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Implementing and Visualizing Click-Stream
                         Data with MongoDB

                       Jan 22, 2013 - New York MongoDB User Group
                                   Cameron Sim -

Monday, April 15, 13

                       About LearnVest
                       HL Application Architecture
                       Data Capture
                       Event Packaging
                       MongoDB Data Warehousing
                       Loading & Visualization
                       Finishing up
Monday, April 15, 13
LearnVest Inc.
                                                  Mission Statement
                       Aiming to making Financial Planning as accessible as having a gym membership

                        Company                                               Key Products
          Founded in 2008 by Alexa Von Tobel, CEO                  Account Aggregation and Management
                                                                 (Bank, Credit, Loan, Investment, Mortgage)
                   50+ People and Growing rapidly
                           Based in NYC                        Original and Syndicated Newsletter Content

                            Platforms                                         Financial Planning
                            Web & iPhone                                  (tiered product offering)


                      Operational                                            Analytics
            Wordpress, Backbone.js, Node.js                        MongoDB 2.2.0 (3-node replica-set)
             Java Spring 3, Redis, Memcached,                              Java 6, Spring 3
          MongoDB, ActiveMQ, Nginx, MySQL 5.x                                 pyMongo
                                                                             Django 1.4
Monday, April 15, 13

Monday, April 15, 13

Monday, April 15, 13
High Level Architecture
                         Production                                      Analytics
     Platform Delivery                       Services         Services        Loaders & Dashboards

                       MongoDB Java Conn
                       MongoDB Replication              Event Packaging Warehousing
                                                        MongoDB Visualization
                                                        Loading & Data
Monday, April 15, 13
High Level Architecture
                         Production                                      Analytics
     Platform Delivery                       Services         Services        Loaders & Dashboards

                       MongoDB Java Conn
                       MongoDB Replication              Event Packaging Warehousing
                                                        MongoDB Visualization
                                                        Loading & Data
Monday, April 15, 13
High Level Architecture
                         Production                                      Analytics
     Platform Delivery                       Services         Services        Loaders & Dashboards

                       MongoDB Java Conn
                       MongoDB Replication              Event Packaging Warehousing
                                                        MongoDB Visualization
                                                        Loading & Data
Monday, April 15, 13
High Level Architecture
                         Production                                      Analytics
     Platform Delivery                       Services         Services        Loaders & Dashboards

                       MongoDB Java Conn
                       MongoDB Replication              Event Packaging Warehousing
                                                        MongoDB Visualization
                                                        Loading & Data
Monday, April 15, 13
High Level Architecture
                         Production                                      Analytics
     Platform Delivery                       Services         Services        Loaders & Dashboards

                       MongoDB Java Conn
                       MongoDB Replication              Event Packaging Warehousing
                                                        MongoDB Visualization
                                                        Loading & Data
Monday, April 15, 13
High Level Architecture
                         Production                                      Analytics
     Platform Delivery                       Services         Services        Loaders & Dashboards

                       MongoDB Java Conn
                       MongoDB Replication              Event Packaging
                                                        Loading & VisualizationData Ware
Monday, April 15, 13
High Level Architecture
                         Production                                      Analytics
     Platform Delivery                       Services         Services        Loaders & Dashboards

                       MongoDB Java Conn
                       MongoDB Replication              Event Packaging
                                                        Loading & Visualization MongoDB
Monday, April 15, 13
Philosophy For Data Collection
       Capture Everything
       • User-Driven events over web and mobile
       • System-level exceptions
       • Everything else
       Temporary Data
       • Be ‘ok’ with approximate data
       • Operational Databases are the system of record
       Aggregate events as they come in
       • Remove the overhead of basic metrics (counts, sums) on core events
       • Group by user unique id and increment counts per event, over time-dimensions
         (day, week-ending, month, year)

Monday, April 15, 13
Data Capture

                - (void) sendAnalyticEventType:(NSString*)eventType
                    NSMutableDictionary *eventData = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];

                       if   (eventType!=nil) [params setObject:eventType forKey:@"eventType"];
                       if   (object!=nil) [eventData setObject:object forKey:@"object"];
                       if   (name!=nil) [eventData setObject:name forKey:@"name"];
                       if   (page!=nil) [eventData setObject:page forKey:@"page"];
                       if   (source!=nil) [eventData setObject:source forKey:@"source"];
                       if   (eventData!=nil) [params setObject:eventData forKey:@"eventData"];

                       [[LVNetworkEngine sharedManager] analytics_send:params];

Monday, April 15, 13
Data Capture
                WEB (JavaScript)

                function internalTrackPageView() {
                   var cookie = {
                       userContext: jQuery.cookie('UserContextCookie'),

                       var trackEvent = {
                           eventType: "pageView",
                           eventData: {
                              page: window.location.pathname +

                       // AJAX
                           url: "/api/track",
                           type: "POST",
                           dataType: "json",
                           data: JSON.stringify(trackEvent),
                           // Set Request Headers
                           beforeSend: function (xhr, settings) {
                              xhr.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json');
                              xhr.setRequestHeader('User-Context', cookie.userContext);
                              if(settings.type === 'PUT' || settings.type === 'POST') {
                                  xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');

Monday, April 15, 13
Bus Event Packaging
        1. Spring 3 RESTful service layer, controller methods define the eventCode via @tracking

        2. Custom Intercepter class extends HandlerInterceptorAdapter and implements
           postHandle() (for each event) to invoke calls via Spring @async to an EventPublisher

        3. EventPublisher publishes to common event bus queue with multiple subscribers, one of
           which packages the eventPayload Map<String, Object> object and forwards to Analytics Rest

Monday, April 15, 13
Bus Event Packaging
        1) Spring RestController Methods
        @RequestMapping(value = "/user/login", method = RequestMethod.POST,
        public Map<String, Object> userLogin(@RequestBody Map<String, Object> event,
        HttpServletRequest request);

        Concrete/Impl Class
        public Map<String, Object> userLogin(@RequestBody Map<String, Object> event,
        HttpServletRequest request){


                return event;

Monday, April 15, 13
Bus Event Packaging
         2) Custom Intercepter class extends HandlerInterceptorAdapter

        protected void handleTracking(String trackingCode, Map<String, Object> modelMap,
        HttpServletRequest request) {

                       Map<String, Object> responseModel = new HashMap<String, Object>();

                       // remove non-serializables & copy over data from modelMap

                       try {
                          this.eventPublisher.publish(trackingCode, responseModel, request);
                       } catch (Exception e) {
                          log.error("Error tracking event '" + trackingCode + "' : "
                                 + ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e));

Monday, April 15, 13
Bus Event Packaging
         2) Custom Intercepter class extends HandlerInterceptorAdapter
        public void publish (String eventCode, Map<String,Object> eventData,
                                                             HttpServletRequest request) {

                  Map<String,Object> payload = new HashMap<String,Object>();
                  String eventId=UUID.randomUUID().toString();
                  Map<String, String> requestMap = HttpRequestUtils.getRequestHeaders(request);

                  //Normalize message
                  payload.put("eventType", eventData.get("eventType"));
                  payload.put("eventData", eventData.get("eventType"));
                  payload.put("version", eventData.get("eventType"));
                  payload.put("eventId", eventId);
                  payload.put("eventTime", new Date());
                  payload.put("request", requestMap);
                  //Send to the Analytics Service for MongoDB persistence

        public void sendPost(EventPayload payload){
                HttpEntity request = new HttpEntity(payload.getEventPayload(), headers);
             Map m = restTemplate.postForObject(endpoint, request, java.util.Map.class);

Monday, April 15, 13
Bus Event Packaging
         The Serialized Json (User Action)
               “eventCode”   :   “user.login”,
               “eventType”   :   “login”,
               “version”     :   “1.0”,
               “eventTime”   :   “1358603157746”,
               “eventData”   :   {
                                     “” : “”,
                                     “” : “”,
                                     “” : “”
               “request” : {
                                 “call-source” : “WEB”,
                                 “user-context” : “00002b4f1150249206ac2b692e48ddb3”,
                                 “user.agent”   : “Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_2)
                                                   AppleWebKit/537.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/
                                                   23.0.1271.101 Safari/537.11”,
                                 “cookie”       : “size=4; CP.mode=B; PHPSESSID=c087908516
                                                   ee2fae50cef6500101dc89; resolution=1920;
                                                   46F139669D746F; csrftoken=73bdcd
                                                   ddf151dc56b8020855b2cb10c8", "content-length" :
                                                   "204", "accept-encoding" : "gzip,deflate,sdch”,


Monday, April 15, 13
Bus Event Packaging
         The Serialized Json (Generic Event)
               “eventCode”   :   “generic.ui”,
               “eventType”   :   “pageView”,
               “version”     :   “1.0”,
               “eventTime”   :   “1358603157746”,
               “eventData”   :   {
                                     “page”    : “/learnvest/moneycenter/inbox”,
                                     “section” : “transactions”,
                                     “name”    : “view transactions”
                                     “object” : “page”
               “request” : {
                                 “call-source” : “WEB”,
                                 “user-context” : “00002b4f1150249206ac2b692e48ddb3”,
                                 “user.agent”   : “Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_2)
                                                   AppleWebKit/537.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/
                                                   23.0.1271.101 Safari/537.11”,
                                 “cookie”       : “size=4; CP.mode=B; PHPSESSID=c087908516
                                                   ee2fae50cef6500101dc89; resolution=1920;
                                                   46F139669D746F; csrftoken=73bdcd
                                                   ddf151dc56b8020855b2cb10c8", "content-length" :
                                                   "204", "accept-encoding" : "gzip,deflate,sdch”,


Monday, April 15, 13
Bus Event Packaging
         The Serialized Json (Generic Event)
               “eventCode”   :   “generic.ui”,
               “eventType”   :   “pageView”,
               “version”     :   “1.0”,
               “eventTime”   :   “1358603157746”,
               “eventData”   :   {
                                     “page”    : “/learnvest/moneycenter/inbox”,
                                     “section” : “transactions”,
                                     “name”    : “view transactions”
                                     “object” : “page”
               “request” : {
                                 “call-source” : “WEB”,
                                 “user-context” : “00002b4f1150249206ac2b692e48ddb3”,
                                 “user.agent”   : “Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_2)
                                                   AppleWebKit/537.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/
                                                   23.0.1271.101 Safari/537.11”,
                                 “cookie”       : “size=4; CP.mode=B; PHPSESSID=c087908516
                                                   ee2fae50cef6500101dc89; resolution=1920;
                                                   46F139669D746F; csrftoken=73bdcd
                                                   ddf151dc56b8020855b2cb10c8", "content-length" :
                                                   "204", "accept-encoding" : "gzip,deflate,sdch”,


Monday, April 15, 13
MongoDB Data Warehousing
        MongoDB Information
        • v2.2.0
        • 3-node replica-set
        • 1 Large (primary), 2x Medium (secondary) AWS Amazon-Linux machines
        • Each with single 500GB EBS volumes mounted to /opt/data
        MongoDB Config File
        dbpath = /opt/data/mongodb/data
        rest = true
        replSet = voyager

        ~IM events daily on web, ~600K on mobile
        2-3 GB per day at start, slowed to ~1GB per day
        Currently at 78GB (collecting since August 2012)

        Future Scaling Strategy
        • Setup 2nd Replica-Set
        • Shard replica-sets to n at 60% / 250GB per EBS volume
        • Shard key probably based on sequential mix of email_address & additional string

Monday, April 15, 13
MongoDB Data Warehousing

         1. Persist all events, bucketed by source:-

         2. Persist all events, bucketed by source, event code and time:-
            time (day, week-ending, month, year)

         3. Insert into collection e_web / e_mobile

         4. Upsert into:-

         5. Predictable model for scaling and measuring business growth

Monday, April 15, 13
MongoDB Data Warehousing
         2. Persist all events, bucketed by source, event code and time:-
        //instantiate collections dynamically
        DBCollection collection_day = mongodb.getCollection(eventCode + "_day");
        DBCollection collection_week = mongodb.getCollection(eventCode + "_week");
        DBCollection collection_month = mongodb.getCollection(eventCode + "_month");
        DBCollection collection_year = mongodb.getCollection(eventCode + "_year");

        BasicDBObject newDocument = new BasicDBObject().append("$inc"
                         new BasicDBObject().append("count", 1));

        //update day dimension
        collection_day.update(new BasicDBObject().append("user-context", userContext)
                            .append("eventType", eventType)
                            .append("date", sdf_day.format(d)),newDocument, true, false);

        //update week dimension
        collection_week.update(new BasicDBObject().append("user-context", userContext)
                            .append("eventType", eventType)
                            .append("date", sdf_day.format(w)), newDocument, true, false);

        //update month dimension
        collection_month.update(new BasicDBObject().append("user-context", userContext)
                            .append("eventType", eventType)
                            .append("date", sdf_month.format(d)), newDocument, true, false);

        //update month dimension
        collection_year.update(new BasicDBObject().append("user-context", userContext)
                            .append("eventType", eventType)
                            .append("date", sdf_year.format(d)), newDocument, true, false);

Monday, April 15, 13
MongoDB Data Warehousing
         Persist all events, bucketed by source, event code and time:-
        > show collections

        > db.e_web_user_login_day.find()
        { "_id" : ObjectId("50e4b9871b36921910222c42"), "count"          : 5, "date" : "01/02",
        "user-context" : "c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b" }
        { "_id" : ObjectId("50cd6cfcb9a80a2b4ee21422"), "count"          : 7, "date" : "01/02",
        "user-context" : "c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b" }
        { "_id" : ObjectId("50cd6e51b9a80a2b4ee21427"), "count"          : 2, "date" : "01/02",
        "user-context" : "c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b" }
        { "_id" : ObjectId("50e4b9871b36921910222c42"), "count"          : 3, "date" : "01/03",
        "user-context" : "50e49a561b36921910222c33" }

Monday, April 15, 13
MongoDB Data Warehousing
         Persist all events
        > db.e_web.findOne()
        { "_id" : ObjectId("50e4a1ab0364f55ed07c2662"), "created_datetime" :
        ISODate("2013-01-02T21:07:55.656Z"), "created_date" :
        ISODate("2013-01-02T00:00:00.000Z"),"request" : { "content-type" : "application/
        json", "connection" : "keep-alive", "accept-language" : "en-US,en;q=0.8", "host" :
        "localhost:8080", "call-source" : "WEB", "accept" : "*/*", "user-context" :
        "c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b", "origin" : "chrome-extension://
        fdmmgilgnpjigdojojpjoooidkmcomcm", "user-agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac
        OS X 10_8_2) AppleWebKit/537.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/23.0.1271.101 Safari/
        537.11", "accept-charset" : "ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3", "cookie" : "size=4;
        CP.mode=B; PHPSESSID=c087908516ee2fae50cef6500101dc89; resolution=1920;
        csrftoken=73bdcdddf151dc56b8020855b2cb10c8", "content-length" : "255", "accept-
        encoding" : "gzip,deflate,sdch" }, "eventType" : "flick", "eventData" : { "object" :
        "button", "name" : "split transaction button", "page" : "#inbox/79876/", "section" :

Monday, April 15, 13
MongoDB Data Warehousing
         Indexing Strategy

         • Indexes on core collections (e_web and e_mobile) come in under 3GB on 7.5GB Large
            Instance and 3.75GB on Medium instances

         • Split datetime in two fields and compound index on date with other fields like eventType
            and user unique id (user-context)

         • Heavy insertion rates, much lower read less indexes the better


Monday, April 15, 13
MongoDB Data Warehousing
         Indexing Strategy
        > db.e_web.getIndexes()
               "v" : 1,
               "key" : {
                  "request.user-context" : 1,
                  "created_date" : 1
               "ns" : "moneycenter.e_web",
               "name" : "request.user-context_1_created_date_1"
               "v" : 1,
               "key" : {
                  "" : 1,
                  "created_date" : 1
               "ns" : "moneycenter.e_web",
               "name" : "eventData.name_1_created_date_1"


Monday, April 15, 13
Loading & Visualization
             • Show historic and intraday stats on core use cases (logins, conversions)
             • Show user funnel rates on conversion pages
             • Show general usability - how do users really use the Web and IOS platforms?
             • Intraday doesn’t need to be “real-time”, polling is good enough for now
             • Overnight batch job for historic must scale horizontally
             General Implementation Strategy
             • Do all heavy lifting & object manipulation, UI should just display graph or table
             • Modularize the service to be able to regenerate any graphs/tables without a full load

Monday, April 15, 13
Loading & Visualization
             Java Batch Service

             Java Mongo library to query key collections and return user counts and sum of events

             DBCursor webUserLogins = c.find(
                   new BasicDBObject("date", sdf.format(new Date())));

             private HashMap<String, Object> getSumAndCount(DBCursor cursor){
                    HashMap<String, Object> m = new HashMap<String, Object>();

                       int sum=0;
                       int count=0;
                       DBObject obj;

                       m.put("sum", sum);
                       m.put("count", count);
                       m.put("average", sdf.format(new Float(sum)/count));

                       return m;

Monday, April 15, 13
Loading & Visualization
             Java Batch Service

             Use Aggregation Framework where required on core collections (e_web) and external data
             //create aggregation objects
             DBObject project = new BasicDBObject("$project",
                 new BasicDBObject("day_value", fields) );
             DBObject day_value = new BasicDBObject( "day_value", "$day_value");
             DBObject groupFields = new BasicDBObject( "_id", day_value);

             //create the fields to group by, in this case “number”
             groupFields.put("number", new BasicDBObject( "$sum", 1));

             //create the group
             DBObject group = new BasicDBObject("$group", groupFields);

             AggregationOutput output = mycollection.aggregate( project, group );

             for(DBObject obj : output.results()){

Monday, April 15, 13
Loading & Visualization
             Java Batch Service

             MongoDB Command Line example on aggregation over a time period, e.g. month
             > db.e_web.aggregate(
                  { $match : { created_date : { $gt : ISODate("2012-10-25T00:00:00")}}},
                  { $project : {
                     day_value : {"day" : { $dayOfMonth : "$created_date" },
                                 "month":{ $month : "$created_date" }}
                 { $group : {
                     _id : {day_value:"$day_value"} ,
                     number : { $sum : 1 }
                 } },
                 { $sort : { day_value : -1 } }

Monday, April 15, 13
Loading & Visualization
             Java Batch Service

             Persisting events into graph and table collections


             { "_id" : ObjectId("50f57b5c1d4e714b581674e2"), "accounts_natural" : 54,
             "accounts_total" : 54, "date" : ISODate("2011-02-06T05:00:00Z"), "linked_rate" :
             "12.96", "premium_rate" : "0", "str_date" : "2011,01,06", "upgrade_rate" : "0",
             "users_avg_linked" : "3.43", "users_linked" : 7 }

             { "_id" : ObjectId("50f57b5c1d4e714b581674e3"), "accounts_natural" : 144,
             "accounts_total" : 144, "date" : ISODate("2011-02-07T05:00:00Z"), "linked_rate" :
             "11.11", "premium_rate" : "0", "str_date" : "2011,01,07", "upgrade_rate" : "0",
             "users_avg_linked" : "4", "users_linked" : 16 }

             { "_id" : ObjectId("50f57b5c1d4e714b581674e4"), "accounts_natural" : 119,
             "accounts_total" : 119, "date" : ISODate("2011-02-08T05:00:00Z"), "linked_rate" :

Monday, April 15, 13
Loading & Visualization
             Django and HighCharts

             Extract data (pyMongo)
             def getHomeChart(dt_from, dt_to):
                 """Called by home method to get latest 30 day numbers"""
                      conn = pymongo.Connection('localhost', 27017)
                      db = conn['lvanalytics']

                           cursor = db.accountmetrics.find(
                                 {"date" : {"$gte" : dt_from, "$lte" : dt_to}}).sort("date")
                           return buildMetricsDict(cursor)

                       except Exception as e:

             Return the graph object (as a list or a dict of lists) to the view that called the

             return render_to_response('home.html',{'pagedata': pagedata},

Monday, April 15, 13
Loading & Visualization
             Django and HighCharts

             Populate the series.. (JavaScript with Django templating)
             seriesOptions[0] = {
                id: 'naturalAccounts',
                name: "Natural Accounts",
                data: [
                    {% for a in pagedata.metrics.accounts_natural %}
                       {% if not forloop.first %}, {% endif %}
                       {% endfor %}
                tooltip: {
                   valueDecimals: 2

Monday, April 15, 13
Loading & Visualization
             Django and HighCharts

             And Create the Charts and Tables...

Monday, April 15, 13
Loading & Visualization
             Django and HighCharts

             And Create the Charts and Tables...

Monday, April 15, 13
Lessons Learned
                       • Date Time managed as two fields, Datetime and Date
                       • Aggregating and upserting documents as events are received works for us
                       • Real-time Map-Reduce in pyMongo - too slow, don’t do this.
                       • Django-noRel - Unstable, use Django and configure MongoDB as a
                        datastore only

                       • Memcached on Django is good enough (at the moment) - use django-
                        celery with rabbitmq to pre-cache all data after data loading

                       • HighCharts is buggy - considering D3 & other libraries
                       • Don’t need to retrieve data directly from MongoDB to Django, perhaps
                        provide all data via a service layer (at the expense of ever-additional
                        features in pyMongo)

Monday, April 15, 13
Next Steps
                       • A/B testing framework, experiments and variances
                       • Unauthenticated / Authenticated user tracking
                       • Provide data async over service layer
                       • Segmentation with graphical libraries like D3 & Cross-Filter (http://

                       • Saving Query Criteria, expanding out BI tools for internal users
                       • MongoDB Connector, Hadoop and Hive (maybe Tableau and other tools)
                       • Storm / Kafka for real-time analytics processing
                       • Shard the Replica-Set, looking into Gizzard as the middleware

Monday, April 15, 13
Thanks & Questions
                              Hrishi Dixit           Kevin Connelly                 Will Larche
                       Chief Technology Officer   Director of Engineering        Lead IOS Developer

                        Jeremy Brennan                Cameron Sim               <your name here>
                 Director of UI/UX Technology    Director of Analytics Tech   New Awesome Developer

Monday, April 15, 13

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MongoDB ClickStream and Visualization

  • 1. Implementing and Visualizing Click-Stream Data with MongoDB Jan 22, 2013 - New York MongoDB User Group Cameron Sim - Monday, April 15, 13
  • 2. Agenda About LearnVest HL Application Architecture Data Capture Event Packaging MongoDB Data Warehousing Loading & Visualization Finishing up Monday, April 15, 13
  • 3. LearnVest Inc. Mission Statement Aiming to making Financial Planning as accessible as having a gym membership Company Key Products Founded in 2008 by Alexa Von Tobel, CEO Account Aggregation and Management (Bank, Credit, Loan, Investment, Mortgage) 50+ People and Growing rapidly Based in NYC Original and Syndicated Newsletter Content Platforms Financial Planning Web & iPhone (tiered product offering) Stack Operational Analytics Wordpress, Backbone.js, Node.js MongoDB 2.2.0 (3-node replica-set) Java Spring 3, Redis, Memcached, Java 6, Spring 3 MongoDB, ActiveMQ, Nginx, MySQL 5.x pyMongo Django 1.4 Monday, April 15, 13
  • 4. Web Monday, April 15, 13
  • 5. IPhone Monday, April 15, 13
  • 6. High Level Architecture Production Analytics Platform Delivery Services Services Loaders & Dashboards } } } } HTTPS pyMongo MongoDB Java Conn MongoDB Replication Event Packaging Warehousing MongoDB Visualization Loading & Data Collection JDBC Monday, April 15, 13
  • 7. High Level Architecture Production Analytics Platform Delivery Services Services Loaders & Dashboards } } } } HTTPS pyMongo MongoDB Java Conn MongoDB Replication Event Packaging Warehousing MongoDB Visualization Loading & Data Collection JDBC Monday, April 15, 13
  • 8. High Level Architecture Production Analytics Platform Delivery Services Services Loaders & Dashboards } } } } HTTPS pyMongo MongoDB Java Conn MongoDB Replication Event Packaging Warehousing MongoDB Visualization Loading & Data Collection JDBC Monday, April 15, 13
  • 9. High Level Architecture Production Analytics Platform Delivery Services Services Loaders & Dashboards } } } } HTTPS pyMongo MongoDB Java Conn MongoDB Replication Event Packaging Warehousing MongoDB Visualization Loading & Data Collection JDBC Monday, April 15, 13
  • 10. High Level Architecture Production Analytics Platform Delivery Services Services Loaders & Dashboards } } } } HTTPS pyMongo MongoDB Java Conn MongoDB Replication Event Packaging Warehousing MongoDB Visualization Loading & Data Collection JDBC Monday, April 15, 13
  • 11. High Level Architecture Production Analytics Platform Delivery Services Services Loaders & Dashboards } } } } HTTPS pyMongo MongoDB Java Conn MongoDB Replication Event Packaging Loading & VisualizationData Ware Collection MongoDB JDBC Monday, April 15, 13
  • 12. High Level Architecture Production Analytics Platform Delivery Services Services Loaders & Dashboards } } } } HTTPS pyMongo MongoDB Java Conn MongoDB Replication Event Packaging Loading & Visualization MongoDB Collection JDBC Monday, April 15, 13
  • 13. Philosophy For Data Collection Capture Everything • User-Driven events over web and mobile • System-level exceptions • Everything else Temporary Data • Be ‘ok’ with approximate data • Operational Databases are the system of record Aggregate events as they come in • Remove the overhead of basic metrics (counts, sums) on core events • Group by user unique id and increment counts per event, over time-dimensions (day, week-ending, month, year) Monday, April 15, 13
  • 14. Data Capture IOS - (void) sendAnalyticEventType:(NSString*)eventType object:(NSString*)object name:(NSString*)name page:(NSString*)page source:(NSString*)source; { NSMutableDictionary *eventData = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; if (eventType!=nil) [params setObject:eventType forKey:@"eventType"]; if (object!=nil) [eventData setObject:object forKey:@"object"]; if (name!=nil) [eventData setObject:name forKey:@"name"]; if (page!=nil) [eventData setObject:page forKey:@"page"]; if (source!=nil) [eventData setObject:source forKey:@"source"]; if (eventData!=nil) [params setObject:eventData forKey:@"eventData"]; [[LVNetworkEngine sharedManager] analytics_send:params]; } Monday, April 15, 13
  • 15. Data Capture WEB (JavaScript) function internalTrackPageView() { var cookie = { userContext: jQuery.cookie('UserContextCookie'), }; var trackEvent = { eventType: "pageView", eventData: { page: window.location.pathname + } }; // AJAX jQuery.ajax({ url: "/api/track", type: "POST", dataType: "json", data: JSON.stringify(trackEvent), // Set Request Headers beforeSend: function (xhr, settings) { xhr.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json'); xhr.setRequestHeader('User-Context', cookie.userContext); if(settings.type === 'PUT' || settings.type === 'POST') { xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); } } }); } Monday, April 15, 13
  • 16. Bus Event Packaging 1. Spring 3 RESTful service layer, controller methods define the eventCode via @tracking annotation 2. Custom Intercepter class extends HandlerInterceptorAdapter and implements postHandle() (for each event) to invoke calls via Spring @async to an EventPublisher 3. EventPublisher publishes to common event bus queue with multiple subscribers, one of which packages the eventPayload Map<String, Object> object and forwards to Analytics Rest Service Monday, April 15, 13
  • 17. Bus Event Packaging 1) Spring RestController Methods Interface @RequestMapping(value = "/user/login", method = RequestMethod.POST, headers="Accept=application/json") public Map<String, Object> userLogin(@RequestBody Map<String, Object> event, HttpServletRequest request); Concrete/Impl Class @Override @Tracking("user.login") public Map<String, Object> userLogin(@RequestBody Map<String, Object> event, HttpServletRequest request){ //Implementation return event; } Monday, April 15, 13
  • 18. Bus Event Packaging 2) Custom Intercepter class extends HandlerInterceptorAdapter protected void handleTracking(String trackingCode, Map<String, Object> modelMap, HttpServletRequest request) { Map<String, Object> responseModel = new HashMap<String, Object>(); // remove non-serializables & copy over data from modelMap try { this.eventPublisher.publish(trackingCode, responseModel, request); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error tracking event '" + trackingCode + "' : " + ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); } } Monday, April 15, 13
  • 19. Bus Event Packaging 2) Custom Intercepter class extends HandlerInterceptorAdapter public void publish (String eventCode, Map<String,Object> eventData, HttpServletRequest request) { Map<String,Object> payload = new HashMap<String,Object>(); String eventId=UUID.randomUUID().toString(); Map<String, String> requestMap = HttpRequestUtils.getRequestHeaders(request); //Normalize message payload.put("eventType", eventData.get("eventType")); payload.put("eventData", eventData.get("eventType")); payload.put("version", eventData.get("eventType")); payload.put("eventId", eventId); payload.put("eventTime", new Date()); payload.put("request", requestMap); . . . //Send to the Analytics Service for MongoDB persistence } public void sendPost(EventPayload payload){ HttpEntity request = new HttpEntity(payload.getEventPayload(), headers); Map m = restTemplate.postForObject(endpoint, request, java.util.Map.class); } Monday, April 15, 13
  • 20. Bus Event Packaging The Serialized Json (User Action) { “eventCode” : “user.login”, “eventType” : “login”, “version” : “1.0”, “eventTime” : “1358603157746”, “eventData” : { “” : “”, “” : “”, “” : “” }, “request” : { “call-source” : “WEB”, “user-context” : “00002b4f1150249206ac2b692e48ddb3”, “user.agent” : “Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_2) AppleWebKit/537.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ 23.0.1271.101 Safari/537.11”, “cookie” : “size=4; CP.mode=B; PHPSESSID=c087908516 ee2fae50cef6500101dc89; resolution=1920; JSESSIONID=56EB165266A2C4AFF9 46F139669D746F; csrftoken=73bdcd ddf151dc56b8020855b2cb10c8", "content-length" : "204", "accept-encoding" : "gzip,deflate,sdch”, } } Monday, April 15, 13
  • 21. Bus Event Packaging The Serialized Json (Generic Event) { “eventCode” : “generic.ui”, “eventType” : “pageView”, “version” : “1.0”, “eventTime” : “1358603157746”, “eventData” : { “page” : “/learnvest/moneycenter/inbox”, “section” : “transactions”, “name” : “view transactions” “object” : “page” }, “request” : { “call-source” : “WEB”, “user-context” : “00002b4f1150249206ac2b692e48ddb3”, “user.agent” : “Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_2) AppleWebKit/537.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ 23.0.1271.101 Safari/537.11”, “cookie” : “size=4; CP.mode=B; PHPSESSID=c087908516 ee2fae50cef6500101dc89; resolution=1920; JSESSIONID=56EB165266A2C4AFF9 46F139669D746F; csrftoken=73bdcd ddf151dc56b8020855b2cb10c8", "content-length" : "204", "accept-encoding" : "gzip,deflate,sdch”, } } Monday, April 15, 13
  • 22. Bus Event Packaging The Serialized Json (Generic Event) { “eventCode” : “generic.ui”, “eventType” : “pageView”, “version” : “1.0”, “eventTime” : “1358603157746”, “eventData” : { “page” : “/learnvest/moneycenter/inbox”, “section” : “transactions”, “name” : “view transactions” “object” : “page” }, “request” : { “call-source” : “WEB”, “user-context” : “00002b4f1150249206ac2b692e48ddb3”, “user.agent” : “Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_2) AppleWebKit/537.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ 23.0.1271.101 Safari/537.11”, “cookie” : “size=4; CP.mode=B; PHPSESSID=c087908516 ee2fae50cef6500101dc89; resolution=1920; JSESSIONID=56EB165266A2C4AFF9 46F139669D746F; csrftoken=73bdcd ddf151dc56b8020855b2cb10c8", "content-length" : "204", "accept-encoding" : "gzip,deflate,sdch”, } } Monday, April 15, 13
  • 23. MongoDB Data Warehousing MongoDB Information • v2.2.0 • 3-node replica-set • 1 Large (primary), 2x Medium (secondary) AWS Amazon-Linux machines • Each with single 500GB EBS volumes mounted to /opt/data MongoDB Config File dbpath = /opt/data/mongodb/data rest = true replSet = voyager Volumes ~IM events daily on web, ~600K on mobile 2-3 GB per day at start, slowed to ~1GB per day Currently at 78GB (collecting since August 2012) Future Scaling Strategy • Setup 2nd Replica-Set • Shard replica-sets to n at 60% / 250GB per EBS volume • Shard key probably based on sequential mix of email_address & additional string Monday, April 15, 13
  • 24. MongoDB Data Warehousing Approach 1. Persist all events, bucketed by source:- WEB MOBILE 2. Persist all events, bucketed by source, event code and time:- WEB/MOBILE user.login time (day, week-ending, month, year) 3. Insert into collection e_web / e_mobile 4. Upsert into:- e_web_user_login_day e_web_user_login_week e_web_user_login_month e_web_user_login_year 5. Predictable model for scaling and measuring business growth Monday, April 15, 13
  • 25. MongoDB Data Warehousing 2. Persist all events, bucketed by source, event code and time:- //instantiate collections dynamically DBCollection collection_day = mongodb.getCollection(eventCode + "_day"); DBCollection collection_week = mongodb.getCollection(eventCode + "_week"); DBCollection collection_month = mongodb.getCollection(eventCode + "_month"); DBCollection collection_year = mongodb.getCollection(eventCode + "_year"); BasicDBObject newDocument = new BasicDBObject().append("$inc" new BasicDBObject().append("count", 1)); //update day dimension collection_day.update(new BasicDBObject().append("user-context", userContext) .append("eventType", eventType) .append("date", sdf_day.format(d)),newDocument, true, false); //update week dimension collection_week.update(new BasicDBObject().append("user-context", userContext) .append("eventType", eventType) .append("date", sdf_day.format(w)), newDocument, true, false); //update month dimension collection_month.update(new BasicDBObject().append("user-context", userContext) .append("eventType", eventType) .append("date", sdf_month.format(d)), newDocument, true, false); //update month dimension collection_year.update(new BasicDBObject().append("user-context", userContext) .append("eventType", eventType) .append("date", sdf_year.format(d)), newDocument, true, false); Monday, April 15, 13
  • 26. MongoDB Data Warehousing Persist all events, bucketed by source, event code and time:- > show collections e_mobile e_web e_web_account_addManual_day e_web_account_addManual_month e_web_account_addManual_week e_web_account_addManual_year e_web_user_login_day e_web_user_login_week e_web_user_login_month e_web_user_login_year e_mobile_generic_ui_day e_mobile_generic_ui_month e_mobile_generic_ui_week e_mobile_generic_ui_year > db.e_web_user_login_day.find() { "_id" : ObjectId("50e4b9871b36921910222c42"), "count" : 5, "date" : "01/02", "user-context" : "c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b" } { "_id" : ObjectId("50cd6cfcb9a80a2b4ee21422"), "count" : 7, "date" : "01/02", "user-context" : "c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b" } { "_id" : ObjectId("50cd6e51b9a80a2b4ee21427"), "count" : 2, "date" : "01/02", "user-context" : "c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b" } { "_id" : ObjectId("50e4b9871b36921910222c42"), "count" : 3, "date" : "01/03", "user-context" : "50e49a561b36921910222c33" } Monday, April 15, 13
  • 27. MongoDB Data Warehousing Persist all events > db.e_web.findOne() { "_id" : ObjectId("50e4a1ab0364f55ed07c2662"), "created_datetime" : ISODate("2013-01-02T21:07:55.656Z"), "created_date" : ISODate("2013-01-02T00:00:00.000Z"),"request" : { "content-type" : "application/ json", "connection" : "keep-alive", "accept-language" : "en-US,en;q=0.8", "host" : "localhost:8080", "call-source" : "WEB", "accept" : "*/*", "user-context" : "c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b", "origin" : "chrome-extension:// fdmmgilgnpjigdojojpjoooidkmcomcm", "user-agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_2) AppleWebKit/537.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/23.0.1271.101 Safari/ 537.11", "accept-charset" : "ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3", "cookie" : "size=4; CP.mode=B; PHPSESSID=c087908516ee2fae50cef6500101dc89; resolution=1920; JSESSIONID=56EB165266A2C4AFF946F139669D746F; csrftoken=73bdcdddf151dc56b8020855b2cb10c8", "content-length" : "255", "accept- encoding" : "gzip,deflate,sdch" }, "eventType" : "flick", "eventData" : { "object" : "button", "name" : "split transaction button", "page" : "#inbox/79876/", "section" : Monday, April 15, 13
  • 28. MongoDB Data Warehousing Indexing Strategy • Indexes on core collections (e_web and e_mobile) come in under 3GB on 7.5GB Large Instance and 3.75GB on Medium instances • Split datetime in two fields and compound index on date with other fields like eventType and user unique id (user-context) • Heavy insertion rates, much lower read less indexes the better Monday, April 15, 13
  • 29. MongoDB Data Warehousing Indexing Strategy > db.e_web.getIndexes() [ { "v" : 1, "key" : { "request.user-context" : 1, "created_date" : 1 }, "ns" : "moneycenter.e_web", "name" : "request.user-context_1_created_date_1" }, { "v" : 1, "key" : { "" : 1, "created_date" : 1 }, "ns" : "moneycenter.e_web", "name" : "eventData.name_1_created_date_1" } ] Monday, April 15, 13
  • 30. Loading & Visualization Objective • Show historic and intraday stats on core use cases (logins, conversions) • Show user funnel rates on conversion pages • Show general usability - how do users really use the Web and IOS platforms? Non-Functionals • Intraday doesn’t need to be “real-time”, polling is good enough for now • Overnight batch job for historic must scale horizontally General Implementation Strategy • Do all heavy lifting & object manipulation, UI should just display graph or table • Modularize the service to be able to regenerate any graphs/tables without a full load Monday, April 15, 13
  • 31. Loading & Visualization Java Batch Service Java Mongo library to query key collections and return user counts and sum of events DBCursor webUserLogins = c.find( new BasicDBObject("date", sdf.format(new Date()))); private HashMap<String, Object> getSumAndCount(DBCursor cursor){ HashMap<String, Object> m = new HashMap<String, Object>(); int sum=0; int count=0; DBObject obj; while(cursor.hasNext()){ obj=(DBObject); count++; sum=sum+(Integer)obj.get("count"); } m.put("sum", sum); m.put("count", count); m.put("average", sdf.format(new Float(sum)/count)); return m; } Monday, April 15, 13
  • 32. Loading & Visualization Java Batch Service Use Aggregation Framework where required on core collections (e_web) and external data //create aggregation objects DBObject project = new BasicDBObject("$project", new BasicDBObject("day_value", fields) ); DBObject day_value = new BasicDBObject( "day_value", "$day_value"); DBObject groupFields = new BasicDBObject( "_id", day_value); //create the fields to group by, in this case “number” groupFields.put("number", new BasicDBObject( "$sum", 1)); //create the group DBObject group = new BasicDBObject("$group", groupFields); //execute AggregationOutput output = mycollection.aggregate( project, group ); for(DBObject obj : output.results()){ . . } Monday, April 15, 13
  • 33. Loading & Visualization Java Batch Service MongoDB Command Line example on aggregation over a time period, e.g. month > db.e_web.aggregate( [ { $match : { created_date : { $gt : ISODate("2012-10-25T00:00:00")}}}, { $project : { day_value : {"day" : { $dayOfMonth : "$created_date" }, "month":{ $month : "$created_date" }} }}, { $group : { _id : {day_value:"$day_value"} , number : { $sum : 1 } } }, { $sort : { day_value : -1 } } ] ) Monday, April 15, 13
  • 34. Loading & Visualization Java Batch Service Persisting events into graph and table collections >db.homeGraphs.find() { "_id" : ObjectId("50f57b5c1d4e714b581674e2"), "accounts_natural" : 54, "accounts_total" : 54, "date" : ISODate("2011-02-06T05:00:00Z"), "linked_rate" : "12.96", "premium_rate" : "0", "str_date" : "2011,01,06", "upgrade_rate" : "0", "users_avg_linked" : "3.43", "users_linked" : 7 } { "_id" : ObjectId("50f57b5c1d4e714b581674e3"), "accounts_natural" : 144, "accounts_total" : 144, "date" : ISODate("2011-02-07T05:00:00Z"), "linked_rate" : "11.11", "premium_rate" : "0", "str_date" : "2011,01,07", "upgrade_rate" : "0", "users_avg_linked" : "4", "users_linked" : 16 } { "_id" : ObjectId("50f57b5c1d4e714b581674e4"), "accounts_natural" : 119, "accounts_total" : 119, "date" : ISODate("2011-02-08T05:00:00Z"), "linked_rate" : Monday, April 15, 13
  • 35. Loading & Visualization Django and HighCharts Extract data (pyMongo) def getHomeChart(dt_from, dt_to): """Called by home method to get latest 30 day numbers""" try: conn = pymongo.Connection('localhost', 27017) db = conn['lvanalytics'] cursor = db.accountmetrics.find( {"date" : {"$gte" : dt_from, "$lte" : dt_to}}).sort("date") return buildMetricsDict(cursor) except Exception as e: logger.error(e.message) Return the graph object (as a list or a dict of lists) to the view that called the method pagedata={} pagedata['accountsGraph']=mongodb_home.getHomeChart() return render_to_response('home.html',{'pagedata': pagedata}, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) Monday, April 15, 13
  • 36. Loading & Visualization Django and HighCharts Populate the series.. (JavaScript with Django templating) seriesOptions[0] = { id: 'naturalAccounts', name: "Natural Accounts", data: [ {% for a in pagedata.metrics.accounts_natural %} {% if not forloop.first %}, {% endif %} [Date.UTC({{a.0}}),{{a.1}}] {% endfor %} ], tooltip: { valueDecimals: 2 } }; Monday, April 15, 13
  • 37. Loading & Visualization Django and HighCharts And Create the Charts and Tables... Monday, April 15, 13
  • 38. Loading & Visualization Django and HighCharts And Create the Charts and Tables... Monday, April 15, 13
  • 39. Lessons Learned • Date Time managed as two fields, Datetime and Date • Aggregating and upserting documents as events are received works for us • Real-time Map-Reduce in pyMongo - too slow, don’t do this. • Django-noRel - Unstable, use Django and configure MongoDB as a datastore only • Memcached on Django is good enough (at the moment) - use django- celery with rabbitmq to pre-cache all data after data loading • HighCharts is buggy - considering D3 & other libraries • Don’t need to retrieve data directly from MongoDB to Django, perhaps provide all data via a service layer (at the expense of ever-additional features in pyMongo) Monday, April 15, 13
  • 40. Next Steps • A/B testing framework, experiments and variances • Unauthenticated / Authenticated user tracking • Provide data async over service layer • Segmentation with graphical libraries like D3 & Cross-Filter (http:// • Saving Query Criteria, expanding out BI tools for internal users • MongoDB Connector, Hadoop and Hive (maybe Tableau and other tools) • Storm / Kafka for real-time analytics processing • Shard the Replica-Set, looking into Gizzard as the middleware Monday, April 15, 13
  • 41. Thanks & Questions Hrishi Dixit Kevin Connelly Will Larche Chief Technology Officer Director of Engineering Lead IOS Developer Jeremy Brennan Cameron Sim <your name here> Director of UI/UX Technology Director of Analytics Tech New Awesome Developer HIRED ! Monday, April 15, 13