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Practical Domain-Specific
Languages in Groovy
Guillaume Laforge
Groovy Project Manager
Guillaume Laforge

Groovy Project Manager
JSR-241 Spec Lead
Head of Groovy Development
at SpringSource
Initiator of the Grails framework
Co-author of Groovy in Action
Speaker: JavaOne, QCon, JavaZone, Sun TechDays,
Devoxx, The Spring Experience, JAX, Dynamic Language
World, IJTC, and more...

                               2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   2
A few words about Groovy

 Groovy is a dynamic language for the JVM
  • with a Meta Object Protocol
  • compiles directly to bytecode, seamless Java interop

 Open Source ASL 2 project hosted at Codehaus

 Relaxed grammar derived from Java 5
  • + borrowed good ideas from Ruby, Python, Smalltalk

 Fast... for a dynlang on the JVM

Closures, properties, optional typing, BigDecimal by
default, nice wrapper APIs, and more...
                                       2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   3
end a
The context and                                  Ag
the usual issues we face
Some real-life examples of Domain-
Specific Languages
Groovy’s DSL capabilities
Integrating a DSL
in your application
Considerations to remember when
designing your own DSL

                                     2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   4
The context
Subject Matter Experts,
  Business analysts...
Developer producing LOLCODE

   UP VAR!!1
Lots of languages...
And in the end...
...nobody understands each other
Expressing requirements...
DSL: a potential solution?

  Use a more expressive language than a general
 purpose one

  Share a common metaphore of understanding between
 developers and subject matter experts

  Have domain experts help with the design of the
 business logic of an application

  Avoid cluttering business code with too much boilerplate
 technical code

  Cleanly separate business logic from application code

  Let business rules have their own lifecycle

                                  2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   11
Towards more readibility (1)

                               2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   12
Towards more readibility (1)

                               2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   12
Towards more readibility (1)


                               2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   12
Towards more readibility (2)

                               2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   13
Towards more readibility (2)

                               2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   13
Towards more readibility (2)


                               2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   13
end a
The context and                                  Ag
the usual issues we face
Some real-life examples of Domain-
Specific Languages
Groovy’s DSL capabilities
Integrating a DSL
in your application
Considerations to remember when
designing your own DSL

                                     2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   14
A collection of DSLs

 In our everyday life, we’re surrounded by DSLs

  • Technical dialects
  • Notations
  • Business languages

                                  2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   15
Technical dialects

                     2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   16

                2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   18

            2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   19
1. e4 e5
2. Nf3 Nc6
3. Bb5 a6
L2 U F-1 B L2 F B -1 U L2
Business languages

                     2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   23
Real-life Groovy examples

 Anti-malaria drug resistance simulation
 Human Resources employee skills representation
 Insurance policies risk calculation engine
 Loan acceptance rules engine for a financial platform
 Mathematica-like lingua for nuclear safety simulations
 Market data feeds evolution scenarios

 and more...

                                   2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   24
end a
The context and                                  Ag
the usual issues we face
Some real-life examples of Domain-
Specific Languages
Groovy’s DSL capabilities
Integrating a DSL
in your application
Considerations to remember when
designing your own DSL

                                     2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   25
A flexible & malleable syntax

 No need to write full-blown classes, use scripts
 Optional typing (def)
  • in scripts, you can even omit the def keyword
 Native syntax constructs
 Parentheses & semi-colons are optional
 Named arguments
 BigDecimal by default for decimal numbers
 Closures for custom control structures
 Operator overloading

                                    2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   26
Scripts vs classes

 Hide all the boilerplate technical code
  • an end-user doesn’t need to know about classes

  • public class Rule {
         public static void main(String[] args)

  • println “Hello”

                                      2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   27
Optional typing

 No need to bother with types or even generics
  • unless you want to!

 Imagine an interest rate lookup table method returning
 some generified type:

  • Rate<LoanType, Duration,
        lookupTable() { ... }
   def table = lookupTable()
 No need to repeat the horrible generics type info!

                                    2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   28
Native syntax constructs

  • [Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday]
  • [CA: ‘California’, TX: ‘Texas’]
  • def bizDays = Monday..Friday
  • def allowedAge = 18..65
  • You can create your own custom ranges

                                     2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   29
Optional parens & semis

 Make statements and expressions
 look more like natural languages

  • move(left);

  • move left

                                    2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   30
Named arguments

In Groovy you can mix named and unnamed arguments for
method parameters
 • named params are actually put in a map parameter
 • plus optional parens & semis

  take 1.pill,
   of: Chloroquinine,
after: 6.hours

 Corresponds to a method signature like:
  • def take(Map m, MedicineQuantity mq)

                                  2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   31
BigDecimal by default

 Main reason why financial institutions often decide to use
 Groovy for their business rules!
  • Although these days rounding issues are overrated!
 Java vs Groovy for a simple interpolation equation
 BigDecimal uMinusv = c.subtract(a);
 BigDecimal vMinusl = b.subtract(c);
 BigDecimal uMinusl = a.subtract(b);
 return e.multiply(uMinusv)
       .divide(uMinusl, 10, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);

 (d * (b - c) + e * (c - a)) / (a - b)

                                    2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   32
Custom control structures,
thanks to closures
 When closures are last, they can be put “out” of the
 parentheses surrounding parameters

 unless (account.balance > 100.euros,
     { account.debit 100.euros })
 unless (account.balance > 100.euros) {
     account.debit 100.euros
 Signature def unless(boolean b, Closure c)

                                   2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   33
Operator overloading
a + b           Currency amounts
a - b    a.minus(b)
                             • 15.euros + 10.dollars
a * b    a.multiply(b)
a / b    a.divide(b)         Distance handling
a % b    a.modulo(b)         • 10.kilometers - 10.meters
a ** b   a.power(b)
a | b    a.or(b)             Workflow, concurrency
a & b    a.and(b)            • taskA | taskB & taskC
a ^ b    a.xor(b)
a[b]     a.getAt(b)          Credit an account
a << b   a.leftShift(b)
                             •account << 10.dollars
                              account += 10.dollars
a >> b   a.rightShift(b) 10.dollars
+a       a.positive()
-a       a.negative()
~a       a.bitwiseNegate()
                                   2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   34
Groovy’s dynamic heart:

The MOP!
MetaObject Protocol
Groovy’s MOP

All the accesses to methods, properties, constructors,
operators, etc. can be intercepted thanks to the MOP

While Java’s behavior is hard-wired at compile-time in the

Groovy’s runtime behavior is adaptable at runtime
through the metaclass.

 Different hooks for changing the runtime behavior
  • GroovyObject, custom MetaClass implementation, categories,

                                      2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   36

All instances of classes created in Groovy implement the
GroovyObject interface:

 • getProperty(String name)
 • setProperty(String name, Object
 • invokeMethod(String name, Object[]
 • getMetaClass()
 • setMetaClass(MetaClass mc)
 A GO can have “pretended” methods and properties

                                  2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   37

 The core of Groovy’s MOP system
 • invokeConstructor()
 • invokeMethod() and
 • invokeMissingMethod()
 • getProperty() and setProperty()
 • getAttribute() and setAttribute()
 • respondsTo() and hasProperty()
MetaClasses can change the behavior of existing third-
party classes — even from the JDK

                                 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   38

 A DSL for MetaClasses!

MoneyAmount.metaClass.constructor = { ... }
Number.metaClass.getDollars = { ... }
Distance.metaClass.toMeters = { ... }
Distance.metaClass.static.create = { ... }

To avoid repetition of Type.metaClass, you can pass a
closure to metaClass { ... }

The delegate variable in closure represents the current
instance, and it the default parameter

                                 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   39
The Builder pattern
A builder for HR

 softskills {
     ideas {
         capture 2
         formulate 3
 knowhow {
     languages {
         java 4
         groovy 5

                       2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   41
A builder for HR

 softskills {
     ideas {
         capture 2
         formulate 3
 knowhow {
     languages {
         java 4
         groovy 5

                       2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   41

Builders are...
 • a mechanism for creating any tree-structered graph
 • the realization of the GoF builder pattern at the syntax level in Groovy
 • simply a clever use of chained method invocation, closures, parentheses
  omission, and use of the GroovyObject methods

Existing builders
 • XML, Object graph, Swing, Ant, JMX, and more...

                                            2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   42
The clever trick

 GroovyObject#invokeMethod() is used to catch all non-
 existing method calls in the context of the builder

 The nesting of closures visually shows the level of nesting /
 depth in the tree

 builder.m1(attr1:1, attr2:2, { builder.m2(..., {...}) }

 becomes equivalent to
 builder.m1(attr1:1, attr2:2) { m2(...) {...} }

 thanks to parens omission

                                    2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   43
Adding properties to numbers

 Three possible approaches

  • create a Category
    •   a category is a kind of decorator for default MCs

  • create a custom MetaClass
    •   a full-blown MC class to implement and to set on the POGO instance

  • use ExpandoMetaClass
    •   friendlier DSL approach but with a catch

                                                   2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   44
With a Category

class DistanceCategory {
    static Distance getMeters(Integer self) {
        new Distance(self, Unit.METERS)
use(DistanceCategory) {

 Interesting scope: thread-bound & lexical
 Have to surround with “use”
  • but there are ways to hide it

                                   2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   45
With an ExpandoMetaClass

Number.metaClass.getMeters = {->
    new Distance(delegate, Unit.METERS)

Works for the class hierarchy for POJOs, and a flag exists
to make it work for POGOs too

But the catch is it’s really a global change, so beware EMC
enhancements collisions

                                  2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   46
Groovy 1.6 introduced AST Transformations
Compile-time == No runtime performance penalty!

                                2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   47
AST Transformations

 Two kinds of transformations
  • Global transformations
   •   applicable to all compilation units

  • Local transformations
   •   applicable to marked program elements
   •   using specific marker annotations

                                               2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   48
Global transformations

 Implement ASTTransformation

 Annotate the transfo specifying a compilation phase
 public class MyTransformation
     implements ASTTransformation {
     public void visit(ASTNode[] nodes, SourceUnit unit)
     { ... }

 For discovery, create the file META-INF/services/

 Add the fully qualified name of the class in that file

                                     2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   49
Local transformations

 Same approach as Globale transformations
 But you don’t need the META-INF file
 Instead create an annotation to specify on which element
 the transformation should apply

 public @interface WithLogging {...}

                                  2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   50
Example: the Spock framework

 Changing the semantics of the original code
 But keeping a valid Groovy syntax
class HelloSpock {
    def quot;can you figure out what I'm up to?quot;() {
        name.size() == size
          name << [quot;Kirkquot;, quot;Spockquot;, quot;Scottyquot;]
          size << [4, 5, 6]

 Check out

                                  2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   51
end a
The context and                                  Ag
the usual issues we face
Some real-life examples of Domain-
Specific Languages
Groovy’s DSL capabilities
Integrating a DSL
in your application
Considerations to remember when
designing your own DSL

                                     2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   52
Various integration mechanisms

 Java 6’s javax.script.* APIs (aka JSR-223)
 Spring’s language namespace
 Groovy’s own mechanisms

 But a key idea is to externalize those DSL programs
  • DSL programs can have their own lifecycle
  • no need to redeploy an application because of a rule change
  • business people won’t see the technical code

                                       2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   53
Java 6’s javax.script.* API

 Groovy 1.6 provides its own implementation of the
 javax.script.* API

 ScriptEngineManager mgr =
         new ScriptEngineManager();
 ScriptEngine engine =
 String result =

                                  2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   54
Spring’s lang namespace

POGOs (Plain Old Groovy Objects) can be pre-compiled as
any POJO and used interchangeably with POJOs in a
Spring application
But Groovy scripts & classes can be loaded at runtime
through the <lang:groovy/> namespace and tag
Reloadable on change
Customizable through a custom MetaClass

<lang:groovy id=quot;eventsquot;
    customizer-ref=quot;eventsMetaClassquot; />

                               2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   55
Groovy’s own mechanisms

  • for evaluating simple expressions

  • for more complex scripts and DSLs

  • the most powerful mechanism

                                        2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   56

 Simple mechanism to evaluate math-like formulas (              ‘3*4’)
Eval.x (1,             ‘3*x + 4’)
Eval.xy (1, 2,         ‘x + y’), 2, 3,      ‘x * y - z’)

                                 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   57

 A Binding provides a context of execution
  • can implement lazy evaluation if needed

 A base script class can be specified

def binding = new Binding()
binding.mass = 22.3
binding.velocity = 10.6
def shell = new GroovyShell(binding)
shell.evaluate(“mass * velocity ** 2 / 2”)

                                   2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   58

 Most powerful mechanism
  • could also visit or change the AST
  • scripts & classes can be loaded from elsewhere
  • more control on compilation
GroovyClassLoader gcl =
        new GroovyClassLoader();
Class clazz = gcl.parseClass(
        new File(“f.groovy”));
GroovyObject instance =

                                       2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   59
Externalize business rules

 Although Groovy DSLs can be embedded in normal Groovy
 classes, you should externalize them

 Store them elsewhere
  • in a database, an XML file, etc.

  • Business rules are not entangled
    in technical application code
  • Business rules can have their own lifecycle, without requiring
    application redeployments

                                        2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   60
end a
The context and                                  Ag
the usual issues we face
Some real-life examples of Domain-
Specific Languages
Groovy’s DSL capabilities
Integrating a DSL
in your application
Considerations to remember when
designing your own DSL

                                     2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   61
Start small, with key concepts
Beware overengineering!
Grow your language progressively
Get your hands dirty
Play with the end-users
Let your DSL fly,
it’s not yours,
it’s theirs!
Tight feedback loop
Iterative process
Stay humble.
You can’t get it right the first time.
Don’t design alone at your desk
Involve the end users from the start
Playing it safe
in a sandbox
Various levels
of sandboxing

 Groovy supports the usual Java Security Managers

 Use metaprogramming tricks to prevent calling /
 instanciating certain classes

 Create a special GroovyClassLoader AST code visitor to
 filter only the nodes of the AST you want to keep
   • ArithmeticShell in Groovy’s samples

                                  2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   69
Test, test, test!

 Don’t just test for nominal cases
  • Explicitely test for errors!

 Ensure end-users get meaninful error messages

                                     2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   70
end a

Questions & Answers

                      2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   71

Groovy’s a great fit for Domain-Specific Languages
 • Malleable & flexible syntax
 • Full object-orientation

Metaprogramming capabilities
 • Runtime metaprogramming
 • Compile-time metaprogramming

Groovy’s very often used for mission-critical DSLs

                                  2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   72
I kan haz my cheezburgr naw?
 Or do ya reely haz keshtionz?

           2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   74

                                             2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   75

                                        2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST |   76

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Groovy 1.8 and 2.0 at GR8Conf Europe 2012
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Groovy 2.0 update - Cloud Foundry Open Tour Moscow - Guillaume Laforge
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Going to Mars with Groovy Domain-Specific Languages
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Groovy 2.0 - Devoxx France 2012
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Groovy 2.0 - Devoxx France 2012Guillaume Laforge
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Groovy Update, what's new in Groovy 1.8 and beyond - Guillaume Laforge - Spri...Guillaume Laforge

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Groovy 2.0 update - Cloud Foundry Open Tour Moscow - Guillaume Laforge
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Groovy 2.0 - Devoxx France 2012
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Groovy 2.0 - Devoxx France 2012
Whats new in Groovy 2.0?
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Whats new in Groovy 2.0?
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Practical Groovy Domain-Specific Languages

  • 1. Practical Domain-Specific Languages in Groovy Guillaume Laforge Groovy Project Manager SpringSource
  • 2. Guillaume Laforge Groovy Project Manager JSR-241 Spec Lead Head of Groovy Development at SpringSource Initiator of the Grails framework Co-author of Groovy in Action Speaker: JavaOne, QCon, JavaZone, Sun TechDays, Devoxx, The Spring Experience, JAX, Dynamic Language World, IJTC, and more... 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 2
  • 3. A few words about Groovy Groovy is a dynamic language for the JVM • with a Meta Object Protocol • compiles directly to bytecode, seamless Java interop Open Source ASL 2 project hosted at Codehaus Relaxed grammar derived from Java 5 • + borrowed good ideas from Ruby, Python, Smalltalk Fast... for a dynlang on the JVM Closures, properties, optional typing, BigDecimal by default, nice wrapper APIs, and more... 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 3
  • 4. end a The context and Ag the usual issues we face Some real-life examples of Domain- Specific Languages Groovy’s DSL capabilities Integrating a DSL in your application Considerations to remember when designing your own DSL 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 4
  • 6. Subject Matter Experts, Business analysts...
  • 9. And in the end... ...nobody understands each other
  • 11. DSL: a potential solution? Use a more expressive language than a general purpose one Share a common metaphore of understanding between developers and subject matter experts Have domain experts help with the design of the business logic of an application Avoid cluttering business code with too much boilerplate technical code Cleanly separate business logic from application code Let business rules have their own lifecycle 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 11
  • 12. Towards more readibility (1) 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 12
  • 13. Towards more readibility (1) 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 12
  • 14. Towards more readibility (1) 20% 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 12
  • 15. Towards more readibility (2) 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 13
  • 16. Towards more readibility (2) 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 13
  • 17. Towards more readibility (2) 80% 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 13
  • 18. end a The context and Ag the usual issues we face Some real-life examples of Domain- Specific Languages Groovy’s DSL capabilities Integrating a DSL in your application Considerations to remember when designing your own DSL 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 14
  • 19. A collection of DSLs In our everyday life, we’re surrounded by DSLs • Technical dialects • Notations • Business languages 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 15
  • 20. Technical dialects 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 16
  • 21. SQL
  • 22. ^[w-.]+@([w-]){2,4}$ 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 18
  • 23. Notations 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 19
  • 24. 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6
  • 25. L2 U F-1 B L2 F B -1 U L2
  • 27. Business languages 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 23
  • 28. Real-life Groovy examples Anti-malaria drug resistance simulation Human Resources employee skills representation Insurance policies risk calculation engine Loan acceptance rules engine for a financial platform Mathematica-like lingua for nuclear safety simulations Market data feeds evolution scenarios and more... 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 24
  • 29. end a The context and Ag the usual issues we face Some real-life examples of Domain- Specific Languages Groovy’s DSL capabilities Integrating a DSL in your application Considerations to remember when designing your own DSL 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 25
  • 30. A flexible & malleable syntax No need to write full-blown classes, use scripts Optional typing (def) • in scripts, you can even omit the def keyword Native syntax constructs Parentheses & semi-colons are optional Named arguments BigDecimal by default for decimal numbers Closures for custom control structures Operator overloading 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 26
  • 31. Scripts vs classes Hide all the boilerplate technical code • an end-user doesn’t need to know about classes • public class Rule { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(“Hello”); } } • println “Hello” 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 27
  • 32. Optional typing No need to bother with types or even generics • unless you want to! Imagine an interest rate lookup table method returning some generified type: • Rate<LoanType, Duration, BigDecimal>[] lookupTable() { ... } def table = lookupTable() No need to repeat the horrible generics type info! 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 28
  • 33. Native syntax constructs Lists • [Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday] Maps • [CA: ‘California’, TX: ‘Texas’] Ranges • def bizDays = Monday..Friday • def allowedAge = 18..65 • You can create your own custom ranges 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 29
  • 34. Optional parens & semis Make statements and expressions look more like natural languages • move(left); • move left 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 30
  • 35. Named arguments In Groovy you can mix named and unnamed arguments for method parameters • named params are actually put in a map parameter • plus optional parens & semis take 1.pill, of: Chloroquinine, after: 6.hours Corresponds to a method signature like: • def take(Map m, MedicineQuantity mq) 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 31
  • 36. BigDecimal by default Main reason why financial institutions often decide to use Groovy for their business rules! • Although these days rounding issues are overrated! Java vs Groovy for a simple interpolation equation BigDecimal uMinusv = c.subtract(a); BigDecimal vMinusl = b.subtract(c); BigDecimal uMinusl = a.subtract(b); return e.multiply(uMinusv) .add(d.multiply(vMinusl)) .divide(uMinusl, 10, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP); (d * (b - c) + e * (c - a)) / (a - b) 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 32
  • 37. Custom control structures, thanks to closures When closures are last, they can be put “out” of the parentheses surrounding parameters unless (account.balance > 100.euros, { account.debit 100.euros }) unless (account.balance > 100.euros) { account.debit 100.euros } Signature def unless(boolean b, Closure c) 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 33
  • 38. Operator overloading a + b Currency amounts a - b a.minus(b) • 15.euros + 10.dollars a * b a.multiply(b) a / b a.divide(b) Distance handling a % b a.modulo(b) • 10.kilometers - 10.meters a ** b a.power(b) a | b a.or(b) Workflow, concurrency a & b a.and(b) • taskA | taskB & taskC a ^ b a.xor(b) a[b] a.getAt(b) Credit an account a << b a.leftShift(b) •account << 10.dollars account += 10.dollars a >> b a.rightShift(b) 10.dollars +a a.positive() -a a.negative() ~a a.bitwiseNegate() 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 34
  • 39. Groovy’s dynamic heart: The MOP! MetaObject Protocol
  • 40. Groovy’s MOP All the accesses to methods, properties, constructors, operators, etc. can be intercepted thanks to the MOP While Java’s behavior is hard-wired at compile-time in the class Groovy’s runtime behavior is adaptable at runtime through the metaclass. Different hooks for changing the runtime behavior • GroovyObject, custom MetaClass implementation, categories, ExpandoMetaClass 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 36
  • 41. GroovyObject All instances of classes created in Groovy implement the GroovyObject interface: • getProperty(String name) • setProperty(String name, Object value) • invokeMethod(String name, Object[] params) • getMetaClass() • setMetaClass(MetaClass mc) A GO can have “pretended” methods and properties 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 37
  • 42. MetaClass The core of Groovy’s MOP system • invokeConstructor() • invokeMethod() and invokeStaticMethod() • invokeMissingMethod() • getProperty() and setProperty() • getAttribute() and setAttribute() • respondsTo() and hasProperty() MetaClasses can change the behavior of existing third- party classes — even from the JDK 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 38
  • 43. ExpandoMetaClass A DSL for MetaClasses! MoneyAmount.metaClass.constructor = { ... } Number.metaClass.getDollars = { ... } Distance.metaClass.toMeters = { ... } Distance.metaClass.static.create = { ... } To avoid repetition of Type.metaClass, you can pass a closure to metaClass { ... } The delegate variable in closure represents the current instance, and it the default parameter 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 39
  • 45. A builder for HR softskills { ideas { capture 2 formulate 3 } ... } knowhow { languages { java 4 groovy 5 } ... } 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 41
  • 46. A builder for HR softskills { ideas { capture 2 formulate 3 } ... } knowhow { languages { java 4 groovy 5 } ... } 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 41
  • 47. Builders Builders are... • a mechanism for creating any tree-structered graph • the realization of the GoF builder pattern at the syntax level in Groovy • simply a clever use of chained method invocation, closures, parentheses omission, and use of the GroovyObject methods Existing builders • XML, Object graph, Swing, Ant, JMX, and more... 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 42
  • 48. The clever trick GroovyObject#invokeMethod() is used to catch all non- existing method calls in the context of the builder The nesting of closures visually shows the level of nesting / depth in the tree builder.m1(attr1:1, attr2:2, { builder.m2(..., {...}) } becomes equivalent to builder.m1(attr1:1, attr2:2) { m2(...) {...} } thanks to parens omission 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 43
  • 49. Adding properties to numbers Three possible approaches • create a Category • a category is a kind of decorator for default MCs • create a custom MetaClass • a full-blown MC class to implement and to set on the POGO instance • use ExpandoMetaClass • friendlier DSL approach but with a catch 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 44
  • 50. With a Category class DistanceCategory { static Distance getMeters(Integer self) { new Distance(self, Unit.METERS) } } use(DistanceCategory) { 100.meters } Interesting scope: thread-bound & lexical Have to surround with “use” • but there are ways to hide it 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 45
  • 51. With an ExpandoMetaClass Number.metaClass.getMeters = {-> new Distance(delegate, Unit.METERS) } 100.meters Works for the class hierarchy for POJOs, and a flag exists to make it work for POGOs too But the catch is it’s really a global change, so beware EMC enhancements collisions 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 46
  • 52. Compile-time metaprogramming Groovy 1.6 introduced AST Transformations Compile-time == No runtime performance penalty! Transformation 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 47
  • 53. AST Transformations Two kinds of transformations • Global transformations • applicable to all compilation units • Local transformations • applicable to marked program elements • using specific marker annotations 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 48
  • 54. Global transformations Implement ASTTransformation Annotate the transfo specifying a compilation phase @GroovyASTTransformation(phase=CompilePhase.CONVERSION) public class MyTransformation implements ASTTransformation { public void visit(ASTNode[] nodes, SourceUnit unit) { ... } } For discovery, create the file META-INF/services/ org.codehaus.groovy.transform.ASTTransformation Add the fully qualified name of the class in that file 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 49
  • 55. Local transformations Same approach as Globale transformations But you don’t need the META-INF file Instead create an annotation to specify on which element the transformation should apply @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) @Target([ElementType.METHOD]) @GroovyASTTransformationClass( [quot;fqn.MyTransformationquot;]) public @interface WithLogging {...} 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 50
  • 56. Example: the Spock framework Changing the semantics of the original code But keeping a valid Groovy syntax @Speck class HelloSpock { def quot;can you figure out what I'm up to?quot;() { expect: name.size() == size where: name << [quot;Kirkquot;, quot;Spockquot;, quot;Scottyquot;] size << [4, 5, 6] } } Check out 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 51
  • 57. end a The context and Ag the usual issues we face Some real-life examples of Domain- Specific Languages Groovy’s DSL capabilities Integrating a DSL in your application Considerations to remember when designing your own DSL 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 52
  • 58. Various integration mechanisms Java 6’s javax.script.* APIs (aka JSR-223) Spring’s language namespace Groovy’s own mechanisms But a key idea is to externalize those DSL programs • DSL programs can have their own lifecycle • no need to redeploy an application because of a rule change • business people won’t see the technical code 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 53
  • 59. Java 6’s javax.script.* API Groovy 1.6 provides its own implementation of the javax.script.* API ScriptEngineManager mgr = new ScriptEngineManager(); ScriptEngine engine = mgr.getEngineByName(“Groovy”); String result = (String)engine.eval(“2+3”); 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 54
  • 60. Spring’s lang namespace POGOs (Plain Old Groovy Objects) can be pre-compiled as any POJO and used interchangeably with POJOs in a Spring application But Groovy scripts & classes can be loaded at runtime through the <lang:groovy/> namespace and tag Reloadable on change Customizable through a custom MetaClass <lang:groovy id=quot;eventsquot; script-source=quot;classpath:dsl/ eventsChart.groovyquot; customizer-ref=quot;eventsMetaClassquot; /> 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 55
  • 61. Groovy’s own mechanisms Eval • for evaluating simple expressions GroovyShell • for more complex scripts and DSLs GroovyClassLoader • the most powerful mechanism 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 56
  • 62. Eval Simple mechanism to evaluate math-like formulas ( ‘3*4’) Eval.x (1, ‘3*x + 4’) Eval.xy (1, 2, ‘x + y’), 2, 3, ‘x * y - z’) 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 57
  • 63. GroovyShell A Binding provides a context of execution • can implement lazy evaluation if needed A base script class can be specified def binding = new Binding() binding.mass = 22.3 binding.velocity = 10.6 def shell = new GroovyShell(binding) shell.evaluate(“mass * velocity ** 2 / 2”) 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 58
  • 64. GroovyClassLoader Most powerful mechanism • could also visit or change the AST • scripts & classes can be loaded from elsewhere • more control on compilation GroovyClassLoader gcl = new GroovyClassLoader(); Class clazz = gcl.parseClass( new File(“f.groovy”)); GroovyObject instance = (GroovyObject)clazz.newInstance(); instance.setMetaClass(customMC); 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 59
  • 65. Externalize business rules Although Groovy DSLs can be embedded in normal Groovy classes, you should externalize them Store them elsewhere • in a database, an XML file, etc. Benefits • Business rules are not entangled in technical application code • Business rules can have their own lifecycle, without requiring application redeployments 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 60
  • 66. end a The context and Ag the usual issues we face Some real-life examples of Domain- Specific Languages Groovy’s DSL capabilities Integrating a DSL in your application Considerations to remember when designing your own DSL 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 61
  • 67. Start small, with key concepts Beware overengineering!
  • 68. Grow your language progressively
  • 69. Get your hands dirty Play with the end-users
  • 70. Let your DSL fly, it’s not yours, it’s theirs!
  • 72. Stay humble. You can’t get it right the first time. Don’t design alone at your desk Involve the end users from the start
  • 73. Playing it safe in a sandbox
  • 74. Various levels of sandboxing Groovy supports the usual Java Security Managers Use metaprogramming tricks to prevent calling / instanciating certain classes Create a special GroovyClassLoader AST code visitor to filter only the nodes of the AST you want to keep • ArithmeticShell in Groovy’s samples 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 69
  • 75. Test, test, test! Don’t just test for nominal cases • Explicitely test for errors! Ensure end-users get meaninful error messages 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 70
  • 76. end a Ag Summary Questions & Answers 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 71
  • 77. Summary Groovy’s a great fit for Domain-Specific Languages • Malleable & flexible syntax • Full object-orientation Metaprogramming capabilities • Runtime metaprogramming • Compile-time metaprogramming Groovy’s very often used for mission-critical DSLs 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 72
  • 78. ? I kan haz my cheezburgr naw? Or do ya reely haz keshtionz?
  • 79. Appendix 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 74
  • 80. 2009 CommunityOne Conference: EAST | 75