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France history

France history is one of the oldest in Europe, States although only appears with the name of the
middle ages in a difficult of irrefutable way to specify date. Recognizes fully Gaul as background
history of France, although Gaul was a slightly wider than the current French European surface.

In European hegemonic wars France attempted to impose several times and that is why, at
different times was facing Europe (by separately, or Board) as a counterweight to the French
expansionism. It happened with Charlemagne (Charles, "The great") in the 9th century, Louis XIV
("the Sun King") in the 17TH century, and Napoleon I ("Great" Napoleon) in the 19th century.


[edit] there are important remains of the lower Palaeolithic in the Somme and the traditional
Pyrenees (Neanderthal man), as well as in La Ferrasie, La Chapelle-aux-Saints, Le Moustier. The
Upper Paleolithic abundant traces of Cro-Magnon men, Grimaldi and Chancelade, dated to about
25,000 years old, which are located in the Valley of Dordoña.1 between the world's most famous
cave paintings are of Lascaux and Font Gaume, in the French Pyrenees.

In the Mesolithic some agricultural activities were replaced in importance to the caves and the
Neolithic (from the 3rd millennium BC) was the megalithic culture (employed menhirs, dolmens
and burials). From about 1500 BC starts the age of bronze, developing trade routes.

Homo erectus acheulean industry tools have been found of 900,000 years ago in the Le Vallonnet
cave in southern France. The cultures and the iron age Celts located within first millennium to. C.

Geography of France

the French Republic (local name Republique française) is a State of Western Europe, consisting of a
metropolitan part and a number of overseas departments. Metropolitan France is bordered by
four seas: the North Sea, the Canal of la Mancha, the Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea, and
around the island of Corsica. With a metropolitan area of 544 435 square kilometre (675 417 km2
with the overseas territories). France extends over 1000 km from North to South and East West.

Human geography France

Human geography France total population of 64.057.792 inhabitants, for metropolitan France was
estimated in July 2009 62.150.775 inhabitants. Ethnic groups: Celtic and latinos with Teutonic
minorities, Slavic, norteafricanas, indochinas and Basques. In the overseas departments are
whites, blacks, mulattoes, Eastern, Chinese, and Native American Indian. Regarding religion, the
French are mostly Catholic 83-88%, there are 2%, Jewish 1%, Muslim Protestant 5% - 10% and 4%
religious affiliation. In the overseas departments other than Christians and Muslims, there are
Hindus, Buddhists and pagans. The languages spoken are French 100%, languages and regional
dialects declined rapidly (Provençal, Breton, Alsatian, Corsican, Catalan, Basque and Flemish). The
overseas departments speaks French and Creole patois.

The major French cities are Paris, seat of the Government, Lyon, Marseille and Lille.

France is divided into 26 regions, of which 22 are located in metropolitan France (one, Corsica, is
more specifically a territorial collectivity) and four overseas regions.

• The 22 regions of metropolitan France:

1 Alsace 2. 3 Aquitaine. Auvergne 4. Low 5 Normandy. 6 Burgundy. 7 Britain. Centre 8.
Champagne-Ardennes 9. 10 Island. Franco County 11. High 12 Normandy. 13 French island.
Languedoc-Roussillon 14. Limousan 15. Lorraine 16. Midi-Pyrénées 17. Nord - Pas - de - Calais 18.
The 19 Loire country. Picardy 20. Western 21. Alpes - Costa Azul 22. Rhône-Alpes

Economic geography of France

natural resources are: coal, iron ore, bauxite, zinc, uranium, antimony, arsenic, potash, feldspar,
fluorite, plaster, wood and fishing. There are deposits of gold, oil, kaolin, niobium, tantalum and
clay in French Guyana.

As regards land use: arable land; 33,46% permanent crops, 2.03%; other, % 64,51. The figures are
other overseas France.

Egadío in metropolitan France, are 26,000 square kilometres (2003).

La Défense in Paris, seen from the Eiffel Tower business district.

Climate of France

Climate of France with regard to the climate, although France is part of temperate, with heat in
summer. The influence of the Mediterranean is manifested by mild and short winters and
summers torridos.

The relief available accentuating contrasts temperatures, since the mountain massifs prevent the
influence of the ocean in the plains of E. In the summer temperatures increase significantly n. s.;
NO regions. Enjoy a summer moderate without excessive heat, which contrasts with the hot
summers of the S. and region Mediterranean (the average temperature of July in Brest is 16.6 °
and Marseille 24.1 °). In winter temperatures declined o. e., reflecting the influence of the oceanic
masses; in most continental regions cold is strong and persistent. Strasbourg has an average
temperature in January of 1.6 and 69 days of frost. In the eastern regions the existence of a relief
in channels (Rhône Groove) channels the NS wind; the mistral dry and cold that blows in the Valley
of the Rhone is the most important. Precipitation are moderate in nature, but are rare regions
where rainfall is less than 500 mm. The rainfall is abundant in the Atlantic façade and low in the
plains in the interior regions cherished by the relief and in the Mediterranean area (Marseille, 555
mm) and mountainous areas. In continental regions rains fall mainly in summer and in the form of
showers; in the Mediterranean regions precipitation, irregular and violent, occur at the beginning
and end of the winter. Throughout France climate is characterized by an unstable, resulting time
fight extienen country air masses. In winter continental and dry, cold air is pushed by the winds of
e. Contrarrestadas by the Atlantic depressions that coming on the country and dulvifican climate;
summer invasion of tropical air is limited by the winds of O.

Three characteristic climatic areas can be distinguished: of the dominido Ocean, the
Mediterranean domain and the continental. The area under the oceanic influences is the most
extensive and covers most of the country, while the pure oceanic climate exists only in Brittany
and Normandy. Characterized by an unstable winds quickly modify the atmospheric state time,
and not excessive temperatures; the mists and rain attenuate the winter cold. Abundant rainfall,
although vary by region; the number of days pluviosos is always high: 2 days 5 in Paris (813 mm)
and 3 out of 5 in Brest (1298 mm), which has more than 200 days of rain per year. Crachin fine and
penetrating, rain falls in Britain, mainly in autumn and winter. The forest of oak and beech trees
and meadows and Moors are mixed with other species such as pine and birch. In Britain the
clearance has extended the bocage and the Moors at the expense of the forest. Too cool exclusive
vine cultivation, but the coarse grains, the Apple trees, forage plants and vegetables are arranged
to this climate. In the Aquitaine basin desapacibles, mild and Misty winters remind the Breton
winters (Bordeaux receives 1137 mm annually). The heavy rains and showers emborronan fresh
and late spring, summer, however, somewhat warmer and drier, continues with a sunny autumn.

The Paris Basin oceanic climate is gradient of O E. The much stronger winter is marked by periods
of cold, snow and sharp frosts; summer is warm and characterized by blustery rainy continental
character. The average January temperature in Paris is 2.2 ° and July 18.2 °. The Mediterranean
domain is characterized by dry and bright sky; its area is little long because it is limited by the Alps
and the Cévennes mountain box. The latitude and the influence of the Mediterranean lead to mild
winters and torrid summers in Marseille January temperature is 7.1 ° and nice 8th, and the
average July of 24.1 and 20.9 °, respectively. Continental climate comprises the eastern lands of
the country; Plains and valleys warm for the mountain, massifs that do not benefit from the
influence of the winds of O. Characterized by the accused, stations with raw and dry winters, and
the local winds accentuates these characters. Less abundant and irregular rainfall fall mainly in
summer, especially in Alsace (Strasbourg, 631 mm), and in the autumn, in the Valley of the Rhone.
The mountain climate is determined by the main factor is the altitude. Characterized by raw, long
winters, short, cool summers and abundant rainfall (between 1500 and 2000 mm). Prairies and
outstanding low crops happens the lush forest and coniferous; between the 1500 m and 2000 m
appears the alpag

Flora of France

 the flora of the island changes depending on the altitude. Less than 1000 m, prevailing low
mount, vegetation including Myrtle bushes, tree Heath, rockrose, Strawberry trees and Asphodel.
At this stage often can be green, cork oaks, Oaks, olives, and chestnut trees. Forests of pine and
beech trees dominate between 1,000 and 1,800 m In excess of 1,800 m the vegetation becomes
increasingly more difficult to see and consists essentially of meadows

fauna of France

the fauna, sedentary sometimes and many migratory, who lives in the Armoricana peninsula
explores far reaching the limits of the Arctic circle in certain species. Britain, first French region in
seabirds, reproduction is a paradise for ornithologists. With some discretion, can observe
numerous species such as the great Cormorant, the Gannet, little penguins, common Puffin,
Chough chova and many more. There's no reason to miss this great opportunity to see rare

Although they have sighted about 25 species of marine mammals in Britain in the last 20 years,
most of them not approaching Earth. Only the grey seal, the common seal and the large dolphin
are left view in the Bay of Mont Saint-Michel, near of the island of Sein and Molène archipelago.
The little humpback whales, orcas, or sperm whales venturing by these latitudes not typically take
to abandon them and follow its path towards other more conducive waters. The Beaver and Otter
semi-aquatic mammals are well adapted to the Breton water courses. On the other hand,
endangered, threatened, European Mink is the competence of his cousin, the American mink.
About 50 species of land mammals have been surveyed in Britain, including several species
protected bats.

Traditions of France

Traditions of France due to the heterogeneity of the population, the State of Guerrero has very
different traditions in each region. Music and dance also have very particular features which you
can see the mix of the various ethnic groups that have lived in the entity. Tierra Caliente dances
taste and are. Both from the so-called "hot Earth Sonecillo" and the syrup that brought Spanish
artistic caravans bread.
Originating in the Costa Chica of Guerrero named trough, adopted and adapted to the feeling and
the tixtlecos style "starts them grass" and syrups are dancing as an are preamble (right or
imitation) palomo or Chilean, giving rise to form the fandango in Tixtla neighborhoods.

Customs of France

 Customs of France from the French usual welcomed and firing with a handshake, which must not
be strong because it would be considered a lack of respect. Among the friends and family is also
common to greet with a kiss, practice is widespread among men.

Are most common greetings Bonjour, which is to say good morning, and Comment allez-vous? or
Ça goes - more informal - mean how are you?? Usually accompanied with the name of the person
who greets.

It is a custom among the French arrive at a social gathering last 15 or 20 minutes from the agreed
upon time. Which is not bad seen, but greater than these delays.

Vacation prefer to spend it in their own country doing various activities such as camping, skiing,
and so on. Although people who choose to distant places to vacation is gradually increasing.

Symbols of France

the flag of France: monarchs ruled in France used distinctly three colors: Blue, white and red.

The blue flag flew for the coronation of Charlemagne, evokes the San Martin offered a poor layer.

Clovis to Charles X, the actual layer is blue sky, adorned with gold Fleur-de-lis symbol of loyalty and

Under the reign of Hugh Capet and under their descendants, the standard of the King will be the
Red oriflamme San Dionisio, protector of the Kingdom.

1638 To 1790, white was the Royal flag and the flag of the Navy color. From 1814 to 1830, white
was also the color of the flags of the Royal Army.

Anthem of France: Claude-Joseph Rouget de Lisle, master of engineering in Strasbourg, Garrison
composed this air during the night of 24 to 25 April 1792, at the request of the Mayor of the city,
Baron Dietrich. Singing, entitled Chant de guerre pour l ' armée du Rhin (Canto of war for the army
of the Rhine), spread in the country. A general of the army of Egypt, François Mireur, who had
come to Marseille in preparing the joint March of the volunteers of Montpellier and Marseille,
introduced him with the title of Chant de guerre aux armés aux frontières (border armies war
chant). Marsellesas troops then adopted it as progress singing. So intoned into Paris, on 30 July
1792, and the Parisians what baptized as La Marseillaise.

During the first Republic, this hymn was part of the air and civic songs contributed to the triumph
of the revolution. The two Empires, restoration, and the second Spanish Republic preferred songs
of circumstances. It was not until the third Republic when La Marseillaise regained its national
anthem on all those occasions in which military bands have play an official air range. The French
State retains and freed French Government again to give a first-order on the anthem of informal
status, i.e. Le Chant des Partisans (Canto of the partisans). The Marseillaise will finally be instituted
as the national anthem in the Constitution of the IV and V Republic (article 2 of the Constitution of
4 October 1958). In 1974, Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, the then President of the Republic, makes
change according to the ancient scores and to harmonize with a different pace. From 1981, the
Anthem interpreted again according to the scores and pace until 1974.

The Gallic Rooster

 Rooster symbol (in Latin, Gaul and Rooster mean the same) was widely used as a religious symbol,
sign of hope and faith. From the Renaissance was when the history of the Rooster began to link up
with the idea of French nationality.

And in the revolutionary period, when it was consecrated the Rooster as representation of
national identity. The history of France has as it appears on a shield emblazoned with the
Phrygian, Cap on the label of the first consul and fraternity allegory often carries a cane topped
with a rooster.

Later, Napoleon replaced the Republic by the Empire and, thereafter, Eagle replaces the cock with
the Emperor the Rooster did not have any force and could not be the image of an empire as

Although eventually, with the dissolution of the Empire, appeared again the rooster and today in
day still remains as emblem (minor), and is present in the Louvre and the Palace of Versailles.

Food typical

French cuisine is a constant in the life of the French element; simply consider some of the country
epicúreas delight to appreciate the French culinary enthusiasm: foie-gras, truffles, roquefort,
seafood, succulent snails collected in the vineyards, fruit, cakes and so on. But you can not live
only escargot and vin de table. The French population of Northern Africa and Asia has contributed
in the Gallic, bringing color and spices to many dishes kitchen. A typical day begins with a bowl of
café au lait, a croissant and a thin slice of bread generously greased with butter and jam.
The lunch and dinner are quite similar; may include a first tête pâté (head of pork in jelly) or
bouillabaise (fish soup), followed by a second dish of blanquette veau (white sauce beef stew) and,
finally, a plateau of fromage (table cheese) or a tarte aux fromage dish pommes (Apple Cake).
Before meals, you typically serve a snack as the Kir (sweetened with syrup white wine); the digestif
(Armagnac brandy or cognac) is served to the end. Other beverages that help digestion and
stimulate conversation are: the espresso, beer and spirits as pastís (90% of alcohol flavored with
aniseed and the Absinthe cousin) and the best wines of the world.

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France history

  • 1. France history France history is one of the oldest in Europe, States although only appears with the name of the middle ages in a difficult of irrefutable way to specify date. Recognizes fully Gaul as background history of France, although Gaul was a slightly wider than the current French European surface. In European hegemonic wars France attempted to impose several times and that is why, at different times was facing Europe (by separately, or Board) as a counterweight to the French expansionism. It happened with Charlemagne (Charles, "The great") in the 9th century, Louis XIV ("the Sun King") in the 17TH century, and Napoleon I ("Great" Napoleon) in the 19th century. Prehistory [edit] there are important remains of the lower Palaeolithic in the Somme and the traditional Pyrenees (Neanderthal man), as well as in La Ferrasie, La Chapelle-aux-Saints, Le Moustier. The Upper Paleolithic abundant traces of Cro-Magnon men, Grimaldi and Chancelade, dated to about 25,000 years old, which are located in the Valley of Dordoña.1 between the world's most famous cave paintings are of Lascaux and Font Gaume, in the French Pyrenees. In the Mesolithic some agricultural activities were replaced in importance to the caves and the Neolithic (from the 3rd millennium BC) was the megalithic culture (employed menhirs, dolmens and burials). From about 1500 BC starts the age of bronze, developing trade routes. Homo erectus acheulean industry tools have been found of 900,000 years ago in the Le Vallonnet cave in southern France. The cultures and the iron age Celts located within first millennium to. C. Geography of France the French Republic (local name Republique française) is a State of Western Europe, consisting of a metropolitan part and a number of overseas departments. Metropolitan France is bordered by four seas: the North Sea, the Canal of la Mancha, the Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea, and around the island of Corsica. With a metropolitan area of 544 435 square kilometre (675 417 km2 with the overseas territories). France extends over 1000 km from North to South and East West. Human geography France Human geography France total population of 64.057.792 inhabitants, for metropolitan France was estimated in July 2009 62.150.775 inhabitants. Ethnic groups: Celtic and latinos with Teutonic minorities, Slavic, norteafricanas, indochinas and Basques. In the overseas departments are whites, blacks, mulattoes, Eastern, Chinese, and Native American Indian. Regarding religion, the French are mostly Catholic 83-88%, there are 2%, Jewish 1%, Muslim Protestant 5% - 10% and 4% religious affiliation. In the overseas departments other than Christians and Muslims, there are Hindus, Buddhists and pagans. The languages spoken are French 100%, languages and regional
  • 2. dialects declined rapidly (Provençal, Breton, Alsatian, Corsican, Catalan, Basque and Flemish). The overseas departments speaks French and Creole patois. The major French cities are Paris, seat of the Government, Lyon, Marseille and Lille. France is divided into 26 regions, of which 22 are located in metropolitan France (one, Corsica, is more specifically a territorial collectivity) and four overseas regions. • The 22 regions of metropolitan France: 1 Alsace 2. 3 Aquitaine. Auvergne 4. Low 5 Normandy. 6 Burgundy. 7 Britain. Centre 8. Champagne-Ardennes 9. 10 Island. Franco County 11. High 12 Normandy. 13 French island. Languedoc-Roussillon 14. Limousan 15. Lorraine 16. Midi-Pyrénées 17. Nord - Pas - de - Calais 18. The 19 Loire country. Picardy 20. Western 21. Alpes - Costa Azul 22. Rhône-Alpes Economic geography of France natural resources are: coal, iron ore, bauxite, zinc, uranium, antimony, arsenic, potash, feldspar, fluorite, plaster, wood and fishing. There are deposits of gold, oil, kaolin, niobium, tantalum and clay in French Guyana. As regards land use: arable land; 33,46% permanent crops, 2.03%; other, % 64,51. The figures are other overseas France. Egadío in metropolitan France, are 26,000 square kilometres (2003). La Défense in Paris, seen from the Eiffel Tower business district. Climate of France Climate of France with regard to the climate, although France is part of temperate, with heat in summer. The influence of the Mediterranean is manifested by mild and short winters and summers torridos. The relief available accentuating contrasts temperatures, since the mountain massifs prevent the influence of the ocean in the plains of E. In the summer temperatures increase significantly n. s.; NO regions. Enjoy a summer moderate without excessive heat, which contrasts with the hot summers of the S. and region Mediterranean (the average temperature of July in Brest is 16.6 °
  • 3. and Marseille 24.1 °). In winter temperatures declined o. e., reflecting the influence of the oceanic masses; in most continental regions cold is strong and persistent. Strasbourg has an average temperature in January of 1.6 and 69 days of frost. In the eastern regions the existence of a relief in channels (Rhône Groove) channels the NS wind; the mistral dry and cold that blows in the Valley of the Rhone is the most important. Precipitation are moderate in nature, but are rare regions where rainfall is less than 500 mm. The rainfall is abundant in the Atlantic façade and low in the plains in the interior regions cherished by the relief and in the Mediterranean area (Marseille, 555 mm) and mountainous areas. In continental regions rains fall mainly in summer and in the form of showers; in the Mediterranean regions precipitation, irregular and violent, occur at the beginning and end of the winter. Throughout France climate is characterized by an unstable, resulting time fight extienen country air masses. In winter continental and dry, cold air is pushed by the winds of e. Contrarrestadas by the Atlantic depressions that coming on the country and dulvifican climate; summer invasion of tropical air is limited by the winds of O. Three characteristic climatic areas can be distinguished: of the dominido Ocean, the Mediterranean domain and the continental. The area under the oceanic influences is the most extensive and covers most of the country, while the pure oceanic climate exists only in Brittany and Normandy. Characterized by an unstable winds quickly modify the atmospheric state time, and not excessive temperatures; the mists and rain attenuate the winter cold. Abundant rainfall, although vary by region; the number of days pluviosos is always high: 2 days 5 in Paris (813 mm) and 3 out of 5 in Brest (1298 mm), which has more than 200 days of rain per year. Crachin fine and penetrating, rain falls in Britain, mainly in autumn and winter. The forest of oak and beech trees and meadows and Moors are mixed with other species such as pine and birch. In Britain the clearance has extended the bocage and the Moors at the expense of the forest. Too cool exclusive vine cultivation, but the coarse grains, the Apple trees, forage plants and vegetables are arranged to this climate. In the Aquitaine basin desapacibles, mild and Misty winters remind the Breton winters (Bordeaux receives 1137 mm annually). The heavy rains and showers emborronan fresh and late spring, summer, however, somewhat warmer and drier, continues with a sunny autumn. The Paris Basin oceanic climate is gradient of O E. The much stronger winter is marked by periods of cold, snow and sharp frosts; summer is warm and characterized by blustery rainy continental character. The average January temperature in Paris is 2.2 ° and July 18.2 °. The Mediterranean domain is characterized by dry and bright sky; its area is little long because it is limited by the Alps and the Cévennes mountain box. The latitude and the influence of the Mediterranean lead to mild winters and torrid summers in Marseille January temperature is 7.1 ° and nice 8th, and the average July of 24.1 and 20.9 °, respectively. Continental climate comprises the eastern lands of the country; Plains and valleys warm for the mountain, massifs that do not benefit from the influence of the winds of O. Characterized by the accused, stations with raw and dry winters, and the local winds accentuates these characters. Less abundant and irregular rainfall fall mainly in summer, especially in Alsace (Strasbourg, 631 mm), and in the autumn, in the Valley of the Rhone. The mountain climate is determined by the main factor is the altitude. Characterized by raw, long winters, short, cool summers and abundant rainfall (between 1500 and 2000 mm). Prairies and
  • 4. outstanding low crops happens the lush forest and coniferous; between the 1500 m and 2000 m appears the alpag Flora of France the flora of the island changes depending on the altitude. Less than 1000 m, prevailing low mount, vegetation including Myrtle bushes, tree Heath, rockrose, Strawberry trees and Asphodel. At this stage often can be green, cork oaks, Oaks, olives, and chestnut trees. Forests of pine and beech trees dominate between 1,000 and 1,800 m In excess of 1,800 m the vegetation becomes increasingly more difficult to see and consists essentially of meadows fauna of France the fauna, sedentary sometimes and many migratory, who lives in the Armoricana peninsula explores far reaching the limits of the Arctic circle in certain species. Britain, first French region in seabirds, reproduction is a paradise for ornithologists. With some discretion, can observe numerous species such as the great Cormorant, the Gannet, little penguins, common Puffin, Chough chova and many more. There's no reason to miss this great opportunity to see rare species. Although they have sighted about 25 species of marine mammals in Britain in the last 20 years, most of them not approaching Earth. Only the grey seal, the common seal and the large dolphin are left view in the Bay of Mont Saint-Michel, near of the island of Sein and Molène archipelago. The little humpback whales, orcas, or sperm whales venturing by these latitudes not typically take to abandon them and follow its path towards other more conducive waters. The Beaver and Otter semi-aquatic mammals are well adapted to the Breton water courses. On the other hand, endangered, threatened, European Mink is the competence of his cousin, the American mink. About 50 species of land mammals have been surveyed in Britain, including several species protected bats. Traditions of France Traditions of France due to the heterogeneity of the population, the State of Guerrero has very different traditions in each region. Music and dance also have very particular features which you can see the mix of the various ethnic groups that have lived in the entity. Tierra Caliente dances taste and are. Both from the so-called "hot Earth Sonecillo" and the syrup that brought Spanish artistic caravans bread.
  • 5. Originating in the Costa Chica of Guerrero named trough, adopted and adapted to the feeling and the tixtlecos style "starts them grass" and syrups are dancing as an are preamble (right or imitation) palomo or Chilean, giving rise to form the fandango in Tixtla neighborhoods. Customs of France Customs of France from the French usual welcomed and firing with a handshake, which must not be strong because it would be considered a lack of respect. Among the friends and family is also common to greet with a kiss, practice is widespread among men. Are most common greetings Bonjour, which is to say good morning, and Comment allez-vous? or Ça goes - more informal - mean how are you?? Usually accompanied with the name of the person who greets. It is a custom among the French arrive at a social gathering last 15 or 20 minutes from the agreed upon time. Which is not bad seen, but greater than these delays. Vacation prefer to spend it in their own country doing various activities such as camping, skiing, and so on. Although people who choose to distant places to vacation is gradually increasing. Symbols of France the flag of France: monarchs ruled in France used distinctly three colors: Blue, white and red. The blue flag flew for the coronation of Charlemagne, evokes the San Martin offered a poor layer. Clovis to Charles X, the actual layer is blue sky, adorned with gold Fleur-de-lis symbol of loyalty and faithfulness. Under the reign of Hugh Capet and under their descendants, the standard of the King will be the Red oriflamme San Dionisio, protector of the Kingdom. 1638 To 1790, white was the Royal flag and the flag of the Navy color. From 1814 to 1830, white was also the color of the flags of the Royal Army. Anthem of France: Claude-Joseph Rouget de Lisle, master of engineering in Strasbourg, Garrison composed this air during the night of 24 to 25 April 1792, at the request of the Mayor of the city, Baron Dietrich. Singing, entitled Chant de guerre pour l ' armée du Rhin (Canto of war for the army of the Rhine), spread in the country. A general of the army of Egypt, François Mireur, who had come to Marseille in preparing the joint March of the volunteers of Montpellier and Marseille, introduced him with the title of Chant de guerre aux armés aux frontières (border armies war
  • 6. chant). Marsellesas troops then adopted it as progress singing. So intoned into Paris, on 30 July 1792, and the Parisians what baptized as La Marseillaise. During the first Republic, this hymn was part of the air and civic songs contributed to the triumph of the revolution. The two Empires, restoration, and the second Spanish Republic preferred songs of circumstances. It was not until the third Republic when La Marseillaise regained its national anthem on all those occasions in which military bands have play an official air range. The French State retains and freed French Government again to give a first-order on the anthem of informal status, i.e. Le Chant des Partisans (Canto of the partisans). The Marseillaise will finally be instituted as the national anthem in the Constitution of the IV and V Republic (article 2 of the Constitution of 4 October 1958). In 1974, Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, the then President of the Republic, makes change according to the ancient scores and to harmonize with a different pace. From 1981, the Anthem interpreted again according to the scores and pace until 1974. The Gallic Rooster Rooster symbol (in Latin, Gaul and Rooster mean the same) was widely used as a religious symbol, sign of hope and faith. From the Renaissance was when the history of the Rooster began to link up with the idea of French nationality. And in the revolutionary period, when it was consecrated the Rooster as representation of national identity. The history of France has as it appears on a shield emblazoned with the Phrygian, Cap on the label of the first consul and fraternity allegory often carries a cane topped with a rooster. Later, Napoleon replaced the Republic by the Empire and, thereafter, Eagle replaces the cock with the Emperor the Rooster did not have any force and could not be the image of an empire as France. Although eventually, with the dissolution of the Empire, appeared again the rooster and today in day still remains as emblem (minor), and is present in the Louvre and the Palace of Versailles. Food typical French cuisine is a constant in the life of the French element; simply consider some of the country epicúreas delight to appreciate the French culinary enthusiasm: foie-gras, truffles, roquefort, seafood, succulent snails collected in the vineyards, fruit, cakes and so on. But you can not live only escargot and vin de table. The French population of Northern Africa and Asia has contributed in the Gallic, bringing color and spices to many dishes kitchen. A typical day begins with a bowl of café au lait, a croissant and a thin slice of bread generously greased with butter and jam.
  • 7. The lunch and dinner are quite similar; may include a first tête pâté (head of pork in jelly) or bouillabaise (fish soup), followed by a second dish of blanquette veau (white sauce beef stew) and, finally, a plateau of fromage (table cheese) or a tarte aux fromage dish pommes (Apple Cake). Before meals, you typically serve a snack as the Kir (sweetened with syrup white wine); the digestif (Armagnac brandy or cognac) is served to the end. Other beverages that help digestion and stimulate conversation are: the espresso, beer and spirits as pastís (90% of alcohol flavored with aniseed and the Absinthe cousin) and the best wines of the world.