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Meta–Framework for Python 2.6+ and 3.1+

      Alice Zoë Bevan–McGregor
YAML-Based Application Configuration
Introspective Scripting
   Non-Imperative Command-Line Parsing
    Template–Derived Directory Trees
Interactive & Command–Line Interrogation
Streaming Templates
    A Python Micro–Language
Server Interface
Modified Tornado IOLoop and IOStream
    Server and Protocol Wrappers
HTTP/1.1 WSGI 2 Server
 Highly Performant Pure Python HTTP/1.1 Implementation
Object Wrappers
  PEP 444 Request / Response Objects
HTTP Status Code Exception Applications
Middleware / Filters
    Compression, Sessions, etc.
Performance & Optimizations
          Time for Timeit
  Python 2.6+ and 3.1+
Least Developed
      (So far.)
Paste Deploy
1   [server]
 2   use = marrow.server.http:HTTPServer
 3   host =, ::1
 4   port = 8080, 8088
 6   [mapping]
 7   / = root
 9   [app:root]
10   use = marrow.server.http.testing:hello
11   name = ConFoo
INI = Evil
1   [server]
 2   use = marrow.server.http:HTTPServer
 3   host =, ::1
 4   port = 8080, 8088
 6   [mapping]
 7   / = root
 9   [app:root]
10   use = marrow.server.http.testing:hello
11   name = ConFoo
String to List
String to Integer
YAML to the Rescue
1   version: 1
 3   server:
 4       use: marrow.server.http:HTTPServer
 5       host: ["", "::1"]
 6       port: [8080, 8088]
 8   mapping:
 9       /: *root
11   root: &root
12       use: marrow.server.http.testing:hello
13       name: ConFoo
1   version: 1
 3   server:
 4       use: marrow.server.http:HTTPServer
 5       host: ["", "::1"]
 6       port: [8080, 8088]
 8   mapping:
 9       /: *root
11   root: &root
12       use: marrow.server.http.testing:hello
13       name: ConFoo
Direct Object Access
    (Entry points are for chumps.)
1   version: 1
 3   server:
 4       use: marrow.server.http:HTTPServer
 5       host: ["", "::1"]
 6       port: [8080, 8088]
 8   mapping:
 9       /: *root
11   root: &root
12       use: marrow.server.http.testing:hello
13       name: ConFoo
16 logging:
17     formatters:
18          brief:
19              format: '%(levelname)-8s: %(name)-15s: %(message)s'
20     handlers:
21          console:
22              class: logging.StreamHandler
23              formatter: brief
24              level: INFO
25              stream: ext://sys.stdout
26     loggers:
27          foo:
28              level: ERROR
29              handlers: [console]
30     root:
31          level: DEBUG
32          handlers: [console]
Existing Solutions
(new old–school)
Paste Script
Paste Script
 (entry point magic)
Paste Script
 (paster <name> […])
Paste Script
(…hideous, hideous, imperative parser objects…)
1 import optparse
 3 if __name__=="__main__":
 4     parser = optparse.OptionParser("usage: %prog [options]
       arg1 arg2")
 5     parser.add_option("-H", "--host", dest="hostname",
 6                        default="", type="string",
 7                        help="specify hostname to run on")
 8     parser.add_option("-p", "--port", dest="portnum",
 9                        default=80, type="int",
10                        help="port number to run on")
11     (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
12     if len(args) != 2:
13         parser.error("incorrect number of arguments")
14     hostname = options.hostname
15     portnum = options.portnum
1   import argparse
 3   parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Process some integers.')
 4   parser.add_argument('integers', metavar='N', type=int, nargs='+',
 5                      help='an integer for the accumulator')
 6   parser.add_argument('--sum', dest='accumulate', action='store_const',
 7                      const=sum, default=max,
 8                      help='sum the integers (default: find the max)')
10   args = parser.parse_args()
11   print(args.accumulate(args.integers))
Most needed?
Arguments ➢ Variables
1 # encoding: utf-8
3 def ultima(required, value=None, name="world",
             switch=False, age=18, *args, **kw):
4     print "Hello %s!" % (name, )
7 if __name__ == '__main__':
8     __import__('marrow.script').script.execute(ultima)
Usage: [OPTIONS] [--name=value...] <required> [value...]

OPTIONS may be one or more of:

-a, --age=VAL     Override this value.
                  Default: 18
-h, --help        Display this help and exit.
-n, --name=VAL    Override this value.
                  Default: 'world'
-s, --switch      Toggle this value.
                  Default: False
-v, --value=VAL   Set this value.
Additional Detail
__doc__ = Help Text
Argument Typecasting & Validation Callbacks
  Help Text
Argument Abbreviations
 Simple Callbacks
optparse Example
1   # encoding: utf-8
 3   import marrow.script
 6   @marrow.script.describe(
 7            host = "specify a hostname to run on",
 8            port = "port number to run on"
 9       )
10   def serve(arg1, arg2, host="", port=80):
11       pass
14   if __name__ == '__main__':
15       marrow.script.execute(serve)
Method = Command
__init__ + method
Paste Script
Á La Carte Templates
Best way to describe it…
1 class PackageBlueprint(Blueprint):
 2     """Create an installable Python package."""
 4     base = 'marrow.blueprint.package/files'
 5     engine = 'mako'
 7     settings = [
 8             Setting(
 9                      'name',
10                      "Project Name",
11                      "The name to appear on the Python Package Index, e.g. CluComp.",
12                      required=True
13                  ),
14             Setting(
15                      'package',
16                      "Package Name",
17                      "The name of the Python package, periods indicating namespaces, e.g. clueless.compiler.",
18                      required=True
19                  ),
20             # ...
21         ]
23     manifest = [
24             # ...
25             File(''),
26             File('setup.cfg'),
27             Folder('tests', children=[
28                      File('.keep', 'keep')
29                  ]),
30             package
31         ]
1 def package(settings):
 2     def recurse(name):
 3         head, _, tail = name.partition('.')
 5         return [
 6                  Folder(head, children=[
 7                          File('', '' if tail else '')
 8                      ] + (recurse(tail) if tail else []))
 9             ]
11     return recurse(settings.package)
class Setting
class File
class Folder
≈ File
 - data
Class Inheritance
pre/post Callbacks
Interactive Questioning
Command–Line Answers
     (marrow.script + **kw ;)
Enter / Exit
Text / Flush
Python ±
1   #!/usr/bin/env python
 2   # encoding: utf-8
 4   from __future__ import unicode_literals
 6   from marrow.tags.html5 import *
 8   from master import SITE_NAME, site_header, site_footer
11   def welcome():
12       return html [
13               head [ title [ 'Welcome!', ' — ', SITE_NAME ] ],
14               flush, # allow the browser to start downloading static resources early
15               body ( class_ = "nav-welcome" ) [
16                       site_header,
17                       p [
18                               'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit…'
19                           ],
20                       site_footer
21                   ]
22           ]
25   if __name__ == '__main__':
26       with open('welcome.html', 'w') as fh:
27           for i in welcome().render('utf8'):
28               fh.write(i)
1 login = Form('sign-in', class_="tabbed", action='/users/action:authenticate', children=[
 2         HiddenField('referrer'),
 3         FieldSet('local', "Local Users", TableLayout, [
 4                 TextField('identity', "User Name", autofocus=True),
 5                 PasswordField('password', "Password")
 6             ]),
 7         FieldSet('yubikey', "Yubikey Users", TableLayout, [
 8                 TextField('identity', "User Name"),
 9                 PasswordField('password', "Password"),
10                 PasswordField('yubikey', "Yubikey")
11             ]),
12         FieldSet('openid', "OpenID Users", TableLayout, [
13                 URLField('url', "OpenID URL")
14             ])
15     ], footer=SubmitFooter('form', "Sign In"))
1 class Tag(Fragment):
 2     def __call__(self, data_=None, strip=NoDefault, *args, **kw):
 3         self = deepcopy(self)
 5 = data_
 6         if strip is not NoDefault: self.strip = strip
 7         self.args.extend(list(args))
 8         self.attrs.update(kw)
10         return self
12   def __getitem__(self, k):
13       if not k: return self
15       self = deepcopy(self)
17       if not isinstance(k, (tuple, list)):
18           k = [k]
20       for fragment in k:
21           if isinstance(fragment, basestring):
22               self.children.append(escape(fragment))
23               continue
25           self.children.append(fragment)
27       return self
29   def __unicode__(self):
30       """Return a serialized version of this tree/branch."""
31       return ''.join(self.render('utf8')).decode('utf8')
33   def enter(self):
34       if self.strip:
35           raise StopIteration()
37       if self.prefix:
38           yield self.prefix
40       yield u'<' + + u''.join([attr for attr in quoteattrs(self, self.attrs)]) + u'>'
42   def exit(self):
43       if self.simple or self.strip:
44           raise StopIteration()
46       yield u'</' + + u'>'
48   def render(self, encoding='ascii'):
49       # ...
51       for k, t in self:
52           if k == 'enter':
53               # ...
54               continue
56           if k == 'exit':
57               # ...
58               continue
60           if k == 'text':
61               # ...
62               continue
64           if k == 'flush':
65               yield buf.getvalue()
66               del buf
67               buf = IO()
69       yield buf.getvalue()
71   def __iter__(self):
72       yield 'enter', self
74      for child in self.children:
75          if isinstance(child, Fragment):
76              for element in child:
77                  yield element
78              continue
80           if hasattr(child, '__call__'):
81               value = child(self)
83               if isinstance(value, basestring):
84                   yield 'text', unicode(value)
85                   continue
87               for element in child(self):
88                   yield element
90               continue
92           yield 'text', unicode(child)
94      yield 'exit', self
29   def __unicode__(self):
 30       """Return a serialized version of this tree/branch."""
 31       return ''.join(self.render('utf8')).decode('utf8')

 96   def clear(self):
 97       self.children = list()
 98       self.args = list()
 99       self.attrs = dict()
100   def empty(self):
101       self.children = list()
Server Interface
Asynchronous IO
Py3K Tornado + Patches
       IOLoop + IOStream
Apache License
1   # encoding: utf-8
 3   """An example raw IOLoop/IOStream example.
 5   Taken from by Nicholas Piël.
 6   """
 8   import errno, functools, socket
10   from marrow.util.compat import exception
11   from import ioloop, iostream
13   def connection_ready(sock, fd, events):
14       while True:
15           connection, address = sock.accept()
17           connection.setblocking(0)
18           stream = iostream.IOStream(connection)
19           stream.write(b"HTTP/1.0 200 OKrnContent-Length: 5rnrnPong!rn", stream.close)
21   if __name__ == '__main__':
22       sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0)
23       sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
24       sock.setblocking(0)
25       sock.bind(("", 8010))
26       sock.listen(5000)
28       io_loop = ioloop.IOLoop.instance()
29       io_loop.set_blocking_log_threshold(2)
30       callback = functools.partial(connection_ready, sock)
31       io_loop.add_handler(sock.fileno(), callback, io_loop.READ)
33       try:
34           io_loop.start()
35       except KeyboardInterrupt:
36           io_loop.stop()
1   # encoding: utf-8
 3   """An example raw IOLoop/IOStream example.
 5   Taken from by Nicholas Piël.
 6   """
 8   import errno, functools, socket
10   from marrow.util.compat import exception
11   from import ioloop, iostream
13   def connection_ready(sock, fd, events):
14       while True:
15           connection, address = sock.accept()
17           connection.setblocking(0)
18           stream = iostream.IOStream(connection)
19           stream.write(b"HTTP/1.0 200 OKrnContent-Length: 5rnrnPong!rn", stream.close)
21   if __name__ == '__main__':
22       sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0)
23       sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
24       sock.setblocking(0)
25       sock.bind(("", 8010))
26       sock.listen(5000)
28       io_loop = ioloop.IOLoop.instance()
29       io_loop.set_blocking_log_threshold(2)
30       callback = functools.partial(connection_ready, sock)
31       io_loop.add_handler(sock.fileno(), callback, io_loop.READ)
33       try:
34           io_loop.start()
35       except KeyboardInterrupt:
36           io_loop.stop()
1   # encoding: utf-8
 3   """An example raw IOLoop/IOStream example.
 5   Taken from by Nicholas Piël.
 6   """
 8   import errno, functools, socket
10   from marrow.util.compat import exception
11   from import ioloop, iostream
13   def connection_ready(sock, fd, events):
14       while True:
15           connection, address = sock.accept()
17           connection.setblocking(0)
18           stream = iostream.IOStream(connection)
19           stream.write(b"HTTP/1.0 200 OKrnContent-Length: 5rnrnPong!rn", stream.close)
21   if __name__ == '__main__':
22       sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0)
23       sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
24       sock.setblocking(0)
25       sock.bind(("", 8010))
26       sock.listen(5000)
28       io_loop = ioloop.IOLoop.instance()
29       io_loop.set_blocking_log_threshold(2)
30       callback = functools.partial(connection_ready, sock)
31       io_loop.add_handler(sock.fileno(), callback, io_loop.READ)
33       try:
34           io_loop.start()
35       except KeyboardInterrupt:
36           io_loop.stop()
1   # encoding: utf-8
 3   """An example raw IOLoop/IOStream example.
 5   Taken from by Nicholas Piël.
 6   """
 8   import errno, functools, socket
10   from marrow.util.compat import exception
11   from import ioloop, iostream
13   def connection_ready(sock, fd, events):
14       while True:
15           connection, address = sock.accept()
17           connection.setblocking(0)
18           stream = iostream.IOStream(connection)
19           stream.write(b"HTTP/1.0 200 OKrnContent-Length: 5rnrnPong!rn", stream.close)
21   if __name__ == '__main__':
22       sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0)
23       sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
24       sock.setblocking(0)
25       sock.bind(("", 8010))
26       sock.listen(5000)
28       io_loop = ioloop.IOLoop.instance()
29       io_loop.set_blocking_log_threshold(2)
30       callback = functools.partial(connection_ready, sock)
31       io_loop.add_handler(sock.fileno(), callback, io_loop.READ)
33       try:
34           io_loop.start()
35       except KeyboardInterrupt:
36           io_loop.stop()
1   # encoding: utf-8
 3   """An example raw IOLoop/IOStream example.
 5   Taken from by Nicholas Piël.
 6   """
 8   import errno, functools, socket
10   from marrow.util.compat import exception
11   from import ioloop, iostream
13   def connection_ready(sock, fd, events):
14       while True:
15           connection, address = sock.accept()
17           connection.setblocking(0)
18           stream = iostream.IOStream(connection)
19           stream.write(b"HTTP/1.0 200 OKrnContent-Length: 5rnrnPong!rn", stream.close)
21   if __name__ == '__main__':
22       sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0)
23       sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
24       sock.setblocking(0)
25       sock.bind(("", 8010))
26       sock.listen(5000)
28       io_loop = ioloop.IOLoop.instance()
29       io_loop.set_blocking_log_threshold(2)
30       callback = functools.partial(connection_ready, sock)
31       io_loop.add_handler(sock.fileno(), callback, io_loop.READ)
33       try:
34           io_loop.start()
35       except KeyboardInterrupt:
36           io_loop.stop()
Not fun!
1   # encoding: utf-8
 3   """A simplified version of the raw example."""
 6   from marrow.server.base import Server
 7   from marrow.server.protocol import Protocol
11   class HTTPResponse(Protocol):
12       def accept(self, client):
13           client.write(
                 b"HTTP/1.0 200 OKrnContent-Length: 7rnrnPong!rn",
16 if __name__ == '__main__':
17     Server(None, 8010, HTTPResponse).start()
 (Pass the client object to your callbacks.)
Your BFF
Single–Thread Async
Futures–Based Threading
 (incl. processor detection)
PEP 444
PEP 444
 Hurts babies!
PEP 444
Is highly addictive?
PEP 444
Is a draft of one possible WSGI 2 solution.
Complete Rewrite
1 def hello(environ):
2     return b'200 OK', [
3            (b'Content-Type', b'text/plain')],
4            (b'Content-Length', b'12')
5            ], b"Hello world!"
Byte String
Unicode String
Native String
An application is any function, method, or instance with a __call__ method. Applications must:
  1. Be able to be invoked more than once. If this can not be guaranteed by the application implementation, it must be wrapped in a function
     that creates a new instance on each call.
  2. Accept a single positional argument which must be an instance of a base Python dictionary containing what is referred to as the WSGI
     environment. The contents of this dictionary are fully described in the WSGI Environment section.
  3. Return a 3-tuple of (status, headers, body) where:
       1.status must contain the HTTP status code and reason phrase of the response. The status code and reason must be present, in that
          order, separated by a single space. (See RFC 2616, Section 6.1.1 for more information.)
       2.headers must be a standard Python list containing 2-tuples of (name, value) pairs representing the HTTP headers of the response. Each
          header name must represent a valid HTTP header field name (as defined by RFC 2616, Section 4.2) without trailing colon or other
       3.body must be an iterable representing the HTTP response body.
       4.status and the name of each header present in headers must not have leading or trailing whitespace.
       5.status, and the contents of headers (both name and value) must not contain control characters including carriage returns or linefeeds.
       6.status, headers, and the chunks yielded by the body iterator should be returned as byte strings, though for implementations where
          native strings are unicode, native strings may be returned. The server must encode unicode values using ISO-8859-1.
       7. The amount of data yielded by the body iterable must not exceed the length specified by the Content-Length response header, if
       8. The body iterable may be a native string, instead of a native string wrapped in a list for the simple case, but this is not recommended.
Additionally, applications and middleware must not alter HTTP 1.1 "hop-by-hop" features or headers, any equivalent features in HTTP 1.0, or
any headers that would affect the persistence of the client's connection to the web server. Applications and middleware may, however,
interrogate the environment for their presence and value. These features are the exclusive province of the server, and a server should consider
it a fatal error for an application to attempt sending them, and raise an error if they are supplied as return values from an application in the
headers structure.
A WSGI 2 server must:
 1. Invoke the application callable once for each request it receives from an HTTP client that is directed at the application.
 2. Pass a single positional value to the application callable representing the request environment, described in detail in the WSGI Environment
 3. Ensure that correct response headers are sent to the client. If the application omits a header required by the HTTP standard (or other relevant
    specifications that are in effect), the server must add it. E.g. the Date and Server headers.
      1. The server must not override values with the same name if they are emitted by the application.
 4. Raise an exception if the application attempts to set HTTP 1.1 "hop-by-hop" or persistence headers, or equivalent headers in HTTP 1.0, as
    described above.
 5. Encode unicode data (where returned by the application) using ISO-8859-1.
 6. Ensure that line endings within the body are not altered.
 7. Transmit body chunks to the client in an unbuffered fashion, completing the transmission of each set of bytes before requesting another one.
    (Applications should perform their own buffering.)
 8. Call the close() method of the body returned by the application, if present, upon completion of the current request. This should be called
    regardless of the termination status of the request. This is to support resource release by the application and is intended to complement PEP
    325's generator support, and other common iterables with close() methods.
 9. Support the HTTP 1.1 specification where such support is made possible by the underlying transport channel, including full URL REQUEST_URI,
    pipelining of requests, chunked transfer, and any other HTTP 1.1 features mandated in the relevant RFC.
 1. HTTP header names are case-insensitive, so be sure to take that into consideration when examining application-supplied headers.
 2. The server may apply HTTP transfer encodings or perform other transformations for the purpose of implementing HTTP features such as
    chunked transfer.
 3. The server must not attempt to handle byte range requests; the application can optimize this use case far more easily than a server. (For example
    an application can generate the correct body length vs. generating the whole body and having the server buffer and slice it.)
 4. Servers must not directly use any other attributes of the body iterable returned by the application.
More Demanding
(Optional = Never)
Chunked Encoding
Pipelining / Keep–Alive
HTTP/1.1 Server
(Single process, single thread.)
(4 processes, single thread.)
(4 process, single thread, lower concurrency.)
Pure Python!
(171 Opcodes)
PEP 444
Processor Detection
Request Cycle
Socket Accept
Protocol .accept()
Read Headers
Pre–Buffer Body
Dispatch to Worker
Emit Status & Headers
Stream Body
wsgi.errors ➢ logging
Object Wrappers
Request / Response
1   #!/usr/bin/env python
 2   # encoding: utf-8
 4   from __future__ import unicode_literals
 6   from pprint import pformat
 8   from marrow.server.http import HTTPServer
 9   from marrow.wsgi.objects.decorator import wsgify
12   @wsgify
13   def hello(request):
14       resp = request.response
15       resp.mime = "text/plain"
16       resp.body = "%rnn%snn%s" % (request, request, pformat(request.__dict__))
19   if __name__ == '__main__':
20       import logging
21       logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
23       HTTPServer(None, 8080, application=hello).start()
Dict Proxy
WSGI Environment
Accessor Objects
24 class Request(object):

28     body = RequestBody('wsgi.input')
29     length = Int('CONTENT_LENGTH', None, rfc='14.13')
30     mime = ContentType('CONTENT_TYPE', None)
31     charset = Charset('CONTENT_TYPE')
102   def __getitem__(self, name):
103       return self.environ[name]
105   def __setitem__(self, name, value):
106       self.environ[name] = value
108   def __delitem__(self, name):
109       del self.environ[name]
1 class ReaderWriter(object):
 2     default = NoDefault
 3     rw = True
 5     def __init__(self, header, default=NoDefault, rw=NoDefault, rfc=None):
 6         pass # save arguments
 8     def __get__(self, obj, cls):
 9         try:
10              return obj[self.header]
12         except KeyError:
13              pass
15         if self.default is not NoDefault:
16              if hasattr(self.default, '__call__'):
17                   return self.default(obj)
19              return self.default
21         raise AttributeError('WSGI environment does not contain %s key.' % (self.header, ))
23     def __set__(self, obj, value):
24         if not
25              raise AttributeError('%s is a read-only value.' % (self.header, ))
27         if value is None:
28              del obj[self.header]
29              return
31         obj[self.header] = value
33     def __delete__(self, obj):
34         if not
35              raise AttributeError('%s is a read-only value.' % (self.header, ))
37         del obj[self.header]
“Light-Weight Middleware”
38 class CompressionFilter(object):
39     def __init__(self, level=6):
40         self.level = level
42         super(CompressionFilter, self).__init__()
44     def __call__(self, request, status, headers, body):
45         """Compress, if able, the response.
47         This has the side effect that if your application does not declare a content-length, this filter will.
48         """
50         # TODO: Remove some of this debug logging; it'll slow things down and isn't really needed.
52         if request.get('wsgi.compression', True) is False:
53             log.debug("Bypassing compression at application's request.")
54             return status, headers, body
56         if request.get('wsgi.async') and hasattr(body, '__call__'):
57             log.debug("Can not compress async responses, returning original response.")
58             return status, headers, body
60         if b'gzip' not in request.get('HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING', b''):
61             log.debug("Browser support for GZip encoding not found, returning original response.")
62             return status, headers, body
38 class CompressionFilter(object):
39     def __init__(self, level=6):
40         self.level = level
42         super(CompressionFilter, self).__init__()
44     def __call__(self, request, status, headers, body):
45         """Compress, if able, the response.
47         This has the side effect that if your application does not declare a content-length, this filter will.
48         """
50         # TODO: Remove some of this debug logging; it'll slow things down and isn't really needed.
52         if request.get('wsgi.compression', True) is False:
53             log.debug("Bypassing compression at application's request.")
54             return status, headers, body
56         if request.get('wsgi.async') and hasattr(body, '__call__'):
57             log.debug("Can not compress async responses, returning original response.")
58             return status, headers, body
60         if b'gzip' not in request.get('HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING', b''):
61             log.debug("Browser support for GZip encoding not found, returning original response.")
62             return status, headers, body
38 class CompressionFilter(object):
39     def __init__(self, level=6):
40         self.level = level
42         super(CompressionFilter, self).__init__()
44     def __call__(self, request, status, headers, body):
45         """Compress, if able, the response.
47         This has the side effect that if your application does not declare a content-length, this filter will.
48         """
50         # TODO: Remove some of this debug logging; it'll slow things down and isn't really needed.
52         if request.get('wsgi.compression', True) is False:
53             log.debug("Bypassing compression at application's request.")
54             return status, headers, body
56         if request.get('wsgi.async') and hasattr(body, '__call__'):
57             log.debug("Can not compress async responses, returning original response.")
58             return status, headers, body
60         if b'gzip' not in request.get('HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING', b''):
61             log.debug("Browser support for GZip encoding not found, returning original response.")
62             return status, headers, body
Exit Early
Stream Process
Flat Stack
Performance & Optimization
timeit FTW
s="Content-Type: text/htmlrn"
Split or Partition?
a,b = s.split(":", 1)
a,b = s.split(":", 1)
•   Python 2.7: 0.665      •   Python 3.1: 0.909
a,b = s.split(":", 1)
•   Python 2.7: 0.665      •   Python 3.1: 0.909

                  a,b = s.split(":")
a,b = s.split(":", 1)
•   Python 2.7: 0.665      •   Python 3.1: 0.909

                  a,b = s.split(":")
•   Python 2.7: 0.631      •   Python 3.1: 0.837
a,b = s.split(":", 1)
•   Python 2.7: 0.665      •   Python 3.1: 0.909

                  a,b = s.split(":")
•   Python 2.7: 0.631      •   Python 3.1: 0.837

          a,c = s.partition(":")[::2]
a,b = s.split(":", 1)
•   Python 2.7: 0.665      •   Python 3.1: 0.909

                  a,b = s.split(":")
•   Python 2.7: 0.631      •   Python 3.1: 0.837

          a,c = s.partition(":")[::2]
•   Python 2.7: 0.642      •   Python 3.1: 0.690
a,b = s.split(":", 1)
•   Python 2.7: 0.665      •   Python 3.1: 0.909

                  a,b = s.split(":")
•   Python 2.7: 0.631      •   Python 3.1: 0.837

          a,c = s.partition(":")[::2]
•   Python 2.7: 0.642      •   Python 3.1: 0.690

            a,b,c = s.partition(":")
a,b = s.split(":", 1)
•   Python 2.7: 0.665      •   Python 3.1: 0.909

                  a,b = s.split(":")
•   Python 2.7: 0.631      •   Python 3.1: 0.837

          a,c = s.partition(":")[::2]
•   Python 2.7: 0.642      •   Python 3.1: 0.690

            a,b,c = s.partition(":")
•   Python 2.7: 0.407      •   Python 3.1: 0.429
s="Content-Type: text/htmlrn"
.upper() or .lower()?
"Content-Type: text/htmlrn".upper()
"Content-Type: text/htmlrn".upper()
• Python 2.7: 0.479 • Python 3.1: 0.469
"Content-Type: text/htmlrn".upper()
• Python 2.7: 0.479 • Python 3.1: 0.469
"CONTENT-TYPE: text/htmlrn".upper()
"Content-Type: text/htmlrn".upper()
• Python 2.7: 0.479 • Python 3.1: 0.469
"CONTENT-TYPE: text/htmlrn".upper()
•   Python 2.7: 0.417   •   Python 3.1: 0.616
"Content-Type: text/htmlrn".upper()
• Python 2.7: 0.479 • Python 3.1: 0.469
"CONTENT-TYPE: text/htmlrn".upper()
•   Python 2.7: 0.417   •   Python 3.1: 0.616

"Content-Type: text/htmlrn".upper()
• Python 2.7: 0.479 • Python 3.1: 0.469
"CONTENT-TYPE: text/htmlrn".upper()
•   Python 2.7: 0.417   •   Python 3.1: 0.616

•   Python 2.7: 0.291   •   Python 3.1: 0.407
"Content-Type: text/htmlrn".upper()
• Python 2.7: 0.479 • Python 3.1: 0.469
"CONTENT-TYPE: text/htmlrn".upper()
•   Python 2.7: 0.417   •   Python 3.1: 0.616

• Python 2.7: 0.291 • Python 3.1: 0.407
"Content-Type: text/htmlrn".lower()
"Content-Type: text/htmlrn".upper()
• Python 2.7: 0.479 • Python 3.1: 0.469
"CONTENT-TYPE: text/htmlrn".upper()
•   Python 2.7: 0.417   •   Python 3.1: 0.616

• Python 2.7: 0.291 • Python 3.1: 0.407
"Content-Type: text/htmlrn".lower()
• Python 2.7: 0.319 • Python 3.1: 0.497
a="foo"; b="bar"
Efficient Concatenation?
", ".join((a, b))
", ".join((a, b))
•   Python 2.7: 0.405        •   Python 3.1: 0.319
", ".join((a, b))
•   Python 2.7: 0.405         •   Python 3.1: 0.319

                        a + ", " + b
", ".join((a, b))
•   Python 2.7: 0.405         •   Python 3.1: 0.319

                        a + ", " + b
•   Python 2.7: 0.257         •   Python 3.1: 0.283
a="://"; b=""
Determine Presence
•   Python 2.7: 0.255       •   Python 3.1: 0.448
•   Python 2.7: 0.255       •   Python 3.1: 0.448

                         a in b
•   Python 2.7: 0.255       •   Python 3.1: 0.448

                         a in b
•   Python 2.7: 0.104       •   Python 3.1: 0.119
Test Filename Extension
•   Python 2.7: 0.338     •   Python 3.1: 0.515
•   Python 2.7: 0.338      •   Python 3.1: 0.515

                   a[-3:] == ".bz"
•   Python 2.7: 0.338      •   Python 3.1: 0.515

                   a[-3:] == ".bz"
•   Python 2.7: 0.229      •   Python 3.1: 0.312
Absolute Path?
•   Python 2.7: 0.324     •   Python 3.1: 0.513
•   Python 2.7: 0.324          •   Python 3.1: 0.513

                        uri[0] == "/"
•   Python 2.7: 0.324          •   Python 3.1: 0.513

                        uri[0] == "/"
•   Python 2.7: 0.133          •   Python 3.1: 0.146
(Negative case identical.)
 rfc822 vs. email.utils
range vs. xrange
str vs. bytes
unicode vs. str
“foo” vs. b“foo” vs. u“foo”
from __future__ import
No implicit conversion!
(Stop that!)
StringIO vs. BytesIO
Exception Handling
216   def _handle_read(self):
217       try:
218            chunk = self.socket.recv(self.read_chunk_size)
220       except socket.error:
221           e = exception().exception
222           if e.args[0] in (errno.EWOULDBLOCK, errno.EAGAIN):
223               return
Chasing Corporate care of Air Review    Relevant Specifications                   PEP 333	


 WSGI 1.0
                                        PEP 391	


 Dict Logging Configuration
Core Developers                         PEP 444	


 WSGI 2.0
Alice Bevan-McGregor                    PEP 3148	

Alex Grönholm                           PEP 3333	

 WSGI 1.1

Resources                               RFC 1945 — HTTP 1.0
HTTP: The Definitive Guide, David        RFC 2616 — HTTP 1.1
Gourley & Brian Totty, O’Reilly Press
Porting to Python 3, Lennart Regebro,   Get GA to GA for PyCon!

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Marrow Meta-Framework Overview

  • 1. Marrow Meta–Framework for Python 2.6+ and 3.1+ Alice Zoë Bevan–McGregor
  • 4. Introspective Scripting Non-Imperative Command-Line Parsing
  • 5. Blueprint Template–Derived Directory Trees Interactive & Command–Line Interrogation
  • 6. Streaming Templates A Python Micro–Language
  • 7. Server Interface Modified Tornado IOLoop and IOStream Server and Protocol Wrappers
  • 8. HTTP/1.1 WSGI 2 Server Highly Performant Pure Python HTTP/1.1 Implementation
  • 9. Object Wrappers PEP 444 Request / Response Objects HTTP Status Code Exception Applications
  • 10. Middleware / Filters Compression, Sessions, etc.
  • 11. Performance & Optimizations Time for Timeit
  • 12. Compatibility Python 2.6+ and 3.1+
  • 16. Least Developed (So far.)
  • 18. 1 [server] 2 use = marrow.server.http:HTTPServer 3 host =, ::1 4 port = 8080, 8088 5 6 [mapping] 7 / = root 8 9 [app:root] 10 use = marrow.server.http.testing:hello 11 name = ConFoo
  • 21. 1 [server] 2 use = marrow.server.http:HTTPServer 3 host =, ::1 4 port = 8080, 8088 5 6 [mapping] 7 / = root 8 9 [app:root] 10 use = marrow.server.http.testing:hello 11 name = ConFoo
  • 24. YAML to the Rescue
  • 25. 1 version: 1 2 3 server: 4 use: marrow.server.http:HTTPServer 5 host: ["", "::1"] 6 port: [8080, 8088] 7 8 mapping: 9 /: *root 10 11 root: &root 12 use: marrow.server.http.testing:hello 13 name: ConFoo
  • 27. 1 version: 1 2 3 server: 4 use: marrow.server.http:HTTPServer 5 host: ["", "::1"] 6 port: [8080, 8088] 7 8 mapping: 9 /: *root 10 11 root: &root 12 use: marrow.server.http.testing:hello 13 name: ConFoo
  • 28. Direct Object Access (Entry points are for chumps.)
  • 29. 1 version: 1 2 3 server: 4 use: marrow.server.http:HTTPServer 5 host: ["", "::1"] 6 port: [8080, 8088] 7 8 mapping: 9 /: *root 10 11 root: &root 12 use: marrow.server.http.testing:hello 13 name: ConFoo
  • 31. 16 logging: 17 formatters: 18 brief: 19 format: '%(levelname)-8s: %(name)-15s: %(message)s' 20 handlers: 21 console: 22 class: logging.StreamHandler 23 formatter: brief 24 level: INFO 25 stream: ext://sys.stdout 26 loggers: 27 foo: 28 level: ERROR 29 handlers: [console] 30 root: 31 level: DEBUG 32 handlers: [console]
  • 41. Paste Script (fancy)
  • 42. Paste Script (entry point magic)
  • 43. Paste Script (paster <name> […])
  • 44. Paste Script (context–aware)
  • 46. Commonality? (un–Pythonic…)
  • 48. 1 import optparse 2 3 if __name__=="__main__": 4 parser = optparse.OptionParser("usage: %prog [options] arg1 arg2") 5 parser.add_option("-H", "--host", dest="hostname", 6 default="", type="string", 7 help="specify hostname to run on") 8 parser.add_option("-p", "--port", dest="portnum", 9 default=80, type="int", 10 help="port number to run on") 11 (options, args) = parser.parse_args() 12 if len(args) != 2: 13 parser.error("incorrect number of arguments") 14 hostname = options.hostname 15 portnum = options.portnum
  • 49. 1 import argparse 2 3 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Process some integers.') 4 parser.add_argument('integers', metavar='N', type=int, nargs='+', 5 help='an integer for the accumulator') 6 parser.add_argument('--sum', dest='accumulate', action='store_const', 7 const=sum, default=max, 8 help='sum the integers (default: find the max)') 9 10 args = parser.parse_args() 11 print(args.accumulate(args.integers))
  • 53. 1 # encoding: utf-8 2 3 def ultima(required, value=None, name="world", switch=False, age=18, *args, **kw): 4 print "Hello %s!" % (name, ) 5 6 7 if __name__ == '__main__': 8 __import__('marrow.script').script.execute(ultima)
  • 54. Usage: [OPTIONS] [--name=value...] <required> [value...] OPTIONS may be one or more of: -a, --age=VAL Override this value. Default: 18 -h, --help Display this help and exit. -n, --name=VAL Override this value. Default: 'world' -s, --switch Toggle this value. Default: False -v, --value=VAL Set this value.
  • 58. @annotate Argument Typecasting & Validation Callbacks
  • 63. 1 # encoding: utf-8 2 3 import marrow.script 4 5 6 @marrow.script.describe( 7 host = "specify a hostname to run on", 8 port = "port number to run on" 9 ) 10 def serve(arg1, arg2, host="", port=80): 11 pass 12 13 14 if __name__ == '__main__': 15 marrow.script.execute(serve)
  • 70. Á La Carte Templates
  • 71. Best way to describe it…
  • 72. 1 class PackageBlueprint(Blueprint): 2 """Create an installable Python package.""" 3 4 base = 'marrow.blueprint.package/files' 5 engine = 'mako' 6 7 settings = [ 8 Setting( 9 'name', 10 "Project Name", 11 "The name to appear on the Python Package Index, e.g. CluComp.", 12 required=True 13 ), 14 Setting( 15 'package', 16 "Package Name", 17 "The name of the Python package, periods indicating namespaces, e.g. clueless.compiler.", 18 required=True 19 ), 20 # ... 21 ] 22 23 manifest = [ 24 # ... 25 File(''), 26 File('setup.cfg'), 27 Folder('tests', children=[ 28 File('.keep', 'keep') 29 ]), 30 package 31 ]
  • 73. 1 def package(settings): 2 def recurse(name): 3 head, _, tail = name.partition('.') 4 5 return [ 6 Folder(head, children=[ 7 File('', '' if tail else '') 8 ] + (recurse(tail) if tail else [])) 9 ] 10 11 return recurse(settings.package)
  • 74.
  • 75.
  • 78. title
  • 79. help
  • 85. cast
  • 91. data
  • 93. ≈ File - data
  • 97. Command–Line Answers (marrow.script + **kw ;)
  • 101. yield
  • 104. HTML5
  • 108. 1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 # encoding: utf-8 3 4 from __future__ import unicode_literals 5 6 from marrow.tags.html5 import * 7 8 from master import SITE_NAME, site_header, site_footer 9 10 11 def welcome(): 12 return html [ 13 head [ title [ 'Welcome!', ' — ', SITE_NAME ] ], 14 flush, # allow the browser to start downloading static resources early 15 body ( class_ = "nav-welcome" ) [ 16 site_header, 17 p [ 18 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit…' 19 ], 20 site_footer 21 ] 22 ] 23 24 25 if __name__ == '__main__': 26 with open('welcome.html', 'w') as fh: 27 for i in welcome().render('utf8'): 28 fh.write(i)
  • 109. 1 login = Form('sign-in', class_="tabbed", action='/users/action:authenticate', children=[ 2 HiddenField('referrer'), 3 FieldSet('local', "Local Users", TableLayout, [ 4 TextField('identity', "User Name", autofocus=True), 5 PasswordField('password', "Password") 6 ]), 7 FieldSet('yubikey', "Yubikey Users", TableLayout, [ 8 TextField('identity', "User Name"), 9 PasswordField('password', "Password"), 10 PasswordField('yubikey', "Yubikey") 11 ]), 12 FieldSet('openid', "OpenID Users", TableLayout, [ 13 URLField('url', "OpenID URL") 14 ]) 15 ], footer=SubmitFooter('form', "Sign In"))
  • 110. Guts
  • 111. 1 class Tag(Fragment): 2 def __call__(self, data_=None, strip=NoDefault, *args, **kw): 3 self = deepcopy(self) 4 5 = data_ 6 if strip is not NoDefault: self.strip = strip 7 self.args.extend(list(args)) 8 self.attrs.update(kw) 9 10 return self
  • 112. 12 def __getitem__(self, k): 13 if not k: return self 14 15 self = deepcopy(self) 16 17 if not isinstance(k, (tuple, list)): 18 k = [k] 19 20 for fragment in k: 21 if isinstance(fragment, basestring): 22 self.children.append(escape(fragment)) 23 continue 24 25 self.children.append(fragment) 26 27 return self
  • 113. 29 def __unicode__(self): 30 """Return a serialized version of this tree/branch.""" 31 return ''.join(self.render('utf8')).decode('utf8') 32 33 def enter(self): 34 if self.strip: 35 raise StopIteration() 36 37 if self.prefix: 38 yield self.prefix 39 40 yield u'<' + + u''.join([attr for attr in quoteattrs(self, self.attrs)]) + u'>' 41 42 def exit(self): 43 if self.simple or self.strip: 44 raise StopIteration() 45 46 yield u'</' + + u'>'
  • 114. 48 def render(self, encoding='ascii'): 49 # ... 50 51 for k, t in self: 52 if k == 'enter': 53 # ... 54 continue 55 56 if k == 'exit': 57 # ... 58 continue 59 60 if k == 'text': 61 # ... 62 continue 63 64 if k == 'flush': 65 yield buf.getvalue() 66 del buf 67 buf = IO() 68 69 yield buf.getvalue()
  • 115. 71 def __iter__(self): 72 yield 'enter', self 73 74 for child in self.children: 75 if isinstance(child, Fragment): 76 for element in child: 77 yield element 78 continue 79 80 if hasattr(child, '__call__'): 81 value = child(self) 82 83 if isinstance(value, basestring): 84 yield 'text', unicode(value) 85 continue 86 87 for element in child(self): 88 yield element 89 90 continue 91 92 yield 'text', unicode(child) 93 94 yield 'exit', self
  • 116. 29 def __unicode__(self): 30 """Return a serialized version of this tree/branch.""" 31 return ''.join(self.render('utf8')).decode('utf8') 96 def clear(self): 97 self.children = list() 98 self.args = list() 99 self.attrs = dict() 100 100 def empty(self): 101 self.children = list()
  • 122. Py3K Tornado + Patches IOLoop + IOStream
  • 124. 1 # encoding: utf-8 2 3 """An example raw IOLoop/IOStream example. 4 5 Taken from by Nicholas Piël. 6 """ 7 8 import errno, functools, socket 9 10 from marrow.util.compat import exception 11 from import ioloop, iostream 12 13 def connection_ready(sock, fd, events): 14 while True: 15 connection, address = sock.accept() 16 17 connection.setblocking(0) 18 stream = iostream.IOStream(connection) 19 stream.write(b"HTTP/1.0 200 OKrnContent-Length: 5rnrnPong!rn", stream.close) 20 21 if __name__ == '__main__': 22 sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0) 23 sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) 24 sock.setblocking(0) 25 sock.bind(("", 8010)) 26 sock.listen(5000) 27 28 io_loop = ioloop.IOLoop.instance() 29 io_loop.set_blocking_log_threshold(2) 30 callback = functools.partial(connection_ready, sock) 31 io_loop.add_handler(sock.fileno(), callback, io_loop.READ) 32 33 try: 34 io_loop.start() 35 except KeyboardInterrupt: 36 io_loop.stop()
  • 125. 1 # encoding: utf-8 2 3 """An example raw IOLoop/IOStream example. 4 5 Taken from by Nicholas Piël. 6 """ 7 8 import errno, functools, socket 9 10 from marrow.util.compat import exception 11 from import ioloop, iostream 12 13 def connection_ready(sock, fd, events): 14 while True: 15 connection, address = sock.accept() 16 17 connection.setblocking(0) 18 stream = iostream.IOStream(connection) 19 stream.write(b"HTTP/1.0 200 OKrnContent-Length: 5rnrnPong!rn", stream.close) 20 21 if __name__ == '__main__': 22 sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0) 23 sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) 24 sock.setblocking(0) 25 sock.bind(("", 8010)) 26 sock.listen(5000) 27 28 io_loop = ioloop.IOLoop.instance() 29 io_loop.set_blocking_log_threshold(2) 30 callback = functools.partial(connection_ready, sock) 31 io_loop.add_handler(sock.fileno(), callback, io_loop.READ) 32 33 try: 34 io_loop.start() 35 except KeyboardInterrupt: 36 io_loop.stop()
  • 126. 1 # encoding: utf-8 2 3 """An example raw IOLoop/IOStream example. 4 5 Taken from by Nicholas Piël. 6 """ 7 8 import errno, functools, socket 9 10 from marrow.util.compat import exception 11 from import ioloop, iostream 12 13 def connection_ready(sock, fd, events): 14 while True: 15 connection, address = sock.accept() 16 17 connection.setblocking(0) 18 stream = iostream.IOStream(connection) 19 stream.write(b"HTTP/1.0 200 OKrnContent-Length: 5rnrnPong!rn", stream.close) 20 21 if __name__ == '__main__': 22 sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0) 23 sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) 24 sock.setblocking(0) 25 sock.bind(("", 8010)) 26 sock.listen(5000) 27 28 io_loop = ioloop.IOLoop.instance() 29 io_loop.set_blocking_log_threshold(2) 30 callback = functools.partial(connection_ready, sock) 31 io_loop.add_handler(sock.fileno(), callback, io_loop.READ) 32 33 try: 34 io_loop.start() 35 except KeyboardInterrupt: 36 io_loop.stop()
  • 127. 1 # encoding: utf-8 2 3 """An example raw IOLoop/IOStream example. 4 5 Taken from by Nicholas Piël. 6 """ 7 8 import errno, functools, socket 9 10 from marrow.util.compat import exception 11 from import ioloop, iostream 12 13 def connection_ready(sock, fd, events): 14 while True: 15 connection, address = sock.accept() 16 17 connection.setblocking(0) 18 stream = iostream.IOStream(connection) 19 stream.write(b"HTTP/1.0 200 OKrnContent-Length: 5rnrnPong!rn", stream.close) 20 21 if __name__ == '__main__': 22 sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0) 23 sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) 24 sock.setblocking(0) 25 sock.bind(("", 8010)) 26 sock.listen(5000) 27 28 io_loop = ioloop.IOLoop.instance() 29 io_loop.set_blocking_log_threshold(2) 30 callback = functools.partial(connection_ready, sock) 31 io_loop.add_handler(sock.fileno(), callback, io_loop.READ) 32 33 try: 34 io_loop.start() 35 except KeyboardInterrupt: 36 io_loop.stop()
  • 128. 1 # encoding: utf-8 2 3 """An example raw IOLoop/IOStream example. 4 5 Taken from by Nicholas Piël. 6 """ 7 8 import errno, functools, socket 9 10 from marrow.util.compat import exception 11 from import ioloop, iostream 12 13 def connection_ready(sock, fd, events): 14 while True: 15 connection, address = sock.accept() 16 17 connection.setblocking(0) 18 stream = iostream.IOStream(connection) 19 stream.write(b"HTTP/1.0 200 OKrnContent-Length: 5rnrnPong!rn", stream.close) 20 21 if __name__ == '__main__': 22 sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0) 23 sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) 24 sock.setblocking(0) 25 sock.bind(("", 8010)) 26 sock.listen(5000) 27 28 io_loop = ioloop.IOLoop.instance() 29 io_loop.set_blocking_log_threshold(2) 30 callback = functools.partial(connection_ready, sock) 31 io_loop.add_handler(sock.fileno(), callback, io_loop.READ) 32 33 try: 34 io_loop.start() 35 except KeyboardInterrupt: 36 io_loop.stop()
  • 132. 1 # encoding: utf-8 2 3 """A simplified version of the raw example.""" 4 5 6 from marrow.server.base import Server 7 from marrow.server.protocol import Protocol 8 9 10 11 class HTTPResponse(Protocol): 12 def accept(self, client): 13 client.write( b"HTTP/1.0 200 OKrnContent-Length: 7rnrnPong!rn", client.close) 14 15 16 if __name__ == '__main__': 17 Server(None, 8010, HTTPResponse).start()
  • 133. functools.partial (Pass the client object to your callbacks.)
  • 138. r".+"
  • 141.
  • 142. PEP 444 Hurts babies!
  • 143. PEP 444 Is highly addictive?
  • 144. PEP 444 Is a draft of one possible WSGI 2 solution.
  • 145. WSGI
  • 149. 1 def hello(environ): 2 return b'200 OK', [ 3 (b'Content-Type', b'text/plain')], 4 (b'Content-Length', b'12') 5 ], b"Hello world!"
  • 156. An application is any function, method, or instance with a __call__ method. Applications must: 1. Be able to be invoked more than once. If this can not be guaranteed by the application implementation, it must be wrapped in a function that creates a new instance on each call. 2. Accept a single positional argument which must be an instance of a base Python dictionary containing what is referred to as the WSGI environment. The contents of this dictionary are fully described in the WSGI Environment section. 3. Return a 3-tuple of (status, headers, body) where: 1.status must contain the HTTP status code and reason phrase of the response. The status code and reason must be present, in that order, separated by a single space. (See RFC 2616, Section 6.1.1 for more information.) 2.headers must be a standard Python list containing 2-tuples of (name, value) pairs representing the HTTP headers of the response. Each header name must represent a valid HTTP header field name (as defined by RFC 2616, Section 4.2) without trailing colon or other punctuation. 3.body must be an iterable representing the HTTP response body. 4.status and the name of each header present in headers must not have leading or trailing whitespace. 5.status, and the contents of headers (both name and value) must not contain control characters including carriage returns or linefeeds. 6.status, headers, and the chunks yielded by the body iterator should be returned as byte strings, though for implementations where native strings are unicode, native strings may be returned. The server must encode unicode values using ISO-8859-1. 7. The amount of data yielded by the body iterable must not exceed the length specified by the Content-Length response header, if defined. 8. The body iterable may be a native string, instead of a native string wrapped in a list for the simple case, but this is not recommended. Additionally, applications and middleware must not alter HTTP 1.1 "hop-by-hop" features or headers, any equivalent features in HTTP 1.0, or any headers that would affect the persistence of the client's connection to the web server. Applications and middleware may, however, interrogate the environment for their presence and value. These features are the exclusive province of the server, and a server should consider it a fatal error for an application to attempt sending them, and raise an error if they are supplied as return values from an application in the headers structure.
  • 158. A WSGI 2 server must: 1. Invoke the application callable once for each request it receives from an HTTP client that is directed at the application. 2. Pass a single positional value to the application callable representing the request environment, described in detail in the WSGI Environment section. 3. Ensure that correct response headers are sent to the client. If the application omits a header required by the HTTP standard (or other relevant specifications that are in effect), the server must add it. E.g. the Date and Server headers. 1. The server must not override values with the same name if they are emitted by the application. 4. Raise an exception if the application attempts to set HTTP 1.1 "hop-by-hop" or persistence headers, or equivalent headers in HTTP 1.0, as described above. 5. Encode unicode data (where returned by the application) using ISO-8859-1. 6. Ensure that line endings within the body are not altered. 7. Transmit body chunks to the client in an unbuffered fashion, completing the transmission of each set of bytes before requesting another one. (Applications should perform their own buffering.) 8. Call the close() method of the body returned by the application, if present, upon completion of the current request. This should be called regardless of the termination status of the request. This is to support resource release by the application and is intended to complement PEP 325's generator support, and other common iterables with close() methods. 9. Support the HTTP 1.1 specification where such support is made possible by the underlying transport channel, including full URL REQUEST_URI, pipelining of requests, chunked transfer, and any other HTTP 1.1 features mandated in the relevant RFC. Additionally, 1. HTTP header names are case-insensitive, so be sure to take that into consideration when examining application-supplied headers. 2. The server may apply HTTP transfer encodings or perform other transformations for the purpose of implementing HTTP features such as chunked transfer. 3. The server must not attempt to handle byte range requests; the application can optimize this use case far more easily than a server. (For example an application can generate the correct body length vs. generating the whole body and having the server buffer and slice it.) 4. Servers must not directly use any other attributes of the body iterable returned by the application.
  • 170. 10KR/sec (4 process, single thread, lower concurrency.)
  • 174. Async
  • 186. Emit Status & Headers
  • 194. WebOb
  • 195. 1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 # encoding: utf-8 3 4 from __future__ import unicode_literals 5 6 from pprint import pformat 7 8 from marrow.server.http import HTTPServer 9 from marrow.wsgi.objects.decorator import wsgify 10 11 12 @wsgify 13 def hello(request): 14 resp = request.response 15 resp.mime = "text/plain" 16 resp.body = "%rnn%snn%s" % (request, request, pformat(request.__dict__)) 17 18 19 if __name__ == '__main__': 20 import logging 21 logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) 22 23 HTTPServer(None, 8080, application=hello).start()
  • 201. 24 class Request(object): 28 body = RequestBody('wsgi.input') 29 length = Int('CONTENT_LENGTH', None, rfc='14.13') 30 mime = ContentType('CONTENT_TYPE', None) 31 charset = Charset('CONTENT_TYPE')
  • 202. 102 def __getitem__(self, name): 103 return self.environ[name] 104 105 def __setitem__(self, name, value): 106 self.environ[name] = value 107 108 def __delitem__(self, name): 109 del self.environ[name]
  • 203. 1 class ReaderWriter(object): 2 default = NoDefault 3 rw = True 4 5 def __init__(self, header, default=NoDefault, rw=NoDefault, rfc=None): 6 pass # save arguments 7 8 def __get__(self, obj, cls): 9 try: 10 return obj[self.header] 11 12 except KeyError: 13 pass 14 15 if self.default is not NoDefault: 16 if hasattr(self.default, '__call__'): 17 return self.default(obj) 18 19 return self.default 20 21 raise AttributeError('WSGI environment does not contain %s key.' % (self.header, )) 22 23 def __set__(self, obj, value): 24 if not 25 raise AttributeError('%s is a read-only value.' % (self.header, )) 26 27 if value is None: 28 del obj[self.header] 29 return 30 31 obj[self.header] = value 32 33 def __delete__(self, obj): 34 if not 35 raise AttributeError('%s is a read-only value.' % (self.header, )) 36 37 del obj[self.header]
  • 206. Egress
  • 208. 38 class CompressionFilter(object): 39 def __init__(self, level=6): 40 self.level = level 41 42 super(CompressionFilter, self).__init__() 43 44 def __call__(self, request, status, headers, body): 45 """Compress, if able, the response. 46 47 This has the side effect that if your application does not declare a content-length, this filter will. 48 """ 49 50 # TODO: Remove some of this debug logging; it'll slow things down and isn't really needed. 51 52 if request.get('wsgi.compression', True) is False: 53 log.debug("Bypassing compression at application's request.") 54 return status, headers, body 55 56 if request.get('wsgi.async') and hasattr(body, '__call__'): 57 log.debug("Can not compress async responses, returning original response.") 58 return status, headers, body 59 60 if b'gzip' not in request.get('HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING', b''): 61 log.debug("Browser support for GZip encoding not found, returning original response.") 62 return status, headers, body
  • 209. 38 class CompressionFilter(object): 39 def __init__(self, level=6): 40 self.level = level 41 42 super(CompressionFilter, self).__init__() 43 44 def __call__(self, request, status, headers, body): 45 """Compress, if able, the response. 46 47 This has the side effect that if your application does not declare a content-length, this filter will. 48 """ 49 50 # TODO: Remove some of this debug logging; it'll slow things down and isn't really needed. 51 52 if request.get('wsgi.compression', True) is False: 53 log.debug("Bypassing compression at application's request.") 54 return status, headers, body 55 56 if request.get('wsgi.async') and hasattr(body, '__call__'): 57 log.debug("Can not compress async responses, returning original response.") 58 return status, headers, body 59 60 if b'gzip' not in request.get('HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING', b''): 61 log.debug("Browser support for GZip encoding not found, returning original response.") 62 return status, headers, body
  • 210. 38 class CompressionFilter(object): 39 def __init__(self, level=6): 40 self.level = level 41 42 super(CompressionFilter, self).__init__() 43 44 def __call__(self, request, status, headers, body): 45 """Compress, if able, the response. 46 47 This has the side effect that if your application does not declare a content-length, this filter will. 48 """ 49 50 # TODO: Remove some of this debug logging; it'll slow things down and isn't really needed. 51 52 if request.get('wsgi.compression', True) is False: 53 log.debug("Bypassing compression at application's request.") 54 return status, headers, body 55 56 if request.get('wsgi.async') and hasattr(body, '__call__'): 57 log.debug("Can not compress async responses, returning original response.") 58 return status, headers, body 59 60 if b'gzip' not in request.get('HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING', b''): 61 log.debug("Browser support for GZip encoding not found, returning original response.") 62 return status, headers, body
  • 218.
  • 220. a,b = s.split(":", 1) • Python 2.7: 0.665 • Python 3.1: 0.909
  • 221. a,b = s.split(":", 1) • Python 2.7: 0.665 • Python 3.1: 0.909 a,b = s.split(":")
  • 222. a,b = s.split(":", 1) • Python 2.7: 0.665 • Python 3.1: 0.909 a,b = s.split(":") • Python 2.7: 0.631 • Python 3.1: 0.837
  • 223. a,b = s.split(":", 1) • Python 2.7: 0.665 • Python 3.1: 0.909 a,b = s.split(":") • Python 2.7: 0.631 • Python 3.1: 0.837 a,c = s.partition(":")[::2]
  • 224. a,b = s.split(":", 1) • Python 2.7: 0.665 • Python 3.1: 0.909 a,b = s.split(":") • Python 2.7: 0.631 • Python 3.1: 0.837 a,c = s.partition(":")[::2] • Python 2.7: 0.642 • Python 3.1: 0.690
  • 225. a,b = s.split(":", 1) • Python 2.7: 0.665 • Python 3.1: 0.909 a,b = s.split(":") • Python 2.7: 0.631 • Python 3.1: 0.837 a,c = s.partition(":")[::2] • Python 2.7: 0.642 • Python 3.1: 0.690 a,b,c = s.partition(":")
  • 226. a,b = s.split(":", 1) • Python 2.7: 0.665 • Python 3.1: 0.909 a,b = s.split(":") • Python 2.7: 0.631 • Python 3.1: 0.837 a,c = s.partition(":")[::2] • Python 2.7: 0.642 • Python 3.1: 0.690 a,b,c = s.partition(":") • Python 2.7: 0.407 • Python 3.1: 0.429
  • 229.
  • 231. "Content-Type: text/htmlrn".upper() • Python 2.7: 0.479 • Python 3.1: 0.469
  • 232. "Content-Type: text/htmlrn".upper() • Python 2.7: 0.479 • Python 3.1: 0.469 "CONTENT-TYPE: text/htmlrn".upper()
  • 233. "Content-Type: text/htmlrn".upper() • Python 2.7: 0.479 • Python 3.1: 0.469 "CONTENT-TYPE: text/htmlrn".upper() • Python 2.7: 0.417 • Python 3.1: 0.616
  • 234. "Content-Type: text/htmlrn".upper() • Python 2.7: 0.479 • Python 3.1: 0.469 "CONTENT-TYPE: text/htmlrn".upper() • Python 2.7: 0.417 • Python 3.1: 0.616 "CONTENT-TYPE: TEXT/HTMLrn".upper()
  • 235. "Content-Type: text/htmlrn".upper() • Python 2.7: 0.479 • Python 3.1: 0.469 "CONTENT-TYPE: text/htmlrn".upper() • Python 2.7: 0.417 • Python 3.1: 0.616 "CONTENT-TYPE: TEXT/HTMLrn".upper() • Python 2.7: 0.291 • Python 3.1: 0.407
  • 236. "Content-Type: text/htmlrn".upper() • Python 2.7: 0.479 • Python 3.1: 0.469 "CONTENT-TYPE: text/htmlrn".upper() • Python 2.7: 0.417 • Python 3.1: 0.616 "CONTENT-TYPE: TEXT/HTMLrn".upper() • Python 2.7: 0.291 • Python 3.1: 0.407 "Content-Type: text/htmlrn".lower()
  • 237. "Content-Type: text/htmlrn".upper() • Python 2.7: 0.479 • Python 3.1: 0.469 "CONTENT-TYPE: text/htmlrn".upper() • Python 2.7: 0.417 • Python 3.1: 0.616 "CONTENT-TYPE: TEXT/HTMLrn".upper() • Python 2.7: 0.291 • Python 3.1: 0.407 "Content-Type: text/htmlrn".lower() • Python 2.7: 0.319 • Python 3.1: 0.497
  • 240.
  • 242. ", ".join((a, b)) • Python 2.7: 0.405 • Python 3.1: 0.319
  • 243. ", ".join((a, b)) • Python 2.7: 0.405 • Python 3.1: 0.319 a + ", " + b
  • 244. ", ".join((a, b)) • Python 2.7: 0.405 • Python 3.1: 0.319 a + ", " + b • Python 2.7: 0.257 • Python 3.1: 0.283
  • 247.
  • 249. b.find(a) • Python 2.7: 0.255 • Python 3.1: 0.448
  • 250. b.find(a) • Python 2.7: 0.255 • Python 3.1: 0.448 a in b
  • 251. b.find(a) • Python 2.7: 0.255 • Python 3.1: 0.448 a in b • Python 2.7: 0.104 • Python 3.1: 0.119
  • 254.
  • 256. a.endswith(".bz") • Python 2.7: 0.338 • Python 3.1: 0.515
  • 257. a.endswith(".bz") • Python 2.7: 0.338 • Python 3.1: 0.515 a[-3:] == ".bz"
  • 258. a.endswith(".bz") • Python 2.7: 0.338 • Python 3.1: 0.515 a[-3:] == ".bz" • Python 2.7: 0.229 • Python 3.1: 0.312
  • 261.
  • 263. uri.startswith("/") • Python 2.7: 0.324 • Python 3.1: 0.513
  • 264. uri.startswith("/") • Python 2.7: 0.324 • Python 3.1: 0.513 uri[0] == "/"
  • 265. uri.startswith("/") • Python 2.7: 0.324 • Python 3.1: 0.513 uri[0] == "/" • Python 2.7: 0.133 • Python 3.1: 0.146
  • 269. formatdate rfc822 vs. email.utils
  • 273. “foo” vs. b“foo” vs. u“foo”
  • 274. from __future__ import unicode_literals
  • 279. 216 def _handle_read(self): 217 try: 218 chunk = self.socket.recv(self.read_chunk_size) 219 220 except socket.error: 221 e = exception().exception 222 if e.args[0] in (errno.EWOULDBLOCK, errno.EAGAIN): 223 return
  • 281. Chasing Corporate care of Air Review Relevant Specifications PEP 333 WSGI 1.0 PEP 391 Dict Logging Configuration Core Developers PEP 444 WSGI 2.0 Alice Bevan-McGregor PEP 3148 Futures Alex Grönholm PEP 3333 WSGI 1.1 Resources RFC 1945 — HTTP 1.0 HTTP: The Definitive Guide, David RFC 2616 — HTTP 1.1 Gourley & Brian Totty, O’Reilly Press Porting to Python 3, Lennart Regebro, Get GA to GA for PyCon! CreateSpace