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                           A - C


 To Abide     Abode                Abode        Permanecer/Tolerar

 To Arise      Arose               Arisen      Erguer-se/Levantar-se

 To Awake     Awoke                Awoken             Acordar

  To Be      Was/Were               Been             Ser/Estar

  To Bear      Bore            Born/Borne             Suportar

  To Beat      Beat                Beaten              Bater

To Become     Became               Become            Tornar-se

 To Befall     Befell              Befallen      Acontecer/Suceder

 To Beget     Begot             Begotten           Produzir/Gerar

 To Begin     Began                Begun              Começar

 To Behold    Beheld               Beheld          Observar/Notar

 To Bend       Bent                 Bent           Curvar/Dobrar

To Bereave    Bereft         Bereft/Bereaved          Privar de

To Beseech   Besought           Besought          Implorar/Suplicar

 To Beset      Beset                Beset          Atacar/Acossar

  To Bet        Bet                  Bet              Apostar

 To Betake    Betook               Betaken     Recorrer a/Valer-se de

To Bethink   Bethought         Bethought        Reflectir/Considerar

  To Bid     Bid/Bade          Bid/Bidden      Mandar/Ordenar/Saudar

  To Bind     Bound                Bound        Prender/Atar/Amarrar

  To Bite       Bit                 Bitten             Morder

 To Bleed      Bled                 Bled              Sangrar

 To Bless      Blest                Blest             Abençoar

  To Blow      Blew                Blown               Soprar

 To Break     Broke                Broken              Partir

 To Breed      Bred                 Bred             Gerar/Criar
To Bring       Brought            Brought                Trazer

To Broadcast    Broadcast          Broadcast           Emitir/Difundir

To Browbeat     Browbeat      Browbeat/Browbeaten   Intimidar/Amedrontar

  To Build        Built              Built                Construir

  To Burn         Burnt              Burnt                Queimar

  To Burst        Burst              Burst           Rebentar/Explodir

  To Bust         Bust               Bust                 Explodir

  To Buy         Bought             Bought                Comprar

  To Cast         Cast               Cast               Atirar/Lançar

 To Catch        Caught             Caught                Apanhar

 To Chide         Chid              Chidden                Ralhar

 To Choose       Chose              Chosen                Escolher

 To Cleave     Clove/Cleft        Cloven/Cleft          Rachar/Partir

  To Cling        Clung              Clung           Ligar-se a/Pegar-se

 To Clothe        Clad               Clad              Vestir/Equipar

 To Come         Came                Come                    Vir

  To Cost         Cost               Cost                  Custar

 To Creep         Crept              Crept            Arrastar/Rastejar

  To Cut           Cut                Cut                  Cortar

                             D - G


  To Dare      Dared/Durst           Dared            Ousar/Atrever-se

  To Deal         Dealt              Dealt                Negociar

   To Dig         Dug                Dug                  Escavar

  To Dive      Dived/Dove            Dived               Mergulhar

   To Do           Did               Done                  Fazer

  To Draw         Drew              Drawn                Desenhar

 To Dream        Dreamt             Dreamt                 Sonhar

  To Drink       Drank               Drunk                 Beber
To Drive      Drove      Driven            Conduzir

 To Dwell      Dwelt       Dwelt              Morar

  To Eat        Ate        Eaten             Comer

  To Fall       Fell       Fallen             Cair

  To Feed       Fed         Fed            Alimentar

  To Feel       Felt        Felt             Sentir

  To Fight     Fought     Fought              Lutar

  To Find      Found       Found           Encontrar

   To Fit       Fit         Fit         Ajustar/Adaptar

  To Flee       Fled        Fled        Fugir/Abandonar

  To Fling     Flung       Flung          Atirar/Agitar

   To Fly       Flew       Flown              Voar

 To Forbid    Forbade    Forbidden           Proibir

To Forecast   Forecast    Forecast           Prever

 To Forego    Forewent   Foregone      Preceder/Anteceder

To Foreknow   Foreknew   Foreknown           Prever

To Forerun    Foreran     Forerun           Antecipar

To Foresee    Foresaw    Foreseen      Prever/Pressagiar

To Foretell   Foretold    Foretold     Vaticinar/Profetizar

 To Forget     Forgot    Forgotten          Esquecer

To Forgive    Forgave     Forgiven          Perdoar

To Forsake    Forsook    Forsaken     Renunciar/Abandonar

To Forswear   Forswore   Forsworn      Renegar/Repudiar

 To Freeze     Froze      Frozen         Gelar/Congelar

To Gainsay    Gainsaid    Gainsaid     Negar/Contradizer

  To Get        Got         Got      Conseguir/Buscar/Pegar

  To Gild       Gilt        Gilt             Dourar

  To Give      Gave        Given               Dar

   To Go       Went      Gone/Been              Ir

 To Grind     Ground      Ground       Moer/Afiar/Triturar
To Grow         Grew                Grown          Crescer

                            H   -   M


To Hamstring    Hamstrung           Hamstrung        Paralisar

  To Hang         Hung                  Hung         Enforcar

  To Have         Had                   Had            Ter

  To Hear         Heard               Heard           Ouvir

  To Heave        Hove                  Hove      Hastear/Erguer

   To Hew        Hewed                  Hewn     Cortar/Derrubar

   To Hide         Hid               Hidden         Esconder

   To Hit          Hit                   Hit          Bater

   To Hold        Held                  Held     Segurar/Agarrar

   To Hurt        Hurt                  Hurt       Ferir/Magoar

 To Inbreed      Inbred               Inbred         Procriar

  To Inlay        Inlaid                Inlaid   Embutir/Revestir

To Interbreed   Interbred           Interbred         Cruzar

To Interweave   Interwove           Interwoven      Entrelaçar

  To Keep         Kept                  Kept     Conservar/Manter

  To Kneel        Knelt                 Knelt        Ajoelhar

   To Knit        Knit                  Knit         Tricotar

  To Know         Knew                Known      Saber/Conhecer

  To Lade         Laded               Laden          Carregar

   To Lay         Laid                  Laid       Colocar/Pôr

  To Lead          Led                   Led      Guiar/Conduzir

  To Lean         Leant                 Leant        Inclinar

  To Leap         Leapt                 Leapt      Pular/Saltar
To Learn          Learnt                   Learnt                   Aprender

   To Leave            Left                       Left                 Sair/Partir

    To Lend            Lent                       Lent                 Emprestar

     To Let             Let                        Let                   Deixar

     To Lie            Lay                        Lain             Jazer/Estar deitado

    To Light            Lit                        Lit              Iluminar/Acender

    To Lose            Lost                       Lost                   Perder

    To Make            Made                       Made                    Fazer

    To Mean           Meant                       Meant          Significar/Querer dizer

    To Meet            Met                         Met                Encontrar/

    To Melt           Melted                Melted/Molten               Derreter

   To Miscast         Miscast                  Miscast            Somar erroneamente

   To Misdeal        Misdealt                 Misdealt              Dar mal as cartas

   To Misgive        Misgave                  Misgiven                  Pressentir

   To Mishear        Misheard                 Misheard                  Ouvir mal

   To Mislay          Mislaid                  Mislaid               Perder/Colocar

   To Mislead         Misled                   Misled                Desencaminhar

   To Misread         Misread                  Misread             Ler/Interpretar mal

   To Misspell       Misspelt                 Misspelt            Soletrar/Escrever mal

  To Misspend        Misspent                 Misspent            Esbanjar/Desperdiçar

   To Mistake         Mistook                 Mistaken           Equivocar/Enganar-se

To Misunderstand   Misunderstood            Misunderstood               Entender/
                                                                     Interpretar mal

    To Mow            Mowed                       Mown                    Ceifar

                                   N    -     R

  INFINITIVE          PAST             P. PARTICIPLE              TRANSLATION

   To Outbid          Outbid                 Outbid         Exceder/Cobrir lance (leilão)

    To Outdo          Outdid                Outdone                   Exceder
To Outgrow     Outgrew       Outgrown                Superar

 To Outride     Outrode      Outridden       Montar melhor(cavalo)

 To Outrun      Outran        Outrun               Correr mais

 To Outsell     Outsold       Outsold             Vender mais

To Outshine    Outshone      Outshone           Exceder em brilho

To Overbear    Overbore     Overborne           Dominar/Oprimir

To Overcome    Overcame     Overcome           Superar/Conquistar

 To Overdo      Overdid      Overdone        Exceder/Tornar a fazer

 To Overeat     Overate     Overeaten             Comer demais

To Overhang    Overhung      Overhung           Pender/Ameaçar

To Overhear    Overheard    Overheard            Ouvir por acaso

 To Overlay    Overlaid      Overlaid            Revestir/Cobrir

To Overleap    Overleapt    Overleapt/        Omitir/Saltar por cima

To Overpay     Overpaid      Overpaid             Pagar a mais

To Override    Overrode     Overridden            Dominar/
                                              Esmagar(sob cavalo)

 To Overrun     Overran     Overridden     Atropelar/Devastar/Aniquilar

 To Oversee    Oversaw       Overseen      Vigiar/Inspecionar/Examinar

 To Oversell   Oversold      Oversold           Vender mais caro

To Overshoot   Overshot      Overshot      Exceder-se/Passar do limite

To Oversleep   Overslept     Overslept           Dormir demais

To Overtake    Overtook     Overtaken          Colher/Surpreender

To Overthrow   Overthrew    Overthrown     Derrubar/Derrotar/Arruinar

 To Partake     Partook      Partaken             Compartilhar

   To Pay        Paid          Paid                   Pagar

  To Plead       Pled          Pled         Alegar/Argumentar/Apelar

 To Preset      Preset        Preset               Pré-ajustar

To Proofread   Proofread     Proofread           Revisar(provas)

  To Prove      Proved     Proved/Proven      Provar/Experimentar

   To Put         Put           Put                Colocar/Pôr
To Quit        Quit                Quit     Abandonar/Retirar-se

   To Read        Read                Read               Ler

   To Rebind     Rebound             Rebound   Atar/Amarrar novamente

  To Rebuild     Rebuilt             Rebuilt         Reconstruir

   To Recast      Recast             Recast         Remodelar/
                                                 Redistribuir (peça)

   To Redo        Redid              Redone            Refazer

   To Relay       Relaid              Relaid          Revezar

  To Remake      Remade              Remade            Refazer

   To Rend         Rent               Rent       Rasgar/Despedaçar

   To Repay       Repaid             Repaid     Reembolsar/Retribuir

   To Rerun       Reran               Rerun      Reexibir/Reimprimir

   To Resell      Resold             Resold       Tornar a vender

   To Reset       Reset               Reset      Montar novamente

   To Retell      Retold              Retold          Recontar

  To Rethink    Rethought         Rethought         Reconsiderar

  To Rewind      Rewound             Rewound         Rebobinar

  To Rewrite     Rewrote          Rewritten          Reescrever

    To Rid         Rid                 Rid        Libertar/Livrar-se

    To Ride       Rode               Ridden    Andar(cavalo;bicicleta)

    To Ring       Rang                Rung              Tocar

    To Rise       Rose                Risen     Levantar-se/Ressurgir

    To Run         Ran                 Run             Correr

                            S    -    T


  To Saw       Sawed            Sawed/Sawn             Serrar

  To Say        Said                 Said              Dizer

  To See        Saw                  Seen               Ver

 To Seek       Sought             Sought              Procurar
To Sell      Sold          Sold                   Vender

To Send       Sent          Sent                   Enviar

 To Set       Set            Set            Pôr/Colocar/Assentar

 To Sew      Sewed       Sewed/Sewn            Coser/Costurar

To Shake     Shook         Shaken              Abanar/Agitar

To Shave    Shaved      Shaved/Shaven      Barbear/Cortar(cabelo)

To Shear     Shore          Shorn                 Tosquiar

To Shed       Shed          Shed        Derramar/Verter/Mudar(pele)

To Shine     Shone         Shone                   Brilhar

 To Shit    Shit/Shat     Shit/Shat            Despejar(lixo)

To Shoe       Shod          Shod                Calçar/Ferrar

To Shoot      Shot          Shot                  Disparar

To Show     Showed         Shown               Mostrar/Exibir

To Shrink    Shrank        Shrunk                 Encolher

To Shrive    Shrove        Shriven          Confessar/Absolver

To Shut       Shut          Shut              Fechar/Encerrar

To Sing       Sang          Sung                   Cantar

To Sink       Sank          Sunk                  Afundar

 To Sit       Sat            Sat                   Sentar

 To Slay      Slew          Slain             Matar/Assassinar

To Sleep      Slept         Slept                  Dormir

To Slide      Slid          Slid         Deslizar/Escorregar/Patinar

To Sling     Slung          Slung               Lançar/Atirar

To Slink     Slunk          Slunk         Esquivar-se/Escapulir-se

 To Slit      Slit           Slit              Fender/Rachar

To Smell     Smelt          Smelt                 Cheirar

To Smite     Smote         Smitten         Bater/Golpear/Atingir

 To Sow      Sowed          Sown                  Semear

To Speak     Spoke         Spoken                   Falar

To Speed      Sped          Sped             Acelarar/Apressar
To Spell           Spelt               Spelt                   Soletrar

 To Spend            Spent              Spent             Gastar/Passar(tempo)

  To Spill            Spilt              Spilt             Entornar/Derramar

  To Spin          Spun/Span             Spun                   Fiar/Tecer

   To Spit           Spat                Spat                    Cuspir

  To Split            Split              Split            Partir/Quebrar/Fender

  To Spoil           Spoilt             Spoilt                  Estragar

To Spoonfeed       Spoonfed            Spoonfed        Proteger demasiado/Mimar

 To Spread          Spread              Spread              Alastrar/Espalhar

 To Spring          Sprang              Sprung                Saltar/Brotar

  To Stand           Stood              Stood           Permanecer/Estar(de pé)

  To Stave           Stove              Stove          Furar(casco)/Quebrar(barril)

  To Steal           Stole              Stolen                   Roubar

  To Stick           Stuck              Stuck                     Colar

  To Sting           Stung              Stung                     Picar

  To Stink           Stank              Stunk                  Cheirar mal

  To Strew          Strewed         Strewed/Strewn              Espalhar

  To Stride          Strode            Stridden                Transpor/
                                                          Andar(passos largos)

  To Strike          Struck         Struck/Stricken           Bater/Colidir

 To String           Strung             Strung                    Enfiar

  To Strive          Strove             Striven                Esforçar-se

To Sunburn     Sunburned/Sunburnt Sunburned/Sunburnt   Bronzear/Queimar (pelo sol)

 To Swear            Swore              Sworn                     Jurar

 To Sweat            Sweat              Sweat                Suar/Transpirar

 To Sweep            Swept              Swept                    Varrer

  To Swell          Swelled            Swollen                   Inchar

  To Swim            Swam               Swum                      Nadar

 To Swing            Swung              Swung                   Balançar

  To Take            Took               Taken             Pegar/Receber/Tomar
To Teach        Taught              Taught                  Ensinar

To Tear          Tore                   Torn                 Rasgar

 To Tell         Told                   Told              Dizer/Contar

To Think        Thought             Thought                  Pensar

To Thrive       Throve              Thriven          Prosperar/Ter sucesso

To Throw        Threw               Thrown                   Atirar

To Thrust       Thrust               Thrust             Empurrar/Furar

To Tread         Trod               Trodden             Pisar/Caminhar

                              U     -    Z


  To Unbend        Unbent           Unbent       Desamarrar/Soltar/Afrouxar

  To Unbind        Unbound         Unbound        Desatar/Desprender/Soltar

 To Underbid       Underbid        Underbid      Oferecer menos(que o valor)

  To Undergo      Underwent       Undergone        Sofrer/Aguentar/Resistir

  To Underlie      Underlay        Underlain     Estar( por baixo de;sujeito a)

To Understand    Understood       Understood             Compreender

 To Undertake     Undertook       Undertaken             Empreender

To Underwrite     Underwote       Underwritten            Subscrever

   To Undo          Undid           Undone          Desfazer/Desmanchar

  To Unwind       Unwound          Unwound        Desenrolar-se/Desatar-se

  To Uphold        Upheld           Upheld        Segurar/Sustentar/Suster

   To Upset         Upset               Upset           Perturbar/Virar

   To Wake          Woke            Woken                   Acordar

  To Waylay        Waylaid          Waylaid      Armar (ciladas;emboscadas)

   To Wear          Wore                Worn                 Usar

  To Weave          Wove            Woven                    Tecer

   To Wed            Wed                Wed                  Casar

   To Weep          Wept                Wept                Chorar

    To Wet           Wet                Wet                 Molhar
To Win         Won         Won              Ganhar

  To Wind       Wound       Wound             Enrolar

To Withdraw    Withdrew    Withdrawn          Afastar

To Withhold    Withheld    Withheld    Retirar/Negar/Recusar

To Withstand   Withstood   Withstood     Resistir/Opôr-se

 To Wreak      Wrought     Wrought     Desafogar/Vingar-se

 To Wring       Wrung       Wrung             Torcer

  To Write      Wrote       Written          Escrever

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Irregular Verbs

  • 1. IRREGULAR VERBS A - C INFINITIVE PAST P. PARTICIPLE TRANSLATION To Abide Abode Abode Permanecer/Tolerar To Arise Arose Arisen Erguer-se/Levantar-se To Awake Awoke Awoken Acordar To Be Was/Were Been Ser/Estar To Bear Bore Born/Borne Suportar To Beat Beat Beaten Bater To Become Became Become Tornar-se To Befall Befell Befallen Acontecer/Suceder To Beget Begot Begotten Produzir/Gerar To Begin Began Begun Começar To Behold Beheld Beheld Observar/Notar To Bend Bent Bent Curvar/Dobrar To Bereave Bereft Bereft/Bereaved Privar de To Beseech Besought Besought Implorar/Suplicar To Beset Beset Beset Atacar/Acossar To Bet Bet Bet Apostar To Betake Betook Betaken Recorrer a/Valer-se de To Bethink Bethought Bethought Reflectir/Considerar To Bid Bid/Bade Bid/Bidden Mandar/Ordenar/Saudar To Bind Bound Bound Prender/Atar/Amarrar To Bite Bit Bitten Morder To Bleed Bled Bled Sangrar To Bless Blest Blest Abençoar To Blow Blew Blown Soprar To Break Broke Broken Partir To Breed Bred Bred Gerar/Criar
  • 2. To Bring Brought Brought Trazer To Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Emitir/Difundir To Browbeat Browbeat Browbeat/Browbeaten Intimidar/Amedrontar To Build Built Built Construir To Burn Burnt Burnt Queimar To Burst Burst Burst Rebentar/Explodir To Bust Bust Bust Explodir To Buy Bought Bought Comprar To Cast Cast Cast Atirar/Lançar To Catch Caught Caught Apanhar To Chide Chid Chidden Ralhar To Choose Chose Chosen Escolher To Cleave Clove/Cleft Cloven/Cleft Rachar/Partir To Cling Clung Clung Ligar-se a/Pegar-se To Clothe Clad Clad Vestir/Equipar To Come Came Come Vir To Cost Cost Cost Custar To Creep Crept Crept Arrastar/Rastejar To Cut Cut Cut Cortar D - G INFINITIVE PAST P. PARTICIPLE TRANSLATION To Dare Dared/Durst Dared Ousar/Atrever-se To Deal Dealt Dealt Negociar To Dig Dug Dug Escavar To Dive Dived/Dove Dived Mergulhar To Do Did Done Fazer To Draw Drew Drawn Desenhar To Dream Dreamt Dreamt Sonhar To Drink Drank Drunk Beber
  • 3. To Drive Drove Driven Conduzir To Dwell Dwelt Dwelt Morar To Eat Ate Eaten Comer To Fall Fell Fallen Cair To Feed Fed Fed Alimentar To Feel Felt Felt Sentir To Fight Fought Fought Lutar To Find Found Found Encontrar To Fit Fit Fit Ajustar/Adaptar To Flee Fled Fled Fugir/Abandonar To Fling Flung Flung Atirar/Agitar To Fly Flew Flown Voar To Forbid Forbade Forbidden Proibir To Forecast Forecast Forecast Prever To Forego Forewent Foregone Preceder/Anteceder To Foreknow Foreknew Foreknown Prever To Forerun Foreran Forerun Antecipar To Foresee Foresaw Foreseen Prever/Pressagiar To Foretell Foretold Foretold Vaticinar/Profetizar To Forget Forgot Forgotten Esquecer To Forgive Forgave Forgiven Perdoar To Forsake Forsook Forsaken Renunciar/Abandonar To Forswear Forswore Forsworn Renegar/Repudiar To Freeze Froze Frozen Gelar/Congelar To Gainsay Gainsaid Gainsaid Negar/Contradizer To Get Got Got Conseguir/Buscar/Pegar To Gild Gilt Gilt Dourar To Give Gave Given Dar To Go Went Gone/Been Ir To Grind Ground Ground Moer/Afiar/Triturar
  • 4. To Grow Grew Grown Crescer H - M INFINITIVE PAST P. PARTICIPLE TRANSLATION To Hamstring Hamstrung Hamstrung Paralisar To Hang Hung Hung Enforcar To Have Had Had Ter To Hear Heard Heard Ouvir To Heave Hove Hove Hastear/Erguer To Hew Hewed Hewn Cortar/Derrubar To Hide Hid Hidden Esconder To Hit Hit Hit Bater To Hold Held Held Segurar/Agarrar To Hurt Hurt Hurt Ferir/Magoar To Inbreed Inbred Inbred Procriar To Inlay Inlaid Inlaid Embutir/Revestir To Interbreed Interbred Interbred Cruzar To Interweave Interwove Interwoven Entrelaçar To Keep Kept Kept Conservar/Manter To Kneel Knelt Knelt Ajoelhar To Knit Knit Knit Tricotar To Know Knew Known Saber/Conhecer To Lade Laded Laden Carregar To Lay Laid Laid Colocar/Pôr To Lead Led Led Guiar/Conduzir To Lean Leant Leant Inclinar To Leap Leapt Leapt Pular/Saltar
  • 5. To Learn Learnt Learnt Aprender To Leave Left Left Sair/Partir To Lend Lent Lent Emprestar To Let Let Let Deixar To Lie Lay Lain Jazer/Estar deitado To Light Lit Lit Iluminar/Acender To Lose Lost Lost Perder To Make Made Made Fazer To Mean Meant Meant Significar/Querer dizer To Meet Met Met Encontrar/ Conhecer(pessoas) To Melt Melted Melted/Molten Derreter To Miscast Miscast Miscast Somar erroneamente To Misdeal Misdealt Misdealt Dar mal as cartas To Misgive Misgave Misgiven Pressentir To Mishear Misheard Misheard Ouvir mal To Mislay Mislaid Mislaid Perder/Colocar erradamente To Mislead Misled Misled Desencaminhar To Misread Misread Misread Ler/Interpretar mal To Misspell Misspelt Misspelt Soletrar/Escrever mal To Misspend Misspent Misspent Esbanjar/Desperdiçar To Mistake Mistook Mistaken Equivocar/Enganar-se To Misunderstand Misunderstood Misunderstood Entender/ Interpretar mal To Mow Mowed Mown Ceifar N - R INFINITIVE PAST P. PARTICIPLE TRANSLATION To Outbid Outbid Outbid Exceder/Cobrir lance (leilão) To Outdo Outdid Outdone Exceder
  • 6. To Outgrow Outgrew Outgrown Superar To Outride Outrode Outridden Montar melhor(cavalo) To Outrun Outran Outrun Correr mais To Outsell Outsold Outsold Vender mais To Outshine Outshone Outshone Exceder em brilho To Overbear Overbore Overborne Dominar/Oprimir To Overcome Overcame Overcome Superar/Conquistar To Overdo Overdid Overdone Exceder/Tornar a fazer To Overeat Overate Overeaten Comer demais To Overhang Overhung Overhung Pender/Ameaçar To Overhear Overheard Overheard Ouvir por acaso To Overlay Overlaid Overlaid Revestir/Cobrir To Overleap Overleapt Overleapt/ Omitir/Saltar por cima To Overpay Overpaid Overpaid Pagar a mais To Override Overrode Overridden Dominar/ Esmagar(sob cavalo) To Overrun Overran Overridden Atropelar/Devastar/Aniquilar To Oversee Oversaw Overseen Vigiar/Inspecionar/Examinar To Oversell Oversold Oversold Vender mais caro To Overshoot Overshot Overshot Exceder-se/Passar do limite To Oversleep Overslept Overslept Dormir demais To Overtake Overtook Overtaken Colher/Surpreender To Overthrow Overthrew Overthrown Derrubar/Derrotar/Arruinar To Partake Partook Partaken Compartilhar To Pay Paid Paid Pagar To Plead Pled Pled Alegar/Argumentar/Apelar To Preset Preset Preset Pré-ajustar To Proofread Proofread Proofread Revisar(provas) To Prove Proved Proved/Proven Provar/Experimentar To Put Put Put Colocar/Pôr
  • 7. To Quit Quit Quit Abandonar/Retirar-se To Read Read Read Ler To Rebind Rebound Rebound Atar/Amarrar novamente To Rebuild Rebuilt Rebuilt Reconstruir To Recast Recast Recast Remodelar/ Redistribuir (peça) To Redo Redid Redone Refazer To Relay Relaid Relaid Revezar To Remake Remade Remade Refazer To Rend Rent Rent Rasgar/Despedaçar To Repay Repaid Repaid Reembolsar/Retribuir To Rerun Reran Rerun Reexibir/Reimprimir To Resell Resold Resold Tornar a vender To Reset Reset Reset Montar novamente To Retell Retold Retold Recontar To Rethink Rethought Rethought Reconsiderar To Rewind Rewound Rewound Rebobinar To Rewrite Rewrote Rewritten Reescrever To Rid Rid Rid Libertar/Livrar-se To Ride Rode Ridden Andar(cavalo;bicicleta) To Ring Rang Rung Tocar To Rise Rose Risen Levantar-se/Ressurgir To Run Ran Run Correr S - T INFINITIVE PAST P. PARTICIPLE TRANSLATION To Saw Sawed Sawed/Sawn Serrar To Say Said Said Dizer To See Saw Seen Ver To Seek Sought Sought Procurar
  • 8. To Sell Sold Sold Vender To Send Sent Sent Enviar To Set Set Set Pôr/Colocar/Assentar To Sew Sewed Sewed/Sewn Coser/Costurar To Shake Shook Shaken Abanar/Agitar To Shave Shaved Shaved/Shaven Barbear/Cortar(cabelo) To Shear Shore Shorn Tosquiar To Shed Shed Shed Derramar/Verter/Mudar(pele) To Shine Shone Shone Brilhar To Shit Shit/Shat Shit/Shat Despejar(lixo) To Shoe Shod Shod Calçar/Ferrar To Shoot Shot Shot Disparar To Show Showed Shown Mostrar/Exibir To Shrink Shrank Shrunk Encolher To Shrive Shrove Shriven Confessar/Absolver To Shut Shut Shut Fechar/Encerrar To Sing Sang Sung Cantar To Sink Sank Sunk Afundar To Sit Sat Sat Sentar To Slay Slew Slain Matar/Assassinar To Sleep Slept Slept Dormir To Slide Slid Slid Deslizar/Escorregar/Patinar To Sling Slung Slung Lançar/Atirar To Slink Slunk Slunk Esquivar-se/Escapulir-se To Slit Slit Slit Fender/Rachar To Smell Smelt Smelt Cheirar To Smite Smote Smitten Bater/Golpear/Atingir To Sow Sowed Sown Semear To Speak Spoke Spoken Falar To Speed Sped Sped Acelarar/Apressar
  • 9. To Spell Spelt Spelt Soletrar To Spend Spent Spent Gastar/Passar(tempo) To Spill Spilt Spilt Entornar/Derramar To Spin Spun/Span Spun Fiar/Tecer To Spit Spat Spat Cuspir To Split Split Split Partir/Quebrar/Fender To Spoil Spoilt Spoilt Estragar To Spoonfeed Spoonfed Spoonfed Proteger demasiado/Mimar To Spread Spread Spread Alastrar/Espalhar To Spring Sprang Sprung Saltar/Brotar To Stand Stood Stood Permanecer/Estar(de pé) To Stave Stove Stove Furar(casco)/Quebrar(barril) To Steal Stole Stolen Roubar To Stick Stuck Stuck Colar To Sting Stung Stung Picar To Stink Stank Stunk Cheirar mal To Strew Strewed Strewed/Strewn Espalhar To Stride Strode Stridden Transpor/ Andar(passos largos) To Strike Struck Struck/Stricken Bater/Colidir To String Strung Strung Enfiar To Strive Strove Striven Esforçar-se To Sunburn Sunburned/Sunburnt Sunburned/Sunburnt Bronzear/Queimar (pelo sol) To Swear Swore Sworn Jurar To Sweat Sweat Sweat Suar/Transpirar To Sweep Swept Swept Varrer To Swell Swelled Swollen Inchar To Swim Swam Swum Nadar To Swing Swung Swung Balançar To Take Took Taken Pegar/Receber/Tomar
  • 10. To Teach Taught Taught Ensinar To Tear Tore Torn Rasgar To Tell Told Told Dizer/Contar To Think Thought Thought Pensar To Thrive Throve Thriven Prosperar/Ter sucesso To Throw Threw Thrown Atirar To Thrust Thrust Thrust Empurrar/Furar To Tread Trod Trodden Pisar/Caminhar U - Z INFINITIVE PAST P. PARTICIPLE TRANSLATION To Unbend Unbent Unbent Desamarrar/Soltar/Afrouxar To Unbind Unbound Unbound Desatar/Desprender/Soltar To Underbid Underbid Underbid Oferecer menos(que o valor) To Undergo Underwent Undergone Sofrer/Aguentar/Resistir To Underlie Underlay Underlain Estar( por baixo de;sujeito a) To Understand Understood Understood Compreender To Undertake Undertook Undertaken Empreender To Underwrite Underwote Underwritten Subscrever To Undo Undid Undone Desfazer/Desmanchar To Unwind Unwound Unwound Desenrolar-se/Desatar-se To Uphold Upheld Upheld Segurar/Sustentar/Suster To Upset Upset Upset Perturbar/Virar To Wake Woke Woken Acordar To Waylay Waylaid Waylaid Armar (ciladas;emboscadas) To Wear Wore Worn Usar To Weave Wove Woven Tecer To Wed Wed Wed Casar To Weep Wept Wept Chorar To Wet Wet Wet Molhar
  • 11. To Win Won Won Ganhar To Wind Wound Wound Enrolar To Withdraw Withdrew Withdrawn Afastar To Withhold Withheld Withheld Retirar/Negar/Recusar To Withstand Withstood Withstood Resistir/Opôr-se To Wreak Wrought Wrought Desafogar/Vingar-se To Wring Wrung Wrung Torcer To Write Wrote Written Escrever