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The trouble with our times is that
the future is not what it used to be…
Paul Valéry
© Rockstrom2010
Будущее уже не то, что было
раньше… Поль Валери
Overview ofOverview of
Global Forest Governance andGlobal Forest Governance and
Forest Law EnforcementForest Law Enforcement
focussed to the ENA Regionfocussed to the ENA Region
Europe and North Asia Forest Law Enforcement and GovernanceEurope and North Asia Forest Law Enforcement and Governance
Preparatory Committee Conference (PrepCom)Preparatory Committee Conference (PrepCom)
Moscow, June 6, 2005Moscow, June 6, 2005
Jürgen Blaser, Intercooperation, Bern, Switzerland
The present content does only commit the presenter, and none of the involved organizations
Photographic illustrations are not in direct relationship to the specific issue in the respective slide
© Juergen Blaser, with support by Kerstin Canby and Arnoldo Contreras. Photographs by J. Blaser
Обзор глобальных вопросовОбзор глобальных вопросов
управления в лесном секторе иуправления в лесном секторе и
специфических проблем в регионеспецифических проблем в регионе
«Международный процесс по вопросам правоприменения,«Международный процесс по вопросам правоприменения,
управления в лесном секторе (FLEG) в регионе Европы и Северной Азии»управления в лесном секторе (FLEG) в регионе Европы и Северной Азии»
Подготовительная конференцияПодготовительная конференция
Москва, 6-8 июня 2005 г.Москва, 6-8 июня 2005 г.
Юрген Блазер, Swiss Intercooperation
The present content does only commit the presenter, and none of the involved organizations
Photographic illustrations are not in direct relationship to the specific issue in the respective slide
© Juergen Blaser, with support by Kerstin Canby and Arnoldo Contreras. Photographs by J. Blaser
Overview of International Processes and ProgressOverview of International Processes and Progress
in Forest Governance since Saint Petersburg 2005in Forest Governance since Saint Petersburg 2005
Обзор международных процессов и вопросов развитияОбзор международных процессов и вопросов развития
рационального управления в лесном секторерационального управления в лесном секторе
в период с 2005 года, после провденияв период с 2005 года, после провдения
Конференции в г. Санкт-ПетербургКонференции в г. Санкт-Петербург
Juergen Blaser
Юрген Блазер
Bern University of Applied Sciences
Университет Верн, Швейцария
Tblisi, 8 July 2014
31% of the world’s land area is covered by forests31% of the world’s land area is covered by forests
31% территории Земли покрыто лесами31% территории Земли покрыто лесами
2,180 m2,180 m
1,850 m1,850 m
North Север
South Юг
Forests 2014Forests 2014 Лес 2014Лес 2014
Country Data Boreal Temperate Subtropical Tropical Global
Land Area
('000 ha)
2,659,547 2,894,298 1,985,421 5,386,567 13,010,510
20.4% 22.2% 15.3% 41.4% 100%
Forest Area
('000 ha)
1,179,682 671,003 342,035 1,839,303 4,033,063
29.3% 16.6% 8.5% 45.6% 100%
Relative proportion
of Forest
44.4% 23.2% 17.2% 34.1% 31.0%
Development of
Forest Area
increasing decreasing
Change Rate 0.4% 0.2% 0.4% -0.4% -0.1%
Carbon in living
forest biomass
48,890 38,171 8,563 179,535 275,207
17.8% 13.9% 3.1% 65.2% 100%
Population (million)
194,300 2,260,032 973,640 3,311,683 6,750,525
2.9% 33.5% 14.4% 49.1% 100%
Forest area (m ha)
Площадь лесов
Forest cover %
В процентном
Growing stock (m3/ha)
Выработка леса на
Balkans - Балканы 19 32 176
Eastern Europe
Восточная Европа
827 48 103
North and Central Asia
Северная и Центральная Азия
23 4 82
Caucasus - Кавказ 15 16 141
TOTAL Всего 884 37 105
Forests in ENA-RegionForests in ENA-Region 20142014 -- ЛесаЛеса ЕСА регион,ЕСА регион,
Felling as % of annual growth
Вырубка в % от ежегодного прироста
Nordics and Baltics 72%
Central Europe 61%
EU 27 60%
South-East Europe 45%
Russia 34%
(USA, Canada) (80%)
Forest resources ever increasing in ENA Region
Прирост лесов на Евразийском континенте
 Supply and demand for timber, paper, wood products, energySupply and demand for timber, paper, wood products, energy
Спрос и предложение в индустрии леса, бумажнойСпрос и предложение в индустрии леса, бумажной
промышленности, производстве товаров из древесиныпромышленности, производстве товаров из древесины
и секторе энергетикии секторе энергетики
 Increased demand for and competition between products;
 Global timber trade doubled over the last decade
(in spite of slow down 2008/2009)  China, emerging markets
 Increasing demand for transparency and production methods
Возрастающая потребность в открытой информации
о производстве и товарах
 Certified forests Dec. 2005: 272 m ha (91 m ha ENA region)
 Certified forests June 2014: 442 m ha (166 m ha ENA region)
 FLEG, FLEGT processes, also influenced behaviors (China…)
Global forest Challenges 2005 – 2014Global forest Challenges 2005 – 2014
Основные проблемы мирового леса 2005-Основные проблемы мирового леса 2005-
 Raise of global energy marketRaise of global energy market:: biofuel, wood pellets, wood chipsbiofuel, wood pellets, wood chips
Энергоресурсы: топливные пеллеты, щепаЭнергоресурсы: топливные пеллеты, щепа
40% raise of wood fuel from forests in ENA region 2005-201340% raise of wood fuel from forests in ENA region 2005-2013
(360 million m3 of wood)(360 million m3 of wood)
 Valuation of forest products and ecosystem servicesValuation of forest products and ecosystem services
Оценка лесных товаров и услугОценка лесных товаров и услуг
Timber, timber products and NTFP, water, carbon, biodiversity
 Changes in forest ownership, access to forest resourcesChanges in forest ownership, access to forest resources
Реформа форм собственности леса, реальный доступ кРеформа форм собственности леса, реальный доступ к
использованию лесных ресурсовиспользованию лесных ресурсов
From state to communities, user associations, private sector lease;
“land grabbing”: Increased demand for land: plantation wood
 Changes in national forest policyChanges in national forest policy
Изменения в политике управления лесами на государственнойИзменения в политике управления лесами на государственной
From forestry policies to wider forest policies
Global Forest GovernanceGlobal Forest Governance
Надлежащее управление лесамиНадлежащее управление лесами
 Forest and economic growth, trade policiesForest and economic growth, trade policies
 Forests and sustainable developmentForests and sustainable development
 Forests and climate changeForests and climate change
 Forests and biological diversityForests and biological diversity
 Forests and their social, cultural and « public-opinion» dimension.Forests and their social, cultural and « public-opinion» dimension.
 Transversal dimension: Forest GovernanceTransversal dimension: Forest Governance
Forest Governance 10 years afterForest Governance 10 years after
St. Petersburg: the broad issuesSt. Petersburg: the broad issues
 (1) Forest and Environmental Policy (global and regional)(1) Forest and Environmental Policy (global and regional)
Лесная политика и окружающая средаЛесная политика и окружающая среда
 (2) Trade Policies -(2) Trade Policies - Торговая политикаТорговая политика
 (3) Green Economy -(3) Green Economy - Зеленая экономикаЗеленая экономика
 (4) Institutions -(4) Institutions - ОрганизацииОрганизации
 (5) An overlying issue: climate change(5) An overlying issue: climate change
С учетом изменений климатаС учетом изменений климата
The Forest Instrument 2007; post-2015; Global Objectives on Forests:The Forest Instrument 2007; post-2015; Global Objectives on Forests:
Reverse the loss of forest cover worldwide…Reverse the loss of forest cover worldwide…
Enhance forest-based economic, social and environmental benefitsEnhance forest-based economic, social and environmental benefits
Increase significantly the area of protected forests worldwideIncrease significantly the area of protected forests worldwide
and other areas of sustainably managed forests…and other areas of sustainably managed forests…
Mobilize financial resources for sustainable forest managementMobilize financial resources for sustainable forest management ….….
CBD Aichi Targets (2011CBD Aichi Targets (2011):): 4 main targets, including:4 main targets, including:
“By 2020, at least 17% of terrestrial areas are conserved”
Climate changeClimate change:: REDD+ Challenges (since 2009)/NAMA/LULUCFREDD+ Challenges (since 2009)/NAMA/LULUCF
The missing element: carbon permanence (boreal and temperate forests)The missing element: carbon permanence (boreal and temperate forests)
Bonn Challenge (2012): 2 targets, includingBonn Challenge (2012): 2 targets, including ““Restore 150 million hectares of
the world's degraded and deforested lands by 2020»
Forests and SDG targets post 2015 (2014Forests and SDG targets post 2015 (2014): Forests under biodiversity, incl.): Forests under biodiversity, incl.
possible target: “By 2030 manage all the world’s forests sustainably”possible target: “By 2030 manage all the world’s forests sustainably”
Forest Governance: (1) Policy Dimension (global)Forest Governance: (1) Policy Dimension (global)
““Forest Europe”Forest Europe”
Since 1990, 46 members, 6 Ministerial conferencesSince 1990, 46 members, 6 Ministerial conferences
Since 2011:Since 2011: Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to develop a
legally binding agreement on forests in the pan-European region
 consolidating tools for SFM;
 improving monitoring of and reporting on forests;
 combatting illegal logging;
 developing a common approach to the valuation of forests services;
 emphasizing the social aspects of forestry;
 the role of forests in the transition to a green economy.
Forest Governance: (1) Policy DimensionForest Governance: (1) Policy Dimension
 European Union Timber Regulation (EUTR), March 2013:European Union Timber Regulation (EUTR), March 2013:
Prevents illegal logged wood in all the EU Member StatesPrevents illegal logged wood in all the EU Member States
 EU/US Transatlantic Free Trade Area NegotiationsEU/US Transatlantic Free Trade Area Negotiations::
Elimination of tariffs and non-tariffs barriers; standards & regulationsElimination of tariffs and non-tariffs barriers; standards & regulations
Lacey Act (1900) amendment of 2008: trafficking of wood and wood productsLacey Act (1900) amendment of 2008: trafficking of wood and wood products
 Investment: Russian Federation Investment Project:Investment: Russian Federation Investment Project:
EEarmarked 400 billion rubles to finance
priority projects in the country’s forestry
industry “to make the sector attractive
for investment and address its long-term
Forest Governance: (2) Trade PoliciesForest Governance: (2) Trade Policies
Forest Governance: (3) Green EconomyForest Governance: (3) Green Economy
Управление лесами в зеленой экономикеУправление лесами в зеленой экономике
 The forest sector in a green economy:The forest sector in a green economy:
IImproving human well-being and social equity whilemproving human well-being and social equity while
significantly reducing environmental risks and ecologicalsignificantly reducing environmental risks and ecological
 10 key messages of the L’viv Forum 201210 key messages of the L’viv Forum 2012
10 ключевых рекомендаций Львовского Форума10 ключевых рекомендаций Львовского Форума
 Action Plan for the Forest Sector in a Green EconomyAction Plan for the Forest Sector in a Green Economy
in the ECE regionin the ECE region
План действий по лесу в Зеленой экономикеПлан действий по лесу в Зеленой экономике
Forest Governance: (4) InstitutionsForest Governance: (4) Institutions
Управление лесами: интернациональные организацииУправление лесами: интернациональные организации
Forest Governance: (5) Climate change:Forest Governance: (5) Climate change:
Forest-based adaptation and carbon sinksForest-based adaptation and carbon sinks
Адаптация лесов к изменению климата вАдаптация лесов к изменению климата в
планировании лесного хозяйствапланировании лесного хозяйства
Map: the world 4°C warmerMap: the world 4°C warmer
Карта: повышение температуры на 4 градусаКарта: повышение температуры на 4 градуса
Развитие рационального управленияРазвитие рационального управления
в лесном секторе в период с 2005в лесном секторе в период с 2005
St. PetersburgSt. Petersburg
Declaration, Nov. 2005Declaration, Nov. 2005
 Expression of commitment
«выражение доброй воли» by 43
governments (+EU) from the ENA region
and other participating countries to take
action to address illegal logging and
associated forest crimes.
Ministerial St. Petersburg Declaration, contents:
Содержание министерской Декларации, г. Санкт-Петербург
 National action fields “commitments” (7)
 International action fields “commitments” (4)
 Indicative list of possible actions (возможные действия)
Criteria to assess progress of implementation of theCriteria to assess progress of implementation of the
St. Petersburg DeclarationSt. Petersburg Declaration
Критерии осуществления Санкт-ПетербургскойКритерии осуществления Санкт-Петербургской
National level
High level political commitment for FLEG
Review forest legislation, harmonize with intern. agreements
Strengthen interagency cooperation
Formulate concrete actions under clearly defined targets
Recognize the rights of forest-dependent communities and
stakeholder participation
Develop anti-corruption tools
Disseminate transparent information
Criteria to assess progress of StP
Критерии осуществления Санкт-
Петербургской декларации
International level
Promote and develop cooperation, partnerships,
human capacity
Enhance awareness of information about the legality
of products
Cooperate with civil society to inform consumers
of the problems of FLEG
Measures to improve forest governanceMeasures to improve forest governance
Меры по совершенствованию управления в лесномМеры по совершенствованию управления в лесном
Reform Laws and NormsReform Laws and Norms
Изменение законов иИзменение законов и
нормативных актовнормативных актов
PreventionPrevention DetectionDetection SupressionSupression
ПрофилактикаПрофилактика ВыявлениеВыявление ПресечениеПресечение
Reform tenureReform tenure
прав лесовладенияправ лесовладения
Strengthen civil serviceStrengthen civil service
Укрепление системыУкрепление системы
Increase transparencyIncrease transparency
Reduce monopoly powerReduce monopoly power
монопольной властимонопольной власти
Knowledge & CooperationKnowledge & Cooperation
Управление знаниями иУправление знаниями и
развитие сотрудничестваразвитие сотрудничества
в лесномв лесном
Resistance to change: Willing to give up privileges?Resistance to change: Willing to give up privileges?
Сопротивлением переменам: Нежелание расставаться сСопротивлением переменам: Нежелание расставаться с
Difficulties to separate government functions versus privateDifficulties to separate government functions versus private
sector functionssector functions
Трудности разграничения государственных функцийТрудности разграничения государственных функций
и функций частного сектораи функций частного сектора
Regulatory role often not separated from production activitiesRegulatory role often not separated from production activities
Роль государственного регулирования зачастуюРоль государственного регулирования зачастую
не отделена от производственной деятельностине отделена от производственной деятельности
Weak means for monitoring and controlWeak means for monitoring and control
Недостаточное финансирование мероприятий поНедостаточное финансирование мероприятий по
мониторингу и контролюмониторингу и контролю
Institutions: what has changed since 10 years?Institutions: what has changed since 10 years?
Институты:Институты: экономика переходного периодаэкономика переходного периода
In Summary:In Summary:
St. Petersburg Declaration - post-2015St. Petersburg Declaration - post-2015
 Green economy: Good forest governance as a prerequisite
 Enabling environment for private investment in forests
 Protection of critical forest habitats and ecosystems;
define the role of forests in climate change
 Broaden the issues: capture the true value of forests
 Review national and international commitments, adapt and link
a post-2015 St.D. commitment to current international processes.
Implement effective policies, tenure and institutional reform:
Проведение эффективной лесной политики, реформы на
всех уровнях, в т.ч. государственном и частном

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GFW Partner Meeting 2017 - Parallel Discussions 1: Forests and Biodiversity
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Forestry and landscapes: Solutions for sustainable developmentForestry and landscapes: Solutions for sustainable development
Forestry and landscapes: Solutions for sustainable development
Is no net loss possible? Evaluating policy instruments for reducing deforest...
Is no net loss possible? Evaluating policy instruments for reducing deforest...Is no net loss possible? Evaluating policy instruments for reducing deforest...
Is no net loss possible? Evaluating policy instruments for reducing deforest...
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Regional analysis of forest and environmental product use a...
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Regional analysis of forest and environmental product use a...EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Regional analysis of forest and environmental product use a...
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Regional analysis of forest and environmental product use a...
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Regional analysis of forest and environmental product use ...
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Regional analysis of forest and environmental product use ...EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Regional analysis of forest and environmental product use ...
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Regional analysis of forest and environmental product use ...
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ASB Partnership for the Tropical Forest Margins: Science Week Update
ASB Partnership for the Tropical Forest Margins: Science Week UpdateASB Partnership for the Tropical Forest Margins: Science Week Update
ASB Partnership for the Tropical Forest Margins: Science Week Update
The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity and The Cost of Policy Inaction ...
The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity and The Cost of Policy Inaction ...The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity and The Cost of Policy Inaction ...
The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity and The Cost of Policy Inaction ...
IARU Global Challenges 2014 Cornell Governance gaps
IARU Global Challenges 2014 Cornell Governance gapsIARU Global Challenges 2014 Cornell Governance gaps
IARU Global Challenges 2014 Cornell Governance gaps
Forest Dependence, Livelihoods and Poverty - Class Assigment
Forest Dependence, Livelihoods and Poverty - Class AssigmentForest Dependence, Livelihoods and Poverty - Class Assigment
Forest Dependence, Livelihoods and Poverty - Class Assigment
The UN Forum on Forests: Facilitating and catalyzing SFM financing
The UN Forum on Forests: Facilitating and catalyzing SFM financingThe UN Forum on Forests: Facilitating and catalyzing SFM financing
The UN Forum on Forests: Facilitating and catalyzing SFM financing
Inform eu forest directors
Inform eu forest directorsInform eu forest directors
Inform eu forest directors
Forests of europe
Forests of europeForests of europe
Forests of europe
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GFW Partner Meeting 2017 -Parallel DIscussions 3: The Next Frontier of Fores...
GFW Partner Meeting 2017  -Parallel DIscussions 3: The Next Frontier of Fores...GFW Partner Meeting 2017  -Parallel DIscussions 3: The Next Frontier of Fores...
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Ecological Footprint as a Sustainability Indicator
Ecological Footprint as a Sustainability IndicatorEcological Footprint as a Sustainability Indicator
Ecological Footprint as a Sustainability Indicator
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Mehr von ENPI FLEG

4th Steering Committee Meeting. Agenda
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4th Steering Committee Meeting. AgendaENPI FLEG
Country presentation, Armenia
Country presentation, ArmeniaCountry presentation, Armenia
Country presentation, ArmeniaENPI FLEG
Country presentation, Azerbaijan
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Country presentation, Belarus
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Country presentation, Georgia
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Country presentation, GeorgiaENPI FLEG
Country presentation, Moldova
Country presentation, MoldovaCountry presentation, Moldova
Country presentation, MoldovaENPI FLEG
Country presentation, Russia
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Country presentation, RussiaENPI FLEG
Progress and activities since previous SC meeting (October 2015) and performa...
Progress and activities since previous SC meeting (October 2015) and performa...Progress and activities since previous SC meeting (October 2015) and performa...
Progress and activities since previous SC meeting (October 2015) and performa...ENPI FLEG
Study on Country Implementation of the St. Petersburg Declaration
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Study on Country Implementation of the St. Petersburg DeclarationENPI FLEG
Country presentation, Ukraine
Country presentation, UkraineCountry presentation, Ukraine
Country presentation, UkraineENPI FLEG
Удосконалення системи контролю за рухом деревини в Україні та пропозиції змін...
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Удосконалення системи контролю за рухом деревини в Україні та пропозиції змін...ENPI FLEG
Региональный бюллетень (Осень 2015)
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Региональный бюллетень (Осень 2015)ENPI FLEG
Проект моделі реформування і розвитку мисливського господарства України
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Regional newsletter (Autumn 2015)
Regional newsletter (Autumn 2015)Regional newsletter (Autumn 2015)
Regional newsletter (Autumn 2015)ENPI FLEG
Аналіз законодавчої бази і практики ведення мисливського господарства деяких ...
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Аналіз законодавчої бази і практики ведення мисливського господарства деяких ...ENPI FLEG
International experience in development of timber tracking systems
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Analysis of legislation and practice of hunting in some EU countries
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Mehr von ENPI FLEG (20)

4th Steering Committee Meeting. Agenda
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4th Steering Committee Meeting. Agenda
Country presentation, Armenia
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Country presentation, Armenia
Country presentation, Azerbaijan
Country presentation, AzerbaijanCountry presentation, Azerbaijan
Country presentation, Azerbaijan
Country presentation, Belarus
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Country presentation, Belarus
Country presentation, Georgia
Country presentation, GeorgiaCountry presentation, Georgia
Country presentation, Georgia
Country presentation, Moldova
Country presentation, MoldovaCountry presentation, Moldova
Country presentation, Moldova
Country presentation, Russia
Country presentation, RussiaCountry presentation, Russia
Country presentation, Russia
Progress and activities since previous SC meeting (October 2015) and performa...
Progress and activities since previous SC meeting (October 2015) and performa...Progress and activities since previous SC meeting (October 2015) and performa...
Progress and activities since previous SC meeting (October 2015) and performa...
Study on Country Implementation of the St. Petersburg Declaration
Study on Country Implementation of the St. Petersburg DeclarationStudy on Country Implementation of the St. Petersburg Declaration
Study on Country Implementation of the St. Petersburg Declaration
Country presentation, Ukraine
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Удосконалення системи контролю за рухом деревини в Україні та пропозиції змін...
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Удосконалення системи контролю за рухом деревини в Україні та пропозиції змін...
Региональный бюллетень (Осень 2015)
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Проект моделі реформування і розвитку мисливського господарства України
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Regional newsletter (Autumn 2015)
Regional newsletter (Autumn 2015)Regional newsletter (Autumn 2015)
Regional newsletter (Autumn 2015)
Аналіз законодавчої бази і практики ведення мисливського господарства деяких ...
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International experience in development of timber tracking systems
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International experience in development of timber tracking systems
Analysis of legislation and practice of hunting in some EU countries
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Draft model of reformation and development of hunting sector in Ukraine
Закордонний досвід налагодження систем контролю руху і стеження деревини
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Пропозиції ключових законодавчих актів щодо охорони біорізноманіття в лісах а...
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1.Overview of Global Forest Governance and Forest Law Enforcement focussed to the ENA Region

  • 1. The trouble with our times is that the future is not what it used to be… PrefacePreface Paul Valéry © Rockstrom2010 ВведениеВведение Будущее уже не то, что было раньше… Поль Валери
  • 2. Overview ofOverview of Global Forest Governance andGlobal Forest Governance and Forest Law EnforcementForest Law Enforcement focussed to the ENA Regionfocussed to the ENA Region Europe and North Asia Forest Law Enforcement and GovernanceEurope and North Asia Forest Law Enforcement and Governance Preparatory Committee Conference (PrepCom)Preparatory Committee Conference (PrepCom) Moscow, June 6, 2005Moscow, June 6, 2005 Jürgen Blaser, Intercooperation, Bern, Switzerland The present content does only commit the presenter, and none of the involved organizations Photographic illustrations are not in direct relationship to the specific issue in the respective slide © Juergen Blaser, with support by Kerstin Canby and Arnoldo Contreras. Photographs by J. Blaser
  • 3. Обзор глобальных вопросовОбзор глобальных вопросов управления в лесном секторе иуправления в лесном секторе и специфических проблем в регионеспецифических проблем в регионе ЕСАЕСА «Международный процесс по вопросам правоприменения,«Международный процесс по вопросам правоприменения, управления в лесном секторе (FLEG) в регионе Европы и Северной Азии»управления в лесном секторе (FLEG) в регионе Европы и Северной Азии» Подготовительная конференцияПодготовительная конференция Москва, 6-8 июня 2005 г.Москва, 6-8 июня 2005 г. Юрген Блазер, Swiss Intercooperation The present content does only commit the presenter, and none of the involved organizations Photographic illustrations are not in direct relationship to the specific issue in the respective slide © Juergen Blaser, with support by Kerstin Canby and Arnoldo Contreras. Photographs by J. Blaser
  • 4. Overview of International Processes and ProgressOverview of International Processes and Progress in Forest Governance since Saint Petersburg 2005in Forest Governance since Saint Petersburg 2005 Обзор международных процессов и вопросов развитияОбзор международных процессов и вопросов развития рационального управления в лесном секторерационального управления в лесном секторе в период с 2005 года, после провденияв период с 2005 года, после провдения Конференции в г. Санкт-ПетербургКонференции в г. Санкт-Петербург Juergen Blaser Юрген Блазер Bern University of Applied Sciences Университет Верн, Швейцария Tblisi, 8 July 2014
  • 5. PROCESSESPROCESSES ОБЗОР МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫХ ПРОЦЕССОВОБЗОР МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫХ ПРОЦЕССОВ 31% of the world’s land area is covered by forests31% of the world’s land area is covered by forests 31% территории Земли покрыто лесами31% территории Земли покрыто лесами 2,180 m2,180 m haha 1,850 m1,850 m haha North Север South Юг Forests 2014Forests 2014 Лес 2014Лес 2014
  • 6. Country Data Boreal Temperate Subtropical Tropical Global Land Area ('000 ha) 2,659,547 2,894,298 1,985,421 5,386,567 13,010,510 20.4% 22.2% 15.3% 41.4% 100% Forest Area ('000 ha) 1,179,682 671,003 342,035 1,839,303 4,033,063 29.3% 16.6% 8.5% 45.6% 100% Relative proportion of Forest 44.4% 23.2% 17.2% 34.1% 31.0% Development of Forest Area increasing slightly increasing increasing decreasing slightly decreasing Change Rate 0.4% 0.2% 0.4% -0.4% -0.1% Carbon in living forest biomass (Megatons) 48,890 38,171 8,563 179,535 275,207 17.8% 13.9% 3.1% 65.2% 100% Population (million) 194,300 2,260,032 973,640 3,311,683 6,750,525 2.9% 33.5% 14.4% 49.1% 100% Population development decreasing slightly increasing slightly increasing strongly increasing increasing
  • 7. Forest area (m ha) Площадь лесов (млн.га) Forest cover % В процентном соотношении Growing stock (m3/ha) Выработка леса на гектар Balkans - Балканы 19 32 176 Eastern Europe Восточная Европа 827 48 103 North and Central Asia Северная и Центральная Азия 23 4 82 Caucasus - Кавказ 15 16 141 TOTAL Всего 884 37 105 Forests in ENA-RegionForests in ENA-Region 20142014 -- ЛесаЛеса ЕСА регион,ЕСА регион, 20142014
  • 8. Felling as % of annual growth Вырубка в % от ежегодного прироста Nordics and Baltics 72% Central Europe 61% EU 27 60% South-East Europe 45% Russia 34% (USA, Canada) (80%) Forest resources ever increasing in ENA Region Прирост лесов на Евразийском континенте
  • 9.  Supply and demand for timber, paper, wood products, energySupply and demand for timber, paper, wood products, energy Спрос и предложение в индустрии леса, бумажнойСпрос и предложение в индустрии леса, бумажной промышленности, производстве товаров из древесиныпромышленности, производстве товаров из древесины и секторе энергетикии секторе энергетики  Increased demand for and competition between products;  Global timber trade doubled over the last decade (in spite of slow down 2008/2009)  China, emerging markets  Increasing demand for transparency and production methods Возрастающая потребность в открытой информации о производстве и товарах  Certified forests Dec. 2005: 272 m ha (91 m ha ENA region)  Certified forests June 2014: 442 m ha (166 m ha ENA region)  FLEG, FLEGT processes, also influenced behaviors (China…) Global forest Challenges 2005 – 2014Global forest Challenges 2005 – 2014 Основные проблемы мирового леса 2005-Основные проблемы мирового леса 2005- 20142014
  • 10.  Raise of global energy marketRaise of global energy market:: biofuel, wood pellets, wood chipsbiofuel, wood pellets, wood chips Энергоресурсы: топливные пеллеты, щепаЭнергоресурсы: топливные пеллеты, щепа 40% raise of wood fuel from forests in ENA region 2005-201340% raise of wood fuel from forests in ENA region 2005-2013 (360 million m3 of wood)(360 million m3 of wood)  Valuation of forest products and ecosystem servicesValuation of forest products and ecosystem services Оценка лесных товаров и услугОценка лесных товаров и услуг Timber, timber products and NTFP, water, carbon, biodiversity  Changes in forest ownership, access to forest resourcesChanges in forest ownership, access to forest resources Реформа форм собственности леса, реальный доступ кРеформа форм собственности леса, реальный доступ к использованию лесных ресурсовиспользованию лесных ресурсов From state to communities, user associations, private sector lease; “land grabbing”: Increased demand for land: plantation wood  Changes in national forest policyChanges in national forest policy Изменения в политике управления лесами на государственнойИзменения в политике управления лесами на государственной уровнеуровне From forestry policies to wider forest policies
  • 11. Global Forest GovernanceGlobal Forest Governance Надлежащее управление лесамиНадлежащее управление лесами  Forest and economic growth, trade policiesForest and economic growth, trade policies  Forests and sustainable developmentForests and sustainable development  Forests and climate changeForests and climate change  Forests and biological diversityForests and biological diversity  Forests and their social, cultural and « public-opinion» dimension.Forests and their social, cultural and « public-opinion» dimension.  Transversal dimension: Forest GovernanceTransversal dimension: Forest Governance
  • 12. Forest Governance 10 years afterForest Governance 10 years after St. Petersburg: the broad issuesSt. Petersburg: the broad issues  (1) Forest and Environmental Policy (global and regional)(1) Forest and Environmental Policy (global and regional) Лесная политика и окружающая средаЛесная политика и окружающая среда  (2) Trade Policies -(2) Trade Policies - Торговая политикаТорговая политика  (3) Green Economy -(3) Green Economy - Зеленая экономикаЗеленая экономика  (4) Institutions -(4) Institutions - ОрганизацииОрганизации  (5) An overlying issue: climate change(5) An overlying issue: climate change С учетом изменений климатаС учетом изменений климата
  • 13. The Forest Instrument 2007; post-2015; Global Objectives on Forests:The Forest Instrument 2007; post-2015; Global Objectives on Forests: Reverse the loss of forest cover worldwide…Reverse the loss of forest cover worldwide… Enhance forest-based economic, social and environmental benefitsEnhance forest-based economic, social and environmental benefits Increase significantly the area of protected forests worldwideIncrease significantly the area of protected forests worldwide and other areas of sustainably managed forests…and other areas of sustainably managed forests… Mobilize financial resources for sustainable forest managementMobilize financial resources for sustainable forest management ….…. CBD Aichi Targets (2011CBD Aichi Targets (2011):): 4 main targets, including:4 main targets, including: “By 2020, at least 17% of terrestrial areas are conserved” Climate changeClimate change:: REDD+ Challenges (since 2009)/NAMA/LULUCFREDD+ Challenges (since 2009)/NAMA/LULUCF The missing element: carbon permanence (boreal and temperate forests)The missing element: carbon permanence (boreal and temperate forests) Bonn Challenge (2012): 2 targets, includingBonn Challenge (2012): 2 targets, including ““Restore 150 million hectares of the world's degraded and deforested lands by 2020» Forests and SDG targets post 2015 (2014Forests and SDG targets post 2015 (2014): Forests under biodiversity, incl.): Forests under biodiversity, incl. possible target: “By 2030 manage all the world’s forests sustainably”possible target: “By 2030 manage all the world’s forests sustainably” Forest Governance: (1) Policy Dimension (global)Forest Governance: (1) Policy Dimension (global)
  • 14. ““Forest Europe”Forest Europe” Since 1990, 46 members, 6 Ministerial conferencesSince 1990, 46 members, 6 Ministerial conferences Since 2011:Since 2011: Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to develop a legally binding agreement on forests in the pan-European region Aims:  consolidating tools for SFM;  improving monitoring of and reporting on forests;  combatting illegal logging;  developing a common approach to the valuation of forests services;  emphasizing the social aspects of forestry;  the role of forests in the transition to a green economy. Forest Governance: (1) Policy DimensionForest Governance: (1) Policy Dimension (regional)(regional)
  • 15.  European Union Timber Regulation (EUTR), March 2013:European Union Timber Regulation (EUTR), March 2013: Prevents illegal logged wood in all the EU Member StatesPrevents illegal logged wood in all the EU Member States  EU/US Transatlantic Free Trade Area NegotiationsEU/US Transatlantic Free Trade Area Negotiations:: Elimination of tariffs and non-tariffs barriers; standards & regulationsElimination of tariffs and non-tariffs barriers; standards & regulations Lacey Act (1900) amendment of 2008: trafficking of wood and wood productsLacey Act (1900) amendment of 2008: trafficking of wood and wood products  Investment: Russian Federation Investment Project:Investment: Russian Federation Investment Project: EEarmarked 400 billion rubles to finance priority projects in the country’s forestry industry “to make the sector attractive for investment and address its long-term problems” Forest Governance: (2) Trade PoliciesForest Governance: (2) Trade Policies
  • 16. Forest Governance: (3) Green EconomyForest Governance: (3) Green Economy Управление лесами в зеленой экономикеУправление лесами в зеленой экономике  The forest sector in a green economy:The forest sector in a green economy: IImproving human well-being and social equity whilemproving human well-being and social equity while significantly reducing environmental risks and ecologicalsignificantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities.scarcities.  10 key messages of the L’viv Forum 201210 key messages of the L’viv Forum 2012 10 ключевых рекомендаций Львовского Форума10 ключевых рекомендаций Львовского Форума  Action Plan for the Forest Sector in a Green EconomyAction Plan for the Forest Sector in a Green Economy in the ECE regionin the ECE region План действий по лесу в Зеленой экономикеПлан действий по лесу в Зеленой экономике ЕСА-региона.ЕСА-региона.
  • 17. Forest Governance: (4) InstitutionsForest Governance: (4) Institutions Управление лесами: интернациональные организацииУправление лесами: интернациональные организации
  • 18. Forest Governance: (5) Climate change:Forest Governance: (5) Climate change: Forest-based adaptation and carbon sinksForest-based adaptation and carbon sinks Адаптация лесов к изменению климата вАдаптация лесов к изменению климата в планировании лесного хозяйствапланировании лесного хозяйства Map: the world 4°C warmerMap: the world 4°C warmer Карта: повышение температуры на 4 градусаКарта: повышение температуры на 4 градуса
  • 19. (2) PROGRESS(2) PROGRESS IN FOREST GOVERNANCE SINCEIN FOREST GOVERNANCE SINCE SAINT PETERSBURG 2005SAINT PETERSBURG 2005 Развитие рационального управленияРазвитие рационального управления в лесном секторе в период с 2005в лесном секторе в период с 2005 годагода
  • 20. St. PetersburgSt. Petersburg Declaration, Nov. 2005Declaration, Nov. 2005  Expression of commitment «выражение доброй воли» by 43 governments (+EU) from the ENA region and other participating countries to take action to address illegal logging and associated forest crimes. Ministerial St. Petersburg Declaration, contents: Содержание министерской Декларации, г. Санкт-Петербург  National action fields “commitments” (7)  International action fields “commitments” (4)  Indicative list of possible actions (возможные действия)
  • 21. Criteria to assess progress of implementation of theCriteria to assess progress of implementation of the St. Petersburg DeclarationSt. Petersburg Declaration Критерии осуществления Санкт-ПетербургскойКритерии осуществления Санкт-Петербургской декларации:декларации: National level High level political commitment for FLEG Review forest legislation, harmonize with intern. agreements Strengthen interagency cooperation Formulate concrete actions under clearly defined targets Recognize the rights of forest-dependent communities and stakeholder participation Develop anti-corruption tools Disseminate transparent information
  • 22. Criteria to assess progress of StP (cont.) Критерии осуществления Санкт- Петербургской декларации International level Promote and develop cooperation, partnerships, human capacity Enhance awareness of information about the legality of products Cooperate with civil society to inform consumers of the problems of FLEG
  • 23. Measures to improve forest governanceMeasures to improve forest governance Меры по совершенствованию управления в лесномМеры по совершенствованию управления в лесном секторесекторе Reform Laws and NormsReform Laws and Norms Изменение законов иИзменение законов и нормативных актовнормативных актов PreventionPrevention DetectionDetection SupressionSupression ПрофилактикаПрофилактика ВыявлениеВыявление ПресечениеПресечение Reform tenureReform tenure РеформированиеРеформирование прав лесовладенияправ лесовладения Strengthen civil serviceStrengthen civil service Укрепление системыУкрепление системы госслужбыгосслужбы Increase transparencyIncrease transparency ПовышениеПовышение прозрачностипрозрачности Reduce monopoly powerReduce monopoly power УменьшениеУменьшение монопольной властимонопольной власти Knowledge & CooperationKnowledge & Cooperation Управление знаниями иУправление знаниями и развитие сотрудничестваразвитие сотрудничества СовершенстСовершенст вованиевование управленияуправления в лесномв лесном секторесекторе
  • 24. Resistance to change: Willing to give up privileges?Resistance to change: Willing to give up privileges? Сопротивлением переменам: Нежелание расставаться сСопротивлением переменам: Нежелание расставаться с привилегиямипривилегиями Difficulties to separate government functions versus privateDifficulties to separate government functions versus private sector functionssector functions Трудности разграничения государственных функцийТрудности разграничения государственных функций и функций частного сектораи функций частного сектора Regulatory role often not separated from production activitiesRegulatory role often not separated from production activities Роль государственного регулирования зачастуюРоль государственного регулирования зачастую не отделена от производственной деятельностине отделена от производственной деятельности Weak means for monitoring and controlWeak means for monitoring and control Недостаточное финансирование мероприятий поНедостаточное финансирование мероприятий по мониторингу и контролюмониторингу и контролю Institutions: what has changed since 10 years?Institutions: what has changed since 10 years? Институты:Институты: экономика переходного периодаэкономика переходного периода
  • 25. In Summary:In Summary: St. Petersburg Declaration - post-2015St. Petersburg Declaration - post-2015  Green economy: Good forest governance as a prerequisite  Enabling environment for private investment in forests  Protection of critical forest habitats and ecosystems; define the role of forests in climate change  Broaden the issues: capture the true value of forests  Review national and international commitments, adapt and link a post-2015 St.D. commitment to current international processes. Implement effective policies, tenure and institutional reform: Проведение эффективной лесной политики, реформы на всех уровнях, в т.ч. государственном и частном