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It’s not an eff’n brochure.
Pete: In this session, I want to talk about website design, usability and your site from a
conversion perspective. The essence of the whole presentation is, so many people have a
website out there and they just usually treat it as a brochure, they don’t treat it as a sales
person. To me, your website is a lead-generation tool and it’s a sales person. And you have
to treat it as such, you have to manage it as such and you have to work with it as such.
Why have a website?
What I want to talk about is, why have a
website? There are fundamentally only two
reasons you’d want to have a website, well
there are three, but there are only two
reasons that I think you should have a
website for. Firstly, it is to make sales directly
online. This is actually on an e-commerce site.
It’s basically a digital sales person. So it’s there for no extra reason than to actually get
people to take out their credit cards in front of their laptops and give you money.
The second reason for having a website is to make the phone ring, to get people out of their
chair and walk into your office. So many people have websites that are all about ego, it’s all
about themselves. It’s not. You’ve got to make it have calls to action and get people to
come and interact with your business.
1 page = 1 purpose
The big thing which is going to be another
message for the whole session today is that
one page, one purpose. Every single page on
your website should have a purpose and have
an outcome. You should work out what that
page is designed to do and make sure that it
does it. 2
The About Us page is designed to give credibility, make it give credibility and nothing else.
Don’t confuse people. Don’t have a webpage that has nine different outcomes. It’s going
to confuse people and they will not take action.
A confused person doesn’t take action. That applies to any sort of marketing, be it online or
direct mail, or even any sales process, on the phone or live. A confused person doesn’t take
action. So make sure every page has a purpose.
1 page = 1 keyword
As Dave said, every page has to have a
keyword focus. From a website perspective,
let’s say you run a bike store.
You want to have a page about Trek bikes.
You want to have a page about another brand
of bikes, Cannondale bikes. It’s all about having one page, one keyword. So not only does it
work from a conversion perspective, it works from an SEO perspective as well.
Google is the same. Google is exactly like your customer. It will get confused if you try to
do more than one thing for the webpage. If you’re trying to target more than one keyword,
just like the person reading it, Google is going to get confused and do nothing with your
Help them pick up the phone
My biggest soapbox pet peeve is phone
numbers on websites. To me, a website is
designed to get the phone to ring.
Last Friday – not yesterday but the Friday
before – in our office, one of the girls, her
battery died on her car. She was not a member
of RACV, so six o’clock at night on a Friday night, wet and rainy here in Melbourne, she had
to try and get a battery into her car. So someone in the office said Holler For a Marshall,
from the company that does that. We jumped on their website and their business model is,
call us when you’re in an emergency. We will come and give you a battery. 3
Their phone number is on their Contact Us page, at the bottom, in size 10 font. It’s just
ridiculous. The biggest thing is make your phone number prominent first and foremost. When
it comes to phone numbers, one thing I try to do with all our marketing in our business is,
it’s got to be measurable and manageable and it’s got to actually answer for itself. So one
thing we do is every piece of marketing we have has its own unique phone number.
We have over 140 phone numbers coming through our office. I guess we’re a telco
company, so it’s not overly cost-prohibitive. For $20 a month, you can get a 1800 number
that you put just on your website. When you get your bill every month for that phone, you
will see how many calls that website generated. It’s all about tracking.
So not only has it got to have a phone number to help people call and be prominent. You
want to be able to track this material. We actually have a different phone number appear
on our site if someone comes through AdWords, different to those that come through
natural traffic. If someone comes back to our website for a second time, it’s a different
phone number again because they’re not a first time visitor.
Question: I’ve been considering getting a 1300 or 1800 number because I currently use
my mobile number which is working fine for me, people do ring it. Do you have any
research on how much difference it makes having that type of number?
Absolutely. We’ve done a lot of testing with that sort of thing. It comes down to 1800
numbers and 1300 numbers are there for a reason, because they work. You just find that
people will want to deal with professionals, as Dave was saying earlier, they want to deal
with someone who is professional, who’s an expert in their niche. A 1800 number says a lot
more than a mobile phone number. Mobile phone, to me personally, says small, one-man
band; 1800 number says company.
What you can do is have three or four 1800 numbers, one for your website, one for your
business card or whatever it might be. They can all answer at the same number. You only
need one phone line coming into your office. All the 1800 number is basically a redirect.
When someone calls the 1800 number, it just redirects the call through to your normal
phone number. You can redirect it to a mobile phone. But at least that way you can
actually track it separately and it’s a big thing. 4
We just did some direct mail that is going out on Monday. We did the split testing of four
different DL fliers, each one had its own unique phone number. We can see which one
actually works. There is no point in doing work if you’re not actually measuring it. That’s in
everything Yellow Pages. I have mandate that we do not spend a cent unless we can track
if that cent made a profit. Don’t just throw money out there and hope one of them is going
to stick. Which one sticks?
It’s about them, not you
There is that old advertising saying that, I know that
half my advertising works and the other half
doesn’t. I just don’t know which half. You want to
test this sort of thing. It’s important, not only to
have phone numbers on your site, but to actually
make them prominent. The biggest thing is it’s
about them, not you.
Question: I’ve got a client who has a specific 1800 number with their company name in it
and they’re really pushing the branding on that, and they really want that. So they’ve got a
couple of sites going at the moment and that one number is on everything. What would
you recommend that I do to track that for them?
Do people want to do business with them because of their phone number? The answer is
no. I’ve had this at the office at the moment. We’ve just bought into another company.
We’ve taken on a couple of, not clients, but business partners in completely different
niches. One has a 1300 business name and is adamant about having the phone number on
everything. But people aren’t doing business with that company because of their phone
number. People are doing business with them because of the value proposition, because
of the solutions they are going to get. So it’s just a matter of educating them that we can
do that, but you’ll just be throwing money and not knowing which money sticks.
We’ve tested it and the conversion rate on the site doesn’t change basically because of
what phone number appears. It does compare to a 1800 number and the mobile number
but 1800 blah-blah-blah versus 1800 yah-yah-yah makes no difference at all. It’s important
from a tracking perspective. So it’s just an education thing. People love their product and
the biggest thing that I try and talk to people about is, it’s not about the product. I’ve
actually got a book coming out later this year entitled ‘It’s Not About the Product,’ because
it’s not. It’s about the actual marketing communication. 5
People start a business and they get so in love with the tools and the solutions and the
actual product themselves, they forget that there are actually people are out there that
they need talk to. So it’s not about the phone number, it’s not about the 1800 number.
Who cares about that? That’s great for radio advertising.
The only reason I like the 1300-word is for radio because it is easy to remember. That’s the
reason they were developed in the States in the ‘60s, for ease of remembering, not for
anything else. 1800-FLOWERS you remember that because you hear about it on the radio
and things like that. But for most businesses, is it something that people need to
remember, or is it one of those things that you see it and you interact with it and you’re
gone? It comes down to the product. If it’s flowers, yes, I need to order some flowers, it’s
my girlfriend’s birthday. I’ve got to call and do it. So to remember that 1800 number is
good. But for telco, no one really cares. No one’s going to remember 1800-infinity again,
that’s irrelevant. It’s on the website to make that interaction.
What I thought I’d do, rather than sit here and talk at you with different website material,
I’d pull up some websites either yours. If you are willing to put your hand up and put your
website up there, we’ll pull it apart. Or you can jump onto your competitors’ sites and
actually look around at what they’re doing well and what they’re doing badly, and actually
pull it apart. It will be a bit more fun and a bit more interactive than me just talking for half
an hour.
Hot seats
Your sites or competitors.’
Alright, let’s go and I want everyone else to put in their two cents in as well, not just myself.
Integrated Consulting Solutions
What’s the site, I had a
look at this last night as well.
Now, I’ll ask you a question in a second. So Integrated
Consulting Solutions ‘is a management services
company that helps organizations develop, audit and
maintain management systems, achieve certifications, international standards, manage risk,
improve business efficiency and drive customer satisfaction.’ What on earth does that
mean? That makes no sense to me at all. 6
Answer: What it means is that we set up management systems for companies, like
occupational health and safety, quality, environmental and we help them pass the test for
Pete: Pass the test, improve work efficiency, and not get fined. I’m trying to my head
around what you actually do.
Answer: Yes, well they have to get an international certificate to prove that they’ve got a
particular type of management system and we help them pass that test.
Pete: Who is the type of person to make the first enquiry to you guys? Who’s the avatar?
Answer: The CEO of the organization and generally he’s under pressure because one of his
customers wants him to have that particular international certificate fast.
Pete: So you help them get certified so they get the contract quicker?
Answer: Yes.
Pete: Say that, because that to me, I’m a CEO of a multimillion-dollar company and that
means nothing to me. I guess it’s different because it’s not my niche but the first thing to
me, I just read that and said, what on earth do you do?
Look, from a couple of perspectives, there’s a thing called the fold line. Has anyone heard
what the fold line is? It comes from the newspaper days that when you see a newspaper
folded in half, the things that people actually see when they first saw the newspaper on
the stand, was above the fold. It was the top half of the newspaper. It was very important
to have your headlines and if you were in advertising, to have your advertisement above
the fold so people saw it more.
The same thing goes for the website. The fold line is basically considered the line where
the browser stops. So it’s important to have your biggest messages above that fold line. So
you’ve got this huge space here. Half of the website above the fold is taken up by this big
image that says ‘We Build on Your Strengths,’ which personally to me isn’t a sales
proposition. It’s not a headline that converts. It’s not a communication tool. So I would
reduce that quite a bit, make it smaller, cut it in half, do something where it’s not so much
above the fold. 7
The other thing which I talked about is, you want people to call you up as a first instance.
People aren’t going to call you up or visit you at a PO Box. You’ve got PO Box, PO Box
address, your phone number and your fax number. I would think that no one really wants
your PO Box unless they’re already doing business with you. No one is going to send you
mail saying, hi, I want to do business with you. Can you please call me on this number? No
one is going to send you a postcard.
That’s not relevant. They’re going to pick up the phone and call you. So put that big 1800
number that we spoke about there, ‘for a free half hour consultation’ or some sort of value
proposition. ‘Call us on this number,’ that’s going to get them to pick up the phone. That’s
what they want.
People are going to search for ISO consulting or whatever sort of service terms they are,
whatever sort of keywords you come up with, because they want to do business. They
want to talk to you. So make it easy for them to talk to you and put that big phone number
up there.
Even just do a video, which Dave will talk about later. You can sit there and say, hi, I do this,
I do that. We can help you with this. You’ve got that contract you’re trying to get but you
need to get the certification. We’ll help you get it really quickly so you can get that job. Call
us now.
Question: That’s actually a really good point because one of the hard things is to explain
what we do and a video would show it a lot better than a paragraph of text.
Pete: Dave, I’m sure Dave has got some points in this. He had a look at this as well. You’ve
got to work out what people want when they’re coming to your site. What’s the value
proposition, that avatar, that person actually wants to experience and give it to them
straightaway. The fold line is a big thing on this site. The phone number is another big
thing. And speak in English.
One of the things that really works well from our telco perspective is that our competition
are technicians. I still have no idea how to install a phone system, neither do my business
partners. I don’t want to know and I don’t care. I know the solutions, and I know the
benefits people are going to get and what the system can do. But I don’t know technical
and our competitors do, and they talk technical. 8
For this 24-year-old receptionist/accounting officer working in an accounting firm who
actually wants to get a phone system, she doesn’t know either. She barely knows
accounting, let alone phone systems. So we talk to her and we talk about it in English. We
will help you get your phone system quick fast, effectively which can give you these
benefits. It’s not about the technical terms. It’s not about ISDN2s and onramps and all that
other technical jargon.
So personally to me, and this is again, I don’t know your clients, I’m just talking from my
perspective is ISO 19001 and HACCP, to me, that means nothing. If it means something to
the people, then obviously leave it on there. Also, you have clients: Port of Melbourne
Corporation, Belmatic Industries. If your clients know these companies, put their logos on
there rather than putting small text. Actually put your clients’ logos down the side.
Put some testimonials on there to actually say on the home page, Port Melbourne
Corporation. We were able to land a $100,000 deal in two weeks because they got your
certification. Put real-world testimonials on the home page with their logo and so on which
people actually recognize. That is a huge conversion thing.
At the end of the day, it’s another piece of direct response marketing. So the same
principles that you can get by picking up any direct response marketing book still apply
online, it is just a different medium. People think the web is different. It’s no different. It is
just a direct response medium. That’s what we try to do with everything and that’s what
hopefully you’ll get from today, is it’s all about direct response and that’s what we want to
do. Do you want to jump onto another person’s site? We can do a competitor.
Oracle Traders
Let’s go to What do you do? Give
me a lowdown.
Craig: We do share market-related software, data
services and education. It’s very new. My partner and I
have been in the industry a long time but the site is new. We’ve only been up and running
for three or four months. We have differing ideas and hearing you guys saying you need a
minimum of 300 words, we obviously don’t have that. Out idea was to try to keep it
looking nice and clean and professional, et cetera. But I’m interested to hear what you guys
think. 9
Pete: What’s biting better at this time of year, salmon or perch? Can I buy a reel from you
as well? The first thing I see is fishing. The first thing I see on that site, I’m looking at fishing.
I can buy a fishing rod. You can give me some trout tips.
Craig: The idea of the web design guy who did it was to make that person be an average
person, someone you could relate to. But I agree, there is not enough share market-related
thing that’s going to hit you straightaway except for that chart. There is a chart during the
day when the markets are open, but that’s all. That’s all you get.
Pete: The guy was on the money with having a person on the site. That makes a huge
difference. On all the sites we have, and I can show you some of our sites later, people and
so on, but our headset website, it’s a person with a headset. It’s a middle-aged female on a
headset because that is our target market and that’s who tends to buy most of our
headsets. You want a guy who looks like an average bloke but probably in front of a
computer or a share chart. Then they can see shares but someone at the same time. Here it
looks like, I’m going to go fishing. That’s just my personal thing.
Another thing is ‘Hello and welcome to Oracle Traders.’ People realize they’re there. They
know they’re on the website. Saying hello and welcome, it’s nice to have but really I’d get
rid of all that sort of thing. You’d be better off replacing that with ‘Dealing with Oracle
Traders will get you 5% return in the market in 30 days guaranteed,’ whatever value
proposition you’ve got and put that out there. Saying welcome is not a great thing. You
want to hit them over the head with a value proposition.
Question: This is just a general question about sites themselves. The real estate that the
header uses up, when you’re talking about above the fold, with no header of course
everything moves up. It’s that blue band across the top or the other one had a band
across the top and most websites do. Is the header important? Obviously you’ve got
to get your name there.
Pete: A header works well. It comes down to get the brand in position. For example in
Flight Centre, people know the Flight Centre brand. So having the Flight Centre logo front
and centre, people relate to that. Do people know Oracle Traders logo at this point in time?
Craig: No, but we’re trying to build that brand out there.
Pete: What I would do, I would make this menu smaller and actually put it on the same
level as the actual logo so you get that little bit of extra space. Do you want people to call
you? What is the objective of this page? What is the outcome you want? 10
Craig: Yes, we want people to call us. We have a landing page. We basically sell a product
that is very well known in this market and we’re one of two distributors in Australia for that
product. It’s highly searched for, et cetera. The software is called MetaStock. We have got But that’s the top product there. That’s really what we are. All
the other things we’ve built as add-ons to that product.
Pete: Is it in an ecommerce store? Do you have to buy online? Or do you want them to call
you first?
Craig: Either or is fine. We’re happy to come in the morning and process orders, that’s great.
But generally speaking, people want to talk to somebody first.
Pete: People normally hit logos first on a website to go to a home page.
Craig: If you’re on another page, I think you can go back. If you look at the Support tab for
example, there’s no content until you actually click on a link and this is probably a bad
thing. That’s all you get if you click on any one of those links, then you’ll get a whole list of
screen shots and bits and pieces and instructions and details. So I don’t know.
Pete: There are some other little things from a general perspective: the Home button
should be on the left hand side just from a user perspective and testing and so on. It’s
called the hot pocket, or the red triangle, or different names. When people look at a
website, it’s pretty much the top corner first. People expect the Home material to be on the
left-hand side. Just little things like that will make a big difference.
Things like login – if you want people to log into your site, put that username and
password on the Home page. Don’t make them click to have to log in. If you go to pages
like Google or eBay, or Facebook, to get to the Home page, let’s go to Facebook. Their
Home page there, there’s a big login at the top. So take that space next to the logo with
the login details. They can learn to do it. If people come back to the site regularly, make it
easy for them to do so.
From your perspective, I’d do log in here, big phone number and then your logo, those
little things from a conversion perspective. Also just really quickly, from an SEO perspective,
just to give you some context. Dave’s obviously going to do that video for you guys. 11
The top of the page title, Oracle Traders – Empowering Investors is the page title. It is one
of the most powerful things you can have when it comes to telling people what your page
is about. I doubt people are Googling either Oracle Traders or Empowering Investors. You
want to make that MetaStock software from Oracle Traders. That way, you’ll rank for
MetaStock software. It’s those things that are really important to actually have. Forget
about your brand.
David: I might just add something there as well. I just wanted to talk in terms of the
biggest hurdle that people have to overcome when doing business with any business
online is believing what it is that you have to say. Whenever I look at a website, I always
think of how can I build that proof? How can I make someone come to this website and
feel like, hey, I can trust this. It looks like the real deal. So make sure that you’ve got the
good template.
Contact information is extremely important because you wouldn’t go to a website and do
business with someone because what happens if it goes wrong? You want to get in
contact with them. So you want to make sure that they’re the real deal. Have a physical
address as well. Things like testimonials, embed those in.
I’ve had some good experience in the whole MetaStock niche. Depending on what you’re
trying to position yourself as here, if you’re thinking, right, I want to be the go-to guy, the
reseller for MetaStock here in Australia. Think what it is that our user, if you go to our
avatar, what is it that they’d be looking at? I would go to MetaStock’s website, see what
MetaStock looks like and take some cues from there.
Pete: A couple of other small things for other people’s websites, sorry I’m going to pick on
you a bit more, Craig. You’ve got here, Click here for our most popular package. It’s a very
small button below the fold. Obviously, it will change on the resolution of the screen.
Craig: It’s not even a MetaStock offer. We’re targeting two different markets. MetaStock is
the brand name that we’re using to drive the traffic to the site hopefully. But there a lot of
people, I suppose, in that market. So we’ve got a separate little offering for, I guess, we call
it Mr. Plumber, for the mums and dads. Rather than paying $1,000 for the MetaStock
software and data, we’ve got an offer for $595 for another charting package, which is not
as good but will get 99% of people across the line without any problems. 12
Pete: Say that on your Home page. If you want MetaStock, that’s available but it’s $1,000. If
you just want to get started and see if this investing thing works for you, there’s $500
investment. Obviously, you’d write it better than that but that’s your headline. That’s your
pitch on your Home page.
Even things like, get a free e-book offer. That’s great, but what is the e-book about? What
do I get? Sell the e-book. Probably if you did some testing, no one would be clicking that
red button. Free e-book to get you started, what does it actually get me started on? Does it
show me how to mow the lawns? Does it show me how to fish? Tell me how to catch fish
quicker? So there are a few changes you could make to your site and get the increase quite
Craig: Great, thanks.
Pete: I want to keep moving because we’re running out of time. I want to jump in and
show you another couple of things just from a testing perspective of what can be done.
Dave and I can stand up here and we can pull sites apart with our own personal experience
and thoughts and so on, but it comes down to what it says and the users on your site.
Why split test?
Things like split testing: these websites are
identical except for the red and green button.
Having a red button increases conversions
by 21%. Twenty-one percent more people
who came to your site actually converted.
This is another split test here with some slight
changes, putting a photo of a girl there,
moving the map down, making a few
changes, changed the conversion rate of that
page by 6.1%. 13
Another one here, couple of changes from
left to right, the right-hand side performed
better with a 65% bounce rate. What a
bounce rate is, when someone comes to
your site for the very first time, if they just
leave straightaway without going any further on your site, it’s called a bounce. They come
in and they leave. That pretty much means that your site wasn’t relevant to them. Most
people will click through a few links and play around on the site. So by putting that holiday
sale in there, it had a 65% better bounce rate. Sixty-five percent more people stayed on the
site basically.
How to split test?
There are a couple of ways to do this, by
Google Analytics and Google Website
Optimizer. We’re actually running out of
time. I was going to jump inside and play
around with this, which I might do if we’ve
got some time later today or I’ll do another
video and jump in and show you some things just to give you a quick overview of what is
possible. I recently relaunched the MCG material. I had some carpet left over and redid a
series of frames and that sort of thing. And as part of that launch, I drove traffic to this site
and got people to pre-register their interest in owning a piece of the MCG and built up a
list that I can market to.
Google Website Optimiser
There are basically three elements to this site that
I tested: headline, I recorded three different
videos and reworded this opt-in pitch here three
different ways.
Then inside Website Optimizer, a Google tool
which allows you to actually grab parts of your site and say this is the headline, this is the
video, this is the opt-in box, and actually segregate those sites and put in three different
combinations of each and say three different headlines, three different videos and three
different opt-in boxes. 14
It will actually go to the site, just magically pick a combination and say, headline A, video A,
opt-in box A is combination 1,this headline A, video A, opt-in box B is combination 2 and
so on and so forth. It will give you an idea just how that affected it. There was one
combination, combination 7 at the bottom that had a conversion rate of 4.85%. Four point
eight five percent of people who came to that page with that particular combination opted
in. A different combination got a 10.5% opt-in rate, so a double conversion rate with a
different configuration of headline, video and opt-in box.
So if I just went and put my website up, and just by sheer luck or dumb luck or accident
and chose a certain combination, I lost half the traffic that came to my site that could have
been buyers. So you want to start testing this sort of thing. It’s pretty easy to do and I’ll run
through a separate video and send it to you guys separately, just how this sort of thing
works and what’s available. It’s really simple.
You don’t have to do it. You can find people in the Philippines to do it. You can get your
15-year-old nephew to do it for you. This is pretty easy to do, or tell your website guy to do
it. It’s really simple and it’s all free. Google will give you this for free. They’re trying to make
your site’s better so the users get a better experience when they come through your site.
Google Analytics
Also quickly, and I’ll go into more depth in a
later video which should be part of the DVD set
but won’t be obviously, I’ll e-mail it to you. That
is Google Analytics. Google actually has a tool
that you put some code on your website and it
tracks your users experience on your site. So
again, it’s not just you making blind decision saying, yes, I don’t really like pink anymore,
I’m going to change the site to orange. It’s doing it on real data.
To give you an idea of what sort of thing you can get out of Analytics, I’m just looking
again at that particular Own the G website for the month of April. We had just under 4,000
visitors on the site in that month. The average visitor looked at one and a half pages. This
website, as you see, really didn’t have much depth to it for a particular reason. There are a
couple of Contact Us pages and an About Us page at the bottom. But the aim is to get
people to look at the video and then give me their name and e-mail address so I can hit
them with marketing after the fact. 15
You can do things through here. You can go into looking at content and Analytics will
show you of your website, which pages have the most views, to work out what pages get
the most views so you can look at and change and adjust your site navigation and the
content on your site to match what people are looking at.
You can look at the top landing pages. If you have a website with 1,800 pages or even 20
pages, what pages are people coming to first when they see your website? People don’t
always come into your website through the index page. Sometimes they come in through
your About Us page or a blog post.
If you’re ranking for dentist South Yarra and there’s a blog post, that’s the page that is
actually ranked in Google and that’s the page they’ll see first. So you might want to change
those pages based on this is a first-time viewer. You might find for a lot of sites, the index
page isn’t the most visited or the most viewed landing page. It shows you different ways
where people are coming from. You can go in here and see what are your top traffic areas.
For the MCG material, most people came directly through some marketing I was doing.
Other people came through Fox Sports, Facebook advertising which we’ll talk about later,
Google CPC which is the AdWords network. We didn’t get a lot of SEO things, but that
wasn’t the aim. You’ll get an idea of where people are coming from and you can optimize
and focus on that. You can manage only what you measure and these sorts of tools are
designed to do that.
I’ll jump in and give you a good half hour video on all this sort of thing and send it to you
guys later. But I encourage you to think about it and actually use it in some of your work.
It’s testing it because it is not about you, it’s about the user. So let’s open it up to questions
and we can go from there.
Question: Just a quick question about where you put
the code software into the html material.
Pete: Google for Website Optimizer walks you through the whole thing. If you go to the
Home page, it actually literally tells you exactly what to do. If I go to create a new
experiment, what I did before was a multi-variant, because there were multi-variants on
that page that I wanted to test at once. You go into there and it says choose the element,
your heading, image, description, three elements here, yes, I’ve completed the steps above.
I’ve worked out what they will be. It just asks you here, put in your experiment name. The
Home page is and for the Thank You page. 16
You’ve got to work out what is the goal to work out what converts better. So for that
particular page, it is referred to as a squeeze page because I’m trying to squeeze all the
traffic into that opt in and there was a thank you page once people opted in, so that’s the
conversion page or the goal.
Once you go through there, which I’ll show you in the video that I will send out later, it
actually says, here’s the code you need to place, place it here. And it actually gives you
really clear examples, even to the point where it says, is it you who are actually going to be
doing this or your web developer. If you tick web developer, it’ll say, here’s a link for your
unique code that you can send to your developer to read and it tells them what to do. So
it’s really easy for yourself or someone else to do.
Question: If I don’t want to do this and my web developer
doesn’t know how to do it, do you guys do this?
Pete: I don’t. I run a telco company. That’s part of what Dave does at Melbourne SEO
Services. Buy the DVDs and give it to your web developer as a present and say, do the
website for free. I’m going to give you some free education.
There are plenty of people out there that do. Find a web developer and ask them to talk
you through online marketing and see what they do and what they know. There are
companies like Dave’s and there are plenty of other people out there. This isn’t a pitch fest
just for Dave’s company but there are people out there who will do this for you and who
know this. Just tell them what you want. And if they don’t know how to do it, don’t hire
them. Say, this is what I want to do.
This is the purpose of this sort of thing, these workshops and these DVDs. It’s to give you
education, not so much that you do it yourself, but just be aware of what is happening so
you can manage it properly. So when you’re investing your money in a company to do it,
you actually know they’re doing the right thing. Tell them what you want and it’s all about
Question: You mentioned multiple phone numbers. So do you think
you should have more than one phone number on your website?
Pete: It depends how serious you are. If you’re spending six figures driving pay-per-click
advertising to your site, then you would. And if that’s primarily doing a lot of traffic, it all
comes down to how much time do you have to actually invest in this sort of thing and
where is that limit. 17
What we’ve done is we do things like there’s a funnel on our website for just normal
people who find us through SEO traffic. Then the way we do our AdWords, is tag the
AdWords ads so that our website knows that people are coming from AdWords and show
the different phone number. So we get an understanding, if we’re spending this much
money on our AdWords campaign, which I’ll talk about later for those people who don’t
know AdWords, it’s getting us how many conversions? This paying for traffic is pointless if
it’s not converting. So I suggest you should do it if you want to make sure that you’re
measuring all the different conversion aspects.
Question: I have one phone number for a landing page
for AdWords and one for the regular Home page.
Pete: It’s all about what you want to test. If you just want to find out if that’s working, how
do you find out if it’s working, and one way might be a phone number.
David: I think just to add on to that as well, when you do your testing, test things where
you’re sending enough traffic like Pete was saying. If you’re going to improve your click-
through rate by having a different phone number or whatever, think how much traffic am I
driving to that and how much could it, potentially. Assuming that everything goes well, it
might increase the conversion rate from 2% to 4%. But if it’s only getting 30 visitors a day,
is it worth doing that test?
Just chunk it down along the track as to what it could mean potentially, and assuming the
test went really well and you doubled your conversion rate, does it add enough to your
bottom line that it would be worth your time? There are so many things you can do. It’s
only once you start to drive significant volume.
Pete: The first thing is just to tick all the basic boxes to make sure your site has some basic
things: prominent phone number, good call to action, it actually communicates correctly
with the marketplace and the avatar who are looking at it. Get those things right first.
Testing is a should-do but it is secondary. Just get the site some basics on there first and
then worry about the testing and just some big things.

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Understanding Website Design And Usability

  • 1. 1 WEBPAGE DESIGN AND USABILITY It’s not an eff’n brochure. Pete: In this session, I want to talk about website design, usability and your site from a conversion perspective. The essence of the whole presentation is, so many people have a website out there and they just usually treat it as a brochure, they don’t treat it as a sales person. To me, your website is a lead-generation tool and it’s a sales person. And you have to treat it as such, you have to manage it as such and you have to work with it as such. Why have a website? What I want to talk about is, why have a website? There are fundamentally only two reasons you’d want to have a website, well there are three, but there are only two reasons that I think you should have a website for. Firstly, it is to make sales directly online. This is actually on an e-commerce site. It’s basically a digital sales person. So it’s there for no extra reason than to actually get people to take out their credit cards in front of their laptops and give you money. The second reason for having a website is to make the phone ring, to get people out of their chair and walk into your office. So many people have websites that are all about ego, it’s all about themselves. It’s not. You’ve got to make it have calls to action and get people to come and interact with your business. 1 page = 1 purpose The big thing which is going to be another message for the whole session today is that one page, one purpose. Every single page on your website should have a purpose and have an outcome. You should work out what that page is designed to do and make sure that it does it.
  • 2. 2 The About Us page is designed to give credibility, make it give credibility and nothing else. Don’t confuse people. Don’t have a webpage that has nine different outcomes. It’s going to confuse people and they will not take action. A confused person doesn’t take action. That applies to any sort of marketing, be it online or direct mail, or even any sales process, on the phone or live. A confused person doesn’t take action. So make sure every page has a purpose. 1 page = 1 keyword As Dave said, every page has to have a keyword focus. From a website perspective, let’s say you run a bike store. You want to have a page about Trek bikes. You want to have a page about another brand of bikes, Cannondale bikes. It’s all about having one page, one keyword. So not only does it work from a conversion perspective, it works from an SEO perspective as well. Google is the same. Google is exactly like your customer. It will get confused if you try to do more than one thing for the webpage. If you’re trying to target more than one keyword, just like the person reading it, Google is going to get confused and do nothing with your site. Help them pick up the phone My biggest soapbox pet peeve is phone numbers on websites. To me, a website is designed to get the phone to ring. Last Friday – not yesterday but the Friday before – in our office, one of the girls, her battery died on her car. She was not a member of RACV, so six o’clock at night on a Friday night, wet and rainy here in Melbourne, she had to try and get a battery into her car. So someone in the office said Holler For a Marshall, from the company that does that. We jumped on their website and their business model is, call us when you’re in an emergency. We will come and give you a battery.
  • 3. 3 Their phone number is on their Contact Us page, at the bottom, in size 10 font. It’s just ridiculous. The biggest thing is make your phone number prominent first and foremost. When it comes to phone numbers, one thing I try to do with all our marketing in our business is, it’s got to be measurable and manageable and it’s got to actually answer for itself. So one thing we do is every piece of marketing we have has its own unique phone number. We have over 140 phone numbers coming through our office. I guess we’re a telco company, so it’s not overly cost-prohibitive. For $20 a month, you can get a 1800 number that you put just on your website. When you get your bill every month for that phone, you will see how many calls that website generated. It’s all about tracking. So not only has it got to have a phone number to help people call and be prominent. You want to be able to track this material. We actually have a different phone number appear on our site if someone comes through AdWords, different to those that come through natural traffic. If someone comes back to our website for a second time, it’s a different phone number again because they’re not a first time visitor. Question: I’ve been considering getting a 1300 or 1800 number because I currently use my mobile number which is working fine for me, people do ring it. Do you have any research on how much difference it makes having that type of number? Absolutely. We’ve done a lot of testing with that sort of thing. It comes down to 1800 numbers and 1300 numbers are there for a reason, because they work. You just find that people will want to deal with professionals, as Dave was saying earlier, they want to deal with someone who is professional, who’s an expert in their niche. A 1800 number says a lot more than a mobile phone number. Mobile phone, to me personally, says small, one-man band; 1800 number says company. What you can do is have three or four 1800 numbers, one for your website, one for your business card or whatever it might be. They can all answer at the same number. You only need one phone line coming into your office. All the 1800 number is basically a redirect. When someone calls the 1800 number, it just redirects the call through to your normal phone number. You can redirect it to a mobile phone. But at least that way you can actually track it separately and it’s a big thing.
  • 4. 4 We just did some direct mail that is going out on Monday. We did the split testing of four different DL fliers, each one had its own unique phone number. We can see which one actually works. There is no point in doing work if you’re not actually measuring it. That’s in everything Yellow Pages. I have mandate that we do not spend a cent unless we can track if that cent made a profit. Don’t just throw money out there and hope one of them is going to stick. Which one sticks? It’s about them, not you There is that old advertising saying that, I know that half my advertising works and the other half doesn’t. I just don’t know which half. You want to test this sort of thing. It’s important, not only to have phone numbers on your site, but to actually make them prominent. The biggest thing is it’s about them, not you. Question: I’ve got a client who has a specific 1800 number with their company name in it and they’re really pushing the branding on that, and they really want that. So they’ve got a couple of sites going at the moment and that one number is on everything. What would you recommend that I do to track that for them? Do people want to do business with them because of their phone number? The answer is no. I’ve had this at the office at the moment. We’ve just bought into another company. We’ve taken on a couple of, not clients, but business partners in completely different niches. One has a 1300 business name and is adamant about having the phone number on everything. But people aren’t doing business with that company because of their phone number. People are doing business with them because of the value proposition, because of the solutions they are going to get. So it’s just a matter of educating them that we can do that, but you’ll just be throwing money and not knowing which money sticks. We’ve tested it and the conversion rate on the site doesn’t change basically because of what phone number appears. It does compare to a 1800 number and the mobile number but 1800 blah-blah-blah versus 1800 yah-yah-yah makes no difference at all. It’s important from a tracking perspective. So it’s just an education thing. People love their product and the biggest thing that I try and talk to people about is, it’s not about the product. I’ve actually got a book coming out later this year entitled ‘It’s Not About the Product,’ because it’s not. It’s about the actual marketing communication.
  • 5. 5 People start a business and they get so in love with the tools and the solutions and the actual product themselves, they forget that there are actually people are out there that they need talk to. So it’s not about the phone number, it’s not about the 1800 number. Who cares about that? That’s great for radio advertising. The only reason I like the 1300-word is for radio because it is easy to remember. That’s the reason they were developed in the States in the ‘60s, for ease of remembering, not for anything else. 1800-FLOWERS you remember that because you hear about it on the radio and things like that. But for most businesses, is it something that people need to remember, or is it one of those things that you see it and you interact with it and you’re gone? It comes down to the product. If it’s flowers, yes, I need to order some flowers, it’s my girlfriend’s birthday. I’ve got to call and do it. So to remember that 1800 number is good. But for telco, no one really cares. No one’s going to remember 1800-infinity again, that’s irrelevant. It’s on the website to make that interaction. What I thought I’d do, rather than sit here and talk at you with different website material, I’d pull up some websites either yours. If you are willing to put your hand up and put your website up there, we’ll pull it apart. Or you can jump onto your competitors’ sites and actually look around at what they’re doing well and what they’re doing badly, and actually pull it apart. It will be a bit more fun and a bit more interactive than me just talking for half an hour. Hot seats Your sites or competitors.’ Alright, let’s go and I want everyone else to put in their two cents in as well, not just myself. Integrated Consulting Solutions What’s the site, I had a look at this last night as well. Now, I’ll ask you a question in a second. So Integrated Consulting Solutions ‘is a management services company that helps organizations develop, audit and maintain management systems, achieve certifications, international standards, manage risk, improve business efficiency and drive customer satisfaction.’ What on earth does that mean? That makes no sense to me at all.
  • 6. 6 Answer: What it means is that we set up management systems for companies, like occupational health and safety, quality, environmental and we help them pass the test for certification. Pete: Pass the test, improve work efficiency, and not get fined. I’m trying to my head around what you actually do. Answer: Yes, well they have to get an international certificate to prove that they’ve got a particular type of management system and we help them pass that test. Pete: Who is the type of person to make the first enquiry to you guys? Who’s the avatar? Answer: The CEO of the organization and generally he’s under pressure because one of his customers wants him to have that particular international certificate fast. Pete: So you help them get certified so they get the contract quicker? Answer: Yes. Pete: Say that, because that to me, I’m a CEO of a multimillion-dollar company and that means nothing to me. I guess it’s different because it’s not my niche but the first thing to me, I just read that and said, what on earth do you do? Look, from a couple of perspectives, there’s a thing called the fold line. Has anyone heard what the fold line is? It comes from the newspaper days that when you see a newspaper folded in half, the things that people actually see when they first saw the newspaper on the stand, was above the fold. It was the top half of the newspaper. It was very important to have your headlines and if you were in advertising, to have your advertisement above the fold so people saw it more. The same thing goes for the website. The fold line is basically considered the line where the browser stops. So it’s important to have your biggest messages above that fold line. So you’ve got this huge space here. Half of the website above the fold is taken up by this big image that says ‘We Build on Your Strengths,’ which personally to me isn’t a sales proposition. It’s not a headline that converts. It’s not a communication tool. So I would reduce that quite a bit, make it smaller, cut it in half, do something where it’s not so much above the fold.
  • 7. 7 The other thing which I talked about is, you want people to call you up as a first instance. People aren’t going to call you up or visit you at a PO Box. You’ve got PO Box, PO Box address, your phone number and your fax number. I would think that no one really wants your PO Box unless they’re already doing business with you. No one is going to send you mail saying, hi, I want to do business with you. Can you please call me on this number? No one is going to send you a postcard. That’s not relevant. They’re going to pick up the phone and call you. So put that big 1800 number that we spoke about there, ‘for a free half hour consultation’ or some sort of value proposition. ‘Call us on this number,’ that’s going to get them to pick up the phone. That’s what they want. People are going to search for ISO consulting or whatever sort of service terms they are, whatever sort of keywords you come up with, because they want to do business. They want to talk to you. So make it easy for them to talk to you and put that big phone number up there. Even just do a video, which Dave will talk about later. You can sit there and say, hi, I do this, I do that. We can help you with this. You’ve got that contract you’re trying to get but you need to get the certification. We’ll help you get it really quickly so you can get that job. Call us now. Question: That’s actually a really good point because one of the hard things is to explain what we do and a video would show it a lot better than a paragraph of text. Pete: Dave, I’m sure Dave has got some points in this. He had a look at this as well. You’ve got to work out what people want when they’re coming to your site. What’s the value proposition, that avatar, that person actually wants to experience and give it to them straightaway. The fold line is a big thing on this site. The phone number is another big thing. And speak in English. One of the things that really works well from our telco perspective is that our competition are technicians. I still have no idea how to install a phone system, neither do my business partners. I don’t want to know and I don’t care. I know the solutions, and I know the benefits people are going to get and what the system can do. But I don’t know technical and our competitors do, and they talk technical.
  • 8. 8 For this 24-year-old receptionist/accounting officer working in an accounting firm who actually wants to get a phone system, she doesn’t know either. She barely knows accounting, let alone phone systems. So we talk to her and we talk about it in English. We will help you get your phone system quick fast, effectively which can give you these benefits. It’s not about the technical terms. It’s not about ISDN2s and onramps and all that other technical jargon. So personally to me, and this is again, I don’t know your clients, I’m just talking from my perspective is ISO 19001 and HACCP, to me, that means nothing. If it means something to the people, then obviously leave it on there. Also, you have clients: Port of Melbourne Corporation, Belmatic Industries. If your clients know these companies, put their logos on there rather than putting small text. Actually put your clients’ logos down the side. Put some testimonials on there to actually say on the home page, Port Melbourne Corporation. We were able to land a $100,000 deal in two weeks because they got your certification. Put real-world testimonials on the home page with their logo and so on which people actually recognize. That is a huge conversion thing. At the end of the day, it’s another piece of direct response marketing. So the same principles that you can get by picking up any direct response marketing book still apply online, it is just a different medium. People think the web is different. It’s no different. It is just a direct response medium. That’s what we try to do with everything and that’s what hopefully you’ll get from today, is it’s all about direct response and that’s what we want to do. Do you want to jump onto another person’s site? We can do a competitor. Oracle Traders Let’s go to What do you do? Give me a lowdown. Craig: We do share market-related software, data services and education. It’s very new. My partner and I have been in the industry a long time but the site is new. We’ve only been up and running for three or four months. We have differing ideas and hearing you guys saying you need a minimum of 300 words, we obviously don’t have that. Out idea was to try to keep it looking nice and clean and professional, et cetera. But I’m interested to hear what you guys think.
  • 9. 9 Pete: What’s biting better at this time of year, salmon or perch? Can I buy a reel from you as well? The first thing I see is fishing. The first thing I see on that site, I’m looking at fishing. I can buy a fishing rod. You can give me some trout tips. Craig: The idea of the web design guy who did it was to make that person be an average person, someone you could relate to. But I agree, there is not enough share market-related thing that’s going to hit you straightaway except for that chart. There is a chart during the day when the markets are open, but that’s all. That’s all you get. Pete: The guy was on the money with having a person on the site. That makes a huge difference. On all the sites we have, and I can show you some of our sites later, people and so on, but our headset website, it’s a person with a headset. It’s a middle-aged female on a headset because that is our target market and that’s who tends to buy most of our headsets. You want a guy who looks like an average bloke but probably in front of a computer or a share chart. Then they can see shares but someone at the same time. Here it looks like, I’m going to go fishing. That’s just my personal thing. Another thing is ‘Hello and welcome to Oracle Traders.’ People realize they’re there. They know they’re on the website. Saying hello and welcome, it’s nice to have but really I’d get rid of all that sort of thing. You’d be better off replacing that with ‘Dealing with Oracle Traders will get you 5% return in the market in 30 days guaranteed,’ whatever value proposition you’ve got and put that out there. Saying welcome is not a great thing. You want to hit them over the head with a value proposition. Question: This is just a general question about sites themselves. The real estate that the header uses up, when you’re talking about above the fold, with no header of course everything moves up. It’s that blue band across the top or the other one had a band across the top and most websites do. Is the header important? Obviously you’ve got to get your name there. Pete: A header works well. It comes down to get the brand in position. For example in Flight Centre, people know the Flight Centre brand. So having the Flight Centre logo front and centre, people relate to that. Do people know Oracle Traders logo at this point in time? Craig: No, but we’re trying to build that brand out there. Pete: What I would do, I would make this menu smaller and actually put it on the same level as the actual logo so you get that little bit of extra space. Do you want people to call you? What is the objective of this page? What is the outcome you want?
  • 10. 10 Craig: Yes, we want people to call us. We have a landing page. We basically sell a product that is very well known in this market and we’re one of two distributors in Australia for that product. It’s highly searched for, et cetera. The software is called MetaStock. We have got But that’s the top product there. That’s really what we are. All the other things we’ve built as add-ons to that product. Pete: Is it in an ecommerce store? Do you have to buy online? Or do you want them to call you first? Craig: Either or is fine. We’re happy to come in the morning and process orders, that’s great. But generally speaking, people want to talk to somebody first. Pete: People normally hit logos first on a website to go to a home page. Craig: If you’re on another page, I think you can go back. If you look at the Support tab for example, there’s no content until you actually click on a link and this is probably a bad thing. That’s all you get if you click on any one of those links, then you’ll get a whole list of screen shots and bits and pieces and instructions and details. So I don’t know. Pete: There are some other little things from a general perspective: the Home button should be on the left hand side just from a user perspective and testing and so on. It’s called the hot pocket, or the red triangle, or different names. When people look at a website, it’s pretty much the top corner first. People expect the Home material to be on the left-hand side. Just little things like that will make a big difference. Things like login – if you want people to log into your site, put that username and password on the Home page. Don’t make them click to have to log in. If you go to pages like Google or eBay, or Facebook, to get to the Home page, let’s go to Facebook. Their Home page there, there’s a big login at the top. So take that space next to the logo with the login details. They can learn to do it. If people come back to the site regularly, make it easy for them to do so. From your perspective, I’d do log in here, big phone number and then your logo, those little things from a conversion perspective. Also just really quickly, from an SEO perspective, just to give you some context. Dave’s obviously going to do that video for you guys.
  • 11. 11 The top of the page title, Oracle Traders – Empowering Investors is the page title. It is one of the most powerful things you can have when it comes to telling people what your page is about. I doubt people are Googling either Oracle Traders or Empowering Investors. You want to make that MetaStock software from Oracle Traders. That way, you’ll rank for MetaStock software. It’s those things that are really important to actually have. Forget about your brand. David: I might just add something there as well. I just wanted to talk in terms of the biggest hurdle that people have to overcome when doing business with any business online is believing what it is that you have to say. Whenever I look at a website, I always think of how can I build that proof? How can I make someone come to this website and feel like, hey, I can trust this. It looks like the real deal. So make sure that you’ve got the good template. Contact information is extremely important because you wouldn’t go to a website and do business with someone because what happens if it goes wrong? You want to get in contact with them. So you want to make sure that they’re the real deal. Have a physical address as well. Things like testimonials, embed those in. I’ve had some good experience in the whole MetaStock niche. Depending on what you’re trying to position yourself as here, if you’re thinking, right, I want to be the go-to guy, the reseller for MetaStock here in Australia. Think what it is that our user, if you go to our avatar, what is it that they’d be looking at? I would go to MetaStock’s website, see what MetaStock looks like and take some cues from there. Pete: A couple of other small things for other people’s websites, sorry I’m going to pick on you a bit more, Craig. You’ve got here, Click here for our most popular package. It’s a very small button below the fold. Obviously, it will change on the resolution of the screen. Craig: It’s not even a MetaStock offer. We’re targeting two different markets. MetaStock is the brand name that we’re using to drive the traffic to the site hopefully. But there a lot of people, I suppose, in that market. So we’ve got a separate little offering for, I guess, we call it Mr. Plumber, for the mums and dads. Rather than paying $1,000 for the MetaStock software and data, we’ve got an offer for $595 for another charting package, which is not as good but will get 99% of people across the line without any problems.
  • 12. 12 Pete: Say that on your Home page. If you want MetaStock, that’s available but it’s $1,000. If you just want to get started and see if this investing thing works for you, there’s $500 investment. Obviously, you’d write it better than that but that’s your headline. That’s your pitch on your Home page. Even things like, get a free e-book offer. That’s great, but what is the e-book about? What do I get? Sell the e-book. Probably if you did some testing, no one would be clicking that red button. Free e-book to get you started, what does it actually get me started on? Does it show me how to mow the lawns? Does it show me how to fish? Tell me how to catch fish quicker? So there are a few changes you could make to your site and get the increase quite quickly. Craig: Great, thanks. Pete: I want to keep moving because we’re running out of time. I want to jump in and show you another couple of things just from a testing perspective of what can be done. Dave and I can stand up here and we can pull sites apart with our own personal experience and thoughts and so on, but it comes down to what it says and the users on your site. Why split test? Things like split testing: these websites are identical except for the red and green button. Having a red button increases conversions by 21%. Twenty-one percent more people who came to your site actually converted. This is another split test here with some slight changes, putting a photo of a girl there, moving the map down, making a few changes, changed the conversion rate of that page by 6.1%.
  • 13. 13 Another one here, couple of changes from left to right, the right-hand side performed better with a 65% bounce rate. What a bounce rate is, when someone comes to your site for the very first time, if they just leave straightaway without going any further on your site, it’s called a bounce. They come in and they leave. That pretty much means that your site wasn’t relevant to them. Most people will click through a few links and play around on the site. So by putting that holiday sale in there, it had a 65% better bounce rate. Sixty-five percent more people stayed on the site basically. How to split test? There are a couple of ways to do this, by Google Analytics and Google Website Optimizer. We’re actually running out of time. I was going to jump inside and play around with this, which I might do if we’ve got some time later today or I’ll do another video and jump in and show you some things just to give you a quick overview of what is possible. I recently relaunched the MCG material. I had some carpet left over and redid a series of frames and that sort of thing. And as part of that launch, I drove traffic to this site and got people to pre-register their interest in owning a piece of the MCG and built up a list that I can market to. Google Website Optimiser There are basically three elements to this site that I tested: headline, I recorded three different videos and reworded this opt-in pitch here three different ways. Then inside Website Optimizer, a Google tool which allows you to actually grab parts of your site and say this is the headline, this is the video, this is the opt-in box, and actually segregate those sites and put in three different combinations of each and say three different headlines, three different videos and three different opt-in boxes.
  • 14. 14 It will actually go to the site, just magically pick a combination and say, headline A, video A, opt-in box A is combination 1,this headline A, video A, opt-in box B is combination 2 and so on and so forth. It will give you an idea just how that affected it. There was one combination, combination 7 at the bottom that had a conversion rate of 4.85%. Four point eight five percent of people who came to that page with that particular combination opted in. A different combination got a 10.5% opt-in rate, so a double conversion rate with a different configuration of headline, video and opt-in box. So if I just went and put my website up, and just by sheer luck or dumb luck or accident and chose a certain combination, I lost half the traffic that came to my site that could have been buyers. So you want to start testing this sort of thing. It’s pretty easy to do and I’ll run through a separate video and send it to you guys separately, just how this sort of thing works and what’s available. It’s really simple. You don’t have to do it. You can find people in the Philippines to do it. You can get your 15-year-old nephew to do it for you. This is pretty easy to do, or tell your website guy to do it. It’s really simple and it’s all free. Google will give you this for free. They’re trying to make your site’s better so the users get a better experience when they come through your site. Google Analytics Also quickly, and I’ll go into more depth in a later video which should be part of the DVD set but won’t be obviously, I’ll e-mail it to you. That is Google Analytics. Google actually has a tool that you put some code on your website and it tracks your users experience on your site. So again, it’s not just you making blind decision saying, yes, I don’t really like pink anymore, I’m going to change the site to orange. It’s doing it on real data. To give you an idea of what sort of thing you can get out of Analytics, I’m just looking again at that particular Own the G website for the month of April. We had just under 4,000 visitors on the site in that month. The average visitor looked at one and a half pages. This website, as you see, really didn’t have much depth to it for a particular reason. There are a couple of Contact Us pages and an About Us page at the bottom. But the aim is to get people to look at the video and then give me their name and e-mail address so I can hit them with marketing after the fact.
  • 15. 15 You can do things through here. You can go into looking at content and Analytics will show you of your website, which pages have the most views, to work out what pages get the most views so you can look at and change and adjust your site navigation and the content on your site to match what people are looking at. You can look at the top landing pages. If you have a website with 1,800 pages or even 20 pages, what pages are people coming to first when they see your website? People don’t always come into your website through the index page. Sometimes they come in through your About Us page or a blog post. If you’re ranking for dentist South Yarra and there’s a blog post, that’s the page that is actually ranked in Google and that’s the page they’ll see first. So you might want to change those pages based on this is a first-time viewer. You might find for a lot of sites, the index page isn’t the most visited or the most viewed landing page. It shows you different ways where people are coming from. You can go in here and see what are your top traffic areas. For the MCG material, most people came directly through some marketing I was doing. Other people came through Fox Sports, Facebook advertising which we’ll talk about later, Google CPC which is the AdWords network. We didn’t get a lot of SEO things, but that wasn’t the aim. You’ll get an idea of where people are coming from and you can optimize and focus on that. You can manage only what you measure and these sorts of tools are designed to do that. I’ll jump in and give you a good half hour video on all this sort of thing and send it to you guys later. But I encourage you to think about it and actually use it in some of your work. It’s testing it because it is not about you, it’s about the user. So let’s open it up to questions and we can go from there. Question: Just a quick question about where you put the code software into the html material. Pete: Google for Website Optimizer walks you through the whole thing. If you go to the Home page, it actually literally tells you exactly what to do. If I go to create a new experiment, what I did before was a multi-variant, because there were multi-variants on that page that I wanted to test at once. You go into there and it says choose the element, your heading, image, description, three elements here, yes, I’ve completed the steps above. I’ve worked out what they will be. It just asks you here, put in your experiment name. The Home page is and for the Thank You page.
  • 16. 16 You’ve got to work out what is the goal to work out what converts better. So for that particular page, it is referred to as a squeeze page because I’m trying to squeeze all the traffic into that opt in and there was a thank you page once people opted in, so that’s the conversion page or the goal. Once you go through there, which I’ll show you in the video that I will send out later, it actually says, here’s the code you need to place, place it here. And it actually gives you really clear examples, even to the point where it says, is it you who are actually going to be doing this or your web developer. If you tick web developer, it’ll say, here’s a link for your unique code that you can send to your developer to read and it tells them what to do. So it’s really easy for yourself or someone else to do. Question: If I don’t want to do this and my web developer doesn’t know how to do it, do you guys do this? Pete: I don’t. I run a telco company. That’s part of what Dave does at Melbourne SEO Services. Buy the DVDs and give it to your web developer as a present and say, do the website for free. I’m going to give you some free education. There are plenty of people out there that do. Find a web developer and ask them to talk you through online marketing and see what they do and what they know. There are companies like Dave’s and there are plenty of other people out there. This isn’t a pitch fest just for Dave’s company but there are people out there who will do this for you and who know this. Just tell them what you want. And if they don’t know how to do it, don’t hire them. Say, this is what I want to do. This is the purpose of this sort of thing, these workshops and these DVDs. It’s to give you education, not so much that you do it yourself, but just be aware of what is happening so you can manage it properly. So when you’re investing your money in a company to do it, you actually know they’re doing the right thing. Tell them what you want and it’s all about education. Question: You mentioned multiple phone numbers. So do you think you should have more than one phone number on your website? Pete: It depends how serious you are. If you’re spending six figures driving pay-per-click advertising to your site, then you would. And if that’s primarily doing a lot of traffic, it all comes down to how much time do you have to actually invest in this sort of thing and where is that limit.
  • 17. 17 What we’ve done is we do things like there’s a funnel on our website for just normal people who find us through SEO traffic. Then the way we do our AdWords, is tag the AdWords ads so that our website knows that people are coming from AdWords and show the different phone number. So we get an understanding, if we’re spending this much money on our AdWords campaign, which I’ll talk about later for those people who don’t know AdWords, it’s getting us how many conversions? This paying for traffic is pointless if it’s not converting. So I suggest you should do it if you want to make sure that you’re measuring all the different conversion aspects. Question: I have one phone number for a landing page for AdWords and one for the regular Home page. Pete: It’s all about what you want to test. If you just want to find out if that’s working, how do you find out if it’s working, and one way might be a phone number. David: I think just to add on to that as well, when you do your testing, test things where you’re sending enough traffic like Pete was saying. If you’re going to improve your click- through rate by having a different phone number or whatever, think how much traffic am I driving to that and how much could it, potentially. Assuming that everything goes well, it might increase the conversion rate from 2% to 4%. But if it’s only getting 30 visitors a day, is it worth doing that test? Just chunk it down along the track as to what it could mean potentially, and assuming the test went really well and you doubled your conversion rate, does it add enough to your bottom line that it would be worth your time? There are so many things you can do. It’s only once you start to drive significant volume. Pete: The first thing is just to tick all the basic boxes to make sure your site has some basic things: prominent phone number, good call to action, it actually communicates correctly with the marketplace and the avatar who are looking at it. Get those things right first. Testing is a should-do but it is secondary. Just get the site some basics on there first and then worry about the testing and just some big things.