy sequence. Suppose that it is not. Then there exists an є>0 and subsequences {2m(p)}
and {2n(p)} such that p<2m(p)<2n(p) with
         d(X2m(p),X2n(P))≥є, d(X2m(p),X2n(P)-2)<є                                       ……………(2.15)
          d(X2m(p),X2n(P))≤ d(X2m(p),X2n(P)-2)+ d(X2n(p)-2,X2n(P)-1)+ d(X2n(p)-1,X2n(P))
                           <є+d(X2n(p)-2,X2n(P)-1)+ d(X2n(p)-1,X2n(P)) ……………(2.16)
                           d ( X 2 m ( p ), X 2 n ( p ))           
Hence            lim
                       p                   (t )dt    (t)dt
                                         o                          o                                                                                                         ……………(2.17)

Then by (2.13) we get

                       d ( X 2 m ( p ),, X 2 n ( p ))              d ( X 2 m ( p ) 1,, X 2 n ( p ) 1)

                                       (t )dt  h
                                                                                      (t )dt
                                                               d ( X 2 m ( p ) 1,, X 2 m ( p ))           d ( X 2 m ( p ),, X 2 n ( p ))       d ( X 2 n ( p ) 1, X 2 n ( p ))

                                                      h[                         (t )dt
                                                                                                                         (t )dt 
                                                                                                                                                                (t )dt ]

Taking limit as p→∞ we get
                                                              

                                      (t )dt  h  (t )dt
                                    0                           0

Which is a contradiction, since hє(0,1). Therefore {Xn} is Cauchy, hence convergent. Call the limit z.
From (2.9) we get
d ( fz , X 2 n  2 )              d ( fz , gX 2 n 1)

          (t )dt 
                                               (t )dt
                           [ d ( z , fz )  d ( X 2 n 1, X 2 n  2 )]          d ( z , X 2 n 1)                  max{d ( z , X 2 n  2 ),d ( X 2 n 1, fz )}

                                                 (t )dt
                                                                                        (t )dt  
                                                                                                                                              (t )dt

                                                         d ( z , X 2 n  2 )  d ( X 2 n 1, fz )  d ( z , fz )
                                                         1 d ( z , X 2 n  2 ).d ( X 2 n 1, fz ).d ( z , fz )

                                                                                     (t )dt

Taking limit as n→∞, we get
                 d ( fz , z )                                                           d ( z , fz )

                         (t )dt
                                                      (    2 )                              (t )dt
                                                                                  d ( fz , z )

                 2    2  3                           <1,                           (t )dt  0

Fixed Point Theorems for Mappings under General Contractive Condition of Integral Type

Which, from (2.10), implies that d(fz,z)=0 or fz=z. Similarly it can be shown that gz=z. So f and g have a common fixed

point zєX. We now show that z is the unique common fixed point of f and g.Ifnot,then let
w (≠ z) be another fixed point of f and g. Then from (2.9) we have
d ( z , w)         d ( fz , gw )

     (t )dt    (t )dt
    o                   o
d ( z , w)                         [ d ( z , fz )  d ( w, gw)]    d ( z , w)                      max{d ( z , gw),d ( w, fz )}

     (t )dt
                                               (t )dt     (t )dt  
                                                0                      0
                                                                                                                     (t )dt 

                                                                           d ( z , gw )  d ( w, fz )  d ( z , fz )
                                                                           1 d ( z , gw ).d ( w, fz ).d ( z , fz )

                                                                                               (t )dt
                                                                    d ( z , w)

                                            (     2 )               (t )dt

                                                                                                   d ( z , w)

                             2                 <1 this implies that, ,                              (t )dt  0
Which from (2.10), implies that d(z,w)=0 or, z=w and so the fixed point is unique.

The authors would like to thank the referee for his comments that helped us improve this article.

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Computer Science and Information Science 3rd semester (2012-December) Questio...
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Research Inventy : International Journal of Engineering and Science
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Ähnlich wie IJERD ( International Journal of Engineering Research and Development IJERD : hard copy of journal, Call for Papers 2012, publishing of journal, journal of science and technology, research paper publishing, where to publish research paper,

Logics of the laplace transform
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Complete l fuzzy metric spaces and common fixed point theorems
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8 fixed point theorem in complete fuzzy metric space 8 megha shrivastava
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International Journal of Computational Engineering Research(IJCER)
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A common fixed point theorem in cone metric spaces
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Supplement to local voatility
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Lesson 31: Evaluating Definite Integrals
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Reflect tsukuba524
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11.some fixed point theorems in generalised dislocated metric spaces
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Some fixed point theorems in generalised dislocated metric spaces
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Coincidence points for mappings under generalized contraction
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Coincidence points for mappings under generalized contractionAlexander Decker

Ähnlich wie IJERD ( International Journal of Engineering Research and Development IJERD : hard copy of journal, Call for Papers 2012, publishing of journal, journal of science and technology, research paper publishing, where to publish research paper, (20)

Solved problems
Solved problemsSolved problems
Solved problems
Logics of the laplace transform
Logics of the laplace transformLogics of the laplace transform
Logics of the laplace transform
Complete l fuzzy metric spaces and common fixed point theorems
Complete l fuzzy metric spaces and  common fixed point theoremsComplete l fuzzy metric spaces and  common fixed point theorems
Complete l fuzzy metric spaces and common fixed point theorems
Existence of Solutions of Fractional Neutral Integrodifferential Equations wi...
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Existence of Solutions of Fractional Neutral Integrodifferential Equations wi...
8 fixed point theorem in complete fuzzy metric space 8 megha shrivastava
8 fixed point theorem in complete fuzzy metric space 8 megha shrivastava8 fixed point theorem in complete fuzzy metric space 8 megha shrivastava
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On fixed point theorems in fuzzy 2 metric spaces and fuzzy 3-metric spaces
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On fixed point theorems in fuzzy 2 metric spaces and fuzzy 3-metric spaces
International Journal of Computational Engineering Research(IJCER)
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International Journal of Computational Engineering Research(IJCER)
A common fixed point theorem in cone metric spaces
A common fixed point theorem in cone metric spacesA common fixed point theorem in cone metric spaces
A common fixed point theorem in cone metric spaces
Supplement to local voatility
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Supplement to local voatility
New Contraction Mappings in Dislocated Quasi - Metric Spaces
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New Contraction Mappings in Dislocated Quasi - Metric Spaces
Fixed points of contractive and Geraghty contraction mappings under the influ...
Fixed points of contractive and Geraghty contraction mappings under the influ...Fixed points of contractive and Geraghty contraction mappings under the influ...
Fixed points of contractive and Geraghty contraction mappings under the influ...
Lesson 31: Evaluating Definite Integrals
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Lesson 31: Evaluating Definite Integrals
Reflect tsukuba524
Reflect tsukuba524Reflect tsukuba524
Reflect tsukuba524
11.some fixed point theorems in generalised dislocated metric spaces
11.some fixed point theorems in generalised dislocated metric spaces11.some fixed point theorems in generalised dislocated metric spaces
11.some fixed point theorems in generalised dislocated metric spaces
Some fixed point theorems in generalised dislocated metric spaces
Some fixed point theorems in generalised dislocated metric spacesSome fixed point theorems in generalised dislocated metric spaces
Some fixed point theorems in generalised dislocated metric spaces
Coincidence points for mappings under generalized contraction
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Coincidence points for mappings under generalized contraction

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  • 1. International Journal of Engineering Research and Development e-ISSN: 2278-067X, p-ISSN: 2278-800X, Volume 3, Issue 2 (August 2012), PP. 35-40 Fixed Point Theorems for Mappings under General Contractive Condition of Integral Type Shailesh T. Patel, Sunil Garg, Dr.Ramakant Bhardwaj, The student of Singhania University Senior Scientist,MPCST Bhopal Truba Institute of Engineering & Information Technology,Bhopal(M.P.) Abstract––In the present paper, we establish a fixed point theorem for a mapping and a common fixed point theorem for a pair of mappings for rational expression. The mapping involved here generalizes various type of contractive mappings in integral setting. Keywords––Fixed point, Common Fixed point, complete metric space, Continuous Mapping, Compatible Mapping I. INTRODUCTION AND PRELIMINARIES Impact of fixed point theory in different branches of mathematics and its applications is immense.The first important result on fixed point for contractive type mapping was the much celebrated Banach’s contraction principle by S.Banach [1] in 1922. In the general setting of complete metric space,this theorem runs as follows(see Theorem 2.1,[4] or,Theorem 1.2.2,[10]) In the present paper we will find some fixed point and common fixed point theorems for rational expression, which will satisfy the well known results. I have developed new result in above theorem with rational expression, by using R.Bhardwaj,Some common fixed point theorem in Metric space using integral type mappings[12]. Theorem 1.1 (Banach’s contraction principal) Let (X,d) be a complete matric space,cє(0,1) and f:X→X be a mapping such that for each x,yєX, d(fx,fy) ≤ c d(x,y) …………………(1.1) then f has a unique fixed point aєX,such that for each xєX, lim f n x  a. n  after this classical result , Kannaan [5] gave a substantially new contractive mapping to prove fixed point theorem.Since then a number of mathematicians have been working on fixed point theory dealing with mappings satisfying various type of contractive conditions(see[3],[5],[7],[8],[9] and [11] for details). In 2002,A.Branciari [2] analyzed the existence of fixed point for mapping f defined on a complete matric space (X,d) satisfying a general contractive condition of integral type. Theorem 1.2 (Branciari) Let (X,d) be a complete matric space,cє(0,1) and f:X→X be a mapping such that for each x,yєX, d ( fx , fy ) d ( x, y )   (t )dt  c   (t )dt 0 0 …………………(1.2) Where  :[0,+∞)→[0,+∞) is a Lesbesgue-integrable mapping which is summable(i.e.with finite integral) on each compact  subset of [0,+∞),nonnegative,and such that for each є>0,   (t )dt ,then f has a unique fixed point aєX,such that for each 0 xєX, lim f x  a. n n  After the paper of Branciari, a lot of research works have been carried out on generalizing contractive conditions of integral type for different contractive mappings satisfying various known prpperties. A fine work has been done by Rhoades [6] extending the result of Branciari by replacing the condition (1.2) by the following [ d ( x , fy )  d ( y , fx )] max{d ( x , y ),d ( x , fx ),d ( y , fy ), } d ( fx , fy ) 2   (t )dt  c 0   (t )dt 0 ………………(1.3) The aim of this paper is to generalize some mixed type of contractive conditions to the mapping and then a pair of mappings satisfying a general contractive condition of integral type,which includes several known contractive mappings such as Kannan type [5],Chatterjea type [3],Zamfirescu type [11],etc. 35
  • 2. Fixed Point Theorems for Mappings under General Contractive Condition of Integral Type II. MAIN RESULTS Let f beaself mapping of a complete matric space (x,d) satisfying the following condition: d ( fx , fy ) [ d ( x , fx )  d ( y , fy )] d ( x, y ) max{d ( x , fy ),d ( y , fx )}   (t )dt   0   (t )dt     (t )dt   0 0   (t )dt  0 d ( x , fy )  d ( y , fx )  d ( x , fx ) 1 d ( x , fy ).d ( y , fx ).d ( x , fx )    (t )dt 0 ……………….(2.1) For each x,yєX with non-negative reals  ,  ,  ,  , such that 0< 2    2  3 <1, where  : R  R is a Lesbesgue-integrable mapping which is summable(i.e.with finite integral) on each compact    (t )dt …………….(2.2)  subset of R ,nonnegative,and such that for each є>0, 0 Then f has a unique fixed point zєX,such that for each xєX, lim f n x  z. n  Proof: Let x0єX and, for brevity,definexn=fxn-1.For each integer n≥1,from (2.1) we get, d ( Xn, Xn1) d ( fXn 1, fXn )   (t )dt  0   (t )dt 0 [ d ( Xn1, Xn )  d ( Xn, Xn 1)] d ( Xn1, Xn ) max{d ( Xn1, Xn1),d ( Xn, Xn )}    (t )dt 0     (t )dt   0   (t )dt 0  d ( Xn 1, Xn1)  d ( Xn, Xn )  d ( Xn 1, Xn ) 1 d ( Xn 1, Xn 1).d ( Xn, Xn ).d ( Xn 1, Xn )    (t )dt 0 [ d ( Xn1, Xn )  d ( Xn, Xn 1)] d ( Xn1, Xn ) d ( Xn1, Xn1)    (t )dt 0    (t )dt   0   (t )dt  0 d ( Xn1, Xn1)  d ( Xn1, Xn )    (t )dt 0 d ( Xn1, Xn ) d ( Xn, Xn1)  (      2 )   (t )dt  (     )   (t )dt 0 0 Which implies that d ( Xn, Xn1) d ( Xn1, Xn )   (t )dt  (   (t )dt       2 1   ) 0 0 d ( Xn, Xn1) d ( Xn1, Xn)   (t )dt  h   (t )dt     2 And so, where h= 1   <1 …………..(2.3) 0 0 Thus by routine calculation, d ( Xn, Xn 1) d ( X 0 , X1 )   (t )dt  h   (t )dt n 0 0 ……………(2.4) d ( Xn, Xn1) Taking limit of (2.4) as n→∞, we get lim n   (t )dt  0 o Which,from (2.2) implies that lim d ( Xn, Xn  1)  0 ……………(2.5) n 36
  • 3. Fixed Point Theorems for Mappings under General Contractive Condition of Integral Type We now show that {Xn} is a Cauchy sequence. Suppose that it is not. Then there exists an ϵ˃0 and subsequences {m(p)} and {n(p)} such that m(p)˂n(p)˂m(p+1) with d(Xm(p),Xn(P))≥є, d(Xm(p),Xn(P)-1)<є ……………(2.6) d(Xm(p)-1,Xn(P)-1)≤ d(Xm(p)-1,Xm(P))+ d(Xm(p),Xn(P)-1) <d(Xm(p)-1,Xm(P))+є …………..(2.7) d ( Xm ( p ) 1,, Xn ( p ) 1)  Hence lim p   (t )dt    (t)dt o o ……………(2.8) Using (2.3),(2.6) and (2.8) we get  d ( Xm( p ),, Xn( p )) d ( Xm( p ) 1,, Xn ( p ) 1)    (t)dt  o   (t )dt  h o   (t )dt  h  (t )dt o o Which is a contradiction, since hє(0,1). Therefore {Xn} is Cauchy, hence convergent. Call the limit z. From (2.1) we get d ( fz , Xn1) [ d ( z , fz )  d ( Xn, Xn1)] d ( z , Xn) max{d ( z , Xn1),d ( Xn, fz )}   (t )dt o    (t )dt   0   (t )dt   0   (t )dt 0  d ( z , Xn1)  d ( Xn, fz )  d ( z , fz ) 1 d ( z , Xn1).d ( Xn, fz ).d ( z , fz )    (t )dt 0 Taking limit as n→∞, we get d ( fz , z ) d ( z , fz )   (t )dt o  (    2 )   (t )dt 0 As d ( fz , z ) 2    2  3 <1,   (t )dt  0 o Which, from (2.2), implies that d(fz,z)=0 or fz=z. Next suppose that w (≠ z) be another fixed point of f. Then from (2.1) we have d ( z , w) d ( fz , fw )   (t )dt  o   (t )dt o d ( z , w) [ d ( z , fz )  d ( w, fw )] d ( z , w) max{d ( z , fw ),d ( w, fz )}   (t )dt o    (t )dt     (t )dt   0 0   (t )dt  0 d ( z , fw )  d ( w, fz )  d ( z , fz ) 1 d ( z , fw ).d ( w, fz ).d ( z , fz )    (t )dt 0 d ( z , w)  (     2 )   (t )dt 0 Since, d ( z , w)     2 <1 this implies that, ,   (t )dt  0 o Which from (2.2), implies that d(z,w)=0 or, z=w and so the fixed point is unique. 37
  • 4. Fixed Point Theorems for Mappings under General Contractive Condition of Integral Type Remark. On setting  (t )  1 over R+, the contractive condition of integral type transforms into a general contractive condition not involving integrals. Remark. From condition (2.1) of integraltype,several contractive mappings of integral type can be obtained. 1.    0  є(0, 1 ) gives Kannanof integral type. 2 and 2.       0 and   (0, 1 ) gives Chatterjea [3] map of integral type. 2 Theorem 2.3. Let f and g be self mappings of a complete metric space (X,d) satisfying the following condition: d ( fx , gy ) [ d ( x , fx )  d ( y , gy )] d ( x, y ) max{d ( x , gy ),d ( y , fx )}   (t )dt o    (t )dt   0   (t )dt   0   (t )dt  0 d ( x , gy )  d ( y , fx )  d ( x , fx ) 1 d ( x , gy ).d ( y , fx ).d ( x , fx )    (t )dt 0 ………………(2.9) For each x,yєX with nonnegative reals  ,  ,  ,  such that 2    2  3 <1, where :    R R is a Lesbesgue-integrable mapping which is summable(i.e.with finite integral) on each compact subset of R  ,nonnegative,and such that for each є>0,   (t )dt …………….(2.10) 0 Then f and g have a unique common fixed point zєX. Proof. Let x0єX and, for brevity,define x2n+1=fx2n and x2n+2=gx2n+1. For each integer n≥0, from (2.9) we get, d ( X 2 n 1, X 2 n  2 ) d ( fX 2 n , gX 2 n 1)   (t )dt  0   (t )dt 0 [ d ( X 2 n , X 2 n 1)  d ( X 2 n 1, X 2 n  2 )] d ( X 2 n , X 2 n 1) max{d ( X 2 n , X 2 n  2 ),d ( X 2 n 1, X 2 n 1)}    (t )dt 0     (t )dt   0   (t )dt 0  d ( X 2 n , X 2 n  2 )  d ( X 2 n 1, X 2 n 1)  d ( X 2 n , X 2 n 1) 1 d ( X 2 n , X 2 n  2 ).d ( X 2 n 1, X 2 n 1).d ( X 2 n , X 2 n 1)    (t )dt 0 d ( X 2 n , X 2 n 1) d ( X 2 n 1, X 2 n  2 )  (      2 )   (t )dt  (     ) 0   (t )dt 0 Which implies that d ( X 2 n 1, X 2 n  2 ) d ( X 2 n , X 2 n 1)   (t )dt  (   (t )dt      2 1   ) 0 0 d ( X 2 n 1, X 2 n  2 ) d ( X 2 n , X 2 n 1)   (t )dt  h   (t )dt where     2 And so, h= 1   <1 ………….(2.11) 0 0 d ( X 2 n , X 2 n 1) d ( X 2 n 1, X 2 n ) Similarly   (t )dt  h   (t )dt 0 0 ………….(2.12) Thus in general, for all n=1,2,…………… d ( Xn, Xn1) d ( Xn1, Xn)   (t )dt  h   (t )dt 0 0 ………….(2.13) 38
  • 5. Fixed Point Theorems for Mappings under General Contractive Condition of Integral Type Thus by routine calculation, we have d ( Xn, Xn 1) d ( X 0 , X1 )   (t )dt  h   (t )dt n 0 0 d ( Xn, Xn1) Taking limit as n→∞, we get lim n   (t )dt  0 o Which,from (2.10) implies that lim d ( Xn, Xn  1)  0 ……………(2.14) n We now show that {Xn} is a Cauchy sequence. Suppose that it is not. Then there exists an є>0 and subsequences {2m(p)} and {2n(p)} such that p<2m(p)<2n(p) with d(X2m(p),X2n(P))≥є, d(X2m(p),X2n(P)-2)<є ……………(2.15) Now d(X2m(p),X2n(P))≤ d(X2m(p),X2n(P)-2)+ d(X2n(p)-2,X2n(P)-1)+ d(X2n(p)-1,X2n(P)) <є+d(X2n(p)-2,X2n(P)-1)+ d(X2n(p)-1,X2n(P)) ……………(2.16) …………..(2.7) d ( X 2 m ( p ), X 2 n ( p ))  Hence lim p   (t )dt    (t)dt o o ……………(2.17) Then by (2.13) we get d ( X 2 m ( p ),, X 2 n ( p )) d ( X 2 m ( p ) 1,, X 2 n ( p ) 1)   (t )dt  h o   (t )dt o d ( X 2 m ( p ) 1,, X 2 m ( p )) d ( X 2 m ( p ),, X 2 n ( p )) d ( X 2 n ( p ) 1, X 2 n ( p ))  h[   (t )dt o    (t )dt  o   (t )dt ] o Taking limit as p→∞ we get     (t )dt  h  (t )dt 0 0 Which is a contradiction, since hє(0,1). Therefore {Xn} is Cauchy, hence convergent. Call the limit z. From (2.9) we get d ( fz , X 2 n  2 ) d ( fz , gX 2 n 1)   (t )dt  o   (t )dt 0 [ d ( z , fz )  d ( X 2 n 1, X 2 n  2 )] d ( z , X 2 n 1) max{d ( z , X 2 n  2 ),d ( X 2 n 1, fz )}    (t )dt 0    (t )dt   0   (t )dt 0  d ( z , X 2 n  2 )  d ( X 2 n 1, fz )  d ( z , fz ) 1 d ( z , X 2 n  2 ).d ( X 2 n 1, fz ).d ( z , fz )    (t )dt 0 Taking limit as n→∞, we get d ( fz , z ) d ( z , fz )   (t )dt o  (    2 )   (t )dt 0 As d ( fz , z ) 2    2  3 <1,   (t )dt  0 o 39
  • 6. Fixed Point Theorems for Mappings under General Contractive Condition of Integral Type Which, from (2.10), implies that d(fz,z)=0 or fz=z. Similarly it can be shown that gz=z. So f and g have a common fixed point zєX. We now show that z is the unique common fixed point of f and g.Ifnot,then let w (≠ z) be another fixed point of f and g. Then from (2.9) we have d ( z , w) d ( fz , gw )   (t )dt    (t )dt o o d ( z , w) [ d ( z , fz )  d ( w, gw)] d ( z , w) max{d ( z , gw),d ( w, fz )}   (t )dt o    (t )dt     (t )dt   0 0   (t )dt  0 d ( z , gw )  d ( w, fz )  d ( z , fz ) 1 d ( z , gw ).d ( w, fz ).d ( z , fz )    (t )dt 0 d ( z , w)  (     2 )   (t )dt 0 Since, d ( z , w)     2 <1 this implies that, ,   (t )dt  0 o Which from (2.10), implies that d(z,w)=0 or, z=w and so the fixed point is unique. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to thank the referee for his comments that helped us improve this article. REFERENCES [1]. S.Banach, Sur les oprationsdans les ensembles abstraitsetleur application aux quationsintgrales, Fund. Math.3,(1922)133181 (French). [2]. A.Branciari, A fixed point theorem for mappings satisfying a general contractive condition of integral type, Int.J.Math.Math.Sci, 29(2002), no.9, 531-536. [3]. S.K.Chatterjea, Fixed point theorems, C.R.Acad.Bulgare Sci. 25(1972),727-730. [4]. K.Goebel and W.A.Kirk ,Topiqs in Metric fixed point theory, Combridge University Press, New York, 1990. [5]. R.Kannan, Some results on fixed points, Bull. Calcutta Math. Soc.,60(1968), 71-76. [6]. B.E.Rhoades, Two fixed point theorems for mappings satisfying a general contractive condition of integral type, International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 63,(2003),4007-4013. [7]. B.E.Rhoades, A Comparison of Various Definitions of Contractive Mappings, Trans. Amer.Math. Soc. 226(1977),257-290. [8]. B.E.Rhoades, Contractive definitions revisited, Topological Methods in Nonlinear Functional Analysis (Toronto, Ont.,1982), Contemp. Math.21, American Mathematical Society, Rhode Island, (1983), 189-203. [9]. B.E.Rhoades, Contractive Definitions, NonlinearAnalysis,World Science Publishing, Singapore, 1987, 513-526. [10]. O.R.Smart, Fixed Point Theorems, Cambridge University Press, London, 1974. [11]. T.Zamfirescu,, Fixed Point Theorems in metric spaces, Arch.Math.(Basel) 23 (1972), 292-298. [12]. R.Bhardwaj,Some common fixed point theorem in Metric space using integral type mappings,Iosr Journal 187(2012),187-190. 40