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.•f .w***.-wi*
i s PUBLISHED; K V K t t ^
BUathsbiiTjrjl M l .
•rttu-phylu^dvimce'atIlia D c s f c W * >:°,J"1
*,/'u?Jdwc j!
.ti m,vamntoM.AwaV&_. '.;.-..,, ;,. ,r. •} . ,.
UATV4t*7£Ct-K L«^x3.-m-«rt «a#vej3T*-.t/Tmnr*s,ri jsnur * **w,
VOL; I.....NO. I; NEW^ORK, THUR8DiV¥-,;SEfl!gMBjE$>-IB, 185L !?»',
ijip elern, the very art of the writer,in rising'to supply'. Frcehlcn't will probacy lit) Ml to .tho, Assoowly.
the djst^acMricnT vvc-uld aid tho impetus o;i the body of :
is jiqt l.y any means Vt'oll-ilftpos:*! towards the.
.Ox vessel';: opd experiment tended tci iuutiry that aim? "'"' " " '•'••'-'•"• • '
-,»»;,.„ . T l , . » i .,-..(.« ,.»• „ . . * A —....:.... J .. . , . . . . . 1 .
As-iootbly, vftca,
*AFFAtRS~I.Nl E N G L A N D , ! '
TJiiymiXo Ja notjjC.'iidueive>to.gre'a,t'
iy; )) H4^Wi^ixIs'cominiiri!lnt.,':Jimc)rtciiii shippers have
vmdmedlately t<)prelef'spr-cd tolwrgivimpacityfas tlicy
•/inct.Uitff rapidity,.by facilitating 'SttrMjfityibf- nwvdnnjui
hi.d ! njuUii-Iieity of yoyoes wMiln p-gjiyisn t.tniti^rotitri'S
n !(Tfer'profit than-slower hmnnbrd uncertain' voyi-glng
>.vitb greater bulk-
Thd model of thd Amorica'ls tliu-ro!-;
Vf.*:;-:..', v.)i ..,,
stem-yestcrmty-morning, .nt .uhout 0 o'clock. Ilor.
lils.wijrc. sent on 'by .thp Now Haven Railroad-train,
iieli left at ,8 6f
clQckV'nnii readied tliis'.cU.V at ait early.
tiplaktxveninav-.-''. '••'•••• «••-'-• ••"••>•• .'_•
. Thu'.Jloyal'-Mftil^tcaiiior. EHro/w.'-ilmvod at.
, BostQn-yestdrdity-iiidrnhig, ,at .ulioiit 0 o'clock. Ilor.
' win
hour lastievcnihg.
- • Ily tliin arrival wc Uavo!raccivad; onr regnlar'JSnglfcli
•;!iii!tirri!in:Ii filefj. vitlr5pjreEn011dencfl, circulars) <fee., to
. Saturday, .Scptewlscr fltli—tiw ^m-apa's, day of sailing.
The news'by tliis arrival has conslderaWo interest,
• though it (H not of startling impdrlahee;J
'. ' ;
In KNOI.AKB, voiltica.l {affalrn are quiet., 'T1IO/(H;K-
, boldt "arrlYwl at Soutlminpton on Thui'ftdiiy,'^Uo 4tli, with
'< 1 In; lievv'K of the execution, nt jHavana of the lllly niou
"l. niider Co!, ICritlciHlen's conimar.d. , Tlio details of tho
^ jiewH nVc piven at lnnpih in the London papers,
.In FIUXOE attention is ehiolly alisorhl-d with spccnln-
• lions on the: approaching l'residcntal olcctinn. The
. i'rincc dojoinvillo js clearly to .lie a candidate, and will
doiibtlfsa be a more formidable opporiciu of Louis dapple-,
on thaivahy other that ebulil bo selected. .;.; ,-
Anbthcr "Conspiracy", has been discovered In jParls..;,
l'ony-BBven arrests havo bccninado by.tho Tolice. ._,
In AUSTKIA ljosliliy to tho goyeriuuctU still smoulders
ui:dor the tihrla'ce'with occasional outbreaks. An aflVny
took place near Gross-Waradin, between n rustic wed-
ding party and t several Gendarmes, of tho most brutiU
character,-/,..••• <:;:'. <: . . • '"'
~ In I'oiiTuoAi. attention is absolved by an accusation
ofa Cabinet Minister of bribery. Ho has resigned and
rnino before the courts of law.
The news of KOSSUTH'S release is confirmed, but pio
time is now said to have lK-cn the I3th or Spptombcri" It'
issaid that he proposes to go first to- England and pro-
. -villi: thoro (or the cducatipn of his children and then pro^
cee'd to 'tho United Stn>eH',
" Tho itionc)' market presents, no Teaturo of marked in- -.
1 tcr'cist. -. •
• • G R E A T B R I T A I N .
» Tlic Queen was aliscnt on her visit to Soot-
land where slid had been very enthusiastically received.
' The .Exhibition cbntinurH to attract humorous visiters.
The attendance and receipts were:
• ''Tuesday,.,.'1
4fl,S«fl persons—£i,40T,I.'>8.
foiisldetftble nuniljcr ot. §blns art-made ..nnmial)y> mi'l
-SliC-a crfii ,be,ho doubt that'any/'wen-wstetl'inoiiol ylll"
Oban Hhdjtswayto.ouT.dooks;;Weoltail uoMhereforo,
bo much behind in the practical progress of BhJprbuUdliia..
-.Nor io it; to bo'rmsuriied, thdt be'cfiii.W (irnpirH'^rn-nns
^braien science,'that the latte> iB'to.yieUl,in.defip/ilr, *»Pu-
Uio .fonUafy, empiricism has always been tl)« jucknl t:>
ihcirntic'ricl^iicj), and "every discovery by thp wo.rkiii(?
Hliipwriglit-only liringsiis nearer to tho (IcsldoratuiftTj-a ;
scientific rule. -.Wo have hoard an Amurican ojp;.csH,H>q:.
li'cp.( lluit Engiaiul.'by beating America,, would,givo tho
Imialso for u new-efloh, which RIIOUIII iiBoln;Sivo nis.
conatry « new triumph.: Such friendly emulation soioj
rividry; .it Is but tho prido of him, who,-for, M'j'.,"1
iri't'ti Ibfeinost'ih tho search for the common fiopd. .AWoin
invdiotrslbeling• would liaVo kept thd Amoricftrtt fiUts?
Inn 0 from our waters: as it is, our friends, Jjl^'W^t
with a natural ptido, to make us aparty in thbiiewjrtea.
The ..;*i«pricaa cUal|ci.g»j .st.pulatipg,, for at
rcioriUif rb.i8l«(l.biw>, rilv
.' »¥5»:
iBtltWlcti'ri'mbfiuts' to itb!)i!t wxty.-• - Out oi
: ,T)ii;jiumbof
eat tiiiiohitVo.
ilrnVrrunn Vjllll Wi. 0 tf C'l for UilVlUK 0 ,  w W tlM .CU..U--
f'S3S to &o iCnoli and rovpirii m^%y %;,M""«;«>j(idndeinnedt<Vder
'- dlWdVWeil - If. > J?<irl«j havoj prevailed/ ) L39K
Von Piottwell, MfliQ-Thafe n opeVich
rdyta. wJiniVilsjijihicr. '^ttniiit.. Avijlm nia.
nlaU.oi" tltdiDtkt," aiHl.craST of tin party
rlfjht in the aocdnU ohalriuer ot'.Pmsv.
Von Flotlwcll;;
that Iholovy oiyowultft iii^ho ,l.%|and or.Sardinia IVJ
•been cll'oclcd V;Jtho"ut'thn. sligniv-Htirejiistanho; Jjjit th it n
derlOUH nllWr o*c;{ivrM.-in {ho nriftti'opthojl.slnnd. > H up'.
vmsfi fromt||ls,'Bccount Unit Major
flojiant ISIta,
"itiltfo.o lii 'faris'i ready 10 take arms »tu sipul to bo «jv-,
-'eii by' tho Contrail )2fifopo<ni Coininittfto ot I.oridb:!.- ^Sdc'li'
.wits tho'hctlvlty.'oi' Afdillrffd tliatho had formed tlia nou,.
cicuflof-ntiocloiy ihi|tvlnu|.put itself in communlcatiorr
wlimiiddopartimjiKs, apd^hutl mado snoh progress as
' lo'bo'iible to send (o London within t|in last few d.tyo to -
ukdLodriiRoiiin^flnoiihfltruiHiony. ' .:
U wns on.ljio ro(um to IVIs of the emissary, sent'dii
this occasion that tho CrCllict of Police Informed the au-
thdrltietf that tho tlmnhad come ibr-'putting a stop to all'
lUquoji^codingM^t; Wurraptswcro Issued ainiuliuiicouB-
iy to arrest persdns dgslgnpted at, St.' Am'and, Forty-
fnwonan'estH'hnyo'hcen'mn'do, All tho prlaonevs ihivo
boon sen,t to tlio n'rhloii of Mii7,aat unA this oxplains tho
reason^yhy tho Prpfeet.Qf Policp,lifts' wli;hin IIICKO fow
days sent awriy several 'prlsoncrn.'who 'Were there, in
.. Wednesday, 41,017 persons— ..S,fJ80,I2s. '
•, Thursday,...',.:.. '11,200 persons—' S,l37flR>J. •
' The necessity of rcftucing prices is strongly urged, •,--..•
«"''ln-Dublin .it'ib stated tharthe Governinbnt Intend to^
Kind four additionalrceimCnts 61' infantry from England,,
tociiOn-cC obcd.iencjs t» the lawfc<Tho oqrrcKpondcnt of
..r«/if*4piwruiicfis,thJfl,-Ufl. simply^^ preposterous.
The Freemaifa Journal announces the death ot one of
' the cch'Ojritics'of the memorable year J813, namely, tho,,
r.ev,' Thditiaii Ticrpeyione of the two'clcrgymen iucltidod^
V in the monster Indictment of the then Attorney General,.
Mr. Ai'H. C. Smith,' -lip to-lSC. ho wasone or tho most
''' ur.tlvd (iitpportera of 'tile Repeal movement bonded by
^ . . O ' C o m i e l i . - •'• '•'; ••-' -:•'•. :., .
D*uBtis, Scpt.-J.—iTht! wraihcrt has. peeii ox'trdmoiy
I'r.e during'.tlut' r«csvrjt.<veck, un4,.tbo•.agricultural' re-
pcrts- from' aif parts of the 'country ara'proportioiiably
ruvorablo. In tho sonib, liarvc^t'oponiMoiiH are'nearly
• ccirtplcwil, ^»d the yield in «nWo bj*«<{od, both as rc-
(.'ariis' quantity oii'd auallty. Of Ifio potiito the-reports
continnn ioiifllcting, hut, malting every due ' allowance
fev the lo«s by tho.faiai epidemic, thcro nnpenrs to be no
ratlennl doubt that enough -will > bo t?avi::l to.Rtipply'tha
wants of a sreatly dirnininhed population, In tue mean-
-vl.Ho the tide of emigration still rolls on, ,-
' A liow'-ftatuvfl in coiinoxleu with emigration has ju«t
li-anifeslcil itself, in the, by tlm umlgrAut ship
I'elcntp, for ftuobec, of a number ofcomfo?tati';) fanillitw,'
of the ihrmro-g class, from (be neft'hborhoodof Park, near-,
thbi city. ',!jo arUlti'and rcmuneratinjf were tho lands of
Pari! cumiilcrcd for the last .'.0 years, that'they wero de-
I'll'MUoi'. ''thdgrildonahidc.iisoftho'city'/'yk'Mingtiiulwy.
(•idsucccBsivdrotalioft crops (cldelly vej'ctabb.-sand priini
feeding lovinllch cows) throughout the year. Tlio scons
,ia chuiiS'.il, mid the result now i.'j, thut tba ^rcittoi1
'••'.' ilon'ofthe people of Park, u mo*;t'.wijj'jiis anil cvj.'.yt
linsn of ::J.'i-)c:HtU.ralt!UM, iiri- drlenrinpd ti> o;)(!ur» lio
;• Jor.gcv tlio liartinhips to which lliey were ci liiic-ytars
''• mtbjccted to nia'ii;o!cly iha.dvmonds of, " ta.-: oittli'j.vr.j,
i'nor rnl'r iroHectnri', rjlid !itntl'.or(!3," wltlibiit bi'ijij ulile
• to pi'ovhlo ordinary 'c^brt Ihr their farnill6ji.
!;,;.. 'J'he,iic:fo(jiiahq"cs,df tf»o American yncbik continue to
.attract attention. "'.i-Scvitral writers in U'lis Times ami,.
' other papers; lire drawing iUtcttloii--to.tlii;|)«dui^iitieiini'-
;..;, )>.ex cdn.ilriici'iiiii and i-eoninicmling tlic JmUafjo'aOf hor
•''' lo'Engl'iKU imilJwrt.'; . .. .. . i ^ f e - -
.-.' -.-;;.:-Ti»<!:
" lothc y.niinv of The 77V(•
• Sia-It ls^alway^VegaTiicd ia history aa pocidi-.iv to
, • no nioBfrtiHi^gujsbcd generals, that they havo best
.'• • ,..",own
; ' ° ^ tb'turri use, and havo
•;.<-. I«qujgn jyCjjvejied the ruins dr defeat'into foundatioas,
'•,*" r
.ic|ory,' AVd.tird now in circumstuiicds which giv*>.
*,'"' full scope to tho'display of snoh cmalltlcs, if we possess
litem.' We have been beaten—.signally defeated—'on, ot;t
V own'elcmcnt. Our yacht simadron, so'long masters of
," ihb.SoIejit, hhlieho victorious in all «ea flghis, are eoru- '
'pletely routed—Iliad almost said,put to lllght. Fori,;
. iohg'tiuie,; not one .of tlic, Solent Sea Kings could bcV
ibiind to (lice the enemy or accept his challenge, and the :
American would have returned without;'his gago being
:.; taken up, bad not the little Titania,',of only half the ton-
; nagc,'uud Uicreforo no ndoiiuato ipatch, been courageous
". enough tolimrdnildfciit,: Evcntho Alarm, which had
been so long tho chaniplon Of ttio.iEngllsh waters, do-.
(•lined battle.'Thd victory of tho;4(|ionca Is complclu,
17/liuwritcrJiJicii(joys' on ati'con.Hjtlera'plo length to^po-
^JJfJfWw. peculiiirltifis orthdVl/ncTicaniidiConcludoa tliits ;j
I have entered thus wlou'cly into all; these points, be-
cause 1 conceive It to be of groat Importance that we
' (mould wisely nnd in tlmo ptcpard burselvog for thb
• probable c.ontost' of next year.'l.Wo' aro moro likely to
'•'••':• rail next year by a blundering imitation'of tlio unossen-
••' tinls of our victor than by any dtlior'cotl.rS'fl, It is most"
' imdcsirnblc thnt'wp should be, driven by,jrt sitdddn dofeat
to abandon irny of the oxcellentj-iiolnts which our own
long experience limy have laught'us (o bo unquestionably
excellent, Tlio. rtbrombsii,' the .qorhfbrt, tho' oxcellcpt
""."'. Ken-going nualltlcs^luydasd' of indtlbti'lri had wentlicr,
•' iim.polnts in our qw,n:y'acht-bulldlng(whlch wo must on
•MV no iiccomit nbaiHlpri..;:it IS oiir'duty/thorctbro, to sec
ylmt we must dd"ti'wtii'.jidxt'ye'ar?1
' ;;
-'','••'.' }. Wo mus^biitld yachts of the'rjbwo'si construction,
,or as largo ti size as may bo likely to como against us—
'.,''..,. ». e, somewhat larger than the America; andT not allow;
V', .onrKclvefj to' bq r
caug1it, ad' this year, with a-vesscl pf
riagd only. lit oven to acdept the clmlldngC.
n.nuyWoyr cr«ck ya«ii.t». wliidi, .ir,thoy,ure brought 10
r c S n g snif/Bid,
r'v,-hultnel;,by the excess o, their
^ l t r S f f i l ^ ^ ® « » r ' l h 9 iiialde of the I»id of
Hviaht nnilJbr owners who'takoto yachthifl.for lushloii'ii
fcatie knowing nothing, dbdut tho matter,"bavins no real
iXto for tho soa, nuliject to sicknoss,'and cbntlning their
tfipB to Hurat Cirstio to thq west, Rydo and Portsriionth
"id tlio'enstj and preferring to.thorn the Southampton
water if a weather-lido raised uponplo on tlwgontjo.
^Solent, Tho great ploasuro of ttrtjso geutlemeu, i», to
swaagcr about in sea-toggery, ati'uto liavo boats'-croivs
In smart equipment dnngling-ftftdr thorn. Many a
yacht hardly stirs froin itH moorings at (,'owos in a
Ayholo seusoii; buiiomako up for.that liiactlon,'tlioir6
Is plenty Of boat-work, rowingbackwards and Ibrwards,-
bailingand signallfng./ There are exceptions j : there
dresoirio' score*of tho two hundred mombdra of:tho
Royal- Squadron Club wjdo are good seamen, ay, and cpm-
jictent'liaVigators'to boot; but the great; majority are
unskilled,; Tho oilier Clubs contain a much larger pro-
portion of seamen among t|tcir members, hocausd with
(hem it is not a matter of (unbibn so much as it is with
the aristocratic1
fSqundron, Somo years ago limombur
of iho Thames; Club undoitoolt to. man his yacht (be-
tween 00. and "0 tuns) with gciiUopicii,.member* of. tho,
Club, exclusively, not employingu single working-man,
vnnft to sail hcr.ngalnst any vesRolof tho Squadron,^ man-
ned in like nia'nner; .inn iiio chatttaiRo fell to ihu ground;
And weUH might, for though thcro are soino fow mem-
bers of tlio Royal Yacht Squadron who know wh'.'thcr u
,gallHopsuil Is properly set or not, wo hnvu'our doubts
whether there is one who could go aloft and lace It to
the topmast. But no matter how vhallow'tho Vista Is.'or '
how much is mere fashion, tho. fashion; is a good -ondiff
nndlias cxcellont consoqudnce's susceptible of-further
iniprnvdmont, which wo trust tho • present losson of'iho
Aiiierlira will stimulate,; , ; ; .
, 'niie ycteraii yachler, tlic Marquis of Anglesnaj upon
seeing tho America, is reported to havo -remarked, "If
shids liglu, we are all wohg.". - . ; . . . , . , ; ,
. << is'to bo bdmo In inind, however, lliat-sdnictjiing bn-
sii'.cs spied Wtd bo considered in the yacht. .A'yacht must
ImVostownge and accommodation, and both thosd points
, an. in-the America Bucrllieod to speed, ' Still wc havis no
dmb( thut. seinplhinR may bo leurnt from a craft which
requires a'six-not brcoxe, and boats our clippers'; mid it
isjier .model, not her cu'iiyass.Aluu must bc.lookcd to for
ll)ck'»T0n.>t. .-•. .
.ICo<Sf(Htri-aKi,tf^AT(stk-in..'. '• , '.%»•:••:-
I'amTlieloiilaitmlJi/.Iitwj.firpl.H,- ..,'f
This.iis tlic diiy div wliiqlt'thc' Sultan prpuiimul
to liberhto -KofwiuUi, I'eK'Ml, Ifu'hj'Rni, -and thd^iHusirl-
011s prisoners of Kuttihifi Slnco~iiio fact was Hot un-
nniinced, as it-wns by n« some wcoks back, a rogular flrii
of nii'iiaec hasjiccn kept up by. all the organs, or would-
bo oi-ftans of tho-great'.-military''governments Timy
uuiili||,ii:,ih wUli tlic^orte,.thp ambassadors slioubl bo
witlidrnwiij retKiinllon -laticif by rcOxcituig tlio C.>suian
Itisurrcction ; and the whole East va'« to be convulsod
.becaasoKc'sMU'.b: ww nSlowiirt.WTecoivpvisits.a(, jlays-
.wati-r instead ol plaining cabbngcs.and dcaiidius him-.
self ogaliist nssnesins at Knthhla. V •
' ThoquoRtton is-in truth, onoJof mere sentiment and
humanity; one hbpi<s.;or tliinhH to work harm to
the Empires of-AuWriu-and Itusxia, or t'<i disturb Uiuir
pr are by libirvatliig Kossuth. Admiration for iho 11431,
lio*. inlrigU!!.for tlw fulnn;, is the sole, mnilvp ,wii|i our
ltuiiiiurinii Kjnip.iiliiisers. Uut.tho Bolonin politicians of
St. Petersburg hnrl '. iemia cannot- tinJorsiaiul that .ihu
•most practical of enrthly races, tho Anglo-Saxon,'should
Kiimiltaneomlly, lit Khgliind and in America, Imve been
takni v.'Uh flucli muhusiaatic sympathy forlbo Ifunga-
Tiiln cuusti,-und mr its chiefs, unless somo deep policy
lay at tlio bottom of it;* Wo need not say to'English
ruicrstliflt neit,iuT WfMtm nor. Americans' Uavo'tlio
tii? least admb.ture of7idlij*y ih tlieir love of Ifimgnr);
111 d HoHSiitiu . It is from iSontiment,' the unmln^lcdiioiK--
II-,'; paid 10.bvavo men (••.rugcliiig in a righleotw ciiti.ifi.<;
The Aitiiro ftsie of JlttUjUry and Its definitive connexion
with Austria, Ore things, wo believe, very rnjichln AiiS:
tr;n'« ownppwoj1
,. A(t«r.tlici-coihpl«to. conquestj it .Itaw
cljpc(cil, creal wiMlum, rtuderntion, and libaralily on-hor
part luigpt;, Ave havo no doubtj secure Ifungary to'flfA
[HrsHtnios nml'to the A«nlriiin;
power ioofinrdvfbV
/ i t *
, . . ^ . ' - :
• • • ' ; , ;
; . - - -
^ot only la nor
Litoil nro
,, , .., 1.... ...„ _ , nrtdM.
Mnlllnrd, thii ndvo'caic Thef«Ntnvoobscure Individuals,
princiiatliy journoyinon, vtradosmgn, oiid mcclrmics.
Oim.of .tliem named J. J. C'lierval.a lithographer, Is dc-
scrfhcdiiHiiit ''Irish siiblftci;" Last,.night, at about 0
o'clock; 00 f Sei'gciis do Ville-"-mprchcd to tho Cafo^le la
llajitn^Bdne, lUio droncllo St. Iloiion'i, where tlioy ar-
rested a do/cn persons. Several brigades ofpollpo
hcnt Ih'tlie night to dlllbrcnt qunrlers of Paris, wlch In- •
xlructldiis to exd'eulo warrants of. arrest. A« nnny as !
HO prisoners havo already been, sent to tho Mazas
IirUrofii"' :,:
• < • - . - • ' • •f/;. -,;•<.-
. It Is said n't tho Palais do, .Inatlc'n that niost Important
papers, emanating from tho .London. Cipuiiifiiucri, .linvo'
been SCIMII.^K' ;;'," '.-'•'!•''.' ' -/•
Piirlu lH'obHOh?toiy qiilel/aud no alarm or'ovoivoxclio-
incut has been produccdln tho public mind..
• . ' . - , . : ' ALTrnWAi;'
Aiig. %7.-~Tlio 'decrees of the Emjic-'
vor on. tho .'rcwponHlhlllty of iho ministers, ami on tlio
revision, of;tho coiiiitltution, octnyle In March, 1849,
amount to a'completc retrogression to absolutism. ,
In Italy, Radelskl (bars an outbreak, und tho army Is
mild (o bo roinfdrepd. for tho third time—ton thousand
men nro to march lojliO Pledmuiilesc frontier, .-,'i'liere Is
a report that tho dl^iinBiotis betwenn tho Croat and iliiih
•gnriup soldiers" tu'tj.daily Increasing, mid that Ihdy tod'lo-
ir bloody conflict tri'ihp neighborhood of Verona. Tlio
papers remain silflnt on such events, but the louern from
Italy mention It a» a ftict., In Hungary the gondnrmerlo
hud had several .conflicts Avlth tho peasanta, and a tra-
gedy which In'tho month of Juno happonod'al Swnl •
Maria, near Gro'BS-Wartidln, la soul-otlrrliig, lllm ait
wnisodo of a Frenoli aovel, I relato It as I had It from an'
Hungarian gontlomah of tho Miliar county, who Uuppcned'
to bo lit Vienna,'// •": • • : " '' :
Al a pcnsnnt'a'wwidlng, wlien[tho procession:
of tho
belroUied wan moving toward tho church, thogendarmd,
upprouched thn'brldd und sumhioned hor immddlaloly tot
divest herself or tho red, whlld ami green ribbons which'
she had In her.tresses, according to tho custom of-tho
country girls, fl!iying.lliatlto:i colors wcro rpvolutlon-
ary. Tho iiridegrdom• objected, aaylng'that'pftcr'tho-
ceremony the brido would comply with the, dwiro oftl.o;
.fii'iidormo, but that now tlioy c.'Uid not keep the priest
waiting nt the altar. Tho gendarme retired, tlio prows-,
filpn proceeded to the cVurch, but nt the- momou'. iho
Drldo was kneeling at tlio steps of the nitar to receive tho
-bericdfcltoii, tlicgondarrna.rimlmd forward and cut hor
ticsocsand ribbons lUi^'s'ciasora from her head. In
llunnary it is consldcrM a1
great Insult to a fuaialo 10
nit liiu- hair; it conveys the noilon of infamy.. Naturally.
an nffrny took place i the gendanric was uasallcd by tho
bridegroom, other gendarmes arrived In afd ol' tlieir I'd-
lovofflcial, tho people, though without arms, u».
on them, anil tho result was the slaughter ol'Hcve.iiuoii,
ifirco gchdurinds and four iicasantn, pmomrst the
brh'.qgroom-sml Iho luiltol nsaailatit ol tile brblir.
The'I'miUirchzHtHungnny», Austria ban just
obfrilrlcd by mgetlatlou it iiillitary right'qrwir/'flirougli
Uaviirla fbr ii:e piiKsajje or troops' t,i mca-tlcrat feitvcii
of Moycnce. .,., ^ .1
A telcju-iiphic dlsptitcli from Iselil, received In Vienna
on 1 Uo 3l«i, amionncHf,• tliht tlio ftmpcror ol' Aiistvin will
nroloiig his i,iay iii-lbut wutsring.pliiee until tlwllth i.'ist.
f.otliliip ha',* (•.-au'-pii' <1 relative lo ilw lutcv.viuw betwoeu
'Inmnntl ihi'KirjorPrrisIa, • • '
• - ; . ; • ''• L'PMM: -. '•-. ,", , ';
MATir,jp, Anc. S'J.—Tito priAipal topic of tlio prof ln-
clu'I jOiTi'imlfl' In .'till ihe serioua eircclii produce;! by iho
.leng drnujrtii »jid extrcordlnnfy bent. - A t Madrid wo
haye now been ibnr luontiiswithout rulm Tito coun'.rv
is burnt lip, and llrca,, .exloiiding m somo cascv over
maiw Icagtiew, are no doijht the lvmilt of thi* kite of
yihigs.- f'real scarcity rif water was fidt at-R(ini'«o<'in,
cJlMAiroujbiJia Ar-W, cud .Hie .,mot<t, niijoj-'ius m'ca-
•*«U^I"had' peon de-civcd liy'tho amhprlllc.'f to p/caerve a
vitir'lw members, thedi/lVrenV-
prisons• ip.tliojcltyof.Naplcp.'; •. .' , ; :
. '.•'-
"ThoPopa n 'uboiit; to erect the city of Hamburg into a'
b l s h o p r l « * W ^ ' • • • ' /• :-i', ..:..•-.•.•••', -.'.: : ;..-? ; t. •.-.-.-
: (i,The O/wtfoiir. of?Turin; announces military evolutions',
on a lurgo scale, 1fcprbsdni)iiK tho.bqtild"of ,,rdhteilott6,"
which, In 170H,"oponod-Iiitly to>-thoInvaslQn;ot' tho-
part might;, Ave havo im doubtj secure Hungary. to'tlfA
JHrsHin.ios nml'to the A«nlriiin;
))owcr toofirndv'tov
IvqisUTH aiul.all.hia sbuke. Uutthcnffs 110*
,^f a
°''> !™dcraiion,.o; Ijbrrnlity. jij the oouductof Aua./i
faced tyrifony <'•? a'loplcd prlnd; i^o f
government, hut i t ^ ^ T ^ ^ %'bmfaw.
Aiistrluh ministers were suJvr9»?a|V0 u0 resnoimiblc to
ibe nation, or to souie ini*'ary'States. Hopes gf.n..
cendtlwtlomil Ryst'eill/'HtleastTdr.ilierntuio, were nut,at
an end,- The fiction of ministerial responsibility did not
Usolcast detract from tho absoluto jxiwcr of the govern-
1, cut. fiut the young Emiieror would not tolerate tho
'decorous fiction. And-licItasp^blishod asolemn decree,
declaring that his niinliilors arc only responsible'lo hlm-
pplf, Everv' -pitu well knew^tich to be tho fact. Why
'then declare it? In order to promulgate divine, ri/ibt in,
theory as'wclr us practice, and to. wok lo establish It as
-a philosophic truth, what Avaflulrojidy ealoblisbed in tlio
Ipiily w.ty U could be efltablished, by forie. ' ;
M-'Sucli (loctriMirh or despotism, such puerile politi-
cians, mo'nnrclis whoso sovorqlgnty <n unbounded by the
hbrizon of.tlieir stall', and alatcbmen who. have ^takpn a
pjrsbfisl plqno'to gonstiltillona—sucrt:inon as these ran-
rot found• an 'empire, rc-uliaoli defeeuyo provinces, or
felvdlhat confidence and ftcddp|n,wiiwnt., which Indim-
, caris-baVe bd]
Atto' '
•haVe' bdiafy'Sildptcil 'thd'wavd' systorri,"and applied-
• ri™l^r
i^- %* WPM. >hall'prbduco^ho leaov
V >"--iS^—BSd!U»iJn4 reeciv^om;
fry cannot hrcriihe, nor Wospwlty' developed,: The
bopo'df eon'adiidniliig Subfinii dmplrrf lis that ofUcrmu-
ny, by denying hi roypl; find iiriporlnl ctliclB, tlio gAin*
Ica.wos fii'-tho
"i/i. ••?'.,,' -v—- »™inT,ra,.i(uu.iu publictrallK', and
-sntakwof Hie great natural difficulties m-crconi.j l:v cdn-
^tru.cflpett,,.; .; ... . . . .
$ # » ' • " 1 — - » - ~ - - . , ' - ' • '
" :
. . v ; . : 7 i J
^ K E Y
- '.'•".•' " . , " ' • • '
•'•'• OoVcitisTixdi'i.i;; "Aug. "lC.^Tbe lilwation.
oriCdWnjttli Is now llcclilcd tinoii by'tlio Sublimd'PoVU.—
livspiro.drallUio.tlivcatsjor Russia and Aumriij, "tlfo
porto sjootl her ground, aijd, when reminded by 1 bo Kn-
, gliiih' g6vdmiqen,^dl'ils promisd, the Divan rcpliei|, ",Wo;
•k»iftptl-."'"Ko>'hntllts^ tueretbro to lie released on mo
J III It September. Ilk intention, us (at m I could a.iee'r*'-
tain, IN to proceed first to Ensland, to leave thcro hl»
cliildron, and to provide for their educailon.and niter a
stay of 0 fortnighti to wall to the United States, tbero to
express his thanks m tho Congress and the President.—
Kut tho Captain ol'tllo steam mgatb Mississippi, which
htm wailed lor Kossuth slncn tho. month,olMiiuc, objects
t^ (his iiiTongomcut; lie wisltcs'to"carry Kossuth witli-
• 'irhi't ''delay to Now-Vork. I do not. know.'lh'ci'elbl-e;
whether you'will havo the ploasurc ot'seclns iho nilghty
innh—who, oven when In prison .I11- Asia, Minor, fright-
ens Hie Czar and the Kaiser—before December.?
Tho dismissal 'of the serasklor, Mchemct All Pasha,
lnhdo here, for a moment aJiialiiful Improsoion,' for oycry-
, body k;io,w tljat he, tho brollicr-imlaw to the Sql.tuii, wasi
the greatest Russia In the cabinet. tJiit it soon
became obvious that this step had lio'polltlcnl Irnport'iiice
wliulevcr. < >.>u,,'i.».-. . . . . . .
S&SZ^ n.110.1 mid'gdbd dea:
r 4.^V«(rhUflt.thorougliiyrevlso-our 1 system,of riggim?'
And cuttingtaBllB.j;i The true theory of salla Is that-thoy'
S ^ ' f e f e j J t ^ ^ H ^ 0
' " ' WuHUo adopteft
perlpr, cut of i American sails has long been matter of
notorlpty to.geambn.. Sall-cutters havo long reAsied tho •
nbandonmonto.rchorislicdprcjtuiiccsonthisiicaL Thov
must now at once adopt the truo.sail-thcory of plane sur-
uso V boom's
or 11 nevv cut,,or,b9th, they must welliconsldcr, "
, S. As to rigging, Uiosmplor the rigging, tho fcwer tho
]?m "io l{qttcr,J.Tho Americans havo long boon dls-
' i V T C T in ttii^ r^poqi fbr simplicity nn«V efficiency,
Multiplicity or ropes and. bloeks i8 an old-fbshloncd error
•out orxvlilcli wo are rap dly;psoaplng, aud tho. America
merely givesus a fresh impulse in this direction.
, Ij);foncJusfon;.I hnve pnly'to dtprfijis a hopo-one
Avhlch lias prompted this letter—that ,wo ahnll notdc-
- gbnerntd lino vulgar iniltatldn of, our vlttpr, a course In'
whlgli wo, shall -always vbo behind him; but rouse om>
fielvcs to apply mdro indepondently tpan hitherto tlio. re-
Wourceii of our'sclenco and skill to the attainment of that'
supdrlorltyjln' yMHi building;' wllkH. AVO' havo hliherto'
fiincipd ;>vo pQ^o^sed. , I Jiave tho liopor to bo yoiir ,obq-
elenl aervant,* • A M«M^ER.op.SBVEnAi, yAduTiCLuBs.
1 ' •• 'From>ThcLondon Spectator, Aug. 30.. [ ' •> '
Oft* 0110.oOut.fffcat.iiaynl ports, tho ship.
.building of England Jias, been' cliullcngcdrby an alien
•vessel; uiid ilopjatM totally.'' It is a remarkable lnpidont,
and not'tlic hatldjiaKprldo,•.".,;•./ '
'•Wo riiny find sdjace in thd.(bet Hint'.itMfi 4tt0;to '.'accl-
, fleitt." :Slfango m R'timV- appear, It lias only been in
, uomparatlvely ,'roocnt • tinies that'u attempts; havo boin
mado to reducothn.Avater-cloaving power of. ttm:.8bip.,lo
Hcjontifle rulp;,, anil hitherto scionco ljn« not been happy,;
-jii'.Its'cflbrlW-. /fhq victory of tho.A'|norie",t,.irwo ure not'
. jrii8taUd]ij;iVr«ctiaiif,ly f«ruto« thd," fiaivdst• hypothesis in '•••
thc.BcnrcUrdr.thephlldsoph'cr'Hstone Initho ocjeuce of-
shipbuilding.- iiTlid prlnnlpln'oI'Mr; Scott Russell's plan,
Avpbclievo, wasbanedun tho fact thnt water displaced
by 11 body Avhfoli. Js removed fills tho vuculty, not so
much by fliUIng In nt'tho sides as by rising from below;
hence it wns calculated that ir a vessel AVUS built sharp
and deep toward the bows, broad and shallow toward
</rf'cft"f or national rights, voted by national asscinbllds,-
ind promulgating iiiBfead tho law of ministers,;, being
only responsible to sovereigns,' and sovereigns lalQbti ;
tilts' Is the current mistake p,f9Bceklng to.paciiy,,thd nln'o*
leonth century by reducing Rio the igriorantism andser-
vility of tho fifteenth. < •'•:-"- ;.Vi
Tlib big children, who hssert that politic nUAYisdoni is
tho gift of Jlcavcu, and Avho prove- thcniHo|yes pos-
sessed of it by Rdverninglri:
this way, may well dread
Kossutht'as tlioy must droad every Independent nianthat
wields a,sword ornpen, ,,yell may tlioy tremble'at
every shadow. "And yet tlicy'nr,o xvrong to dread Indi-
viduals, and mean tomdvd Henvoh and earth to rotter.
down one poUHcul Prometheus like Kossuth. For their
system of government soon converter a whole pcoplo into '
a-tacit band of'ednspirafdrs; biding their tlmo;»o
nurgcnts,>and only biding that'opportunity from the cer-
tainty, ; that^av ratu^ Ihll to; atv-
>-• IldivfeVeriwo irlay^'fbrdsce^li. this'"liiltftdIrteVlfnbjo"«,;Ayisli to,intprfore,' to,fov
incnt.cdnsnirocles, or.kqppjilWb. a;Avar pr lealpusy with
a'gVdat Europban iiowdr, tv.h'afevpr thp"foIiy ef •.itajmls-*
.^without foreign .Intervention ;.V;aijp! l/^jv.Q -shqiljd halt
. AVitlvjiu.rb jvdltibjno 'aitt Ooltght^ thtf .f,tJirjli]Jf;or.TCo(ifiUtlf
to ourshbrcs'lt« Avitltrid desiro^o^prompt- of aid.hlrrrj
40,a jcnowoji'dtfjiot-qpntwti^wh^li fo».; tho,; present
epoch has bccti Jifjcltled,. In;the flpld--,; •..,.,.,, , , ' '
,, . . | . , . , i i v . - » ^ - A i , i . > v ; , . ' ; ' li % ••• - A •••,--''• -•- ;. , „ . . r . , ,
-•...••..!:•-.•o>-> • m :
m t d i w m ^ ^ p < r - < /•:!
. ,-,.:..':i1! ; , . PABis.,!W.edncsdw;EYoning,-Sept.'3.; r
Tho nnnoiinccmciftj of tho ^rihco.dp^^oinvillo /
as carididato, Ibr the' Presidency'of r
tJio. Republic ,^as,
created a great scnsntldn licrd;' and nflbrds the Paris pa-
pers ample: food for comment.,, It would appoar that h;
considerable portion of the Orloanlsjs are .dissatlsfled
with tho.appearonco of tho Princd'de Jolnvllld'as a ciiu-'
didato. ,.6orno of them four' thati ho.wlll bo' boatdn, nnd
that tho dofeat. -will havp an Injurious.offcct pn the consi-,
deration of tlio Orleans'flimily wjth the'country. Others-
look on the candldntcship with cdldlicos, because it was
started by TheOrdrc,theorganofM>Thiers.-,;An nrtleld
appears in The AsscmblieftQtitmtftof;to:day, which has
excited great surprise."' That paper; which' is the ojfgan
of Mi- Guizot.nnd of the iFusionlsts,*- declares that,*,if
tlio .Jrincq do .Joinvillo should .bo. so. ill-advIsodiasS
really to throw himself into ,ihd revolutionary,con-',
, o f
' 1 8 5
2 , '"it Avould;;not hosltatolf
to" combat'
with ,all,, its. force; a.;. candl.d^teshlp; fwhioh i Avould
.2o r
iQ»s .Injury, to ,,the.; Monarchical Sprlnei-
5 Ss..B
.f "vycra
l •,
¥' ccrantry into -' nn "ocean' or
rtlfflcultiosfona dangors."^ Upon"tUa-whQlej,tlte Jmpros-
'"•'-' , ;•' POltTUCfAT, "•'.''' ' ; •
' J/tsnox, Aug. SO.—Public litlciiiiori!
is 'chiefly
directed towurds,,.tho aceuamlon of bribed,prefcrrctl
ngniiist ?enhor Forrno; W|I|O)I .coinpolhld him' to' rctlro
rrom the-Mihi'stry;'' The accusations of «b scrlouo and
gfavo a natiiro tji«i; thq MlnJ»try; had R mwting pp'on the.
subject (Scnlior F.erruo not having -Wti present '(nf it),
Avlien; it is said, It was dcterinincd tWU ho should bo Jn-
vilcd to resign upd curry the nccuspt.ionbojbre.'tho tyi-
bpnals, ho being accused of having^reccivod, from • tho'
of tobacco2,003,000 rdisi *This Sdiih'or Ferrao-
has,dono.; r' !r.-rji>*(:
'';,, •; -,,, .,,• y. /.->,..w^ :
The heat and the drought thls^year - • - • • - ••
* ptei 'Accounts from'tho cotih(riy>sa}''i
drying up. >.",-.<Vc i W l ' V .i"jr>5^'»vv' . ^ ^ . „ „ .
Tho ports of.CcalWilthOraXHsVitr^Mr^Artlblit
cd wiih< tho yellow ifbver;7uhd»'th*BaffirM»cc; yitii
cholera..«'./i»..>^'L!''''' b*yitWwimifsfti< 1 •' V
'Thd GbWnimcnlhas.hawrtlBdrfj^^ .corni
ploto tha roads -and 'ftrm'dyv;uJni'9^to5M|ntio, Tho-
.r-dnrso to.UietrltowlSrJrTtrfirflls tfl'pfc^ew;rp.anfrp,m
•n,appdar«rl|iat' itev^rait.oin^firif/.of^flu^lltl^ iV.|ioq,
nounces that tfie brigadier of carabineers; who, fn ;J843,
nrrested.Ugo Baa'ili;' (the priest who acted as chaplain to
Uiiribaldi's troops,, and w«s sluu.hy the Austrinus;) has
been assassinated at Co'm'ih'adlilb'. ' ; -
" •:
'"• :
r i r m ^ f . " ••"_'••' ,f
1 1 . .'•
The'Tuscan Monityrc puhiiahca a'scrioffol'
reg'ulatloim Issued by.thomliiistc'ro'rAVofshipat Flof-ciico .
on the 281I1 un., concerniiig the right of censorship're-
' served to the bishops by the now concordat. Uy iiuse
regulations cyery bishop has the right of censorship over
eccIesia'siical'AvorlcB.lo Uo.pulillshcd within his dfofjosp ;
aAvork rejecled-by one biahop cannot'hu opprovcd'by
•another, uniLtlierHi U;no appeal, from tlio decision of a
bishoji in hiich mnfinrs. • . . . ' • % . . ; '
•>'.-..; :• t )i%B PATAIJJTATES. ' ' ''
A^iiisolulion of the Ministry has .taken place,
wo learn, at Nobles, mul another Cabinet been formed.
Tho niimoi* df-.tho inoiiibnrs of tho now Administration
had not.bcdnmado public at the date of U13 last advices.
' , . ' _ . ' _ ' ' ' ' ' IGaliijiunii.
/, S W l T Z E l t L A N D . : ' ";
•;• According to lcltcrs-froiii Uorno of thd 89th
lilt,; tho dninugcH caused in the canton- by recent Inun-
dations ore valued at 2,400,000 ft., or about£i)0,000j j Sub-
scriptions ajrodpeii air over Switzerland'to' cover the
losBcn'of thftiflundatlon. Tho city of Home lias already
. subscribed ja,000fr. ; . ' ,
-.'. / . ; • ! I C I ; L A N D . . ...'•'"' ',
The. Diet of Icolahd was bpoiidil >on ttic 5lli
July al Rciklavik. Amongst tlio bills presented waaonc
enacting that/from tho 15th .luuo, 1832; foreign- vosscls
ahull ho allowed to enter tho port of Reiktavik without
passporln or-tlio uuthoritios ol-
tho Inland, and shall be
.treated as Danish vessels.
• . ( . , . . ; , ; — ' ' . ' . •-~iaBhr—-—~- "
Fnjgitivc filiivo Riot in Lniicastcr Co.; Pa.
' Our renders will be already advised of the oc-
•ctirrenco of n lamentnblo viol and )bs$ of 'iiib.Al
i;rj|iristmnu, Liindaster Co., Pui, on' the 9lh inst,,—
^ o ^ i i i g but 'of iho altcrtiplod capture of two fugitive
' KJaves Uy t?>oji,
;owAcr.".:i • ,
In ort'.cr to give the conclusion of t'nia affair in an
iiittlUjjibla.jjhupo, a,brief suniiBavy of the circum-
sUj^jps.ctf'jjriC casq may |io nccp.^ary. ;•
'"A'.j|'aM',cdp>pc,sed of Edward Gorsuch, of llalli-
jridrfl co'ipty,;'Md., liis.twb soiisl^Dichcrsim Gordueh
tmii JosiBl":! Oprsiich, Dr.' Thoihas Pierce, Henry C,
Kline^ a Deputy, Marshal,-'and-'two police ofliccra
from Philatielpliia, started fromiPriilddelphia, with
u warrant .issued by Edward D. '.Ingrnliam, United'
•Sinus.Ct-ilinn.$:uu)ic.r, to arrest two fugitivo slaves
I flonyjnji to Edward Uorsuch, who Avcre supposed
to.l.e j.i • tl.i' jn-ifciil yrlioiid'of Christiana,, in Lifu-
cn«ler cr-viDty, After .•• per.dint a" day in Chester
roivnty^.-y .;niv'w'. r.t lv.M; of lho;nesl day, at iho
pi:ir.f- in v!iieh it AVBS sifpjiosed.lheynjitivcs were liar-
IKVITII, This AV!!H li tAvo-s,rory stonn builrlmir/du tho
fmm of I J C i TVA.'Hidl, iihoiit. (hrco njiles from Ciiris-
iifina. As the perty approupiird; tlio house, 0119 of-
the. fo£itie «l«vi?;< was iilcntilied, but took shelter
in the house, and w»>« followed L-y Sir. Gorauch and
.lis p-ifly.' VT.hilulim.thu'-Jum.scvan axe was thrown
t.t tlio .Deputy .Tilsr'!;.al,'|'^d. ho'-iircd.. Tlic. negroes
'lv-lurnc'il I lie I'n1
, ii'iul tlic. nhife's rclroalcd butsido
ofjlio hou?ie,.Aheye tliey" were'agdin /ired iipon.i-^-'
Neiliicr l-aily l/ein^yet-injured, a parley onnucd.ahd
IhP'Drhiiiy Miorlinl rp'nd nlouil his warrant for iho
tipprbhrnnion of tlio negroes; - . ' . . ; . ,
In the uiiilit <.,( litis parly, a horn was blown by
tome one in the house, Avlien sixty or eighty! armed
blacks lU-died upon the party|from the adjacent w;joda
•yud cornfields, and nficr.u few words .discharged a
pll<:y.' Al tliis" fnv, the 'elder Mn. GoGstiCjr.foll'
d(r.d,,np(l his soli JllCKiNsrjflAyaa shot hi tho breast
and lungs, l)n. PiisncK was also shot in several
ldnci H) hiil. biiccceded in making his escape, together
'wHlilhe^inrsiial.' • - . . • - • • • - -^
,Tbf- niSlfcv rested, from, Vmne -oversight,- till Pri-
dti'y lrioniihgi Avlien irtfonnation of the imhappy event
.was given to tho authorities of Lancaster County*---
nnd legal stops wero taken for the arrest of .the,-
blacks. Nino of them were at once arrested. Op
Snluvdiiy.nioming.lhnJJniied Slates Coiuiinssioner,
und; Iho United (Stales District Attorney proceeded to
Lancaster Counly-for,,the pui-poso of investigating
the nftnir, 'iWqrify-fiyd a^rcsls1' AverrV made in the.
course of tlio day, and a large nmount of arms vvas:
'hajiliircd. 'Thirteen witnesses1
were cxamihpd, vvho;
testified that the firing Avas principally Irom'the^bjacks.
Oh /Sunday,- tho parly of U. S. aullioritit>s returned
lo Philadelphia, and ten,!pvjsouer9^1^(J gtiiityof'
'.paiticipfdion in the riot,%Ycro,9p_niineun^foyaineii-
, sing prison; Tjteirname^
j^eai'let, •Cwlii.le), Win. Brown,,. Eapkiel Thompson,
jlsniuli Clnrkson, Daniej Caujsbot'iy, flenjaiinn Pcn-
deipass, Elijah Claik, George W..H,Sc'ott^ Miller
,Thompson» and Samuel Hanson,"nil!colored. Tlio'
three last-nnine.d,'werd''plac.qd•fii''UV6'i'"'debtprs,
partninit; and tlib others 'in tlio'J
drimirial -dep'art-
'Wcnt-of the'jiris'oiii to nAvnilHheir trial on tho charge'
Irerison •* and!
"leVying • w a r against: tho'1
. Unit cd
iSfatesl.fei:•.;..;,A••ly:H'--<« ',;• /'. i.-v:;...-'...-.^: V, s
i ;
s? .The r; cxomkiutibn! 7 ;AVOS -T resumed vbrjfofb,) Uritfe'd -
4Stale8;>1<ikBmni8ijjoiKe.rjI,ngrahapi, at, ^hilpdelphiaV'on'
. . » r ' . j . . . . i . . . . . i' - 1 . ' _ _'r*_,
. .iu«y,.
liiilitary^rce'tlieV.ii''u (rccni ro dcWre^and1
lac r.nMUt.inind by any /.iich sirarigs oxaggernt;on. •:
I do
not wifi.h our brethren of the Union to think that, irinuv'
pen or this .StiUc,reRfKtgpcetoili-rlawgoes liiuletijcteil
Ipr-UDpdnislKjrt, or.tbutther^cxiStrj-tfiicIt^a Bentiment as
treason to ihq.Union nnd the coiisfltu'tion." ' ' ' i
; -Tlic-allegcilmor.dcms'Qr Mr.-ttons'fCH, whoWcrimo'.
v 1 « f i V n T ^ r ? - ^ i ' ^ c
? ^ )
r , i t
' ? ^ -if.: have: .bor-n nr-.
rested and will be fried, aiid they-aml'.fhcir abctrdrs^vill
be made to ariswer ftriwhat- they have: danu- m "contra-
s.vc4iMDior,ftljc:.Iaw.!;, nflr W tho-meniHimc,. let jaattvie
your cdopcratiqh, as citizens' orl'fennsylVam'a/'Hdtflnlv
• to,4ce:tbatiheflaAyiisehrorccd; but: to fedtlto Iho co-iil-
i;w h
?' nl
) ; f e e l
''n t h c
JJ-'aicial'tribvihals ot the
ra^ abstaining from nnduc-vidicnce of laniungeJ aiid
-lettjfiff tliclaw..4iiKc.ita :course.-.. Depend uppiiit,-ge'n'le-
mcii,.there is In LancaKfer county a sense of diit.y tb tlni
laws'ortluflarid/mon'irestcd in the easy .rind prompt iir-
r?iit pr these oDeiidcrs, AVhich will on all occasions show
. itnclfjn practical ooedjence, ' •
< •' Tho'pebple'or that'coimty: are men dr peace and good
.order, wl.,not easily; led aside from, the path of duty
tvhiCh.tlio 'cSpstitiltidh'pres'cribds/.Thcy ana e*cry Pcim-',
sylvanianjjovo'tlte-conqliiution'and the Unions Thoyi
,-. Ay ill detect, m they ..have, done jn t.iijs case, and arrest nnd'
punish all wlio Violate'the laws'orthc load.' There is lio'!
ruffHrhiAidependdn-jiei.fijyjeprcfiarrting.tjiji? menor Lan-,
caster county as traitors afid partfcijt'anL-i in &£''' Ihsui--"-
rcctionnry movement." You do them, unintentionally; I doubt, great injustice.' . - ' .- -
I am deeply Indebted to you fpr affordingime the op-
portunity orexprcssiug my .views. JJut. fbr  your com-.
mnnication, Irmight not have been able 16 do so.. You,
iandmyrelloAv/qitlzens nt largn, may be assured or my
firm determination at r.U hazards aiid under all.clrcum-v
stances,-to.malntain the supremacy or tho; constitution,
aud cnl'arce pbodieiico to :c law, alike, of the'. United
States «i;d of this commonwealth,
In order that I may be sure that rny answer may reach
its destination (your letter navir.p but accidentally come-
toin'yhdndS,)IhiiA'0 requested Mrl White to'put it in
the hands of. Mr; John Cadwiillader^whoso.signature, I
obscive,is first, I am, with great respect,
•••':•'-..yonr obsdient'eervaijf, •
Wst.«F. Jon.vsTos.' '
The Baltimore Sun of yesterday; learns from a private
source, that iho Executive or Maryland, Gov! LOAVE, will
take immediate action Upon the official information which
he has received relative to the riot.. A special messen-
ger has already been despatched to the President AVith a
communication 011 the subject.
A mulatto man, supposed to be the slave Pinkney,
OAvncd by Mr; .Garsuoh, was seen yesterday on tucJiills
near Lancaster, nnd several citizens had gone in pur-
suit of him.
NEW-YORK CITY.; •.-.. •
— * — ' . • - , » •
llsF. The weather vyas." the themo up'w^vhich
we hinged ah ijem rdr our morning" ediliq^pTAVe have
been forced to forgo tho infliction of it upon the-public,.
by the proceedings of tho'Boston Jubilee,. Avhich onr spe-
cial correspondent has ftrwarded us. Never mind, tho
President cannot always be lionising through tlic coun-
try, and as soon as he returns home, wo shall endeavor
to do this importapi subject i"ull justice,  , .
- ~—^*~-—
aandmicc the. death or Rev. WM. T. BIDDLE, of this city,
who departed tliis lire yesterday morning, at the house of
Rev, John Dowling, D. D., Aviicrc he was making a teni-
pcr.irj- home, in anticipation of his early departure-for
.his field or labor in llurmah, at or near the station lately
occupied by Rev. Dr Jndson.. The intelligence of Mr.
Riddle's death v.-RI be received with deep regret by a wide
' circle of fl-iends, who 'were. looking to his future career
witli largo hoper;; warranted by tho honor with which,{ia;-
acqnitiedhimseir at Hamilton University, whcraih'e has
. just graduated. He Avas married but a few "weekp since,"
and in a few days was'to have sailed for bis future homo
in. India. The funeral exercwes vyero held at the Barfean
'IJp.piWf Church,' cor. of Bedford anuDoAvrilngstreets, and
Avere attended by a largo and deirply-iafTcctcd audience.
.iTliortody'ls lo be laken, .thismornirig',, to ^BrookfieW,
Cor.n., tlu of his rather, Roy. 51. Biddle, wlibrs
closing exercises will be held previous'to interment,
• •< T
' ' 7 • ' — ^ - , . . . , . - . ' , ,
EXECUTION. o.FJnjK 'rwo.eosDtnjrED MunDKn-
Ens.—Ilctv. ecu the hours op 1.0 and Jl o'clock to-morrow
momlng,- A'iron. Sicofcy run!.Jiirnry Carnal, tha French- ;
rrwi;. are (0 iir.ilergo tile penalty of death, for the murder •-
of -two felfcw lieinB9.;»-yesterday Mernoori/'edch'cplprit
Helmed greatly troubled tin 'mind,- ajidJtliiiyufpp.earad to:
dread tlio awful fate that awaits them.' The gallows will'
be erected jntbc City Prison yard, tbis-aaprnbim, by di-
tection or flic riff Carnley, who, AVS undcrntarid^wiil'ltiin,';.
the culprits'simtiltandously.i1
Th* svidence of-gdilt vta.
: clearly, proved against these -murderers atlliMtima of,
llic-lr trials, and,1f any, ,yery brief confessions v/ill:
"jiwdfcxt-iipeeting.tUcir pcrpe;ratiii|} the liorrilto dJoJaTor
which tlioy "die t'o!fiun;:r thresircmo penally of thu lr
JSP Tho Board of Suporvioors met ycslcrJay,
-Mr. DEi.AMATrn, ofthc iVith War-l, in the Chair.—'
Eleven .members were 'present, but. neither 1I13 Mayor
northq JjceprSor. "Tlidrniii-ufc's ofihelaatmoctinsAver;!
rca'd aid approved. Several'petitions for tho correction
or taxes wcrorc.rerred, but no other businciii tran^actej;
iThc Hoard adjourned to Wednesday neit. . '•••-'
• . a . . . . :
. . . F I H E is HifDsoxrSTR-f}KT:—At an early hour
on Tuesday evening, a fire was discovered in tho upjwr .
part ofa dwelling house at No. 159 Undson-st., occupied
by Stuart P.-Rohdolph, Esq., which originated from the
soot in, I he' chimney, taking lire, andt before
put outr the cliimncy.brii'Btj aiid set fire to tliewood-
Avork.ortV.cnitlc'rooms.' Hose Company-No. 24 and
oilier companies of the fire departrncnt, AVcre prornp;iy;
on'tho ground.but.bcfore. tlioy. could arrest the progress^
of thd flames, tho bu|lu^g;Aas inundateA Willi, waior,
Avliich damaged the furiiitiire about'$5Q0.
iE3P l l i e Board of Asuiistatit Ahieiiiifcii iiioscd
their scMion rp^Seplembcr, last cvciii'ng,, bar'sketch
of-the prpwciUugs is-drivenout by tbe'.Fpreiajri;,
,*n.t wear? consolcjlby tho,Veiie^pn';that.onr. widwa
Ay:U.hnd,)» lull record or their.doings!in! T/w^iiuj;
f,Vvhich^iU^1 ! U hiia i) e d a t l o'clock" ihisALer-
.liccn..,;,. .. . . - . ' . , •'.-••--: ••-* •<*-*- r
' "• ' ""' ••••;•--<•:» M. <vj.-:-, -ctf-;r t.,_. ;,..:v4if.
•-••• ''?,l^TheFduRtairiinWMi1ih(rt0,vSf(lI,u.e „ o t s
on tnwiirds cbmpliHifm-Avlth moasrAtl^ea; re i s i v .. a
'very large circular basin; with'acorifral jet-aiid stveril
side jctn. The excavation Is-mailfc.thciWfflirarbtHid the ;
border of -the' basin ••!«- nnaHy dohpjBhdNiUo-wafitviie-.i .
Avere ycfiterday laying a boUorffnf/Mtdtftufel^fti-The
fou!itain"wffl'nirH'Ve1f^Mo"d'rieV>.iurwiliitV'iTjKc great-
ly tlifc" nffiaction of'thisliciintilnil parlr.if - 'V'*w *
••••• "•?>•-"• - • • ' - • • _ i _ ) t , ^ . 1
- . ^ ' ; i | - .-• ,f .,--,
•'Nr;v' S;
fiteainqr, ihe,,(j, Uu^i;') h:-u..beirii,iplafie(Wjn the
^Eru*-l{iwr, to nuvbeUveen; this cily( .tuulvElUB'nmj."!
"A>tciri«i aiad ^Btrntto'iipdrl/:
!mcr; tly, enteipn%S.propfietor^f tho^atter^laKf'..
; -Tlio.jfiyro has been rcduce.d^:to/^nfc;shUliruj,'aiul ;t':;c
boat'is to ronke-two trips each Avay a day, and is to'
be a pei-nVfJicrXv4K#ge!iiient!,' We lftfil v.itlfpk.a-
Eme,evejy3HQ>¥.,sntfiipj:is.o that jAyilWnnd the Mr.tro-
:potis..dnd'l]ie.(inet>«uid beautiial'rural .districts in i'.i.
;CJpsercfouJ/iC^;i;. , , - . i ' - ^ w . ; ; - -:y.,t / .;,..,.;/;
•••'? ( B E A T H i >  A. :.Cjj:r,i..-^Atua^ latc^hqyr 'o:i
Tuesday jiight,. policonmn;C,oaltcr, pfj- lue'F^urilePntra
-District, found a)i uuknoyrn,female, aged j!5 y^iiv, lying
; in'^Iadisdn-si;, laboring'tttfder, thd dfTectV*df dclciitua •
trcnlcnff.'dnd iiin^arcmtiyiifdlsftsi -A'drajl Aydsip'raSurcd,
and the poorAvomaiiAwas' tfie-.gtatipl!:5Ji(inse,
Avbere F.he seeracd,t,o, spmewbat revive,.bpt'.^as yet
under the influence of.strong di-ink, and was'ac'corilingly
placed in a cell in the female department,'wllere-sie Ava* .
found a, corpse in nhoiit-two hours 'after/:'' Yesterday '
- rridrnlng tho Coroner held an; inquesf on-the Remains,
and/the jiuy gendered a verdict of "Death apo-
piecticfit.'*.- -. • , . "."".""'"' '- "' •""•
. . . » . . . . . _ . , . . ,_,.^ ....,.„ , • -Q- ', j ^ ; ; y . ; ; ; : r ,• ;.;;.,.;--j-r
:•,• ,$}:&%# -^OnvGoNYU^aio^s'^^cJ.'Gejronej: .
•hcl^;od';i,nn3ie««tarday, ial ..jjio %1CTU?-UoHpital,
upon the body of n young: wcrnnn'narneit fedrarf Carr,
bom fn New-York, mid;
aged'ill 'years,1
whd^it ap-
pears,'was admitted into the'aboysmstltutidiiajn the
r.lS'thrinst.y in a llt.of convulaions,-ariji^aher lingering a
-.fe^.lionrs,;died from the effects, ofthc same.' A-verdict
was rendered, in accordance with the 'fore'gqlajT fuV.s-.
£©^A Blocmer. Costume made ttg appearance
in Srxlh-aveuce day before'yesterday.' A.'crowd ci'
',' Cdnficrvatlye's" manifested their, Jicstility (0 this prc-
gTessive movement by 'derision. "Now idca.s" are com-
pelled to wage fierce battle in1
this'.world before they ob-
tain recognition and: favor) Two Bloomers.appeared in
Broadway,and tAA-o In Washington snuare yesterdav.
- • - • - • ' ' ' ' • " - . _ u _ » _ — ; • • : , - ; • > • "
•-&T !t hao been" stated-that Senator Douglas3
AVas too ill to .'.fulfil, hist engagement, to d.eljver the
oration at.the Stale Fair. We undcrslarul t)iat he
has so far recovered from his indisposition, that he
left for .Rochester last, evening.
. ' . - - - • _ — , . , ; - . . , - 1
• FALSK ALAnw.—Tho Hall bell rang an alarm
at 9 o'clock last oveniug for the .Sixth District, but our
item gatherer failed to discover the flrst.spark of a lire.
ANOTHER.—About 2 o'clock there was sin alarnriii iuo*
Second District—but the fire was not v/firBfei-
Aiiother^serjbuftconRpiruetJhatAvas'tdjiilivo! prok'dri''
•'out ut-Vl«6u7and liad'oxteiTsivo ralnlWalldns, haj ,been;.
rendered;ttbor^yp.v; ,; ; .*-.>,;?;-}.isc^^ laA&ttE <. . '
' Thb'olecUons of tho electoral Coninussloijbrs are in the
grbsri in foVdrdrGovcrnniont and'Septbmbrlsiad. I
- -• • - - ' •' > , ' „ ; , : „ ! , ; . . ,
•'"'Tho treasurer of tlio licad^coipoifatiari fcliddP
, of Bremon.^vlid held 1 largb"Bitms;;of rnoheyiinTitrwf ler "<
that establishment, as Avell f -"-- -"""•'—"*--'-'- • - -
licon'nnestcd; charged AVlth
• 000 tliBlers.'i'-The janost t *
.•Hjdlidtiy;,Wjp. Brpwn^ueo. Kead/Johri "Jackson,
' f r ^ t ' t e , { ? h ' d ^ f a ? i ? i n 0
p f e fully
^ntitleiir' &w^Amkm^- •«
^ ^ i b p ^ t t V ^ ' e ^ l c v t t n ^
^Oii'Mondftyf!.tO ftrpoi^)atipni^va8.i«suo4/hf ri.oyC
^ohnslonr.oncripgin^QAvardJif Jl^.i^.tljelarrc^t;^
of the. guilty partiejs>p,-gTlip .>iRro^n^onjVustrongiy'
cxprM8ivp.oLthft^.»er6etuLch8iaele"r of the Exccu..
^tive. i;u%^£!W;:.<i:v,i.s:,tfi ji» ^ J I T ' I _ ? ' ' , ' ; •
:j|ent;lelter, tij-n.,rncin.ojinl,uddrcs^pd!t^^^^ a ijuin
thai 5
0t „ SJ5T1
' e
» '•• "x
f<-i,nolyd9Ubirul in itself, and
h o s U U l T I o l h o ^ i K
" " " riuicu c. rhe yvhers, tho organ of M delMontft.
lombort and thc 'clergy, also, oppose ttoPr^co do ^Sht
vllloj.nnd foretells that the result must bo « i h i ' n w „
ment/ mid ;probably tho. rum, of ™W^^OTeahVfhmilv
^ ^ d i a s ^ a o n g V s o H e ^ ^
It must be.admitted that "the Prince! dn 'Tnfiitni/. 1!, i1A
.leonhnsycthiidto contend wUhV^Tho,friends' oWlfo"
President nro lully alive to the dinger, and ard UBlne dv
cry eflort to meet It. None of Lpuls Napoleon^frmnds
seem to think that thc Prince dcNminvfile will have a
ti majority of votes at tho election, bin they know Hint
all tho votes given to tho Prince do f Joitjvjllo will bo ta-
ken from Louis Na, ..con, so that tlic final- choice or a
A'-.O i«..-.-j w ' = — i J A V A l W A ' < " , /
" *-"»f..jf
• A'uri/^9.—TI101 S&let'v of'csivslty.i'BndiJ'artillory..
liorsos has suddenly•hMn.stonpod, p t h new,[niij;ch"a8es.
aroto ho of thd Mlhistor prl(ar. ^vo ttro*
toH that'tho late movementw trdops wtts In consequence -;:
otuomo posslblo evontuality-in JFraneofi flat the Munich
correspondent of a Brussdisrpaperrwhoth Bprtorantly
AVOR Informed? sayimhe military movements aro iiotUlng
f mort^thon-the, ordinary* «9rri8on;cli8nge8,yeoiisc(iiient
upontljc1 mnridJiivrcs Avlilclt take plafce; in t the Biiturnn of
ovoryjyetir.'- " "
, . „ . v.u„ ,: -FRANKFORT,,-: ; j
••: /nioiiFronkfoi^Diot has taken vile., first rcBoKiV
tlon, «ay« The A w1>W U, (?a^<<erln,conim«ciul;nnTiir8.'
It has.adopted an llip.bNs pr .dcliboraUo[l^ rnatT;j
lord, tluo resdldltdn's of thb'Drdsddn Colliorfeilccs. ^Tho
Augsufag'Q't&tltPmy? that 'the Diet lias again called'
special Wpnbgcthor, to glvo it-.speo|alvlilformatlon on
thpiSubjfccUv.':;,,,.,,.,'..i„ ... ,.,,.,, ,: : „..;,,'.-.:
: ^hd^Anie Jdurpnl nfllrin«thatiho I?ifi,l have como to
-the ibrmrtl rcsdltiHoii, that It has authority to establish a-'
on whichlo;adt ir;n!gulaliuglhoconT
*titut|onsoftlip;divcrB,jtatc8f^l>-r;;,; ;r// ;.:i '
, I PRUSSIA^ ':.':
ThoprtAvlncial diets arb;
That of BroiVdenlmrg and Lusatin met on the 31st ult,,
sixty inoinbc*s being present, under the presidency of M.
.thc,sihjecjtt !^hioh.#dfaotorizos;
cnntU^ reador:,
.,..,. Let(er,from Gw. Mfutoh. > . j ]!. '
. . "'t
Messrs'., Joltii' fiadmUqderp'Ar'Ji Romnjwf, "sJas.
Pagtiani others,;:.;;.^ ^[- *•*,:• J-v-,-^ -i '.•••••-•
.,,.OENTf.EMK>t j.Ypiir letter,'. Avithoul dato, was this.
arte'rribdn'put.liito:niy:liahds'hy ohdXorthe sclrhnts of
the hotel., Thoanxloty whichyojj
tho iavrsof. the;landKond-tho-pibIIc'-peace, is fjUy;.npr:
; prcoiated)-c'Blid:-l)liavfo grpatpldasuro.. in. informing you
1 that more than tvpi)ty-fo.ur hours beforo.the rccelptoryour,
'.lcttor the nartlcs,Implicated had beon,.thro«gh; theyigij
•lance and dcolslon pf.JllOilobtiljautlioriticg, arfsstdd, and
,aro n'o.y In, prison, awaiting an InnTilry into tlieir inr
•putcd guilt. . Too; District Attorney, and Sheriff 91 Lan-:
caster Coutity, actlili In concert Ayllh tli^Attoritpy Gen-
eral -'oft tllovStnte.-^OHorvo<especial' thanks for their
prompt.amfeiuprgeiip cornet;.,,Tin? was all donp f1
on Saturday mdriife' ami, duly {•eported to 'lpe by<ho
16cnl itjflltci'814
- ''•'•'' Mi : %1
'' •!•*'-'•'> • - v x -••-..
••:^Tliotcstlinonytakpn ,by.Jho••Vnlt.«;.Stntw^m^
Rloncr Avho arrived at a later period on tho groniidi B
a S e d c S r ^ o W
'dilernbdnTcoonrtn's mokn- the -boliof.thatm ^W^L*
vthorlUqt had.vJndletited.ahailaAY, «nd,t9 a.large wtent
rrcstedthe pcrfielratorsortlie crimes. , * s •
' The cruel murder of a eltton of a n c m f ™ * *™fc
iccpmpanled liy'n^oss.outnrge o n ± m « w
., FiRKiN-SPBiNO-sTnEKT.-—Atlialf-past l2^'o'-
clock yesterday.aftcrnopn, a fire Avas. discovered in'thd
Cabinet shop of Mr'. George, Boyd/ at No. 151 Spring-,
street, which originated from a quaiillty of sparks that,
were blown fVom'oS^djornin'g.btacTcsmith's shop. The
firemen'Were'prorriptly ont.thb-ground' anil the Iflre
was speedily, extingnishcd,.beforc dny; material damage
•Avissustained. . , ; •• •• •;.'. •'.,::•. •;
; .5tc^.bvEBa
By. Ax ICK CxnT.~Y6pt%t^' after-
nopn, about .3, o',cioc|.-,'a . young 'moti by "the'name of
'George FuUeAvas thrown from ah ice'cari.'iri^Spring-
st.,'the wheels bfAvhicli!'passed1
brer hisfbodyand «s-
vcrcly'irijurcd him.'-r
8tii patrpl
district, had the injured man conveyed lo. tlie-N. Y. ljos-
Avherehereceh^jdmedical aldy,...; •:.-••-• -,
~Fpr4omo Aveekspast.; a feelin6:0fjoalousy.has existed.
;between!a!-;number^fiAyorkmen, employedjn.tlje spiitU,
yB^diqtlipr^UT . t h p e ^ l o ^
in thc *igUt~tim««i|,
'jighjCseyeTa^- of these ri:?l,mechaniC3kmet. at- the Corner
"fuf -(fQlftfllci/- had -riot' a.<pbSspof,'l!a*eJllItI^ward Police'.
''fincWd tlie¥c'cno!ofdisturbance; fri'fi^W.m'lrrale!8 pfter: ,
thd'gatfgsihad' dssdniblcd." Thrcc-o^thp^wprtsfnen^em-,
ployed by Messrs. ,M. <fc.T.)|namca' John Grocp,,Boniard
Paly, and John Davie, madejcomplaint? againsttsevdn br
their opponents^ by the! names of! Bernard. Matthews;:
Hcnry'Mol'lo'y, ^lartin; Kehb'e, Patridk MeCdurt:, John
Mdth'ews.'llugli Matthews, and Dennis Brddcrfck, all or
AvhOm were immediately -arrcsted.convcyed.bcfore Jus-
''tlcdTllnkely-and committed to'prison upon charges of
' aBSanlfs with Intent to kill. The'latlcr prisoner Avas arm*.;
ed with two lame knives, andr.a doadly.Avcappn, known
as n " sIung-Blin',"*and-he-Ayos-acconlingly conunitto.,
fi>r.Mftlony;!'::> }.-;>'>• v^ iS:
i<;'•'-.". 1, , . ;,
 ojrAN.PoisoxED.—Qproner.Ocer wau callcJ
yesterday to hold an inquest"dri' tho body of a married
Avomnnby the noiiwof Mrs, Eliza. Kiicclit, lying dead at
her late residence, Np.-204 Seventh-street. A'jury wos
was'empannelcd, and iho first witness Wdrii' wus. Sfr.
Leonard Smith, a resident of'tlio same, house, AVhode-,
posed that deceased had been married about nine months,; .
nnd that tho husband only lived -with* her the' fir<st four
Ayeeks after they vvej-e united, since .which1time<ne had
been absent until Sunday afternoon last, at 4 o'clock,
when he called upon his wife and rem&iued Jsvfth her
during the- nlgjit; lio<then states that Bho-Avas.seized
vvith violcnt.piiins and crampsdt 11 o'clock that (Sun-
day) night, mid wasTn great'distress; hii-'husbaG-l re-
•imalned with her till Tuesday morning ami then left, at
Avliich lime she wan apparciitly beyond 'all hopes of ve-
coA'ery, and continued to labor under severe convulsion*.
Dr. Riippenrcclri, residing at No. 21 AveniicU..AVdsnext
called, aud* deposed, in substcne?, as follows;' 1 was
.coiled, on Tuesday.morniiifvto visit deceased,, and WM
•liifernjedtliatjBlicAvauon the eve or ceiifintment; but
upoh cxr.mjr.atior., foiiud that no svmptom%^i.that na- '
tureejhibitcd.themselves, but ilUicoveredTtljat siie
•was laboring under severe a:;d rcpsatra-tdnVulslons,'
•RKd"dll efforts to sure her lifo proved t,( no avail,,
and she'"di$d at 5J; o'clock on Tuesday 'evoulnjr. I"
then made a post-mortem examination rind found the
stomach in a; high state oi'.imiammation, and-ai: her
internal organs exhibiting signs of poison. Tim medi-
cnl gc-ntlcman then closed'hU testimony, by f.;ivi;-r,
that it whahis opinion, that icri^A c-.-.^v:-. !Q n* «.-•;• :I
bytukinp some corrosive pii<;oii in a iiuUat-Ji-.-..ii:i
' (here being no1
, further cvidenc? ndducS!, ibsjuvy ^h-
drrcd a verdict, " That tho deccatwd carru to iitr ihr:.;i
by; the ndminifliration of somo carroMve poi.vjn jriv:-n to
her byrson.c jicrsoii, to tlibi jury un!:novii."-.The :'»-
ceaaed was a native of.Geim-tiiy/urenty-riiac-<P-,-; s.f
age, and had she livcd^'a month l.---:;r, 5,115 v.wi',1 i-v/.;
undonbterily been tee rhothrr ol' a-i ofAprhi". 'A- '1-13
case: now s'.anus, a strong suspicion ro/i.v.ip'.m iiir; ,;-. -••-
. bi/rd of d.'-ecaKc-il, ,'UiiI we,iji'.-V-..'^iiiy t!si-;:i-.-.- •• _1 '•
rrusc n diligent- ro'-nvlt to, be irin-.'.; lor'^lm ,</ rm'.- ::-;.;-,•
person who may 1)0 Huspectcdot' bcing.ia aav way .;;:i-
ncctcil with the horribl.;:ifl'ii.-. ', ,' '
. :'A(JPJPI;:<T..TO A.v Oi:xiijr;to-Dnivr,r..-r-Ye'-;tor-
(ioy mornlrjg thc di-iyorof ;t Ei-oad'.v.iy omnib!--:, narii-jil
.Tclm Asiihuiy, wnr; w.veroly injrj-i'd by fill in r» from tha
(op of his vcliicle and sjriiiing his nead upon-a L.:.-";I-, cu'J.iins a d-uifrcvquji fi-iiurc of theak-.:'.! -i.s.1 ou:-
r-r serious injuries to njf/'llmb.-'. :
Jfe win conv;_,,-l to
ibe N. 1'. lloiphil,!^- a;cii.i'/"j, and placed u.ra,.-i 1 a
care of a skiilt'u! surgeon,. ' r .
o'ejock yesterday niorninir, a'biick layer named Patricx
nalligan, residing at No. 27 West ITflr-st;, met with a
-End and lata! accident, while at Avork.'..Upo.:i the fourth
'.etdrv pfa new brick building, in'tlio course of ''bveciuni
in I-lth-iit, near tha 6th-av.; It appcara .tliat tfta.icifortu-
r.:itc Ti1.1u-.wa3 engaged in placing a rovf.Qf.bricks dn th>?
outside Avail, ,-in'd'Iii'cbnscqaeiicc of:mt^img hvi,
he AVOS precipitated to the ground nndjastanyykillr-.l.—
..-IlisrllPtly wasrcmovcd,totjio. residenb?'qflii^,jii.,
ri;;y to
nwnit a coroner's inquest:'•'• -' '.-' -.; -'-' ;'V:
''.AK'B'EET.OK" AX,ESCAPED"^-i'JiA tho
SS;h or-Jtily lost, "a man by the name ofWiiJiplnf Clar't
made his' escape' from a,'cell in tlio Clty.Phsojtoppere i.c
was confined, npoh a charfio of'Orand Larc!r$f/'.ri «-cil-
iiip a gold Watch nitd several chains fronia!e!#elry »;o:e
nt No. 4 Maidcn-lnnc, for.AvUii-hlu; was nukKgifiontiy in-
dicted, Nothing was heard of t'.m dccrcica irfial»ye>-ier-
day, when a tclcgraphle dispatch was recelye^^ni the
Chief, of Folico. at NcAVrprleuns, La„ hy. JJK.^William
Edmonds, the efficient Keepdrf-ef the' Prisc^if eenter-
st.jAvhich conveyed-.tho ihtelJJrtertce-^of^IarirB^estin
that" City.' Mr. Edmonds immediately telegraphad tj» ^e
"~ 'ednsj'rdn'uEstirigthem ttf'dMaiffijauthorities of New-Orlednsf'req'u5stirigthem trf.'i
,'OIarkinenstody,untilsugh ttmea??!reqnsition coiS.,,^
be; obtained trom Governor Jlirntand forwarded to them'
hy%ho of our Policc'ofticors; wb'd•will'-briftsflHiniiack io,_";
tliis c i t y . , , , •• •• .. ,,'.-,< ,.- '; ..•.•;,,..•.,1 ;•
' : X - " • • ' ' ' - — - * * — - ' ' - • - - - . . -' •
•CVIT CpOET—jNoSi.2/18 io,36; ,-CIRCUIT, COUBT-TNOS.-:
077, 576,"583 to "5e6,"588 to 591, 350V-103,1
2Q0,'592.^ O O M ^ / .
MON PLEAS—Nos.'281, MO, 583, " " ' '
. OQlj C03, 605, e;i,(03(>, 640., - .
594, 59S),^-
•i.i"'.;? LT'JI - '"• *"-
B E R B V , ar-
mprning.' Slic liasex-
''MrfawwhiSa^y'' hofthca'sterl'y gales during the';
'Wd^nBiuned all her fuel Avhcn thirteen days fircirh the
DclaSvare BreakAvater, at Avhich place she was obliged to
put fn for a supply. Tlio 3/ar/biibrmgs$30,000inspeclc.;
NiThc Alabama, Capt.'LuDtd,vvvf>Prri.^avannah, hrriyed-
; on Tneflday evening.-:: ,.;:i;;r
'^!;, : -^fe^i,,., '• . ',
- The lYin.^«W Scott, Capi,,CpuiLf,Ap,;s^iIcd for New'
prieansat 3 o'clock,yestfr'day "aftcfiioon,! !
' " • ' " ! ' ' . ' ' • • ' " ' . . ' - . ' - ' " ' i ' * . " • ' " ".-'.':• • ' ' • ' • ' • • ' ; " « ; .
"Ttiv.y'CoME!"-^-Si^^vessels'afrivipd' at>this.
port on Tuesday-;, jbrliiglng' an addition of 1,300 to our,
population.* i/,!.";.!;,..". ,..., ^'..-.. _,,.,
SliipRajah', frdniL'lvcrpddi';...'';,;.'....•
' Ship DuclidsHO d^Orldans, from Ilavre^.
.Ship riiiladejnbioV fro(fl Lirerpool.-,-.:».
Bnik.JasdiT, frbm Bremen<;. .*,./,'!,;..."..
'Bark Seotlhhd, fforrrNewpdrtj-Wnles.-.
'BrigLuleaj.ftTJirn, Gottenburg ,, ..,.,-,.
Dnryea, ....... . _ • m
'Abel Smith, and"'rourteenth Mglmeri'tj'.Col.'iPhilin,
Crook,'locjntji IhiKinga Cppht^f^akc;pla«,^/!jK.^
,lynmvMdnday> t tliet ?Oth,iMV*^%r^iperyp^^r/
! will.parade' bh'llie'east.sidc ot.Wtiy-sh rif)ilwi Pine-
iipi)ic-Bt!f the infantry of the ISth'r^g^enffoliPrangc-
8t-.-,-right oh nicks-Sf.i-the in'fantrj-btthemUmiment
An Cranhcrrytst,i; right-on Hi.cks-sti- ,,^e;regIm^ntsAviIl
atr'i'ctly're3tiiri;di- so that tWmarch maybe taken •
%p at t'im iioiirdf0 o'clock/Ai-M/,prccrseJy'Mcrjor Gen-
eral lAarbhiwirS'mtoaffmx. bo ^rea^riP at this.Par-
' 5iic,' Thc-'lignt artfjlery.fityiifa&&f$<%$$!& Oiaey,
.(BrooJ^trCJfjf.e^aid^ Gr^rr)'!((jlfmigpI4JIo^e Ghard.)
aji'd Taf^ (WIlMamsb'urg Arfillerj-^will'.parade vrittt-
' (IicirBaiteVibs;" Cap.K- Neclys^liragoohP'^Vfiihington
ITofso Guafdl'Avin'dct-'iw 'a"h bgfocpty[ tlfeBrigadicr Gen-
•eral.v.Tho bomponios of Capt; John W^lljWjWd Hcnry
WillssAvill dodtfty as/j/fWJnfiui^iiuJlp^T^fles. In
addition to/he cdmparijcs/abdxe^rjamed, Jhfere arc at-
ta'che'd id this brf^ade'tn^PierVfon:
£I^Gu1^;tlapt. R.
B. Clark j'Puinam';
-'Capt^ J,'®;iMorgan;
Washington Liic'; Guard;';
.tals, Capt,,B. F.jJlaaglnnd; 1st,SaralJeld^Guard, Capt.
—r—-iSdSarsficid^G.uard, Capt! -^ :'•'•-;'-ynlqn Blueif,
Capt. BuiTiett'f'National Guard, Capt; Sprague^ Frank-
lin GuaTd,' Copt.' Bal'dwin ;• Steuben;Gn6rd,'Capf. Schaf-
ferVEmmet CuaTd,fCajW:D^gp;?^hieldAj&naJ-d, Capt.
~ - - - - - - seme
*&•' ..u K i
accompanieu ny a Bi«-»n "'""^ci^nrncessMiasbeen . ^ S ^ ' P M 1
? ! ^ . ! ^ ' " ^ ™ ^
United states, l.i'tho ^ ' ^ " S t r e d t C S W n " . M the ed from this port, fdfLpndon, yesterday, •• She !took,!but
S S ^ n r V a s c c r a ^ ^ '.., ^
._ ... w an-
ticipated fiiaj 'fijis jVtl^liBltlie'flmsf'pluitiS^i^er wit-
nessed hi Brooklyn/and preparations ai-e. moJiillg to give
.much eclat tp>;thb occasion. - .TJJis.ought .'to bi^the best
disciplined bngade,iji the State.,'' yh-.„:. - -.-?,•»-,
•OnrgallantariillMamen arb:
for training.,; We see,that^prdors |iay.e becu^'sucd to
,Jhe, ofHcprs andnon-commissipned.qfrjIcerS/Of thc 5th.
ijBrigbde Zb assenibld lii.'^kfguo'd^S/wliifo trowstrs,;-;i
' armed andequippdd^
thb'Ciiy Armory, iiiVilcni7>stroet48ri>'ydsferday, tho
'17th inst., and Wednesday; tho 24tU;ii^t;Y:;at;0 o'clock,
A. M., on foot. ...tjen- •Durj-eo,;tIi.c vyoftrijr .District At-
torney or Kings cotuity,
Brignde; J
".'V'^'"''. "'__
, Lokb:
. ISLAND ' VEOKTAiiLE's,—-The! State of
"Ldng'lsimid id sdnie'oit tomafoM.'"'We were shown the
pother day,' a tomoto raised by4itr-;;Frederlek -Rmvlahd of
Hempstead, one of those vegetables w l ^ h measured 2Ji
iinched! arpuhdlt) 'apd • weighed 2.po!u^d^.3i-^b!unc!es.
:Sviibcanbcatit 1 "''•.'.•"•'•!?•.£' -'.•-•' :
':-'^}K^',. :--'''"-e;
if/the" commBuiidi;' or tM

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  • 1. iWfr^fl^^: Uii ; & .•f .w***.-wi* i s PUBLISHED; K V K t t ^ E»tur,on;ldoliv*' BUathsbiiTjrjl M l . •rttu-phylu^dvimce'atIlia D c s f c W * >:°,J"1 *,/'u?Jdwc j! .ti m,vamntoM.AwaV&_. '.;.-..,, ;,. ,r. •} . ,. UATV4t*7£Ct-K L«^x3.-m-«rt «a#vej3T*-.t/Tmnr*s,ri jsnur * **w, VOL; I.....NO. I; NEW^ORK, THUR8DiV¥-,;SEfl!gMBjE$>-IB, 185L !?»', V PKIGE ONE GENT> ijip elern, the very art of the writer,in rising'to supply'. Frcehlcn't will probacy lit) Ml to .tho, Assoowly. the djst^acMricnT vvc-uld aid tho impetus o;i the body of : is jiqt l.y any means Vt'oll-ilftpos:*! towards the. .Ox vessel';: opd experiment tended tci iuutiry that aim? "'"' " " '•'••'-'•"• • ' -,»»;,.„ . T l , . » i .,-..(.« ,.»• „ . . * A —....:.... J .. . , . . . . . 1 . As-iootbly, vftca, pr£.-ion.t.; W1 m *AFFAtRS~I.Nl E N G L A N D , ! ' TJiiymiXo Ja notjjC.'iidueive>to.gre'a,t' iy; )) H4^Wi^ixIs'cominiiri!lnt.,':Jimc)rtciiii shippers have vmdmedlately t<)prelef'spr-cd tolwrgivimpacityfas tlicy •/inct.Uitff rapidity,.by facilitating 'SttrMjfityibf- nwvdnnjui hi.d ! njuUii-Iieity of yoyoes wMiln p-gjiyisn t.tniti^rotitri'S n !(Tfer'profit than-slower hmnnbrd uncertain' voyi-glng >.vitb greater bulk- suit. Thd model of thd Amorica'ls tliu-ro!-; Vf.*:;-:..', v.)i ..,, stem-yestcrmty-morning, .nt .uhout 0 o'clock. Ilor. lils.wijrc. sent on 'by .thp Now Haven Railroad-train, iieli left at ,8 6f clQckV'nnii readied tliis'.cU.V at ait early. tiplaktxveninav-.-''. '••'•••• «••-'-• ••"••>•• .'_• . Thu'.Jloyal'-Mftil^tcaiiior. EHro/w.'-ilmvod at. , BostQn-yestdrdity-iiidrnhig, ,at .ulioiit 0 o'clock. Ilor. ,.inoil ' win hour lastievcnihg. - • Ily tliin arrival wc Uavo!raccivad; onr regnlar'JSnglfcli •;!iii!tirri!in:Ii filefj. vitlr5pjreEn011dencfl, circulars) <fee., to . Saturday, .Scptewlscr fltli—tiw ^m-apa's, day of sailing. The news'by tliis arrival has conslderaWo interest, • though it (H not of startling impdrlahee;J '. ' ; .,,;.-. In KNOI.AKB, voiltica.l {affalrn are quiet., 'T1IO/(H;K- , boldt "arrlYwl at Soutlminpton on Thui'ftdiiy,'^Uo 4tli, with '< 1 In; lievv'K of the execution, nt jHavana of the lllly niou "l. niider Co!, ICritlciHlen's conimar.d. , Tlio details of tho ^ jiewH nVc piven at lnnpih in the London papers, .In FIUXOE attention is ehiolly alisorhl-d with spccnln- • lions on the: approaching l'residcntal olcctinn. The . i'rincc dojoinvillo js clearly to .lie a candidate, and will doiibtlfsa be a more formidable opporiciu of Louis dapple-, on thaivahy other that ebulil bo selected. .;.; ,- Anbthcr "Conspiracy", has been discovered In jParls..;, l'ony-BBven arrests havo bccninado by.tho Tolice. ._, In AUSTKIA ljosliliy to tho goyeriuuctU still smoulders ui:dor the tihrla'ce'with occasional outbreaks. An aflVny took place near Gross-Waradin, between n rustic wed- ding party and t several Gendarmes, of tho most brutiU character,-/,..••• <:;:'. <: . . • '"' ~ In I'oiiTuoAi. attention is absolved by an accusation ofa Cabinet Minister of bribery. Ho has resigned and rnino before the courts of law. The news of KOSSUTH'S release is confirmed, but pio time is now said to have lK-cn the I3th or Spptombcri" It' issaid that he proposes to go first to- England and pro- . -villi: thoro (or the cducatipn of his children and then pro^ cee'd to 'tho United Stn>eH', " Tho itionc)' market presents, no Teaturo of marked in- -. 1 tcr'cist. -. • • • G R E A T B R I T A I N . » Tlic Queen was aliscnt on her visit to Soot- land where slid had been very enthusiastically received. ' The .Exhibition cbntinurH to attract humorous visiters. The attendance and receipts were: • ''Tuesday,.,.'1 4fl,S«fl persons—£i,40T,I.'>8. foiisldetftble nuniljcr ot. §blns art-made ..nnmial)y> mi'l -SliC-a crfii ,be,ho doubt that'any/'wen-wstetl'inoiiol ylll" Oban Hhdjtswayto.ouT.dooks;;Weoltail uoMhereforo, bo much behind in the practical progress of BhJprbuUdliia.. -.Nor io it; to bo'rmsuriied, thdt be'cfiii.W (irnpirH'^rn-nns ^braien science,'that the latte> iB'to.yieUl,in.defip/ilr, *»Pu- Uio .fonUafy, empiricism has always been tl)« jucknl t:> ihcirntic'ricl^iicj), and "every discovery by thp wo.rkiii(? Hliipwriglit-only liringsiis nearer to tho (IcsldoratuiftTj-a ; scientific rule. -.Wo have hoard an Amurican ojp;.csH,H>q:. li'cp.( lluit Engiaiul.'by beating America,, would,givo tho Imialso for u new-efloh, which RIIOUIII iiBoln;Sivo nis. conatry « new triumph.: Such friendly emulation soioj rividry; .it Is but tho prido of him, who,-for, M'j'.,"1 .''^^ iri't'ti Ibfeinost'ih tho search for the common fiopd. .AWoin invdiotrslbeling• would liaVo kept thd Amoricftrtt fiUts? Inn 0 from our waters: as it is, our friends, Jjl^'W^t with a natural ptido, to make us aparty in thbiiewjrtea. The ..;*i«pricaa cUal|ci.g»j .st.pulatipg,, for at rcioriUif rb.i8l«(l.biw>, rilv «r .Q .' »¥5»: '-*]. iBtltWlcti'ri'mbfiuts' to itb!)i!t wxty.-• - Out oi Ptosidri'.t.- : ,T)ii;jiumbof eat tiiiiohitVo. louol'ilitfOan'e! Hi: r: ju2nwu^ilv«^'ip^;^ ilrnVrrunn Vjllll Wi. 0 tf C'l for UilVlUK 0 , w W tlM .CU..U-- f'S3S to &o iCnoli and rovpirii m^%y %;,M""«;«>j(idndeinnedt<Vder utli,aild '- dlWdVWeil - If. > J?<irl«j havoj prevailed/ ) L39K Von Piottwell, MfliQ-Thafe n opeVich rdyta. wJiniVilsjijihicr. '^ttniiit.. Avijlm nia. nlaU.oi" tltdiDtkt," aiHl.craST of tin party rlfjht in the aocdnU ohalriuer ot'.Pmsv. Von Flotlwcll;; that Iholovy oiyowultft iii^ho ,l.%|and or.Sardinia IVJ •been cll'oclcd V;Jtho"ut'thn. sligniv-Htirejiistanho; Jjjit th it n derlOUH nllWr o*c;{ivrM.-in {ho nriftti'opthojl.slnnd. > H up'. vmsfi fromt||ls,'Bccount Unit Major CTtd'Vftr-rniUustcJbrntrfiftyiu-igaf.-^liIIo flojiant ISIta, "itiltfo.o lii 'faris'i ready 10 take arms »tu sipul to bo «jv-, -'eii by' tho Contrail )2fifopo<ni Coininittfto ot I.oridb:!.- ^Sdc'li' .wits tho'hctlvlty.'oi' Afdillrffd tliatho had formed tlia nou,. cicuflof-ntiocloiy ihi|tvlnu|.put itself in communlcatiorr wlimiiddopartimjiKs, apd^hutl mado snoh progress as ' lo'bo'iible to send (o London within t|in last few d.tyo to - ukdLodriiRoiiin^flnoiihfltruiHiony. ' .: U wns on.ljio ro(um to IVIs of the emissary, sent'dii this occasion that tho CrCllict of Police Informed the au- thdrltietf that tho tlmnhad come ibr-'putting a stop to all' lUquoji^codingM^t; Wurraptswcro Issued ainiuliuiicouB- iy to arrest persdns dgslgnpted at, St.' Am'and, Forty- fnwonan'estH'hnyo'hcen'mn'do, All tho prlaonevs ihivo boon sen,t to tlio n'rhloii of Mii7,aat unA this oxplains tho reason^yhy tho Prpfeet.Qf Policp,lifts' wli;hin IIICKO fow days sent awriy several 'prlsoncrn.'who 'Were there, in .. Wednesday, 41,017 persons— ..S,fJ80,I2s. ' •, Thursday,...',.:.. '11,200 persons—' S,l37flR>J. • 1 ' The necessity of rcftucing prices is strongly urged, •,--..• «"''ln-Dublin .it'ib stated tharthe Governinbnt Intend to^ Kind four additionalrceimCnts 61' infantry from England,, tociiOn-cC obcd.iencjs t» the lawfc<Tho oqrrcKpondcnt of •7, Ati ..r«/if*4piwruiicfis,thJfl,-Ufl. simply^^ preposterous. The Freemaifa Journal announces the death ot one of ' the cch'Ojritics'of the memorable year J813, namely, tho,, r.ev,' Thditiaii Ticrpeyione of the two'clcrgymen iucltidod^ V in the monster Indictment of the then Attorney General,. Mr. Ai'H. C. Smith,' -lip to-lSC. ho wasone or tho most ''' ur.tlvd (iitpportera of 'tile Repeal movement bonded by ^ . . O ' C o m i e l i . - •'• '•'; ••-' -:•'•. :., . D*uBtis, Scpt.-J.—iTht! wraihcrt has. peeii ox'trdmoiy I'r.e during'.tlut' r«csvrjt.<veck, un4,.tbo•.agricultural' re- pcrts- from' aif parts of the 'country ara'proportioiiably ruvorablo. In tho sonib, liarvc^t'oponiMoiiH are'nearly • ccirtplcwil, ^»d the yield in «nWo bj*«<{od, both as rc- (.'ariis' quantity oii'd auallty. Of Ifio potiito the-reports continnn ioiifllcting, hut, malting every due ' allowance fev the lo«s by tho.faiai epidemic, thcro nnpenrs to be no ratlennl doubt that enough -will > bo t?avi::l to.Rtipply'tha wants of a sreatly dirnininhed population, In tue mean- -vl.Ho the tide of emigration still rolls on, ,- ' A liow'-ftatuvfl in coiinoxleu with emigration has ju«t li-anifeslcil itself, in the, by tlm umlgrAut ship I'elcntp, for ftuobec, of a number ofcomfo?tati';) fanillitw,' of the ihrmro-g class, from (be neft'hborhoodof Park, near-, thbi city. ',!jo arUlti'and rcmuneratinjf were tho lands of Pari! cumiilcrcd for the last .'.0 years, that'they wero de- I'll'MUoi'. ''thdgrildonahidc.iisoftho'city'/'yk'Mingtiiulwy. (•idsucccBsivdrotalioft crops (cldelly vej'ctabb.-sand priini feeding lovinllch cows) throughout the year. Tlio scons ,ia chuiiS'.il, mid the result now i.'j, thut tba ^rcittoi1 pjr- '••'.' ilon'ofthe people of Park, u mo*;t'.wijj'jiis anil cvj.'.yt linsn of ::J.'i-)c:HtU.ralt!UM, iiri- drlenrinpd ti> o;)(!ur» lio ;• Jor.gcv tlio liartinhips to which lliey were ci liiic-ytars ''• mtbjccted to nia'ii;o!cly iha.dvmonds of, " ta.-: oittli'j.vr.j, i'nor rnl'r iroHectnri', rjlid !itntl'.or(!3," wltlibiit bi'ijij ulile • to pi'ovhlo ordinary 'c^brt Ihr their farnill6ji. !;,;.. 'J'he,iic:fo(jiiahq"cs,df tf»o American yncbik continue to .attract attention. "'.i-Scvitral writers in U'lis Times ami,. ' other papers; lire drawing iUtcttloii--to.tlii;|)«dui^iitieiini'- ;..;, )>.ex cdn.ilriici'iiiii and i-eoninicmling tlic JmUafjo'aOf hor •''' lo'Engl'iKU imilJwrt.'; . .. .. . i ^ f e - - .-.' -.-;;.:-Ti»<!: Aniftricim, nUil£u«hiit-VniL'H<fi( " lothc y.niinv of The 77V(• .,r • Sia-It ls^alway^VegaTiicd ia history aa pocidi-.iv to , • no nioBfrtiHi^gujsbcd generals, that they havo best .'• • ,..",own ; ' ° ^ tb'turri use, and havo •;.<-. I«qujgn jyCjjvejied the ruins dr defeat'into foundatioas, '•,*" r .ic|ory,' AVd.tird now in circumstuiicds which giv*>. *,'"' full scope to tho'display of snoh cmalltlcs, if we possess litem.' We have been beaten—.signally defeated—'on, ot;t V own'elcmcnt. Our yacht simadron, so'long masters of ," ihb.SoIejit, hhlieho victorious in all «ea flghis, are eoru- ' 'pletely routed—Iliad almost said,put to lllght. Fori,; . iohg'tiuie,; not one .of tlic, Solent Sea Kings could bcV ibiind to (lice the enemy or accept his challenge, and the : American would have returned without;'his gago being :.; taken up, bad not the little Titania,',of only half the ton- ; nagc,'uud Uicreforo no ndoiiuato ipatch, been courageous ". enough tolimrdnildfciit,: Evcntho Alarm, which had been so long tho chaniplon Of ttio.iEngllsh waters, do-. (•lined battle.'Thd victory of tho;4(|ionca Is complclu, 17/liuwritcrJiJicii(joys' on ati'con.Hjtlera'plo length to^po- ^JJfJfWw. peculiiirltifis orthdVl/ncTicaniidiConcludoa tliits ;j I have entered thus wlou'cly into all; these points, be- cause 1 conceive It to be of groat Importance that we ' (mould wisely nnd in tlmo ptcpard burselvog for thb • probable c.ontost' of next year.'l.Wo' aro moro likely to '•'••':• rail next year by a blundering imitation'of tlio unossen- ! ••' tinls of our victor than by any dtlior'cotl.rS'fl, It is most" ' imdcsirnblc thnt'wp should be, driven by,jrt sitdddn dofeat to abandon irny of the oxcellentj-iiolnts which our own long experience limy have laught'us (o bo unquestionably excellent, Tlio. rtbrombsii,' the .qorhfbrt, tho' oxcellcpt ""."'. Ken-going nualltlcs^luydasd' of indtlbti'lri had wentlicr, ; •' iim.polnts in our qw,n:y'acht-bulldlng(whlch wo must on •MV no iiccomit nbaiHlpri..;:it IS oiir'duty/thorctbro, to sec '': ylmt we must dd"ti'wtii'.jidxt'ye'ar?1 ' ;; . -'','••'.' }. Wo mus^biitld yachts of the'rjbwo'si construction, *,l! "L ,or as largo ti size as may bo likely to como against us— '.,''..,. ». e, somewhat larger than the America; andT not allow; V', .onrKclvefj to' bq r caug1it, ad' this year, with a-vesscl pf riagd only. lit oven to acdept the clmlldngC. n.nuyWoyr cr«ck ya«ii.t». wliidi, .ir,thoy,ure brought 10 r c S n g snif/Bid, ov.l r'v,-hultnel;,by the excess o, their : ^ l t r S f f i l ^ ^ ® « » r ' l h 9 iiialde of the I»id of Hviaht nnilJbr owners who'takoto yachthifl.for lushloii'ii fcatie knowing nothing, dbdut tho matter,"bavins no real iXto for tho soa, nuliject to sicknoss,'and cbntlning their tfipB to Hurat Cirstio to thq west, Rydo and Portsriionth "id tlio'enstj and preferring to.thorn the Southampton water if a weather-lido raised uponplo on tlwgontjo. ^Solent, Tho great ploasuro of ttrtjso geutlemeu, i», to swaagcr about in sea-toggery, ati'uto liavo boats'-croivs In smart equipment dnngling-ftftdr thorn. Many a yacht hardly stirs froin itH moorings at (,'owos in a Ayholo seusoii; buiiomako up for.that liiactlon,'tlioir6 Is plenty Of boat-work, rowingbackwards and Ibrwards,- bailingand signallfng./ There are exceptions j : there dresoirio' score*of tho two hundred mombdra of:tho Royal- Squadron Club wjdo are good seamen, ay, and cpm- jictent'liaVigators'to boot; but the great; majority are unskilled,; Tho oilier Clubs contain a much larger pro- portion of seamen among t|tcir members, hocausd with (hem it is not a matter of (unbibn so much as it is with the aristocratic1 fSqundron, Somo years ago limombur of iho Thames; Club undoitoolt to. man his yacht (be- tween 00. and "0 tuns) with gciiUopicii,.member* of. tho, Club, exclusively, not employingu single working-man, vnnft to sail hcr.ngalnst any vesRolof tho Squadron,^ man- ned in like nia'nner; .inn iiio chatttaiRo fell to ihu ground; And weUH might, for though thcro are soino fow mem- bers of tlio Royal Yacht Squadron who know wh'.'thcr u ,gallHopsuil Is properly set or not, wo hnvu'our doubts whether there is one who could go aloft and lace It to the topmast. But no matter how vhallow'tho Vista Is.'or ' how much is mere fashion, tho. fashion; is a good -ondiff nndlias cxcellont consoqudnce's susceptible of-further iniprnvdmont, which wo trust tho • present losson of'iho Aiiierlira will stimulate,; , ; ; . , 'niie ycteraii yachler, tlic Marquis of Anglesnaj upon seeing tho America, is reported to havo -remarked, "If shids liglu, we are all wohg.". - . ; . . . , . , ; , . << is'to bo bdmo In inind, however, lliat-sdnictjiing bn- sii'.cs spied Wtd bo considered in the yacht. .A'yacht must ImVostownge and accommodation, and both thosd points , an. in-the America Bucrllieod to speed, ' Still wc havis no dmb( thut. seinplhinR may bo leurnt from a craft which requires a'six-not brcoxe, and boats our clippers'; mid it isjier .model, not her cu'iiyass.Aluu must bc.lookcd to for ll)ck'»T0n.>t. .-•. . .ICo<Sf(Htri-aKi,tf^AT(stk-in..'. '• , '.%»•:••:- I'amTlieloiilaitmlJi/.Iitwj.firpl.H,- ..,'f - This.iis tlic diiy div wliiqlt'thc' Sultan prpuiimul to liberhto -KofwiuUi, I'eK'Ml, Ifu'hj'Rni, -and thd^iHusirl- 011s prisoners of Kuttihifi Slnco~iiio fact was Hot un- nniinced, as it-wns by n« some wcoks back, a rogular flrii of nii'iiaec hasjiccn kept up by. all the organs, or would- bo oi-ftans of tho-great'.-military''governments Timy uuiili||,ii:,ih wUli tlic^orte,.thp ambassadors slioubl bo witlidrnwiij retKiinllon -laticif by rcOxcituig tlio C.>suian Itisurrcction ; and the whole East va'« to be convulsod .becaasoKc'sMU'.b: ww nSlowiirt.WTecoivpvisits.a(, jlays- .wati-r instead ol plaining cabbngcs.and dcaiidius him-. self ogaliist nssnesins at Knthhla. V • ' ThoquoRtton is-in truth, onoJof mere sentiment and humanity; one hbpi<s.;or tliinhH to work harm to the Empires of-AuWriu-and Itusxia, or t'<i disturb Uiuir pr are by libirvatliig Kossuth. Admiration for iho 11431, lio*. inlrigU!!.for tlw fulnn;, is the sole, mnilvp ,wii|i our ltuiiiiurinii Kjnip.iiliiisers. Uut.tho Bolonin politicians of St. Petersburg hnrl '. iemia cannot- tinJorsiaiul that .ihu •most practical of enrthly races, tho Anglo-Saxon,'should Kiimiltaneomlly, lit Khgliind and in America, Imve been takni v.'Uh flucli muhusiaatic sympathy forlbo Ifunga- Tiiln cuusti,-und mr its chiefs, unless somo deep policy lay at tlio bottom of it;* Wo need not say to'English ruicrstliflt neit,iuT WfMtm nor. Americans' Uavo'tlio tii? least admb.ture of7idlij*y ih tlieir love of Ifimgnr); 111 d HoHSiitiu . It is from iSontiment,' the unmln^lcdiioiK-- II-,'; paid 10.bvavo men (••.rugcliiig in a righleotw ciiti.ifi.<; The Aitiiro ftsie of JlttUjUry and Its definitive connexion with Austria, Ore things, wo believe, very rnjichln AiiS: tr;n'« ownppwoj1 ,. A(t«r.tlici-coihpl«to. conquestj it .Itaw cljpc(cil, creal wiMlum, rtuderntion, and libaralily on-hor part luigpt;, Ave havo no doubtj secure Ifungary to'flfA [HrsHtnios nml'to the A«nlriiin; power ioofinrdvfbV / i t * , . . ^ . ' - : • • • ' ; , ; ; . - - - ^ot only la nor hut Litoil nro ,, , .., 1.... ...„ _ , nrtdM. Mnlllnrd, thii ndvo'caic Thef«Ntnvoobscure Individuals, princiiatliy journoyinon, vtradosmgn, oiid mcclrmics. Oim.of .tliem named J. J. C'lierval.a lithographer, Is dc- scrfhcdiiHiiit ''Irish siiblftci;" Last,.night, at about 0 o'clock; 00 f Sei'gciis do Ville-"-mprchcd to tho Cafo^le la llajitn^Bdne, lUio droncllo St. Iloiion'i, where tlioy ar- rested a do/cn persons. Several brigades ofpollpo hcnt Ih'tlie night to dlllbrcnt qunrlers of Paris, wlch In- • xlructldiis to exd'eulo warrants of. arrest. A« nnny as ! HO prisoners havo already been, sent to tho Mazas IirUrofii"' :,: • < • - . - • ' • •f/;. -,;•<.- . It Is said n't tho Palais do, .Inatlc'n that niost Important papers, emanating from tho .London. Cipuiiifiiucri, .linvo' been SCIMII.^K' ;;'," '.-'•'!•''.' ' -/• Piirlu lH'obHOh?toiy qiilel/aud no alarm or'ovoivoxclio- incut has been produccdln tho public mind.. • . ' . - , . : ' ALTrnWAi;' ViKN^A,6 Aiig. %7.-~Tlio 'decrees of the Emjic-' vor on. tho .'rcwponHlhlllty of iho ministers, ami on tlio revision, of;tho coiiiitltution, octnyle In March, 1849, amount to a'completc retrogression to absolutism. , In Italy, Radelskl (bars an outbreak, und tho army Is mild (o bo roinfdrepd. for tho third time—ton thousand men nro to march lojliO Pledmuiilesc frontier, .-,'i'liere Is a report that tho dl^iinBiotis betwenn tho Croat and iliiih •gnriup soldiers" tu'tj.daily Increasing, mid that Ihdy tod'lo- ir bloody conflict tri'ihp neighborhood of Verona. Tlio papers remain silflnt on such events, but the louern from Italy mention It a» a ftict., In Hungary the gondnrmerlo hud had several .conflicts Avlth tho peasanta, and a tra- gedy which In'tho month of Juno happonod'al Swnl • Maria, near Gro'BS-Wartidln, la soul-otlrrliig, lllm ait wnisodo of a Frenoli aovel, I relato It as I had It from an' Hungarian gontlomah of tho Miliar county, who Uuppcned' to bo lit Vienna,'// •": • • : " '' : Al a pcnsnnt'a'wwidlng, wlien[tho procession: of tho belroUied wan moving toward tho church, thogendarmd, upprouched thn'brldd und sumhioned hor immddlaloly tot divest herself or tho red, whlld ami green ribbons which' she had In her.tresses, according to tho custom of-tho country girls, fl!iying.lliatlto:i colors wcro rpvolutlon- ary. Tho iiridegrdom• objected, aaylng'that'pftcr'tho- ceremony the brido would comply with the, dwiro oftl.o; .fii'iidormo, but that now tlioy c.'Uid not keep the priest waiting nt the altar. Tho gendarme retired, tlio prows-, filpn proceeded to the cVurch, but nt the- momou'. iho Drldo was kneeling at tlio steps of the nitar to receive tho -bericdfcltoii, tlicgondarrna.rimlmd forward and cut hor ticsocsand ribbons lUi^'s'ciasora from her head. In llunnary it is consldcrM a1 great Insult to a fuaialo 10 nit liiu- hair; it conveys the noilon of infamy.. Naturally. an nffrny took place i the gendanric was uasallcd by tho bridegroom, other gendarmes arrived In afd ol' tlieir I'd- lovofflcial, tho people, though without arms, u». on them, anil tho result was the slaughter ol'Hcve.iiuoii, ifirco gchdurinds and four iicasantn, pmomrst the brh'.qgroom-sml Iho luiltol nsaailatit ol tile brblir. The'I'miUirchzHtHungnny», Austria ban just obfrilrlcd by mgetlatlou it iiillitary right'qrwir/'flirougli Uaviirla fbr ii:e piiKsajje or troops' t,i mca-tlcrat feitvcii of Moycnce. .,., ^ .1 A telcju-iiphic dlsptitcli from Iselil, received In Vienna on 1 Uo 3l«i, amionncHf,• tliht tlio ftmpcror ol' Aiistvin will nroloiig his i,iay iii-lbut wutsring.pliiee until tlwllth i.'ist. f.otliliip ha',* (•.-au'-pii' <1 relative lo ilw lutcv.viuw betwoeu 'Inmnntl ihi'KirjorPrrisIa, • • ' • - ; . ; • ''• L'PMM: -. '•-. ,", , '; MATir,jp, Anc. S'J.—Tito priAipal topic of tlio prof ln- clu'I jOiTi'imlfl' In .'till ihe serioua eircclii produce;! by iho .leng drnujrtii »jid extrcordlnnfy bent. - A t Madrid wo haye now been ibnr luontiiswithout rulm Tito coun'.rv is burnt lip, and llrca,, .exloiiding m somo cascv over maiw Icagtiew, are no doijht the lvmilt of thi* kite of yihigs.- f'real scarcity rif water was fidt at-R(ini'«o<'in, cJlMAiroujbiJia Ar-W, cud .Hie .,mot<t, niijoj-'ius m'ca- •*«U^I"had' peon de-civcd liy'tho amhprlllc.'f to p/caerve a h1.lsswii,-'nnd'toi, Ws'i't,'i vitir'lw members, thedi/lVrenV- prisons• ip.tliojcltyof.Naplcp.'; •. .' , ; : . '.•'- "ThoPopa n 'uboiit; to erect the city of Hamburg into a' b l s h o p r l « * W ^ ' • • • ' /• :-i', ..:..•-.•.•••', -.'.: : ;..-? ; t. •.-.-.- : (i,The O/wtfoiir. of?Turin; announces military evolutions', on a lurgo scale, 1fcprbsdni)iiK tho.bqtild"of ,,rdhteilott6," which, In 170H,"oponod-Iiitly to>-thoInvaslQn;ot' tho- part might;, Ave havo im doubtj secure Hungary. to'tlfA JHrsHin.ios nml'to the A«nlriiin; ))owcr toofirndv'tov IvqisUTH aiul.all.hia sbuke. Uutthcnffs 110* ,^f a °''> !™dcraiion,.o; Ijbrrnlity. jij the oouductof Aua./i faced tyrifony <'•? a'loplcd prlnd; i^o f government, hut i t ^ ^ T ^ ^ %'bmfaw. Aiistrluh ministers were suJvr9»?a|V0 u0 resnoimiblc to ibe nation, or to souie ini*'ary'States. Hopes gf.n.. cendtlwtlomil Ryst'eill/'HtleastTdr.ilierntuio, were nut,at an end,- The fiction of ministerial responsibility did not Usolcast detract from tho absoluto jxiwcr of the govern- 1, cut. fiut the young Emiieror would not tolerate tho 'decorous fiction. And-licItasp^blishod asolemn decree, declaring that his niinliilors arc only responsible'lo hlm- pplf, Everv' -pitu well knew^tich to be tho fact. Why 'then declare it? In order to promulgate divine, ri/ibt in, theory as'wclr us practice, and to. wok lo establish It as -a philosophic truth, what Avaflulrojidy ealoblisbed in tlio Ipiily w.ty U could be efltablished, by forie. ' ; M-'Sucli (loctriMirh or despotism, such puerile politi- cians, mo'nnrclis whoso sovorqlgnty <n unbounded by the hbrizon of.tlieir stall', and alatcbmen who. have ^takpn a pjrsbfisl plqno'to gonstiltillona—sucrt:inon as these ran- rot found• an 'empire, rc-uliaoli defeeuyo provinces, or felvdlhat confidence and ftcddp|n,wiiwnt., which Indim- w.'tf': , caris-baVe bd] Atto' ' •haVe' bdiafy'Sildptcil 'thd'wavd' systorri,"and applied- '""^n^rlca'ln:'aii:tfn;Ml4ule^:^rrtfj;Mrnu»i..a?: • ri™l^r i^- %* WPM. >hall'prbduco^ho leaov V >"--iS^—BSd!U»iJn4 reeciv^om; ;it'thb.lcii8t;rcslst'., -.sec- fry cannot hrcriihe, nor Wospwlty' developed,: The bopo'df eon'adiidniliig Subfinii dmplrrf lis that ofUcrmu- ny, by denying hi roypl; find iiriporlnl ctliclB, tlio gAin* Ica.wos fii'-tho "i/i. ••?'.,,' -v—- »™inT,ra,.i(uu.iu publictrallK', and -sntakwof Hie great natural difficulties m-crconi.j l:v cdn- ^tru.cflpett,,.; .; ... . . . . $ # » ' • " 1 — - » - ~ - - . , ' - ' • ' " : . . v ; . : 7 i J ^ K E Y - '.'•".•' " . , " ' • • ' •'•'• OoVcitisTixdi'i.i;; "Aug. "lC.^Tbe lilwation. oriCdWnjttli Is now llcclilcd tinoii by'tlio Sublimd'PoVU.— livspiro.drallUio.tlivcatsjor Russia and Aumriij, "tlfo porto sjootl her ground, aijd, when reminded by 1 bo Kn- , gliiih' g6vdmiqen,^dl'ils promisd, the Divan rcpliei|, ",Wo; •k»iftptl-."'"Ko>'hntllts^ tueretbro to lie released on mo J III It September. Ilk intention, us (at m I could a.iee'r*'- tain, IN to proceed first to Ensland, to leave thcro hl» cliildron, and to provide for their educailon.and niter a stay of 0 fortnighti to wall to the United States, tbero to express his thanks m tho Congress and the President.— Kut tho Captain ol'tllo steam mgatb Mississippi, which htm wailed lor Kossuth slncn tho. month,olMiiuc, objects t^ (his iiiTongomcut; lie wisltcs'to"carry Kossuth witli- • 'irhi't ''delay to Now-Vork. I do not. know.'lh'ci'elbl-e; whether you'will havo the ploasurc ot'seclns iho nilghty innh—who, oven when In prison .I11- Asia, Minor, fright- ens Hie Czar and the Kaiser—before December.? Tho dismissal 'of the serasklor, Mchemct All Pasha, lnhdo here, for a moment aJiialiiful Improsoion,' for oycry- , body k;io,w tljat he, tho brollicr-imlaw to the Sql.tuii, wasi the greatest Russia In the cabinet. tJiit it soon became obvious that this step had lio'polltlcnl Irnport'iiice wliulevcr. < >.>u,,'i.».-. . . . . . . S&SZ^ n.110.1 mid'gdbd dea: r 4.^V«(rhUflt.thorougliiyrevlso-our 1 system,of riggim?' And cuttingtaBllB.j;i The true theory of salla Is that-thoy' S ^ ' f e f e j J t ^ ^ H ^ 0 ' " ' WuHUo adopteft perlpr, cut of i American sails has long been matter of notorlpty to.geambn.. Sall-cutters havo long reAsied tho • nbandonmonto.rchorislicdprcjtuiiccsonthisiicaL Thov must now at once adopt the truo.sail-thcory of plane sur- laces,,-^wliethcr.wlththdi uso V boom's or 11 nevv cut,,or,b9th, they must welliconsldcr, " , S. As to rigging, Uiosmplor the rigging, tho fcwer tho ]?m "io l{qttcr,J.Tho Americans havo long boon dls- ' i V T C T in ttii^ r^poqi fbr simplicity nn«V efficiency, Multiplicity or ropes and. bloeks i8 an old-fbshloncd error •out orxvlilcli wo are rap dly;psoaplng, aud tho. America merely givesus a fresh impulse in this direction. , Ij);foncJusfon;.I hnve pnly'to dtprfijis a hopo-one Avhlch lias prompted this letter—that ,wo ahnll notdc- - gbnerntd lino vulgar iniltatldn of, our vlttpr, a course In' whlgli wo, shall -always vbo behind him; but rouse om> fielvcs to apply mdro indepondently tpan hitherto tlio. re- Wourceii of our'sclenco and skill to the attainment of that' supdrlorltyjln' yMHi building;' wllkH. AVO' havo hliherto' fiincipd ;>vo pQ^o^sed. , I Jiave tho liopor to bo yoiir ,obq- elenl aervant,* • A M«M^ER.op.SBVEnAi, yAduTiCLuBs. 1 ' •• 'From>ThcLondon Spectator, Aug. 30.. [ ' •> ' Oft* 0110.oOut.fffcat.iiaynl ports, tho ship. .building of England Jias, been' cliullcngcdrby an alien •vessel; uiid ilopjatM totally.'' It is a remarkable lnpidont, and not'tlic hatldjiaKprldo,•.".,;•./ ' '•Wo riiny find sdjace in thd.(bet Hint'.itMfi 4tt0;to '.'accl- , fleitt." :Slfango m R'timV- appear, It lias only been in , uomparatlvely ,'roocnt • tinies that'u attempts; havo boin mado to reducothn.Avater-cloaving power of. ttm:.8bip.,lo J Hcjontifle rulp;,, anil hitherto scionco ljn« not been happy,; -jii'.Its'cflbrlW-. /fhq victory of tho.A'|norie",t,.irwo ure not' . jrii8taUd]ij;iVr«ctiaiif,ly f«ruto« thd," fiaivdst• hypothesis in '••• thc.BcnrcUrdr.thephlldsoph'cr'Hstone Initho ocjeuce of- shipbuilding.- iiTlid prlnnlpln'oI'Mr; Scott Russell's plan, Avpbclievo, wasbanedun tho fact thnt water displaced by 11 body Avhfoli. Js removed fills tho vuculty, not so much by fliUIng In nt'tho sides as by rising from below; hence it wns calculated that ir a vessel AVUS built sharp and deep toward the bows, broad and shallow toward </rf'cft"f or national rights, voted by national asscinbllds,- ind promulgating iiiBfead tho law of ministers,;, being only responsible to sovereigns,' and sovereigns lalQbti ; tilts' Is the current mistake p,f9Bceklng to.paciiy,,thd nln'o* leonth century by reducing Rio the igriorantism andser- vility of tho fifteenth. < •'•:-"- ;.Vi Tlib big children, who hssert that politic nUAYisdoni is tho gift of Jlcavcu, and Avho prove- thcniHo|yes pos- sessed of it by Rdverninglri: this way, may well dread Kossutht'as tlioy must droad every Independent nianthat wields a,sword ornpen, ,,yell may tlioy tremble'at every shadow. "And yet tlicy'nr,o xvrong to dread Indi- viduals, and mean tomdvd Henvoh and earth to rotter. down one poUHcul Prometheus like Kossuth. For their system of government soon converter a whole pcoplo into ' a-tacit band of'ednspirafdrs; biding their tlmo;»o nurgcnts,>and only biding that'opportunity from the cer- tainty, ; that^av ratu^ Ihll to; atv- >-• IldivfeVeriwo irlay^'fbrdsce^li. this'"liiltftdIrteVlfnbjo"«,;Ayisli to,intprfore,' to,fov incnt.cdnsnirocles, or.kqppjilWb. a;Avar pr lealpusy with a'gVdat Europban iiowdr, tv.h'afevpr thp"foIiy ef •.itajmls-* ^ovemment,V^^ihfch4flbusesMways:;cute;tthems9lyes' .^without foreign .Intervention ;.V;aijp! l/^jv.Q -shqiljd halt . AVitlvjiu.rb jvdltibjno 'aitt Ooltght^ thtf .f,tJirjli]Jf;or.TCo(ifiUtlf to ourshbrcs'lt« Avitltrid desiro^o^prompt- of aid.hlrrrj 40,a jcnowoji'dtfjiot-qpntwti^wh^li fo».; tho,; present epoch has bccti Jifjcltled,. In;the flpld--,; •..,.,.,, , , ' ' ,, . . | . , . , i i v . - » ^ - A i , i . > v ; , . ' ; ' li % ••• - A •••,--''• -•- ;. , „ . . r . , , -•...••..!:•-.•o>-> • m : m t d i w m ^ ^ p < r - < /•:! . ,-,.:..':i1! ; , . PABis.,!W.edncsdw;EYoning,-Sept.'3.; r Tho nnnoiinccmciftj of tho ^rihco.dp^^oinvillo / as carididato, Ibr the' Presidency'of r tJio. Republic ,^as, created a great scnsntldn licrd;' and nflbrds the Paris pa- pers ample: food for comment.,, It would appoar that h; considerable portion of the Orloanlsjs are .dissatlsfled with tho.appearonco of tho Princd'de Jolnvllld'as a ciiu-' didato. ,.6orno of them four' thati ho.wlll bo' boatdn, nnd that tho dofeat. -will havp an Injurious.offcct pn the consi-, deration of tlio Orleans'flimily wjth the'country. Others- look on the candldntcship with cdldlicos, because it was started by TheOrdrc,theorganofM>Thiers.-,;An nrtleld appears in The AsscmblieftQtitmtftof;to:day, which has excited great surprise."' That paper; which' is the ojfgan of Mi- Guizot.nnd of the iFusionlsts,*- declares that,*,if tlio .Jrincq do .Joinvillo should .bo. so. ill-advIsodiasS really to throw himself into ,ihd revolutionary,con-', i.1 , o f ' 1 8 5 2 , '"it Avould;;not hosltatolf to" combat' with ,all,, its. force; a.;. candl.d^teshlp; fwhioh i Avould 5?-n .2o r iQ»s .Injury, to ,,the.; Monarchical Sprlnei- 5 Ss..B !, .f "vycra ,,( l •, "r -9>v ¥' ccrantry into -' nn "ocean' or rtlfflcultiosfona dangors."^ Upon"tUa-whQlej,tlte Jmpros- '"•'-' , ;•' POltTUCfAT, "•'.''' ' ; • ' J/tsnox, Aug. SO.—Public litlciiiiori! is 'chiefly directed towurds,,.tho aceuamlon of bribed,prefcrrctl ngniiist ?enhor Forrno; W|I|O)I .coinpolhld him' to' rctlro rrom the-Mihi'stry;'' The accusations of «b scrlouo and gfavo a natiiro tji«i; thq MlnJ»try; had R mwting pp'on the. subject (Scnlior F.erruo not having -Wti present '(nf it), Avlien; it is said, It was dcterinincd tWU ho should bo Jn- vilcd to resign upd curry the nccuspt.ionbojbre.'tho tyi- bpnals, ho being accused of having^reccivod, from • tho' corilrhct: of tobacco2,003,000 rdisi *This Sdiih'or Ferrao- has,dono.; r' !r.-rji>*(: '';,, •; -,,, .,,• y. /.->,..w^ : •.,.>" The heat and the drought thls^year - • - • • - •• * ptei 'Accounts from'tho cotih(riy>sa}''i drying up. >.",-.<Vc i W l ' V .i"jr>5^'»vv' . ^ ^ . „ „ . Tho ports of.CcalWilthOraXHsVitr^Mr^Artlblit cd wiih< tho yellow ifbver;7uhd»'th*BaffirM»cc; yitii cholera..«'./i»..>^'L!''''' b*yitWwimifsfti< 1 •' V 'Thd GbWnimcnlhas.hawrtlBdrfj^^ .corni ploto tha roads -and 'ftrm'dyv;uJni'9^to5M|ntio, Tho- .r-dnrso to.UietrltowlSrJrTtrfirflls tfl'pfc^ew;rp.anfrp,m •n,appdar«rl|iat' itev^rait.oin^firif/.of^flu^lltl^ iV.|ioq, nounces that tfie brigadier of carabineers; who, fn ;J843, nrrested.Ugo Baa'ili;' (the priest who acted as chaplain to Uiiribaldi's troops,, and w«s sluu.hy the Austrinus;) has been assassinated at Co'm'ih'adlilb'. ' ; - " •: '"• : r i r m ^ f . " ••"_'••' ,f 1 1 . .'• The'Tuscan Monityrc puhiiahca a'scrioffol' reg'ulatloim Issued by.thomliiistc'ro'rAVofshipat Flof-ciico . on the 281I1 un., concerniiig the right of censorship're- ' served to the bishops by the now concordat. Uy iiuse regulations cyery bishop has the right of censorship over eccIesia'siical'AvorlcB.lo Uo.pulillshcd within his dfofjosp ; aAvork rejecled-by one biahop cannot'hu opprovcd'by •another, uniLtlierHi U;no appeal, from tlio decision of a bishoji in hiich mnfinrs. • . . . ' • % . . ; ' •>'.-..; :• t )i%B PATAIJJTATES. ' ' '' A^iiisolulion of the Ministry has .taken place, wo learn, at Nobles, mul another Cabinet been formed. Tho niimoi* df-.tho inoiiibnrs of tho now Administration had not.bcdnmado public at the date of U13 last advices. ' , . ' _ . ' _ ' ' ' ' ' IGaliijiunii. /, S W l T Z E l t L A N D . : ' "; •;• According to lcltcrs-froiii Uorno of thd 89th lilt,; tho dninugcH caused in the canton- by recent Inun- dations ore valued at 2,400,000 ft., or about£i)0,000j j Sub- scriptions ajrodpeii air over Switzerland'to' cover the losBcn'of thftiflundatlon. Tho city of Home lias already . subscribed ja,000fr. ; . ' , -.'. / . ; • ! I C I ; L A N D . . ...'•'"' ', The. Diet of Icolahd was bpoiidil >on ttic 5lli July al Rciklavik. Amongst tlio bills presented waaonc enacting that/from tho 15th .luuo, 1832; foreign- vosscls ahull ho allowed to enter tho port of Reiktavik without passporln or-tlio uuthoritios ol- tho Inland, and shall be .treated as Danish vessels. • . ( . , . . ; , ; — ' ' . ' . •-~iaBhr—-—~- " > Fnjgitivc filiivo Riot in Lniicastcr Co.; Pa. ' Our renders will be already advised of the oc- •ctirrenco of n lamentnblo viol and )bs$ of 'iiib.Al i;rj|iristmnu, Liindaster Co., Pui, on' the 9lh inst,,— ^ o ^ i i i g but 'of iho altcrtiplod capture of two fugitive ' KJaves Uy t?>oji, ;owAcr.".:i • , In ort'.cr to give the conclusion of t'nia affair in an iiittlUjjibla.jjhupo, a,brief suniiBavy of the circum- sUj^jps.ctf'jjriC casq may |io nccp.^ary. ;• 'k '"A'.j|'aM',cdp>pc,sed of Edward Gorsuch, of llalli- jridrfl co'ipty,;'Md., liis.twb soiisl^Dichcrsim Gordueh tmii JosiBl":! Oprsiich, Dr.' Thoihas Pierce, Henry C, Kline^ a Deputy, Marshal,-'and-'two police ofliccra from Philatielpliia, started fromiPriilddelphia, with u warrant .issued by Edward D. '.Ingrnliam, United' •Sinus.Ct-ilinn.$:uu)ic.r, to arrest two fugitivo slaves I flonyjnji to Edward Uorsuch, who Avcre supposed to.l.e j.i • tl.i' jn-ifciil yrlioiid'of Christiana,, in Lifu- cn«ler cr-viDty, After .•• per.dint a" day in Chester roivnty^.-y .;niv'w'. r.t lv.M; of lho;nesl day, at iho pi:ir.f- in v!iieh it AVBS sifpjiosed.lheynjitivcs were liar- IKVITII, This AV!!H li tAvo-s,rory stonn builrlmir/du tho fmm of I J C i TVA.'Hidl, iihoiit. (hrco njiles from Ciiris- iifina. As the perty approupiird; tlio house, 0119 of- the. fo£itie «l«vi?;< was iilcntilied, but took shelter in the house, and w»>« followed L-y Sir. Gorauch and .lis p-ifly.' VT.hilulim.thu'-Jum.scvan axe was thrown t.t tlio .Deputy .Tilsr'!;.al,'|'^d. ho'-iircd.. Tlic. negroes 1 'lv-lurnc'il I lie I'n1 , ii'iul tlic. nhife's rclroalcd butsido ofjlio hou?ie,.Aheye tliey" were'agdin /ired iipon.i-^-' Neiliicr l-aily l/ein^yet-injured, a parley onnucd.ahd IhP'Drhiiiy Miorlinl rp'nd nlouil his warrant for iho tipprbhrnnion of tlio negroes; - . ' . . ; . , In the uiiilit <.,( litis parly, a horn was blown by tome one in the house, Avlien sixty or eighty! armed blacks lU-died upon the party|from the adjacent w;joda •yud cornfields, and nficr.u few words .discharged a pll<:y.' Al tliis" fnv, the 'elder Mn. GoGstiCjr.foll' d(r.d,,np(l his soli JllCKiNsrjflAyaa shot hi tho breast and lungs, l)n. PiisncK was also shot in several ldnci H) hiil. biiccceded in making his escape, together 'wHlilhe^inrsiial.' • - . . • - • • • - -^ ,Tbf- niSlfcv rested, from, Vmne -oversight,- till Pri- dti'y lrioniihgi Avlien irtfonnation of the imhappy event .was given to tho authorities of Lancaster County*--- nnd legal stops wero taken for the arrest of .the,- blacks. Nino of them were at once arrested. Op Snluvdiiy.nioming.lhnJJniied Slates Coiuiinssioner, und; Iho United (Stales District Attorney proceeded to Lancaster Counly-for,,the pui-poso of investigating the nftnir, 'iWqrify-fiyd a^rcsls1' AverrV made in the. course of tlio day, and a large nmount of arms vvas: 'hajiliircd. 'Thirteen witnesses1 were cxamihpd, vvho; testified that the firing Avas principally Irom'the^bjacks. Oh /Sunday,- tho parly of U. S. aullioritit>s returned lo Philadelphia, and ten,!pvjsouer9^1^(J gtiiityof' '.paiticipfdion in the riot,%Ycro,9p_niineun^foyaineii- , sing prison; Tjteirname^ j^eai'let, •Cwlii.le), Win. Brown,,. Eapkiel Thompson, jlsniuli Clnrkson, Daniej Caujsbot'iy, flenjaiinn Pcn- deipass, Elijah Claik, George W..H,Sc'ott^ Miller ,Thompson» and Samuel Hanson,"nil!colored. Tlio' three last-nnine.d,'werd''plac.qd•fii''UV6'i'"'debtprs, 'db-; ' partninit; and tlib others 'in tlio'J drimirial -dep'art- 'Wcnt-of the'jiris'oiii to nAvnilHheir trial on tho charge' r '6f? Irerison •* and! "leVying • w a r against: tho'1 . Unit cd iSfatesl.fei:•.;..;,A••ly:H'--<« ',;• /'. i.-v:;...-'...-.^: V, s i ; '^, s? .The r; cxomkiutibn! 7 ;AVOS -T resumed vbrjfofb,) Uritfe'd - 4Stale8;>1<ikBmni8ijjoiKe.rjI,ngrahapi, at, ^hilpdelphiaV'on' . . » r ' . j . . . . i . . . . . i' - 1 . ' _ _'r*_, ;i-j!i:«»_V-*Jii..J; . .iu«y,. liiilitary^rce'tlieV.ii''u (rccni ro dcWre^and1 ml^iiiw lac r.nMUt.inind by any /.iich sirarigs oxaggernt;on. •: I do not wifi.h our brethren of the Union to think that, irinuv' pen or this .StiUc,reRfKtgpcetoili-rlawgoes liiuletijcteil Ipr-UDpdnislKjrt, or.tbutther^cxiStrj-tfiicIt^a Bentiment as treason to ihq.Union nnd the coiisfltu'tion." ' ' ' i ; -Tlic-allegcilmor.dcms'Qr Mr.-ttons'fCH, whoWcrimo'. v 1 « f i V n T ^ r ? - ^ i ' ^ c ? ^ ) r , i t ' ? ^ -if.: have: .bor-n nr-. rested and will be fried, aiid they-aml'.fhcir abctrdrs^vill be made to ariswer ftriwhat- they have: danu- m "contra- s.vc4iMDior,ftljc:.Iaw.!;, nflr W tho-meniHimc,. let jaattvie your cdopcratiqh, as citizens' orl'fennsylVam'a/'Hdtflnlv • to,4ce:tbatiheflaAyiisehrorccd; but: to fedtlto Iho co-iil- >teC i;w h i< 'U '5v ?' nl ) ; f e e l ''n t h c JJ-'aicial'tribvihals ot the ra^ abstaining from nnduc-vidicnce of laniungeJ aiid -lettjfiff tliclaw..4iiKc.ita :course.-.. Depend uppiiit,-ge'n'le- mcii,.there is In LancaKfer county a sense of diit.y tb tlni laws'ortluflarid/mon'irestcd in the easy .rind prompt iir- r?iit pr these oDeiidcrs, AVhich will on all occasions show . itnclfjn practical ooedjence, ' • < •' Tho'pebple'or that'coimty: are men dr peace and good .order, wl.,not easily; led aside from, the path of duty tvhiCh.tlio 'cSpstitiltidh'pres'cribds/.Thcy ana e*cry Pcim-', sylvanianjjovo'tlte-conqliiution'and the Unions Thoyi ,-. Ay ill detect, m they ..have, done jn t.iijs case, and arrest nnd' punish all wlio Violate'the laws'orthc load.' There is lio'! ruffHrhiAidependdn-jiei.fijyjeprcfiarrting.tjiji? menor Lan-, caster county as traitors afid partfcijt'anL-i in &£''' Ihsui--"- rcctionnry movement." You do them, unintentionally; I doubt, great injustice.' . - ' .- - I am deeply Indebted to you fpr affordingime the op- portunity orexprcssiug my .views. JJut. fbr your com-. mnnication, Irmight not have been able 16 do so.. You, iandmyrelloAv/qitlzens nt largn, may be assured or my firm determination at r.U hazards aiid under all.clrcum-v stances,-to.malntain the supremacy or tho; constitution, aud cnl'arce pbodieiico to :c law, alike, of the'. United States «i;d of this commonwealth, In order that I may be sure that rny answer may reach its destination (your letter navir.p but accidentally come- toin'yhdndS,)IhiiA'0 requested Mrl White to'put it in the hands of. Mr; John Cadwiillader^whoso.signature, I obscive,is first, I am, with great respect, •••':•'-..yonr obsdient'eervaijf, • Wst.«F. Jon.vsTos.' ' The Baltimore Sun of yesterday; learns from a private source, that iho Executive or Maryland, Gov! LOAVE, will take immediate action Upon the official information which he has received relative to the riot.. A special messen- ger has already been despatched to the President AVith a communication 011 the subject. A mulatto man, supposed to be the slave Pinkney, OAvncd by Mr; .Garsuoh, was seen yesterday on tucJiills near Lancaster, nnd several citizens had gone in pur- suit of him. T NEW-YORK CITY.; •.-.. • — * — ' . • - , » • llsF. The weather vyas." the themo up'w^vhich we hinged ah ijem rdr our morning" ediliq^pTAVe have been forced to forgo tho infliction of it upon the-public,. by the proceedings of tho'Boston Jubilee,. Avhich onr spe- cial correspondent has ftrwarded us. Never mind, tho President cannot always be lionising through tlic coun- try, and as soon as he returns home, wo shall endeavor to do this importapi subject i"ull justice, , . - ~—^*~-— DEATH OF'ACAPTIOT MISSIONARY. We regret to aandmicc the. death or Rev. WM. T. BIDDLE, of this city, who departed tliis lire yesterday morning, at the house of Rev, John Dowling, D. D., Aviicrc he was making a teni- pcr.irj- home, in anticipation of his early departure-for .his field or labor in llurmah, at or near the station lately occupied by Rev. Dr Jndson.. The intelligence of Mr. Riddle's death v.-RI be received with deep regret by a wide ' circle of fl-iends, who 'were. looking to his future career witli largo hoper;; warranted by tho honor with which,{ia;- acqnitiedhimseir at Hamilton University, whcraih'e has . just graduated. He Avas married but a few "weekp since," and in a few days was'to have sailed for bis future homo in. India. The funeral exercwes vyero held at the Barfean 'IJp.piWf Church,' cor. of Bedford anuDoAvrilngstreets, and Avere attended by a largo and deirply-iafTcctcd audience. .iTliortody'ls lo be laken, .thismornirig',, to ^BrookfieW, Cor.n., tlu of his rather, Roy. 51. Biddle, wlibrs closing exercises will be held previous'to interment, • •< T ..-j ' ' 7 • ' — ^ - , . . . , . - . ' , , EXECUTION. o.FJnjK 'rwo.eosDtnjrED MunDKn- Ens.—Ilctv. ecu the hours op 1.0 and Jl o'clock to-morrow momlng,- A'iron. Sicofcy run!.Jiirnry Carnal, tha French- ; rrwi;. are (0 iir.ilergo tile penalty of death, for the murder •- of -two felfcw lieinB9.;»-yesterday Mernoori/'edch'cplprit Helmed greatly troubled tin 'mind,- ajidJtliiiyufpp.earad to: dread tlio awful fate that awaits them.' The gallows will' be erected jntbc City Prison yard, tbis-aaprnbim, by di- tection or flic riff Carnley, who, AVS undcrntarid^wiil'ltiin,';. the culprits'simtiltandously.i1 Th* svidence of-gdilt vta. : clearly, proved against these -murderers atlliMtima of, llic-lr trials, and,1f any, ,yery brief confessions v/ill: ba "jiwdfcxt-iipeeting.tUcir pcrpe;ratiii|} the liorrilto dJoJaTor which tlioy "die t'o!fiun;:r thresircmo penally of thu lr *w, JSP Tho Board of Suporvioors met ycslcrJay, -Mr. DEi.AMATrn, ofthc iVith War-l, in the Chair.—' Eleven .members were 'present, but. neither 1I13 Mayor northq JjceprSor. "Tlidrniii-ufc's ofihelaatmoctinsAver;! rca'd aid approved. Several'petitions for tho correction or taxes wcrorc.rerred, but no other businciii tran^actej; iThc Hoard adjourned to Wednesday neit. . '•••-' • . a . . . . : . . . F I H E is HifDsoxrSTR-f}KT:—At an early hour on Tuesday evening, a fire was discovered in tho upjwr . part ofa dwelling house at No. 159 Undson-st., occupied by Stuart P.-Rohdolph, Esq., which originated from the soot in, I he' chimney, taking lire, andt before put outr the cliimncy.brii'Btj aiid set fire to tliewood- Avork.ortV.cnitlc'rooms.' Hose Company-No. 24 and oilier companies of the fire departrncnt, AVcre prornp;iy; on'tho ground.but.bcfore. tlioy. could arrest the progress^ of thd flames, tho bu|lu^g;Aas inundateA Willi, waior, Avliich damaged the furiiitiire about'$5Q0. iE3P l l i e Board of Asuiistatit Ahieiiiifcii iiioscd their scMion rp^Seplembcr, last cvciii'ng,, bar'sketch of-the prpwciUugs is-drivenout by tbe'.Fpreiajri;, ,*n.t wear? consolcjlby tho,Veiie^pn';that.onr. widwa Ay:U.hnd,)» lull record or their.doings!in! T/w^iiuj; !^^f f,Vvhich^iU^1 ! U hiia i) e d a t l o'clock" ihisALer- .liccn..,;,. .. . . - . ' . , •'.-••--: ••-* •<*-*- r ' "• ' ""' ••••;•--<•:» M. <vj.-:-, -ctf-;r t.,_. ;,..:v4if. •-••• ''?,l^TheFduRtairiinWMi1ih(rt0,vSf(lI,u.e „ o t s on tnwiirds cbmpliHifm-Avlth moasrAtl^ea; re i s i v .. a 'very large circular basin; with'acorifral jet-aiid stveril side jctn. The excavation Is-mailfc.thciWfflirarbtHid the ; border of -the' basin ••!«- nnaHy dohpjBhdNiUo-wafitviie-.i . Avere ycfiterday laying a boUorffnf/Mtdtftufel^fti-The fou!itain"wffl'nirH'Ve1f^Mo"d'rieV>.iurwiliitV'iTjKc great- ly tlifc" nffiaction of'thisliciintilnil parlr.if - 'V'*w * ••••• "•?>•-"• - • • ' - • • _ i _ ) t , ^ . 1 - . ^ ' ; i | - .-• ,f .,--, •'Nr;v' S; r!«Mn"o^ fiteainqr, ihe,,(j, Uu^i;') h:-u..beirii,iplafie(Wjn the ^Eru*-l{iwr, to nuvbeUveen; this cily( .tuulvElUB'nmj."! 'fouehirig-', a'ti "A>tciri«i aiad ^Btrntto'iipdrl/: ljy*Mr;-:Flani- !mcr; tly, enteipn%S.propfietor^f tho^atter^laKf'.. ; -Tlio.jfiyro has been rcduce.d^:to/^nfc;shUliruj,'aiul ;t':;c boat'is to ronke-two trips each Avay a day, and is to' be a pei-nVfJicrXv4K#ge!iiient!,' We lftfil v.itlfpk.a- Eme,evejy3HQ>¥.,sntfiipj:is.o that jAyilWnnd the Mr.tro- :potis..dnd'l]ie.(inet>«uid beautiial'rural .districts in i'.i. ;CJpsercfouJ/iC^;i;. , , - . i ' - ^ w . ; ; - -:y.,t / .;,..,.;/; •••'? ( B E A T H i > A. :.Cjj:r,i..-^Atua^ latc^hqyr 'o:i Tuesday jiight,. policonmn;C,oaltcr, pfj- lue'F^urilePntra -District, found a)i uuknoyrn,female, aged j!5 y^iiv, lying ; in'^Iadisdn-si;, laboring'tttfder, thd dfTectV*df dclciitua • trcnlcnff.'dnd iiin^arcmtiyiifdlsftsi -A'drajl Aydsip'raSurcd, and the poorAvomaiiAwas' tfie-.gtatipl!:5Ji(inse, Avbere F.he seeracd,t,o, spmewbat revive,.bpt'.^as yet under the influence of.strong di-ink, and was'ac'corilingly placed in a cell in the female department,'wllere-sie Ava* . found a, corpse in nhoiit-two hours 'after/:'' Yesterday ' - rridrnlng tho Coroner held an; inquesf on-the Remains, and/the jiuy gendered a verdict of "Death apo- piecticfit.'*.- -. • , . "."".""'"' '- "' •""• . . . » . . . . . _ . , . . ,_,.^ ....,.„ , • -Q- ', j ^ ; ; y . ; ; ; : r ,• ;.;;.,.;--j-r :•,• ,$}:&%# -^OnvGoNYU^aio^s'^^cJ.'Gejronej: . •hcl^;od';i,nn3ie««tarday, ial ..jjio %1CTU?-UoHpital, upon the body of n young: wcrnnn'narneit fedrarf Carr, bom fn New-York, mid; aged'ill 'years,1 whd^it ap- pears,'was admitted into the'aboysmstltutidiiajn the r.lS'thrinst.y in a llt.of convulaions,-ariji^aher lingering a -.fe^.lionrs,;died from the effects, ofthc same.' A-verdict was rendered, in accordance with the 'fore'gqlajT fuV.s-. £©^A Blocmer. Costume made ttg appearance in Srxlh-aveuce day before'yesterday.' A.'crowd ci' ',' Cdnficrvatlye's" manifested their, Jicstility (0 this prc- gTessive movement by 'derision. "Now idca.s" are com- pelled to wage fierce battle in1 this'.world before they ob- tain recognition and: favor) Two Bloomers.appeared in Broadway,and tAA-o In Washington snuare yesterdav. - • - • - • ' ' ' ' • " - . _ u _ » _ — ; • • : , - ; • > • " •-&T !t hao been" stated-that Senator Douglas3 AVas too ill to .'.fulfil, hist engagement, to d.eljver the oration at.the Stale Fair. We undcrslarul t)iat he has so far recovered from his indisposition, that he left for .Rochester last, evening. . ' . - - - • _ — , . , ; - . . , - 1 • FALSK ALAnw.—Tho Hall bell rang an alarm at 9 o'clock last oveniug for the .Sixth District, but our item gatherer failed to discover the flrst.spark of a lire. ANOTHER.—About 2 o'clock there was sin alarnriii iuo* Second District—but the fire was not v/firBfei- Aiiother^serjbuftconRpiruetJhatAvas'tdjiilivo! prok'dri'' •'out ut-Vl«6u7and liad'oxteiTsivo ralnlWalldns, haj ,been;. rendered;ttbor^yp.v; ,; ; .*-.>,;?;-}.isc^^ laA&ttE <. . ' ' Thb'olecUons of tho electoral Coninussloijbrs are in the grbsri in foVdrdrGovcrnniont and'Septbmbrlsiad. I - -• • - - ' •' > , ' „ ; , : „ ! , ; . . , •'"'Tho treasurer of tlio licad^coipoifatiari fcliddP , of Bremon.^vlid held 1 largb"Bitms;;of rnoheyiinTitrwf ler "< that establishment, as Avell f -"-- -"""•'—"*--'-'- • - - licon'nnestcd; charged AVlth • 000 tliBlers.'i'-The janost t * .•Hjdlidtiy;,Wjp. Brpwn^ueo. Kead/Johri "Jackson, ' f r ^ t ' t e , { ? h ' d ^ f a ? i ? i n 0 p f e fully ^ntitleiir' &w^Amkm^- •« ^ ^ i b p ^ t t V ^ ' e ^ l c v t t n ^ ^Oii'Mondftyf!.tO ftrpoi^)atipni^va8.i«suo4/hf ri.oyC ^ohnslonr.oncripgin^QAvardJif Jl^.i^.tljelarrc^t;^ of the. guilty partiejs>p,-gTlip .>iRro^n^onjVustrongiy' cxprM8ivp.oLthft^.»er6etuLch8iaele"r of the Exccu.. ^tive. i;u%^£!W;:.<i:v,i.s:,tfi ji» ^ J I T ' I _ ? ' ' , ' ; • i:,:.iioy.'J.p.a^!}TQ^Jln8trepJ^od;jn.ih^ :j|ent;lelter, tij-n.,rncin.ojinl,uddrcs^pd!t^^^^ a ijuin thai 5 0t „ SJ5T1 ' e » '•• "x f<-i,nolyd9Ubirul in itself, and h o s U U l T I o l h o ^ i K wlthK " " " riuicu c. rhe yvhers, tho organ of M delMontft. lombort and thc 'clergy, also, oppose ttoPr^co do ^Sht vllloj.nnd foretells that the result must bo « i h i ' n w „ ment/ mid ;probably tho. rum, of ™W^^OTeahVfhmilv ^ ^ d i a s ^ a o n g V s o H e ^ ^ It must be.admitted that "the Prince! dn 'Tnfiitni/. 1!, i1A cldedlythe^mostrormidablooppo,"^ .leonhnsycthiidto contend wUhV^Tho,friends' oWlfo" President nro lully alive to the dinger, and ard UBlne dv cry eflort to meet It. None of Lpuls Napoleon^frmnds seem to think that thc Prince dcNminvfile will have a ti majority of votes at tho election, bin they know Hint all tho votes given to tho Prince do f Joitjvjllo will bo ta- ken from Louis Na, ..con, so that tlic final- choice or a A'-.O i«..-.-j w ' = — i J A V A l W A ' < " , / " *-"»f..jf • A'uri/^9.—TI101 S&let'v of'csivslty.i'BndiJ'artillory.. liorsos has suddenly•hMn.stonpod, p t h new,[niij;ch"a8es. aroto ho of thd Mlhistor prl(ar. ^vo ttro* toH that'tho late movementw trdops wtts In consequence -;: otuomo posslblo evontuality-in JFraneofi flat the Munich correspondent of a Brussdisrpaperrwhoth Bprtorantly AVOR Informed? sayimhe military movements aro iiotUlng f mort^thon-the, ordinary* «9rri8on;cli8nge8,yeoiisc(iiient upontljc1 mnridJiivrcs Avlilclt take plafce; in t the Biiturnn of ovoryjyetir.'- " " "W To , . „ . v.u„ ,: -FRANKFORT,,-: ; j ••: /nioiiFronkfoi^Diot has taken vile., first rcBoKiV tlon, «ay« The A w1>W U, (?a^<<erln,conim«ciul;nnTiir8.' It has.adopted an llip.bNs pr .dcliboraUo[l^ rnatT;j lord, tluo resdldltdn's of thb'Drdsddn Colliorfeilccs. ^Tho Augsufag'Q't&tltPmy? that 'the Diet lias again called' special Wpnbgcthor, to glvo it-.speo|alvlilformatlon on thpiSubjfccUv.':;,,,.,,.,'..i„ ... ,.,,.,, ,: : „..;,,'.-.: : ^hd^Anie Jdurpnl nfllrin«thatiho I?ifi,l have como to -the ibrmrtl rcsdltiHoii, that It has authority to establish a-' :commbn'Srltfliljno; on whichlo;adt ir;n!gulaliuglhoconT *titut|onsoftlip;divcrB,jtatc8f^l>-r;;,; ;r// ;.:i ' , I PRUSSIA^ ':.': ThoprtAvlncial diets arb; That of BroiVdenlmrg and Lusatin met on the 31st ult,, sixty inoinbc*s being present, under the presidency of M. .thc,sihjecjtt !^hioh.#dfaotorizos; coniincnd.;i^..,tpHtl}'o: cnntU^ reador:, .,..,. Let(er,from Gw. Mfutoh. > . j ]!. ' . . "'t '-/ 'Pi«aiiKi:pn, ,sciit, ;W;i85i.-!,; ' Messrs'., Joltii' fiadmUqderp'Ar'Ji Romnjwf, "sJas. Pagtiani others,;:.;;.^ ^[- *•*,:• J-v-,-^ -i '.•••••-• .,,.OENTf.EMK>t j.Ypiir letter,'. Avithoul dato, was this. arte'rribdn'put.liito:niy:liahds'hy ohdXorthe sclrhnts of the hotel., Thoanxloty whichyojj tho iavrsof. the;landKond-tho-pibIIc'-peace, is fjUy;.npr: ; prcoiated)-c'Blid:-l)liavfo grpatpldasuro.. in. informing you 1 that more than tvpi)ty-fo.ur hours beforo.the rccelptoryour, '.lcttor the nartlcs,Implicated had beon,.thro«gh; theyigij •lance and dcolslon pf.JllOilobtiljautlioriticg, arfsstdd, and ,aro n'o.y In, prison, awaiting an InnTilry into tlieir inr •putcd guilt. . Too; District Attorney, and Sheriff 91 Lan-: caster Coutity, actlili In concert Ayllh tli^Attoritpy Gen- eral -'oft tllovStnte.-^OHorvo<especial' thanks for their prompt.amfeiuprgeiip cornet;.,,Tin? was all donp f1 "-> on Saturday mdriife' ami, duly {•eported to 'lpe by<ho 16cnl itjflltci'814 •»*••*:i - ''•'•'' Mi : %1 '' •!•*'-'•'> • - v x -••-.. ••:^Tliotcstlinonytakpn ,by.Jho••Vnlt.«;.Stntw^m^ Rloncr Avho arrived at a later period on tho groniidi B a S e d c S r ^ o W 'dilernbdnTcoonrtn's mokn- the -boliof.thatm ^W^L* vthorlUqt had.vJndletited.ahailaAY, «nd,t9 a.large wtent rrcstedthe pcrfielratorsortlie crimes. , * s • ' The cruel murder of a eltton of a n c m f ™ * *™fc iccpmpanled liy'n^oss.outnrge o n ± m « w ., FiRKiN-SPBiNO-sTnEKT.-—Atlialf-past l2^'o'- clock yesterday.aftcrnopn, a fire Avas. discovered in'thd Cabinet shop of Mr'. George, Boyd/ at No. 151 Spring-, street, which originated from a quaiillty of sparks that, were blown fVom'oS^djornin'g.btacTcsmith's shop. The firemen'Were'prorriptly ont.thb-ground' anil the Iflre was speedily, extingnishcd,.beforc dny; material damage •Avissustained. . , ; •• •• •;.'. •'.,::•. •; ; .5tc^.bvEBa By. Ax ICK CxnT.~Y6pt%t^' after- nopn, about .3, o',cioc|.-,'a . young 'moti by "the'name of 'George FuUeAvas thrown from ah ice'cari.'iri^Spring- st.,'the wheels bfAvhicli!'passed1 brer hisfbodyand «s- vcrcly'irijurcd him.'-r Capt;; Turnbull;r oF; thc: 8tii patrpl district, had the injured man conveyed lo. tlie-N. Y. ljos- ;pil'aI,f Avherehereceh^jdmedical aldy,...; •:.-••-• -, •! 'DISTURBANCE BETWEEN ;]Riy*AL-.Bi.ACKSMiTHs; ~Fpr4omo Aveekspast.; a feelin6:0fjoalousy.has existed. ;between!a!-;number^fiAyorkmen, employedjn.tlje spiitU, "r,slipjr,o^Te^sjs,,MajS^jl^T<fwn yB^diqtlipr^UT . t h p e ^ l o ^ Avhbm:the1t»rmtrpa'rtica':c in thc *igUt~tim««i|, o^;nt(LgOOA-Eurposp,;t.qVTucsday. 'jighjCseyeTa^- of these ri:?l,mechaniC3kmet. at- the Corner !ir7lh?avT,iand1a2^8;t?.'Wd'a^ .•no^oiiblyqnilriaV "fuf -(fQlftfllci/- had -riot' a.<pbSspof,'l!a*eJllItI^ward Police'. ''fincWd tlie¥c'cno!ofdisturbance; fri'fi^W.m'lrrale!8 pfter: , thd'gatfgsihad' dssdniblcd." Thrcc-o^thp^wprtsfnen^em-, ployed by Messrs. ,M. <fc.T.)|namca' John Grocp,,Boniard Paly, and John Davie, madejcomplaint? againsttsevdn br their opponents^ by the! names of! Bernard. Matthews;: Hcnry'Mol'lo'y, ^lartin; Kehb'e, Patridk MeCdurt:, John Mdth'ews.'llugli Matthews, and Dennis Brddcrfck, all or AvhOm were immediately -arrcsted.convcyed.bcfore Jus- ''tlcdTllnkely-and committed to'prison upon charges of ' aBSanlfs with Intent to kill. The'latlcr prisoner Avas arm*.; ed with two lame knives, andr.a doadly.Avcappn, known as n " sIung-Blin',"*and-he-Ayos-acconlingly conunitto., fi>r.Mftlony;!'::> }.-;>'>• v^ iS: i<;'•'-.". 1, , . ;, ojrAN.PoisoxED.—Qproner.Ocer wau callcJ yesterday to hold an inquest"dri' tho body of a married Avomnnby the noiiwof Mrs, Eliza. Kiicclit, lying dead at her late residence, Np.-204 Seventh-street. A'jury wos was'empannelcd, and iho first witness Wdrii' wus. Sfr. Leonard Smith, a resident of'tlio same, house, AVhode-, posed that deceased had been married about nine months,; . nnd that tho husband only lived -with* her the' fir<st four Ayeeks after they vvej-e united, since .which1time<ne had been absent until Sunday afternoon last, at 4 o'clock, when he called upon his wife and rem&iued Jsvfth her during the- nlgjit; lio<then states that Bho-Avas.seized vvith violcnt.piiins and crampsdt 11 o'clock that (Sun- day) night, mid wasTn great'distress; hii-'husbaG-l re- •imalned with her till Tuesday morning ami then left, at Avliich lime she wan apparciitly beyond 'all hopes of ve- coA'ery, and continued to labor under severe convulsion*. Dr. Riippenrcclri, residing at No. 21 AveniicU..AVdsnext called, aud* deposed, in substcne?, as follows;' 1 was .coiled, on Tuesday.morniiifvto visit deceased,, and WM •liifernjedtliatjBlicAvauon the eve or ceiifintment; but upoh cxr.mjr.atior., foiiud that no svmptom%^i.that na- ' tureejhibitcd.themselves, but ilUicoveredTtljat siie •was laboring under severe a:;d rcpsatra-tdnVulslons,' •RKd"dll efforts to sure her lifo proved t,( no avail,, and she'"di$d at 5J; o'clock on Tuesday 'evoulnjr. I" then made a post-mortem examination rind found the stomach in a; high state oi'.imiammation, and-ai: her internal organs exhibiting signs of poison. Tim medi- cnl gc-ntlcman then closed'hU testimony, by f.;ivi;-r, that it whahis opinion, that icri^A c-.-.^v:-. !Q n* «.-•;• :I bytukinp some corrosive pii<;oii in a iiuUat-Ji-.-..ii:i ' (here being no1 , further cvidenc? ndducS!, ibsjuvy ^h- drrcd a verdict, " That tho deccatwd carru to iitr ihr:.;i by; the ndminifliration of somo carroMve poi.vjn jriv:-n to her byrson.c jicrsoii, to tlibi jury un!:novii."-.The :'»- ceaaed was a native of.Geim-tiiy/urenty-riiac-<P-,-; s.f age, and had she livcd^'a month l.---:;r, 5,115 v.wi',1 i-v/.; undonbterily been tee rhothrr ol' a-i ofAprhi". 'A- '1-13 case: now s'.anus, a strong suspicion ro/i.v.ip'.m iiir; ,;-. -••- . bi/rd of d.'-ecaKc-il, ,'UiiI we,iji'.-V-..'^iiiy t!si-;:i-.-.- •• _1 '• rrusc n diligent- ro'-nvlt to, be irin-.'.; lor'^lm ,</ rm'.- ::-;.;-,• person who may 1)0 Huspectcdot' bcing.ia aav way .;;:i- ncctcil with the horribl.;:ifl'ii.-. ', ,' ' . :'A(JPJPI;:<T..TO A.v Oi:xiijr;to-Dnivr,r..-r-Ye'-;tor- (ioy mornlrjg thc di-iyorof ;t Ei-oad'.v.iy omnib!--:, narii-jil .Tclm Asiihuiy, wnr; w.veroly injrj-i'd by fill in r» from tha (op of his vcliicle and sjriiiing his nead upon-a L.:.-";I-, cu'J.iins a d-uifrcvquji fi-iiurc of theak-.:'.! -i.s.1 ou:- r-r serious injuries to njf/'llmb.-'. : Jfe win conv;_,,-l to ibe N. 1'. lloiphil,!^- a;cii.i'/"j, and placed u.ra,.-i 1 a care of a skiilt'u! surgeon,. ' r . ,;A. SAD AND FATAL. ACCIDEXT.—About c? o'ejock yesterday niorninir, a'biick layer named Patricx nalligan, residing at No. 27 West ITflr-st;, met with a -End and lata! accident, while at Avork.'..Upo.:i the fourth '.etdrv pfa new brick building, in'tlio course of ''bveciuni in I-lth-iit, near tha 6th-av.; It appcara .tliat tfta.icifortu- r.:itc Ti1.1u-.wa3 engaged in placing a rovf.Qf.bricks dn th>? outside Avail, ,-in'd'Iii'cbnscqaeiicc of:mt^img hvi, he AVOS precipitated to the ground nndjastanyykillr-.l.— ..-IlisrllPtly wasrcmovcd,totjio. residenb?'qflii^,jii., ri;;y to nwnit a coroner's inquest:'•'• -' '.-' -.; -'-' ;'V: ''.AK'B'EET.OK" AX,ESCAPED"^-i'JiA tho SS;h or-Jtily lost, "a man by the name ofWiiJiplnf Clar't made his' escape' from a,'cell in tlio Clty.Phsojtoppere i.c was confined, npoh a charfio of'Orand Larc!r$f/'.ri «-cil- iiip a gold Watch nitd several chains fronia!e!#elry »;o:e nt No. 4 Maidcn-lnnc, for.AvUii-hlu; was nukKgifiontiy in- dicted, Nothing was heard of t'.m dccrcica irfial»ye>-ier- day, when a tclcgraphle dispatch was recelye^^ni the Chief, of Folico. at NcAVrprleuns, La„ hy. JJK.^William Edmonds, the efficient Keepdrf-ef the' Prisc^if eenter- st.jAvhich conveyed-.tho ihtelJJrtertce-^of^IarirB^estin that" City.' Mr. Edmonds immediately telegraphad tj» ^e "~ 'ednsj'rdn'uEstirigthem ttf'dMaiffijauthorities of New-Orlednsf'req'u5stirigthem trf.'i ,'OIarkinenstody,untilsugh ttmea??!reqnsition coiS.,,^ be; obtained trom Governor Jlirntand forwarded to them' hy%ho of our Policc'ofticors; wb'd•will'-briftsflHiniiack io,_"; tliis c i t y . , , , •• •• .. ,,'.-,< ,.- '; ..•.•;,,..•.,1 ;• ' : X - " • • ' ' ' - — - * * — - ' ' - • - - - . . -' • •CVIT CpOET—jNoSi.2/18 io,36; ,-CIRCUIT, COUBT-TNOS.-: 077, 576,"583 to "5e6,"588 to 591, 350V-103,1 2Q0,'592.^ O O M ^ / . MON PLEAS—Nos.'281, MO, 583, " " ' ' . OQlj C03, 605, e;i,(03(>, 640., - . ''BROOKLYNv -•: ,5S2,:5?6-,: 594, 59S),^- •i.i"'.;? LT'JI - '"• *"- 'rivtd'fVom'Charicstphr B E R B V , ar- mprning.' Slic liasex- ''MrfawwhiSa^y'' hofthca'sterl'y gales during the'; passage, 'Wd^nBiuned all her fuel Avhcn thirteen days fircirh the DclaSvare BreakAvater, at Avhich place she was obliged to put fn for a supply. Tlio 3/ar/biibrmgs$30,000inspeclc.; NiThc Alabama, Capt.'LuDtd,vvvf>Prri.^avannah, hrriyed- ; on Tneflday evening.-:: ,.;:i;;r ; '^!;, : -^fe^i,,., '• . ', - The lYin.^«W Scott, Capi,,CpuiLf,Ap,;s^iIcd for New' prieansat 3 o'clock,yestfr'day "aftcfiioon,! ! ' " • ' " ! ' ' . ' ' • • ' " ' . . ' - . ' - ' " ' i ' * . " • ' " ".-'.':• • ' ' • ' • ' • • ' ; " « ; . "Ttiv.y'CoME!"-^-Si^^vessels'afrivipd' at>this. port on Tuesday-;, jbrliiglng' an addition of 1,300 to our, population.* i/,!.";.!;,..". ,..., ^'..-.. _,,., SliipRajah', frdniL'lvcrpddi';...'';,;.'....• ' Ship DuclidsHO d^Orldans, from Ilavre^. .Ship riiiladejnbioV fro(fl Lirerpool.-,-.:». Bnik.JasdiT, frbm Bremen<;. .*,./,'!,;...".. 'Bark Seotlhhd, fforrrNewpdrtj-Wnles.-. 'BrigLuleaj.ftTJirn, Gottenburg ,, ..,.,-,. Ttia:M2j nual] Dnryea, ....... . _ • m 'Abel Smith, and"'rourteenth Mglmeri'tj'.Col.'iPhilin, Crook,'locjntji IhiKinga Cppht^f^akc;pla«,^/!jK.^ ,lynmvMdnday> t tliet ?Oth,iMV*^%r^iperyp^^r/ ! will.parade' bh'llie'east.sidc ot.Wtiy-sh rif)ilwi Pine- iipi)ic-Bt!f the infantry of the ISth'r^g^enffoliPrangc- 8t-.-,-right oh nicks-Sf.i-the in'fantrj-btthemUmiment An Cranhcrrytst,i; right-on Hi.cks-sti- ,,^e;regIm^ntsAviIl l»a(bTinfed-.at8jk"o, c,rpcklA;jMwfredsel^ .wili'bev atr'i'ctly're3tiiri;di- so that tWmarch maybe taken • %p at t'im iioiirdf0 o'clock/Ai-M/,prccrseJy'Mcrjor Gen- eral lAarbhiwirS'mtoaffmx. bo ^rea^riP at this.Par- ' 5iic,' Thc-'lignt artfjlery.fityiifa&&f$<%$$!& Oiaey, .(BrooJ^trCJfjf.e^aid^ Gr^rr)'!((jlfmigpI4JIo^e Ghard.) aji'd Taf^ (WIlMamsb'urg Arfillerj-^will'.parade vrittt- ' (IicirBaiteVibs;" Cap.K- Neclys^liragoohP'^Vfiihington ITofso Guafdl'Avin'dct-'iw 'a"h bgfocpty[ tlfeBrigadicr Gen- •eral.v.Tho bomponios of Capt; John W^lljWjWd Hcnry WillssAvill dodtfty as/j/fWJnfiui^iiuJlp^T^fles. In addition to/he cdmparijcs/abdxe^rjamed, Jhfere arc at- ta'che'd id this brf^ade'tn^PierVfon: £I^Gu1^;tlapt. R. B. Clark j'Puinam'; Cimtlherital8,, -'Capt^ J,'®;iMorgan; Washington Liic'; Guard;'; Capt,:Sha^r^i?:JstrjQpntincB.- .tals, Capt,,B. F.jJlaaglnnd; 1st,SaralJeld^Guard, Capt. —r—-iSdSarsficid^G.uard, Capt! -^ :'•'•-;'-ynlqn Blueif, Capt. BuiTiett'f'National Guard, Capt; Sprague^ Frank- lin GuaTd,' Copt.' Bal'dwin ;• Steuben;Gn6rd,'Capf. Schaf- ferVEmmet CuaTd,fCajW:D^gp;?^hieldAj&naJ-d, Capt. ~ - - - - - - seme 27 370 rm 184 c-lt ;8? *&•' ..u K i accompanieu ny a Bi«-»n "'""^ci^nrncessMiasbeen . ^ S ^ ' P M 1 ? ! ^ . ! ^ ' " ^ ™ ^ United states, l.i'tho ^ ' ^ " S t r e d t C S W n " . M the ed from this port, fdfLpndon, yesterday, •• She !took,!but S S ^ n r V a s c c r a ^ ^ '.., ^ ._ ... w an- ticipated fiiaj 'fijis jVtl^liBltlie'flmsf'pluitiS^i^er wit- nessed hi Brooklyn/and preparations ai-e. moJiillg to give .much eclat tp>;thb occasion. - .TJJis.ought .'to bi^the best disciplined bngade,iji the State.,'' yh-.„:. - -.-?,•»-, ': ' PnKPAhlNtlPORMuSTBB—OFFICB(p'», jDBir.I.S.— •OnrgallantariillMamen arb: brushingiUp:righfeKinartly for training.,; We see,that^prdors |iay.e becu^'sucd to ,Jhe, ofHcprs andnon-commissipned.qfrjIcerS/Of thc 5th. ijBrigbde Zb assenibld lii.'^kfguo'd^S/wliifo trowstrs,;-;i ' armed andequippdd^ thb'Ciiy Armory, iiiVilcni7>stroet48ri>'ydsferday, tho '17th inst., and Wednesday; tho 24tU;ii^t;Y:;at;0 o'clock, A. M., on foot. ...tjen- •Durj-eo,;tIi.c vyoftrijr .District At- torney or Kings cotuity, Brignde; J ".'V'^'"''. "'__ , Lokb: . ISLAND ' VEOKTAiiLE's,—-The! State of "Ldng'lsimid id sdnie'oit tomafoM.'"'We were shown the pother day,' a tomoto raised by4itr-;;Frederlek -Rmvlahd of Hempstead, one of those vegetables w l ^ h measured 2Ji iinched! arpuhdlt) 'apd • weighed 2.po!u^d^.3i-^b!unc!es. :Sviibcanbcatit 1 "''•.'.•"•'•!?•.£' -'.•-•' : ':-'^}K^',. :--'''"-e; if/the" commBuiidi;' or tM