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                        6SULQWHU  is a Windows program for freight forwarder s ( r oad, air , sea, rail) and
                        t ransport com panies. I t ’s a pow erful, st at e- of- t he- art , no- nonsense and fast v ersion
                        of it s DOS logist ics program s AirSprint er and RoadSprint er but com plet ely r e- writ t en
                        for use under Windows. Sprint er 2000 handles road– and t ruck freight , ( groupage)
                        roundt rips, air freight shipm ent s, sea fr eight shipm ent s and rail t ank car shipm ent s.
                        All required docum ent at ion can be print ed and new docum ent s can be added easily t o
                        t he sy st em . Wit h Sprint er 2000 it is easy t o creat e sales invoices and t o m anage y our

                        purchase invoices. You have inst ant access
                        t o all up- t o- dat e m anagem ent and sales
                        inform at ion by using t he com prehensive
                        and sophist icat ed report ing m odule.

                        Aft er 1.5 y ear of dev eloping and t est ing, we
                        have released t he first official version of
                        6SULQWHU  on Sept em ber 13t h, 2000. To
                        dev elop t he program w e use t he lat est RAD
                        soft war e dev elopm ent t ools, Client / Serv er
                        and XML t echnologies.

                        (DV HFRQRPLFDO SRZHUIXO DQG IDVW

                        Against very com pet it ive prices DOUHDG IRU (85  SHU PRQWK
com panies
                        can easily and fast r egist er t heir road, air, and sea fr eight shipm ent s by using 6SULQ
                        WHU . As well as direct , gr oupage/ consol or full- load shipm ent s.

                        6SULQWHU  has m any advant ages like:
                        x    Ver y userfriendly
                        x    The possibilit y t o print al needed docum ent s
                        x    I m m ediat e pr ofit / loss figures ( bot h for single shipm ent s as for gr oupage/ consol
                             shipm ent s)
                        x    Aut om at ic rat e calculat ion
                        x    Direct invoicing
                        x    Easy conversion t o alm ost every account ing package
                        x    Elect r onic com m unicat ion ( em ail and EDI )
                        x    Various m anagem ent r eport s
                        x    Digit al archive
                        x    And a lot m or e im port ant applicat ions.

                        ©2010 Cargo Data Systems bv, All rights reserved.                                                2
$3(0 %5 4:45.4 #7

                        JHQHUDO 0RGXOHV

                        6SULQWHU  cont ains m odules for:
                        x    Road gr oupage fr eight
                        x    Air freight
                        x    Sea freight
                        x    Rail freight ( rail t ank cars)

                        These m odules can be used separat ely or t oget her.

                        *HQHUDO IHDWXUHV

                        6SULQWHU  cont ains t he following feat ures:
                        x    I m port cust om er/ agent addresses fr om a CSV file or Out look
                        x    Sales invoices ( in English, Dut ch, Germ an, French, I t alian)
                        x    Purchase invoice cont r ol
                        x    Address files for quick shipm ent ent ry
                        x    Check on cr edit lim it per cust om er
                        x    Docum ent generat or t o cr eat e and design your own docum ent s
                        x    Direct pr ofit figures per shipm ent
                        x    Managem ent / pr ofit report s, dedicat ed 6SULQWHU  report s of Ex cel r eport s
                        x    Com plaint adm inist rat ion ( expecially for I SO 9002 cert ified com panies)
                        x    Conversion of sales and purchase invoices t o alm ost ev er y account ing package
                        x    POD inform at ion, wit h t he POD ent ry syst em y our sub- cont ract or s can ent er t he
                             POD inform at ion for y ou
                        x    Cont o- a- Met a ( cont ra set t lem ent sy st em ) using Ex cel
                        x    Sending docum ent s and r eport s per em ail
                        x    Aut om at ic soft ware updat e t hr ough t he int ernet
                        x    A group agenda t o plan all your appoint m ent s and act ivit ies

                        Ev er y m odule has it s own specific feat ures which you can r ead in t he following pages.

                        ©2010 Cargo Data Systems bv, All rights reserved.                                             3
$3(0 %5 4:45.4 #7

                        5RDG PRGXOH

                        x       Shipm ent ent ry
                        x       Gr oupage, including m anifest
                        x       Sales and purchase rat es accruals
                        x       Gr oupage m anagem ent
                        x       Built - in rat e sy st em
                        x       Specific goods ent r y including com m odit y codes
                        x       Various docum ent s
                        x       Fer ry inform at ion
                        x       Sending groupage m anifest by em ail
                        x       Fleet m anager
                        x       Planning and t ruck boar d
                        x       Em ballage m odule ( pallet adm inist rat ion)


                        x       CMR ( UK, Dut ch, Ger m an, ot her count ries available
                                upon request )
                        x       Gr oupage m anifest
                        x       File cov er
                        x       Delivery and collect ion not es
                        x       Not e of arrival
                        x       Transport confirm at ion for your cust om er
                        x       Transport order
                        x       Cont o- a- m et a
                        x       Consol report
                        x       Mult iple pickup and delivery report s
                        x       Cert ificat e of shipm ent ( English, Germ an, Dut ch, ot her
                                count ries av ailable upon r equest )
                        x       Loading/ unloading list s
                        x       POD confirm at ion
                        x       Sales invoices ( English, Germ an, Dut ch, Fr ench, I t alian,
                                Spanish, ot her languages upon request )

                        $OO GRFXPHQWV FDQ DOVR EH HPDLOHG RU ID[HG


                        ©2010 Cargo Data Systems bv, All rights reserved.                               4
$3(0 %5 4:45.4 #7

                        $LU PRGXOH

                        x       Shipm ent ent ry
                        x       Consolidat ions
                        x       AWB st ock
                        x       Built - in rat e sy st em
                        x       I m port ing airline rat es from t hird part ies soft ware
                        x       Flight num ber dat abase, self- learning
                        x       All m aj or airlines and airport s
                        x       Various docum ent s
                        x       Elect r onic AWB ( FWB) , HAWB ( FZB) and m anifest ( FHL)
                        x       Sending m anifest by em ail
                        x       Profit share ( im port )


                        x       AWB ( also elect ronic AWB) and HAWB
                        x       Manifest
                        x       Collect ion and delivery not es ( NL: BVA)
                        x       Airport delivery not e
                        x       I ATA cargo labels wit h barcode ( r equires a Dat a-
                                m ax Allegro2, an I nt er m ec Easycode C4, a Cit ho
                                EZ- 4TT or anot her com pat ible t herm al print er)
                        x       NVVL Goods r eceipt ( NL)
                        x       File cov er
                        x       Cert ificat e of shipm ent ( English, Germ an and
                                Dut ch, ot her count ries available upon request )
                        x       Sales invoices ( English, Germ an, Dut ch, Fr ench,
                                I t alian, Spanish, ot her languages upon request )

                        $OO GRFXPHQWV FDQ DOVR EH HPDLOHG RU ID[HG

                        DQG GHVLJQ RXU RZQ GRFXPHQWV

                        ©2010 Cargo Data Systems bv, All rights reserved.                    5
$3(0 %5 4:45.4 #7

                            6HD PRGXOH

                            x       Shipm ent ent ry
                            x       Consolidat ion, including m anifest
                            x       Sales and purchase rat es accruals
                            x       Consolidat ion m anagem ent
                            x       Cont ainer m anagem ent
                            x       Built - in rat e sy st em
                            x       Specific goods ent r y including com m odit y codes
                            x       Various docum ent s
                            x       Sending consol/ groupage m anifest by em ail

                            )ROORZLQJ GRFXPHQWV DUH DYDLODEOH

                            x       Consolidat ion m anifest
                            x       Bill of lading ( for blank paper and pr e- print ed paper)
                            x       St andard shipping not e ( UK
                            x       File cov er
                            x       Collect ion and delivery not es
                            x       Not e of arrival
                            x       Transport confirm at ion
                            x       Cont o- a- m et a
                            x       Consol report
                            x       Mult iple pickup and delivery report s
                            x       Cert ificat e of shipm ent ( English, Germ an, Dut ch, ot her count ries available upon
                            x       Confirm at ion of booking
                            x       Export shipping inst ruct ion
                            x       POD confirm at ion
                            x       Sales invoices ( English, Germ an, Dut ch, Fr ench, I t alian, Spanish, ot her langua-
                                    ges upon r equest

                            5DLO PRGXOH

                        x        Shipm ent ent ry
                        x        Rail car m anager ( fleet m anager)
                        x        Train m anager
                        x        Sales and purchase rat es accruals
                        x        Built - in rat e sy st em
                        x        Aut om at ic processing of EDI m essages fr om t rain operat ors
                        x        Rail cars posit ion and st at us on y our websit e

                            ©2010 Cargo Data Systems bv, All rights reserved.                                             6
$3(0 %5 4:45.4 #7

                        2WKHU 0RGXOHV

                        6SULQWHU  includes following m odules:
                        x    Com plaint adm inist rat ion
                                        Wit h t his m odule you can st ore all t he com plaint s you or your custom ers have int o a system
                                        dat abase. You can ent er m ore t han one com plaint per shipm ent or you can ent er a com plaint
                                        which is not direct ly linked t o a shipm ent . This m odule is especially designed for I SO 9002
                                        cert ified com panies.
                        x       Managem ent inform at ion
                                        Wit h t his m odule you will be able t o creat e different sort s of report s inst ant ly, like profit re-
                                        port s, shipm ent s per period or cust om er and cust om er revenues. All report s can be creat ed
                                        for select ed requirem ent s, e.g. all export shipm ent s or im port shipm ent s only (or any com bi-
                                        nat ion you require) . From several report s a graphic can be creat ed.
                                        Wit h t his m odule you can keep an adm inist rat ion of pallet s ( blok/ euro) , CC et c per cust om er.
                                        The syst em can creat e em ballage t ransact ions based upon your shipm ent s. You can also cre-
                                        at e em ballage t ransact ions m anually for balancing purposes. Adm inist rat ion report s can be
                                        send t o your custom ers. This m odule will also enable you to t rack accessories of t he packing
                                        unit s ( like boards for CC/ Danish cars) .
                        x       Fleet Manager ( only in road m odule and rail m odule)
                                        Manage your fleet of t rucks, trailers or rail cars. By using a planning of periodical m aint enan-
                                        ce and inspect ion appoint m ent s you will prevent t hat t rucks, t railers or rail cars will not be
                                        available during planning your shipm ent s. You will have a bet t er view int o various cost s like
                                        fuel or m aint ance cost s.
                        x       Telephone and SMS
                                        I f your t elephone is connect ed wit h your com put er ( TAPI ) you will have t he possiblit y t o m a-
                                        ke a phonecall using Sprint er 2000. To reduce cost s you can also use VOI P like Skype of
                                        Voipbust er.
                        x       Agenda
                                        You and your colleages can m ake all your appoint m ent s int o one agenda, so you have bet t er
                                        view about every appoint m ent wit hin your com pany.

                        NOTE: Following m odules can be added t o 6SULQWHU :

                        x       Docum ent m anager
                        x       Barcode r ecognit ion
                        x       Elect r onic invoices
                        x       Planning en Truckboard
                        x       War ehouse
                        x       Credit Cont r ol
                        x       Tracking and Tracing ( St andard/ Advanced)
                        x       Cust om s Link
                        x       Message Serv er
                        x       Client / Server
                        x       Em ballage ( pallet adm inist rat ion)

                        Ev er y m odule has it s own specific feat ures which you can r ead in t he following pages.

                        ©2010 Cargo Data Systems bv, All rights reserved.                                                                       7
$3(0 %5 4:45.4 #7

                        'RFXPHQW 0DQDJHU

                        Wit h t his m odule you can build a digit al archive for all your shipm ent s. Ev ery docu-
                        m ent of a shipm ent or ot her file which you have print ed or em ailed can be st ored.
                        You can also scan your docum ent s and st ore t hem wit h t he shipm ent . Docum ent m a-
                        nager sim plifies t he way y our work wit h docum ent s. You can easily find all docum ent s
                        of a shipm ent and print , em ail or fax t he docum ent s.

                        Docum ent s of ot her syst em s ( like Sagit t a, NCTS, Cargonaut ) can be direct ly and au-
                        t om at ically linked t o t he corr ect shipm ent by using t he Message serv er .

                        Docum ent s t hat y ou st or e in t he ar chive of t he shipm ent can be av ailable on your
                        websit e by using t he Tracking and Tracing advanced m odule. These docum ent s can
                        also be em ailed by using t he Elect ronic I nvoices m odule.


                        x       St or e t he print ed docum ent s of a shipm ent
                        x       Scan docum ent s and st or e t hem wit h t he shipm ent
                        x       Load digit al phot os ( of t he dam aged shipm ent ) and st ore t hem wit h t he ship-
                                m ent
                        x       Load ot her files and st or e t hem wit h t he shipm ent
                        x       Em ail all docum ent s
                        x       Also load all above m ent ioned docum ent s per cust om er/ car rier. Ver y handy for
                                quot at ion and ot her cust om er inform at ion

                        %DUFRGH 5HFRJQLWLRQ

                        Wit h t his m odule you will be able t o print barcodes on your CMR’s and delivery not es
                        ( and ot her docum ent s if necessary) . I f you receive t hese docum ent s in ret urn, aft er
                        being signed, y ou only have t o scan t he docum ent s and t his m odule will aut om at ically
                        assign t he docum ent t o t he cor r ect shipm ent . I f you also have t he Tracking and Tra-
                        cing m odule, your websit e will be aut om at ically updat ed wit h t he last POD inform at ion
                        and docum ent s. The Barcode Recognit ion m odule requires t he Docum ent Manager
                        m odule.
                        (OHFWURQLF ,QYRLFHV

                        Wit h t his m odule you can send your sales invoices t o y our cust om er s per em ail. The
                        invoices will be send as enclosure in PDF size. You can also send your st andard deli-
                        very condit ions wit h t he invoice and if you are using t he Docum ent Manager m odule,
                        you can ev en send v arious ot her docum ent s ( like CMR of AWB) .

                        The m odule gives you t he opport unit y t o choose if t he cust om er want s t he invoice by
                        em ail or regular m ail. I nvoices for cust om ers who prefer r eceiving it by r egular m ail
                        can be print ed.

                        This m odule will save y ou a lot of t im e and m oney . Your cust om ers will receive your
                        invoices wit hout any w ell known post al delays!

                        ©2010 Cargo Data Systems bv, All rights reserved.                                             8
$3(0 %5 4:45.4 #7

                        3ODQQLQJ $QG 7UXFN %RDUG

                        This m odule consist s of t hree elem ent s. Planning, Planning Advanced and Truck
                        Board. Wit h t his m odule you can m ake a planning for alle your shipm ent s on t he avai-
                        lable t rucks. The m odule is only available wit h t he Road m odule

                        The Planning elem ent gives you t he opport unit y t o sim ply build a groupage by m oving
                        t he shipm ent s. A groupage can be not iced as a full t ruck load or r oundt rip.

                        Planning Advanced is a plan board wher e you can m ove shipm ent s int o t rucks. Ship-
                        m ent s can be m oved fr om t ruck t o t ruck as long as t he shipm ent has received it s final
                        dest inat ion. This m odule is v ery efficiënt if you have various warehouses and your
                        shipm ent is t ransport ed by different t ruck s befor e it arrives at it s final dest inat ion.
                        The sect ion Truckboard is an elect ronic ver sion of a whit eboard or paper planboard.
                        I t s looks like a calendar you can use t o indicat e ev er y act ion each t ruck m akes.

                        :DUHKRXVH 0RGXOH

                        The Warehouse m odule offer s y ou a pallet adm inist rat ion. Wit h ever y shipm ent you
                        can report inbound and out bound t ransact ions from t he war ehouse. A pallet can con-
                        sist one or m or e colli. Tev ens w ordt er per loods bij gehouden op w elke loods- locat ie
                        de pallet st aat en van welke klant deze pallet is. Voor elke pallet kan er een pallet la-
                        bel worden geprint .
                        Tev ens bent u in st aat om wanneer u beschikt ov er de Docum ent Manager, ook uw
                        docum ent en, em ails en scans op t e slaan per pallet .
                        Beschikt u ook ov er de Tracking and Tracing m odule dan kunnen ook de pallet gege-
                        vens op uw websit e door uw klant en worden opgevr aagd.
                        Met behulp van het ingebouwde t arievensyst eem kan het sy st eem aut om at isch de
                        kost en v oor inslag en opslag uit rekenen.

                        3DOOHW DGPLQLVWUDWLRQ 0RGXOH

                        Adm inist rat e all t ransact ions concerning pallet s ( block/ euro) , CC et c. per cust om er.
                        The sy st em can cr eat e em ballage t ransact ions based upon your shipm ent s or m anual-
                        ly for balancing purposes. Report s of adm inist rat ion can be send t o y our cust om er s.
                        This m odule will also enable you t o t rack accessories of t he packing unit s ( like boards
                        for CC/ Danish car s) .
                        UHGLW FRQWURO

                        This m odule enables you t o send st at em ent s or r em inders by em ail or post . The sy s-
                        t em   will    warn    you     if     a   cust om er     crosses   it s  lim it   of   cr edit .
                        By using Credit Cont rol Act ion point s you can r egist er all your inform at ion concerning
                        your debt ors in order t o be not ified when t o t ak e act ion.

                        ©2010 Cargo Data Systems bv, All rights reserved.                                              9
$3(0 %5 4:45.4 #7

                        7UDFNLQJ DQG 7UDFLQJ

                        This m odule provides y our cust om er s all im port ant shipm ent inform at ion online on
                        your own w ebsit e. Wit h a user code and password your cust om ers can obt ain inform a-
                        t ion of al t heir shipm ent s. Wit h t he Advanced m odule you can upload docum ent s ( f.e.
                        CMR, AWB and invoices) fr om t he Docum ent Manager int o your w ebsit e and m ake
                        t hem available for all your cust om ers.

                        XVWRPV /LQN

                        Wit h t he Cust om s Link m odule you will be able t ot send cust om s declarat ions t o t he
                        m yUnidoc websit e of Minihouse, t he cust om s com pany. Declarat ions will be processed
                        by m yUnidoc and send t o Cust om s.

                        This m odule is only available for Dut ch and Belgian cust om er s.

                        0HVVDJH 6HUYHU

                        The Message Serv er handles com m unicat ion bet ween various syst em s.

                        Exam ples:

                        x       Sending report s and docum ent s t o t he Tracking and Tracing Serv er
                        x       Sending em ail and POD m essages
                        x       Processing Minihouse ret urn m essages
                        x       Processing m essages fr om Cargonaut concerning E- AWB
                        x       By using ‘plugins’ t he Message Serv er can process various m essages like
                                deliverynot es of for warding com panies.


                        I f y ou want t o use 6SULQWHU  for 5 users or m or e it is recom m ended t hat you use
                        t he Client / Server version of 6SULQWHU . This version raises t he reliabilit y and

                        The Client / Server v ersion is including t he DBI SAM dat abase ser ver.

                        Your   advant ages:
                        x      The Client / Server v ersion is st eady and reliable
                        x      The Client / Server v ersion is even fast er
                        x      The Client / Server v ersion is less aggravat ing for your net w or k

                        ©2010 Cargo Data Systems bv, All rights reserved.                                          10
$3(0 %5 4:45.4 #7

                         ¢F EC0@8
                        G D B A 9                                                                                                caPYWXV¢US RPH
                                                                                                                                b ` 9 I F T F QI
                                     ¤¢§ ¦¤¢ 
                                        £ ©¨ ¥£ ¡                                    ( §' ¥ $%#© © ¤§ ¥
                                                                                                    £ © £ ! 
                        BASE LI CENSE                             , including 1 user (                             , incl
                                                  ' ¥ #0 !
                                                 § £ © $                                                                                   140.00
                        Support (                  )         )
                        Road m odule                                                                                                        40.00

                        Air m odule                                                                                                         40.00

                        Sea m odule                                                                                                         40.00

                        Rail m odule                                                                                                        40.00
                                             ( §' ¥ £7¦£5342¤§
                                                        © $ 6 ' ¨ ©
                        Addit ional user                           1                                                                       35.00

                        Client / Server m odule ( advised in case of 5 users or m ore, including Dat abase
                        Server soft ware

                        Planning and Truck Board                                                                                            30.00

                        Warehouse m odule                                                                                                   30.00

                        Em ballage Module ( pallet adm inist rat ion)                                                                       30.00

                        Docum ent Manager                                                                                                   35.00

                        Barcode Recognit ion ( requires Docum ent Manager)                                                                  15.00

                        Elect ronic I nvoices                                                                                               40.00

                        Credit Cont rol                                                                                                     30.00

                        Tracking and Tracing St andard                                                                                      50.00

                        Tracking and Tracing Advanced ( requires Docum ent Manager)                                                        100.00

                        Cust om s Link St andard ( price excluding cost s for t he use of m yUnidoc)                                        45.00

                        Cust om s Link Advanced ( requires Message Server)                                                                  85.00

                        SMS ( Text ) Messaging                                                                                 prices upon request

                        Message Server                                                                                                      30.00

                        x       I nvoices are m ade for t hree m ont hs in advance
                        x       I nvoices m ust be paid wit hin 14 days aft er invoice dat e
                        x       Minim um rent al period is one year
                        x       Support will be given by em ail ( support @sprint ), fax or phone
                        x       Support does not include support on locat ion!
                        x       Soft ware will be rent “ AS I S”
                        x       Prices are in EURO and excluding VAT, inst allat ion, t raining and possible adj ust m ent s
                        x       We t rade according t o our st andard delivery condit ions ( Fenit condit ions)
                                More info ht t p: / / www.cds-
                        x       Cargo Dat a Syst em s can change soft ware specificat ions and prices wit hout prior not ice

                        ©2010 Cargo Data Systems bv, All rights reserved.                                                                            11

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  • 1. $"3(0 %"5" 4:45&.4 #7 7+( ),1$/ 62/87,21 )25 727$/ )25:$5',1* $1' 75$163257 $8720$7,21
  • 2. $"3(0 %"5" 4:45&.4 #7 *HQHUDO 6SULQWHU is a Windows program for freight forwarder s ( r oad, air , sea, rail) and t ransport com panies. I t ’s a pow erful, st at e- of- t he- art , no- nonsense and fast v ersion of it s DOS logist ics program s AirSprint er and RoadSprint er but com plet ely r e- writ t en for use under Windows. Sprint er 2000 handles road– and t ruck freight , ( groupage) roundt rips, air freight shipm ent s, sea fr eight shipm ent s and rail t ank car shipm ent s. All required docum ent at ion can be print ed and new docum ent s can be added easily t o t he sy st em . Wit h Sprint er 2000 it is easy t o creat e sales invoices and t o m anage y our purchase invoices. You have inst ant access t o all up- t o- dat e m anagem ent and sales inform at ion by using t he com prehensive and sophist icat ed report ing m odule. Aft er 1.5 y ear of dev eloping and t est ing, we have released t he first official version of 6SULQWHU on Sept em ber 13t h, 2000. To dev elop t he program w e use t he lat est RAD soft war e dev elopm ent t ools, Client / Serv er and XML t echnologies. (DV HFRQRPLFDO SRZHUIXO DQG IDVW Against very com pet it ive prices DOUHDG IRU (85 SHU PRQWK
  • 3. com panies can easily and fast r egist er t heir road, air, and sea fr eight shipm ent s by using 6SULQ WHU . As well as direct , gr oupage/ consol or full- load shipm ent s. 6SULQWHU has m any advant ages like: x Ver y userfriendly x The possibilit y t o print al needed docum ent s x I m m ediat e pr ofit / loss figures ( bot h for single shipm ent s as for gr oupage/ consol shipm ent s) x Aut om at ic rat e calculat ion x Direct invoicing x Easy conversion t o alm ost every account ing package x Elect r onic com m unicat ion ( em ail and EDI ) x Various m anagem ent r eport s x Digit al archive x And a lot m or e im port ant applicat ions. ©2010 Cargo Data Systems bv, All rights reserved. 2
  • 4. $3(0 %5 4:45.4 #7 JHQHUDO 0RGXOHV 6SULQWHU cont ains m odules for: x Road gr oupage fr eight x Air freight x Sea freight x Rail freight ( rail t ank cars) These m odules can be used separat ely or t oget her. *HQHUDO IHDWXUHV 6SULQWHU cont ains t he following feat ures: x I m port cust om er/ agent addresses fr om a CSV file or Out look x Sales invoices ( in English, Dut ch, Germ an, French, I t alian) x Purchase invoice cont r ol x Address files for quick shipm ent ent ry x Check on cr edit lim it per cust om er x Docum ent generat or t o cr eat e and design your own docum ent s x Direct pr ofit figures per shipm ent x Managem ent / pr ofit report s, dedicat ed 6SULQWHU report s of Ex cel r eport s x Com plaint adm inist rat ion ( expecially for I SO 9002 cert ified com panies) x Conversion of sales and purchase invoices t o alm ost ev er y account ing package x POD inform at ion, wit h t he POD ent ry syst em y our sub- cont ract or s can ent er t he POD inform at ion for y ou x Cont o- a- Met a ( cont ra set t lem ent sy st em ) using Ex cel x Sending docum ent s and r eport s per em ail x Aut om at ic soft ware updat e t hr ough t he int ernet x A group agenda t o plan all your appoint m ent s and act ivit ies Ev er y m odule has it s own specific feat ures which you can r ead in t he following pages. ©2010 Cargo Data Systems bv, All rights reserved. 3
  • 5. $3(0 %5 4:45.4 #7 5RDG PRGXOH x Shipm ent ent ry x Gr oupage, including m anifest x Sales and purchase rat es accruals x Gr oupage m anagem ent x Built - in rat e sy st em x Specific goods ent r y including com m odit y codes x Various docum ent s x Fer ry inform at ion x Sending groupage m anifest by em ail x Fleet m anager x Planning and t ruck boar d x Em ballage m odule ( pallet adm inist rat ion) )ROORZLQJ GRFXPHQWV DUH DYDLODEOH x CMR ( UK, Dut ch, Ger m an, ot her count ries available upon request ) x Gr oupage m anifest x File cov er x Delivery and collect ion not es x Not e of arrival x Transport confirm at ion for your cust om er x Transport order x Cont o- a- m et a x Consol report x Mult iple pickup and delivery report s x Cert ificat e of shipm ent ( English, Germ an, Dut ch, ot her count ries av ailable upon r equest ) x Loading/ unloading list s x POD confirm at ion x Sales invoices ( English, Germ an, Dut ch, Fr ench, I t alian, Spanish, ot her languages upon request ) $OO GRFXPHQWV FDQ DOVR EH HPDLOHG RU ID[HG :LWK WKH EXLOWLQ 'RFXPHQW JHQHUDWRU RX FDQ FUHDWH DQG GHVLJQ RXU RZQ GRFXPHQWV ©2010 Cargo Data Systems bv, All rights reserved. 4
  • 6. $3(0 %5 4:45.4 #7 $LU PRGXOH x Shipm ent ent ry x Consolidat ions x AWB st ock x Built - in rat e sy st em x I m port ing airline rat es from t hird part ies soft ware x Flight num ber dat abase, self- learning x All m aj or airlines and airport s x Various docum ent s x Elect r onic AWB ( FWB) , HAWB ( FZB) and m anifest ( FHL) x Sending m anifest by em ail x Profit share ( im port ) )ROORZLQJ GRFXPHQWV DUH DYDLODEOH x AWB ( also elect ronic AWB) and HAWB x Manifest x Collect ion and delivery not es ( NL: BVA) x Airport delivery not e x I ATA cargo labels wit h barcode ( r equires a Dat a- m ax Allegro2, an I nt er m ec Easycode C4, a Cit ho EZ- 4TT or anot her com pat ible t herm al print er) x NVVL Goods r eceipt ( NL) x File cov er x Cert ificat e of shipm ent ( English, Germ an and Dut ch, ot her count ries available upon request ) x Sales invoices ( English, Germ an, Dut ch, Fr ench, I t alian, Spanish, ot her languages upon request ) $OO GRFXPHQWV FDQ DOVR EH HPDLOHG RU ID[HG :LWK WKH EXLOWLQ 'RFXPHQW JHQHUDWRU RX FDQ FUHDWH DQG GHVLJQ RXU RZQ GRFXPHQWV ©2010 Cargo Data Systems bv, All rights reserved. 5
  • 7. $3(0 %5 4:45.4 #7 6HD PRGXOH x Shipm ent ent ry x Consolidat ion, including m anifest x Sales and purchase rat es accruals x Consolidat ion m anagem ent x Cont ainer m anagem ent x Built - in rat e sy st em x Specific goods ent r y including com m odit y codes x Various docum ent s x Sending consol/ groupage m anifest by em ail )ROORZLQJ GRFXPHQWV DUH DYDLODEOH x Consolidat ion m anifest x Bill of lading ( for blank paper and pr e- print ed paper) x St andard shipping not e ( UK x File cov er x Collect ion and delivery not es x Not e of arrival x Transport confirm at ion x Cont o- a- m et a x Consol report x Mult iple pickup and delivery report s x Cert ificat e of shipm ent ( English, Germ an, Dut ch, ot her count ries available upon request x Confirm at ion of booking x Export shipping inst ruct ion x POD confirm at ion x Sales invoices ( English, Germ an, Dut ch, Fr ench, I t alian, Spanish, ot her langua- ges upon r equest 5DLO PRGXOH x Shipm ent ent ry x Rail car m anager ( fleet m anager) x Train m anager x Sales and purchase rat es accruals x Built - in rat e sy st em x Aut om at ic processing of EDI m essages fr om t rain operat ors x Rail cars posit ion and st at us on y our websit e ©2010 Cargo Data Systems bv, All rights reserved. 6
  • 8. $3(0 %5 4:45.4 #7 2WKHU 0RGXOHV 6SULQWHU includes following m odules: x Com plaint adm inist rat ion Wit h t his m odule you can st ore all t he com plaint s you or your custom ers have int o a system dat abase. You can ent er m ore t han one com plaint per shipm ent or you can ent er a com plaint which is not direct ly linked t o a shipm ent . This m odule is especially designed for I SO 9002 cert ified com panies. x Managem ent inform at ion Wit h t his m odule you will be able t o creat e different sort s of report s inst ant ly, like profit re- port s, shipm ent s per period or cust om er and cust om er revenues. All report s can be creat ed for select ed requirem ent s, e.g. all export shipm ent s or im port shipm ent s only (or any com bi- nat ion you require) . From several report s a graphic can be creat ed. Wit h t his m odule you can keep an adm inist rat ion of pallet s ( blok/ euro) , CC et c per cust om er. The syst em can creat e em ballage t ransact ions based upon your shipm ent s. You can also cre- at e em ballage t ransact ions m anually for balancing purposes. Adm inist rat ion report s can be send t o your custom ers. This m odule will also enable you to t rack accessories of t he packing unit s ( like boards for CC/ Danish cars) . x Fleet Manager ( only in road m odule and rail m odule) Manage your fleet of t rucks, trailers or rail cars. By using a planning of periodical m aint enan- ce and inspect ion appoint m ent s you will prevent t hat t rucks, t railers or rail cars will not be available during planning your shipm ent s. You will have a bet t er view int o various cost s like fuel or m aint ance cost s. x Telephone and SMS I f your t elephone is connect ed wit h your com put er ( TAPI ) you will have t he possiblit y t o m a- ke a phonecall using Sprint er 2000. To reduce cost s you can also use VOI P like Skype of Voipbust er. x Agenda You and your colleages can m ake all your appoint m ent s int o one agenda, so you have bet t er view about every appoint m ent wit hin your com pany. NOTE: Following m odules can be added t o 6SULQWHU : x Docum ent m anager x Barcode r ecognit ion x Elect r onic invoices x Planning en Truckboard x War ehouse x Credit Cont r ol x Tracking and Tracing ( St andard/ Advanced) x Cust om s Link x Message Serv er x Client / Server x Em ballage ( pallet adm inist rat ion) Ev er y m odule has it s own specific feat ures which you can r ead in t he following pages. . ©2010 Cargo Data Systems bv, All rights reserved. 7
  • 9. $3(0 %5 4:45.4 #7 'RFXPHQW 0DQDJHU Wit h t his m odule you can build a digit al archive for all your shipm ent s. Ev ery docu- m ent of a shipm ent or ot her file which you have print ed or em ailed can be st ored. You can also scan your docum ent s and st ore t hem wit h t he shipm ent . Docum ent m a- nager sim plifies t he way y our work wit h docum ent s. You can easily find all docum ent s of a shipm ent and print , em ail or fax t he docum ent s. Docum ent s of ot her syst em s ( like Sagit t a, NCTS, Cargonaut ) can be direct ly and au- t om at ically linked t o t he corr ect shipm ent by using t he Message serv er . Docum ent s t hat y ou st or e in t he ar chive of t he shipm ent can be av ailable on your websit e by using t he Tracking and Tracing advanced m odule. These docum ent s can also be em ailed by using t he Elect ronic I nvoices m odule. )HDWXUHV x St or e t he print ed docum ent s of a shipm ent x Scan docum ent s and st or e t hem wit h t he shipm ent x Load digit al phot os ( of t he dam aged shipm ent ) and st ore t hem wit h t he ship- m ent x Load ot her files and st or e t hem wit h t he shipm ent x Em ail all docum ent s x Also load all above m ent ioned docum ent s per cust om er/ car rier. Ver y handy for quot at ion and ot her cust om er inform at ion %DUFRGH 5HFRJQLWLRQ Wit h t his m odule you will be able t o print barcodes on your CMR’s and delivery not es ( and ot her docum ent s if necessary) . I f you receive t hese docum ent s in ret urn, aft er being signed, y ou only have t o scan t he docum ent s and t his m odule will aut om at ically assign t he docum ent t o t he cor r ect shipm ent . I f you also have t he Tracking and Tra- cing m odule, your websit e will be aut om at ically updat ed wit h t he last POD inform at ion and docum ent s. The Barcode Recognit ion m odule requires t he Docum ent Manager m odule. (OHFWURQLF ,QYRLFHV Wit h t his m odule you can send your sales invoices t o y our cust om er s per em ail. The invoices will be send as enclosure in PDF size. You can also send your st andard deli- very condit ions wit h t he invoice and if you are using t he Docum ent Manager m odule, you can ev en send v arious ot her docum ent s ( like CMR of AWB) . The m odule gives you t he opport unit y t o choose if t he cust om er want s t he invoice by em ail or regular m ail. I nvoices for cust om ers who prefer r eceiving it by r egular m ail can be print ed. This m odule will save y ou a lot of t im e and m oney . Your cust om ers will receive your invoices wit hout any w ell known post al delays! ©2010 Cargo Data Systems bv, All rights reserved. 8
  • 10. $3(0 %5 4:45.4 #7 3ODQQLQJ $QG 7UXFN %RDUG This m odule consist s of t hree elem ent s. Planning, Planning Advanced and Truck Board. Wit h t his m odule you can m ake a planning for alle your shipm ent s on t he avai- lable t rucks. The m odule is only available wit h t he Road m odule The Planning elem ent gives you t he opport unit y t o sim ply build a groupage by m oving t he shipm ent s. A groupage can be not iced as a full t ruck load or r oundt rip. Planning Advanced is a plan board wher e you can m ove shipm ent s int o t rucks. Ship- m ent s can be m oved fr om t ruck t o t ruck as long as t he shipm ent has received it s final dest inat ion. This m odule is v ery efficiënt if you have various warehouses and your shipm ent is t ransport ed by different t ruck s befor e it arrives at it s final dest inat ion. The sect ion Truckboard is an elect ronic ver sion of a whit eboard or paper planboard. I t s looks like a calendar you can use t o indicat e ev er y act ion each t ruck m akes. :DUHKRXVH 0RGXOH The Warehouse m odule offer s y ou a pallet adm inist rat ion. Wit h ever y shipm ent you can report inbound and out bound t ransact ions from t he war ehouse. A pallet can con- sist one or m or e colli. Tev ens w ordt er per loods bij gehouden op w elke loods- locat ie de pallet st aat en van welke klant deze pallet is. Voor elke pallet kan er een pallet la- bel worden geprint . Tev ens bent u in st aat om wanneer u beschikt ov er de Docum ent Manager, ook uw docum ent en, em ails en scans op t e slaan per pallet . Beschikt u ook ov er de Tracking and Tracing m odule dan kunnen ook de pallet gege- vens op uw websit e door uw klant en worden opgevr aagd. Met behulp van het ingebouwde t arievensyst eem kan het sy st eem aut om at isch de kost en v oor inslag en opslag uit rekenen. 3DOOHW DGPLQLVWUDWLRQ 0RGXOH Adm inist rat e all t ransact ions concerning pallet s ( block/ euro) , CC et c. per cust om er. The sy st em can cr eat e em ballage t ransact ions based upon your shipm ent s or m anual- ly for balancing purposes. Report s of adm inist rat ion can be send t o y our cust om er s. This m odule will also enable you t o t rack accessories of t he packing unit s ( like boards for CC/ Danish car s) . UHGLW FRQWURO This m odule enables you t o send st at em ent s or r em inders by em ail or post . The sy s- t em will warn you if a cust om er crosses it s lim it of cr edit . By using Credit Cont rol Act ion point s you can r egist er all your inform at ion concerning your debt ors in order t o be not ified when t o t ak e act ion. ©2010 Cargo Data Systems bv, All rights reserved. 9
  • 11. $3(0 %5 4:45.4 #7 7UDFNLQJ DQG 7UDFLQJ This m odule provides y our cust om er s all im port ant shipm ent inform at ion online on your own w ebsit e. Wit h a user code and password your cust om ers can obt ain inform a- t ion of al t heir shipm ent s. Wit h t he Advanced m odule you can upload docum ent s ( f.e. CMR, AWB and invoices) fr om t he Docum ent Manager int o your w ebsit e and m ake t hem available for all your cust om ers. XVWRPV /LQN Wit h t he Cust om s Link m odule you will be able t ot send cust om s declarat ions t o t he m yUnidoc websit e of Minihouse, t he cust om s com pany. Declarat ions will be processed by m yUnidoc and send t o Cust om s. This m odule is only available for Dut ch and Belgian cust om er s. 0HVVDJH 6HUYHU The Message Serv er handles com m unicat ion bet ween various syst em s. Exam ples: x Sending report s and docum ent s t o t he Tracking and Tracing Serv er x Sending em ail and POD m essages x Processing Minihouse ret urn m essages x Processing m essages fr om Cargonaut concerning E- AWB x By using ‘plugins’ t he Message Serv er can process various m essages like deliverynot es of for warding com panies. OLHQW6HUYHU I f y ou want t o use 6SULQWHU for 5 users or m or e it is recom m ended t hat you use t he Client / Server version of 6SULQWHU . This version raises t he reliabilit y and speed. The Client / Server v ersion is including t he DBI SAM dat abase ser ver. Your advant ages: x The Client / Server v ersion is st eady and reliable x The Client / Server v ersion is even fast er x The Client / Server v ersion is less aggravat ing for your net w or k ©2010 Cargo Data Systems bv, All rights reserved. 10
  • 12. $3(0 %5 4:45.4 #7 3ULFHV ¢F EC0@8 G D B A 9 caPYWXV¢US RPH b ` 9 I F T F QI ¤¢§ ¦¤¢  £ ©¨ ¥£ ¡ ( §' ¥ $%#© © ¤§ ¥ £ © £ ! BASE LI CENSE , including 1 user ( , incl ' ¥ #0 ! § £ © $ 140.00 Support ( ) ) Road m odule 40.00 Air m odule 40.00 Sea m odule 40.00 Rail m odule 40.00 ( §' ¥ £7¦£5342¤§ © $ 6 ' ¨ © Addit ional user 1 35.00 Client / Server m odule ( advised in case of 5 users or m ore, including Dat abase 50.00 Server soft ware Planning and Truck Board 30.00 Warehouse m odule 30.00 Em ballage Module ( pallet adm inist rat ion) 30.00 Docum ent Manager 35.00 Barcode Recognit ion ( requires Docum ent Manager) 15.00 Elect ronic I nvoices 40.00 Credit Cont rol 30.00 Tracking and Tracing St andard 50.00 Tracking and Tracing Advanced ( requires Docum ent Manager) 100.00 Cust om s Link St andard ( price excluding cost s for t he use of m yUnidoc) 45.00 Cust om s Link Advanced ( requires Message Server) 85.00 SMS ( Text ) Messaging prices upon request Message Server 30.00 RQGLWLRQV x I nvoices are m ade for t hree m ont hs in advance x I nvoices m ust be paid wit hin 14 days aft er invoice dat e x Minim um rent al period is one year x Support will be given by em ail ( support @sprint ), fax or phone x Support does not include support on locat ion! x Soft ware will be rent “ AS I S” x Prices are in EURO and excluding VAT, inst allat ion, t raining and possible adj ust m ent s x We t rade according t o our st andard delivery condit ions ( Fenit condit ions) More info ht t p: / / www.cds- x Cargo Dat a Syst em s can change soft ware specificat ions and prices wit hout prior not ice ©2010 Cargo Data Systems bv, All rights reserved. 11
  • 13. $3(0 %5 4:45.4 #7 RQWDFW I f you need m or e inform at ion we can offer you a personal and inform al dem o of 6SULQWHU . Don’t hesit at e t o cont act us, we gladly answer all your quest ions! DUJR 'DWD 6VWHPV %9 De St ok 24 4703 SZ Roosendaal The Net herlands Phone: + 31 - 165 - 56 56 67 Fax: + 31 - 84 - 74 16 449 Em ail: info@cds- Websit e: www.sprint Helpdesk: support @cds- 7+( ),1$/ 62/87,21 )25 727$/ )25:$5',1* $1' 75$163257 $8720$7,21 ©2010 Cargo Data Systems bv, All rights reserved. 12