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“Hasta La Victoria Siempre”, Santa Clara, Cuba
Carlos Puebla (1917-1989)
Hasta Siempre Comandante       Until Always
Aprendimos a quererte          We learned to love you
desde la histórica altura      from the heights of history
donde el sol de tu bravura     with the sun of your bravery
le puso cerco a la muerte.     you laid siege to death

* Aquí se queda la clara,      * The deep (or beloved) transparency
la entrañable transparencia,   of your presence
de tu querida presencia        became clear here
Comandante Che Guevara.        Commandante Che Guevara

Tu mano gloriosa y fuerte      Your glorious and strong hand
sobre la historia dispara      fires at history
cuando todo Santa Clara        when all of Santa Clara
se despierta para verte.       awakens to see you

Vienes quemando la brisa       You come burning the winds
con soles de primavera         with spring suns
para plantar la bandera        to plant the flag
con la luz de tu sonrisa.      with the light of your smile

Tu amor revolucionario         Your revolutionary love
te conduce a nueva empresa     leads you to a new undertaking
donde esperan la firmeza        where they are awaiting the firmness
de tu brazo libertario.        of your liberating arm

Seguiremos adelante            We will carry on
como junto a ti seguimos       as we did along with you
y con Fidel te decimos:        and with Fidel we say to you:
!Hasta siempre, Comandante!    Until Always, Commandante!
Hasta Siempre Comandante       Until Always
Aprendimos a quererte          We learned to love you
desde la histórica altura      from the heights of history
donde el sol de tu bravura     with the sun of your bravery
le puso cerco a la muerte.     you laid siege to death

* Aquí se queda la clara,      * The deep (or beloved) transparency
la entrañable transparencia,   of your presence
de tu querida presencia        became clear here
Comandante Che Guevara.        Commandante Che Guevara

Tu mano gloriosa y fuerte      Your glorious and strong hand
sobre la historia dispara      fires at history
cuando todo Santa Clara        when all of Santa Clara
se despierta para verte.       awakens to see you

Vienes quemando la brisa       You come burning the winds
con soles de primavera         with spring suns
para plantar la bandera        to plant the flag
con la luz de tu sonrisa.      with the light of your smile

Tu amor revolucionario         Your revolutionary love
te conduce a nueva empresa     leads you to a new undertaking
donde esperan la firmeza        where they are awaiting the firmness
de tu brazo libertario.        of your liberating arm

Seguiremos adelante            We will carry on
como junto a ti seguimos       as we did along with you
y con Cuba te decimos:         and with Cuba we say to you:
!Hasta siempre, Comandante!    Until Always, Commandante!
Ángel Parra (1943- )
Guitarra en duelo mayor Ángel Parra (Chile), Nicolás Guillen (lyrics) (Cuba)
Soldadito de Bolivia                              little soldier from Bolivia,
Soldadito boliviano                               little bolivian soldier
Armado vas con tu rifle                            you run around armed with your rifle,
Que es un rifle americano                          that's an american rifle,
Soldadito de Bolivia                              little soldier from Bolivia
Que es un rifle americano                          that's an american rifle

Te lo entregó un asesino                          it was given to you by a murderer,
Soldadito boliviano                               little bolivian soldier
Regalo de Mister dolar                            a gift from Mr. Dollar,
Para matar a tu hermano                           to kill your brother
Soldadito de Bolivia                              little soldier from Bolivia
Para matar a tu hermano                           to kill your brother

No sabes quin es el muerto                        you don't know who the diceased is,
Soldadito boliviano?                              little bolivian soldier
El muerto es el Che Guevara                       the diceased is "El Che Guevara",
Y era argentino y cubano                          and he was both Argentinian and Cuban
Soldadito de Bolivia                              little bolivian soldier
Y era argentino y cubano                          and he was both Argentinian and Cuban

Está mi guitarra entera                           my guitar stays strong,
Soldadito boliviano                               little bolivian soldier
De luto, pero no llora                            it's in mourning but doesn't cry,
Aunque llorar es humano                           even though crying is human
Soldadito de Bolivia                              little soldier from Bolivia
Aunque llorar es humano                           even though crying is human
No llora porque la hora        doesn't cry because the time,
Soldadito boliviano            little bolivian soldier
No es de lágrima y pañuelo     is not a time of tears and handkerchief,
Sino de machete en mano        but of a machete on (every) hand
Soldadito de Bolivia           little soldier from Bolivia
Sino de machete en mano        but of a machete on (every) hand

Con el money que te paga       with the money that (he) pays you,
Soldadito boliviano            little bolivian soldier
Que te vendes, que te compra   that you sell yourself that you get paid,
Es lo que piensa el tirano,    is what the the tyrant thinks
Soldadito de Bolivia           little soldier from Bolivia
Es lo que piensa el tirano     is what the the tyrant thinks

Despierta que ya es de día     Wake up it’s a new day
Soldadito boliviano            little bolivian soldier
Está en pié todo el mundo      a new day is coming all around the world
Porque el sol salió temprano   See the morning sun shining
Soldadito de Bolivia           little soldier from Bolivia
Porque el sol salió temprano   See the morning sun shining

Pero aprenderás seguro         but you will learn for sure,
Soldadito boliviano            little bolivian soldier
Que a un hermano no se vende   that you just don't betray a brother
Que no se mata a un hermano    that you don't kill a brother,
Soldadito de Bolivia           little soldier from Bolivia
Que no se mata a un hermano.   that you don't kill a brother
Atahualpa Yupanqui (1908-1992)
Nada Más                           Nothing Else
Teniendo rancho y caballo          having a hut and a horse
es más liviana la pena.            the sorrow is lighter
De todo aquello que tuve           of everything I once had
sólo el recuerdo me quema.         only the memory burns me
Nada más, nada más.                nothing else, nothing else
No tengo cuentas con Dios,         I have no pending issues with God
mis cuentas son con los hombres.   my issues are with men
Yo rezo en el llano abierto        I pray in the open field
y me hago león en el monte.        and become a lion in the scrub
Nada más, nada más.                nothing else, nothing else

Me gusta mirarlo al hombre         I like to watch (the) man
plantado sobre la tierra           standing on the ground
como una piedra en la cumbre       like a stone on the top
como un palo en la ribera.         like a stick on the river bak
Nada más, nada más.                nothing else, nothing else

Alguna gente se muere              some people die
para volver a nacer.               to be born again
El que tenga alguna duda           if anyone has any doubt
Que se lo pregunte al Che.         go and ask "El Che"
Nada más, nada más.                nothing else, nothing else
Victor Jara (1932-1973)
Zamba del Che                  Samba for Che
Vengo cantando esta zamba      I come singing this samba
con redoble libertario,        With a redoubling of liberty,
mataron al guerrillero         They killed the fighter
Che comandante Guevara.        Commandante Che Guevara.
Selvas, pampas y montañas      Jungles, plains and mountains
patria o muerte su destino.    Mother country or death: his destiny.
Que los derechos humanos       Human rights,
los violan en tantas partes,   They violate them in so many places
en América Latina              In Latin America
domingo, lunes y martes.       Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.
Nos imponen militares          They impose militarists
para sojuzgar los pueblos,     To subjugate the people.
dictadores, asesinos,          Dictators, assassins,
gorilas y generales.           guerillas and generals.
Explotan al campesino          They exploit the peasant,
al minero y al obrero,         The miner and workers.
cuanto dolor su destino,       So much pain is his destiny,
hambre miseria y dolor.        hunger, misery and pain.
Bolívar le dió el camino       Bolivar led the way
y Guevara lo siguió:           And Guevara followed.
liberar a nuestro pueblo       Liberated the people
del dominio explotador.        From the domain of exploitation.
A Cuba le dió la gloria        To Cuba he gave the glory
de la nación liberada.         Of a nation liberated.
Bolivia también le llora       Bolivia also cries
su vida sacrificada.            for his life, sacrificed.
San Ernesto de La Higuera      Saint Ernesto of the Higuera,
le llaman los campesinos,      He is called by the peasants.
selvas, pampas y montañas,     Jungles, plains and mountains,
patria o muerte su destino.    Mother country or death, his destiny.
Ay, Che Camino Matio (France)      Oh, Path of Che
Yo soy un hombre nacido            I'm a man that was born
allá en la Pampa lejana            there in the distant Pampa
pero mi sueño querido              but my beloved dream
es la patria americana.            is the American homeland

No tengo tierra ni casa            I don't have a land nor a house
no tengo nombre ni edad            I don't have a name nor age
soy como el viento que pasa        I'm like the wind that passes by
un viento de libertad.             a wind of freedom

Ay, Che camino                     Oh, Che I walk/path
patria o muerte es mi destino      homeland or death is my destiny
Ay, Che camino                     Oh, Che I walk/path
patria o muerte es mi destino.     homeland or death is my destiny

Mañana cuando yo muera             tomorrow when I die
oigan queridos hermanos            hear out, dear brothers
quiero una america entera          I want a whole (united) America
con el fusil en la mano.           with a rifle on their hands

No quiero estatuas ni honores      I don't want statues or honors
no quiero versos de llanto         don't want weeping verses
echen al viento las flores          toss the flowers on the wind
que patria o muerte es mi canto.   homeland or death is my destiny

Ay, Che camino                     Oh, Che I walk/path
patria o muerte es mi destino      homeland or death is my destiny
Ay, Che camino                     Oh, Che I walk/path
patria o muerte es mi destino.     homeland or death is my destiny
Charlie Haden (1937- )
Charlie Haden and Carla Bley (1936- )

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  • 11. 1997
  • 12. “Hasta La Victoria Siempre”, Santa Clara, Cuba
  • 14.
  • 15. Hasta Siempre Comandante Until Always Aprendimos a quererte We learned to love you desde la histórica altura from the heights of history donde el sol de tu bravura with the sun of your bravery le puso cerco a la muerte. you laid siege to death * Aquí se queda la clara, * The deep (or beloved) transparency la entrañable transparencia, of your presence de tu querida presencia became clear here Comandante Che Guevara. Commandante Che Guevara Tu mano gloriosa y fuerte Your glorious and strong hand sobre la historia dispara fires at history cuando todo Santa Clara when all of Santa Clara se despierta para verte. awakens to see you Vienes quemando la brisa You come burning the winds con soles de primavera with spring suns para plantar la bandera to plant the flag con la luz de tu sonrisa. with the light of your smile Tu amor revolucionario Your revolutionary love te conduce a nueva empresa leads you to a new undertaking donde esperan la firmeza where they are awaiting the firmness de tu brazo libertario. of your liberating arm Seguiremos adelante We will carry on como junto a ti seguimos as we did along with you y con Fidel te decimos: and with Fidel we say to you: !Hasta siempre, Comandante! Until Always, Commandante!
  • 16. 1997
  • 17. Hasta Siempre Comandante Until Always Aprendimos a quererte We learned to love you desde la histórica altura from the heights of history donde el sol de tu bravura with the sun of your bravery le puso cerco a la muerte. you laid siege to death * Aquí se queda la clara, * The deep (or beloved) transparency la entrañable transparencia, of your presence de tu querida presencia became clear here Comandante Che Guevara. Commandante Che Guevara Tu mano gloriosa y fuerte Your glorious and strong hand sobre la historia dispara fires at history cuando todo Santa Clara when all of Santa Clara se despierta para verte. awakens to see you Vienes quemando la brisa You come burning the winds con soles de primavera with spring suns para plantar la bandera to plant the flag con la luz de tu sonrisa. with the light of your smile Tu amor revolucionario Your revolutionary love te conduce a nueva empresa leads you to a new undertaking donde esperan la firmeza where they are awaiting the firmness de tu brazo libertario. of your liberating arm Seguiremos adelante We will carry on como junto a ti seguimos as we did along with you y con Cuba te decimos: and with Cuba we say to you: !Hasta siempre, Comandante! Until Always, Commandante!
  • 19. Guitarra en duelo mayor Ángel Parra (Chile), Nicolás Guillen (lyrics) (Cuba) Soldadito de Bolivia little soldier from Bolivia, Soldadito boliviano little bolivian soldier Armado vas con tu rifle you run around armed with your rifle, Que es un rifle americano that's an american rifle, Soldadito de Bolivia little soldier from Bolivia Que es un rifle americano that's an american rifle Te lo entregó un asesino it was given to you by a murderer, Soldadito boliviano little bolivian soldier Regalo de Mister dolar a gift from Mr. Dollar, Para matar a tu hermano to kill your brother Soldadito de Bolivia little soldier from Bolivia Para matar a tu hermano to kill your brother No sabes quin es el muerto you don't know who the diceased is, Soldadito boliviano? little bolivian soldier El muerto es el Che Guevara the diceased is "El Che Guevara", Y era argentino y cubano and he was both Argentinian and Cuban Soldadito de Bolivia little bolivian soldier Y era argentino y cubano and he was both Argentinian and Cuban Está mi guitarra entera my guitar stays strong, Soldadito boliviano little bolivian soldier De luto, pero no llora it's in mourning but doesn't cry, Aunque llorar es humano even though crying is human Soldadito de Bolivia little soldier from Bolivia Aunque llorar es humano even though crying is human
  • 20. No llora porque la hora doesn't cry because the time, Soldadito boliviano little bolivian soldier No es de lágrima y pañuelo is not a time of tears and handkerchief, Sino de machete en mano but of a machete on (every) hand Soldadito de Bolivia little soldier from Bolivia Sino de machete en mano but of a machete on (every) hand Con el money que te paga with the money that (he) pays you, Soldadito boliviano little bolivian soldier Que te vendes, que te compra that you sell yourself that you get paid, Es lo que piensa el tirano, is what the the tyrant thinks Soldadito de Bolivia little soldier from Bolivia Es lo que piensa el tirano is what the the tyrant thinks Despierta que ya es de día Wake up it’s a new day Soldadito boliviano little bolivian soldier Está en pié todo el mundo a new day is coming all around the world Porque el sol salió temprano See the morning sun shining Soldadito de Bolivia little soldier from Bolivia Porque el sol salió temprano See the morning sun shining Pero aprenderás seguro but you will learn for sure, Soldadito boliviano little bolivian soldier Que a un hermano no se vende that you just don't betray a brother Que no se mata a un hermano that you don't kill a brother, Soldadito de Bolivia little soldier from Bolivia Que no se mata a un hermano. that you don't kill a brother
  • 22. Nada Más Nothing Else Teniendo rancho y caballo having a hut and a horse es más liviana la pena. the sorrow is lighter De todo aquello que tuve of everything I once had sólo el recuerdo me quema. only the memory burns me Nada más, nada más. nothing else, nothing else No tengo cuentas con Dios, I have no pending issues with God mis cuentas son con los hombres. my issues are with men Yo rezo en el llano abierto I pray in the open field y me hago león en el monte. and become a lion in the scrub Nada más, nada más. nothing else, nothing else Me gusta mirarlo al hombre I like to watch (the) man plantado sobre la tierra standing on the ground como una piedra en la cumbre like a stone on the top como un palo en la ribera. like a stick on the river bak Nada más, nada más. nothing else, nothing else Alguna gente se muere some people die para volver a nacer. to be born again El que tenga alguna duda if anyone has any doubt Que se lo pregunte al Che. go and ask "El Che" Nada más, nada más. nothing else, nothing else
  • 24.
  • 25. Zamba del Che Samba for Che Vengo cantando esta zamba I come singing this samba con redoble libertario, With a redoubling of liberty, mataron al guerrillero They killed the fighter Che comandante Guevara. Commandante Che Guevara. Selvas, pampas y montañas Jungles, plains and mountains patria o muerte su destino. Mother country or death: his destiny. Que los derechos humanos Human rights, los violan en tantas partes, They violate them in so many places en América Latina In Latin America domingo, lunes y martes. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Nos imponen militares They impose militarists para sojuzgar los pueblos, To subjugate the people. dictadores, asesinos, Dictators, assassins, gorilas y generales. guerillas and generals. Explotan al campesino They exploit the peasant, al minero y al obrero, The miner and workers. cuanto dolor su destino, So much pain is his destiny, hambre miseria y dolor. hunger, misery and pain. Bolívar le dió el camino Bolivar led the way y Guevara lo siguió: And Guevara followed. liberar a nuestro pueblo Liberated the people del dominio explotador. From the domain of exploitation. A Cuba le dió la gloria To Cuba he gave the glory de la nación liberada. Of a nation liberated. Bolivia también le llora Bolivia also cries su vida sacrificada. for his life, sacrificed. San Ernesto de La Higuera Saint Ernesto of the Higuera, le llaman los campesinos, He is called by the peasants. selvas, pampas y montañas, Jungles, plains and mountains, patria o muerte su destino. Mother country or death, his destiny.
  • 26. 1968
  • 27. Ay, Che Camino Matio (France) Oh, Path of Che Yo soy un hombre nacido I'm a man that was born allá en la Pampa lejana there in the distant Pampa pero mi sueño querido but my beloved dream es la patria americana. is the American homeland No tengo tierra ni casa I don't have a land nor a house no tengo nombre ni edad I don't have a name nor age soy como el viento que pasa I'm like the wind that passes by un viento de libertad. a wind of freedom Ay, Che camino Oh, Che I walk/path patria o muerte es mi destino homeland or death is my destiny Ay, Che camino Oh, Che I walk/path patria o muerte es mi destino. homeland or death is my destiny Mañana cuando yo muera tomorrow when I die oigan queridos hermanos hear out, dear brothers quiero una america entera I want a whole (united) America con el fusil en la mano. with a rifle on their hands No quiero estatuas ni honores I don't want statues or honors no quiero versos de llanto don't want weeping verses echen al viento las flores toss the flowers on the wind que patria o muerte es mi canto. homeland or death is my destiny Ay, Che camino Oh, Che I walk/path patria o muerte es mi destino homeland or death is my destiny Ay, Che camino Oh, Che I walk/path patria o muerte es mi destino. homeland or death is my destiny
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  • 30. 2004
  • 32. Charlie Haden and Carla Bley (1936- )
  • 33. 1969