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        SERVEF - Servei Valencià d’Ocupació i Formació

El present BUTLLETÍ és una selecció del total d'ofertes que es difonen a través d'EURES
(Europeten Employment Services): Les ofertes d'ocupació vénen distribuïdes per països on es
troben els llocs oferits. Per a optar a ells, contacten directament amb el punt de contacte indicat
en l'oferta d'ocupació. Aquestes i moltes més ofertes d'ocupació poden consultar-se en EURES El
Portal Europeu de la Mobilitat Professional: on podran accedir a milers
d'ofertes d'ocupació.
Poden accedir a este butlletí en la pàgina web del SERVEF en l’apartat Treballar a


Ofertas de empleo en Austria en el e-jobroom del AMS (Servicio de Empleo
Austriaco) en alemán e inglés:

TRAITEUR ARTISJOK Kleppestraat 97 8890 MOORSLEDE BELGIUM More information about this company: Is looking for : 1 COOK (M / F) (MOORSLEDE) FULL OR HALF-TIME We are looking for a
professional gourmet chef with an eye for detail. You are responsible for the preparation of both cold and hot dishes.
Expected: The level of our restaurant is very high, so we are looking for someone who exudes class and sophistication. • You
are a motivated, punctual and honest person with a groomed appearance • You have experience with catering service on the
move • You have an eye for detail You need to have followed studies in the direction of food or catering. Language skills: You
must be willing to integrate in Flanders, it is important that you are willing to learn the Dutch language. Experience: Minimum 2
years You start two weeks on trial. Offered : Permanent contract Timetable: daywork Part-time or full-time employment
possible immediate start We are also looking for weekend staff, for both restaurant and kitchen. Place of employment:
Kleppestraat 97 8890 MOORSLEDE BELGIUM Application procedure : Send your CV and motivation letter in English or
French through EURES adviser Charlotte Hoste Application via mail Please indicate in your cover
letter names of restaurants where you have worked. Please also send your photo along. Indicate the reference Artisjok in the
title of your mail. Job Date: 06/06/2011 Last update : 26/10/2011 Vacancy Number: 50934424

Ofertas de empleo internacional en el área de Bruselas, consulta la web de BIJOB, WWW.BIJOB.BE el
servicio de empleo internacional de la Agencia de Empleo de Bruselas:

Trabajo estacional en Dinamarca :

Ofertas de empleo en Dinamarca en: (ofertas en varios idiomas)


Waitress and as a piano artist
Hotel and Igloo Village Kakslauttanen and Santa's Resort NEW Celebration house in a beautiful Lapland Finland seeks for
person working as a waitress and as a piano artist. You work in a international environment and you must have previous
waiting experience, have good customer service skills, good communication skills. You will also entertain our customers with
playing piano by creating the most warm atmosphere. Requirement is unconditional; English language skills. Other languages
are counted as your benefit. Work is full-time job. Duties will include also serving food and drinks to customers in the
restaurant and in Celebration House along with playing the piano. If needed we can offer accommodation. Possibility for
longer term employment. Please, check for more information about our company from:     , You can apply for this job by sending a CV/written application with photo to email:

Receptionis, hotel sales office help
Hotel and Igloo Village Kakslauttanen in a beautiful Lapland Finland seeks a receptionist to work in front of the hotel including
restaurant and sales office duties. We are looking for a person with positive attitude, good customer service skills and
experience working within the hotel industry and using Hotellinx- reservation system. Requirement is unconditional; English
language skills. Other languages are counted as your benefit. Work is full-time job. If needed we can offer accommodation.
Possibility for longer term employment. Please, check for more information about our company from:      You can apply for this job by sending a CV/written application with photo to email:

Waiting and Restaurant staff
Hotel and Igloo Village Kakslauttanen and Santa's Resort NEW Celebration house in a beautiful Lapland Finland seeks for a
honest and hard working persons to help in the restaurant. You work in a international environment and you must have
previous waiting experience, have good customer service skills, good communication skills, able to work in a busy.
Requirement is unconditional; English language skills. Other languages are counted as your benefit. Work is full-time job.
Duties will include serving food and drinks to customers in the restaurant and in Celebration House along with other
associated tasks as required. If needed we can offer accommodation. Possibility for longer term employment. Please, check
for more information about our company from: . You can apply for this job by
sending a CV/written application with photo to email:


barman / barmaid
vous devrez accueillir le client et prendre sa commande, preparer les boissons et servir au comptoir, en s alle et terrasse,
proceder a l'encaissement, verifier le fond de caisse a la prise de poste et effectuer le comptage a la fermeture , receptionner
les produits.

chef de partie
pour un restaurant traditionnel, vou s preparerez les plats,puis vous par ticiperez a l'envoi des plats chauds ou froids en
respectant les normes d'hygiene, de securite, et les consi gnes du chef vous travaillerez 35h hebdo, 1200 nets, vous devez
habiter colomiers ou ses environs
barman / barmaid
*** saison hiver 2011 /2012 *** att ention : poste non loge contrat du 15 decembre au 15 mars poste polyval ent 15/20 h
semaine : serveur(se), limonadier/ service bar /accueil cl ient bowling/entretien des locaux vous etes autonome .vous
travaillez en equipe .

chef de partie patissier / patissiere
: *** saison hiver 2011/2012 *** poste nourri loge au sein d un restaurant gastronomiqu e vous serez en charge de la
patisserie, gestion de la mise en pl ace et des stocks. notions sur le pain souhaitable.

commis / commise de cuisine
: polyvalent cuisine et plonge vous se rez amene(e)a remplacer le cuisinier pendant les conges,pour un service p ension de
50 a 80 couverts(2 servi- ces);logement possible et poste nour ri.connaissances haccp appreciees. *debut de contrat au
12/12/11->15/04 /12*


                                               TRABAJAR EN ALEMANIA

            Recientemente han aparecido en la prensa diversas noticias relacionadas con la necesidad de
            personal en Alemania y dada la situación que padecemos en España son muchas las personas que
            se interesan por un trabajo en este país. Esto ha generado numerosas consultas en las oficinas de
            empleo y más especialmente en la red EURES, desde donde queremos aclarar ciertas
            informaciones para vuestro conocimiento y el de los usuarios.

A petición de Alemania se ha iniciado la colaboración entre los Servicios Públicos de Empleo de España y de
Alemania, a través EURES-Alemania y EURES-España, para un proyecto de colaboración encaminado al
reclutamiento de personal cualificado español para trabajar en Alemania.

Las áreas preferentes de reclutamiento son: Sanidad, Ingeniería, Docencia y Turismo-Hostelería. Es
necesario como mínimo un nivel intermedio de Alemán (B1/B2 del Marco Común Europeo de
Referencia para las lenguas).

Las personas interesadas en obtener información pueden dirigir un email con sus datos de
contacto y sus características (en español y alemán) a la siguiente dirección de correo
electrónico: indicando en el asunto del email la referencia que
corresponda a su ámbito profesional:

Sanidad: RFA. EURES Sanidad-Alemania
Ingeniería: RFA. EURES Ingeniería-Alemania
Docencia: RFA. EURES Docencia-Alemania
Hostelería y Turismo: RFA. EURES Turismo y Hostelería-Alemania

No obstante, aquellas personas pertenecientes a otros dominios profesionales y con buenos conocimientos
de alemán pueden escribir indicando en el asunto: RFA. EURES otros-Alemania.

En una primera fase del proyecto se elaborará una lista de personas interesadas. Posteriormente se
contactará con ellas para analizar el casamiento de las ofertas y demandas de empleo.

Realizar tareas administrativas en importadora de vinos: contabilidad, facturación, logística, atención clientes, apoyo en catas
y eventos. Atención al público en tienda anexa cuando sea necesario y un sábado al mes en horario comercial. Más info:

Call Center Agents (m/w) mit Spanischkenntnissen Arbeitsort: Berlin
Die Firma GS-Company ist mit mehr als 27 Filialen deutschlandweit vertreten und gehört zu den größten und erfolgreichtsen
Arbeitsvermitlungen am Markt. Profitieren Sie von den excellenten Kontakten zu Industrie, Handwerk und Wirtschaft. Die
nachfolgende Stelle wird in unserer Filiale Havelland/Niederlassung Nauen betreut. Ansprechpartner vor Ort ist Herr Bodo
Pohl, E Mail: Für unsere Kundschaft suchen wir mehrere Call Center Agents(m/w) für die
Durchführung von Beratungsgesprächen am Telefon. Weitere Aufgaben sind die Protokollierung der jeweiligen Beratungs-
gespräche zur Prozessoptimierung. Diese Tätigkeit unterscheidet sich von den üblichen Callcenterjobs und ist anspruchsvoll
und abwechslungsreich. Wenn wir Ihr Interesse geweckt haben, dann bewerben Sie sich noch heute! Es handelt sich hier um
ein Angebot einer privaten Arbeitsvermittlung. Eine Kopie des Vermittlungsgutscheins Ihrer Agentur für Arbeit bzw.
ARGE/Landkreis ist erwünscht aber nicht Bedingung. Bitte beachten Sie, dass nur Bewerbungen mit Anschreiben, Lebenslauf
und ggf. Lichtbild Beachtung finden. Bevorzugt per E-Mail oder Post. - Geforderte Anlagen: Lebenslauf, Zeugnisse;
Führerscheine: Fahrerlaubnis B PKW/Kleinbusse (alt: FS 3): Wünschenswert.

spanisch (native) Arbeitsort: Berlin
Zur Erweiterung unseres Teams im Bereich Travel suchen wir kurzfristig zum nächstmöglichen Termin neue Mitarbeiter
(w/m). Aufgaben: ¿ Telefonische Beratung zu komplexen Kundenanfragen aus dem Bereich Travel ¿ Professionelle
Kommunikation mit einem breiten Kundenspektrum ¿ Bearbeitung von Kundenvorgängen in einem Customer Relationship
Management (CRM) System ¿ Hotel- und Flugticketbuchungen Profil: ¿ Dienstleistungsorientiertes Denken und Handeln ¿
Zuverlässigkeit, Teamfähigkeit und Flexibilität ¿ Gute MS-Office Kenntnisse ¿ Souveränes, professionelles und
kundenorientiertes Auftreten ¿ Sehr gute Sprachkenntnisse in Deutsch und idealerweise in Englisch sowie Sprachkenntnisse
spanisch auf muttersprachlichem Niveau. Jeder Erfolg hat seinen Anfang. Bewerben Sie sich jetzt über unseren
Internetauftritt oder per E-Mail an:

Call Center Agents - Travel - SPANISCHE Sprachkenntnissen Arbeitsort: Berlin
Wir suchen im Rahmen der Arbeitnehmerüberlassung (Zeitarbeit) mehrere Call-Center-Agenten Inbound (m/w) für den
Bereich Travel im Firmendienst. Aufgaben: ¿ Telefonische Beratung zu komplexen Kundenanfragen ¿ Professionelle
Kommunikation mit einem breiten Kundenspektrum ¿ Bearbeitung von Kundenvorgängen in einem Customer Relationship
Management (CRM) System Profil: ¿ Spanische Sprachkenntnisse (möglichst Muttersprache), erweiterte Englischkenntnisse
(da die Schulungen in Englisch durchgeführt werden); Grundkenntnisse Deutsch zur internen Verständigung ¿ Sehr gute MS-
Office Kenntnisse ¿ Berufserfahrung in der Tourismusbranche ¿ Präzise, selbständige, verantwortungsbewusste und
freundliche Arbeitsweise ¿ Dienstleistungsorientiertes Denken und Handeln ¿ Zuverlässigkeit und Teamfähigkeit Bei
Interesse informiert Sie Frau Strube gern telefonisch zum Stellenangebot. Wir freuen uns darauf Sie kennen zu lernen! -
Geforderte Anlagen: Lebenslauf, Zeugnisse.




                               HERTZ, DUBLIN
                                                   642351 OFERTA EURES REF.
• Formación mínima: Bachillerato o equivalente
• Nacionalidad del EEE (Espacio Económico Europeo)
• Aptitudes:
 Im porta nte : Ca pa cida d pa ra la s olución de proble m a s y tom a de de cis ione s .
 Inglé s Alto. Es pa ñol a lto. S e va lora rá n los conocim ie ntos de Ita lia no
 Ca pa cida d de tra ba jo e n e quipo y com unica ción con e l clie nte
 Us uario de herramientas informáticas básicas

• SALARIO: 21.192 € Brutos/año. Posibilidad de plus de rendimiento de 2.300 €/año. Importantes ventajas extra-salariales:
plan de pensiones, atención médica, instalaciones de ocio, comedor de empresa, etc.
• JORNADA Y HORARIOS:  37.5 h. Semanales
Trabajo a turnos, continuos (en su mayor parte) o partidos

• RESPONSABILIDADES  Gestión de reservas
 Atención al cliente
Promoción productos Hertz
Información, a través de reuniones de equipo, sobre deseos y quejas de los clientes.

• DURACIÓN DEL CONTRATO:  11 contratos permanentes (En/2012).
9 contratos de duración determinada (Marzo/2012). Fecha prevista de finalización: 19/9/2012

• FORMACIÓN ESPECÍFICA a cargo de la empresa sobre herramientas, productos y política de la misma.

• VIAJE Y ALOJAMIENTO: el ofrecimiento del puesto implica o Contratos permanentes: abono del viaje a Irlanda hasta
200 EUR y alojamiento hasta un máximo de 14 días (Bed and Breakfast)
o Contratos eventuales: abono del viaje a Irlanda hasta 100 EUR y alojamiento hasta un máximo de 7 días.
o El cese voluntario del trabajador conllevaría la devolución, en concepto de inversión realizada por la compañía, de una
cantidad proporcional al tiempo de contrato que quede sin cumplir

• FECHAS DE INCORPORACIÓN: Enero (11 puestos permanentes) y Marzo ( 9 puestos, duración determinada),
• Las entrevistas se realizarán en Valladolid los días 22, 23 y 24/11/2011

Enviar CV EN INGLÉS “on line” a través del siguiente enlace: Enviar copia del CV a: (EURES
Valladolid). La aplicación “online” es imprescindible, así como el envío de copia.

Multi-Lingual Technical Support Tele-Agent (Spanish)
This a fantastic opportunity to join our dynamic and growing outsources services call centre and work for one of the most
funky and high profile brands in the technology world. We are looking to recruit a team of multi-lingual technical support
specialists to handle calls from business customers. Responsibilities: Dealing with business sector customers you will receive
incoming calls requesting you to resolve technical issues relating to online web applications. You will diagnose basic technical
issues with web applications and aim to solve problems. You will be responsible for escalating the more difficult cases
accordingly. Using the internal system to log tickets and track actions and communication with customers. A basic
understanding of web-based applications is required as is excellent IT skills, a passion for technology, excellent customer
service and communication skills. An effective team player who has the ability to work a 24x 7 shift pattern. Fluency in English
essential. Submit CV to:

Chef (Spanish Tapas)
We are currently seeking a Chef for one of our restaurants in the City Centre. The role will involve food preparation, cooking,
clean-downs and some kitchen portering shifts. The successful candidate will report to the Head Chef and must be able to
show initiative, enthusiasm and pride in their work. Essential criteria: Must be legally entitled to work within Ireland and the
EU. A minimum of two years experience in a similar role. Fluent English. Excellent communication skills. A high level of
attention to detail. Availability to work flexible hours. A good working knowledge of HACCP. Knowledge of Spanish cooking.
Desirable Criteria: HACCP Certified. Please forward a cover letter and CV to

Customer Service Representative (Spanish Speaking)
To provide excellent customer service to the Marriott Vacation Club International (MVCI) owners and collaborating with
associates by managing the processing of Owner issues and serving as a resource for owners relating to the MVCI product,
usage and resort information. To assist with all reservations, queries and issues in a timely manner and to a complete
resolution. To be responsible for verbal interactions from MVCI owners concerning any usage queries. To be responsible for
clients personal data accuracy and responsible for written interactions with clients through the CCR group.


Animatori turistici per la stagione invernale - Animateure für die Wintersaison
DELLA LINGUA TEDESCA. Requisiti: ¿ Titolo di studio : assolvimento dell¿obbligo scolastico ¿ Disponibilità minima di tre
mesi continuativi ¿ Buona conoscenza della lingua tedesca ¿ Preferibile il possesso del passaporto e della patente di guida ¿
Capacità di svolgere mansioni ricreative e organizzative di primo piano , come manifestazioni, spettacoli e attività sportive
sempre stando a contatto con i bambini ¿ Entusiasmo,orientamento agli altri , spigliatezza,elevate capacità comunicative e di
relazione interpersonale, capacità di coinvolgere e motivare Sede di lavoro : Italia. Contratto di Lavoro : Contratto di lavoro a
tempo determinato secondo le norme Enpals . Retribuzione : salario mensile netto compreso tra i 500,00 ed i 900,00
(quantificato a seconda dell¿esperienza e del grado di qualificazione professionale) Vitto ed alloggio gratuiti. Inviare c.v con
foto a: , e per conoscenza a : , o telefonare allo 0805233374. Für die
Wintersaison suchen wir Animateure auch ohne Berufserfahrung. Unterkunft und Verpflegung vorhanden. Senden sie uns
eine Bewerbung mit Foto per Email: und zur Kenntniss::

KellnerIn – cameriere/a
kellnerIn mit Erfahrung, Saison, mit Unterkunft u. Verpflegung, Gehalt zu vereinbaren - BEWERBUNGSSCHREIBEN &
LEBENSLAUF AN: cameriere/a con esperienza, stagiolane con alloggio, stipendio trattabile

Zimmermädchen für Aushilfe am Wochenende
Das **** Wellness & Recreation Hotel Schwarzenstein in Luttach/ Ahrntal sucht ab Dezember ein motiviertes, selbstständiges
und freundliches Zimmermädchen für die Aushilfe am Wochenende. Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung! OTMAR
ZIMMERHOFER & C. KG Information: Otmar Zimmerhofer Address: Dorfstrasse 11 - Via Del Paese 11 39030-Ahrntal - Valle
Aurina Phone: +39-0474-674100 Fax: +39-0474-674444 Email:

Nursery employee
Tree cultivation / Perennials / woodland and hedgerow plants Nursery employer Duties: work independently, focused on
growing and harvesting of crops in the nursery execution, coordination and supervision of assistant employees, attentive to
growth disturbance of crop, clods, harvesting, sorting, pruning, planting, counting and binding. Minimum requirements are:
knowledge and / or experience of working in the nursery, preferably for forest and shrubbery, good plant knowledge,
experience with tractor driving and using machinery, knowledge of English. Working hours: average 38 hours per week
spread over six days. Several hours depending on amount of work, will be discussed. Contract until 5/18/2012, payment by
collective agreement. Min 1767,- Eur and max 2211,- Eur Application via . After registering pleas ad the
vac.number 7787111 to your file by going to the tab "Links", go to "Category" and choose vacancy. Then type the number in
the field "Value".

Greenhouse employees
Employees Growing Greenhouse II with affinity in the nursery Duties: Harvesting, planting, crop care, crop rotation and
harvesting of strawberries (plants). During the winter months all work in nurseries (forest plantation) Minimum requirement is:
Several years experience in the strawberry (plant) breeding Working hours: average 38 hours per week spread over six days,
is in agreement Offered: temporary contract with possibility of permanent employment, payment by CAO Greenhouse D (min
1664,20 euro a month). Application via . After registering pleas ad the vac.number 77399111 to your
file by going to the tab "Links", go to "Category" and choose vacancy. Then type the number in the field "Value".

Driver for tank transport of ADR goods
Activities Transport of hazardous substances in tank trailers. Transportion environment The Netherlands, Germany, Belgian.
Day / Night trips in shifts. Business location West part of the Netherland Rijbewijzen C + CE Required certificates Digital
driverscard. Drivers qualification card. Certificate for carriage of dangerous goods Language knowledge English Hours per
week 40+8 Employment Longterm. We look forward to receiving your application! Please don’t forget to add your CV . Más info:

Driver Tipper, Kipper
Activities The work consists of transporting building materials such as sand, gravel and soil. Transportion environment The
Netherlands. Day trips Business location Middle of the Brabant district(The Netherlands) Rijbewijzen C + CE Required
certificates Digital driverscard, Drivers qualification card Language knowledge English Hours per week 40+8 Employment
Longterm. We look forward to receiving your application! Please don’t forget to add your CV
Más info:

Driver for Pallet Distribution & Delivery
Activities Loading / unloading and transporting pallets and cargo. Usually there are multiple deliveries per day at several
addresses(15 to 20) Transportion environment The Netherlands. Day trips Business location Northern Limburg district(The
Netherlands) Rijbewijzen C + CE Required certificates Digital driverscard. Drivers qualification card. Certificate for carriage of
dangerous goods Language knowledge English or German Hours per week 40+8 Employment Longterm. We look forward to
receiving your application! Please don’t forget to add your CV
Más info:

Driver for deliveries to supermarkets
Activities Loading / unloading and transporting cargo to Supermarkets in the Netherlands.Transportion environment The
Netherlands. Day trips Business location The Netherlands Rijbewijzen C + CE Required certificates Digital driverscard.
Drivers qualification card. Language knowledge English or German Hours per week 40+8 Employment Longterm. We look
forward to receiving your application! Please don’t forget to add your CV
Más info:

Job Driver with UK experience for Pallet Distribution & Delivery in the big City’s of the United Kingdom
Activities Consolidation of cargo and distribution and deliveries in the United Kingdom. Including stay-over at the weekend
when necessary Transportion environment The Netherlands and United Kingdom. Multi-day trips with overnight stays
Business location Brabant district(The Netherlands) Rijbewijzen C + CE Required certificates Digital driverscard. Drivers
qualification card. Certificate for carriage of dangerous goods Language knowledge English Hours per week 40+8
Employment Longterm. We look forward to receiving your application! Please don’t forget to add your CV
Más info:

Duties: Vessel maintenance, navigational watch, Cleaning work on board, steering of vessel, rope handling.
Required:(licht)matroos: experience, in position of Servicebook/dienstboekje ((licht)sailor/matroos). Willing and
being able to learn the Dutch language. Good communication skills, team player, swimming-diplome.Middelbaar
beroepsonderwijs/MBO opleiding werken leren.Good knowledge of the English or German language.
Salary:min.:¿ 1420,- / ¿1640.- gross a month. Applications by (e-)mail with CV.Please mention the name of the
ship and the vacancynumber: 8651310. Shipcrew Information:,, and the
eures adviser Barbara Zahuta

 Si te interesa trabajar estacionalmente en la agricultura en Holanda, regístrate online en:


2 CNC-dreier
KSMV is a modern supplier of machining services to Oil and Gas industry worldwide. Our customers are leading within the
subsea sector. We are located in Kristiansand, Norway. Today, we have 100 employees and 6000m2 indoor production
facilities. Our company is certified according to quality standard NS-EN ISO 9001:2008 and NS-EN ISO 3834-2. Due to a
large increase in customer orders, we are seeking 2 new machine operators for our CNC lathes. We offer various and
challenging work tasks, good salaries and working conditions, Strong focus on health, safety, and environment. We prefer that
you have long experience as CNC machine operator, experience with programming of CNC machines, show initiative,
independent and responsible, are fluent in a Scandinavian language and can communicate in English. Please send your CV
and application letter to or via mail to Kristiansands Skruefabrikk & Mek. Verksted AS, P. O. Box 1544
Lundsiden, N-4688 Kristiansand S, Norway. Application deadline: 15.10.2011.

Resept Café is a vegan café in the town centre of Stavanger. We are seeking a cook/ chef with an interest in vegetarian
cooking. The position is full time and the working hours are evenings Tuesday to Friday and daytime Saturday. Certification
as chef is not obligatory but experience with cooking and working in a kitchen is preferable. The applicant will have the
chance to work with a unique menu in one of Norways rare vegan cafés. The applicant must be well organized, independant
but cooperative and have the ability to work under pressure. Resept Café boasts a creative, intimate and warm working

We need experienced cook for our a la carte restaurant in town center in Bergen. Bergen is a wonderful city on the west coast
of Norway, Salsa Bar & Grill Information: Eirik Villand, tlf. 900 90 465 Address: Vågsalmenning 6 5014 BERGEN Phone:
55232100 Email:

Hjelpearbeider jordbruk
I am a Norwegian farmer, Ivar Hognestad, who is looking for a worker ,one person, at my farm.girl or boy. My basic
productions are eggs and meat, not milking cows. All my farm, fields and production are ecological ! I am looking for a worker,
for short or for longer time! I hope for a long time. I have a free small flat for you, in our basement with your own entrense.
Nice if you can speak some english or german. Good if you can or want to learn to drive tractor. You need some experiense
from cows and tractordriving. Write back if you are interested. Starting time: As son as possible Greetings
from Ivar Hognestad.

Busdriver/ guide
Bus driver / guide at Tromsø Villmarkssenter Tromsø Villmarkssenter is a tourism company based on outdoor activities
located in Tromsø, Norway. Our main activity is dog sledding in winter. We are offering winter and summer activities to guests
for 20 years. Our team is made of 25 employees from worldwide. Welcome to visit our web site: We
are looking for a bus driver / guide for the winter 2011/2012. (Mid-November 2011 to end of April 2012). The position involves
mainly the transport of guests from/to Tromsø and the guiding of the guests in dog sledding tours. We are looking for an
enthusiasm person, who likes the outdoor and enjoys working in a team. The commitment is based on weekly shift, and the
position is 50% to 100%. Requirements: Bus driving licence up to 32 seats English fluent.

Handler / Guide
Handler /trainee at a small adventure company in Arctic - with focus on huskies We have one position free as handler for the
period of one year with start 15th of October 2011. All tasks in connection to our company will required that you participate in
such as: - all care of the dogs, cleaning, training, guiding - cleaning huts, rooms, restaurants and outdoor areas summer and
winter - serving food - transport of guests - including local guiding We do want a trainee that: - are outgoing - easy to
cooperate with - hard working - responsible - knows minimum English on a good level, but also German and Norwegian is
good - no vegetarian or other food preferences since we do eat often with our guests, and all guides/trainees has to eat the
local food we serve ALL applications needs to contain 1. a personal application - why do you want to work with our company
2. a full cv 3. minimum 3 references with both phone number and mail address.

                               Ofertas de empleo en Noruega (en inglés):
                 ( buscar enlace: NAV EURES in English )
Se necesita Camarera para Hostelería: Prestará servicios de café y restaurante. Se trata de un establecimiento con dos
empleados situado en Ciudad Rodrigo, Salamanca. La empresa facilita alojamiento y manutención. El contrato será temporal,
a tiempo parcial y el salario será el establecido según Convenio. Interesadas enviar Curriculum y carta de presentación a la
RODRIGO, 37500 SALAMANCA, ESPAÑA Phone: 923 46 10 68

IBEROSTAR is one of the leading European chains of holiday resort hotels, recognized around the world for their prestige
and quality, with more than 100 hotels in the 3 to 5 star category in 28 countries: Spain (Canary Islands, Balearic Islands,
Andalusia), Bulgaria, Greece, Tunisia, Morocco, Turkey, Croatia, Montenegro, Cyprus, the Caribbean (Cuba, Mexico, Brazil,
Dominican Republic and Jamaica). For our hotels in SPAIN Requirements:Preferably with at least one year working
experience in similar position Professionalism .Enthusiastic and motivated persons with a positive attitude, who understands
the meaning of quality and service.Personal initiative, be ready to work in a team and cooperate with the respective
departments.Willing to relocate during the summer season.We offer:Good working atmosphere in a dynamic environment
.Attractive remuneration (Starting from 1300 €/bruto/month).(Salaries will be agreed on individually)Official Spanish Contract
and Insurance.Contract from May 2012 (3 to 6 months).Accommodation and meals provided by the company.Travel
expenses support once the contract is finished.Free training course (April 2012).How to apply ?: If you are interested , send
your CV (in English, Europass format or sending your EURES- account- number ), with a recent photo and motivation letter
(indicating the cities or country you prefer for interview ,in case you are preselected) and writing the EURES ref.27884 in the

Iberostar, one of the leading European chains of holidays resorts, recognized around the world for their prestige and quality
with more than 100 hotels in the 3 to 5 star category in Europe & the Caribbean, is looking for qualified and professional
personal for the management sectors in our hotels in Spain (Mallorca, Andalucia and the Canary Islands) to focus on strategic
and operational development of hotel management. Requirements • Speaking at least 2 european languages • Geographic
flexibility • Preferably at least one year working experience in similar position • Enthusiastic and motivated persons with a
positive attitude who understands the meaning of quality and service • Professional organizational skills and leadership ability
We offer • Good working atmosphere in a dynamic environment • Official Social Security and Spanish contract • Contract from
May 2012 ( 3 to 6 months) • Attractive remuneration (Salaries will be agreed on individually) • Opportunities for professional
development • Accommodation and meals by the company (will be agreed on individually) How to apply ?: If you are
interested , send your CV (in English, Europass format or sending your EURES- account- number ), with a recent photo and
motivation letter (indicating the cities or country you prefer for interview ,in case you are preselected) and writing the EURES
ref.27881 in the SUBJET of message to EURES BALEARES : When to know if you are selected for
interviews? If not, the EA will send a letter. If yes, the employer will send an invitation 3 days before the proof or the audition,
with the city and address better for you ,by mail or phone. It not be more than a week after the dead line date. Cities for

Ofertas de trabajo en España en



Heavy Bus and Truck maintance mechanicer
Maintance mechanicer for heavy buses and trucks in the aftermarket. Documented professional maintance of
heavy truck and bus with at least 3 years of experince. The professional experience has to be with MAN, Volvo,
Scania or Mercedes. Effekt Europaresurs is a well established Human recourse company with a wide
range of services. We solve your personal problem such as successful recruiting or permanent
staffing by matching the people with the right experience and skills. With us as partner your human
resourse problem will be solved. Toda la información aquí:

Household services
We work with everything to help older people in their homes. Household services like cleaning, washing and easier
reparations etc. At your service Information: Kajsa Söderholm Address: Prästgårdsgatan 19 H, 59836 Vimmerby, Sweden
Phone:      0046738492829        Email:

Farm worker
Employer is looking for an experienced farmworker with different kind of tasks. Taking care of slaughterpigs, beefcows and
different crops. Employer wants you to have knowledge about swedish rules concerning breeding pigs and beefcows. The
contract is for one year, and the employer can offer lodging. Salary according Collective Agreement. Send your CV and letter
by mail to the employer.


EMPRESA: MPA Recruitment – Omagh; . PERFIL DEL CANDIDATO: • Español e inglés fluidos
• Nacionalidad del EEE (Espacio Económico Europeo) • Aptitudes:                                       Conocim iee Internet. dos de
                                                                                                     Word, Excel ntos a va nza
 Inglés alto. Español alto.                                                                                                 P re fe rible co
reclamaciones.CARACTERÍSTICAS GENERALES DEL PUESTO: • Permanente/Jornada completa. Lunes a viernes
• Responsable de la atención a quejas y reclamaciones en coordinación con el equipo directivo, • Elaboración respuestas por
escrito • FORMACIÓN ESPECÍFICA a cargo de la empresa. • FECHA DE INCORPORACIÓN: Nov, 2.011
Toda la info en:

Dental Technicians
We are searching for a dental technician for a well established dental laboratory in Birmingham. The lab works both on the
NHS and private side. Applicants must be hold a relevant qualification and have previous experience of producing ceramic
dental applicants within a commercial dental lab. Applications are treated confidentially. Varios puestos en diferentes
ciudades de UK. Toda la info en:
(Buscar Reino Unido)

Travel Customer Services Agent - Spanish Speaking
 JOB DUTIES : Deals with customer enquiries by telephone and email etc. in a friendly, responsive and efficient manner.
Focuses on the customer to ensure that absolute ownership is assumed during every customer contact. Ensures that the
highest levels of quality and honesty are maintained through adherence to agreed processes and Service Level Agreements.
Proactively seeks ways to improve both own and the teams standards of customer service delivery. Actively engages in your
approach to ongoing learning to ensure sufficient knowledge to excel in the role. Participates as an enthusiastic and
supporting member of a highly focused customer service team. Agents will be responsible for identifying up/cross selling
opportunities and educating the customer on all possible options/items of interest. They will provide customer support and
provide advanced troubleshooting services to customers. OTHER INFO : None. SALARY INFO : To be discussed with
employer. Fluency in written and spoken English. Fluency in written and spoken Spanish. 6 months previous experience in a
Customer Service environment providing inbound telephone support. Experience in Microsoft Office and Internet.
Demonstrates experience of working in a team based environment supporting the team in achieving the highest quality
standards and takes an active role in generating team morale. Ability to multitask, plan and prioritise workload. Excellent
communication skills both verbal and written. Demonstrates problem solving and troubleshooting skills. Demonstrates
ownership and accountability to achieve deadlines and targets. Spanish: Fluent

Spanish IT Sales Representative
Spanish IT Sales Representative - Liverpool, MerseysideAdecco is a leading recruitment consultancy, who is currently
seeking to recruit an experienced Spanish IT Sales Representative to work for our client based in Liverpool. This fantastic
permanent opportunity would be ideal for someone who is looking to further their Sales career within a prestigious
organisation. The hours of work are full time, 40 hours each week, between 08:00 to 17:00.The IT Sales Representative will
support a growing sales organisation as part of their responsibilities.Responsibilities include, however not limited to: -*IT
Sales(no cold calling)*Applications of databases to research accounts and uncover new opportunities *Generation of sales
quotations *Manage the entire services sales cycle from prospect to close *Generate reports for internal use*Ensure the
integrity of client information is maintained Qualifications and experience: -*Relevant experience*Fluency in Spanish an
English is essential *Previous experience within IT Sales preferable but not essential *Strong communication and reporting
skills *Excellent team player *Proven ability to form business relationships In return the successful applicant will receive a
competitive salary of 17,000 - 21,000 pa with an attractive bonus and benefits package. If you have the required skills and
experience and would like to apply for this role please email your up to date CV . Adecco aim to respond to all applicant's,
however due to the large volume of application's we receive this may not always be possible. Should you not receive a
response within five working days please accept this as notification that you have not been short-listed on this occasion.
Adecco is an equal opportunities employer. To Apply for this job visit our website.
Warehouse Operative
We are seeking a general operative on a temp to perm basis. Duties include:- Stock control, general warehouse duties,
mixing and weighing ingredients, general production work and cleaning of machines after use. You are required to be both
numerate an. is required. This is an excellent opportunity to learn all roles within the warehouse and grow with this company..
You can apply for this job by telephoning +44 1923 631028 and asking for Sean Pike.

We are committed to providing high quality care to individuals in their own homes. Our care workers provide both practical
and personal assistance which may include washing, dressing, toileting, meal preparation, housework and medication
prompts. Thi. looking for Care Workers to work in the Ellesmere Port area. You must be aged 18 plus as providing personal
care and able to work flexible hours as we work in shifts 7 days a week so various hours available. Previous experience is not
necessary as full training is provided. We offer a competitive hourly rate, paid holidays, an employee benefit scheme and
most of all job satisfaction.. Applicants to ring 0333 999 2583 or email

Member of a team responsible for the packaging and despatching of herbal mixtures cigarettes. Responsibilities involve
ensuring a quality product is supplied to customers, and monitoring at each stage of the production and packaging process
that our. machine operations experience an advantage.. Pension available. You can apply for this job by telephoning   +44
1473 467940 and asking for Anthony Mulcrone.

We are recruiting additional staff to provide support to service users who have a learning disability and complex needs. Some
behaviour can challenge the services, therefore we need confident, calm and person centred staff who can support service
users to experience a valued life and enjoy a wide range of opportunities for personal development. We will. support you with
full training including NVQs. The ability to drive is desirable. Applicants must be flexible and willing to work shifts which may
include waking nights and sleep-ins. Successful applicants are required to provide an enhanced disclosure. Disclosure
expense will be met by the employer.. email or visit -- When
applying quote ref 3415JCP. Pension available.


APPLICANT PROFILE:25/30 years old.Own car.Commercial assistant studies.Command of Spanish language.Fluent in
English and German. MS Office user.Resident in Zurich area.Two year experience in a similar position. POST PROFILE:KEY
RESPONSIBILITIES:Commercial department sssistant.Export Manager’s assistant.Customer service.Coordination with
Spanish factory.Receiving orders, loading them and follow up. Making offers and invoices.PROFESSIONAL SKILLS
VALUED:Easy going, friendly and decisive person willing to collaborate. WE OFFER:Working in Spanish manufactured
outdoor lighting marketing company.Salary negotiable.Working day: Monday to Friday. Partial or full day negotiable.Start
immediately.Interested candidates must send CV to the following email address: Ref: ATP

Ofertas de empleo en Suiza: Servicio Público de Empleo Suizo (web en inglés, ofertas en
diferentes idiomas):

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Sincerely, The Friday Club - Farewell Quiz-Finals.pptx

Boletin Ofertas Eures Noviembre 2011

  • 1. XÀRCIA EURES: SERVEF - Servei Valencià d’Ocupació i Formació El present BUTLLETÍ és una selecció del total d'ofertes que es difonen a través d'EURES (Europeten Employment Services): Les ofertes d'ocupació vénen distribuïdes per països on es troben els llocs oferits. Per a optar a ells, contacten directament amb el punt de contacte indicat en l'oferta d'ocupació. Aquestes i moltes més ofertes d'ocupació poden consultar-se en EURES El Portal Europeu de la Mobilitat Professional: on podran accedir a milers d'ofertes d'ocupació. Poden accedir a este butlletí en la pàgina web del SERVEF en l’apartat Treballar a Europa/Novetats: AUSTRIA: Ofertas de empleo en Austria en el e-jobroom del AMS (Servicio de Empleo Austriaco) en alemán e inglés: BÉLGICA: COOK FULL or HALF TIME TRAITEUR ARTISJOK Kleppestraat 97 8890 MOORSLEDE BELGIUM More information about this company: Is looking for : 1 COOK (M / F) (MOORSLEDE) FULL OR HALF-TIME We are looking for a professional gourmet chef with an eye for detail. You are responsible for the preparation of both cold and hot dishes. Expected: The level of our restaurant is very high, so we are looking for someone who exudes class and sophistication. • You are a motivated, punctual and honest person with a groomed appearance • You have experience with catering service on the move • You have an eye for detail You need to have followed studies in the direction of food or catering. Language skills: You must be willing to integrate in Flanders, it is important that you are willing to learn the Dutch language. Experience: Minimum 2 years You start two weeks on trial. Offered : Permanent contract Timetable: daywork Part-time or full-time employment possible immediate start We are also looking for weekend staff, for both restaurant and kitchen. Place of employment: Kleppestraat 97 8890 MOORSLEDE BELGIUM Application procedure : Send your CV and motivation letter in English or French through EURES adviser Charlotte Hoste Application via mail Please indicate in your cover letter names of restaurants where you have worked. Please also send your photo along. Indicate the reference Artisjok in the title of your mail. Job Date: 06/06/2011 Last update : 26/10/2011 Vacancy Number: 50934424 Ofertas de empleo internacional en el área de Bruselas, consulta la web de BIJOB, WWW.BIJOB.BE el servicio de empleo internacional de la Agencia de Empleo de Bruselas:
  • 2. DINAMARCA : Trabajo estacional en Dinamarca : Ofertas de empleo en Dinamarca en: (ofertas en varios idiomas) FINLANDIA : Waitress and as a piano artist Hotel and Igloo Village Kakslauttanen and Santa's Resort NEW Celebration house in a beautiful Lapland Finland seeks for person working as a waitress and as a piano artist. You work in a international environment and you must have previous waiting experience, have good customer service skills, good communication skills. You will also entertain our customers with playing piano by creating the most warm atmosphere. Requirement is unconditional; English language skills. Other languages are counted as your benefit. Work is full-time job. Duties will include also serving food and drinks to customers in the restaurant and in Celebration House along with playing the piano. If needed we can offer accommodation. Possibility for longer term employment. Please, check for more information about our company from: , You can apply for this job by sending a CV/written application with photo to email: Receptionis, hotel sales office help Hotel and Igloo Village Kakslauttanen in a beautiful Lapland Finland seeks a receptionist to work in front of the hotel including restaurant and sales office duties. We are looking for a person with positive attitude, good customer service skills and experience working within the hotel industry and using Hotellinx- reservation system. Requirement is unconditional; English language skills. Other languages are counted as your benefit. Work is full-time job. If needed we can offer accommodation. Possibility for longer term employment. Please, check for more information about our company from: You can apply for this job by sending a CV/written application with photo to email: Waiting and Restaurant staff Hotel and Igloo Village Kakslauttanen and Santa's Resort NEW Celebration house in a beautiful Lapland Finland seeks for a honest and hard working persons to help in the restaurant. You work in a international environment and you must have previous waiting experience, have good customer service skills, good communication skills, able to work in a busy. Requirement is unconditional; English language skills. Other languages are counted as your benefit. Work is full-time job. Duties will include serving food and drinks to customers in the restaurant and in Celebration House along with other associated tasks as required. If needed we can offer accommodation. Possibility for longer term employment. Please, check for more information about our company from: . You can apply for this job by sending a CV/written application with photo to email: FRANCIA: barman / barmaid vous devrez accueillir le client et prendre sa commande, preparer les boissons et servir au comptoir, en s alle et terrasse, proceder a l'encaissement, verifier le fond de caisse a la prise de poste et effectuer le comptage a la fermeture , receptionner les produits. chef de partie pour un restaurant traditionnel, vou s preparerez les plats,puis vous par ticiperez a l'envoi des plats chauds ou froids en respectant les normes d'hygiene, de securite, et les consi gnes du chef vous travaillerez 35h hebdo, 1200 nets, vous devez habiter colomiers ou ses environs
  • 3. barman / barmaid *** saison hiver 2011 /2012 *** att ention : poste non loge contrat du 15 decembre au 15 mars poste polyval ent 15/20 h semaine : serveur(se), limonadier/ service bar /accueil cl ient bowling/entretien des locaux vous etes autonome .vous travaillez en equipe . chef de partie patissier / patissiere : *** saison hiver 2011/2012 *** poste nourri loge au sein d un restaurant gastronomiqu e vous serez en charge de la patisserie, gestion de la mise en pl ace et des stocks. notions sur le pain souhaitable. commis / commise de cuisine : polyvalent cuisine et plonge vous se rez amene(e)a remplacer le cuisinier pendant les conges,pour un service p ension de 50 a 80 couverts(2 servi- ces);logement possible et poste nour ri.connaissances haccp appreciees. *debut de contrat au 12/12/11->15/04 /12* ALEMANIA: TRABAJAR EN ALEMANIA Recientemente han aparecido en la prensa diversas noticias relacionadas con la necesidad de personal en Alemania y dada la situación que padecemos en España son muchas las personas que se interesan por un trabajo en este país. Esto ha generado numerosas consultas en las oficinas de empleo y más especialmente en la red EURES, desde donde queremos aclarar ciertas informaciones para vuestro conocimiento y el de los usuarios. A petición de Alemania se ha iniciado la colaboración entre los Servicios Públicos de Empleo de España y de Alemania, a través EURES-Alemania y EURES-España, para un proyecto de colaboración encaminado al reclutamiento de personal cualificado español para trabajar en Alemania. Las áreas preferentes de reclutamiento son: Sanidad, Ingeniería, Docencia y Turismo-Hostelería. Es necesario como mínimo un nivel intermedio de Alemán (B1/B2 del Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las lenguas). Las personas interesadas en obtener información pueden dirigir un email con sus datos de contacto y sus características (en español y alemán) a la siguiente dirección de correo electrónico: indicando en el asunto del email la referencia que corresponda a su ámbito profesional: Sanidad: RFA. EURES Sanidad-Alemania Ingeniería: RFA. EURES Ingeniería-Alemania Docencia: RFA. EURES Docencia-Alemania Hostelería y Turismo: RFA. EURES Turismo y Hostelería-Alemania No obstante, aquellas personas pertenecientes a otros dominios profesionales y con buenos conocimientos de alemán pueden escribir indicando en el asunto: RFA. EURES otros-Alemania. En una primera fase del proyecto se elaborará una lista de personas interesadas. Posteriormente se contactará con ellas para analizar el casamiento de las ofertas y demandas de empleo. ADMINISTRATIVO Y ATENCIÓN AL PÚBLICO EN IMPORTADORA DE VINOS Realizar tareas administrativas en importadora de vinos: contabilidad, facturación, logística, atención clientes, apoyo en catas y eventos. Atención al público en tienda anexa cuando sea necesario y un sábado al mes en horario comercial. Más info: Call Center Agents (m/w) mit Spanischkenntnissen Arbeitsort: Berlin Die Firma GS-Company ist mit mehr als 27 Filialen deutschlandweit vertreten und gehört zu den größten und erfolgreichtsen Arbeitsvermitlungen am Markt. Profitieren Sie von den excellenten Kontakten zu Industrie, Handwerk und Wirtschaft. Die nachfolgende Stelle wird in unserer Filiale Havelland/Niederlassung Nauen betreut. Ansprechpartner vor Ort ist Herr Bodo Pohl, E Mail: Für unsere Kundschaft suchen wir mehrere Call Center Agents(m/w) für die Durchführung von Beratungsgesprächen am Telefon. Weitere Aufgaben sind die Protokollierung der jeweiligen Beratungs- gespräche zur Prozessoptimierung. Diese Tätigkeit unterscheidet sich von den üblichen Callcenterjobs und ist anspruchsvoll und abwechslungsreich. Wenn wir Ihr Interesse geweckt haben, dann bewerben Sie sich noch heute! Es handelt sich hier um
  • 4. ein Angebot einer privaten Arbeitsvermittlung. Eine Kopie des Vermittlungsgutscheins Ihrer Agentur für Arbeit bzw. ARGE/Landkreis ist erwünscht aber nicht Bedingung. Bitte beachten Sie, dass nur Bewerbungen mit Anschreiben, Lebenslauf und ggf. Lichtbild Beachtung finden. Bevorzugt per E-Mail oder Post. - Geforderte Anlagen: Lebenslauf, Zeugnisse; Führerscheine: Fahrerlaubnis B PKW/Kleinbusse (alt: FS 3): Wünschenswert. spanisch (native) Arbeitsort: Berlin Zur Erweiterung unseres Teams im Bereich Travel suchen wir kurzfristig zum nächstmöglichen Termin neue Mitarbeiter (w/m). Aufgaben: ¿ Telefonische Beratung zu komplexen Kundenanfragen aus dem Bereich Travel ¿ Professionelle Kommunikation mit einem breiten Kundenspektrum ¿ Bearbeitung von Kundenvorgängen in einem Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System ¿ Hotel- und Flugticketbuchungen Profil: ¿ Dienstleistungsorientiertes Denken und Handeln ¿ Zuverlässigkeit, Teamfähigkeit und Flexibilität ¿ Gute MS-Office Kenntnisse ¿ Souveränes, professionelles und kundenorientiertes Auftreten ¿ Sehr gute Sprachkenntnisse in Deutsch und idealerweise in Englisch sowie Sprachkenntnisse spanisch auf muttersprachlichem Niveau. Jeder Erfolg hat seinen Anfang. Bewerben Sie sich jetzt über unseren Internetauftritt oder per E-Mail an: Call Center Agents - Travel - SPANISCHE Sprachkenntnissen Arbeitsort: Berlin Wir suchen im Rahmen der Arbeitnehmerüberlassung (Zeitarbeit) mehrere Call-Center-Agenten Inbound (m/w) für den Bereich Travel im Firmendienst. Aufgaben: ¿ Telefonische Beratung zu komplexen Kundenanfragen ¿ Professionelle Kommunikation mit einem breiten Kundenspektrum ¿ Bearbeitung von Kundenvorgängen in einem Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System Profil: ¿ Spanische Sprachkenntnisse (möglichst Muttersprache), erweiterte Englischkenntnisse (da die Schulungen in Englisch durchgeführt werden); Grundkenntnisse Deutsch zur internen Verständigung ¿ Sehr gute MS- Office Kenntnisse ¿ Berufserfahrung in der Tourismusbranche ¿ Präzise, selbständige, verantwortungsbewusste und freundliche Arbeitsweise ¿ Dienstleistungsorientiertes Denken und Handeln ¿ Zuverlässigkeit und Teamfähigkeit Bei Interesse informiert Sie Frau Strube gern telefonisch zum Stellenangebot. Wir freuen uns darauf Sie kennen zu lernen! - Geforderte Anlagen: Lebenslauf, Zeugnisse. ISLANDIA: IRLANDA: 20 AGENTES DE RESERVAS PARA EL MERCADO ESPAÑOL. ALQUILER DE VEHÍCULOS HERTZ, DUBLIN 642351 OFERTA EURES REF. PERFIL DEL CANDIDATO: • Formación mínima: Bachillerato o equivalente • Nacionalidad del EEE (Espacio Económico Europeo) • Aptitudes:  Im porta nte : Ca pa cida d pa ra la s olución de proble m a s y tom a de de cis ione s .  Inglé s Alto. Es pa ñol a lto. S e va lora rá n los conocim ie ntos de Ita lia no  Ca pa cida d de tra ba jo e n e quipo y com unica ción con e l clie nte  Us uario de herramientas informáticas básicas CARACTERÍSTICAS GENERALES DEL PUESTO: • SALARIO: 21.192 € Brutos/año. Posibilidad de plus de rendimiento de 2.300 €/año. Importantes ventajas extra-salariales: plan de pensiones, atención médica, instalaciones de ocio, comedor de empresa, etc. • JORNADA Y HORARIOS:  37.5 h. Semanales Trabajo a turnos, continuos (en su mayor parte) o partidos • RESPONSABILIDADES  Gestión de reservas  Atención al cliente Promoción productos Hertz Información, a través de reuniones de equipo, sobre deseos y quejas de los clientes. • DURACIÓN DEL CONTRATO:  11 contratos permanentes (En/2012). 9 contratos de duración determinada (Marzo/2012). Fecha prevista de finalización: 19/9/2012 • FORMACIÓN ESPECÍFICA a cargo de la empresa sobre herramientas, productos y política de la misma. INFORMACIÓN ADICIONAL:
  • 5. • VIAJE Y ALOJAMIENTO: el ofrecimiento del puesto implica o Contratos permanentes: abono del viaje a Irlanda hasta 200 EUR y alojamiento hasta un máximo de 14 días (Bed and Breakfast) o Contratos eventuales: abono del viaje a Irlanda hasta 100 EUR y alojamiento hasta un máximo de 7 días. o El cese voluntario del trabajador conllevaría la devolución, en concepto de inversión realizada por la compañía, de una cantidad proporcional al tiempo de contrato que quede sin cumplir • FECHAS DE INCORPORACIÓN: Enero (11 puestos permanentes) y Marzo ( 9 puestos, duración determinada), 2.012 • Las entrevistas se realizarán en Valladolid los días 22, 23 y 24/11/2011 CÓMO CONTACTAR: Enviar CV EN INGLÉS “on line” a través del siguiente enlace: Enviar copia del CV a: (EURES Valladolid). La aplicación “online” es imprescindible, así como el envío de copia. Multi-Lingual Technical Support Tele-Agent (Spanish) This a fantastic opportunity to join our dynamic and growing outsources services call centre and work for one of the most funky and high profile brands in the technology world. We are looking to recruit a team of multi-lingual technical support specialists to handle calls from business customers. Responsibilities: Dealing with business sector customers you will receive incoming calls requesting you to resolve technical issues relating to online web applications. You will diagnose basic technical issues with web applications and aim to solve problems. You will be responsible for escalating the more difficult cases accordingly. Using the internal system to log tickets and track actions and communication with customers. A basic understanding of web-based applications is required as is excellent IT skills, a passion for technology, excellent customer service and communication skills. An effective team player who has the ability to work a 24x 7 shift pattern. Fluency in English essential. Submit CV to: Chef (Spanish Tapas) We are currently seeking a Chef for one of our restaurants in the City Centre. The role will involve food preparation, cooking, clean-downs and some kitchen portering shifts. The successful candidate will report to the Head Chef and must be able to show initiative, enthusiasm and pride in their work. Essential criteria: Must be legally entitled to work within Ireland and the EU. A minimum of two years experience in a similar role. Fluent English. Excellent communication skills. A high level of attention to detail. Availability to work flexible hours. A good working knowledge of HACCP. Knowledge of Spanish cooking. Desirable Criteria: HACCP Certified. Please forward a cover letter and CV to Customer Service Representative (Spanish Speaking) To provide excellent customer service to the Marriott Vacation Club International (MVCI) owners and collaborating with associates by managing the processing of Owner issues and serving as a resource for owners relating to the MVCI product, usage and resort information. To assist with all reservations, queries and issues in a timely manner and to a complete resolution. To be responsible for verbal interactions from MVCI owners concerning any usage queries. To be responsible for clients personal data accuracy and responsible for written interactions with clients through the CCR group. ITALIA: Animatori turistici per la stagione invernale - Animateure für die Wintersaison Per la stagione invernale cerchiamo: RESPONSIBILI MINI CLUB E ASSISTENTI MINI CLUB CON BUONA CONOSCENZA DELLA LINGUA TEDESCA. Requisiti: ¿ Titolo di studio : assolvimento dell¿obbligo scolastico ¿ Disponibilità minima di tre mesi continuativi ¿ Buona conoscenza della lingua tedesca ¿ Preferibile il possesso del passaporto e della patente di guida ¿ Capacità di svolgere mansioni ricreative e organizzative di primo piano , come manifestazioni, spettacoli e attività sportive sempre stando a contatto con i bambini ¿ Entusiasmo,orientamento agli altri , spigliatezza,elevate capacità comunicative e di relazione interpersonale, capacità di coinvolgere e motivare Sede di lavoro : Italia. Contratto di Lavoro : Contratto di lavoro a tempo determinato secondo le norme Enpals . Retribuzione : salario mensile netto compreso tra i 500,00 ed i 900,00 (quantificato a seconda dell¿esperienza e del grado di qualificazione professionale) Vitto ed alloggio gratuiti. Inviare c.v con foto a: , e per conoscenza a : , o telefonare allo 0805233374. Für die Wintersaison suchen wir Animateure auch ohne Berufserfahrung. Unterkunft und Verpflegung vorhanden. Senden sie uns eine Bewerbung mit Foto per Email: und zur Kenntniss:: KellnerIn – cameriere/a kellnerIn mit Erfahrung, Saison, mit Unterkunft u. Verpflegung, Gehalt zu vereinbaren - BEWERBUNGSSCHREIBEN & LEBENSLAUF AN: cameriere/a con esperienza, stagiolane con alloggio, stipendio trattabile LETTERA DI PRESENTAZIONE E CV A: Zimmermädchen für Aushilfe am Wochenende Das **** Wellness & Recreation Hotel Schwarzenstein in Luttach/ Ahrntal sucht ab Dezember ein motiviertes, selbstständiges und freundliches Zimmermädchen für die Aushilfe am Wochenende. Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung! OTMAR ZIMMERHOFER & C. KG Information: Otmar Zimmerhofer Address: Dorfstrasse 11 - Via Del Paese 11 39030-Ahrntal - Valle Aurina Phone: +39-0474-674100 Fax: +39-0474-674444 Email:
  • 6. HOLANDA: Nursery employee Tree cultivation / Perennials / woodland and hedgerow plants Nursery employer Duties: work independently, focused on growing and harvesting of crops in the nursery execution, coordination and supervision of assistant employees, attentive to growth disturbance of crop, clods, harvesting, sorting, pruning, planting, counting and binding. Minimum requirements are: knowledge and / or experience of working in the nursery, preferably for forest and shrubbery, good plant knowledge, experience with tractor driving and using machinery, knowledge of English. Working hours: average 38 hours per week spread over six days. Several hours depending on amount of work, will be discussed. Contract until 5/18/2012, payment by collective agreement. Min 1767,- Eur and max 2211,- Eur Application via . After registering pleas ad the vac.number 7787111 to your file by going to the tab "Links", go to "Category" and choose vacancy. Then type the number in the field "Value". Greenhouse employees Employees Growing Greenhouse II with affinity in the nursery Duties: Harvesting, planting, crop care, crop rotation and harvesting of strawberries (plants). During the winter months all work in nurseries (forest plantation) Minimum requirement is: Several years experience in the strawberry (plant) breeding Working hours: average 38 hours per week spread over six days, is in agreement Offered: temporary contract with possibility of permanent employment, payment by CAO Greenhouse D (min 1664,20 euro a month). Application via . After registering pleas ad the vac.number 77399111 to your file by going to the tab "Links", go to "Category" and choose vacancy. Then type the number in the field "Value". Driver for tank transport of ADR goods Activities Transport of hazardous substances in tank trailers. Transportion environment The Netherlands, Germany, Belgian. Day / Night trips in shifts. Business location West part of the Netherland Rijbewijzen C + CE Required certificates Digital driverscard. Drivers qualification card. Certificate for carriage of dangerous goods Language knowledge English Hours per week 40+8 Employment Longterm. We look forward to receiving your application! Please don’t forget to add your CV . Más info: Driver Tipper, Kipper Activities The work consists of transporting building materials such as sand, gravel and soil. Transportion environment The Netherlands. Day trips Business location Middle of the Brabant district(The Netherlands) Rijbewijzen C + CE Required certificates Digital driverscard, Drivers qualification card Language knowledge English Hours per week 40+8 Employment Longterm. We look forward to receiving your application! Please don’t forget to add your CV Más info: Driver for Pallet Distribution & Delivery Activities Loading / unloading and transporting pallets and cargo. Usually there are multiple deliveries per day at several addresses(15 to 20) Transportion environment The Netherlands. Day trips Business location Northern Limburg district(The Netherlands) Rijbewijzen C + CE Required certificates Digital driverscard. Drivers qualification card. Certificate for carriage of dangerous goods Language knowledge English or German Hours per week 40+8 Employment Longterm. We look forward to receiving your application! Please don’t forget to add your CV Más info: Driver for deliveries to supermarkets Activities Loading / unloading and transporting cargo to Supermarkets in the Netherlands.Transportion environment The Netherlands. Day trips Business location The Netherlands Rijbewijzen C + CE Required certificates Digital driverscard. Drivers qualification card. Language knowledge English or German Hours per week 40+8 Employment Longterm. We look forward to receiving your application! Please don’t forget to add your CV Más info: Job Driver with UK experience for Pallet Distribution & Delivery in the big City’s of the United Kingdom Activities Consolidation of cargo and distribution and deliveries in the United Kingdom. Including stay-over at the weekend when necessary Transportion environment The Netherlands and United Kingdom. Multi-day trips with overnight stays Business location Brabant district(The Netherlands) Rijbewijzen C + CE Required certificates Digital driverscard. Drivers qualification card. Certificate for carriage of dangerous goods Language knowledge English Hours per week 40+8 Employment Longterm. We look forward to receiving your application! Please don’t forget to add your CV Más info: Sailors Duties: Vessel maintenance, navigational watch, Cleaning work on board, steering of vessel, rope handling. Required:(licht)matroos: experience, in position of Servicebook/dienstboekje ((licht)sailor/matroos). Willing and being able to learn the Dutch language. Good communication skills, team player, swimming-diplome.Middelbaar beroepsonderwijs/MBO opleiding werken leren.Good knowledge of the English or German language. Salary:min.:¿ 1420,- / ¿1640.- gross a month. Applications by (e-)mail with CV.Please mention the name of the ship and the vacancynumber: 8651310. Shipcrew Information:,, and the eures adviser Barbara Zahuta Si te interesa trabajar estacionalmente en la agricultura en Holanda, regístrate online en:
  • 7. NORUEGA: 2 CNC-dreier KSMV is a modern supplier of machining services to Oil and Gas industry worldwide. Our customers are leading within the subsea sector. We are located in Kristiansand, Norway. Today, we have 100 employees and 6000m2 indoor production facilities. Our company is certified according to quality standard NS-EN ISO 9001:2008 and NS-EN ISO 3834-2. Due to a large increase in customer orders, we are seeking 2 new machine operators for our CNC lathes. We offer various and challenging work tasks, good salaries and working conditions, Strong focus on health, safety, and environment. We prefer that you have long experience as CNC machine operator, experience with programming of CNC machines, show initiative, independent and responsible, are fluent in a Scandinavian language and can communicate in English. Please send your CV and application letter to or via mail to Kristiansands Skruefabrikk & Mek. Verksted AS, P. O. Box 1544 Lundsiden, N-4688 Kristiansand S, Norway. Application deadline: 15.10.2011. Kokk Resept Café is a vegan café in the town centre of Stavanger. We are seeking a cook/ chef with an interest in vegetarian cooking. The position is full time and the working hours are evenings Tuesday to Friday and daytime Saturday. Certification as chef is not obligatory but experience with cooking and working in a kitchen is preferable. The applicant will have the chance to work with a unique menu in one of Norways rare vegan cafés. The applicant must be well organized, independant but cooperative and have the ability to work under pressure. Resept Café boasts a creative, intimate and warm working environment. Kokk We need experienced cook for our a la carte restaurant in town center in Bergen. Bergen is a wonderful city on the west coast of Norway, Salsa Bar & Grill Information: Eirik Villand, tlf. 900 90 465 Address: Vågsalmenning 6 5014 BERGEN Phone: 55232100 Email: Hjelpearbeider jordbruk I am a Norwegian farmer, Ivar Hognestad, who is looking for a worker ,one person, at my farm.girl or boy. My basic productions are eggs and meat, not milking cows. All my farm, fields and production are ecological ! I am looking for a worker, for short or for longer time! I hope for a long time. I have a free small flat for you, in our basement with your own entrense. Nice if you can speak some english or german. Good if you can or want to learn to drive tractor. You need some experiense from cows and tractordriving. Write back if you are interested. Starting time: As son as possible Greetings from Ivar Hognestad. Busdriver/ guide Bus driver / guide at Tromsø Villmarkssenter Tromsø Villmarkssenter is a tourism company based on outdoor activities located in Tromsø, Norway. Our main activity is dog sledding in winter. We are offering winter and summer activities to guests for 20 years. Our team is made of 25 employees from worldwide. Welcome to visit our web site: We are looking for a bus driver / guide for the winter 2011/2012. (Mid-November 2011 to end of April 2012). The position involves mainly the transport of guests from/to Tromsø and the guiding of the guests in dog sledding tours. We are looking for an enthusiasm person, who likes the outdoor and enjoys working in a team. The commitment is based on weekly shift, and the position is 50% to 100%. Requirements: Bus driving licence up to 32 seats English fluent. Handler / Guide Handler /trainee at a small adventure company in Arctic - with focus on huskies We have one position free as handler for the period of one year with start 15th of October 2011. All tasks in connection to our company will required that you participate in such as: - all care of the dogs, cleaning, training, guiding - cleaning huts, rooms, restaurants and outdoor areas summer and winter - serving food - transport of guests - including local guiding We do want a trainee that: - are outgoing - easy to cooperate with - hard working - responsible - knows minimum English on a good level, but also German and Norwegian is good - no vegetarian or other food preferences since we do eat often with our guests, and all guides/trainees has to eat the local food we serve ALL applications needs to contain 1. a personal application - why do you want to work with our company 2. a full cv 3. minimum 3 references with both phone number and mail address. Ofertas de empleo en Noruega (en inglés): ( buscar enlace: NAV EURES in English )
  • 8. ESPAÑA: CAMARERA Se necesita Camarera para Hostelería: Prestará servicios de café y restaurante. Se trata de un establecimiento con dos empleados situado en Ciudad Rodrigo, Salamanca. La empresa facilita alojamiento y manutención. El contrato será temporal, a tiempo parcial y el salario será el establecido según Convenio. Interesadas enviar Curriculum y carta de presentación a la dirección de contacto. DÑA. ENRIQUETA CASCALES MOLINA Address: BENIDORM AVDA. YURRAMENDI, 1 CIUDAD RODRIGO, 37500 SALAMANCA, ESPAÑA Phone: 923 46 10 68 OFERTAS DE ANIMADORES TURÍSTICOS , MUSICOS Y CANTANTES Y TERAPEUTAS SPA PARA IBEROSTAR: IBEROSTAR is one of the leading European chains of holiday resort hotels, recognized around the world for their prestige and quality, with more than 100 hotels in the 3 to 5 star category in 28 countries: Spain (Canary Islands, Balearic Islands, Andalusia), Bulgaria, Greece, Tunisia, Morocco, Turkey, Croatia, Montenegro, Cyprus, the Caribbean (Cuba, Mexico, Brazil, Dominican Republic and Jamaica). For our hotels in SPAIN Requirements:Preferably with at least one year working experience in similar position Professionalism .Enthusiastic and motivated persons with a positive attitude, who understands the meaning of quality and service.Personal initiative, be ready to work in a team and cooperate with the respective departments.Willing to relocate during the summer season.We offer:Good working atmosphere in a dynamic environment .Attractive remuneration (Starting from 1300 €/bruto/month).(Salaries will be agreed on individually)Official Spanish Contract and Insurance.Contract from May 2012 (3 to 6 months).Accommodation and meals provided by the company.Travel expenses support once the contract is finished.Free training course (April 2012).How to apply ?: If you are interested , send your CV (in English, Europass format or sending your EURES- account- number ), with a recent photo and motivation letter (indicating the cities or country you prefer for interview ,in case you are preselected) and writing the EURES ref.27884 in the SUBJET of message to EURES BALEARES : MANAGEMENT STAFF IBEROSTAR Iberostar, one of the leading European chains of holidays resorts, recognized around the world for their prestige and quality with more than 100 hotels in the 3 to 5 star category in Europe & the Caribbean, is looking for qualified and professional personal for the management sectors in our hotels in Spain (Mallorca, Andalucia and the Canary Islands) to focus on strategic and operational development of hotel management. Requirements • Speaking at least 2 european languages • Geographic flexibility • Preferably at least one year working experience in similar position • Enthusiastic and motivated persons with a positive attitude who understands the meaning of quality and service • Professional organizational skills and leadership ability We offer • Good working atmosphere in a dynamic environment • Official Social Security and Spanish contract • Contract from May 2012 ( 3 to 6 months) • Attractive remuneration (Salaries will be agreed on individually) • Opportunities for professional development • Accommodation and meals by the company (will be agreed on individually) How to apply ?: If you are interested , send your CV (in English, Europass format or sending your EURES- account- number ), with a recent photo and motivation letter (indicating the cities or country you prefer for interview ,in case you are preselected) and writing the EURES ref.27881 in the SUBJET of message to EURES BALEARES : When to know if you are selected for interviews? If not, the EA will send a letter. If yes, the employer will send an invitation 3 days before the proof or the audition, with the city and address better for you ,by mail or phone. It not be more than a week after the dead line date. Cities for interviews: Ofertas de trabajo en España en SUECIA: Heavy Bus and Truck maintance mechanicer Maintance mechanicer for heavy buses and trucks in the aftermarket. Documented professional maintance of heavy truck and bus with at least 3 years of experince. The professional experience has to be with MAN, Volvo, Scania or Mercedes. Effekt Europaresurs is a well established Human recourse company with a wide range of services. We solve your personal problem such as successful recruiting or permanent
  • 9. staffing by matching the people with the right experience and skills. With us as partner your human resourse problem will be solved. Toda la información aquí: Household services We work with everything to help older people in their homes. Household services like cleaning, washing and easier reparations etc. At your service Information: Kajsa Söderholm Address: Prästgårdsgatan 19 H, 59836 Vimmerby, Sweden Phone: 0046738492829 Email: Farm worker Employer is looking for an experienced farmworker with different kind of tasks. Taking care of slaughterpigs, beefcows and different crops. Employer wants you to have knowledge about swedish rules concerning breeding pigs and beefcows. The contract is for one year, and the employer can offer lodging. Salary according Collective Agreement. Send your CV and letter by mail to the employer. REINO UNIDO: 4 PUESTOS, SERVICIO DE ATENCIÓN AL CLIENTE CON ESPAÑOL E INGLÉS. OMAGH (IRLANDA DEL NORTE) EURES REF NI977394. EMPRESA: MPA Recruitment – Omagh; . PERFIL DEL CANDIDATO: • Español e inglés fluidos • Nacionalidad del EEE (Espacio Económico Europeo) • Aptitudes:  Conocim iee Internet. dos de Word, Excel ntos a va nza  Inglés alto. Español alto.  P re fe rible co reclamaciones.CARACTERÍSTICAS GENERALES DEL PUESTO: • Permanente/Jornada completa. Lunes a viernes • Responsable de la atención a quejas y reclamaciones en coordinación con el equipo directivo, • Elaboración respuestas por escrito • FORMACIÓN ESPECÍFICA a cargo de la empresa. • FECHA DE INCORPORACIÓN: Nov, 2.011 Toda la info en: Dental Technicians We are searching for a dental technician for a well established dental laboratory in Birmingham. The lab works both on the NHS and private side. Applicants must be hold a relevant qualification and have previous experience of producing ceramic dental applicants within a commercial dental lab. Applications are treated confidentially. Varios puestos en diferentes ciudades de UK. Toda la info en: (Buscar Reino Unido) Travel Customer Services Agent - Spanish Speaking JOB DUTIES : Deals with customer enquiries by telephone and email etc. in a friendly, responsive and efficient manner. Focuses on the customer to ensure that absolute ownership is assumed during every customer contact. Ensures that the highest levels of quality and honesty are maintained through adherence to agreed processes and Service Level Agreements. Proactively seeks ways to improve both own and the teams standards of customer service delivery. Actively engages in your approach to ongoing learning to ensure sufficient knowledge to excel in the role. Participates as an enthusiastic and supporting member of a highly focused customer service team. Agents will be responsible for identifying up/cross selling opportunities and educating the customer on all possible options/items of interest. They will provide customer support and provide advanced troubleshooting services to customers. OTHER INFO : None. SALARY INFO : To be discussed with employer. Fluency in written and spoken English. Fluency in written and spoken Spanish. 6 months previous experience in a Customer Service environment providing inbound telephone support. Experience in Microsoft Office and Internet. Demonstrates experience of working in a team based environment supporting the team in achieving the highest quality standards and takes an active role in generating team morale. Ability to multitask, plan and prioritise workload. Excellent communication skills both verbal and written. Demonstrates problem solving and troubleshooting skills. Demonstrates ownership and accountability to achieve deadlines and targets. Spanish: Fluent Spanish IT Sales Representative Spanish IT Sales Representative - Liverpool, MerseysideAdecco is a leading recruitment consultancy, who is currently seeking to recruit an experienced Spanish IT Sales Representative to work for our client based in Liverpool. This fantastic permanent opportunity would be ideal for someone who is looking to further their Sales career within a prestigious organisation. The hours of work are full time, 40 hours each week, between 08:00 to 17:00.The IT Sales Representative will support a growing sales organisation as part of their responsibilities.Responsibilities include, however not limited to: -*IT Sales(no cold calling)*Applications of databases to research accounts and uncover new opportunities *Generation of sales quotations *Manage the entire services sales cycle from prospect to close *Generate reports for internal use*Ensure the integrity of client information is maintained Qualifications and experience: -*Relevant experience*Fluency in Spanish an English is essential *Previous experience within IT Sales preferable but not essential *Strong communication and reporting skills *Excellent team player *Proven ability to form business relationships In return the successful applicant will receive a competitive salary of 17,000 - 21,000 pa with an attractive bonus and benefits package. If you have the required skills and experience and would like to apply for this role please email your up to date CV . Adecco aim to respond to all applicant's, however due to the large volume of application's we receive this may not always be possible. Should you not receive a response within five working days please accept this as notification that you have not been short-listed on this occasion. Adecco is an equal opportunities employer. To Apply for this job visit our website. 118419366/job.html
  • 10. Warehouse Operative We are seeking a general operative on a temp to perm basis. Duties include:- Stock control, general warehouse duties, mixing and weighing ingredients, general production work and cleaning of machines after use. You are required to be both numerate an. is required. This is an excellent opportunity to learn all roles within the warehouse and grow with this company.. You can apply for this job by telephoning +44 1923 631028 and asking for Sean Pike. CARE WORKERS We are committed to providing high quality care to individuals in their own homes. Our care workers provide both practical and personal assistance which may include washing, dressing, toileting, meal preparation, housework and medication prompts. Thi. looking for Care Workers to work in the Ellesmere Port area. You must be aged 18 plus as providing personal care and able to work flexible hours as we work in shifts 7 days a week so various hours available. Previous experience is not necessary as full training is provided. We offer a competitive hourly rate, paid holidays, an employee benefit scheme and most of all job satisfaction.. Applicants to ring 0333 999 2583 or email PRODUCTION OPERATIVE Member of a team responsible for the packaging and despatching of herbal mixtures cigarettes. Responsibilities involve ensuring a quality product is supplied to customers, and monitoring at each stage of the production and packaging process that our. machine operations experience an advantage.. Pension available. You can apply for this job by telephoning +44 1473 467940 and asking for Anthony Mulcrone. SUPPORT WORKERS We are recruiting additional staff to provide support to service users who have a learning disability and complex needs. Some behaviour can challenge the services, therefore we need confident, calm and person centred staff who can support service users to experience a valued life and enjoy a wide range of opportunities for personal development. We will. support you with full training including NVQs. The ability to drive is desirable. Applicants must be flexible and willing to work shifts which may include waking nights and sleep-ins. Successful applicants are required to provide an enhanced disclosure. Disclosure expense will be met by the employer.. email or visit -- When applying quote ref 3415JCP. Pension available. SUIZA: COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT ASSISTANT APPLICANT PROFILE:25/30 years old.Own car.Commercial assistant studies.Command of Spanish language.Fluent in English and German. MS Office user.Resident in Zurich area.Two year experience in a similar position. POST PROFILE:KEY RESPONSIBILITIES:Commercial department sssistant.Export Manager’s assistant.Customer service.Coordination with Spanish factory.Receiving orders, loading them and follow up. Making offers and invoices.PROFESSIONAL SKILLS VALUED:Easy going, friendly and decisive person willing to collaborate. WE OFFER:Working in Spanish manufactured outdoor lighting marketing company.Salary negotiable.Working day: Monday to Friday. Partial or full day negotiable.Start immediately.Interested candidates must send CV to the following email address: Ref: ATP Ofertas de empleo en Suiza: Servicio Público de Empleo Suizo (web en inglés, ofertas en diferentes idiomas):