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Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 66 Entered on FLSD Docket 10/18/2011 Page 1 of 7

                                                                                FI by
                                                                                 LED                   D.

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                        I TH E UNI
                         N         TED STA TES D ISTRI CO URT FO R
                                                      CT                           sTEvEN M L VORE
                                                                                      -         ARIS
                                                                                   CLERI I S DI C-.
                                                                                          fJ     t r
                           TH E SO UTHERN DI STRI OF FLO RI A
                                                   CT       D                       Su'J>of L . .. i h 1
                                                                                      ) 'F , u ? I .
                                                                                       )     A c ?A /
                                                                                      XJ 1 . .
                                                                                        %    =1
                           CA SE NO . 1I-
                                    : ZOIZO- V- TZ/ M ONTON
                                             CI SEI SI

       AN   DUVEAN U ,
   Pl ntf ,
    ai if

      SM       TI     N ,
   D ef nt
       enda s.
         N          AN             S   EF N                           SM
          TRI    NTI S     ONS         UPPLEMENTAL MOTJ ANp
                      M OTI N TO STAY DISCO VER Y FRO M PLA I FF
                           O                                 NTI

   Pl ntf TrinBudu a ,Pr Se heenatrMo ntmo e t sCo tt fl hi Bre i Repo et
    ai if aa j ve nu o , ri fe va , v s hi ur o ie s if n s ns o
   Def ndant M oton t Sti Pl ntf sM otonst Com pel Suppl entlM otonsand M oton t St
      e     s i o rke ai if           i o        ,     em a     i          i o ay
   D icover Fr Pl ntf , and stt asf l
     s     y om ai if        a e olows:

   Fl On Oct r l2,2011 Def ndant have fld wih t Unied St esCourt
   l.      obe        ,    e    s      ie t he t at            house, Sout n Di ti Of
                                                                         her srct
    orda aM oton To St ke Pl ntf sM otonsTo Compel Suppl e alM otonsand M oton To St
       i      i      ri ai if        i            ,    em nt     i          i      ay
   Dicover Fr Pl ntf .
     s    y om ai if

  2. Def endant ar f d i onehand wih t pos biiy ofbei or rby t Courtt di cl e i
               s e ace n              t he si lt         ng de       he       o s os f
  Def endant have everbeen ar esed and i t have everbeen apartofany l ui i t pas and ot r
            s                r t       f hey                          aws t n he t         he
  wrten i e r oreswhi w ilr
     it nt r ogat i       ch l evealunpl antD icover f s t pos i lt oft cour t or
                                           eas     s    y act, he sbiiy he           t o der
  t dicl ur ofal poltcalc rbutonsa t na e oft per on atDim ashousewho w asi ved
   he s os e       l ii onti i            nd he m      he s         s                   nvol
  w ih l
     t obbyi t mayoroft Ciy ofDani , a ot s and f whatr
             ng he          he t          a nd her ,     or      easons t ef e r
                                                                        , her or evealng m or
                                                                                      i      e
  unpl a D icover f s, ori t ot hand,foodi t Cour wih doc ent , and f ci t
  M eas nt s        y act      n he her        l ng he      t t       um s       or ng he
    ovantt fl aM oton f Sum m a y Judgm e , t swa t Cour wilf ge aboutal Di coveres
           o ie      i or         r         nt hi y he       t l or t          l s      i
  i ues whi h may alo bri a Deparm entofJ tcei
   ss , c            s ng           t        us i nvestga i . The trgetoft Def nt i t hi
                                                      i ton       a        he enda s s o de
  any Dicovcr fom t Cour orpublc, atany prc
        s     y r he        t       i          ie.
  3. Def nt have f ld,delber el , pr m ediat and cal at t wrten i er ogat i a w er
        enda s     aie      i at y e       t ed    cul ed he it nt r ores ns s
  and di osur ofcom pl e docum e sr
       scl e         et         nt equess t plyi a cl
                                        t, hus a ng everSt lTactcsgam e, yeti i i t
                                                            al    i         nsstng hat
  t have compled wih al Dicover r quesstm el a pr l , and t tt M ovantdoesnot
   hey         i    t l s         y e t i y nd opery          ha he
  unde t

  Under t FederalR ul ,i i notf Def
         he         es t s     or endant t de erm i whati orm aton i t e do
                                        so t      ne    nf      i n hes
  i                                                                          cum ents
  srelevant l Def
           . f endant wi
                      s shest wihhol t si orm aton, t m us obtai a prot i order.
                              o t   d hi nf     i hey     t     n      ectve
Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 66 Entered on FLSD Docket 10/18/2011 Page 2 of 7

   4. Def endanthave not ans t f l i wrten i erogat i and di not pr
                            wer he olow ng it nt r ores    d       oduce t f l ng
                                                                         he olowi
   docum ent i
            s, nvoki varousr onsf whi t have notr ved apr ectve or fom t sCour:
                   ng i eas        or ch hey      ecei   ot i der r hi          t

   a Ans r t Pli ifs Fis Se o I e r gao is prpou d on De e da Dima Cha iis l ,
    ) we s o antf ' rt t f ntro tre , o nde             f n n s s rte , nc.
   Quesins l 2,5, 7 8 1 1 ,l
       to : , 6, , , 0, 1 2.
   b)Ans st t Se o Se o l e r gao i spr po
        wer o he c nd t f ntro tre o unde o Dima Cha iis l .Que to 3.
                                           d n s s rte , nc, sin:
   c Ans r t t Fis Se ofI t rog t ispr und d o De e da t AnaGipe t De e Thomasa d
    ) we s o he rt t n er aore opo e n f n n s               s r, rk           n
   La ha Ada s Que to :1 2, 4, 6, 8,1 l 1 l 1 .
     s nda m , sins , 3, 5, 7, 0, 2, 3, 4, 5
   d)Ans r t Pl ntf ' Se o Se o I e r t re pr ou d o Dee a s Ana Gipe t D er
        we s o ai ifs c nd t f ntrogao is op nde n fnd nt          s r, ek
   Thomas Las a Ad ms Que ton:
        , h nda a , si 3
   e Ans r t Plitf sFis Re ue tf rPr ducin ofDoc n sQue tons l 2,3, 7,8, ll l
    ) we s o an if rt q s o o to               ume t   si : , 4, 9, , 4,
   l l6,22,24.

   9 Ans r t PliifsSe o Re ue tf rPr ucin o Doc n sQue to : 3 5, 8, 1 l1
       wes o atf' c nd q s o od to f ume t sins 2, , 7, 9, 0, .
   5. The r toft ans e ed ques i ar vague. Def
           es   he w r          tons e          endant s d be com pelby t sCour t r
                                                      s houl                hi    t o espond t
   al wrten i e r orcsand r
     l it nt r ogat i         eques f pr
                                   t or oducton ofdocum ent al overagai , beca et do nothave
                                             i             s l        n       us hey
   a s e orr pectf t opposi pary orf t s Cour. l f tt y si ed fom t begi ng t
    ny ham     es     or he       ng t      or hi     t n ac he gnal r he             nni hat
   t y do norver m uch car a
    he          y         e boutanyone and t y wilnotr eas a docum ent .
                                           he l       el e ny           s

   6. Techni l t movanthasnotvi at t Or Seti TralDat , Pr ralDeadlnesand Ref r t
            caly he                ol ed he der tng i          e eti        i         er al o
   M agitat docketnumber44,as sat by t Def nda s On t contar even t
        sr e,                     t ed    he    e nt .    he     r y,     hough t M agitat
                                                                                he     sr e
   hasnotr equesed am oton t com pel t M a sr t saei he Or r( # 5 t f lwig:t ai if
                t       i o        , he   gitae tt n r de DE 2) he olo n t ntf      pl
   m ay fl a renewed m oton t com pel i appropri e,afer Def
         ie              i o         ,f         at t       endant tm e t res
                                                                 s' i o pond hasexpi     red.
   I addii t partes are rem i d,i cas of di covery di es t adhere t t D icover
    n     ton, he      i          nde n      es     s        sput , o         o he s       y
   Procedures i t Courts Order Set i Tri D at , Pret alDeadlnes and Ref
               n he       '           tng al e         ri       i          erralt M agi t e
                                                                                o      s rat
   ( #4 at4)(
                       M          TED STATES M AGI
                                                 STM TE JUDGE)
   7.M ovantw aswaii f an ans erf om t court att s e tm ebei f
                   tng or    w r he          , he am i       ng aced wih s eravaia e
                                                                       t hort      l bl
   tm e t conductany i tgaton oft D ef
    i o              nvesi i    he endant , and t pos i lt ofnotobt ni t pr
                                            s    he sbiiy           ai ng he oper
   Discover f s.Readi t mat i i t scas , i doesnott a l ofl experence f a
           y act      ng he eral n hi e t            ake ot egal        i   or nyone t o
   seet il and crm i act com m it by t Def
       he legal      i nal s     ted he endant . Thi i nota materoft Dicover t
                                                   s    ss        t      he s    y hat
   t M ovantwoul lke,m one orvendeta, assat by t Def ndant .Thi i a m aterofJ tce.
    he            di       y       t     t ed   he e      s ss          t    usi
   8.Def endant ke r t atng t f t t M ovantdoesnotunder t i a atem ptt cr e a
              s pt eier i he act hat he                  sand n n t    o eat
   di son and r r t atenton oft sCour. I i tue t t M ovantdoesnotha any f m all
     ver i      ediect he t i     hi     t t s r hat he             ve     or    egal
   educaton ortai ng.Howevert tw oul notst hi oranyone t s t dif enc be- een rghtand
         i     r ni          ha     d     op m          o ee he fer e         i
   wr ast scas i f 1ofil galand crm i act .
      ong hi e s u1 le              i nal s

   9. Up t notver l ago,Ator f t def
          o      y ong        t ney or he endant wascompl ni aboutf elng s r f t
                                                 s       ai ng       e i or y or he
   Gover nmentt s
               o pend a1 t sm one f t snons ecase. W hen he l ne t D im asChartest
                        l hi     y or hi     ens            ear d hat s          ii akes
   $ 00 00 us pe ye r fo t txpa e s and we a1 know how t s
    40, 0, 0 d r a , r m he a y r ,               l        hey pend i,he c
                                                                    t     hanged hi r ori ,
                                                                                  s het c
   t stm e f elng s ry f t Def
    hi i e i or. or he endant whi ha t s
                                     s ch ve o pend a1 t sm oney. Thi afert Ator f
                                                       l hi          s t he t ney or
   t Def
   he endant getpai m or a a l
               s      d     e nd ongertm e. Thi s scl rt ki ofpeopl t ar and t s
                                        i      s how ea he nd         e hey e,       hi
   Coul needst go no f her
       t       o      urt .
Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 66 Entered on FLSD Docket 10/18/2011 Page 3 of 7

    9. Fr t i
         om he ncepton oft s c e, t A tom ey f t Def
                     i     hi as he t          or he   endant ,has be usi per onalatacks and
                                                             s       en ng s        t
    i ini i on t M ovant M r Chai f s no r er i aboutmi r es i f ct t t s Cour and
     ntl daton     he      . .      et eel    es vaton         sepr entng a s o hi     t
    ot s sali t scas by gi ng i r cti on'aton. He hascaled t M ovanthom e,as ng ques i
      her , t lng hi e       vi ncor e nf n i               l he                ki     tons
    s as:tW ler do you t nk you wantt go w ih t scas '';tW hatdo you w a ? Do you wantyour
     uch     t ze         hi           o     t hi e' ? l                 nt
    t ephoneback ?',and ot sm iarquesi whi ar i pr
     el            '     her i l       tons ch e m operf t scas . M r Chai has c oss t
                                                            or hi e .        et    r ed he
    boundal ofl tm at advocacy and he needst l ar t t e t i w'l notbe t er t d.
           y    egii e                     o e n hat hes actcs il        ol a e

    Lawr rsar notfee,lke l e ca
       ye e      r i oos nnons t fr atwilupon any t r of opporuniy whi a
                                  , o ie   l          a get       t t     ch ppear on
    t l
    he egall nds
            a cape.The pr i of 1 i notand cannotbe a fee-ie zone. 'Cannon v.Chery H il
                          actce aw s                 r fr         '            r     l
   Toyot I . 1 F. D. 1 1 162 ( N..l 99 ( uotn Th s n v.No n E.Le r P. ,1 2
       a, nc, 90 R. 47, 6 - D. J 9 ) q ig oma o          nna    he , C. 8
   F. D.1 1 1 3 ( N..1 8).
     R. 2 , 2 D. J 99 )
   1 Thi Honor eCour can s t evi
    0. s         abl   t     ee he denceaccumul ed i t scas untlt y. One s d i agi
                                                at n hi e i oda          houl m ne
   how m uch m or evi
                 e dence,f sand docum ent wilcome t t s f i t sCourtwoul or rt
                          act            s l       o he urace f hi        d de he
   Defendant t r pond t al wrten i erogat i and pr
            s o es    o l it nt r ores            oducton ofal doc ent .
                                                       i      1 um s

                                 ACCUM ULATED EVIDEN CE

   M ovantr y upon t f l ng evi nce:
           el      he olowi   de

    1.The il i r aton oft M ovanta FDC M i if 75 days
           legal nca cer i he     t      am br       .

   2. Defendant have cons r d t a ca
               s         pie o, nd used f se i prionm e by usi t ce lphone i dentas a
                                          al m s       nt     ng he l      nci
   m eantt caus M ovantsi rce aton,when t knew i f cti wasnotl .
         o     e       ' nca r i        hey     n a t        egal

   3. The deci on t send t Pl ntf back t Feder Prs wasentr y m ade by t Def
             si o        he ai if      o      al ion     iel          he endant .

   4. The il se ch a s zur oft vehi e dri by t M ovantand t coverup oft i dent
           legal ar nd ei e he    cl ven he               he     -    he nci .

   5. Defendant pr ediatd and cal a ed destoyed s
              s, em t e          cult     r      urveil
                                                      lance ca e a evi
                                                              m r    dence, sor i t
                                                                             t ed n he
   c put har drve,when t y knew t i i unl f t destoy docum e sand dat w hi s d be
    om er d i          he       hat t s aw ul o      r         nt       a ch houl
   pr s r ed f 30 ye r .( i na pe lis f u a uly d sr i da gig or r mo ng fde a
    e e v or        a s Crmi l nate or nlwf l e toyng, ma n      e vi e r l
   r ds a e addr ed i 18 USC 2071 793,794 and 7989.)
    ecor r      ess n            ,

   6. Two docum e s sgned by t D ef nt Lashonda Adams and Der Thom as, s t t CCM /
                 nt i        he enda s                       ek         ent o he
   BOP,i whi t y acknowl
        n ch he           edged t se alc oni m edi condii oft M ovant
                                 he ver hr c     cal    tons he        .

   7. Atal,tm est M ovantw asr ti ed by hi m edi condii t pe f m any t ofwor .
         li     he            esrct      s     cal   tons o r or     ype   k

   8. Ata1 tmes,he Def
          1i   t      endat swer f l a e ofPai irsm edi c ton.
                          nt    e uly war    ntf      cal ondii

   9. Adm isi ofDef
          s on        endant t copi oft M ovantDrvi Re d fom t Cl k O fThe Courtand
                           s hat   es he             i ng cor r he er
   from DM V i Talahas Fl i Copy ofvald St e ofFl i Dri Li ns , Copi of t vehi c
               n l see, orda,               i at        orda ver ce e         es he    cl
   i ur
    ns ance f om A lsat I ur
             r      lt e ns ance Company,w e e atDim ashous , i t M ova ' r d fl f som e
                                            r     s        e n he      nts ecor ie, or
   tm e.

   1 St em ent of FD C M i i Couns or Prce and 1D C M i i Uni M a r Ha r s , t an
    0. at     s          am       el    i       7      am    t nage    r i on hat
   i tgaton orc gesagai tt M ovantneve exit and t i cer i wasilgal
   nves i i     har     ns he          r sed       he ncar aton   le .

Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 66 Entered on FLSD Docket 10/18/2011 Page 4 of 7

    l1. St em entof CCM Diect CarosRodrguez t an i tgaton by Feder Bur of Prs or
          at              r or l       i    hat nvesi i           al eau    ions
    US M ar hal neverexit snceno l char agai tt M ovantevere st
           s s         sed i      egal ges ns he            xi ed.

    l2. St em ent ofUSPO St
          at     s          even Aaserud t USPO wasnotadvi ed oft i cer i wihi 48 hours
                                    t    hat              s      he ncar aton t n
    asr r ,and t f t t y f
       equies      he act hat he ound outaboutt M ovanti cer ton i J
                                               he      ncar a i n anuar 2011,whe t
                                                                         y       n hey
    have r ve fom t M ovanta c oft M oton f t Ret r ofPr t
          ecei d r he             opy he      i or he ' n
                                                        u       opery.

    13.l er ogat y r
        nt r ol espons oft D ef nt admitng t abs
                      e he enda s,      ti he ence ofs  urveil
                                                             lancecam er dat f om t
                                                                        as a, r he
    har drveoft comput ,an i
       d i     he    er    mporantpi ofe de f t il s ch and s zur conduct by
                               t   ece vi nce or he legal ear      ei e        ed.
    t Def
     he endant s.

   1 Adm isi of Def ndant a copi oft Deni Doc ent ,showi cl t tt M ovantw as
    4.       s on       e    s nd   es he      al um s          ng ear ha he
   deni accesst r i ous s vi on Sundays whie he was a r i
        ed       o elgi    er ces        , l           esdentofDim as hous a l t whie
                                                                 s        e, nd a er l
   on Hom e Confnem ent D ef nt i
                i      , enda s nvoki t r on otFede alGui i whih do notexit Fe al
                                     ng he eas   -   r      delne c            s s. der
   Gover ent r ai neutal when i com es t r i on pr i a dit
          nm    em ns      r      t       o elgi    actces nd sances t f om a r i ous
                                                                         o/r      elgi
   i tt i t any halw a house.Feder Gover ent does not get i ved w ih r i on athalway
    ns im on o        f y           al     nm               nvol     t elgi         f
   hous es.

    l Ref al of t Def nt t pr
     5.   us      he enda s o oduce al docum e s and ans al wrten i erogat i whie
                                        l       nt      wer 1 it nt r ores, l
    i si t t y have com pled wih a1 rul ofD icovel
    nsitng hat he        i    t 1 es        s    y.

   1 M ovantsover400 pages ofm edi r ds fom Fede alBur u Ofprs M edi St f Recor
    6.        '                  cal ecor r      r     ea     ion    cal af ,    ds
   fom M em ori Hos t ,Br ar Hos t and va ous physci s
    r          al pial ow d       pial    ri      i ans hown t m edialcondii of t
                                                             he    c       tons he
   M ovant.

   l7. A dm i son of Def ntDer Thom as s a i t Ehe kne t M ovantw as sck,buthe di not
             si        enda   ek        t tng hat ç   w he            i         d
   know how sck he was' eve when he sgned t o docum ent s nt t CCM Caros Rodrgues
               i         ', n          i      w        s e o             l      i ,
   acknowl ng t s ver clr cm edi condii t tt M ovanthas.'
          edgi he e al zoni      cal     tons ha he        '

   l8. Docum ent sgned by Lashonda Adam s and Der Thom as,Sentt t CCM /BOP r
               si                                ek           o he          equesi t
                                                                                 tng hat
   t M ovantbe pl d i Hom e Confnm entduet hi s ver chr c m edi condii
   he            ace n           i          o s e al oni        cal  tons.

   l9. Copi of Dim as I dent Re s w rte on t r f n , f t s e i dent t t has
            es    s    nci     port, it n   he e olns or he am nci  hat ook
   oc r on t s e day,s etm e,and i t s epl
     cur ed he am       am i       n he am ace.

   20.Copy ofone tll e M ade l dentRepol ,bearng t nam e of Feder Bur OfPrsons,m ade
                  t-om        nci       f'    i he               al eau        i
   and sgne by Der Thom as w hen t l dent r r s d have been wrten on s e D im as
         i d       ek      ,       he nci    epol houl
                                                 t                   it       am   s
   Chartes I dentRepor f m ,snce t aleged t i dent have t
       ii nci          t or i     he l     wo nci s       aken pl on t s e dat s e
                                                                 ace    he am    e, am
   tm e and s epl
    i        am ace.

   21.Copy of t Condii of Hom e Confnem ent s i t H om e Contnem e Condii do not
              he     tons             i    s how ng hat     i     nt    tons
   m e i a hi a
      nton nyt ng bouta celul t ephone.
                           l ar el

   22. Ata1 tm es, al char wer sgned by Der k Thom as
           li       l     ges, e i         e         .

   23. Ther ar no docum ent or i tgatons writn orm ade by t CCM ,B. . USPO ,Com m uniy
           e e            s nvesi i        te              he     O P,               t
   SanctonsCent ,orany l a hort t Pl ntf eve vi at d any Comm uniy Cus ody Regul i .
       i       er       egal ut iy hat ai if r ol e               t    t       atons

   24.A copy oft Ret n t t l tt i Or wasne gi t t Pl ntf ,asrequi d by l
               he ' o he nsiuton der
                    ur                    ver ven o he ai if    re     aw.
Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 66 Entered on FLSD Docket 10/18/2011 Page 5 of 7

   25. W hie i cer ed atFDC M i i Pl ntf was notchar wih any ofens and hi cusody was
           l ncar at          am , ai if            ged t      f e      s t
   neve changed.He r ai i Com m uniy Cusody untlNi r e e fom f alprs
       r            em ned n      t     t      i s elas r eder i on.

   26. D im as Chartes does notha t l aut iy t r voke a prioner s Comm uniy Cust
          s        ii            ve he egal hort o e        s '            t   ody,and
   t e ar no document w ih r pectt t Pl ntf sCom muniy Cusody Revocaton,i s by any l
    her e             s t es       o he ai if'       t   t           i s ued       egal
   aut t

                             A PPLICABLE LEG AL STANDARD S

   l rFe r lRul ofCi lPr e ur 34( ( ( ,a pa t mus r pon i wrtng t a p od ton
    unde de a e         vi oc d e b)2)A)         ry t es d n ii o r uci
   r q se wihi 30 d ysofb i s r e s b e tt nle 6 a ,whih d s rbe t e meh f rc utng
    e ue td t n a         eng e v d, u j c o l ( ) c e c i s h t od o omp i
   t stmepei l a iin,Rul 6()pr viesf a a to lt e d ysi c ran i tnc s i l i
   hi i     rod, n ddto     e a o d or n ddiina hr e a n e ti nsa e , ncudng
   whe s r ie i c mpltd b malt a pe s s ls l
       n e vc s o ee y i o            ron' a t mown a dr s . (
                                                      d e s' ANDREA M .SI ONTON
                                                            '               M
   For purposesoft FederalRul ,Ran evasi or i
                  he         es        ve   ncom pl e dicl ur ans ,or res
                                                  et s os e, wer         pons i t be
                                                                             e so
   t e t d asa f iur t dicos ,ans rorr s
   r ae        al e o s l e we        e pondp Fe R. v. 37 a ( )
                                            ' d. Ci P. ( )3 .
   The Feder Rul ofCi lPr
            al es   vi ocedur pr de f lbe aldicove y.See Hi a v.Ta or 329 U. 495,
                             e ovi or i r s r             ckm n   yl ,     S.
   5 ( 9 .l g ne a:Pa te ma ob an d s o r r gadi a y matr notprvie d,whih i
    07 1 47) n e r l ris y t i ic vey e r ng n            te ,   i lge      c s
   r lva tt t s j c mat rivol d i te pe n a ton,wh t ri r ltst t cam orde e eof
   ee n o he ub e t te n ve n h ndig ci           ehe t eae o he li      f ns
   t pary seeki di
    he t        ng scover or t t cl m or def e of a ot r pary.. The i or i s
                           y o he ai       ens     ny he     t ..   nf maton oughtneed
   not be admi sbl at t ti i t i or aton s
              si e      he r al f he nf m i ought a ppear r onabl cal at t l d t t
                                                         s eas    y cul ed o ea o he
   dicove y ofadm i si e evi
     s r           s bl dence.

   De e nt mus dicos e r hi r que t d ores ll f r a pr t c i or runde Rul 26()1
     f nda s t s l e ve yt ng e se       le le o      o e tve de     r e c.
   Se ,eg. Fis OptonsofChia ,l .v.W alnsen,1 4 W L 451 ,* 3 ( D. .Fe uar 1 ,
     e . , rt i          c go nc     le t i 99           60    E. Pa br y 4
   1 94 .
    9 )
   Pr ectve or r a e avaiabl onl i t r es cicum sances A pary desrng a pr ectve or r m us
     ot i     de s r     l e y n he ar t r       t    .     t    ii     ot i      de     t
   de onsr e s fcaly, t ough an applc i t f or enum er e i Pa y v. Bor
     m tat pecii l hr                 iaton he act s          at d n ns           ough of
   Stou bur 23F. 7 ,785( d Ci.1 9 a d Gln deTr s Co. Tho on, F.d47 483( d
    r ds g, 3d 72          3 r 9 4) n e me        u t v. mps 56 3 6, 3
   Ci.l 95)t td s l u ewoul wor acla l d fne a s ro ij y u hi
     r 9 ha icos r        d k e ry e d nd e ius n ur pon m.
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          t eeki    ot i      der he den         tatng        e,    g.      ot
   Ci o Wihia, F. D.6 ,63 ( Ka 20 ) a d c nno s t i t tb d n smpl b ofe ig
     t f c t 239 R. 30 3 D. n. 06 , n a t usan ha ur e i y y frn
   c ncus y sae nt. eTole tsmih v Bo
    o l or tt me s Se b r- t . dman, 3F. D. 4 ( D. 2 ) Exu v Unie
                                      25 R. 2, D. C. 008 , m . td
   St e Ol cCommite 2 F. D. ,2 ( Col 20 ) C pa t mo ng f ap oe tveo de
    ats ympi      te , 09 R. 201 06 D. o. 02 .ç ry vi or r tci r r
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   Fiancal r ie , nc, 1 F. D. 3, - ( Ka 2 3)
    n i Se vc s I .2 7 R. 53 536 37 D. n. 00
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          i avorng  usi       e l    wei   ai if' ed or he        s
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     e .,      i       rc n wai us s n ,         2 23, 26 9t r 9 ) o n.
   M er poltn Liel u a e Compa y,1 F. D.546 5 - 9 ( D. Y.1 6) Cul r Foo ,l c.
      to ia f ns r nc         n 69 R.       , 48 4 S. N. 99 ; i y ds n v.
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     yc m l 51 R. 97, 4 N. 1. 99 ) e
              p.                                       tng us e ti p ain,
   F. D. 1 433 3 ( D. 1 78)
    R. 43 , - 4 E. Pa. 9 .
   A c tm ay compeldicover r ponseswhen <a pat f l t ans r an i erogat y s it under
      our             s    y es          t ry àis o we        nt r or ubm ted
   Rul 33,ori a pary,i r pons t a r
      e     f      t n es e o eques f i pecton s it underRul 34,f l t r pond t
                                    t or ns i ubm ted             e   ais o es  hat
   i pe to wilbepe mitda r qu td.. . FED. CI P. ( )2)B) Asnotda ve Dee nt
   ns c in l      r te s e ese .'   '    R. V. 37 a ( ( .   e bo , fnda
Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 66 Entered on FLSD Docket 10/18/2011 Page 6 of 7

    hasf l t r pond t l er ogat y No. 26 and Re t f Pr
        aied o es   o nt r or                  quess or oducton ofDoc ent 19- Def
                                                             i       um s 22. endant
    s ul t rf ebeco le t rs nda bed e dt ha wav da ypotnilo jci .Se i ,
     ho d heeor      mpeld o epo nd e me o ve ie n e ta be tons e d.          '
    FED.R.CI P.3 b ( (W ny gr undnotsae i atmel o j ci i wave ...) M a' v.Kel
             V. 3( )4) ç      o      ttd n i y b e ton s i d. ' ; l
                                                                  '   x     ly,
    Ha t& Hal n, C.929F. 8,1 ( s Ci. a s 1 91 ( rRul 3 'ift r s ndi pa t fis
      r     lma P. ,      2d 2 1 t r M s . 9 ) Unde e 4,' q he e po ng ry a l
    t ma atmeyo jci o fist saet rasnfra o jci hema behedtha ewav a
    o ke i l be ton, r al o tt he e o o n be ton,         y   l o v ied ny
    o a1ofhi obe to .l W ilr v. tlai Fihi Co p. 1 6F. D.2 31( M a s 1 91
     rl     s j c ins' ; la d Conselton s ng r , 3 R. 8, D. s . 9 )
   (' iur t fl a tmey o j ci t a r q s frpr c in o do u nt c tt tsa wave o a y
    ' l e o ie i l b e ton o e ue t o odu to f c me s onsiue
     Fa                                                               irfn
   o j ci wh c apa t mi ha t t r qu ss';Rus ov. a n,1 85U. Dit LEXI 2 8(
    b e tons ih ry ght ve o he e e t.l s Ge ga 9
                                         '                  S. s.    S 051 D.
   Ma s Ap . 1 )('f'pat fist fl tmeyo jci t i ergaore,s hf l ec siue a
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      i r n be tons c         ry ght v o he e es.)  '      eul, fnd nt t ow
   a we Pli if' so r rq sswiho o jci .
    ns r antfsdic vey e ue t t ut be tons

                                     CONCLUSK N

   Thi Cours hast aut iy t or s i i t Def ndant ort rAtor have f l t com pl
      s    t    he hort o der anctons f he e   s hei t ney     aied o     y
   wih t Di
     t he scovel pr
                y ocedures.

   W HEREFORE,t M ova r pectuly r ques Def nda s M oton t Sti Pl ntf sM otonst Compel
               he     nt es f l e t e nt             i o rke ai if'       i o       ,
   Suppl ent M otonsand M oton t St Di cover Fr Pl ntf be deni and t t scourtgr any
       em al i             i o ay s         y om ai if        ed    hat hi      ant
   f herr i i deem sa oprat i udi s i agai tt Def
    urt elef t       ppr i e, ncl ng anctons ns he endant .   s

   D at O c ober 1 2011
      ed: t       5,                               Res f l s it d,
                                                      pectuly ubm te

                                                  T /e 's, ,,
                                                  / ' /vJ z. ,
                                                   TRAI BU J
                                                       AN        VEANU ,Pr Se
Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 66 Entered on FLSD Docket 10/18/2011 Page 7 of 7

                                CERTIFICATE OF SER VICE

   lhe eby certf t on oraboutOCTOBER 15,20l1a tueand cor ectcopy oft f egoi docum ent
      r       iy hat                          r         r          he or ng
   wass ved upon t f l ng vi t Unied St esPosalServi Fis Cl sM ai:
        er        he olowi    a he t    at    t      ce, r t as      l

   D im asChartes,l ,
     s        ii nc.
   14lN . .1 St Avenue
         W     .
   Dani FL 33004-
       a,        2835

   Ana G iper
         s t
   Di m asChartes,nc.
     s        ii l
   1 1N . .1St Avenue
    4 W        .
   Dani FL 33004-
       a,        2835

   Der Thom as
   Dim asChartesl
     s       ii ,nc.
   1 1N . .1St Ave
    4    W    . nue
   Da a,FL 33004-
     ni          2835

   Las ndaA dam s
   Dim asChartesl
     s       ii ,nc.
   1 N . .1 St Ave
    4l W      . nue
   Dani , 33004-
       a FL      2835

   Davi S.Chai , quie
       d       etEs r
   Ator y f Def ndant
     t ne or e       s
   4000 Holywood Boulvar
           l        e d
   Suie265- h
      t     Sout
   Holywood, 3302l
      l      FL

                  S d

                               r p ,y
                               /    z                  s/r nt
                                                          a f
                               TRAI BUJ
                                   AN     D EA U ,PRO SE
                               5601W .BRO W ARD BLVD.
                               PLANTATI ON,FL 33317

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Plaintifff traian bujduveanu's brief in response to defendants dismas charities,inc.,ana gispert,derek thomas, and adams lashanda's motion to strike plaintiff;s motion to compel,supplemental motions and motion to stay discovery from plaintiff

  • 1. Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 66 Entered on FLSD Docket 10/18/2011 Page 1 of 7 FI by LED D. C. 00T 12 otd1 w O z1 , - I TH E UNI N TED STA TES D ISTRI CO URT FO R CT sTEvEN M L VORE - ARIS CLERI I S DI C-. fJ t r M- TH E SO UTHERN DI STRI OF FLO RI A CT D Su'J>of L . .. i h 1 ) 'F , u ? I . . ) A c ?A / XJ 1 . . % =1 1 CA SE NO . 1I- : ZOIZO- V- TZ/ M ONTON CI SEI SI TRAI BUJ AN DUVEAN U , Pl ntf , ai if >' DI AS CHARI ES, I C. ANA GISPERT, SM TI N , DEREK THOM A S a AD AM S LESHOTA D ef nt enda s. nd vX , PLAI TIFF TR AI BUJDUVEANU ' BR I I RESPONSE TO DEFENDANTS DI A S N AN S EF N SM CH ARITI I C. ANA G I ES. N , SPERT. DEREK TH OM AS,AND ADAM S LASHAND A' M O TION S TO S KE PLAI FF' MOTI TO CUM/EL S TRI NTI S ONS UPPLEMENTAL MOTJ ANp ONS M OTI N TO STAY DISCO VER Y FRO M PLA I FF O NTI Pl ntf TrinBudu a ,Pr Se heenatrMo ntmo e t sCo tt fl hi Bre i Repo et ai if aa j ve nu o , ri fe va , v s hi ur o ie s if n s ns o Def ndant M oton t Sti Pl ntf sM otonst Com pel Suppl entlM otonsand M oton t St e s i o rke ai if i o , em a i i o ay D icover Fr Pl ntf , and stt asf l s y om ai if a e olows: Fl On Oct r l2,2011 Def ndant have fld wih t Unied St esCourt l. obe , e s ie t he t at house, Sout n Di ti Of her srct orda aM oton To St ke Pl ntf sM otonsTo Compel Suppl e alM otonsand M oton To St i i ri ai if i , em nt i i ay Dicover Fr Pl ntf . s y om ai if 2. Def endant ar f d i onehand wih t pos biiy ofbei or rby t Courtt di cl e i s e ace n t he si lt ng de he o s os f Def endant have everbeen ar esed and i t have everbeen apartofany l ui i t pas and ot r s r t f hey aws t n he t he , wrten i e r oreswhi w ilr it nt r ogat i ch l evealunpl antD icover f s t pos i lt oft cour t or eas s y act, he sbiiy he t o der t dicl ur ofal poltcalc rbutonsa t na e oft per on atDim ashousewho w asi ved he s os e l ii onti i nd he m he s s nvol w ih l t obbyi t mayoroft Ciy ofDani , a ot s and f whatr ng he he t a nd her , or easons t ef e r , her or evealng m or i e unpl a D icover f s, ori t ot hand,foodi t Cour wih doc ent , and f ci t M eas nt s y act n he her l ng he t t um s or ng he ovantt fl aM oton f Sum m a y Judgm e , t swa t Cour wilf ge aboutal Di coveres o ie i or r nt hi y he t l or t l s i i ues whi h may alo bri a Deparm entofJ tcei ss , c s ng t us i nvestga i . The trgetoft Def nt i t hi i ton a he enda s s o de any Dicovcr fom t Cour orpublc, atany prc s y r he t i ie. 3. Def nt have f ld,delber el , pr m ediat and cal at t wrten i er ogat i a w er enda s aie i at y e t ed cul ed he it nt r ores ns s and di osur ofcom pl e docum e sr scl e et nt equess t plyi a cl t, hus a ng everSt lTactcsgam e, yeti i i t al i nsstng hat t have compled wih al Dicover r quesstm el a pr l , and t tt M ovantdoesnot hey i t l s y e t i y nd opery ha he unde t rsand. Under t FederalR ul ,i i notf Def he es t s or endant t de erm i whati orm aton i t e do so t ne nf i n hes i cum ents srelevant l Def . f endant wi s shest wihhol t si orm aton, t m us obtai a prot i order. o t d hi nf i hey t n ectve
  • 2. Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 66 Entered on FLSD Docket 10/18/2011 Page 2 of 7 4. Def endanthave not ans t f l i wrten i erogat i and di not pr wer he olow ng it nt r ores d oduce t f l ng he olowi docum ent i s, nvoki varousr onsf whi t have notr ved apr ectve or fom t sCour: ng i eas or ch hey ecei ot i der r hi t a Ans r t Pli ifs Fis Se o I e r gao is prpou d on De e da Dima Cha iis l , ) we s o antf ' rt t f ntro tre , o nde f n n s s rte , nc. Quesins l 2,5, 7 8 1 1 ,l to : , 6, , , 0, 1 2. b)Ans st t Se o Se o l e r gao i spr po wer o he c nd t f ntro tre o unde o Dima Cha iis l .Que to 3. d n s s rte , nc, sin: c Ans r t t Fis Se ofI t rog t ispr und d o De e da t AnaGipe t De e Thomasa d ) we s o he rt t n er aore opo e n f n n s s r, rk n La ha Ada s Que to :1 2, 4, 6, 8,1 l 1 l 1 . s nda m , sins , 3, 5, 7, 0, 2, 3, 4, 5 d)Ans r t Pl ntf ' Se o Se o I e r t re pr ou d o Dee a s Ana Gipe t D er we s o ai ifs c nd t f ntrogao is op nde n fnd nt s r, ek Thomas Las a Ad ms Que ton: , h nda a , si 3 e Ans r t Plitf sFis Re ue tf rPr ducin ofDoc n sQue tons l 2,3, 7,8, ll l ) we s o an if rt q s o o to ume t si : , 4, 9, , 4, l l6,22,24. 5, 9 Ans r t PliifsSe o Re ue tf rPr ucin o Doc n sQue to : 3 5, 8, 1 l1 wes o atf' c nd q s o od to f ume t sins 2, , 7, 9, 0, . 5. The r toft ans e ed ques i ar vague. Def es he w r tons e endant s d be com pelby t sCour t r s houl hi t o espond t o al wrten i e r orcsand r l it nt r ogat i eques f pr t or oducton ofdocum ent al overagai , beca et do nothave i s l n us hey a s e orr pectf t opposi pary orf t s Cour. l f tt y si ed fom t begi ng t ny ham es or he ng t or hi t n ac he gnal r he nni hat t y do norver m uch car a he y e boutanyone and t y wilnotr eas a docum ent . he l el e ny s 6. Techni l t movanthasnotvi at t Or Seti TralDat , Pr ralDeadlnesand Ref r t caly he ol ed he der tng i e eti i er al o M agitat docketnumber44,as sat by t Def nda s On t contar even t sr e, t ed he e nt . he r y, hough t M agitat he sr e hasnotr equesed am oton t com pel t M a sr t saei he Or r( # 5 t f lwig:t ai if t i o , he gitae tt n r de DE 2) he olo n t ntf pl m ay fl a renewed m oton t com pel i appropri e,afer Def ie i o ,f at t endant tm e t res s' i o pond hasexpi red. I addii t partes are rem i d,i cas of di covery di es t adhere t t D icover n ton, he i nde n es s sput , o o he s y Procedures i t Courts Order Set i Tri D at , Pret alDeadlnes and Ref n he ' tng al e ri i erralt M agi t e o s rat ( #4 at4)( DE 4 ANDREA M .SI ONTON UNI M TED STATES M AGI STM TE JUDGE) 7.M ovantw aswaii f an ans erf om t court att s e tm ebei f tng or w r he , he am i ng aced wih s eravaia e t hort l bl tm e t conductany i tgaton oft D ef i o nvesi i he endant , and t pos i lt ofnotobt ni t pr s he sbiiy ai ng he oper Discover f s.Readi t mat i i t scas , i doesnott a l ofl experence f a y act ng he eral n hi e t ake ot egal i or nyone t o seet il and crm i act com m it by t Def he legal i nal s ted he endant . Thi i nota materoft Dicover t s ss t he s y hat t M ovantwoul lke,m one orvendeta, assat by t Def ndant .Thi i a m aterofJ tce. he di y t t ed he e s ss t usi 8.Def endant ke r t atng t f t t M ovantdoesnotunder t i a atem ptt cr e a s pt eier i he act hat he sand n n t o eat di son and r r t atenton oft sCour. I i tue t t M ovantdoesnotha any f m all ver i ediect he t i hi t t s r hat he ve or egal educaton ortai ng.Howevert tw oul notst hi oranyone t s t dif enc be- een rghtand i r ni ha d op m o ee he fer e i wr ast scas i f 1ofil galand crm i act . ong hi e s u1 le i nal s 9. Up t notver l ago,Ator f t def o y ong t ney or he endant wascompl ni aboutf elng s r f t s ai ng e i or y or he Gover nmentt s o pend a1 t sm one f t snons ecase. W hen he l ne t D im asChartest l hi y or hi ens ear d hat s ii akes $ 00 00 us pe ye r fo t txpa e s and we a1 know how t s 40, 0, 0 d r a , r m he a y r , l hey pend i,he c t hanged hi r ori , s het c t stm e f elng s ry f t Def hi i e i or. or he endant whi ha t s s ch ve o pend a1 t sm oney. Thi afert Ator f l hi s t he t ney or t Def he endant getpai m or a a l s d e nd ongertm e. Thi s scl rt ki ofpeopl t ar and t s i s how ea he nd e hey e, hi Coul needst go no f her ' t o urt .
  • 3. Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 66 Entered on FLSD Docket 10/18/2011 Page 3 of 7 9. Fr t i om he ncepton oft s c e, t A tom ey f t Def i hi as he t or he endant ,has be usi per onalatacks and s en ng s t i ini i on t M ovant M r Chai f s no r er i aboutmi r es i f ct t t s Cour and ntl daton he . . et eel es vaton sepr entng a s o hi t ot s sali t scas by gi ng i r cti on'aton. He hascaled t M ovanthom e,as ng ques i her , t lng hi e vi ncor e nf n i l he ki tons s as:tW ler do you t nk you wantt go w ih t scas '';tW hatdo you w a ? Do you wantyour uch t ze hi o t hi e' ? l nt t ephoneback ?',and ot sm iarquesi whi ar i pr el ' her i l tons ch e m operf t scas . M r Chai has c oss t or hi e . et r ed he boundal ofl tm at advocacy and he needst l ar t t e t i w'l notbe t er t d. y egii e o e n hat hes actcs il ol a e Lawr rsar notfee,lke l e ca ye e r i oos nnons t fr atwilupon any t r of opporuniy whi a , o ie l a get t t ch ppear on s t l he egall nds a cape.The pr i of 1 i notand cannotbe a fee-ie zone. 'Cannon v.Chery H il actce aw s r fr ' r l Toyot I . 1 F. D. 1 1 162 ( N..l 99 ( uotn Th s n v.No n E.Le r P. ,1 2 a, nc, 90 R. 47, 6 - D. J 9 ) q ig oma o nna he , C. 8 F. D.1 1 1 3 ( N..1 8). R. 2 , 2 D. J 99 ) 1 Thi Honor eCour can s t evi 0. s abl t ee he denceaccumul ed i t scas untlt y. One s d i agi at n hi e i oda houl m ne how m uch m or evi e dence,f sand docum ent wilcome t t s f i t sCourtwoul or rt act s l o he urace f hi d de he Defendant t r pond t al wrten i erogat i and pr s o es o l it nt r ores oducton ofal doc ent . i 1 um s ACCUM ULATED EVIDEN CE M ovantr y upon t f l ng evi nce: el he olowi de 1.The il i r aton oft M ovanta FDC M i if 75 days legal nca cer i he t am br . 2. Defendant have cons r d t a ca s pie o, nd used f se i prionm e by usi t ce lphone i dentas a al m s nt ng he l nci m eantt caus M ovantsi rce aton,when t knew i f cti wasnotl . o e ' nca r i hey n a t egal 3. The deci on t send t Pl ntf back t Feder Prs wasentr y m ade by t Def si o he ai if o al ion iel he endant . s 4. The il se ch a s zur oft vehi e dri by t M ovantand t coverup oft i dent legal ar nd ei e he cl ven he he - he nci . 5. Defendant pr ediatd and cal a ed destoyed s s, em t e cult r urveil lance ca e a evi m r dence, sor i t t ed n he c put har drve,when t y knew t i i unl f t destoy docum e sand dat w hi s d be om er d i he hat t s aw ul o r nt a ch houl pr s r ed f 30 ye r .( i na pe lis f u a uly d sr i da gig or r mo ng fde a e e v or a s Crmi l nate or nlwf l e toyng, ma n e vi e r l r ds a e addr ed i 18 USC 2071 793,794 and 7989.) ecor r ess n , 6. Two docum e s sgned by t D ef nt Lashonda Adams and Der Thom as, s t t CCM / nt i he enda s ek ent o he BOP,i whi t y acknowl n ch he edged t se alc oni m edi condii oft M ovant he ver hr c cal tons he . 7. Atal,tm est M ovantw asr ti ed by hi m edi condii t pe f m any t ofwor . li he esrct s cal tons o r or ype k 8. Ata1 tmes,he Def 1i t endat swer f l a e ofPai irsm edi c ton. nt e uly war ntf cal ondii 9. Adm isi ofDef s on endant t copi oft M ovantDrvi Re d fom t Cl k O fThe Courtand s hat es he i ng cor r he er from DM V i Talahas Fl i Copy ofvald St e ofFl i Dri Li ns , Copi of t vehi c n l see, orda, i at orda ver ce e es he cl i ur ns ance f om A lsat I ur r lt e ns ance Company,w e e atDim ashous , i t M ova ' r d fl f som e r s e n he nts ecor ie, or tm e. i 1 St em ent of FD C M i i Couns or Prce and 1D C M i i Uni M a r Ha r s , t an 0. at s am el i 7 am t nage r i on hat i tgaton orc gesagai tt M ovantneve exit and t i cer i wasilgal nves i i har ns he r sed he ncar aton le . 3
  • 4. Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 66 Entered on FLSD Docket 10/18/2011 Page 4 of 7 l1. St em entof CCM Diect CarosRodrguez t an i tgaton by Feder Bur of Prs or at r or l i hat nvesi i al eau ions US M ar hal neverexit snceno l char agai tt M ovantevere st s s sed i egal ges ns he xi ed. l2. St em ent ofUSPO St at s even Aaserud t USPO wasnotadvi ed oft i cer i wihi 48 hours t hat s he ncar aton t n asr r ,and t f t t y f equies he act hat he ound outaboutt M ovanti cer ton i J he ncar a i n anuar 2011,whe t y n hey have r ve fom t M ovanta c oft M oton f t Ret r ofPr t ecei d r he opy he i or he ' n u opery. 13.l er ogat y r nt r ol espons oft D ef nt admitng t abs e he enda s, ti he ence ofs urveil lancecam er dat f om t as a, r he har drveoft comput ,an i d i he er mporantpi ofe de f t il s ch and s zur conduct by t ece vi nce or he legal ear ei e ed. t Def he endant s. 1 Adm isi of Def ndant a copi oft Deni Doc ent ,showi cl t tt M ovantw as 4. s on e s nd es he al um s ng ear ha he deni accesst r i ous s vi on Sundays whie he was a r i ed o elgi er ces , l esdentofDim as hous a l t whie s e, nd a er l on Hom e Confnem ent D ef nt i i , enda s nvoki t r on otFede alGui i whih do notexit Fe al ng he eas - r delne c s s. der Gover ent r ai neutal when i com es t r i on pr i a dit nm em ns r t o elgi actces nd sances t f om a r i ous o/r elgi i tt i t any halw a house.Feder Gover ent does not get i ved w ih r i on athalway ns im on o f y al nm nvol t elgi f hous es. l Ref al of t Def nt t pr 5. us he enda s o oduce al docum e s and ans al wrten i erogat i whie l nt wer 1 it nt r ores, l i si t t y have com pled wih a1 rul ofD icovel nsitng hat he i t 1 es s y. 1 M ovantsover400 pages ofm edi r ds fom Fede alBur u Ofprs M edi St f Recor 6. ' cal ecor r r ea ion cal af , ds fom M em ori Hos t ,Br ar Hos t and va ous physci s r al pial ow d pial ri i ans hown t m edialcondii of t he c tons he M ovant. l7. A dm i son of Def ntDer Thom as s a i t Ehe kne t M ovantw as sck,buthe di not si enda ek t tng hat ç w he i d know how sck he was' eve when he sgned t o docum ent s nt t CCM Caros Rodrgues i ', n i w s e o l i , acknowl ng t s ver clr cm edi condii t tt M ovanthas.' edgi he e al zoni cal tons ha he ' l8. Docum ent sgned by Lashonda Adam s and Der Thom as,Sentt t CCM /BOP r si ek o he equesi t tng hat t M ovantbe pl d i Hom e Confnm entduet hi s ver chr c m edi condii he ace n i o s e al oni cal tons. l9. Copi of Dim as I dent Re s w rte on t r f n , f t s e i dent t t has es s nci port, it n he e olns or he am nci hat ook oc r on t s e day,s etm e,and i t s epl cur ed he am am i n he am ace. 20.Copy ofone tll e M ade l dentRepol ,bearng t nam e of Feder Bur OfPrsons,m ade t-om nci f' i he al eau i and sgne by Der Thom as w hen t l dent r r s d have been wrten on s e D im as i d ek , he nci epol houl t it am s Chartes I dentRepor f m ,snce t aleged t i dent have t ii nci t or i he l wo nci s aken pl on t s e dat s e ace he am e, am tm e and s epl i am ace. 21.Copy of t Condii of Hom e Confnem ent s i t H om e Contnem e Condii do not he tons i s how ng hat i nt tons m e i a hi a nton nyt ng bouta celul t ephone. l ar el 22. Ata1 tm es, al char wer sgned by Der k Thom as li l ges, e i e . 23. Ther ar no docum ent or i tgatons writn orm ade by t CCM ,B. . USPO ,Com m uniy e e s nvesi i te he O P, t SanctonsCent ,orany l a hort t Pl ntf eve vi at d any Comm uniy Cus ody Regul i . i er egal ut iy hat ai if r ol e t t atons 24.A copy oft Ret n t t l tt i Or wasne gi t t Pl ntf ,asrequi d by l he ' o he nsiuton der ur ver ven o he ai if re aw.
  • 5. Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 66 Entered on FLSD Docket 10/18/2011 Page 5 of 7 25. W hie i cer ed atFDC M i i Pl ntf was notchar wih any ofens and hi cusody was l ncar at am , ai if ged t f e s t neve changed.He r ai i Com m uniy Cusody untlNi r e e fom f alprs r em ned n t t i s elas r eder i on. 26. D im as Chartes does notha t l aut iy t r voke a prioner s Comm uniy Cust s ii ve he egal hort o e s ' t ody,and t e ar no document w ih r pectt t Pl ntf sCom muniy Cusody Revocaton,i s by any l her e s t es o he ai if' t t i s ued egal aut t horiy. A PPLICABLE LEG AL STANDARD S ç l rFe r lRul ofCi lPr e ur 34( ( ( ,a pa t mus r pon i wrtng t a p od ton unde de a e vi oc d e b)2)A) ry t es d n ii o r uci r q se wihi 30 d ysofb i s r e s b e tt nle 6 a ,whih d s rbe t e meh f rc utng e ue td t n a eng e v d, u j c o l ( ) c e c i s h t od o omp i t stmepei l a iin,Rul 6()pr viesf a a to lt e d ysi c ran i tnc s i l i hi i rod, n ddto e a o d or n ddiina hr e a n e ti nsa e , ncudng whe s r ie i c mpltd b malt a pe s s ls l n e vc s o ee y i o ron' a t mown a dr s . ( d e s' ANDREA M .SI ONTON ' M UNI TED STATES M AGI STM TE JUDGE) For purposesoft FederalRul ,Ran evasi or i he es ve ncom pl e dicl ur ans ,or res et s os e, wer pons i t be e so t e t d asa f iur t dicos ,ans rorr s r ae al e o s l e we e pondp Fe R. v. 37 a ( ) ' d. Ci P. ( )3 . ' The Feder Rul ofCi lPr al es vi ocedur pr de f lbe aldicove y.See Hi a v.Ta or 329 U. 495, e ovi or i r s r ckm n yl , S. 5 ( 9 .l g ne a:Pa te ma ob an d s o r r gadi a y matr notprvie d,whih i 07 1 47) n e r l ris y t i ic vey e r ng n te , i lge c s r lva tt t s j c mat rivol d i te pe n a ton,wh t ri r ltst t cam orde e eof ee n o he ub e t te n ve n h ndig ci ehe t eae o he li f ns t pary seeki di he t ng scover or t t cl m or def e of a ot r pary.. The i or i s y o he ai ens ny he t .. nf maton oughtneed not be admi sbl at t ti i t i or aton s si e he r al f he nf m i ought a ppear r onabl cal at t l d t t s eas y cul ed o ea o he dicove y ofadm i si e evi s r s bl dence. De e nt mus dicos e r hi r que t d ores ll f r a pr t c i or runde Rul 26()1 f nda s t s l e ve yt ng e se le le o o e tve de r e c. Se ,eg. Fis OptonsofChia ,l .v.W alnsen,1 4 W L 451 ,* 3 ( D. .Fe uar 1 , e . , rt i c go nc le t i 99 60 E. Pa br y 4 1 94 . 9 ) Pr ectve or r a e avaiabl onl i t r es cicum sances A pary desrng a pr ectve or r m us ot i de s r l e y n he ar t r t . t ii ot i de t de onsr e s fcaly, t ough an applc i t f or enum er e i Pa y v. Bor m tat pecii l hr iaton he act s at d n ns ough of Stou bur 23F. 7 ,785( d Ci.1 9 a d Gln deTr s Co. Tho on, F.d47 483( d r ds g, 3d 72 3 r 9 4) n e me u t v. mps 56 3 6, 3 Ci.l 95)t td s l u ewoul wor acla l d fne a s ro ij y u hi r 9 ha icos r d k e ry e d nd e ius n ur pon m. The pary s ng a pr ectve or hast bur ofdem onsr i good caus see,e. ,Semsr h v. t eeki ot i der he den tatng e, g. ot Ci o Wihia, F. D.6 ,63 ( Ka 20 ) a d c nno s t i t tb d n smpl b ofe ig t f c t 239 R. 30 3 D. n. 06 , n a t usan ha ur e i y y frn y c ncus y sae nt. eTole tsmih v Bo o l or tt me s Se b r- t . dman, 3F. D. 4 ( D. 2 ) Exu v Unie 25 R. 2, D. C. 008 , m . td . St e Ol cCommite 2 F. D. ,2 ( Col 20 ) C pa t mo ng f ap oe tveo de ats ympi te , 09 R. 201 06 D. o. 02 .ç ry vi or r tci r r A mustmake a t tcul and s fc dem onsr i off 'i s pari ar pecii taton act n uppor ofisr t t equest' Ai .' kens v.D el uxe Fiancal r ie , nc, 1 F. D. 3, - ( Ka 2 3) n i Se vc s I .2 7 R. 53 536 37 D. n. 00 The polcy f i excl on mustclary out gh pl ntf sne f t docum ent . i avorng usi e l wei ai if' ed or he s Se ,eg. Dowlng v.Ame ia Ha i Cr ie ,l c. 97lF.d 4 425- ( h Ci.1 92 ,Tr upi v. e ., i rc n wai us s n , 2 23, 26 9t r 9 ) o n. M er poltn Liel u a e Compa y,1 F. D.546 5 - 9 ( D. Y.1 6) Cul r Foo ,l c. to ia f ns r nc n 69 R. , 48 4 S. N. 99 ; i y ds n v. na Ra he Co' ,1 F. D.2 30 ( D.11 1 3 ;W'bb.V.W esi ho e Elcrc Cor orto 81 yc m l 51 R. 97, 4 N. 1. 99 ) e p. tng us e ti p ain, F. D. 1 433 3 ( D. 1 78) R. 43 , - 4 E. Pa. 9 . A c tm ay compeldicover r ponseswhen <a pat f l t ans r an i erogat y s it under our s y es t ry àis o we nt r or ubm ted Rul 33,ori a pary,i r pons t a r e f t n es e o eques f i pecton s it underRul 34,f l t r pond t t or ns i ubm ted e ais o es hat i pe to wilbepe mitda r qu td.. . FED. CI P. ( )2)B) Asnotda ve Dee nt ns c in l r te s e ese .' ' R. V. 37 a ( ( . e bo , fnda
  • 6. Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 66 Entered on FLSD Docket 10/18/2011 Page 6 of 7 hasf l t r pond t l er ogat y No. 26 and Re t f Pr aied o es o nt r or quess or oducton ofDoc ent 19- Def i um s 22. endant s ul t rf ebeco le t rs nda bed e dt ha wav da ypotnilo jci .Se i , ho d heeor mpeld o epo nd e me o ve ie n e ta be tons e d. ' FED.R.CI P.3 b ( (W ny gr undnotsae i atmel o j ci i wave ...) M a' v.Kel V. 3( )4) ç o ttd n i y b e ton s i d. ' ; l ' x ly, Ha t& Hal n, C.929F. 8,1 ( s Ci. a s 1 91 ( rRul 3 'ift r s ndi pa t fis r lma P. , 2d 2 1 t r M s . 9 ) Unde e 4,' q he e po ng ry a l g t ma atmeyo jci o fist saet rasnfra o jci hema behedtha ewav a o ke i l be ton, r al o tt he e o o n be ton, y l o v ied ny o a1ofhi obe to .l W ilr v. tlai Fihi Co p. 1 6F. D.2 31( M a s 1 91 rl s j c ins' ; la d Conselton s ng r , 3 R. 8, D. s . 9 ) f (' iur t fl a tmey o j ci t a r q s frpr c in o do u nt c tt tsa wave o a y ' l e o ie i l b e ton o e ue t o odu to f c me s onsiue Fa irfn o j ci wh c apa t mi ha t t r qu ss';Rus ov. a n,1 85U. Dit LEXI 2 8( b e tons ih ry ght ve o he e e t.l s Ge ga 9 ' S. s. S 051 D. Ma s Ap . 1 )('f'pat fist fl tmeyo jci t i ergaore,s hf l ec siue a s . r 22, 985 ' a ry al o ie i l be tons o ntro t is uc ai onttts I ur wave ofa y oj ci whih apat mi ha e t t rqu t'.Asars t Dee a mus n i r n be tons c ry ght v o he e es.) ' eul, fnd nt t ow a we Pli if' so r rq sswiho o jci . ns r antfsdic vey e ue t t ut be tons CONCLUSK N Thi Cours hast aut iy t or s i i t Def ndant ort rAtor have f l t com pl s t he hort o der anctons f he e s hei t ney aied o y wih t Di t he scovel pr y ocedures. W HEREFORE,t M ova r pectuly r ques Def nda s M oton t Sti Pl ntf sM otonst Compel he nt es f l e t e nt i o rke ai if' i o , Suppl ent M otonsand M oton t St Di cover Fr Pl ntf be deni and t t scourtgr any em al i i o ay s y om ai if ed hat hi ant f herr i i deem sa oprat i udi s i agai tt Def urt elef t ppr i e, ncl ng anctons ns he endant . s D at O c ober 1 2011 ed: t 5, Res f l s it d, pectuly ubm te T /e 's, ,, / ' /vJ z. , TRAI BU J AN VEANU ,Pr Se o
  • 7. Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 66 Entered on FLSD Docket 10/18/2011 Page 7 of 7 CERTIFICATE OF SER VICE lhe eby certf t on oraboutOCTOBER 15,20l1a tueand cor ectcopy oft f egoi docum ent r iy hat r r he or ng wass ved upon t f l ng vi t Unied St esPosalServi Fis Cl sM ai: er he olowi a he t at t ce, r t as l D im asChartes,l , s ii nc. 14lN . .1 St Avenue W . Dani FL 33004- a, 2835 Ana G iper s t Di m asChartes,nc. s ii l 1 1N . .1St Avenue 4 W . Dani FL 33004- a, 2835 Der Thom as ek Dim asChartesl s ii ,nc. 1 1N . .1St Ave 4 W . nue Da a,FL 33004- ni 2835 Las ndaA dam s ha Dim asChartesl s ii ,nc. 1 N . .1 St Ave 4l W . nue Dani , 33004- a FL 2835 Davi S.Chai , quie d etEs r Ator y f Def ndant t ne or e s 4000 Holywood Boulvar l e d Suie265- h t Sout Holywood, 3302l l FL EXECUTED ON THI 15r DAY OF OCTOBER , 2011 S d r p ,y / z s/r nt a f TRAI BUJ AN D EA U ,PRO SE 5601W .BRO W ARD BLVD. , PLANTATI ON,FL 33317