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European Strategic Architecture
                 = Well advanced                    Gold text = Europe
                 = Implementation
                                                    White text = Global
               ▲ = Scoping & development
Business            Customers /           Technology             People
Processes           Markets
  Hertz               Brand campaign        Best in class         Organisation review
  Improvement        ▲Customer              website               Pulse survey
  Process             experience            Strada (Claims        Internal
  Driving Excellence  Fleet collections     Management            communications
  Net Promoter        Value brand           System)               Talent management
  Score              ▲Replacement           P2P (Purchase to      Training and
  Total Value         Vans and Trucks       Pay) rollout          development
  Management          Ancillary revenue     Rate engine / TAS     Sales effectiveness
  Asset Backed        Acquisitions          rewrite              ▲Rewarding
  Securitisation      Network               New HR system         performance
  Supply Chain        expansion             Self-service
  Management                                kiosks, telematics
“Innovation Trophy” 2007 for innovation in the area of Training and Development

On Wednesday 24 October 2007, Hertz France received the “Trophy for Innovation” in Training and Development presented during the annual
National Rental Car Associations open day. This trophy recognises Hertz France for the creation of an internal university – “Université des Métiers”.
This university was created in order to accompany, communicate and facilitate employee comprehension of France’s new training laws which amongst
other things allocates an annual 20 hours of training time to each and every employee.
“Professional Training” – New laws in France – making them visible and comprehensible

In January 2006 the « Training Department » of Hertz France was transformed into the « University des Métiers » with the objective of providing a
visual explanation to employees of the new training laws put in place following the 2004 Reform of Professional Training in France :

New laws require that the company’s annual training plan be presented according to three different categories of training:

   1. Adaptation to ones work post (Adaptation au poste de travail)
   2. Job evolution and the development of the necessary skills to maintain ones competivity (Evolution des emplois et maintien dans le poste)
   3. Development of Individual competencies and skills (Développement des compétences professionnelles).

In order to allow each employee to both understand why and how a training course relates to their individual situation and into which of the three
categories the courses presented in our annual training syllabus fall, our 2006-2007 Training Catalogue was accordingly organised around the theme of
excellence. We strongly believe that individual excellence and organisational excellence are both beneficial to a company - excellent people are
attracted to excellent organisations and at the same time excellent organisations tend to inspire individual excellence internally.
Thus we organised and regrouped our different training classes as follows:

             EXCELLENCE –(The Way of Excellence) - (adaptation au poste de travail) –The entire processes of employee induction

          EXCELLENCE - (The Road to Excellence) - (évolution des emplois/maintien dans les postes) –all training programs that permit
                              employees to keep up with technological and social evolutions.

          EXCELLENCE - (The Highway to Excellence) - (développement des compétences) –all training and development that permits
                                employees to develop their individual skills and competencies.
In 2006 the Université des Métiers presented its annual training catalogue (Guide de formation 2006) according to this new organisation:

The notion of targeted competencies also appears in our catalogue with each training class detailing the skills and competencies that the participant
should be able to demonstrate upon his/her return to the workplace.

We define competency as the capacity to produce a successful action in a work situation and we believe that these competencies consist of
behavioural repertories that certain master/manage better than others enabling them to be more efficient in a given work situation. These behaviours
are observable in daily work life and put to work, in an integrated manner, the individuals’ aptitudes, personality traits and acquired knowledge.

Individual behaviours thus represent a link between an individual’s personal characteristics and the professional qualities required to successfully
execute precise missions and tasks in the workplace.
Our objective is to evolve from training our employees to providing them with the skills and competencies necessary to successfully execute their roles.
Training does not make any sense if it is not thought out with a logical analysis of its practical utility in a work situation, and if not constructed with a
view to contributing to a project whose objective is to develop both the company and the employee.

For Hertz it is vital to identify and develop globally the competencies and practices that contribute to the best performances. The objective of the
“Université des Métiers” is to cultivate and develop a competitive advantage by excellence in continuously developing precise and perennial employee
competencies and in turn developing the company through the sum of its individual employee skills and talents.
Our internal university is built upon the three fundamental needs of any human being:

                          CLIENT INTERNE                                                         CLIENT EXTERNE

                                 OUR NEED TO BELIEVE IN SOMETHING (Notre besoin de croire en quelque chose) :

      * My own future, the future of Hertz and thus my employment                       *The products and services offered by Hertz

                                 OUR NEED TO BELIEVE IN SOMEONE (Notre besoin de croire en quelqu’un) :

      * My Colleagues, my Manager, my President                                         * The men and women that rent me my car

                                                    OUR NEED FOR SOMEONE TO BELIEVE IN ME :

      * Me as an individual                                                             * Me, the customer to which Hertz offers its and services
The DIF or « Droit individuel de Formation » (individual right to receive training) allocates 20 hours of training time annually to each employee. These
training hours can be used for any training and development that permits an employee to develop his/her competencies and is subject to written
agreement between the employee and employer. The employer has the right to refuse the request if the employer deems that the training requested is
not in-line with the company’s strategy. Concerning the DIF, Hertz’s’ objective is to provide a managed framework for the utilisation of individual DIF
hours without impeding the “individuality” of the request. In order to accomplish this objective Hertz has worked on 4 key points:

   1. Hertz has adopted and communicated to its employees a clear training and development strategy :
2. Hertz has reinforced the processes of employee induction – Cycle “The way of Excellence”.
The way of excellence
3. Hertz has built its DIF offer around the “entretien professionnel” (Individual Professional Evaluation) which becomes the corner stone
   of our training offer.
4. We have communicated visually the different means of training available for employees with the objective that each employee
      becomes an actor in his/her own development.

The Individual Professional Evaluation (Entretien Professionnel) in 2008 will become the corner stone of our DIF training offer. As the various training
laws introduced by the reform stipulate that all employees must have access to life long training possibilities, we will use Professional Evaluation to
better prepare our management teams for this new responsibility – the initiative to send an employee to a training program is no longer the unique
initiative of the company; the employee now becomes co-actor, as an individual, in the determination of his own training and development.
THe DIF represents the right for any employee, at their initiative, to initiate a negotiation with their employer in order to participate in a training program
of their choice, (financed by the company) by using the DIF training hour available to them.

Hertz’s objective is to use the Individual Professional Evaluation “Entretien Professionnel” as a platform for the introduction of the DIF. A platform
around which both the annual training plan and additional DIF training offer will be constructed. Thus, the “Entretien Professionnel” affirms itself as the
key tool for the management of individual and collective training and development needs for the future.
Hertz’s objective is to use the « Entretien Professionnel » to provide:

       •   A better management and measure of individual and collective employee skills and competencies;
       •   A constructive dialogue between the manager and the employee;
       •   A better match and synergy between the company’s annual training plan and the company’s strategic development needs;
       •   A real recognition of individual contributions and motivation factors;
       •   Increased performance at every level.

The DIF training offer is constructed around the « Entretien Professionnel ». Hertz, France adheres to the DIF concept and in order to facilitate
employee use of their DIF hours, has integrated a DIF training offer into its annual training plan. The DIF is thus:

   •   A credit of individual training hours;
   •   The right to take the initiative to ask;
   •   An incitation to a negotiation « win-win » outcome;
   •   An incitation to contractualise the decisions taken during the fore-mentioned negotiation;
   •   An additional legal framework that can be used to organise employee training and development.
The development of the DIF requires a closely managed training offer that reflects both the needs of the company and the individual skills and
competencies required by employees to meet the company’s needs.

   « A training offer that is constructed in parallel with the company’s strategy -; accessible by the bias of an
individuals DIF hours - providing the opportunity to participate in various additional training classed presented
and financed by the company ».

The essential steps necessary to succeed in the set up and execution of this new DIF training offer are:

      •   Motivate our employees to train and develop themselves.
      •   Channel individual requests toward a training offer validated by the company
      •   Negotiate two party agreements on the conditions of participation and results expected of the training
New Management Training Syllabus constructed   Vision of the construction of a DIF offer - November 2005
Our new management training syllabus designed to accompany managerial development from the beginner to the experienced manager. These
management courses are available to all employees via the use of their DIF hours or via the company’s annual training plan.
In order to kick-off the DIF training offer the “Université des Métiers” wanted to propose English language training in order to better prepare Hertz
France employees for the ever increasing need to communicate in English, and this by means of E-Learning.
In July 2006, we kicked-off an on line English language training programme, “Global English” which was made accessible to all employees on condition
that they had an internet connection and personal e-mail address at home. Each participant signed a learners agreement (contract) agreeing that in
counterpart to Hertz paying for their one year access to the Global English Internet Site, they agreed to complete at lease 7 activities per month or
approximately 90 minutes of E-Learning/month and this during their own time.

Each participant was required to provide written motivation as to why they wanted to improve their English Language skills (see above « contrat
d’apprentissage »). The programme was kicked off by Monsieur Eric POKROVSKY, President of Hertz France at the time (See e-mail below).

The first full year of on-line language learning was completed in July 2007, with 250 participants who completed 18 000 hours of learning for 22, 362
activities completed. This represented a ROI (return on investment) of 9€ per hour of study.
At the end of each month, the President of Hertz France sent a monthly report to all participants and their respective management. This report divided
learners into 3 different categories – “those that need to be congratulated for going beyond the number of activities stipulated in the learners
agreement “, “those that need to be thanked for respecting the number of activities stipulated in the learners agreement” and finally “those
who needed to be encouraged because they hadn’t managed to respect their learners agreement”.
For almost 2 years the Univérsité des Métiers has actively worked with Thompson Net G, Hertz’s US supplier of e-learning, in order to build an online
training offer. The offer today, in its pilot programme stage, is composed of more that 1500 different courses, of which a hundred or so are in French.
The DIF offer will be launched in January 2008 on the new Skillport platform.
The benchmark for Employee Integration and the Training Passport (Photo Service – Photo Development - 400 agencies in 5 countries)
The Training Passport (passeport formation) was implemented in 2006 to allow each employee to vision his/her individual training plan and to follow the
subsequent validation of the competences acquired during training. This information is available in real-time via our internal communication platform
(Hertz Interactive Platform or HIP).
In order to view the training path of the employees in a particular Hertz agency, the Station Manager connects to HIP – Heading Univ. Métiers
Then he chooses the name of his agency – in this example we will use « Paris Airports »
Then appears the name of all personnel assigned to Paris Airports and the training classes that they have completed – the training classes that reflect
the company’s actual training syllabus in use.
Mid - 2007 we put our entire training syllabus catalogue on the HIP platform which is accessible to all employees.
Planning prévisionnel 2008
     Lun        Mar      Mer       Jeu        Ven      Lun     Mar     Mer       Jeu        Ven       Lun      Mar     Mer         Jeu   Ven   Lun      Mar      Mer      Jeu      Ven    Lun        Mar   Mer     Jeu     Ven
                     1       2           3         4      7        8       9        10        11        14      15         16       17    18      21       22       23        24    25          28    29      30     31
J                                Dpt                                                                                   TDM 1 SP HOF                             GEN HOF                              MDL   HOF

N                                                                                                                                                                 CPG BF&ST
                                                                SERV HOF                                                                                            Séniors
                                                                                                                                                       GAR IA

                                                   1      4        5       6           7        8       11      12         13       14    15      18       19       20        21    22          25    26      27     28     29
F                                            Dpt                                                                     GEN     HOF                                                                           CPG BF&ST DR9

E                                                                CORR SP                                                                                PERF
                                                                                 CPG BF&ST DR5

                                                        TDM2 HOF                                                                                                          SERV     HOF

           3         4       5           6         7     10      11        12       13        14        17      18         19       20    21      24       25       26        27    28          31
    Réunion                                                             CPG BF&ST
M   Dpt                    CORR SP                                        DR8/4                                DYE     HOF
               GAR                                                                                                                                                CPG BF&ST
A              HOF                                                                                                                                                  DR6/7
                                  SERV          HOF

                                                       PMG1 SP HOF                                                   GEN     HOF                                    LED HOF

    Chemin Route         Voie                                 Congés scolaires

       X       AFS = Affirmation de soi (DIF)                                      X       GPO = Gestes et postures                            X + U RSS = Recyclage Sauveteur Secouriste

       U       CAR = CarRent                                                       X       LED = Développer son leadership                       U     SERV = Service Gagnant

       X       CG = CEGOS                                                          U       LOC = Circuit de location                             U     SEL = Sélection Ciblée

       U       COR = TAS correspondants                                            U       MD = Moyenne Durée                                    U     SIT = Gestion des situations délicates

       X       DYE = Dynamique d’une équipe                                        X       MEX = Manipulation des extincteurs                    U     STO = Stop Contact

       X       IE = Intelligence émotionnelle                                      X       MDL = Mobiliser autour de la délégation             X + U SST = Sauveur Secouriste du travail

       U       ENT = Entretien annuel & entretien professionnel                    U       NAV = Navigator                                       U     TAN = Tactiques de l’animation

       X       EEV = Entretien d’évaluation                                        X       HAB = Habilitation Electrique                         U     TAS = Découverte du système TAS

       U       FIN = Finance pour non financiers                                   U       PER = Perfectionnement                                U     TDM= Technique du Management

       U       FFA = Faire face à des situations difficiles                        U       PMG = Pratiques du management                         U     TEL = Téléaction

       X       G&P = Gestes et Postures                                          X + U PMP = Performance management programme                    U     TIP = TIPS

       U       GAR = GAR                                                           U       PNL = Gestion de performances Financières             U     TUT = Tuteur

       U       FRI = FrigoRent                                                     X       PRB = Pare Brises                                     U     VCI = Visite ciblée

       U       GEN = Génération Excellence                                         U       QAL = Qualité

       U       GCC = Gestion des comptes clients
Vision, Mission & Values
Providing a framework for employees to use in order to understand the purpose of Company Vision, Mission & Values:
Communication of Hertz’s new Vision, Mission and Values
Communication of pulse survey results and action plans:
More awards for Hertz Europe
Delighted, loyal customers
   The road ahead                              and partners
                                               Motivated, trained and
                                               rewarded employees
                                               Leading market share and
                                               Constant stream of new
          Vision, Mission, Values              products
          Strategic Architecture               Reduced bureaucracy
Regions      Centres     Shared     Councils   State-of-the-art technology
               of       Services               Transparent, real-time
            Expertise                          communications
  Alpha / Genesis Europe & Global              Culture of feedback and
     Business Operating System
                                               continuous improvement
                                               Have fun and celebrate
How do we know we’re there?

Double digit growth in targeted segments
and markets
NPS >50%, Contact ratio <1%
Gold program >40% of revenue
Best in class pulse survey result: 4.2+
Complete 10+ acquisitions within 5 years
European Strategic Architecture
                 = Well advanced                    Gold text = Europe
                 = Implementation
                                                    White text = Global
               ▲ = Scoping & development
Business            Customers /           Technology             People
Processes           Markets
  Hertz               Brand campaign        Best in class         Organisation review
  Improvement        ▲Customer              website               Pulse survey
  Process             experience            Strada (Claims        Internal
  Driving Excellence  Fleet collections     Management            communications
  Net Promoter        Value brand           System)               Talent management
  Score              ▲Replacement           P2P (Purchase to      Training and
  Total Value         Vans and Trucks       Pay) rollout          development
  Management          Ancillary revenue     Rate engine / TAS     Sales effectiveness
  Asset Backed        Acquisitions          rewrite              ▲Rewarding
  Securitisation      Network               New HR system         performance
  Supply Chain        expansion             Self-service
  Management                                kiosks, telematics
Alpha Europe status

New organisation implemented July 2
Finalising European CoEs including
SLA’s, funding model and recruitment
Commercial and Operating Councils now
Annualised savings of $27m implemented
by this year end
Centres of Expertise

Organisational group of experts
Global / regional / country programs
based on business requirements
Establish standards and processes
Best practice sharing, efficiency,
Deliver to agreed service levels
Active collaboration between Countries,
         CoEs and other CoEs

                              Priorities / needs
Co u n t r i e s              Service levels
                              Resources and
      •   •   •   • •         costs
• •                     • •


Genesis components

Global Centres of Expertise
Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)
Business Process Re-engineering (BPR)
Genesis update: Business Process
         Re-engineering (BPR)
  In Europe, three key domains:
Vehicle Rental Europe     Fleet Management Europe HCM Global
Leader: Neil Cunningham   Leader: Alf Thomson    Europe leader: Pat Smith

  17 Sub-domains, with 50 people working on
  over 100 projects
  Business case, project management needs,
  and IT support
Leading BPR projects in Europe
Vehicle Rental          Fleet Management                   HCM

Base rate upselling      Daily fleet planning        Strada Europe
Automated delivery &     Enforcement of              Fraud management
collection charges       contractual terms
Self-service kiosks      Recovery fuel end of life   Receivables to HESC
RFID                     Car sales web portal        Strada implementation
Damage: process          Pan European car sales      for US & Canada –
Turnaround efficiency    structure                   project lead
Reduce RA pages          Buyback reconditioning      eARF pan-E interfacing
Optimise one ways        Intelligent dispatch        with Strada
Reduce no shows
Sales of super cover
Pulse survey: Europe
           Understand      Senior Team    Customers     Know how      Motivated to   # of
           why we are      is focused on benefit from   my job        help Hertz     Surveys
           changing        future success change        contributes   succeed
Survey 1        3.8             3.5            3.4          4.2           4.1         3,397

Survey 2        3.7             3.4            3.2          4.0           4.0         3,953

           Manager         Manager acts   Opportunity   Intend to stay Recommend Average
           listens to me   on my          to develop    six months     Hertz     Score
                           suggestions    career
Survey 1        3.7             3.4            3.2          4.2           3.4         3.7

Survey 2        3.6             3.3            3.0          4.0           3.2         3.5
In response to the pulse survey
Continued emphasis on communications
New Global Talent Management CoE
Many local actions took place – examples:
 – More department meetings and country briefings
 – Change management support to leaders
 – Roll out of Net G training courses
 – 10 competition winners joined
   German management team event
 – English courses in Italy
Functional Competencies

           Human                Agility and
          Resources             Adaptability         Effective
                   Personal                                                     Operations
                 Accountability                                     Drive
                                                    Pe          Collaboration

                Trust and                             op

                 Integrity                               le          Build talent

                                Pe Th                      Demonstrates Initiative
                                                         lt s
             Use Insightful
Finance       Judgment               ou                su
                                                               Drives Execution

                                         t          Re Displays Global
                      Leadership                   Passion for Customer
                                      Strategic   Operational              Marketing
                                      Thinking    Excellence

The PMED system: driving a
              performance based culture
      Accountability     Pay for
       for results     performance
                                              Management &
                                              Employee Development
                                              integrates people and
                                Feedback      organisation
                                for results   development toward
                                              collective achievement
                      Business-led            of the company’s short-
    Integrated career   training              and long term
      management & development
Key features of PMED system

Create alignment around key result areas
Enable formal, two-way communication
Links achievements to total rewards
Reviews leadership & functional competence
Drives development and career plans
Feeds succession & high potential process
Simple method to
       reward performance
Key Results Areas     Reward
  Company           Impact Bonus
  Personal          Set Performance
  Objectives        Rating
  Performance       Drives Total
  Rating            Reward
Performance management process
Launches the development of a performance based
culture. Focus of the 2008 plan rollout:

   Create an objective picture of performance
   No changes to the current bonus plan
   Bi-annual reviews (mid year and end year)
   Enable ongoing dialogue
   Individual development and career plans
Europe Sales CoE mission
    Win, manage and co-ordinate
    multinational accounts and partnerships
    Support Regions and Franchisees
    through system and product enhancement
    Align strategy, develop sales policies,
    processes, tools
Example customers and partners
                                                                              Michel Taride
Europe Sales CoE
  organisation                                                          Sales Director Europe
                                                                         Fabrice Quinquenel
                                                                                                      Annette Page

  Corporate                 Sales Support Manager               Replacement                   Franchise S&M                       Director of
Sales Managers                                                  Sales Director                   Manager                      Travel Distribution
Breda Fitzpatrick                                                                             Bridget Williams
                                Maxine Korobuk                  Edouard Brinon                 Anne Leonardi                         Gina Costa
  Mathias Thill
Bruno Kauffmann                                                                                                                                     Manager Airline Business
                                                                                                              Ryanair Business                        Development Europe
                                                                                                            Development Manager
                                                    Bid Coordinators                                                                                Arthur de Perthuis (interim)
                                                                                                                Enda O’Toole
                                                      Anup Sondhi                                             Ryanair Account
      Sales Automation Director                                                                              Executive (Vacant)                     European Account
                                                     Fabia Henriques                                                                                 Manager Online
           William Hennessy
                                             Priya Tailor (Maternity Leave)                                                                          Richard Bowden
        Booking & Distribution                                                          Travel Distribution Managers in Country
                                             Matt Hoyle (Maternity Cover)                            Italy (1) – Vacant
             Mark Hayward                                                                                                                         Head of Online Agency
                                                    Project Executive                   Germany (2) – Bernadetta Kada, 1 vacant                       Sales Europe
        Product Development
                                                      Colin Pointer                    United Kingdom (2) – Claire Flack, 1 vacant                    Arthur de Perthuis
                  Stuart Noel
                                                                                       Spain (2) – Olga Cebrian Fernandez 1 vacant
                                                                                                France (1) – Jacky Callieau                           Business Travel Managers
                                                                                                                                                  United Kingdon (1) – Phillipa Stone
                                                                                                Partnership Managers in Country                      Germany (1) – Adriane Petlic
                                                                                                        France (1) – Vacant
                                                                                                                                                  Manager Travel Industry
                                                                                                        Germany (1) Vacant
                                                                                                                                                     and Associations
                                                                                                                                                     Europe (Vacant)

Growth strategy: emerging markets,
insurance replacement business and
Business highlights: Philips, BP, IBM,
Mars, AT Kearney, Gulf Air, American
Express, Michelin, Volvo
Sales transformation: joint project with the
Europe Marketing CoE
Research trends, customer needs
Develop and maintain:
 – Brand, loyalty and product strategies
 – Value proposition, customer experience
   and price positioning
 – Products and ancillary revenues
Manage communications throughout
all sales channels and segments
 – Sales force, reservations, branches,
   partnerships, online
Europe Marketing CoE Organisation
                                                                          Michel Taride

                                                                          Director of
                                                                      European Marketing
                                                                           Lesley Lindberg
                                                                                                       Annette Page
                                                                                                          John Andrews

Product Mgmt &             Brand &                         Marketing                Online Marketing           Integrated Marketing      Integrated Marketing
     Dev                Communications                     Programs                                           Germany, UK, Switzerland     France, Spain, Italy
                          Elizabeth Norris                                                                                                 Netherlands, Belux
   Gianluca Pinto            (27/11/07)                                                Jamie Stepien           Sabine Wagner (Acting)      Carol Gue (Acting)
                                                           David Oliver

                                                                                 Web Marketing Manager
                                                      Product Manager                 Alex Beard
                          Fleet Marketing              #1 Club & Gold                                                   Germany                  France
Product Managers:             Manager                                                                                 Sabine Wagner
                                                      Dan Gabay (Acting)             Affiliate Manager                                          Carol Gue
  Isabelle Kerdat         Clayton Spencer                                             Helen Horwood                                             Italy
                                                      Program Manager                                                                      Emanuela Clementi
  James Cowan                                                                       Content Manager                       UK
                                                   Staff & Member Benefits
Christo Caratossidis                                       Vacancy                   Simone Cornelio                 Temerity Vinson             Spain
                               Managers                                                                                                       Andrea Popa
     Vacancy                                                                           Web Analyst
                            Theresa Sidhu             Program Manager                  Andy Williams                   Switzerland         Netherlands/Belux
                              Ed Freeman             – External Programs
                       Stuart Raymond (Jan 08)                                                                         Isabel Klug              Vacancy
                                                       Tracey Stammers            Search Marketing Mgr
“State of the nation”

Fleet and interest cost increase
Market volatility
Weak $ and high oil prices
Intense competition

Stronger growth in Q3 and Q4
Restructuring and other initiatives well underway
Business Plan 08 in final stages
Business highlights
Global Organizational Learning & Development
The journey towards an integrated structure

Blueprint (November 5, 2007)

Global Talent Management CoE
Karl-Heinz Oehler
Updated: Draft
The strategic architecture underpins the overarching operating principle for
  Global Centers of Expertise

                                                                  Value Creation

                    Global Succession and High       Global Selection              Global Performance and             Global Organization
                      Potential Management          and Recruitment                  Career Management             Learning and Development
                                                      Change Management
                                                      HR Due Diligence Mergers & Acquisitions (Asia)
                                                      Global Organization Design

Karl-Heinz Oehler - August 2007
Updated: October 18, 2007                        Global Talent Management – The people part of business planning                              Page - 1
Strategic Architecture for the Talent Management CoE

    Drive budget discipline                                                                                                                        Drive organizational
      and manage cost of                                                                                                                         transformation to a high
                                      Enable acquisition due                                                       Enable effective entry
     service to impact ROI                                                                                                                         performance culture
                                     diligence and integration                                                   into new businesses and

               Global CoE Leadership for Best-in-Class Services                                              Position Hertz as the Employer of Choice
  Courageous leadership           Create talent pools for         Demonstrate                   Promote a global,           Leverage the brand        “Build a career with
     to drive change                timely placements           business acumen                  diverse culture                  name                       Hertz”

       Selection and Recruitment                       Performance and Career                Organizational Learning and                Succession and High Potential
                                                             Management                             Development                                 Management
       Identify talent and facilitate                 Leverage the performance                Link the learning & development            Identify talent and facilitate talent
       movement of talent across                      management process as catalyst          portfolio to business priorities           mobility across businesses
       businesses                                     for succession and high potential       Support key Hertz initiatives with         Assess and close critical
       Retain high potential employees                management                              targeted training programs                 competency gaps
       and key leaders                                Link total rewards to achievements      Build partnerships with external           Create global succession plans
       Attract and retain the best talent in          in key result areas                     learning providers                         Link succession and high potential
       the industry                                   Facilitate best practice sharing        Facilitate 360 degree programs             placement decisions to critical
       Establish core leadership                      Cascade objectives to achieve           Establish adaptable development            recruitment needs
       competencies                                   execution alignment                     tools
       Reduce turnover through better                 Create a feedback culture through       Develop Hertz’s change
       selection                                      ongoing dialog                          management capabilities
                                   Deliver consistent value to achieve internal effectiveness and external competitiveness

        Provide world class                    Establish Hertz core           Enhance organizational            Facilitate and enable                Design effective
         selection systems                     competence models                  effectiveness                organizational change                  organizations

Karl-Heinz Oehler - August 2007
Updated: October 18, 2007                                 Global Talent Management – The people part of business planning                                                 Page - 2
Functional Competencies


                                       Agility and
                                       Adaptability                                               Operations



                  Trust and



                                                          Model                        Demonstrates
                  Use Insightful               ou                      lts
                   Judgment                       gh                              Drives Execution

                                                                               Display Global
                            Principled                                          Perspective
                                                                     Operational Excellence

                                                               Passion for Customer             Marketing
                                                               Service & Stakeholder


                    Global Talent Management – The people part of business planning
Leveraging the diversity of people united by a compelling vision is
 fundamental to building a global company

Karl-Heinz Oehler - August 2007
Updated: October 18, 2007         Global Talent Management – The people part of business planning   Page - 4
What the Global Talent Management Center of Expertise stands for

Karl-Heinz Oehler - August 2007
Updated: October 18, 2007         Global Talent Management – The people part of business planning   Page - 5
Global TM CoE value proposition – Impact on business results


                                                          TM CoE programs
                                                          linked to business
                                                          Challenge status-quo
                                                          and drive change

                                                           HROD Credibility
                                                             Live the values
                                      Business               Deliver the promise           Business
                                     Integration                                           Acumen
                                                             CoE proficiency
                                  Company value chain        Best practices
                                  focus                                              Customer intimacy
                                  Systemic, business-                                Industry knowledge
                                  led services                                       Responsiveness and
                                  Balanced scorecard                                 achievement orientation
                                  with TM-CoE KPIs                                   Drive for stakeholder
                                  Performance driven                                 success

Karl-Heinz Oehler - August 2007
Updated: October 18, 2007           Global Talent Management – The people part of business planning            Page - 6
Building successful organizations is a systemic and integrative process

                                         Define the Direction – Continuously adjust and (re)align

                                                                   Continuously manage and adapt to changes
                                                                                in performance

                                                                                                         O         I
                                                                                              C          p         m
                                                                                  E                                p
                                                        Design                    x           o          t             Measure
         BUSINESS                      PEOPLE                          P
                                                                                  e           n          i         l                  BUSINESS
                                                         the           l                                           e      the
         STRATEGY                     STRATEGY                         a          c           t          m                            RESULTS
                                                       Measures                   u           r          i         m    Impact
                                                                                  t           o          z         e
                                                                                  e           l                    n
                                                                                                                   t                    Return on

                                                                             GTM Practice areas drive
                                                                            Organizational Effectiveness

                                           Measure the impact on P&L and protect the intellectual capital
                                                               of the organization
                                                                                                                             Copyright © Karl-Heinz Oehler
                                                                                                                                         1993, 1995, 2002
Karl-Heinz Oehler - August 2007
Updated: October 18, 2007                        Global Talent Management – The people part of business planning                                    Page - 7
The proposed charter of the Global Organizational Learning and
 Development Organization

Karl-Heinz Oehler - August 2007
Updated: October 18, 2007         Global Talent Management – The people part of business planning   Page - 8
Summary of Global Talent Management CoE practice area roles and key
 services (may not be exhaustive)

             Development of a strategic vision for the GOLD function
             Implementation of business-led and global organizational learning initiatives
             Provision of a global GOLD solution portfolio
             Building of a continuous learning culture in Hertz
             Provision of seamless training, development, and learning process consulting services
             Translating GPCM & GSHP outputs into targeted development solutions
             Annual GOLD planning & budgeting
             Creation and management of an organizational learning dashboard
             Link results of GOLD statistics to key business performance indicators
             Access to training through flexible and adaptable delivery methods
             Lead and manage the organizational learning & development function
             Drive the evaluation, selection, and implementation of an OLMS

Karl-Heinz Oehler - August 2007
Updated: October 18, 2007           Global Talent Management – The people part of business planning   Page - 9
Summary of key deliverables - (may not be exhaustive)

             3 year global GOLD strategy white paper
             Annual operations plan
             Annual GOLD budget
             Global needs analyses
             Integrative development plans
             Global business-led learning and development curricula
             Annual training calendar
             Development methodology and tools
             Learning transfer tracking
             External provider management
             Global GOLD policy
             GOLD dashboard
             GOLD process consultancy services

Karl-Heinz Oehler - August 2007
Updated: October 18, 2007          Global Talent Management – The people part of business planning   Page - 10
Global Organizational Learning and Development structure

                                  Practice area based (5 maximum)
                                  Lean, simple, and effective
                                  Global coverage
                                  Business-led GOLD portfolio
                                  Accessible and transparent
                                  Adaptable and fluid

Karl-Heinz Oehler - August 2007
Updated: October 18, 2007                  Global Talent Management – The people part of business planning   Page - 11
Global TM CoE impact on business results will be measured in different
             P&L Lines            TM CoE Touch points                                       TM CoE Measures           TM CoE Contributions
             Total Revenues       Cost of Sales                    Sales Effectiveness      Program cost as % of      Competence models
                                  Pipeline opportunity cost                                 Return on Sales           Selection Assessments
                                  Asset turns                                               Contribution to cost of   Coaching
                                                                                            sales                     Targeted development
                                                                                                                      Workforce planning
                                                                   Sales Productivity       Sales per person
                                                                                                                      Retention planning

             <Variable Cost>      Impact on Operation                                       Market Share
                                                                                            Account Penetration
             Gross PFT                                             Margin %                 Margin Growth

             <Fixed Cost>         Cost of Operations               G&A                      Cash flow contribution    Targeted development
                                  Capacity Utilization             PPI                      as % of HR/OD             Assessments
                                                                   Utilization              Operating cost            Performance management
                                                                   Yield                                              Career Planning
             Operating PFT        Impact on cash flow              EPS                      Savings from turnover     eLearning
                                  Impact on shareholder value                               reduction                 Action learning

             <Corporate O/H>      Resource optimization            Overhead cost as %       Return by % of charges Succession management
                                  Organizational efficiency        of total revenues                               Organization design
                                                                                                                   Organization effectiveness
             PBT                  Organization Effectiveness
                                                                                                                   Internal customer satisfaction



Karl-Heinz Oehler - August 2007
Updated: October 18, 2007                         Global Talent Management – The people part of business planning                                   Page - 12
Net impact on bottom line implementing a three year selection and
  recruitment plan (US only)
                   Turnover analysis and                                                              Target change     Target change
                                                                         2006           change                                          TOTALS
                   improvement plan (US only)                                                          2007 to 2008      2008 to 2009
                                                                                   2006 to 2007

                   Annualized ytd turnover (People)                     6,195               6,014               4,210          2,947        19,366

                   Average turnover cost ($)                     46,462,500          45,105,000          31,573,500       22,101,450    145,242,450

                   Estimated gross savings from
                                                                                       1,357,500         13,531,500         9,472,050    24,361,050
                   operational efficiencies (1) ($)

                   Turnover cost as % of 2007 PR/B                     3.03%               2.94%               2.06%           1.44%

                   Selection and recruitment investments
                                                                       38,000                    0         1,500,000         750,000      2,288,000
                   Estimated net savings after
                                                                                       1,319,500         12,031,500         8,722,050
                   investments (1) ($)

                   OPT cash flow impact (cum) ($)                                      1,319,500         13,351,000       22,073,050


                         Headcount reductions
                         Time-to-hire reduction
                         Cost to hire reductions
                         Turnover reductions
Karl-Heinz Oehler - August 2007
Updated: October 18, 2007                             Global Talent Management – The people part of business planning                                 Page - 13
Fundamental analytics to establish a baseline

             Current portfolio (Pareto use)
             Categorize training days (by employee/by business/by program)
             What happens in the field (self made or contracted)
             Consulting hours/days/fees
             Distribution (%) of delivery mechanism (by program/by business)
             Transfer of acquired knowledge

Karl-Heinz Oehler - August 2007
Updated: October 18, 2007         Global Talent Management – The people part of business planning   Page - 14
Group challenge for the next 2.5 days

             Design the most effective global GOLD structure
             Outline the “optimal” portfolio for 2008
             Identify key GOLD processes
             Define key touch points with other GTM practices
             Ideal program delivery by major practice area
             Establish key performance indicators (dashboard)
             Transition plan into the new structure (timelines)
             What does success look like in 12 months

Karl-Heinz Oehler - August 2007
Updated: October 18, 2007         Global Talent Management – The people part of business planning   Page - 15
Planned Accomplishment for Next Period – Driving Execution
             Focus                           Next 30 days                               Next 60 days                            Next 90 days
                                  Action 1                                   Action 1                                Action 1
     T&D Analytics                Action 2                                   Action 2                                Action 2
                                  Action 3                                   Action 3                                Action 3

                                  Action 1
     Budget                       Action 2
                                  Action 3

Karl-Heinz Oehler - August 2007
Updated: October 18, 2007                          Global Talent Management – The people part of business planning                             Page - 16
CoE Practice Area Development Briefing
Global Organizational Learning & Development

What it is & How we’re going to get there

Nov 9 2007
Version 0-3
Becoming a CoE means big changes for L&D

          1.       Hertz needs something different for L&D
          2.       We need to re-evaluate our internal customer
          3.       Our internal customer needs
          4.       GOLD will be structured through six Practice Areas
          5.       Delivery routes
          6.       Becoming a CoE means big changes for L&D
          7.       The GOLD Charter
          8.       The Way Forward

November 9, 2007                           GOLD CoE Practice Area Development   Page - 18
Hertz needs something different for L&D

          In terms of bring training and learning resources together under one
             global umbrella, something different is needed to:
                   Control costs
                   Have Hertz be seen as a learning organization
                   Send a single message how Hertz Learning and Development operates
                   Homogeneous offerings,

November 9, 2007                            GOLD CoE Practice Area Development         Page - 19
We need to re-evaluate our internal customers

                   The L&D CoE will serve                                 …but will not serve [directly]:
                     Business Units (Worldwide)                               Transactional Units / Business
                                                                              Administration units
                     360 Program Evaluation
                                                                              Equipment (technical training)
                     High Pot (HIPO)
                                                                              Routine recruitment processes
                                                                              Some of the sales / Op training

November 9, 2007                                  GOLD CoE Practice Area Development                            Page - 20
Our internal customer needs

          Main Challenges for our internal customers                            Common needs across internal customer groups
                   Turnover                                                         L&D that enables differentiation (and brand
                   Morale through transition
                                                                                    Business skills
                   Productivity / How to do more with less (culture)
                                                                                    Developing a culture of empowerment to find ways of
                   Expansion & scale of revenue growth expectation in
                                                                                    doing more with less
                   an increasingly competitive environment
                                                                                    Effective & efficient delivery
                   Sustainability of improvement benefits
                                                                                    Basic Management and Personal effectiveness
                   Cost impacts of Language & Diversity (translation,
                   recruiting, relocation)
                                                                                    Performance management / coaching
                   Career progression paths
                                                                                    Robust practice / training environmennts
                   Revenue & profitability during layoffs

November 9, 2007                                            GOLD CoE Practice Area Development                                            Page - 21
GOLD will be structured through six Practice Areas:

       GOLD CoE Practice Areas:

           1. Operational                   2. Operations                      3. Sales &                  4. Management &                      5. Executive
             Excellence                     Effectiveness                      Marketing                        Personal                         Leadership
           The Hertz Way                                                                                      Effectiveness
                                             Systems training                 From basic sales…                                               Principled Leadership
                                            Procedures training                                            (front-line) Team member           Global Business Vision
               On-boarding                                                                                                                      Strategy execution
              Intro to Hertz                 Customer service                                                       & Managers
         Our customer experience                                                                            “Personal management”
                                                    For…                                                                                        (& Building Talent
            Vision in Practice                                                                              Cross-team management           Performance Management
             Values in Action                                              …to strategic marketing         Performance Management
                                                ‘Front Office’                                                                                Executive Coaching)
               “One Team”                                                                                  Management Development
          Lean, Six Sigma, HIP                                                                               Personal Effectiveness                    [360]
                   TVM                        Field Operations
                                                                                                              Business & financial
              Quality Tools                                                                                          orientation
                  Safety                 Customer Contact Center
                                                                                                              Selection & Recruiting

         6. Learning & Development Quality

         L&D effectiveness and value KPIs, L&D standards (& Quality Brand)
         L&D evaluation tools (including impact on business results, transfer to higher performance on the job, learner tests / assessments, learner satisfaction, audit)
         Vendor controls, Learning Council, Communications tools

                                                                        e-Platform (including LMS)

November 9, 2007                                                     GOLD CoE Practice Area Development                                                                     Page - 22
Delivery routes

                             The 6 primary delivery routes:

                                                                1. e-Platform

                                                                                      4. The
                                                                                       4. The
                                                                     5. H.R.
                                                                      5. H.R.
                               6. GOLD
                                6. GOLD                                              Business
                                   CoE                                                 (Line
                                                                    Partners          Mgmt)

           Design, Build,
            Design, Build,
                Buy                                           2. HR Operations

                                                  3. Alliance / Outsource Partners

November 9, 2007                            GOLD CoE Practice Area Development                   Page - 23
Becoming a CoE means big changes for L&D

                   We are not principally a delivery                       Lean, simple, and effective
                                                                           Global coverage
                   Delivery is through HR Business Partners
                                                                           Business-led GOLD portfolio
                   GOLD CoE defines what learning &
                                                                           Accessible and transparent
                   development to meet the need, and the
                   Business Partners get’s it done (by using               Adaptable and fluid
                   HR Ops and Business line)
                   The CoE provides strategy, tools, advice,
                   methodology and process
                   Defining KPIs that meet business needs
                   Measuring the impact of training through
                   specific, adopted ROI metrics

November 9, 2007                                   GOLD CoE Practice Area Development                    Page - 24
Global Organizational Learning and Development Charter

        Purpose          Lead the transformation of Hertz into a learning organization, in which individuals are supported to take ownership of their learning and
                         development. Ensure the development / procurement and implementation of cost-effective, business-oriented learning and development
                         Provide Hertz employees access to appropriate professional development and continuous learning. Implement effective program delivery
                         methods to provide flexible and adaptable means to access programs anywhere at any time.
        Main Services    Develop the learning & development portfolio, linked to business priorities & strategic architecture
                         Active support for the key Hertz initiatives, with targeted training programs
                         Develop and implement leadership and management development programs (and facilitate the 360 degree feedback process for the leadership
                         executive development programs)
                         Develop Hertz’s change management capabilities.
        Main             Business needs analysis and prioritization. Review the sources of material. Commission or develop content to meet business needs
        Processes        Customize as appropriate. Assess readiness for delivery and determine appropriate methods. Evaluate and validate against the business needs
                         Build partnerships with internal & external stakeholders and learning providers.
                         Build reliable metrics to assess effectiveness in business terms.
        Roles / Touch    Development of a strategic vision for the GOLD function; provision of one global training, development, and learning process; consulting services;
        Points           Translating Global Performance & Career Mgt & Global Selection & High Pot outputs into targeted development solutions.

        Structure        Six Practice Areas: 1. Operational Excellence (The Hertz Way); 2. Operations Effectiveness; 3. Sales & Marketing; 4. Management and Personal
                         Effectiveness; 5. Executive Leadership; 6. L&D Quality

        Main             3 year global GOLD strategy white paper, Annual operations plan, Annual GOLD budget, Global needs analyses, Integrative development plans,
        Deliverables &   Global business-led learning and development curricula, Annual training calendar, Development methodology and tools, External provider
        Benefits         management, Global GOLD policy, GOLD process consultancy services, Learning transfer tracking, GOLD dashboard.

        Indicators       Evaluation outputs. Training spend as a % of revenue, and payroll. Training days and spend per employee. Program cost as % of Business area
                         Contribution, Sales per person, Cash flow contribution as % of HR/OD Operating cost, Savings from turnover reduction. Pulse Survey and
                         employee feedback.

November 9, 2007                                                 GOLD CoE Practice Area Development                                                                    Page - 25
The way forward

               Transformation, while ‘keeping wheels on the bus
               Global, consistent standard and quality of L&D
               Cost reduction through consolidation
               Leverage scale with suppliers/reduce no of suppliers
               We need from KHO
               Clear feedback and direction
               Clarity of MPF’s expectations
               Barrier Busting
               Communication with and enrolment of stakeholders
               Still to solve the puzzle of how best to deliver training to the field
November 9, 2007                            GOLD CoE Practice Area Development          Page - 26
Goal                           30

    Build the most effective structure
       to sense the organisation!

To learn, what not to say instead of saying!
Presentation of...                         31

                       Shared Services in Dublin

Europe RAC               HIP & Sales Academy

                         Van & Truck Germany

                        US Sales
                       & Marketing

  US RAC                        HIP
Expectations                                     32

- Common view of how to the preferred internal
  customers/business partners
- Understand each other roles, work together, have a global view
- Understand how to learn from/adept each other best practice
- Be able to go back and tell people what its going to look like and
  what opportunities are
- Share experience, listen, recognize value
- Have an action plan
- Share successes, what works
Expectations                                     33

- Get clear direction for the future, to be able to start helping our
- Leave with understanding of our goals and objectives
- Use opportunity to get to know each other, make new friends
- Be clear about what we can bring to business to enable our
  differentiate itself
- Surface necessary conflicting points of view, overcome issues
Expectations                              34

-   Move away from “training” towards a broader view of L&D
-   Become business led, business focused
-   Share HERC experience
-   Clarity on structure
-   Drown up experience in the room from those who are not in
-   Keep focus on employees
-   Understand, what we all do
-   Hear and share the best practice
-   Get help filling gap, esp. management issues
Additional statements to KH presentation               36

Two ways of outsourcing:
1. Outsourcing at all
2. Outsourcing in pieces

Definition Teamwork:
Teamwork means not to allow another team member to fail!

Trial & Error → a key component to any change
Additional statements to KH presentation                    37

Find different solutions → other ways of doing stuff

Consider the difference between effectiveness and efficiency!

Providing direction is critical, but one company, one voice.
Message: Just one way!

Performance Management = key factor for L&D!
Additional statements to KH presentation        38

Goals: an individuell L&D plan for each employee
       reduce turnover about 35 %

Position: Hertz as an employer of choise!

Recruiting isn`t existing today!

Functional competencies → competence model for HR
Additional statements to KH presentation                39

Global or local:
80 % should be global
Max. 20% should be local → national facts

Our role: the best type of training delivery for...

Decisions are open: people can say, what they like to work
              for... Business partners, COE, and so on
Additional statements to KH presentation                 40

Practice area solutions:
(1) Quality
(2) Executive education & leadership development
(3) Organization effectiveness (Operational effectiveness)
(4) Sales and marketing
(5) Management & Frontline Development

E-learning → “delivery mechanism or practice area”
Additional statements to KH presentation   41

No structure by organisation
(e.g. HERC, RAC)

Best methodology isn't decided

Certification programmes for CSR
“One List” of all countries   46

     - Field operations
     - Support areas
     - Everybody (for HIP)

Main challenges:
     - Sustainability to benefits
     - Turnover
     - Morale through transition
     - Productivity
     - Do more with less
“One List” of all countries                           47

-   Clear career progression
-   Increase revenue
-   Expansion
-   Diversity/language
-   Customer service
-   Competition
-   Unrealistic sales quotas
-   Sell through 3rd parties
-   Enthusiasm for a better way of doing things vs. lay-off`s
“One List” of all countries                48

    - Differentiation (enhance brand)
    - Management development and people development
    - Effective/efficient delivery
    - Business skills
    - Achieve more with less
    - Implications of Lean environment
       (big down to source and fix, empowerment)
“One List” of all countries     49

Meet demand:
     - Instructor led
     - On-line
     - Helpline calls
     - Field visits
     - Training needs
     - Coaching
     - Onsite with people (especially HIP)
Karl-Heinz Statement for building our Practice Area model   50

   “As a COE we are not a delivery mechanism.
        We deliver through HR Business.
   We say (“Here is how you...”) and they do it,
       or get it or done by somebody else.
      We (the COE) provide strategy, tools,
  advice, methodology and process consulting.”
Practice Area model (“home room”)                                                                                                      51

GOLD CoE Practice Areas:

  1. Operational                   2. Operations                     3. Sales &                   4. Management                        5. Executive
    Excellence                     Effectiveness                     Marketing                       & Personal                         Leadership
  The Hertz Way                                                                                    Effectiveness
                                    Systems training                From basic sales…                                             Principled Leadership
                                   Procedures training                                          (front-line) Team member          Global Business Vision
       On-boarding                                                                                                                  Strategy execution
      Intro to Hertz                Customer service                                                     & Managers
 Our customer experience                                                                         “Personal management”
                                          For…                                                                                      (& Building Talent
    Vision in Practice                                                                           Cross-team management          Performance Management
     Values in Action                                            …to strategic marketing        Performance Management
                                       ‘Front Office’                                                                             Executive Coaching)
       “One Team”                                                                               Management Development
  Lean, Six Sigma, HIP                                                                            Personal Effectiveness                   [360]
           TVM                       Field Operations
                                                                                                   Business & financial
      Quality Tools                                                                                       orientation
          Safety                Customer Contact Center
                                                                                                   Selection & Recruiting

 6. Learning & Development Quality
 L&D effectiveness and value KPIs, L&D standards (& Quality Brand)
 L&D evaluation tools (including impact on business results, transfer to higher performance on the job, learner tests / assessments,
 learner satisfaction, audit)
 Vendor controls, Learning Council, Communications tools

                                                              e-Platform (including LMS)
Practice Area model                                                     52

                  The 6 primary delivery routes:

                                                     1. e-Platform

                                                                               4. The
                                                                                4. The
                                                        5. H.R.
                                                         5. H.R.
                     6. GOLD
                      6. GOLD                                                 Business
                         CoE                                                    (Line
                                                       Partners                Mgmt)

Design, Build,
 Design, Build,
     Buy                                           2. HR Operations

                                           3. Alliance / Outsource Partners
T&D Vision Hertz France 30 11 07
T&D Vision Hertz France 30 11 07
T&D Vision Hertz France 30 11 07
T&D Vision Hertz France 30 11 07
T&D Vision Hertz France 30 11 07
T&D Vision Hertz France 30 11 07
T&D Vision Hertz France 30 11 07
T&D Vision Hertz France 30 11 07
T&D Vision Hertz France 30 11 07
T&D Vision Hertz France 30 11 07
T&D Vision Hertz France 30 11 07
T&D Vision Hertz France 30 11 07
T&D Vision Hertz France 30 11 07
T&D Vision Hertz France 30 11 07
T&D Vision Hertz France 30 11 07
T&D Vision Hertz France 30 11 07
T&D Vision Hertz France 30 11 07
T&D Vision Hertz France 30 11 07
T&D Vision Hertz France 30 11 07
T&D Vision Hertz France 30 11 07
T&D Vision Hertz France 30 11 07
T&D Vision Hertz France 30 11 07
T&D Vision Hertz France 30 11 07
T&D Vision Hertz France 30 11 07
T&D Vision Hertz France 30 11 07
T&D Vision Hertz France 30 11 07

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Ähnlich wie T&D Vision Hertz France 30 11 07 (20)

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T&D Vision Hertz France 30 11 07

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5. European Strategic Architecture = Well advanced Gold text = Europe = Implementation White text = Global ▲ = Scoping & development Business Customers / Technology People Processes Markets Hertz Brand campaign Best in class Organisation review Improvement ▲Customer website Pulse survey Process experience Strada (Claims Internal Driving Excellence Fleet collections Management communications Net Promoter Value brand System) Talent management Score ▲Replacement P2P (Purchase to Training and Total Value Vans and Trucks Pay) rollout development Management Ancillary revenue Rate engine / TAS Sales effectiveness Asset Backed Acquisitions rewrite ▲Rewarding Securitisation Network New HR system performance Supply Chain expansion Self-service Management kiosks, telematics
  • 6.
  • 7.
  • 8. “Innovation Trophy” 2007 for innovation in the area of Training and Development On Wednesday 24 October 2007, Hertz France received the “Trophy for Innovation” in Training and Development presented during the annual National Rental Car Associations open day. This trophy recognises Hertz France for the creation of an internal university – “Université des Métiers”. This university was created in order to accompany, communicate and facilitate employee comprehension of France’s new training laws which amongst other things allocates an annual 20 hours of training time to each and every employee.
  • 9. “Professional Training” – New laws in France – making them visible and comprehensible In January 2006 the « Training Department » of Hertz France was transformed into the « University des Métiers » with the objective of providing a visual explanation to employees of the new training laws put in place following the 2004 Reform of Professional Training in France : New laws require that the company’s annual training plan be presented according to three different categories of training: 1. Adaptation to ones work post (Adaptation au poste de travail) 2. Job evolution and the development of the necessary skills to maintain ones competivity (Evolution des emplois et maintien dans le poste) 3. Development of Individual competencies and skills (Développement des compétences professionnelles). In order to allow each employee to both understand why and how a training course relates to their individual situation and into which of the three categories the courses presented in our annual training syllabus fall, our 2006-2007 Training Catalogue was accordingly organised around the theme of excellence. We strongly believe that individual excellence and organisational excellence are both beneficial to a company - excellent people are attracted to excellent organisations and at the same time excellent organisations tend to inspire individual excellence internally.
  • 10. Thus we organised and regrouped our different training classes as follows: EXCELLENCE –(The Way of Excellence) - (adaptation au poste de travail) –The entire processes of employee induction LE CHEMIN D’ EXCELLENCE - (The Road to Excellence) - (évolution des emplois/maintien dans les postes) –all training programs that permit LA ROUTE D’ employees to keep up with technological and social evolutions. EXCELLENCE - (The Highway to Excellence) - (développement des compétences) –all training and development that permits LA VOIE D’ employees to develop their individual skills and competencies.
  • 11. In 2006 the Université des Métiers presented its annual training catalogue (Guide de formation 2006) according to this new organisation: The notion of targeted competencies also appears in our catalogue with each training class detailing the skills and competencies that the participant should be able to demonstrate upon his/her return to the workplace. We define competency as the capacity to produce a successful action in a work situation and we believe that these competencies consist of behavioural repertories that certain master/manage better than others enabling them to be more efficient in a given work situation. These behaviours are observable in daily work life and put to work, in an integrated manner, the individuals’ aptitudes, personality traits and acquired knowledge. Individual behaviours thus represent a link between an individual’s personal characteristics and the professional qualities required to successfully execute precise missions and tasks in the workplace.
  • 12. Our objective is to evolve from training our employees to providing them with the skills and competencies necessary to successfully execute their roles. Training does not make any sense if it is not thought out with a logical analysis of its practical utility in a work situation, and if not constructed with a view to contributing to a project whose objective is to develop both the company and the employee. For Hertz it is vital to identify and develop globally the competencies and practices that contribute to the best performances. The objective of the “Université des Métiers” is to cultivate and develop a competitive advantage by excellence in continuously developing precise and perennial employee competencies and in turn developing the company through the sum of its individual employee skills and talents.
  • 13. Our internal university is built upon the three fundamental needs of any human being: CLIENT INTERNE CLIENT EXTERNE OUR NEED TO BELIEVE IN SOMETHING (Notre besoin de croire en quelque chose) : * My own future, the future of Hertz and thus my employment *The products and services offered by Hertz OUR NEED TO BELIEVE IN SOMEONE (Notre besoin de croire en quelqu’un) : * My Colleagues, my Manager, my President * The men and women that rent me my car OUR NEED FOR SOMEONE TO BELIEVE IN ME : * Me as an individual * Me, the customer to which Hertz offers its and services
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  • 17. The DIF or « Droit individuel de Formation » (individual right to receive training) allocates 20 hours of training time annually to each employee. These training hours can be used for any training and development that permits an employee to develop his/her competencies and is subject to written agreement between the employee and employer. The employer has the right to refuse the request if the employer deems that the training requested is not in-line with the company’s strategy. Concerning the DIF, Hertz’s’ objective is to provide a managed framework for the utilisation of individual DIF hours without impeding the “individuality” of the request. In order to accomplish this objective Hertz has worked on 4 key points: 1. Hertz has adopted and communicated to its employees a clear training and development strategy :
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  • 25. 2. Hertz has reinforced the processes of employee induction – Cycle “The way of Excellence”.
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  • 27. The way of excellence
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  • 42. 3. Hertz has built its DIF offer around the “entretien professionnel” (Individual Professional Evaluation) which becomes the corner stone of our training offer.
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  • 44. 4. We have communicated visually the different means of training available for employees with the objective that each employee becomes an actor in his/her own development. The Individual Professional Evaluation (Entretien Professionnel) in 2008 will become the corner stone of our DIF training offer. As the various training laws introduced by the reform stipulate that all employees must have access to life long training possibilities, we will use Professional Evaluation to better prepare our management teams for this new responsibility – the initiative to send an employee to a training program is no longer the unique initiative of the company; the employee now becomes co-actor, as an individual, in the determination of his own training and development. THe DIF represents the right for any employee, at their initiative, to initiate a negotiation with their employer in order to participate in a training program of their choice, (financed by the company) by using the DIF training hour available to them. Hertz’s objective is to use the Individual Professional Evaluation “Entretien Professionnel” as a platform for the introduction of the DIF. A platform around which both the annual training plan and additional DIF training offer will be constructed. Thus, the “Entretien Professionnel” affirms itself as the key tool for the management of individual and collective training and development needs for the future.
  • 45. Hertz’s objective is to use the « Entretien Professionnel » to provide: • A better management and measure of individual and collective employee skills and competencies; • A constructive dialogue between the manager and the employee; • A better match and synergy between the company’s annual training plan and the company’s strategic development needs; • A real recognition of individual contributions and motivation factors; • Increased performance at every level. The DIF training offer is constructed around the « Entretien Professionnel ». Hertz, France adheres to the DIF concept and in order to facilitate employee use of their DIF hours, has integrated a DIF training offer into its annual training plan. The DIF is thus: • A credit of individual training hours; • The right to take the initiative to ask; • An incitation to a negotiation « win-win » outcome; • An incitation to contractualise the decisions taken during the fore-mentioned negotiation; • An additional legal framework that can be used to organise employee training and development.
  • 46. The development of the DIF requires a closely managed training offer that reflects both the needs of the company and the individual skills and competencies required by employees to meet the company’s needs. « A training offer that is constructed in parallel with the company’s strategy -; accessible by the bias of an individuals DIF hours - providing the opportunity to participate in various additional training classed presented and financed by the company ». The essential steps necessary to succeed in the set up and execution of this new DIF training offer are: • Motivate our employees to train and develop themselves. • Channel individual requests toward a training offer validated by the company • Negotiate two party agreements on the conditions of participation and results expected of the training
  • 47.
  • 48. New Management Training Syllabus constructed Vision of the construction of a DIF offer - November 2005
  • 49. Our new management training syllabus designed to accompany managerial development from the beginner to the experienced manager. These management courses are available to all employees via the use of their DIF hours or via the company’s annual training plan.
  • 50.
  • 51. In order to kick-off the DIF training offer the “Université des Métiers” wanted to propose English language training in order to better prepare Hertz France employees for the ever increasing need to communicate in English, and this by means of E-Learning.
  • 52.
  • 53.
  • 54. In July 2006, we kicked-off an on line English language training programme, “Global English” which was made accessible to all employees on condition that they had an internet connection and personal e-mail address at home. Each participant signed a learners agreement (contract) agreeing that in counterpart to Hertz paying for their one year access to the Global English Internet Site, they agreed to complete at lease 7 activities per month or approximately 90 minutes of E-Learning/month and this during their own time. Each participant was required to provide written motivation as to why they wanted to improve their English Language skills (see above « contrat d’apprentissage »). The programme was kicked off by Monsieur Eric POKROVSKY, President of Hertz France at the time (See e-mail below). The first full year of on-line language learning was completed in July 2007, with 250 participants who completed 18 000 hours of learning for 22, 362 activities completed. This represented a ROI (return on investment) of 9€ per hour of study.
  • 55. At the end of each month, the President of Hertz France sent a monthly report to all participants and their respective management. This report divided learners into 3 different categories – “those that need to be congratulated for going beyond the number of activities stipulated in the learners agreement “, “those that need to be thanked for respecting the number of activities stipulated in the learners agreement” and finally “those who needed to be encouraged because they hadn’t managed to respect their learners agreement”.
  • 56. For almost 2 years the Univérsité des Métiers has actively worked with Thompson Net G, Hertz’s US supplier of e-learning, in order to build an online training offer. The offer today, in its pilot programme stage, is composed of more that 1500 different courses, of which a hundred or so are in French. The DIF offer will be launched in January 2008 on the new Skillport platform.
  • 57.
  • 58. The benchmark for Employee Integration and the Training Passport (Photo Service – Photo Development - 400 agencies in 5 countries)
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  • 61. The Training Passport (passeport formation) was implemented in 2006 to allow each employee to vision his/her individual training plan and to follow the subsequent validation of the competences acquired during training. This information is available in real-time via our internal communication platform (Hertz Interactive Platform or HIP).
  • 62. In order to view the training path of the employees in a particular Hertz agency, the Station Manager connects to HIP – Heading Univ. Métiers
  • 63. Then he chooses the name of his agency – in this example we will use « Paris Airports »
  • 64. Then appears the name of all personnel assigned to Paris Airports and the training classes that they have completed – the training classes that reflect the company’s actual training syllabus in use.
  • 65. Mid - 2007 we put our entire training syllabus catalogue on the HIP platform which is accessible to all employees.
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  • 69. Planning prévisionnel 2008 Lun Mar Mer Jeu Ven Lun Mar Mer Jeu Ven Lun Mar Mer Jeu Ven Lun Mar Mer Jeu Ven Lun Mar Mer Jeu Ven 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 28 29 30 31 Réunion J Dpt TDM 1 SP HOF GEN HOF MDL HOF A N CPG BF&ST SERV HOF Séniors GAR IA HOF 1 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29 Réunion F Dpt GEN HOF CPG BF&ST DR9 E CORR SP PERF V CPG BF&ST DR5 TDM2 HOF SERV HOF 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 31 Réunion CPG BF&ST M Dpt CORR SP DR8/4 DYE HOF GAR CPG BF&ST A HOF DR6/7 R SERV HOF PMG1 SP HOF GEN HOF LED HOF Chemin Route Voie Congés scolaires X AFS = Affirmation de soi (DIF) X GPO = Gestes et postures X + U RSS = Recyclage Sauveteur Secouriste U CAR = CarRent X LED = Développer son leadership U SERV = Service Gagnant X CG = CEGOS U LOC = Circuit de location U SEL = Sélection Ciblée U COR = TAS correspondants U MD = Moyenne Durée U SIT = Gestion des situations délicates X DYE = Dynamique d’une équipe X MEX = Manipulation des extincteurs U STO = Stop Contact X IE = Intelligence émotionnelle X MDL = Mobiliser autour de la délégation X + U SST = Sauveur Secouriste du travail U ENT = Entretien annuel & entretien professionnel U NAV = Navigator U TAN = Tactiques de l’animation X EEV = Entretien d’évaluation X HAB = Habilitation Electrique U TAS = Découverte du système TAS U FIN = Finance pour non financiers U PER = Perfectionnement U TDM= Technique du Management U FFA = Faire face à des situations difficiles U PMG = Pratiques du management U TEL = Téléaction X G&P = Gestes et Postures X + U PMP = Performance management programme U TIP = TIPS U GAR = GAR U PNL = Gestion de performances Financières U TUT = Tuteur U FRI = FrigoRent X PRB = Pare Brises U VCI = Visite ciblée U GEN = Génération Excellence U QAL = Qualité U GCC = Gestion des comptes clients
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  • 76. Providing a framework for employees to use in order to understand the purpose of Company Vision, Mission & Values:
  • 77.
  • 78. Communication of Hertz’s new Vision, Mission and Values
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  • 83. Communication of pulse survey results and action plans:
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  • 101. More awards for Hertz Europe
  • 102. Delighted, loyal customers The road ahead and partners Motivated, trained and rewarded employees Leading market share and profitability Constant stream of new Vision, Mission, Values products Strategic Architecture Reduced bureaucracy Regions Centres Shared Councils State-of-the-art technology of Services Transparent, real-time Expertise communications Alpha / Genesis Europe & Global Culture of feedback and Business Operating System continuous improvement Have fun and celebrate success!
  • 103. How do we know we’re there? Double digit growth in targeted segments and markets NPS >50%, Contact ratio <1% Gold program >40% of revenue Best in class pulse survey result: 4.2+ Complete 10+ acquisitions within 5 years
  • 104. European Strategic Architecture = Well advanced Gold text = Europe = Implementation White text = Global ▲ = Scoping & development Business Customers / Technology People Processes Markets Hertz Brand campaign Best in class Organisation review Improvement ▲Customer website Pulse survey Process experience Strada (Claims Internal Driving Excellence Fleet collections Management communications Net Promoter Value brand System) Talent management Score ▲Replacement P2P (Purchase to Training and Total Value Vans and Trucks Pay) rollout development Management Ancillary revenue Rate engine / TAS Sales effectiveness Asset Backed Acquisitions rewrite ▲Rewarding Securitisation Network New HR system performance Supply Chain expansion Self-service Management kiosks, telematics
  • 105. Alpha Europe status New organisation implemented July 2 Finalising European CoEs including SLA’s, funding model and recruitment Commercial and Operating Councils now active Annualised savings of $27m implemented by this year end
  • 106. Centres of Expertise Organisational group of experts Global / regional / country programs based on business requirements Establish standards and processes Best practice sharing, efficiency, consistency Deliver to agreed service levels
  • 107. Active collaboration between Countries, CoEs and other CoEs Priorities / needs Co u n t r i e s Service levels Resources and • • • • • costs • • • • CoE 10
  • 108. Genesis components Global Centres of Expertise Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Business Process Re-engineering (BPR)
  • 109.
  • 110.
  • 111. Genesis update: Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) In Europe, three key domains: Vehicle Rental Europe Fleet Management Europe HCM Global Leader: Neil Cunningham Leader: Alf Thomson Europe leader: Pat Smith 17 Sub-domains, with 50 people working on over 100 projects Business case, project management needs, and IT support
  • 112. Leading BPR projects in Europe Vehicle Rental Fleet Management HCM Base rate upselling Daily fleet planning Strada Europe Automated delivery & Enforcement of Fraud management collection charges contractual terms Self-service kiosks Recovery fuel end of life Receivables to HESC RFID Car sales web portal Strada implementation Damage: process Pan European car sales for US & Canada – Turnaround efficiency structure project lead Reduce RA pages Buyback reconditioning eARF pan-E interfacing Optimise one ways Intelligent dispatch with Strada Reduce no shows Sales of super cover
  • 113. Pulse survey: Europe Understand Senior Team Customers Know how Motivated to # of why we are is focused on benefit from my job help Hertz Surveys changing future success change contributes succeed Survey 1 3.8 3.5 3.4 4.2 4.1 3,397 Survey 2 3.7 3.4 3.2 4.0 4.0 3,953 Manager Manager acts Opportunity Intend to stay Recommend Average listens to me on my to develop six months Hertz Score suggestions career Survey 1 3.7 3.4 3.2 4.2 3.4 3.7 Survey 2 3.6 3.3 3.0 4.0 3.2 3.5
  • 114. In response to the pulse survey Continued emphasis on communications New Global Talent Management CoE Many local actions took place – examples: – More department meetings and country briefings – Change management support to leaders – Roll out of Net G training courses – 10 competition winners joined German management team event – English courses in Italy
  • 115. Functional Competencies Human Agility and Resources Adaptability Effective Communication Personal Operations Accountability Drive Pe Collaboration l na Trust and op so Integrity le Build talent r Pe Th Demonstrates Initiative lt s Use Insightful Finance Judgment ou su Drives Execution Principled gh t Re Displays Global Perspective Leadership Passion for Customer Service Strategic Operational Marketing Thinking Excellence Sales
  • 116. The PMED system: driving a performance based culture Charter: Performance Accountability Pay for for results performance Management & Employee Development integrates people and Execution Feedback organisation priorities for results development toward collective achievement Business-led of the company’s short- Integrated career training and long term management & development objectives.
  • 117. Key features of PMED system Create alignment around key result areas Enable formal, two-way communication Links achievements to total rewards Reviews leadership & functional competence Drives development and career plans Feeds succession & high potential process
  • 118. Simple method to reward performance Key Results Areas Reward Company Impact Bonus Objectives Personal Set Performance Objectives Rating Performance Drives Total Rating Reward
  • 119. Performance management process Launches the development of a performance based culture. Focus of the 2008 plan rollout: Create an objective picture of performance No changes to the current bonus plan Bi-annual reviews (mid year and end year) Enable ongoing dialogue Individual development and career plans
  • 120. Europe Sales CoE mission Win, manage and co-ordinate multinational accounts and partnerships Support Regions and Franchisees through system and product enhancement Align strategy, develop sales policies, processes, tools Example customers and partners
  • 121. President Michel Taride Europe Sales CoE organisation Sales Director Europe Fabrice Quinquenel Annette Page (0.5) Corporate Sales Support Manager Replacement Franchise S&M Director of Sales Managers Sales Director Manager Travel Distribution Breda Fitzpatrick Bridget Williams Maxine Korobuk Edouard Brinon Anne Leonardi Gina Costa Mathias Thill Bruno Kauffmann Manager Airline Business Ryanair Business Development Europe Development Manager Bid Coordinators Arthur de Perthuis (interim) Enda O’Toole Anup Sondhi Ryanair Account Sales Automation Director Executive (Vacant) European Account Fabia Henriques Manager Online William Hennessy Priya Tailor (Maternity Leave) Richard Bowden Booking & Distribution Travel Distribution Managers in Country Matt Hoyle (Maternity Cover) Italy (1) – Vacant Mark Hayward Head of Online Agency Project Executive Germany (2) – Bernadetta Kada, 1 vacant Sales Europe Product Development Colin Pointer United Kingdom (2) – Claire Flack, 1 vacant Arthur de Perthuis Stuart Noel Spain (2) – Olga Cebrian Fernandez 1 vacant France (1) – Jacky Callieau Business Travel Managers United Kingdon (1) – Phillipa Stone Partnership Managers in Country Germany (1) – Adriane Petlic France (1) – Vacant Manager Travel Industry Germany (1) Vacant and Associations Europe (Vacant)
  • 122. Activities Growth strategy: emerging markets, insurance replacement business and contract Business highlights: Philips, BP, IBM, Mars, AT Kearney, Gulf Air, American Express, Michelin, Volvo Sales transformation: joint project with the countries
  • 123. Europe Marketing CoE Research trends, customer needs Develop and maintain: – Brand, loyalty and product strategies – Value proposition, customer experience and price positioning – Products and ancillary revenues Manage communications throughout all sales channels and segments – Sales force, reservations, branches, partnerships, online
  • 124. Europe Marketing CoE Organisation President Michel Taride Director of European Marketing Lesley Lindberg Assistant Annette Page Customer Associations Experience John Andrews Vacancy Product Mgmt & Brand & Marketing Online Marketing Integrated Marketing Integrated Marketing Dev Communications Programs Germany, UK, Switzerland France, Spain, Italy Elizabeth Norris Netherlands, Belux Gianluca Pinto (27/11/07) Jamie Stepien Sabine Wagner (Acting) Carol Gue (Acting) David Oliver Web Marketing Manager Product Manager Alex Beard Fleet Marketing #1 Club & Gold Germany France Product Managers: Manager Sabine Wagner Dan Gabay (Acting) Affiliate Manager Carol Gue Isabelle Kerdat Clayton Spencer Helen Horwood Italy Program Manager Emanuela Clementi James Cowan Content Manager UK Staff & Member Benefits Christo Caratossidis Vacancy Simone Cornelio Temerity Vinson Spain Communications Managers Andrea Popa Vacancy Web Analyst Theresa Sidhu Program Manager Andy Williams Switzerland Netherlands/Belux Ed Freeman – External Programs Stuart Raymond (Jan 08) Isabel Klug Vacancy Tracey Stammers Search Marketing Mgr Vacancy
  • 125. “State of the nation” Fleet and interest cost increase Market volatility Weak $ and high oil prices Intense competition Stronger growth in Q3 and Q4 Restructuring and other initiatives well underway Business Plan 08 in final stages
  • 127. Global Organizational Learning & Development The journey towards an integrated structure Blueprint (November 5, 2007) Global Talent Management CoE Karl-Heinz Oehler Updated: Draft
  • 128. The strategic architecture underpins the overarching operating principle for Global Centers of Expertise Value Creation Strategy Global Succession and High Global Selection Global Performance and Global Organization Potential Management and Recruitment Career Management Learning and Development Change Management HR Due Diligence Mergers & Acquisitions (Asia) Global Organization Design Karl-Heinz Oehler - August 2007 Updated: October 18, 2007 Global Talent Management – The people part of business planning Page - 1
  • 129. Strategic Architecture for the Talent Management CoE Drive budget discipline Drive organizational and manage cost of transformation to a high Enable acquisition due Enable effective entry service to impact ROI performance culture diligence and integration into new businesses and markets Global CoE Leadership for Best-in-Class Services Position Hertz as the Employer of Choice Courageous leadership Create talent pools for Demonstrate Promote a global, Leverage the brand “Build a career with to drive change timely placements business acumen diverse culture name Hertz” Selection and Recruitment Performance and Career Organizational Learning and Succession and High Potential Management Development Management Identify talent and facilitate Leverage the performance Link the learning & development Identify talent and facilitate talent movement of talent across management process as catalyst portfolio to business priorities mobility across businesses businesses for succession and high potential Support key Hertz initiatives with Assess and close critical Retain high potential employees management targeted training programs competency gaps and key leaders Link total rewards to achievements Build partnerships with external Create global succession plans Attract and retain the best talent in in key result areas learning providers Link succession and high potential the industry Facilitate best practice sharing Facilitate 360 degree programs placement decisions to critical Establish core leadership Cascade objectives to achieve Establish adaptable development recruitment needs competencies execution alignment tools Reduce turnover through better Create a feedback culture through Develop Hertz’s change selection ongoing dialog management capabilities Deliver consistent value to achieve internal effectiveness and external competitiveness Provide world class Establish Hertz core Enhance organizational Facilitate and enable Design effective selection systems competence models effectiveness organizational change organizations Karl-Heinz Oehler - August 2007 Updated: October 18, 2007 Global Talent Management – The people part of business planning Page - 2
  • 130. Functional Competencies Human Resources Agility and Adaptability Operations Personal Accountability al Pe Trust and on op rs Integrity Pe le Hertz Leadership Model Demonstrates Finance Initiative Th Use Insightful ou lts su Judgment gh Drives Execution Re t Display Global Principled Perspective Leadership Operational Excellence Passion for Customer Marketing Strategic Service & Stakeholder Thinking Success Sales 2007 Global Talent Management – The people part of business planning
  • 131. Leveraging the diversity of people united by a compelling vision is fundamental to building a global company Karl-Heinz Oehler - August 2007 Updated: October 18, 2007 Global Talent Management – The people part of business planning Page - 4
  • 132. What the Global Talent Management Center of Expertise stands for Karl-Heinz Oehler - August 2007 Updated: October 18, 2007 Global Talent Management – The people part of business planning Page - 5
  • 133. Global TM CoE value proposition – Impact on business results Business Results TM CoE programs linked to business drivers Challenge status-quo and drive change HROD Credibility Live the values Ethics Business Deliver the promise Business Integration Acumen CoE proficiency Company value chain Best practices focus Customer intimacy Systemic, business- Industry knowledge led services Responsiveness and Balanced scorecard achievement orientation with TM-CoE KPIs Drive for stakeholder Performance driven success Karl-Heinz Oehler - August 2007 Updated: October 18, 2007 Global Talent Management – The people part of business planning Page - 6
  • 134. Building successful organizations is a systemic and integrative process Define the Direction – Continuously adjust and (re)align Continuously manage and adapt to changes in performance O I C p m E p Design x o t Measure BUSINESS PEOPLE P e n i l BUSINESS the l e the STRATEGY STRATEGY a c t m RESULTS Measures u r i m Impact n t o z e e l n e t Return on People Alignment GTM Practice areas drive Organizational Effectiveness Measure the impact on P&L and protect the intellectual capital of the organization Copyright © Karl-Heinz Oehler 1993, 1995, 2002 Karl-Heinz Oehler - August 2007 Updated: October 18, 2007 Global Talent Management – The people part of business planning Page - 7
  • 135. The proposed charter of the Global Organizational Learning and Development Organization Karl-Heinz Oehler - August 2007 Updated: October 18, 2007 Global Talent Management – The people part of business planning Page - 8
  • 136. Summary of Global Talent Management CoE practice area roles and key services (may not be exhaustive) Development of a strategic vision for the GOLD function Implementation of business-led and global organizational learning initiatives Provision of a global GOLD solution portfolio Building of a continuous learning culture in Hertz Provision of seamless training, development, and learning process consulting services Translating GPCM & GSHP outputs into targeted development solutions Annual GOLD planning & budgeting Creation and management of an organizational learning dashboard Link results of GOLD statistics to key business performance indicators Access to training through flexible and adaptable delivery methods Lead and manage the organizational learning & development function Drive the evaluation, selection, and implementation of an OLMS Karl-Heinz Oehler - August 2007 Updated: October 18, 2007 Global Talent Management – The people part of business planning Page - 9
  • 137. Summary of key deliverables - (may not be exhaustive) 3 year global GOLD strategy white paper Annual operations plan Annual GOLD budget Global needs analyses Integrative development plans Global business-led learning and development curricula Annual training calendar Development methodology and tools Learning transfer tracking External provider management Global GOLD policy GOLD dashboard GOLD process consultancy services Karl-Heinz Oehler - August 2007 Updated: October 18, 2007 Global Talent Management – The people part of business planning Page - 10
  • 138. Global Organizational Learning and Development structure Practice area based (5 maximum) Lean, simple, and effective Global coverage Business-led GOLD portfolio Accessible and transparent Adaptable and fluid Karl-Heinz Oehler - August 2007 Updated: October 18, 2007 Global Talent Management – The people part of business planning Page - 11
  • 139. Global TM CoE impact on business results will be measured in different ways Organizational P&L Lines TM CoE Touch points TM CoE Measures TM CoE Contributions Measures Total Revenues Cost of Sales Sales Effectiveness Program cost as % of Competence models Pipeline opportunity cost Return on Sales Selection Assessments Asset turns Contribution to cost of Coaching sales Targeted development Workforce planning Sales Productivity Sales per person Retention planning <Variable Cost> Impact on Operation Market Share Account Penetration Gross PFT Margin % Margin Growth <Fixed Cost> Cost of Operations G&A Cash flow contribution Targeted development Capacity Utilization PPI as % of HR/OD Assessments Utilization Operating cost Performance management Yield Career Planning Operating PFT Impact on cash flow EPS Savings from turnover eLearning Impact on shareholder value reduction Action learning <Corporate O/H> Resource optimization Overhead cost as % Return by % of charges Succession management Organizational efficiency of total revenues Organization design Organization effectiveness PBT Organization Effectiveness Internal customer satisfaction <Tax> PAT Karl-Heinz Oehler - August 2007 Updated: October 18, 2007 Global Talent Management – The people part of business planning Page - 12
  • 140. Net impact on bottom line implementing a three year selection and recruitment plan (US only) Estimated Turnover analysis and Target change Target change 2006 change TOTALS improvement plan (US only) 2007 to 2008 2008 to 2009 2006 to 2007 Annualized ytd turnover (People) 6,195 6,014 4,210 2,947 19,366 Average turnover cost ($) 46,462,500 45,105,000 31,573,500 22,101,450 145,242,450 Estimated gross savings from 1,357,500 13,531,500 9,472,050 24,361,050 operational efficiencies (1) ($) Turnover cost as % of 2007 PR/B 3.03% 2.94% 2.06% 1.44% Selection and recruitment investments 38,000 0 1,500,000 750,000 2,288,000 ($) Estimated net savings after 1,319,500 12,031,500 8,722,050 investments (1) ($) OPT cash flow impact (cum) ($) 1,319,500 13,351,000 22,073,050 (1) BPO Headcount reductions Time-to-hire reduction Cost to hire reductions Turnover reductions Karl-Heinz Oehler - August 2007 Updated: October 18, 2007 Global Talent Management – The people part of business planning Page - 13
  • 141. Fundamental analytics to establish a baseline Current portfolio (Pareto use) Categorize training days (by employee/by business/by program) What happens in the field (self made or contracted) Consulting hours/days/fees Distribution (%) of delivery mechanism (by program/by business) Transfer of acquired knowledge Karl-Heinz Oehler - August 2007 Updated: October 18, 2007 Global Talent Management – The people part of business planning Page - 14
  • 142. Group challenge for the next 2.5 days Design the most effective global GOLD structure Outline the “optimal” portfolio for 2008 Identify key GOLD processes Define key touch points with other GTM practices Ideal program delivery by major practice area Establish key performance indicators (dashboard) Transition plan into the new structure (timelines) What does success look like in 12 months Karl-Heinz Oehler - August 2007 Updated: October 18, 2007 Global Talent Management – The people part of business planning Page - 15
  • 143. Planned Accomplishment for Next Period – Driving Execution Focus Next 30 days Next 60 days Next 90 days Action 1 Action 1 Action 1 T&D Analytics Action 2 Action 2 Action 2 Action 3 Action 3 Action 3 Action 1 Budget Action 2 Action 3 Karl-Heinz Oehler - August 2007 Updated: October 18, 2007 Global Talent Management – The people part of business planning Page - 16
  • 144. CoE Practice Area Development Briefing Global Organizational Learning & Development What it is & How we’re going to get there Nov 9 2007 Version 0-3
  • 145. Becoming a CoE means big changes for L&D 1. Hertz needs something different for L&D 2. We need to re-evaluate our internal customer 3. Our internal customer needs 4. GOLD will be structured through six Practice Areas 5. Delivery routes 6. Becoming a CoE means big changes for L&D 7. The GOLD Charter 8. The Way Forward November 9, 2007 GOLD CoE Practice Area Development Page - 18
  • 146. Hertz needs something different for L&D In terms of bring training and learning resources together under one global umbrella, something different is needed to: Control costs Have Hertz be seen as a learning organization Send a single message how Hertz Learning and Development operates Homogeneous offerings, November 9, 2007 GOLD CoE Practice Area Development Page - 19
  • 147. We need to re-evaluate our internal customers The L&D CoE will serve …but will not serve [directly]: Business Units (Worldwide) Transactional Units / Business Administration units 360 Program Evaluation Equipment (technical training) High Pot (HIPO) Routine recruitment processes Consultation Some of the sales / Op training November 9, 2007 GOLD CoE Practice Area Development Page - 20
  • 148. Our internal customer needs Main Challenges for our internal customers Common needs across internal customer groups Turnover L&D that enables differentiation (and brand enhancement) Morale through transition Business skills Productivity / How to do more with less (culture) Developing a culture of empowerment to find ways of Expansion & scale of revenue growth expectation in doing more with less an increasingly competitive environment Effective & efficient delivery Sustainability of improvement benefits Basic Management and Personal effectiveness Cost impacts of Language & Diversity (translation, development recruiting, relocation) Performance management / coaching Career progression paths Robust practice / training environmennts Revenue & profitability during layoffs November 9, 2007 GOLD CoE Practice Area Development Page - 21
  • 149. GOLD will be structured through six Practice Areas: GOLD CoE Practice Areas: 1. Operational 2. Operations 3. Sales & 4. Management & 5. Executive Excellence Effectiveness Marketing Personal Leadership The Hertz Way Effectiveness Systems training From basic sales… Principled Leadership Procedures training (front-line) Team member Global Business Vision On-boarding Strategy execution Intro to Hertz Customer service & Managers Our customer experience “Personal management” For… (& Building Talent Vision in Practice Cross-team management Performance Management Values in Action …to strategic marketing Performance Management ‘Front Office’ Executive Coaching) “One Team” Management Development Lean, Six Sigma, HIP Personal Effectiveness [360] TVM Field Operations Business & financial Quality Tools orientation Safety Customer Contact Center Empowerment Selection & Recruiting Diversity Language 6. Learning & Development Quality L&D effectiveness and value KPIs, L&D standards (& Quality Brand) L&D evaluation tools (including impact on business results, transfer to higher performance on the job, learner tests / assessments, learner satisfaction, audit) Vendor controls, Learning Council, Communications tools e-Platform (including LMS) November 9, 2007 GOLD CoE Practice Area Development Page - 22
  • 150. Delivery routes The 6 primary delivery routes: 1. e-Platform 4. The 4. The 5. H.R. 5. H.R. 6. GOLD 6. GOLD Business Business Business Business CoE CoE (Line (Line Partners Partners Mgmt) Mgmt) GOLD GOLD CoE CoE Design, Build, Design, Build, Buy 2. HR Operations Buy 3. Alliance / Outsource Partners November 9, 2007 GOLD CoE Practice Area Development Page - 23
  • 151. Becoming a CoE means big changes for L&D We are not principally a delivery Lean, simple, and effective mechanism Global coverage Delivery is through HR Business Partners Business-led GOLD portfolio GOLD CoE defines what learning & Accessible and transparent development to meet the need, and the Business Partners get’s it done (by using Adaptable and fluid HR Ops and Business line) The CoE provides strategy, tools, advice, methodology and process Defining KPIs that meet business needs Measuring the impact of training through specific, adopted ROI metrics November 9, 2007 GOLD CoE Practice Area Development Page - 24
  • 152. Global Organizational Learning and Development Charter Purpose Lead the transformation of Hertz into a learning organization, in which individuals are supported to take ownership of their learning and development. Ensure the development / procurement and implementation of cost-effective, business-oriented learning and development Provide Hertz employees access to appropriate professional development and continuous learning. Implement effective program delivery methods to provide flexible and adaptable means to access programs anywhere at any time. Main Services Develop the learning & development portfolio, linked to business priorities & strategic architecture Active support for the key Hertz initiatives, with targeted training programs Develop and implement leadership and management development programs (and facilitate the 360 degree feedback process for the leadership executive development programs) Develop Hertz’s change management capabilities. Main Business needs analysis and prioritization. Review the sources of material. Commission or develop content to meet business needs Processes Customize as appropriate. Assess readiness for delivery and determine appropriate methods. Evaluate and validate against the business needs Build partnerships with internal & external stakeholders and learning providers. Build reliable metrics to assess effectiveness in business terms. Roles / Touch Development of a strategic vision for the GOLD function; provision of one global training, development, and learning process; consulting services; Points Translating Global Performance & Career Mgt & Global Selection & High Pot outputs into targeted development solutions. Structure Six Practice Areas: 1. Operational Excellence (The Hertz Way); 2. Operations Effectiveness; 3. Sales & Marketing; 4. Management and Personal Effectiveness; 5. Executive Leadership; 6. L&D Quality Main 3 year global GOLD strategy white paper, Annual operations plan, Annual GOLD budget, Global needs analyses, Integrative development plans, Deliverables & Global business-led learning and development curricula, Annual training calendar, Development methodology and tools, External provider Benefits management, Global GOLD policy, GOLD process consultancy services, Learning transfer tracking, GOLD dashboard. Indicators Evaluation outputs. Training spend as a % of revenue, and payroll. Training days and spend per employee. Program cost as % of Business area Contribution, Sales per person, Cash flow contribution as % of HR/OD Operating cost, Savings from turnover reduction. Pulse Survey and employee feedback. November 9, 2007 GOLD CoE Practice Area Development Page - 25
  • 153. The way forward Transformation, while ‘keeping wheels on the bus Opportunity Global, consistent standard and quality of L&D Cost reduction through consolidation Leverage scale with suppliers/reduce no of suppliers We need from KHO Clear feedback and direction Clarity of MPF’s expectations Barrier Busting Timescales Communication with and enrolment of stakeholders Still to solve the puzzle of how best to deliver training to the field November 9, 2007 GOLD CoE Practice Area Development Page - 26
  • 154. Goal 30 Build the most effective structure to sense the organisation! To learn, what not to say instead of saying!
  • 155. Presentation of... 31 Shared Services in Dublin Europe RAC HIP & Sales Academy Van & Truck Germany US Sales US HERC & Marketing US RAC HIP
  • 156. Expectations 32 - Common view of how to the preferred internal customers/business partners - Understand each other roles, work together, have a global view - Understand how to learn from/adept each other best practice - Be able to go back and tell people what its going to look like and what opportunities are - Share experience, listen, recognize value - Have an action plan - Share successes, what works
  • 157. Expectations 33 - Get clear direction for the future, to be able to start helping our people - Leave with understanding of our goals and objectives - Use opportunity to get to know each other, make new friends - Be clear about what we can bring to business to enable our differentiate itself - Surface necessary conflicting points of view, overcome issues collaboratively
  • 158. Expectations 34 - Move away from “training” towards a broader view of L&D - Become business led, business focused - Share HERC experience - Clarity on structure - Drown up experience in the room from those who are not in Hertz - Keep focus on employees - Understand, what we all do - Hear and share the best practice - Get help filling gap, esp. management issues
  • 159. Additional statements to KH presentation 36 Two ways of outsourcing: 1. Outsourcing at all 2. Outsourcing in pieces Definition Teamwork: Teamwork means not to allow another team member to fail! Trial & Error → a key component to any change processes
  • 160. Additional statements to KH presentation 37 Find different solutions → other ways of doing stuff Consider the difference between effectiveness and efficiency! Providing direction is critical, but one company, one voice. Message: Just one way! Performance Management = key factor for L&D!
  • 161. Additional statements to KH presentation 38 Goals: an individuell L&D plan for each employee reduce turnover about 35 % Position: Hertz as an employer of choise! Recruiting isn`t existing today! Functional competencies → competence model for HR
  • 162. Additional statements to KH presentation 39 Global or local: 80 % should be global Max. 20% should be local → national facts Our role: the best type of training delivery for... Decisions are open: people can say, what they like to work for... Business partners, COE, and so on
  • 163. Additional statements to KH presentation 40 Practice area solutions: (1) Quality (2) Executive education & leadership development (3) Organization effectiveness (Operational effectiveness) (4) Sales and marketing (5) Management & Frontline Development E-learning → “delivery mechanism or practice area”
  • 164. Additional statements to KH presentation 41 No structure by organisation (e.g. HERC, RAC) Best methodology isn't decided Certification programmes for CSR
  • 165. “One List” of all countries 46 Customers: - Field operations - Support areas - Everybody (for HIP) Main challenges: - Sustainability to benefits - Turnover - Morale through transition - Productivity - Do more with less
  • 166. “One List” of all countries 47 - Clear career progression - Increase revenue - Expansion - Diversity/language - Customer service - Competition - Unrealistic sales quotas - Sell through 3rd parties - Enthusiasm for a better way of doing things vs. lay-off`s
  • 167. “One List” of all countries 48 Needs: - Differentiation (enhance brand) - Management development and people development - Effective/efficient delivery - Business skills - Achieve more with less - Implications of Lean environment (big down to source and fix, empowerment)
  • 168. “One List” of all countries 49 Meet demand: - Instructor led - On-line - Helpline calls - Field visits - Training needs - Coaching - Onsite with people (especially HIP)
  • 169. Karl-Heinz Statement for building our Practice Area model 50 “As a COE we are not a delivery mechanism. We deliver through HR Business. We say (“Here is how you...”) and they do it, or get it or done by somebody else. We (the COE) provide strategy, tools, advice, methodology and process consulting.”
  • 170. Practice Area model (“home room”) 51 GOLD CoE Practice Areas: 1. Operational 2. Operations 3. Sales & 4. Management 5. Executive Excellence Effectiveness Marketing & Personal Leadership The Hertz Way Effectiveness Systems training From basic sales… Principled Leadership Procedures training (front-line) Team member Global Business Vision On-boarding Strategy execution Intro to Hertz Customer service & Managers Our customer experience “Personal management” For… (& Building Talent Vision in Practice Cross-team management Performance Management Values in Action …to strategic marketing Performance Management ‘Front Office’ Executive Coaching) “One Team” Management Development Lean, Six Sigma, HIP Personal Effectiveness [360] TVM Field Operations Business & financial Quality Tools orientation Safety Customer Contact Center Empowerment Selection & Recruiting Diversity Language 6. Learning & Development Quality L&D effectiveness and value KPIs, L&D standards (& Quality Brand) L&D evaluation tools (including impact on business results, transfer to higher performance on the job, learner tests / assessments, learner satisfaction, audit) Vendor controls, Learning Council, Communications tools e-Platform (including LMS)
  • 171. Practice Area model 52 The 6 primary delivery routes: 1. e-Platform 4. The 4. The 5. H.R. 5. H.R. 6. GOLD 6. GOLD Business Business Business Business CoE CoE (Line (Line Partners Partners Mgmt) Mgmt) GOLD GOLD CoE CoE Design, Build, Design, Build, Buy 2. HR Operations Buy 3. Alliance / Outsource Partners