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2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 1
- Vigie Hebdomadaire -
2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 2
2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 3
2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 4
Voiture connectée : Bosch mise beaucoup sur les objets connectés
d’automatisation des moyens de transport. Mais pas que...
Si la voiture connectée fait déjà rêver beaucoup d’acteurs des
objets connectés et de l’industrie automobile, il s’agit encore
d’un doux rêve. Mis à part quelques acteurs tels que Automatic
ou AutoBot (branchés sur la prise diagnostic OBD), personne
n’est parvenu à conquérir le coeur des automobilistes pour
s’imposer sur leurs tableaux de bord. Cela passera peut-être par
CarPlay, l’OS mobile d’Apple pour connecter les voitures ou son
concurrent : Windows in the car. En attendant les industriels
rivalisent d’ingéniosité pour se positionner auprès des grands
constructeurs automobiles. Bosch fait partie de ceux là et à
sans aucun doute une carte à jouer dans le domaine des objets
connectés appliqués aux véhicules de transport.
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2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 5
Snapchat Now Does Video Chat and IM
Snapchat, everybody’s favorite sexting app, has just grown up. Now, to complement its simple self-destructing messages,
the iOS and Android apps both handle instant messaging and live video chats. To use them, you just swipe right from the
main camera screen to find a list of friends, from where you can send them a message or start a video call. In keeping with
Snapchat’s ethos, text is wiped as soon as you exit a chat screen, though you can tap messages to save if you so wish.
Video chats are designed to be ephemeral: a throbbing blue icon tells you when a friend notices you, and you press—and
have to hold—it to provide a one-way video stream to their device. Your friend can do the same right back at you. It’s an
interesting pair of additions. They radically expand functionality of Snapchat, but also avoid changing the purpose of the
app. Sexting has never had it so good.
2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 6
Apple prêt à frapper un grand coup sur le secteur de la santé connectée
-Journal du Net
Le premier avril dernier, Apple fêtait ses 38 ans d’existence. Presque une gageure dans un univers où passé les 10 ans d’exercice,
on fait figure de dinosaure. La société qui s’est longtemps fait fort de contredire l’adage selon lequel “la vieillesse est un
naufrage” parait pourtant plus que jamais poussiéreuse. En septembre 2012, le magazine américain “Wired” comparait ainsi
l’iPhone 5 à une Toyota Prius, expliquant que son utilisation évoquait “une sortie à 40km/h dans un quartier résidentiel à une
heure raisonnable de la journée”. Comprendre : un produit performant mais qui ne fait pas vraiment rêver. Un produit éloigné
des standards de l’époque “Steve Jobs” alors que les keynotes du plus fameux col-roulé de la Silicon Valley étaient émaillées
de surprises et moments forts en intensité, qu’il s’agisse de la présentation du premier iPhone en 2007 ou de l’iPad en 2011.
Car beaucoup s’accordent à le dire : depuis le décès de son charismatique fondateur Apple semble en panne d’inspiration.
Des recrutements de pointures de la santé depuis 2 ans
Dans le brouhaha des critiques et prophéties catastrophistes,
quelques indiscrétions commencent toutefois à bruisser, qui
prêtent l’intention au géant affaibli de frapper un grand coup
sur le secteur de la santé connectée. “Plus qu’une rumeur, c’est
une certitude : Apple observe le secteur avec attention. Pour
s’en convaincre, il suffit de regarder les nombreuses embauch-
es auxquelles le groupe a procédé au cours des derniers mois”,
pointe du doigt Paul-Louis Belletante, co-fondateur de Better-
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2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 7
Rainbow, la brosse à dents connectée pour les enfants
Rainbow est une brosse à dents connectée spécialement pensée et développée pour les enfants. Associée à une
application mobile, Rainbow est capable de mesurer et d’améliorer l’efficacité du brossage de leurs dents grâce au recours
à des jeux et animations. Grâce à ses capteurs de mouvements, tous les gestes de l’enfant sont mesurés pendant qu’il
est en train d’utiliser la brosse à dents Rainbow. Ensuite, ils sont enregistrés et analysés afin de les comparer aux sessions
précédentes et ainsi progresser petit à petit.
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2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 8
Cuisine Connectée : Atos lance une plate-forme pour se
connecter aux supermarchés
Worldline, filiale d’Atos, lance un ‘magnet intelligent’
donnant aux consommateurs la possibilité de préparer
leur liste de course à l’avance en scannant les produits
qu’ils veulent acheter.
Atos n’aura pas mis longtemps à répliquer à l’annonce
d’Amazon, qui a présenté il y a quelques semaines Amazon
Dash, un scanner connecté permettant de préparer sa
liste de course à l’avance pour en commander le contenu
Au travers de sa filiale Worldline, Atos, spécialisé dans les
services de paiement et d’échange de données sécurisées,
lance aujourd’hui une solution concurrente, baptisée «
Connected Kitchen »
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2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 9
2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 10
Foursquare’s Swarm App Tells Your Friends Generally
Where You Are
Foursquare is about to radically change the way you use it faltering service—or at least, that’s what it hopes to do with a forthcoming
app called Swarm. The new app will be centered around a more general idea of where your friends are, rather than a specific spot
on a map. Rather than announce Swarm itself, Foursquare handed the task of explaining the service to The Verge’s editorial team,
which has a lengthy feature about the new product. Swarm will launch next month and exist alongside the existing Foursquare
application. Foursquare will remain the check-in service you know, but the “social discovery” of actually finding things to do and
people to do it with, will migrate over to Swarm.
be a lot of the reason that you don’t use it: The
core activity is checking in to a specific location,
rather than seeing what everyone else is up to
in a general area. Whereas you open Facebook,
Twitter, Instagram, and other social apps, even
when you aren’t about to post something, you
probably never open Foursquare unless it’s to
check in.
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2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 11
Google releases Docs and Sheets apps for iOS and Android
apps will be available on both iOS and Android, with the former two already out today and Slides coming at a later date.
The Verge
The standalone apps aren’t strictly necessary though: the ability to
create, view, and edit documents, spreadsheets, and presentations
has been built into the Google Drive app for some time now. These
new apps even look just like Google Drive, but with different color
schemes. But by breaking them out on their own, Google gives
users of its productivity suite a clear place to go when they want to
get working.
The launch of Docs, Sheets, and Slides apps will also better position
Google to compete against Apple and Microsoft on productivity.
After their launch, Microsoft’s Office apps for iPad quickly shot to
the top of the App Store and lingered there for some time. Apple
also offers productivity tools for free with new iPhones and iPads.
With three apps of its own, Google can now try to directly compete
with each of them. Big tech companies appear to be seeing the
value in individual apps of late for other reasons too, using them as
a way to create a better experience for each product.
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2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 12
Facebook Vies With Google and Apple for Mobile-App Makers
Facebook Inc. wants more Monster Shooter makers.
The social network recently reached out to Helsinki-
based Huuuge Inc., the maker of the game, to convince
the team to build mobile applications with its tools. The
startup didn’t bite, said Anton Gauffin, Huuuge’s founder
and executive chairman.
“I don’t think developers really see Facebook as a tool or provider of help for developers,” said Gauffin, who added that his
team makes games using Apple Inc.’s software.
Facebook is pushing to change that perception this week at the F8 developer conference in San Francisco, the company’s
first major event for app makers since 2011. While Facebook once was a key site where software makers like Zynga Inc.
introduced their games, many programmers have since turned their attention to building apps for smartphones instead.
At F8, Chief Executive Officer Mark Zuckerberg is set to rally developers with a new message: Facebook has software that
makes it easier to build apps for mobile phones, as well as tools that help programmers sell those wares to the social
network’s 1.28 billion users. The more developers use the technologies, the more prominence the social network gains in a
mobile world dominated by Apple and Google Inc.
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2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 13
Notre application de la semaine : MAILBOX
-Application de Dropbox
Avec un peu de gamification et beaucoup d’organisation, l’application MailBox fait
partie des préférées de nombreux entrepreneurs.
“For me, using Dropbox’s Mailbox for iPhone is key. It helps me prioritize
focusing on what needs to be done right at this moment versus feeling
overwhelmed by massive emails that can be handled at a later date. Also,
the gamification element of getting to ‘inbox zero’ pushes me to even more
responsive, which, as a CEO, is key for me.”
-Carrie Kerpen, CEO de Likeable Media.
Vous pouvez trouves l’application ici et elle est disponible pour iPhone, iPad,
Android et, bientôt, OSX.
2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 14
2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 15
Desktop Wallpaper Calendars: May 2014
-Smashing Magazine
We always try our best to challenge your artistic abilities and produce some interesting, beautiful and creative artwork.
And as designers we usually turn to different sources of inspiration. As a matter of fact, we’ve discovered the best one—
desktop wallpapers that are a little more distinctive than the usual crowd. This creativity mission has been going on for
six years now, and we are very thankful to all designers who have contributed and are still diligently contributing each
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2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 16
CSS Shapes 101
Rectangles inside other rectangles: this is what our webpages have always been made of. We’ve long tried to break free from
their restrictions by using CSS to create geometric shapes, but those shapes have never affected the content inside the
shaped element, or how the element is seen by other elements on the page.
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2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 17
The Hottest Web Design Trends of 2014: Updated
Just Creative
The Web design community never gets tired of discussing previous, current and future trends… JUST Creative even posted a
2014 web design trends article a few months ago. But trends change like pictures in fashion magazines, so let’s take another
look with a different approach.
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2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 18
2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 19
-Le commerce de demain devrait marquer l’avènement d’une nouvelle ère ! L’expérience d’achat est amenée à évoluer
inéluctablement et passera par l’abolition des frontières entre magasins physiques et virtuels. Aujourd’hui, les consommateurs
souhaitent bénéficier des avantages du e-commerce (recherche aidée, gain de temps, disponibilité des stocks, etc.) tout en
conservant les attraits de l’achat en magasin (contact humain, démonstrations produits, achat immédiat, etc.). Afin d’anticiper
ces attentes croissantes, les commerçants doivent dès à présent repenser le concept-même de magasin et s’engager vers la
digitalisation de leurs points de vente.
Le Commerce « connecté » ouvre la voie vers de nouvelles opportunités
En digitalisant l’intégralité de leurs espaces de vente, les enseignes s’offriront à terme de formidables opportunités, que ce
soit pour valoriser leurs produits, optimiser l’efficacité de leurs vendeurs ou bien encore proposer de nouveaux services à leurs
Consulter des catalogues interactifs en ligne, bénéficier d’une visibilité sur les stocks ou se guider dans l’espace grâce aux
plans interactifs : l’intérêt des bornes tactiles n’est plus à démontrer et constitue un exemple parmi tant d’autres. Les centres
commerciaux voient également émerger de nouvelles tendances, comme les « personnal shopers » qui se multiplient afin
d’accompagner les clients dans leur démarche d’achat en les orientant vers les magasins appropriés en fonction de leur profil
(sexe, âge, goûts…).
Mais il reste encore beaucoup à faire pour stimuler les ventes et augmenter le montant du panier moyen. Les points de vente
doivent en effet développer un certain nombre d’applications complémentaires et mettre à la disposition de leurs vendeurs
des outils leur permettant de se rendre aussi utiles et efficaces que le site Internet de la marque. Peu à peu équipés de tablettes,
ces derniers peuvent optimiser leurs stratégies commerciales, en proposant par exemple des vidéos de démonstrations ou la
photo d’un produit non disponible en magasin.
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2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 20
Un nouveau concept retail entre design et interactivité
pour l’enseigne Sunglass Hut
Le concept, installé pour l’instant dans des centres commerciaux et des grands magasins comme Macy’s, prend la
forme d’un espace de vente très ouvert invitant les shoppers (davantage la génération Millenial pour être précis) à s’en
approcher, notamment grâce à un dispositif digital et interactif mis en place dans ces boutiques.
Pour la petite histoire, avec le concept Shaded, Sunglass
Hut a voulu créer un environnement renforçant le confort
dans l’échange avec la marque, à travers l’agencement de la
boutique et du merchandising. En ce sens, l’espace est aéré
et très ouvert. Le design du concept est particulièrement
important dans cette valorisation des produits. Ce design
repose sur des blocs modulaires pouvant être agencés de
différentes façons pour mieux mettre en avant les articles
Puisque une génération relativement jeune est ciblée avec
ce concept, l’environnement de vente doit être d’autant
plus engageant et doit d’autant plus attirer l’attention.
Au delà du design mentionné précédemment, un écran
digital dédié à de la prise de photo ainsi qu’au partage de
ce contenu sur les réseaux sociaux a été mis en place.
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2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 21
2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 22
Facebook’s ‘Anonymous Login’ is Evil Genius
Say what you like about Mark Zuckerberg, the guy is nothing if not
self-aware. He knows that one of the biggest problems Facebook
faces, now and in the future, is the widespread perception that it’s
vacuuming up all sorts of personal information about you.
At the same time, he knows that Facebook’s revenue stream
depends almost entirely on targeted advertising, which in turn
depends on — well, vacuuming up all sorts of personal information
about you. What we have here is an image problem.
Time was when Zuckerberg simply told us to grow up, that there was no longer a “social norm” around privacy amongst his
users. Given the amount of personal information most of us willingly enter into the social network, this was a pretty fair
summary (1.3 billion users and counting can’t be wrong, right?)
But something can be accurate and still sound creepy. We’re comfortable giving this information to our friends, who happen
to be on Facebook; we’re not comfortable with the fact that Facebook happens to be peeking over our shoulders the whole
time. So as Zuckerberg inches towards 30, he has slowly been introducing the trappings of a kinder, gentler social network.
Earlier this year we started to see the privacy dinosaur, a cheery blue Barney-like fellow who pops up on Facebook to remind
us that we have the option of setting our posts to “public” or just letting our friends see them. On Wednesday at f8, the
company went beyond dinosaurs in the evolution of its approach to privacy by introducing “anonymous login.”
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2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 23
2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 24
Orange Poland adds debit cards to NFC platform
Orange Poland has launched NFC Pass, a new service that builds on its existing Orange Cash platform to enable
customers to make debit card payments using their NFC phone.
NFC World
current account and a compatible Android NFC phone.
Support for Windows Phone devices is due to be added
later this year and both travel and access applications are
to be added in the future.
“So far, mBank customers using the services of Orange
could pay contactlessly with a phone combined with a
prepaid card account,” mBank’s Joanna Erdman explains.
“Now, the transaction will be implemented with a debit
card account, or the funds available on the account of the
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2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 25
Warner Music distributes NFC guitar picks to fans
-NFC World
Fans attending gigs by Warner Music act The Wild Feathers
have been provided with guitar picks containing an NFC
tag. These could then be used to enter a competition,
share content via social media and take part in votes at
the gig, all initiated by tapping the plectrum with an NFC
The guitar picks were placed inside promotional flyers for
the band at six venues across Europe and were developed
Qodo. Each pick was encoded with a unique URL and
additionally printed with a unique code for iPhone users.
“Currently over 65% of the NFC guitar picks have been
registered and 35% of users have shared content, with
an average dwell time of over five minutes,” reports Dan
Lewis, CEO of Qodo. “The success of this campaign shows
an exciting future for the technology.”
“Increasingly we are seeing NFC used in experiential
marketing due to the slick ‘one tap’ interaction it offers,”
RapidNFC chief exec Phil Coote adds.
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2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 26
Are You Ready for the Beacon Revolution?
-Profit Guide
Cookies revolutionized the online shopping experience by providing retailers with the means to identify, store and act on the
behaviour of their customers. Now that same set of capabilities may become a reality for bricks and mortar retailers. Recently,
a number of high-profile retailers have installed hardware in their stores designed to trigger apps to send offers and content
to shoppers in real-time. Most notably, Apple is now using small Bluetooth Low-Energy (BLE) beacons in all of its stores with
the ability to sense the location of a mobile device from up to 100 feet away, but precisely enough to measure the distance
to the inch.
While BLE systems are also being developed by several others to primarily deliver notifications and even process payments,
retailers could conceivably use signals delivered to apps for another purpose: to connect in-store shopper behaviour to their
larger customer profiles. Loyalty cards and apps have connected purchases to customers like this for years, but these signals
have the potential to add considerable non-purchase behavior to grocers’ data sets.
Opted-in shoppers would begin clueing grocers into their precise shopping behavior just as they already do online. Shoppers
would reveal when they visited, what categories they browsed, where they lingered and even if they decided not to buy
anything at all. With marketing messages usually coming outside the store environment (weekly sales, loyalty offers, contests
and promotions), this in-store data would undoubtedly help retailers improve their level of personalization.
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2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 27
2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 28
Infographie trouvée ici.
BASIC, the 50-Year-Old Computer Programming Language for
Regular People
Computer coding ability has gotten especially hip recently.
People who can’t code revere it as 21st century sorcery,
while those who do it professionally are often driven to
fits by it. And it was 50 years ago today, two Dartmouth
professors debuted a coding language designed to be
easy enough for anyone to use. The language that made
that all possible. They called it the Beginner’s All-purpose
Symbolic Instruction Code—BASIC.
complicated. The first generation mainframe computers
were essentially programmed as they were assembled,
like a jigsaw puzzle with infinite solutions. You had to know
how to put the pieces together to get the outcome you
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2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 29
et à la semaine prochaine!
2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 30
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Bosch Connected Vehicle and IoT Focus

  • 1. 2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 1 - Vigie Hebdomadaire -
  • 3. 2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 3 objetsconnectés
  • 4. 2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 4 Voiture connectée : Bosch mise beaucoup sur les objets connectés - Bosch,équipementierallemandspécialisédanslescapteursentousgenres,misebeaucoupsurlesfuturestechnologies d’automatisation des moyens de transport. Mais pas que... Si la voiture connectée fait déjà rêver beaucoup d’acteurs des objets connectés et de l’industrie automobile, il s’agit encore d’un doux rêve. Mis à part quelques acteurs tels que Automatic ou AutoBot (branchés sur la prise diagnostic OBD), personne n’est parvenu à conquérir le coeur des automobilistes pour s’imposer sur leurs tableaux de bord. Cela passera peut-être par CarPlay, l’OS mobile d’Apple pour connecter les voitures ou son concurrent : Windows in the car. En attendant les industriels rivalisent d’ingéniosité pour se positionner auprès des grands constructeurs automobiles. Bosch fait partie de ceux là et à sans aucun doute une carte à jouer dans le domaine des objets connectés appliqués aux véhicules de transport. Lire le reste de l’article --> ici
  • 5. 2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 5 Snapchat Now Does Video Chat and IM -Gizmodo Snapchat, everybody’s favorite sexting app, has just grown up. Now, to complement its simple self-destructing messages, the iOS and Android apps both handle instant messaging and live video chats. To use them, you just swipe right from the main camera screen to find a list of friends, from where you can send them a message or start a video call. In keeping with Snapchat’s ethos, text is wiped as soon as you exit a chat screen, though you can tap messages to save if you so wish. Video chats are designed to be ephemeral: a throbbing blue icon tells you when a friend notices you, and you press—and have to hold—it to provide a one-way video stream to their device. Your friend can do the same right back at you. It’s an interesting pair of additions. They radically expand functionality of Snapchat, but also avoid changing the purpose of the app. Sexting has never had it so good.
  • 6. 2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 6 Apple prêt à frapper un grand coup sur le secteur de la santé connectée -Journal du Net Le premier avril dernier, Apple fêtait ses 38 ans d’existence. Presque une gageure dans un univers où passé les 10 ans d’exercice, on fait figure de dinosaure. La société qui s’est longtemps fait fort de contredire l’adage selon lequel “la vieillesse est un naufrage” parait pourtant plus que jamais poussiéreuse. En septembre 2012, le magazine américain “Wired” comparait ainsi l’iPhone 5 à une Toyota Prius, expliquant que son utilisation évoquait “une sortie à 40km/h dans un quartier résidentiel à une heure raisonnable de la journée”. Comprendre : un produit performant mais qui ne fait pas vraiment rêver. Un produit éloigné des standards de l’époque “Steve Jobs” alors que les keynotes du plus fameux col-roulé de la Silicon Valley étaient émaillées de surprises et moments forts en intensité, qu’il s’agisse de la présentation du premier iPhone en 2007 ou de l’iPad en 2011. Car beaucoup s’accordent à le dire : depuis le décès de son charismatique fondateur Apple semble en panne d’inspiration. Des recrutements de pointures de la santé depuis 2 ans Dans le brouhaha des critiques et prophéties catastrophistes, quelques indiscrétions commencent toutefois à bruisser, qui prêtent l’intention au géant affaibli de frapper un grand coup sur le secteur de la santé connectée. “Plus qu’une rumeur, c’est une certitude : Apple observe le secteur avec attention. Pour s’en convaincre, il suffit de regarder les nombreuses embauch- es auxquelles le groupe a procédé au cours des derniers mois”, pointe du doigt Paul-Louis Belletante, co-fondateur de Better- ise. Lire le reste de l’article --> ici
  • 7. 2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 7 Rainbow, la brosse à dents connectée pour les enfants Rainbow est une brosse à dents connectée spécialement pensée et développée pour les enfants. Associée à une application mobile, Rainbow est capable de mesurer et d’améliorer l’efficacité du brossage de leurs dents grâce au recours à des jeux et animations. Grâce à ses capteurs de mouvements, tous les gestes de l’enfant sont mesurés pendant qu’il est en train d’utiliser la brosse à dents Rainbow. Ensuite, ils sont enregistrés et analysés afin de les comparer aux sessions précédentes et ainsi progresser petit à petit. Lire le reste de l’article --> ici
  • 8. 2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 8 Cuisine Connectée : Atos lance une plate-forme pour se connecter aux supermarchés Worldline, filiale d’Atos, lance un ‘magnet intelligent’ donnant aux consommateurs la possibilité de préparer leur liste de course à l’avance en scannant les produits qu’ils veulent acheter. Atos n’aura pas mis longtemps à répliquer à l’annonce d’Amazon, qui a présenté il y a quelques semaines Amazon Dash, un scanner connecté permettant de préparer sa liste de course à l’avance pour en commander le contenu ultérieurement. Au travers de sa filiale Worldline, Atos, spécialisé dans les services de paiement et d’échange de données sécurisées, lance aujourd’hui une solution concurrente, baptisée « Connected Kitchen » Lire le reste de l’article --> ici
  • 9. 2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 9 aPPLICATIONS
  • 10. 2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 10 Foursquare’s Swarm App Tells Your Friends Generally Where You Are - Gizmodo Foursquare is about to radically change the way you use it faltering service—or at least, that’s what it hopes to do with a forthcoming app called Swarm. The new app will be centered around a more general idea of where your friends are, rather than a specific spot on a map. Rather than announce Swarm itself, Foursquare handed the task of explaining the service to The Verge’s editorial team, which has a lengthy feature about the new product. Swarm will launch next month and exist alongside the existing Foursquare application. Foursquare will remain the check-in service you know, but the “social discovery” of actually finding things to do and people to do it with, will migrate over to Swarm. There’sacoreproblemwithFoursquarethatmight be a lot of the reason that you don’t use it: The core activity is checking in to a specific location, rather than seeing what everyone else is up to in a general area. Whereas you open Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social apps, even when you aren’t about to post something, you probably never open Foursquare unless it’s to check in. Lire le reste de l’article --> ici
  • 11. 2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 11 Google releases Docs and Sheets apps for iOS and Android - Googleislaunchingstandalonemobileappsforthethreekeytoolsinitsproductivitysuite:Docs,Sheets,andSlides.The apps will be available on both iOS and Android, with the former two already out today and Slides coming at a later date. The Verge The standalone apps aren’t strictly necessary though: the ability to create, view, and edit documents, spreadsheets, and presentations has been built into the Google Drive app for some time now. These new apps even look just like Google Drive, but with different color schemes. But by breaking them out on their own, Google gives users of its productivity suite a clear place to go when they want to get working. The launch of Docs, Sheets, and Slides apps will also better position Google to compete against Apple and Microsoft on productivity. After their launch, Microsoft’s Office apps for iPad quickly shot to the top of the App Store and lingered there for some time. Apple also offers productivity tools for free with new iPhones and iPads. With three apps of its own, Google can now try to directly compete with each of them. Big tech companies appear to be seeing the value in individual apps of late for other reasons too, using them as a way to create a better experience for each product. Lire le reste de l’article --> ici
  • 12. 2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 12 Facebook Vies With Google and Apple for Mobile-App Makers - Facebook Inc. wants more Monster Shooter makers. Bloomberg The social network recently reached out to Helsinki- based Huuuge Inc., the maker of the game, to convince the team to build mobile applications with its tools. The startup didn’t bite, said Anton Gauffin, Huuuge’s founder and executive chairman. “I don’t think developers really see Facebook as a tool or provider of help for developers,” said Gauffin, who added that his team makes games using Apple Inc.’s software. Facebook is pushing to change that perception this week at the F8 developer conference in San Francisco, the company’s first major event for app makers since 2011. While Facebook once was a key site where software makers like Zynga Inc. introduced their games, many programmers have since turned their attention to building apps for smartphones instead. At F8, Chief Executive Officer Mark Zuckerberg is set to rally developers with a new message: Facebook has software that makes it easier to build apps for mobile phones, as well as tools that help programmers sell those wares to the social network’s 1.28 billion users. The more developers use the technologies, the more prominence the social network gains in a mobile world dominated by Apple and Google Inc. Lire le reste de l’article--> ici
  • 13. 2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 13 Notre application de la semaine : MAILBOX -Application de Dropbox Avec un peu de gamification et beaucoup d’organisation, l’application MailBox fait partie des préférées de nombreux entrepreneurs. “For me, using Dropbox’s Mailbox for iPhone is key. It helps me prioritize focusing on what needs to be done right at this moment versus feeling overwhelmed by massive emails that can be handled at a later date. Also, the gamification element of getting to ‘inbox zero’ pushes me to even more responsive, which, as a CEO, is key for me.” -Carrie Kerpen, CEO de Likeable Media. Vous pouvez trouves l’application ici et elle est disponible pour iPhone, iPad, Android et, bientôt, OSX.
  • 14. 2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 14 dESIGN
  • 15. 2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 15 Desktop Wallpaper Calendars: May 2014 -Smashing Magazine We always try our best to challenge your artistic abilities and produce some interesting, beautiful and creative artwork. And as designers we usually turn to different sources of inspiration. As a matter of fact, we’ve discovered the best one— desktop wallpapers that are a little more distinctive than the usual crowd. This creativity mission has been going on for six years now, and we are very thankful to all designers who have contributed and are still diligently contributing each month. Lire le reste de l’article --> ici
  • 16. 2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 16 CSS Shapes 101 - A LIST APART Rectangles inside other rectangles: this is what our webpages have always been made of. We’ve long tried to break free from their restrictions by using CSS to create geometric shapes, but those shapes have never affected the content inside the shaped element, or how the element is seen by other elements on the page. Lire le reste de l’article --> ici
  • 17. 2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 17 The Hottest Web Design Trends of 2014: Updated - Just Creative The Web design community never gets tired of discussing previous, current and future trends… JUST Creative even posted a 2014 web design trends article a few months ago. But trends change like pictures in fashion magazines, so let’s take another look with a different approach. Lire le reste de l’article --> ici
  • 18. 2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 18 Magasinsconnectés
  • 19. 2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 19 DIGITALISATION & MAGASINS CONNECTÉS : COMMENT ALLER AU-DELÀ DU CONCEPT ? -Le commerce de demain devrait marquer l’avènement d’une nouvelle ère ! L’expérience d’achat est amenée à évoluer inéluctablement et passera par l’abolition des frontières entre magasins physiques et virtuels. Aujourd’hui, les consommateurs souhaitent bénéficier des avantages du e-commerce (recherche aidée, gain de temps, disponibilité des stocks, etc.) tout en conservant les attraits de l’achat en magasin (contact humain, démonstrations produits, achat immédiat, etc.). Afin d’anticiper ces attentes croissantes, les commerçants doivent dès à présent repenser le concept-même de magasin et s’engager vers la digitalisation de leurs points de vente. Le Commerce « connecté » ouvre la voie vers de nouvelles opportunités En digitalisant l’intégralité de leurs espaces de vente, les enseignes s’offriront à terme de formidables opportunités, que ce soit pour valoriser leurs produits, optimiser l’efficacité de leurs vendeurs ou bien encore proposer de nouveaux services à leurs clients. Consulter des catalogues interactifs en ligne, bénéficier d’une visibilité sur les stocks ou se guider dans l’espace grâce aux plans interactifs : l’intérêt des bornes tactiles n’est plus à démontrer et constitue un exemple parmi tant d’autres. Les centres commerciaux voient également émerger de nouvelles tendances, comme les « personnal shopers » qui se multiplient afin d’accompagner les clients dans leur démarche d’achat en les orientant vers les magasins appropriés en fonction de leur profil (sexe, âge, goûts…). Mais il reste encore beaucoup à faire pour stimuler les ventes et augmenter le montant du panier moyen. Les points de vente doivent en effet développer un certain nombre d’applications complémentaires et mettre à la disposition de leurs vendeurs des outils leur permettant de se rendre aussi utiles et efficaces que le site Internet de la marque. Peu à peu équipés de tablettes, ces derniers peuvent optimiser leurs stratégies commerciales, en proposant par exemple des vidéos de démonstrations ou la photo d’un produit non disponible en magasin. Vous pouvez lire le reste de l’article --> ici
  • 20. 2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 20 Un nouveau concept retail entre design et interactivité pour l’enseigne Sunglass Hut - Le concept, installé pour l’instant dans des centres commerciaux et des grands magasins comme Macy’s, prend la forme d’un espace de vente très ouvert invitant les shoppers (davantage la génération Millenial pour être précis) à s’en approcher, notamment grâce à un dispositif digital et interactif mis en place dans ces boutiques. Pour la petite histoire, avec le concept Shaded, Sunglass Hut a voulu créer un environnement renforçant le confort dans l’échange avec la marque, à travers l’agencement de la boutique et du merchandising. En ce sens, l’espace est aéré et très ouvert. Le design du concept est particulièrement important dans cette valorisation des produits. Ce design repose sur des blocs modulaires pouvant être agencés de différentes façons pour mieux mettre en avant les articles proposés. Puisque une génération relativement jeune est ciblée avec ce concept, l’environnement de vente doit être d’autant plus engageant et doit d’autant plus attirer l’attention. Au delà du design mentionné précédemment, un écran digital dédié à de la prise de photo ainsi qu’au partage de ce contenu sur les réseaux sociaux a été mis en place. Lire le reste de l’article --> ici
  • 21. 2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 21 rÉSEAUXSOCIAUX
  • 22. 2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 22 Facebook’s ‘Anonymous Login’ is Evil Genius -Mashable Say what you like about Mark Zuckerberg, the guy is nothing if not self-aware. He knows that one of the biggest problems Facebook faces, now and in the future, is the widespread perception that it’s vacuuming up all sorts of personal information about you. At the same time, he knows that Facebook’s revenue stream depends almost entirely on targeted advertising, which in turn depends on — well, vacuuming up all sorts of personal information about you. What we have here is an image problem. Time was when Zuckerberg simply told us to grow up, that there was no longer a “social norm” around privacy amongst his users. Given the amount of personal information most of us willingly enter into the social network, this was a pretty fair summary (1.3 billion users and counting can’t be wrong, right?) But something can be accurate and still sound creepy. We’re comfortable giving this information to our friends, who happen to be on Facebook; we’re not comfortable with the fact that Facebook happens to be peeking over our shoulders the whole time. So as Zuckerberg inches towards 30, he has slowly been introducing the trappings of a kinder, gentler social network. Earlier this year we started to see the privacy dinosaur, a cheery blue Barney-like fellow who pops up on Facebook to remind us that we have the option of setting our posts to “public” or just letting our friends see them. On Wednesday at f8, the company went beyond dinosaurs in the evolution of its approach to privacy by introducing “anonymous login.” Lire le reste de l’article --> ici
  • 23. 2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 23 RFID
  • 24. 2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 24 Orange Poland adds debit cards to NFC platform Orange Poland has launched NFC Pass, a new service that builds on its existing Orange Cash platform to enable customers to make debit card payments using their NFC phone. NFC World NFCPassiscurrentlyavailabletosubscriberswithanmBank current account and a compatible Android NFC phone. Support for Windows Phone devices is due to be added later this year and both travel and access applications are to be added in the future. “So far, mBank customers using the services of Orange could pay contactlessly with a phone combined with a prepaid card account,” mBank’s Joanna Erdman explains. “Now, the transaction will be implemented with a debit card account, or the funds available on the account of the customer.” Vous pouvez lire le reste de l’article --> ici
  • 25. 2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 25 Warner Music distributes NFC guitar picks to fans -NFC World Fans attending gigs by Warner Music act The Wild Feathers have been provided with guitar picks containing an NFC tag. These could then be used to enter a competition, share content via social media and take part in votes at the gig, all initiated by tapping the plectrum with an NFC phone. The guitar picks were placed inside promotional flyers for the band at six venues across Europe and were developed byNFCspecialistRapidNFCandmobilemarketingprovider Qodo. Each pick was encoded with a unique URL and additionally printed with a unique code for iPhone users. “Currently over 65% of the NFC guitar picks have been registered and 35% of users have shared content, with an average dwell time of over five minutes,” reports Dan Lewis, CEO of Qodo. “The success of this campaign shows an exciting future for the technology.” “Increasingly we are seeing NFC used in experiential marketing due to the slick ‘one tap’ interaction it offers,” RapidNFC chief exec Phil Coote adds. Lire le reste de l’article --> ici
  • 26. 2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 26 Are You Ready for the Beacon Revolution? -Profit Guide Cookies revolutionized the online shopping experience by providing retailers with the means to identify, store and act on the behaviour of their customers. Now that same set of capabilities may become a reality for bricks and mortar retailers. Recently, a number of high-profile retailers have installed hardware in their stores designed to trigger apps to send offers and content to shoppers in real-time. Most notably, Apple is now using small Bluetooth Low-Energy (BLE) beacons in all of its stores with the ability to sense the location of a mobile device from up to 100 feet away, but precisely enough to measure the distance to the inch. While BLE systems are also being developed by several others to primarily deliver notifications and even process payments, retailers could conceivably use signals delivered to apps for another purpose: to connect in-store shopper behaviour to their larger customer profiles. Loyalty cards and apps have connected purchases to customers like this for years, but these signals have the potential to add considerable non-purchase behavior to grocers’ data sets. Opted-in shoppers would begin clueing grocers into their precise shopping behavior just as they already do online. Shoppers would reveal when they visited, what categories they browsed, where they lingered and even if they decided not to buy anything at all. With marketing messages usually coming outside the store environment (weekly sales, loyalty offers, contests and promotions), this in-store data would undoubtedly help retailers improve their level of personalization. Lire le reste de l’article --> ici
  • 27. 2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 27 PROGRAMMATION
  • 28. 2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 28 Infographie trouvée ici. BASIC, the 50-Year-Old Computer Programming Language for Regular People -Gizmodo Computer coding ability has gotten especially hip recently. People who can’t code revere it as 21st century sorcery, while those who do it professionally are often driven to fits by it. And it was 50 years ago today, two Dartmouth professors debuted a coding language designed to be easy enough for anyone to use. The language that made that all possible. They called it the Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code—BASIC. BeforeBASIC,lifeinthecomputerprogrammingworldwas complicated. The first generation mainframe computers were essentially programmed as they were assembled, like a jigsaw puzzle with infinite solutions. You had to know how to put the pieces together to get the outcome you wanted. Lire le reste de l’article --> ici
  • 29. 2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 29 Merci et à la semaine prochaine!
  • 30. 2 MAI 2014 - Piranha 30 QUÉBEC 325, boul. Marais #234 Québec (QC) G1M 3R3 + 1 418 687-1330 PARIS 9, rue de Pagès 92150 Suresnes, France + 33 (0) 171 113 600 MONTRÉAL 3675, rue Saint-Dominique Montréal (QC) H2X 2X8 + 1 514 938-1330 TORONTO 161 Bay Street, 27th floor PO Box 508, Toronto (ON) M5J 2S1 + 1 418 757-0707 -