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From Social Memory to Global
 Consciousness: Narratives of
     History and Identity
            Professor James H. Liu
  Centre for Applied Cross Cultural Research
             School of Psychology
      Victoria University of Wellington
In Globalization today:
• There are over 50,000 commercial airline flights per day,
  carrying more than a billion people a year
• The total immigrant population in the world is more than 186
• 300,000 jobs were outsourced from the USA to other
  countries in 2003. Manufacturing productivity increased by
  103% from 1980 to 2002
• Wal-Mart, the world’s largest retailer, is 73% stocked with
  products from Asian (and other) developing countries
• China is now the world’s second largest economy & projected
  to overtake the USA as #1 in 2027
• Is there a Global Consciousness to match the brute facts of
• Can we identify elements of belief that we as a planet share
  in common, and areas of difference to mark for better
OVERVIEW- Past, Present, Future
• Representations of World History around the
  Planet & their Implications for Global
  Consciousness (where we came from)
• The Liberal Project and its Discontents: Bicultural
  Evidence from Aotearoa/NZ (where we are now)
• The Pacific Century: Chinese Benevolent
  Authority Model of Societal Organization (where
  we’re going)
  – What is Global Consciousness?
Why History?
• History is an important symbolic resource:
(1) Human Consciousness is historically contingent on
  technology, mentalities, and temporal powers.
(2) It encompasses the accumulated wisdom and
  knowledge from our ancestors that can be applied to
  new situations. History provides traditions, values, and
  symbols that are vital to the culture-specific functioning
  of societies. STABILITY
(3) History is appealing as a tool for political
  communications because it offers concrete events and
  people with emotional resonance whose relevance to
  the current situation is open to interpretation and public
  debate. CHANGE
Liu & Hilton (2005) British Journal of Social Psychology
METHOD (Liu et al., 2005, Journal of
     Cross Cultural Psychology)
• Student Samples from 6 Western nations:
  Australia, N=102; France, N=102; Germany,
  N=81; Great Britain, N=39; New Zealand,
  N=112; USA, N=86 (only post Sept 11
• 6 Asian Samples: Hong Kong, N=123; Japan,
  N=91; Malaysia, N=180 ; Philippines,
  N=302; Singapore, N=201, Taiwan, N= 663
  (half students, half adults)
Open Ended Questions used
• Write down the names of the 5 people born in the
  last 1,000 years whom you consider to have had
  the most impact, good or bad, on World History.
• Imagine that you were giving a seminar on world
  history. What 7 events would you teach as the
  most important in World History?
• Open-ended answers written in by participants and

Liu et al. 2005 Journal of Cross Cultural Psychology
Most Important Events in World History
          according to Western Samples
Rank    USA                     Pct   Great Britain          Pct     France                 Pct
        (N=82)                         (N=39)                           (N=99)
1       WW II                   86%   WWII                   77%     WWII                   64%
2       WW I                    50%   WW I                   64%     French Rev             54%
3       American Indep          38%   Vietnam War            28%     WW I                   30%
4       Sept 11 Terrorism       27%   Man on the Moon        26%     US History             28%
5       Discov Americas         26%   Birth of Christ        26%     Colonization           27%
6       Vietnam War             20%   Industrial Rev         18%     Atomic Bombing         20%
7       American Civil War      20%   Discov. Of America     18%     German Reunification   19%
8       French Rev              14%   Roman Empire           18%     Man on the Moon        16%
9       Birth of Christ         14%   Atomic Bombing         15%     Decolonization         14%
10      Breakup of USSR         12%   Slavery                13%     Nazism/Facism          12%
                                       Gulf War                13%
Rank    Australia               Pct   New Zealand            Pct     Germany                Pct
        (N=98)                         (N=107)                         (N=81)
1       WWII                    68%   WWII                   73%     WWII                   68%
2       WW I                    60%   WW I                   64%     WW I                   60%
3       Man on the Moon         24%   Man on the Moon        37%     French Rev             49%
4       Holocaust               21%   Women's Suffrage       21%     Discov. Americas       32%
5       Atomic Bombing          21%   Birth of Christ        21%     German Reunification   23%
6       Industrial Revolution   19%   Industrial Rev         20%     Russian Rev            23%
7       Vietnam War             18%   Roman Empire & Fall    19%     Cold War               21%
8       Discov. Of Australia    16%   German Reunification   16%     Vietnam War            20%
9       Women's Suffrage        16%   Discov. Of America     16%     Crusades               15%
10      Birth of Christ         15%   French Revolution      15%     Colonialism            15%
Most Important Events in World History
          according to East Asian Samples
Rank    Japan                  Pct   Taiwan                      Hong Kong                Pct
         (N=75)                       (N=646)                      (N=119)
1       WWII                   52%   WW II                 69%   WWII                     81%
2       WW I                   29%   WW I                  60%   WW I                     52%
3       French Revolution      23%   Man on the Moon       25%   Tien An Men              45%
4       Industrial Rev         17%   Industrial Rev        23%   Sino-Japanese War        39%
5       Vietnam War            17%   American Indep        22%   USSR Breakup             23%
6       Cold War               12%   Discov. of Americas   20%   Cultural Revolution      19%
7       Crusades               11%   USSR Breakup          15%   German Reunification     16%
8       Atomic Bombing         9%    Crusades              15%   Gulf War                 15%
9       Discov. of Americas    9%    Renaissance           14%   American Indep           14%
10      Korean War             7%    French Revolution     10%   French Revolution        14%
        American Indep          7%

Rank    Singapore              Pct   Philippines           Pct   Malaysia                 Pct
        (N=196)                       (N=272)                      (N=145)
1       WWII                   94%   WWII                  68%   WWII                     60%
2       WW I                   84%   WW I                  54%   WW I                     60%
3       Gulf War               32%   Gulf War              23%   Industrial Rev           28%
4       Cold War               24%   French Rev            16%   Rise of Islam            23%
5       Great Depression       22%   Industrial Rev        15%   Atomic Bombing           17%
6       Industrial Rev         19%   Nazism                15%   Chinese history          14%
7       Vietnam War            11%   Renaissance           15%   Islam v.Christian Wars   13%
8       USSR Breakup           10%   People Power (EDSA)   14%   Opium War                12%
9       Rise of Communism      10%   Atomic Bombing        13%   Renaissance              12%
10      French Revolution      9%    Man on the Moon       11%   Japanese colonialism     11%
        German Reunification    9%
Summary – Representations of World History
(1) History is projected backwards from the present with sample
   averages of 63% of events and 72% of persons from the last 100
(2) A Story about politics and war (esp. WWII & Hitler, most nominated
   person), accounting for 67% of events and persons.
(3) More Eurocentric than ethnocentric.
(4) Under-estimates the importance of economics and technology (&
(Replicated using 12 more countries in 2009)
• The Good: Science, technology, human rights, equality, democracy &
   the sovereign individual (?)
• The Contingent: Bureaucratic efficiency & economic rationalization,
   the system of nation states
• The Bad: “War made the state, and the state made war” (historian
   Charles Tilly).

Liu et al. (2005, 2009) Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology
How general is this representation?
• How about the great ancients of China and
  India? Present focused as well?
Most Important Events in World History
                                           China and India
Rank          China (N=115)                  Pct   Eval   India (N=100)                     Eval
1             WW II                          81%   2.0    WW II                 61%         2.8
2             Found PR China                 48%   5.3    9-11 WTC              49%         3.1
3             WW I                           40%   2.2    Indian Independence   42%         6.3
4             Industrial Rev                 36%   5.2    WW I                  37%         2.8
5             Technological Dev              33%   5.5    Cold War              20%         4.0
6             Fall of Communism              24%   3.2    India-Pakistan War    18%         3.7
7             Man on Moon                    20%   5.5    both World Wars       15%         2.5
8             Colonization                   20%   4.3    Partition India-Pak   15%         2.6
9             Sino-Japanese War              17%   4.2    Iraq War              14%         2.7
10            Atomic Bomb                    16%   3.0    Asian Tsunami         14%         2.4
10=           Opium War                      16%   2.2                                       

Most Important People in Last 1000 Years

Rank          China                          Pct   Eval   India                 Pct         Eval
1             Mao                            64%   4.7    Gandhi                      75%          4.9
2             Hitler                         58%   3.0    Hitler                      61%          3.6
3             Einstein                       42%   5.5    Osama bin Laden             25%          5.6
4             Marx                           40%   4.7    Mother Teresa               22%          5.8
5             Deng Xiaoping                  36%   5.6    Bhagat Singh                19%          6.2
6             Napoleon                       28%   4.6    Shivaji Bhonsle             18%          5.8
7             Zhou Enlai                     21%   5.8    Einstein                    16%          5.8
8             Newton                         16%   4.9    Subhas C. Bose              11%          6.8
9             Sun Yatsen                     10%   5.3    Lincoln                     16%          5.6
10            Confucius                      10%   5.0    George Bush Jr              11%          2.0
Conclusions from the Past: the Historical
       Basis for Global Consciousness
• Global Historical Consciousness is rooted in
  forms of modernity developed and exported
  from the West to other Cultures, including
  democracy, the nation-state system, and
• We have left behind the era of Western
  imperialism, but that era casts long post-
  colonial shadows of inequality.
Indigenous Manifestations of Global Consciousness
                 in Aotearoa/New Zealand
• Problem with purely Western forms of Global
  Consciousness is that they can’t handle fundamental
  inequality between cultures and religions. So the reality
  doesn’t live up to the ideals.
• Global consciousness has to be adapted to the
  indigenous conditions of life. In NZ, the struggle between
  Maori and Pakeha has been the defining thread of our
  narratives of nationhood.
• Maori encounters with Western civilization
  = Bicultural conception of NZ nationhood
  that lives alongside a liberal view (Freedom,
  Equality, & Fraternity).
PAKEHA/NZ EUROPEANS (Liu, Wilson, McClure & Higgins,
          Maori (N=37)                                                  Pakeha (N=94)

   1.   Treaty of Waitangi              54%         1.   Treaty of Waitangi             69%

   2.   The Land Wars                   35%         2.   World Wars                     66%

   3=   Maori/Polynesian Arrival        30%         3.   Maori/Polynesian Arrival       41%

   3=   European Arrival                30%         4.   European Arrival               40%

   3=   World Wars                      30%         5.   The Land Wars                  35%

   6    Women’s Suffrage                19%         6.   Women’s Suffrage               29%

   7.   Colonisation                    16%         7.   Arrival of James Cook          28%

   8=   Education Act passed pro-       14%         8.   Colonisation                   16%

        viding free education.                      9=   The Depression                 14%

   8=   NZ becomed independent state.   14%         9=   1981 Springbok Tour            14%

   8=   Musket Wars between Tribes      14%

   8=   NZ Government formed            14%

   8=     1981 Springbok Tour                 14%
How well have Maori and Pakeha/NZ Europeans
     honoured the Treaty of Waitangi?


                                                        Mean Rating
 Mean Rating

                                                                                              Maori Honour
                                        Maori Honour
               3                                                                              Pakeha Honour
                                        Pakeha Honour


                      Respondent                                              Ethnicity

                   Student Sample                                         General Sample
Implicit Associations with Symbols
        of National Identity
At the symbolic level (IAT), Maori and Pakeha are
        BOTH part of the national identity
NZ accommodation between the Global &
  Local: Symbolic but not Resource-Based
            Inclusion for Maori
• NZ has a set of adaptations to manage the
  fundamental inequalities between settler
  and indigenous society that are impressive,
  but still less than ideal.
• If NZers are all so equal in principle, how is
  it that Maori form 16% of the total
  population and 50% of the prison
  population? How is it that Maori die 8
  years younger than the NZ average?
Symbolic Accommodation: Support
for Biculturalism in Principle (4.9/7)
• Maori language should be taught in all New Zealand
• The New Zealand national anthem should be sung in
  both Maori and English.
• New Zealand should be known and seen as a bicultural
  society, reflecting an equal partnership between Maori
  and Pakeha.
• If New Zealand were to change to a republic, then the
  Treaty of Waitangi should be used as a foundation for
  our constitution.
• New Zealand should embrace it’s cultural diversity.
More Support for Liberal Democratic
       principle of Equality & Opposition to
       Resource-Based Biculturalism (5.7/7)
• We are all New Zealanders, and no one ethnic group should get
  special privileges.
• It is racist to give one ethnic group special privileges, even if they
  are a minority
• I feel that although Maori have had it rough in past years, they
  should still be treated the same as everyone else.
• No one group should be given privileges on the basis of ethnic or
  racial background
• I find the idea of giving priority or special privileges to one group
  appalling, minority or otherwise
Historical Negation as a Legitimizing Myth for
 NZ Europeans (Sibley, Liu, Duckitt, & Khan,
                                     The Historical Negation Scale                          Loading
     Grievances for past injustices should be recognized and due compensation
     offered to the descendants of those who suffered from such injustices. (r)
     New Zealand law needs to recognize that certain ethnic minorities have been
     treated unfairly in the past. People belonging to those groups should be entitled        .84
     to certain benefits and compensation. (r)
     I believe that I should take part in the efforts to help repair the damage to others
     caused by earlier generations of people from my ethnic group. (r)
     We as a nation have a responsibility that see that due settlement is offered to
     Maori in compensation for past injustices. (r)
     We should not have to pay for the mistakes of our ancestors.                             .81
     We should all move on as one nation and forget about past differences and
     conflicts between ethnic groups.
     It is true that many things happened to Maori people in the past that should not
     have happened, but it is unfair to hold current generations of Pakeha/NZ                 .78
     Europeans accountable for things that happened so long ago.
     People who weren't around in previous centuries should not feel accountable for
     the actions of their ancestors.
     (r) = Item is reverse scored.
Maybe not racist, but it does maintain
   NZ European privilege through policy
preferences denying the impact of the past
Visioning the Future: Two models in
     dialogue, one categorical, one
     relational (partnership-based)
Liberalism             Biculturalism

  Asians                                   Pacific Islanders
        NZ Europeans


Inglehart & Baker’s (2000) Conclusion to 2
  decades of research on the World Values
• “A history of Protestant or Islamic or
  Confucian traditions gives rise to cultural
  zones with distinctive value systems that
  persist after controlling for the effects of
  economic development… We doubt that
  the forces of modernization will produce a
  homogenized world culture in the
  foreseeable future. (p. 49).”
Most nations are collectivist & hi power
  distance (using relational models)
What Symbolic Resources and Cultural Capital do
  Chinese people have in dealing with Modernity?
Gini coefficient .338 (1988), .416 (1995), .469 (2010)
East Asian Collectivism as Intragroup
        Relations (Yuki, 2003)
Chinese indigenous psychology:
          Ethics of Role Relations
• The Five Cardinal Relationships prescribe not only the
  fundamental role relations in traditional Chinese society
  (Father-Son, Ruler-Minister, Husband-Wife, Elder Brother-
  Younger Brother, and Friends), but also appropriate
  attitudes & norms for behaviour within these roles.
• Four of the Five roles are hierarchical, and complementary
  rather than Equal; three of the prescriptions model
  “benevolent paternalism” for the Father figure, and
  loyalty/affection for the subordinate role.
• Traditional Chinese state as “Family writ large” with a
  Confucian ideology of moral ethics married to a Legalistic
  code of rewards and punishments.
Face & Favor: the Benevolent Authority
            Model of Chinese Social Organization
• The 55 recognized ethnic minorities in Chinese
  receive categorical privileges, the greatest
  among which are exemptions from the 1 child
• Ethnic minorities privileges are not viewed as
  categorical discrimination against the majority,
  but relational favours for a junior family
• Official statement of the Chinese government:
  “Great assistance of the relatively more
  advanced Han is extremely important in
  speeding up the development of minorities.
  Yet the Han have selflessly regarded this kind of
  assistance as their responsibility”.

Liu (2010) Handbook of Chinese Psychology
Historical Affordances for Authority (Liu &
  Liu, 2003) Top Down Model of Society

Professor Shu-hsien Liu
& Mrs. An-yuan Liu Guanxi
Benevolent Authority versus
  Right Wing Authoritarianism?
• Past weighs on the Present: China is a top
  down society where civil society is relatively
  weak, and it takes centralized government to
  get things done. N=210, ½ rural, ½ urban –
  exploratory factor analysis on urban sample
• American sample of 200+ adults collected via
  internet survey
• Social psychology, with its focus on
  individual attitudes, is not well-equipped to
  capture political dynamics of top-down
  societies (Leninism)
• Benevolent Authority (Confucianism)
• Authoritarian Efficiency (Legalism)
Benevolent Authority: Alpha .86
   China, M=3.9; .88 USA, M=2.8
The leaders in our country set a good example for young people to follow.
Leaders in this country try to do as little as they can get away with
Most of the leaders in our country are not greedy or corrupt.
Our leaders act in responsible ways to carry out their duties.
Corruption is rampant among the important people in this country
Leading people in our country are concerned about the welfare of ordinary people.

Leaders in our country are mostly concerned for their own welfare and that of their families
It is rare to see the leaders of today setting a good example for young people to follow
Authoritarian Efficiency: Alpha .66
      China, M=4.0; .76 USA, M=3.0
Chinese/American people need a system of command in order to be effective
If there was not a strict system of command, the efficiency of society would be greatly reduced
Chinese/Americans are perfectly capable of managing themselves without any interference from a
centralized authority.

The only way to harness the strength of our country is for everyone to wholeheartedly support our
Chinese/American society should be most effective with each person thinking for themselves and
acting independently
The best way to achieve great things is to follow strong leaders
Chinese/American people in the past have put too much faith in strong leaders that have let them
We don’t need a centralized authority to order everyone around and make sure they all follow the
RWA: China Alpha .41, Mean=3.3,
    USA Alpha .83, M=3.0
The real keys to the “good life” are obedience, discipline, and virtue.        .798    .158    -.029 -.010

Obedience and respect for authority are the most important values
                                                                               .775    -.241   -.055   .056
children should learn.

What our country really needs is strong, determined leader who will crush
                                                                               .661    .250    -.025 -.488
the evil and set us on our right way again.

What our country really needs instead of more “civil rights” is a good stiff
                                                                               .595    .021    .027 -.338
dose of law and order.

It is important to protect the rights of radicals and deviants in all ways.    .186    .807    .004 -.187

There is no such crime to justify capital punishment.                          -.029   .735    -.315 -.039

The relationship of a couple living together for a long time should be
                                                                               .140    -.544   -.203 -.321
treated just like marriage.

It is good that nowadays young people have greater freedom “to make
                                                                               .035    .533    .220    .495
their own rules” and to protest against things they don’t like.

The withdrawal from tradition will turn out to be a fatal fault one day.       .079    -.042   -.842   .097

Be virtuous and law-abiding is in the long run better for us than
                                                                               -.014   .057    -.737 -.318
permanently challenging the foundation of our society.

The days when women are submissive should belong strictly in the past.
                                                                               -.100   -.170   .294    .710
A “woman’s place” in society should be wherever she wants to be.

People should develop their own personal standards about good and evil
                                                                               -.220   .330    -.196   .699
and pay less attention to traditional forms of guidance.
Benevolent Authority and Authoritarian
 Efficiency are Coherent Concepts in USA, but
 with less societal agreement
Mean score of 2.8 for BA, 3 for AE in a general sample
  of Americans (Slightly disagree). USA ranks 22nd on
  Transparency International's Corruption Index, China
  much lower at 79, but Americans think of their leaders
  as more corrupt than mainland Chinese.
BA not really benevolent in USA, +.21 corr with social
  distance, -.12 corr w/political tolerance
Chinese have a hierarchical, top-down form of Cultural
  Capital that gives societal leaders an powerful mandate
  to lead. Transitional self fulfilling prophecy?
Highly coherent concepts, whereas RWA is a culture
  bound syndrome of the West
Shu-Hsien LIU
     A Height Psychology of Transitions &
 Indigenous Psychology must draw from its cultural
roots but should aspire to build them into a better future
based on but not limited to the historical contingencies of
the past.
 Benevolent Authority is both a description and an
ideal. Tension between the two always has characterized
Confucian philosophy
 Taiwan is a hybrid society with cultural roots in
Confucian relationalism but a recent past and future
dedicated towards establishing liberal American
 HK & Singapore’s historical meldings are with British
institutions of elite-based rule by law.
Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love
      Authority as part of Global Consciousness
• Western democracy cannot address carbon emissions and
  climate change on its own. Top-down authoritarian regimes
  might be more capable of enforcing sacrifice for common
  good if they can live up to their own claims of benevolence.
  They are both part of a global fabric for survival.
What is Global Consciousness?
• A form of Pluralistic Interconnectedness spanning
  gulfs of religion and culture with awareness and
   – Rooted in Western forms of modernity, but capable of
     taking on different forms as it fuses with alternative
     cultures and religions.
   – Coming to terms with two basic models of societal
     organization, one new and one more ancient: liberal/social
     democracy and benevolent authority
   – China is a sleeping dragon. It is better to let sleeping
     dragons lie. (Napoleon)
   – AASP Conference 2013, Aug 20-22 Yogyakarta, Indonesia

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From Social Memory to Global Consciousness: Narratives of History and Identity

  • 1. From Social Memory to Global Consciousness: Narratives of History and Identity Professor James H. Liu Centre for Applied Cross Cultural Research School of Psychology Victoria University of Wellington Email:
  • 2. In Globalization today: • There are over 50,000 commercial airline flights per day, carrying more than a billion people a year • The total immigrant population in the world is more than 186 million • 300,000 jobs were outsourced from the USA to other countries in 2003. Manufacturing productivity increased by 103% from 1980 to 2002 • Wal-Mart, the world’s largest retailer, is 73% stocked with products from Asian (and other) developing countries • China is now the world’s second largest economy & projected to overtake the USA as #1 in 2027 • Is there a Global Consciousness to match the brute facts of globalization? • Can we identify elements of belief that we as a planet share in common, and areas of difference to mark for better understanding?
  • 3. OVERVIEW- Past, Present, Future • Representations of World History around the Planet & their Implications for Global Consciousness (where we came from) • The Liberal Project and its Discontents: Bicultural Evidence from Aotearoa/NZ (where we are now) • The Pacific Century: Chinese Benevolent Authority Model of Societal Organization (where we’re going) – What is Global Consciousness?
  • 4. Why History? • History is an important symbolic resource: (1) Human Consciousness is historically contingent on technology, mentalities, and temporal powers. (2) It encompasses the accumulated wisdom and knowledge from our ancestors that can be applied to new situations. History provides traditions, values, and symbols that are vital to the culture-specific functioning of societies. STABILITY (3) History is appealing as a tool for political communications because it offers concrete events and people with emotional resonance whose relevance to the current situation is open to interpretation and public debate. CHANGE Liu & Hilton (2005) British Journal of Social Psychology
  • 5. METHOD (Liu et al., 2005, Journal of Cross Cultural Psychology) • Student Samples from 6 Western nations: Australia, N=102; France, N=102; Germany, N=81; Great Britain, N=39; New Zealand, N=112; USA, N=86 (only post Sept 11 sample) • 6 Asian Samples: Hong Kong, N=123; Japan, N=91; Malaysia, N=180 ; Philippines, N=302; Singapore, N=201, Taiwan, N= 663 (half students, half adults)
  • 6. Open Ended Questions used • Write down the names of the 5 people born in the last 1,000 years whom you consider to have had the most impact, good or bad, on World History. • Imagine that you were giving a seminar on world history. What 7 events would you teach as the most important in World History? • Open-ended answers written in by participants and coded. Liu et al. 2005 Journal of Cross Cultural Psychology
  • 7. Most Important Events in World History according to Western Samples Rank USA Pct Great Britain Pct France Pct (N=82) (N=39) (N=99) 1 WW II 86% WWII 77% WWII 64% 2 WW I 50% WW I 64% French Rev 54% 3 American Indep 38% Vietnam War 28% WW I 30% 4 Sept 11 Terrorism 27% Man on the Moon 26% US History 28% 5 Discov Americas 26% Birth of Christ 26% Colonization 27% 6 Vietnam War 20% Industrial Rev 18% Atomic Bombing 20% 7 American Civil War 20% Discov. Of America 18% German Reunification 19% 8 French Rev 14% Roman Empire 18% Man on the Moon 16% 9 Birth of Christ 14% Atomic Bombing 15% Decolonization 14% 10 Breakup of USSR 12% Slavery 13% Nazism/Facism 12% Gulf War 13% Rank Australia Pct New Zealand Pct Germany Pct (N=98) (N=107) (N=81) 1 WWII 68% WWII 73% WWII 68% 2 WW I 60% WW I 64% WW I 60% 3 Man on the Moon 24% Man on the Moon 37% French Rev 49% 4 Holocaust 21% Women's Suffrage 21% Discov. Americas 32% 5 Atomic Bombing 21% Birth of Christ 21% German Reunification 23% 6 Industrial Revolution 19% Industrial Rev 20% Russian Rev 23% 7 Vietnam War 18% Roman Empire & Fall 19% Cold War 21% 8 Discov. Of Australia 16% German Reunification 16% Vietnam War 20% 9 Women's Suffrage 16% Discov. Of America 16% Crusades 15% 10 Birth of Christ 15% French Revolution 15% Colonialism 15%
  • 8. Most Important Events in World History according to East Asian Samples Rank Japan Pct Taiwan Hong Kong Pct (N=75) (N=646) (N=119) 1 WWII 52% WW II 69% WWII 81% 2 WW I 29% WW I 60% WW I 52% 3 French Revolution 23% Man on the Moon 25% Tien An Men 45% 4 Industrial Rev 17% Industrial Rev 23% Sino-Japanese War 39% 5 Vietnam War 17% American Indep 22% USSR Breakup 23% 6 Cold War 12% Discov. of Americas 20% Cultural Revolution 19% 7 Crusades 11% USSR Breakup 15% German Reunification 16% 8 Atomic Bombing 9% Crusades 15% Gulf War 15% 9 Discov. of Americas 9% Renaissance 14% American Indep 14% 10 Korean War 7% French Revolution 10% French Revolution 14% American Indep 7% Rank Singapore Pct Philippines Pct Malaysia Pct (N=196) (N=272) (N=145) 1 WWII 94% WWII 68% WWII 60% 2 WW I 84% WW I 54% WW I 60% 3 Gulf War 32% Gulf War 23% Industrial Rev 28% 4 Cold War 24% French Rev 16% Rise of Islam 23% 5 Great Depression 22% Industrial Rev 15% Atomic Bombing 17% 6 Industrial Rev 19% Nazism 15% Chinese history 14% 7 Vietnam War 11% Renaissance 15% Islam v.Christian Wars 13% 8 USSR Breakup 10% People Power (EDSA) 14% Opium War 12% 9 Rise of Communism 10% Atomic Bombing 13% Renaissance 12% 10 French Revolution 9% Man on the Moon 11% Japanese colonialism 11% German Reunification 9%
  • 9.
  • 10.
  • 11. Summary – Representations of World History (1) History is projected backwards from the present with sample averages of 63% of events and 72% of persons from the last 100 years (2) A Story about politics and war (esp. WWII & Hitler, most nominated person), accounting for 67% of events and persons. (3) More Eurocentric than ethnocentric. (4) Under-estimates the importance of economics and technology (& science). (Replicated using 12 more countries in 2009) TRIUMPH OF ENLIGHTENMENT REASON AND LIBERAL VALUES • The Good: Science, technology, human rights, equality, democracy & the sovereign individual (?) • The Contingent: Bureaucratic efficiency & economic rationalization, the system of nation states • The Bad: “War made the state, and the state made war” (historian Charles Tilly). Liu et al. (2005, 2009) Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology
  • 12. How general is this representation? • How about the great ancients of China and India? Present focused as well?
  • 13. Most Important Events in World History China and India Rank China (N=115) Pct Eval India (N=100)   Eval 1 WW II 81% 2.0 WW II 61% 2.8 2 Found PR China 48% 5.3 9-11 WTC 49% 3.1 3 WW I 40% 2.2 Indian Independence 42% 6.3 4 Industrial Rev 36% 5.2 WW I 37% 2.8 5 Technological Dev 33% 5.5 Cold War 20% 4.0 6 Fall of Communism 24% 3.2 India-Pakistan War 18% 3.7 7 Man on Moon 20% 5.5 both World Wars 15% 2.5 8 Colonization 20% 4.3 Partition India-Pak 15% 2.6 9 Sino-Japanese War 17% 4.2 Iraq War 14% 2.7 10 Atomic Bomb 16% 3.0 Asian Tsunami 14% 2.4 10= Opium War 16% 2.2       Most Important People in Last 1000 Years Rank China Pct Eval India Pct Eval 1 Mao 64% 4.7 Gandhi 75% 4.9 2 Hitler 58% 3.0 Hitler 61% 3.6 3 Einstein 42% 5.5 Osama bin Laden 25% 5.6 4 Marx 40% 4.7 Mother Teresa 22% 5.8 5 Deng Xiaoping 36% 5.6 Bhagat Singh 19% 6.2 6 Napoleon 28% 4.6 Shivaji Bhonsle 18% 5.8 7 Zhou Enlai 21% 5.8 Einstein 16% 5.8 8 Newton 16% 4.9 Subhas C. Bose 11% 6.8 9 Sun Yatsen 10% 5.3 Lincoln 16% 5.6 10 Confucius 10% 5.0 George Bush Jr 11% 2.0
  • 14. Conclusions from the Past: the Historical Basis for Global Consciousness • Global Historical Consciousness is rooted in forms of modernity developed and exported from the West to other Cultures, including democracy, the nation-state system, and industrialization. • We have left behind the era of Western imperialism, but that era casts long post- colonial shadows of inequality.
  • 15.
  • 16. Indigenous Manifestations of Global Consciousness in Aotearoa/New Zealand • Problem with purely Western forms of Global Consciousness is that they can’t handle fundamental inequality between cultures and religions. So the reality doesn’t live up to the ideals. • Global consciousness has to be adapted to the indigenous conditions of life. In NZ, the struggle between Maori and Pakeha has been the defining thread of our narratives of nationhood. • Maori encounters with Western civilization = Bicultural conception of NZ nationhood that lives alongside a liberal view (Freedom, Equality, & Fraternity).
  • 17. 10 MOST IMPORTANT EVENTS IN NEW ZEALAND HISTORY ACCORDING TO GENERAL SAMPLE OF MAORI AND PAKEHA/NZ EUROPEANS (Liu, Wilson, McClure & Higgins, 1999 Maori (N=37) Pakeha (N=94) 1. Treaty of Waitangi 54% 1. Treaty of Waitangi 69% 2. The Land Wars 35% 2. World Wars 66% 3= Maori/Polynesian Arrival 30% 3. Maori/Polynesian Arrival 41% 3= European Arrival 30% 4. European Arrival 40% 3= World Wars 30% 5. The Land Wars 35% 6 Women’s Suffrage 19% 6. Women’s Suffrage 29% 7. Colonisation 16% 7. Arrival of James Cook 28% 8= Education Act passed pro- 14% 8. Colonisation 16% viding free education. 9= The Depression 14% 8= NZ becomed independent state. 14% 9= 1981 Springbok Tour 14% 8= Musket Wars between Tribes 14% 8= NZ Government formed 14% 8= 1981 Springbok Tour 14%
  • 18. How well have Maori and Pakeha/NZ Europeans honoured the Treaty of Waitangi? 6 6 5 5 Mean Rating 4 4 Mean Rating Maori Honour Maori Honour 3 3 Pakeha Honour Pakeha Honour 2 2 1 1 0 0 Pakeha Maori Pakeha Maori Respondent Respondent Ethnicity Ethnicity Student Sample General Sample
  • 19. Implicit Associations with Symbols of National Identity
  • 20. At the symbolic level (IAT), Maori and Pakeha are BOTH part of the national identity
  • 21. NZ accommodation between the Global & Local: Symbolic but not Resource-Based Inclusion for Maori • NZ has a set of adaptations to manage the fundamental inequalities between settler and indigenous society that are impressive, but still less than ideal. • If NZers are all so equal in principle, how is it that Maori form 16% of the total population and 50% of the prison population? How is it that Maori die 8 years younger than the NZ average?
  • 22. Symbolic Accommodation: Support for Biculturalism in Principle (4.9/7) • Maori language should be taught in all New Zealand schools • The New Zealand national anthem should be sung in both Maori and English. • New Zealand should be known and seen as a bicultural society, reflecting an equal partnership between Maori and Pakeha. • If New Zealand were to change to a republic, then the Treaty of Waitangi should be used as a foundation for our constitution. • New Zealand should embrace it’s cultural diversity.
  • 23. More Support for Liberal Democratic principle of Equality & Opposition to Resource-Based Biculturalism (5.7/7) • We are all New Zealanders, and no one ethnic group should get special privileges. • It is racist to give one ethnic group special privileges, even if they are a minority • I feel that although Maori have had it rough in past years, they should still be treated the same as everyone else. • No one group should be given privileges on the basis of ethnic or racial background • I find the idea of giving priority or special privileges to one group appalling, minority or otherwise
  • 24. Historical Negation as a Legitimizing Myth for NZ Europeans (Sibley, Liu, Duckitt, & Khan, 2008 The Historical Negation Scale Loading Grievances for past injustices should be recognized and due compensation .86 offered to the descendants of those who suffered from such injustices. (r) New Zealand law needs to recognize that certain ethnic minorities have been treated unfairly in the past. People belonging to those groups should be entitled .84 to certain benefits and compensation. (r) I believe that I should take part in the efforts to help repair the damage to others .83 caused by earlier generations of people from my ethnic group. (r) We as a nation have a responsibility that see that due settlement is offered to .82 Maori in compensation for past injustices. (r) We should not have to pay for the mistakes of our ancestors. .81 We should all move on as one nation and forget about past differences and .79 conflicts between ethnic groups. It is true that many things happened to Maori people in the past that should not have happened, but it is unfair to hold current generations of Pakeha/NZ .78 Europeans accountable for things that happened so long ago. People who weren't around in previous centuries should not feel accountable for .69 the actions of their ancestors. (r) = Item is reverse scored.
  • 25. Maybe not racist, but it does maintain NZ European privilege through policy preferences denying the impact of the past
  • 26. Visioning the Future: Two models in dialogue, one categorical, one relational (partnership-based) Liberalism Biculturalism Asians Pacific Islanders NZ Europeans Asians “unmarked” Maori Pakeha Maori PI
  • 27. Inglehart & Baker’s (2000) Conclusion to 2 decades of research on the World Values Survey • “A history of Protestant or Islamic or Confucian traditions gives rise to cultural zones with distinctive value systems that persist after controlling for the effects of economic development… We doubt that the forces of modernization will produce a homogenized world culture in the foreseeable future. (p. 49).”
  • 28. Most nations are collectivist & hi power distance (using relational models)
  • 29. What Symbolic Resources and Cultural Capital do Chinese people have in dealing with Modernity? Gini coefficient .338 (1988), .416 (1995), .469 (2010)
  • 30. East Asian Collectivism as Intragroup Relations (Yuki, 2003)
  • 31. Chinese indigenous psychology: Ethics of Role Relations • The Five Cardinal Relationships prescribe not only the fundamental role relations in traditional Chinese society (Father-Son, Ruler-Minister, Husband-Wife, Elder Brother- Younger Brother, and Friends), but also appropriate attitudes & norms for behaviour within these roles. • Four of the Five roles are hierarchical, and complementary rather than Equal; three of the prescriptions model “benevolent paternalism” for the Father figure, and loyalty/affection for the subordinate role. • Traditional Chinese state as “Family writ large” with a Confucian ideology of moral ethics married to a Legalistic code of rewards and punishments.
  • 32. Face & Favor: the Benevolent Authority Model of Chinese Social Organization • The 55 recognized ethnic minorities in Chinese receive categorical privileges, the greatest among which are exemptions from the 1 child policy. • Ethnic minorities privileges are not viewed as categorical discrimination against the majority, but relational favours for a junior family member. • Official statement of the Chinese government: “Great assistance of the relatively more advanced Han is extremely important in speeding up the development of minorities. Yet the Han have selflessly regarded this kind of assistance as their responsibility”. Liu (2010) Handbook of Chinese Psychology
  • 33. Historical Affordances for Authority (Liu & Liu, 2003) Top Down Model of Society Professor Shu-hsien Liu & Mrs. An-yuan Liu Guanxi
  • 34. Benevolent Authority versus Right Wing Authoritarianism? • Past weighs on the Present: China is a top down society where civil society is relatively weak, and it takes centralized government to get things done. N=210, ½ rural, ½ urban – exploratory factor analysis on urban sample • American sample of 200+ adults collected via internet survey • Social psychology, with its focus on individual attitudes, is not well-equipped to capture political dynamics of top-down societies (Leninism) • Benevolent Authority (Confucianism) • Authoritarian Efficiency (Legalism)
  • 35. Benevolent Authority: Alpha .86 China, M=3.9; .88 USA, M=2.8 我们国家的领导人为青年人树立了很好的学习榜样 The leaders in our country set a good example for young people to follow. 我们国家的领导人不尽力做事,能躲就躲 Leaders in this country try to do as little as they can get away with 我们国家的大部分领导人不贪婪、不腐败 Most of the leaders in our country are not greedy or corrupt. 我们的领导人尽职尽责 Our leaders act in responsible ways to carry out their duties. 我们国家重要人物腐败问题比较严重 Corruption is rampant among the important people in this country 我们国家的领导人关心老百姓的利益 Leading people in our country are concerned about the welfare of ordinary people. 我们国家的领导人主要关心他们自己和家人的利益 Leaders in our country are mostly concerned for their own welfare and that of their families 很少看到现在的领导人为青年人树立好的学习榜样 It is rare to see the leaders of today setting a good example for young people to follow
  • 36. Authoritarian Efficiency: Alpha .66 China, M=4.0; .76 USA, M=3.0 为了提高效率,中国人需要中央集权 Chinese/American people need a system of command in order to be effective 如果没有中央集权,社会效率会严重降低 If there was not a strict system of command, the efficiency of society would be greatly reduced 中国人完全能够在没有中央集权的干预下管理好自己。 Chinese/Americans are perfectly capable of managing themselves without any interference from a centralized authority. 使我们国家强大的唯一方式是每一个人都全心全意地支持我们的领导阶层 The only way to harness the strength of our country is for everyone to wholeheartedly support our leadership 如果每个人都为自己着想并且独立行事,中国社会就会有高效率 Chinese/American society should be most effective with each person thinking for themselves and acting independently 做成大事的最好方式是追随强势的领导者 The best way to achieve great things is to follow strong leaders 中国人过去太相信那些强势领导了,到头来却总是让自己失望 Chinese/American people in the past have put too much faith in strong leaders that have let them down 我们不需要中央集权来命令每个人并确保大家都遵从各种规定 We don’t need a centralized authority to order everyone around and make sure they all follow the rules
  • 37. RWA: China Alpha .41, Mean=3.3, USA Alpha .83, M=3.0 The real keys to the “good life” are obedience, discipline, and virtue. .798 .158 -.029 -.010 Obedience and respect for authority are the most important values .775 -.241 -.055 .056 children should learn. What our country really needs is strong, determined leader who will crush .661 .250 -.025 -.488 the evil and set us on our right way again. What our country really needs instead of more “civil rights” is a good stiff .595 .021 .027 -.338 dose of law and order. It is important to protect the rights of radicals and deviants in all ways. .186 .807 .004 -.187 There is no such crime to justify capital punishment. -.029 .735 -.315 -.039 The relationship of a couple living together for a long time should be .140 -.544 -.203 -.321 treated just like marriage. It is good that nowadays young people have greater freedom “to make .035 .533 .220 .495 their own rules” and to protest against things they don’t like. The withdrawal from tradition will turn out to be a fatal fault one day. .079 -.042 -.842 .097 Be virtuous and law-abiding is in the long run better for us than -.014 .057 -.737 -.318 permanently challenging the foundation of our society. The days when women are submissive should belong strictly in the past. -.100 -.170 .294 .710 A “woman’s place” in society should be wherever she wants to be. People should develop their own personal standards about good and evil -.220 .330 -.196 .699 and pay less attention to traditional forms of guidance.
  • 38. Benevolent Authority and Authoritarian Efficiency are Coherent Concepts in USA, but with less societal agreement Mean score of 2.8 for BA, 3 for AE in a general sample of Americans (Slightly disagree). USA ranks 22nd on Transparency International's Corruption Index, China much lower at 79, but Americans think of their leaders as more corrupt than mainland Chinese. BA not really benevolent in USA, +.21 corr with social distance, -.12 corr w/political tolerance Chinese have a hierarchical, top-down form of Cultural Capital that gives societal leaders an powerful mandate to lead. Transitional self fulfilling prophecy? Highly coherent concepts, whereas RWA is a culture bound syndrome of the West
  • 39. Shu-Hsien LIU A Height Psychology of Transitions & Aspirations  Indigenous Psychology must draw from its cultural roots but should aspire to build them into a better future based on but not limited to the historical contingencies of the past.  Benevolent Authority is both a description and an ideal. Tension between the two always has characterized Confucian philosophy  Taiwan is a hybrid society with cultural roots in Confucian relationalism but a recent past and future dedicated towards establishing liberal American institutions  HK & Singapore’s historical meldings are with British institutions of elite-based rule by law.
  • 40. Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Authority as part of Global Consciousness • Western democracy cannot address carbon emissions and climate change on its own. Top-down authoritarian regimes might be more capable of enforcing sacrifice for common good if they can live up to their own claims of benevolence. They are both part of a global fabric for survival.
  • 41. What is Global Consciousness? • A form of Pluralistic Interconnectedness spanning gulfs of religion and culture with awareness and understanding. – Rooted in Western forms of modernity, but capable of taking on different forms as it fuses with alternative cultures and religions. – Coming to terms with two basic models of societal organization, one new and one more ancient: liberal/social democracy and benevolent authority – China is a sleeping dragon. It is better to let sleeping dragons lie. (Napoleon) – AASP Conference 2013, Aug 20-22 Yogyakarta, Indonesia