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Material Requirements Planning
                         USER REFERANCE MANUAL


 Material Requirements Planning


 © Nalco Saudi Co. Ltd. 2010

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Material Requirements Planning
                               USER REFERANCE MANUAL

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Material Requirements Planning
                             USER REFERANCE MANUAL

                                  Table of Contents
   Content                                                                      Page
   Document History Log
   Table of Contents
   Purpose of Document

   …………. Planning Parameters
   …………. Warehouse Replenishment

   Chapter 1: FORECAST                                                          4
         Scenario 1: Create New Forecast                                        4
         Scenario 2: Amend/Adjust Forecast                                      5
         Scenario 3: Print Forecast                                             6
         Scenario 4: Insert Forecast into Plan                                  7
         Scenario 5: Remove Forecast from Plan                                  8
         Scenario 6: Delete Forecast                                            9

   Chapter 2: MASTER PRODUCTION SCHEDULE [MPS]                                  10
         Scenario 1: Create MPS                                                 10
         Scenario 2: Print MPS                                                  12
         Scenario 3: Print Action List                                          14
         Scenario 4: Validate MPS                                               16
         Scenario 5: Amen/Adjust MPS                                            18
         Scenario 6: Delete/Clean MPS                                           11

         Scenario 1: Create MRP
         Scenario 2: Print Action List
         Scenario 3: Validate MRP Outputs/Proposals
         Scenario 4: Release Work Order Proposal to Work Order
         Scenario 5: Release Purchase Order Proposal to Purchase Order

   Chapter 4: FULL CYCLE CHART                                                  21

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Material Requirements Planning
                                  USER REFERANCE MANUAL
Chapter 1: FORECAST

This function gives a forecast Line Item Display. User can enter/adjust forecast data.

Scenario 1: Create New Forecast
In case you are going to create a new forecast, you have to do the following:

 Open the forecast entry/adjust form:

                                   Material Production Control Master Planning
               Menu Path           Forecasting  Enter/Adjust Forecast  Forecast
                                   Stock Control

 Update the following fields:
      Forecasted Item General Data:

                Field Name              Field Description                        Values
         Forecast                Number identifying a given        0 to 9999
         Segment                 The factory/plant for which the   1001: For Dammam Plant,
                                 forecast belongs                  2001: For Yanbu Plant
         Stock Code              The YSLD code for which           Any of NALCO SAUDI codes, press
                                 forecast to be entered.           F4 to see the full list.

      Forecasted Item Details:

                Field Name              Field Description                        Values
         Row                     A sequential line number          Provided automatically by the system
         Date                    The date at which the             The monthly format Myymm will be
                                 forecasted quantity in the        followed,
                                 specified row is required to be   Example: use M1012 for Dec 2010
         Quantity                The forecasted quantity to be     As provided by sales forecast.
                                 delivered at the specified date

        To enter another row, just press ENTER after entering the quantity required
        To enter another item, keep pressing ESC tell you reach the “segment” field.

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                                 USER REFERANCE MANUAL
Scenario 2: Amend/Adjust Forecast

In case you are going to amend or adjust an existing forecast.

 Open the forecast entry/adjust form:

                                  Material Production Control Master Planning
             Menu Path            Forecasting  Enter/Adjust Forecast  Forecast
                                  Stock Control
 Select the forecast you are going to amend by either:
   Pressing F4, and selecting the specific item immediately, or by
   Selecting the forecast parameters one by one, started from selecting the forecast number, followed
      by selecting the segment, then selecting the specific item

 Do the required amendment either by adding new row, adjusting or deleting an existing one
   The screen will automatically assume you are going to “ADD” a new row, and provided an auto row
     number and date, you can adjust the date, and enter the quantity you need.
   If you are going to adjust an existing row, then press “ESC” once to go to the row field, enter the
     row number to be adjusted in the row field, followed by pressing TAB, the existing parameters of
     this row (date and quantity) will appear so that you can adjust whatever you want.
   If you are going to delete the forecast row, then select the row as in . then just enter a “ZERO”
     quantity in the quantity field, followed by pressing “Enter” or “TAB”

               For adding new item to the forecast, repeat step . and enter the new required item
               after selecting the forecast number and segment, then continue as if you are creating new

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                                  USER REFERANCE MANUAL

Scenario 3: Print Forecast

In case you are going to get a printout of a specific forecast, you have to do the following:

 Open the forecast print form:

                                   Material Production Control Master Planning
             Menu Path             Forecasting  Print Forecast/Budget  Forecast
                                   Stock Control

 Enter the parameters of the forecast to be printed:

                Field Name              Field Description                          Values
         Forecast                Number of the forecast to be      0 to 9999
         Segment                 The factory/plant for which the   1001: For Dammam Plant,
                                 forecast belongs                  2001: For Yanbu Plant
         Stock Code              The YSLD code(s) for which        Stock items range to be included in
                                 forecast to be printed.           the print out.
                                                                   -   If full set of all items required in
                                                                       the forecast is required then
                                                                       leave both fields empty,
                                                                   -   If forecast of specific item only is
                                                                       required, then enter the item
                                                                       code in both fields.
         Date                    The period for which the          Period range in format of ddmmyy.
                                 forecast to be printed.           -   If all period included in the
                                                                       forecast required to be printed,
                                                                       then leave default values (which
                                                                       are: 000000 as start from date
                                                                       and 999999 as end date),
         Type of Date            Type of date required             All
         Distributed             Distribution required             Select “Total”, as NALCO will not use
                                                                   forecast distribution.

 Select/confirm report format, you can also change printer and page setups by clicking proper button:

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Scenario 4: Insert Forecast into Plan

You want to insert the content of a specific forecast into the master plan, to be appeared into the master
plan reports for enabling you countercheck the master plan output:

 Open the move forecast to item plan form:

                                  Material Production Control Master Planning
             Menu Path            Forecasting
                                  Move Forecast to Item Plan
 Enter the parameters of the forecast to be inserted into (moved in) the master plan:

               Field Name              Field Description                            Values
         Forecast               Number of the forecast to be        0 to 9999
                                moved in plan.
         Segment                The factory/plant for which the     1001: For Dammam Plant,
                                forecast belongs                    2001: For Yanbu Plant
         Forecast Date          The period for which the            Period range in format of ddmmyy.
                                forecast to be moved in plan.       -   If all period included in the
                                                                        forecast required to be moved in
                                                                        plan, then adjust start date to be:
                                                                        000000 and leave end date as
                                                                        default: 999999.
                                                                    Note: By default the starting date is
                                                                    today’s date, which can be obtained
                                                                    also by pressing F6.
         Stock Code             The YSLD code(s) for which          Stock items range to be “appeared
                                forecast to be moved in plan.       as forecasted items” in the plan.
                                                                    -    If full set of all items required in
                                                                         the forecast is required then
                                                                         leave both fields empty,
                                                                    -    If forecast of specific item only is
                                                                         required, then enter the item
                                                                         code in both fields.
         Warehouse              Warehouse identification            Use mainly:
                                number, the warehouse number
                                “to which plan” the forecast will   01: For Dammam main warehouse,
                                be moved in.                        02: For Yanbu main warehouse

        Moving Forecast into a plan is helping in understanding and analysing the
          results of the master plan, it has nothing to do with the processing of the master
          plan calculations which is based on the parameters entered in the “create plan
          form” which are explained into chapter 2, scenario 1.

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                                USER REFERANCE MANUAL
Scenario 5: Remove Forecast from Plan

You want to remove a specific forecast from the master plan.

 Open the move forecast to item plan form:

                                 Material Production Control Master Planning
            Menu Path            Forecasting
                                 Delete Forecast in Item Plan
 Enter the warehouse for which forecast(s) are going to be deleted from (moved out) its master plan:

               Field Name            Field Description                          Values
        Warehouse              Warehouse identification          Use mainly:
                               number, the warehouse number
                               “from which plan” the forecast    01: For Dammam main warehouse,
                               will be moved out.                02: For Yanbu main warehouse

        OK to Delete           A confirmation question for       Yes.
                               completing the deletion process   (Default is “NO” in case if last minute
                                                                 decision was not to move it out the

        This is not a deletion of the forecast or any part of it, it is jus a “move-out”
         function, which disable forecast parameters from appearing into the master plan
         report, this is a useful tool to clean forecast from the plan in case of having multi
         plans, in order to avoid analysis confusion.
        Deleting forecast or part of it, is explained in chapter 1, scenario 6, you can click
         here to check it.

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                                 USER REFERANCE MANUAL
Scenario 6: Delete Forecast

As you can create upto 9999 forecasts, you may not require to delete anyone of them, just In case you are
going to delete a specific one, you have to do the following:

 Open the forecast delete form:

                                  Material Production Control Master Planning
             Menu Path
                                  Forecasting  Delete Forecast/Budget  Forecast

 Enter the parameters of the forecast to be deleted:

               Field Name              Field Description                          Values
        Forecast                Forecast(s) range to be deleted   If one forecast only to be deleted,
                                from the database.                then enter forecast number twice (as
                                                                  from and as to), other wise enter the
                                                                  range of forecasts to be deleted.
                                                                  If you need to delete several
                                                                  forecasts that cannot be selected as
                                                                  one range, you have to run this
                                                                  function more than once, to get the
                                                                  un-wanted forecasts deleted.
        Date                    The period range to be deleted    Period range in format of ddmmyy.
                                from the forecast.                -   If all period included in the
                                                                      forecast required to be deleted,
                                                                      then leave default values (which
                                                                      are: 000000 as start from date
                                                                      and 999999 as end date),
        Stock Code              The YSLD code(s) to be deleted    Stock items range to be deleted from
                                from the forecast.                forecast(s) can be selected by
                                                                  pressing F4.
                                                                  -   If full set of all items required in
                                                                      the forecast is required then
                                                                      leave both fields empty,
                                                                  -   If forecast of specific item only is
                                                                      required, then enter the item
                                                                      code in both fields.
        Section                 The factory/plant for which the   1001: For Dammam Plant,
                                forecast belongs                  2001: For Yanbu Plant

               Once a forecast is deleted it cannot be recovered, and should be re-created if required.

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Material Requirements Planning
                                 USER REFERANCE MANUAL

This function gives a supply/demand statement (on the parents level), which includes the
following inputs:
       Demand inputs:
              Undelivered Sales orders,
              Work orders demand
       Supply inputs:
              Stock on Hand,
              Undelivered Purchase orders,
              Existing in-complete work orders supply

The output of this statement could be expedite/release/delete/forward/backward the
completion/delivery of parent level items.

Accuracy of MPS outputs is highly dependent on the accuracy of supply/demand data, as
well as the items planning parameters, like as lead-time, EOQ, Safety Stock and packaging

              NALCO system will consider demand as work orders demand plus maximum of
              forecast and undelivered sales orders.

Scenario 1: Create MPS

You want to create a master plan.


Before running the MPS, you have to have the forecast entered into the plan, click here to see chapter 1 –
scenario 4.

 Open the Create MPS form:

                                    Material Production Control Master Planning
             Menu Path              Master Planning Schedule
                                    Create MPS
 Enter the parameters of required to run the MPS:

Scenario 2: Print MPS

You want to enter a master plan.


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                                USER REFERANCE MANUAL

             Field Name                 Field Description                       Values
        Reservation Date       Period of reservations (sales    If you are in a steady state situation,
                               orders and opened work orders)   period should start by today’s date,
                               to be considered.                press F6 to get it, otherwise you can
                                                                start by date 000000 or any proper
        Forecast               Forecast number for which MPS    0001 – 99999, the forecast number
                               is to be run.                    under concern
        Segment                Plant for which MPS to be run    You can select a specific plant or
                                                                both, based on your requirements
                                                                1001: Dammam Plant
                                                                2001: Yanbu Plant
        Forecast Date          Forecast Span/Period of          If you are in a steady state situation,
                               forecasted items to be           period should start by today’s date,
                               considered.                      press F6 to get it, otherwise you can
                                                                start by date 000000 or any proper
        Safety Stock Level     Confirmation request if safety   Yes.
                               stock to be considered from
                               MPS calculations.
        Stock Code             The YSLD code(s) to be deleted   Stock items range to be deleted from
                               from the forecast.               forecast(s) can be selected by
                                                                pressing F4.
                                                                -   If full set of all items required in
                                                                    the forecast is required then
                                                                    leave both fields empty,
                                                                -   If forecast of specific item only is
                                                                    required, then enter the item
                                                                    code in both fields.
        Warehouse              Warehouse identification         Use mainly:
                               number, the warehouse number     01: For Dammam main warehouse,
                               “from which plan” the forecast   02: For Yanbu main warehouse
                               will be moved out.

Scenario 6: Delete MPS

You want to delete/clean master plan.
 Open the Create MPS form (same one used for creating MPS, click here to review it):

                                 Material Production Control Master Planning
            Menu Path            Master Planning Schedule
                                 Create MPS

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 Enter the following parameters:

           Field Name                 Values                        Field Name              Values
        Reservation Date   From 000000 to 999999             Safety Stock Level     Leave as default
        Forecast           Select forecast number relate     Stock Code             Enter from “Dummy”
        Segment            From 1001 to 2001                                        To “Dummy”
        Forecast Date      From 000000 to 999999             Warehouse              Leave as default

 Repeat the cycle again, open the form, and re-enter the same parameters with “Dummy” item again.

Scenario 2: Print MPS
 Open the Print MPS form:

                                  Material Production Control Master Planning
            Menu Path             Master Planning Schedule
                                  Print MPS
 Enter the parameters of required to print the MPS:

   Item select:

             Field Name                Field Description                          Values
        Which Selection Term    The system allow to enter a          Recommended to press “Enter” any
                                selective fields by entering the     continue without any narrow
                                field number here, you can           selections.
                                enter its parameters, for
                                example, if you entered “1” then
                                “Enter” you will be able to enter
                                “stock code” range, and so on.

   Sorting, select report-sorting parameters, Just press “ENTER” no need to select any special sorting.

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                               USER REFERANCE MANUAL
   Enter final MPS-report parameters

             Field Name              Field Description                         Values
       Gross Requirements     Period of MPS report demand      If you are in a steady state situation,
       from                   presentation.                    period should start by today’s date,
                                                               press F6 to get it, otherwise you can
                                                               start by date 000000 or any proper
       Type of Period         Type of period for supply        You can select the most suitable
                              presentation:                    period for supply presentation,
                              T: Transactions,                 recommended inputs are: T or M
                              D: Days,
                              W: Weeks,
                              M: Months,
                              Y: Years.
       Warehouse              Warehouse identification         Use mainly:
                              number, the warehouse number     01: For Dammam main warehouse,
                              “from which plan” the forecast   02: For Yanbu main warehouse
                              will be moved out.

   Select/confirm report format, you can also change printer and page setups by clicking proper

     Sample output could be like:

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Material Requirements Planning
                                USER REFERANCE MANUAL
Scenario 3: Print Action List

You want to print the action list recommended by the MPS.
 Open the Print Action List report:

                                 Material Production Control Master Planning
            Menu Path            Master Planning Schedule
                                 Print Action List
 Enter the parameters of required to run the MPS:

             Field Name               Field Description                           Values
        Which Selection Term   Select a number from 1 to 11 to    Press Enter to go for next screen, do
                               select which parameter/field to    not select any field.
                               be entered.                        - Select 1 only if you are interested in
                                                                     checking MPS for specific item or
                                                                     range of items.
        Stock Code             The items code which appeared      Stock items range to be considered
                               in MPS                             for MPS calculations.

             Field Name               Field Description                           Values
        Stock Code             Range of stock items for which     Leave it as default
        Warehouse              Warehouse number, for which        Use mainly:
                               MPS proposals to be checked.       01: For Dammam main warehouse,
                                                                  02: For Yanbu main warehouse
        Planner                Planners name, for whom MPS        Leave it as default
                               proposals to be checked.
        Status Code            Items status code, 0 to 7          Leave it as default
        Start Date             Period for which MPS proposals     If you are in a steady state situation,
                               to be checked.                     period should start by today’s date,
                                                                  press F6 to get it, otherwise you can
                                                                  start by date 000000 or any proper
        Expedite               Confirmation request if MPS        Select Yes/No based on your
                               proposals for “expediting” order   requirement, recommended to select
                               completion/delivery is required    YES always.
        Release                Confirmation request if MPS        Select Yes/No based on your
                               proposals for releasing new        requirement, recommended to select
                               orders.                            YES always.
        Delete                 Confirmation request if MPS        Select Yes/No based on your
                               proposals for deleting existing    requirement, recommended to select
                               orders.                            YES always.
        Forward                Confirmation request if MPS        Select Yes/No based on your
                               proposals for “forwarding” order   requirement, recommended to select
                               completion/delivery is required    YES always.
        Backward               Confirmation request if MPS        Select Yes/No based on your
                               proposals for “back wording”       requirement, recommended to select
                               order completion/delivery is       YES always.

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                               USER REFERANCE MANUAL
   Select/confirm report format, you can also change printer and page setups by clicking proper

     Sample output could be like:

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                                  USER REFERANCE MANUAL
Scenario 4: Validate MPS

You want to enter a master plan.


If you did not move the forecast into the plan yet, you should enter it at this step, click here to see chapter
1 – scenario 4.

 Open the Planning List per Transaction:

                                    Material Production Control Analyse Material
             Menu Path              Other Demands Report
                                    Planning List per Transaction
 Enter the parameters of required to run the MPS:

              Field Name                Field Description                         Values
         Which Selection Term    The system allow to enter a         Recommended to press “Enter” any
                                 selective fields by entering the    continue without any narrow
                                 field number here, you can          selections.
                                 enter its parameters, for
                                 example, if you entered “1” then
                                 “Enter” you will be able to enter
                                 “stock code” range, and so on.

 Sorting, select report-sorting parameters, Just press “ENTER” no need to select any special sorting.

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 Sorting, select report-sorting parameters, Just press “ENTER” no need to select any special sorting.

              Field Name               Field Description                         Values
         Warehouse              Warehouse number/range, for       Use mainly:
                                which MPS required to be          01: For Dammam main warehouse,
                                verified.                         02: For Yanbu main warehouse
         From Del. Date         The period required for MPS       Enter the period suitable to you to
                                validation                        confirm the MPS output.
         With Forecast          A confirmation request if         Select “YES”, this is the important
                                forecast to be printed with the   field to be able to validate the MPS.
                                master plan.

 Select/confirm report format, you can also change printer and page setups by clicking proper button.

      Sample output could be like:

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                                USER REFERANCE MANUAL
Scenario 5: Amend/Adjust MPS

You want to amen/adjust/add/delete MPS proposal.
 Open the Enter/Adjust MPS form:

                                 Material Production Control Master Planning
            Menu Path            Master Planning Schedule
                                 Enter/Adjust MPS
 Enter the parameters of the MPS to be amended:

 Enter the parameters of required to run the MPS:

 Open the forecast entry/adjust form:

             Field Name               Field Description                           Values
        Stock Code             Range of Stock items to be         Enter item code (range of codes) to
                               checked                            be amended),
                                                                  If you want to add a new item to the
                                                                  plan, leave the range as default.
        Warehouse              Warehouse number/range, for        Use mainly:
                               which MPS required to be           01: For Dammam main warehouse,
                               verified.                          02: For Yanbu main warehouse
        Stock Items with MPS   Confirmation request from the      Preferred to select “NO”
        only?                  system regarding if the items to
                               be shown are those with
                               recommended work orders to
                               be released only, or to show all
                               items in the plan
        Show Forecast          A confirmation request if          Select “YES”
                               forecast to be printed with the
                               master plan.
        Forecast Date          Enter forecast range to be         Leave it as default.
        Type of Display        Type of transactions to be         Leave it as default. “T”

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                                USER REFERANCE MANUAL

This function gives a forecast Line Item Display. User can enter/adjust forecast data.

Scenario 1

You want to enter a new forecast.

 Open the forecast entry/adjust form:

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Material Requirements Planning
                                USER REFERANCE MANUAL

This function gives a forecast Line Item Display. User can enter/adjust forecast data.

Scenario 1

You want to enter a new forecast.

 Open the forecast entry/adjust form:

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User Manual Mrp

  • 1. Material Requirements Planning USER REFERANCE MANUAL ________ Material Requirements Planning USER REFERENCE MANUAL _________ © Nalco Saudi Co. Ltd. 2010 Page 1 of 21 Revision: Baseline
  • 2. Material Requirements Planning USER REFERANCE MANUAL Document History Log This page is for informational purposes and does not have to be retained with the document Status Document Effective Page Description of Change Change Revision Date Baseline 20.01.10 Page 2 of 21 Revision: Baseline
  • 3. Material Requirements Planning USER REFERANCE MANUAL Table of Contents Content Page Document History Log Table of Contents Purpose of Document Scope Definitions …………. Planning Parameters …………. Warehouse Replenishment Chapter 1: FORECAST 4 Scenario 1: Create New Forecast 4 Scenario 2: Amend/Adjust Forecast 5 Scenario 3: Print Forecast 6 Scenario 4: Insert Forecast into Plan 7 Scenario 5: Remove Forecast from Plan 8 Scenario 6: Delete Forecast 9 Chapter 2: MASTER PRODUCTION SCHEDULE [MPS] 10 Scenario 1: Create MPS 10 Scenario 2: Print MPS 12 Scenario 3: Print Action List 14 Scenario 4: Validate MPS 16 Scenario 5: Amen/Adjust MPS 18 Scenario 6: Delete/Clean MPS 11 Chapter 3: MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS PLANNING [MRP] 20 Scenario 1: Create MRP Scenario 2: Print Action List Scenario 3: Validate MRP Outputs/Proposals Scenario 4: Release Work Order Proposal to Work Order Scenario 5: Release Purchase Order Proposal to Purchase Order Chapter 4: FULL CYCLE CHART 21 Page 3 of 21 Revision: Baseline
  • 4. Material Requirements Planning USER REFERANCE MANUAL Chapter 1: FORECAST Functionality This function gives a forecast Line Item Display. User can enter/adjust forecast data. Scenario 1: Create New Forecast In case you are going to create a new forecast, you have to do the following:  Open the forecast entry/adjust form:  Material Production Control Master Planning Menu Path  Forecasting  Enter/Adjust Forecast  Forecast  Stock Control  Update the following fields:  Forecasted Item General Data: Field Name Field Description Values Forecast Number identifying a given 0 to 9999 forecast. Segment The factory/plant for which the 1001: For Dammam Plant, forecast belongs 2001: For Yanbu Plant Stock Code The YSLD code for which Any of NALCO SAUDI codes, press forecast to be entered. F4 to see the full list.  Forecasted Item Details: Field Name Field Description Values Row A sequential line number Provided automatically by the system Date The date at which the The monthly format Myymm will be forecasted quantity in the followed, specified row is required to be Example: use M1012 for Dec 2010 delivered. Quantity The forecasted quantity to be As provided by sales forecast. delivered at the specified date Notes:  To enter another row, just press ENTER after entering the quantity required  To enter another item, keep pressing ESC tell you reach the “segment” field. Page 4 of 21 Revision: Baseline
  • 5. Material Requirements Planning USER REFERANCE MANUAL Scenario 2: Amend/Adjust Forecast In case you are going to amend or adjust an existing forecast.  Open the forecast entry/adjust form:  Material Production Control Master Planning Menu Path  Forecasting  Enter/Adjust Forecast  Forecast  Stock Control  Select the forecast you are going to amend by either:  Pressing F4, and selecting the specific item immediately, or by  Selecting the forecast parameters one by one, started from selecting the forecast number, followed by selecting the segment, then selecting the specific item  Do the required amendment either by adding new row, adjusting or deleting an existing one  The screen will automatically assume you are going to “ADD” a new row, and provided an auto row number and date, you can adjust the date, and enter the quantity you need.  If you are going to adjust an existing row, then press “ESC” once to go to the row field, enter the row number to be adjusted in the row field, followed by pressing TAB, the existing parameters of this row (date and quantity) will appear so that you can adjust whatever you want.  If you are going to delete the forecast row, then select the row as in . then just enter a “ZERO” quantity in the quantity field, followed by pressing “Enter” or “TAB” For adding new item to the forecast, repeat step . and enter the new required item after selecting the forecast number and segment, then continue as if you are creating new forecast. Page 5 of 21 Revision: Baseline
  • 6. Material Requirements Planning USER REFERANCE MANUAL Scenario 3: Print Forecast In case you are going to get a printout of a specific forecast, you have to do the following:  Open the forecast print form:  Material Production Control Master Planning Menu Path  Forecasting  Print Forecast/Budget  Forecast  Stock Control  Enter the parameters of the forecast to be printed: Field Name Field Description Values Forecast Number of the forecast to be 0 to 9999 printed. Segment The factory/plant for which the 1001: For Dammam Plant, forecast belongs 2001: For Yanbu Plant Stock Code The YSLD code(s) for which Stock items range to be included in forecast to be printed. the print out. - If full set of all items required in the forecast is required then leave both fields empty, - If forecast of specific item only is required, then enter the item code in both fields. Date The period for which the Period range in format of ddmmyy. forecast to be printed. - If all period included in the forecast required to be printed, then leave default values (which are: 000000 as start from date and 999999 as end date), Type of Date Type of date required All Distributed Distribution required Select “Total”, as NALCO will not use forecast distribution.  Select/confirm report format, you can also change printer and page setups by clicking proper button: Page 6 of 21 Revision: Baseline
  • 7. Material Requirements Planning USER REFERANCE MANUAL Scenario 4: Insert Forecast into Plan You want to insert the content of a specific forecast into the master plan, to be appeared into the master plan reports for enabling you countercheck the master plan output:  Open the move forecast to item plan form:  Material Production Control Master Planning Menu Path  Forecasting  Move Forecast to Item Plan  Enter the parameters of the forecast to be inserted into (moved in) the master plan: Field Name Field Description Values Forecast Number of the forecast to be 0 to 9999 moved in plan. Segment The factory/plant for which the 1001: For Dammam Plant, forecast belongs 2001: For Yanbu Plant Forecast Date The period for which the Period range in format of ddmmyy. forecast to be moved in plan. - If all period included in the forecast required to be moved in plan, then adjust start date to be: 000000 and leave end date as default: 999999. Note: By default the starting date is today’s date, which can be obtained also by pressing F6. Stock Code The YSLD code(s) for which Stock items range to be “appeared forecast to be moved in plan. as forecasted items” in the plan. - If full set of all items required in the forecast is required then leave both fields empty, - If forecast of specific item only is required, then enter the item code in both fields. Warehouse Warehouse identification Use mainly: number, the warehouse number “to which plan” the forecast will 01: For Dammam main warehouse, be moved in. 02: For Yanbu main warehouse Notes:  Moving Forecast into a plan is helping in understanding and analysing the results of the master plan, it has nothing to do with the processing of the master plan calculations which is based on the parameters entered in the “create plan form” which are explained into chapter 2, scenario 1. Page 7 of 21 Revision: Baseline
  • 8. Material Requirements Planning USER REFERANCE MANUAL Scenario 5: Remove Forecast from Plan You want to remove a specific forecast from the master plan.  Open the move forecast to item plan form:  Material Production Control Master Planning Menu Path  Forecasting  Delete Forecast in Item Plan  Enter the warehouse for which forecast(s) are going to be deleted from (moved out) its master plan: Field Name Field Description Values Warehouse Warehouse identification Use mainly: number, the warehouse number “from which plan” the forecast 01: For Dammam main warehouse, will be moved out. 02: For Yanbu main warehouse OK to Delete A confirmation question for Yes. completing the deletion process (Default is “NO” in case if last minute decision was not to move it out the plan) Notes:  This is not a deletion of the forecast or any part of it, it is jus a “move-out” function, which disable forecast parameters from appearing into the master plan report, this is a useful tool to clean forecast from the plan in case of having multi plans, in order to avoid analysis confusion.  Deleting forecast or part of it, is explained in chapter 1, scenario 6, you can click here to check it. Page 8 of 21 Revision: Baseline
  • 9. Material Requirements Planning USER REFERANCE MANUAL Scenario 6: Delete Forecast As you can create upto 9999 forecasts, you may not require to delete anyone of them, just In case you are going to delete a specific one, you have to do the following:  Open the forecast delete form:  Material Production Control Master Planning Menu Path  Forecasting  Delete Forecast/Budget  Forecast  Enter the parameters of the forecast to be deleted: Field Name Field Description Values Forecast Forecast(s) range to be deleted If one forecast only to be deleted, from the database. then enter forecast number twice (as from and as to), other wise enter the range of forecasts to be deleted. If you need to delete several forecasts that cannot be selected as one range, you have to run this function more than once, to get the un-wanted forecasts deleted. Date The period range to be deleted Period range in format of ddmmyy. from the forecast. - If all period included in the forecast required to be deleted, then leave default values (which are: 000000 as start from date and 999999 as end date), Stock Code The YSLD code(s) to be deleted Stock items range to be deleted from from the forecast. forecast(s) can be selected by pressing F4. - If full set of all items required in the forecast is required then leave both fields empty, - If forecast of specific item only is required, then enter the item code in both fields. Section The factory/plant for which the 1001: For Dammam Plant, forecast belongs 2001: For Yanbu Plant Once a forecast is deleted it cannot be recovered, and should be re-created if required. Page 9 of 21 Revision: Baseline
  • 10. Material Requirements Planning USER REFERANCE MANUAL Chapter 2 MASTER PRODUCTION SCHEDULE [MPS] Functionality This function gives a supply/demand statement (on the parents level), which includes the following inputs: Demand inputs: Forecast, Undelivered Sales orders, Work orders demand Supply inputs: Stock on Hand, Undelivered Purchase orders, Existing in-complete work orders supply The output of this statement could be expedite/release/delete/forward/backward the completion/delivery of parent level items. Accuracy of MPS outputs is highly dependent on the accuracy of supply/demand data, as well as the items planning parameters, like as lead-time, EOQ, Safety Stock and packaging size. NALCO system will consider demand as work orders demand plus maximum of forecast and undelivered sales orders. Scenario 1: Create MPS You want to create a master plan. Prerequisites Before running the MPS, you have to have the forecast entered into the plan, click here to see chapter 1 – scenario 4. Procedures  Open the Create MPS form:  Material Production Control Master Planning Menu Path  Master Planning Schedule  Create MPS  Enter the parameters of required to run the MPS: Scenario 2: Print MPS You want to enter a master plan. Procedures Page 10 of 21 Revision: Baseline
  • 11. Material Requirements Planning USER REFERANCE MANUAL Field Name Field Description Values Reservation Date Period of reservations (sales If you are in a steady state situation, orders and opened work orders) period should start by today’s date, to be considered. press F6 to get it, otherwise you can start by date 000000 or any proper date. Forecast Forecast number for which MPS 0001 – 99999, the forecast number is to be run. under concern Segment Plant for which MPS to be run You can select a specific plant or both, based on your requirements 1001: Dammam Plant 2001: Yanbu Plant Forecast Date Forecast Span/Period of If you are in a steady state situation, forecasted items to be period should start by today’s date, considered. press F6 to get it, otherwise you can start by date 000000 or any proper date. Safety Stock Level Confirmation request if safety Yes. stock to be considered from MPS calculations. Stock Code The YSLD code(s) to be deleted Stock items range to be deleted from from the forecast. forecast(s) can be selected by pressing F4. - If full set of all items required in the forecast is required then leave both fields empty, - If forecast of specific item only is required, then enter the item code in both fields. Warehouse Warehouse identification Use mainly: number, the warehouse number 01: For Dammam main warehouse, “from which plan” the forecast 02: For Yanbu main warehouse will be moved out. Scenario 6: Delete MPS You want to delete/clean master plan.  Open the Create MPS form (same one used for creating MPS, click here to review it):  Material Production Control Master Planning Menu Path  Master Planning Schedule  Create MPS Page 11 of 21 Revision: Baseline
  • 12. Material Requirements Planning USER REFERANCE MANUAL  Enter the following parameters: Field Name Values Field Name Values Reservation Date From 000000 to 999999 Safety Stock Level Leave as default Forecast Select forecast number relate Stock Code Enter from “Dummy” Segment From 1001 to 2001 To “Dummy” Forecast Date From 000000 to 999999 Warehouse Leave as default  Repeat the cycle again, open the form, and re-enter the same parameters with “Dummy” item again. Scenario 2: Print MPS  Open the Print MPS form:  Material Production Control Master Planning Menu Path  Master Planning Schedule  Print MPS  Enter the parameters of required to print the MPS:  Item select: Field Name Field Description Values Which Selection Term The system allow to enter a Recommended to press “Enter” any selective fields by entering the continue without any narrow field number here, you can selections. enter its parameters, for example, if you entered “1” then “Enter” you will be able to enter “stock code” range, and so on.  Sorting, select report-sorting parameters, Just press “ENTER” no need to select any special sorting. Page 12 of 21 Revision: Baseline
  • 13. Material Requirements Planning USER REFERANCE MANUAL  Enter final MPS-report parameters Field Name Field Description Values Gross Requirements Period of MPS report demand If you are in a steady state situation, from presentation. period should start by today’s date, press F6 to get it, otherwise you can start by date 000000 or any proper date. Type of Period Type of period for supply You can select the most suitable presentation: period for supply presentation, T: Transactions, recommended inputs are: T or M D: Days, W: Weeks, M: Months, Y: Years. Warehouse Warehouse identification Use mainly: number, the warehouse number 01: For Dammam main warehouse, “from which plan” the forecast 02: For Yanbu main warehouse will be moved out.  Select/confirm report format, you can also change printer and page setups by clicking proper button: Sample output could be like: Page 13 of 21 Revision: Baseline
  • 14. Material Requirements Planning USER REFERANCE MANUAL Scenario 3: Print Action List You want to print the action list recommended by the MPS.  Open the Print Action List report:  Material Production Control Master Planning Menu Path  Master Planning Schedule  Print Action List  Enter the parameters of required to run the MPS: Field Name Field Description Values Which Selection Term Select a number from 1 to 11 to Press Enter to go for next screen, do select which parameter/field to not select any field. be entered. - Select 1 only if you are interested in checking MPS for specific item or range of items. Stock Code The items code which appeared Stock items range to be considered in MPS for MPS calculations. Field Name Field Description Values Stock Code Range of stock items for which Leave it as default action Warehouse Warehouse number, for which Use mainly: MPS proposals to be checked. 01: For Dammam main warehouse, 02: For Yanbu main warehouse Planner Planners name, for whom MPS Leave it as default proposals to be checked. Status Code Items status code, 0 to 7 Leave it as default Start Date Period for which MPS proposals If you are in a steady state situation, to be checked. period should start by today’s date, press F6 to get it, otherwise you can start by date 000000 or any proper date. Expedite Confirmation request if MPS Select Yes/No based on your proposals for “expediting” order requirement, recommended to select completion/delivery is required YES always. Release Confirmation request if MPS Select Yes/No based on your proposals for releasing new requirement, recommended to select orders. YES always. Delete Confirmation request if MPS Select Yes/No based on your proposals for deleting existing requirement, recommended to select orders. YES always. Forward Confirmation request if MPS Select Yes/No based on your proposals for “forwarding” order requirement, recommended to select completion/delivery is required YES always. Backward Confirmation request if MPS Select Yes/No based on your proposals for “back wording” requirement, recommended to select order completion/delivery is YES always. required Page 14 of 21 Revision: Baseline
  • 15. Material Requirements Planning USER REFERANCE MANUAL  Select/confirm report format, you can also change printer and page setups by clicking proper button: Sample output could be like: Page 15 of 21 Revision: Baseline
  • 16. Material Requirements Planning USER REFERANCE MANUAL Scenario 4: Validate MPS You want to enter a master plan. Prerequisites If you did not move the forecast into the plan yet, you should enter it at this step, click here to see chapter 1 – scenario 4. Procedures  Open the Planning List per Transaction:  Material Production Control Analyse Material Menu Path  Other Demands Report  Planning List per Transaction  Enter the parameters of required to run the MPS: Field Name Field Description Values Which Selection Term The system allow to enter a Recommended to press “Enter” any selective fields by entering the continue without any narrow field number here, you can selections. enter its parameters, for example, if you entered “1” then “Enter” you will be able to enter “stock code” range, and so on.  Sorting, select report-sorting parameters, Just press “ENTER” no need to select any special sorting. Page 16 of 21 Revision: Baseline
  • 17. Material Requirements Planning USER REFERANCE MANUAL  Sorting, select report-sorting parameters, Just press “ENTER” no need to select any special sorting. Field Name Field Description Values Warehouse Warehouse number/range, for Use mainly: which MPS required to be 01: For Dammam main warehouse, verified. 02: For Yanbu main warehouse From Del. Date The period required for MPS Enter the period suitable to you to validation confirm the MPS output. With Forecast A confirmation request if Select “YES”, this is the important forecast to be printed with the field to be able to validate the MPS. master plan.  Select/confirm report format, you can also change printer and page setups by clicking proper button. Sample output could be like: Page 17 of 21 Revision: Baseline
  • 18. Material Requirements Planning USER REFERANCE MANUAL Scenario 5: Amend/Adjust MPS You want to amen/adjust/add/delete MPS proposal.  Open the Enter/Adjust MPS form:  Material Production Control Master Planning Menu Path  Master Planning Schedule  Enter/Adjust MPS  Enter the parameters of the MPS to be amended:  Enter the parameters of required to run the MPS: Procedures  Open the forecast entry/adjust form: Field Name Field Description Values Stock Code Range of Stock items to be Enter item code (range of codes) to checked be amended), If you want to add a new item to the plan, leave the range as default. Warehouse Warehouse number/range, for Use mainly: which MPS required to be 01: For Dammam main warehouse, verified. 02: For Yanbu main warehouse Stock Items with MPS Confirmation request from the Preferred to select “NO” only? system regarding if the items to be shown are those with recommended work orders to be released only, or to show all items in the plan Show Forecast A confirmation request if Select “YES” forecast to be printed with the master plan. Forecast Date Enter forecast range to be Leave it as default. presented. Type of Display Type of transactions to be Leave it as default. “T” display Page 18 of 21 Revision: Baseline
  • 19. Material Requirements Planning USER REFERANCE MANUAL Page 19 of 21 Revision: Baseline
  • 20. Material Requirements Planning USER REFERANCE MANUAL Chapter 3 MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS PLANNING [MRP] Functionality This function gives a forecast Line Item Display. User can enter/adjust forecast data. Scenario 1 You want to enter a new forecast. Procedures  Open the forecast entry/adjust form: Page 20 of 21 Revision: Baseline
  • 21. Material Requirements Planning USER REFERANCE MANUAL Chapter 4 FULL CYCLE CHART Functionality This function gives a forecast Line Item Display. User can enter/adjust forecast data. Scenario 1 You want to enter a new forecast. Procedures  Open the forecast entry/adjust form: Page 21 of 21 Revision: Baseline