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        Mr. Anthony Lambiase,
             e-PRO 500
I am confident you will be successful with my professional real estate services.

Let me showcase some of my of professional real estate skills and abilities.

As I demonstrate my qualifications and how to evaluate and marketing your property,
I thank you for the opportunity.

When you select RE/MAX of America and me to represent you the best meets the best. We
have represented many families in your area, concluding transactions that realize maximum
value in a reasonable time period. You can expect the truth, fiduciary trust and faith in
performance when you select me as your Broker-Associate in your very important transaction.

I have enclosed track records and statistic that will help assist you in determining if were a right
match. Information on me and RE/MAX is also added, which will confirm I am best qualified to
market your property. I can personally provide a list of clients who have used my services and
skills and found that I was able to obtain the best price in the shortest amount of time.

My presentation is given in person and is a culmination of 22+ years in the business, my
research techniques and marketing expertise. I hope your as excited as I am to meet you.

All the best,

Anthony Lambiase, Broker-Associate, e-PRO 500
We Have A Mutual
  To Sell Your Home…
A t t h e h i gh est possi bl e pr i ce.
I n t h e sh or t est am oun t of t i m e.
W i t h t h e m ost favor abl e t er m s.
My Objectives & Solutions

   T h or ou gh l y i n spect you r h om e
   L i st en car ef u l l y so I un der st an d you r obj ect i ves
   Expl ai n t h e H om e Sel l i n g an d M ar k et i n g P r ocess
   m y r espon si bi l i t y, your r espon si bi l i t y
   H el p gu i de you i n pr i ci n g you r h om e
   A dvi se you on h ow t o sh ow your h om e ef f ect i vel y
   R evi ew w h at h appen s f r om t i m e of con t r act t h r ou gh cl ose
    of escr ow / cl osi n g
   A sk f or you r com m i t m en t t o begi n m ar k et i n g you r h om e

Fr equ en t l y, a r eal est at e agen t w i l l t el l a sel l er w h at t h ey w an t t o h ear
j u st t o get t h e l i st i n g...

H ow ever , I w i l l speak w i t h you ver y can di dl y an d t el l you t h e t r ut h
abou t w h at i s n eeded t o get your h om e sol d.
Anthony Lambiase, Broker-Associate                                   OVER 975 TRANSACTIONS
SINCE 1991

A ffi l i at ed w i t h R E/ M A X for t h e past 1 1 year s. R E/ M A X P r oper t y Cen t er i s a gr ou p
of ver y su ccessfu l r eal est at e pr ofessi on al s w h o speci al i ze i n pr oper t y al l over
n or t h er n New J er sey.

Including residential, commercial investments, retail, office, industrial and vacant land. I also
specialize in the legal community for estates, short sales/bankruptcy and condemnation.

Com m er ci al R eal Est at e Speci al i st pr om ot i n g an d ar r an gi n g n u m er ou s m u l t i m i l l i on
dol l ar com m er ci al r eal est at e ven t u r es, mixed-use, industrial, office, retail shopping
centers, multi-family apartments.

P ast B r ok er Ow n er of R E/ M AX of A m er i ca.

R am apo Col l ege of New J er sey, M ah w ah
B ach el or of Ar t s Soci al Sci en ce D egr ee P r ogr am

B or n i n New J er sey an d gr ew u p i n B er gen Cou n t y. M ar r i ed t o m y w i fe w i t h fou r
beau t i fu l ch i l dr en .
I have been active in the real estate industry and am a broker for 22+ YEARS.
Representing Your Best Interests

 It's A GOOD LIFE :o)#

I’m a very active northern New Jersey and make my living helping people buy
and sell and lease real estate as a Licensed Real Estate Broker since 1991.

I’m interested in helping people get better service and valuable advice? If you
refer someone to me, I can tell them what their property or future property is
worth in present value, future value or past value - as a Licensed Appraiser. I’m
one of a few elite dually licensed real estate professionals and consider myself
smarter than most.

I’m faithful and feel blessed, every day is a grace from God, given to us, to work
our own miracles, say and due exactly how we want too [free choice]. Trusting
the Holy Spirit and helping others find their way closer to a higher power is part
of my daily tasks.

I have a beautiful wife, four awesome children (No stress please!), a loving family
and friends and a line of work that allows me flexibility with them and clients.
Since 1991, I have established a real estate practice representing property
owners on a ethical basis to all my clients. My professional drive is powered by
exceptional knowledge, energy and enthusiasm. I focus on the markets
intersecting the Hudson River and 287 corridors in northern New Jersey. 
Anthony Lambiase, Broker-Associate
 “My clients are important to me. And they know that I care about them and will
 provide them with the best possible service. Many of my former clients send their
 friends to me because they feel comfortable that I can – and will – help.”

                    RE/MAX Property Center
                            49 E. Midland Avenue
                             Paramus, NJ 07652
                           (201) 261-8111, Ext.208

Professional Qualifications
  Licensed Real Estate Broker, State of New Jersey
  Active member of the National Association of REALTORS ®
  Active member of the State of NJ Association of REALTORS ®
  Active member of the Realsource Board of REALTORS ®
  e-PRO 500 Internet Certified, National Association of Realtors
  New Jersey State Certified General Real Estate Appraiser

Professional Achievements
  Received the Prestigious 100% Club Award from RE/MAX of NJ, America - 2005
  Presented the Executive Club Award from RE/MAX of America Region - 2006
  Presented the Executive Club Award from RE/MAX of America Region - 2007
Award Testimonial
Performance Warranty

When your property is entrusted to RE/MAX Property Center
under an exclusive right to sell agreement, I assure you that I will:

  Prepare a Comparative Market Analysis
  Submit a progress report on your property twice a month, either by
   telephone or personal visit, until sold
  Distribute Property Profile Information concerning your property
  Place your property in the Multiple Listing Service
  Place a yard sign within three days after executing a marketing agreement
  Explain various ways to improve your property to effect a quicker sale
  Propose financing alternatives to allow your property to appeal to the
  broadest marketplace

If, at any time during the listing period, you are not satisfied with the service
are receiving, you may notify me in writing and your listing will be terminated
with a call to my broker.

Anthony Lambiase
Broker Associate
RE/MAX Property Center
Exclusive Services Provided
A w r i t t en r epor t of t h e t r an sact i on s i n t h e ar ea, i den t i fyi n g si m i l ar pr oper t i es t h at h ave
sol d r ecen t l y or w h i ch ar e cu r r en t l y on t h e m ar k et , i n an effor t t o det er m i n e a r eal i st i c
pr i ce for t h e su bj ect pr oper t y.

W r i t t en pr oposal s, su ch as B u yer Qu al i fi cat i on s, Fi n an ci n g P l an s, 1 5 Y ear vs. 3 0 Y ear
M or t gages, Adj u st abl e vs. Fi xed R at e M or t gages, R en t vs. B u y, R epu r ch ase A n al ysi s an d
A m or t i zat i on Sch edu l es, t h at w i l l h el p bu yer s an d sel l er s i n t h e deci si on m ak i n g pr ocess.

A r epor t desi gn ed t o h el p t h e h om eow n er m axi m i ze t h e m ar k et i n g effor t s by i m pr ovi n g t h e
con di t i on of t h e h om e, “ set t i n g t h e st age” befor e sh ow i n gs, an d k n ow i n g w h at t o do w h en
t h e pr oper t y i s bei n g sh ow n .

A si m pl e an d easy t o u n der st an d for m t h at i l l u st r at es t h e t ax advan t ages an d t h e
i n vest m en t pot en t i al of h om e ow n er sh i p.*

A com pl et e por t fol i o of i n for m at i on abou t t h e ci t y t o w h i ch you ar e m ovi n g. T h i s can be
ver y h el pfu l i n or i en t i n g you t o t h e l ocal h ou si n g m ar k et , as w el l as sch ool s, sh oppi n g,
t r an spor t at i on , en t er t ai n m en t , an d m an y ot h er poi n t s of i n t er est .
Services You Will Receive...
  W e w i l l h el p you det er m i n e t h e best sel l i n g pr i ce f or your h om e.
   W e w i l l t el l you w h at t o do t o get your h om e i n sal e con di t i on .
   W e w i l l r ecom m en d r eput abl e r epai r com pan i es, i f n ecessar y.
   W e w i l l devel op a st r at egy t o sh ow your h om e.
  W e w i l l en t er you r h om e i n t h e M ul t i pl e L i st i n g Ser vi ce i m m edi at el y.
  W e w i l l en t er you r h om e on t h e l ocal R E/ M A X w eb si t e t h r ou gh t h e I n t er n et .
  W e w i l l r evi ew pr ogr ess at l east on ce a m on t h .
  W e w i l l pr om pt l y advi se you of ch an ges i n t h e m ar k et cl i m at e.
  W e w i l l pr esen t al l of fer s t o you pr om pt l y an d assi st i n eval uat i n g t h em .
  W e w i l l m on i t or pr ogr ess t ow ar d cl osi n g, w h en a con t r act i s accept ed.
  W e w i l l i m m edi at el y advi se you of even t s t h at m ay t h r eat en cl osi n g.
  W e w i l l coor di n at e an d m on i t or t h e set t l em en t pr ocess.
  W e w i l l m on i t or t h e appr ai sal an d buyer ’s l oan appr oval .
 W e w i l l st ay i n con t act w i t h t h e bu yi n g agen t t o m ak e sur e t h i n gs ar e pr oceedi n g
sm oot h l y.
  W e w i l l be pr esen t at cl osi n g t o assu r e a successf ul con cl usi on .
My strategy includes...

  “Personal Service on an Individual Basis.”
 To handle the detail work,
  su ch as m ech an i cal an d t er m i t e i n spect i on s, t i t l e w or k , ear n est m on ey,
appr ai sal ,
 m or t gage w or k

   To stay in touch with you,
  so t h at you w i l l k n ow w h at i s goi n g on an d w h er e w e ar e i n t h e m ar k et i n g
pr ocess

  To help maintain the property,
  w i t h t h e n am es of com pet en t con t r act or s, especi al l y i f your pr oper t y i s
vacan t
  or you ar e ou t of t ow n

   To show you consideration,
   becau se I k n ow you ar e l i vi n g i n your h om e, an d i t ’s di ff i cu l t t o h ave i t
r eady
   t o sh ow al l t h e t i m e
You Will Get the Benefit of My
Real Estate Brokerage Works!
          The Real Estate Broker is five times more successful
                 than an individual in selling homes.
Listed and Sold By the Real Estate Agent


Sold it Myself
                                                  T h e r eal est at e i n du st r y h as
                                                  pr oven i t sel f t o be t h e ver y best
Tried Myself, Then Used an Agent                  an d m ost effect i ve syst em t o
                                                  m ar k et r esi den t i al r eal est at e. W e
      8%                                          h ave m ar k et i n g t ool s n ot avai l abl e
                                                  t o a h om eow n er , i n cl u di n g; 1 ) t h e
Turned Over to Home Buying Company                M u l t i pl e L i st i n g Ser vi ce (M L S); 2 )
                                                  con t i n u i n g adver t i si n g pr ogr am s;
                                                  3 ) n at i on al r el ocat i on syst em ; an d
  4%                                              4 ) per son al con t act s w i t h m an y
                                                  ot h er pr ofessi on al r eal est at e
                                                  br ok er s.
Tried Agent, Then Sold Myself
   4%                                             Source: The Home Buying and Selling Process:
What can a real estate agent do
         to sell my house that I can’t do for
Actually, facts and experience show the difficulties of trying to sell your own
house usually far outweigh the benefits. Here’s what your agent does that a
homeseller can’t do or finds hard to do.

    Places your property in the Multiple Listing Service (MLS), which exposes your house to all buyers
working with cooperating member Brokers. This effectively puts every agent in town to work helping to get
your house sold.
  Provides solid, up-to-date market information with recent sales and current listings which helps you price
your house realistically. Such pricing is crucial to the possibility of a quick sale at the best price obtainable.
  Shows your house whether you’re in or not, saving you hours of “minding the store.”
   Provides pre-qualified buyers who know what they want and how much they can afford. Screening
prospects saves you from the hassle of keeping appointments with “sightseers” and protects you from the
threat of “unwelcome visitors.”
  Shows your house to its best advantage. Buyers often shy away from asking homeowners questions.
Homeowners are sometimes defensive about defects in their houses. An agent can answer necessary
questions objectively and guide the buyer to a purchase.
  Helps you negotiate a satisfactory sale. Without an experienced mediator to act as a buffer between the
parties, many situations bog down.
  Leads both you and the buyer through the puzzle of rates, points, fees and financing options, helping
with loan placement and follow-up, including the provision of names and telephone numbers of specific
loan officers. Without expert knowledge of alternative financial resources, many sales are lost, especially
in tight money markets where knowledge of buy downs, variable-rate mortgages, graduated-payment
mortgages and various types of seller participation come into the picture.
  Protects your interests from contract to closing with an understanding of real estate procedures. An
agent has the ability to smooth the way toward agreements and the experience to attend to all the details
that must come together before settlement can take place.
The Value of Experience

           Would you rather have a new or experienced...

                                   D OCT OR

                   D ENT I ST                                C.P .A .

                                 A T T OR NEY

         A r e you w i l l i n g t o t r ust t h e bi ggest i n vest m en t you
         ar e l i k el y t o m ak e i n your l i fet i m e t o an am at eur ?

M y car eer sal es vol u m e h as i n vol ved m or e t h an 97 5 t r an sact i on s.
Things you should know about
              RE/MAX and its Sales Associates

  R E/ M A X i s a w or l d l eader i n r esi den t i al r eal est at e w i t h over 6,3 56
fu l l -ser vi ce of fi ces i n 9 0 Cou n t r i es.
    T oday, R E/ M A X Sal es A ssoci at es pr oudl y n um ber over 89,68 1 f u l l -
t i m e, pr of essi on al agen t s w or l dw i de.
   T h e t ypi cal R E/ M A X Sal es A ssoci at e i s am on g t h e m ost exper i en ced
i n t h e i n du st r y, aver agi n g over 12 year s of ser vi ce.
  T h i s agen t i s al so di st i n gu i sh ed by ear n i n g, on t h e aver age, m or e r eal
est at e edu cat i on al desi gn at i on s t h an i t s i n dust r y com pet i t or s – a
com m i t m en t t o pr of essi on al i m pr ovem en t .
  B ecau se of t h ese i n du st r y h i gh edu cat i on al an d exper i en ce
ach i evem en t s, t h e aver age R E/ M A X Sal es A ssoci at e aver ages m or e
exper i en ce an d m or e sal es per agen t t h an ot h er agen t s.
   Over 7 0 % of R E/ M A X Sal es A ssoci at es’ busi n ess com es f r om r epeat
bu si n ess or r efer r al s f r om past cu st om er s an d f r i en ds – m or e t h an
t w i ce t h e i n du st r y aver age.
  R E/ M A X Sal es A ssoci at es m ak e a per son al fi n an ci al i n vest m en t i n
ever y l i st i n g.
  R E/ M A X Sal es A ssoci at es com pet en t l y con t r ol t h e m ar k et i n g
pr ogr am s f or each of t h ei r l i st i n gs.
Why Choose RE/MAX Property Center

   W e ar e a l eader i n l i st i n g an d sel l i n g h om es i n your m ar k et ar ea.

  W e h ave m or e h i gh pr odu cer s t h an an y ot h er com pan y i n t h e ar ea.

   Ou r com pr eh en si ve pr i n t , T V , di r ect m ai l adver t i si n g pr ogr am .

   M em ber sh i p i n t h e I n t er n at i on al R el ocat i on Net w or k .

   Sat i sf i ed past cu st om er s pr ovi de a sour ce of pot en t i al buyer s.

     A l l of ou r Sal es A ssoci at es ar e f u l l t i m e an d r ecei ve ext en si ve, on -goi n g
t r ai n i n g.

   Ef f i ci en t , com pu t er i zed accou n t i n g an d pr oper t y i n f or m at i on syst em .

  Com pu t er r esou r ce depar t m en t f or agen t t r ai n i n g i n t h e use of per son al
com pu t er s.

  A com m i t m en t t o excel l en ce i n al l ar eas of t h e r eal est at e busi n ess.

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  • 1. PROFESSIONAL CREDENTIALS for Mr. Anthony Lambiase, Broker-Associate e-PRO 500
  • 2.
  • 3. I am confident you will be successful with my professional real estate services. Let me showcase some of my of professional real estate skills and abilities. As I demonstrate my qualifications and how to evaluate and marketing your property, I thank you for the opportunity. When you select RE/MAX of America and me to represent you the best meets the best. We have represented many families in your area, concluding transactions that realize maximum value in a reasonable time period. You can expect the truth, fiduciary trust and faith in performance when you select me as your Broker-Associate in your very important transaction. I have enclosed track records and statistic that will help assist you in determining if were a right match. Information on me and RE/MAX is also added, which will confirm I am best qualified to market your property. I can personally provide a list of clients who have used my services and skills and found that I was able to obtain the best price in the shortest amount of time. My presentation is given in person and is a culmination of 22+ years in the business, my research techniques and marketing expertise. I hope your as excited as I am to meet you. All the best, Anthony Lambiase, Broker-Associate, e-PRO 500
  • 4. We Have A Mutual Objective... To Sell Your Home… A t t h e h i gh est possi bl e pr i ce. I n t h e sh or t est am oun t of t i m e. W i t h t h e m ost favor abl e t er m s.
  • 5. My Objectives & Solutions T h or ou gh l y i n spect you r h om e L i st en car ef u l l y so I un der st an d you r obj ect i ves Expl ai n t h e H om e Sel l i n g an d M ar k et i n g P r ocess m y r espon si bi l i t y, your r espon si bi l i t y H el p gu i de you i n pr i ci n g you r h om e A dvi se you on h ow t o sh ow your h om e ef f ect i vel y R evi ew w h at h appen s f r om t i m e of con t r act t h r ou gh cl ose of escr ow / cl osi n g A sk f or you r com m i t m en t t o begi n m ar k et i n g you r h om e Fr equ en t l y, a r eal est at e agen t w i l l t el l a sel l er w h at t h ey w an t t o h ear j u st t o get t h e l i st i n g... H ow ever , I w i l l speak w i t h you ver y can di dl y an d t el l you t h e t r ut h abou t w h at i s n eeded t o get your h om e sol d.
  • 6. Resumé Anthony Lambiase, Broker-Associate OVER 975 TRANSACTIONS SINCE 1991 B USI NESS EX P ER I ENCE A ffi l i at ed w i t h R E/ M A X for t h e past 1 1 year s. R E/ M A X P r oper t y Cen t er i s a gr ou p of ver y su ccessfu l r eal est at e pr ofessi on al s w h o speci al i ze i n pr oper t y al l over n or t h er n New J er sey. Including residential, commercial investments, retail, office, industrial and vacant land. I also specialize in the legal community for estates, short sales/bankruptcy and condemnation. Com m er ci al R eal Est at e Speci al i st pr om ot i n g an d ar r an gi n g n u m er ou s m u l t i m i l l i on dol l ar com m er ci al r eal est at e ven t u r es, mixed-use, industrial, office, retail shopping centers, multi-family apartments. P ast B r ok er Ow n er of R E/ M AX of A m er i ca. ED UCAT I ON R am apo Col l ege of New J er sey, M ah w ah B ach el or of Ar t s Soci al Sci en ce D egr ee P r ogr am B A CK GR OUND B or n i n New J er sey an d gr ew u p i n B er gen Cou n t y. M ar r i ed t o m y w i fe w i t h fou r beau t i fu l ch i l dr en . I have been active in the real estate industry and am a broker for 22+ YEARS.
  • 8. Representing Your Best Interests  It's A GOOD LIFE :o)# I’m a very active northern New Jersey and make my living helping people buy and sell and lease real estate as a Licensed Real Estate Broker since 1991. I’m interested in helping people get better service and valuable advice? If you refer someone to me, I can tell them what their property or future property is worth in present value, future value or past value - as a Licensed Appraiser. I’m one of a few elite dually licensed real estate professionals and consider myself smarter than most. I’m faithful and feel blessed, every day is a grace from God, given to us, to work our own miracles, say and due exactly how we want too [free choice]. Trusting the Holy Spirit and helping others find their way closer to a higher power is part of my daily tasks. I have a beautiful wife, four awesome children (No stress please!), a loving family and friends and a line of work that allows me flexibility with them and clients.   Since 1991, I have established a real estate practice representing property owners on a ethical basis to all my clients. My professional drive is powered by exceptional knowledge, energy and enthusiasm. I focus on the markets intersecting the Hudson River and 287 corridors in northern New Jersey. 
  • 9. Anthony Lambiase, Broker-Associate “My clients are important to me. And they know that I care about them and will provide them with the best possible service. Many of my former clients send their friends to me because they feel comfortable that I can – and will – help.” RE/MAX Property Center 49 E. Midland Avenue Paramus, NJ 07652 (201) 261-8111, Ext.208 Professional Qualifications Licensed Real Estate Broker, State of New Jersey Active member of the National Association of REALTORS ® Active member of the State of NJ Association of REALTORS ® Active member of the Realsource Board of REALTORS ® e-PRO 500 Internet Certified, National Association of Realtors New Jersey State Certified General Real Estate Appraiser Professional Achievements Received the Prestigious 100% Club Award from RE/MAX of NJ, America - 2005 Presented the Executive Club Award from RE/MAX of America Region - 2006 Presented the Executive Club Award from RE/MAX of America Region - 2007
  • 11. Performance Warranty When your property is entrusted to RE/MAX Property Center under an exclusive right to sell agreement, I assure you that I will: Prepare a Comparative Market Analysis Submit a progress report on your property twice a month, either by telephone or personal visit, until sold Distribute Property Profile Information concerning your property Place your property in the Multiple Listing Service Place a yard sign within three days after executing a marketing agreement Explain various ways to improve your property to effect a quicker sale Propose financing alternatives to allow your property to appeal to the broadest marketplace If, at any time during the listing period, you are not satisfied with the service you are receiving, you may notify me in writing and your listing will be terminated with a call to my broker. Anthony Lambiase Broker Associate RE/MAX Property Center
  • 13. Exclusive Services Provided COMPARATIVE MARKET ANALYSIS A w r i t t en r epor t of t h e t r an sact i on s i n t h e ar ea, i den t i fyi n g si m i l ar pr oper t i es t h at h ave sol d r ecen t l y or w h i ch ar e cu r r en t l y on t h e m ar k et , i n an effor t t o det er m i n e a r eal i st i c pr i ce for t h e su bj ect pr oper t y. FINANCING PROPOSALS W r i t t en pr oposal s, su ch as B u yer Qu al i fi cat i on s, Fi n an ci n g P l an s, 1 5 Y ear vs. 3 0 Y ear M or t gages, Adj u st abl e vs. Fi xed R at e M or t gages, R en t vs. B u y, R epu r ch ase A n al ysi s an d A m or t i zat i on Sch edu l es, t h at w i l l h el p bu yer s an d sel l er s i n t h e deci si on m ak i n g pr ocess. MARKET PREPARATION GUIDE A r epor t desi gn ed t o h el p t h e h om eow n er m axi m i ze t h e m ar k et i n g effor t s by i m pr ovi n g t h e con di t i on of t h e h om e, “ set t i n g t h e st age” befor e sh ow i n gs, an d k n ow i n g w h at t o do w h en t h e pr oper t y i s bei n g sh ow n . HOMEOWNER’S ANALYSIS A si m pl e an d easy t o u n der st an d for m t h at i l l u st r at es t h e t ax advan t ages an d t h e i n vest m en t pot en t i al of h om e ow n er sh i p.* RELOCATION PACKAGE A com pl et e por t fol i o of i n for m at i on abou t t h e ci t y t o w h i ch you ar e m ovi n g. T h i s can be ver y h el pfu l i n or i en t i n g you t o t h e l ocal h ou si n g m ar k et , as w el l as sch ool s, sh oppi n g, t r an spor t at i on , en t er t ai n m en t , an d m an y ot h er poi n t s of i n t er est .
  • 14. Services You Will Receive... W e w i l l h el p you det er m i n e t h e best sel l i n g pr i ce f or your h om e. W e w i l l t el l you w h at t o do t o get your h om e i n sal e con di t i on . W e w i l l r ecom m en d r eput abl e r epai r com pan i es, i f n ecessar y. W e w i l l devel op a st r at egy t o sh ow your h om e. W e w i l l en t er you r h om e i n t h e M ul t i pl e L i st i n g Ser vi ce i m m edi at el y. W e w i l l en t er you r h om e on t h e l ocal R E/ M A X w eb si t e t h r ou gh t h e I n t er n et . W e w i l l r evi ew pr ogr ess at l east on ce a m on t h . W e w i l l pr om pt l y advi se you of ch an ges i n t h e m ar k et cl i m at e. W e w i l l pr esen t al l of fer s t o you pr om pt l y an d assi st i n eval uat i n g t h em . W e w i l l m on i t or pr ogr ess t ow ar d cl osi n g, w h en a con t r act i s accept ed. W e w i l l i m m edi at el y advi se you of even t s t h at m ay t h r eat en cl osi n g. W e w i l l coor di n at e an d m on i t or t h e set t l em en t pr ocess. W e w i l l m on i t or t h e appr ai sal an d buyer ’s l oan appr oval . W e w i l l st ay i n con t act w i t h t h e bu yi n g agen t t o m ak e sur e t h i n gs ar e pr oceedi n g sm oot h l y. W e w i l l be pr esen t at cl osi n g t o assu r e a successf ul con cl usi on .
  • 15. My strategy includes... “Personal Service on an Individual Basis.” To handle the detail work, su ch as m ech an i cal an d t er m i t e i n spect i on s, t i t l e w or k , ear n est m on ey, appr ai sal , m or t gage w or k To stay in touch with you, so t h at you w i l l k n ow w h at i s goi n g on an d w h er e w e ar e i n t h e m ar k et i n g pr ocess To help maintain the property, w i t h t h e n am es of com pet en t con t r act or s, especi al l y i f your pr oper t y i s vacan t or you ar e ou t of t ow n To show you consideration, becau se I k n ow you ar e l i vi n g i n your h om e, an d i t ’s di ff i cu l t t o h ave i t r eady t o sh ow al l t h e t i m e
  • 16. You Will Get the Benefit of My Experience...
  • 17. Real Estate Brokerage Works! The Real Estate Broker is five times more successful than an individual in selling homes. Listed and Sold By the Real Estate Agent 69% Sold it Myself 15% T h e r eal est at e i n du st r y h as pr oven i t sel f t o be t h e ver y best Tried Myself, Then Used an Agent an d m ost effect i ve syst em t o m ar k et r esi den t i al r eal est at e. W e 8% h ave m ar k et i n g t ool s n ot avai l abl e t o a h om eow n er , i n cl u di n g; 1 ) t h e Turned Over to Home Buying Company M u l t i pl e L i st i n g Ser vi ce (M L S); 2 ) con t i n u i n g adver t i si n g pr ogr am s; 3 ) n at i on al r el ocat i on syst em ; an d 4% 4 ) per son al con t act s w i t h m an y ot h er pr ofessi on al r eal est at e br ok er s. Tried Agent, Then Sold Myself 4% Source: The Home Buying and Selling Process: 1991
  • 18. What can a real estate agent do to sell my house that I can’t do for myself? Actually, facts and experience show the difficulties of trying to sell your own house usually far outweigh the benefits. Here’s what your agent does that a homeseller can’t do or finds hard to do. Places your property in the Multiple Listing Service (MLS), which exposes your house to all buyers working with cooperating member Brokers. This effectively puts every agent in town to work helping to get your house sold. Provides solid, up-to-date market information with recent sales and current listings which helps you price your house realistically. Such pricing is crucial to the possibility of a quick sale at the best price obtainable. Shows your house whether you’re in or not, saving you hours of “minding the store.” Provides pre-qualified buyers who know what they want and how much they can afford. Screening prospects saves you from the hassle of keeping appointments with “sightseers” and protects you from the threat of “unwelcome visitors.” Shows your house to its best advantage. Buyers often shy away from asking homeowners questions. Homeowners are sometimes defensive about defects in their houses. An agent can answer necessary questions objectively and guide the buyer to a purchase. Helps you negotiate a satisfactory sale. Without an experienced mediator to act as a buffer between the parties, many situations bog down. Leads both you and the buyer through the puzzle of rates, points, fees and financing options, helping with loan placement and follow-up, including the provision of names and telephone numbers of specific loan officers. Without expert knowledge of alternative financial resources, many sales are lost, especially in tight money markets where knowledge of buy downs, variable-rate mortgages, graduated-payment mortgages and various types of seller participation come into the picture. Protects your interests from contract to closing with an understanding of real estate procedures. An agent has the ability to smooth the way toward agreements and the experience to attend to all the details that must come together before settlement can take place.
  • 19. The Value of Experience Would you rather have a new or experienced... D OCT OR D ENT I ST C.P .A . A T T OR NEY A r e you w i l l i n g t o t r ust t h e bi ggest i n vest m en t you ar e l i k el y t o m ak e i n your l i fet i m e t o an am at eur ? M y car eer sal es vol u m e h as i n vol ved m or e t h an 97 5 t r an sact i on s.
  • 20. Things you should know about RE/MAX and its Sales Associates R E/ M A X i s a w or l d l eader i n r esi den t i al r eal est at e w i t h over 6,3 56 fu l l -ser vi ce of fi ces i n 9 0 Cou n t r i es. T oday, R E/ M A X Sal es A ssoci at es pr oudl y n um ber over 89,68 1 f u l l - t i m e, pr of essi on al agen t s w or l dw i de. T h e t ypi cal R E/ M A X Sal es A ssoci at e i s am on g t h e m ost exper i en ced i n t h e i n du st r y, aver agi n g over 12 year s of ser vi ce. T h i s agen t i s al so di st i n gu i sh ed by ear n i n g, on t h e aver age, m or e r eal est at e edu cat i on al desi gn at i on s t h an i t s i n dust r y com pet i t or s – a com m i t m en t t o pr of essi on al i m pr ovem en t . B ecau se of t h ese i n du st r y h i gh edu cat i on al an d exper i en ce ach i evem en t s, t h e aver age R E/ M A X Sal es A ssoci at e aver ages m or e exper i en ce an d m or e sal es per agen t t h an ot h er agen t s. Over 7 0 % of R E/ M A X Sal es A ssoci at es’ busi n ess com es f r om r epeat bu si n ess or r efer r al s f r om past cu st om er s an d f r i en ds – m or e t h an t w i ce t h e i n du st r y aver age. R E/ M A X Sal es A ssoci at es m ak e a per son al fi n an ci al i n vest m en t i n ever y l i st i n g. R E/ M A X Sal es A ssoci at es com pet en t l y con t r ol t h e m ar k et i n g pr ogr am s f or each of t h ei r l i st i n gs.
  • 21. Why Choose RE/MAX Property Center W e ar e a l eader i n l i st i n g an d sel l i n g h om es i n your m ar k et ar ea. W e h ave m or e h i gh pr odu cer s t h an an y ot h er com pan y i n t h e ar ea. Ou r com pr eh en si ve pr i n t , T V , di r ect m ai l adver t i si n g pr ogr am . M em ber sh i p i n t h e I n t er n at i on al R el ocat i on Net w or k . Sat i sf i ed past cu st om er s pr ovi de a sour ce of pot en t i al buyer s. A l l of ou r Sal es A ssoci at es ar e f u l l t i m e an d r ecei ve ext en si ve, on -goi n g t r ai n i n g. Ef f i ci en t , com pu t er i zed accou n t i n g an d pr oper t y i n f or m at i on syst em . Com pu t er r esou r ce depar t m en t f or agen t t r ai n i n g i n t h e use of per son al com pu t er s. A com m i t m en t t o excel l en ce i n al l ar eas of t h e r eal est at e busi n ess.