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Presented By :

     Dr. Surendra Godara
AIIMS protocol NICU 2010
PGI Chandigarh Protocol NICU 2010
Manual of neonatal care
                                           John P Cloherty
Avery’s Disease of newborn
                                               8th Edition
Foranoff & Martin
       Neonatal & perinatal medicine, Volume II 8th Edition
Neonatal sepsis is a clinical syndrome characterized by signs and symptoms of
infection with or without accompanying bacteremia in the first month of life. It
osteomyelitis, and
urinary tract infections.
Superficial infections like conjunctivitis and oral thrush are not usually included
under neonatal sepsis.
Neonatal sepsis

COMMONEST CAUSE                Prematurity
OF NEONATAL       Others

Klebsiella pneumoniae
 Escherichia coli
 Staphylococcus aureus
Group b streptococus
Early                   Late

Onset          Upto 72 hrs             After 72 hrs

Source         Maternal                Postnatal environment

Presentation   Fulminant multisystem   Slowly progressive,focal
               Pneumonia frequent      Meningitis frequent

Mortality      15-50%                  10-20%
 Lethargy                          Cyanosis*
  Refusal to suckle                 Tachypnea*
  Poor cry                          Chest retractions*
  Not arousable, comatosed          Grunt*
  Abdominal distension              Apnea/gasping*
  Diarrhea                          Fever+
  Vomiting                          Seizures+
  Hypothermia                       Blank look+
  Poor perfusion                    High pitched cry+
  Sclerema                          Excessive crying/irritability+
  Poor weight gain                  Neck retraction+
  Shock                             Bulging fontanel+
  Bleeding
  Renal failure

* Particularly suggestive of pneumonia
+ Particularly suggestive of meningitis
1. Low birth weight (<2500 grams) or prematurity
2. Febrile illness in the mother with evidence of bacterial infection within 2
   weeks prior to delivery.
3. Foul smelling and/or meconium stained liquor.
4. Rupture of membranes >24 hours.
5. Single unclean or > 3 sterile vaginal examination(s) during labor
6. Prolonged labor (sum of 1st and 2nd stage of labor > 24 hrs)
7. Perinatal asphyxia (Apgar score <4 at 1 minute)
Presence of foul smelling liquor or three of the above mentioned risk factors
   warrant initiation of antibiotic treatment. Infants with two risk factors should
   be investigated and then treated accordingly.
Risk factor                            Score
IP per vaginal examinations >3           6
Clinical chorioamnionitis                6
BW <1.5kg                                3
Male gender                              3
Not received IP antibiotics              2
Gestation <30 wks                        2

If -    score 0-6 monitoring
        7 or >7 antibiotics , blood culture
        Extreme risk factor – prom>72hr
                              -prolonged labor>24hr
                              -unclean vaginal exam’
                               - Maternal septisemia
 Neonates who become symptomatic after 72 h must be evaluated
  for LOS..
 Based on clinical assessment the neonate must be categorized into
  low probability of sepsis or high probability of sepsis. “Low
  probability” represents situations where the clinician would be
  willing to withhold antibiotics if-the sepsis screen is negative.
 Those with low probability of sepsis (e.g. single episode of
  apnea, but otherwise well) should undergo a sepsis screen. The
  purpose of the sepsis screen is to rule out sepsis rather than to rule
  in sepsis. The sepsis screen consists of:TLC, CRP, ANC. ITR and
  micro-erythrocyte sedimentation rate (m-ESR).
Components                    Abnormal values
Total leukocyte count         <5000/mm3
Absolute neutrophil count     <1750/mm3
Immature /total neutrophil    >0.2
Micro-ESR                     >10 mm in 1st hour
C reactive protein (CRP)      >1mg/dL
o CRP: It is done by quantitative ELISA or by a bedside semi-
  quantitative latex agglutination kit. More than 1 mg/dL is
o ANC: It must be read off Manroe’s charts, Schelonka’s chart or
  Mouzinho’s chart, depending on whether it is a term baby or a
  preterm baby respectiveIy.
o ITR: It is considered to be positive if>20%. ITR is defined as

       Immature PMN (band forms, metamyelo & myelocytes)
                 Mature + immature neutrophils

Mature neutrophil                          Band cell

o mESR, Value (in mm in first hour)> “3+age in days” in the 1
    wk of life or >10 thereafter is considered positive.
 Two systematic reviews on sepsis screens reached the same
  conclusions- that there is no ideal test or combination of tests.
  Among the various tests, quantitative CRP is the best, followed by
  qualitative CRP and ITR.
 If all the parameters of the sepsis screen are negative in a neonate
  assessed to have low probability of LOS, antibiotics may not be
  started and the neonate must be monitored clinically. The screen
  must be repeated after 12-24h. Two consecutive completely
  negative screens are suggestive of no sepsis.
 Since CRP is the key parameter in the sepsis screen, a pragmatic
  approach is that if the CRP alone is positive or any two
  parameters of the sepsis screen are positive, a blood culture must
  be drawn and empirical antibiotics must be started. A CSF
  examination must be performed.
 Neonates assessed to have a high clinical probability of sepsis
  may not be subjected to a sepsis screen, because a negative screen
  would not alter the decision to start antibiotics. A CSF
  examination must be performed.
Sepsis screen
Blood culture
LP Revised guideline for empirical treatment of meningitis based on csf parameter
                        Among neonates with                Among neonates with
                        suspected sepsis                   blood culture proven
                        Preterm babies
                     •WBC >25 AND protein >170             •WBC >10
                     OR                                    • OR
                     •WBC>100                              •Glucose <25
 Cut-off values to   •OR                                   OR
 diagnose meningitis •Glucose <25                          •Protein >170
                     Term babies
                        •WBC >21                           •WBC >8 OR
                        • OR                               •Glucose <20 OR
                        •Glucose <20                       •Protein >120
 X-ray chest

 X-ray Abdomen

 CT scan

 Neurosonogram

Urine analysis
 First line: Ciprofloxacin + Amikacin (covers - 75% isolates) .
   If meningitis is suspected, replace Ciprofloxacin. by Cefotaxime-
   sulbactam (see section D24)
 Second line: Vancomycin + Piperacillin-Tazobactam (covers -
   90% isolates)
 Third line: Vancomycin + Meropenem (covers - 95-100%)
The antibiotic policy is reviewed periodically and may change after
the next review. Cephalosporins rapidly induce the production of
extended spectrum b-lactamases, cephalosporinases and fungal
colonization, and hence, are best avoided as empirical antibiotics.
 Empirical upgradation must be done if the expected clinical
  improvement with the ongoing line of antibiotics does not occur.
  A minimum of 48-72 h of observation should be allowed before
  declaring the particular line as having failed. The duration may
  be longer for Vancomycin compared to the Penicillin group and
 In case the neonate is extremely sick or deteriorating very
  rapidly and the treating team feels that the neonate may not able
  to survive 48 h in the absence of appropriate antibiotics, a
  decision may be taken to bypass the first line of antibiotics and
  start with the second- line of antibiotics
 If the growth is a non-contaminant, the antibiotic sensitivity must
  be assessed to decide whether antibiotics need to be changed or
  not. The following guidelines must be adhered to:
   o If the organism is sensitive to an antibiotic with a narrower
      spectrum or lower cost, therapy must be changed to such an
      antibiotic, even if the neonate was improving with the
      empirical antibiotics.
   o If possible, a single sensitive antibiotic must be used, the
      exception being Pseudomonas for which 2 sensitive
      antibiotics must be used. Two sensitive antibiotics (a
      Penicillin + an Aminoglycoside) may also be used for S
      aureus and E. fecalis.
o If the empirical antibiotics are reported sensitive, but the neonate has
  worsened on these antibiotics, it may be a case of in vitro resistance.
  Antibiotics may be changed to an alternate sensitive antibiotic with the
  narrowest spectrum and lowest cost.
o If the empirical antibiotics are reported resistant but the neonate has
  improved clinically, it may or may not be a case of in-vivo sensitivity. In
  such cases a careful assessment must be made before deciding on
  continuing with the empirical antibiotics. One must not continue with
  antibiotics with in vitro resistance in case of Pseudomonas, Kiebsiella and
  MRSA; and in cases of CNS infections and deep-seated infections.
o If no antibiotic has been reported sensitive, but one or more has been
  reported moderate1y sensitive’, therapy must be changed to such
  antibiotics at the highest permissible dose. Use a combination, in such
The survival of a sick septic newborn often depends upon
aggressive supportive care.
 Oxygen saturation should be maintained in the normal range and
  mechanical ventilation may be required in case of increased work
  of breathing.
 Anemia, thrombocytopenia, and DIC are treated with appropriate
  transfusions. Packed red cells and FFP might have to be used.
 Septic infants should be screened for hypoglycemia and treated
 Management of Septic Shock
The currently available evidence does not support the use
of IVIG. IVIG may be used in a difficult situation, after
discussion with the consultant.
Dose : pentaglobin 5 mL/kg/d for 2 d (IgM 6 mg, IgA 6
mg and IgG 38 mg/ml).
Among patients with clinically suspected infection, the
reduction of mortality with IVIG is of borderline
significance [typical RR 0.63 (95% CI; 0.40, 1.00)]. In
cases of subsequently proven infection the reduciton in
mortality is statistically but has very wide Cl [typical RR
0.55 (95% Cl; 0.31, 0.98)].
Exchange transfusion (ET): Sadana et al have evaluated the role
of double volume exchange transfusion in septic neonates with
sclerema and demonstrated a 50% reduction in sepsis related
mortality in the treated group. We perform double-volume
exchange transfusion with cross-matched fresh whole blood as
adjunctive therapy in septic neonates with sclerema.
.Granulocyte-Macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF):
This mode of treatment is still experimental.
Prevention of infections
     Exclusive breastfeeding

     Keep cord dry

     Hand washing by care givers

     Hygiene of baby

     No unnecessary interventions

Teaching Aids: NNF   NS-            26
Control of hospital infections
       Hand washing by all staff
       Isolation of infectious patient
       Use plenty of disposable items
       Avoid overcrowding
       Aseptic work culture
       Infection surveillance

Teaching Aids: NNF   NS-                 27
Work culture
       Sterile gowns and linen for babies
       Hand washing by all
       Regular cleaning of unit
       No sharing of baby belongings
       Dispose waste-products in separate bins

Teaching Aids: NNF   NS-                         28
Defined as total serum calcium concentration of <7 mg/dL or an
ionized calcium concentration of <4 mg/dL (i.e. 1 mEq/L).
umbilical calcium level is 10-11mg/dL
first 24-48h-7.5-8.5 mg/dL .
Classification: early onset (<3 d) and late onset (>3 d)
Early onset: Prematurity, 1DM, perinatal asphyxia, maternal intake
of anticonvulsants, IUGR. If hypocalcemia does not resolve within
72 h of therapy investigate for causes of late onset hypocalcemia.
Maintenance: 4-6 mL/kg/d of Ca gluconate IV (added in last 2 h of
6 hourly IVF)
Preparation: Ca-gluconate 10% (IV)- 9 mg/mL (preferred), Ca-
chloride (IV)-27 mg/mL
Asymptomatic: increase maintenance to 8-12 mL/kg/d of Ca-
Symptomatic: 2 mL/kg of Ca-gluconate diluted in 1:1 dilution with
NS or 5% D IV over 10-15 mm under strict cardiac monitoring
(stop infusion if HR drops for >20 beats/mm than baseline or any
other arrhythmia appears on ECO). Start maintenance calcium after
bolus dose.
                                          Total serum Cal <7 mg/dl

                                           80 mg/kg/day for 48 hrs
                                   (8 mL/kg/day of 10% calcium gluconate )

                                    Taper to 40 mg/kg/day for one day
                                                Then stop

Bolus of 2 mL/kg calcium gluconate 1:1 diluted with 5 % dextrose over 10 minutes under cardiac monitoring

    Followed by continuous infusion 80 mg/kg/day for 48 hrs (8 mL/kg/day of 10% calcium gluconate )
                                  Document normal calcium at 48 hrs

                                 Then taper to 40 mg/kg/day for one day
                                                Then stop

                    Preterm< 32 wks, sick IDM, severe asphyxia 40 mg/kg/day for 3 days
                 (4ml/kg/day of 10% calcium gluconate ) IV or oral if can tolerate per oral

                                 Treatment is for 72 hours
                                  Continuous infusion is better than bolus
                                  Symptomatic babies treatment is 48 hrs continuous infusion
Prolonged or resistant hypocalcemia
This condition should be considered in the following
 Symptomatic hypocalcemia unresponsive to adequate
  doses of calcium therapy
 Infants needing calcium supplements beyond 72 hours
  of age
 Hypocalcemia presenting at the end of the first week.
 These infants should be investigated for causes of LNH
Causes of late onset hypocalcemia
 Increased phosphate load--Cow milk, renal insufficiency
 Hypomagnesemia
 Vitamin D deficiency
 Maternal vitamin D deficiency
 Malabsorption
 Renal insufficiency
 Hepatobiliary disease
 PTH resistence--Transient neonatal pseudohypoparathyroidism
 Hypoparathyroidism
 Primary
 Hypoplasia, aplasia of parathyroid glands - (Di George’s
 syndrome), CATCH 22 syndrome (cardiac anomaly, abnormal
 facies, thymic aplasia, cleft palate, hypocalcaemia with deletion
 on chromosome 22)
 Activating mutations of the calcium sensing receptor (CSR)
 Secondary
 Maternal hyperparathyroidism
Metabolic Syndromes
 Kenny-caffey syndrome
 Long-chain fatty acyl CoA dehydrogenase deficiency
 Kearns-sayre syndrome
 Citrated blood products
 Lipid infusions
 Bicrbonate therepy
 Diueretics (loop diuretics)
 Glucocorticosteriods
 Phosphate therepy
 Use of Aminoglycosides (mainly gentamicin) as single dose
 Alkalosis
 Phototherapy
Investigation required
        First line                 Second line                      Others
        Serum phosphate            Serum magnesium                  CT brain for calcification
        Serum alkaline             Serum parathormone               Echocardiography
        phosphatase (SAP)          levels (PTH)                     Vitamin D levels (1,25
        Liver function tests       Urine calcium creatinine         D3)
        Renal function tests       ratio                            Hearing evaluation
        X ray chest/ wrist         Maternal calcium,                Serum cortisol
        Arterial pH                phosphate, and alkaline          Thyroid function tests

S.No.   Disorder causing           Findings

1       Hypoparathyroidism         High : Phosphate
                                   Low : SAP, PTH, 1,25 D3
2       Pseudo                     High : SAP, PTH, Phosphate
        Hypoparathyroidim          Low : 1,25 D3
3       Chronic renal failure      High : phosphate, SAP, PTH, pH (acidotic), deranged RFT
                                   Low : 1,25 D3
4       Hypomagnesemia             High : PTH
                                   Low : Phosphate, Mg,1,25 D3
5       VDDR1                      High : SAP, PTH
                                   Low : Phosphate, 1,25 D3
6       VDDR2                      High : SAP, 1, 25 D3, PTH
                                   Low : Phosphate
Treatment of LNH

The treatment of LNH is specific to etiology and may in certain
diseases be lifelong.
1. Hypomagnesemia: Symptomatic hypocalcemia unresponsive to
adequate doses of IV calcium therapy is usually due to
hypomagnesemia. It may present either as ENH or later as LNH.
The neonate should receive 2 doses of 0.2 mL/kg of 50% MgSO4
injection, 12 hours apart, deep IM followed by a maintenance dose
of 0.2 mL/kg/day of 50% MgSO4, PO for 3 days.
2. High phosphate load: These infants have hyperphosphatemia
with near normal calcium levels. Exclusive breast-feeding should
be encouraged and top feeding with cow’s milk should be
discontinued. Phosphate binding gels should be avoided.
Treatment of LNH
3.    Hypoparathyroidism:       These    infants   tend   to    be
hyperphosphatemic and hypocalcemic with normal renal function.
Elevated phosphate levels in the absence of exogenous phosphate
load (cow’s milk) and presence of normal renal functions indicates
parathormone inefficiency. It is important to realize that if the
phosphate level is very high, then adding calcium will lead to
calcium deposition and tissue damage. Thus attempts should be
made to reduce the phosphate (so as to keep the calcium and the
phosphate product less than 55). These neonates need
supplementation with calcium (50 mg/kg/day in 3 divided doses)
and 1,25(OH)2 Vitamin D3 (0.5-1 mg/day). Syrups with 125 mg
and 250 mg per 5ml of calcium are available.1,25(OH)2 vitamin
D3 (calcitriol) is available as 0.25 mg capsules. Therapy may be
stopped      in     hypocalcemia      secondary     to   maternal
hyperparathyroidism after 6 weeks.
Treatment of LNH

4. Vitamin D deficiency states: These babies have hypocalcemia
associated with hypophosphatemia due to an intact parathormone
response on the kidneys. They benefit from Vitamin D3
supplementation in a dose of 30-60 ng/kg/day
The baby is monitored for the SCa, and phosphate, 24 hour urinary
calcium, and calcium creatinine ratio. Try to keep the calcium in
the lower range as defective distal tubular absorption leads to
hypercalciuria and nephrocalcinosis.
Treatment of LNH
Prognosis and outcome
Most cases of early neonatal hypocalcemia resolve within 48-72
hours without any clinically significant sequelae.
Late neonatal hypocalcemia secondary to exogenous phosphate
load and magnesium deficiency also responds well to phosphate
restriction and magnesium repletion. When caused by
hypoparathyroidism, hypocalcemia requires continued therapy with
vitamin D metabolites and calcium salts. The period of therapy
depends on the nature of the hypoparathyroidism which can be
transient, last several weeks to months, or be permanent.
Neonatal sepsis surenda godara 23-8-11

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Neonatal sepsis surenda godara 23-8-11

  • 1. Presented By : Dr. Surendra Godara
  • 2. AIIMS protocol NICU 2010 PGI Chandigarh Protocol NICU 2010 Manual of neonatal care John P Cloherty Avery’s Disease of newborn 8th Edition Foranoff & Martin Neonatal & perinatal medicine, Volume II 8th Edition
  • 3. Neonatal sepsis is a clinical syndrome characterized by signs and symptoms of infection with or without accompanying bacteremia in the first month of life. It include:- septicemia, meningitis, pneumonia, arthritis, osteomyelitis, and urinary tract infections. Superficial infections like conjunctivitis and oral thrush are not usually included under neonatal sepsis.
  • 4. Neonatal sepsis COMMONEST CAUSE Prematurity 15% OF NEONATAL Others 13% DEATHS Asphyxia Sepsis 20% 52%
  • 5. Klebsiella pneumoniae Escherichia coli Staphylococcus aureus Pseudomonas Group b streptococus
  • 6. Early Late Onset Upto 72 hrs After 72 hrs Source Maternal Postnatal environment Presentation Fulminant multisystem Slowly progressive,focal Pneumonia frequent Meningitis frequent Mortality 15-50% 10-20%
  • 7.  Lethargy  Cyanosis*  Refusal to suckle  Tachypnea*  Poor cry  Chest retractions*  Not arousable, comatosed  Grunt*  Abdominal distension  Apnea/gasping*  Diarrhea  Fever+  Vomiting  Seizures+  Hypothermia  Blank look+  Poor perfusion  High pitched cry+  Sclerema  Excessive crying/irritability+  Poor weight gain  Neck retraction+  Shock  Bulging fontanel+  Bleeding  Renal failure * Particularly suggestive of pneumonia + Particularly suggestive of meningitis
  • 8. 1. Low birth weight (<2500 grams) or prematurity 2. Febrile illness in the mother with evidence of bacterial infection within 2 weeks prior to delivery. 3. Foul smelling and/or meconium stained liquor. 4. Rupture of membranes >24 hours. 5. Single unclean or > 3 sterile vaginal examination(s) during labor 6. Prolonged labor (sum of 1st and 2nd stage of labor > 24 hrs) 7. Perinatal asphyxia (Apgar score <4 at 1 minute) Presence of foul smelling liquor or three of the above mentioned risk factors warrant initiation of antibiotic treatment. Infants with two risk factors should be investigated and then treated accordingly.
  • 9. Risk factor Score IP per vaginal examinations >3 6 Clinical chorioamnionitis 6 BW <1.5kg 3 Male gender 3 Not received IP antibiotics 2 Gestation <30 wks 2 If - score 0-6 monitoring 7 or >7 antibiotics , blood culture Extreme risk factor – prom>72hr -prolonged labor>24hr -unclean vaginal exam’ - Maternal septisemia
  • 10.  Neonates who become symptomatic after 72 h must be evaluated for LOS..  Based on clinical assessment the neonate must be categorized into low probability of sepsis or high probability of sepsis. “Low probability” represents situations where the clinician would be willing to withhold antibiotics if-the sepsis screen is negative.  Those with low probability of sepsis (e.g. single episode of apnea, but otherwise well) should undergo a sepsis screen. The purpose of the sepsis screen is to rule out sepsis rather than to rule in sepsis. The sepsis screen consists of:TLC, CRP, ANC. ITR and micro-erythrocyte sedimentation rate (m-ESR).
  • 11. Components Abnormal values Total leukocyte count <5000/mm3 Absolute neutrophil count <1750/mm3 Immature /total neutrophil >0.2 Micro-ESR >10 mm in 1st hour C reactive protein (CRP) >1mg/dL o CRP: It is done by quantitative ELISA or by a bedside semi- quantitative latex agglutination kit. More than 1 mg/dL is positive. o ANC: It must be read off Manroe’s charts, Schelonka’s chart or Mouzinho’s chart, depending on whether it is a term baby or a preterm baby respectiveIy.
  • 12. o ITR: It is considered to be positive if>20%. ITR is defined as  Immature PMN (band forms, metamyelo & myelocytes)  Mature + immature neutrophils Mature neutrophil Band cell 12
  • 13. o mESR, Value (in mm in first hour)> “3+age in days” in the 1 wk of life or >10 thereafter is considered positive.  Two systematic reviews on sepsis screens reached the same conclusions- that there is no ideal test or combination of tests. Among the various tests, quantitative CRP is the best, followed by qualitative CRP and ITR.  If all the parameters of the sepsis screen are negative in a neonate assessed to have low probability of LOS, antibiotics may not be started and the neonate must be monitored clinically. The screen must be repeated after 12-24h. Two consecutive completely negative screens are suggestive of no sepsis.
  • 14.  Since CRP is the key parameter in the sepsis screen, a pragmatic approach is that if the CRP alone is positive or any two parameters of the sepsis screen are positive, a blood culture must be drawn and empirical antibiotics must be started. A CSF examination must be performed.  Neonates assessed to have a high clinical probability of sepsis may not be subjected to a sepsis screen, because a negative screen would not alter the decision to start antibiotics. A CSF examination must be performed.
  • 15. Sepsis screen Blood culture LP Revised guideline for empirical treatment of meningitis based on csf parameter Among neonates with Among neonates with suspected sepsis blood culture proven sepsis Preterm babies •WBC >25 AND protein >170 •WBC >10 OR • OR •WBC>100 •Glucose <25 Cut-off values to •OR OR diagnose meningitis •Glucose <25 •Protein >170 Term babies •WBC >21 •WBC >8 OR • OR •Glucose <20 OR •Glucose <20 •Protein >120
  • 16. Radiology  X-ray chest  X-ray Abdomen  CT scan  Neurosonogram Urine analysis
  • 17.
  • 18.  First line: Ciprofloxacin + Amikacin (covers - 75% isolates) . If meningitis is suspected, replace Ciprofloxacin. by Cefotaxime- sulbactam (see section D24)  Second line: Vancomycin + Piperacillin-Tazobactam (covers - 90% isolates)  Third line: Vancomycin + Meropenem (covers - 95-100%) The antibiotic policy is reviewed periodically and may change after the next review. Cephalosporins rapidly induce the production of extended spectrum b-lactamases, cephalosporinases and fungal colonization, and hence, are best avoided as empirical antibiotics.
  • 19.  Empirical upgradation must be done if the expected clinical improvement with the ongoing line of antibiotics does not occur. A minimum of 48-72 h of observation should be allowed before declaring the particular line as having failed. The duration may be longer for Vancomycin compared to the Penicillin group and Aminoglycosides  In case the neonate is extremely sick or deteriorating very rapidly and the treating team feels that the neonate may not able to survive 48 h in the absence of appropriate antibiotics, a decision may be taken to bypass the first line of antibiotics and start with the second- line of antibiotics
  • 20.  If the growth is a non-contaminant, the antibiotic sensitivity must be assessed to decide whether antibiotics need to be changed or not. The following guidelines must be adhered to: o If the organism is sensitive to an antibiotic with a narrower spectrum or lower cost, therapy must be changed to such an antibiotic, even if the neonate was improving with the empirical antibiotics. o If possible, a single sensitive antibiotic must be used, the exception being Pseudomonas for which 2 sensitive antibiotics must be used. Two sensitive antibiotics (a Penicillin + an Aminoglycoside) may also be used for S aureus and E. fecalis.
  • 21. o If the empirical antibiotics are reported sensitive, but the neonate has worsened on these antibiotics, it may be a case of in vitro resistance. Antibiotics may be changed to an alternate sensitive antibiotic with the narrowest spectrum and lowest cost. o If the empirical antibiotics are reported resistant but the neonate has improved clinically, it may or may not be a case of in-vivo sensitivity. In such cases a careful assessment must be made before deciding on continuing with the empirical antibiotics. One must not continue with antibiotics with in vitro resistance in case of Pseudomonas, Kiebsiella and MRSA; and in cases of CNS infections and deep-seated infections. o If no antibiotic has been reported sensitive, but one or more has been reported moderate1y sensitive’, therapy must be changed to such antibiotics at the highest permissible dose. Use a combination, in such cases.
  • 22.
  • 23. The survival of a sick septic newborn often depends upon aggressive supportive care.  Oxygen saturation should be maintained in the normal range and mechanical ventilation may be required in case of increased work of breathing.  Anemia, thrombocytopenia, and DIC are treated with appropriate transfusions. Packed red cells and FFP might have to be used.  Septic infants should be screened for hypoglycemia and treated appropriately.  Management of Septic Shock
  • 24. IVIG The currently available evidence does not support the use of IVIG. IVIG may be used in a difficult situation, after discussion with the consultant. Dose : pentaglobin 5 mL/kg/d for 2 d (IgM 6 mg, IgA 6 mg and IgG 38 mg/ml). Among patients with clinically suspected infection, the reduction of mortality with IVIG is of borderline significance [typical RR 0.63 (95% CI; 0.40, 1.00)]. In cases of subsequently proven infection the reduciton in mortality is statistically but has very wide Cl [typical RR 0.55 (95% Cl; 0.31, 0.98)].
  • 25. Exchange transfusion (ET): Sadana et al have evaluated the role of double volume exchange transfusion in septic neonates with sclerema and demonstrated a 50% reduction in sepsis related mortality in the treated group. We perform double-volume exchange transfusion with cross-matched fresh whole blood as adjunctive therapy in septic neonates with sclerema. .Granulocyte-Macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF): This mode of treatment is still experimental.
  • 26. Prevention of infections Exclusive breastfeeding Keep cord dry Hand washing by care givers Hygiene of baby No unnecessary interventions Teaching Aids: NNF NS- 26
  • 27. Control of hospital infections Hand washing by all staff Isolation of infectious patient Use plenty of disposable items Avoid overcrowding Aseptic work culture Infection surveillance Teaching Aids: NNF NS- 27
  • 28. Work culture Sterile gowns and linen for babies Hand washing by all Regular cleaning of unit No sharing of baby belongings Dispose waste-products in separate bins Teaching Aids: NNF NS- 28
  • 29.
  • 30. Definition Defined as total serum calcium concentration of <7 mg/dL or an ionized calcium concentration of <4 mg/dL (i.e. 1 mEq/L). umbilical calcium level is 10-11mg/dL first 24-48h-7.5-8.5 mg/dL . Classification: early onset (<3 d) and late onset (>3 d) Causes: Early onset: Prematurity, 1DM, perinatal asphyxia, maternal intake of anticonvulsants, IUGR. If hypocalcemia does not resolve within 72 h of therapy investigate for causes of late onset hypocalcemia.
  • 31. Treatment Maintenance: 4-6 mL/kg/d of Ca gluconate IV (added in last 2 h of 6 hourly IVF) Preparation: Ca-gluconate 10% (IV)- 9 mg/mL (preferred), Ca- chloride (IV)-27 mg/mL Therapeutic: Asymptomatic: increase maintenance to 8-12 mL/kg/d of Ca- gluconate Symptomatic: 2 mL/kg of Ca-gluconate diluted in 1:1 dilution with NS or 5% D IV over 10-15 mm under strict cardiac monitoring (stop infusion if HR drops for >20 beats/mm than baseline or any other arrhythmia appears on ECO). Start maintenance calcium after bolus dose.
  • 32. Hypocalcemia Total serum Cal <7 mg/dl Asymptomatic 80 mg/kg/day for 48 hrs (8 mL/kg/day of 10% calcium gluconate ) Taper to 40 mg/kg/day for one day Then stop Symptomatic Bolus of 2 mL/kg calcium gluconate 1:1 diluted with 5 % dextrose over 10 minutes under cardiac monitoring Followed by continuous infusion 80 mg/kg/day for 48 hrs (8 mL/kg/day of 10% calcium gluconate ) Document normal calcium at 48 hrs Then taper to 40 mg/kg/day for one day Then stop Prophylactic Preterm< 32 wks, sick IDM, severe asphyxia 40 mg/kg/day for 3 days (4ml/kg/day of 10% calcium gluconate ) IV or oral if can tolerate per oral Treatment is for 72 hours  Continuous infusion is better than bolus  Symptomatic babies treatment is 48 hrs continuous infusion
  • 33. Prolonged or resistant hypocalcemia This condition should be considered in the following situations:  Symptomatic hypocalcemia unresponsive to adequate doses of calcium therapy  Infants needing calcium supplements beyond 72 hours of age  Hypocalcemia presenting at the end of the first week.  These infants should be investigated for causes of LNH
  • 34. Causes of late onset hypocalcemia  Increased phosphate load--Cow milk, renal insufficiency  Hypomagnesemia  Vitamin D deficiency  Maternal vitamin D deficiency  Malabsorption  Renal insufficiency  Hepatobiliary disease  PTH resistence--Transient neonatal pseudohypoparathyroidism  Hypoparathyroidism  Primary  Hypoplasia, aplasia of parathyroid glands - (Di George’s  syndrome), CATCH 22 syndrome (cardiac anomaly, abnormal  facies, thymic aplasia, cleft palate, hypocalcaemia with deletion  on chromosome 22)  Activating mutations of the calcium sensing receptor (CSR)  Secondary  Maternal hyperparathyroidism
  • 35. Metabolic Syndromes  Kenny-caffey syndrome  Long-chain fatty acyl CoA dehydrogenase deficiency  Kearns-sayre syndrome Iatrogenic  Citrated blood products  Lipid infusions  Bicrbonate therepy  Diueretics (loop diuretics)  Glucocorticosteriods  Phosphate therepy  Use of Aminoglycosides (mainly gentamicin) as single dose  Alkalosis  Phototherapy
  • 36. Investigation required First line Second line Others Serum phosphate Serum magnesium CT brain for calcification Serum alkaline Serum parathormone Echocardiography phosphatase (SAP) levels (PTH) Vitamin D levels (1,25 Liver function tests Urine calcium creatinine D3) Renal function tests ratio Hearing evaluation X ray chest/ wrist Maternal calcium, Serum cortisol Arterial pH phosphate, and alkaline Thyroid function tests phosphatase S.No. Disorder causing Findings hypocalcemia 1 Hypoparathyroidism High : Phosphate Low : SAP, PTH, 1,25 D3 2 Pseudo High : SAP, PTH, Phosphate Hypoparathyroidim Low : 1,25 D3 3 Chronic renal failure High : phosphate, SAP, PTH, pH (acidotic), deranged RFT Low : 1,25 D3 4 Hypomagnesemia High : PTH Low : Phosphate, Mg,1,25 D3 5 VDDR1 High : SAP, PTH Low : Phosphate, 1,25 D3 6 VDDR2 High : SAP, 1, 25 D3, PTH Low : Phosphate
  • 37. Treatment of LNH The treatment of LNH is specific to etiology and may in certain diseases be lifelong. 1. Hypomagnesemia: Symptomatic hypocalcemia unresponsive to adequate doses of IV calcium therapy is usually due to hypomagnesemia. It may present either as ENH or later as LNH. The neonate should receive 2 doses of 0.2 mL/kg of 50% MgSO4 injection, 12 hours apart, deep IM followed by a maintenance dose of 0.2 mL/kg/day of 50% MgSO4, PO for 3 days. 2. High phosphate load: These infants have hyperphosphatemia with near normal calcium levels. Exclusive breast-feeding should be encouraged and top feeding with cow’s milk should be discontinued. Phosphate binding gels should be avoided.
  • 38. Treatment of LNH 3. Hypoparathyroidism: These infants tend to be hyperphosphatemic and hypocalcemic with normal renal function. Elevated phosphate levels in the absence of exogenous phosphate load (cow’s milk) and presence of normal renal functions indicates parathormone inefficiency. It is important to realize that if the phosphate level is very high, then adding calcium will lead to calcium deposition and tissue damage. Thus attempts should be made to reduce the phosphate (so as to keep the calcium and the phosphate product less than 55). These neonates need supplementation with calcium (50 mg/kg/day in 3 divided doses) and 1,25(OH)2 Vitamin D3 (0.5-1 mg/day). Syrups with 125 mg and 250 mg per 5ml of calcium are available.1,25(OH)2 vitamin D3 (calcitriol) is available as 0.25 mg capsules. Therapy may be stopped in hypocalcemia secondary to maternal hyperparathyroidism after 6 weeks.
  • 39. Treatment of LNH 4. Vitamin D deficiency states: These babies have hypocalcemia associated with hypophosphatemia due to an intact parathormone response on the kidneys. They benefit from Vitamin D3 supplementation in a dose of 30-60 ng/kg/day Monitoring The baby is monitored for the SCa, and phosphate, 24 hour urinary calcium, and calcium creatinine ratio. Try to keep the calcium in the lower range as defective distal tubular absorption leads to hypercalciuria and nephrocalcinosis.
  • 40. Treatment of LNH Prognosis and outcome Most cases of early neonatal hypocalcemia resolve within 48-72 hours without any clinically significant sequelae. Late neonatal hypocalcemia secondary to exogenous phosphate load and magnesium deficiency also responds well to phosphate restriction and magnesium repletion. When caused by hypoparathyroidism, hypocalcemia requires continued therapy with vitamin D metabolites and calcium salts. The period of therapy depends on the nature of the hypoparathyroidism which can be transient, last several weeks to months, or be permanent.