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More Verilog                                                                  8-bit Register with Synchronous Reset

                                                                                    module     reg8 (reset, CLK, D, Q);
                                                                                    input          reset;
                                                                                    input          CLK;
                                                                                    input      [7:0] D;
                                                                                    output     [7:0] Q;
                                                                                    reg         [7:0] Q;

                                                                                        always @(posedge CLK)
                                                                                          if (reset)
                                                                                            Q = 0;
                                                                                            Q = D;

                                                                                    endmodule        // reg8

                                    Verilog - 1                                                                Verilog - 2

N-bit Register with Asynchronous Reset                                        Shift Register Example

                                                                               // 8-bit register can be cleared, loaded, shifted left
      module regN (reset, CLK, D, Q);                                          // Retains value if no control signal is asserted
      input      reset;
      input      CLK;                                                          module   shiftReg (CLK, clr, shift, ld, Din, SI, Dout);
                                                                               input            CLK;
      parameter N = 8;    // Allow N to be changed
                                                                               input            clr;           // clear register
      input [N-1:0] D;
                                                                               input            shift;         // shift
      output [N-1:0] Q;                                                        input            ld;            // load register from Din
      reg    [N-1:0] Q;                                                        input    [7:0] Din;             // Data input for load
                                                                               input            SI;            // Input bit to shift in
              always @(posedge CLK or posedge reset)                           output   [7:0] Dout;
                if (reset)                                                     reg      [7:0] Dout;
                  Q = 0;
                else if (CLK == 1)                                               always @(posedge CLK) begin
                                                                                   if (clr)          Dout <= 0;
                  Q = D;
                                                                                   else if (ld)      Dout <= Din;
                                                                                   else if (shift)   Dout <= { Dout[6:0], SI };
      endmodule          // regN                                                 end

                                                                               endmodule                 // shiftReg
                                    Verilog - 3                                                                Verilog - 4

Blocking and Non-Blocking Assignments                                         Swap (continued)

                            Q = A                                                          %         %

          !                                       "                                 %
  #   $                         Q <= A
                                                                                    always @(posedge CLK)      always @(posedge CLK)
                                                                                        begin                      begin
                                                                                            A = B;                     B = A;
                                         %                                              end                        end
                                                           !                    (
                                                                                                                  posedge CLK
  '       % & ! %
                                                                                    always @(posedge CLK)      always @(posedge CLK)
                 always @(posedge CLK)                                                  begin                      begin
                                                      always @(posedge CLK)                 A <= B;                    B <= A;
                     begin                                begin
                          temp = B;                                                     end                        end
                                                               A <= B;
                          B = A;                               B <= A;
                          A = temp;                       end
                                    Verilog - 5                                                                Verilog - 6
Non-Blocking Assignment                                                                         Counter Example

    #      $                                            !               )
                            !                                                                          %        %       !                                  %
                            $                $                      *         %$    %                           0                                   1 22

               & + ), + -               ./       "              %

 // this implements 3 parallel flip-flops
 always @(posedge clk)                                                                             // 8-bit counter with clear and count enable controls
    begin                                                                                          module count8 (CLK, clr, cntEn, Dout);
        B = A;    // this implements a shift register                                              input          CLK;
        C = B;    always @(posedge clk)
        D = C;                                                                                     input          clr;           // clear counter
    end                  {D, C, B} = {C, B, A};
                                                                                                   input          cntEn;         // enable count
                     end                                                                           output [7:0] Dout;            // counter value
                                                     // this implements a shift register
                                                                                                   reg    [7:0] Dout;
                                                     always @(posedge clk)
                                                        begin                                         always @(posedge CLK)
                                                            B <= A;                                     if (clr)          Dout <= 0;
                                                            C <= B;                                     else if (cntEn)   Dout <= Dout + 1;
                                                            D <= C;
                                                        end                                        endmodule
                                                 Verilog - 7                                                                         Verilog - 8

Finite State Machines                                                                           Verilog FSM - Reduce 1s example

                                                                                                                    4       5                        46
                                                                    Mealy outputs                      '    %                        %

                                                 next state         Moore outputs
                       combinational                                                               // State assignment
                          logic                                                                    parameter zero = 0, one1 = 1, two1s = 2;

                                                                        current state              module reduce (clk, reset, in, out);
                                                                                                     input clk, reset, in;
                                                                                                     output out;
                                                                                                     reg out;
                                                                                                     reg [1:0] state;       // state register
                                                                                                     reg [1:0] next_state;

                                    %                                                              // Implement the state register
                                                                                                     always @(posedge clk)
           3 %                                                           !                             if (reset) state = zero;
           3 %                  %                                                       !              else       state = next_state;

                                                 Verilog - 9                                                                         Verilog - 10

Moore Verilog FSM (cont’d)                                                                      Mealy Verilog FSM for Reduce-1s example

  always @(in or state)                                                                         module reduce (clk, reset, in, out);
    case (state)                                                                                  input clk, reset, in;
      out = 0;         // defaults                                                                output out;
      next_state = zero;                                                                          reg out;
      zero: begin      // last input was a zero                                                   reg state;            // state register
        if (in) next_state = one1;                                                                reg next_state;
      end                                                                                         parameter zero = 0, one = 1;

                                                                                                  always @(posedge clk)
        one1: begin      // we've seen one 1                                                        if (reset) state = zero;
        if (in) next_state = two1s;                                                                 else       state = next_state;
                                                                                                  always @(in or state)
      two1s:    begin // we've seen at least 2 ones                                                 out = 0;
         out = 1;                                                                                   next_state = zero;
         if (in) next_state = two1s;                                                                case (state)
      end                                                                                           zero: begin          // last input was a zero
        // Don’t need case default because of default assignments                                     if (in) next_state = one;
endcase                                                                                             end
endmodule                                                                                           one:      // we've seen one 1
                                                                                                      if (in) begin
                                                                                                         next_state = one; out = 1;

                                                 Verilog - 11                                                                        Verilog - 12

Single-always Moore Machine
Restricted FSM Implementation Style                                                                     (Not Recommended!)

                            "       !        !
                                %           )7                                                             module reduce (clk, reset, in, out);
            %           %                                                                                    input clk, reset, in;
                                                                                                             output out;
                                        !                      !                                             reg out;
                                                                                                             reg [1:0] state;       // state register
           22      %                                                                                         parameter zero = 0, one1 = 1, two1s = 2;

                  !                         1

                                                Verilog - 13                                                                             Verilog - 14

Single-always Moore Machine
(Not Recommended!)                                                                                      Delays

  always @(posedge clk)
    case (state)
                                                                       All outputs are registered
     zero: begin
           out = 0;
           if (in) state = one1;
           else     state = zero;
     one1:                                                                                                      3                                   1   0   !
        if (in) begin
             state = two1s;                                                                                     %          !
             out = 1;
        end else begin                                         This is confusing: the                      8 45                  45
             state = zero;
             out = 0;                                          output does not change
        end                                                    until the next clock cycle                 module and_gate (out, in1, in2);
        if (in) begin                                                                                       input         in1, in2;
            state = two1s;
            out = 1;                                                                                        output        out;
        end else begin
            state = zero;

            out = 0;                                                                                           assign #10 out = in1 & in2;
      default: begin
           state = zero;
           out = 0;                                                                                       endmodule
                                                Verilog - 15                                                                             Verilog - 16


Verilog Propagation Delay                                                                               Initial Blocks

           !                                                                                               )        !

       assign #5 c = a | b;                                                                                               0
       assign #4 {Cout, S} = Cin + A + B;

       always @(A or B or Cin)
          #4 S = A + B + Cin;
          #2 Cout = (A & B) | (B & Cin) | (A & Cin);

       assign #3 zero = (sum == 0) ? 1 : 0;

       always @(sum)
          if (sum == 0)
              #6 zero = 1;
              #3 zero = 0;

                                                Verilog - 17                                                                             Verilog - 18
Tri-State Buffers                                                                         Test Fixtures

   9: 6                  $
                                                                                            <                          =
               %     %             $                                ;
                                                                                                                                    %             %

   module tstate (EnA, EnB, BusA, BusB, BusOut);
     input EnA, EnB;                                                                                 %       %
     input [7:0] BusA, BusB;
     output [7:0] BusOut;                                                                                1       1         =!           1     2

     assign BusOut = EnA ? BusA : 8’bZ;                                                                                            Simulation
     assign BusOut = EnB ? BusB : 8’bZ;
                                                                                                                  Test Fixture                        Circuit Description
                                                                                                                 (Specification)                      (Synthesizeable)

                                       Verilog - 19                                                                                Verilog - 20

Verilog Clocks                                                                            Verilog Clocks

          >                                                                                 +
   module clockGenerator (CLK);
     parameter period = 10;                                                               module clock_gen (masterclk);                                           ! "
     parameter howlong = 100;                                                                                                                                        "
     output         CLK;
     reg            CLK;                                                                        `define PERIOD = 10;

     initial begin                                                                              output masterclk;
       CLK = 0;                                                                                 reg    masterclk;
       repeat (howlong) begin
         CLK = 1;                                                                               initial masterclk = 0;
         CLK = 0;                                                                               always begin                                                                "       #
       $finish;                                                                                     masterclk = ~masterclk;
     end                                                                                        end
   endmodule                     // clockGenerator
                                       Verilog - 21                                                                                Verilog - 22

Example Test Fixture                                                                      Simulation Driver

  module stimulus (a, b, c);
                                                                                          module stimulus               (a, b);
    parameter    delay = 10;                    module full_addr1 (A, B, Cin, S, Cout);
                                                  input     A, B, Cin;
                                                                                            parameter                   delay = 10;
    output       a, b, c;
    reg    [2:0] cnt;                             output    S, Cout;                        output                      a, b;                                $%
    initial begin                                 assign {Cout, S} = A + B + Cin;           reg [1:0]                   cnt;
      cnt = 0;                                  endmodule
      repeat (8) begin
        #delay cnt=cnt+1;                                                                       initial begin                                                               &
      #delay $finish;                                                                             cnt = 0;                                               #                      "
                                                                                                  repeat (4) begin
    assign {c, a, b} = cnt;
                                                                                                    #delay cnt = cnt + 1;
  module driver;      // Structural Verilog connects test-fixture to full adder
    wire       a, b, cin, sum, cout;                                                              #delay $finish;
    stimulus   stim (a, b, cin);
    full_addr1 fa1 (a, b, cin, sum, cout);                                                      end
    initial begin
      $monitor ("@ time=%0d cin=%b, a=%b, b=%b, cout=%d, sum=%d",                           assign {a, b} = cnt;
                   $time, cin, a, b, cout, sum);
    end                                                                                   endmodule
                                       Verilog - 23                                                                                Verilog - 24
Test Vectors                                                                                          Verilog Simulation

              module testData(clk, reset, data);
                                                                                                        3       %                   2         %
                input clk;                                                                                  %
                output reset, data;
                reg [1:0] testVector [100:0];                                                           )
                reg reset, data;
                integer count;

                  initial begin                                                                                             %
                    $readmemb("data.b", testVector);
                    count = 0;                                                                                                                                                            0       ?
                    { reset, data } = testVector[0];

                always @(posedge clk) begin
                  count = count + 1;
                  #1 { reset, data } = testVector[count];

                                                Verilog - 25                                                                                                           Verilog - 26

Intepreted vs. Compiled Simulation                                                                    Simulation Level

  3       %                                                                                             '
                                                                 %                                                                                     "
                        !                                                         !                         %                                      %           !
                                            "        1                                                                                                                          !         $
                     1%             !                    "        1   %
          %                                                                   %       =       !
                                                                                                                                                                                          !                   $

                    %           !                                         !                       %                                      $
                                                %                         "                                                                                                                       1
                                        %                                     0                                                                    %       %                                              %

                                                                                                                                                                                              %           @       %

                                                Verilog - 27                                                                                                           Verilog - 28

Simulation Time and Event Queues                                                                      Verilog Time

  '       "                                                                                             +           %                         %%               0                                      %
                                                    A            A%                       "             !
      "                                              %   %                                                  8                   $                                                                     %
      %             "           %                                                                                                   %                  "                  !     %
              %                                                       "                                     B           !           $!                                     1 22B %
                                                                                                                                                                              1                           !       //5
                                                                                                                                             %%                                                       "
                        !                                                         "                     ,                                                                       "     1
                                                                                                                                        %                                                                 %
      %                                     %
      !             !                               !        0                ?                                                                                                               %
                                                                                                                                    %                              !
                                                                                                                            %           C
                                                                                                                        %                                                   %

                                                Verilog - 29                                                                                                           Verilog - 30
Inertial and Transport Delays                                A few requirements for CSE467...

  3                                                               !           $       !
      8DE /+ F                                                    +                                   !         %
        ,    D        1                        +         E                                        G                      E
              !                                                   !
       %                                                              ;           $
      E ./ 8 D + F                                                                        %                                      8   %
                      +                   E1         D                                        )             1
                                                   $ %                ;           %                                          %
                                                                                          6           )                  %

                           Verilog - 31                                                                   Verilog - 32

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BAG TECHNIQUE Bag technique-a tool making use of public health bag through wh...
General AI for Medical Educators April 2024
General AI for Medical Educators April 2024General AI for Medical Educators April 2024
General AI for Medical Educators April 2024

07 sequential verilog

  • 1. More Verilog 8-bit Register with Synchronous Reset module reg8 (reset, CLK, D, Q); input reset; input CLK; input [7:0] D; output [7:0] Q; reg [7:0] Q; always @(posedge CLK) if (reset) Q = 0; else Q = D; endmodule // reg8 Verilog - 1 Verilog - 2 N-bit Register with Asynchronous Reset Shift Register Example // 8-bit register can be cleared, loaded, shifted left module regN (reset, CLK, D, Q); // Retains value if no control signal is asserted input reset; input CLK; module shiftReg (CLK, clr, shift, ld, Din, SI, Dout); input CLK; parameter N = 8; // Allow N to be changed input clr; // clear register input [N-1:0] D; input shift; // shift output [N-1:0] Q; input ld; // load register from Din reg [N-1:0] Q; input [7:0] Din; // Data input for load input SI; // Input bit to shift in always @(posedge CLK or posedge reset) output [7:0] Dout; if (reset) reg [7:0] Dout; Q = 0; else if (CLK == 1) always @(posedge CLK) begin if (clr) Dout <= 0; Q = D; else if (ld) Dout <= Din; else if (shift) Dout <= { Dout[6:0], SI }; endmodule // regN end endmodule // shiftReg Verilog - 3 Verilog - 4 Blocking and Non-Blocking Assignments Swap (continued) Q = A % % ! " % # $ Q <= A always @(posedge CLK) always @(posedge CLK) begin begin A = B; B = A; % end end & ! ( posedge CLK ' % & ! % always @(posedge CLK) always @(posedge CLK) always @(posedge CLK) begin begin always @(posedge CLK) A <= B; B <= A; begin begin temp = B; end end A <= B; B = A; B <= A; A = temp; end end Verilog - 5 Verilog - 6
  • 2. Non-Blocking Assignment Counter Example # $ ! ) ! % % ! % $ $ * %$ % 0 1 22 & + ), + - ./ " % // this implements 3 parallel flip-flops always @(posedge clk) // 8-bit counter with clear and count enable controls begin module count8 (CLK, clr, cntEn, Dout); B = A; // this implements a shift register input CLK; C = B; always @(posedge clk) D = C; input clr; // clear counter begin end {D, C, B} = {C, B, A}; input cntEn; // enable count end output [7:0] Dout; // counter value // this implements a shift register reg [7:0] Dout; always @(posedge clk) begin always @(posedge CLK) B <= A; if (clr) Dout <= 0; C <= B; else if (cntEn) Dout <= Dout + 1; D <= C; end endmodule Verilog - 7 Verilog - 8 Finite State Machines Verilog FSM - Reduce 1s example 4 5 46 Mealy outputs ' % % next state Moore outputs inputs combinational // State assignment logic parameter zero = 0, one1 = 1, two1s = 2; current state module reduce (clk, reset, in, out); input clk, reset, in; output out; reg out; reg [1:0] state; // state register reg [1:0] next_state; % // Implement the state register always @(posedge clk) 3 % ! if (reset) state = zero; 3 % % ! else state = next_state; Verilog - 9 Verilog - 10 Moore Verilog FSM (cont’d) Mealy Verilog FSM for Reduce-1s example always @(in or state) module reduce (clk, reset, in, out); case (state) input clk, reset, in; out = 0; // defaults output out; next_state = zero; reg out; zero: begin // last input was a zero reg state; // state register if (in) next_state = one1; reg next_state; end parameter zero = 0, one = 1; always @(posedge clk) one1: begin // we've seen one 1 if (reset) state = zero; if (in) next_state = two1s; else state = next_state; end always @(in or state) two1s: begin // we've seen at least 2 ones out = 0; out = 1; next_state = zero; if (in) next_state = two1s; case (state) end zero: begin // last input was a zero // Don’t need case default because of default assignments if (in) next_state = one; endcase end endmodule one: // we've seen one 1 if (in) begin next_state = one; out = 1; end endcase endmodule Verilog - 11 Verilog - 12 6
  • 3. Single-always Moore Machine Restricted FSM Implementation Style (Not Recommended!) " ! ! % )7 module reduce (clk, reset, in, out); % % input clk, reset, in; output out; ! ! reg out; reg [1:0] state; // state register 22 % parameter zero = 0, one1 = 1, two1s = 2; % % ! 1 Verilog - 13 Verilog - 14 Single-always Moore Machine (Not Recommended!) Delays always @(posedge clk) case (state) All outputs are registered zero: begin out = 0; if (in) state = one1; else state = zero; end one1: 3 1 0 ! if (in) begin state = two1s; % ! out = 1; end else begin This is confusing: the 8 45 45 state = zero; out = 0; output does not change end until the next clock cycle module and_gate (out, in1, in2); two1s: if (in) begin input in1, in2; state = two1s; out = 1; output out; end else begin state = zero; end out = 0; assign #10 out = in1 & in2; default: begin state = zero; out = 0; endmodule end endcase endmodule Verilog - 15 Verilog - 16 6 Verilog Propagation Delay Initial Blocks ! ) ! assign #5 c = a | b; 0 assign #4 {Cout, S} = Cin + A + B; always @(A or B or Cin) #4 S = A + B + Cin; #2 Cout = (A & B) | (B & Cin) | (A & Cin); assign #3 zero = (sum == 0) ? 1 : 0; always @(sum) if (sum == 0) #6 zero = 1; else #3 zero = 0; Verilog - 17 Verilog - 18
  • 4. Tri-State Buffers Test Fixtures < 9: 6 $ < = % % $ ; % % module tstate (EnA, EnB, BusA, BusB, BusOut); input EnA, EnB; % % input [7:0] BusA, BusB; output [7:0] BusOut; 1 1 =! 1 2 assign BusOut = EnA ? BusA : 8’bZ; Simulation assign BusOut = EnB ? BusB : 8’bZ; endmodule Test Fixture Circuit Description (Specification) (Synthesizeable) Verilog - 19 Verilog - 20 Verilog Clocks Verilog Clocks > + module clockGenerator (CLK); parameter period = 10; module clock_gen (masterclk); ! " parameter howlong = 100; " output CLK; reg CLK; `define PERIOD = 10; initial begin output masterclk; CLK = 0; reg masterclk; #(period/2); repeat (howlong) begin CLK = 1; initial masterclk = 0; #(period-period/2); CLK = 0; always begin " # #(period/2); end #`PERIOD/2 $finish; masterclk = ~masterclk; end end endmodule // clockGenerator endmodule Verilog - 21 Verilog - 22 Example Test Fixture Simulation Driver module stimulus (a, b, c); module stimulus (a, b); parameter delay = 10; module full_addr1 (A, B, Cin, S, Cout); input A, B, Cin; parameter delay = 10; output a, b, c; reg [2:0] cnt; output S, Cout; output a, b; $% initial begin assign {Cout, S} = A + B + Cin; reg [1:0] cnt; cnt = 0; endmodule repeat (8) begin #delay cnt=cnt+1; initial begin & end #delay $finish; cnt = 0; # " end repeat (4) begin assign {c, a, b} = cnt; endmodule #delay cnt = cnt + 1; end module driver; // Structural Verilog connects test-fixture to full adder wire a, b, cin, sum, cout; #delay $finish; stimulus stim (a, b, cin); full_addr1 fa1 (a, b, cin, sum, cout); end initial begin $monitor ("@ time=%0d cin=%b, a=%b, b=%b, cout=%d, sum=%d", assign {a, b} = cnt; $time, cin, a, b, cout, sum); end endmodule endmodule Verilog - 23 Verilog - 24
  • 5. Test Vectors Verilog Simulation module testData(clk, reset, data); 3 % 2 % input clk; % output reset, data; reg [1:0] testVector [100:0]; ) reg reset, data; integer count; initial begin % $readmemb("data.b", testVector); count = 0; 0 ? { reset, data } = testVector[0]; end always @(posedge clk) begin count = count + 1; #1 { reset, data } = testVector[count]; end endmodule Verilog - 25 Verilog - 26 Intepreted vs. Compiled Simulation Simulation Level 3 % ' % " ! ! % % ! & " 1 ! $ 1% ! " 1 % % > % % = ! ! $ & % ! ! % $ % " 1 % 0 % % % * % @ % Verilog - 27 Verilog - 28 Simulation Time and Event Queues Verilog Time ' " + % %% 0 % A A% " ! " % % 8 $ % % " % % " ! % % " B ! $! 1 22B % 1 ! //5 %% " ! " , " 1 % % =! % % ! ! ! 0 ? % % ! % C % % Verilog - 29 Verilog - 30
  • 6. Inertial and Transport Delays A few requirements for CSE467... 3 ! $ ! 8DE /+ F + ! % , D 1 + E G E ! ! + % ; $ E ./ 8 D + F % 8 % + E1 D ) 1 $ % ; % % 6 ) % 0 Verilog - 31 Verilog - 32