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Ast2Cfg - A Framework for CFG-Based Analysis
      and Visualisation of Ada Programs

    Georg Kienesberger - Vienna University of Technology

Free and Open Source Software Developers’ European Meeting
           7-8 February 2009 - Brussels, Belgium

   These slides are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Austria License.   1
1 Overview

2 CFG and AST

3 The Software

4 Live Demonstration of Ast2Cfg, Cfg2Dot

5 Examples


    • Control Flow Graph (CFG) used in many
      analysis/optimisation methods


    • Control Flow Graph (CFG) used in many
      analysis/optimisation methods
    • ISO/IEC 15291:1999 - Ada Semantic Interface Specification
      (ASIS) implemented by ASIS-for-GNAT


    • Control Flow Graph (CFG) used in many
      analysis/optimisation methods
    • ISO/IEC 15291:1999 - Ada Semantic Interface Specification
      (ASIS) implemented by ASIS-for-GNAT
    • traverse Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) and build CFG


    • Control Flow Graph (CFG) used in many
      analysis/optimisation methods
    • ISO/IEC 15291:1999 - Ada Semantic Interface Specification
      (ASIS) implemented by ASIS-for-GNAT
    • traverse Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) and build CFG
    • Framework

Control Flow Graph (CFG)

    • directed graph
    • nodes represent statements
    • There is an edge from node u to node v if v can follow u in
      some execution sequence.
    • unique start node called root or initial node

Example: The Source Code

  procedure Test is
     A: array (1 .. 3) of Natural;
     S: Natural;
     K: Natural;
     A := (1,2,3);
     S := 0;
     K := A’First;

        if K <= A’Last then
           S := S + A(K);
           K := K + 1;
        end if;
     end loop;
  end Test;

Example: The Control Flow Graph (CFG)

                         A := (1,2,3);
                         S := 0;
                         K := A’First;


                         if K <= A’Last

                S := S + A(K);
                K := K + 1;

                   end if;

                                        end loop;
Example: The Control Flow Graph (CFG)

                         A := (1,2,3);
                         S := 0;
                         K := A’First;


                         if K <= A’Last

                S := S + A(K);
                K := K + 1;

                   end if;

                                        end loop;
Example: The Control Flow Graph (CFG)

                         A := (1,2,3);
                         S := 0;
                         K := A’First;


                         if K <= A’Last

                S := S + A(K);
                K := K + 1;

                   end if;

                                        end loop;
Example: The ASIS Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) - 1

Example: The ASIS Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) - 1

Example: The ASIS Abstract Syntax Tree (ASIS) - 2

Example: The ASIS Abstract Syntax Tree (ASIS) - 3

Example: The ASIS Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) - 4

The Software

    • Ast2Cfg - the framework, designed as a library
    • Cfg2Dot - uses Ast2Cfg, outputs the CFG structure in dot
    • Ast2Dot - uses ASIS directly to output the AST in dot format
    • available under GPLv2 (Ast2Dot) or GPLv3 (Ast2Cfg,

The Structure of the Transformation Process

                                         Pre Op


                                    Child Has Finished

              AST                       Post Op
            Structure                                    CFG

Flow World: The Main Data Structure

    • World Object

Flow World: The Main Data Structure

    • World Object
    • Flow Object
        • Pkg Object
        • CFG Object
        • Node Object

Flow World: The Main Data Structure

    • World Object
    • Flow Object
        • Pkg Object
        • CFG Object
        • Node Object
    • Pkg/CFG Tree (implicit structure)

Example: Pkg/CFG Tree

  procedure Outer CFG is
    package Outer Pkg is
    end Outer Pkg;
    package body Outer Pkg is
      package Inner Pkg is
      end Inner Pkg;
      procedure Inner CFG is
      begin                     Outer_Pkg    Outer_Pkg
      end Inner CFG;             (spec)       (body)
    end Outer Pkg;
  end Outer CFG;                      Inner_Pkg     Inner_CFG
                                        (spec)        (body)

Flow World: The Main Data Structure (contd.)

    • World Object
    • Flow Object
        • Pkg Object
        • CFG Object
        • Node Object
    • Pkg/CFG Tree (implicit structure)
    • Parameter Tree (saved in nodes)

Example: Parameter Tree

                                                           Assignment Node 1.3.9:

                                                         Idents: V,FuncA,FuncA,FuncB
                                                      V(FuncA(X)) := FuncA(FuncB(0,Y));

                               Parameter Node 1.3.8:        Parameter Node 1.3.13:       Node 1.3.19:

                                   ASSIGN/LHS                   ASSIGN/RHS                CFG END

   V: array(a..b)
     of Integer;             Parameter Node 1.3.10:       Parameter Call Node 1.3.14:
                                  Variable: V                    Dest: FuncA
   V(FuncA(X)) :=                 IDX/COMP                  FUNC/PARAM/ROOT

                          Parameter Call Node 1.3.11:      Parameter Call Node 1.3.16:
                                 Dest: FuncA                      Dest: FuncB
                            FUNC/PARAM/ROOT                  FUNC/PARAM/ROOT

                            Parameter Node 1.3.12:         Parameter Node 1.3.17:        Parameter Node 1.3.18:
                                 Variable: X                                                  Variable: Y
                               PARAM/NODE                     PARAM/NODE                    PARAM/NODE

Flow Types: An Overview

                      Flow Object

     CFG Object       Node Object   Pkg Object

         .                 .
                           .            .
         .                 .            .


Flow Types: Package

                      Pkg Object

      Body Object                  Spec Object

         Def Object                Simple Spec Object

      Simple Body Object              Gen Object

        Prot Object                Single Prot Object
                                   Prot Type Object

Flow Types: CFG

                         CFG Object

           Body Object                Spec Object

             Abort Object              Generic Object

             Block Object             Task Type Object

             Entry Object             Single Task Object

            Except Object

             Func Object

             Init Object

             Proc Object
             Task Object

Flow Types: Node

     Node Object

                                          Return Node Object
     Call Node Object

                                          Terminate Node Object
       Accept Node Object

                                          Param Node Object
       Entry Call Node Object

                                          Param Alloc Node Object
       Abort Node Object

                                          Loop Node Object
       Param Call Node Object

                                            Finite Loop Node Object
     Jump Node Object

                                            Infinite Loop Node Object
       Goto Jump Node Object

                                          Assign Node Object
       Exit Jump Node Object

                                          Branch Node Object
          Trivial Exit Jump Node Object

          Complex Exit Jump Node Object

  with Ada.Text IO; use Ada.Text IO; with Ast2Cfg.Pkgs; use Ast2Cfg.Pkgs;
  with Ast2Cfg.Control; with Ast2Cfg.Flow World; with Ast2Cfg.Output;
  procedure Run is
          World: Ast2Cfg.Flow World.World Object Ptr;
          Pkgs: Pkg Class Ptr List.Object;
          Pkg: Pkg Class Ptr := null;
          -- Initialisations
          Ast2Cfg.Output.Set Level(Ast2Cfg.Output.Warning);
          Ast2Cfg.Control.Init("−CN foo.adt bar.adt");
          -- Fill the World with flow data
          World := Ast2Cfg.Control.Generate;

         -- Output the name of all top-level packages
         Pkgs := Ast2Cfg.Flow World.Get Pkgs(World.all);
         Pkg Class Ptr List.Reset(Pkgs);
         while Pkg Class Ptr List.Has Next(Pkgs) loop
                 Pkg Class Ptr List.Get Next(Pkgs, Pkg);
                 Put Line(Get Name(Pkg.all));
         end loop;

          -- Finalisation
  end Run;

Excursus on the Command Line

Examples: If Statement

                                                                                       Branch Node 1.2.5:


                                                                           Node 1.2.7:
                                                                                                          Node 1.2.14:
                                                                             Idents: >
                                                                                                         elsif (false) then
                                                                         if (X>10) then

   if (X>10) then
     null;                                       Parameter Node 1.2.8:     Node 1.2.12:                  Node 1.2.16:
   elsif (false) then
     null;                                           STMT/PAR                  null;                          null;
   end if;

                                            Parameter Call Node 1.2.9:                    Node 1.2.6:
                                                     Dest: >
                                             FUNC/PARAM/ROOT                               end if/case

                        Parameter Node 1.2.10:        Parameter Node 1.2.11:              Node 1.2.18:
                             Variable: X
                           PARAM/NODE                    PARAM/NODE                        CFG END

Examples: Case Statement
                                                       Branch Node 1.3.9:

                                                             Name: Start
                                                              Idents: X

                           Node 1.3.11:        Node 1.3.15:
                                                                     Node 1.3.19:
                            Idents: A            Idents: B
  <<Start> case X is
          >                                                         when others =>
                           when A =>            when B =>
    when A =>
    when B =>                                                              Goto Jump Node 1.3.23:
      null;                Node 1.3.13:        Node 1.3.17:
                                                                                 Target: Start
    when others =>                                                               Idents: Start
      goto Start;             null;                  null;
                                                                                  goto Start;
  end case;

                                      Node 1.3.10:

                                       end if/case

                                      Node 1.3.24:

                                       CFG END

Examples: Loop Statement

                                                   Infinite Loop Node 1.6.12:

                                                         Name: Loop1
                                                         Loop1: loop

                                              Call Node 1.6.15:
                                               Dest: Increment
                                              Idents: Increment

  Loop1: loop
    Increment(X);                                          C-Exit Jump Node 1.6.20:
    exit Loop1          Parameter Call Node 1.6.16:
                                                                 Target: Loop1
      when Condition;        Dest: Increment
                                                            Idents: Loop1,Condition
  end loop Loop1;         PROC/PARAM/ROOT
                                                          exit Loop1 when Condition;

                          Parameter Node 1.6.17:         Parameter Node 1.6.19:        Node 1.6.22:
                               Variable: X
                             PARAM/NODE                        STMT/PAR                 Loop End

                                                      Parameter Call Node 1.6.21:      Node 1.6.23:
                                                           Dest: Condition
                                                        FUNC/PARAM/ROOT                 CFG END

Examples: A few words on the word static

                                         Infinite Loop Node 1.1.5:


   procedure Not A Loop is
      I: Integer := 0;
   begin                                  T-Exit Jump Node 1.1.8:

      loop                                         exit;
         I := I + 1;
      end loop;
                                               Node 1.1.16:
   end Not A Loop;
                                                Loop End

                                               Node 1.1.17:

                                                CFG END

   not a loop.adb:7:09: warning: unreachable code
Examples: A few words on the word static (2)

                                       Infinite Loop Node 1.1.5:


                                                   C-Exit Jump Node 1.1.8:
   procedure Not A Loop 2 is
      I: Integer := 10;                                   Idents: >=
                                                      exit when I >= 10;
         exit when I >= 10;
         I := I + 1;
      end loop;                Assignment Node 1.1.14:
                                                              Node 1.1.19:
   end Not A Loop 2;                 Idents: I,+
                                                                Loop End
                                     I := I + 1;

                                                              Node 1.1.20:

                                                               CFG END

Examples: Tasks
                                                                     Node 1.3.1:


                                                                                     Node 1.4.4:
  −− Caller Object                                        Node 1.3.4:
  Task Object.Entry1;                                                          Idents: Condition
                            Entry Call Node1.6.7:                                      or
  −− Called Object        Dest: Task_Object.Entry1
  select                 Idents: Task_Object.Entry1
    accept Entry1 do        Task_Object.Entry1;
      null;                                           Accept Node1.3.8:         Accept Node1.4.8:
    end Entry1;                                       Dest: CFG[1.4.0]          Dest: CFG[1.5.0]
  or                                                   accept Entry1 do          accept Entry2 do
    when Condition =>           Node 1.6.9:
      accept Entry2 do
         null;                  CFG END
      end Entry2;                                                    Node 1.3.3:
  end select;
                                                                        end select

                                                                     Node 1.5.4:

                                                                        CFG END

Examples: Protected Objects

   package body Prot Pkg is
    protected body                         (body)
      Prot Type is                       --VARS--                          Entry Call Node2.2.3:
                                 Prot_Obj: {ST: Prot_Type}                 Dest: Prot_Obj.Entry1
       entry Entry1                                                       Idents: Prot_Obj.Entry1
         (A: in Integer)                                                    Prot_Obj.Entry1(0);
         when True is
         begin                   Prot_Type       Init_CFG
                                   (body)          (body)    Parameter Call Node 2.2.4:     Node 2.2.6:
           null;                                               Dest: Prot_Obj.Entry1
         end Entry1;                                           PROC/PARAM/ROOT              CFG END

      end Prot Type;
                                  Entry1                       Parameter Node 2.2.5:
     Prot Obj: Prot Type;         (body)
                               --PARAMS--                         PARAM/NODE
   begin                      A: {ST: Integer}
     Prot Obj.Entry1(0);
   end Prot Pkg;

Examples: Types
                                         F: {CT: Float}
                                       B: {CT: Boolean}
   package Types is               Rec_Type_1 {ST: Rec_Type_0}

    type Rec Type 0 is
      tagged                                    F
       record                                 INIT
         F: Float := abs(3.14);
         B: Boolean;
       end record;
                                      Parameter Node 1.0.2:

    type Rec Type 1 is                     INIT/NODE
      new Rec Type 0
      with null record;
                                    Parameter Call Node 1.0.4:
   end Types;                               Dest: abs

                                      Parameter Node 1.0.5:


Further Information & Downloads

    • For comments, bug reports and feature requests please
      contact us:

Further Information & Downloads

    • For comments, bug reports and feature requests please
        contact us:
    •   Raul Fechete and Georg Kienesberger. Generating control flow graphs for Ada
        programs. Technical Report 183/1-139, Department of Automation, TU
        Vienna, September 2007.

Further Information & Downloads

    • For comments, bug reports and feature requests please
        contact us:
    •   Raul Fechete and Georg Kienesberger. Generating control flow graphs for Ada
        programs. Technical Report 183/1-139, Department of Automation, TU
        Vienna, September 2007.

    •   Raul Fechete, Georg Kienesberger, and Johann Blieberger. A Framework for
        CFG-based Static Program Analysis of Ada Programs. In Ada-Europe’2008
        International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies, pages 130-143,
        Venice, Italy, June 2008.

Further Information & Downloads

    • For comments, bug reports and feature requests please
        contact us:
    •   Raul Fechete and Georg Kienesberger. Generating control flow graphs for Ada
        programs. Technical Report 183/1-139, Department of Automation, TU
        Vienna, September 2007.

    •   Raul Fechete, Georg Kienesberger, and Johann Blieberger. A Framework for
        CFG-based Static Program Analysis of Ada Programs. In Ada-Europe’2008
        International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies, pages 130-143,
        Venice, Italy, June 2008.

    • updated documentation in the next few months

The End

                     Thank you very much!

                                  Any questions?


      These slides are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Austria License.


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Ast2Cfg - A Framework for CFG-Based Analysis and Visualisation of Ada Programs

  • 1. Ast2Cfg - A Framework for CFG-Based Analysis and Visualisation of Ada Programs Georg Kienesberger - Vienna University of Technology FOSDEM’09 Free and Open Source Software Developers’ European Meeting 7-8 February 2009 - Brussels, Belgium These slides are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Austria License. 1
  • 2. 1 Overview 2 CFG and AST 3 The Software 4 Live Demonstration of Ast2Cfg, Cfg2Dot 5 Examples 2
  • 3. Overview • Control Flow Graph (CFG) used in many analysis/optimisation methods 3
  • 4. Overview • Control Flow Graph (CFG) used in many analysis/optimisation methods • ISO/IEC 15291:1999 - Ada Semantic Interface Specification (ASIS) implemented by ASIS-for-GNAT 3
  • 5. Overview • Control Flow Graph (CFG) used in many analysis/optimisation methods • ISO/IEC 15291:1999 - Ada Semantic Interface Specification (ASIS) implemented by ASIS-for-GNAT • traverse Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) and build CFG 3
  • 6. Overview • Control Flow Graph (CFG) used in many analysis/optimisation methods • ISO/IEC 15291:1999 - Ada Semantic Interface Specification (ASIS) implemented by ASIS-for-GNAT • traverse Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) and build CFG • Framework 3
  • 7. Control Flow Graph (CFG) • directed graph • nodes represent statements • There is an edge from node u to node v if v can follow u in some execution sequence. • unique start node called root or initial node 4
  • 8. Example: The Source Code procedure Test is A: array (1 .. 3) of Natural; S: Natural; K: Natural; begin A := (1,2,3); S := 0; K := A’First; loop if K <= A’Last then S := S + A(K); K := K + 1; else exit; end if; end loop; end Test; 5
  • 9. Example: The Control Flow Graph (CFG) A := (1,2,3); S := 0; K := A’First; loop if K <= A’Last S := S + A(K); exit; K := K + 1; end if; end loop; 6
  • 10. Example: The Control Flow Graph (CFG) A := (1,2,3); S := 0; K := A’First; loop if K <= A’Last S := S + A(K); exit; K := K + 1; end if; end loop; 6
  • 11. Example: The Control Flow Graph (CFG) A := (1,2,3); S := 0; K := A’First; loop if K <= A’Last S := S + A(K); exit; K := K + 1; end if; end loop; 6
  • 12. Example: The ASIS Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) - 1 7
  • 13. Example: The ASIS Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) - 1 7
  • 14. Example: The ASIS Abstract Syntax Tree (ASIS) - 2 8
  • 15. Example: The ASIS Abstract Syntax Tree (ASIS) - 3 9
  • 16. Example: The ASIS Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) - 4 10
  • 17. The Software • Ast2Cfg - the framework, designed as a library • Cfg2Dot - uses Ast2Cfg, outputs the CFG structure in dot format • Ast2Dot - uses ASIS directly to output the AST in dot format • available under GPLv2 (Ast2Dot) or GPLv3 (Ast2Cfg, Cfg2Dot) 11
  • 18. The Structure of the Transformation Process Transformation Pre Op Traversal .adt Post Child Has Finished File AST Post Op Structure CFG 12
  • 19. Flow World: The Main Data Structure • World Object 13
  • 20. Flow World: The Main Data Structure • World Object • Flow Object • Pkg Object • CFG Object • Node Object 13
  • 21. Flow World: The Main Data Structure • World Object • Flow Object • Pkg Object • CFG Object • Node Object • Pkg/CFG Tree (implicit structure) 13
  • 22. Example: Pkg/CFG Tree Default_PKG (body) procedure Outer CFG is package Outer Pkg is end Outer Pkg; Outer_CFG package body Outer Pkg is (body) package Inner Pkg is end Inner Pkg; procedure Inner CFG is begin Outer_Pkg Outer_Pkg end Inner CFG; (spec) (body) end Outer Pkg; begin end Outer CFG; Inner_Pkg Inner_CFG (spec) (body) 14
  • 23. Flow World: The Main Data Structure (contd.) • World Object • Flow Object • Pkg Object • CFG Object • Node Object • Pkg/CFG Tree (implicit structure) • Parameter Tree (saved in nodes) 15
  • 24. Example: Parameter Tree Assignment Node 1.3.9: Idents: V,FuncA,FuncA,FuncB V(FuncA(X)) := FuncA(FuncB(0,Y)); Parameter Node 1.3.8: Parameter Node 1.3.13: Node 1.3.19: ASSIGN/LHS ASSIGN/RHS CFG END V: array(a..b) of Integer; Parameter Node 1.3.10: Parameter Call Node 1.3.14: Variable: V Dest: FuncA V(FuncA(X)) := IDX/COMP FUNC/PARAM/ROOT FuncA(FuncB(0,Y)); Parameter Call Node 1.3.11: Parameter Call Node 1.3.16: Dest: FuncA Dest: FuncB FUNC/PARAM/ROOT FUNC/PARAM/ROOT Parameter Node 1.3.12: Parameter Node 1.3.17: Parameter Node 1.3.18: Variable: X Variable: Y PARAM/NODE PARAM/NODE PARAM/NODE 16
  • 25. Flow Types: An Overview Flow Object CFG Object Node Object Pkg Object . . . . . . . . . abstract concrete 17
  • 26. Flow Types: Package Pkg Object Body Object Spec Object Def Object Simple Spec Object Simple Body Object Gen Object Prot Object Single Prot Object abstract Prot Type Object concrete 18
  • 27. Flow Types: CFG CFG Object Body Object Spec Object Abort Object Generic Object Block Object Task Type Object Entry Object Single Task Object Except Object Func Object Init Object Proc Object abstract Task Object concrete 19
  • 28. Flow Types: Node Node Object Return Node Object Call Node Object Terminate Node Object Accept Node Object Param Node Object Entry Call Node Object Param Alloc Node Object Abort Node Object Loop Node Object Param Call Node Object Finite Loop Node Object Jump Node Object Infinite Loop Node Object Goto Jump Node Object Assign Node Object Exit Jump Node Object Branch Node Object Trivial Exit Jump Node Object Complex Exit Jump Node Object abstract concrete 20
  • 29. Usage with Ada.Text IO; use Ada.Text IO; with Ast2Cfg.Pkgs; use Ast2Cfg.Pkgs; with Ast2Cfg.Control; with Ast2Cfg.Flow World; with Ast2Cfg.Output; procedure Run is World: Ast2Cfg.Flow World.World Object Ptr; Pkgs: Pkg Class Ptr List.Object; Pkg: Pkg Class Ptr := null; begin -- Initialisations Ast2Cfg.Output.Set Level(Ast2Cfg.Output.Warning); Ast2Cfg.Control.Init("−CN foo.adt bar.adt"); -- Fill the World with flow data World := Ast2Cfg.Control.Generate; -- Output the name of all top-level packages Pkgs := Ast2Cfg.Flow World.Get Pkgs(World.all); Pkg Class Ptr List.Reset(Pkgs); while Pkg Class Ptr List.Has Next(Pkgs) loop Pkg Class Ptr List.Get Next(Pkgs, Pkg); Put Line(Get Name(Pkg.all)); end loop; -- Finalisation Ast2Cfg.Control.Final; end Run; 21
  • 30. Excursus on the Command Line 22
  • 31. Examples: If Statement Branch Node 1.2.5: if/case Node 1.2.7: Node 1.2.14: Idents: > elsif (false) then if (X>10) then if (X>10) then null; Parameter Node 1.2.8: Node 1.2.12: Node 1.2.16: elsif (false) then null; STMT/PAR null; null; end if; Parameter Call Node 1.2.9: Node 1.2.6: Dest: > FUNC/PARAM/ROOT end if/case Parameter Node 1.2.10: Parameter Node 1.2.11: Node 1.2.18: Variable: X PARAM/NODE PARAM/NODE CFG END 23
  • 32. Examples: Case Statement Branch Node 1.3.9: Name: Start Idents: X if/case Node 1.3.11: Node 1.3.15: Node 1.3.19: Idents: A Idents: B <<Start> case X is > when others => when A => when B => when A => null; when B => Goto Jump Node 1.3.23: null; Node 1.3.13: Node 1.3.17: Target: Start when others => Idents: Start goto Start; null; null; goto Start; end case; Node 1.3.10: end if/case Node 1.3.24: CFG END 24
  • 33. Examples: Loop Statement Infinite Loop Node 1.6.12: Name: Loop1 Loop1: loop Call Node 1.6.15: Dest: Increment Idents: Increment Increment(X); Loop1: loop Increment(X); C-Exit Jump Node 1.6.20: exit Loop1 Parameter Call Node 1.6.16: Target: Loop1 when Condition; Dest: Increment Idents: Loop1,Condition end loop Loop1; PROC/PARAM/ROOT exit Loop1 when Condition; Parameter Node 1.6.17: Parameter Node 1.6.19: Node 1.6.22: Variable: X PARAM/NODE STMT/PAR Loop End Parameter Call Node 1.6.21: Node 1.6.23: Dest: Condition FUNC/PARAM/ROOT CFG END 25
  • 34. Examples: A few words on the word static Infinite Loop Node 1.1.5: loop procedure Not A Loop is I: Integer := 0; begin T-Exit Jump Node 1.1.8: loop exit; exit; I := I + 1; end loop; Node 1.1.16: end Not A Loop; Loop End Node 1.1.17: CFG END not a loop.adb:7:09: warning: unreachable code 26
  • 35. Examples: A few words on the word static (2) Infinite Loop Node 1.1.5: loop C-Exit Jump Node 1.1.8: procedure Not A Loop 2 is I: Integer := 10; Idents: >= begin exit when I >= 10; loop exit when I >= 10; I := I + 1; end loop; Assignment Node 1.1.14: Node 1.1.19: end Not A Loop 2; Idents: I,+ Loop End I := I + 1; Node 1.1.20: CFG END 27
  • 36. Examples: Tasks Node 1.3.1: select/acc Node 1.4.4: −− Caller Object Node 1.3.4: Task Object.Entry1; Idents: Condition select Entry Call Node1.6.7: or −− Called Object Dest: Task_Object.Entry1 select Idents: Task_Object.Entry1 accept Entry1 do Task_Object.Entry1; null; Accept Node1.3.8: Accept Node1.4.8: end Entry1; Dest: CFG[1.4.0] Dest: CFG[1.5.0] or accept Entry1 do accept Entry2 do when Condition => Node 1.6.9: accept Entry2 do null; CFG END end Entry2; Node 1.3.3: end select; end select Node 1.5.4: CFG END 28
  • 37. Examples: Protected Objects package body Prot Pkg is Prot_Pkg protected body (body) Prot Type is --VARS-- Entry Call Node2.2.3: Prot_Obj: {ST: Prot_Type} Dest: Prot_Obj.Entry1 entry Entry1 Idents: Prot_Obj.Entry1 (A: in Integer) Prot_Obj.Entry1(0); when True is begin Prot_Type Init_CFG (body) (body) Parameter Call Node 2.2.4: Node 2.2.6: null; Dest: Prot_Obj.Entry1 end Entry1; PROC/PARAM/ROOT CFG END end Prot Type; Entry1 Parameter Node 2.2.5: Prot Obj: Prot Type; (body) --PARAMS-- PARAM/NODE begin A: {ST: Integer} Prot Obj.Entry1(0); end Prot Pkg; 29
  • 38. Examples: Types Types (spec) --TYPES-- Rec_Type_0 [COMPONENTS] F: {CT: Float} B: {CT: Boolean} package Types is Rec_Type_1 {ST: Rec_Type_0} type Rec Type 0 is tagged F record INIT F: Float := abs(3.14); B: Boolean; end record; Parameter Node 1.0.2: type Rec Type 1 is INIT/NODE new Rec Type 0 with null record; Parameter Call Node 1.0.4: end Types; Dest: abs FUNC/PARAM/ROOT Parameter Node 1.0.5: PARAM/NODE 30
  • 39. Further Information & Downloads • • For comments, bug reports and feature requests please contact us: • 31
  • 40. Further Information & Downloads • • For comments, bug reports and feature requests please contact us: • • Raul Fechete and Georg Kienesberger. Generating control flow graphs for Ada programs. Technical Report 183/1-139, Department of Automation, TU Vienna, September 2007. 31
  • 41. Further Information & Downloads • • For comments, bug reports and feature requests please contact us: • • Raul Fechete and Georg Kienesberger. Generating control flow graphs for Ada programs. Technical Report 183/1-139, Department of Automation, TU Vienna, September 2007. • Raul Fechete, Georg Kienesberger, and Johann Blieberger. A Framework for CFG-based Static Program Analysis of Ada Programs. In Ada-Europe’2008 International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies, pages 130-143, Venice, Italy, June 2008. 31
  • 42. Further Information & Downloads • • For comments, bug reports and feature requests please contact us: • • Raul Fechete and Georg Kienesberger. Generating control flow graphs for Ada programs. Technical Report 183/1-139, Department of Automation, TU Vienna, September 2007. • Raul Fechete, Georg Kienesberger, and Johann Blieberger. A Framework for CFG-based Static Program Analysis of Ada Programs. In Ada-Europe’2008 International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies, pages 130-143, Venice, Italy, June 2008. • updated documentation in the next few months 31
  • 43. The End Thank you very much! Any questions? These slides are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Austria License. 32