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Health reform begins
with you!
by michael r. ellison, ceo & founder of triVita, inc.
The subject of healthcare reform continues to echo through the halls
of government in Washington D.C. and is creating tension, strife and
discord among many.
We all realize it is a subject with many tentacles attached to it.
But focusing on the aspects of health that the media is discussing
is dangerous because it can make us lose sight of the bigger picture.
The bigger picture is that healthy living requires engaging and
supporting the physical, emotional and spiritual sides of each person. Your body has an amazing
ability to heal itself when given the right nutrients and nurturing, restoring itself to optimal
functioning. If we are not careful, our health – which is precious to each of us – becomes a
political agenda and a debate subject for the media and the masses, and we lose sight of the real
issue – how do we in North America achieve greater health for ourselves and those we love?
I believe it is time for us to encourage our politicians to consider the bigger picture and to
support healthcare reform that encourages supplementation and rewards healthy lifestyle
choices. Much could be done in reform to reward companies who have healthcare insurance
and also educate their employees about good health practices. An example would be our
company: TriVita asks each new employee to sign an agreement stating that they will pursue
a wellness journey to enhance their well-being. We have many wonderful stories of new
employees who have experienced greater health and well-being by embracing the 10 Essentials
for Health and Wellness and consistently supplementing with our products.
This is not a time for us to be silent and let politicians and the media wrestle with these issues.
Write to your elected representatives to let them know your recommendations in supporting
health practices for the whole person. Although our Canadian Members are not involved in the
heated healthcare debate, the issue of achieving optimal health is relevant to people everywhere.
There are several components involved in achieving optimal wellness. Obviously when a
person is diagnosed with disease, there is a need for medical treatment. But here is where we
get short-sighted: standard medical treatment focuses on a quick fix, rather than providing a
person with information about which nutrients could aid their body in the healing process.
Instead of dealing with the cause of the wound, medical treatment focuses on bandaging the
wound. Wellness is about giving yourself the tools you need to help protect against wounds –
and not just physical ones.
The physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of the person must be engaged to truly experience
wellness. Many of our health conditions and issues result from lifestyle choices which ignore good
health essentials – and yet we expect a medical treatment to fix our diseases and the symptoms
that rob us of our quality of life.
Why am I writing today to even discuss this issue with you? For the simple reason that you can
do much to enhance your own wellness experience by embracing all aspects of your health – in
addition to whatever medical services you are fortunate enough to receive. But I encourage you
The physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of the person
must be engaged to truly experience wellness.
10Essentialsfor health and wellness
Join with TriVita as we begin our second
decade of health and wellness for all. We
encourage you to experience wellness™
through these 10 Essentials, created to
enhance life in wonderful ways.
1. Breathe Deeply
Inhale life fully, cleanse your body
of toxins and feel calm.
2. Drink Water
As you quench your thirst for water,
you also boost your energy.
3. Sleep Peacefully
Rest, repair, rejuvenate: a regular sleep
routine lets your body do its work.
4. Eat Nutritiously
Choose healthy, wholesome foods
to fuel a healthy body and mind.
5. Enjoy Activity
Move it to improve it! Your whole being
benefits from an active lifestyle.
6. Give and Receive Love
Feel the power of positive emotions while
you strengthen your immune system.
7. Be Forgiving
To be at peace, unburden yourself of
hostility and resentment towards others.
8. Practice Gratitude
Gratitude brings gratification: less stress,
more joy, greater well-being.
9. Develop Acceptance
Releasing what you can’t change frees
you from worry and enriches your life.
10. Develop a Relationship with God
Nourish your spirituality to nourish
personal growth and happiness.
Article from Michael Ellison continued on page 21...
Breathe Deeply
See page 9
trivita.com2 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness
Stay brain sharp.
Try this word jumble.
4 Keep Your Immune
System in Harmony
Help it work smarter,
not harder.
6 Can a Supplement
Ease Alzheimer’s?
Vitamin B-12 might
help protect against
the brain disease.
10 The Link Between
Inflammation and
Autoimmune Disease
Nopalea™ may offer relief.
12 Having a Bad Air Day?
How you can dramatically
reduce the impact of toxins
in the environment.
16 Joshua’s “Extreme”
Excitement about Nopalea
“It saved my father’s life!”
23 Why TriVita Supports
the House of Giving
It brings clean drinking
water to people in need.
25 J.B. Roped in a
Winner with Nopalea
This rodeo rider has bounced
back from several nasty falls.
28 Nutritious, Delicious
Comfort Foods
Celebrate the season
with warm and satisfying
comfort foods.
ovember already! It’s hard to
believe we’re fast approaching the
year’s end. For many of you, this may
have been one of the toughest years of your life,
whether it was due to the loss of a home, job or
maybe even a loved one. There seems to be a
doom and gloom mentality everywhere.
Recently I put together some short stories that
my mom wrote 10 years ago, and one of them
was titled Our Cotton Pickin’ Honeymoon. My
parents were married in 1932 in the heart of
the Great Depression. As
I was editing her story,
I was moved by how
she described the
early years of their
marriage and how
in the midst of all
the uncertainty and
turmoil, they were
truly happy.
They were only 20
and 22 when they first
married and didn’t have
a car, but then my dad
bought a Model T Coupe
on credit for $10, paying it off $1 a week. They
set off on their honeymoon adventure looking
for cotton to open in the west Texas area.
Apparently my mom and dad could pull cotton
faster than most, and were able to pull 1,000
pounds a day for a whopping $3! They drove
around with an old mattress tied to the top
of their car, uncertain as to where they would
lay their heads each night. They didn’t know
from day to day where their next meal would
come from, but it didn’t matter as they were so
in love. I still see my mom’s eyes light up even
now, 70+ years later, when she reminisces about
that time in her life.
Maybe what we’re going through right now
isn’t really so bad. What I hear from my mom
when she shares about that challenging time
in her life was not doom and gloom, but rather
a magnificent adventure. She and my dad were
experiencing life with the unconditional love
November 2009 l 3
On My Mind is continued on page 21...
the Great Depression. As
I was editing her story,
and 22 when they first
married and didn’t have
a car, but then my dad
bought a Model T Coupe
The information in this VitaJournal may
contain errors or inaccuracies. We reserve
the right to change prices, selections,
update information and limit quantities
without prior notice.
TriVita® Sublingual B-12
and Nopalea’s powerful
1-2 punch.
My mom and dad’s
wedding day, 1932
Stay-healthy tips
for your entire
ave you ever heard
an orchestra playing
a symphony? Every
instrument has a unique sound.
Each plays a unique part in the
masterpiece. The conductor brings out the
best in every musician. Even the acoustics
of the surroundings enhance or detract
from the performance.
This is an accurate description of the way we
harmonize with our world. From the instant
of conception, the cells are a symphony
of activity, and this harmony continues
throughout our lives. Cells contain their own
immune system. This cellular immunity joins
with the rest of the orchestra – the body – in
harmonious music, ever changing to meet
new and varied circumstances.
The orchestra
Your immune system is the great harmonizer
between the world inside your body and the
world outside. Many scientists believe that the
immune system may also be the “mind-body
connection,” the communication system that
changes the internal world of our body in
relationship with the external world based
on our values, thoughts and feelings.
Just as an orchestra has sections, such as strings,
brass, woodwind and percussion, the immune
system has divisions. The first, important
division is “active” versus “passive” immunity.
Passive immunity includes barrier protection
like your skin as well as surface resistance from
bacteria on our skin, in our sinuses, lungs,
digestive system and reproductive system.
All mucous membranes work to filter what is
supposed to “come in” to our body and what
should stay out.
Active immunity includes two further
divisions called “adaptive” and “innate.” The
word innate describes something you were
born with rather than something acquired
along the way. The innate immune system is
not really specific; it reacts in whatever way
is needed at the time – like the musician that
plays multiple instruments. Our adaptive
immune system “goes to school” to adapt or
adjust to its environment. It is very specific,
often doing only one thing to contribute to
harmony. Elements of our immune system can
learn from experience and help us adapt to
changing circumstances.
The musicians
Immune cells are characterized by what they
do in a healthy body and how they react in
someone with compromised health. The
immune system consists of individual members
playing together. Cells and proteins in your
bloodstream, your lymphatic system and those
residing deep within your organs react to your
internal and external environment. These
make up the symphony and you won’t be
able to single out any element of the immune
system unless it becomes disharmonious with
your environment, your body or your mind.
For example, certain cells contain huge
amounts of histamine. But you would never
know this unless you react to a toxin such as
pollen or in response to emotional distress.
On the other hand, white blood cells,
which also contain histamines, are often
involved in autoimmune reactions where
your immune system suddenly turns hostile
to tissues inside your own body. Common
autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid
arthritis, lupus and type 1 diabetes occur
when single members of the immune
“orchestra” play the wrong tune – loudly!
Linda Wright, M.D.
harmony From the instant of conception,
the cells are a symphony of activity,
and this harmony continues
throughout our lives.
How to keep your
immune system in
make sure it works smarter, not harder
by Dr. Linda Wright
trivita.com4 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness
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Linda Wright, M.D. is board certified in Internal Medicine.
She graduated from the University of Colorado, completed
medical school at University of Colorado Health Sciences
Center and internal medicine residency at Saint Joseph
Hospital in Denver, Colorado. Dr. Wright has completed
thousands of hours of training with internationally
recognized leaders in the conventional and alternative
medical fields.
Wellness is created in
the way our immune
system interacts with our
environment based on our
genetics and modified by
our behavior or lifestyle.
We need harmony between our mind, body
and environment. Our immune system usually
provides it. But what happens when things go
wrong? What happens if we are exposed to
“bad” bacteria, virus or other pathogen?
Disease and our immune system
Sometimes we ask the wrong questions when
we start to experience disharmony in our
immune system. Sometimes we ask, in effect,
“What makes sick people sick?” That’s like
asking, “What ingredients make bad music?”
As pertinent as that question is to a sick person,
it is usually more productive to ask, “What
makes music great?” or, “What keeps healthy
people well – and how can I be one of them?”
Wellness is created in the way our immune
system interacts with our environment, based
on our genetics and modified by our behavior
or lifestyle. Illness is really a disharmony
produced by trauma, toxins from inside or
outside our body, deficiencies in vital elements
like air, water, sleep and nutrients as well as
emotional distress.
In order to prevent disease and achieve
wellness, we must restore harmony between
our world and our immune system.
Deadly viruses
A good example of harmony with our
world occurs with viruses. In medicine we
know that viruses exist all around us just
as they have always existed. During an
epidemic there will be people who never get
sick, people that get sick and recover and,
unfortunately, people who get sick and die.
The difference between these groups has
little to do with the nature of the virus – it
remains virtually the same in all three cases.
The different responses are based on the
harmony of the immune system.
Immune system imbalances are trauma or
injury, toxins from inside or outside of your
body, deficiencies in elements critical for
life and the immune-suppressing scourge of
emotional distress.
Injured tissues limit circulation by blood and
lymph. Poor circulation allows waste created
by the cells to accumulate and become a
cesspool. Toxic waste becomes the target for
infection and disease. Fortunately, appropriate
exercise can increase healthy circulation and
intense antioxidant nutrition can restore
function to an injured area.
Toxins and poisons from our environment may
also accumulate in our tissues and smolder
for decades. These toxins become inflamed;
inflammation creates the matrix for disharmony
in the immune system resulting in disease.
Many people are deficient in oxygen though
there is an abundance of air surrounding them.
Oxygen deficiency causes acidic tissues; acid
promotes disease. Deficiencies in air, water,
sunlight, sleep and nutrients are the most
common causes of immune system disharmony.
We can restore balance by attending to these
basic needs.
Emotional distress is an immediate trigger for
immune system discord. As soon as a thought
arises in the mind, it is already translated into
a posture of the immune system. Fortunately,
we can – through an act of will – change our
thoughts to positive and have a harmonizing
effect on our immune system.
We participate in this symphony along with
the individual members of the orchestra
within our immune system. We are not merely
passive observers. Take time to learn how to
harmonize your immune system so it works
smarter, not harder.
Buy both and
trivita.com6 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness
Scott Conard, M.D., is the founder of TienaHealth,
an organization of medical doctors in primary
care practice who emphasize healthy lifestyles
to maintain wellness. Dr. Conard is considered
a national expert on disease prevention.
TienaHealth also conducts clinical trials.
Scott Conard, M.D.
Founder, TienaHealth
s your life touched by the terrible toll of
Alzheimer’s? If you’re one of the millions
who care for people with this progressive
disease, you probably see its impact all too
often. The memory loss, confusion and erosion
of mind and body can be heartbreaking to
witness, and can’t yet be cured.
During Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness
Month, I’d like to share encouraging news
for those who are coping with this affliction,
and for their family and friends. There are
hopeful steps being taken in the fight against
Alzheimer’s, and one involves Vitamin B-12.
Brain health and B-12
A small but significant 2008 study suggests a
link between low levels of Vitamin B-12 and
higher chances of having brain volume loss
(also called brain erosion). Since one of the
results of Alzheimer’s disease is brain erosion,
this could signal even greater importance
for maintaining healthy levels of B-12. The
study, from the University of Oxford, England,
reached this dramatic conclusion:
People with lower levels of Vitamin B-12
were six times more likely to have brain
volume loss (also called brain erosion) than
those with higher B-12 levels.
This finding led the researchers to suggest
that B-12 may protect against brain erosion,
which is linked to reduced mental function.
A reduction in mental function, of course, is a
key outward symptom of Alzheimer’s disease.
The British study took place over five years,
involving 107 adults ages 61 to 87.
The goal of the study was simple: What’s
the link between Vitamin B-12 levels and
brain erosion? To find the answer, according
to results published in the medical journal
Neurology, participants underwent annual
blood tests, MRIs, physical exams and
memory tests. None of the study subjects
had any mental impairment when they
began the project.
More B-12 equals bigger brains
At the end of the five years, all the
participants had B-12 levels within the normal
range; however, the differences in brain volume
were significant between those in the normal-
low range and those in the normal-high range.
Again, those with the lowest B-12 levels were
six times more likely to suffer measurable brain
erosion than those with the highest levels.
Naturally, those of us who are informed about
the importance of B-12 in leading a healthy
life are excited about having even more
evidence in favor of this powerhouse vitamin.
We’ve known for some time that people
who have a B-12 deficiency can experience
symptoms caused by decreased mental and
nerve functioning. These symptoms can
include mental confusion and forgetfulness,
mood swings and even psychotic behavior
like seeing and/or hearing things.
What’s relatively new, though, is the
connection between brain volume, B-12
and diseases like Alzheimer’s. I urge you
to continue supplementing with TriVita’s
quality B-12, and to share its importance
with others.
If you’re concerned about degenerative diseases
such as Alzheimer’s, call 1-800-991-7116,
and ask a TriVita Wellness Consultant about
HCY Guard®
. This important product –
which contains Vitamin B-12 – helps lower
dangerous homocysteine levels, which can
often lead to dementia, Alzheimer’s and other
grave conditions. 
B-12 Update
by Dr. Scott Conard
Can a supplement ease Alzheimer’s?
Science connects the dots between Vitamin B-12, brain erosion and health
Faster-acting, longer-lasting
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TriVita Super Sublingual B-12 helps you achieve:
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Plus, Super Sublingual B-12 gives your brain
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help replenish brain fuel and help repair damaged nerves.
And all this is yours with a convenient, once-a-day tablet.
Alfred Libby, M.D. – Inventor of TriVita Sublingual B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid
Dr. Libby, a renowned nutraceutical pioneer, worked to help hundreds of patients feel better
every day. An associate of Dr. Linus Pauling (Nobel Prize Laureate), Dr. Libby developed this
unique, sublingual delivery system for his own patients. It was known to give similar
mental energy results as B-12 shots, but without the shots’ added pain and expense. Alfred Libby, M.D.
TriVita Super
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“After three weeks, the shoulder
and hip pain are completely gone.”
“I’m a 62-year-old retired
firefighter. I spent 34
years in the fire service.
I always stayed fit by
working out and jogging.
I even competed in
bodybuilding shows
for seven years.
After all those years of firefighting, my body
was feeling the effects. My left knee hurt most
of the time and caused me to walk with a limp.
I had pain in my right shoulder. Sometimes the
pain was so intense, I would have to use my
left arm. Finally, in the last six months, I would
wake up at night with hip pain.
Then my life changed. I joined TriVita in March.
I started taking Super Sublingual B-12 – GREAT
STUFF! I was hearing more and more about
Nopalea and the results people were having
with it. I was a bit skeptical at first, and then
said, ‘Why not?’
I started my first bottle in the middle of April
and the results were amazing. I took one to two
ounces in the morning and after three weeks,
the shoulder and hip pain were completely
gone. I get a slight knee pain every now and
then. I know that by keeping Nopalea in my
diet the knee pain will be completely gone.
Thank you Sonoran Bloom and TriVita. I plan to
compete in a bodybuilding show this summer,
thanks to Nopalea. I’ll keep you updated.”
Energy Now!®
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trivita.com8 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness
our child comes home from
school complaining of a sore
throat and runny nose. The
next morning, you experience the
same symptoms. Then, someone
else in your household picks it up.
Sound familiar?
Protect yourself and your family from this common
problem by actively boosting your immune system
and taking everyday preventive steps.
Keep your immune system strong
Get your Zs
Lack of sleep can weaken the immune system
so be sure everyone in your family gets the
proper amount of shut-eye. Plus, a recent
study by Stanford University showed that
the immune system fights hardest against
invading bacteria at night. The National
Sleep Foundation recommends:
•	 Toddlers: 12-14 hours
•	 Preschoolers: 11-13 hours
•	 School-aged children: 10-11 hours
•	 Teens: 8.5-9.25 hours
•	 Adults: 7-9 hours
Bone up on broccoli
Researchers from the University of
California, Berkeley, found that a compound
in broccoli may help boost the immune
system. Make broccoli a staple in a balanced,
wholesome diet; include plenty of other
vegetables and fruit, as well as whole grains
and lean protein.
Get moving
In addition to its numerous health benefits,
exercise has also been shown to help reduce
the risk of the common cold. In one study,
women who did not exercise were three times
more likely to catch a cold than those who
exercised regularly.
The Physical Activity Guidelines for
Americans recommends 30 minutes of
activity for adults most days of the week and
60 minutes of exercise every day for kids.
An ounce of prevention...
Take these everyday preventive actions
recommended by the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention to help protect against
colds and the flu:
•	 Cover your mouth and nose with a
tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw
the tissue in the trash after you use it.
If a tissue is not available, cough or
sneeze into the crook of your elbow, so
you don’t continue to spread the germs
with your hands.
•	 Wash your hands often with soap
and water, especially after you cough
or sneeze. Alcohol-based hand cleaners
are also effective.
•	 Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.
Germs spread this way.
•	 Try to avoid close contact with
sick people.
Hand washing: still the best way
to avoid getting sick
The number one way to avoid getting sick and
spreading germs is washing your hands. Teach
your children how to wash and when to wash,
with these tips from the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention.
How to wash
When washing hands with soap and water:
•	 Wet your hands with clean running
water and apply soap. Use warm water
if it’s available.
•	 Rub hands together to make a lather and
scrub all surfaces.
•	 Continue rubbing hands for 20 seconds.
Need a timer? Imagine singing “Happy
Birthday” twice through to a friend!
•	 Rinse hands well under running water.
•	 Dry your hands using a paper towel or air
dryer. If possible, use your paper towel to
turn off the faucet or open the door if in a
public restroom.
If soap and water are not available, use alcohol-
based gel to clean hands. It’s always a good idea
to keep a hand sanitizer with you at all times.
When to wash
•	 Before preparing or eating food
•	 After going to the bathroom
•	 After changing diapers or cleaning up a
child who has gone to the bathroom
•	 Before and after tending to someone who
is sick
•	 After blowing your nose, coughing or
•	 After handling an animal or animal waste
•	 After handling garbage
•	 Before and after treating a cut or wound
With proper rest, nutrition, exercise and
preventive steps, you can help break the cycle of
family sickness – and keep your family healthy
and sniffle-free. 
Breaking the cycle
of family sickness
Avoid passing around colds and the flu with these stay-healthy tips
Family Health
n this five-part series, we’re taking an in-depth look at the 10 essentials for Health
and wellness. this month, discover more about essentials #1 and #8: Breathe deeply
and practice gratitude.
Exploring TriVita’s 10 Essentials
How often do you think about your
breathing? Perhaps it’s when you’ve run out
of breath after climbing the stairs – or when
your breathing gets fast and shallow during a
stressful or tense moment. As babies, we breathe deeply
(and properly) from the abdomen, but the worries and bad habits
of adulthood often lead to poor breathing habits.
As you age, your lung capacity declines an average of 9% – 22% per
decade. Lung capacity is a primary measure of longevity. Statistically,
the greater your lung capacity, the longer you will live. That’s because
the health benefits of deep breathing are wide-ranging: everything from
greater energy and improved detoxification to reduced stress and better
digestion. All the more reason to take time for deep breathing exercises
every day.
Breathing basics
You can do your daily deep breathing exercises just about anywhere, but
the best place is a calm and quiet environment where you can really focus
and relax. Start with 10 minutes of deep breathing and gradually increase
your time.
Sit comfortably in a chair or lie flat on your back with your knees
elevated. Place one hand on your abdomen just above your navel and
the other hand on your chest. Take a few deep breaths and focus on
expanding your abdomen as you inhale. Your chest should rise only a
little and only at the top of your breath.
Breathe in through your nose, letting the air fill your lungs. When your
lungs are completely full, hold your breath for a moment and then release
the air through your mouth with a sigh. Repeat this as you count to four
on the inhale and four on the exhale.
Continue breathing in this manner. When you feel comfortable, extend
your breath counts to six and then up to eight. After 10 minutes of this
measured breathing, stretch out your muscles and get ready to face the
day with renewed vigor!
With the Thanksgiving holiday right around
the corner, it’s natural to think about being
“thankful.” But imagine practicing gratitude
on a daily basis. Not only is it possible, but it can
brighten your life in so many ways.
An attitude of gratitude
You’ve probably heard the expression before, but an “attitude of gratitude”
can make a huge difference in your daily life and overall emotional well-
being. The Research Project on Gratitude and Thankfulness found that
grateful people reported greater life satisfaction, optimism and positive
emotions, and lower levels of stress and depression.
Try focusing on the categories below and you’ll find ways to practice
gratitude every single day. It will take practice, however, especially on
those days when you just want to grumble.
• Feel grateful for what you love
• Appreciate the ordinary
• Express gratitude for hard times: after all, they do make you
Need more help? Try answering one or more of the questions below each
day to help you practice gratitude. As you read through and answer these
questions, chances are good that you’ll find much to be grateful for.
• What made me smile today?
• Who did something to help me today?
• What went right today?
• What happened today that was fun?
• What happened today that made me laugh?
• What happened today that was a pleasant surprise?
• Who was I happy to think of, talk to or see?
• What did I eat today that I loved?
• What did I do today that I feel pleased about?
• What did I do today that makes me proud?
• What did I do today that made someone else smile?
• What did I do today that made someone else feel better?
• What happened today that made me feel blessed?
• What happened today that reminded me that I can make a bad
situation better?
Part IV of V
...the health benefits of deep breathing are wide-ranging...
stressful or tense moment. As babies, we breathe deeply
on a daily basis. Not only is it possible, but it can
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• Lessen inflammation
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right down to your cells
• Protect against
premature aging
s your body attacking itself
unintentionally? That’s just what
happens in autoimmune diseases,
and Nopalea™ may be able to help.
According to the US Department of
Health and Human Services, there
are over 80 autoimmune diseases,
and they affect millions of people,
inflicting rheumatoid arthritis,
multiple sclerosis, lupus, type 1
diabetes and more.
autoimmune dysfunction
Autoimmune disorders involve the “immune
system,” which is designed to help protect you
from illness and harmful substances called
antigens. Examples of antigens range from
bacteria and viruses, to toxins and blood or
tissue from another person. In response, the
immune system produces antibodies that
attach themselves to antigens in order to
destroy and remove them from the body. In
people with an autoimmune disorder, the
immune system is unable to distinguish an
antigen from a normal cell, and therefore,
mistakenly turns on itself to attack normal,
healthy tissues.
A parallel to autoimmune disease?
Inflammation, like the immune system,
typically plays a protective role in our
bodies. In fact, it can be a lifesaver, as it
works to ward off illness-causing germs
and toxins. The moment we are exposed
to a hazardous substance, like a virus or
parasite, inflammation attacks the invader
and surrounding tissues that may have
been harmed and infected. Inflammation
then quickly subsides and the tissues can
heal. There are times, however, when this
inflammation response doesn’t shut off as
it is supposed to. It becomes chronic, and
can lead to a host of varying diseases.
This is why so many people have had dramatic
results with Nopalea. The inflammation-
fighting wellness drink helps the body reduce
inflammation and the pain it brings.
Link between inflammation
and disease
The physicians who have the most experience
treating chronic inflammation are the ones who
between inflammation
and autoimmune disease
How nopalea helps the body cope
EXCLUSIVE OFFER: Buy Nopalea and Sublingual B-12 (see page 7),
and get a FREE box of Energy Now!®
, A $24.99 VALUE!
“Now, I can truly say I am mostly pain free.”
“About three years ago,
I began having pain and
symptoms of fibromyalgia.
The doctors gave me strong
pain relievers, muscle relaxers,
steroid injections and more,
yet nothing worked. With 21
pills a day, I found myself getting mixed up on
what I took or what I needed to take.*
Then I started taking Nopalea and it began to
work powerfully for me. There are no other juices
or natural supplements out there that can do
what Nopalea has done for me. Trust me, I have
tried everything. Now, I can truly say I am mostly
pain free.Since people have seen me, they want
whatever it is that I am taking. They want Nopalea!
I keep extra bottles on hand and I always pass it
on. They don’t want to know how or why it works,
they just know it works and they want it.”
“I recently started taking Nopalea and it
has helped cut my MS spasms in half...”
“I have suffered from multiple
sclerosis (MS) for over seven
years, which has reduced my
mobility and weakened my
body. Although I am currently
in a wheelchair, I refuse to
let my physical limitations
affect my positive attitude. I share my trials,
tribulations and victories with others as a way
to make a difference in people’s lives. I have
been helped through my pain by my faith, love
and nurturing family and friends. And thanks
to TriVita, who is my partner in wellness, and
to TriVita’s products, I have a better quality of
life. I recently started taking Nopalea and it has
helped cut my MS spasms in half, which is just
incredible. Thank you.”
“ soreness, stiffness and pain were
significantly better.”
“Nopalea really helps inflammation and pain.
I have fibromyalgia and arthritis. I was hurting
really bad in my knees, muscles, feet, arms,
shoulders, etc. I ordered a case of Nopalea.
After taking it for a couple of days, my soreness,
stiffness and pain were significantly better. I’ve
since begun exercising again. This was something
I was not able to do previously. When I take
Nopalea, my pain and inflammation are nearly
gone. Thank you so much!”
specialize in the most common autoimmune
disorders. These disorders, as mentioned earlier
in this article, show a body that has turned on
itself and attacks its own muscles and tissues.
This attack triggers inflammation – the natural
response to fighting off toxic bacteria. However,
the inflammation becomes ongoing and excessive.
Inflammation may only be an issue in the
beginning stages of an autoimmune disorder,
as seems to be the case with multiple sclerosis.
It creates a great deal of damage at first, until
so much tissue is destroyed that it damages the
nerves permanently.
A hope for a cure
So, what can be done to protect against this
inflammation from wreaking havoc on the
body? This is a problem that doctors have
been trying to solve for decades, and, research
continues. What they know for now is that
inflammation has a bigger impact on chronic
diseases than they ever realized. And, until
something can be done, we must all be aware
of the dangers of inflammation, and the
symptoms of autoimmune disorders.
In the meantime, researchers know
that there are things that can be done
to lessen inflammation, so symptoms
can become more manageable. Eating
nutritiously, exercising, losing any excess
fat and supplementing with the right
nutrients all help to reduce inflammation
and accelerate the healing process.
Nopalea’s inflammation-fighting Betalains
may bring some relief to those suffering
from autoimmune disorders triggered or
worsened by inflammation. With a reduction in
inflammation, pain can be relieved and soothed,
and the body can function better, overall.
It may take many more years until doctors
and researchers can isolate the cause of runaway
inflammation and why some immune systems
cannot recognize antigens from healthy cells.
For now, Nopalea, the incredible wellness drink
that helps relieve the symptoms of unwanted
inflammation, can be part of the solution.
Eating nutritiously,
exercising and supplementing
with the right nutrients all help
to reduce inflammation and
accelerate the healing process.
What’s your amazing Nopalea story? Share it and enjoy even more benefits: a $25 TriVita Gift Card,
PLUS an exclusive Nopalea t-shirt – a $14.99 value! Just email your Nopalea story to,
or call 1-800-693-4083. Please include your Member ID, your address and daytime phone number (along
with email address, if you have one).
November 2009 l 11
trivita.com12 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness
This feature continues a new VitaJournal series
about toxins around us: in our food, air and
water and in our daily environments.
Ah, that crisp autumn air! Breathe deep,
and inhale life-giving oxygen... and probably
some of the 188 toxic air pollutants targeted
by the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, too.
It seems that bad air days are the rule instead
of the exception in many areas now. Our
radio stations and email alerts give us hourly
bulletins on smog, ozone levels and allergy
irritants, while the evening news offers a
wrap-up of the day’s breathing hazards.
Certainly, both the U.S. and Canada have
government muscle to try to keep our air
clean, but it’s a struggle.
Dirty air isn’t just unsightly; it can cause
serious disease. And young children and the
elderly are especially vulnerable to the toxins
we may be inhaling every day. Some of the
most common poisons:
• Ozone, which can cause asthma and
other breathing problems
• Particulate matter, (basically tiny
bits of dust and soot found everywhere),
which can damage lungs
• Sulfur dioxide, a breathing hazard
which can aggravate existing heart and
lung disease
• Volatile organic compounds,
which can cause cancer
“Acceptable” levels of air pollution may be
causing unacceptable damage to lungs and
airways, and not just among the young and
old. A study out just months ago shows that
even when concentrations of ozone are below
current standards, young adults exercising
outdoors can experience coughing and pain.
Of course, not all the hazards in our air are
the fault of humans. Pollen from grasses,
weeds and trees, along with leaf mold, can
produce allergy miseries for many people. Still,
these “natural” elements can combine with
pollutants to make breathing uncomfortable,
if not dangerous.
Clear and present dangers,
even years later
Cleaning up the air goes beyond switching
to electric cars, or fining factories that spew
contaminants into the sky. As time goes on,
science finds evidence that hazards we thought
were gone are lingering on and on. One
example: carbon tetrachloride.
“Carbon tet,” as it’s called, was a common
ingredient in fire suppressants, pesticides
and dry cleaning until about the mid-1990s.
Then, it was banned because it was found to
be eroding the Earth’s protective ozone layer.
Known to cause cancer and to damage the
liver, kidneys and brain, carbon tet can linger
in the air for up to 50 years.
While not quite as dangerous as pollutants
like benzene, a cancer-causer found in motor
vehicle tailpipe emissions, carbon tet is just
part of an army of toxins. It’s one of thousands
of chemicals that we’re exposed to every
day. Says one poison expert with California’s
Environmental Protection Agency, “You
breathe in carbon tet and it’s absorbed. It’s
going to get into your body.”
What you can do
Though you might be tempted to stay indoors
with an air cleaner and face mask, of course
that isn’t practical or desirable. Whether you
do or don’t have allergies, try these steps to
minimize exposure to irritants and toxins on
“bad air days:”
• When exercising outdoors,
avoid high-traffic roads
• Walk instead of running
• Try to exercise in the morning or
evening, when pollen counts are lower
• Avoid outdoor exertion between 4-6
p.m., when ozone levels are highest
• On high ozone level days,
limit time outdoors
If you have asthma or extreme allergies,
ask your healthcare professional for
more suggestions.
One more tip can help anyone
who wants to reduce the impact
of toxins on their health and
well-being: drink Nopalea™,
the astonishing new wellness
drink. Packed with rare, powerful
antioxidants called Betalains,
Nopalea is formulated to help the
body cleanse itself of toxins and
fight inflammation (see page 10).
a bad
air day?
“The Leanology system has helped
stabilize my pattern of eating.”
“I have been on Leanology about three weeks
now and I must say that it does a great job at
helping to control my appetite. Since starting
the program, I have really noticed that my
appetite and cravings are really stabilized.
The chews are fantastic. When I get the urge to
grab something, but I know I cannot make time
for a good, healthy meal for another hour or so,
I just grab one or two chews. The Leanology
shakes are great and make a wonderful meal
replacement when there is no time for preparing
a meal. They are satisfying, filling and have
plenty of protein and other great ingredients.
I have already lost five pounds and have just
another 30 or so to go. I am planning to replace
two meals a day with shakes, as well as taking my
six Leanology capsules daily as recommended.
I really cannot stress enough how much the
Leanology system has helped stabilize my pattern
of eating. I encourage people out there who have
attempted other weight loss programs to give this
a try. It really is very easy and satisfying.”
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Bag of
North America has a very big problem with
weight. Both the US and Canada have become
nations of overweight – and downright obese
– people. Statistics from 1985 show that less
than 10% of the populations of New York and
California were considered obese. That number
jumped all the way to 24% in 2001.
Obesity clearly plays a big role in many diseases,
ranging from cardiovascular disease to cancer.
Obesity definitely impacts the epidemic of
diabetes. For example, the obesity rates in
Mississippi climbed from 10% to over 25%
during the 1990s. Rates of type 2 diabetes also
climbed from 6 percent to over 10 percent
during the same time period.
Now, several studies have indicated that obesity
can weaken the body’s immune system and
reduce its ability to fight off infections.
In one experiment at Boston University,
researchers infected obese mice with bacteria
which cause gum disease. They found that
compared with lean mice, the obese mice
showed a 40% greater increase in tooth decay
and lost bone just 10 days after being infected.
Researchers also found that the obese mice had
more bacteria around their gums, compared with
lean mice, concluding that this was because they
were unable to mount a proper immune attack
on the “bugs.” The bacteria could linger in the
mouth and cause more damage.
According to researchers at the Harvard
School of Public Health, obesity is essentially
an inflammatory disease. They discovered that
excess calories affect fat cells in such a way
that they mount an immune response. By
constantly activating the immune system at
a low level, chemicals are released that help
contribute to inflammation.
Researchers also found that obesity causes
stress, which alerts the immune system, which
then leads to inflammation. This inflammation
may eventually result in high levels of fatty
acids and glucose in the blood.
The obesity/cancer connection
In 2001, experts concluded that cancers of the
colon, breast (postmenopausal), endometrium
(the lining of the uterus), kidney and esophagus
are associated with obesity. Some studies have
also reported links between obesity and cancers
of the gallbladder, ovaries and pancreas.
Preventing weight gain can help reduce the
risk of many cancers. Experts recommend
that people establish habits of healthy eating
and physical activity early in life to prevent
overweight and obesity. Those who are already
overweight or obese are advised to avoid
additional weight gain, and to lose weight
through a low-calorie diet and exercise. Even
a weight loss of only 5 to 10% of total weight
can provide health benefits.
How obesity weakens
the immune system
excess pounds can increase risk for diabetes, cancer and
many other diseases
trivita.com14 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness
ure, Nopalea™ tastes
great and it offers
many astonishing
benefits. However, you
may not know about one
of Nopalea’s very special
“secrets.” This breakthrough
wellness drink contains a
unique class of nutrients
called Betalains. Betalains are bioflavonoids
in the Quercetin family. A bioflavonoid is a
vitamin-like substance that works alongside
antioxidants like Vitamin C. They are useful
in helping us make collagen so our skin looks
young and in strengthening blood vessels so
we don’t easily bruise. Bioflavonoids help us
resist allergies and infections from bacteria
and viruses. They are also anti-inflammatory.
How Quercetins
help fight deadly toxins
Quercetins are found in foods we eat every
day such as apples and onions. They are
important in medical science because high
intake of Quercetin-containing foods results
in low incidence of cancer and heart disease.
Betalains are “grandchildren” of Quercetin.
But Betalains are orphans. None of the plant
species related in their development exist
anymore; they have all gone extinct except
beets, rainbow Swiss chard and Nopal fruit –
plants that are not even “distant cousins”
in the world of fruits and vegetables.
However, all 24 known Betalains are very
important for human health. That is especially
true today because they are all anti-toxin and
anti-inflammatory. Wouldn’t you agree that
our world is becoming more and more toxic?
Environmental experts report dramatic increases
in disease-producing toxins in air, water and
soil (see page 12 for more information). Toxins
produce inflammation, and most of the diseases
we face start with inflammation: Alzheimer’s,
cancer, heart disease, etc.
Betalain content develops in response to the
environment in which the plant grows. The
more extreme the climate, the more protective
Betalains the plant needs to survive – and the
more benefits we get when we eat them! So,
while we may get a few precious Betalains from
beets and rainbow Swiss chard, we get the
greatest abundance (all 24!) from the specific
Nopal fruit found in the Sonoran Desert.
Beta xanthine’s key role
One of the most important Betalains for
detoxification is beta xanthine. Beta xanthine
participates in detoxification in the liver and
kidneys. It makes detoxification much easier
for our body.
Human bodies burn food to create energy.
This is called metabolism: breaking down
the food in basic components (catabolism)
and using those building blocks to build
up our health (anabolism). This makes us
healthy and energetic. However, we must
contend with toxins along the way, toxins
from outside our body (exotoxins from air,
water and food) and even toxins created
inside our body (endotoxins). One of these
endotoxins is called uric acid. High levels of
uric acid are poisonous and high levels have
been associated with heart disease, diabetes,
metabolic syndrome, kidney stones and gout.
Uric acid is neutralized in the liver by enzymes.
Interestingly, the same liver enzymes that
detoxify uric acid may also detoxify many other
poisons. So, improving liver detoxification of
uric acid with the help of Betalain beta xanthine
may improve your ability to detoxify many other
poisons. It’s like getting a bonus every time you
drink Nopalea!
You will not be able to complete this detoxi-
fication process entirely if your liver is “fatty,”
sluggish or toxic.
Uric acid is excreted by the kidneys. The
kidneys are easily damaged by dehydration, too
much protein or sugar in your diet, toxic metals
like mercury or other toxins like aspirin. In
fact, the kidneys are so delicate that they can
even be damaged by temperature extremes in
our environment – especially heat.
Beta xanthine helps protect the liver and
kidneys by neutralizing toxins such as uric
acid, by increasing liver detoxification
enzymes that clean up both exotoxins and
endotoxins and may even reduce the shock
our kidneys face from excess heat.
Betalains, including beta xanthine, are anti-
inflammatory and anti-toxin – just what we
need in a toxic, inflamed world! And just
like their grandfather Quercetin, Betalains
are beneficial for improving our health and
daily performance. Beta xanthine takes its
place among all of the health-promoting
bioflavonoids as an antioxidant that
harmonizes with all of the other beneficial
nutrients that are truly gifts to us from the
Sonoran Desert.
See the story on page 10 for more information
about Nopalea.
The secret of Nopalea’s
BETALAINSthese powerful and protective “healing”
nutrients are essential to detoxification
by Brazos Minshew, TriVita Chief Science Officer
Brazos Minshew
We get the greatest
abundance (all 24!)
from the specific Nopal
fruit found in the
Sonoran Desert.
ow many of your friends suffer from
inflammation? Not just the kind that
comes with a sore throat or swollen
finger, but the inflammation that’s causing
an explosion in asthma, allergies, digestive
problems, insomnia, autoimmune disorders
and other reactions around the world? More
important, what are some possible answers to
the problem of inflammation?
Forming histamines
Humans have been exposed to pollen since we
first walked the earth. It is the same with foods
that trigger allergies in many people. Yet, the
sensitivity to pollens and all other proteins is
increasing, it seems, almost daily. Since people,
pollens and proteins have peacefully coexisted
for many generations, the problem must be
something new in our environment that is
causing us to become more inflamed. Potential
causes of the increase in autoimmune disorders
could include:
• The toxins in our environment
• The emotional distress we endure daily
• Deficiency in vital elements such as
nutrients and sleep
• The damage of a sedentary life
Each of these sources of stress has been implicated
in the release of inflammatory histamines in
our body. Histamines form more readily in a
B-12 deficient environment because B-12 blocks
THF – an enzyme that creates histamine. Once
histamines are released into your system they
are extremely inflammatory. Nopalea™ quenches
inflammation through anti-inflammatory Betalains.
Histamine disorders
We probably only think of hay fever when we
think of histamine: itchy, watery eyes, sneezing,
difficulty breathing, etc. These are allergy
symptoms connected with histamine release
on an “H-1” receptor in the upper airways. Yet,
histamines are released on 4 different receptors:
H-1 in the airways
• Allergic rhinitis (hay fever), asthma,
watery eyes, scratchy throat, bronchitis.
H-2 in the digestive system
• Acid indigestion, gastric reflux, irritable
bowel syndrome, colitis.
H-3 in the brain
• Insomnia, anxiety, depression, attention
deficit disorder, bipolar disorder, Alzheimer’s.
H-4 in the immune system
• Rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus,
chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia.
Histamines are inflammatory. They start a fire
in one or more of these body systems and we
produce symptoms. The fire’s origination may
be determined because of heredity, environment
and lifestyle. The “match” that ignites the
firestorm may be pollens or proteins, toxic
poisons or healthy foods or just about anything
you can imagine. In the end, the inflammation
is always caused by histamines!
The dynamic duo
As I mentioned, Sublingual B-12 protects against
much of the excess histamine formation by
blocking the enzyme THF. This is especially
true of TriVita® Super Sublingual B-12 because
it contains three milligrams of both biologically
active forms of B-12. Once histamine is released,
it creates inflammation that actually feeds on
itself in a storm of irritation. Nopalea helps break
the cycle of inflammation and anti-inflammatory
Betalains help quench the firestorm.
So pollens are not inherently “bad” and
proteins in foods are not either; though, I must
admit that sometimes they seem that way! In
combating inflammation we may benefit from
a simple two-step approach: We need to isolate
ourselves from the allergen until our immune
system can be reprogrammed and insulate
ourselves with proper nutrients and nurturing
every single day. Insulation begins with B-12
and Nopalea.
Please see the articles on
pages 6 and 10 to find out
more about Sublingual B-12
and Nopalea.
1-800-991-7116 November 2009 l 15
INFLAMMATION: scourge of our time
triVita Sublingual B-12 and nopalea pack a powerful anti-inflammatory 1-2 punch
by Brazos Minshew, TriVita Chief Science Officer
“Taking TriVita’s Super B-12 along
with Nopalea is a great combination.”
“I got started with Nopalea early last month
and already feel so much better. I really
like the Nopalea with my Super Sublingual
B-12. Originally, before Super B-12, I started
with Original Sublingual B-12 and always
loved it. Then, you came out with the Super
Sublingual B-12. It has helped me with
mental clarity, memory and my overall sense
of well-being. Taking TriVita’s Super B-12
along with Nopalea is a great combination
and I really, really feel the difference!
I am almost 74 years old and I know that
these products are working. At this age,
most people have aches and pains. You
know the saying, ‘If it doesn’t hurt, it’s
not working.’ Well, I don’t have to think
that way anymore.
One thing that I have
really noticed of late,
I began feeling pain in
my feet. Since taking
Nopalea, I don’t feel it
anymore. This product
is helping with that
pain. I also take Super
B-12 tablets each day.”
trivita.com16 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness
Joshua is a vibrant and talented
young man with a passion for
living a healthy and successful life,
for sharing his knowledge and gifts
with others and for going full out in
everything he does. Whether he’s in
his studio photographing recording
artists, motivational speakers and
ministers or at his computer designing
creative marketing layouts, Joshua’s
artistic abilities set him apart.
His mother, Kare, says her son is “extreme in
a very good way. He has always participated in
extreme sports like wakeboarding and surfing.
As a potter he is known for his fantastic
wheel-thrown vessels, weighing hundreds of
pounds. And in his life and his business he is
known for his extremely generous heart.”
At the end of a busy week you can usually find
Joshua with a group of friends boating in the
Florida Intercoastal Waterways in his beloved
25-foot Century fishing boat or heading for
the open water, where he fishes for grouper,
shark and other big game fish.
Helping friends find better health
Joshua’s life changed dramatically when
the Nopalea™ tour came to Tampa, Florida.
“Meeting TriVita® CEO Michael Ellison
and Chief Science Officer Brazos Minshew
personally made a big difference for me,” he
remembers. “I began to understand Michael
Ellison’s passion for the product and his
mission to help other people.”
“It’s been very exciting to hear and see all the
things that Nopalea can do for people,” Joshua
continues. “I never realized what a critical role
inflammation can play in the body, especially
chronic inflammation which seems to be a
national epidemic.”
Joshua is totally sold on Nopalea because
it is so much more effective than other
wellness drinks and because it is such a life
changer. He personally drinks six ounces or
“How could i not tell the world about
nopalea... it saved my father’s life!”
spreads to friends and family
“I love watching how
this wonderful product
spreads and benefits
everyone it touches.”
“I love watching how
this wonderful product
spreads and benefits
everyone it touches.”
“I love watching how
this wonderful product
spreads and benefits
everyone it touches.”
1-800-991-7116 November 2009 l 17
more every day. “It tastes so delicious that I
enjoy sipping it from a wine glass rather than
gulping it down like I used to do with other
health drinks,” he exults. “Just because I am
young doesn’t mean I don’t need the benefit of
Nopalea’s anti-inflammatory Betalains. With
all the extreme sports in my background, pain
and stiffness from old injuries have eased.”
He also enjoys sharing Nopalea™ with his
friends – and showing them the possibilities
of making significant health changes in their
families by teaching them how to share Nopalea.
Says Joshua, “I love watching how the good news
about Nopalea spreads and benefits everyone it
touches. I really like the fact that by sharing this
wonderful product I am helping others find their
own pathway towards health. Nopalea provides
health and for those who want to share it with
their friends, it can also provide wealth.” Call
1-800-991-7116 and ask a Wellness Consultant
how you can earn money by referring Nopalea.
His father’s amazing recovery
Joshua is passionate about Nopalea for a very
personal reason. “It has given my father his
life and his vitality back,” he says. “Dad
has suffered from severe pain from spinal
stenosis for many years and seldom moved
around because it hurt so much to get up and
down. For years he also had a good deal of
swelling in his legs and ankles. Within five
days of drinking Nopalea – six or more ounces
a day – the swelling and serious back pain that
he’d been struggling with for years was totally
gone. Today, he is pain free, mentally vibrant,
exercising an hour a day and feeling younger
than ever. How could I not tell the world
about Nopalea? I love this stuff!”
Now, just about everybody in his circle of
friends and family are getting in on a good
thing. For example, one friend shared Nopalea
with his mother, who had quit working
because of serious fibromyalgia pain. She was
in so much pain that she could not even hold
her grandsons. After only one and a half
months of drinking Nopalea, she’s pain-free,
enjoying life and babysitting her grandsons.
“My friend’s grandparents, several aunts and
cousins are enjoying better health because he
cared enough to share it with them,” Joshua
proudly states. “Now they too are sharing
Nopalea with their friends and family. I love
watching how this wonderful product spreads
and benefits everyone it touches.”
He reserves special praise for his mother,
Kare, who helps teach others about this
exceptional Nopalea product. “She is amazing
on the phone and now her passion is to teach
people about the silent killer – inflammation,”
Joshua says. “She shares her stories about
how Nopalea has changed our lives and the
lives of so many of our dear friends that we
have shared this product with. Our family
toasts with it every day... to our health and
the health of all who drink it.”
“I am proud to be part of such a wonderful
family and a wonderful company,” he
concludes. “I especially look forward to
seeing how many lives our family can touch.
We have given away hundreds of gift bottles
of Nopalea to people who have pain and
inflammation, so they can feel the benefits
of this marvelous product.”
Do you have a great product success story to share?
call us at 1-800-693-4083 or email your story to
Joshua is known for his
fantastic wheel-thrown
vessels, weighing
hundreds of pounds.
“I really like the fact that
by sharing this wonderful
product I am helping others
find their own pathway
towards health.”
Joshua is known for his
fantastic wheel-thrown
vessels, weighing
hundreds of pounds.
Joshua is known for hisJoshua is known for hisJoshua is known for his
fantastic wheel-thrownfantastic wheel-thrownfantastic wheel-thrown
vessels, weighingvessels, weighingvessels, weighing
hundreds of pounds.hundreds of pounds.hundreds of pounds.
Joshua is known for his
fantastic wheel-thrown
vessels, weighing
hundreds of pounds.
was sitting at the
table in my break-
fast nook working
on my computer
calendar, organizing
the upcoming holiday
season. I always host
the Thanksgiving feast
at my house so I knew that that was a
given. I entered the information – done.
The holiday season from Thanksgiving through
the New Year is, for me and so many others, a fun
time of the year filled with parties, celebrations
and social gatherings with family and friends.
Once my holiday organizing was done, though,
my mind quickly turned to all of the challenges
people face during the holidays. I thought it
would be appropriate to offer some tips on how
to cope with the added stress and for some, the
burden of depression.
Research studies have indicated that there
are three key trigger points of holiday stress
and depression.
	 Money. Keep track of your holiday
spending. Overspending can lead to
depression when the bills arrive after
the holidays are over.
	 Relationships. Even though the
holidays can be stressful, try to remember
that these people (for the most part) truly
love you and want to see you happy.
	 Demands. With all of the physical
demands of the season, take time to
eat right, take your nutritional supple-
ments, drink plenty of water and get
ample exercise and sleep to manage
holiday fatigue.
With the following practical tips, you can
minimize the stress and depression that often
accompany the holidays.
Quick tips for coping with holiday
stress and depression
•	 Make realistic expectations for the
holiday season. Don’t expect to have a
“Hallmark” moment. If you do, great.
If you don’t, it’s okay.
•	 Set realistic goals for yourself.
Learn to just say “no.”
•	 Make a list and prioritize the important
activities. Pace yourself. This can help
make holiday tasks more manageable.
•	 Live “in the moment” and enjoy
the present.
•	 If you are lonely, try volunteering
some of your time to help others.
•	 Find holiday activities that are free,
such as looking at holiday decorations,
going window-shopping without buying,
and observing the winter weather,
whether it’s a snowflake or a raindrop.
•	 Limit your consumption of alcohol,
since excessive drinking will only
increase your feelings of depression.
•	 Spend time with supportive and
caring people. Meet new people.
•	 Let others share the responsibilities
of holiday tasks.
•	 Make time for yourself! Be selfish,
if only for a few moments.
Holidays can sometimes trigger depression.
They can be especially hard if you are already
dealing with the death of a loved one or the
breakup of a relationship. You may feel
embarrassed to ask for help, but do talk with
your doctor about the options available for
dealing with depression.
I don’t know about you, but just knowing that
the holidays can trigger stress and depression
is a big key for me to help minimize them. It’s
a matter of accepting that things aren’t
always going to go as planned. Try to take
active steps to manage stress and depression
during the holidays. You may even end up
enjoying the holidays more than you thought
you would. 
Coping with stress
and depression
during the holidaysby Dr. Judy
Judy Ellison, Ph.D.
Judy Ellison, Ph.D., is a psychologist, author and motivational
speaker. She has inspired people around the world to reach
within and find their passionate purpose to live a more
meaningful life.
trivita.com18 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness
...take active steps to manage stress
and depression during the holidays.
“But what happens
when we live God’s
way? He brings gifts
into our lives, much
the same way that
fruit appears in an
orchard; things like
affection for others,
exuberance about life, serenity.”
– Galatians 5:22
The response to last month’s column was so
strong, I’m pleased to welcome back Pastor Judith
Crist. Here, she continues to share her perspec-
tives on spirituality, and how the spiritual life
can be different for women and men.
Judith Crist has served
alongside her husband, Dr.
Terry Crist, as one of the
Executive Pastors of City of
Grace Church in Arizona
since it was founded. Her
passion is to see people
discover and live the
abundant life found in Jesus
Christ. Judith majored in
music, ministry and Biblical studies at Jackson
College of Ministries in Jackson, MS.
Chaplain Gene: Last month, we talked about
women’s spiritual health. Do you think that
women are more spiritually inclined than men?
Pastor Judith: Wow, although that could
be a touchy subject, I do not think that is a
universal truth. I do think, however, that
women express what they perceive spiritually
more often, and with deep feeling compared
to men, and many times this is mistaken for
greater spirituality.
Men more often express their spiritual
perceptions in terms of what they think,
while women speak of what they feel. I do
think that men perceive and communicate
differently than women. Unfortunately, many
men might think that a woman is more
spiritual than they are because she “feels.”
Throughout the entire Bible, God interacts
with men in spiritual ways.
Chaplain Gene: As a female pastor, do
you think your messages are received by women
and men differently?
Pastor Judith: Many times, yes. Many
men seem to appreciate concepts based on
principles that cause them to think, without
feeling as if they are being “scolded.” Women,
on the other hand, tend to respond a bit more
to intuitive instruction and expressive emotions
while still being anchored in sound principle.
That said, I think that both men and women
need to cultivate sensitivity to the spiritual
aspects of life. We should all be spiritually free to
mentally and emotionally connect with the Lord.
Chaplain Gene: When men or women
lose their spiritual “balance,” what do you see
as the solution?
Pastor Judith: It’s true that if our
spirituality has been shaken, confusion can
set in. As I mentioned last month, we can
find peace in the midst of storms in our lives
by daily prayer, and aligning ourselves with
God’s perspective through His word.
Specifically, our spirit can be strengthened by
mentally rehearsing the truth about God,
about ourselves and our purpose on the earth.
As Galatians 5:22 promises, the fruit of the
Holy Spirit in our life is good emotions such
as love, joy, peace.
When we get back into alignment with God’s
will and our purpose here on earth, we will
find that hopelessness, bitterness and selfish
survival habits will loosen their hold on us;
then we can be a better influence on others
around us.
I would strongly encourage both men and
women to use all the resources of God’s grace,
such as forgiveness, repentance, a grateful
attitude and speaking the truth with love.
These are life-giving “skill sets” which will
contribute to the building up, rather than
the tearing down, of our social networks.
Women’s spiritual health: Part II
by Chaplain Gene Henderson
Gene Henderson
Judith Crist
1-800-991-7116 November 2009 l 19
your body, His Temple – 1 Cor. 6:19-20
“I think that both men and
women need to cultivate
sensitivity to the spiritual
aspects of life.”
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Redeem with 250 VitaPoints
Energy Now!®
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ith the demands of daily
living, exercise is often
the first thing to be
cut from the to-do list. However,
physical activity is essential to
good health, in addition to helping
improve mood, energy level and
sleep. Fit fitness back into your life
with these tips:
Exercise on your lunch break
Depending on your situation, you can take
a walk after eating, join a gym close to the
office or even bring in a resistance band for
some quick toning.
Get up early
If family commitments make it impossible
to exercise in the afternoon or evenings, get
up a few minutes early and work out before
the rest of the household wakes up.
Find a gym with day care
If you need someone to watch the kids,
find a gym that offers day care services.
Combine family time with exercise
Plan family activities that involve physical
activity such as biking, hiking or even a walk
with the family dog.
Book time to exercise
Schedule exercise the way you would any
other appointment – write it on your calendar!
Take turns watching the kids
To fit in workout time for both you and
your spouse, take turns watching the kids.
Squeeze in some cardio with this 10-minute body boot camp. Be sure to include a short warm-up
before exercising and a cool-down/stretch afterward.*
Alternate jumping jacks, push-ups and crunches: Do jumping jacks for 30 seconds, rest for 30
seconds, do 10-15 push-ups, rest for 30 seconds, do 10-15 crunches, rest and repeat entire sequence 2
or 3 times.
Push-ups: Place your hands directly under your shoulders and keep your body in a straight line. Inhale
as you lower your body toward the floor, then exhale as you push up. Try not to sink in between the
shoulder blades.
Crunches: Lie on your back with your knees bent. Place your hands behind your head, squeezing your
shoulder blades together. Keep this elbow position throughout the exercise. Exhale and contract your
abdominals as you slowly curl your torso toward your thighs. Be sure you don’t pull on or up with your
neck. Pause briefly, then inhale as you slowly uncurl your torso back toward the floor.
*Consult your healthcare provider before beginning any exercise program.
Fitting in
FITNESSmaking time for exercise in your busy life
with purchase of Nopaleawith purchase of Nopaleawith purchase of Nopalea
See pages 7 and 10.
for one another, and nothing could come between that love, even if it
meant picking cotton on their honeymoon!
If you’ve been struggling with a doom and gloom mentality, I challenge
you to embrace one of TriVita’s 10 Essentials for Health and Wellness
by practicing Gratitude, and not just because of the season. Try spending
a little time each day writing down things that you are thankful for.
Page 9 will also give you ideas on how to practice an attitude of gratitude.
I encourage you to call one of our Wellness Consultants if you are
experiencing health challenges and discuss which TriVita supplements
would best suit your needs. It is our hope that the articles we present to
you each month in the VitaJournal are making an impact on the way you
think about your health.
Pam Knox, Editor of Publications
On My Mind continued from page 3...
Article from Michael Ellison continued from page 2...
to avoid putting your trust and confidence in medical treatment
alone; I encourage you to support all aspects of your health,
which were designed to work in harmony to make you well.
For example, many of the conditions and health issues
today are related to inflammation. Skin disorders, breathing
disorders, and joint and muscle pain are many times a result
of chronic inflammation. TriVita’s Nopalea™ is a natural juice
extracted from the Nopal cactus that has the right nutrients
and an amazing ability to lower inflammation – which can
help you experience a greater quality of life and/or a more
optimal wellness experience. If you are experiencing any
of these issues, try taking three to six ounces a day to help
jump-start your wellness. The testimonies from our Members
are absolutely astonishing! This is an example of nutrients
being delivered to the body so the body can naturally do
what it was designed to do.
Wellness is not really a destination, but a journey to be
enjoyed as you discover the many ways you can optimize your
health. This can include everything from exploring the many
varieties of healthy cooking choices to discovering different
ways of engaging in activities that strengthen your body and
its systems.
Gratitude is another way to optimize your health and in
fact, it is one of the greatest contributors to health, as we
can not feel gratitude while being resentful and bitter about
the experiences of life. It is one of the emotional essentials
that can truly enhance not only your overall health but also
contribute to the way you feel each day. I have a saying that
helps me keep all things in perspective: Be grateful for what
you have and for just the opportunity to have more, but your
happiness and fulfillment is not in obtaining the MORE.
Each of the 10 Essentials for Health and Wellness can
contribute much to your total health and well-being when
practiced consistently over time. Remember, health reform
begins with you!
I am grateful for you as a Member of TriVita. May you
experience greater health and well-being.
We value your feedback.
Please send your comments to: or mail to Editor,
c/o TriVita, Inc., 16100 N. Greenway Hayden
Loop, Suite 950, Scottsdale, AZ 85260
November 2009 l 21
Give “thanks“ for brain exercise
O B L E E L B O B G B G ( 2 W O R D S )
After a delicious holiday meal, take some time to engage your
mind in a fun brain activity. Exercising the brain is known to
provide great health benefits. See if you can unscramble these
holiday-related words: (answers below)
trivita.com22 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness
High-fat foods affect memory and exercise performance
Oxford, United Kingdom
A high-fat diet can decrease physical endurance and memory, according to researchers in the August 2009
edition of the FASEB Journal. In the study, 42 rats were initially given a standard diet with a fat content of 7.5%.
Baselines were established for how long they could run on a treadmill and how they performed on a maze task
that tested memory.
Half the rats were switched to a diet with a 55% fat content. After five days, the tests were administered again;
those rats on the high-fat diet were running 30% less than those on the regular diet, and by day nine, were
running 50% less. The high-fat group also made more mistakes in the maze tests. Additionally, they had
significantly larger hearts after nine days.
Several research teams are now conducting similar studies in humans.
“We look forward to the results of the equivalent studies in human volunteers, which should tell us more about
the short-term effects of high-fat foods on our hearts,” said Professor Jeremy Pearson, Associate Medical Director
of the British Heart Foundation, who funded the research. “We already know that to protect our heart health
in the long-term, we should cut down on foods high in saturated fat.”
Vitamin C may reduce the risk of gout
Vancouver, Canada
Men who supplement with Vitamin C have a lower risk of gout (a type of inflammatory arthritis), according to
researchers in a recent edition of the Archives of Internal Medicine.
In the study, 46,994 men were followed from 1986-2006; they were given questionnaires every four years to
determine their Vitamin C intake. After 20 years, 1,317 cases of gout were confirmed. Compared to men who took
less than 250 milligrams (mg) of Vitamin C per day, those who took 500 to 999 mg had a 17% lower risk of gout;
1,000 to 1,499 mg per day averaged a 34% reduced risk; 1,500 mg per day and higher had a 45% lower risk.
Researchers concluded that higher Vitamin C intake is independently associated with a lower risk of gout, and
supplemental Vitamin C intake may be beneficial in protection against gout.
Healthcare costs growing with waistlines
Rockville, Maryland
A new report from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality shows that between 2001 and 2006, total
healthcare expenditures for U.S. adults in the obese category increased from $166.7 billion to $303.1 billion – an
increase of over 80%.
The adult obese population increased as well, from 23.6% to 27.2%. Obesity is defined as a Body Mass Index (BMI)
of 30 or more. For the obese population, the average yearly healthcare costs increased from $3,458 to $5,148.
When examining BMI category (obese, overweight, normal weight, underweight) and the proportion reporting
at least one chronic condition, the obese category had the highest proportion in both 2001 and 2006 (57.1% and
59.7%, respectively). 
Research Desk
New findings in health and wellness
Q: What is the House of Giving?
A: The House of Giving is a charitable
non-profit organization founded by the
leadership of TriVita to help people in crisis.
Q: Why was the House of
Giving founded?
A: The primary purpose for founding the
House of Giving was to help people in need.
There are millions of people impacted by
famine, floods, polluted water and domestic,
national and civil violence. We believed that
TriVita would become a successful company
and wanted to share our good fortune with
less fortunate people. I also believed our
employees and Members would want to make
a real difference in people’s lives. Our
employees have donated thousands of hours
at a shelter for victims of domestic violence.
Plus, each year at Christmas they bring gifts
for the children. I am extremely proud of
their thoughtfulness and generosity.
Q: Is this a charitable organization
owned by TriVita?
A: No, the House of Giving isn’t owned by
TriVita or any other organization but is an
independent charitable organization in the
U.S. and Canada.
Q: Does an independent board
oversee the House of Giving?
A: Yes, it is run by an independent board that
provides oversight to the organization. There
are six board members in the U.S. and three
board members in Canada.
Q: Is the House of Giving registered
with the IRS in the U.S. and the
Department of Revenue of Canada?
A: Yes, it is registered as a 501.C3 charitable
organization in the U.S. and as a charitable
organization in Canada; all donations are
fully tax deductible in both countries.
Q: What special projects have you
selected for the upcoming year?
A: Our goal is to provide clean-water wells
in areas where waterborne diseases run
rampant. Many of these areas in developing
countries have polluted above-ground water
sources – which creates disease for those
who drink from them.
Q: Why did you select water wells
as your project?
A: Because access to clean water is essential
to good health. For the amount of money
we have raised, we are able to deliver in a
significant way. Many of these wells provide
water to large groups of people; some community
wells serve thousands of people. Now instead of
looking for surface water carrying diseases like
cholera, trachoma, hepatitis and other disabling
diseases, they can go to a clean-water well. No
longer does their water result in blindness,
stunted growth or intestinal viruses that can
leave them in a severe malnourished state or
even result in death.
Q: Can a Member donate to the
House of Giving?
A: Yes, a Member can join in our water
project by either making a check out directly
to House of Giving or by asking a Wellness
Consultant to add a charitable donation to
their TriVita order. The House of Giving
offers a special designation: 100% of donated
money goes toward the project. No administra-
tion costs are taken out of donations.
Q: How is that possible when all
organizations have operating costs?
A: The House of Giving has all volunteer
help from both the board members who serve
and from those who oversee daily operations.
Any other costs are covered by the Ellison
Family Trust and TriVita to ensure 100% of
donations go to the designated project. We are
committed to helping those less fortunate and
to ensuring our gifts make a significant impact
in helping people in their time of crisis. 
giving back
CEO Michael Ellison explains why TriVita supports
the House of Giving
November 2009 l 23
100% of
goes toward
the water
well project.
“I take the Sublingual B-12 and
VitaDaily AM/PM for more energy.”
“In 2002 I was in a car accident. The trauma
from it caused me to develop fibromyalgia.
TriVita has played a big role in how I cope with
this condition. I take the Sublingual B-12 and
VitaDaily AM/PM for more energy and to help
keep me ‘up’ psychologically. I work out three
to four times a week and also take advantage
of physical therapy. People often tell me, ‘I can’t
believe you’re in the great shape you are!’ I
always tell them about TriVita.”
“I’m pain free and that’s all
that matters.”
“I was born with spina bifida that can cause
paralysis. This has been a cause of chronic pain
my entire life and I have had about 12 surgeries
to try to help with this condition. I also have a
hard time walking. My most recent surgery for
bulging disks was especially difficult and I
needed a walker just to move around.
Now, fast forward to last June when I attended
a Nopalea presentation. I heard some amazing
stories about peoples’ success with Nopalea. They
were so amazing that I was hard-pressed to believe
them. However, I have a medical background and
I’m open-minded enough to recognize the value
of natural medicine. So I went home that night and
decided to try Nopalea. After the first day I noticed
a small change. Within two days I had no pain in my
leg or my knees. I was able to take the stairs to my
office and I actually did it – pain free! My body can
tell when I haven’t had Nopalea for a while. So I go
for more Nopalea and almost immediately my hip
feels better. I can’t explain it – and don’t really need
to. I’m pain free and that’s all that matters.”
“I am able to make it through my day
without an afternoon nap.”
“For years I have struggled with low
energy. Since my teen years I have
seen numerous doctors to try to
figure out what was causing this.
Every test always came back normal
and there was never an explanation
given to the cause of my lack of
energy. I always felt as though I
was dragging myself around and others noticed how
exhausted I seemed. I was no longer able to complete
the normal tasks of running my home and working.
Since starting TriVita’s Energy Now! my energy
has increased substantially. I feel like I can live
normally and am able to make it through my day
without an afternoon nap.”
“Since I added the crystals,
I haven’t gotten sick.”
“I’ve been taking TriVita’s Vital C Powdered
Crystals, and this is the fourth year that I have not
gotten sick, even though I am a nurse in homecare
and I am around a lot of germs. If you had known
me before, you’d know how quickly I’d get sick with
bronchitis, which would leave me with a bad cough
for up to six weeks. Since I added the crystals, I
haven’t gotten sick. I like them because they release
slowly in your system. I take them year round, and
need just ¼ teaspoon a day. I add a bit more if I feel
I’m getting a sore throat, but then it goes away.”
“Within one month I saw improvement
in my vision.”
“I was diagnosed with nearsightedness. Although
I had prescription glasses, it was still hard to read. I
started taking TriVita VisionGuard and within one
month I saw improvement in my vision. I can focus
better and the words on the computer are clearer
and easier to read.”
See what members like you have to say about triVita®
“I thank God that TriVita has created Nopalea to help my
body with inflammation.”
“I was so relieved when I heard TriVita was introducing
Nopalea, and that it was good for inflammation. I’m
69 years old, and have had problems with infections all
my life, especially with the eyes, sinus, ear and upper
respiratory system.
I recently had such a bad eye infection that the left side
of my face became terribly swollen. I was fortunate to
be in Phoenix when TriVita introduced Nopalea at a
meeting, and I started on it the following day.
I have been on it ever since and feel much better. I thank God that TriVita has
created Nopalea to help my body with inflammation.”
“My overall energy level, concentration and clarity of
thinking have greatly improved.”
“I am a lung cancer survivor and have been in
remission since 2003, but have continued to be on
oxygen (especially at night) and have balance and
mobility problems. I began taking Nopalea and
Super Sublingual B-12 about three months ago and
cannot say enough positives about these awesome
products. My overall energy level, concentration and
clarity of thinking have greatly improved. I have also
had a series of mini strokes, but have even found
my memory to be somewhat better. I am so excited
about these health and wellness products that I am telling everyone I know
that could benefit from them. Even on my fixed income, I have given seven
Nopalea Gifts of Health because I want others to feel as good as I do.”
trivita.com24 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness
Real Storiesfrom real people
n his 49 years, J.B. has gotten
knocked around a lot. He is a
pro rodeo champion from South
Dakota who competes nationally in
steer wrestling and roping – and has
lots of trophies to show for it. He
also has two sons who compete in
the rodeo’s youth and teen circuits.
J.B.’s ride to the top was never easy. He has
freed himself from a life of drinking and
drugs... and is feeling really good about it.
“I just quit it all and have never looked back
or thought twice about going back to that
life,” he remarks. “I’m not ashamed about it;
I just try to set a good example for my boys
and others who know me.”
Nopalea’s incredible
healing qualities
J.B.’s mom, Dorothy, thought he would be an
excellent candidate for Nopalea because of his
many rodeo-related aches and pains. He has a
lot of shoulder pain from his rodeo riding, and
he hoped that Nopalea would help ease the
pain and detoxify his body. J.B.’s timing was
perfect because only a few days after starting
on Nopalea, he took a nasty fall and hurt
his knees badly. J.B. says, “I feared the worst,
because the last time I had a similar fall, I was
laid up for almost a month with the injury.”
With his injury, J.B. didn’t think he would be
able to compete in an upcoming rodeo. “I kept
taking the Nopalea, but honestly didn’t think
it could help me so soon,” he says. “Well, much
to my surprise, I didn’t have the swelling and
pain that I had experienced so many times
before. I was not only feeling pretty good,
but I was able to compete in the rodeo just a
few days after my injury.” He has also noticed
that since taking Nopalea he is sleeping much
better and without interruption.
Dorothy’s equally remarkable story
Dorothy has gone through her own trials and
tribulations. She owns a ranch resort in the
middle of Nebraska’s best outdoor recreational
and wildlife area. Unfortunately, she was left to
care for the ranch on her own last year when
her husband passed away. “It has been a rough
year,” Dorothy states. “I also lost a daughter
shortly after my husband passed away.”
However, running her resort and a sideline
travel tour business keeps her pretty much
“on the go.” Plus, she even takes in 50 head
of cattle five months out of the year. Dorothy
originally began taking Nopalea because of
knee problems, and now she’s pleased to report
that it has also helped with her osteoarthritis.
“I used to have a grinding in my neck when
I moved it around,” she remembers. “This
grinding has gone away since I started taking
the Nopalea.”
In fact, when Dorothy ran out of her Nopalea
and hadn’t yet received her auto shipment,
she actually drove into town to buy some
from another person in her group, just so she
wouldn’t have to go without it.
So, Dorothy has gotten a tremendous health
boost from Nopalea, and she has seen how
much it has helped J.B. They are both totally
sold on Nopalea and share it with everyone
they come in touch with.
Dorothy and J.B. have several good prospects
for Nopalea on their list, including Dorothy’s
great-grandson who has a serious case of
diabetes, as well as nerve damage. “I am
positive and hopeful that I can continue
helping my friends and family with this great
product,” says Dorothy. “And J.B. won’t be as
concerned about aches and pains from rodeo
riding as long as he has Nopalea available.”
J.B. roped in a winner
with Nopalea
this rodeo rider bounced back from several nasty
falls in record time
Member Spotlight
because the last time I had a similar fall, I was
– J.B.
They are both totally sold on
Nopalea and share it with everyone
they come in touch with.
1-800-991-7116 November 2009 l 25
“...much to my surprise,
I didn’t have the swelling and
pain that I had experienced
so many times before.”
her husband passed away. “It has been a rough
year,” Dorothy states. “I also lost a daughter
knee problems, and now she’s pleased to report
“...My prescription hasn’t changed
in two years.”
“Before I started taking VisionGuard, small blood
vessels would burst in my eyes, causing redness.
While it wasn’t painful, it looked really bad and
everyone would comment on it. Sometimes it
would be accompanied by blurriness, too. After just
one month on VisionGuard, the problem stopped.
I was thrilled! I recently had an appointment with
my eye doctor and was pleased to find out that
my prescription has not changed in two years. The
doctor was so impressed with VisionGuard that she
was going to look it up online!”
VisionGuard contains nutrients that have
been proven to protect eye health
• Lutein, proven to slow the onset and
symptoms of cataracts
• Bilberry, important for people with
diabetes, may help reduce retinal scarring
• Gingko, which may help improve
blood circulation to eyes
Keep your sight so you can continue
to live a full and active life
Non-Member $34.99
Member $27.99
Redeem with 280 VitaPoints
Eye diseases
There are many conditions that can result in
loss of eyesight including:
• Diabetic retinopathy
• Cataracts
• Glaucoma
Diabetic retinopathy
Diabetic retinopathy is a leading cause of
blindness in North America. People with
diabetes are at risk for reduced circulation
throughout the body, including the eyes. In
retinopathy, the tiny capillaries that feed the
eye are damaged, restricting nourishing blood
flow. If untreated, diabetic retinopathy can
result in partial or total loss of vision.
Cataracts and glaucoma
Cataracts and glaucoma occur twice as much
in the diabetic population as in the general
population. These ailments can seriously impair
our ability to see.
According to experts, only an estimated 50%
to 60% of people with diabetes get annual eye
exams. Even more startling are the numbers
of those undiagnosed who are at high risk for
eye and body damage, because diabetes-related
sicknesses progress without being treated.
A simple triglyceride test can indicate the
likelihood of diabetes and pre-diabetes and
should be performed in-office annually by a
healthcare provider.
How you can protect your vision
In general, you should wear protective UV-
coated sunglasses whenever you are outdoors,
and get an annual eye exam. If you have
diabetes, or suspect you might, work with
your healthcare providers, including an
ophthalmologist, to monitor and treat any
conditions. Eat a diet high in vegetables and
fruits, keep at a stable, healthy weight, exercise
and take VisionGuard™
to protect your eyes.
Why TriVita VisionGuard?
TriVita VisionGuard contains eye-protective
nutrients to help defend against illness. Lutein,
the premier eye-health nutrient, has been
known to help protect your body against the
onset of age-related macular degeneration and
cataracts, and may reduce symptoms in those
who are already suffering from these diseases.
Zeaxanthin and olivenol are also proven eye-
nutrients. Zeaxanthin helps protect against
cataract formation; olivenol helps protect the
eyes against oxidative stress.
Bilberry helps strengthen the retina and blood
vessel walls (so important for people with
diabetes). Ginkgo biloba has been shown to
increase circulation – which may help those who
have been diagnosed with diabetic retinopathy.
Preserve your freedom by protecting
your eyesight daily with nutrients
Once your vision is gone, so is your
independence. You’ll need the aid of a cane,
pet-companion or care-companion to do
many of the things that you can easily
accomplish today on your own.
Protect your sight with every tool that you
have: get regular eye exams, talk with your
doctor about changes you notice in your body,
keep weight and diabetes under control and
take TriVita VisionGuard daily, to benefit from
proven eye-protective nutrients.
Help preserve your sight
and freedomwith triVita’s eye-nourishing Visionguard
TriVita VisionGuard contains
eye-protective nutrients to help
defend against illness.
Brazos Minshew has created a Weekly Wellness Report filled with critical health information.
These interesting, easy-to-understand articles are written exclusively for the Weekly Wellness
Report and emailed to TriVita Members who have a valid email address on file.
TriVita’s Weekly Wellness Report
by Brazos Minshew, Chief Science Officer
Look for your Weekly Wellness Report – emailed to TriVita Members only at no charge!
• protecting your eyesight • importance of lowering Homocysteine
• obesity Health risks • Healthy Aging
• optimizing cellular Health • And much more!
Exclusiveto Members
has bundled your favorite
nutrient-rich products at fantastic savings!
Stress Protection Pack
Combining nature’s most powerful
stress-fighting nutrients
Don’t let stress rob you of your quality of
life – protect yourself from the damages
of stress with the Stress Protection Pack.
Adaptogen 10 Plus® helps your body balance
itself when it’s under stress. It’s antioxidant-
rich and helps to neutralize damaging free
radicals that can hurt your immune system.
Sublingual B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid supports
brain and nervous system health; its
sublingual delivery system ensures fast
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buyers of the
Stress Protection
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FREE Stress
(A $9.99 value!)
Healthy Aging Pack
Nutrients to strengthen your
body’s ability to combat illness
TriVita’s Healthy Aging Pack gives you the
essential nutrients you will need to help combat
changes that occur with age, like increased
inflammation and a weakened immune system.
The B vitamins in Sublingual B-12, B-6 &
Folic Acid help keep your brain and nervous
system healthy. Avoid becoming nutrient
deficient and low in energy with VitaDaily™
AM/PM. Dr. Libby’s Vital C Tablets provide
powerful immune protection.
Help reduce inflammation in your
joints and throughout your body
with OmegaPrime®.
Take daily, or more as needed.
buyers of the
Healthy Aging
Pack get a FREE
Healthy Aging
(A $9.99 value!)
Adaptogen 10 Plus:
1 bottle (32 servings)
Sublingual B-12:
1 box (30 count)
Take daily, or
more as needed.
Stress Protection
Pack #33236
Non-Member $87.98
Member $59.99
Substitute Original B-12
with Super B-12 and
add $3.00 #33342
Substitute Original B-12
with HCY Guard®
add $4.00 #33340
Healthy Aging
Pack #32272
Non-Member $104.96
Member $72.99
Substitute Original B-12
with Super B-12 and
add $3.00 #32278
Substitute Original B-12
with HCY Guard®
add $4.00 #32273

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  • 1. noVemBer 2009 EXCLUSIVE WELLNESS OFFER! FREE ENERGY NOW!® (A $24.99 VALUE) with purchase of Nopalea™ and Sublingual B-12 NOPALEA EASES J.B.’S RODEO aches and pains SUBLINGUAL B-12 AND NOPALEA: the dynamic anti- inflammatory duo and Sublingual B-12 VITAVITA PASSION FOR NOPALEA JOSHUA’S “EXTREME”
  • 2. Health reform begins with you! by michael r. ellison, ceo & founder of triVita, inc. The subject of healthcare reform continues to echo through the halls of government in Washington D.C. and is creating tension, strife and discord among many. We all realize it is a subject with many tentacles attached to it. But focusing on the aspects of health that the media is discussing is dangerous because it can make us lose sight of the bigger picture. The bigger picture is that healthy living requires engaging and supporting the physical, emotional and spiritual sides of each person. Your body has an amazing ability to heal itself when given the right nutrients and nurturing, restoring itself to optimal functioning. If we are not careful, our health – which is precious to each of us – becomes a political agenda and a debate subject for the media and the masses, and we lose sight of the real issue – how do we in North America achieve greater health for ourselves and those we love? I believe it is time for us to encourage our politicians to consider the bigger picture and to support healthcare reform that encourages supplementation and rewards healthy lifestyle choices. Much could be done in reform to reward companies who have healthcare insurance and also educate their employees about good health practices. An example would be our company: TriVita asks each new employee to sign an agreement stating that they will pursue a wellness journey to enhance their well-being. We have many wonderful stories of new employees who have experienced greater health and well-being by embracing the 10 Essentials for Health and Wellness and consistently supplementing with our products. This is not a time for us to be silent and let politicians and the media wrestle with these issues. Write to your elected representatives to let them know your recommendations in supporting health practices for the whole person. Although our Canadian Members are not involved in the heated healthcare debate, the issue of achieving optimal health is relevant to people everywhere. There are several components involved in achieving optimal wellness. Obviously when a person is diagnosed with disease, there is a need for medical treatment. But here is where we get short-sighted: standard medical treatment focuses on a quick fix, rather than providing a person with information about which nutrients could aid their body in the healing process. Instead of dealing with the cause of the wound, medical treatment focuses on bandaging the wound. Wellness is about giving yourself the tools you need to help protect against wounds – and not just physical ones. The physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of the person must be engaged to truly experience wellness. Many of our health conditions and issues result from lifestyle choices which ignore good health essentials – and yet we expect a medical treatment to fix our diseases and the symptoms that rob us of our quality of life. Why am I writing today to even discuss this issue with you? For the simple reason that you can do much to enhance your own wellness experience by embracing all aspects of your health – in addition to whatever medical services you are fortunate enough to receive. But I encourage you The physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of the person must be engaged to truly experience wellness. 10Essentialsfor health and wellness Join with TriVita as we begin our second decade of health and wellness for all. We encourage you to experience wellness™ through these 10 Essentials, created to enhance life in wonderful ways. Physical 1. Breathe Deeply Inhale life fully, cleanse your body of toxins and feel calm. 2. Drink Water As you quench your thirst for water, you also boost your energy. 3. Sleep Peacefully Rest, repair, rejuvenate: a regular sleep routine lets your body do its work. 4. Eat Nutritiously Choose healthy, wholesome foods to fuel a healthy body and mind. 5. Enjoy Activity Move it to improve it! Your whole being benefits from an active lifestyle. Emotional 6. Give and Receive Love Feel the power of positive emotions while you strengthen your immune system. 7. Be Forgiving To be at peace, unburden yourself of hostility and resentment towards others. 8. Practice Gratitude Gratitude brings gratification: less stress, more joy, greater well-being. 9. Develop Acceptance Releasing what you can’t change frees you from worry and enriches your life. Spiritual 10. Develop a Relationship with God Nourish your spirituality to nourish personal growth and happiness. Article from Michael Ellison continued on page 21... Breathe Deeply See page 9 trivita.com2 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness
  • 3. Stay brain sharp. Try this word jumble. 21 4 Keep Your Immune System in Harmony Help it work smarter, not harder. 6 Can a Supplement Ease Alzheimer’s? Vitamin B-12 might help protect against the brain disease. 10 The Link Between Inflammation and Autoimmune Disease Nopalea™ may offer relief. 12 Having a Bad Air Day? How you can dramatically reduce the impact of toxins in the environment. 16 Joshua’s “Extreme” Excitement about Nopalea “It saved my father’s life!” NOVEMBER2009 Inside 23 Why TriVita Supports the House of Giving It brings clean drinking water to people in need. 25 J.B. Roped in a Winner with Nopalea This rodeo rider has bounced back from several nasty falls. 28 Nutritious, Delicious Comfort Foods Celebrate the season with warm and satisfying comfort foods. ON MY MIND EDITOR’S NOTE N ovember already! It’s hard to believe we’re fast approaching the year’s end. For many of you, this may have been one of the toughest years of your life, whether it was due to the loss of a home, job or maybe even a loved one. There seems to be a doom and gloom mentality everywhere. Recently I put together some short stories that my mom wrote 10 years ago, and one of them was titled Our Cotton Pickin’ Honeymoon. My parents were married in 1932 in the heart of the Great Depression. As I was editing her story, I was moved by how she described the early years of their marriage and how in the midst of all the uncertainty and turmoil, they were truly happy. They were only 20 and 22 when they first married and didn’t have a car, but then my dad bought a Model T Coupe on credit for $10, paying it off $1 a week. They set off on their honeymoon adventure looking for cotton to open in the west Texas area. Apparently my mom and dad could pull cotton faster than most, and were able to pull 1,000 pounds a day for a whopping $3! They drove around with an old mattress tied to the top of their car, uncertain as to where they would lay their heads each night. They didn’t know from day to day where their next meal would come from, but it didn’t matter as they were so in love. I still see my mom’s eyes light up even now, 70+ years later, when she reminisces about that time in her life. Maybe what we’re going through right now isn’t really so bad. What I hear from my mom when she shares about that challenging time in her life was not doom and gloom, but rather a magnificent adventure. She and my dad were experiencing life with the unconditional love November 2009 l 3 On My Mind is continued on page 21... the Great Depression. As I was editing her story, and 22 when they first married and didn’t have a car, but then my dad bought a Model T Coupe The information in this VitaJournal may contain errors or inaccuracies. We reserve the right to change prices, selections, update information and limit quantities without prior notice. TriVita® Sublingual B-12 and Nopalea’s powerful anti-inflammatory 1-2 punch. 15 My mom and dad’s wedding day, 1932 Stay-healthy tips for your entire household. 8
  • 4. H ave you ever heard an orchestra playing a symphony? Every instrument has a unique sound. Each plays a unique part in the masterpiece. The conductor brings out the best in every musician. Even the acoustics of the surroundings enhance or detract from the performance. This is an accurate description of the way we harmonize with our world. From the instant of conception, the cells are a symphony of activity, and this harmony continues throughout our lives. Cells contain their own immune system. This cellular immunity joins with the rest of the orchestra – the body – in harmonious music, ever changing to meet new and varied circumstances. The orchestra Your immune system is the great harmonizer between the world inside your body and the world outside. Many scientists believe that the immune system may also be the “mind-body connection,” the communication system that changes the internal world of our body in relationship with the external world based on our values, thoughts and feelings. Just as an orchestra has sections, such as strings, brass, woodwind and percussion, the immune system has divisions. The first, important division is “active” versus “passive” immunity. Passive immunity includes barrier protection like your skin as well as surface resistance from bacteria on our skin, in our sinuses, lungs, digestive system and reproductive system. All mucous membranes work to filter what is supposed to “come in” to our body and what should stay out. Active immunity includes two further divisions called “adaptive” and “innate.” The word innate describes something you were born with rather than something acquired along the way. The innate immune system is not really specific; it reacts in whatever way is needed at the time – like the musician that plays multiple instruments. Our adaptive immune system “goes to school” to adapt or adjust to its environment. It is very specific, often doing only one thing to contribute to harmony. Elements of our immune system can learn from experience and help us adapt to changing circumstances. The musicians Immune cells are characterized by what they do in a healthy body and how they react in someone with compromised health. The immune system consists of individual members playing together. Cells and proteins in your bloodstream, your lymphatic system and those residing deep within your organs react to your internal and external environment. These make up the symphony and you won’t be able to single out any element of the immune system unless it becomes disharmonious with your environment, your body or your mind. For example, certain cells contain huge amounts of histamine. But you would never know this unless you react to a toxin such as pollen or in response to emotional distress. On the other hand, white blood cells, which also contain histamines, are often involved in autoimmune reactions where your immune system suddenly turns hostile to tissues inside your own body. Common autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and type 1 diabetes occur when single members of the immune “orchestra” play the wrong tune – loudly! Linda Wright, M.D. harmony From the instant of conception, the cells are a symphony of activity, and this harmony continues throughout our lives. harmonyharmonyharmonyharmony How to keep your immune system in make sure it works smarter, not harder by Dr. Linda Wright trivita.com4 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness
  • 5. Vital C Crystals #30170 Non-Member $24.99 Member $19.99 Redeem with 200 VitaPoints Vital C Tablets #30230 Non-member $18.99 Member $14.99 Redeem with 150 VitaPoints Vital C Pack #32661 1 bottle Crystals 1 bottle Tablets Non-member $43.98 Member $29.98 Redeem with 300 VitaPoints Dr. Libby’s Vital C Crystals and Tablets stand above the rest! Powerful immune system support and much more! It helps: • Fight free radicals that contribute to illness • Assist in normalizing blood pressure and cholesterol • Speed wound recovery and aid in healing • Support production and use of antibodies that fight illness • Detoxify alcohol, pesticides, smoke and pollution Take Crystal Tablets and Powdered Crystals for 24-hour protection. Call toll-free to order 1-800-991-7116. Linda Wright, M.D. is board certified in Internal Medicine. She graduated from the University of Colorado, completed medical school at University of Colorado Health Sciences Center and internal medicine residency at Saint Joseph Hospital in Denver, Colorado. Dr. Wright has completed thousands of hours of training with internationally recognized leaders in the conventional and alternative medical fields. Wellness is created in the way our immune system interacts with our environment based on our genetics and modified by our behavior or lifestyle. We need harmony between our mind, body and environment. Our immune system usually provides it. But what happens when things go wrong? What happens if we are exposed to “bad” bacteria, virus or other pathogen? Disease and our immune system Sometimes we ask the wrong questions when we start to experience disharmony in our immune system. Sometimes we ask, in effect, “What makes sick people sick?” That’s like asking, “What ingredients make bad music?” As pertinent as that question is to a sick person, it is usually more productive to ask, “What makes music great?” or, “What keeps healthy people well – and how can I be one of them?” Wellness is created in the way our immune system interacts with our environment, based on our genetics and modified by our behavior or lifestyle. Illness is really a disharmony produced by trauma, toxins from inside or outside our body, deficiencies in vital elements like air, water, sleep and nutrients as well as emotional distress. In order to prevent disease and achieve wellness, we must restore harmony between our world and our immune system. Deadly viruses A good example of harmony with our world occurs with viruses. In medicine we know that viruses exist all around us just as they have always existed. During an epidemic there will be people who never get sick, people that get sick and recover and, unfortunately, people who get sick and die. The difference between these groups has little to do with the nature of the virus – it remains virtually the same in all three cases. The different responses are based on the harmony of the immune system. Immune system imbalances are trauma or injury, toxins from inside or outside of your body, deficiencies in elements critical for life and the immune-suppressing scourge of emotional distress. Injured tissues limit circulation by blood and lymph. Poor circulation allows waste created by the cells to accumulate and become a cesspool. Toxic waste becomes the target for infection and disease. Fortunately, appropriate exercise can increase healthy circulation and intense antioxidant nutrition can restore function to an injured area. Toxins and poisons from our environment may also accumulate in our tissues and smolder for decades. These toxins become inflamed; inflammation creates the matrix for disharmony in the immune system resulting in disease. Many people are deficient in oxygen though there is an abundance of air surrounding them. Oxygen deficiency causes acidic tissues; acid promotes disease. Deficiencies in air, water, sunlight, sleep and nutrients are the most common causes of immune system disharmony. We can restore balance by attending to these basic needs. Emotional distress is an immediate trigger for immune system discord. As soon as a thought arises in the mind, it is already translated into a posture of the immune system. Fortunately, we can – through an act of will – change our thoughts to positive and have a harmonizing effect on our immune system. Conclusion We participate in this symphony along with the individual members of the orchestra within our immune system. We are not merely passive observers. Take time to learn how to harmonize your immune system so it works smarter, not harder. Buy both and SAVE!
  • 6. trivita.com6 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness Scott Conard, M.D., is the founder of TienaHealth, an organization of medical doctors in primary care practice who emphasize healthy lifestyles to maintain wellness. Dr. Conard is considered a national expert on disease prevention. TienaHealth also conducts clinical trials. Scott Conard, M.D. Founder, TienaHealth I s your life touched by the terrible toll of Alzheimer’s? If you’re one of the millions who care for people with this progressive disease, you probably see its impact all too often. The memory loss, confusion and erosion of mind and body can be heartbreaking to witness, and can’t yet be cured. During Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month, I’d like to share encouraging news for those who are coping with this affliction, and for their family and friends. There are hopeful steps being taken in the fight against Alzheimer’s, and one involves Vitamin B-12. Brain health and B-12 A small but significant 2008 study suggests a link between low levels of Vitamin B-12 and higher chances of having brain volume loss (also called brain erosion). Since one of the results of Alzheimer’s disease is brain erosion, this could signal even greater importance for maintaining healthy levels of B-12. The study, from the University of Oxford, England, reached this dramatic conclusion: People with lower levels of Vitamin B-12 were six times more likely to have brain volume loss (also called brain erosion) than those with higher B-12 levels. This finding led the researchers to suggest that B-12 may protect against brain erosion, which is linked to reduced mental function. A reduction in mental function, of course, is a key outward symptom of Alzheimer’s disease. The British study took place over five years, involving 107 adults ages 61 to 87. The goal of the study was simple: What’s the link between Vitamin B-12 levels and brain erosion? To find the answer, according to results published in the medical journal Neurology, participants underwent annual blood tests, MRIs, physical exams and memory tests. None of the study subjects had any mental impairment when they began the project. More B-12 equals bigger brains At the end of the five years, all the participants had B-12 levels within the normal range; however, the differences in brain volume were significant between those in the normal- low range and those in the normal-high range. Again, those with the lowest B-12 levels were six times more likely to suffer measurable brain erosion than those with the highest levels. Naturally, those of us who are informed about the importance of B-12 in leading a healthy life are excited about having even more evidence in favor of this powerhouse vitamin. We’ve known for some time that people who have a B-12 deficiency can experience symptoms caused by decreased mental and nerve functioning. These symptoms can include mental confusion and forgetfulness, mood swings and even psychotic behavior like seeing and/or hearing things. What’s relatively new, though, is the connection between brain volume, B-12 and diseases like Alzheimer’s. I urge you to continue supplementing with TriVita’s quality B-12, and to share its importance with others. If you’re concerned about degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, call 1-800-991-7116, and ask a TriVita Wellness Consultant about HCY Guard® . This important product – which contains Vitamin B-12 – helps lower dangerous homocysteine levels, which can often lead to dementia, Alzheimer’s and other grave conditions.  B-12 Update by Dr. Scott Conard Can a supplement ease Alzheimer’s? Science connects the dots between Vitamin B-12, brain erosion and health
  • 7. 1-800-991-7116 Faster-acting, longer-lasting and more potent than ever before with three times the Vitamin B-12 TriVita Super Sublingual B-12 helps you achieve: • Sustained mental energy, stamina and alertness • Improved mood with a more positive outlook on life • Greater mental focus, clarity and concentration • Sharper memory with less forgetfulness Plus, Super Sublingual B-12 gives your brain and nerves the essential nutrients they need to help replenish brain fuel and help repair damaged nerves. And all this is yours with a convenient, once-a-day tablet. Alfred Libby, M.D. – Inventor of TriVita Sublingual B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid Dr. Libby, a renowned nutraceutical pioneer, worked to help hundreds of patients feel better every day. An associate of Dr. Linus Pauling (Nobel Prize Laureate), Dr. Libby developed this unique, sublingual delivery system for his own patients. It was known to give similar mental energy results as B-12 shots, but without the shots’ added pain and expense. Alfred Libby, M.D. SUP ER SUBLINGUAL B-12 AVAILABLE EXCLUSIVELY FR O M TRIVITA TriVita Super Sublingual B-12 #33356 Non-Member $28.99 Member $22.99 Redeem with 230 VitaPoints TriVita Super SPECIALPRICE For maximum sustained mental energy take TriVita Super Sublingual B-12 Call toll-free to order 1-800-991-7116 or visit us at SUCCESS STORIES “After three weeks, the shoulder and hip pain are completely gone.” “I’m a 62-year-old retired firefighter. I spent 34 years in the fire service. I always stayed fit by working out and jogging. I even competed in bodybuilding shows for seven years. After all those years of firefighting, my body was feeling the effects. My left knee hurt most of the time and caused me to walk with a limp. I had pain in my right shoulder. Sometimes the pain was so intense, I would have to use my left arm. Finally, in the last six months, I would wake up at night with hip pain. Then my life changed. I joined TriVita in March. I started taking Super Sublingual B-12 – GREAT STUFF! I was hearing more and more about Nopalea and the results people were having with it. I was a bit skeptical at first, and then said, ‘Why not?’ I started my first bottle in the middle of April and the results were amazing. I took one to two ounces in the morning and after three weeks, the shoulder and hip pain were completely gone. I get a slight knee pain every now and then. I know that by keeping Nopalea in my diet the knee pain will be completely gone. Thank you Sonoran Bloom and TriVita. I plan to compete in a bodybuilding show this summer, thanks to Nopalea. I’ll keep you updated.” JOHN L. – JACKSONVILLE, FL FREE Energy Now!® with purchase of Nopalea™ and one box of Sublingual B-12 (Original or Super). A $24.99 VALUE
  • 8. trivita.com8 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness Y our child comes home from school complaining of a sore throat and runny nose. The next morning, you experience the same symptoms. Then, someone else in your household picks it up. Sound familiar? Protect yourself and your family from this common problem by actively boosting your immune system and taking everyday preventive steps. Keep your immune system strong Get your Zs Lack of sleep can weaken the immune system so be sure everyone in your family gets the proper amount of shut-eye. Plus, a recent study by Stanford University showed that the immune system fights hardest against invading bacteria at night. The National Sleep Foundation recommends: • Toddlers: 12-14 hours • Preschoolers: 11-13 hours • School-aged children: 10-11 hours • Teens: 8.5-9.25 hours • Adults: 7-9 hours Bone up on broccoli Researchers from the University of California, Berkeley, found that a compound in broccoli may help boost the immune system. Make broccoli a staple in a balanced, wholesome diet; include plenty of other vegetables and fruit, as well as whole grains and lean protein. Get moving In addition to its numerous health benefits, exercise has also been shown to help reduce the risk of the common cold. In one study, women who did not exercise were three times more likely to catch a cold than those who exercised regularly. The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommends 30 minutes of activity for adults most days of the week and 60 minutes of exercise every day for kids. An ounce of prevention... Take these everyday preventive actions recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to help protect against colds and the flu: • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it. If a tissue is not available, cough or sneeze into the crook of your elbow, so you don’t continue to spread the germs with your hands. • Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Alcohol-based hand cleaners are also effective. • Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread this way. • Try to avoid close contact with sick people. Hand washing: still the best way to avoid getting sick The number one way to avoid getting sick and spreading germs is washing your hands. Teach your children how to wash and when to wash, with these tips from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. How to wash When washing hands with soap and water: • Wet your hands with clean running water and apply soap. Use warm water if it’s available. • Rub hands together to make a lather and scrub all surfaces. • Continue rubbing hands for 20 seconds. Need a timer? Imagine singing “Happy Birthday” twice through to a friend! • Rinse hands well under running water. • Dry your hands using a paper towel or air dryer. If possible, use your paper towel to turn off the faucet or open the door if in a public restroom. If soap and water are not available, use alcohol- based gel to clean hands. It’s always a good idea to keep a hand sanitizer with you at all times. When to wash • Before preparing or eating food • After going to the bathroom • After changing diapers or cleaning up a child who has gone to the bathroom • Before and after tending to someone who is sick • After blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing • After handling an animal or animal waste • After handling garbage • Before and after treating a cut or wound With proper rest, nutrition, exercise and preventive steps, you can help break the cycle of family sickness – and keep your family healthy and sniffle-free.  Breaking the cycle of family sickness Avoid passing around colds and the flu with these stay-healthy tips Family Health
  • 9. I n this five-part series, we’re taking an in-depth look at the 10 essentials for Health and wellness. this month, discover more about essentials #1 and #8: Breathe deeply and practice gratitude. Exploring TriVita’s 10 Essentials BreatheDeeply Essential#1 How often do you think about your breathing? Perhaps it’s when you’ve run out of breath after climbing the stairs – or when your breathing gets fast and shallow during a stressful or tense moment. As babies, we breathe deeply (and properly) from the abdomen, but the worries and bad habits of adulthood often lead to poor breathing habits. As you age, your lung capacity declines an average of 9% – 22% per decade. Lung capacity is a primary measure of longevity. Statistically, the greater your lung capacity, the longer you will live. That’s because the health benefits of deep breathing are wide-ranging: everything from greater energy and improved detoxification to reduced stress and better digestion. All the more reason to take time for deep breathing exercises every day. Breathing basics You can do your daily deep breathing exercises just about anywhere, but the best place is a calm and quiet environment where you can really focus and relax. Start with 10 minutes of deep breathing and gradually increase your time. Sit comfortably in a chair or lie flat on your back with your knees elevated. Place one hand on your abdomen just above your navel and the other hand on your chest. Take a few deep breaths and focus on expanding your abdomen as you inhale. Your chest should rise only a little and only at the top of your breath. Breathe in through your nose, letting the air fill your lungs. When your lungs are completely full, hold your breath for a moment and then release the air through your mouth with a sigh. Repeat this as you count to four on the inhale and four on the exhale. Continue breathing in this manner. When you feel comfortable, extend your breath counts to six and then up to eight. After 10 minutes of this measured breathing, stretch out your muscles and get ready to face the day with renewed vigor! PracticeGratitude, Essential#8 With the Thanksgiving holiday right around the corner, it’s natural to think about being “thankful.” But imagine practicing gratitude on a daily basis. Not only is it possible, but it can brighten your life in so many ways. An attitude of gratitude You’ve probably heard the expression before, but an “attitude of gratitude” can make a huge difference in your daily life and overall emotional well- being. The Research Project on Gratitude and Thankfulness found that grateful people reported greater life satisfaction, optimism and positive emotions, and lower levels of stress and depression. Try focusing on the categories below and you’ll find ways to practice gratitude every single day. It will take practice, however, especially on those days when you just want to grumble. • Feel grateful for what you love • Appreciate the ordinary • Express gratitude for hard times: after all, they do make you stronger! Need more help? Try answering one or more of the questions below each day to help you practice gratitude. As you read through and answer these questions, chances are good that you’ll find much to be grateful for. • What made me smile today? • Who did something to help me today? • What went right today? • What happened today that was fun? • What happened today that made me laugh? • What happened today that was a pleasant surprise? • Who was I happy to think of, talk to or see? • What did I eat today that I loved? • What did I do today that I feel pleased about? • What did I do today that makes me proud? • What did I do today that made someone else smile? • What did I do today that made someone else feel better? • What happened today that made me feel blessed? • What happened today that reminded me that I can make a bad situation better? Part IV of V ...the health benefits of deep breathing are wide-ranging... stressful or tense moment. As babies, we breathe deeply on a daily basis. Not only is it possible, but it can 1-800-991-7116 November 2009 l 9
  • 10. So many astonishing benefits in a bottle Nopalea, the latest breakthrough in wellness drinks Try this delicious wellness drink, with an exclusive blend of rare antioxidants called Betalains and other healthful nutrients. A daily dose of Nopalea can help your body: So many astonishing benefits in a bottle Nopalea™ #30710 Non-Member $49.99 Member $39.99 Nopalea™ 4 bottle pack #33400 Non-Member $199.96 Member $139.99 Special – 4 Pack Savings!Drink it and thrive! Call toll-free to order 1-800-991-7116. • Lessen inflammation which causes pain • Cleanse itself of daily toxins • Promote optimal health right down to your cells • Protect against premature aging I s your body attacking itself unintentionally? That’s just what happens in autoimmune diseases, and Nopalea™ may be able to help. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, there are over 80 autoimmune diseases, and they affect millions of people, inflicting rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, lupus, type 1 diabetes and more. Understanding autoimmune dysfunction Autoimmune disorders involve the “immune system,” which is designed to help protect you from illness and harmful substances called antigens. Examples of antigens range from bacteria and viruses, to toxins and blood or tissue from another person. In response, the immune system produces antibodies that attach themselves to antigens in order to destroy and remove them from the body. In people with an autoimmune disorder, the immune system is unable to distinguish an antigen from a normal cell, and therefore, mistakenly turns on itself to attack normal, healthy tissues. Inflammation: A parallel to autoimmune disease? Inflammation, like the immune system, typically plays a protective role in our bodies. In fact, it can be a lifesaver, as it works to ward off illness-causing germs and toxins. The moment we are exposed to a hazardous substance, like a virus or parasite, inflammation attacks the invader and surrounding tissues that may have been harmed and infected. Inflammation then quickly subsides and the tissues can heal. There are times, however, when this inflammation response doesn’t shut off as it is supposed to. It becomes chronic, and can lead to a host of varying diseases. This is why so many people have had dramatic results with Nopalea. The inflammation- fighting wellness drink helps the body reduce inflammation and the pain it brings. Link between inflammation and disease The physicians who have the most experience treating chronic inflammation are the ones who THE LINK between inflammation and autoimmune disease How nopalea helps the body cope EXCLUSIVE OFFER: Buy Nopalea and Sublingual B-12 (see page 7), and get a FREE box of Energy Now!® , A $24.99 VALUE!
  • 11. 1-800-991-7116 SUCCESS STORIES “Now, I can truly say I am mostly pain free.” “About three years ago, I began having pain and symptoms of fibromyalgia. The doctors gave me strong pain relievers, muscle relaxers, steroid injections and more, yet nothing worked. With 21 pills a day, I found myself getting mixed up on what I took or what I needed to take.* Then I started taking Nopalea and it began to work powerfully for me. There are no other juices or natural supplements out there that can do what Nopalea has done for me. Trust me, I have tried everything. Now, I can truly say I am mostly pain free.Since people have seen me, they want whatever it is that I am taking. They want Nopalea! I keep extra bottles on hand and I always pass it on. They don’t want to know how or why it works, they just know it works and they want it.” RHONDA M. – WRIGHT, WY “I recently started taking Nopalea and it has helped cut my MS spasms in half...” “I have suffered from multiple sclerosis (MS) for over seven years, which has reduced my mobility and weakened my body. Although I am currently in a wheelchair, I refuse to let my physical limitations affect my positive attitude. I share my trials, tribulations and victories with others as a way to make a difference in people’s lives. I have been helped through my pain by my faith, love and nurturing family and friends. And thanks to TriVita, who is my partner in wellness, and to TriVita’s products, I have a better quality of life. I recently started taking Nopalea and it has helped cut my MS spasms in half, which is just incredible. Thank you.” DEBORAH L. – DOUGLASVILLE, GA “ soreness, stiffness and pain were significantly better.” “Nopalea really helps inflammation and pain. I have fibromyalgia and arthritis. I was hurting really bad in my knees, muscles, feet, arms, shoulders, etc. I ordered a case of Nopalea. After taking it for a couple of days, my soreness, stiffness and pain were significantly better. I’ve since begun exercising again. This was something I was not able to do previously. When I take Nopalea, my pain and inflammation are nearly gone. Thank you so much!” MARY H. – BARTLESVILLE, OK specialize in the most common autoimmune disorders. These disorders, as mentioned earlier in this article, show a body that has turned on itself and attacks its own muscles and tissues. This attack triggers inflammation – the natural response to fighting off toxic bacteria. However, the inflammation becomes ongoing and excessive. Inflammation may only be an issue in the beginning stages of an autoimmune disorder, as seems to be the case with multiple sclerosis. It creates a great deal of damage at first, until so much tissue is destroyed that it damages the nerves permanently. A hope for a cure So, what can be done to protect against this inflammation from wreaking havoc on the body? This is a problem that doctors have been trying to solve for decades, and, research continues. What they know for now is that inflammation has a bigger impact on chronic diseases than they ever realized. And, until something can be done, we must all be aware of the dangers of inflammation, and the symptoms of autoimmune disorders. In the meantime, researchers know that there are things that can be done to lessen inflammation, so symptoms can become more manageable. Eating nutritiously, exercising, losing any excess fat and supplementing with the right nutrients all help to reduce inflammation and accelerate the healing process. Nopalea’s inflammation-fighting Betalains may bring some relief to those suffering from autoimmune disorders triggered or worsened by inflammation. With a reduction in inflammation, pain can be relieved and soothed, and the body can function better, overall. It may take many more years until doctors and researchers can isolate the cause of runaway inflammation and why some immune systems cannot recognize antigens from healthy cells. For now, Nopalea, the incredible wellness drink that helps relieve the symptoms of unwanted inflammation, can be part of the solution. Eating nutritiously, exercising and supplementing with the right nutrients all help to reduce inflammation and accelerate the healing process. FRONT BACK ™ GiftCard $25 Shareyourstory,getgreatrewards! What’s your amazing Nopalea story? Share it and enjoy even more benefits: a $25 TriVita Gift Card, PLUS an exclusive Nopalea t-shirt – a $14.99 value! Just email your Nopalea story to, or call 1-800-693-4083. Please include your Member ID, your address and daytime phone number (along with email address, if you have one). Whenyousubmitaletteroremail,youarealsogivingTriVitafullrightstoit,includingtherighttopublishitinfuturepublicationsandtoedititasneeded. November 2009 l 11 *Youshouldnotstoptakinganymedicationwithoutfirst consultingyourhealthcareprovider.
  • 12. trivita.com12 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness This feature continues a new VitaJournal series about toxins around us: in our food, air and water and in our daily environments. Ah, that crisp autumn air! Breathe deep, and inhale life-giving oxygen... and probably some of the 188 toxic air pollutants targeted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, too. It seems that bad air days are the rule instead of the exception in many areas now. Our radio stations and email alerts give us hourly bulletins on smog, ozone levels and allergy irritants, while the evening news offers a wrap-up of the day’s breathing hazards. Certainly, both the U.S. and Canada have government muscle to try to keep our air clean, but it’s a struggle. Dirty air isn’t just unsightly; it can cause serious disease. And young children and the elderly are especially vulnerable to the toxins we may be inhaling every day. Some of the most common poisons: • Ozone, which can cause asthma and other breathing problems • Particulate matter, (basically tiny bits of dust and soot found everywhere), which can damage lungs • Sulfur dioxide, a breathing hazard which can aggravate existing heart and lung disease • Volatile organic compounds, which can cause cancer “Acceptable” levels of air pollution may be causing unacceptable damage to lungs and airways, and not just among the young and old. A study out just months ago shows that even when concentrations of ozone are below current standards, young adults exercising outdoors can experience coughing and pain. Of course, not all the hazards in our air are the fault of humans. Pollen from grasses, weeds and trees, along with leaf mold, can produce allergy miseries for many people. Still, these “natural” elements can combine with pollutants to make breathing uncomfortable, if not dangerous. Clear and present dangers, even years later Cleaning up the air goes beyond switching to electric cars, or fining factories that spew contaminants into the sky. As time goes on, science finds evidence that hazards we thought were gone are lingering on and on. One example: carbon tetrachloride. “Carbon tet,” as it’s called, was a common ingredient in fire suppressants, pesticides and dry cleaning until about the mid-1990s. Then, it was banned because it was found to be eroding the Earth’s protective ozone layer. Known to cause cancer and to damage the liver, kidneys and brain, carbon tet can linger in the air for up to 50 years. While not quite as dangerous as pollutants like benzene, a cancer-causer found in motor vehicle tailpipe emissions, carbon tet is just part of an army of toxins. It’s one of thousands of chemicals that we’re exposed to every day. Says one poison expert with California’s Environmental Protection Agency, “You breathe in carbon tet and it’s absorbed. It’s going to get into your body.” What you can do Though you might be tempted to stay indoors with an air cleaner and face mask, of course that isn’t practical or desirable. Whether you do or don’t have allergies, try these steps to minimize exposure to irritants and toxins on “bad air days:” • When exercising outdoors, avoid high-traffic roads • Walk instead of running • Try to exercise in the morning or evening, when pollen counts are lower • Avoid outdoor exertion between 4-6 p.m., when ozone levels are highest • On high ozone level days, limit time outdoors If you have asthma or extreme allergies, ask your healthcare professional for more suggestions. One more tip can help anyone who wants to reduce the impact of toxins on their health and well-being: drink Nopalea™, the astonishing new wellness drink. Packed with rare, powerful antioxidants called Betalains, Nopalea is formulated to help the body cleanse itself of toxins and fight inflammation (see page 10). THE TOXIC TRUTH: Having a bad air day?
  • 13. SUCCESS STORIES “The Leanology system has helped stabilize my pattern of eating.” “I have been on Leanology about three weeks now and I must say that it does a great job at helping to control my appetite. Since starting the program, I have really noticed that my appetite and cravings are really stabilized. The chews are fantastic. When I get the urge to grab something, but I know I cannot make time for a good, healthy meal for another hour or so, I just grab one or two chews. The Leanology shakes are great and make a wonderful meal replacement when there is no time for preparing a meal. They are satisfying, filling and have plenty of protein and other great ingredients. I have already lost five pounds and have just another 30 or so to go. I am planning to replace two meals a day with shakes, as well as taking my six Leanology capsules daily as recommended. I really cannot stress enough how much the Leanology system has helped stabilize my pattern of eating. I encourage people out there who have attempted other weight loss programs to give this a try. It really is very easy and satisfying.” MELVIN P. – ALABASTER, AL Lose the Weight You Want – in 3 Easy Steps! STEP 1: Fat burning capsules for “losing the bulge” Leanology® Weight Loss Capsules (180 ct.) #30615 Non-Member $74.99 Member $59.99 Redeem with 600 VitaPoints STEP 2: Tasty chews for snack replacement and appetite control Leanology® Appetite Control Chews (60 soft chews) Flavor: Chocolate Mocha #30690 Non-Member $37.99 Member $29.99 Redeem with 300 VitaPoints STEP 3: Delicious shakes for low calorie meal substitution Leanology® Nutritional Shake (2 lbs – 30 servings) Flavors: Chocolate and Vanilla Non-Member $68.99 Member $54.99 Redeem with 550 VitaPoints VALUE PACK The Value Pack includes: •1bottleofWeightLossCapsules •1container(30servings)of NutritionalShake(chooseflavor) •2bags(1FREE)of AppetiteControlChews Leanology® 3-Step Value Pack Member $139.99 Redeem with 1400 VitaPoints SAVE $34.97! One FREE Bag of Chews IMPROVED Formula! North America has a very big problem with weight. Both the US and Canada have become nations of overweight – and downright obese – people. Statistics from 1985 show that less than 10% of the populations of New York and California were considered obese. That number jumped all the way to 24% in 2001. Obesity clearly plays a big role in many diseases, ranging from cardiovascular disease to cancer. Obesity definitely impacts the epidemic of diabetes. For example, the obesity rates in Mississippi climbed from 10% to over 25% during the 1990s. Rates of type 2 diabetes also climbed from 6 percent to over 10 percent during the same time period. Now, several studies have indicated that obesity can weaken the body’s immune system and reduce its ability to fight off infections. In one experiment at Boston University, researchers infected obese mice with bacteria which cause gum disease. They found that compared with lean mice, the obese mice showed a 40% greater increase in tooth decay and lost bone just 10 days after being infected. Researchers also found that the obese mice had more bacteria around their gums, compared with lean mice, concluding that this was because they were unable to mount a proper immune attack on the “bugs.” The bacteria could linger in the mouth and cause more damage. According to researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health, obesity is essentially an inflammatory disease. They discovered that excess calories affect fat cells in such a way that they mount an immune response. By constantly activating the immune system at a low level, chemicals are released that help contribute to inflammation. Researchers also found that obesity causes stress, which alerts the immune system, which then leads to inflammation. This inflammation may eventually result in high levels of fatty acids and glucose in the blood. The obesity/cancer connection In 2001, experts concluded that cancers of the colon, breast (postmenopausal), endometrium (the lining of the uterus), kidney and esophagus are associated with obesity. Some studies have also reported links between obesity and cancers of the gallbladder, ovaries and pancreas. Preventing weight gain can help reduce the risk of many cancers. Experts recommend that people establish habits of healthy eating and physical activity early in life to prevent overweight and obesity. Those who are already overweight or obese are advised to avoid additional weight gain, and to lose weight through a low-calorie diet and exercise. Even a weight loss of only 5 to 10% of total weight can provide health benefits. How obesity weakens the immune system excess pounds can increase risk for diabetes, cancer and many other diseases
  • 14. trivita.com14 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness S ure, Nopalea™ tastes great and it offers many astonishing benefits. However, you may not know about one of Nopalea’s very special “secrets.” This breakthrough wellness drink contains a unique class of nutrients called Betalains. Betalains are bioflavonoids in the Quercetin family. A bioflavonoid is a vitamin-like substance that works alongside antioxidants like Vitamin C. They are useful in helping us make collagen so our skin looks young and in strengthening blood vessels so we don’t easily bruise. Bioflavonoids help us resist allergies and infections from bacteria and viruses. They are also anti-inflammatory. How Quercetins help fight deadly toxins Quercetins are found in foods we eat every day such as apples and onions. They are important in medical science because high intake of Quercetin-containing foods results in low incidence of cancer and heart disease. Betalains are “grandchildren” of Quercetin. But Betalains are orphans. None of the plant species related in their development exist anymore; they have all gone extinct except beets, rainbow Swiss chard and Nopal fruit – plants that are not even “distant cousins” in the world of fruits and vegetables. However, all 24 known Betalains are very important for human health. That is especially true today because they are all anti-toxin and anti-inflammatory. Wouldn’t you agree that our world is becoming more and more toxic? Environmental experts report dramatic increases in disease-producing toxins in air, water and soil (see page 12 for more information). Toxins produce inflammation, and most of the diseases we face start with inflammation: Alzheimer’s, cancer, heart disease, etc. Betalain content develops in response to the environment in which the plant grows. The more extreme the climate, the more protective Betalains the plant needs to survive – and the more benefits we get when we eat them! So, while we may get a few precious Betalains from beets and rainbow Swiss chard, we get the greatest abundance (all 24!) from the specific Nopal fruit found in the Sonoran Desert. Beta xanthine’s key role One of the most important Betalains for detoxification is beta xanthine. Beta xanthine participates in detoxification in the liver and kidneys. It makes detoxification much easier for our body. Human bodies burn food to create energy. This is called metabolism: breaking down the food in basic components (catabolism) and using those building blocks to build up our health (anabolism). This makes us healthy and energetic. However, we must contend with toxins along the way, toxins from outside our body (exotoxins from air, water and food) and even toxins created inside our body (endotoxins). One of these endotoxins is called uric acid. High levels of uric acid are poisonous and high levels have been associated with heart disease, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, kidney stones and gout. Uric acid is neutralized in the liver by enzymes. Interestingly, the same liver enzymes that detoxify uric acid may also detoxify many other poisons. So, improving liver detoxification of uric acid with the help of Betalain beta xanthine may improve your ability to detoxify many other poisons. It’s like getting a bonus every time you drink Nopalea! You will not be able to complete this detoxi- fication process entirely if your liver is “fatty,” sluggish or toxic. Uric acid is excreted by the kidneys. The kidneys are easily damaged by dehydration, too much protein or sugar in your diet, toxic metals like mercury or other toxins like aspirin. In fact, the kidneys are so delicate that they can even be damaged by temperature extremes in our environment – especially heat. Beta xanthine helps protect the liver and kidneys by neutralizing toxins such as uric acid, by increasing liver detoxification enzymes that clean up both exotoxins and endotoxins and may even reduce the shock our kidneys face from excess heat. Betalains, including beta xanthine, are anti- inflammatory and anti-toxin – just what we need in a toxic, inflamed world! And just like their grandfather Quercetin, Betalains are beneficial for improving our health and daily performance. Beta xanthine takes its place among all of the health-promoting bioflavonoids as an antioxidant that harmonizes with all of the other beneficial nutrients that are truly gifts to us from the Sonoran Desert. See the story on page 10 for more information about Nopalea. The secret of Nopalea’s AMAZING BETALAINSthese powerful and protective “healing” nutrients are essential to detoxification by Brazos Minshew, TriVita Chief Science Officer Brazos Minshew We get the greatest abundance (all 24!) from the specific Nopal fruit found in the Sonoran Desert.
  • 15. H ow many of your friends suffer from inflammation? Not just the kind that comes with a sore throat or swollen finger, but the inflammation that’s causing an explosion in asthma, allergies, digestive problems, insomnia, autoimmune disorders and other reactions around the world? More important, what are some possible answers to the problem of inflammation? Forming histamines Humans have been exposed to pollen since we first walked the earth. It is the same with foods that trigger allergies in many people. Yet, the sensitivity to pollens and all other proteins is increasing, it seems, almost daily. Since people, pollens and proteins have peacefully coexisted for many generations, the problem must be something new in our environment that is causing us to become more inflamed. Potential causes of the increase in autoimmune disorders could include: • The toxins in our environment • The emotional distress we endure daily • Deficiency in vital elements such as nutrients and sleep • The damage of a sedentary life Each of these sources of stress has been implicated in the release of inflammatory histamines in our body. Histamines form more readily in a B-12 deficient environment because B-12 blocks THF – an enzyme that creates histamine. Once histamines are released into your system they are extremely inflammatory. Nopalea™ quenches inflammation through anti-inflammatory Betalains. Histamine disorders We probably only think of hay fever when we think of histamine: itchy, watery eyes, sneezing, difficulty breathing, etc. These are allergy symptoms connected with histamine release on an “H-1” receptor in the upper airways. Yet, histamines are released on 4 different receptors: H-1 in the airways • Allergic rhinitis (hay fever), asthma, watery eyes, scratchy throat, bronchitis. H-2 in the digestive system • Acid indigestion, gastric reflux, irritable bowel syndrome, colitis. H-3 in the brain • Insomnia, anxiety, depression, attention deficit disorder, bipolar disorder, Alzheimer’s. H-4 in the immune system • Rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia. Histamines are inflammatory. They start a fire in one or more of these body systems and we produce symptoms. The fire’s origination may be determined because of heredity, environment and lifestyle. The “match” that ignites the firestorm may be pollens or proteins, toxic poisons or healthy foods or just about anything you can imagine. In the end, the inflammation is always caused by histamines! The dynamic duo As I mentioned, Sublingual B-12 protects against much of the excess histamine formation by blocking the enzyme THF. This is especially true of TriVita® Super Sublingual B-12 because it contains three milligrams of both biologically active forms of B-12. Once histamine is released, it creates inflammation that actually feeds on itself in a storm of irritation. Nopalea helps break the cycle of inflammation and anti-inflammatory Betalains help quench the firestorm. So pollens are not inherently “bad” and proteins in foods are not either; though, I must admit that sometimes they seem that way! In combating inflammation we may benefit from a simple two-step approach: We need to isolate ourselves from the allergen until our immune system can be reprogrammed and insulate ourselves with proper nutrients and nurturing every single day. Insulation begins with B-12 and Nopalea. Please see the articles on pages 6 and 10 to find out more about Sublingual B-12 and Nopalea. 1-800-991-7116 November 2009 l 15 INFLAMMATION: scourge of our time triVita Sublingual B-12 and nopalea pack a powerful anti-inflammatory 1-2 punch by Brazos Minshew, TriVita Chief Science Officer SUCCESS STORIES “Taking TriVita’s Super B-12 along with Nopalea is a great combination.” “I got started with Nopalea early last month and already feel so much better. I really like the Nopalea with my Super Sublingual B-12. Originally, before Super B-12, I started with Original Sublingual B-12 and always loved it. Then, you came out with the Super Sublingual B-12. It has helped me with mental clarity, memory and my overall sense of well-being. Taking TriVita’s Super B-12 along with Nopalea is a great combination and I really, really feel the difference! I am almost 74 years old and I know that these products are working. At this age, most people have aches and pains. You know the saying, ‘If it doesn’t hurt, it’s not working.’ Well, I don’t have to think that way anymore. One thing that I have really noticed of late, I began feeling pain in my feet. Since taking Nopalea, I don’t feel it anymore. This product is helping with that pain. I also take Super B-12 tablets each day.” MONICA G. – MILTON, PA
  • 16. trivita.com16 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness Joshua is a vibrant and talented young man with a passion for living a healthy and successful life, for sharing his knowledge and gifts with others and for going full out in everything he does. Whether he’s in his studio photographing recording artists, motivational speakers and ministers or at his computer designing creative marketing layouts, Joshua’s artistic abilities set him apart. His mother, Kare, says her son is “extreme in a very good way. He has always participated in extreme sports like wakeboarding and surfing. As a potter he is known for his fantastic wheel-thrown vessels, weighing hundreds of pounds. And in his life and his business he is known for his extremely generous heart.” At the end of a busy week you can usually find Joshua with a group of friends boating in the Florida Intercoastal Waterways in his beloved 25-foot Century fishing boat or heading for the open water, where he fishes for grouper, shark and other big game fish. Helping friends find better health Joshua’s life changed dramatically when the Nopalea™ tour came to Tampa, Florida. “Meeting TriVita® CEO Michael Ellison and Chief Science Officer Brazos Minshew personally made a big difference for me,” he remembers. “I began to understand Michael Ellison’s passion for the product and his mission to help other people.” “It’s been very exciting to hear and see all the things that Nopalea can do for people,” Joshua continues. “I never realized what a critical role inflammation can play in the body, especially chronic inflammation which seems to be a national epidemic.” Joshua is totally sold on Nopalea because it is so much more effective than other wellness drinks and because it is such a life changer. He personally drinks six ounces or JOSHUA’S “EXTREME” EXCITEMENT ABOUT NOPALEA “How could i not tell the world about nopalea... it saved my father’s life!” spreads to friends and family “I love watching how this wonderful product spreads and benefits everyone it touches.” “I love watching how this wonderful product spreads and benefits everyone it touches.” “I love watching how this wonderful product spreads and benefits everyone it touches.”
  • 17. 1-800-991-7116 November 2009 l 17 more every day. “It tastes so delicious that I enjoy sipping it from a wine glass rather than gulping it down like I used to do with other health drinks,” he exults. “Just because I am young doesn’t mean I don’t need the benefit of Nopalea’s anti-inflammatory Betalains. With all the extreme sports in my background, pain and stiffness from old injuries have eased.” He also enjoys sharing Nopalea™ with his friends – and showing them the possibilities of making significant health changes in their families by teaching them how to share Nopalea. Says Joshua, “I love watching how the good news about Nopalea spreads and benefits everyone it touches. I really like the fact that by sharing this wonderful product I am helping others find their own pathway towards health. Nopalea provides health and for those who want to share it with their friends, it can also provide wealth.” Call 1-800-991-7116 and ask a Wellness Consultant how you can earn money by referring Nopalea. His father’s amazing recovery Joshua is passionate about Nopalea for a very personal reason. “It has given my father his life and his vitality back,” he says. “Dad has suffered from severe pain from spinal stenosis for many years and seldom moved around because it hurt so much to get up and down. For years he also had a good deal of swelling in his legs and ankles. Within five days of drinking Nopalea – six or more ounces a day – the swelling and serious back pain that he’d been struggling with for years was totally gone. Today, he is pain free, mentally vibrant, exercising an hour a day and feeling younger than ever. How could I not tell the world about Nopalea? I love this stuff!” Now, just about everybody in his circle of friends and family are getting in on a good thing. For example, one friend shared Nopalea with his mother, who had quit working because of serious fibromyalgia pain. She was in so much pain that she could not even hold her grandsons. After only one and a half months of drinking Nopalea, she’s pain-free, enjoying life and babysitting her grandsons. “My friend’s grandparents, several aunts and cousins are enjoying better health because he cared enough to share it with them,” Joshua proudly states. “Now they too are sharing Nopalea with their friends and family. I love watching how this wonderful product spreads and benefits everyone it touches.” He reserves special praise for his mother, Kare, who helps teach others about this exceptional Nopalea product. “She is amazing on the phone and now her passion is to teach people about the silent killer – inflammation,” Joshua says. “She shares her stories about how Nopalea has changed our lives and the lives of so many of our dear friends that we have shared this product with. Our family toasts with it every day... to our health and the health of all who drink it.” “I am proud to be part of such a wonderful family and a wonderful company,” he concludes. “I especially look forward to seeing how many lives our family can touch. We have given away hundreds of gift bottles of Nopalea to people who have pain and inflammation, so they can feel the benefits of this marvelous product.” Do you have a great product success story to share? call us at 1-800-693-4083 or email your story to Joshua is known for his fantastic wheel-thrown vessels, weighing hundreds of pounds. “I really like the fact that by sharing this wonderful product I am helping others find their own pathway towards health.” Joshua is known for his fantastic wheel-thrown vessels, weighing hundreds of pounds. Joshua is known for hisJoshua is known for hisJoshua is known for his fantastic wheel-thrownfantastic wheel-thrownfantastic wheel-thrown vessels, weighingvessels, weighingvessels, weighing hundreds of pounds.hundreds of pounds.hundreds of pounds. Joshua is known for his fantastic wheel-thrown vessels, weighing hundreds of pounds.
  • 18. I was sitting at the table in my break- fast nook working on my computer calendar, organizing the upcoming holiday season. I always host the Thanksgiving feast at my house so I knew that that was a given. I entered the information – done. The holiday season from Thanksgiving through the New Year is, for me and so many others, a fun time of the year filled with parties, celebrations and social gatherings with family and friends. Once my holiday organizing was done, though, my mind quickly turned to all of the challenges people face during the holidays. I thought it would be appropriate to offer some tips on how to cope with the added stress and for some, the burden of depression. Research studies have indicated that there are three key trigger points of holiday stress and depression. Money. Keep track of your holiday spending. Overspending can lead to depression when the bills arrive after the holidays are over. Relationships. Even though the holidays can be stressful, try to remember that these people (for the most part) truly love you and want to see you happy. Demands. With all of the physical demands of the season, take time to eat right, take your nutritional supple- ments, drink plenty of water and get ample exercise and sleep to manage holiday fatigue. With the following practical tips, you can minimize the stress and depression that often accompany the holidays. Quick tips for coping with holiday stress and depression • Make realistic expectations for the holiday season. Don’t expect to have a “Hallmark” moment. If you do, great. If you don’t, it’s okay. • Set realistic goals for yourself. Learn to just say “no.” • Make a list and prioritize the important activities. Pace yourself. This can help make holiday tasks more manageable. • Live “in the moment” and enjoy the present. • If you are lonely, try volunteering some of your time to help others. • Find holiday activities that are free, such as looking at holiday decorations, going window-shopping without buying, and observing the winter weather, whether it’s a snowflake or a raindrop. • Limit your consumption of alcohol, since excessive drinking will only increase your feelings of depression. • Spend time with supportive and caring people. Meet new people. • Let others share the responsibilities of holiday tasks. • Make time for yourself! Be selfish, if only for a few moments. Holidays can sometimes trigger depression. They can be especially hard if you are already dealing with the death of a loved one or the breakup of a relationship. You may feel embarrassed to ask for help, but do talk with your doctor about the options available for dealing with depression. I don’t know about you, but just knowing that the holidays can trigger stress and depression is a big key for me to help minimize them. It’s a matter of accepting that things aren’t always going to go as planned. Try to take active steps to manage stress and depression during the holidays. You may even end up enjoying the holidays more than you thought you would.  Coping with stress and depression during the holidaysby Dr. Judy Judy Ellison, Ph.D. Judy Ellison, Ph.D., is a psychologist, author and motivational speaker. She has inspired people around the world to reach within and find their passionate purpose to live a more meaningful life. trivita.com18 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness 1 ...take active steps to manage stress and depression during the holidays. 2 3
  • 19. “But what happens when we live God’s way? He brings gifts into our lives, much the same way that fruit appears in an orchard; things like affection for others, exuberance about life, serenity.” – Galatians 5:22 The response to last month’s column was so strong, I’m pleased to welcome back Pastor Judith Crist. Here, she continues to share her perspec- tives on spirituality, and how the spiritual life can be different for women and men. Judith Crist has served alongside her husband, Dr. Terry Crist, as one of the Executive Pastors of City of Grace Church in Arizona since it was founded. Her passion is to see people discover and live the abundant life found in Jesus Christ. Judith majored in music, ministry and Biblical studies at Jackson College of Ministries in Jackson, MS. Chaplain Gene: Last month, we talked about women’s spiritual health. Do you think that women are more spiritually inclined than men? Pastor Judith: Wow, although that could be a touchy subject, I do not think that is a universal truth. I do think, however, that women express what they perceive spiritually more often, and with deep feeling compared to men, and many times this is mistaken for greater spirituality. Men more often express their spiritual perceptions in terms of what they think, while women speak of what they feel. I do think that men perceive and communicate differently than women. Unfortunately, many men might think that a woman is more spiritual than they are because she “feels.” Throughout the entire Bible, God interacts with men in spiritual ways. Chaplain Gene: As a female pastor, do you think your messages are received by women and men differently? Pastor Judith: Many times, yes. Many men seem to appreciate concepts based on principles that cause them to think, without feeling as if they are being “scolded.” Women, on the other hand, tend to respond a bit more to intuitive instruction and expressive emotions while still being anchored in sound principle. That said, I think that both men and women need to cultivate sensitivity to the spiritual aspects of life. We should all be spiritually free to mentally and emotionally connect with the Lord. Chaplain Gene: When men or women lose their spiritual “balance,” what do you see as the solution? Pastor Judith: It’s true that if our spirituality has been shaken, confusion can set in. As I mentioned last month, we can find peace in the midst of storms in our lives by daily prayer, and aligning ourselves with God’s perspective through His word. Specifically, our spirit can be strengthened by mentally rehearsing the truth about God, about ourselves and our purpose on the earth. As Galatians 5:22 promises, the fruit of the Holy Spirit in our life is good emotions such as love, joy, peace. When we get back into alignment with God’s will and our purpose here on earth, we will find that hopelessness, bitterness and selfish survival habits will loosen their hold on us; then we can be a better influence on others around us. I would strongly encourage both men and women to use all the resources of God’s grace, such as forgiveness, repentance, a grateful attitude and speaking the truth with love. These are life-giving “skill sets” which will contribute to the building up, rather than the tearing down, of our social networks. Women’s spiritual health: Part II by Chaplain Gene Henderson Gene Henderson Judith Crist 1-800-991-7116 November 2009 l 19 your body, His Temple – 1 Cor. 6:19-20 “I think that both men and women need to cultivate sensitivity to the spiritual aspects of life.”
  • 20. Energy for all of your activities! Energy Now!® can help jump- start your day. It contains: • CoQ-10 and Vitamins B-1, B-2 and B-3, which enhance your body’s ability to produce more energy • Antioxidant polyphenols, green tea and cocoa, which promote energy and nourish endurance • Amino acids which help feed your body’s energy production cycle Call 1-800-991-7116 or visit Note: If you have PKU or are taking MAO inhibitors, do not use this product. Energy Now!® #30420 Non-Member $31.99 Member $24.99 Redeem with 250 VitaPoints FREE Energy Now!® with purchase of Nopalea™ and one box of Sublingual B-12 (Original or Super). A $24.99 VALUE W ith the demands of daily living, exercise is often the first thing to be cut from the to-do list. However, physical activity is essential to good health, in addition to helping improve mood, energy level and sleep. Fit fitness back into your life with these tips: Exercise on your lunch break Depending on your situation, you can take a walk after eating, join a gym close to the office or even bring in a resistance band for some quick toning. Get up early If family commitments make it impossible to exercise in the afternoon or evenings, get up a few minutes early and work out before the rest of the household wakes up. Find a gym with day care If you need someone to watch the kids, find a gym that offers day care services. Combine family time with exercise Plan family activities that involve physical activity such as biking, hiking or even a walk with the family dog. Book time to exercise Schedule exercise the way you would any other appointment – write it on your calendar! Take turns watching the kids To fit in workout time for both you and your spouse, take turns watching the kids. Squeeze in some cardio with this 10-minute body boot camp. Be sure to include a short warm-up before exercising and a cool-down/stretch afterward.* Alternate jumping jacks, push-ups and crunches: Do jumping jacks for 30 seconds, rest for 30 seconds, do 10-15 push-ups, rest for 30 seconds, do 10-15 crunches, rest and repeat entire sequence 2 or 3 times. Push-ups: Place your hands directly under your shoulders and keep your body in a straight line. Inhale as you lower your body toward the floor, then exhale as you push up. Try not to sink in between the shoulder blades. Crunches: Lie on your back with your knees bent. Place your hands behind your head, squeezing your shoulder blades together. Keep this elbow position throughout the exercise. Exhale and contract your abdominals as you slowly curl your torso toward your thighs. Be sure you don’t pull on or up with your neck. Pause briefly, then inhale as you slowly uncurl your torso back toward the floor. *Consult your healthcare provider before beginning any exercise program. 10-MINUTE BODY BOOT CAMP Fitting in FITNESSmaking time for exercise in your busy life with purchase of Nopaleawith purchase of Nopaleawith purchase of Nopalea See pages 7 and 10.
  • 21. for one another, and nothing could come between that love, even if it meant picking cotton on their honeymoon! If you’ve been struggling with a doom and gloom mentality, I challenge you to embrace one of TriVita’s 10 Essentials for Health and Wellness by practicing Gratitude, and not just because of the season. Try spending a little time each day writing down things that you are thankful for. Page 9 will also give you ideas on how to practice an attitude of gratitude. I encourage you to call one of our Wellness Consultants if you are experiencing health challenges and discuss which TriVita supplements would best suit your needs. It is our hope that the articles we present to you each month in the VitaJournal are making an impact on the way you think about your health. Pam Knox, Editor of Publications On My Mind continued from page 3... 1-800-991-7116 Article from Michael Ellison continued from page 2... to avoid putting your trust and confidence in medical treatment alone; I encourage you to support all aspects of your health, which were designed to work in harmony to make you well. For example, many of the conditions and health issues today are related to inflammation. Skin disorders, breathing disorders, and joint and muscle pain are many times a result of chronic inflammation. TriVita’s Nopalea™ is a natural juice extracted from the Nopal cactus that has the right nutrients and an amazing ability to lower inflammation – which can help you experience a greater quality of life and/or a more optimal wellness experience. If you are experiencing any of these issues, try taking three to six ounces a day to help jump-start your wellness. The testimonies from our Members are absolutely astonishing! This is an example of nutrients being delivered to the body so the body can naturally do what it was designed to do. Wellness is not really a destination, but a journey to be enjoyed as you discover the many ways you can optimize your health. This can include everything from exploring the many varieties of healthy cooking choices to discovering different ways of engaging in activities that strengthen your body and its systems. Gratitude is another way to optimize your health and in fact, it is one of the greatest contributors to health, as we can not feel gratitude while being resentful and bitter about the experiences of life. It is one of the emotional essentials that can truly enhance not only your overall health but also contribute to the way you feel each day. I have a saying that helps me keep all things in perspective: Be grateful for what you have and for just the opportunity to have more, but your happiness and fulfillment is not in obtaining the MORE. Each of the 10 Essentials for Health and Wellness can contribute much to your total health and well-being when practiced consistently over time. Remember, health reform begins with you! I am grateful for you as a Member of TriVita. May you experience greater health and well-being. We value your feedback. Please send your comments to: or mail to Editor, c/o TriVita, Inc., 16100 N. Greenway Hayden Loop, Suite 950, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 November 2009 l 21 Give “thanks“ for brain exercise ANSWERS: 1.Turkey;2.Mayflower;3.Pilgrims;4.America;5.Thankful;6.GobbleGobble;7.England; 8.Family F T U L H K A N R T E U Y K O W L M F E A R Y L I S P R I M G R C I E M A A O B L E E L B O B G B G ( 2 W O R D S ) D N G N E A L I A M F Y L After a delicious holiday meal, take some time to engage your mind in a fun brain activity. Exercising the brain is known to provide great health benefits. See if you can unscramble these holiday-related words: (answers below)
  • 22. trivita.com22 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness High-fat foods affect memory and exercise performance Oxford, United Kingdom A high-fat diet can decrease physical endurance and memory, according to researchers in the August 2009 edition of the FASEB Journal. In the study, 42 rats were initially given a standard diet with a fat content of 7.5%. Baselines were established for how long they could run on a treadmill and how they performed on a maze task that tested memory. Half the rats were switched to a diet with a 55% fat content. After five days, the tests were administered again; those rats on the high-fat diet were running 30% less than those on the regular diet, and by day nine, were running 50% less. The high-fat group also made more mistakes in the maze tests. Additionally, they had significantly larger hearts after nine days. Several research teams are now conducting similar studies in humans. “We look forward to the results of the equivalent studies in human volunteers, which should tell us more about the short-term effects of high-fat foods on our hearts,” said Professor Jeremy Pearson, Associate Medical Director of the British Heart Foundation, who funded the research. “We already know that to protect our heart health in the long-term, we should cut down on foods high in saturated fat.” Vitamin C may reduce the risk of gout Vancouver, Canada Men who supplement with Vitamin C have a lower risk of gout (a type of inflammatory arthritis), according to researchers in a recent edition of the Archives of Internal Medicine. In the study, 46,994 men were followed from 1986-2006; they were given questionnaires every four years to determine their Vitamin C intake. After 20 years, 1,317 cases of gout were confirmed. Compared to men who took less than 250 milligrams (mg) of Vitamin C per day, those who took 500 to 999 mg had a 17% lower risk of gout; 1,000 to 1,499 mg per day averaged a 34% reduced risk; 1,500 mg per day and higher had a 45% lower risk. Researchers concluded that higher Vitamin C intake is independently associated with a lower risk of gout, and supplemental Vitamin C intake may be beneficial in protection against gout. Healthcare costs growing with waistlines Rockville, Maryland A new report from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality shows that between 2001 and 2006, total healthcare expenditures for U.S. adults in the obese category increased from $166.7 billion to $303.1 billion – an increase of over 80%. The adult obese population increased as well, from 23.6% to 27.2%. Obesity is defined as a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 or more. For the obese population, the average yearly healthcare costs increased from $3,458 to $5,148. When examining BMI category (obese, overweight, normal weight, underweight) and the proportion reporting at least one chronic condition, the obese category had the highest proportion in both 2001 and 2006 (57.1% and 59.7%, respectively).  The Research Desk New findings in health and wellness
  • 23. Q: What is the House of Giving? A: The House of Giving is a charitable non-profit organization founded by the leadership of TriVita to help people in crisis. Q: Why was the House of Giving founded? A: The primary purpose for founding the House of Giving was to help people in need. There are millions of people impacted by famine, floods, polluted water and domestic, national and civil violence. We believed that TriVita would become a successful company and wanted to share our good fortune with less fortunate people. I also believed our employees and Members would want to make a real difference in people’s lives. Our employees have donated thousands of hours at a shelter for victims of domestic violence. Plus, each year at Christmas they bring gifts for the children. I am extremely proud of their thoughtfulness and generosity. Q: Is this a charitable organization owned by TriVita? A: No, the House of Giving isn’t owned by TriVita or any other organization but is an independent charitable organization in the U.S. and Canada. Q: Does an independent board oversee the House of Giving? A: Yes, it is run by an independent board that provides oversight to the organization. There are six board members in the U.S. and three board members in Canada. Q: Is the House of Giving registered with the IRS in the U.S. and the Department of Revenue of Canada? A: Yes, it is registered as a 501.C3 charitable organization in the U.S. and as a charitable organization in Canada; all donations are fully tax deductible in both countries. Q: What special projects have you selected for the upcoming year? A: Our goal is to provide clean-water wells in areas where waterborne diseases run rampant. Many of these areas in developing countries have polluted above-ground water sources – which creates disease for those who drink from them. Q: Why did you select water wells as your project? A: Because access to clean water is essential to good health. For the amount of money we have raised, we are able to deliver in a significant way. Many of these wells provide water to large groups of people; some community wells serve thousands of people. Now instead of looking for surface water carrying diseases like cholera, trachoma, hepatitis and other disabling diseases, they can go to a clean-water well. No longer does their water result in blindness, stunted growth or intestinal viruses that can leave them in a severe malnourished state or even result in death. Q: Can a Member donate to the House of Giving? A: Yes, a Member can join in our water project by either making a check out directly to House of Giving or by asking a Wellness Consultant to add a charitable donation to their TriVita order. The House of Giving offers a special designation: 100% of donated money goes toward the project. No administra- tion costs are taken out of donations. Q: How is that possible when all organizations have operating costs? A: The House of Giving has all volunteer help from both the board members who serve and from those who oversee daily operations. Any other costs are covered by the Ellison Family Trust and TriVita to ensure 100% of donations go to the designated project. We are committed to helping those less fortunate and to ensuring our gifts make a significant impact in helping people in their time of crisis.  GivingtothoselessfortunateisTriVita’swayof giving back CEO Michael Ellison explains why TriVita supports the House of Giving November 2009 l 23 100% of donations goes toward the water well project.
  • 24. “I take the Sublingual B-12 and VitaDaily AM/PM for more energy.” “In 2002 I was in a car accident. The trauma from it caused me to develop fibromyalgia. TriVita has played a big role in how I cope with this condition. I take the Sublingual B-12 and VitaDaily AM/PM for more energy and to help keep me ‘up’ psychologically. I work out three to four times a week and also take advantage of physical therapy. People often tell me, ‘I can’t believe you’re in the great shape you are!’ I always tell them about TriVita.” ANNE G. – SANTA FE, NM “I’m pain free and that’s all that matters.” “I was born with spina bifida that can cause paralysis. This has been a cause of chronic pain my entire life and I have had about 12 surgeries to try to help with this condition. I also have a hard time walking. My most recent surgery for bulging disks was especially difficult and I needed a walker just to move around. Now, fast forward to last June when I attended a Nopalea presentation. I heard some amazing stories about peoples’ success with Nopalea. They were so amazing that I was hard-pressed to believe them. However, I have a medical background and I’m open-minded enough to recognize the value of natural medicine. So I went home that night and decided to try Nopalea. After the first day I noticed a small change. Within two days I had no pain in my leg or my knees. I was able to take the stairs to my office and I actually did it – pain free! My body can tell when I haven’t had Nopalea for a while. So I go for more Nopalea and almost immediately my hip feels better. I can’t explain it – and don’t really need to. I’m pain free and that’s all that matters.” ASHLEY S. – HILLSBORO, OR “I am able to make it through my day without an afternoon nap.” “For years I have struggled with low energy. Since my teen years I have seen numerous doctors to try to figure out what was causing this. Every test always came back normal and there was never an explanation given to the cause of my lack of energy. I always felt as though I was dragging myself around and others noticed how exhausted I seemed. I was no longer able to complete the normal tasks of running my home and working. Since starting TriVita’s Energy Now! my energy has increased substantially. I feel like I can live normally and am able to make it through my day without an afternoon nap.” GLORIA C. – COQUITLAM, BC “Since I added the crystals, I haven’t gotten sick.” “I’ve been taking TriVita’s Vital C Powdered Crystals, and this is the fourth year that I have not gotten sick, even though I am a nurse in homecare and I am around a lot of germs. If you had known me before, you’d know how quickly I’d get sick with bronchitis, which would leave me with a bad cough for up to six weeks. Since I added the crystals, I haven’t gotten sick. I like them because they release slowly in your system. I take them year round, and need just ¼ teaspoon a day. I add a bit more if I feel I’m getting a sore throat, but then it goes away.” ANN H. – CRAWFORDSVILLE, IN “Within one month I saw improvement in my vision.” “I was diagnosed with nearsightedness. Although I had prescription glasses, it was still hard to read. I started taking TriVita VisionGuard and within one month I saw improvement in my vision. I can focus better and the words on the computer are clearer and easier to read.” PAMELA W. – PHOENIX, AZ *Youshouldconsultwithahealthcareproviderbeforestartinganydiet, exerciseorsupplementationprogram,beforetakinganymedicationorif yoususpectyoumighthaveaheartproblem.Youshouldnotstoptaking anymedicationwithoutfirstconsultingyourhealthcareprovider. See what members like you have to say about triVita® products! “I thank God that TriVita has created Nopalea to help my body with inflammation.” “I was so relieved when I heard TriVita was introducing Nopalea, and that it was good for inflammation. I’m 69 years old, and have had problems with infections all my life, especially with the eyes, sinus, ear and upper respiratory system. I recently had such a bad eye infection that the left side of my face became terribly swollen. I was fortunate to be in Phoenix when TriVita introduced Nopalea at a meeting, and I started on it the following day. I have been on it ever since and feel much better. I thank God that TriVita has created Nopalea to help my body with inflammation.” DONNA S. – DEER ISLE, ME “My overall energy level, concentration and clarity of thinking have greatly improved.” “I am a lung cancer survivor and have been in remission since 2003, but have continued to be on oxygen (especially at night) and have balance and mobility problems. I began taking Nopalea and Super Sublingual B-12 about three months ago and cannot say enough positives about these awesome products. My overall energy level, concentration and clarity of thinking have greatly improved. I have also had a series of mini strokes, but have even found my memory to be somewhat better. I am so excited about these health and wellness products that I am telling everyone I know that could benefit from them. Even on my fixed income, I have given seven Nopalea Gifts of Health because I want others to feel as good as I do.” CAROL C. – BONHAM, TX trivita.com24 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness Real Storiesfrom real people
  • 25. I n his 49 years, J.B. has gotten knocked around a lot. He is a pro rodeo champion from South Dakota who competes nationally in steer wrestling and roping – and has lots of trophies to show for it. He also has two sons who compete in the rodeo’s youth and teen circuits. J.B.’s ride to the top was never easy. He has freed himself from a life of drinking and drugs... and is feeling really good about it. “I just quit it all and have never looked back or thought twice about going back to that life,” he remarks. “I’m not ashamed about it; I just try to set a good example for my boys and others who know me.” Nopalea’s incredible healing qualities J.B.’s mom, Dorothy, thought he would be an excellent candidate for Nopalea because of his many rodeo-related aches and pains. He has a lot of shoulder pain from his rodeo riding, and he hoped that Nopalea would help ease the pain and detoxify his body. J.B.’s timing was perfect because only a few days after starting on Nopalea, he took a nasty fall and hurt his knees badly. J.B. says, “I feared the worst, because the last time I had a similar fall, I was laid up for almost a month with the injury.” With his injury, J.B. didn’t think he would be able to compete in an upcoming rodeo. “I kept taking the Nopalea, but honestly didn’t think it could help me so soon,” he says. “Well, much to my surprise, I didn’t have the swelling and pain that I had experienced so many times before. I was not only feeling pretty good, but I was able to compete in the rodeo just a few days after my injury.” He has also noticed that since taking Nopalea he is sleeping much better and without interruption. Dorothy’s equally remarkable story Dorothy has gone through her own trials and tribulations. She owns a ranch resort in the middle of Nebraska’s best outdoor recreational and wildlife area. Unfortunately, she was left to care for the ranch on her own last year when her husband passed away. “It has been a rough year,” Dorothy states. “I also lost a daughter shortly after my husband passed away.” However, running her resort and a sideline travel tour business keeps her pretty much “on the go.” Plus, she even takes in 50 head of cattle five months out of the year. Dorothy originally began taking Nopalea because of knee problems, and now she’s pleased to report that it has also helped with her osteoarthritis. “I used to have a grinding in my neck when I moved it around,” she remembers. “This grinding has gone away since I started taking the Nopalea.” In fact, when Dorothy ran out of her Nopalea and hadn’t yet received her auto shipment, she actually drove into town to buy some from another person in her group, just so she wouldn’t have to go without it. So, Dorothy has gotten a tremendous health boost from Nopalea, and she has seen how much it has helped J.B. They are both totally sold on Nopalea and share it with everyone they come in touch with. Dorothy and J.B. have several good prospects for Nopalea on their list, including Dorothy’s great-grandson who has a serious case of diabetes, as well as nerve damage. “I am positive and hopeful that I can continue helping my friends and family with this great product,” says Dorothy. “And J.B. won’t be as concerned about aches and pains from rodeo riding as long as he has Nopalea available.” J.B. roped in a winner with Nopalea this rodeo rider bounced back from several nasty falls in record time Member Spotlight because the last time I had a similar fall, I was “ThankstoNopalea,Iwasabletocompete intherodeojustafewdaysaftermyinjury.” – J.B. They are both totally sold on Nopalea and share it with everyone they come in touch with. 1-800-991-7116 November 2009 l 25 “...much to my surprise, I didn’t have the swelling and pain that I had experienced so many times before.” her husband passed away. “It has been a rough year,” Dorothy states. “I also lost a daughter knee problems, and now she’s pleased to report J.B.picturedwithhissons.
  • 26. SUCCESS STORIES “...My prescription hasn’t changed in two years.” “Before I started taking VisionGuard, small blood vessels would burst in my eyes, causing redness. While it wasn’t painful, it looked really bad and everyone would comment on it. Sometimes it would be accompanied by blurriness, too. After just one month on VisionGuard, the problem stopped. I was thrilled! I recently had an appointment with my eye doctor and was pleased to find out that my prescription has not changed in two years. The doctor was so impressed with VisionGuard that she was going to look it up online!” JANET P. – FAYETTEVILLE, GA VisionGuard contains nutrients that have been proven to protect eye health • Lutein, proven to slow the onset and symptoms of cataracts • Bilberry, important for people with diabetes, may help reduce retinal scarring • Gingko, which may help improve blood circulation to eyes Keep your sight so you can continue to live a full and active life TriVita VisionGuard™ #30570 Non-Member $34.99 Member $27.99 Redeem with 280 VitaPoints Eye diseases There are many conditions that can result in loss of eyesight including: • Diabetic retinopathy • Cataracts • Glaucoma Diabetic retinopathy Diabetic retinopathy is a leading cause of blindness in North America. People with diabetes are at risk for reduced circulation throughout the body, including the eyes. In retinopathy, the tiny capillaries that feed the eye are damaged, restricting nourishing blood flow. If untreated, diabetic retinopathy can result in partial or total loss of vision. Cataracts and glaucoma Cataracts and glaucoma occur twice as much in the diabetic population as in the general population. These ailments can seriously impair our ability to see. According to experts, only an estimated 50% to 60% of people with diabetes get annual eye exams. Even more startling are the numbers of those undiagnosed who are at high risk for eye and body damage, because diabetes-related sicknesses progress without being treated. A simple triglyceride test can indicate the likelihood of diabetes and pre-diabetes and should be performed in-office annually by a healthcare provider. How you can protect your vision In general, you should wear protective UV- coated sunglasses whenever you are outdoors, and get an annual eye exam. If you have diabetes, or suspect you might, work with your healthcare providers, including an ophthalmologist, to monitor and treat any conditions. Eat a diet high in vegetables and fruits, keep at a stable, healthy weight, exercise and take VisionGuard™ to protect your eyes. Why TriVita VisionGuard? TriVita VisionGuard contains eye-protective nutrients to help defend against illness. Lutein, the premier eye-health nutrient, has been known to help protect your body against the onset of age-related macular degeneration and cataracts, and may reduce symptoms in those who are already suffering from these diseases. Zeaxanthin and olivenol are also proven eye- nutrients. Zeaxanthin helps protect against cataract formation; olivenol helps protect the eyes against oxidative stress. Bilberry helps strengthen the retina and blood vessel walls (so important for people with diabetes). Ginkgo biloba has been shown to increase circulation – which may help those who have been diagnosed with diabetic retinopathy. Preserve your freedom by protecting your eyesight daily with nutrients Once your vision is gone, so is your independence. You’ll need the aid of a cane, pet-companion or care-companion to do many of the things that you can easily accomplish today on your own. Protect your sight with every tool that you have: get regular eye exams, talk with your doctor about changes you notice in your body, keep weight and diabetes under control and take TriVita VisionGuard daily, to benefit from proven eye-protective nutrients. Help preserve your sight and freedomwith triVita’s eye-nourishing Visionguard TriVita VisionGuard contains eye-protective nutrients to help defend against illness.
  • 27. Brazos Minshew has created a Weekly Wellness Report filled with critical health information. These interesting, easy-to-understand articles are written exclusively for the Weekly Wellness Report and emailed to TriVita Members who have a valid email address on file. TriVita’s Weekly Wellness Report by Brazos Minshew, Chief Science Officer Look for your Weekly Wellness Report – emailed to TriVita Members only at no charge! WEEKLY WELLNESS TOPICS INCLUDE: • protecting your eyesight • importance of lowering Homocysteine • obesity Health risks • Healthy Aging • optimizing cellular Health • And much more! Exclusiveto Members TriVita® has bundled your favorite nutrient-rich products at fantastic savings! BEST VALUE Stress Protection Pack Combining nature’s most powerful stress-fighting nutrients Don’t let stress rob you of your quality of life – protect yourself from the damages of stress with the Stress Protection Pack. Adaptogen 10 Plus® helps your body balance itself when it’s under stress. It’s antioxidant- rich and helps to neutralize damaging free radicals that can hurt your immune system. Sublingual B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid supports brain and nervous system health; its sublingual delivery system ensures fast B vitamin absorption. FREE CD First-time buyers of the Stress Protection Pack get a FREE Stress Audiobook! (A $9.99 value!) Healthy Aging Pack Nutrients to strengthen your body’s ability to combat illness TriVita’s Healthy Aging Pack gives you the essential nutrients you will need to help combat changes that occur with age, like increased inflammation and a weakened immune system. The B vitamins in Sublingual B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid help keep your brain and nervous system healthy. Avoid becoming nutrient deficient and low in energy with VitaDaily™ AM/PM. Dr. Libby’s Vital C Tablets provide powerful immune protection. Help reduce inflammation in your joints and throughout your body with OmegaPrime®. Take daily, or more as needed. FREE CD First-time buyers of the Healthy Aging Pack get a FREE Healthy Aging Audiobook! (A $9.99 value!) Adaptogen 10 Plus: 1 bottle (32 servings) Sublingual B-12: 1 box (30 count) Take daily, or more as needed. Stress Protection Pack #33236 Non-Member $87.98 Member $59.99 Substitute Original B-12 with Super B-12 and add $3.00 #33342 Substitute Original B-12 with HCY Guard® and add $4.00 #33340 Healthy Aging Pack #32272 Non-Member $104.96 Member $72.99 Substitute Original B-12 with Super B-12 and add $3.00 #32278 Substitute Original B-12 with HCY Guard® and add $4.00 #32273