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Introduction to Gradle
Andrey Adamovich
What is Gradle?
   Gradle is a general purpose build system
   It comes with a rich build description
    language (DSL) based on Groovy
   It supports ”build-by-convention” principle
   But it is very flexible and extensible
   It has built-in plug-ins for Java, Groovy,
    Scala, Web, OSGi
   It derives all the best and integrates well
    with Ivy, Ant and Maven
What’s in this presentation?
 Overview
 Basic features & principles
 Files and file collections
 Dependencies
 Multiple projects
 Plug-ins
 Reading material
 Questions
Gradle features I
 Declarative builds and build-by-
 Language for dependency based
  programming and many ways to
  manage dependencies
 Groovy as a base language allows
  imperative programming
Gradle features II
 Deep and rich API for managing
  projects, tasks, dependency
  artefacts and much more.
 State of the art support for multi-
  project builds
 Ease of integration and migration.
  Ant, Maven, Ivy are supported out-
 Free and open source
Advanced features
 Parallel unit test execution
 Dependency build
 Incremental build support
 Dynamic tasks and task rules
 Gradle daemon
Who uses Gradle?
   Hibernate               Canoo
   Grails                  Carrier
   Groovy                  FCC
   Spring Integration      Zeppelin
   Spring Security         GPars
   Griffon                 Spock
   Gaelyk                  Aluminum
   Qi4j                    Gant
Hello, Gradle!
task hello << {
  println ’Hello, World'
}            >gradle hello
                Hello, World!

                BUILD SUCCESSFUL

                Total time: 2.401 secs

task hello << {
  print ’Hello, '

task world(dependsOn: hello) << {
  println ’World!'
}             >gradle -q hello world
                Hello, World!

                >gradle -q world
                Hello, World!
Task configuration & execution
task hello

message = "What's up?"

hello {
  println "Configuring hello task."
  message = 'Hello, World!'

hello << {
  println message
                              >gradle hello
}                             Configuring hello task.
                              Hello, World!
hello << {                    What's up?
  println project.message
                              BUILD SUCCESSFUL
                              Total time: 1.958 secs
Gradle is Groovy, Groovy is Java

String parentDir = new File(”test.txt”)

def parentDir = new File(”test.txt”).absoluteFile.parentPath

parentDir = file(”test.txt”).absoluteFile.parentPath
Building Java project
apply plugin: 'java'

                       >gradle clean build
                       :processResources UP-TO-DATE
                       :compileTestJava UP-TO-DATE
                       :processTestResources UP-TO-DATE
                       :testClasses UP-TO-DATE

                       BUILD SUCCESSFUL

                       Total time: 7.6 secs
Java plug-in tasks
 compileJava         processResources                    clean

                            classes                     javadoc

compileTestJava    processTestResources                   jar


                             test                      uploadArchives

                  check                     assemble

Extending tasks
test {
  systemProperties ("net.sourceforge.cobertura.datafile": cobSerFile)
  cobSerFile = "${project.buildDir}/cobertura.ser"

test.doFirst {
  ant {
    delete(file: cobSerFile, failonerror: false)
    'cobertura-instrument'(datafile: cobSerFile) {
        fileset(dir: "${sourceSets.main.classesDir}", includes: "**/*.class") }

test.doLast {
        destdir: "${project.buildDirName}/test-results",
        format: 'xml',
        srcdir: "src/main/java",
        datafile: cobSerFile)
Ant is a first-class citizen

   All Ant tasks and types can be used
    inside Gradle script using Groovy

   Whole Ant build script can be
    imported into Gradle and its targets
    can be called
Ant usage examples I
task hello << {
  String greeting = "hello from Ant"
  ant.echo(message: greeting)

task list << {
  def path = ant.path {
    fileset(dir: 'libs', includes: '*.jar')
  path.list().each {
    println it

task zip << { '') {
    fileset(dir: 'src') {
      include(name: '**.xml')
      exclude(name: '**.java')
Ant usage examples II
ant.taskdef(resource: '') {
  classpath {
    fileset(dir: 'libs/checkstyle', includes: '*.jar')

ant.checkstyle(config: 'src/tools/sun_checks.xml') {
  fileset(dir: 'src')

  <target name="hello">
     <echo>Hello, from Ant</echo>
</project>                                   >gradle hello
                                             [ant:echo] Hello, from Ant

ant.importBuild 'build.xml'                  BUILD SUCCESSFUL

                                             Total time: 7.898 secs
Overriding conventions
version = 1.0
group = ’org.gradletutorials’

version = "1.0-${new Date().format('yyyyMMdd')}"

task release(dependsOn: assemble) << {
  println 'We release now'

build.taskGraph.whenReady { taskGraph ->
  if (taskGraph.hasTask(':release')) {
    version = '1.0’
  } else {
    version = '1.0-SNAPSHOT’
} += ["src/generated/java"]
sourceSets.main.resources.srcDirs += ["src/generated/resources"]
More examples
 Many source directory sets per
  project without a need of a plug-in
 Different dependencies per source
 Even different JDK per source
 Many artifacts per project
Referencing files & file collections
Groovy-like syntax:
// Using a relative path
File configFile = file('src/config.xml')

Create a file collection from a bunch of files:
FileCollection collection = files(
      new File('src/file2.txt'),
      ['src/file3.txt', 'src/file4.txt'])

Create a files collection by referencing project properties:
collection = files { srcDir.listFiles() }

Operations on collections:
def union = collection + files('src/file4.txt')
def different = collection - files('src/file3.txt')}
Using file collections as input
Many objects in Gradle have properties, which accept a set of
input files. For example, the compile task has a source property,
which defines the source files to compile. You can set the value
of this property using any of the types supported by the files()
// Use a File object to specify the source directory.
compile {
  source = file('src/main/java')

// Using a closure to specify the source files.
compile {
  source = {
    // Use the contents of each zip file in the src dir.
      .findAll {'.zip') }
      .collect { zipTree(it) }
Copying files
Using Ant integration:
ant.copy(todir: 'javadoc') {
  fileset(dir: 'build/docs')

Using Gradle task type:

task copyTask(type: Copy) {
  from 'src/main/webapp‘
  into 'build/explodedWar‘
  include '**/*.jsp‘
  exclude { details ->'.html') &&
Repository configuration
repositories {

repositories {
  mavenCentral name: 'single-jar-repo', urls: ""
  mavenCentral name: 'multi-jar-repos', urls:
    ["", ""]

repositories {
  flatDir name: 'localRepository',
  dirs: 'lib' flatDir dirs: ['lib1', 'lib2']

repositories {
  add(new org.apache.ivy.plugins.resolver.FileSystemResolver()) {
    name = 'localRepository'
    latestStrategy = new org.apache.ivy.plugins.latest.LatestTimeStrategy()
    addArtifactPattern(libDir +
Referencing dependencies
dependencies {
  runtime files('libs/a.jar', 'libs/b.jar')
  runtime fileTree(dir: 'libs', includes: ['*.jar'])

dependencies {
  compile 'org.springframework:spring-webmvc:3.0.0.RELEASE'
  testCompile 'org.springframework:spring-test:3.0.0.RELEASE'
  testCompile 'junit:junit:4.7'

dependencies {
  runtime group: 'org.springframework', name: 'spring-core', version: '2.5'
  runtime 'org.springframework:spring-core:2.5',

List groovy = ["org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:1.5.4@jar",
List hibernate = ['org.hibernate:hibernate:3.0.5@jar',

dependencies {
  runtime groovy, hibernate
Transitive dependencies
configurations.compile.transitive = true

dependencies {
  compile 'org.springframework:spring-webmvc:3.0.0.RC2'
  runtime 'org.hibernate:hibernate:3.0.5'

dependencies {
  compile 'org.springframework:spring-webmvc:3.0.0.RC2'
  runtime('org.hibernate:hibernate:3.0.5') {
    transitive = true
Directories & settings.gradle

include 'shared', 'api', ':service:service1', ':service:service2'

                                 You can have only one build file
                                  for the whole multi-project build
                                 All properties, settings, plug-ins,
                                  dependencies are derived without
                                  a need to duplicate information
                                 You can override almost all
                                  behaviour in child builds
All or something
allprojects {
  task build << {
    println "Building project: " +
}                                   >gradle build
subprojects {                        Building project: 90-multi-project
  task prebuild << {                 :api:prebuild
    println "It is subproject!"      It is subproject!
  }                                  Building project: api
  build.dependsOn prebuild           :service:prebuild
}                                    It is subproject!
                                     Building project: service
                                     It is subproject!
                                     Building project: shared
                                     It is subproject!
                                     Building project: service1
                                     It is subproject!
                                     Building project: service2

                                     BUILD SUCCESSFUL

                                     Total time: 9.684 secs
Inter-project dependencies
subprojects {
  apply plugin: 'java'
  if ('^.*serviced+$')) {
    dependencies {
                                  >gradle clean build
      compile project(':api')
      compile project(':shared') :service:clean
    }                             :shared:clean
  }                               :service:service1:clean
}                                                                        :service:service1:compileJava
                                     :shared:compileJava UP-TO-DATE      :service:service1:processResources UP-TO-DATE
                                     :shared:processResources UP-TO-DATE :service:service1:classes
project(':api') {                    :shared:classes UP-TO-DATE          :service:service1:jar
  dependencies {                     :shared:jar                         :service:service1:assemble
    compile project(':shared')                                           :service:service1:compileTestJava
                                     :api:processResources UP-TO-DATE    :service:service1:processTestResources UP-TO-
  }                                  :api:classes                        DATE
}                                    :api:jar                            :service:service1:testClasses
                                     :api:assemble                       :service:service1:test
dependsOnChildren()                                                      :service:service1:check
                                     :api:processTestResources UP-TO-DATE:service:service1:build
                                     :api:testClasses                    :service:service2:compileJava
                                     :api:test                           :service:service2:processResources UP-TO-DATE
                                     :api:check                          :service:service2:classes
                                     :api:build                          :service:service2:jar
                                     :service:compileJava UP-TO-DATE     :service:service2:assemble
                                     :service:processResources UP-TO-DATE:service:service2:compileTestJava
                                     :service:classes UP-TO-DATE         :service:service2:processTestResources UP-TO-
                                     :service:jar                        DATE
                                     :service:assemble                   :service:service2:testClasses
                                     :service:compileTestJava UP-TO-DATE :service:service2:test
                                     :service:processTestResources UP-TO-DATE
                                     :service:testClasses UP-TO-DATE     :service:service2:build
                                     :service:test UP-TO-DATE
                                     :service:check UP-TO-DATE           BUILD SUCCESSFUL
                                     :shared:assemble                    Total time: 3.75 secs
                                     :shared:compileTestJava UP-TO-DATE
                                     :shared:processTestResources UP-TO-DATE
                                     :shared:testClasses UP-TO-DATE
                                     :shared:test UP-TO-DATE
                                     :shared:check UP-TO-DATE
Extending your build
Any Gradle script can be a plug-in:
apply from: 'otherScript.gradle'
apply from: ''

Use many of the standard or 3rd-party plug-ins:
apply   plugin:   'java'
apply   plugin:   'groovy'
apply   plugin:   'scala'
apply   plugin:   'war'

Configuration objects can be externalized:
task configure << {
  pos = new java.text.FieldPosition(10)
  // Apply the script.
  apply from: 'position.gradle', to: pos
  println pos.beginIndex
  println pos.endIndex
                                            beginIndex = 1;
                                            endIndex = 5;
Standard plug-ins
Plug-in ID                   Plug-in ID
base                         application (java, groovy)
java-base                    jetty (war)
groovy-base                  maven (java, war)
scala-base                   osgi (java-base, java)
reporting-base               war (java)
java (java-base)             code-quality (reporting-base, java,

groovy (java, groovy-base)   eclipse (java, groovy, scala, war)
scala (java, scala-base)     idea (java)
antlr (java)                 project-report (reporting-base)
announce                     sonar
    ◦ /tutorials
    ◦ /current/docs/userguide/userguide.html
    ◦ /current/docs/dsl/index.html
    ◦ /gapi/
    ◦ /groovy-jdk/
    ◦ /User+Guide
                         “Build and test software written in Java and
                         many other languages with Gradle, the open
                         source project automation tool that’s getting
                         a lot of attention. This concise introduction
                         provides numerous code examples to help
                         you explore Gradle, both as a build tool and
                         as a complete solution for automating the
                         compilation, test, and release process of
                         simple and enterprise-level applications .”

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Introduction to Gradle Build System

  • 1. Introduction to Gradle Andrey Adamovich Aestas/IT
  • 2. What is Gradle?  Gradle is a general purpose build system  It comes with a rich build description language (DSL) based on Groovy  It supports ”build-by-convention” principle  But it is very flexible and extensible  It has built-in plug-ins for Java, Groovy, Scala, Web, OSGi  It derives all the best and integrates well with Ivy, Ant and Maven
  • 3. What’s in this presentation?  Overview  Basic features & principles  Files and file collections  Dependencies  Multiple projects  Plug-ins  Reading material  Questions
  • 5. Gradle features I  Declarative builds and build-by- convention  Language for dependency based programming and many ways to manage dependencies  Groovy as a base language allows imperative programming
  • 6. Gradle features II  Deep and rich API for managing projects, tasks, dependency artefacts and much more.  State of the art support for multi- project builds  Ease of integration and migration. Ant, Maven, Ivy are supported out- of-the-box  Free and open source
  • 7. Advanced features  Parallel unit test execution  Dependency build  Incremental build support  Dynamic tasks and task rules  Gradle daemon
  • 8. Who uses Gradle?  Hibernate  Canoo  Grails  Carrier  Groovy  FCC  Spring Integration  Zeppelin  Spring Security  GPars  Griffon  Spock  Gaelyk  Aluminum  Qi4j  Gant
  • 10. Hello, Gradle! build.gradle: task hello << { println ’Hello, World' } >gradle hello :hello Hello, World! BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 2.401 secs build.gradle: task hello << { print ’Hello, ' } task world(dependsOn: hello) << { println ’World!' } >gradle -q hello world Hello, World! >gradle -q world Hello, World!
  • 11. Task configuration & execution task hello message = "What's up?" hello { println "Configuring hello task." message = 'Hello, World!' } hello << { println message >gradle hello } Configuring hello task. :hello Hello, World! hello << { What's up? println project.message BUILD SUCCESSFUL } Total time: 1.958 secs
  • 12. Gradle is Groovy, Groovy is Java Java: import; … String parentDir = new File(”test.txt”) .getAbsoluteFile() .getParentPath(); Groovy: def parentDir = new File(”test.txt”).absoluteFile.parentPath Gradle: parentDir = file(”test.txt”).absoluteFile.parentPath
  • 13. Building Java project apply plugin: 'java' >gradle clean build :clean :compileJava :processResources UP-TO-DATE :classes :jar :assemble :compileTestJava UP-TO-DATE :processTestResources UP-TO-DATE :testClasses UP-TO-DATE :test :check :build BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 7.6 secs
  • 14. Java plug-in tasks compileJava processResources clean classes javadoc compileTestJava processTestResources jar testClasses test uploadArchives check assemble build
  • 15. Extending tasks test { systemProperties ("net.sourceforge.cobertura.datafile": cobSerFile) cobSerFile = "${project.buildDir}/cobertura.ser" } test.doFirst { ant { delete(file: cobSerFile, failonerror: false) 'cobertura-instrument'(datafile: cobSerFile) { fileset(dir: "${sourceSets.main.classesDir}", includes: "**/*.class") } } } } test.doLast { ant.'cobertura-report'( destdir: "${project.buildDirName}/test-results", format: 'xml', srcdir: "src/main/java", datafile: cobSerFile) }
  • 16. Ant is a first-class citizen  All Ant tasks and types can be used inside Gradle script using Groovy syntax  Whole Ant build script can be imported into Gradle and its targets can be called
  • 17. Ant usage examples I task hello << { String greeting = "hello from Ant" ant.echo(message: greeting) } task list << { def path = ant.path { fileset(dir: 'libs', includes: '*.jar') } path.list().each { println it } } task zip << { '') { fileset(dir: 'src') { include(name: '**.xml') exclude(name: '**.java') } } }
  • 18. Ant usage examples II ant.taskdef(resource: '') { classpath { fileset(dir: 'libs/checkstyle', includes: '*.jar') } } ant.checkstyle(config: 'src/tools/sun_checks.xml') { fileset(dir: 'src') } <project> <target name="hello"> <echo>Hello, from Ant</echo> </target> </project> >gradle hello :hello [ant:echo] Hello, from Ant ant.importBuild 'build.xml' BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 7.898 secs
  • 19. Overriding conventions version = 1.0 group = ’org.gradletutorials’ version = "1.0-${new Date().format('yyyyMMdd')}" task release(dependsOn: assemble) << { println 'We release now' } build.taskGraph.whenReady { taskGraph -> if (taskGraph.hasTask(':release')) { version = '1.0’ } else { version = '1.0-SNAPSHOT’ } } += ["src/generated/java"] sourceSets.main.resources.srcDirs += ["src/generated/resources"]
  • 20. More examples  Many source directory sets per project without a need of a plug-in  Different dependencies per source directory  Even different JDK per source directory  Many artifacts per project
  • 22. Referencing files & file collections Groovy-like syntax: // Using a relative path File configFile = file('src/config.xml') Create a file collection from a bunch of files: FileCollection collection = files( 'src/file1.txt', new File('src/file2.txt'), ['src/file3.txt', 'src/file4.txt']) Create a files collection by referencing project properties: collection = files { srcDir.listFiles() } Operations on collections: def union = collection + files('src/file4.txt') def different = collection - files('src/file3.txt')}
  • 23. Using file collections as input Many objects in Gradle have properties, which accept a set of input files. For example, the compile task has a source property, which defines the source files to compile. You can set the value of this property using any of the types supported by the files() method: // Use a File object to specify the source directory. compile { source = file('src/main/java') } // Using a closure to specify the source files. compile { source = { // Use the contents of each zip file in the src dir. file('src') .listFiles() .findAll {'.zip') } .collect { zipTree(it) } } } }1
  • 24. Copying files Using Ant integration: ant.copy(todir: 'javadoc') { fileset(dir: 'build/docs') } Using Gradle task type: task copyTask(type: Copy) { from 'src/main/webapp‘ into 'build/explodedWar‘ include '**/*.jsp‘ exclude { details ->'.html') && details.file.text.contains('staging') } }
  • 26. Repository configuration repositories { mavenCentral() } repositories { mavenCentral name: 'single-jar-repo', urls: "" mavenCentral name: 'multi-jar-repos', urls: ["", ""] } repositories { flatDir name: 'localRepository', dirs: 'lib' flatDir dirs: ['lib1', 'lib2'] } repositories { add(new org.apache.ivy.plugins.resolver.FileSystemResolver()) { name = 'localRepository' latestStrategy = new org.apache.ivy.plugins.latest.LatestTimeStrategy() addArtifactPattern(libDir + '/[organization]/[artifact]/[ext]s/[artifact]-[revision].[ext]') } }
  • 27. Referencing dependencies dependencies { runtime files('libs/a.jar', 'libs/b.jar') runtime fileTree(dir: 'libs', includes: ['*.jar']) } dependencies { compile 'org.springframework:spring-webmvc:3.0.0.RELEASE' testCompile 'org.springframework:spring-test:3.0.0.RELEASE' testCompile 'junit:junit:4.7' } dependencies { runtime group: 'org.springframework', name: 'spring-core', version: '2.5' runtime 'org.springframework:spring-core:2.5', 'org.springframework:spring-aop:2.5 } List groovy = ["org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:1.5.4@jar", "commons-cli:commons-cli:1.0@jar", "org.apache.ant:ant:1.7.0@jar"] List hibernate = ['org.hibernate:hibernate:3.0.5@jar', 'somegroup:someorg:1.0@jar'] dependencies { runtime groovy, hibernate }
  • 28. Transitive dependencies configurations.compile.transitive = true dependencies { compile 'org.springframework:spring-webmvc:3.0.0.RC2' runtime 'org.hibernate:hibernate:3.0.5' } dependencies { compile 'org.springframework:spring-webmvc:3.0.0.RC2' runtime('org.hibernate:hibernate:3.0.5') { transitive = true } }
  • 30. Directories & settings.gradle settings.gradle: include 'shared', 'api', ':service:service1', ':service:service2'  You can have only one build file for the whole multi-project build  All properties, settings, plug-ins, dependencies are derived without a need to duplicate information  You can override almost all behaviour in child builds
  • 31. All or something allprojects { task build << { println "Building project: " + } } >gradle build :build subprojects { Building project: 90-multi-project task prebuild << { :api:prebuild println "It is subproject!" It is subproject! :api:build } Building project: api build.dependsOn prebuild :service:prebuild } It is subproject! :service:build Building project: service :shared:prebuild It is subproject! :shared:build Building project: shared :service:service1:prebuild It is subproject! :service:service1:build Building project: service1 :service:service2:prebuild It is subproject! :service:service2:build Building project: service2 BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 9.684 secs
  • 32. Inter-project dependencies subprojects { apply plugin: 'java' if ('^.*serviced+$')) { dependencies { >gradle clean build compile project(':api') :api:clean compile project(':shared') :service:clean } :shared:clean } :service:service1:clean :service:service2:clean } :service:service1:compileJava :shared:compileJava UP-TO-DATE :service:service1:processResources UP-TO-DATE :shared:processResources UP-TO-DATE :service:service1:classes project(':api') { :shared:classes UP-TO-DATE :service:service1:jar dependencies { :shared:jar :service:service1:assemble :api:compileJava compile project(':shared') :service:service1:compileTestJava :api:processResources UP-TO-DATE :service:service1:processTestResources UP-TO- } :api:classes DATE } :api:jar :service:service1:testClasses :api:assemble :service:service1:test :api:compileTestJava dependsOnChildren() :service:service1:check :api:processTestResources UP-TO-DATE:service:service1:build :api:testClasses :service:service2:compileJava :api:test :service:service2:processResources UP-TO-DATE :api:check :service:service2:classes :api:build :service:service2:jar :service:compileJava UP-TO-DATE :service:service2:assemble :service:processResources UP-TO-DATE:service:service2:compileTestJava :service:classes UP-TO-DATE :service:service2:processTestResources UP-TO- :service:jar DATE :service:assemble :service:service2:testClasses :service:compileTestJava UP-TO-DATE :service:service2:test :service:processTestResources UP-TO-DATE :service:service2:check :service:testClasses UP-TO-DATE :service:service2:build :service:test UP-TO-DATE :service:check UP-TO-DATE BUILD SUCCESSFUL :service:build :shared:assemble Total time: 3.75 secs :shared:compileTestJava UP-TO-DATE :shared:processTestResources UP-TO-DATE :shared:testClasses UP-TO-DATE :shared:test UP-TO-DATE :shared:check UP-TO-DATE :shared:build
  • 34. Extending your build Any Gradle script can be a plug-in: apply from: 'otherScript.gradle' apply from: '' Use many of the standard or 3rd-party plug-ins: apply plugin: 'java' apply plugin: 'groovy' apply plugin: 'scala' apply plugin: 'war' Configuration objects can be externalized: task configure << { pos = new java.text.FieldPosition(10) // Apply the script. apply from: 'position.gradle', to: pos println pos.beginIndex println pos.endIndex position.gradle: } beginIndex = 1; endIndex = 5;
  • 35. Standard plug-ins Plug-in ID Plug-in ID base application (java, groovy) java-base jetty (war) groovy-base maven (java, war) scala-base osgi (java-base, java) reporting-base war (java) java (java-base) code-quality (reporting-base, java, groovy) groovy (java, groovy-base) eclipse (java, groovy, scala, war) scala (java, scala-base) idea (java) antlr (java) project-report (reporting-base) announce sonar
  • 37. Resources  ◦ /tutorials ◦ /current/docs/userguide/userguide.html ◦ /current/docs/dsl/index.html  ◦ /gapi/ ◦ /groovy-jdk/ ◦ /User+Guide 
  • 38. Literature “Build and test software written in Java and many other languages with Gradle, the open source project automation tool that’s getting a lot of attention. This concise introduction provides numerous code examples to help you explore Gradle, both as a build tool and as a complete solution for automating the compilation, test, and release process of simple and enterprise-level applications .”