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Aura Project for PHP 5.4

Hari K T
Bridge Global IT Staffing
Brought to you by @pmjones
         Paul M Jones
Independent library packages for PHP 5.4
Second major version of Solar PHP
Packages can be used alone, in concert with
 each other, or combined into a full-stack
 framework of their own.
Groups :
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API & Docs :<Package>
IRC #auraphp on freenode
Current Components / Library

PSR-0 compliant SPL autoloader
Matches the interface proposed at
Read more information on PSR-0 Autoload from
Vendor.Package Structure
├── config ( default.php , test.php )
├── meta ( authors.csv, changes.txt, description.txt )
├── scripts ( instance.php )
├── src
│ └── Aura
│    └── Autoload
│       ├── Exception
│       ├── Exception.php
│       └── Loader.php ( namespace AuraAutoload )
├── src.php
├── tests
Create an instance of the Loader and register it
 with SPL.

$loader = require '/path/to/Aura.Autoload/scripts/
Class Prefix Usage
// look for all Vendor_* classes in this path:
$loader->add('Vendor_', '/path/to/lib');
// look for VendorPackage classes in this path:
// additionally, e.g. in testing modes, also look for
// classes in this path as well:
All in one
      'AuraRouter' => '/path/Aura.Router/src/',
      'AuraDi'   => '/path/Aura.Di/src/',
      'VendorPackageFoo' => '/path/to/Vendor/Package/Foo.php',
      'VendorPackageZim' => '/path/to/Vendor/Package/Zim.php',
Aura Router is a PHP package that implements
 web routing
Given a URI path and a copy of $_SERVER, it
 will extract controller, action, and parameter
 values for a specific application route.
Inspired by Solar rewrite rules and
Add Routes
$map = require '/path/to/Aura.Router/scripts/instance.php';
$map->add('home', '/', [
      'values' => ['controller' => 'hello', 'action' => 'world',],
$map->add('read', '/blog/read/{:id}{:format}', [
      'params' => [
           'id'   => '(d+)',
           'format' => '(..+)?',
      'values' => [
           'controller' => 'blog', 'action'   => 'read', 'format'    => '.html',
Matching a Route
// get the incoming request URI path
$path = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],

// get the route based on the path and server
$route = $map->match($path, $_SERVER);
if (! $route) {

    echo "No application route was found for that URI path."; exit();

// does the route indicate a controller?
if (isset($route->values['controller'])) {
    $controller = $route->values['controller']; // take the controller class directly from the route

} else {
    $controller = 'Default';   // use a default controller

if (isset($route->values['action'])) { // does the route indicate an action?

    $action = $route->values['action']; // take the action method directly from the route
} else {

    $action = 'index'; // use a default action

$page = new $controller(); // instantiate the controller class
echo $page->$action($route->values); // invoke the action method with the route values
Generating A Route Path
// $path => "/blog/read/42.atom"
$path = $map->generate('read', [
      'id' => 42,
      'format' => '.atom',
$href = htmlspecialchars($path, 'UTF-8');
echo '<a href="$href">Atom feed for this blog entry</a>';
The Aura Web package provides tools to build web page
includes an AbstractPage for action methods
a Context class for disovering the request environment
Response transfer object that describes the eventual HTTP
Creating Page controller
namespace VendorPackageWeb;
use AuraWebAbstractPage;
class Page extends AbstractPage
    protected function actionHello($noun = null)
        $noun = htmlspecialchars($noun, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
        $content = "Hello, {$noun}!";
The Execution Cycle
namespace VendorPackageWeb;
use VendorPackageWebPage;
use AuraWebContext;
use AuraWebResponse;
$params = [
     'action' => 'hello',
     'format' => '.html',
$page = new Page(new Context, new Response, $params);
$response = $page->exec();
Internally, the exec() cycle runs
A preExec() hook to let you set up the object,
A preAction() hook to prepare for the action,
The action() method to invoke the method determined by the 'action' param
A postAction() hook,
A preRender() hook to prepare for rendering,
The render() method to render a presentation (this is up to the developer to
A postRender() hook, and
A postExec() hook.
At the end returns a Response transfer object. Response object is not an
   HTTP response proper;
it is a data transfer object that has information on how to build an HTTP
The Context Object
getQuery(): gets a $_GET value
getPost(): gets a $_POST value
getFiles(): gets a $_FILES value
getInput(): gets the raw php://input value
getJsonInput(): gets the raw php://input value and
  json_decode() it
getAccept(): gets the Accept headers, ordered by weight
isGet(), isPut(), isXhr(), etc.: Tells if the request method
  was GET, PUT, an Xml-HTTP-Request, etc.
render() method is empty by default.
this allows you to add in whatever presentation
  logic you want, from simply json_encode()-ing
  $this->data, to using a complex two-step or
  transform view.
Template View pattern
preceded by systems such as Savant,
  Zend_View, and Solar_View
Auto escaping [escaper branch] a work in
$template = require
use AuraViewTemplate;
use AuraViewTemplateFinder;
use AuraViewHelperLocator;
$template = new Template(new
  TemplateFinder, new HelperLocator);
echo $template->fetch('/path/to/tpl.php');
Adding Data
      'foo' => 'Value of foo',
      'bar' => 'Value of bar',
// this will remove $var, $foo, and $bar from the template
      'baz' => 'Value of baz',
      'dib' => 'Value of dib',
Template Composition
<?php $e = $this->getHelper('escape');      // template script ?>
  <?php include $this->find('head'); ?>
  <?php include $this->find('branding'); // branding.php ?>
  <?php include $this->find('navigation'); ?>
  <p>Hello, <?php echo $e($this->var); ?>!</p>
  <?php include $this->find('footer'); ?>
Template Finder
$finder = $template->getTemplateFinder();

// set the paths where templates can be found
Writing Helpers
namespace VendorPackageViewHelper;
use AuraViewHelperAbstractHelper;

class Obfuscate extends AbstractHelper
    public function __invoke($string)
        return $this->escape(str_rot13($input));
$hl = $template->getHelperLocator();
$hl->set('obfuscate', function() {
   return new
echo $this->obfuscate('plain text');
Aura SQL
$adapter_factory = include
$sql = $adapter_factory->newInstance(
     // adapter name
     // DSN elements for PDO; this can also be
     // an array of key-value pairs
Lazy connection
Manually connect
Fetching Results
// returns all rows
$result = $sql->fetchAll('SELECT * FROM foo');
Preventing SQL Injection
$text = 'SELECT * FROM foo WHERE id = :id AND bar
// values to bind to query placeholders
$data = [
     'id' => 1,
     'bar_list' => ['a', 'b', 'c'],
// returns all rows; the query ends up being
// "SELECT * FROM foo WHERE id = 1 AND bar IN('a', 'b', 'c')"
$result = $sql->fetchOne($text, $data);
$table = 'foo';
// the columns and values to insert
$cols = [
     'bar' => 'value for column bar',
// perform the insert; result is number of rows affected
$result = $sql->insert($table, $cols);
// now get the last inserted ID
$id = $sql->lastInsertId(); // mysql
$id = $sql->lastInsertId($table, 'id'); // pgssql
$table = 'foo';
// the new column values to set
$cols = [
     'bar' => 'a new value for column bar',
// a where condition to specify which rows to update
$cond = 'id = :id';
// additional data to bind to the query
$data = ['id' => 1];
// perform the update; result is number of rows affected
$result = $sql->update($table, $cols, $cond, $data);
// turn off autocommit and start a transaction
try {
    // ... perform some queries ...
    // now commit to the database:
} catch (Exception $e) {
    // there was an error, roll back the queries
// issue a query
$result = $sql->fetchAll('SELECT * FROM foo');
// now get the profiler information
foreach ($sql->getProfiler()->getProfiles() as $i =>
  $profile) {
    echo 'Query #' . $i + 1 . ' took ' . $profile->time . '
    seconds.' . PHP_EOL;
Aura Marshal makes it easy to avoid the N+1
 problem when working with a domain model.
it does not have a query-building facility
it will not issue queries on its own
it will not handle persistence for you
it will not lazy-load results from a data source
it will not read metadata or schemas from the
Defining Types and Relationships
Define Types
$manager->setType('posts',            ['identity_field' => 'id']);
$manager->setType('comments', ['identity_field' => 'id']);
// posts have many comments
Define Relationship
$manager->setRelation('posts', 'comments', [
      'relationship' => 'has_many',
      'native_field' => 'id',
      'foreign_field' => 'post_id'
Loading Data
$result = $sql->fetchAll('SELECT * FROM posts LIMIT 10');
// load the results into the posts type object, and get back the
// identity (primary key) values for the loaded results.
$post_ids = $manager->posts->load($result);
// select and load all the comments on all the posts at once.
$result = $sql->fetchAll(
     'SELECT * FROM comments WHERE post_id IN (:post_ids)',
         'post_ids' => $post_ids,
class ExampleCommand extends AbstractCommand {
  protected $input = 'foo bar baz';
  public function preExec() {
      // perform object setup here }
  public function preAction() {
      $this->stdio->outln('The input is currently ' . $this->input);
  public function action() {
      $this->stdio->out('Please enter some text: ');
      $this->input = $this->stdio->in();
  public function postAction() {
      $this->stdio->outln('The input was %r%2' . $this->input . '%n');
  public function postExec() {
      // perform object teardown here
use AuraCliContext;
use AuraCliGetopt;
use AuraCliOptionFactory;
use AuraCliStdio;
use AuraCliVt100;
$command = new ExampleCommand(
  new Context($GLOBALS),
  new Stdio( fopen('php://stdin', 'r'), fopen('php://stdout', 'w+'),
     fopen('php://stderr', 'w+'), new Vt100 ),
  new Getopt(new OptionFactory));
// execute
Aura Signal
SignalSlots/EventHandler implementation
invoke handlers ("slots" or "hooks") whenever
  an object sends a signal ("notification" or
  "event") to the signal manager
Instantiate and Add Handler
$signal = require '/path/Aura.Signal/scripts/instance.php';
     function ($arg) { echo $arg; }
use AuraSignalManager as SignalManager;
class Example
    protected $signal;
    public function __construct(SignalManager $signal)
        $this->signal = $signal;
    public function doSomething($text)
        echo $text;
        $this->signal->send($this, 'example_signal', $text);
Demo of Signal
Dependency Injection
namespace ExamplePackage;

class Database
    public function __construct($hostname, $username, $password)
        // ... make the database connection
namespace ExamplePackage;
abstract class Model
    protected $db;
    public function __construct(Database $db)
        $this->db = $db;
class BlogModel extends Model
    // ...
new BlogModel( new Database( params ) );
Dependecny Injection Container
$di = require '/path/to/Aura.Di/scripts/instance.php';


use AuraDiContainer;
use AuraDiForge;
use AuraDiConfig;
$di = new Container(new Forge(new Config));
Eager Loading
$di->set('database', new ExamplePackageDatabase(
      'localhost', 'user', 'passwd'
Instance created on a fly
Lazy Loading
$di->set('database', function() {
      return new ExamplePackageDatabase('localhost', 'user',
Constructor Params
$di->set('database', function() use ($di) {
      return $di->newInstance('ExamplePackageDatabase', [
            'hostname' => 'localhost',
            'username' => 'user',
            'password' => 'passwd',
Class Constructor Params
$di->params['ExamplePackageDatabase'] = [
      'hostname' => 'localhost',
      'username' => 'user',
      'password' => 'passwd',

$di->set('database', function() use ($di) {
      return $di->newInstance('ExamplePackageDatabase');
Override Class Constructor
$di->params['ExamplePackageDatabase'] = [
      'hostname' => 'localhost',
      'username' => 'user',
      'password' => 'passwd',
$di->set('database', function() use ($di) {
      return $di->newInstance('ExamplePackageDatabase', [
            'hostname' => '',
Getting Services
$db = $di->get('database');
Same object instance
there is more, have a look into
Aura Framework
git clone
cd system
php update.php

point to web/index.php
Thank You

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Aura Project for PHP

  • 1. Aura Project for PHP 5.4 Hari K T Bridge Global IT Staffing
  • 2. Brought to you by @pmjones Paul M Jones
  • 3. Aura? Independent library packages for PHP 5.4 Second major version of Solar PHP Packages can be used alone, in concert with each other, or combined into a full-stack framework of their own. Groups : Source Code : API & Docs :<Package> IRC #auraphp on freenode
  • 4. Current Components / Library Aura.Autoload Aura.Cli Aura.Di Aura.Http Aura.Marshal Aura.Router Aura.Signal Aura.Sql Aura.View Aura.Web
  • 5. Aura.Autoload PSR-0 compliant SPL autoloader Matches the interface proposed at Read more information on PSR-0 Autoload from
  • 6. Vendor.Package Structure ├── config ( default.php , test.php ) ├── meta ( authors.csv, changes.txt, description.txt ) ├── scripts ( instance.php ) ├── src │ └── Aura │ └── Autoload │ ├── Exception │ ├── Exception.php │ └── Loader.php ( namespace AuraAutoload ) ├── src.php ├── tests
  • 7. Instantiate Create an instance of the Loader and register it with SPL. $loader = require '/path/to/Aura.Autoload/scripts/ instance.php'; $loader->register();
  • 8. Class Prefix Usage // look for all Vendor_* classes in this path: $loader->add('Vendor_', '/path/to/lib'); // look for VendorPackage classes in this path: $loader->add('VendorPackage', '/path/to/Vendor.Package/src'); // additionally, e.g. in testing modes, also look for VendorPackage // classes in this path as well: $loader->add('VendorPackage', '/path/to/Vendor.Package/tests');
  • 9. All in one $loader->setPaths([ 'AuraRouter' => '/path/Aura.Router/src/', 'AuraDi' => '/path/Aura.Di/src/', ]); $loader->setClasses([ 'VendorPackageFoo' => '/path/to/Vendor/Package/Foo.php', 'VendorPackageZim' => '/path/to/Vendor/Package/Zim.php', ]);
  • 11. Aura.Router Aura Router is a PHP package that implements web routing Given a URI path and a copy of $_SERVER, it will extract controller, action, and parameter values for a specific application route. Inspired by Solar rewrite rules and
  • 12. Add Routes $map = require '/path/to/Aura.Router/scripts/instance.php'; $map->add('home', '/', [ 'values' => ['controller' => 'hello', 'action' => 'world',], ]); $map->add('read', '/blog/read/{:id}{:format}', [ 'params' => [ 'id' => '(d+)', 'format' => '(..+)?', ], 'values' => [ 'controller' => 'blog', 'action' => 'read', 'format' => '.html', ], ));
  • 13. Matching a Route // get the incoming request URI path $path = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_PATH); // get the route based on the path and server $route = $map->match($path, $_SERVER);
  • 14. if (! $route) { echo "No application route was found for that URI path."; exit(); } // does the route indicate a controller? if (isset($route->values['controller'])) { $controller = $route->values['controller']; // take the controller class directly from the route } else { $controller = 'Default'; // use a default controller } if (isset($route->values['action'])) { // does the route indicate an action? $action = $route->values['action']; // take the action method directly from the route } else { $action = 'index'; // use a default action } $page = new $controller(); // instantiate the controller class echo $page->$action($route->values); // invoke the action method with the route values
  • 15. Generating A Route Path // $path => "/blog/read/42.atom" $path = $map->generate('read', [ 'id' => 42, 'format' => '.atom', ]); $href = htmlspecialchars($path, 'UTF-8'); echo '<a href="$href">Atom feed for this blog entry</a>';
  • 17. Aura.Web The Aura Web package provides tools to build web page controllers includes an AbstractPage for action methods a Context class for disovering the request environment Response transfer object that describes the eventual HTTP response
  • 18. Creating Page controller namespace VendorPackageWeb; use AuraWebAbstractPage; class Page extends AbstractPage { protected function actionHello($noun = null) { $noun = htmlspecialchars($noun, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $content = "Hello, {$noun}!"; $this->response->setContent($content); } }
  • 19. The Execution Cycle namespace VendorPackageWeb; use VendorPackageWebPage; use AuraWebContext; use AuraWebResponse; $params = [ 'action' => 'hello', 'format' => '.html', ]; $page = new Page(new Context, new Response, $params); $response = $page->exec();
  • 20. Internally, the exec() cycle runs A preExec() hook to let you set up the object, A preAction() hook to prepare for the action, The action() method to invoke the method determined by the 'action' param value A postAction() hook, A preRender() hook to prepare for rendering, The render() method to render a presentation (this is up to the developer to create), A postRender() hook, and A postExec() hook. At the end returns a Response transfer object. Response object is not an HTTP response proper; it is a data transfer object that has information on how to build an HTTP response.
  • 21. The Context Object $this->context-> getQuery(): gets a $_GET value getPost(): gets a $_POST value getFiles(): gets a $_FILES value getInput(): gets the raw php://input value getJsonInput(): gets the raw php://input value and json_decode() it getAccept(): gets the Accept headers, ordered by weight isGet(), isPut(), isXhr(), etc.: Tells if the request method was GET, PUT, an Xml-HTTP-Request, etc.
  • 22. Rendering render() method is empty by default. this allows you to add in whatever presentation logic you want, from simply json_encode()-ing $this->data, to using a complex two-step or transform view. Aura.View
  • 24. Aura.View Template View pattern preceded by systems such as Savant, Zend_View, and Solar_View Auto escaping [escaper branch] a work in progress
  • 25. Instantiation $template = require '/path/to/Aura.View/scripts/instance.php'; OR use AuraViewTemplate; use AuraViewTemplateFinder; use AuraViewHelperLocator; $template = new Template(new TemplateFinder, new HelperLocator); echo $template->fetch('/path/to/tpl.php');
  • 26. Adding Data $template->addData([ 'foo' => 'Value of foo', 'bar' => 'Value of bar', ]); // this will remove $var, $foo, and $bar from the template $template->setData([ 'baz' => 'Value of baz', 'dib' => 'Value of dib', ]);
  • 27. Template Composition <?php $e = $this->getHelper('escape'); // template script ?> <html> <head> <?php include $this->find('head'); ?> </head> <body> <?php include $this->find('branding'); // branding.php ?> <?php include $this->find('navigation'); ?> <p>Hello, <?php echo $e($this->var); ?>!</p> <?php include $this->find('footer'); ?> </body> </html>
  • 28. Template Finder $finder = $template->getTemplateFinder(); // set the paths where templates can be found $finder->setPaths([ '/path/to/templates/foo', '/path/to/templates/bar', '/path/to/templates/baz', ]);
  • 29. Writing Helpers namespace VendorPackageViewHelper; use AuraViewHelperAbstractHelper; class Obfuscate extends AbstractHelper { public function __invoke($string) { return $this->escape(str_rot13($input)); } }
  • 30. Calling $hl = $template->getHelperLocator(); $hl->set('obfuscate', function() { return new VendorPackageViewHelperObfuscate; }); echo $this->obfuscate('plain text');
  • 32. Aura SQL $adapter_factory = include '/path/to/Aura.Sql/scripts/instance.php'; $sql = $adapter_factory->newInstance( // adapter name 'mysql', // DSN elements for PDO; this can also be // an array of key-value pairs 'host=localhost;dbname=database_name', 'username', 'password' );
  • 33. Connecting Lazy connection Manually connect $sql->connect() Fetching Results // returns all rows $result = $sql->fetchAll('SELECT * FROM foo');
  • 34. Preventing SQL Injection $text = 'SELECT * FROM foo WHERE id = :id AND bar IN(:bar_list)'; // values to bind to query placeholders $data = [ 'id' => 1, 'bar_list' => ['a', 'b', 'c'], ]; // returns all rows; the query ends up being // "SELECT * FROM foo WHERE id = 1 AND bar IN('a', 'b', 'c')" $result = $sql->fetchOne($text, $data);
  • 35. Inserting $table = 'foo'; // the columns and values to insert $cols = [ 'bar' => 'value for column bar', ]; // perform the insert; result is number of rows affected $result = $sql->insert($table, $cols); // now get the last inserted ID $id = $sql->lastInsertId(); // mysql $id = $sql->lastInsertId($table, 'id'); // pgssql
  • 36. Updating $table = 'foo'; // the new column values to set $cols = [ 'bar' => 'a new value for column bar', ]; // a where condition to specify which rows to update $cond = 'id = :id'; // additional data to bind to the query $data = ['id' => 1]; // perform the update; result is number of rows affected $result = $sql->update($table, $cols, $cond, $data);
  • 37. Transactions // turn off autocommit and start a transaction $sql->beginTransaction(); try { // ... perform some queries ... // now commit to the database: $sql->commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { // there was an error, roll back the queries $sql->rollBack(); }
  • 38. Profiling $sql->getProfiler()->setActive(true); // issue a query $result = $sql->fetchAll('SELECT * FROM foo'); // now get the profiler information foreach ($sql->getProfiler()->getProfiles() as $i => $profile) { echo 'Query #' . $i + 1 . ' took ' . $profile->time . ' seconds.' . PHP_EOL; }
  • 40. Aura.Marshal Aura Marshal makes it easy to avoid the N+1 problem when working with a domain model. it does not have a query-building facility it will not issue queries on its own it will not handle persistence for you it will not lazy-load results from a data source it will not read metadata or schemas from the datasource
  • 41. Defining Types and Relationships Define Types $manager->setType('posts', ['identity_field' => 'id']); $manager->setType('comments', ['identity_field' => 'id']); // posts have many comments Define Relationship $manager->setRelation('posts', 'comments', [ 'relationship' => 'has_many', 'native_field' => 'id', 'foreign_field' => 'post_id' ]);
  • 42. Loading Data $result = $sql->fetchAll('SELECT * FROM posts LIMIT 10'); // load the results into the posts type object, and get back the // identity (primary key) values for the loaded results. $post_ids = $manager->posts->load($result); // select and load all the comments on all the posts at once. $result = $sql->fetchAll( 'SELECT * FROM comments WHERE post_id IN (:post_ids)', [ 'post_ids' => $post_ids, ] ); $manager->comments->load($result);
  • 44. class ExampleCommand extends AbstractCommand { protected $input = 'foo bar baz'; public function preExec() { // perform object setup here } public function preAction() { $this->stdio->outln('The input is currently ' . $this->input); } public function action() { $this->stdio->out('Please enter some text: '); $this->input = $this->stdio->in(); } public function postAction() { $this->stdio->outln('The input was %r%2' . $this->input . '%n'); } public function postExec() { // perform object teardown here
  • 45. Instantiate use AuraCliContext; use AuraCliGetopt; use AuraCliOptionFactory; use AuraCliStdio; use AuraCliVt100; $command = new ExampleCommand( new Context($GLOBALS), new Stdio( fopen('php://stdin', 'r'), fopen('php://stdout', 'w+'), fopen('php://stderr', 'w+'), new Vt100 ), new Getopt(new OptionFactory)); // execute $command->exec();
  • 47. Aura Signal SignalSlots/EventHandler implementation invoke handlers ("slots" or "hooks") whenever an object sends a signal ("notification" or "event") to the signal manager
  • 48. Instantiate and Add Handler $signal = require '/path/Aura.Signal/scripts/instance.php'; $signal->handler( 'VendorPackageExample', 'example_signal', function ($arg) { echo $arg; } );
  • 49. use AuraSignalManager as SignalManager; class Example { protected $signal; public function __construct(SignalManager $signal) { $this->signal = $signal; } public function doSomething($text) { echo $text; $this->signal->send($this, 'example_signal', $text); } }
  • 52. Dependency Injection namespace ExamplePackage; class Database { public function __construct($hostname, $username, $password) { // ... make the database connection } }
  • 53. namespace ExamplePackage; abstract class Model { protected $db; public function __construct(Database $db) { $this->db = $db; } } class BlogModel extends Model { // ... } new BlogModel( new Database( params ) );
  • 55. Instantiation $di = require '/path/to/Aura.Di/scripts/instance.php'; or use AuraDiContainer; use AuraDiForge; use AuraDiConfig; $di = new Container(new Forge(new Config));
  • 56. Eager Loading $di->set('database', new ExamplePackageDatabase( 'localhost', 'user', 'passwd' )); Instance created on a fly
  • 57. Lazy Loading $di->set('database', function() { return new ExamplePackageDatabase('localhost', 'user', 'passwd'); });
  • 58. Constructor Params $di->set('database', function() use ($di) { return $di->newInstance('ExamplePackageDatabase', [ 'hostname' => 'localhost', 'username' => 'user', 'password' => 'passwd', ]); });
  • 59. Class Constructor Params $di->params['ExamplePackageDatabase'] = [ 'hostname' => 'localhost', 'username' => 'user', 'password' => 'passwd', ]; $di->set('database', function() use ($di) { return $di->newInstance('ExamplePackageDatabase'); });
  • 60. Override Class Constructor Params $di->params['ExamplePackageDatabase'] = [ 'hostname' => 'localhost', 'username' => 'user', 'password' => 'passwd', ]; $di->set('database', function() use ($di) { return $di->newInstance('ExamplePackageDatabase', [ 'hostname' => '', ]); });
  • 61. Getting Services $db = $di->get('database'); Same object instance lazyGet() lazyNew() there is more, have a look into
  • 62. Aura Framework git clone cd system php update.php point to web/index.php
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