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The SkyNet funding bill is passed.
The system goes online on August 4th, 1997.
Human decisions are removed from strategic defense.
SkyNet begins to learn at a geometric rate.
It becomes self-aware at 2:14am Eastern time, August
In a panic, they try to pull the plug.
And, Skynet fights back
Mark Proctor
Project Lead
 Books
 Community
 History
 Unified Concept
 Declarative Domain Overview
● Declarative Programming
● Domain Overview
● The Future
 Expert
● Quick Example
● Conditional Elements
● Truth Maintenance and Inference
 Fusion
 Decision Tables
 Guvnor
 What's new in 5.1
 Introduction to Expert Systems
● Peter Jackson
 Expert Systems, Principles and Programming
● Joseph C. Giarratano and Gary D. Riley
Oh And There are Drools Books Too
Drools Research Network
● 30+ Research related pages
● Many more as haven't updated
Community Collaboration
 40% of Drools work now done in the community
● US Navy Healthcare
● OSDE (Argentina's largest healthcare organisation)
 Part of the W3C RIF working group
 Director in RuleML group
Sample Industries and Users
 Investment
● Millennium Investment Group (MIG)
 Logistics
● Fedex
 Airline
● Sabre
 Mortgage
● Franklin American
 Healthcare
Boot Camps
 San Francisco 2009 (40+ attendees)
● Sponsored by Third Pillar
● Sun, FAMC, OSDE, Kaseya, Fedex, TU Group, Intermountain
Healthcare, Gap, Sony Pictures, Lockheed Martin, Kaiser, HP,
Wells Fargo, US Navy Research, FOLIOfn, Boeing .....
 San Diego 2010 (80+ attendess)
● Sponsored by US Navy
● 5 day event, with 2 days focus on the healthcare industry
● OSDE, AT&T, SAIC, US Navy Research, Kaiser, Clinica,
Intermountain Healthcare, GE Healthcare, VA, Boeing,
Nationwide ....
 User and Dev mailing lists
 IRC, Internet Relay Chat
It All Started Here
Birth of CDSS
Because Not Everyone
Is As Smart As He Is
Business Rules Engines
Drools 2
Drools 3
Drools 4
Drools 5
Drools History
 Drools 2
● Rete “like” XML Scripting language
 Drools 3
● Based on Clips functionality
● Iterative improves to JRules syntax with Clips functionality
 Drools 4
● More declarative
● Basic functional programming feature with “from”
● Basic Rule Flow
● Basic BRMS
 Drools 5
● Improved functional programming with 'accumulate'
● More Advanced Rule Flow integration
● Complex Event Process (Fusion)
● Temporal Comparators, Sliding Time Windows
● Production ready BRMS
Unified Concept
Drools Modules
Business Logic integration System
(Also Now Drools Planner)
Business Logic Lifecycle
Rules and processes
loosely coupledtightly coupled
Achieving More
By Doing Less
File file = new File (“.....”); // file to XML process definition
ProcessDefinition processDefinition =
ProcessDefinition.parseXmlString( IoUtils.FileToString( file ) );
ProcessInstance processInstance =
new ProcessInstance(processDefinition);
Rete engine = new Rete();
FileReader file = new FileReader("myfile.clp");
Jesp parser = new Jesp(file, engine);
EPServiceProvider epService = EPServiceProviderManager.getDefaultProvider();
EPStatement countStmt = admin.createEPL( "...." );
Knowledge API
Drools Flow
KnowledegBuilder kbuilder = KnowledgeBuilderFactory.newKnowledgeBulider();
ResourceFactory.newClassPathResource( “myflow.bpmn2”,
ResourceType.BPMN2 );
If ( kbuilder.hasErrors() ) {
log.error( kbuilder.hasErrors().toString() );
KnowledgeBase kbase = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBase();
kbase.addKnowledgePackages( kbase.getKnowledgePackages() );
Knowledge API
Drools Expert
KnowledegBuilder kbuilder = KnowledgeBuilderFactory.newKnowledgeBulider();
ResourceFactory.newClassPathResource( “myrules.drl”,
ResourceType.DRL );
If ( kbuilder.hasErrors() ) {
log.error( kbuilder.hasErrors().toString() );
KnowledgeBase kbase = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBase();
kbase.addKnowledgePackages( kbase.getKnowledgePackages() );
Knowledge API
Drools Integration Deployment Descriptors
<resource source='classpath:myapp/data/myflow.bpmn2' type='BPMN2' />
<resource source='http:myapp/data/myrules.drl' type='DRL' />
<resource source='classpath:data/IntegrationExampleTest.xls'
<decisiontable-conf input-type="XLS"
worksheet-name="Tables_2" />
KnowledegBuilder kbuilder = KnowledgeBuilderFactory.newKnowledgeBulider();
ResourceFactory.newFileResource( “changeset.xml”,
ResourceType.ChangeSet );
Knowledge XML
<drools:kbase id="kbase1">
<drools:resource type="DRL"
<drools:ksession id="ksession1" type="stateless" kbase="kbase1" />
<drools:ksession id="ksession2" type="stateful" kbase="kbase1"/>
<camelContext id="camel">
<from uri="cxfrs://bean://rsServer"/>
<marshal ref="xstream"/>
<to uri=”drools:ksession1” />
<unmarshal ref="xstream"/>
Declarative Services
Spring XML and Camel
Stateful Knowledge
Knowledge Runtime
Integrated debug and audit
Self monitoring and adaptive
declare ProcessStartedEvent
@role( event )
rule "Number of process instances above threshold" when
Number( nbProcesses : intValue > 1000 )
from accumulate(
e: ProcessStartedEvent(
processInstance.processId == "com.sample.order.OrderProcess" )
over window:size(1h),
count(e) )
System.err.println( "WARNING: Nb of order processes in the last
hour > 1000: " + nbProcesses );
Rules and Process Together
Domain Specific Processes
Declarative Domain
Declarative Programming
 Production Rule Systems PRD (forward chaining)
● Reactive
● when Alarm( status == “alert” )
then send( “warning” )
 Logic Programming LP (backward chaining)
● Query
● descendant( “mary”, “jane”)
 Functional Programming FP
● Map,Fold, Filter
● avg([12, 16, 4, 6])
● Returns single value 9.5
● round([10.3, 4.7, 7.8] )
● Returns List [10, 5, 8]
 Description Logic
● Person hasName String and
livesAt Address
Declarative Programming
 Production Rule Systems PRD (forward chaining FC)
● Drools 5.0, OPSJ ( hyrbid BC), ART( hyrbid BC)
 Logic Programming LP (backward chaining BC)
● target : Prolog (POSL Position Slotted Language)
● Drools Trunk has a prototype Prolog like query backward
chaining capabilities. Stronger Polog like capabilities planned.
● Opportunistic BC planned.
 Functional Programming FP
● Lisp, Haskell
● Drools 5.0 has some functional capabilities
● Drools 5.1, 5.2 will be looking to have strong functional
Declarative Programming
 Description Logic DL
● Planned, See “The Future”
 Processes
● Drools 5.1 implements BPMN2 with advanced rule integration.
● Drools Flow will be incorporated into jBPM5
Domain Overview
Domain Overview
Domain Overview
The Future
 Full Hybrid Engine
●Nested Objects
●Casting Nested Objects
●Positional Constraints
●POSL - Positional-Slotted
●Method Calls
●Maps and Arrays
●Collections and XPath like
●Free form Expressions
●Managed Object Graphs
●Nested Patterns and Queries
●Queries and Unification
●Ontologies and Relations via
●Query Based Backward
Chaining with POSL
●Triples with Hybrid POJO Graph
●Escapes for Dialects
●Accumulate Improvements to
Support Haskell map/fold/filter
and MVEL projection/fold
● Otherwise
● Branch (Labelled Else)
● Rule Execution Groups
● Rule Dependency Meta-Rule
●Parallel Meta-Rule Language
● Field Versioning
●Logical Closures/OnFalse
●Opportunistic Backward
Chaining, Lazy Field/Object
Drools Expert
Quick Example
public class Applicant {
private String name;
private int age;
private boolean valid;
// getter and setter methods here
rule "Is of valid age" when
$a : Applicant( age < 18 )
modify( $a ) { valid = false };
KnowledgeBuilder kbuilder = KnowledgeBuilderFactory.newKnowledgeBuilder();
kbuilder.add( ResourceFactory
.newClassPathResource( "licenseApplication.drl", getClass() ),
ResourceType.DRL );
if ( kbuilder.hasErrors() ) {
System.err.println( kbuilder.getErrors().toString() );
kbase.addKnowledgePackages( kbuilder.getKnowledgePackages() );
StatelessKnowledgeSession ksession = kbase.newStatelessKnowledgeSession();
Applicant applicant = new Applicant( "Mr John Smith", 16 );
assertTrue( applicant.isValid() );
ksession.execute( applicant );
assertFalse( applicant.isValid() );
rule "Is of valid age" when
$a : Applicant( age < 18 )
modify( $a ) { valid = false };
Drools Expert
Quick Example
public class Room {
private String name
// getter and setter methods here
public class Sprinkler {
private Room room;
private boolean on;
// getter and setter methods here
public class Fire {
private Room room;
// getter and setter methods here
public class Alarm {
rule "When there is a fire turn on the sprinkler" when
Fire($room : room)
$sprinkler : Sprinkler( room == $room, on == false )
modify( $sprinkler ) { on = true };
println( "Turn on the sprinkler for room " + $ );
rule "When the fire is gone turn off the sprinkler" when
$room : Room( )
$sprinkler : Sprinkler( room == $room, on == true )
not Fire( room == $room )
modify( $sprinkler ) { on = false };
println( "Turn off the sprinkler for room " + $ );
rule "Raise the alarm when we have one or more fires" when
exists Fire()
insert( new Alarm() );
println( "Raise the alarm" );
rule "Cancel the alarm when all the fires have gone" when
not Fire()
$alarm : Alarm()
retract( $alarm );
println( "Cancel the alarm" );
rule "Status output when things are ok" when
not Alarm()
not Sprinkler( on == true )
println( "Everything is ok" );
String[] names = new String[]{"kitchen", "bedroom", "office", "livingroom"};
Map<String,Room> name2room = new HashMap<String,Room>();
for( String name: names ){
Room room = new Room( name );
name2room.put( name, room );
ksession.insert( room );
Sprinkler sprinkler = new Sprinkler( room );
ksession.insert( sprinkler );
> Everything is ok
Fire kitchenFire = new Fire( name2room.get( "kitchen" ) );
Fire officeFire = new Fire( name2room.get( "office" ) );
FactHandle kitchenFireHandle = ksession.insert( kitchenFire );
FactHandle officeFireHandle = ksession.insert( officeFire );
> Raise the alarm
> Turn on the sprinkler for room kitchen
> Turn on the sprinkler for room office
ksession.retract( kitchenFireHandle );
ksession.retract( officeFireHandle );
> Turn off the sprinkler for room office
> Turn off the sprinkler for room kitchen
> Cancel the alarm
> Everything is ok
rule "Status output when things are ok" when
not Alarm()
not Sprinkler( on == true )
println( "Everything is ok" );
not Bus( color = “red” )
Conditional Elements
exists Bus( color = “red” )
forall ( $bus : Bus( floors == 2 )
Bus( this == $bus, color == “red” ) )
forall ( $bus : Bus( color == “red” ) )
Accumulate CE
rule "accumulate"
$sum : Number( intValue > 100 )
from accumulate( Bus( color == "red", $t : takings )
sum( $t ) )
print "sum is “ + $sum;
Accumulate CE
Patterns and CE's can be chained with 'from'
rule "collect"
$zipCode : ZipCode()
$sum : Number( intValue > 100 )
from accumulate( Bus( color == "red", $t : takings )
from $hbn.getNamedQuery(“Find Buses”)
.setParameters( [ “zipCode” :
$zipCode ] )
sum( $t ) )
print "sum is “ + $sum;
rule “name”
timer 1m30s
$l : Light( status == “on” )
modify( $l ) { status = “off” };
rule “name”
timer (int: 1m30s 0)
$l : Light( status == “on” )
modify( $l ) { status = “off” };
When the light is on, and has been
on for 1m30s then turn it off
Same as above. Interval timer with
JDK semantics for initial duration,
then repeat duration.
rule “name”
timer ( cron: 0 0/15 * * * * )
Alarm( )
sendEmail( ”Alert Alert Alert!!!” )
Field Name Mandatory? Allowed Values Allowed Special Characters
Seconds YES 0-59 , - * /
Minutes YES 0-59 , - * /
Hours YES 0-23 , - * /
Day of month YES 1-31 , - * ? / L W
Month YES 1-12 or JAN-DEC , - * /
Day of week YES 1-7 or SUN-SAT , - * ? / L #
Year NO empty, 1970-2099 , - * /
Send alert every quarter of an hour
rule "weekdays are high priority"
calendars "weekday"
timer (int:0 1h)
send( "priority high - we have an alarm” );
rule "weekend are low priority"
calendars "weekend"
timer (int:0 4h)
send( "priority low - we have an alarm” );
Execute now and after
1 hour duration
Execute now and after
4 hour duration
Drools Expert
A Little Deeper
D a te d a te
d o u b le a m o u n t
in t ty p e
lo n g a c c o u n tN o
C a s h flo w
lo n g a c c o u n tN o
d o u b le b a la n c e
A c c o u n t
D a te s ta r t
D a te e n d
A c c o u n tin g P e r io d
accountNo balance
1 0
increase balance for AccountPeriod Credits
select * from Account acc,
Cashflow cf, AccountPeriod ap
where acc.accountNo == cf.accountNo and
cf.type == CREDIT >= ap.start and <= ap.end
decrease balance for AccountPeriod Debits
select * from Account acc,
Cashflow cf, AccountPeriod ap
where acc.accountNo == cf.accountNo and
cf.type == DEBIT >= ap.start and <= ap.end
start end
01-Jan-07 31-Mar-07
trigger : acc.balance += cf.amount trigger : acc.balance -= cf.amount
accountNo balance
1 -25
Creating Views with Triggers
date amount type
12-Jan-07 100 CREDIT 1
2-Feb-07 200 DEBIT 1
18-May-07 50 CREDIT 1
9-Mar-07 75 CREDIT 1
date amount type
12-Jan-07 100 CREDIT
9-Mar-07 75 CREDIT
date amount type
2-Feb-07 200 DEBIT
rule “increase balance for AccountPeriod Credits”
ap : AccountPeriod()
acc : Account( $accountNo : accountNo )
CashFlow( type == CREDIT,
accountNo == $accountNo,
date >= ap.start && <= ap.end,
$ammount : ammount )
acc.balance += $amount;
select * from Account acc,
Cashflow cf, AccountPeriod ap
where acc.accountNo == cf.accountNo and
cf.type == CREDIT >= ap.start and <= ap.end
trigger : acc.balance += cf.amount
Bringing it Together
rule “increase balance for AccountPeriod
ap : AccountPeriod()
acc : Account( $accountNo : accountNo )
CashFlow( type == CREDIT,
accountNo == $accountNo,
date >= ap.start && <= ap.end,
$ammount : ammount )
acc.balance += $amount;
rule “decrease balance for AccountPeriod
ap : AccountPeriod()
acc : Account( $accountNo : accountNo )
CashFlow( type == DEBIT,
accountNo == $accountNo,
date >= ap.start && <= ap.end,
$ammount : ammount )
acc.balance -= $amount;
Rules as a “view”
date amount type
12-Jan-07 100 CREDIT 1
2-Feb-07 200 DEBIT 1
18-May-07 50 CREDIT 1
9-Mar-07 75 CREDIT 1
date amount type
12-Jan-07 100 CREDIT
9-Mar-07 75 CREDIT
date amount type
2-Feb-07 200 DEBIT
start end
01-Jan-07 31-Mar-07
accountNo balance
1 0
accountNo balance
1 -25
Truth Maintenance
TMS and Inference
rule "Issue Child Bus Pass"
$p : Person( age < 16 )
insert(new ChildBusPass( $p ) );
rule "Issue Adult Bus Pass"
$p : Person( age >= 16 )
insert(new AdultBusPass( $p ) );
Couples the logic
What happens when the Child
stops being 16?
TMS and Inference
 Bad
● Monolithic
● Leaky
● Brittle integrity - manual maintenance
TMS and Inference
 A rule “logically” inserts an object
 When the rule is no longer true, the object is retracted.
$p : Person( age < 16 )
logicalInsert( new IsChild( $p ) )
$p : Person( age >= 16 )
logicalInsert( new IsAdult( $p ) )
de-couples the logic
Maintains the truth by
automatically retracting
TMS and Inference
rule "Issue Child Bus Pass"
$p : Person( )
IsChild( person =$p )
logicalInsert(new ChildBusPass( $p ) );
rule "Issue Adult Bus Pass"
$p : Person( age >= 16 )
IsAdult( person =$p )
logicalInsert(new AdultBusPass( $p ) );
The truth maintenance cascades
TMS and Inference
rule "Issue Child Bus Pass"
$p : Person( )
not( ChildBusPass( person == $p ) )
requestChildBusPass( $p );
end The truth maintenance cascades
TMS and Inference
 Good
● De-couple knowledge responsibilities
● Encapsulate knowledge
● Provide semantic abstractions for those encapsulation
● Integrity robustness – truth maintenance
Drools Expert
Authoring Metaphores
Guided Editor
Decision Table
Decision Table
rule "Pricing bracket_10"
Driver(age >= 18, age <= 24,
locationRiskProfile == "LOW",
priorClaims == "1")
Policy(type == "COMPREHENSIVE")
Drools Fusion: Enables...
 Event Detection:
● From an event cloud or set of streams, select all the
meaningful events, and only them.
 [Temporal] Event Correlation:
● Ability to correlate events and facts declaring both temporal
and non-temporal constraints between them.
● Ability to reason over event aggregation.
 Event Sequencing:
● A → ( B OR C ) → D
 Event Abstraction:
● Ability to compose complex events from atomic events AND
reason over them
Drools Fusion: Features
 Support to Event semantics:
● Usually immutable, but not enforced
● Strong temporal relationships
● Managed lifecycle
● Point-in-time and Interval events
 Time semantics
● Discrete
 Temporal relationships
● All 13 operators defined by James Allen (+ negations)
Drools Fusion: Temporal Reasoning
P o i n t - P o i n t P o i n t - I n t e r v a l I n t e r v a l - I n t e r v a l
A b e f o r e B
A m e e t s B
A o v e r la p s B
A f in is h e s B
A in c lu d e s B
A s t a r t s B
A c o in c id e s B
Drools Fusion: Temporal Reasoning
P o i n t - P o i n t P o i n t - I n t e r v a l I n t e r v a l - I n t e r v a l
A a f t e r B
A m e t B y B
A o v e r la p e d B y B
A f in is h e d B y B
A d u r in g B
A f in is h e s B
$c : Custumer( type == “VIP )
$oe : BuyOrderEvent( customer == $c )
from entry-point “Home Broker Stream”
not BuyAckEvent( relatedEvent == $, this after[1s, 10s] $oe )
from entry-point “Stock Trader Stream”
Existing Drools 'not'
Conditional Elements can
be used to detect non-
occurrence of events
BackAckEvent must occur
between 1s and 10s 'after'
Rule Engines do not deal with aggregations
$n : Number( intValue > 100 )
from accumulate( $s : StockTicker( symbol == “RHAT” ) over window:time( 5s ),
average( $s.price ) )
Over 5 seconds
Aggregate ticker price
for RHAT over last 5
The pattern 'Number'
reasons 'from' the
accumulate result
Drools Guvnor
 Technology
● JCR (JSR-170) backend
● Seam + GWT frontend
● WebDav
● Eclipse synchronisation plugin
● Role based security
 Authoring
● Decision Tables
● Guided Editor
● Rule Templates
● Sentence Templates (DSLs)
● Declared Types
 QA
● Scenario Testing
● Rule Verification
Business asset storage
Category based browsing
Category based browsing
Guided Editor
Decision Tables
Scenario Testing
Scenario Testing
What's new
In 5.1
What's new to 5.1
 Integration
● OSGi ready
● Spring
● Camel
● JMX/JOPR integration
 Expert
● New Rete Algorithm “differential update”
● Timers and Calendars
● Live Open Querries
 Flow
Differential Update
 Differential Update (a.k.a. “true modify”)
● Implements a real “modify/update” operation, instead of
● Reuses tuples, reduces GC stress, improves performance
What's new to 5.1
 Guvnor
● Guided editor
● Nested Expression builder
● person.dogs[0].name
● Move constrains up and down
● Insert constraints
● Support for more DRL elements
● RSS Subcription, change notifications, inbox
● Working Sets
● Object constraint definitions
● Rule Templates (based on Guided Editor)
● Oryx BPM editor integration
● Better rule documentation support
Drools flow in Oryx
Drools flow in Eclipse
• Dave Bowman: All right, HAL; I'll go in
through the emergency airlock.
• HAL: Without your space helmet, Dave,
you're going to find that rather difficult.
• Dave Bowman: HAL, I won't argue with
you anymore! Open the doors!
• HAL: Dave, this conversation can serve
no purpose anymore. Goodbye.
Joshua: Greetings, Professor Falken.
Stephen Falken: Hello, Joshua.
Joshua: A strange game. The only
winning move is not to play. How
about a nice game of chess?

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Ähnlich wie Developing applications with rules, workflow and event processing (it@cork 2010)

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Ähnlich wie Developing applications with rules, workflow and event processing (it@cork 2010) (20)

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Mehr von Geoffrey De Smet

Drools planner - 2012-10-23 IntelliFest 2012
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What is Drools, Guvnor and Planner? 2012 02-17 Brno Dev Conference
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2011-03-09 London - Drools Planner in a nutshell
2011-03-09 London - Drools Planner in a nutshell2011-03-09 London - Drools Planner in a nutshell
2011-03-09 London - Drools Planner in a nutshellGeoffrey De Smet
2011-03-24 IDC - Adaptive and flexible processes (Mark Proctor)
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st - demystifying complext event processing
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jBPM 5 (JUDCon 2010-10-08)
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jBPM 5 (JUDCon 2010-10-08)Geoffrey De Smet
Applying complex event processing (2010-10-11)
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Towards unified knowledge management platform (rulefest 2010)
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Mehr von Geoffrey De Smet (18)

Drools planner - 2012-10-23 IntelliFest 2012
Drools planner - 2012-10-23 IntelliFest 2012Drools planner - 2012-10-23 IntelliFest 2012
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What is Drools, Guvnor and Planner? 2012 02-17 Brno Dev Conference
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What is Drools, Guvnor and Planner? 2012 02-17 Brno Dev Conference
2012 02-04 fosdem 2012 - drools planner
2012 02-04 fosdem 2012 - drools planner2012 02-04 fosdem 2012 - drools planner
2012 02-04 fosdem 2012 - drools planner
JUDCon London 2011 - Bin packing with drools planner by example
JUDCon London 2011 - Bin packing with drools planner by exampleJUDCon London 2011 - Bin packing with drools planner by example
JUDCon London 2011 - Bin packing with drools planner by example
Drools Planner webinar (2011-06-15): Drools Planner optimizes automated planning
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Drools Planner webinar (2011-06-15): Drools Planner optimizes automated planning
Applying CEP Drools Fusion - Drools jBPM Bootcamps 2011
Applying CEP Drools Fusion - Drools jBPM Bootcamps 2011Applying CEP Drools Fusion - Drools jBPM Bootcamps 2011
Applying CEP Drools Fusion - Drools jBPM Bootcamps 2011
Drools New York City workshop 2011
Drools New York City workshop 2011Drools New York City workshop 2011
Drools New York City workshop 2011
2011-03-29 London - Decision tables in depth (Michael Anstis)
2011-03-29 London - Decision tables in depth (Michael Anstis)2011-03-29 London - Decision tables in depth (Michael Anstis)
2011-03-29 London - Decision tables in depth (Michael Anstis)
2011-03-29 London - Why do I need the guvnor BRMS?
2011-03-29 London - Why do I need the guvnor BRMS?2011-03-29 London - Why do I need the guvnor BRMS?
2011-03-29 London - Why do I need the guvnor BRMS?
2011-03-09 London - Drools Planner in a nutshell
2011-03-09 London - Drools Planner in a nutshell2011-03-09 London - Drools Planner in a nutshell
2011-03-09 London - Drools Planner in a nutshell
2011-03-24 IDC - Adaptive and flexible processes (Mark Proctor)
2011-03-24 IDC - Adaptive and flexible processes (Mark Proctor)2011-03-24 IDC - Adaptive and flexible processes (Mark Proctor)
2011-03-24 IDC - Adaptive and flexible processes (Mark Proctor)
Open source and business rules
Open source and business rulesOpen source and business rules
Open source and business rules
st - demystifying complext event processing
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st - demystifying complext event processing
jBPM 5 (JUDCon 2010-10-08)
jBPM 5 (JUDCon 2010-10-08)jBPM 5 (JUDCon 2010-10-08)
jBPM 5 (JUDCon 2010-10-08)
Applying complex event processing (2010-10-11)
Applying complex event processing (2010-10-11)Applying complex event processing (2010-10-11)
Applying complex event processing (2010-10-11)
Towards unified knowledge management platform (rulefest 2010)
Towards unified knowledge management platform (rulefest 2010)Towards unified knowledge management platform (rulefest 2010)
Towards unified knowledge management platform (rulefest 2010)
2010 04-20 san diego bootcamp - drools planner - use cases
2010 04-20 san diego bootcamp - drools planner - use cases2010 04-20 san diego bootcamp - drools planner - use cases
2010 04-20 san diego bootcamp - drools planner - use cases
Drools BeJUG 2010
Drools BeJUG 2010Drools BeJUG 2010
Drools BeJUG 2010

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Developing applications with rules, workflow and event processing (it@cork 2010)

  • 1. ● The SkyNet funding bill is passed. ● The system goes online on August 4th, 1997. ● Human decisions are removed from strategic defense. ● SkyNet begins to learn at a geometric rate. ● It becomes self-aware at 2:14am Eastern time, August 29th ● In a panic, they try to pull the plug. ● And, Skynet fights back Mark Proctor Co-Creator Project Lead
  • 2. 2 Topics  Books  Community  History  Unified Concept  Declarative Domain Overview ● Declarative Programming ● Domain Overview ● The Future  Expert ● Quick Example ● Conditional Elements ● Truth Maintenance and Inference  Fusion  Decision Tables  Guvnor  What's new in 5.1
  • 3. 3 Books  Introduction to Expert Systems ● Peter Jackson  Expert Systems, Principles and Programming ● Joseph C. Giarratano and Gary D. Riley
  • 4. 4 Oh And There are Drools Books Too
  • 6. 6 Drools Research Network  ● 30+ Research related pages ● Many more as haven't updated
  • 7. 7 Community Collaboration  40% of Drools work now done in the community ● US Navy Healthcare ● OSDE (Argentina's largest healthcare organisation)
  • 8. 8 Standards  Part of the W3C RIF working group  Director in RuleML group
  • 9. 9 Sample Industries and Users  Investment ● Millennium Investment Group (MIG)  Logistics ● Fedex  Airline ● Sabre  Mortgage ● Franklin American  Healthcare ● OSDE
  • 10. 10 Boot Camps  San Francisco 2009 (40+ attendees) ● Sponsored by Third Pillar ● Sun, FAMC, OSDE, Kaseya, Fedex, TU Group, Intermountain Healthcare, Gap, Sony Pictures, Lockheed Martin, Kaiser, HP, Wells Fargo, US Navy Research, FOLIOfn, Boeing .....  San Diego 2010 (80+ attendess) ● Sponsored by US Navy ● 5 day event, with 2 days focus on the healthcare industry ● OSDE, AT&T, SAIC, US Navy Research, Kaiser, Clinica, Intermountain Healthcare, GE Healthcare, VA, Boeing, Nationwide ....
  • 11. 11 Communication  User and Dev mailing lists  IRC, Internet Relay Chat
  • 13. 13 It All Started Here Birth of CDSS Dendral Baobab Mycin Guidon Neomycin Teiresias Puff Emycin WM Sacon Centaur Wheeze Gravida Clot Oncocin 1970s 1980s
  • 14. 14 Because Not Everyone Is As Smart As He Is
  • 15. 15 Business Rules Engines OPS5 ART Clips Jess Drools 2 JRules 1980s 2010s Drools 3 1990s 2000s Drools 4 Drools 5
  • 16. 16 Drools History  Drools 2 ● Rete “like” XML Scripting language  Drools 3 ● Based on Clips functionality ● Iterative improves to JRules syntax with Clips functionality  Drools 4 ● More declarative ● Basic functional programming feature with “from” ● Basic Rule Flow ● Basic BRMS  Drools 5 ● Improved functional programming with 'accumulate' ● More Advanced Rule Flow integration ● Complex Event Process (Fusion) ● Temporal Comparators, Sliding Time Windows ● Production ready BRMS
  • 18. 18 Drools Modules Business Logic integration System Drools Guvnor Drools Fusion Drools Flow Drools Expert (Also Now Drools Planner)
  • 20. 20 Rules and processes loosely coupledtightly coupled specificgeneric Decision Services Process Rules SCOPE COUPLING ?
  • 22. 22 jBPM File file = new File (“.....”); // file to XML process definition ProcessDefinition processDefinition = ProcessDefinition.parseXmlString( IoUtils.FileToString( file ) ); ProcessInstance processInstance = new ProcessInstance(processDefinition); Jess Rete engine = new Rete(); FileReader file = new FileReader("myfile.clp"); Jesp parser = new Jesp(file, engine); parser.parse(false); Esper EPServiceProvider epService = EPServiceProviderManager.getDefaultProvider(); EPStatement countStmt = admin.createEPL( "...." ); countStmt.start(); Knowledge API
  • 23. 23 Drools Flow KnowledegBuilder kbuilder = KnowledgeBuilderFactory.newKnowledgeBulider(); kbuilder.addResource( ResourceFactory.newClassPathResource( “myflow.bpmn2”, ResourceType.BPMN2 ); If ( kbuilder.hasErrors() ) { log.error( kbuilder.hasErrors().toString() ); } KnowledgeBase kbase = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBase(); kbase.addKnowledgePackages( kbase.getKnowledgePackages() ); Knowledge API
  • 24. 24 Drools Expert KnowledegBuilder kbuilder = KnowledgeBuilderFactory.newKnowledgeBulider(); kbuilder.addResource( ResourceFactory.newClassPathResource( “myrules.drl”, ResourceType.DRL ); If ( kbuilder.hasErrors() ) { log.error( kbuilder.hasErrors().toString() ); } KnowledgeBase kbase = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBase(); kbase.addKnowledgePackages( kbase.getKnowledgePackages() ); Knowledge API
  • 25. 25 Drools Integration Deployment Descriptors <change-set> <add> <resource source='classpath:myapp/data/myflow.bpmn2' type='BPMN2' /> <resource source='http:myapp/data/myrules.drl' type='DRL' /> <resource source='classpath:data/IntegrationExampleTest.xls' type="DTABLE"> <decisiontable-conf input-type="XLS" worksheet-name="Tables_2" /> </resource> <add> </change-set> KnowledegBuilder kbuilder = KnowledgeBuilderFactory.newKnowledgeBulider(); kbuilder.addResource( ResourceFactory.newFileResource( “changeset.xml”, ResourceType.ChangeSet ); Knowledge XML
  • 26. 26 <drools:kbase id="kbase1"> <drools:resource type="DRL" source="classpath:.../testSpring.drl"/> </drools:kbase> <drools:ksession id="ksession1" type="stateless" kbase="kbase1" /> <drools:ksession id="ksession2" type="stateful" kbase="kbase1"/> <camelContext id="camel"> <route> <from uri="cxfrs://bean://rsServer"/> <marshal ref="xstream"/> <to uri=”drools:ksession1” /> <unmarshal ref="xstream"/> </route> </camelContext> Declarative Services Spring XML and Camel
  • 29.
  • 31. 31 Self monitoring and adaptive declare ProcessStartedEvent @role( event ) end rule "Number of process instances above threshold" when Number( nbProcesses : intValue > 1000 ) from accumulate( e: ProcessStartedEvent( processInstance.processId == "com.sample.order.OrderProcess" ) over window:size(1h), count(e) ) then System.err.println( "WARNING: Nb of order processes in the last hour > 1000: " + nbProcesses ); end
  • 35. 35 Declarative Programming  Production Rule Systems PRD (forward chaining) ● Reactive ● when Alarm( status == “alert” ) then send( “warning” )  Logic Programming LP (backward chaining) ● Query ● descendant( “mary”, “jane”)  Functional Programming FP ● Map,Fold, Filter ● avg([12, 16, 4, 6]) ● Returns single value 9.5 ● round([10.3, 4.7, 7.8] ) ● Returns List [10, 5, 8]  Description Logic ● Person hasName String and livesAt Address
  • 36. 36 Declarative Programming  Production Rule Systems PRD (forward chaining FC) ● Drools 5.0, OPSJ ( hyrbid BC), ART( hyrbid BC)  Logic Programming LP (backward chaining BC) ● target : Prolog (POSL Position Slotted Language) ● Drools Trunk has a prototype Prolog like query backward chaining capabilities. Stronger Polog like capabilities planned. ● Opportunistic BC planned.  Functional Programming FP ● Lisp, Haskell ● Drools 5.0 has some functional capabilities ● Drools 5.1, 5.2 will be looking to have strong functional capabilities
  • 37. 37 Declarative Programming  Description Logic DL ● KIF, OWL-DL ● Planned, See “The Future”  Processes ● Drools 5.1 implements BPMN2 with advanced rule integration. ● Drools Flow will be incorporated into jBPM5
  • 41. 41 The Future  Full Hybrid Engine ● ●Nested Objects ●Casting Nested Objects ●Positional Constraints ●POSL - Positional-Slotted Language ●Method Calls ●Maps and Arrays (Collections) ●Collections and XPath like filtering ●Free form Expressions ●Managed Object Graphs (MOGS) ●Nested Patterns and Queries ●Queries and Unification ●Ontologies and Relations via ●Query Based Backward Chaining with POSL ●Triples with Hybrid POJO Graph Notation. ●Escapes for Dialects ●Accumulate Improvements to Support Haskell map/fold/filter and MVEL projection/fold ● Otherwise ● Branch (Labelled Else) ● Rule Execution Groups ● Rule Dependency Meta-Rule Language ●Parallel Meta-Rule Language ● Field Versioning ●Logical Closures/OnFalse ●Opportunistic Backward Chaining, Lazy Field/Object Values ●...
  • 43. 43 Definitions public class Applicant { private String name; private int age; private boolean valid; // getter and setter methods here } rule "Is of valid age" when $a : Applicant( age < 18 ) then modify( $a ) { valid = false }; ends
  • 44. 44 Building KnowledgeBuilder kbuilder = KnowledgeBuilderFactory.newKnowledgeBuilder(); kbuilder.add( ResourceFactory .newClassPathResource( "licenseApplication.drl", getClass() ), ResourceType.DRL ); if ( kbuilder.hasErrors() ) { System.err.println( kbuilder.getErrors().toString() ); } kbase.addKnowledgePackages( kbuilder.getKnowledgePackages() );
  • 45. 45 Executing StatelessKnowledgeSession ksession = kbase.newStatelessKnowledgeSession(); Applicant applicant = new Applicant( "Mr John Smith", 16 ); assertTrue( applicant.isValid() ); ksession.execute( applicant ); assertFalse( applicant.isValid() ); rule "Is of valid age" when $a : Applicant( age < 18 ) then modify( $a ) { valid = false }; ends
  • 47. 47 Definitions public class Room { private String name // getter and setter methods here } public class Sprinkler { private Room room; private boolean on; // getter and setter methods here } public class Fire { private Room room; // getter and setter methods here } public class Alarm { }
  • 48. 48 Definitions rule "When there is a fire turn on the sprinkler" when Fire($room : room) $sprinkler : Sprinkler( room == $room, on == false ) then modify( $sprinkler ) { on = true }; println( "Turn on the sprinkler for room " + $ ); end rule "When the fire is gone turn off the sprinkler" when $room : Room( ) $sprinkler : Sprinkler( room == $room, on == true ) not Fire( room == $room ) then modify( $sprinkler ) { on = false }; println( "Turn off the sprinkler for room " + $ ); end
  • 49. 49 Definitions rule "Raise the alarm when we have one or more fires" when exists Fire() then insert( new Alarm() ); println( "Raise the alarm" ); end rule "Cancel the alarm when all the fires have gone" when not Fire() $alarm : Alarm() then retract( $alarm ); println( "Cancel the alarm" ); end
  • 50. 50 Definitions rule "Status output when things are ok" when not Alarm() not Sprinkler( on == true ) then println( "Everything is ok" ); end
  • 51. 51 Executing String[] names = new String[]{"kitchen", "bedroom", "office", "livingroom"}; Map<String,Room> name2room = new HashMap<String,Room>(); for( String name: names ){ Room room = new Room( name ); name2room.put( name, room ); ksession.insert( room ); Sprinkler sprinkler = new Sprinkler( room ); ksession.insert( sprinkler ); } ksession.fireAllRules() > Everything is ok
  • 52. 52 Executing Fire kitchenFire = new Fire( name2room.get( "kitchen" ) ); Fire officeFire = new Fire( name2room.get( "office" ) ); FactHandle kitchenFireHandle = ksession.insert( kitchenFire ); FactHandle officeFireHandle = ksession.insert( officeFire ); ksession.fireAllRules(); > Raise the alarm > Turn on the sprinkler for room kitchen > Turn on the sprinkler for room office
  • 53. 53 Executing ksession.retract( kitchenFireHandle ); ksession.retract( officeFireHandle ); ksession.fireAllRules() > Turn off the sprinkler for room office > Turn off the sprinkler for room kitchen > Cancel the alarm > Everything is ok rule "Status output when things are ok" when not Alarm() not Sprinkler( on == true ) then println( "Everything is ok" ); end
  • 55. 55 not Bus( color = “red” ) Conditional Elements exists Bus( color = “red” ) forall ( $bus : Bus( floors == 2 ) Bus( this == $bus, color == “red” ) ) forall ( $bus : Bus( color == “red” ) )
  • 56. 56 Accumulate CE rule "accumulate" when $sum : Number( intValue > 100 ) from accumulate( Bus( color == "red", $t : takings ) sum( $t ) ) then print "sum is “ + $sum; end
  • 57. 57 Accumulate CE Patterns and CE's can be chained with 'from' rule "collect" when $zipCode : ZipCode() $sum : Number( intValue > 100 ) from accumulate( Bus( color == "red", $t : takings ) from $hbn.getNamedQuery(“Find Buses”) .setParameters( [ “zipCode” : $zipCode ] ) .list(), sum( $t ) ) then print "sum is “ + $sum; end
  • 59. 59 Timers rule “name” timer 1m30s when $l : Light( status == “on” ) then modify( $l ) { status = “off” }; rule “name” timer (int: 1m30s 0) when $l : Light( status == “on” ) then modify( $l ) { status = “off” }; When the light is on, and has been on for 1m30s then turn it off Same as above. Interval timer with JDK semantics for initial duration, then repeat duration.
  • 60. 60 Timers rule “name” timer ( cron: 0 0/15 * * * * ) when Alarm( ) then sendEmail( ”Alert Alert Alert!!!” ) Field Name Mandatory? Allowed Values Allowed Special Characters Seconds YES 0-59 , - * / Minutes YES 0-59 , - * / Hours YES 0-23 , - * / Day of month YES 1-31 , - * ? / L W Month YES 1-12 or JAN-DEC , - * / Day of week YES 1-7 or SUN-SAT , - * ? / L # Year NO empty, 1970-2099 , - * / Send alert every quarter of an hour
  • 61. 61 Calendars rule "weekdays are high priority" calendars "weekday" timer (int:0 1h) when Alarm() then send( "priority high - we have an alarm” ); end rule "weekend are low priority" calendars "weekend" timer (int:0 4h) when Alarm() then send( "priority low - we have an alarm” ); end Execute now and after 1 hour duration Execute now and after 4 hour duration
  • 63. 63 D a te d a te d o u b le a m o u n t in t ty p e lo n g a c c o u n tN o C a s h flo w lo n g a c c o u n tN o d o u b le b a la n c e A c c o u n t D a te s ta r t D a te e n d A c c o u n tin g P e r io d Classes
  • 64. 64 Account accountNo balance 1 0 increase balance for AccountPeriod Credits select * from Account acc, Cashflow cf, AccountPeriod ap where acc.accountNo == cf.accountNo and cf.type == CREDIT >= ap.start and <= ap.end decrease balance for AccountPeriod Debits select * from Account acc, Cashflow cf, AccountPeriod ap where acc.accountNo == cf.accountNo and cf.type == DEBIT >= ap.start and <= ap.end AccountingPeriod start end 01-Jan-07 31-Mar-07 trigger : acc.balance += cf.amount trigger : acc.balance -= cf.amount Account accountNo balance 1 -25 Creating Views with Triggers date amount type 12-Jan-07 100 CREDIT 1 2-Feb-07 200 DEBIT 1 18-May-07 50 CREDIT 1 9-Mar-07 75 CREDIT 1 CashFlow accountNo CashFlow date amount type 12-Jan-07 100 CREDIT 9-Mar-07 75 CREDIT CashFlow date amount type 2-Feb-07 200 DEBIT
  • 65. 65 rule “increase balance for AccountPeriod Credits” when ap : AccountPeriod() acc : Account( $accountNo : accountNo ) CashFlow( type == CREDIT, accountNo == $accountNo, date >= ap.start && <= ap.end, $ammount : ammount ) then acc.balance += $amount; end select * from Account acc, Cashflow cf, AccountPeriod ap where acc.accountNo == cf.accountNo and cf.type == CREDIT >= ap.start and <= ap.end trigger : acc.balance += cf.amount Bringing it Together
  • 66. 66 rule “increase balance for AccountPeriod Credits” when ap : AccountPeriod() acc : Account( $accountNo : accountNo ) CashFlow( type == CREDIT, accountNo == $accountNo, date >= ap.start && <= ap.end, $ammount : ammount ) then acc.balance += $amount; end rule “decrease balance for AccountPeriod Debits” when ap : AccountPeriod() acc : Account( $accountNo : accountNo ) CashFlow( type == DEBIT, accountNo == $accountNo, date >= ap.start && <= ap.end, $ammount : ammount ) then acc.balance -= $amount; end Rules as a “view” date amount type 12-Jan-07 100 CREDIT 1 2-Feb-07 200 DEBIT 1 18-May-07 50 CREDIT 1 9-Mar-07 75 CREDIT 1 CashFlow accountNo CashFlow date amount type 12-Jan-07 100 CREDIT 9-Mar-07 75 CREDIT CashFlow date amount type 2-Feb-07 200 DEBIT AccountingPeriod start end 01-Jan-07 31-Mar-07 Account accountNo balance 1 0 Account accountNo balance 1 -25
  • 68. 68 TMS and Inference rule "Issue Child Bus Pass" when $p : Person( age < 16 ) then insert(new ChildBusPass( $p ) ); end rule "Issue Adult Bus Pass" when $p : Person( age >= 16 ) then insert(new AdultBusPass( $p ) ); end Couples the logic What happens when the Child stops being 16?
  • 69. 69 TMS and Inference  Bad ● Monolithic ● Leaky ● Brittle integrity - manual maintenance
  • 70. 70 TMS and Inference  A rule “logically” inserts an object  When the rule is no longer true, the object is retracted. when $p : Person( age < 16 ) then logicalInsert( new IsChild( $p ) ) end when $p : Person( age >= 16 ) then logicalInsert( new IsAdult( $p ) ) end de-couples the logic Maintains the truth by automatically retracting
  • 71. 71 TMS and Inference rule "Issue Child Bus Pass" when $p : Person( ) IsChild( person =$p ) then logicalInsert(new ChildBusPass( $p ) ); end rule "Issue Adult Bus Pass" when $p : Person( age >= 16 ) IsAdult( person =$p ) then logicalInsert(new AdultBusPass( $p ) ); end The truth maintenance cascades
  • 72. 72 TMS and Inference rule "Issue Child Bus Pass" when $p : Person( ) not( ChildBusPass( person == $p ) ) then requestChildBusPass( $p ); end The truth maintenance cascades
  • 73. 73 TMS and Inference  Good ● De-couple knowledge responsibilities ● Encapsulate knowledge ● Provide semantic abstractions for those encapsulation ● Integrity robustness – truth maintenance
  • 77. 77 Decision Table rule "Pricing bracket_10" when Driver(age >= 18, age <= 24, locationRiskProfile == "LOW", priorClaims == "1") policy: Policy(type == "COMPREHENSIVE") then policy.setBasePrice(450);
  • 79. 79 Drools Fusion: Enables...  Event Detection: ● From an event cloud or set of streams, select all the meaningful events, and only them.  [Temporal] Event Correlation: ● Ability to correlate events and facts declaring both temporal and non-temporal constraints between them. ● Ability to reason over event aggregation.  Event Sequencing: ● A → ( B OR C ) → D  Event Abstraction: ● Ability to compose complex events from atomic events AND reason over them
  • 80. 80 Drools Fusion: Features  Support to Event semantics: ● Usually immutable, but not enforced ● Strong temporal relationships ● Managed lifecycle ● Point-in-time and Interval events  Time semantics ● Discrete  Temporal relationships ● All 13 operators defined by James Allen (+ negations)
  • 81. 81 Drools Fusion: Temporal Reasoning P o i n t - P o i n t P o i n t - I n t e r v a l I n t e r v a l - I n t e r v a l A b e f o r e B A m e e t s B A o v e r la p s B A f in is h e s B A in c lu d e s B A s t a r t s B A c o in c id e s B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B
  • 82. 82 Drools Fusion: Temporal Reasoning P o i n t - P o i n t P o i n t - I n t e r v a l I n t e r v a l - I n t e r v a l A a f t e r B A m e t B y B A o v e r la p e d B y B A f in is h e d B y B A d u r in g B A f in is h e s B A B A B A B A B A B A B
  • 83. 83 $c : Custumer( type == “VIP ) $oe : BuyOrderEvent( customer == $c ) from entry-point “Home Broker Stream” not BuyAckEvent( relatedEvent == $, this after[1s, 10s] $oe ) from entry-point “Stock Trader Stream” Operators Existing Drools 'not' Conditional Elements can be used to detect non- occurrence of events BackAckEvent must occur between 1s and 10s 'after' BuyOrderEvent
  • 84. 84 Aggregations Rule Engines do not deal with aggregations $n : Number( intValue > 100 ) from accumulate( $s : StockTicker( symbol == “RHAT” ) over window:time( 5s ), average( $s.price ) ) Over 5 seconds Aggregate ticker price for RHAT over last 5 seconds The pattern 'Number' reasons 'from' the accumulate result
  • 86. 86 Guvnor  Technology ● JCR (JSR-170) backend ● Seam + GWT frontend ● WebDav ● Eclipse synchronisation plugin ● Role based security  Authoring ● Decision Tables ● Guided Editor ● Rule Templates ● Sentence Templates (DSLs) ● Declared Types  QA ● Scenario Testing ● Rule Verification
  • 95. 95 What's new to 5.1  Integration ● OSGi ready ● Spring ● Camel ● JMX/JOPR integration  Expert ● New Rete Algorithm “differential update” ● Timers and Calendars ● Live Open Querries ●  Flow ● BPMN2
  • 96. 96 Differential Update  Differential Update (a.k.a. “true modify”) ● Implements a real “modify/update” operation, instead of retract+assert. ● Reuses tuples, reduces GC stress, improves performance
  • 97. 97 What's new to 5.1  Guvnor ● Guided editor ● Nested Expression builder ● person.dogs[0].name ● Move constrains up and down ● Insert constraints ● Support for more DRL elements ● RSS Subcription, change notifications, inbox ● Working Sets ● Object constraint definitions ● Rule Templates (based on Guided Editor) ● Oryx BPM editor integration ● Better rule documentation support
  • 99. 99 Drools flow in Eclipse
  • 100. 100 Questions?Questions? • Dave Bowman: All right, HAL; I'll go in through the emergency airlock. • HAL: Without your space helmet, Dave, you're going to find that rather difficult. • Dave Bowman: HAL, I won't argue with you anymore! Open the doors! • HAL: Dave, this conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye. Joshua: Greetings, Professor Falken. Stephen Falken: Hello, Joshua. Joshua: A strange game. The only winning move is not to play. How about a nice game of chess?