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Do you have the skills needed to attract the relationships you want in life?

                   “Conversation Chemistry” can help:



Part I: Master Your Money.................................................................................................5

  Chapter 1: How to Squash Money Worries.....................................................................5
  Chapter 2: How to Attract Money into Your Life............................................................11
  Chapter 3: The Top Ten Secrets of the Wealthy..........................................................19
  Chapter 4: Creating Your Own Money Magnet.............................................................28
Part 2: Master Your Love Life..........................................................................................41

  Chapter 5: How to Attract Your Ideal Partner...............................................................41
  Chapter 6: Let Go of Past Hurts and Awaken Your Passion.........................................51
  Bonus Chapter: The 10 Crucial Areas of Any Relationship..........................................56
Recommended Reading..................................................................................................61

  Amazing Self Magazine................................................................................................61

              Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and

                     your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help:


Dear Reader,

Congratulations on your decision to master the two of the most important
areas of your life: your financial life and your romantic life. The fact that you
are actively seeking solutions to change these areas of your life probably
means that you’ve realized something

You’ve realized that in spite of how important money and romance are to
your personal happiness, the majority of people who you meet are totally
clueless about both of these subjects. Just think about how few people you
know who are in romantic relationships which are working out and which are
empowering them to become better people.

And think about how few people have even enough money to live
comfortably     let alone to buy things that they want and to travel to the
places that they wish to travel. These are people who will, over the course of
their lives, experience so little of what the world has to offer them.

What a shame that so few take the time to do what you are doing right now:
proactively searching for answers which are beyond the scope of common
knowledge. The fact that you’re reading this book proves that you want
more, and that you refuse to settle      so good for you.

What will you gain from reading this book?

Well, that’s going to depend on two things:

         Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and

              your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help:


1) Your Desire for Change

2) Your Willingness to Take Action

Change is not easy for anyone, and most of us resist it at all costs         until
something comes along which makes us desperate for something different
in our life. That’s normally when we become open and humble enough to
accept input which can help us to change the ways of thinking and of
believing that have kept us stuck where we are in life.

The second thing is of course your willingness to use what you learn in this
book. Regardless of how powerful this advice is, it’s worthless without
actually putting it into action and seeing the results for yourself.

But, if you make a lifetime practice of just the principles in this short book
and refuse to give up, your entire life will begin to change for the better. So
let’s get started by taking a look at the position which most people are in
when they seek to change their financial life.


Carolyn Hansen

         Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and

              your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help:


Part I: Master Your Money

       Chapter 1: How to Squash Money Worries

How much time and energy do you spend worrying about money? If you’re
like most people, it probably consumes your thoughts. It probably impacts
your relationships and your self-confidence and your sense of inner peace.
No matter what your dreams are in life, one thing is for sure: worries about
money will rob you of your opportunity to get what you really want.

So how can you eliminate money worries from your life?

It starts with understanding the source of financial worries: uncertainty.

         Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and

             your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help:


Think about it. If you know that you’re not going to have enough money to
pay your expenses, you normally aren’t as afraid. Instead, you begin to
focus your energy and attention on a plan of action for changing your
situation. You start thinking about what you’re going to give up, how you’re
going to get by with less and how you’re going to deal with the fact that
certain bills will just have to wait to get paid.

In other words, once the thing that you fear becomes a certainty, most of the
fear disappears as you’re forced to get things in gear and start working on a
plan for change. And most of the time, you pull through and find a way to
deal with what’s coming       because you had certainty of what needed to be

If you doubt this to be true, just think about a time in your life when you were
faced with a financial crisis and you had to come up with money that you
didn’t have. How did you do? Did you come up with the money? Chances
are that you did, and how did you do it?

You had absolute 100 percent certainty that you had no other choice.
Surrender was not an option. It was fight or flight, and when most people are
faced with such a situation, they have no room for worry. Instead, they tap
into a source of confidence, motivation, and resourcefulness that they never
use under ordinary circumstances.

But, here’s something to think about: that source of confidence, motivation
and resourcefulness is available to you at all times. The problem is that most
people only call upon it when they are certain that they have no other option.

         Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and

              your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help:


Instead, they allow themselves to be overcome with uncertainty, and this is
the time when money worries become paralyzing and build a greater sense
of terror and helplessness.

The fact of the matter is that when you’re uncertain about your financial
future, you’re uncertain of what you need to do to change things. You’re
unsure about whether you’re going to need a new plan of action or not.
There’s very little or nothing that you can do other than drive yourself into
anxiety with worry and doubt.

Uncertainty causes worry, worry causes anxiety, and anxiety becomes fear.
And when fear is running rampant in your psyche, it shuts down your
creativity (which is required to solve problems) and your confidence (which
is required to take actions). Now, think about what you just read and see if
you can figure out what the key is to squashing your financial worries

Let’s look at the two things which you’re going to need to master, and how
you can start using them to get rid of financial worries:

1. Creative Problem Solving

Using your problem solving skills to overcome financial problems can turn
your financial life around faster than anything. The problem is that most of
us spend more of our energy worrying about money problems than we
spend on being creative in solving them. The only time that we use our

           Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and

               your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help:


creative problem solving skills is when we know that we are faced with a
certain upcoming crisis.

So why not use this sense of certainty to create a must have financial goal in
your future? In other words, if you want to make $5,000 to take a vacation
with your family (without having to go into debt), why not pretend that you
must have it? Treat it the same way that you would a certain financial crisis
and don’t entertain the option of surrender.

Just as you did when you were faced with the certainty of an upcoming
financial crises, your creative problem solving skills will awaken and you’ll be
able to use them to create a solid plan of action for getting the money by the
time that you need it.

This will empower you to take the second step towards squashing your
financial worries

2. Commitment to Action

Most of us underestimate our capacity to make things happen and so we sit
by and worry instead of taking action. We think about what might happen if
we do xyz and what might go wrong or right or somewhere in between. As a
result, we waste a lot of time that could have been invested in taking action,
learning from the results of those actions, correcting course, and achieving
what we want.

         Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and

             your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help:


Try this: the next time you’re worried about money that you might not have
in order to achieve something in the future (such as pay your bills, start a
new business, handle a financial crisis take a vacation etc.) Just pretend
that you certainly won’t have the money and get right to work on a plan of
action for earning it or saving it.

If you do this, there are two things that could happen: you end up earning
the extra money that you need, and/or find that you have more than you
need as a result of assuming you wouldn’t have enough.

If the latter turns out to be the case you will have a surplus, and you can
save the extra money towards financial emergencies which might occur in
the future. This will take the edge off of future financial worries and give you
more confidence that you have the self-reliance to handle emergencies
when they do happen.

The other possibility is that you’ll have either just enough money to cover the
expense of that you’ll fall a bit short of it. Either way, you’ll certainly have
more than you would have if you had just sat there and worried and done

In other words, you’re using the assumption of something negative
happening to inspire definite positive action for dealing with that negative
circumstance. You can do this every time that you have any suspicion that
you might need more money in the future that you normally wouldn’t have.

Just assume that you’re going to need the money, and get to work. This
“expecting the worst” is the approach which Robert Ringer (self-made

           Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and

               your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help:


millionaire    and   author    of   the   bestselling   book    “Winning     Through
Intimidation”) used to create his stupendous financial success.

World renowned financial coach Robert Kiyosaki also supports this
approach by claiming that if you plan ahead for bad times and take action
accordingly, you’ll never know hard times.

The other two options are to either worry and do nothing, or to assume that
“everything will be fine” and to do nothing. While one of these is considered
to be a pessimistic point of view and the other is considered to be optimistic,
they both have one thing in common: neither of them inspire the focus of
creativity towards solving a problem, and neither of them lead to action.

Better to assume that you need to do something to take proactive control of
your financial future and to get to work. And if hard times never come again,
then you have the assurance of a surplus of capital to deal with them. As
you might guess, this surplus gives you an immense sense of inner peace
which further promotes creative thinking and confidence to take action.

This will prepare you for the next step in transforming your financial life

TIP: Set a long term goal to save at least three months of expenses for a
“just in case” fund. Set a deadline and just pretend that you have to have
the money no matter what. Conduct yourself just as you would if you were
facing a certain financial crisis. This is normally more than enough to
motivate you to positive action, and build your confidence and self-reliance.

         Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and

               your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help:


Chapter 2: How to Attract Money into Your Life

Have you ever looked at someone driving a nice car or driven through a
neighborhood full of nice houses and wondered how those people got all
that money? If so, you’re about to learn the secret to attracting more money
into your life, and as you’ll soon realize, it’s not something which you’ll learn
in school.

But first, let’s look at some popular myths about wealth that tend to keep
anyone from having more of it in their life:

Making a Lot of Money is Hard

Believe it or not, making a lot of money isn’t hard. It’s just different. Just
think about how hard you are working in your life to make money right now.
Are you using all of the time and energy and resources which you have
available to you? If so, you’re already working as hard as you need to in
order to become wealthy.

So why aren’t you attracting dollars into your life by the millions?

It is because the strategy you are applying to earn money is far from
optimal, and once you change this you will have a whole new world of
options to pursue that invite wealth into your life. Think about it, you have
just as many hours in the day as anyone else does, and you probably have

         Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and

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about as much energy to spend. So the only thing that remains that might
explain the difference is how you're spending your time and energy.

Most people are using the model of trading hours for dollars in order to earn
income. The obvious problem with this is saturation – you only have so
many hours in a day. Therefore, no matter how hard you’re working, the
method you are applying towards earning an income has a cap on it.

The key to enhanced wealth is the development of new strategies which do
not restrict you to earning a limited amount per hour, per day, per week or
per year (more on this later).

Money is the Root of All Evil

Believing that money is evil is a surefire way to ensure that you’ll never have
a lot of it. After all, who would want to willingly acquire more of something in
their life which they considered to be evil? Even worse is the belief that
having money causes you to become an evil and greedy person.

Again who would ever want to see themselves as evil or greedy? This alone
is probably one of the leading causes of mediocrity and even poverty. Let’s
just put this into perspective for a moment

Evil is not a term which applies to inanimate objects such as money. The
intention to do evil requires the power of choice, and money cannot make
choices. Only you can.

         Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and

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This means that as long as you know in your heart that you are a moral
person, money is not evil and it’s perfectly okay for you to want more of it.
Perhaps even a really lot more!

You Can Attract Money by the Power of Your Thoughts

There’s a lot of talk about how you can attract more financial prosperity into
your life by changing the way that you think. While your thoughts certainly
do influence your beliefs and your actions, thoughts alone cannot attract
more money into your life. They must be accompanied by specific plans of
action which are executed with wisdom and persistence.

In his best-selling book “Think and Grow Rich,” the author Napoleon Hill

“Riches do not respond to wishes. They respond to definite plans, backed
by definite actions through constant persistence.”

And this quote provides the clue as to how you can actually attract more
money into your life

Principle #1 : Wealth Only Happens on Purpose

Other than believing in the above myths about money, the principal thing
that will make the difference between poverty and wealth is this: the ability to

         Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and

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take proactive control of your financial destiny, as opposed to leaving it to

You've probably noticed that everywhere you go there are multiple
opportunities for you to spend your money in order to build someone else's
dreams instead of building your own. We call these opportunities
‘advertisements’ – and those who are lured in by them are people who have
no definite plan of action for their money.

An interesting thing about money is that it moves in one direction and one
direction only: towards those who are proactively forming plans of action for
attracting it. This means that it HAS to be flowing away from the people who
are not proactively forming plans of action for attracting it.

This is a REALLY important point to keep in mind whenever you are thinking
about money. It has a directionality. It flows from one source to another.

This is never going to change. But what you can change is which end of the
currency flow you're going to be on. The first step towards proactively
managing the flow of financial assets in your life is keeping record of four

     1) Where your money is coming from

     2) How much money is coming in

     3) Where your money is going

     4) How much is going out

          Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and

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As simple as this sounds, it's impossible to form a plan of action for
attracting wealth before you have a clear picture of what’s happening to the
wealth which is already in your possession.

TIP: The only way to do this is by writing down all of your financial
transactions so that you can have a clear picture of what needs to change in
order for you to manage the flow of your financial resources.

Principle #2 : Wealth Stays With Those Who Know How to Build it

If you’ve never followed the statistics of Lottery and Powerball winners, it
might interest you to know that the majority of them spend it all within a few
years. Why is this? Because the money that they win does not have an
equal amount of value in their eyes as it would have if they had earned it.

The reality is that the same principles by which a person acquires wealth are
the principles which are required to maintain wealth. If you are completely
clueless about how to build wealth, you won't be able to keep it in your life
for very long once you get it.

Consider this – you probably know at least one person who is making a
reasonable amount of money but is always broke, and who at the same time
has nothing to show for it. This is because they don’t fully understand the
value of money and how to build wealth out of what they have.

So no matter how much they make, they will always end up in the same
place: broke. On the other hand, you have people like Donald Trump who

         Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and

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have lost almost everything they had at least once in their life but have built
it all back up from basically nothing.

How is this possible? It is because wealth has more to do with the person
who has the money than how much money they actually have. Take
$100,000 and give it to someone who is irresponsible with money and it
won't be long before all of that money has flowed towards someone who
had a proactive plan of action for acquiring it.

On the other hand, take that same $100,000 and give it to someone who is
responsible, and who understands how to build wealth, and they’ll have
more and more until they’ve built a fortune out of it.

So before you think about what you're going to do to attract more money
into your life, work on building the characteristics which will empower you to
make the most of the money that you already have. We will be covering ten
of these in the next chapter, but first we’ll cover the most important one

Principle #3 : Wealth is Not Only Measured in Dollars and Cents

Have you ever heard the saying “time is money”? If so, you’ve had at least a
small glimpse into how wealthy people think. The rich measure the value of
their time and their energy at all times, not just when they’re earning money.

They don’t sit on the phone for a half hour and squabble over a one dollar
charge on their electric bill. They would rather spend that time working on
proactive plans of action for acquiring more wealth in their life: starting their

         Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and

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own business, investing etc. They also don’t waste their time chasing after
income opportunities simply because they can make a lot of money.

Instead, they focus on doing things to earn income that fill them with a sense
of passion, purpose, and motivation. They understand that the value of this
passion and motivation is that it will help them to become truly excellent at
what they do and open doors for them to earn more.

On the other hand, millions of people choose careers that make them
unhappy just because they can “make more money.” But most of the extra
money gets spent buying things in order to make up for the missing
happiness and sense of purpose in their life.

If you want to have wealth in your life, you need to start measuring the
financial value of the other things in your life    not just money. This will help
you to refocus your energy and resources in a way that will allow you to
attract more money into your life.

For example, how valuable is your time, your passion, and your natural
sense of purpose and motivation? How much more value could you add as
a business owner, an entrepreneur, or an employee if you could commit all
of these things towards your trade? How much more money could you
potentially earn as a result?

As you might guess, this is simply not possible if you’re doing something
only because you can earn a bigger paycheck, but which provides you with
no sense of excitement. No matter how “impractical” something might seem,
it’s important to remember that in every field you can find at least a handful

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of experts who are making a LOT more money than the average person in
their field.

TIP: Sit down right now and ask yourself what one thing you’re most
passionate about, most skilled at and which inspires you with a sense of
purpose. Then, get to work on a practical plan of action which will position
you to earn an income doing it.

These are the people who love what they do and who are working at it with
all their heart. If you want to attract the kind of money that they’re attracting,
you must be able to do the same. This, in conjunction with the ten tips in the
next chapter, will empower you to change your strategy for earning money
to one which can help you acquire more wealth and financial security

          Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and

                your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help:


Chapter 3: The Top Ten Secrets of the Wealthy

In this chapter, we’ll be covering 10 specific secrets which illuminate the
major differences between those who are wealthy and those who are poor.
For each one of these, check your lifestyle, your financial habits, and your
current strategy for earning income so as to identify what habits you need to
change right away:

*Warning: some of what you’re about to read may be difficult to accept, but
if you receive it with an open mind, it’ll change your life forever.

Wealth Principle #1: Stop Working for Money and Get Money Working
for You

Working for money is a certain way to keep yourself working for money, and
working for it, and working for it       only to watch it go in one hand and out
the other. Wealthy people know how to leverage money so that it multiplies.
They don’t work for money as much as they know how to get money working
for them.

How do they do this? Through the way that they spend their money. They
spend it on things which add value to their lives instead of things which will
help other people build their dreams. Wealthy people don’t ask: “How much
will this cost me?” as much as they ask “How much value will this add to my

            Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and

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Think about it, as long as you’re willing to work for money, there will always
be someone who’s willing to invest in paying you so that you can help them
build their dreams. This is what your employer is doing. They’re getting more
value out of you than they’re investing because they’re paying you less than
what you’re helping them to earn.

If they weren’t making money off of your efforts in this way, they wouldn’t
keep you on staff long. So they are leveraging their money (the money that
they’re paying you) to build wealth for themselves.

Wealth Principle #2: Stop Loving to Buy, Start Loving to Sell and

This could very well be the key difference between wealthy people and
people who are broke: wealthy people love to sell, broke people love to buy.
Just think about the attitude which most people have towards salespeople.
It’s usually not too good, right? Yet, ask the same average person why they
want to get rich and they’ll rattle off a list of things that they would buy.

This is exactly the reason WHY most people never get wealthy, they love to
buy. but they hate to sell. Some of them even hate people who sell and
market. Think about this: no money is made until something is sold, and that
means someone has to buy. So in life, you’re either the seller or the buyer.

Considering this, is it any wonder why the small majority of the population
controls almost all of the wealth? Again, no money is made until something

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is sold. This is the cornerstone of every organization in the world. Even
churches and non-for-profits have to earn money through promotion of some
kind in order to stay in operation.

So if you want to attract wealth, you must either love selling and promoting
more than you love buying, or else continue to help others get wealthy
instead of helping yourself

Wealth Principle #3: Start Investing in Assets Instead of Saving

Saving money is no longer the smart thing to do when it comes to building
wealth. Taxes and inflation have made it impossible to build wealth by
merely putting money away. These days, saving money is losing money. So
once you have a few thousand dollars saved to help with potential
emergencies, the next step is to invest.

But isn’t investing risky? Yes. You could lose money if you aren’t smart with
the investments that you make. The only guard against this is to commit
yourself to a wise investment plan starting right now.

On the other hand

If you save money, you are certain to lose value because of taxes and
inflation. Again, the only guard against this is to commit yourself to a wise
investment plan starting right now.

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As a good rule of thumb, invest in assets which will help you to increase
your positive cash flow so that you can build your net worth. The best way to
do this is by running your own business.

Think about this – most of the time when you invest in your own business,
you can write it off on your taxes, but you’re still paying yourself because
you’re building your own money making asset.

Wealth Principle #4: Decide How Much You Want and Why

If you don’t determine how much wealth you want and have a specific plan
for how to spend it, you’ll either never make it or end up spending it
frivolously when it does come. This is so important that you need to get
started right now by writing down two things:

1) How much money you want to make

2) Why you want the money

The second of these is the most important because people always work
harder when they know exactly why they’re doing it. Too many people say: “I
want to be rich” or “I’m going to win the lottery.”

But without having a specific number in mind, your creative imagination and
your willpower have nothing to grasp onto. They have no standard by which

         Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and

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to determine a specific plan of action, so no action can be taken            and of
course no action equals no results.

Again, wealth can only happen on purpose, and having a specific amount to
aim for and a specific plan for the money when you make it will enable you
to make it happen on purpose instead of leaving things to chance.

Wealth Principle #5: Start Learning, and Never Stop

Knowledge may not be power, but it certainly is potential power, and power
is required to earn money. If you’re not wealthy right now, there can only be
two reasons: you either lack the specific knowledge of how to acquire
wealth, or you have the knowledge and you just haven’t used it.

Either way, learning is something which you must start right now, and there
are two crucial dimensions to learning:

1) Acquiring knowledge

2) Using knowledge by taking action, learning from both your
successes and your failures and taking more action.

Everyone knows that there are some things you can “know” in your head
without “knowing” by experiencing. This is why learning will always require
action in order to be complete. For example, you can read a book about war,
but you never know what war is like until you live through one.

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You can know about parenting by studying, reading and observing. But until
you actually raise a child, you don’t really know parenting. You can even
read about a person, but you don’t know them until you meet them in the

This has always been true, but with the growing abundance of knowledge
available because of the information age, knowledge through action is
becoming more important.

Eric Hoffer said:

“In times of drastic change, the learners will survive while the learned find
themselves well equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.”

In other words, if you want to survive and thrive, enjoy financial security and
even wealth, you must devote yourself to constant learning and action.

Wealth Principle #6: Get out of Debt and Stop Borrowing                  For Good

According to Forbes magazine, nearly 75% of the 400 wealthiest people in
North America claim that getting and staying out of debt is one of the first
keys to building wealth. Think about it: the purpose of debt is to earn money.
Debt is a product, and those who are buying it (the borrowers) are always
going to be helping those selling it (the lenders) to make more money.

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It has to work this way, or else no one would be selling debt. Again, you will
either be the seller who is making money or the buyer who is helping the
seller make money.

Wealth Principle #7: All Relationships are Business Relationships

One of the leading causes of financial troubles in North America is divorce.
Couples who marry and split up lose handfuls of money (thousands to
hundreds of thousands) over divorce disputes. This could all be avoided by
making decisions in your relationships which take financial matters into
account from the beginning.

When looking for a mate (or sometimes even when choosing friends), make
financial responsibility one of the standards by which you determine who
you’ll associate with. This alone could be the difference between being
broke and being financially secure.

Wealth Principle #8: Start Taking Care of Your Body

Considering the rising cost of health care and the fact that the leading cause
of personal bankruptcy is medical bills, it only makes sense to start taking
care of your body. Not to mention that a low energy level due to poor health
can seriously impact your earning potential. So getting your health in order
is just as much a financial decision as it is a health decision.

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This is simple, yet so many people neglect it. Your body is mortal, and
neglecting to take care of it through proper diet, exercise, rest and stress
management will take its toll financially. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but
eventually the day will come.

Wealth Principle #9: Know Where Your Money is Going

Broke people don’t know where their money is going until it’s already gone.
If you’re wondering about this, think back to the last time that you looked at
your bank account and thought:

“I thought I had more than that    where did it all go?”

Remember that wealth can ONLY happen on purpose. If you don’t have a
plan for your money, you’ll spend your life losing it to someone who does
have a plan for your money. If you aren’t keeping track of where your money
is going, you aren’t managing your money on purpose.

And this is where the last principle comes in

Wealth Principle #10: Get Started Right Now

As you’re reading this book, you’ve probably seen at least a few things
which have made you say:

“Yeah, I need to do that.”

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Start right now! Seriously, stop reading and get started. Write down your
plan of action and set a time to take the first action: to write your business
plan, to exercise, to make a budget, to pay off your credit cards, to decide
how much you want to make and why.

Think about this: if not now, then when?

Never! And you know this. Wealthy people don’t procrastinate. They make
things happen, they do it on purpose and they don’t make excuses. So
before you continue to the second part of this ebook, take the first step
towards changing your financial life

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Chapter 4: Creating Your Own Money Magnet

I mentioned in earlier chapters that money is directional. It flows from those
who like to buy, to those who like to sell. So what better way to set up your
own money magnet than to become a seller?

The first though that has likely popped into your head probably sounds
something like this: “Sure. Being a seller sounds like the right thing, but what
do I have to sell?” Make no mistake about it, becoming a successful seller is
not an easy thing to achieve. But that is not the issue here. We have already
decided that there is going to be work involved, and we are not afraid of that.
No one successful in the financial side of their lives is ever afraid of that.
The only question that remains is how to go at the task constructively.

Whether you know it or not, you probably do have something to sell that
other people would be willing to pay money for. This would be knowledge of
some kind that you have acquired through one means or another that the
average person has not managed to pick up, and which they now find they
need to possess. It cannot just be any information you possess that is rare.
It also has to be information that people are searching for, and for which
they would be prepared to pay money to get.

The amount they are willing to spend does not need to be a large either.
There just needs to be enough people in the market to allow you to tap into
the money stream and divert some of it your way. If you can find such a
market of buyers, then being a seller is the first step required to attract their

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attention. If you have something they want, they will gladly hand over the

But it might not be obvious what that something is. Fortunately, in the age of
digital products, if you can figure out what it is, then it is a relatively simple
task to set up a platform to sell it. It may be an ebook, it may be a
subscription to a newsletter that you write regularly. We’ll get to the technical
side of things later. For now, the question to be answered is what it is that
you have to sell.

What Sought After Information Do You Possess?

Let’s assume that you have decided that you are going to write your own
book and sell it on the internet. Let’s suppose also that because you have
an interest in solar technology and you have been installing your own solar
panels for years (and knocking your electricity bill into reverse) that you feel
you have some level of expertise in this area that others could benefit from.
After all, every time your solar panel exploits come up in conversation you
invariably hear how the other person would love to install their own solar
panels if they just had the time and the know how.

Could an ebook on “How To Install Your Own Solar Panels And Go Off The
Grid” be a money magnet for you? You don’t want to invest time into writing
the book first only to discover later that there is no market for it. So how do
you test the waters?

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One of the very first things you might do is go see how many people get on
the internet every month and search for the term “how to install solar
panels”. To do this you can use Google’s free keyword research tool:

Google will likely put up an image with a security code on it, called a
CAPTCHA, and ask you to type in the characters you see in the image (so
as to verify that you are not some piece of software making thousands of
requests every minute and slowing everyone down who might legitimately
be seeking information).

Type in the CAPTCHA code and then add the search phrase to the keyword
box on the left of the page:

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The hit the “Search” button to find out how many searches for this
keyphrase and ones similar to it are searched for at Google every month.
You’ll get back the first 50 results from Google’s database:

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You can see that I have sorted the results by relevance so that keywords
most closely related to the original phrase show up high in the list of results.
The column marked “Local Monthly Searches” gives the number of searches
per month in the U.S. (or whatever country you are in when you request the
keyword results).

The original term “how to install solar panels” gets about 1500 searches
monthly. The term “solar panel installation” gets around 6600 searches. If
you when through the list you would find other related terms that give you an
idea about what people are searching for in this niche:

   •   [residential solar panels]             4400

   •   [residential solar panel]              1900

   •   [make your own solar panels]           1600

   •   [homemade solar panels]                6600

   •   [build solar panels]                   3600

   •   [solar panels for home]                2900

   •   [make a solar panel]                   1000

   •   [make solar panel]                     2400

   •   [build solar panel]                    4400

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Notice that these keyword phrases are enclosed in [square braces]. This
indicates that I have requested information on the number of times that the
keywords were exactly seached for. Otherwise the report numbers would
include phrases that contain the specified keywords, but not necessarily just
those words, and not necessarily in the word order we have specified.

By specifying an exact match on the keyword phrase we keep the reported
monthly search volume down and closer to the actual numbers involved.

So [build solar panel] indicates that people type the phrase build solar panel
into Google’s search engine about 4400 times every month. You can see
where I have specified the Match Type option as exact here:

The list of keywords shown above and their exact match search volume per
month is just a partial list of the results that come back. But already we can
see that people are also searching for information on how to build, not just
install, solar panels. This might suggest that if you know how to provide the
information, you might want to revise the title of your book to “How To Build
and Install Your Own Solar Panels”.

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Another good way to see whether there might be a market for this niche is to
go looking for competing products. If you can find no competition then the
market is probably small. You really want a big market, and if others are
already making money in that market then it is a good sign that you might be
able to as well.

If you intend to write an ebook, and sell it, a good place to visit if you want to
see whether others have achieved some success is ClickBank. This is a
marketplace of digital products, mostly ebooks, but also software and
membership sites. You can find the ClickBank marketplace here:


In the image on the next page you can see the result of doing a search on
the term solar panels.

Note that I have ordered the results by relevance so that we can see
products that have the term solar panels somewhere in their description. It is
also important to note that the marketplace was designed as a place for
affiliates to go find products to promote, so the product title and description
are not what you’d expect to find if the vendor was attempting to make a

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Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and

    your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help:

Once you find a product that appears to be similar to the one you are
thinking of creating it is important to visit the vendor’s site to see exactly
what their sales pitch is.

You are interested in the sales pages that look as though they ought to be
successful. Then you want to check out their actual level of success at
ClickBank by investigating their gravity, which is essentially the number of
affiliates in the last eight weeks that have managed to refer at least one

If the product has been around for a while but has a gravity less than 10
then it is not doing too well. A really successful product will have a gravity of
50 or more. The true superstar products, that are making their creators
millions of dollars every year, have a gravity of several hundred.

These products are rare, their associated market is huge, and the vendor
has managed to do just about everything right to attract an endless stream
of buyers.

These vendors, and their products, are definitely worth studying! As an
example, here is one of the more successful products, called Green DIY
Energy, with a gravity of around 82, meaning that at the time this snapshot
was taken, about 82 affiliates were successfully selling copies of this product
over the previous two month period:

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Below you can see a portion of what the vendor’s sales page looks like at Is it any surprise that this site looks
professional? Money magnets never look as though the seller has pinched
pennies in their marketing efforts.

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So we have found at least one vendor making a living off his knowledge of
how to build and install solar panels (in fact there are a few that seem to be
doing OK with this niche). This is a very good sign, since if one person can
do it, so can another.

Of course, there is no guarantee that you will be able to match the marketing
talents of others who have already managed to make their business
profitable. Marketing, and customer acquisition in general, is an entirely
separate (and huge) subject in itself. But at least you know the niche is

Be sure to put in the research when the time comes to find out what it is that
you can sell. The ideas presented in this chapter will not guarantee that you
find a real money making idea, but they might keep you from investing time
and resources into a venture that simply does not have the potential to pull
buyers into your life. Speaking of which, we have one last thing to discuss.

How To Catch Buyers And Keep Them

Buyers are a valuable resource. By now you ought to have that idea planted
firmly in your mind. So do not make the mistake that most sellers make
when they strike out with their first potential money magnet. You will want to
make sure you do not let the buyer get away.

Many sellers become obsessed with their first product and fail to recognize a
simple truth that all successful sellers understand and take into account from

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the beginning: the product has a shelf life and will eventually give way to
other products, but buyers can last a lifetime – unless you let them get

What do I mean by that? Simply that no matter how much effort you put into
creating your money magnet, you will have to invest at least as much time
and money into the marketing side of your business. Each buyer you
acquire through a sale will cost you a certain amount of money, so it is only
smart to ensure that you can keep in contact with them. That way you can
potentially sell to them a second, and maybe third, time.

If you have a mechanism in place that allows you to contact your buyers
again this is MUCH easier than having to go out and find new buyers. The
good news is that is it relatively easy to do this. All you need to do is set up
a newsletter and get each of your buyers onto it either before or after that
make that purchase. You can use an established newsletter service provider
like Aweber at or GetResponse at to get the job done.

This one aspect of dealing with buyers can be the difference between a
long-term business that succeeds, and one that fails to turn a profit.
Remember, technology changes over time and products tend to fade, but at
the same time this means your buyers will eventually need replacement
products, and if you have their ear, then you can have their repeat business.
Don’t let them get away!

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Plan to keep your buyers close to you at all times and you will dramatically
improve your odds of keeping that money stream flowing in your direction.


You will need to use creative problem solving and make a commitment to
action to get the ball rolling. This is just what we discussed in the earlier part
of this book. You can do it if you believe that the time has come to make a
positive financial change in your life, which any of us can do.

In the next section of the book we will look at how to significantly enhance
your odds of success when dealing with personal relationships, and how to
apply those ideas to perhaps the important endeavor that you will ever
attempt in your life: how to go about attracting your ideal partner.

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Part 2: Master Your Love Life

     Chapter 5: How to Attract Your Ideal Partner

How important would it be for you to attract your idea partner in life? If
you’ve been thinking about this, you might be wondering when you’ll find the
person, where you’ll find them, and your mind might be filled with
uncertainty, hope, fear, excitement, worry and a whole mess of mixed up
emotions. But no matter what you’re feeling, one thing is for sure: the time
has come for making something happen in your love life.

But before you do, it’s important that you have three primary questions
answered about attracting your ideal partner:

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Who is Your Ideal Partner?

Okay, let’s be point blank about this one: what do you really want in a
partner? What characteristics do you require in order to be happy and
fulfilled in a relationship? Most people, when asked this question, will either
tell you one of two things:

What they Don’t Want

The characteristics of your ideal partner need to be a list of positive things
that you want instead of negative things that you don’t want. For example,
have you ever heard someone say:

“No one who lies, cheats, complains too much, no financially irresponsible
people   ”

Okay, first of all, who DOES want these things in a partner? The more
focused you are on what you don’t want, the less awareness you’ll have of
what you do want and the less energy you can commit towards looking for
what you do want. Not to mention that if you focus only on the negatives that
your list is likely to grow as your life experience grows.

Focus instead on what you do want, and make sure that you don’t make the
second mistake

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Generic Standards

Is your ideal partner someone who: is honest, who treats you well, who is
responsible and faithful, attractive, a great lover and a good potential
parent? If so, I’m sorry but you still have no idea what you really want out of
a partner. Instead, you’ve simply agreed with over 90% of people out there
who are also looking for someone: honest, who treats them well, who is
responsible and faithful, attractive, a great lover and a good potential parent.

If you want to attract your ideal partner, you need to know what you’re
looking for and you need to get specific. Of course, you do want to make
sure that your list of “must haves” doesn’t run the risk of excluding the right
person. But without standards, you run the risk of settling for something that
“seems right.”

TIP: Relationships which work are based on the fulfillment of the needs for
certainty, variety, significance, growth and contribution. Ask yourself what
kind of partner will help you meet these needs and write down your

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Are You Ready for Them to Arrive?

Okay, so there’s never a perfect time to do anything          but it’s also true that
lack of preparation is one of the primary reasons why people miss out on
wonderful opportunities in life. So how can you determine if you’re ready for
your ideal partner to arrive into your life?

Simple, survey at the characteristics that you’re looking for (you wrote those
down right?) and ask yourself this:

“Am I the kind of person I need to be to attract my ideal partner and build a
meaningful relationship with them?”

Be honest about this and don’t cheat yourself, or your partner, wherever
they are. It’s unfair to expect your ideal partner to fall for you just because
you want someone like them in your life. You also have to commit yourself
to becoming the kind of person who they will want to be with.

This is where the next question comes in

What Are You Willing to Give?

There’s no such thing as something for nothing. This is true in your financial
life, your health and in your relationships. You can know exactly what kind of
partner you want, and you can have your life together and be 100%
confident that you’re the kind of person they would want to be with          but you
still have to go out and find them.

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The level of success you have in your life will always be equivalent to the
level of commitment you have to achieving that success through planning,
action and persistence. If you want to meet and attract your ideal partner, it’s
time to ask yourself what you’re willing to give in order to have them.

In other words: do you need to set your pride aside and join an online dating
site? Do you need to start getting out more and going where single people
are? Do you need to start talking to more people of the opposite sex             those
who you don’t yet know? Do you need to learn to be a better listener?

Do you need to be more responsible? More compassionate? Have better
manners? Have more confidence? Do you need to work on your body to
improve your sense of self confidence? No matter what it is, go back to your
list of the ideal attributes in a partner and start being honest about what
you’re willing to give to get what you want.

Sure, it might be easy to say:

“But they’ll show up eventually           they have to. After alI, I deserve to be

Yes, you may deserve it. But you probably also know that it’s VERY easy to
deserve something and still never get it. So let’s take a moment to look at
how you might approach the problem of attracting that special person into
your life.

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Online Dating Sites

There are hundreds of online dating sites that you can sign up with to
browse profiles. One of the easiest to use is the Plenty Of Fish service at which is entirely free to sign up for and begin
using. Plenty Of Fish has a huge membership of tens of millions of users
from all over the world.

Other perhaps more familiar sounding dating sites include at and at, both
of which are paid subscription services. eHarmony claims to have the most
sophisticated algorithm for matching people to one another. They call it the
Compatibility Matching system. They also claim to be responsible for about

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2 percent of all U.S. marriages currently (over 230 marriages every day, in
fact), culminating in the birth of more that 100,000 babies! And that is just
one online dating service.

With numbers like these it is hard to ignore the online dating phenomenon.
But attracting your ideal partner through a dating service is not for everyone,
and you maybe need to kiss a lot of virtual frogs before you find one that
takes your breath away. So let’s look at some offline alternatives

Finding Other Local Singles

Whether you believe in soul mates or not, the fact is that most people who
fall in love do so after meeting someone who lives nearby, who they have
proximity with – often because they interact with them daily. So proximity is
a huge consideration when it comes to attracting that ideal person into your
life. You are going to have a much easier time of finding someone when you
are mixing with them.

So to increase your odds of a match you need to get out and mix with other

On the next page are a few suggestion on how you might go about doing
that. The important thing is to get out there. The more you mingle, the more
you will be forcing your own law of attraction to work for you.

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• Sign up for dancing classes. You’ll meet
    other singles and you will make physical
    contact with them, which is always great
    way to break the ice.

  • Sign up for sports or hobbies that you
    enjoy. If you meet someone while doing
    something you really have an interest in
    you will be able to share your enjoyment
    with them repeatedly and build upon it,
    whether it be soccer, volleyball, bird-
    watching, chess, or painting with water
  • Visit piano bars. These are low key
    venues where soft music is played and it
    is easy to have a conversation with the
    other person. Take a friend of the same
    sex and treat it as a chance to converse,
    while at the same time being open to
    meeting members of the opposite sex.

Improve Your Body, Improve Your Confidence

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There can be no doubt that if you feel better about your physical appearance
you will respond better to members of the opposite sex when you interact
with them. It is easy to develop insecurities as you move beyond your early
years when staying in shape took no effort at all. As your body changes (for
the worse!) your confidence begins to deflate, and you can subconsciously
sabotage your own prospects of attracting someone into your life by going
out of your way to reduce the chances of meeting them.

You will turn down opportunities for meeting people simply because in the
back of your mind you have decided that you no longer want anyone to have
access to your body because it is far from perfect.

Fortunately, bodily perfection is not required in order to find a mate. But self
confidence goes a long way to improving the odds, and you can have that if
you learn how to stay in shape through proper exercise and eating habits.

Often it is just ignorance of how your own body works that is holding you
back from losing a few pounds and toning up so that you feel like a million
bucks. When that happens, you’ll be sending out signals that you are ready
to let another person into your life and share both an emotional and physical

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At you
can find a free ebook which contains some
great tips on the best way to lose weight. It
involves no dieting and will put you on the right
path to learning how to avoid making the most
common dietary mistakes that cause excess
pounds to creep onto your frame. It will also
tell you what you need to do to get rid of them
without dieting.
So the morale of this section is that in order to get something you really
want, you usually still have to work for it       whether you feel that you are
deserving of it or not. That’s where the next step comes in

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Chapter 6: Let Go of Past Hurts and Awaken
                    Your Passion

Okay, as you were reading the last chapter, you might have felt some fear or
apprehension about whether or not you were ready for your ideal
relationship. Most likely, the cause of this apprehension was pain of past
hurts or a lack of self-confidence. Chances are that these two things are
directly or indirectly linked.

Let’s face it, you need passion, confidence and happiness within yourself
when you’re alone as well as when you’re in a relationship. Otherwise, you
run the risk of depending on your partner to fill up a hole in yourself, which is
an unfair burden for the other person.

  A partner is an equal            a person with whom you accomplish a
completeness which is greater than the sum of two people. In other words,
in a strong relationship, one and one is more than just two. A strong
partnership can generate enough love, compassion, excitement, and
inspiration to support an entire household.

This requires each partner to be giving themselves as a whole person, full of
passion and life and love which they can give freely to one another and
which allows them to receive in full as well.

In unhealthy relationships, each person is simply trying to become complete
by filling up the “holes” in their own character. In such cases, one and one is

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1.5 at best. In psychology, this is called a “merger wish” and it can drain a
relationship of passion and life FAST. This is the results of two “un-whole”
people coming together in order to fill in for what is missing in themselves.

As you might guess, whole people have the tendency to be attracted by
means of mutual strengths, while un-whole people are likely to be drawn to
one another out of mutual weaknesses.

So how can you awaken your own sense of passion and let go of past hurts
to make sure that you’re giving yourself as a whole person?

Here are five things you can do today, and which can make a dramatic
increase in your sense of personal passion and emotional health:

1) Choose to Forgive

No matter how badly someone else has hurt you, bitterness can only hurt
one person: you. Even if you never have to see the person who hurt you
again, the day to forgive them is today, whether you’re ready to or not.
Bitterness causes you to see every relationship in your life through the lens
of an old wound. This makes trusting other people VERY hard.

As you probably know, trust is something which benefits you more than the
person who you’re trusting. After all, the more you trust someone the more
you’re able to receive from them. Mistrust, on the other hand, keeps you
from openly receiving someone else’s love and compassion because you’re
always wondering “what they’re up to.” So before you can be in a

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relationship as a whole person, you have to forgive otherwise, trust will
always be a struggle and the people in your present and future will always
be paying for the offenses of those in your past.

Whether the person you need to forgive is a parent, a sibling, a friend,
someone you hate or even yourself, remember that forgiveness is a choice
and it’s something you must do to unleash your passion and to take the next

2) Choose to Look Forward

The best cure for the hurts of the past is the hopes of the future. Likewise,
the biggest hindrance to the hopes of your future will always be the hurts of
your past. Even if you’ve forgiven those who have hurt you, looking forward
is the only way to actually heal.

In psychology, there is something called “the law of reverse effect” which
states that what you focus on in your imagination will always overwhelm
your willpower. This is because you feel what you focus on and your feelings
influence your thoughts and your actions. Considering this, it’s easy to
imagine how important it is for you to make a choice to look forward and to
stop looking back.

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3) Follow Your Passion

Find what you’re passionate about and make a commitment that you’re
going to follow it as your mission in life. In fact, as you might have realized
from the first three chapters of this book, this is something which you must
do to have a chance at true wealth. If you’re working in a job that causes
you to feel empty, passionless or even unhappy, the time to start working on
an exit strategy is today.

Think about it, no matter how much willpower you have, there’s no one who
can live a life full of passion and purpose if they dislike what they’re doing
with the majority of their waking hours. Yes, it might take some time, but the
sooner you get started in pursuing a means of following your passion, the
sooner you’ll get where you want to be.

4) Set Higher Standards

The higher your standards are, the higher your rewards will be in life. Most
people who aren’t happy have settled for things which have become the
source of their unhappiness: poor health, an unfulfilling career, unhealthy
relationships, financial uncertainty etc.

The first step towards escaping this fate is setting high standards for
yourself in all the areas of your life and committing yourself to working
towards them no matter what. Even if you never reach them, you’ll get a

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LOT closer than you would have if you’d never set those standards in the
first place.

Of course, this must also be balanced out with the first principle of
awakening your passion and becoming whole

5) Be Present in the Here and Now

The past and the future both have one thing in common: they’re both
products of your imagination. Sure, one of them has already happened and
one of them has not happened. But focusing too much on either of them will
cause you to miss out on the present.

The present is all that you have when it comes to living a life of passion and
happiness. Anything else is either a dream or a memory. As inspiring as
dreams can be, and as wonderful as memories can be, the present is and
always will be the very substance of your life.

If you master the skill of being present and in the moment, you’ll have more
good to remember and more hope for the future.

TIP: Being present is something which takes practice, and you won’t be
great at it just because you’ve read this book. But a good way to start is by
developing the habit of asking yourself: “Am I giving all that I am to this

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Bonus Chapter: The 10 Crucial Areas of Any

As a close to this book, we’re going to cover the ten most crucial areas of
your relationships. These are areas which, if managed right, can be the best
areas of your relationship. But they can also be the worst if they aren’t
managed well. As you’re reading these, check yourself in ALL of your
relationships (not just your romantic relationships) and be honest about
where you need to take action:

#1 Graceful Listening

Most people know that being a good listener is crucial to success in a
relationship. But few people know how to listen gracefully. This kind of
listening is being committed 100% to hearing a person and understanding
them. The need to be heard is rooted in the need to be understood, because
the feeling of being understood validates a person.

#2 Courtship

For most relationships, courtship ends within the first year or two (or after
marriage). This is also normally the time that the “newness” wears off of a
relationship. But committing to consistent courtship (date nights etc.) with
your partner can keep the magic alive for a lifetime.

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             your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help:


#3 Standards

Many times, people get into a committed relationship and “let themselves
go.” As a result, their partner gets only a fraction of the person who they
originally fell for, which often causes the relationship to get stale. But having
high standards for yourself will keep this from happening and will likely
inspire the same in your partner.

#4 Sexual Openness

Sexuality is one of the most exciting and enjoyable things about a
partnership between two people. Just think about how high of a motivation
this is when you’re looking for a partner. So what causes this to become one
of the most boring parts of a long term relationship? Lack of sexual
openness: both partners communicating what they like to the other, listening
openly to one another and making a selfless commitment to pleasing the
other (something which almost always encourages reciprocation).

TIP: This takes practice and the best place to start is by talking about things
like kissing, petting and massaging. Talking about foreplay will make it
easier to progress into discussing more intimate acts of sexuality.

#5 Transparency

Honesty is so important in a relationship - a relationship without trust is
almost certain to fail. And as hard as it might seem, the beginning of
trustworthiness is being transparent with one another. This means sharing
what’s on your heart, whether it is “good” or “bad.” When something’s out in

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             your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help:


the open, it can be dealt with openly. But when things are denied or hidden,
they usually manifest themselves in a more indirect manner, making for
confusion and awkward interactions which can hurt the relationship.

#6 Respect

When the respect goes in a relationship, everything else becomes VERY
hard to hold together. Just think about the relationships in your life
(friendships, courtships etc) which have gone bad. Chances are that respect
was one of the first things to go, and everything else was quick to follow.
This is because as soon as the name calling, the yelling, the throwing of
“emotional daggers” and the criticizing starts, a line gets crossed.

Suddenly, things which weren’t acceptable or permissible have become a
reality in the relationship. The standards for how you speak to your partner
fall and disrespect starts to seep into the relationship like the contents of an
open sewer.

TIP: No matter how angry or upset you are, make a commitment that you’re
always going to speak to your partner as you would want someone to speak
to you and that you speak about them in their absence as you would in their
presence. This will help you to protect your relationship from the poison of

#7 Playfulness

Life needs to be fun, and so the person you share your time with must be
someone you can have fun with and laugh with. Laughter has a mysterious

         Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and

               your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help:


power to transcend emotions and circumstances and some even claim it has
healing power. Nevertheless, laughter is one of the greatest gifts life offers,
so playfulness with your partner is a commitment which has rich rewards.

#8 Financial Planning

Money is such a vital resource for acquiring the things that you want and
need. Any relationship which lacks good financial planning is open to all
kinds of problems. The majority of marriages end either partially or fully
because of money fights. No matter how in love you are with your partner,
coming into agreement about your financial resources is something which
you simply can’t afford not to do before you decide to get serious.

#9 Child Rearing

If you hope to have children one day, finding someone who you can parent
in agreement with is of untold value to the entire family         and to the future of
the human race for that matter. Parents who don’t come into agreement
about how their children are going to be raised before the children are born
end up either fighting about it or “figuring it out as they go.” This provides a
tension and chaos that can bring out the worst in both the parents and the

However, parenting in agreement can do more than build a healthy
courtship and family, it can create a legacy which will benefit your children
and the world for generations to come.

            Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and

                your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help:


#10 Growth

People need to grow in order to be emotionally healthy and happy, and the
same is true for a relationship. If you and your partner aren’t growing
together, it’s only a matter of time before you start growing apart. By
challenging yourself and your partner by committing to ongoing courtship,
graceful listening, respect and all the other principles above, you’ll build a
bond which will be nearly impossible to break.

But growth has to start with you and it can only start right here and now. No
matter what has happened to you in your past, you now have the tools to get
started in looking forward and to mastering your life           one moment at a

Starting right now.

         Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and

             your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help:


Recommended Reading

           Mark Ling's Amazing Self Magazine

There can be no doubt that when it comes to mastering your finances and
your love life that you will get the most value for the time you invest when
you seek out the advice of people who have already achieved the goals you

        Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and

             your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help:


have set for yourself. This is why the Amazing Self monthly online magazine
from entrepreneur Mark Ling represents such fantastic value.

Mark is not only a highly successful online marketer, but he has built several
seven figure businesses and penned self improvement titles as well, and
now he has gone and assembled a number of like-minded world-renowned
experts in the field of personal development and convinced them to expose
the methods that have made them so successful.

Highlights of Amazing Self

Every month members of Amazing Self receive a ton of new content
designed specifically to help you achieve mastery in the 4 main areas of
personal development: Wealth, Health, Relationships and Mindset.

Contributors include accomplished relationships and personal development
writer Amanda Selby, internationally-acclaimed wealth creation expert Mark
Ling, relationship book author and online personal success coach Andrew
Rusbatch, fitness and health guru Tracey Trimmer, online relationships and
self-help expert Mirabelle Summers, plus many industry-leading special
guests interviewed each month who all share their special personal success

The result? An authoritative and comprehensive blueprint of some of the
internet and industry's greatest thinkers and achievers' personal success
methodology, all carefully assembled and crafted into an earth-shattering
course that will forever change the way you think about goal achievement,

           Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and

               your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help:


and train you to focus every ounce of your personal strength towards
achieving your most coveted dreams and life goals.

Every month as a member of the Amazing Self magazine you will be
receiving enough content in the way of PDFs and video to keep you focused
on the goals you have set for yourself, and at the same time present you
with practical means for achieving them.

For complete details of this one-of-a-kind health, wealth, and relationship
development course, get across to Mark's site and listen to way he has to
say – which is quite a lot!

         Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and

              your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help:



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Mastery of-money-and-romance

  • 1. Do you have the skills needed to attract the relationships you want in life? “Conversation Chemistry” can help: 1
  • 2. Contents Part I: Master Your Money.................................................................................................5 Chapter 1: How to Squash Money Worries.....................................................................5 Chapter 2: How to Attract Money into Your Life............................................................11 Chapter 3: The Top Ten Secrets of the Wealthy..........................................................19 Chapter 4: Creating Your Own Money Magnet.............................................................28 Part 2: Master Your Love Life..........................................................................................41 Chapter 5: How to Attract Your Ideal Partner...............................................................41 Chapter 6: Let Go of Past Hurts and Awaken Your Passion.........................................51 Bonus Chapter: The 10 Crucial Areas of Any Relationship..........................................56 Recommended Reading..................................................................................................61 Amazing Self Magazine................................................................................................61 Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 2
  • 3. Dear Reader, Congratulations on your decision to master the two of the most important areas of your life: your financial life and your romantic life. The fact that you are actively seeking solutions to change these areas of your life probably means that you’ve realized something You’ve realized that in spite of how important money and romance are to your personal happiness, the majority of people who you meet are totally clueless about both of these subjects. Just think about how few people you know who are in romantic relationships which are working out and which are empowering them to become better people. And think about how few people have even enough money to live comfortably let alone to buy things that they want and to travel to the places that they wish to travel. These are people who will, over the course of their lives, experience so little of what the world has to offer them. What a shame that so few take the time to do what you are doing right now: proactively searching for answers which are beyond the scope of common knowledge. The fact that you’re reading this book proves that you want more, and that you refuse to settle so good for you. What will you gain from reading this book? Well, that’s going to depend on two things: Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 3
  • 4. 1) Your Desire for Change 2) Your Willingness to Take Action Change is not easy for anyone, and most of us resist it at all costs until something comes along which makes us desperate for something different in our life. That’s normally when we become open and humble enough to accept input which can help us to change the ways of thinking and of believing that have kept us stuck where we are in life. The second thing is of course your willingness to use what you learn in this book. Regardless of how powerful this advice is, it’s worthless without actually putting it into action and seeing the results for yourself. But, if you make a lifetime practice of just the principles in this short book and refuse to give up, your entire life will begin to change for the better. So let’s get started by taking a look at the position which most people are in when they seek to change their financial life. Enjoy. Carolyn Hansen Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 4
  • 5. Part I: Master Your Money Chapter 1: How to Squash Money Worries How much time and energy do you spend worrying about money? If you’re like most people, it probably consumes your thoughts. It probably impacts your relationships and your self-confidence and your sense of inner peace. No matter what your dreams are in life, one thing is for sure: worries about money will rob you of your opportunity to get what you really want. So how can you eliminate money worries from your life? It starts with understanding the source of financial worries: uncertainty. Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 5
  • 6. Think about it. If you know that you’re not going to have enough money to pay your expenses, you normally aren’t as afraid. Instead, you begin to focus your energy and attention on a plan of action for changing your situation. You start thinking about what you’re going to give up, how you’re going to get by with less and how you’re going to deal with the fact that certain bills will just have to wait to get paid. In other words, once the thing that you fear becomes a certainty, most of the fear disappears as you’re forced to get things in gear and start working on a plan for change. And most of the time, you pull through and find a way to deal with what’s coming because you had certainty of what needed to be done. If you doubt this to be true, just think about a time in your life when you were faced with a financial crisis and you had to come up with money that you didn’t have. How did you do? Did you come up with the money? Chances are that you did, and how did you do it? You had absolute 100 percent certainty that you had no other choice. Surrender was not an option. It was fight or flight, and when most people are faced with such a situation, they have no room for worry. Instead, they tap into a source of confidence, motivation, and resourcefulness that they never use under ordinary circumstances. But, here’s something to think about: that source of confidence, motivation and resourcefulness is available to you at all times. The problem is that most people only call upon it when they are certain that they have no other option. Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 6
  • 7. Instead, they allow themselves to be overcome with uncertainty, and this is the time when money worries become paralyzing and build a greater sense of terror and helplessness. The fact of the matter is that when you’re uncertain about your financial future, you’re uncertain of what you need to do to change things. You’re unsure about whether you’re going to need a new plan of action or not. There’s very little or nothing that you can do other than drive yourself into anxiety with worry and doubt. Uncertainty causes worry, worry causes anxiety, and anxiety becomes fear. And when fear is running rampant in your psyche, it shuts down your creativity (which is required to solve problems) and your confidence (which is required to take actions). Now, think about what you just read and see if you can figure out what the key is to squashing your financial worries forever. Let’s look at the two things which you’re going to need to master, and how you can start using them to get rid of financial worries: 1. Creative Problem Solving Using your problem solving skills to overcome financial problems can turn your financial life around faster than anything. The problem is that most of us spend more of our energy worrying about money problems than we spend on being creative in solving them. The only time that we use our Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 7
  • 8. creative problem solving skills is when we know that we are faced with a certain upcoming crisis. So why not use this sense of certainty to create a must have financial goal in your future? In other words, if you want to make $5,000 to take a vacation with your family (without having to go into debt), why not pretend that you must have it? Treat it the same way that you would a certain financial crisis and don’t entertain the option of surrender. Just as you did when you were faced with the certainty of an upcoming financial crises, your creative problem solving skills will awaken and you’ll be able to use them to create a solid plan of action for getting the money by the time that you need it. This will empower you to take the second step towards squashing your financial worries 2. Commitment to Action Most of us underestimate our capacity to make things happen and so we sit by and worry instead of taking action. We think about what might happen if we do xyz and what might go wrong or right or somewhere in between. As a result, we waste a lot of time that could have been invested in taking action, learning from the results of those actions, correcting course, and achieving what we want. Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 8
  • 9. Try this: the next time you’re worried about money that you might not have in order to achieve something in the future (such as pay your bills, start a new business, handle a financial crisis take a vacation etc.) Just pretend that you certainly won’t have the money and get right to work on a plan of action for earning it or saving it. If you do this, there are two things that could happen: you end up earning the extra money that you need, and/or find that you have more than you need as a result of assuming you wouldn’t have enough. If the latter turns out to be the case you will have a surplus, and you can save the extra money towards financial emergencies which might occur in the future. This will take the edge off of future financial worries and give you more confidence that you have the self-reliance to handle emergencies when they do happen. The other possibility is that you’ll have either just enough money to cover the expense of that you’ll fall a bit short of it. Either way, you’ll certainly have more than you would have if you had just sat there and worried and done nothing. In other words, you’re using the assumption of something negative happening to inspire definite positive action for dealing with that negative circumstance. You can do this every time that you have any suspicion that you might need more money in the future that you normally wouldn’t have. Just assume that you’re going to need the money, and get to work. This “expecting the worst” is the approach which Robert Ringer (self-made Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 9
  • 10. millionaire and author of the bestselling book “Winning Through Intimidation”) used to create his stupendous financial success. World renowned financial coach Robert Kiyosaki also supports this approach by claiming that if you plan ahead for bad times and take action accordingly, you’ll never know hard times. The other two options are to either worry and do nothing, or to assume that “everything will be fine” and to do nothing. While one of these is considered to be a pessimistic point of view and the other is considered to be optimistic, they both have one thing in common: neither of them inspire the focus of creativity towards solving a problem, and neither of them lead to action. Better to assume that you need to do something to take proactive control of your financial future and to get to work. And if hard times never come again, then you have the assurance of a surplus of capital to deal with them. As you might guess, this surplus gives you an immense sense of inner peace which further promotes creative thinking and confidence to take action. This will prepare you for the next step in transforming your financial life TIP: Set a long term goal to save at least three months of expenses for a “just in case” fund. Set a deadline and just pretend that you have to have the money no matter what. Conduct yourself just as you would if you were facing a certain financial crisis. This is normally more than enough to motivate you to positive action, and build your confidence and self-reliance. Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 10
  • 11. Chapter 2: How to Attract Money into Your Life Have you ever looked at someone driving a nice car or driven through a neighborhood full of nice houses and wondered how those people got all that money? If so, you’re about to learn the secret to attracting more money into your life, and as you’ll soon realize, it’s not something which you’ll learn in school. But first, let’s look at some popular myths about wealth that tend to keep anyone from having more of it in their life: Making a Lot of Money is Hard Believe it or not, making a lot of money isn’t hard. It’s just different. Just think about how hard you are working in your life to make money right now. Are you using all of the time and energy and resources which you have available to you? If so, you’re already working as hard as you need to in order to become wealthy. So why aren’t you attracting dollars into your life by the millions? It is because the strategy you are applying to earn money is far from optimal, and once you change this you will have a whole new world of options to pursue that invite wealth into your life. Think about it, you have just as many hours in the day as anyone else does, and you probably have Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 11
  • 12. about as much energy to spend. So the only thing that remains that might explain the difference is how you're spending your time and energy. Most people are using the model of trading hours for dollars in order to earn income. The obvious problem with this is saturation – you only have so many hours in a day. Therefore, no matter how hard you’re working, the method you are applying towards earning an income has a cap on it. The key to enhanced wealth is the development of new strategies which do not restrict you to earning a limited amount per hour, per day, per week or per year (more on this later). Money is the Root of All Evil Believing that money is evil is a surefire way to ensure that you’ll never have a lot of it. After all, who would want to willingly acquire more of something in their life which they considered to be evil? Even worse is the belief that having money causes you to become an evil and greedy person. Again who would ever want to see themselves as evil or greedy? This alone is probably one of the leading causes of mediocrity and even poverty. Let’s just put this into perspective for a moment Evil is not a term which applies to inanimate objects such as money. The intention to do evil requires the power of choice, and money cannot make choices. Only you can. Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 12
  • 13. This means that as long as you know in your heart that you are a moral person, money is not evil and it’s perfectly okay for you to want more of it. Perhaps even a really lot more! You Can Attract Money by the Power of Your Thoughts There’s a lot of talk about how you can attract more financial prosperity into your life by changing the way that you think. While your thoughts certainly do influence your beliefs and your actions, thoughts alone cannot attract more money into your life. They must be accompanied by specific plans of action which are executed with wisdom and persistence. In his best-selling book “Think and Grow Rich,” the author Napoleon Hill said: “Riches do not respond to wishes. They respond to definite plans, backed by definite actions through constant persistence.” And this quote provides the clue as to how you can actually attract more money into your life Principle #1 : Wealth Only Happens on Purpose Other than believing in the above myths about money, the principal thing that will make the difference between poverty and wealth is this: the ability to Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 13
  • 14. take proactive control of your financial destiny, as opposed to leaving it to chance. You've probably noticed that everywhere you go there are multiple opportunities for you to spend your money in order to build someone else's dreams instead of building your own. We call these opportunities ‘advertisements’ – and those who are lured in by them are people who have no definite plan of action for their money. An interesting thing about money is that it moves in one direction and one direction only: towards those who are proactively forming plans of action for attracting it. This means that it HAS to be flowing away from the people who are not proactively forming plans of action for attracting it. This is a REALLY important point to keep in mind whenever you are thinking about money. It has a directionality. It flows from one source to another. This is never going to change. But what you can change is which end of the currency flow you're going to be on. The first step towards proactively managing the flow of financial assets in your life is keeping record of four things: 1) Where your money is coming from 2) How much money is coming in 3) Where your money is going 4) How much is going out Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 14
  • 15. As simple as this sounds, it's impossible to form a plan of action for attracting wealth before you have a clear picture of what’s happening to the wealth which is already in your possession. TIP: The only way to do this is by writing down all of your financial transactions so that you can have a clear picture of what needs to change in order for you to manage the flow of your financial resources. Principle #2 : Wealth Stays With Those Who Know How to Build it If you’ve never followed the statistics of Lottery and Powerball winners, it might interest you to know that the majority of them spend it all within a few years. Why is this? Because the money that they win does not have an equal amount of value in their eyes as it would have if they had earned it. The reality is that the same principles by which a person acquires wealth are the principles which are required to maintain wealth. If you are completely clueless about how to build wealth, you won't be able to keep it in your life for very long once you get it. Consider this – you probably know at least one person who is making a reasonable amount of money but is always broke, and who at the same time has nothing to show for it. This is because they don’t fully understand the value of money and how to build wealth out of what they have. So no matter how much they make, they will always end up in the same place: broke. On the other hand, you have people like Donald Trump who Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 15
  • 16. have lost almost everything they had at least once in their life but have built it all back up from basically nothing. How is this possible? It is because wealth has more to do with the person who has the money than how much money they actually have. Take $100,000 and give it to someone who is irresponsible with money and it won't be long before all of that money has flowed towards someone who had a proactive plan of action for acquiring it. On the other hand, take that same $100,000 and give it to someone who is responsible, and who understands how to build wealth, and they’ll have more and more until they’ve built a fortune out of it. So before you think about what you're going to do to attract more money into your life, work on building the characteristics which will empower you to make the most of the money that you already have. We will be covering ten of these in the next chapter, but first we’ll cover the most important one Principle #3 : Wealth is Not Only Measured in Dollars and Cents Have you ever heard the saying “time is money”? If so, you’ve had at least a small glimpse into how wealthy people think. The rich measure the value of their time and their energy at all times, not just when they’re earning money. They don’t sit on the phone for a half hour and squabble over a one dollar charge on their electric bill. They would rather spend that time working on proactive plans of action for acquiring more wealth in their life: starting their Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 16
  • 17. own business, investing etc. They also don’t waste their time chasing after income opportunities simply because they can make a lot of money. Instead, they focus on doing things to earn income that fill them with a sense of passion, purpose, and motivation. They understand that the value of this passion and motivation is that it will help them to become truly excellent at what they do and open doors for them to earn more. On the other hand, millions of people choose careers that make them unhappy just because they can “make more money.” But most of the extra money gets spent buying things in order to make up for the missing happiness and sense of purpose in their life. If you want to have wealth in your life, you need to start measuring the financial value of the other things in your life not just money. This will help you to refocus your energy and resources in a way that will allow you to attract more money into your life. For example, how valuable is your time, your passion, and your natural sense of purpose and motivation? How much more value could you add as a business owner, an entrepreneur, or an employee if you could commit all of these things towards your trade? How much more money could you potentially earn as a result? As you might guess, this is simply not possible if you’re doing something only because you can earn a bigger paycheck, but which provides you with no sense of excitement. No matter how “impractical” something might seem, it’s important to remember that in every field you can find at least a handful Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 17
  • 18. of experts who are making a LOT more money than the average person in their field. TIP: Sit down right now and ask yourself what one thing you’re most passionate about, most skilled at and which inspires you with a sense of purpose. Then, get to work on a practical plan of action which will position you to earn an income doing it. These are the people who love what they do and who are working at it with all their heart. If you want to attract the kind of money that they’re attracting, you must be able to do the same. This, in conjunction with the ten tips in the next chapter, will empower you to change your strategy for earning money to one which can help you acquire more wealth and financial security Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 18
  • 19. Chapter 3: The Top Ten Secrets of the Wealthy In this chapter, we’ll be covering 10 specific secrets which illuminate the major differences between those who are wealthy and those who are poor. For each one of these, check your lifestyle, your financial habits, and your current strategy for earning income so as to identify what habits you need to change right away: *Warning: some of what you’re about to read may be difficult to accept, but if you receive it with an open mind, it’ll change your life forever. Wealth Principle #1: Stop Working for Money and Get Money Working for You Working for money is a certain way to keep yourself working for money, and working for it, and working for it only to watch it go in one hand and out the other. Wealthy people know how to leverage money so that it multiplies. They don’t work for money as much as they know how to get money working for them. How do they do this? Through the way that they spend their money. They spend it on things which add value to their lives instead of things which will help other people build their dreams. Wealthy people don’t ask: “How much will this cost me?” as much as they ask “How much value will this add to my life?” Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 19
  • 20. Think about it, as long as you’re willing to work for money, there will always be someone who’s willing to invest in paying you so that you can help them build their dreams. This is what your employer is doing. They’re getting more value out of you than they’re investing because they’re paying you less than what you’re helping them to earn. If they weren’t making money off of your efforts in this way, they wouldn’t keep you on staff long. So they are leveraging their money (the money that they’re paying you) to build wealth for themselves. Wealth Principle #2: Stop Loving to Buy, Start Loving to Sell and Promote This could very well be the key difference between wealthy people and people who are broke: wealthy people love to sell, broke people love to buy. Just think about the attitude which most people have towards salespeople. It’s usually not too good, right? Yet, ask the same average person why they want to get rich and they’ll rattle off a list of things that they would buy. This is exactly the reason WHY most people never get wealthy, they love to buy. but they hate to sell. Some of them even hate people who sell and market. Think about this: no money is made until something is sold, and that means someone has to buy. So in life, you’re either the seller or the buyer. Considering this, is it any wonder why the small majority of the population controls almost all of the wealth? Again, no money is made until something Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 20
  • 21. is sold. This is the cornerstone of every organization in the world. Even churches and non-for-profits have to earn money through promotion of some kind in order to stay in operation. So if you want to attract wealth, you must either love selling and promoting more than you love buying, or else continue to help others get wealthy instead of helping yourself Wealth Principle #3: Start Investing in Assets Instead of Saving Saving money is no longer the smart thing to do when it comes to building wealth. Taxes and inflation have made it impossible to build wealth by merely putting money away. These days, saving money is losing money. So once you have a few thousand dollars saved to help with potential emergencies, the next step is to invest. But isn’t investing risky? Yes. You could lose money if you aren’t smart with the investments that you make. The only guard against this is to commit yourself to a wise investment plan starting right now. On the other hand If you save money, you are certain to lose value because of taxes and inflation. Again, the only guard against this is to commit yourself to a wise investment plan starting right now. Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 21
  • 22. As a good rule of thumb, invest in assets which will help you to increase your positive cash flow so that you can build your net worth. The best way to do this is by running your own business. Think about this – most of the time when you invest in your own business, you can write it off on your taxes, but you’re still paying yourself because you’re building your own money making asset. Wealth Principle #4: Decide How Much You Want and Why If you don’t determine how much wealth you want and have a specific plan for how to spend it, you’ll either never make it or end up spending it frivolously when it does come. This is so important that you need to get started right now by writing down two things: 1) How much money you want to make 2) Why you want the money The second of these is the most important because people always work harder when they know exactly why they’re doing it. Too many people say: “I want to be rich” or “I’m going to win the lottery.” But without having a specific number in mind, your creative imagination and your willpower have nothing to grasp onto. They have no standard by which Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 22
  • 23. to determine a specific plan of action, so no action can be taken and of course no action equals no results. Again, wealth can only happen on purpose, and having a specific amount to aim for and a specific plan for the money when you make it will enable you to make it happen on purpose instead of leaving things to chance. Wealth Principle #5: Start Learning, and Never Stop Knowledge may not be power, but it certainly is potential power, and power is required to earn money. If you’re not wealthy right now, there can only be two reasons: you either lack the specific knowledge of how to acquire wealth, or you have the knowledge and you just haven’t used it. Either way, learning is something which you must start right now, and there are two crucial dimensions to learning: 1) Acquiring knowledge 2) Using knowledge by taking action, learning from both your successes and your failures and taking more action. Everyone knows that there are some things you can “know” in your head without “knowing” by experiencing. This is why learning will always require action in order to be complete. For example, you can read a book about war, but you never know what war is like until you live through one. Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 23
  • 24. You can know about parenting by studying, reading and observing. But until you actually raise a child, you don’t really know parenting. You can even read about a person, but you don’t know them until you meet them in the flesh. This has always been true, but with the growing abundance of knowledge available because of the information age, knowledge through action is becoming more important. Eric Hoffer said: “In times of drastic change, the learners will survive while the learned find themselves well equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.” In other words, if you want to survive and thrive, enjoy financial security and even wealth, you must devote yourself to constant learning and action. Wealth Principle #6: Get out of Debt and Stop Borrowing For Good According to Forbes magazine, nearly 75% of the 400 wealthiest people in North America claim that getting and staying out of debt is one of the first keys to building wealth. Think about it: the purpose of debt is to earn money. Debt is a product, and those who are buying it (the borrowers) are always going to be helping those selling it (the lenders) to make more money. Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 24
  • 25. It has to work this way, or else no one would be selling debt. Again, you will either be the seller who is making money or the buyer who is helping the seller make money. Wealth Principle #7: All Relationships are Business Relationships One of the leading causes of financial troubles in North America is divorce. Couples who marry and split up lose handfuls of money (thousands to hundreds of thousands) over divorce disputes. This could all be avoided by making decisions in your relationships which take financial matters into account from the beginning. When looking for a mate (or sometimes even when choosing friends), make financial responsibility one of the standards by which you determine who you’ll associate with. This alone could be the difference between being broke and being financially secure. Wealth Principle #8: Start Taking Care of Your Body Considering the rising cost of health care and the fact that the leading cause of personal bankruptcy is medical bills, it only makes sense to start taking care of your body. Not to mention that a low energy level due to poor health can seriously impact your earning potential. So getting your health in order is just as much a financial decision as it is a health decision. Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 25
  • 26. This is simple, yet so many people neglect it. Your body is mortal, and neglecting to take care of it through proper diet, exercise, rest and stress management will take its toll financially. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but eventually the day will come. Wealth Principle #9: Know Where Your Money is Going Broke people don’t know where their money is going until it’s already gone. If you’re wondering about this, think back to the last time that you looked at your bank account and thought: “I thought I had more than that where did it all go?” Remember that wealth can ONLY happen on purpose. If you don’t have a plan for your money, you’ll spend your life losing it to someone who does have a plan for your money. If you aren’t keeping track of where your money is going, you aren’t managing your money on purpose. And this is where the last principle comes in Wealth Principle #10: Get Started Right Now As you’re reading this book, you’ve probably seen at least a few things which have made you say: “Yeah, I need to do that.” Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 26
  • 27. Start right now! Seriously, stop reading and get started. Write down your plan of action and set a time to take the first action: to write your business plan, to exercise, to make a budget, to pay off your credit cards, to decide how much you want to make and why. Think about this: if not now, then when? Never! And you know this. Wealthy people don’t procrastinate. They make things happen, they do it on purpose and they don’t make excuses. So before you continue to the second part of this ebook, take the first step towards changing your financial life Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 27
  • 28. Chapter 4: Creating Your Own Money Magnet I mentioned in earlier chapters that money is directional. It flows from those who like to buy, to those who like to sell. So what better way to set up your own money magnet than to become a seller? The first though that has likely popped into your head probably sounds something like this: “Sure. Being a seller sounds like the right thing, but what do I have to sell?” Make no mistake about it, becoming a successful seller is not an easy thing to achieve. But that is not the issue here. We have already decided that there is going to be work involved, and we are not afraid of that. No one successful in the financial side of their lives is ever afraid of that. The only question that remains is how to go at the task constructively. Whether you know it or not, you probably do have something to sell that other people would be willing to pay money for. This would be knowledge of some kind that you have acquired through one means or another that the average person has not managed to pick up, and which they now find they need to possess. It cannot just be any information you possess that is rare. It also has to be information that people are searching for, and for which they would be prepared to pay money to get. The amount they are willing to spend does not need to be a large either. There just needs to be enough people in the market to allow you to tap into the money stream and divert some of it your way. If you can find such a market of buyers, then being a seller is the first step required to attract their Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 28
  • 29. attention. If you have something they want, they will gladly hand over the money. But it might not be obvious what that something is. Fortunately, in the age of digital products, if you can figure out what it is, then it is a relatively simple task to set up a platform to sell it. It may be an ebook, it may be a subscription to a newsletter that you write regularly. We’ll get to the technical side of things later. For now, the question to be answered is what it is that you have to sell. What Sought After Information Do You Possess? Let’s assume that you have decided that you are going to write your own book and sell it on the internet. Let’s suppose also that because you have an interest in solar technology and you have been installing your own solar panels for years (and knocking your electricity bill into reverse) that you feel you have some level of expertise in this area that others could benefit from. After all, every time your solar panel exploits come up in conversation you invariably hear how the other person would love to install their own solar panels if they just had the time and the know how. Could an ebook on “How To Install Your Own Solar Panels And Go Off The Grid” be a money magnet for you? You don’t want to invest time into writing the book first only to discover later that there is no market for it. So how do you test the waters? Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 29
  • 30. One of the very first things you might do is go see how many people get on the internet every month and search for the term “how to install solar panels”. To do this you can use Google’s free keyword research tool: Google will likely put up an image with a security code on it, called a CAPTCHA, and ask you to type in the characters you see in the image (so as to verify that you are not some piece of software making thousands of requests every minute and slowing everyone down who might legitimately be seeking information). Type in the CAPTCHA code and then add the search phrase to the keyword box on the left of the page: Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 30
  • 31. The hit the “Search” button to find out how many searches for this keyphrase and ones similar to it are searched for at Google every month. You’ll get back the first 50 results from Google’s database: Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 31
  • 32. You can see that I have sorted the results by relevance so that keywords most closely related to the original phrase show up high in the list of results. The column marked “Local Monthly Searches” gives the number of searches per month in the U.S. (or whatever country you are in when you request the keyword results). The original term “how to install solar panels” gets about 1500 searches monthly. The term “solar panel installation” gets around 6600 searches. If you when through the list you would find other related terms that give you an idea about what people are searching for in this niche: • [residential solar panels] 4400 • [residential solar panel] 1900 • [make your own solar panels] 1600 • [homemade solar panels] 6600 • [build solar panels] 3600 • [solar panels for home] 2900 • [make a solar panel] 1000 • [make solar panel] 2400 • [build solar panel] 4400 Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 32
  • 33. Notice that these keyword phrases are enclosed in [square braces]. This indicates that I have requested information on the number of times that the keywords were exactly seached for. Otherwise the report numbers would include phrases that contain the specified keywords, but not necessarily just those words, and not necessarily in the word order we have specified. By specifying an exact match on the keyword phrase we keep the reported monthly search volume down and closer to the actual numbers involved. So [build solar panel] indicates that people type the phrase build solar panel into Google’s search engine about 4400 times every month. You can see where I have specified the Match Type option as exact here: The list of keywords shown above and their exact match search volume per month is just a partial list of the results that come back. But already we can see that people are also searching for information on how to build, not just install, solar panels. This might suggest that if you know how to provide the information, you might want to revise the title of your book to “How To Build and Install Your Own Solar Panels”. Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 33
  • 34. Another good way to see whether there might be a market for this niche is to go looking for competing products. If you can find no competition then the market is probably small. You really want a big market, and if others are already making money in that market then it is a good sign that you might be able to as well. If you intend to write an ebook, and sell it, a good place to visit if you want to see whether others have achieved some success is ClickBank. This is a marketplace of digital products, mostly ebooks, but also software and membership sites. You can find the ClickBank marketplace here: In the image on the next page you can see the result of doing a search on the term solar panels. Note that I have ordered the results by relevance so that we can see products that have the term solar panels somewhere in their description. It is also important to note that the marketplace was designed as a place for affiliates to go find products to promote, so the product title and description are not what you’d expect to find if the vendor was attempting to make a sale. Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 34
  • 35. Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 35
  • 36. Once you find a product that appears to be similar to the one you are thinking of creating it is important to visit the vendor’s site to see exactly what their sales pitch is. You are interested in the sales pages that look as though they ought to be successful. Then you want to check out their actual level of success at ClickBank by investigating their gravity, which is essentially the number of affiliates in the last eight weeks that have managed to refer at least one sale. If the product has been around for a while but has a gravity less than 10 then it is not doing too well. A really successful product will have a gravity of 50 or more. The true superstar products, that are making their creators millions of dollars every year, have a gravity of several hundred. These products are rare, their associated market is huge, and the vendor has managed to do just about everything right to attract an endless stream of buyers. These vendors, and their products, are definitely worth studying! As an example, here is one of the more successful products, called Green DIY Energy, with a gravity of around 82, meaning that at the time this snapshot was taken, about 82 affiliates were successfully selling copies of this product over the previous two month period: Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 36
  • 37. Below you can see a portion of what the vendor’s sales page looks like at Is it any surprise that this site looks professional? Money magnets never look as though the seller has pinched pennies in their marketing efforts. Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 37
  • 38. So we have found at least one vendor making a living off his knowledge of how to build and install solar panels (in fact there are a few that seem to be doing OK with this niche). This is a very good sign, since if one person can do it, so can another. Of course, there is no guarantee that you will be able to match the marketing talents of others who have already managed to make their business profitable. Marketing, and customer acquisition in general, is an entirely separate (and huge) subject in itself. But at least you know the niche is viable. Be sure to put in the research when the time comes to find out what it is that you can sell. The ideas presented in this chapter will not guarantee that you find a real money making idea, but they might keep you from investing time and resources into a venture that simply does not have the potential to pull buyers into your life. Speaking of which, we have one last thing to discuss. How To Catch Buyers And Keep Them Buyers are a valuable resource. By now you ought to have that idea planted firmly in your mind. So do not make the mistake that most sellers make when they strike out with their first potential money magnet. You will want to make sure you do not let the buyer get away. Many sellers become obsessed with their first product and fail to recognize a simple truth that all successful sellers understand and take into account from Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 38
  • 39. the beginning: the product has a shelf life and will eventually give way to other products, but buyers can last a lifetime – unless you let them get away. What do I mean by that? Simply that no matter how much effort you put into creating your money magnet, you will have to invest at least as much time and money into the marketing side of your business. Each buyer you acquire through a sale will cost you a certain amount of money, so it is only smart to ensure that you can keep in contact with them. That way you can potentially sell to them a second, and maybe third, time. If you have a mechanism in place that allows you to contact your buyers again this is MUCH easier than having to go out and find new buyers. The good news is that is it relatively easy to do this. All you need to do is set up a newsletter and get each of your buyers onto it either before or after that make that purchase. You can use an established newsletter service provider like Aweber at or GetResponse at to get the job done. This one aspect of dealing with buyers can be the difference between a long-term business that succeeds, and one that fails to turn a profit. Remember, technology changes over time and products tend to fade, but at the same time this means your buyers will eventually need replacement products, and if you have their ear, then you can have their repeat business. Don’t let them get away! Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 39
  • 40. Plan to keep your buyers close to you at all times and you will dramatically improve your odds of keeping that money stream flowing in your direction. Summary You will need to use creative problem solving and make a commitment to action to get the ball rolling. This is just what we discussed in the earlier part of this book. You can do it if you believe that the time has come to make a positive financial change in your life, which any of us can do. In the next section of the book we will look at how to significantly enhance your odds of success when dealing with personal relationships, and how to apply those ideas to perhaps the important endeavor that you will ever attempt in your life: how to go about attracting your ideal partner. Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 40
  • 41. Part 2: Master Your Love Life Chapter 5: How to Attract Your Ideal Partner How important would it be for you to attract your idea partner in life? If you’ve been thinking about this, you might be wondering when you’ll find the person, where you’ll find them, and your mind might be filled with uncertainty, hope, fear, excitement, worry and a whole mess of mixed up emotions. But no matter what you’re feeling, one thing is for sure: the time has come for making something happen in your love life. But before you do, it’s important that you have three primary questions answered about attracting your ideal partner: Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 41
  • 42. Who is Your Ideal Partner? Okay, let’s be point blank about this one: what do you really want in a partner? What characteristics do you require in order to be happy and fulfilled in a relationship? Most people, when asked this question, will either tell you one of two things: What they Don’t Want The characteristics of your ideal partner need to be a list of positive things that you want instead of negative things that you don’t want. For example, have you ever heard someone say: “No one who lies, cheats, complains too much, no financially irresponsible people ” Okay, first of all, who DOES want these things in a partner? The more focused you are on what you don’t want, the less awareness you’ll have of what you do want and the less energy you can commit towards looking for what you do want. Not to mention that if you focus only on the negatives that your list is likely to grow as your life experience grows. Focus instead on what you do want, and make sure that you don’t make the second mistake Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 42
  • 43. Generic Standards Is your ideal partner someone who: is honest, who treats you well, who is responsible and faithful, attractive, a great lover and a good potential parent? If so, I’m sorry but you still have no idea what you really want out of a partner. Instead, you’ve simply agreed with over 90% of people out there who are also looking for someone: honest, who treats them well, who is responsible and faithful, attractive, a great lover and a good potential parent. If you want to attract your ideal partner, you need to know what you’re looking for and you need to get specific. Of course, you do want to make sure that your list of “must haves” doesn’t run the risk of excluding the right person. But without standards, you run the risk of settling for something that “seems right.” TIP: Relationships which work are based on the fulfillment of the needs for certainty, variety, significance, growth and contribution. Ask yourself what kind of partner will help you meet these needs and write down your answers. Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 43
  • 44. Are You Ready for Them to Arrive? Okay, so there’s never a perfect time to do anything but it’s also true that lack of preparation is one of the primary reasons why people miss out on wonderful opportunities in life. So how can you determine if you’re ready for your ideal partner to arrive into your life? Simple, survey at the characteristics that you’re looking for (you wrote those down right?) and ask yourself this: “Am I the kind of person I need to be to attract my ideal partner and build a meaningful relationship with them?” Be honest about this and don’t cheat yourself, or your partner, wherever they are. It’s unfair to expect your ideal partner to fall for you just because you want someone like them in your life. You also have to commit yourself to becoming the kind of person who they will want to be with. This is where the next question comes in What Are You Willing to Give? There’s no such thing as something for nothing. This is true in your financial life, your health and in your relationships. You can know exactly what kind of partner you want, and you can have your life together and be 100% confident that you’re the kind of person they would want to be with but you still have to go out and find them. Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 44
  • 45. The level of success you have in your life will always be equivalent to the level of commitment you have to achieving that success through planning, action and persistence. If you want to meet and attract your ideal partner, it’s time to ask yourself what you’re willing to give in order to have them. In other words: do you need to set your pride aside and join an online dating site? Do you need to start getting out more and going where single people are? Do you need to start talking to more people of the opposite sex those who you don’t yet know? Do you need to learn to be a better listener? Do you need to be more responsible? More compassionate? Have better manners? Have more confidence? Do you need to work on your body to improve your sense of self confidence? No matter what it is, go back to your list of the ideal attributes in a partner and start being honest about what you’re willing to give to get what you want. Sure, it might be easy to say: “But they’ll show up eventually they have to. After alI, I deserve to be happy.” Yes, you may deserve it. But you probably also know that it’s VERY easy to deserve something and still never get it. So let’s take a moment to look at how you might approach the problem of attracting that special person into your life. Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 45
  • 46. Online Dating Sites There are hundreds of online dating sites that you can sign up with to browse profiles. One of the easiest to use is the Plenty Of Fish service at which is entirely free to sign up for and begin using. Plenty Of Fish has a huge membership of tens of millions of users from all over the world. Other perhaps more familiar sounding dating sites include at and at, both of which are paid subscription services. eHarmony claims to have the most sophisticated algorithm for matching people to one another. They call it the Compatibility Matching system. They also claim to be responsible for about Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 46
  • 47. 2 percent of all U.S. marriages currently (over 230 marriages every day, in fact), culminating in the birth of more that 100,000 babies! And that is just one online dating service. With numbers like these it is hard to ignore the online dating phenomenon. But attracting your ideal partner through a dating service is not for everyone, and you maybe need to kiss a lot of virtual frogs before you find one that takes your breath away. So let’s look at some offline alternatives Finding Other Local Singles Whether you believe in soul mates or not, the fact is that most people who fall in love do so after meeting someone who lives nearby, who they have proximity with – often because they interact with them daily. So proximity is a huge consideration when it comes to attracting that ideal person into your life. You are going to have a much easier time of finding someone when you are mixing with them. So to increase your odds of a match you need to get out and mix with other singles. On the next page are a few suggestion on how you might go about doing that. The important thing is to get out there. The more you mingle, the more you will be forcing your own law of attraction to work for you. Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 47
  • 48. • Sign up for dancing classes. You’ll meet other singles and you will make physical contact with them, which is always great way to break the ice. • Sign up for sports or hobbies that you enjoy. If you meet someone while doing something you really have an interest in you will be able to share your enjoyment with them repeatedly and build upon it, whether it be soccer, volleyball, bird- watching, chess, or painting with water colors. • Visit piano bars. These are low key venues where soft music is played and it is easy to have a conversation with the other person. Take a friend of the same sex and treat it as a chance to converse, while at the same time being open to meeting members of the opposite sex. Improve Your Body, Improve Your Confidence Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 48
  • 49. There can be no doubt that if you feel better about your physical appearance you will respond better to members of the opposite sex when you interact with them. It is easy to develop insecurities as you move beyond your early years when staying in shape took no effort at all. As your body changes (for the worse!) your confidence begins to deflate, and you can subconsciously sabotage your own prospects of attracting someone into your life by going out of your way to reduce the chances of meeting them. You will turn down opportunities for meeting people simply because in the back of your mind you have decided that you no longer want anyone to have access to your body because it is far from perfect. Fortunately, bodily perfection is not required in order to find a mate. But self confidence goes a long way to improving the odds, and you can have that if you learn how to stay in shape through proper exercise and eating habits. Often it is just ignorance of how your own body works that is holding you back from losing a few pounds and toning up so that you feel like a million bucks. When that happens, you’ll be sending out signals that you are ready to let another person into your life and share both an emotional and physical connection! Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 49
  • 50. At you can find a free ebook which contains some great tips on the best way to lose weight. It involves no dieting and will put you on the right path to learning how to avoid making the most common dietary mistakes that cause excess pounds to creep onto your frame. It will also tell you what you need to do to get rid of them without dieting. So the morale of this section is that in order to get something you really want, you usually still have to work for it whether you feel that you are deserving of it or not. That’s where the next step comes in Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 50
  • 51. Chapter 6: Let Go of Past Hurts and Awaken Your Passion Okay, as you were reading the last chapter, you might have felt some fear or apprehension about whether or not you were ready for your ideal relationship. Most likely, the cause of this apprehension was pain of past hurts or a lack of self-confidence. Chances are that these two things are directly or indirectly linked. Let’s face it, you need passion, confidence and happiness within yourself when you’re alone as well as when you’re in a relationship. Otherwise, you run the risk of depending on your partner to fill up a hole in yourself, which is an unfair burden for the other person. A partner is an equal a person with whom you accomplish a completeness which is greater than the sum of two people. In other words, in a strong relationship, one and one is more than just two. A strong partnership can generate enough love, compassion, excitement, and inspiration to support an entire household. This requires each partner to be giving themselves as a whole person, full of passion and life and love which they can give freely to one another and which allows them to receive in full as well. In unhealthy relationships, each person is simply trying to become complete by filling up the “holes” in their own character. In such cases, one and one is Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 51
  • 52. 1.5 at best. In psychology, this is called a “merger wish” and it can drain a relationship of passion and life FAST. This is the results of two “un-whole” people coming together in order to fill in for what is missing in themselves. As you might guess, whole people have the tendency to be attracted by means of mutual strengths, while un-whole people are likely to be drawn to one another out of mutual weaknesses. So how can you awaken your own sense of passion and let go of past hurts to make sure that you’re giving yourself as a whole person? Here are five things you can do today, and which can make a dramatic increase in your sense of personal passion and emotional health: 1) Choose to Forgive No matter how badly someone else has hurt you, bitterness can only hurt one person: you. Even if you never have to see the person who hurt you again, the day to forgive them is today, whether you’re ready to or not. Bitterness causes you to see every relationship in your life through the lens of an old wound. This makes trusting other people VERY hard. As you probably know, trust is something which benefits you more than the person who you’re trusting. After all, the more you trust someone the more you’re able to receive from them. Mistrust, on the other hand, keeps you from openly receiving someone else’s love and compassion because you’re always wondering “what they’re up to.” So before you can be in a Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 52
  • 53. relationship as a whole person, you have to forgive otherwise, trust will always be a struggle and the people in your present and future will always be paying for the offenses of those in your past. Whether the person you need to forgive is a parent, a sibling, a friend, someone you hate or even yourself, remember that forgiveness is a choice and it’s something you must do to unleash your passion and to take the next step 2) Choose to Look Forward The best cure for the hurts of the past is the hopes of the future. Likewise, the biggest hindrance to the hopes of your future will always be the hurts of your past. Even if you’ve forgiven those who have hurt you, looking forward is the only way to actually heal. In psychology, there is something called “the law of reverse effect” which states that what you focus on in your imagination will always overwhelm your willpower. This is because you feel what you focus on and your feelings influence your thoughts and your actions. Considering this, it’s easy to imagine how important it is for you to make a choice to look forward and to stop looking back. Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 53
  • 54. 3) Follow Your Passion Find what you’re passionate about and make a commitment that you’re going to follow it as your mission in life. In fact, as you might have realized from the first three chapters of this book, this is something which you must do to have a chance at true wealth. If you’re working in a job that causes you to feel empty, passionless or even unhappy, the time to start working on an exit strategy is today. Think about it, no matter how much willpower you have, there’s no one who can live a life full of passion and purpose if they dislike what they’re doing with the majority of their waking hours. Yes, it might take some time, but the sooner you get started in pursuing a means of following your passion, the sooner you’ll get where you want to be. 4) Set Higher Standards The higher your standards are, the higher your rewards will be in life. Most people who aren’t happy have settled for things which have become the source of their unhappiness: poor health, an unfulfilling career, unhealthy relationships, financial uncertainty etc. The first step towards escaping this fate is setting high standards for yourself in all the areas of your life and committing yourself to working towards them no matter what. Even if you never reach them, you’ll get a Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 54
  • 55. LOT closer than you would have if you’d never set those standards in the first place. Of course, this must also be balanced out with the first principle of awakening your passion and becoming whole 5) Be Present in the Here and Now The past and the future both have one thing in common: they’re both products of your imagination. Sure, one of them has already happened and one of them has not happened. But focusing too much on either of them will cause you to miss out on the present. The present is all that you have when it comes to living a life of passion and happiness. Anything else is either a dream or a memory. As inspiring as dreams can be, and as wonderful as memories can be, the present is and always will be the very substance of your life. If you master the skill of being present and in the moment, you’ll have more good to remember and more hope for the future. TIP: Being present is something which takes practice, and you won’t be great at it just because you’ve read this book. But a good way to start is by developing the habit of asking yourself: “Am I giving all that I am to this moment?” Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 55
  • 56. Bonus Chapter: The 10 Crucial Areas of Any Relationship As a close to this book, we’re going to cover the ten most crucial areas of your relationships. These are areas which, if managed right, can be the best areas of your relationship. But they can also be the worst if they aren’t managed well. As you’re reading these, check yourself in ALL of your relationships (not just your romantic relationships) and be honest about where you need to take action: #1 Graceful Listening Most people know that being a good listener is crucial to success in a relationship. But few people know how to listen gracefully. This kind of listening is being committed 100% to hearing a person and understanding them. The need to be heard is rooted in the need to be understood, because the feeling of being understood validates a person. #2 Courtship For most relationships, courtship ends within the first year or two (or after marriage). This is also normally the time that the “newness” wears off of a relationship. But committing to consistent courtship (date nights etc.) with your partner can keep the magic alive for a lifetime. Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 56
  • 57. #3 Standards Many times, people get into a committed relationship and “let themselves go.” As a result, their partner gets only a fraction of the person who they originally fell for, which often causes the relationship to get stale. But having high standards for yourself will keep this from happening and will likely inspire the same in your partner. #4 Sexual Openness Sexuality is one of the most exciting and enjoyable things about a partnership between two people. Just think about how high of a motivation this is when you’re looking for a partner. So what causes this to become one of the most boring parts of a long term relationship? Lack of sexual openness: both partners communicating what they like to the other, listening openly to one another and making a selfless commitment to pleasing the other (something which almost always encourages reciprocation). TIP: This takes practice and the best place to start is by talking about things like kissing, petting and massaging. Talking about foreplay will make it easier to progress into discussing more intimate acts of sexuality. #5 Transparency Honesty is so important in a relationship - a relationship without trust is almost certain to fail. And as hard as it might seem, the beginning of trustworthiness is being transparent with one another. This means sharing what’s on your heart, whether it is “good” or “bad.” When something’s out in Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 57
  • 58. the open, it can be dealt with openly. But when things are denied or hidden, they usually manifest themselves in a more indirect manner, making for confusion and awkward interactions which can hurt the relationship. #6 Respect When the respect goes in a relationship, everything else becomes VERY hard to hold together. Just think about the relationships in your life (friendships, courtships etc) which have gone bad. Chances are that respect was one of the first things to go, and everything else was quick to follow. This is because as soon as the name calling, the yelling, the throwing of “emotional daggers” and the criticizing starts, a line gets crossed. Suddenly, things which weren’t acceptable or permissible have become a reality in the relationship. The standards for how you speak to your partner fall and disrespect starts to seep into the relationship like the contents of an open sewer. TIP: No matter how angry or upset you are, make a commitment that you’re always going to speak to your partner as you would want someone to speak to you and that you speak about them in their absence as you would in their presence. This will help you to protect your relationship from the poison of disrespect. #7 Playfulness Life needs to be fun, and so the person you share your time with must be someone you can have fun with and laugh with. Laughter has a mysterious Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 58
  • 59. power to transcend emotions and circumstances and some even claim it has healing power. Nevertheless, laughter is one of the greatest gifts life offers, so playfulness with your partner is a commitment which has rich rewards. #8 Financial Planning Money is such a vital resource for acquiring the things that you want and need. Any relationship which lacks good financial planning is open to all kinds of problems. The majority of marriages end either partially or fully because of money fights. No matter how in love you are with your partner, coming into agreement about your financial resources is something which you simply can’t afford not to do before you decide to get serious. #9 Child Rearing If you hope to have children one day, finding someone who you can parent in agreement with is of untold value to the entire family and to the future of the human race for that matter. Parents who don’t come into agreement about how their children are going to be raised before the children are born end up either fighting about it or “figuring it out as they go.” This provides a tension and chaos that can bring out the worst in both the parents and the children. However, parenting in agreement can do more than build a healthy courtship and family, it can create a legacy which will benefit your children and the world for generations to come. Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 59
  • 60. #10 Growth People need to grow in order to be emotionally healthy and happy, and the same is true for a relationship. If you and your partner aren’t growing together, it’s only a matter of time before you start growing apart. By challenging yourself and your partner by committing to ongoing courtship, graceful listening, respect and all the other principles above, you’ll build a bond which will be nearly impossible to break. But growth has to start with you and it can only start right here and now. No matter what has happened to you in your past, you now have the tools to get started in looking forward and to mastering your life one moment at a time. Starting right now. Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 60
  • 61. Recommended Reading Mark Ling's Amazing Self Magazine There can be no doubt that when it comes to mastering your finances and your love life that you will get the most value for the time you invest when you seek out the advice of people who have already achieved the goals you Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 61
  • 62. have set for yourself. This is why the Amazing Self monthly online magazine from entrepreneur Mark Ling represents such fantastic value. Mark is not only a highly successful online marketer, but he has built several seven figure businesses and penned self improvement titles as well, and now he has gone and assembled a number of like-minded world-renowned experts in the field of personal development and convinced them to expose the methods that have made them so successful. Highlights of Amazing Self Every month members of Amazing Self receive a ton of new content designed specifically to help you achieve mastery in the 4 main areas of personal development: Wealth, Health, Relationships and Mindset. Contributors include accomplished relationships and personal development writer Amanda Selby, internationally-acclaimed wealth creation expert Mark Ling, relationship book author and online personal success coach Andrew Rusbatch, fitness and health guru Tracey Trimmer, online relationships and self-help expert Mirabelle Summers, plus many industry-leading special guests interviewed each month who all share their special personal success recipes. The result? An authoritative and comprehensive blueprint of some of the internet and industry's greatest thinkers and achievers' personal success methodology, all carefully assembled and crafted into an earth-shattering course that will forever change the way you think about goal achievement, Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 62
  • 63. and train you to focus every ounce of your personal strength towards achieving your most coveted dreams and life goals. Every month as a member of the Amazing Self magazine you will be receiving enough content in the way of PDFs and video to keep you focused on the goals you have set for yourself, and at the same time present you with practical means for achieving them. For complete details of this one-of-a-kind health, wealth, and relationship development course, get across to Mark's site and listen to way he has to say – which is quite a lot! Do you have the skills needed to completely master your money and your romantic life? The “Amazing Self” magazine can help: 63