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Spock: A Highly Logical
Way To Test
Howard M. Lewis Ship
TWD Consulting
                       © 2012 Howard M. Lewis Ship
Why Don't We Test?

                       Hard To Get Started

               My Code's Perfect     Code Too Monolithic

    Tests Broke, Nobody Fixed, Turned Off

              Uh, We Used To?        More Code Is More Code

                      Test Code Hard To Maintain
What if ...

 Test code was readable?
 Tests were concise?
 Test reports were useful?
 Failures were well described?
 Mocking was easy?

… wouldn't that be most logical?
My Path
               Wrote own test framework –
               in PL/1 – 5000 - 7000 tests

                First JUnit tests (Tapestry
                     template parser)
    2003-ish      Started using TestNG
    2004-ish    Started using EasyMock
    2005-ish    Started using Selenium 1

    2006-ish       Dabbled in Groovy

     2010             Spock! ~ 0.4

    Feature      Under
First Specification                                              sp
SkySpecification.groovy                                       gro ck 0
                                                                 ov     .
package org.example                                                 y-1 6-
import spock.lang.*

class SkySpecification extends Specification {

}                                 All Specifications extend from this base class

                      package org.example.sus;

                      public class Sky {
                        public String getColor() {
                          return "blue";
Feature Methods

      def "sky is blue"() {
        def sky = new Sky()

          sky.color == "blue"
$ gradle test
Note: the Gradle build daemon is an experimental feature.
As such, you may experience unexpected build failures. You may need to
occasionally stop the daemon.
:compileJava UP-TO-DATE
:compileGroovy UP-TO-DATE
:processResources UP-TO-DATE
:classes UP-TO-DATE
:compileTestJava UP-TO-DATE
:compileTestGroovy                   $ tree build/reports/
:processTestResources UP-TO-DATE     build/reports/
:testClasses                         └── tests
:test                                    ├── base-style.css
BUILD SUCCESSFUL                         ├── index.html
                                         ├── org.example.SkySpecification.html
Total time: 3.831 secs                   ├── org.example.html
~/workspaces/github/spock-examples       ├── report.js
$                                        └── style.css

                                     1 directory, 7 files
sky.color == "green"
Feature Method Blocks
                      def "sky is blue"() {
                        def sky = new Sky()

                          sky.color == "blue"

 setup: or given:
 Feature methods must contain at least one block
 otherwise, not a feature method

 Initialization of the fixture
 Always at top of method
 Can't be repeated
 Can be given: instead
 Anything up to first label is implicit setup:
expect:                      Response

                  sky.color == "blue"


 Combines stimulus and response
 Contains only conditions and variable definitions
   Conditions assert Groovy truth
 Best for purely functional (no-side effects) functions
when: / then:
                     def "clouds are grey"() {
                       def sky = new Sky()

          Stimulus       sky.addStormSystem()

                         sky.color == "grey"    Response

 Used as a pair
 Tests method with side effects
 then: may only contain conditions, exception
 conditions, interactions and variable definitions
when: / then:
          def "clouds are grey"() {
            def sky = new Sky()


              sky.color == "grey"
Test driven
package org.example.sus;

public class Sky {

    private String color = "blue";

    public String getColor() {
      return color;

    public void addStormSystem() {
      color = "grey";
then: Old Values

 def "pushing an element on the stack increases its size by one"() {
   def stack = new Stack()
   stack.size() == old(stack.size()) + 1

                          Expression value captured before where: block
Extended Assert
  def "use of extended assert"() {

      assert 4 == 5, "Big Brother says there are four fingers"
              def file = new File("/some/path")

              // ...


 Cleanup external resources
 Always invoked, even if previous exceptions
             def "length of crew member names"() {
               name.length() == length

                 name     |   length
                 "Spock"  |   5
                 "Kirk"   |   4
                 "Scotty" |   6

 Parameterizes feature method with data
 Must be last block
 Can use | or || as separator

         One entry for three
          feature method
where: using lists
       def "length of crew member names (using lists)"() {
         name.length() == length

           name << ["Spock", "Kirk", "Scotty"]
           length << [5, 4, 6]

                  Could come from external file or database

   [name, age, gender] = sql.execute("select name, age, sex from ⏎
where: derived values
   def "length of crew member names (with derived values)"() {
     name.length() == length

       name << ["Spock", "Kirk", "Scotty"]
       length = name.length()
Block labels
               def "clouds are grey"() {

                   given: "A fresh Sky"
                   def sky = new Sky()

                   when: "A storm system rolls in"

                   then: "It all goes grey"
                   sky.color == "grey"

 Allowed, but not (currently) used
 and: "block" allowed, does nothing
Beyond Feature Methods
         package org.example

         import org.example.sus.Sky
         import spock.lang.Specification

         class SkySpecification extends Specification {

             def sky = new Sky()            New for each feature method
             def "sky is blue by default"() {
               sky.color == "blue"

             def "clouds are grey"() {

                 given: "A fresh Sky"

                 when: "A storm system rolls in"

                 then: "It all goes grey"
                 sky.color == "grey"
Shared Fields

            Created once, shared across all instances

   class MySpecification extends Specification {
     @Shared def resource = new AnExepensiveResource()

       static final PASSWORD = "sayfriendandenter"

                    Statics should be final and immutable
Fixture Methods
               def setup() { … }

               def cleanup() { … }

 Create / initialize instance of Specification
 Invoke setup()
 Invoke feature method
 Invoke cleanup()
Fixture Methods
           def setupSpec() { … }

           def cleanupSpec() { … }

 Instance created for Specification setup / cleanup
 May only access @Shared and static fields
Exception Conditions
def ins = new ClassInstantiatorImpl(ContextCatcher, ⏎
  ContextCatcher.constructors[0], null)

def "may not add a duplicate instance context value"() {

    def ins2 = ins.with(String, "initial value")

    ins2.with(String, "conflicting value")

    def e = thrown()      Or: e   = thrown(IllegalStateException)

    e.message == "An instance context value of type java.lang.String ⏎
    has already been added."
Typed Exceptions
def ins = new ClassInstantiatorImpl(ContextCatcher, ⏎
  ContextCatcher.constructors[0], null)

def "may not add a duplicate instance context value"() {

    def ins2 = ins.with(String, "initial value")

    ins2.with(String, "conflicting value")

    IllegalStateException e = thrown()

    e.message == "An instance context value of type java.lang.String ⏎
    has already been added."
             def "HashMap accepts null key"() {
               def map = new HashMap()
               map.put(null, "elem")
                     Documentation value only

Also: noExceptionThrown()
Mocks and Interactions

   Feature     SystemUnder

  System        Instance
               Mock Object

package org.example.sus

class PaymentProcessor {

    CustomerDAO customerDAO

    def applyPayment(long customerId, BigDecimal amount) {

        Customer customer = customerDAO.getById(customerId)

        if (customer == null)
          throw new IllegalArgumentException("No customer #$customerId")

        customer.accountBalance += amount
                                                 package org.example.sus;
    }                                            public interface CustomerDAO {
                                                     Customer getById(long id);

                                                     void update(Customer customer);
class ApplyPaymentSpecification extends Specification {

     CustomerDAO dao = Mock()      Factory method
     PaymentProcessor processor

     def setup() {
       processor = new PaymentProcessor(customerDAO: dao)

Defining Mock Behavior

     def "unknown customer id is an exception"() {
       processor.applyPayment(12345, 100)

         1 * dao.getById(12345) >> null            Define behavior for
                                                 preceding when: block
         IllegalArgumentException e = thrown()

         e.message == "No customer #12345"
def "valid customer id for update"() {
  processor.applyPayment(, 200)

    1 * dao.getById( >> customer
    1 * dao.update(customer)

    customer.accountBalance == 500

    customer = new Customer(id: 98765, accountBalance: 300)
Target and Method Constraints
                                Argument Constraints

  1 * dao.getById(12345) >> null
  Number of invocations:
                                                 Returns a value
 ➠ Interaction is optional, must have return value
 n * mock.method(…)
 ➠ exactly n times
 (n.._) * mock.method(…)
 ➠ at least n times
 (_..n) * mock.method(…)
 ➠ Up to n times
Argument Constraints
 ➠ Any argument

 ➠ Any number of arguments

 ➠ Any non-null argument
 ➠ Argument equals value
 ➠ Argument not equal to value

 _ as Type
 ➠ Non-null argument assignable to Type
Closures for Argument Contraints
class InteractionsSpecification extends Specification {

  Operation mock = Mock()

  interface Operation {
    Object op(input)

  def isOdd(input) { input % 2 != 0 }                 Helper method
  def "closure for parameter constraint"() {
    assert mock.op(3) == 6
    assert mock.op(7) == 14

      (2..7) * mock.op({ isOdd(it) }) >> { 2 * it }

                  Return value computed by closure
def "wrong number of invocations"() {
         assert mock.op(7) == 14

           (2..7) * mock.op({ isOdd(it) }) >> { 2 * it }

Too few invocations for:

(2..7) * mock.op({ result = 2 * it; return it % 2 != 0 }) >> { result }   (1 invocation)

&   at org.spockframework.mock.InteractionScope.verifyInteractions(
&   at org.spockframework.mock.MockController.leaveScope(
&   at org.example.InteractionsSpecification.wrong number of
Mocks are Lenient

    def "parameter does   not match closure constraint"() {
      assert mock.op(3)   == 6
      assert mock.op(4)   == null
      assert mock.op(7)   == 14

        _ * mock.op({ isOdd(it) }) >> { 2 * it }
Less Lenient Mocks
         def "detecting parameter that doesn't match"() {
           assert mock.op(3) == 6
           assert mock.op(4) == null
           assert mock.op(7) == 14

             _ * mock.op({ isOdd(it) }) >> { 2 * it }

             0 * _          aka "any interaction"

Too many invocations for:

0 * _   (1 invocation)

Last invocation: mock.op(4)

&   at org.spockframework.mock.MockInteraction.accept(
&   at org.spockframework.mock.MockInteractionDecorator.accept(
&   at org.spockframework.mock.InteractionScope$1.accept(
&   at org.spockframework.mock.MockController.dispatch(
&   at org.spockframework.mock.DefaultMockFactory$1.invoke(
&   at org.example.InteractionsSpecification.detecting parameter that doesn't
Target and Method Constraints

     Target Constraint

  1 * dao.getById(12345) >> null

                     Method Constraint
Target Constraints

 ➠ Match the mock in the variable or field
 ➠ Match any mock
Method Constraints

 ➠ Match method with given name
 ➠ Match methods matching regular expression
 ➠ e.g. bean./set.*/(_)
 ➠ Match any method
Return Values

 >> value
 ➠ Return the value
 >> { … }
 ➠ Evaluate the closure and return the result
 >>> [ a, b, c]
 ➠ Return a, then return b, then keep returning c
 ➠ Any kind of iterable list, any size
Chained Return Values

       >>> ["ok", "ok", "fail"]
       >> { throw new RuntimeException("Status failure."); }

                              The last value sticks
Ordered Interactions

          def "test three amigos"() {

              1 * collab1.firstPart()       No order checking
              1 * collab2.secondPart()        on firstPart(),
              1 * collab3.thirdPart()

                              thirdPart() only
                            allowed after both

           def "frobs the gnop"() {
                                            A "global interaction"
               checker.isValid(_) >> true      valid to end of
               when:                               method
     def "Crew member '#name' length is #length"() {
       name.length() == length

         name       |   length
         "Spock"    |   5
         "Kirk"     |   4
         "Scotty"   |   6
class CanonicalWhereBlockExampleSpecification extends Specification {

    def "Crew member '#name' length is #length"() {

    def "length of crew member names (using lists)"() {

    def "length of crew member names (with derived values)"() {
      def "can access data in under five seconds"() {

      @Timeout(value=100, unit=TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
      def "can update data in under 100 ms"() {

Feature and fixture methods run on main thread
A second thread may interrupt the main thread
Can be placed on class to affect all feature methods
    class BuildingBlocksSpecification extends Specification {

      def "first step()" { … }

      def "second step"() { … }

      def "third step"() { … }

Feature methods run in declaration order
Failed methods cause remainder to be skipped
               def DatabaseSpecification … {

                   @AutoCleanup @Shared
                   Connection connection


Will invoke close() on field's value
Exceptions are reported but are not failures
➠ Don't report exceptions
value attribute is name of method to invoke
@Ignore / @IgnoreRest

 Used to temporarily control which feature methods
 ➠ Ignore this method, run others
 ➠ Run this method, ignore others
More Info

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Spock: A Highly Logical Way To Test

  • 1. Spock: A Highly Logical Way To Test Howard M. Lewis Ship TWD Consulting @hlship © 2012 Howard M. Lewis Ship
  • 2. Why Don't We Test? Hard To Get Started My Code's Perfect Code Too Monolithic Tests Broke, Nobody Fixed, Turned Off Uh, We Used To? More Code Is More Code Test Code Hard To Maintain
  • 3. What if ... Test code was readable? Tests were concise? Test reports were useful? Failures were well described? Mocking was easy? … wouldn't that be most logical?
  • 4. My Path Wrote own test framework – 1990's in PL/1 – 5000 - 7000 tests First JUnit tests (Tapestry 2001 template parser) 2003-ish Started using TestNG 2004-ish Started using EasyMock 2005-ish Started using Selenium 1 2006-ish Dabbled in Groovy 2010 Spock! ~ 0.4
  • 5. Terminology Fixture Specification Collaborator System Feature Feature Under Specification Collaborator
  • 6. First Specification sp o SkySpecification.groovy gro ck 0 ov . package org.example y-1 6- .8 import spock.lang.* class SkySpecification extends Specification { ... } All Specifications extend from this base class package org.example.sus; public class Sky { public String getColor() { return "blue"; } }
  • 7. Feature Methods def "sky is blue"() { setup: def sky = new Sky() expect: sky.color == "blue" }
  • 8. Execution $ gradle test Note: the Gradle build daemon is an experimental feature. As such, you may experience unexpected build failures. You may need to occasionally stop the daemon. :compileJava UP-TO-DATE :compileGroovy UP-TO-DATE :processResources UP-TO-DATE :classes UP-TO-DATE :compileTestJava UP-TO-DATE :compileTestGroovy $ tree build/reports/ :processTestResources UP-TO-DATE build/reports/ :testClasses └── tests :test ├── base-style.css ├── BUILD SUCCESSFUL ├── index.html ├── org.example.SkySpecification.html Total time: 3.831 secs ├── org.example.html ~/workspaces/github/spock-examples ├── report.js $ └── style.css 1 directory, 7 files ~/workspaces/github/spock-examples $
  • 9.
  • 10.
  • 11.
  • 13.
  • 14.
  • 15. Feature Method Blocks def "sky is blue"() { setup: def sky = new Sky() expect: sky.color == "blue" } setup: or given: expect: when: then: where: cleanup: Feature methods must contain at least one block otherwise, not a feature method
  • 16. setup: Initialization of the fixture Always at top of method Can't be repeated Can be given: instead Anything up to first label is implicit setup:
  • 17. expect: Response expect: sky.color == "blue" Stimulus Combines stimulus and response Contains only conditions and variable definitions Conditions assert Groovy truth Best for purely functional (no-side effects) functions
  • 18. when: / then: def "clouds are grey"() { def sky = new Sky() when: Stimulus sky.addStormSystem() then: sky.color == "grey" Response } Used as a pair Tests method with side effects then: may only contain conditions, exception conditions, interactions and variable definitions
  • 19. when: / then: def "clouds are grey"() { def sky = new Sky() when: sky.addStormSystem() then: sky.color == "grey" }
  • 20. Test driven package org.example.sus; public class Sky { private String color = "blue"; public String getColor() { return color; } public void addStormSystem() { color = "grey"; } }
  • 21. then: Old Values def "pushing an element on the stack increases its size by one"() {   def stack = new Stack()   when: stack.push("element")   then: stack.size() == old(stack.size()) + 1 } Expression value captured before where: block
  • 22. Extended Assert def "use of extended assert"() { expect: assert 4 == 5, "Big Brother says there are four fingers" }
  • 23. cleanup: setup: def file = new File("/some/path") file.createNewFile() // ... cleanup: file.delete() Cleanup external resources Always invoked, even if previous exceptions
  • 24. where: def "length of crew member names"() { expect: name.length() == length where: name     | length "Spock"  | 5 "Kirk"   | 4 "Scotty" | 6 } Parameterizes feature method with data Must be last block Can use | or || as separator
  • 25. where: One entry for three feature method executions
  • 26. where: using lists def "length of crew member names (using lists)"() { expect: name.length() == length where: name << ["Spock", "Kirk", "Scotty"] length << [5, 4, 6] } Could come from external file or database where: [name, age, gender] = sql.execute("select name, age, sex from ⏎ customer")
  • 27. where: derived values def "length of crew member names (with derived values)"() { expect: name.length() == length where: name << ["Spock", "Kirk", "Scotty"] length = name.length() }
  • 28. Block labels def "clouds are grey"() { given: "A fresh Sky" def sky = new Sky() when: "A storm system rolls in" sky.addStormSystem() then: "It all goes grey" sky.color == "grey" } Allowed, but not (currently) used and: "block" allowed, does nothing
  • 30. Fields package org.example import org.example.sus.Sky import spock.lang.Specification class SkySpecification extends Specification { def sky = new Sky() New for each feature method def "sky is blue by default"() { expect: sky.color == "blue" } def "clouds are grey"() { given: "A fresh Sky" when: "A storm system rolls in" sky.addStormSystem() then: "It all goes grey" sky.color == "grey" } }
  • 31. Shared Fields Created once, shared across all instances class MySpecification extends Specification { @Shared def resource = new AnExepensiveResource() static final PASSWORD = "sayfriendandenter" … } Statics should be final and immutable
  • 32. Fixture Methods def setup() { … } def cleanup() { … } Create / initialize instance of Specification Invoke setup() Invoke feature method Invoke cleanup()
  • 33. Fixture Methods def setupSpec() { … } def cleanupSpec() { … } Instance created for Specification setup / cleanup May only access @Shared and static fields
  • 34. Exception Conditions def ins = new ClassInstantiatorImpl(ContextCatcher, ⏎ ContextCatcher.constructors[0], null) def "may not add a duplicate instance context value"() { given: def ins2 = ins.with(String, "initial value") when: ins2.with(String, "conflicting value") then: def e = thrown() Or: e = thrown(IllegalStateException) e.message == "An instance context value of type java.lang.String ⏎ has already been added." }
  • 35. Typed Exceptions def ins = new ClassInstantiatorImpl(ContextCatcher, ⏎ ContextCatcher.constructors[0], null) def "may not add a duplicate instance context value"() { given: def ins2 = ins.with(String, "initial value") when: ins2.with(String, "conflicting value") then: IllegalStateException e = thrown() e.message == "An instance context value of type java.lang.String ⏎ has already been added." }
  • 36. notThrown() def "HashMap accepts null key"() {   setup:   def map = new HashMap()     when:   map.put(null, "elem")     then:   notThrown(NullPointerException) } Documentation value only Also: noExceptionThrown()
  • 38. Fixture Specification Collaborator Feature SystemUnder Feature Specification Collaborator
  • 39. Configured System Instance Under Specification Mock Object
  • 40. Payment CustomerDAO Processor PaymentProcessor.groovy package org.example.sus class PaymentProcessor { CustomerDAO customerDAO def applyPayment(long customerId, BigDecimal amount) { Customer customer = customerDAO.getById(customerId) if (customer == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("No customer #$customerId") customer.accountBalance += amount package org.example.sus; customerDAO.update(customer) } public interface CustomerDAO { } Customer getById(long id); void update(Customer customer); }
  • 41. class ApplyPaymentSpecification extends Specification { CustomerDAO dao = Mock() Factory method PaymentProcessor processor def setup() { processor = new PaymentProcessor(customerDAO: dao) } … }|
  • 42. Defining Mock Behavior def "unknown customer id is an exception"() { when: processor.applyPayment(12345, 100) then: 1 * dao.getById(12345) >> null Define behavior for preceding when: block IllegalArgumentException e = thrown() e.message == "No customer #12345" }
  • 43. def "valid customer id for update"() { when: processor.applyPayment(, 200) then: 1 * dao.getById( >> customer 1 * dao.update(customer) customer.accountBalance == 500 where: customer = new Customer(id: 98765, accountBalance: 300) }
  • 44. Target and Method Constraints Argument Constraints 1 * dao.getById(12345) >> null Number of invocations: Returns a value cardinality
  • 45. Cardinality Omitted ➠ Interaction is optional, must have return value n * mock.method(…) ➠ exactly n times (n.._) * mock.method(…) ➠ at least n times (_..n) * mock.method(…) ➠ Up to n times
  • 46. Argument Constraints _ ➠ Any argument *_ ➠ Any number of arguments !null ➠ Any non-null argument value ➠ Argument equals value !value ➠ Argument not equal to value _ as Type ➠ Non-null argument assignable to Type
  • 47. Closures for Argument Contraints class InteractionsSpecification extends Specification { Operation mock = Mock() interface Operation { Object op(input) } def isOdd(input) { input % 2 != 0 } Helper method def "closure for parameter constraint"() { when: assert mock.op(3) == 6 assert mock.op(7) == 14 then: (2..7) * mock.op({ isOdd(it) }) >> { 2 * it } } Return value computed by closure
  • 48. def "wrong number of invocations"() { when: assert mock.op(7) == 14 then: (2..7) * mock.op({ isOdd(it) }) >> { 2 * it } } Too few invocations for: (2..7) * mock.op({ result = 2 * it; return it % 2 != 0 }) >> { result } (1 invocation) & at org.spockframework.mock.InteractionScope.verifyInteractions( & at org.spockframework.mock.MockController.leaveScope( & at org.example.InteractionsSpecification.wrong number of invocations(InteractionsSpecification.groovy:32)
  • 49. Mocks are Lenient def "parameter does not match closure constraint"() { when: assert mock.op(3) == 6 assert mock.op(4) == null assert mock.op(7) == 14 then: _ * mock.op({ isOdd(it) }) >> { 2 * it } }
  • 50. Less Lenient Mocks def "detecting parameter that doesn't match"() { when: assert mock.op(3) == 6 assert mock.op(4) == null assert mock.op(7) == 14 then: _ * mock.op({ isOdd(it) }) >> { 2 * it } 0 * _ aka "any interaction" } Too many invocations for: 0 * _ (1 invocation) Last invocation: mock.op(4) & at org.spockframework.mock.MockInteraction.accept( & at org.spockframework.mock.MockInteractionDecorator.accept( & at org.spockframework.mock.InteractionScope$1.accept( & at org.spockframework.mock.MockController.dispatch( & at org.spockframework.mock.DefaultMockFactory$1.invoke( & at org.example.InteractionsSpecification.detecting parameter that doesn't match(InteractionsSpecification.groovy:58)
  • 51. Target and Method Constraints Target Constraint 1 * dao.getById(12345) >> null Method Constraint
  • 52. Target Constraints name ➠ Match the mock in the variable or field _ ➠ Match any mock
  • 53. Method Constraints name ➠ Match method with given name /re/ ➠ Match methods matching regular expression ➠ e.g. bean./set.*/(_) _ ➠ Match any method
  • 54. Return Values >> value ➠ Return the value >> { … } ➠ Evaluate the closure and return the result >>> [ a, b, c] ➠ Return a, then return b, then keep returning c ➠ Any kind of iterable list, any size
  • 55. Chained Return Values then: service.getStatus() >>> ["ok", "ok", "fail"] >> { throw new RuntimeException("Status failure."); } The last value sticks
  • 56. Ordered Interactions def "test three amigos"() { when: facade.doSomething() then: 1 * collab1.firstPart() No order checking 1 * collab2.secondPart() on firstPart(), secondPart() then: 1 * collab3.thirdPart() } thirdPart() only allowed after both firstPart(), secondPart()
  • 57. Stubbing def "frobs the gnop"() { A "global interaction" checker.isValid(_) >> true valid to end of when: method … }
  • 59. @Unroll @Unroll def "Crew member '#name' length is #length"() { expect: name.length() == length where: name | length "Spock" | 5 "Kirk" | 4 "Scotty" | 6 }
  • 60.
  • 61. @Unroll class CanonicalWhereBlockExampleSpecification extends Specification { def "Crew member '#name' length is #length"() { … } def "length of crew member names (using lists)"() { … } def "length of crew member names (with derived values)"() { … } }
  • 62. @Timeout @Timeout(5) def "can access data in under five seconds"() { … } @Timeout(value=100, unit=TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) def "can update data in under 100 ms"() { … } Feature and fixture methods run on main thread A second thread may interrupt the main thread Can be placed on class to affect all feature methods
  • 63. @Stepwise @Stepwise class BuildingBlocksSpecification extends Specification { def "first step()" { … } def "second step"() { … } def "third step"() { … } Feature methods run in declaration order Failed methods cause remainder to be skipped
  • 64. @AutoCleanup def DatabaseSpecification … { @AutoCleanup @Shared Connection connection … } Will invoke close() on field's value Exceptions are reported but are not failures quiet=true ➠ Don't report exceptions value attribute is name of method to invoke
  • 65. @Ignore / @IgnoreRest Used to temporarily control which feature methods execute @Ignore ➠ Ignore this method, run others @IgnoreRest ➠ Run this method, ignore others
  • 72. Q&A