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www.ciat.cgiar.orgSince 1967 / Science to cultivate change
14 May 2013
Andy Jarvis
Decision and Policy Analysis
• Cross-cutting, multi-disciplinary team who believe that better
decisions can be made with the power of information
• Supporting functions within CIAT, and global research
leadership in specific themes
• Reviewed in November 2012 and new strategic document
developed as a result
Decision and Policy Analysis
Incoming staff
(January – May 2013)
Decision and Policy Analysis
Gisella Cruz
Social Scientist
Ana María Loboguerrero
Program Leader for
Latin America
Purabi Bose
Social Scientist
Overall Vision and Thematic Goals
• Recommendation n° 1: As soon as possible DAPA should redefine
their goals, focusing on what it wants to change, where, with whom,
and what products and services it will provide to that end
• Decision:
o Goal: To facilitate and improve decision making in the agricultural
sector by ensuring that decision makers are well informed and
engaged, through the provision of reliable information and easy
to use analytical methods to assess the likely outcomes of policy,
research, development and management options
o 2 page business and strategic plans for each thematic area,
outlining objectives, products, end users, strategic partnerships
and target outcomes
Structure follows Strategy
• Recommendation n° 6: DAPA faces a major challenge of maintaining
proper management of its scientists and students, derived from its very
rapid growth, and the very low proportion of senior scientists to young
scientists and students
• Decision:
o Break with the pure horizontality of DAPA and build a new structure
which facilitates integration but enhances accountability and quality
o Strengthen “critical mass” of thematic groups
o …and makes my life easier by having a functional “MT” for DAPA
• Focussed on delivering research outcomes in:
o Climate change (CRP7)
o Ecosystem Services (CRP5)
o Linking Farmers to Markets (CRP2)
• Through expert, disciplinary groups in:
o Modelling
o Gender analysis
o Impact and Strategic Studies
o Policy Analysis
o Knowledge Management
o Big Data
Decision and Policy Analysis
Research Themes: Identify opportunities, deliver outcomes, facilitate cross-disciplinarity
Expert groups: Ensure quality, disciplinary excellence, develop new methodologies
Theme CRP 1.2 CRP 2 CRP 3.5 CRP 3.7 CRP 5 CRP 6 CRP 7
Climate Change Low High
Ecosystem Services High
Linking Farmers to Markets Medium High Low Low
DAPA Version 2.0
Impact and SS
DAPA Lead Outcomes
Research Themes
Expert Groups
DAPA Staff
Staff from
other areas
DAPA Leader
Center lead outcomes
Research Themes: Identify opportunities, deliver outcomes, facilitate cross-disciplinarity
Expert groups: Ensure quality, disciplinary excellence, develop new methodologies
Pros and Cons
• Creates a “MT” for DAPA leader, addressing Julio’s observation
of leader needing more support
• Facilitates integration by taking a matrix approach between
disciplinary expertise and thematic research areas, and
explicitly enables other Research Areas to integrate closer into
• Leader for each theme and group enhances coordination,
supervision and accountability
• Maps perfectly to CRPs
• Con: True integrators do not fit, e.g. Agreement CIAT-MADR
Other Recommendations
• Recommendation n° 5: DAPA’s expansion of its work in Africa and Asia
should be guided by clear and explicit regional strategies
o Africa: LFM and CC, Asia: CC. Staff rotation, joint proposals, realistic
o 2 page strategy document developed on regions
• Recommendation n° 4: DAPA should hire staff that can support and lead
its efforts to influence policies, and/or it can develop strategic alliances
with qualified partners experienced in using research to influence policy
o Strategy document developed as initial blueprint for the policy
“expert group”, but needs leadership. No. 1 priority for new hire.
• Recommendation n° 3: DAPA should take advantage of the opportunity
represented by CRP 2, to strengthen its work under the “LFM” theme
o 2 page strategy document on LFM developed. 2 new hires
strengthening quantitative approaches, 1 other new hire advertised
• Goal and vision changed
• More clarity on thematic objectives, target products
and outcomes
• New proposed structure which maintains trans-
disciplinarity and strengthens team
• 3 year business plan / 6 year strategic directions
document, seen as an organic document to ensure we
are adaptive – yearly updates
• Aspirational and agile!
• Fundraising priorities to focus not on more money, but
better money
• New thematic strategies to lead the way in terms of
defining fundraising priorities
Getting to Grips with Climate Adaptation:
The Right Choices
Evaluating Varietal Adaptation
Likely Yield with Different Planting Dates
Modelling Potential Losses from Extreme
Events with Different Planting Dates
Benefits of Potential Adaptation Options:
Conservation Agriculture
% water deficit
Playing out transformative climate smart
adaptation in CCAFS benchmark sites
in East Africa:
When, where, how and with whom?
CCAFS sites Main crops Main livestock
Borana (ET)
Beef cattle
Nyando (KE)
Usambara (TZ)
Dairy cows
Rift (UG)
Pigs (63.1%)
Where do We Work?
Climate Smart Agriculture:
Tackling Adoption Head on
Rash model (Campell, 1963): Attitude towards change = number + difficulty of change made
Linking continents for climate smart
Red: Localities having climates similar
to that expected in Nyando in 2030
Black: Colombian departments where
enterprises in maize and beans work
within the framework of the CIAT–
CCAFS–MADR project
Ruth….tell us something about gender!
Gender Dimensions
• Why consider gender?
o To develop appropriate adaptation strategies for both male
and female farmers (to ensure inclusion of female farmers)
• Findings (Context Specific)
o Gender division of labor
o Decision-making
o Control and Access of Resources
Gender Division of Labor
• Examples:
o Spraying was reported as a men’s task, and
o Weeding mainly as a women’s task
W m ’s R p ’s R p
Overall, men and women tend to report that they
themselves do most of the tasks
• Across all 4 sites:
o Women report that men make most decisions
o Men report more decisions are taken jointly
o Example: Nyando, Kenya
W m ’s R p ’s R p
Relations with the Host Country:
CIAT-Ministry of Agriculture Agreement on
Integrative analysis of production systems in
Colombia for adaptation to climate
Objective of the Agreement
Join efforts, resources and capacity of the Ministry and CIAT to
strengthen the agricultural and livestock sector to adapt to
climate change, and improve the resource use-efficiency in
prioritised production systems
• US$8m, 18 months, 11 national partners, 3 international
• “CCAFS Colombia”, 4 themes
• Improved crop models, seasonal climate and crop
forecasting, carbon and water footprints, varietal evaluation
across climate gradients
• Direct input into National Adaptation Plan for the Agricultural
Sector, and the mitigation plan (NAMA) for the agricultural
Rewarding for Ecosystem Services
in watersheds
Different Groups Want Different Things
• Downstream
o Urban dwellers want clean, reliable water supplies
o Lowland farmers want cheap, reliable irrigation water
o Tourists want clean, attractive water
• Midstream
o Hydropower companies want reliable low-silt water
without having to invest in large storage reservoirs
• Upstream
o Highland communities want to live better
o Citizens want to preserve highland ecosystem services
Ecosystem service provision
(Water yield (mm))
Peruvian Case Study, Cañete River Watershed – Current SituationUpperbasin
River flow use (m3/s)
(mostly from springs)
250, 64
Water and land uses
Extensive degrading grazing, subsistence
Hydropower company
Shrimp growers
Urban dwellers
Water inefficient commercial agriculture
Tourists (rafting)
Desired SituationUpperbasin
Transfer part
of their
Investment in
asymmetries might
be balanced by this
Research outputs and
intermediate project outcomes
• Conceptual approach:
Adopted by MINAM …
Is not only about paying for
improving the delivery of
the ESS but also about
rewarding for ESS already
being delivered (positive
Recently presented by
Vice-Ministry of Environment
(Nov, 2012)
Where We are Right Now:
Putting Research into Use
• Participating in drafting national Ecosystem Services Law that
draws on Cañete experience: Final version of ESS Law before
Congress for approval
• Other case study catchments (6 others) contributing to a
systematic review of potential for benefit sharing schemes
in Andes
• Strategic internal alliance with soils for within- and cross-
region learning on ecosystem services, placing CIAT as a
ecosystem services lead for CRP5
Linking Farmers to Markets
• Under what conditions can market linkages be an
effective tool for rural poverty reduction for gender and
socially differentiated actors?
• Iterative process of design, testing and documentation of
approaches for inclusive business models, R4D platforms
and public policies in Latin America, E. Africa and S.E. Asia
Donors, business and civil society are in broad consensus on
benefits of linking smallholders to markets
• Many islands of success but few cases of sustained, transformational
change that benefit women, minorities and the rural poor
• The concept is clear but HOW to achieve beneficial and sustained
market access is not
• Need to understand appropriate roles for public, private and civil
society actors
Ambitious Destinations, Few Roads
Supply Chain Policies In Colombia
Policy density (# chains) by Department
Aguacate Arroz Cacao Caucho Cítricos
% Población con NBI 
 
 
   
% Población Rural con
     
       
Índice Desarrollo
            
Índice Gini de Tierras
     
 
Índice Gini de
Propietarios 2009   
  
 
Núm. Intervenciones
USAID (Programas
 
 
  
 
Núm. Intervenciones
MADR (Oportunidades
Rurales y Alianzas
            
Fique Fruticola Guayaba Mango Platano
% Población con NBI  
 
  
% Población Rural con
            
 
Índice Desarrollo
 
    
 
  
Índice Gini de Tierras
    
  
   
   
Índice Gini de
Propietarios 2009
    
   
   
   
Núm. Intervenciones
USAID (Programas
  
      
   
   
Núm. Intervenciones
MADR (Oportunidades
Rurales y Alianzas
                    
Social performance by supply chain
Policy performance by Department
Quantitative macro analysis
(policies & development outcomes)
Qualitative meso analysis
(why does the policy work /fail?)
Household level surveys
(what does it mean for the poor?)
Thinking through impact
Strategy & Results Framework:
Performance management….
• Over 5.3 million rural households in sub-
Saharan Africa have adopted modern bean
varieties over the last 17 years, generating
benefits worth nearly US$200 million
• Adoption of improved cassava varieties in
Thailand and Vietnam has nearly reached
90%, creating benefits worth almost $12
billion over the last 20 years
• Improved forages now cover an area
estimated at 25.4 million hectares in tropical
America, generating huge benefits through
improved livestock production – estimated at
$1 billion in Colombia, for example
• Nearly 60% of Latin America’s rice area is
planted to improved rice, with benefits valued
at $860 million from 1967 to 1995 alone
Examples of Impacts
Big Data: The Engine Behind it All
• Great climate data
• Improved soil information
• Crop distribution and yield data
• Land-use data
• Capacity to manage and analyze it:
o Infrastructure
o Geeks
• Major opportunities around the
CCAFS Climate: 40,000 users in 18 months
Public data!
4600 trials
• Calibration, validation of crop
• Exploration and testing of
adaptation options
o Genetic improvement
o On-farm management
• Assess technology transfer
• Build “adaptation packages”
Joining the dots through data: Smart
• Farms are experimental stations which generate data
• New approaches can manage and analyse MASSIVE datasets
and make sense of them
• ICTs can capture,
transmit and receive
• Building on our
experience in AESCE
• BIG data for SMART
c c s ….
• Science informed laws on benefit sharing of water in the
• Better national plans and policies for dealing with climate
change (Nicaragua, Colombia….)
• Breeders breeding for the right traits
• Farmers and their organizations making the right choices in a
dynamic climate
• Countries tackling deforestation head on with REDD+
• Some very motivated and dedicated geeky misfits….
• ….with a deviously smart new strategy for impact
• And much more….
CIAT: Science to Cultivate Change
Follow us:Website:
Annex – Target Outcomes of
Climate Change
• CG centers and national/international agricultural development institutions developing breeding
strategies that build-on/incorporate DAPA’s data and modeling analysis.
• Integrated adaptation strategies for agricultural and food systems inserted into policy and
institutional frameworks at regional, national or sub-national level in target countries. Namely,
NAMAs and NAPs strategically developed in target countries using DAPA’s inputs.
• Evaluation of policy options used by governmental agencies for formulating and implementing
climate smart policies that promote best-bet adaptation and mitigation pathways while
enhancing food security and rural livelihoods.
• National and regional governmental agencies, NGOs and development c s s P ’s s
and methods including cost benefit analysis of options, feasibility studies etc for establishing and
implementing their agendas.
• Multilateral banks and key donors using DAPA generated science based recommendations to guide
their investments (climate‐proofed crop and breeding initiatives) and portfolio development.
• Governmental programs, NGOs and development agencies using the gender sensitive
methodologies (tool kit) for identifying sex-differentiated vulnerabilities to climate change, and
evaluating adaptation strategies in terms of gender equality and empowerment of poor male and
female farmers.
• National, regional and international agro-climatic research community including universities and
met-services using and/or co-developing data, tools, models and approaches for improving
estimations of crop vulnerability, climate related impacts
Ecosystem Services
• Decision makers will promote BSM taking into account the results derived from ESRG analyses
(socioeconomic impact of BSMs, quantification and valuation of ESs, situational analyses, etc.).
• It is expected that technicians and advisors working for End Users will be able to use results about
the mapping and quantity of ES to target spending and actions that are part of proposed BSMs (e.g.
PES-type schemes)
• ES beneficiaries (e.g. downstream actors benefiting from water-related ecosystem services) will be
interested in participating in proposed BSM and this will be at least partly due to efforts to raise
their awareness on the effects that appropriate land management have on the delivery of
ecosystem services and the socioeconomic implications of this.
• Researchers working on mechanisms for sharing the benefits/costs associated with the provision of
ecosystem services will incorporate our methodological approach and project results into their
range of work and if feasible apply our tools in their own projects. Likewise, ES researchers will
include our methodological framework for conducting in depth social analysis for assessing the
direct and indirect contributions of ecosystem services to the wellbeing of the rural poor
• Environmental authorities have knowledge and understanding of the methodological approach and
results in the case studies and if possible they consider research outputs for delineating
intervention alternatives to improve not only the management and conservation of ES but also the
wellbeing of the rural poor, including their food and nutritional security.
Linking Farmers to Markets
• International agencies and BiNGOs
• International agencies and big international NGOs (BiNGOs) adopt/adapt LFM methods and approaches for the design and implementation of market
access projects.
• International agencies and big international NGOs (BiNGOs) engage with LFM in development learning processes that allow robust quantitative and
qualitative assessment of development outcomes from market access projects. This process contributes to organizational learning about which
market-based approaches work well and under what conditions for the sustained economic inclusion of rural women and men.
• International agencies and big international NGOs (BiNGOs) leverage evidence and knowledge gained through development learning processes to
advocate for deeper, systemic change with key public, private, donor and multi-lateral policy makers that favor the sustained economic inclusion of
rural women and men.
• Key private sector companies and networks
• Key private sector companies and networks adapt and disseminate LFM methods and approaches for the design and implementation of market
access projects.
• Key private sector companies and networks engage with LFM in learning processes that allow robust quantitative and qualitative assessment of
social, economic and environmental outcomes from small holder access / sourcing projects. This process contributes to organizational learning about
which market-based approaches work well and under what conditions for the sustained economic inclusion of rural women and men.
• Key private sector networks leverage evidence and knowledge gained through learning processes to influence industry-wide best practice and
business school curriculum in favor of approaches that favor the sustained economic inclusion of rural women and men.
• Key public sector actors, donors and multilateral agencies
• Key public sector actors, donors and multilateral agencies engage with LFM in robust quantitative and qualitative assessments of market linkage
policies and programs and their outcomes for rural women and men.
• Key public sector actors, donors and multilateral agencies leverage evidence and knowledge gained to design improved policies and programs that
favor the sustained economic inclusion of rural women and men at a national or regional scale.
• Key multilateral agencies leverage evidence and knowledge gained to advocate for wider change with key public, private, donor and multi-lateral
policy makers that favor the sustained economic inclusion of rural women and men at a global scale.
• The CGIAR adopts/adapts LFM methods and approaches for the design and implementation of research initiatives on market access in commodity
and system CRPs.
• The CGIAR adopts/adapts LFM methods and approaches for the design and implementation of research initiatives on Research in Development
platforms in commodity and system CRPs.
• The CGIAR leverage evidence and knowledge gained from work on Research in Development platforms to design improved CRPs that are more
effective at contributing to development outcomes in market access and other topics.
Knowledge Management
Knowledge management and capacity strengthening are two crucial
ways of engaging decision makers with information produced by
DAPA, CIAT and CRPs. Knowledge management objectives and
activities will contribute to enhance CIAT and CRP scientist’s and
partner’s knowledge and practices for engagement strategies in
development- focused research. Scientists and their partners will
manage new and diverse ways of collaboration with next and end
users. They will collect, analyze and share information taking into
account the needs and benefits of end users and the concern to reach
them effectively. Decision makers (farmers, policy makers, those in
charge of resource allocation and of research organizations, planning
and management) will be engaged from the start in the knowledge
creation process, and thus be empowered to act upon the knowledge
generated. Scientists and partners will continually strengthen their
capacities to handle information and knowledge for outcomes and
impact with emphasis on policy influence.
Impact and Strategic Studies
• Improved research outcome & impact information use in
decision making criteria at CIAT, partners and CRP
levels, i.e. construct relative priorities for research
resources allocation;
• At CIAT and CRP level, improved transparency &
• National policies may increasingly favor higher investments
in agricultural research for development objectives.
• Recognition of CIAT scientific leadership and high quality
research products which together with the other improved
characteristics should lead to greater attractiveness and
relative competitiveness for global, regional and national
Specific Objectives
• Offer support to DAPA’s research themes in the identification of research
findings that have the biggest potential to impact on policies, inform
decision-making and strategic planning according to the demands
identified (in the short, mid and long term).
• Identify the key venues where research outputs should be shared and/or
create those venues if necessary, in alliance with key actors.
• Identify key actors and thought leaders to influence and inform in specific
geographies. Build and formalize strong policy-related networks
associated with DAPAs core mission.
• Discuss with decision and policy makers results of impact analysis of policy
implementation (ex-ante and ex-post scenarios and cost-benefit analysis)
related to DAPAs core research themes.
• Systematize and share science evidence to inform policy formulation for
the key research themes of DAPA, so that the knowledge generated in
DAPA can generate improved policies and decisions.
The Gender Cross-Cutting Group’s strategy and priorities impact policy
and decision-making at scale in the following ways:
The strategy influences NAPAs and National/Regional Development
Plans; it increases policymakers’ awareness of gender issues related to
national and local policies (with special attention paid to those related
to climate change, agriculture, forests, water and food security); and it
provides input on gender-sensitive strategies on the social policy level.
• Empowered women—making production and marketing decisions
• Equal access to resources (land, production
inputs, organizations, income, forest products, etc.)
• Acknowledgement and valuation of women’s work (both productive
and reproductive)
Spatial and Agricultural Modelling
• Scientific output: The group will publish studies which use
models to answer questions arising from DAPA’s research
themes. These will be in ISI indexed journals, and combine
innovative approaches to real-world problems.
• Models and tools: When a significant gap is identified in
terms of modeling tools, then the group will develop (or
adapt) new models or tools to fill that gap. An example of
this is the mechanistic cassava crop model currently being
developed, or the modified EcoCrop model which has been
developed and used very successfully in climate change
• Data products as a result of modeling: The use and
application of models will produce new datasets which will
be made available in coordination with the Big Data group.
BIG Data
• To develop tomorrow’s data products today, putting
CIAT in a competitive advantage with respect to data
driven decision making
• To be a support-team that can assist other themes in
DAPA with regard to data management (including data
management policies), mining, analysis and sharing
with end-users
• To support the research themes in implementing very
user-friendly web tools to communicate with our end
users and share DAPA results
• To harmonize and centralize the development of the
tools and the management of the data.

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Mehr von Decision and Policy Analysis Program

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DAPA Update May 2013

  • 1. NAME www.ciat.cgiar.orgSince 1967 / Science to cultivate change 14 May 2013 Andy Jarvis Decision and Policy Analysis
  • 2. • Cross-cutting, multi-disciplinary team who believe that better decisions can be made with the power of information • Supporting functions within CIAT, and global research leadership in specific themes • Reviewed in November 2012 and new strategic document developed as a result Decision and Policy Analysis
  • 3. Incoming staff (January – May 2013) Decision and Policy Analysis Gisella Cruz Social Scientist Ana María Loboguerrero Program Leader for Latin America CCAFS Purabi Bose Social Scientist
  • 4. Overall Vision and Thematic Goals • Recommendation n° 1: As soon as possible DAPA should redefine their goals, focusing on what it wants to change, where, with whom, and what products and services it will provide to that end • Decision: o Goal: To facilitate and improve decision making in the agricultural sector by ensuring that decision makers are well informed and engaged, through the provision of reliable information and easy to use analytical methods to assess the likely outcomes of policy, research, development and management options o 2 page business and strategic plans for each thematic area, outlining objectives, products, end users, strategic partnerships and target outcomes
  • 5. Structure follows Strategy • Recommendation n° 6: DAPA faces a major challenge of maintaining proper management of its scientists and students, derived from its very rapid growth, and the very low proportion of senior scientists to young scientists and students • Decision: o Break with the pure horizontality of DAPA and build a new structure which facilitates integration but enhances accountability and quality control o Strengthen “critical mass” of thematic groups o …and makes my life easier by having a functional “MT” for DAPA
  • 6. • Focussed on delivering research outcomes in: o Climate change (CRP7) o Ecosystem Services (CRP5) o Linking Farmers to Markets (CRP2) • Through expert, disciplinary groups in: o Modelling o Gender analysis o Impact and Strategic Studies o Policy Analysis o Knowledge Management o Big Data Decision and Policy Analysis Research Themes: Identify opportunities, deliver outcomes, facilitate cross-disciplinarity Expert groups: Ensure quality, disciplinary excellence, develop new methodologies Theme CRP 1.2 CRP 2 CRP 3.5 CRP 3.7 CRP 5 CRP 6 CRP 7 Climate Change Low High Ecosystem Services High Linking Farmers to Markets Medium High Low Low
  • 7. DAPA Version 2.0 LFM ES CC Modelling Policy Gender Impact and SS KM Big DATA DAPA Lead Outcomes Research Themes Expert Groups DAPA Staff Staff from other areas DAPA Leader Center lead outcomes Coordinator Research Themes: Identify opportunities, deliver outcomes, facilitate cross-disciplinarity Expert groups: Ensure quality, disciplinary excellence, develop new methodologies
  • 8. Pros and Cons • Creates a “MT” for DAPA leader, addressing Julio’s observation of leader needing more support • Facilitates integration by taking a matrix approach between disciplinary expertise and thematic research areas, and explicitly enables other Research Areas to integrate closer into DAPA • Leader for each theme and group enhances coordination, supervision and accountability • Maps perfectly to CRPs • Con: True integrators do not fit, e.g. Agreement CIAT-MADR
  • 9. Other Recommendations • Recommendation n° 5: DAPA’s expansion of its work in Africa and Asia should be guided by clear and explicit regional strategies o Africa: LFM and CC, Asia: CC. Staff rotation, joint proposals, realistic expectations. o 2 page strategy document developed on regions • Recommendation n° 4: DAPA should hire staff that can support and lead its efforts to influence policies, and/or it can develop strategic alliances with qualified partners experienced in using research to influence policy o Strategy document developed as initial blueprint for the policy “expert group”, but needs leadership. No. 1 priority for new hire. • Recommendation n° 3: DAPA should take advantage of the opportunity represented by CRP 2, to strengthen its work under the “LFM” theme o 2 page strategy document on LFM developed. 2 new hires strengthening quantitative approaches, 1 other new hire advertised
  • 10. DAPA V2.0 • Goal and vision changed • More clarity on thematic objectives, target products and outcomes • New proposed structure which maintains trans- disciplinarity and strengthens team • 3 year business plan / 6 year strategic directions document, seen as an organic document to ensure we are adaptive – yearly updates • Aspirational and agile! • Fundraising priorities to focus not on more money, but better money • New thematic strategies to lead the way in terms of defining fundraising priorities
  • 11. Getting to Grips with Climate Adaptation: The Right Choices
  • 13. Likely Yield with Different Planting Dates
  • 14. Modelling Potential Losses from Extreme Events with Different Planting Dates
  • 15. Benefits of Potential Adaptation Options: Conservation Agriculture %yieldloss % water deficit
  • 16. Playing out transformative climate smart adaptation in CCAFS benchmark sites in East Africa: When, where, how and with whom?
  • 17. CCAFS sites Main crops Main livestock (forages) Borana (ET) Maize (96.6%) Beans (86.4%) Wheat (33.1%) Beef cattle (93.2%) Goats (77.8%) Nyando (KE) Maize (99.2%) Sorghum (73.3%) Beans (34.4%) Goats (66.9%) Chicken/hens (61.2%) Usambara (TZ) Maize (87.1%) Beans (75%) Tomatoes (29%) Chicken/hens (82.1%) Dairy cows (56.4%) Albertine Rift (UG) Cassava (78.6%) Beans (68.4%) Sweet potatoes (59.8%) Chicken/hens (82.5%) Pigs (63.1%) Where do We Work?
  • 18. Climate Smart Agriculture: Tackling Adoption Head on Rash model (Campell, 1963): Attitude towards change = number + difficulty of change made
  • 19. Linking continents for climate smart agriculture Red: Localities having climates similar to that expected in Nyando in 2030 Black: Colombian departments where enterprises in maize and beans work within the framework of the CIAT– CCAFS–MADR project
  • 20. Ruth….tell us something about gender!
  • 21. Gender Dimensions • Why consider gender? o To develop appropriate adaptation strategies for both male and female farmers (to ensure inclusion of female farmers) • Findings (Context Specific) o Gender division of labor o Decision-making o Control and Access of Resources
  • 22. Gender Division of Labor • Examples: o Spraying was reported as a men’s task, and o Weeding mainly as a women’s task W m ’s R p ’s R p Men Women Boys Girls Overall, men and women tend to report that they themselves do most of the tasks
  • 23. Decision-Making • Across all 4 sites: o Women report that men make most decisions o Men report more decisions are taken jointly o Example: Nyando, Kenya W m ’s R p ’s R p Men Women Together
  • 24. Relations with the Host Country: CIAT-Ministry of Agriculture Agreement on Integrative analysis of production systems in Colombia for adaptation to climate
  • 25. Objective of the Agreement Join efforts, resources and capacity of the Ministry and CIAT to strengthen the agricultural and livestock sector to adapt to climate change, and improve the resource use-efficiency in prioritised production systems • US$8m, 18 months, 11 national partners, 3 international partners • “CCAFS Colombia”, 4 themes • Improved crop models, seasonal climate and crop forecasting, carbon and water footprints, varietal evaluation across climate gradients • Direct input into National Adaptation Plan for the Agricultural Sector, and the mitigation plan (NAMA) for the agricultural sector
  • 26. Rewarding for Ecosystem Services in watersheds
  • 27. Different Groups Want Different Things • Downstream o Urban dwellers want clean, reliable water supplies o Lowland farmers want cheap, reliable irrigation water o Tourists want clean, attractive water • Midstream o Hydropower companies want reliable low-silt water without having to invest in large storage reservoirs • Upstream o Highland communities want to live better o Citizens want to preserve highland ecosystem services
  • 28. Upperbasin (4000-5800 Ecosystem service provision (Water yield (mm)) 1111-1507 Middlebasin (350–4000 51-256 Lowerbasin (0-350) 0-50 Peruvian Case Study, Cañete River Watershed – Current SituationUpperbasin (4000-5800 River flow use (m3/s) 0 (mostly from springs) Middlebasin (350–4000 250, 64 Lowerbasin (0-350) Upperbasin (4000-5800 Water and land uses Extensive degrading grazing, subsistence agriculture Middlebasin (350–4000 Hydropower company Shrimp growers Lowerbasin (0-350) Urban dwellers Water inefficient commercial agriculture Tourists (rafting)
  • 29. Desired SituationUpperbasin (4000-5800 Middlebasin (350–4000 Lowerbasin (0-350) Transfer part of their benefits Investment in productive alternatives Watershed’s socioeconomic asymmetries might be balanced by this benefit-sharing mechanism
  • 30. Research outputs and intermediate project outcomes • Conceptual approach: Adopted by MINAM … Is not only about paying for improving the delivery of the ESS but also about rewarding for ESS already being delivered (positive externalities) Recently presented by Vice-Ministry of Environment (Nov, 2012)
  • 31. Where We are Right Now: Putting Research into Use • Participating in drafting national Ecosystem Services Law that draws on Cañete experience: Final version of ESS Law before Congress for approval • Other case study catchments (6 others) contributing to a systematic review of potential for benefit sharing schemes in Andes • Strategic internal alliance with soils for within- and cross- region learning on ecosystem services, placing CIAT as a ecosystem services lead for CRP5
  • 32. Linking Farmers to Markets • Under what conditions can market linkages be an effective tool for rural poverty reduction for gender and socially differentiated actors? • Iterative process of design, testing and documentation of approaches for inclusive business models, R4D platforms and public policies in Latin America, E. Africa and S.E. Asia
  • 33. Donors, business and civil society are in broad consensus on benefits of linking smallholders to markets • Many islands of success but few cases of sustained, transformational change that benefit women, minorities and the rural poor • The concept is clear but HOW to achieve beneficial and sustained market access is not • Need to understand appropriate roles for public, private and civil society actors Ambitious Destinations, Few Roads
  • 34. Supply Chain Policies In Colombia Policy density (# chains) by Department CUADRO 4 10 ORGANIZACIONES DE LAS CADENAS PRODUCTIVAS: ANALISIS DE FOCALIZACIÓN FOCALIZACIÓN GEOGRÁFICA Aguacate Arroz Cacao Caucho Cítricos Y Yha NBI Y Yha NBI Y Yha NBI Y Yha NBI Y Yha NBI % Población con NBI           % Población Rural con NBI                Índice Desarrollo Humano              Índice Gini de Tierras 2009            Índice Gini de Propietarios 2009          Núm. Intervenciones USAID (Programas MIDAS y ADAM)             Núm. Intervenciones MADR (Oportunidades Rurales y Alianzas Productivas)              FOCALIZACIÓN GEOGRÁFICA Fique Fruticola Guayaba Mango Platano Y Yha NBI Y Yha NBI Y Yha NBI Y Yha NBI Y Yha NBI % Población con NBI         % Población Rural con NBI                 Índice Desarrollo Humano                  Índice Gini de Tierras 2009                    Índice Gini de Propietarios 2009                     Núm. Intervenciones USAID (Programas MIDAS y ADAM)                      Núm. Intervenciones MADR (Oportunidades Rurales y Alianzas Productivas)                      Social performance by supply chain Policy performance by Department Quantitative macro analysis (policies & development outcomes) Qualitative meso analysis (why does the policy work /fail?) Household level surveys (what does it mean for the poor?) R e s e a r c h I n c i d e n c e
  • 35. Thinking through impact Strategy & Results Framework: Performance management….
  • 36. • Over 5.3 million rural households in sub- Saharan Africa have adopted modern bean varieties over the last 17 years, generating benefits worth nearly US$200 million • Adoption of improved cassava varieties in Thailand and Vietnam has nearly reached 90%, creating benefits worth almost $12 billion over the last 20 years • Improved forages now cover an area estimated at 25.4 million hectares in tropical America, generating huge benefits through improved livestock production – estimated at $1 billion in Colombia, for example • Nearly 60% of Latin America’s rice area is planted to improved rice, with benefits valued at $860 million from 1967 to 1995 alone Examples of Impacts
  • 37. Big Data: The Engine Behind it All • Great climate data • Improved soil information • Crop distribution and yield data • Land-use data • Capacity to manage and analyze it: o Infrastructure o Geeks • Major opportunities around the theme of SMART FARMING
  • 38. CCAFS Climate: 40,000 users in 18 months
  • 39. Agtrials Public data! 4600 trials 20000 varieties/races • Calibration, validation of crop models • Exploration and testing of adaptation options o Genetic improvement o On-farm management practices • Assess technology transfer options • Build “adaptation packages”
  • 40. Joining the dots through data: Smart Farming • Farms are experimental stations which generate data • New approaches can manage and analyse MASSIVE datasets and make sense of them • ICTs can capture, transmit and receive data • Building on our experience in AESCE • BIG data for SMART farming
  • 41. c c s …. • Science informed laws on benefit sharing of water in the Andes • Better national plans and policies for dealing with climate change (Nicaragua, Colombia….) • Breeders breeding for the right traits • Farmers and their organizations making the right choices in a dynamic climate • Countries tackling deforestation head on with REDD+ • Some very motivated and dedicated geeky misfits…. • ….with a deviously smart new strategy for impact • And much more….
  • 42. CIAT: Science to Cultivate Change Follow us:Website: Blog: DAPA:
  • 43. Annex – Target Outcomes of DAPA
  • 44. Climate Change • CG centers and national/international agricultural development institutions developing breeding strategies that build-on/incorporate DAPA’s data and modeling analysis. • Integrated adaptation strategies for agricultural and food systems inserted into policy and institutional frameworks at regional, national or sub-national level in target countries. Namely, NAMAs and NAPs strategically developed in target countries using DAPA’s inputs. • Evaluation of policy options used by governmental agencies for formulating and implementing climate smart policies that promote best-bet adaptation and mitigation pathways while enhancing food security and rural livelihoods. • National and regional governmental agencies, NGOs and development c s s P ’s s and methods including cost benefit analysis of options, feasibility studies etc for establishing and implementing their agendas. • Multilateral banks and key donors using DAPA generated science based recommendations to guide their investments (climate‐proofed crop and breeding initiatives) and portfolio development. • Governmental programs, NGOs and development agencies using the gender sensitive methodologies (tool kit) for identifying sex-differentiated vulnerabilities to climate change, and evaluating adaptation strategies in terms of gender equality and empowerment of poor male and female farmers. • National, regional and international agro-climatic research community including universities and met-services using and/or co-developing data, tools, models and approaches for improving estimations of crop vulnerability, climate related impacts
  • 45. Ecosystem Services • Decision makers will promote BSM taking into account the results derived from ESRG analyses (socioeconomic impact of BSMs, quantification and valuation of ESs, situational analyses, etc.). • It is expected that technicians and advisors working for End Users will be able to use results about the mapping and quantity of ES to target spending and actions that are part of proposed BSMs (e.g. PES-type schemes) • ES beneficiaries (e.g. downstream actors benefiting from water-related ecosystem services) will be interested in participating in proposed BSM and this will be at least partly due to efforts to raise their awareness on the effects that appropriate land management have on the delivery of ecosystem services and the socioeconomic implications of this. • Researchers working on mechanisms for sharing the benefits/costs associated with the provision of ecosystem services will incorporate our methodological approach and project results into their range of work and if feasible apply our tools in their own projects. Likewise, ES researchers will include our methodological framework for conducting in depth social analysis for assessing the direct and indirect contributions of ecosystem services to the wellbeing of the rural poor • Environmental authorities have knowledge and understanding of the methodological approach and results in the case studies and if possible they consider research outputs for delineating intervention alternatives to improve not only the management and conservation of ES but also the wellbeing of the rural poor, including their food and nutritional security.
  • 46. Linking Farmers to Markets • International agencies and BiNGOs • International agencies and big international NGOs (BiNGOs) adopt/adapt LFM methods and approaches for the design and implementation of market access projects. • International agencies and big international NGOs (BiNGOs) engage with LFM in development learning processes that allow robust quantitative and qualitative assessment of development outcomes from market access projects. This process contributes to organizational learning about which market-based approaches work well and under what conditions for the sustained economic inclusion of rural women and men. • International agencies and big international NGOs (BiNGOs) leverage evidence and knowledge gained through development learning processes to advocate for deeper, systemic change with key public, private, donor and multi-lateral policy makers that favor the sustained economic inclusion of rural women and men. • Key private sector companies and networks • Key private sector companies and networks adapt and disseminate LFM methods and approaches for the design and implementation of market access projects. • Key private sector companies and networks engage with LFM in learning processes that allow robust quantitative and qualitative assessment of social, economic and environmental outcomes from small holder access / sourcing projects. This process contributes to organizational learning about which market-based approaches work well and under what conditions for the sustained economic inclusion of rural women and men. • Key private sector networks leverage evidence and knowledge gained through learning processes to influence industry-wide best practice and business school curriculum in favor of approaches that favor the sustained economic inclusion of rural women and men. • Key public sector actors, donors and multilateral agencies • Key public sector actors, donors and multilateral agencies engage with LFM in robust quantitative and qualitative assessments of market linkage policies and programs and their outcomes for rural women and men. • Key public sector actors, donors and multilateral agencies leverage evidence and knowledge gained to design improved policies and programs that favor the sustained economic inclusion of rural women and men at a national or regional scale. • Key multilateral agencies leverage evidence and knowledge gained to advocate for wider change with key public, private, donor and multi-lateral policy makers that favor the sustained economic inclusion of rural women and men at a global scale. • The CGIAR • The CGIAR adopts/adapts LFM methods and approaches for the design and implementation of research initiatives on market access in commodity and system CRPs. • The CGIAR adopts/adapts LFM methods and approaches for the design and implementation of research initiatives on Research in Development platforms in commodity and system CRPs. • The CGIAR leverage evidence and knowledge gained from work on Research in Development platforms to design improved CRPs that are more effective at contributing to development outcomes in market access and other topics.
  • 47. Knowledge Management Knowledge management and capacity strengthening are two crucial ways of engaging decision makers with information produced by DAPA, CIAT and CRPs. Knowledge management objectives and activities will contribute to enhance CIAT and CRP scientist’s and partner’s knowledge and practices for engagement strategies in development- focused research. Scientists and their partners will manage new and diverse ways of collaboration with next and end users. They will collect, analyze and share information taking into account the needs and benefits of end users and the concern to reach them effectively. Decision makers (farmers, policy makers, those in charge of resource allocation and of research organizations, planning and management) will be engaged from the start in the knowledge creation process, and thus be empowered to act upon the knowledge generated. Scientists and partners will continually strengthen their capacities to handle information and knowledge for outcomes and impact with emphasis on policy influence.
  • 48. Impact and Strategic Studies • Improved research outcome & impact information use in decision making criteria at CIAT, partners and CRP levels, i.e. construct relative priorities for research resources allocation; • At CIAT and CRP level, improved transparency & accountability; • National policies may increasingly favor higher investments in agricultural research for development objectives. • Recognition of CIAT scientific leadership and high quality research products which together with the other improved characteristics should lead to greater attractiveness and relative competitiveness for global, regional and national funding.
  • 49. Policy Specific Objectives • Offer support to DAPA’s research themes in the identification of research findings that have the biggest potential to impact on policies, inform decision-making and strategic planning according to the demands identified (in the short, mid and long term). • Identify the key venues where research outputs should be shared and/or create those venues if necessary, in alliance with key actors. • Identify key actors and thought leaders to influence and inform in specific geographies. Build and formalize strong policy-related networks associated with DAPAs core mission. • Discuss with decision and policy makers results of impact analysis of policy implementation (ex-ante and ex-post scenarios and cost-benefit analysis) related to DAPAs core research themes. • Systematize and share science evidence to inform policy formulation for the key research themes of DAPA, so that the knowledge generated in DAPA can generate improved policies and decisions.
  • 50. Gender The Gender Cross-Cutting Group’s strategy and priorities impact policy and decision-making at scale in the following ways: The strategy influences NAPAs and National/Regional Development Plans; it increases policymakers’ awareness of gender issues related to national and local policies (with special attention paid to those related to climate change, agriculture, forests, water and food security); and it provides input on gender-sensitive strategies on the social policy level. • Empowered women—making production and marketing decisions • Equal access to resources (land, production inputs, organizations, income, forest products, etc.) • Acknowledgement and valuation of women’s work (both productive and reproductive)
  • 51. Spatial and Agricultural Modelling • Scientific output: The group will publish studies which use models to answer questions arising from DAPA’s research themes. These will be in ISI indexed journals, and combine innovative approaches to real-world problems. • Models and tools: When a significant gap is identified in terms of modeling tools, then the group will develop (or adapt) new models or tools to fill that gap. An example of this is the mechanistic cassava crop model currently being developed, or the modified EcoCrop model which has been developed and used very successfully in climate change research. • Data products as a result of modeling: The use and application of models will produce new datasets which will be made available in coordination with the Big Data group.
  • 52. BIG Data • To develop tomorrow’s data products today, putting CIAT in a competitive advantage with respect to data driven decision making • To be a support-team that can assist other themes in DAPA with regard to data management (including data management policies), mining, analysis and sharing with end-users • To support the research themes in implementing very user-friendly web tools to communicate with our end users and share DAPA results • To harmonize and centralize the development of the tools and the management of the data.

Hinweis der Redaktion

  1. nwcrpIntroduced a new cropnwvarIntroduced a new variety of cropshcyIntroduced a short cycle varietylgcyIntroduced a long cycle varietydrtlIntroduced a drought tolerant varietyfdtlIntroduced a flood tolerant varietydstlIntroduced a disease tolerant varietypsrsIntroduced a pest resistant varietyexarExpanded cropping areardarReduced cropping areastirStarted irrigationspbrStopped burningincrIntroduced intercroppingcrcvIntroduced cover cropsmcctIntroduced micro-catchmentsbundIntroduced bunds / ridgesmulcIntroduced mulchingterrIntroduced terracesstlnIntroduced stone lininghedgIntroduced hedgesctplIntroduced contour ploughingrotaIntroduced crop rotationelppIntroduced early land preparationelptIntroduced early plantingltptIntroduced late plantingmnftStarted using or increased use of mineral fertilizermncpStarted using or increased use of mineral fertilizerumphStarted using pesticides / herbicidesumipIntroduced integrated pest managementumcmIntroduced integrated crop management
  2. We wanted to include a gender dimension in this study in order to ensure that any recommendations would be inclusive (in terms of gender and other social divisions). Specifically, we include women farmers (both as household heads and within male headed households) so that their needs and perspectives are taken into account; otherwise there may be an unintentional bias towards male farmers.The gender analysis focuses on three components…The findings of the gender, the socio-economic and the bio-physical analysis are often context specificExamples: Borana, Ethiopia is different than other E. Africa—traditionally pastoralNyando, Kenya—two distinct agro-ecological zones within the CCAFS siteNot only gender differences but other socio-economic and bio-physical differences
  3. 1. Conceptual approach: ES-based BSM do not only seek for improving the delivery of ESS but also seek for a transfer of resources as a form of rewarding for water-related ecosystem services that are already being provided satisfactorily. (classic PES definition only accepts schemes where there is additionality in the provision of the service)