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Kamus Bahasa Indonesia
        Year 7
Lara Secondary College
benar                              true
        INDONESIAN                            ENGLISH
                                                                        berapa                             how many, how much
            A                                    A
                                                                        Berapa umurmu?/Berapa umur Anda?   How old are you?
abu-abu                           grey
                                                                        berbelanja                         go shopping
ada                               There is/there are
                                                                        beristirahat                       to rest
Ada berapa orang dalam keluarga   How many people are there in
                                                                        berolahraga                        Play sport
Anda?                             your family?
                                                                        besar                              big
Ada lima orang dalam keluarga     There are five people in my
                                                                        besok                              tomorrow
saya.                             family.
                                                                        bibi                               aunt
adik                              younger brother or sister
                                                                        bintik                             freckles
adik laki-laki                    younger brother
                                                                        biru                               blue
adik peremuan                     younger sister
                                                                        bodoh                              silly
alis                              eyebrow
                                                                        bukan                              no
anak                              child
                                                                        buku                               book
anak kembar                       twin
                                                                                       C                                     C
Anda                              you, your
                                                                        cantik                             beautiful
Anda berasal dari mana?           Where do you come from?
                                                                        celana                             pants
Anda tinggal di mana?             Where do you live?
                                                                        cepat                              fast
apa                               what?
                                                                        coklat                             brown
apa ini?                          What’s this?
                                                                        cucu                               grandchild
apa itu?                          What’s that?
                                                                                       D                                     D
Apa kabar?                        How are you?
                                                                        dada                               chest
apakah                            tell me if, do, does, is, are?
                                                                        dan                                and
April                             April
                                                                        dasi                               tie
Agustus                           August
                                                                        Desember                           December
ayah                              father
                                                                        di mana                            where
                B                                   B
                                                                        dia                                he, she, his, her
badan                             body
                                                                        Dia bernama………                     He/she has the name………
bagian                            part
                                  tell me about, how, what’s it like?   dingin                             cold
bahu                              shoulder                                           E                                       E
                                                                        emas                               gold
Baik-baik saja                    Just fine
baik-hati                         kind, good-hearted                                 F                                       F
                                                                        Februari                           February
baju                              top
                                                                                     G                                       G
bangun                            wake up
                                                                        ganteng                            handsome
bapak                             father
                                                                        gemuk                              fat
bapak tiri                        step father
                                                                        gigi                               teeth
belajar                           study
kaki               leg/foot
               H                    H
hari ini            today                     kamu               you, your
hari Jumat          Friday                    karena             because
hari Kamis          Thursday                  kasar              coarse, not polite
hari Minggu         Sunday                    kaus kaki          socks
hari Rabu           Wednesday                 kaya               rich
hari Sabtu          Saturday                  kecil              small
hari Selasa         Tuesday                   kelas              class
hari Senin          Monday                    keluarga           family
hidung              nose                      kemaluan           private parts
hijau               green                     kemarin            yesterday
hitam               black                     kemarin dulu       day before yesterday
                                              kemeja             t-shirt
               I                     I
ibu                 mum                       kepala             head
ibu tiri            step mum                  kosong             zero
ini                 this                      kotak pensil       pencil case
isteri              wife                      kuat               strong
itu                 that                      kulit              skin
                                              kuning             yellow
               J                     J
jahat               evil                      kurang             less, minus
jam                 time, hour, clock         kursi              chair
Jam berapa?         What time is it?          kurus              thin
Januari             January                                  L                    L
jari kaki           thumb                     laki-laki          boy
jari tangan         fingers                   lambat             slow
jas                 jacket                    lampu              lamp/light
jelek               ugly                      lebih              more, plus
jendela             window                    leher              neck
jingga              orange                    lemah              weak
Juli                July                      lengan             arm
Juni                June                      lewat              past, plus
                                              lidah              tongue
                K                   K
kaca mata hitam     sunglasses                lucu               funny
kakak               older brother or sister   lusa               day after tomorrow
kakak               older sibling             lutut              knee
kakak laki-laki     older brother                            M                   M
kakak perempuan     older sister              makan malam        eat tea
kakek               grandfather               makan siang        eat lunch
makan pagi                   eat breakfast                                           panas                                    hot
mana                         where                                                   pandai                                   clever
mandi                        wash                                                    pantat                                   bottom
Maret                        March                                                   papan tulis                              blackboard/whiteboard
mata                         eye                                                     pemalu                                   shy
Mei                          May                                                     pena                                     pen
meja                         table                                                   pendek                                   short
mempunyai                    to have/to own                                          pensil                                   pencil
mengerjakan P.R              do your homework                                        perak                                    silver
menonton televisi            watch TV                                                perempuan                                girl
menyikat gigi                clean your teeth                                        perunggu                                 bronze
menyisir rambut              brush your hair                                         perut                                    stomach
merah                        red                                                     pinggang                                 waist
merah muda                   pink                                                    pintu                                    door
mereka                       them, they                                              pipi                                     cheek
minum                        drink                                                   pirang                                   blonde
miskin                       poor                                                    pulang                                   go home
-mu                          your (short for kamu.- only used at the end of words)   punggung                                 back
muda                         young                                                   putih                                    white
muka                         face                                                                      R                                      R
mulut                        mouth                                                   rajin                                    hard-working
                                                                                     ramah                                    friendly
                N                                      N
Nama saya ………                My name is ……….                                         rambut                                   hair
Namanya                      His/her name is…                                        rok                                      skirt
nenek                        grandmother                                             ruang kelas                              classroom
Nomor berapa teleponnya?     What is his/her phone number?                                             S                                      S
                             His/her phone number is 9810 4321.
Nomor teleponnya 9810 4321                                                           sakit                                    sick
November                     November                                                salah                                    false
-nya                         his, hers (Only used at the end of words)               sapu tangan                              handkerchief
                                                                                     saya                                     I, me, my
                O                               O
obral                        sale                                                    Saya berasal dari Australia              I come from Australia.
Oktober                      October                                                 Saya bernama………                          My name is………
                                                                                     Saya tinggal di Jalan Station, nomor 1
orang                        person                                                                                           I live at number 1 Station Street.
orang tua                    parents                                                 Saya tinggal di Lara                     I live in Lara.
                                                                                     sedih                                    sad
                P                               P
pakaian                      clothes                                                 sehat                                    healthy
paman                        uncle                                                   Selamat datang                           welcome
                                                                                     Selamat malam                            Good evening (6:00pm until around 6:00am)
Selamat pagi                     Good morning (from 6:00am until 11:00am)
Selamat siang                    Good day (from 11:00am until 3:00pm)
Selamat sore                     Good afternoon (from 3:00pm until 6:00pm)
Selamat tidur                    sleep well
senang                           happy
sepatu                           shoes
September                        September
serius                           serious
setengah                         half
siapa                            who, what: Only used for people
siapa                            who, what?
Siapa namamu?/Siapa nama Anda?   What is your name?
Siapa namanya?                   What is his/her name?
sombong                          conceited (rude)
sopan                            polite
suami                            husband
                T                                T
tas                              bag
telinga                          ear
terima kasih                     thank you
tetapi                           but
tidak                            no/not
tidur                            sleep
tinggi                           tall
topi                             hat
tua                              old
                U                                U
Umur saya tiga belas tahun       I am thirteen years old.
ungu                             purple
                Y                                Y
ya                               yes
D                                       D
           ENGLISH                INDONESIAN
                                               day after tomorrow                          lusa
              A                       A
                                               day before yesterday                        kemarin dulu
and                     dan
                                               December                                    Desember
April                   April
                                               do your homework                            mengerjakan P.R
arm                     lengan
                                               door                                        pintu
August                  Agustus
                                               drink                                       minum
aunt                    bibi
                                                                E                                        E
                   B                  B
                                               ear                                         telinga
back                    punggung
                                               eat breakfast                               makan pagi
bag                     tas
                                               eat lunch                                   makan siang
beautiful               cantik
                                               eat tea                                     makan malam
because                 karena
                                               evil                                        jahat
big                     besar
                                               eye                                         mata
black                   hitam
                                               eyebrow                                     alis
blackboard/whiteboard   papan tulis
                                                                F                                        F
blonde                  pirang
                                               face                                        muka
blue                    biru
                                               false                                       salah
body                    badan
                                               family                                      keluarga
book                    buku
                                               fast                                        cepat
bottom                  pantat
                                               fat                                         gemuk
boy                     laki-laki
                                               father                                      ayah
bronze                  perunggu
                                               father                                      bapak
brown                   coklat
                                               February                                    Februari
brush your hair         menyisir rambut
                                               fingers                                     jari tangan
but                     tetapi
                                               freckles                                    bintik
                   C                  C
                                               Friday                                      hari Jumat
chair                   kursi
                                               friendly                                    ramah
cheek                   pipi
                                               funny                                       lucu
chest                   dada
                                                                G                                        G
child                   anak
                                               girl                                        perempuan
class                   kelas
                                               go home                                     pulang
classroom               ruang kelas
                                               go shopping                                 berbelanja
clean your teeth        menyikat gigi
                                               gold                                        emas
clever                  pandai
                                               Good afternoon (from 3:00pm until 6:00pm)   Selamat sore
clothes                 pakaian
                                               Good day (from 11:00am until 3:00pm)        Selamat siang
coarse, not polite      kasar
                                               Good evening (6:00pm until around 6:00am)   Selamat malam
cold                    dingin
                                               Good morning (from 6:00am until 11:00am)    Selamat pagi
conceited (rude)        sombong
grandchild                                  cucu                                     June                      Juni
grandfather                                 kakek                                    Just fine                 Baik-baik saja
grandmother                                 nenek                                                      K                        K
green                                       hijau                                    kind, good-hearted        baik-hati
grey                                        abu-abu                                  knee                      lutut
                   H                                       H                                           L                        L
hair                                        rambut                                   lamp/light                lampu
half                                        setengah                                 leg/foot                  kaki
handkerchief                                sapu tangan                              less, minus               kurang
handsome                                    ganteng                                                    M                       M
happy                                       senang                                   March                     Maret
hard-working                                rajin                                    May                       Mei
hat                                         topi                                     Monday                    hari Senin
he, she, his, her                           dia                                      more, plus                lebih
He/she has the name………                      Dia bernama………                           mouth                     mulut
head                                        kepala                                   mum                       ibu
healthy                                     sehat                                    My name is ……….           Nama saya ………
his, hers (Only used at the end of words)   -nya                                     My name is………             Saya bernama………
His/her name is…                            Namanya                                                    N                       N
His/her phone number is 9810 4321.          Nomor teleponnya 9810 4321               neck                      leher
hot                                         panas                                    no                        bukan
How are you?                                Apa kabar?                               no/not                    tidak
How many people are there in your           Ada berapa orang dalam                   nose                      hidung
family?                                     keluarga Anda?                           November                  November
how many, how much                          berapa                                                     O                       O
How old are you?                            Berapa umurmu?/Berapa umur               October                   Oktober
                                            Anda?                                    old                       tua
husband                                     suami                                    older brother             kakak laki-laki
                  I                                         I                        older brother or sister   kakak
I am thirteen years old.                    Umur saya tiga belas tahun               older sibling             kakak
I come from Australia.                      Saya berasal dari Australia              older sister              kakak perempuan
                                            Saya tinggal di Jalan Station, nomor 1
I live at number 1 Station Street.                                                   orange                    jingga
I live in Lara.                             Saya tinggal di Lara                                       P                       P
I, me, my                                   saya                                     pants                     celana
                  J                                         J                        parents                   orang tua
jacket                                      jas                                      part                      bagian
January                                     Januari                                  past, plus                lewat
July                                        Juli                                     pen                       pena
pencil              pensil              sunglasses                            kaca mata hitam
pencil case         kotak pensil                           T                                 T
person              orang               table                                 meja
pink                merah muda          tall                                  tinggi
Play sport          berolahraga         teeth                                 gigi
polite              sopan               tell me about, how, what’s it like?   bagaimana
poor                miskin              tell me if, do, does, is, are?        apakah
private parts       kemaluan            thank you                             terima kasih
purple              ungu                that                                  itu
                                        them, they                            mereka
                R                   R
                                                                              Ada lima orang dalam keluarga saya.
red                 merah               There are five people in my family.
rich                kaya                thin                                  kurus
                                        this                                  ini
                S                   S
sad                 sedih               thumb                                 jari kaki
sale                obral               Thursday                              hari Kamis
Saturday            hari Sabtu          tie                                   dasi
September           September           time, hour, clock                     jam
serious             serius              to have/to own                        mempunyai
shoes               sepatu              to rest                               beristirahat
short               pendek              today                                 hari ini
shoulder            bahu                tomorrow                              besok
shy                 pemalu              tongue                                lidah
sick                sakit               top                                   baju
silly               bodoh               true                                  benar
silver              perak               t-shirt                               kemeja
skin                kulit               Tuesday                               hari Selasa
skirt               rok                 twin                                  anak kembar
sleep               tidur                                  U                                   U
sleep well          Selamat tidur       ugly                                  jelek
slow                lambat              uncle                                 paman
small               kecil               waist                                 pinggang
socks               kaus kaki           wake up                               bangun
step father         bapak tiri          wash                                  mandi
step mum            ibu tiri            watch TV                              menonton televise
stomach             perut               weak                                  lemah
strong              kuat                Wednesday                             hari Rabu
study               belajar             welcome                               Selamat datang
Sunday              hari Minggu         What is his/her name?                 Siapa namanya?
What is his/her phone number?                           Nomor berapa teleponnya?
                                                                                                     NUMBERS – NOMOR-NOMOR
                                                        Siapa namamu?/Siapa nama Anda?
What is your name?
What time is it?                                        Jam berapa?
                                                                                         1- satu                 110- seratus sepuluh
what?                                                   apa
                                                                                         2- dua                  125- seratus dua puluh lima
What’s that?                                            apa itu?
                                                                                         3- tiga
What’s this?                                            apa ini?
                                                                                         4- empat
where                                                   di mana
                                                                                                                 999- sembilan ratus sembilan
                                                                                         5- lima
where                                                   mana
                                                                                         6- enam                 puluh sembilan
Where do you come from?                                 Anda berasal dari mana?
                                                                                                                 1000- seribu
                                                                                         7- tujuh
Where do you live?                                      Anda tinggal di mana?
                                                                                                                 2000- dua ribu
                                                                                         8- delapan
white                                                   putih
                                                                                                                 1 000 000- sejuta
                                                                                         9- sembilan
who, what: It can only be used for                      siapa
                                                                                                                 2 000 000- dua juta
                                                                                         10- sepuluh
                                                                                         11- sebelas
who, what?                                              siapa
                                                                                         12- dua belas
wife                                                    isteri
                                                                                         13- tiga belas
window                                                  jendela
                                                                                         14- empat belas
                          Y                                              Y                                          Hints:
                                                                                         15- lima belas             • belas – teens
yellow                                                  kuning
                                                                                         16- enam belas
                                                                                                                    • puluh – tens
yes                                                     ya
                                                                                         17- tujuh belas
                                                                                                                    • ratus – hundreds
yesterday                                               kemarin
                                                                                         18- delapan belas
you, your                                               Anda                                                        • ribu - thousands
                                                                                         19- sembilan belas
you, your                                               kamu                                                        se- is short for ‘satu’.
                                                                                         20- duapuluh
young                                                   muda                                                        eg.,     sepuluh = 10
younger brother                                         adik laki-laki                                                       sebelas = 11
                                                                                         21-   dua puluh satu
younger brother or sister                               adik                                                                 seratus = 100
                                                                                         22-   dua puluh dua
younger sister                                          adik peremuan
                                                                                         23-   dua puluh tiga
your (short for kamu.- only used at the end of words)   -mu
                                                                                         24-   dua puluh empat
zero                                                    kosong
                                                                                         25-   dua puluh lima

                                                                                         30- tiga puluh
                                                                                         40- empat puluh
                                                                                         50- lima puluh
                                                                                         60- enam puluh
                                                                                         70- tujuh puluh
                                                                                         80- delapan puluh
                                                                                         90- sembilan puluh
                                                                                         100- seratus

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Year 7 Indonesian Dictionary

  • 1. Kamus Bahasa Indonesia Year 7 Lara Secondary College
  • 2.
  • 3. benar true INDONESIAN ENGLISH berapa how many, how much A A Berapa umurmu?/Berapa umur Anda? How old are you? abu-abu grey berbelanja go shopping ada There is/there are beristirahat to rest Ada berapa orang dalam keluarga How many people are there in berolahraga Play sport Anda? your family? besar big Ada lima orang dalam keluarga There are five people in my besok tomorrow saya. family. bibi aunt adik younger brother or sister bintik freckles adik laki-laki younger brother biru blue adik peremuan younger sister bodoh silly alis eyebrow bukan no anak child buku book anak kembar twin C C Anda you, your cantik beautiful Anda berasal dari mana? Where do you come from? celana pants Anda tinggal di mana? Where do you live? cepat fast apa what? coklat brown apa ini? What’s this? cucu grandchild apa itu? What’s that? D D Apa kabar? How are you? dada chest apakah tell me if, do, does, is, are? dan and April April dasi tie Agustus August Desember December ayah father di mana where B B dia he, she, his, her badan body Dia bernama……… He/she has the name……… bagian part tell me about, how, what’s it like? dingin cold bagaimana bahu shoulder E E emas gold Baik-baik saja Just fine baik-hati kind, good-hearted F F Februari February baju top G G bangun wake up ganteng handsome bapak father gemuk fat bapak tiri step father gigi teeth belajar study
  • 4. kaki leg/foot H H hari ini today kamu you, your hari Jumat Friday karena because hari Kamis Thursday kasar coarse, not polite hari Minggu Sunday kaus kaki socks hari Rabu Wednesday kaya rich hari Sabtu Saturday kecil small hari Selasa Tuesday kelas class hari Senin Monday keluarga family hidung nose kemaluan private parts hijau green kemarin yesterday hitam black kemarin dulu day before yesterday kemeja t-shirt I I ibu mum kepala head ibu tiri step mum kosong zero ini this kotak pensil pencil case isteri wife kuat strong itu that kulit skin kuning yellow J J jahat evil kurang less, minus jam time, hour, clock kursi chair Jam berapa? What time is it? kurus thin Januari January L L jari kaki thumb laki-laki boy jari tangan fingers lambat slow jas jacket lampu lamp/light jelek ugly lebih more, plus jendela window leher neck jingga orange lemah weak Juli July lengan arm Juni June lewat past, plus lidah tongue K K kaca mata hitam sunglasses lucu funny kakak older brother or sister lusa day after tomorrow kakak older sibling lutut knee kakak laki-laki older brother M M kakak perempuan older sister makan malam eat tea kakek grandfather makan siang eat lunch
  • 5. makan pagi eat breakfast panas hot mana where pandai clever mandi wash pantat bottom Maret March papan tulis blackboard/whiteboard mata eye pemalu shy Mei May pena pen meja table pendek short mempunyai to have/to own pensil pencil mengerjakan P.R do your homework perak silver menonton televisi watch TV perempuan girl menyikat gigi clean your teeth perunggu bronze menyisir rambut brush your hair perut stomach merah red pinggang waist merah muda pink pintu door mereka them, they pipi cheek minum drink pirang blonde miskin poor pulang go home -mu your (short for kamu.- only used at the end of words) punggung back muda young putih white muka face R R mulut mouth rajin hard-working ramah friendly N N Nama saya ……… My name is ………. rambut hair Namanya His/her name is… rok skirt nenek grandmother ruang kelas classroom Nomor berapa teleponnya? What is his/her phone number? S S His/her phone number is 9810 4321. Nomor teleponnya 9810 4321 sakit sick November November salah false -nya his, hers (Only used at the end of words) sapu tangan handkerchief saya I, me, my O O obral sale Saya berasal dari Australia I come from Australia. Oktober October Saya bernama……… My name is……… Saya tinggal di Jalan Station, nomor 1 orang person I live at number 1 Station Street. orang tua parents Saya tinggal di Lara I live in Lara. sedih sad P P pakaian clothes sehat healthy paman uncle Selamat datang welcome Selamat malam Good evening (6:00pm until around 6:00am)
  • 6. Selamat pagi Good morning (from 6:00am until 11:00am) Selamat siang Good day (from 11:00am until 3:00pm) Selamat sore Good afternoon (from 3:00pm until 6:00pm) Selamat tidur sleep well senang happy sepatu shoes September September serius serious setengah half siapa who, what: Only used for people siapa who, what? Siapa namamu?/Siapa nama Anda? What is your name? Siapa namanya? What is his/her name? sombong conceited (rude) sopan polite suami husband T T tas bag telinga ear terima kasih thank you tetapi but tidak no/not tidur sleep tinggi tall topi hat tua old U U Umur saya tiga belas tahun I am thirteen years old. ungu purple Y Y ya yes
  • 7. D D ENGLISH INDONESIAN day after tomorrow lusa A A day before yesterday kemarin dulu and dan December Desember April April do your homework mengerjakan P.R arm lengan door pintu August Agustus drink minum aunt bibi E E B B ear telinga back punggung eat breakfast makan pagi bag tas eat lunch makan siang beautiful cantik eat tea makan malam because karena evil jahat big besar eye mata black hitam eyebrow alis blackboard/whiteboard papan tulis F F blonde pirang face muka blue biru false salah body badan family keluarga book buku fast cepat bottom pantat fat gemuk boy laki-laki father ayah bronze perunggu father bapak brown coklat February Februari brush your hair menyisir rambut fingers jari tangan but tetapi freckles bintik C C Friday hari Jumat chair kursi friendly ramah cheek pipi funny lucu chest dada G G child anak girl perempuan class kelas go home pulang classroom ruang kelas go shopping berbelanja clean your teeth menyikat gigi gold emas clever pandai Good afternoon (from 3:00pm until 6:00pm) Selamat sore clothes pakaian Good day (from 11:00am until 3:00pm) Selamat siang coarse, not polite kasar Good evening (6:00pm until around 6:00am) Selamat malam cold dingin Good morning (from 6:00am until 11:00am) Selamat pagi conceited (rude) sombong
  • 8. grandchild cucu June Juni grandfather kakek Just fine Baik-baik saja grandmother nenek K K green hijau kind, good-hearted baik-hati grey abu-abu knee lutut H H L L hair rambut lamp/light lampu half setengah leg/foot kaki handkerchief sapu tangan less, minus kurang handsome ganteng M M happy senang March Maret hard-working rajin May Mei hat topi Monday hari Senin he, she, his, her dia more, plus lebih He/she has the name……… Dia bernama……… mouth mulut head kepala mum ibu healthy sehat My name is ………. Nama saya ……… his, hers (Only used at the end of words) -nya My name is……… Saya bernama……… His/her name is… Namanya N N His/her phone number is 9810 4321. Nomor teleponnya 9810 4321 neck leher hot panas no bukan How are you? Apa kabar? no/not tidak How many people are there in your Ada berapa orang dalam nose hidung family? keluarga Anda? November November how many, how much berapa O O How old are you? Berapa umurmu?/Berapa umur October Oktober Anda? old tua husband suami older brother kakak laki-laki I I older brother or sister kakak I am thirteen years old. Umur saya tiga belas tahun older sibling kakak I come from Australia. Saya berasal dari Australia older sister kakak perempuan Saya tinggal di Jalan Station, nomor 1 I live at number 1 Station Street. orange jingga I live in Lara. Saya tinggal di Lara P P I, me, my saya pants celana J J parents orang tua jacket jas part bagian January Januari past, plus lewat July Juli pen pena
  • 9. pencil pensil sunglasses kaca mata hitam pencil case kotak pensil T T person orang table meja pink merah muda tall tinggi Play sport berolahraga teeth gigi polite sopan tell me about, how, what’s it like? bagaimana poor miskin tell me if, do, does, is, are? apakah private parts kemaluan thank you terima kasih purple ungu that itu them, they mereka R R Ada lima orang dalam keluarga saya. red merah There are five people in my family. rich kaya thin kurus this ini S S sad sedih thumb jari kaki sale obral Thursday hari Kamis Saturday hari Sabtu tie dasi September September time, hour, clock jam serious serius to have/to own mempunyai shoes sepatu to rest beristirahat short pendek today hari ini shoulder bahu tomorrow besok shy pemalu tongue lidah sick sakit top baju silly bodoh true benar silver perak t-shirt kemeja skin kulit Tuesday hari Selasa skirt rok twin anak kembar sleep tidur U U sleep well Selamat tidur ugly jelek slow lambat uncle paman small kecil waist pinggang socks kaus kaki wake up bangun step father bapak tiri wash mandi step mum ibu tiri watch TV menonton televise stomach perut weak lemah strong kuat Wednesday hari Rabu study belajar welcome Selamat datang Sunday hari Minggu What is his/her name? Siapa namanya?
  • 10. What is his/her phone number? Nomor berapa teleponnya? NUMBERS – NOMOR-NOMOR Siapa namamu?/Siapa nama Anda? What is your name? What time is it? Jam berapa? 1- satu 110- seratus sepuluh what? apa 2- dua 125- seratus dua puluh lima What’s that? apa itu? 3- tiga What’s this? apa ini? 4- empat where di mana 999- sembilan ratus sembilan 5- lima where mana 6- enam puluh sembilan Where do you come from? Anda berasal dari mana? 1000- seribu 7- tujuh Where do you live? Anda tinggal di mana? 2000- dua ribu 8- delapan white putih 1 000 000- sejuta 9- sembilan who, what: It can only be used for siapa 2 000 000- dua juta 10- sepuluh people 11- sebelas who, what? siapa 12- dua belas wife isteri 13- tiga belas window jendela 14- empat belas Y Y Hints: 15- lima belas • belas – teens yellow kuning 16- enam belas • puluh – tens yes ya 17- tujuh belas • ratus – hundreds yesterday kemarin 18- delapan belas you, your Anda • ribu - thousands 19- sembilan belas you, your kamu se- is short for ‘satu’. 20- duapuluh young muda eg., sepuluh = 10 younger brother adik laki-laki sebelas = 11 21- dua puluh satu younger brother or sister adik seratus = 100 22- dua puluh dua younger sister adik peremuan 23- dua puluh tiga your (short for kamu.- only used at the end of words) -mu 24- dua puluh empat zero kosong 25- dua puluh lima 30- tiga puluh 40- empat puluh 50- lima puluh 60- enam puluh 70- tujuh puluh 80- delapan puluh 90- sembilan puluh 100- seratus