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Using Python 3 to Build a
Cloud Computing Service for
      my Superboard II
           David Beazley

     Presented at PyCon 2011
Note: This talk involves a number of live
demonstrations. You will probably enjoy
 it more by watching the PyCon 2011
           video presentation
It Begins

Byte Magazine, January, 1979
Personal History

• Superboard II was my family's first computer
• What I first learned to program (~1979)
• It had everything that a kid could want
Easy Setup!
Potentially Lethal Suggestions!
You could get
                an electric
 You could
look inside!
Pure Awesome!
           You could program
Pure Awesome!
            You could hack!

                   Note the

• 1982-2010. Superboard sits in mom's basement
• July 2010. Eric Floehr mentions SB at Scipy
• August 2010. Brother brings SB to Chicago
• It still works! (to my amazement)
• What do you do with an old Superboard II
   • 1 Mhz 6502 CPU
   • 8K RAM
   • 8K Microsoft Basic (vers. 1.0)
   • 300 Baud Cassette Audio Interface
   • 1K Video Ram (24x24 visible characters)
• Not a modern powerhouse
(with Python 3 awesomeness of course)
     (plus some ØMQ and Redis)
     (and some 6502 assembler)
Getting to the Cloud
        This is the only I/O
         A pair of RCA audio jacks
         Used for cassette tape storage
         Not too promising
A Possible Solution
Cassette Interface
         • Behind the RCA jacks,
           sits a real serial "port"
         • Motorola 6850 ACIA
         • Ports are a 300 baud
           audio stream encoded
           via Kansas City Standard
         • Might be able to hack it
Byte, Feb. 1976
Python Audio Processing

• pyaudio
• http://
• A Python interface to the portaudio C library
• Allows real-time access to audio line in/out
• I ported it to Python 3
Reading Audio Input
import pyaudio
p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
stream =,
while True:
    sample =
Building a Python Modem
               writer thread
             pyaudio    byte
              writer   encoder
             pyaudio    byte
             reader    decoder
               reader thread

• A network socket bridged to two real-time
  audio encoding/decoding threads
KCS Audio Encoding
            0=                   1=

 (4 cycles @ 1200 Hz)           (8 cycles @ 2400 Hz)

                 'A' = 0x41 (01000001)

  0     0    1     0    0   0      0     0   1   1     1

start                    data                     stop
KCS Audio Decoding

                                      samples (8-bit)
89, 103, 117, 151, 194, 141, 99, 64, 89, 112, 141, 203, 152, 107, 88, ...

                                      sign bits (0 = neg, 1= pos)

                                      sign changes (XOR adjacent bits)

Idea: Each 1 bit represents a 0-crossing
Example Code
def generate_sign_change_bits(stream):
    previous = 0
    while True:
       samples =
        # Emit a stream of sign-change bits
        for byte in samples:
            signbit = byte & 0x80
            yield 1 if (signbit^previous) else 0
            previous = signbit
KCS Bit Decoding
            idle (constant 1)                    1 0 11 0 0 0 0

                                            start        data byte       stop
Sign Change Bits               push
1001001001001001001001001001          1001001001001001       discard
                                      Sample buffer (size = audio samples for 1 bit)

                   ~ 8 sign changes                 ~ 16 sign changes

                          0                                 1
Example Code
from collections import deque

# Sample buffer
sample = deque(maxlen=SAMPLES_PER_BIT)

for b in generate_sign_change_bits(stream):
    nchanges = sum(sample)
    if nchanges < 10:
         # Detected a start bit
         # Sample next 8 data bits

  (The actual code is more optimized)
  My Mac (linked via audio)
• It's Alive!

• Basic communication is just the start!
This is uploading machine code
~500 lines of 6502 assembler
   !   ;; Move the variable address to INDIRECT where we c
   !   LDA![0x95, Y]! ; Length
   !   INY
   !   LDA![0x95, Y]! ; address (low)
   !   INY
   !   LDA![0x95, Y]! ; address (high)
   !   STA!%INDIRECT+1
   !   LDY!#0x00

 Wrote a 6502 assembler
 ~500 lines of Python 3
Under the covers
This is uploading machine code
~500 lines of 6502 .1C00/20
                    assembler                   05
     ...                      AE
     getvar_copy_string:      EE
     !   ;; Move the variable address to INDIRECT where we c
     ! msgdrv.hex Y]! ; Length
         LDA![0x95,           1E
     !   STA!%MEM_LENGTH      AD
     !   INY                  1E
     !   LDA![0x95, Y]! ; address (low)
     !   STA!%INDIRECT        8D
     !   INY
     ! pymodem Y]! ; address (high)
     !   STA!%INDIRECT+1
     !   LDY!#0x00

 Wrote a 6502 assembler
 ~500 lines of Python 3
Messaging Driver code
           Under the covers
This is uploading machine
~500 lines of 6502 .1C00/20 Client
 Superboard II   control assembler                   05
     ...                      AE

• Superboard issues requests
     ! msgdrv.hex Y]! ; Length
         ;; Move the variable address to INDIRECT where we c

• Client responds and gets control
         LDA![0x95, Y]! ; address (low)

• Driver coexists with BASIC
     !   STA!%INDIRECT        8D
     !   INY
     ! pymodem Y]! ; address (high)
     !   STA!%INDIRECT+1
    1024LDY!#0x00 message driver
     !    bytes

 Wrote a 6502 Workspace
  7168 bytes BASIC
 ~500 lines of Python 3
Example of makingcovers
              Messaging Driver code
               Under the a request
This is uploading machine
           10 A = 96
~500 lines
  Superboard II of 6502 assembler
                        control          Client
           20 B = 42            .1C00/20
     ...                        AE

• SuperboardY]!issues1Erequests
     getvar_copy_string: = "FOO"
           30 the variable address to INDIRECT where we c
         ;; Move
           40 S =; Length


• Client responds and gets control


         LDA![0x95, Y]! ; address (low)

• Driver coexists- Get a BASIC region
     !   STA!%INDIRECT       8D
     !   INY
      PEEK         with memory
     ! pymodem Y]! ; address (high)
     !   POKE      - Set a memory region
    1024LDY!#0x00 message driver
         GET       - Get a BASIC variable
         SET       - Set a BASIC variable
  Wrote a 6502 -Workspace to BASIC
         RETURN assembler
   7168 bytes BASIC Return

  ~500 lines of shared memory!
   Distributed Python 3
Messaging Architecture
• There are two parts (driver and a client)
   superboard                                             message client
     driver             audio                    socket

  BASIC                                                   Python 3

• Uses a binary message protocol
    USR(37) : x20 x06 x01 x25 x00 x02

          Command Size Seq      Data       LRC

 • Protocol details not so interesting
Message Driver
• Interacts directly with Microsoft BASIC
   • Uses "Undocumented" ROM routines
   • Accesses BASIC interpreter memory
• For this, some resources online
Client Architecture
• Client bridges Superboard II to the outside world
• Uses ØMQ (
• And pyzmq (
                           Message client   Services

audio             socket
        pymodem                       ØMQ

                           Python 3
Request Publishing
 • Requests are broadcast on a ØMQ PUB socket
 • Retransmitted every few seconds if no response
            Message client
USR(37)        ØMQ PUB       "37 1"   "37 1"   "37 1"   ... To the

            Python 3

 • Requests include the USR code and a sequence #
Service Subscription
• Services simply subscribe to the request feed
   import zmq
   context = zmq.Context()
   requests = context.socket(zmq.SUB)
   requests.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE,b"37 ")

• Now wait for the requests to arrive
   while True:
       request = requests.recv()

• Clients are separate programs--live anywhere
Request Response
 • Message client has a separate ØMQ REP socket
 • Used by services to respond
            Message client
USR(37)        ØMQ PUB       "37 1"

 driver        ØMQ REP                        Service
                              commands   (subscribed to 37)
            Python 3

 • Service initially acks by echoing request back
 • On success, can issue more commands
Command Connection
• Setting up the command socket
   commands = context.socket(zmq.REQ)

• Complete request/response cycle
   while True:
       request = requests.recv()
       commands.send(request)    # Echo back
       resp = commands.recv()
       if resp[:2] == b'OK':
           # In control of Superboard
           # Do evil stuff
• Commands are just simple byte strings

• Response codes
    b"OK DATA"
    b"FAIL MSG"
Interactive Demo
>>> request_sock.recv()
b'37 1'
>>> command_sock.send(b'37 1')
>>> command_sock.recv()
>>> command_sock.send(b'GET A')
>>> command_sock.recv()
b'OK 96.0'
>>> command_sock.send(b'GET B')
>>> command_sock.recv()
b'OK 42.0'
>>> command_sock.send(b'SET Q 2')
>>> command_sock.recv()
>>> command_sock.send(b'SET R 12')
>>> command_sock.recv()
>>> command_sock.send(b'RET 0')
>>> command_sock.recv()
Big Picture
               Message client
                                Up to 65536 Service IDs (N)
               ØMQ PUB
                ØMQ REP

                                                       Big Iron

• Services can live anywhere
• Written in any language
• No real limit except those imposed by ØMQ
Superboard Emulation
• I dumped the BASIC and system ROMS
• Loaded them into Py65
• Py65 : A 6502 Emulator Written in Python

• Work of Mike Naberezny
• I ported it to Python 3
Emulation in 60 Seconds
               You start with the
             Superboard II memory
                map (provided)
Emulation in 60 Seconds

                  You identify
               hardware devices
Emulation in 60 Seconds
                   You read
               (about keyboards)
Emulation in 60 Seconds
                   You read
               (about video ram)
Emulation in 60 Seconds
                    You read
               (about ACIA chips)
Emulation in 60 Seconds
Then you just plug it into py65 (sic)
 def map_hardware(self,m):
         # Video RAM at 0xd000-xd400

         # Monitor the polled keyboard port
         m.subscribe_to_read([0xdf00], self.keyboard_read)
         m.subscribe_to_write([0xdf00], self.keyboard_write)

         # ACIA Interface
         m.subscribe_to_read([0xf000], self.acia_status)
         m.subscribe_to_read([0xf001], self.acia_read)
         m.subscribe_to_write([0xf001], self.acia_write)

         # Bad memory address to force end to memory check
         m.subscribe_to_read([0x2000], lambda x: 0)
Interactive Demo

• What do you do with an emulated Superboard?
A Superboard Cloud
                         10 PRINT "I WILL THINK OF A"
                         15 PRINT "NUMBER BETWEEN 1 AND
                         20 PRINT "TRY TO GUESS WHAT IT IS"
                         25 N = 0
                         30 X = INT(RND(56)*99+1)
                         35 PRINT
                         40 PRINT "WHATS YOUR GUESS   ";
                         50 INPUT G

                                                    10 PRINT "HELLO WORLD"
                                                    20 END
                    10   FOR I = 1 TO 1000
                    20   PRINT I
                    30   NEXT I
                    20   END


                                                                             (images of
     Virtualized                                                             machines)
  Superboard CPUs
Building The Cloud
• I built it using Redis (
• Ported py-redis to Python 3
• Redis is cool
     • Can use it as a key-value store
     • Has other data structures (sets, hashes, etc.)
     • Queuing
     • Atomic operations
Redis Example
import redis
db = redis.Redis()

# Key-value store
data = db.get('foo')

# Queuing
work = db.brpop('queue')
Superboard Cloud Features
  • Remote program store
     • Load/save programs
  • Instance creation
     • Creation
     • Run with input
     • Distributed shared memory
  • It must be usable from the Superboard II
Program Load/Store

               msg          cloud    set
              driver       service   get
program                                    redis

• BASIC program & workspace memory
  directly manipulated by the message driver
• Stored in Python object and pickled to Redis
• Instances are a running Superboard
   • 8K Program Memory
   • 1K Video RAM
   • Stored CPU context (registers, etc.)
• Stored in a Python object
• Pickled to Redis when inactive
Instance Execution
• "Runner" programs watch a Redis queue
   import redis
   r = redis.Redis()
   while True:
        work = r.brpop("queue")    # Wait for work
        inst = load_instance() # Get instance
        run_emulation(work)     # Run emulation
        save_instance(inst)     # Save instance

• Based on supplying keyboard input to SB
• Instance runs until no more input available
Instance Concurrency
• Can have arbitrary number of runners


• Asynchronous execution (w/ Superboard)
• Uses Redis setnx() for locking
import superboard as skynet
                        Up to 65536 Service IDs (N)
            ØMQ PUB

            ØMQ REP

                                                             Big Iron
                                                    10 PRINT "I WILL THINK OF A"
                                                    15 PRINT "NUMBER BETWEEN 1 AND

      Virtualized                                   100"
                                                    20 PRINT "TRY TO GUESS WHAT IT IS"
                                                    25 N = 0

   Superboard CPUs
                                                    30 X = INT(RND(56)*99+1)
                                                    35 PRINT
                                                    40 PRINT "WHATS YOUR GUESS   ";

                                                    50 INPUT G

                                                                               10 PRINT "HELLO WORLD"
                                                                               20 END

             Stored                            10
                                                    FOR I = 1 TO 1000
                                                    PRINT I
                                                    NEXT I

                                               20   END

• I don't actually want to use my Superboard II
• It's awful!
• It was painful even in 1980
A Better Answer
• For fun
• Also to create a glorious mess!
• Everything a systems hacker could want!
     • Hardware, device drivers, signal
       processing, protocols, networks, message
       passing, threads, synchronization,
       debugging, software design, testing,
       deployment, etc.
• Awesome!
Real Answer : Python 3

• Can Python 3 be used for anything real?
• I needed to check it out myself
• On a non-trivial project with many moving parts
• And with a variety of library dependencies
Lessons Learned

• You can use Python 3 to do real work
• However, it’s bleeding edge
• You really have to know what you’re doing
• Especially with respect to bytes/unicode
• Must be prepared to port and/or patch
Porting Experience

• py65 (easy, some bytes issues)
• pyredis (easy, bytes/unicode issues)
• pypng (hard, really messy I/O)
• pyaudio (hard, C extensions)
• pyzmq (worked, Cython patch for Py3.2)
Finding Python 3 Code

• Every single package I used was downloaded
  from development repositories (github,
  subversion, etc, etc)
• You can often find Python 3 compatible
  libraries in project forks or issue trackers if
  you look for it
My Thoughts
• Python 3 is cool
• It keeps getting better
   >>> import numpy

• It’s different and fun
• It might be a great language for distributed
  computing, messaging, and other applications
That’s All Folks!
• Thanks for listening!
• Look for the “Python
  Cookbook, 3rd” edition
  in late 2011!
• More info on my blog

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Using Python3 to Build a Cloud Computing Service for my Superboard II

  • 1. Using Python 3 to Build a Cloud Computing Service for my Superboard II David Beazley ( Presented at PyCon 2011 Atlanta
  • 2. Note: This talk involves a number of live demonstrations. You will probably enjoy it more by watching the PyCon 2011 video presentation
  • 3. It Begins (Drumroll...)
  • 4.
  • 6. Personal History • Superboard II was my family's first computer • What I first learned to program (~1979) • It had everything that a kid could want
  • 11.
  • 12. You could get an electric shock You could look inside!
  • 13. Pure Awesome! You could program
  • 14. Pure Awesome! You could hack! Note the encouragement
  • 15. Backstory • 1982-2010. Superboard sits in mom's basement • July 2010. Eric Floehr mentions SB at Scipy • August 2010. Brother brings SB to Chicago • It still works! (to my amazement)
  • 16. Question • What do you do with an old Superboard II • 1 Mhz 6502 CPU • 8K RAM • 8K Microsoft Basic (vers. 1.0) • 300 Baud Cassette Audio Interface • 1K Video Ram (24x24 visible characters) • Not a modern powerhouse
  • 18.
  • 19. HOW? (with Python 3 awesomeness of course) (plus some ØMQ and Redis) (and some 6502 assembler)
  • 20. Getting to the Cloud This is the only I/O A pair of RCA audio jacks Used for cassette tape storage Not too promising
  • 22. Cassette Interface • Behind the RCA jacks, sits a real serial "port" • Motorola 6850 ACIA • Ports are a 300 baud audio stream encoded via Kansas City Standard • Might be able to hack it
  • 24.
  • 25.
  • 26. Python Audio Processing • pyaudio • http:// • A Python interface to the portaudio C library • Allows real-time access to audio line in/out • I ported it to Python 3
  • 27. Reading Audio Input import pyaudio p = pyaudio.PyAudio() stream =, channels=1, rate=9600, chunksize=1024, input=True) while True: sample = process_sample(sample)
  • 28. Building a Python Modem writer thread pyaudio byte writer encoder TCP client socket pyaudio byte reader decoder reader thread • A network socket bridged to two real-time audio encoding/decoding threads
  • 29. KCS Audio Encoding 0= 1= (4 cycles @ 1200 Hz) (8 cycles @ 2400 Hz) 'A' = 0x41 (01000001) 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 start data stop
  • 30. KCS Audio Decoding samples (8-bit) 89, 103, 117, 151, 194, 141, 99, 64, 89, 112, 141, 203, 152, 107, 88, ... sign bits (0 = neg, 1= pos) 000111000111000111000111000111111000000111111000000111111000000111111... sign changes (XOR adjacent bits) 0001001001001001001001001001000001000001000001000001000001000001000001... Idea: Each 1 bit represents a 0-crossing
  • 31. Example Code def generate_sign_change_bits(stream): previous = 0 while True: samples = # Emit a stream of sign-change bits for byte in samples: signbit = byte & 0x80 yield 1 if (signbit^previous) else 0 previous = signbit
  • 32. KCS Bit Decoding idle (constant 1) 1 0 11 0 0 0 0 start data byte stop Sign Change Bits push 1001001001001001001001001001 1001001001001001 discard Sample buffer (size = audio samples for 1 bit) ~ 8 sign changes ~ 16 sign changes 0 1
  • 33. Example Code from collections import deque # Sample buffer sample = deque(maxlen=SAMPLES_PER_BIT) for b in generate_sign_change_bits(stream): sample.append(b) nchanges = sum(sample) if nchanges < 10: # Detected a start bit # Sample next 8 data bits ... (The actual code is more optimized)
  • 34. Demo My Mac (linked via audio)
  • 35. Interlude • It's Alive! • Basic communication is just the start!
  • 36. This is uploading machine code ~500 lines of 6502 assembler ... getvar_copy_string: ! ;; Move the variable address to INDIRECT where we c ! LDA![0x95, Y]! ; Length ! STA!%MEM_LENGTH ! INY ! LDA![0x95, Y]! ; address (low) ! STA!%INDIRECT ! INY ! LDA![0x95, Y]! ; address (high) ! STA!%INDIRECT+1 ! LDY!#0x00 ... Wrote a 6502 assembler ~500 lines of Python 3
  • 37. Under the covers This is uploading machine code msgdrv.asm ~500 lines of 6502 .1C00/20 assembler 05 ... AE getvar_copy_string: EE ! ;; Move the variable address to INDIRECT where we c 1E ! msgdrv.hex Y]! ; Length LDA![0x95, 1E ! STA!%MEM_LENGTH AD ! INY 1E ! LDA![0x95, Y]! ; address (low) 1E ! STA!%INDIRECT 8D ! INY ! pymodem Y]! ; address (high) LDA![0x95, ! STA!%INDIRECT+1 ! LDY!#0x00 ... Wrote a 6502 assembler ~500 lines of Python 3
  • 38. Messaging Driver code Under the covers This is uploading machine request msgdrv.asm ~500 lines of 6502 .1C00/20 Client Superboard II control assembler 05 ... AE • Superboard issues requests getvar_copy_string: ! ! msgdrv.hex Y]! ; Length LDA![0x95, EE ;; Move the variable address to INDIRECT where we c 1E 1E • Client responds and gets control ! ! ! STA!%MEM_LENGTH INY AD 1E LDA![0x95, Y]! ; address (low) 1E • Driver coexists with BASIC ! STA!%INDIRECT 8D ! INY ! pymodem Y]! ; address (high) LDA![0x95, ! STA!%INDIRECT+1 1024LDY!#0x00 message driver ! bytes ... Wrote a 6502 Workspace 7168 bytes BASIC assembler ~500 lines of Python 3
  • 39. Example of makingcovers Messaging Driver code Under the a request This is uploading machine request 10 A = 96 msgdrv.asm ~500 lines Superboard II of 6502 assembler control Client 20 B = 42 .1C00/20 05 ... AE • SuperboardY]!issues1Erequests getvar_copy_string: = "FOO" ! ! 30 the variable address to INDIRECT where we c ;; Move msgdrv.hex C$ 40 S =; Length LDA![0x95, EE USR(37) 1E • Client responds and gets control ! Client ! ! STA!%MEM_LENGTH INY control 1E AD LDA![0x95, Y]! ; address (low) 1E • Driver coexists- Get a BASIC region ! STA!%INDIRECT 8D ! INY PEEK with memory ! pymodem Y]! ; address (high) LDA![0x95, ! ! POKE - Set a memory region STA!%INDIRECT+1 1024LDY!#0x00 message driver bytes ... GET - Get a BASIC variable SET - Set a BASIC variable Wrote a 6502 -Workspace to BASIC RETURN assembler 7168 bytes BASIC Return ~500 lines of shared memory! Distributed Python 3
  • 40.
  • 41. Messaging Architecture • There are two parts (driver and a client) superboard message client message driver audio socket pymodem BASIC Python 3 • Uses a binary message protocol USR(37) : x20 x06 x01 x25 x00 x02 Command Size Seq Data LRC • Protocol details not so interesting
  • 42. Message Driver • Interacts directly with Microsoft BASIC • Uses "Undocumented" ROM routines • Accesses BASIC interpreter memory • For this, some resources online •
  • 43.
  • 44.
  • 45.
  • 46. Client Architecture • Client bridges Superboard II to the outside world • Uses ØMQ ( • And pyzmq ( Message client Services audio socket pymodem ØMQ Python 3
  • 47. Request Publishing • Requests are broadcast on a ØMQ PUB socket • Retransmitted every few seconds if no response Message client USR(37) ØMQ PUB "37 1" "37 1" "37 1" ... To the "Cloud" Python 3 • Requests include the USR code and a sequence #
  • 48. Service Subscription • Services simply subscribe to the request feed import zmq context = zmq.Context() requests = context.socket(zmq.SUB) requests.connect("tcp://msgclient:21001") requests.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE,b"37 ") • Now wait for the requests to arrive while True: request = requests.recv() • Clients are separate programs--live anywhere
  • 49. Request Response • Message client has a separate ØMQ REP socket • Used by services to respond Message client USR(37) ØMQ PUB "37 1" driver ØMQ REP Service commands (subscribed to 37) Python 3 • Service initially acks by echoing request back • On success, can issue more commands
  • 50. Command Connection • Setting up the command socket commands = context.socket(zmq.REQ) commands.connect("tcp://msgclient:21002") • Complete request/response cycle while True: request = requests.recv() commands.send(request) # Echo back resp = commands.recv() if resp[:2] == b'OK': # In control of Superboard # Do evil stuff ...
  • 51. Commands • Commands are just simple byte strings b"RETURN VALUE" b"PEEK ADDR SIZE" b"POKE ADDR DATA" b"GET VARNAME" b"SET VARNAME VALUE" • Response codes b"OK DATA" b"FAIL MSG" b"IGNORE" b"BUSY"
  • 52. Interactive Demo >>> request_sock.recv() b'37 1' >>> command_sock.send(b'37 1') >>> command_sock.recv() b'OK' >>> command_sock.send(b'GET A') >>> command_sock.recv() b'OK 96.0' >>> command_sock.send(b'GET B') >>> command_sock.recv() b'OK 42.0' >>> command_sock.send(b'SET Q 2') >>> command_sock.recv() b'OK' >>> command_sock.send(b'SET R 12') >>> command_sock.recv() b'OK' >>> command_sock.send(b'RET 0') >>> command_sock.recv() b'OK' >>>
  • 53.
  • 54. Big Picture Message client Up to 65536 Service IDs (N) ØMQ PUB USR(N) ØMQ REP Big Iron • Services can live anywhere • Written in any language • No real limit except those imposed by ØMQ
  • 55. Superboard Emulation • I dumped the BASIC and system ROMS • Loaded them into Py65 • Py65 : A 6502 Emulator Written in Python • Work of Mike Naberezny • I ported it to Python 3
  • 56. Emulation in 60 Seconds You start with the Superboard II memory map (provided)
  • 57. Emulation in 60 Seconds You identify hardware devices
  • 58. Emulation in 60 Seconds You read (about keyboards)
  • 59. Emulation in 60 Seconds You read (about video ram)
  • 60. Emulation in 60 Seconds You read (about ACIA chips)
  • 61. Emulation in 60 Seconds Then you just plug it into py65 (sic) def map_hardware(self,m): # Video RAM at 0xd000-xd400 m.subscribe_to_write(range(0xd000,0xd400), self.video_output) # Monitor the polled keyboard port m.subscribe_to_read([0xdf00], self.keyboard_read) m.subscribe_to_write([0xdf00], self.keyboard_write) # ACIA Interface m.subscribe_to_read([0xf000], self.acia_status) m.subscribe_to_read([0xf001], self.acia_read) m.subscribe_to_write([0xf001], self.acia_write) # Bad memory address to force end to memory check m.subscribe_to_read([0x2000], lambda x: 0)
  • 63. Question • What do you do with an emulated Superboard?
  • 64. A Superboard Cloud 10 PRINT "I WILL THINK OF A" 15 PRINT "NUMBER BETWEEN 1 AND 100" 20 PRINT "TRY TO GUESS WHAT IT IS" 25 N = 0 30 X = INT(RND(56)*99+1) 35 PRINT 40 PRINT "WHATS YOUR GUESS "; Program Storage 50 INPUT G 10 PRINT "HELLO WORLD" 20 END 10 FOR I = 1 TO 1000 20 PRINT I 30 NEXT I 20 END Cloud Datastore Service Stored Instances (images of running Virtualized machines) Superboard CPUs
  • 65. Building The Cloud • I built it using Redis ( • Ported py-redis to Python 3 • Redis is cool • Can use it as a key-value store • Has other data structures (sets, hashes, etc.) • Queuing • Atomic operations
  • 66. Redis Example import redis db = redis.Redis() # Key-value store db.set('foo',data) data = db.get('foo') # Queuing db.lpush('queue',work) work = db.brpop('queue')
  • 67. Superboard Cloud Features • Remote program store • Load/save programs • Instance creation • Creation • Run with input • Distributed shared memory • It must be usable from the Superboard II
  • 68. Program Load/Store BASIC strings msg cloud set driver service get program redis settings • BASIC program & workspace memory directly manipulated by the message driver • Stored in Python object and pickled to Redis
  • 69. Instances • Instances are a running Superboard • 8K Program Memory • 1K Video RAM • Stored CPU context (registers, etc.) • Stored in a Python object • Pickled to Redis when inactive
  • 70. Instance Execution • "Runner" programs watch a Redis queue import redis r = redis.Redis() ... while True: work = r.brpop("queue") # Wait for work ... inst = load_instance() # Get instance run_emulation(work) # Run emulation save_instance(inst) # Save instance • Based on supplying keyboard input to SB • Instance runs until no more input available
  • 71. Instance Concurrency • Can have arbitrary number of runners Redis Runners • Asynchronous execution (w/ Superboard) • Uses Redis setnx() for locking
  • 72.
  • 73. import superboard as skynet pymodem Up to 65536 Service IDs (N) ØMQ PUB ØMQ REP Big Iron Cloud Service programs 10 PRINT "I WILL THINK OF A" 15 PRINT "NUMBER BETWEEN 1 AND Virtualized 100" 20 PRINT "TRY TO GUESS WHAT IT IS" 25 N = 0 Superboard CPUs 30 X = INT(RND(56)*99+1) 35 PRINT 40 PRINT "WHATS YOUR GUESS "; redis 50 INPUT G 10 PRINT "HELLO WORLD" 20 END Stored 10 20 30 FOR I = 1 TO 1000 PRINT I NEXT I Instances 20 END
  • 74. WHY?!
  • 75. Non-Answer • I don't actually want to use my Superboard II • It's awful! • It was painful even in 1980
  • 76. A Better Answer • For fun • Also to create a glorious mess! • Everything a systems hacker could want! • Hardware, device drivers, signal processing, protocols, networks, message passing, threads, synchronization, debugging, software design, testing, deployment, etc. • Awesome!
  • 77. Real Answer : Python 3 • Can Python 3 be used for anything real? • I needed to check it out myself • On a non-trivial project with many moving parts • And with a variety of library dependencies
  • 78. Lessons Learned • You can use Python 3 to do real work • However, it’s bleeding edge • You really have to know what you’re doing • Especially with respect to bytes/unicode • Must be prepared to port and/or patch
  • 79. Porting Experience • py65 (easy, some bytes issues) • pyredis (easy, bytes/unicode issues) • pypng (hard, really messy I/O) • pyaudio (hard, C extensions) • pyzmq (worked, Cython patch for Py3.2)
  • 80. Finding Python 3 Code • Every single package I used was downloaded from development repositories (github, subversion, etc, etc) • You can often find Python 3 compatible libraries in project forks or issue trackers if you look for it
  • 81. My Thoughts • Python 3 is cool • It keeps getting better >>> import numpy >>> • It’s different and fun • It might be a great language for distributed computing, messaging, and other applications
  • 82. That’s All Folks! • Thanks for listening! • Look for the “Python Cookbook, 3rd” edition in late 2011! • More info on my blog •