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Effective Groovy
     Hamlet D'Arcy
     Canoo Engineering AG

        Effective Java Reconsidered
        Effective Groovy
Groovy & Grails
Rich Business Applications

   Groovy, CodeNarc, JConch Committer
   GPars, Griffon, Gradle, etc. Contributor
   GroovyMag, NFJS magazine author
   JetBrains Academy Member
Effective Groovy
Effective Groovy
Effective Java #2

                Consider a builder when faced with
                   many constructor parameters
Person p = new Person(1, "David", "Villa");
Person p = new Person(1, "David", "Villa");

     Person p = new PersonBuilder().
public class PersonBuilder {
         private String firstName
         private String lastName
         private Integer id

            public PersonBuilder withID(int id) {
       = id; return this;

            public PersonBuilder withFirstName(String firstName) {
                this.firstName = firstName; return this;

            public PersonBuilder withLastName(String lastName) {
                this.lastName = lastName; return this;

            public Person build() {
                return new Person(id, firstName, lastName);
def p = new Person(
               id: 1,
               firstName: 'David',
               lastName: 'Villa'
def p = new Person().with {
         id = 1
         firstName = 'David'
         lastName = 'Villa'
Effective Java #3

                Enforce the singleton property
                  with a private constructor
        class Zeus {
Effective Java #5

                Avoid creating unnecessary objects
assert 12345G    instanceof BigInteger
assert 123.45G   instanceof BigDecimal
assert 12345G     instanceof BigInteger
assert 123.45G    instanceof BigDecimal

assert     []                 instanceof   ArrayList
assert     [:]                instanceof   LinkedHashMap
assert     ([] as Set)        instanceof   HashSet
assert     ([] as Stack)      instanceof   Stack
assert 12345G     instanceof BigInteger
assert 123.45G    instanceof BigDecimal

assert     []                 instanceof   ArrayList
assert     [:]                instanceof   LinkedHashMap
assert     ([] as Set)        instanceof   HashSet
assert     ([] as Stack)      instanceof   Stack

CaseInsensitiveList list = [] as CaseInsensitiveList
assert list instanceof CaseInsensitiveList
Effective Java #7

                Avoid Finalizers
Effective Java #7

                Avoid Finalizers
Effective Java #8

                Obey the general contract
                when overriding equals
        class Person {
            String firstName
            String lastName
            int id
Effective Java #9

                Always override hashCode
                when your override equals
Effective Java #9

                Always override hashCode
                when your override equals
Effective Java #10

                Always override toString
        class Person {
            String firstName
            String lastName
            int id
Effective Java #12

                Consider implementing Comparable
def p1 = new Person(
     id: 1, firstName: 'Hamlet', lastName: "D'Arcy"

def p2 = new Person(
     id: 2, firstName: 'Bro', lastName: "D'Arcy"

assert p1 > p2
assert p2 < p1
assert (p1 <=> p2) == 1
Effective Java #15

                Minimize Mutability
        class Person {
            String firstName
            String lastName
            int id
Effective Java #16

                Favor composition over inheritance
class NoisySet extends HashSet {
            boolean add(i) {
                println "adding $i"

                boolean addAll(Collection i) {
                    for(def x : i) { println "adding $x" }
class NoisySet implements Set {
            Set delegate = new HashSet()

                boolean add(i) {
                    println "adding $i"

                boolean addAll(Collection i) {
                    for(def x : i) { println "adding $x" }
Effective Java #19

                Use interfaces only to define types
Effective Java #19

                Use interfaces only to define types
Effective Java #41

                Use Overloading Judiciously
def function(Collection c) {
            println 'received collection'

        def function(ArrayList a) {
            println 'received arraylist'

        function((Collection) [])
Effective Java Groovy #41

          Prefer default parameters to overloading
@Log class Calculator {
            def log(method, parm1, parm2) {
                    "Method Called: $method" +
                    (parm1 ? ", p1: $parm1" : '') +
                    (parm2 ? ", p2: $parm2" : '')
            def log(methodName, parm1) {
                log(methodName, parm1, null)
            def log(methodName) {
                log(methodName, null, null)

                def add(x, y) {
                    log('add', x, y); x+y
                def increment(x) {
                    log('increment', x); x++
@Log class Calculator {
            def log(method, parm1 = null, parm2 = null) {
                    "Method Called: $method" +
                    (parm1 ? ", p1: $parm1" : '') +
                    (parm2 ? ", p2: $parm2" : '')
            def add(x, y) {
                log('add', x, y); x+y
            def increment(x) {
                log('increment', x); x++
Effective Java #43

                Return empty arrays or collections,
                             not nulls
Effective Java #43

                Return empty arrays or collections,
                             not nulls
Effective Java #54

                Use native methods judiciously
Effective Java #54

                Use native methods judiciously
Effective Java #56

                Adhere to generally accepted
                    naming conventions
Effective Java #56

                Adhere to generally accepted
                    naming conventions
Effective Java #57 – #61

    Use exceptions only for exceptional conditions

    Avoid unnecessary use of checked exceptions

    Use checked exceptions for recoverable conditions

Effective Java #57 – #61

    Use exceptions only for exceptional conditions

    Avoid unnecessary use of checked exceptions

    Use checked exceptions for recoverable conditions

    … and more
Effective Java #65

                Don't ignore exceptions
Effective Java #65

                Don't ignore exceptions
def b
        new SwingBuilder().frame(
                size: [300, 300],
                show: true,
                defaultCloseOperation: EXIT_ON_CLOSE) {

                    b = button(text: 'Click Me')

                [ mouseClicked: { println 'clicked!' }
                ] as MouseListener)
Effective Groovy #7

          Implement interfaces as maps judiciously
Effective Java #47

                Know and use the libraries
Effective Groovy #2

         Know and use the Collection methods
List<Person> people = Person.findAll();

        List<Integer> ids = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        for (Person p : people) {
def people = Person.findAll()

        def ids = people.collect { }
def people = Person.findAll()

        def ids = people*.id
Effective Groovy #2a

                Use collect for List transformations
List<Person> people = Person.findAll();

        Person joe = null;
        for (Person p : people) {
                if ("Joe".equals(p.getFirstName())) {
                    joe = p;
def people = Person.findAll()

        def joe = people.find { it.firstName == 'Joe' }
List<Person> people = Person.findAll();

        List<Person> bucks = new ArrayList<Person>();
        for (Person p : people) {
                if ("Buck".equals(p.getLastName())) {
def people = Person.findAll()

        def bucks = people.findAll {
            it.lastName == 'Buck'
Effective Groovy #2b

            Use find and findAll to search lists
List<Person> people = Person.findAll()

        Map<String, List<Person>> frequencies =
                           new HashMap<String, List<Person>>()

        for (Person p : people) {
            if (frequencies.containsKey(p.getLastName())) {
            } else {
                frequencies.put(p.getLastName(), [p])
def people = Person.findAll()

        def frequencies = people.inject([:]) { acc, p ->
            acc[p.lastName] ?
                    acc[p.lastName].add(p) :
                    (acc[p.lastName] = [p])
Effective Groovy #2c

                Use inject to accumulate data
                 (when collect isn't enough)
def people = Person.findAll()

        def families = people.unique() { it.lastName }
Effective Groovy #2d

                Use unique to filter results
@Field Map cache = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>()

        int fib(int seed) {
            if (seed == 0) return seed
            if (seed == 1) return seed
            int minus2 = cache.get(seed - 2) ?: fib(seed – 2)
            int minus1 = cache.get(seed - 1) ?: fib(seed – 1)
            cache.put(seed-2, minus2)
            cache.put(seed-1, minus1)
            minus2 + minus1
def fib
        fib = { seed   ->
            if (seed   == 0) return seed
            if (seed   == 1) return seed
            fib(seed   - 2) + fib(seed – 1)
Effective Groovy #2d

                 Use memoize to cache
                idempotent method results
def fact
        fact = {int n, BigInteger acc ->
            n > 1 ?
                 fact.trampoline(n - 1, n * acc) :
Effective Groovy #2e

          Use trampoline for recursive functions
Effective Groovy #2f

         Use join for converting Lists to Strings
def people = Person.findAll()

        assert people.any { it.firstName == 'Joe' }
def people = Person.findAll()

        def b = people.every { it.firstName == 'Joe' }

        assert !b
Effective Groovy #2g

                Use any and every for logical
                    operations on Lists
def people = Person.findAll()

        for (Person p : people) {
            println p.firstName
Effective Groovy #2h

    Prefer Java for-each to Collections.each
Effective Groovy #3

                Know and use the File methods
FileReader reader = new FileReader("./01.groovy");
        BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(reader);
        String str;
        while ((str = input.readLine()) != null) {
        try {input.close();} catch (IOException ex) {}
def file = new File('./01.groovy')
        println file.text
def file = new File('./02.groovy')
        file.eachLine { println it }
def file = new File('./03.groovy')
        file.text = file.text + 'n // hello! '
def file = new File('./04.groovy')
        file.append 'n // better hello! '
Effective Java #66 – #74

class MyDataStore {
            private final map = [:]

                def add(key, value) {
                    map.put(key, value)

                def getAt(key) {
class MyDataStore {
            private final map = [:]

                def synchronized add(key, value) {
                    map.put(key, value)

                def synchronized getAt(key) {
class MyDataStore {

                private final map = [:]
                private final lock = new Object()

                def add(key, value) {
                    synchronized(lock) {
                        map.put(key, value)

                def getAt(key) {
                    synchronized(lock) {
class MyDataStore {
            private final map = [:]

                def add(key, value) {
                    map.put(key, value)

                def getAt(key) {
Effective Groovy #4a

                Prefer Declarative Synchronization
class MyDataStore {
            private final map = [:]
            private final lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock()

                def add(key, value) {
                    try {
                        map.put(key, value)
                    } finally {

                def getAt(key) {
                    try {
                    } finally {
class MyDataStore {
            private final map = [:]
            private final lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock()

                def add(key, value) {
                    withWriteLock(lock) {
                        map.put(key, value)
                def getAt(key) {
                    withReadLock(lock) { map[key] }
                private static withWriteLock(def lock, Closure f) {
                    try { f() }
                    finally { lock.writeLock().unlock() }
                private static withReadLock(def lock, Closure f) {
                    try { f() }
                    finally { lock.readLock().unlock() }
Effective Groovy #8

                Prefer ARM blocks to try-finally
class MyDataStore {
            private final map = [:]

                def add(key, value) {
                    map.put(key, value)

                def getAt(key) {
Effective Groovy #4b

                Prefer Declarative Locking
def count
        def t = Thread.start {
                count = Person.findAll()?.size()

        println count
def exe = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor()

        def future = exe.submit({
        } as Callable)

        println future.get()

Effective Java #69

                Prefer Concurrency Utilities
Effective Java #68

                Prefer executors and tasks to threads
@Grab(  group = 'org.codehaus.gpars',
          module = 'gpars',
          version = '0.11')
  import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.DataFlow.task
  import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.DataFlowVariable

  final count = new DataFlowVariable()

  task {
      count << Person.findAll().size()

  println count.val
task {
            total << personCount.val + personCount.val

        task {
            personCount << Person.findAll().size()

        task {
            addressCount << Address.findAll().size()

        println "Total: $total.val"
Effective Groovy #5

                Prefer Declarative Coordination
Effective Groovy #5½

                Learn to Use @Grab
More Effective Java
    #21: Use function objects to represent strategies
    #36: Consistently use @Override
    #71: Use Lazy Initialization judiciously – See Groovy's @Lazy
    #47: Know & use the libraries – Read the GDK Docs and Release Notes
    #63: Include Failure-capture information in detailed messages
    #11: Override Clone Judiciously – See @AutoClone, @Canonical
More Effective Groovy
    #9: Learn to Write a Builder
    #10: XMLSlurper/Parser - Do not mix with business logic/layers/etc
    #11: Effective Java #21: Use Function Objects to represent strategies
    #12: Threading: Avoid Busy Wait
    #13: Threading: Avoid Double Checked Locking
    #14: Threading: Avoid Inconsistent Property Locking
    #15: Threading: Avoid Inconsistent Property Synchronization
    #16: Threading: Avoid Synchronizing On Boxed Primitive
    #17: Know and use Elvis operator ?:
    #18: Excessively use the null-safe dereference operator
    #19: Understand Operator Overloading
More Effective Groovy (with static analysis)

                Groovy, Grails, Griffon, and Agile Consulting

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Effective Groovy: Consider a Builder

  • 1. Effective Groovy Hamlet D'Arcy Canoo Engineering AG @HamletDRC
  • 2. Agenda Effective Java Reconsidered Effective Groovy
  • 3. Groovy & Grails Java Rich Business Applications Usability Refactoring
  • 4. @HamletDRC Groovy, CodeNarc, JConch Committer GPars, Griffon, Gradle, etc. Contributor GroovyMag, NFJS magazine author JetBrains Academy Member
  • 7. Effective Java #2 Consider a builder when faced with many constructor parameters
  • 8. Person p = new Person(1, "David", "Villa");
  • 9. Person p = new Person(1, "David", "Villa"); Person p = new PersonBuilder(). withID(1). withFirstName("David"). withLastName("Villa"). build();
  • 10. public class PersonBuilder { private String firstName private String lastName private Integer id public PersonBuilder withID(int id) { = id; return this; } public PersonBuilder withFirstName(String firstName) { this.firstName = firstName; return this; } public PersonBuilder withLastName(String lastName) { this.lastName = lastName; return this; } public Person build() { return new Person(id, firstName, lastName); } }
  • 11. def p = new Person( id: 1, firstName: 'David', lastName: 'Villa' )
  • 12. def p = new Person().with { id = 1 firstName = 'David' lastName = 'Villa' delegate }
  • 13. Effective Java #3 Enforce the singleton property with a private constructor
  • 14. @Singleton class Zeus { }
  • 15. Effective Java #5 Avoid creating unnecessary objects
  • 16. assert 12345G instanceof BigInteger assert 123.45G instanceof BigDecimal
  • 17. assert 12345G instanceof BigInteger assert 123.45G instanceof BigDecimal assert [] instanceof ArrayList assert [:] instanceof LinkedHashMap assert ([] as Set) instanceof HashSet assert ([] as Stack) instanceof Stack
  • 18. assert 12345G instanceof BigInteger assert 123.45G instanceof BigDecimal assert [] instanceof ArrayList assert [:] instanceof LinkedHashMap assert ([] as Set) instanceof HashSet assert ([] as Stack) instanceof Stack CaseInsensitiveList list = [] as CaseInsensitiveList assert list instanceof CaseInsensitiveList
  • 19. Effective Java #7 Avoid Finalizers
  • 20. Effective Java #7 Avoid Finalizers
  • 21. Effective Java #8 Obey the general contract when overriding equals
  • 22. @EqualsAndHashCode class Person { String firstName String lastName int id }
  • 23. Effective Java #9 Always override hashCode when your override equals
  • 24. Effective Java #9 Always override hashCode when your override equals
  • 25. Effective Java #10 Always override toString
  • 26. @ToString class Person { String firstName String lastName int id }
  • 27. Effective Java #12 Consider implementing Comparable
  • 28. def p1 = new Person( id: 1, firstName: 'Hamlet', lastName: "D'Arcy" ) def p2 = new Person( id: 2, firstName: 'Bro', lastName: "D'Arcy" ) assert p1 > p2 assert p2 < p1 assert (p1 <=> p2) == 1
  • 29. Effective Java #15 Minimize Mutability
  • 30. @Immutable class Person { String firstName String lastName int id }
  • 31. Effective Java #16 Favor composition over inheritance
  • 32. class NoisySet extends HashSet { @Override boolean add(i) { println "adding $i" super.add(i) } @Override boolean addAll(Collection i) { for(def x : i) { println "adding $x" } super.addAll(i) } }
  • 33. class NoisySet implements Set { @Delegate Set delegate = new HashSet() @Override boolean add(i) { println "adding $i" delegate.add(i) } @Override boolean addAll(Collection i) { for(def x : i) { println "adding $x" } delegate.addAll(i) } }
  • 34. Effective Java #19 Use interfaces only to define types
  • 35. Effective Java #19 Use interfaces only to define types
  • 36. Effective Java #41 Use Overloading Judiciously
  • 37. def function(Collection c) { println 'received collection' } def function(ArrayList a) { println 'received arraylist' } function((Collection) [])
  • 38. Effective Java Groovy #41 Prefer default parameters to overloading
  • 39. @Log class Calculator { def log(method, parm1, parm2) { "Method Called: $method" + (parm1 ? ", p1: $parm1" : '') + (parm2 ? ", p2: $parm2" : '') ) } def log(methodName, parm1) { log(methodName, parm1, null) } def log(methodName) { log(methodName, null, null) } def add(x, y) { log('add', x, y); x+y } def increment(x) { log('increment', x); x++ } }
  • 40. @Log class Calculator { def log(method, parm1 = null, parm2 = null) { "Method Called: $method" + (parm1 ? ", p1: $parm1" : '') + (parm2 ? ", p2: $parm2" : '') ) } def add(x, y) { log('add', x, y); x+y } def increment(x) { log('increment', x); x++ } }
  • 41. Effective Java #43 Return empty arrays or collections, not nulls
  • 42. Effective Java #43 Return empty arrays or collections, not nulls
  • 43. Effective Java #54 Use native methods judiciously
  • 44. Effective Java #54 Use native methods judiciously
  • 45. Effective Java #56 Adhere to generally accepted naming conventions
  • 46. Effective Java #56 Adhere to generally accepted naming conventions
  • 47. Effective Java #57 – #61 Use exceptions only for exceptional conditions Avoid unnecessary use of checked exceptions Use checked exceptions for recoverable conditions ...
  • 48. Effective Java #57 – #61 Use exceptions only for exceptional conditions Avoid unnecessary use of checked exceptions Use checked exceptions for recoverable conditions … and more
  • 49. Effective Java #65 Don't ignore exceptions
  • 50. Effective Java #65 Don't ignore exceptions
  • 51. def b new SwingBuilder().frame( size: [300, 300], show: true, defaultCloseOperation: EXIT_ON_CLOSE) { b = button(text: 'Click Me') } b.addMouseListener( [ mouseClicked: { println 'clicked!' } ] as MouseListener)
  • 52. Effective Groovy #7 Implement interfaces as maps judiciously
  • 53. Effective Java #47 Know and use the libraries
  • 54. Effective Groovy #2 Know and use the Collection methods
  • 55. List<Person> people = Person.findAll(); List<Integer> ids = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (Person p : people) { ids.add(p.getId()); }
  • 56. def people = Person.findAll() def ids = people.collect { }
  • 57. def people = Person.findAll() def ids = people*.id
  • 58. Effective Groovy #2a Use collect for List transformations
  • 59. List<Person> people = Person.findAll(); Person joe = null; for (Person p : people) { if ("Joe".equals(p.getFirstName())) { joe = p; break; } }
  • 60. def people = Person.findAll() def joe = people.find { it.firstName == 'Joe' }
  • 61. List<Person> people = Person.findAll(); List<Person> bucks = new ArrayList<Person>(); for (Person p : people) { if ("Buck".equals(p.getLastName())) { bucks.add(p); } }
  • 62. def people = Person.findAll() def bucks = people.findAll { it.lastName == 'Buck' }
  • 63. Effective Groovy #2b Use find and findAll to search lists
  • 64. List<Person> people = Person.findAll() Map<String, List<Person>> frequencies = new HashMap<String, List<Person>>() for (Person p : people) { if (frequencies.containsKey(p.getLastName())) { frequencies.get(p.getLastName()).add(p) } else { frequencies.put(p.getLastName(), [p]) } }
  • 65. def people = Person.findAll() def frequencies = people.inject([:]) { acc, p -> acc[p.lastName] ? acc[p.lastName].add(p) : (acc[p.lastName] = [p]) acc }
  • 66. Effective Groovy #2c Use inject to accumulate data (when collect isn't enough)
  • 67. def people = Person.findAll() def families = people.unique() { it.lastName }
  • 68. Effective Groovy #2d Use unique to filter results
  • 69. @Field Map cache = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>() int fib(int seed) { if (seed == 0) return seed if (seed == 1) return seed int minus2 = cache.get(seed - 2) ?: fib(seed – 2) int minus1 = cache.get(seed - 1) ?: fib(seed – 1) cache.put(seed-2, minus2) cache.put(seed-1, minus1) minus2 + minus1 }
  • 70. def fib fib = { seed -> if (seed == 0) return seed if (seed == 1) return seed fib(seed - 2) + fib(seed – 1) }.memoize()
  • 71. Effective Groovy #2d Use memoize to cache idempotent method results
  • 72. def fact fact = {int n, BigInteger acc -> n > 1 ? fact.trampoline(n - 1, n * acc) : acc }.trampoline()
  • 73. Effective Groovy #2e Use trampoline for recursive functions
  • 74. Effective Groovy #2f Use join for converting Lists to Strings
  • 75. def people = Person.findAll() assert people.any { it.firstName == 'Joe' }
  • 76. def people = Person.findAll() def b = people.every { it.firstName == 'Joe' } assert !b
  • 77. Effective Groovy #2g Use any and every for logical operations on Lists
  • 78. def people = Person.findAll() for (Person p : people) { println p.firstName }
  • 79. Effective Groovy #2h Prefer Java for-each to Collections.each
  • 80. Effective Groovy #3 Know and use the File methods
  • 81. FileReader reader = new FileReader("./01.groovy"); BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(reader); String str; while ((str = input.readLine()) != null) { System.out.println(str); } try {input.close();} catch (IOException ex) {}
  • 82. def file = new File('./01.groovy') println file.text
  • 83. def file = new File('./02.groovy') file.eachLine { println it }
  • 84. def file = new File('./03.groovy') file.text = file.text + 'n // hello! '
  • 85. def file = new File('./04.groovy') file.append 'n // better hello! '
  • 86. Effective Java #66 – #74 Concurrency
  • 87. class MyDataStore { private final map = [:] def add(key, value) { map.put(key, value) } def getAt(key) { map[key] } }
  • 88. class MyDataStore { private final map = [:] def synchronized add(key, value) { map.put(key, value) } def synchronized getAt(key) { map[key] } }
  • 89. class MyDataStore { private final map = [:] private final lock = new Object() def add(key, value) { synchronized(lock) { map.put(key, value) } } def getAt(key) { synchronized(lock) { map[key] } } }
  • 90. class MyDataStore { private final map = [:] @Synchronized def add(key, value) { map.put(key, value) } @Synchronized def getAt(key) { map[key] } }
  • 91. Effective Groovy #4a Prefer Declarative Synchronization
  • 92. class MyDataStore { private final map = [:] private final lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock() def add(key, value) { lock.writeLock().lock() try { map.put(key, value) } finally { lock.writeLock().unlock() } } def getAt(key) { lock.readLock().lock() try { map[key] } finally { lock.readLock().unlock() } } }
  • 93. class MyDataStore { private final map = [:] private final lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock() def add(key, value) { withWriteLock(lock) { map.put(key, value) } } def getAt(key) { withReadLock(lock) { map[key] } } private static withWriteLock(def lock, Closure f) { lock.writeLock().lock() try { f() } finally { lock.writeLock().unlock() } } private static withReadLock(def lock, Closure f) { lock.readLock().lock() try { f() } finally { lock.readLock().unlock() } } }
  • 94. Effective Groovy #8 Prefer ARM blocks to try-finally
  • 95. class MyDataStore { private final map = [:] @WithWriteLock def add(key, value) { map.put(key, value) } @WithReadLock def getAt(key) { map[key] } }
  • 96. Effective Groovy #4b Prefer Declarative Locking
  • 97. def count def t = Thread.start { count = Person.findAll()?.size() } t.join() println count
  • 98. def exe = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor() def future = exe.submit({ Person.findAll()?.size() } as Callable) println future.get() exe.shutdown()
  • 99. Effective Java #69 Prefer Concurrency Utilities
  • 100. Effective Java #68 Prefer executors and tasks to threads
  • 101. @Grab( group = 'org.codehaus.gpars', module = 'gpars', version = '0.11') import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.DataFlow.task import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.DataFlowVariable final count = new DataFlowVariable() task { count << Person.findAll().size() } println count.val
  • 102. task { total << personCount.val + personCount.val } task { personCount << Person.findAll().size() } task { addressCount << Address.findAll().size() } println "Total: $total.val"
  • 103. Effective Groovy #5 Prefer Declarative Coordination
  • 104. Effective Groovy #5½ Learn to Use @Grab
  • 105. More Effective Java #21: Use function objects to represent strategies #36: Consistently use @Override #71: Use Lazy Initialization judiciously – See Groovy's @Lazy #47: Know & use the libraries – Read the GDK Docs and Release Notes #63: Include Failure-capture information in detailed messages #11: Override Clone Judiciously – See @AutoClone, @Canonical
  • 106. More Effective Groovy #9: Learn to Write a Builder #10: XMLSlurper/Parser - Do not mix with business logic/layers/etc #11: Effective Java #21: Use Function Objects to represent strategies #12: Threading: Avoid Busy Wait #13: Threading: Avoid Double Checked Locking #14: Threading: Avoid Inconsistent Property Locking #15: Threading: Avoid Inconsistent Property Synchronization #16: Threading: Avoid Synchronizing On Boxed Primitive #17: Know and use Elvis operator ?: #18: Excessively use the null-safe dereference operator #19: Understand Operator Overloading
  • 107. More Effective Groovy (with static analysis)
  • 108. Thanks! @HamletDRC Groovy, Grails, Griffon, and Agile Consulting or