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Dealing with the Data Deluge:
   What can the Robotics
   Community Teach us?
     Making our pipelines organic,
       adaptable, and scalable

            Darin London
Part I. The Challenges of
NextGen Sequencing Data

 50+ Cell Lines
 Each sequenced with up to 2 different technologies
 (DNaseHS and FAIRE) and 3 different ChIP-Seq antibodies
 (CTCF, PolII, c-Myc), as well as a Control (Input) for
 Most involved multiple biological replicates, and some
 biological replicates were sequenced multiple times to
 create technical replicates of the same biological sample
 1.3 Gb zipped raw data per Cell_line-Technology-Replicate
 on average
 351 Gb zipped raw sequence data analyzed (and
Some characteristics of NextGen
Sequencing Data
 heterogeneous in time:
    comes in batches by lane and sample
    order of date of sample submission does not fix the
    order of date of receipt of data
 heterogeneous in size:
    some samples will produce more data than others
    size affects timing of most computational tasks
 heterogeneous in quality:
    some data will not merit being run through the entire
    some data may merit extra analysis
Part II. A Tale of Two Robots
Meet Shakey

   The first fully autonomous robot able to reason about its
   Pioneered many algorithms to model data from multiple
   sensors into a central world map, apply one or more plans
   of action, and determine appropriate action behaviors to
   achieve these plans
    If science is the 'Art of the Soluble' then Shakey
   demonstrated the solubility of autonomous robotics to the
That being said...

                     The autonomous systems roving
                     on mars, fighting in Afghanistan,
                     and cleaning our floors do not
                     share much in common with
These systems descend from more practical approaches
pioneered in the 1980s by Rodney Brooks and others

                         In 1986, he introduced the world
                         to Allen, a Behavior-based robot
                         based on the Subsumption
Behavior-based Robots
  Attempt to mimic biological actions, rather than human
  Built out of many small modules
  Modules act autonomously by continuously sensing
  the environment for specific signals, and immediately
  perform a specific action based on that sensory input
  Modules arranged hierarchically, with higher layer
  modules able to mask (subsume) the input or output
  of lower layer modules (lower layer modules are not
  aware that they are being subsumed)
  There is no central planning module
  The intelligence of the system is completely
  distributed throughout all the smaller subsystems,
  each designed to achieve certain parts of the overall
  task list opportunistically as the environment becomes
  favorable to it acting as it is designed to act
Cost-Benefit Analysis
 Benefits of Behavior-based robots over AI:
    Easier and cheaper to build
    Scale better with existing technology
    More easily adaptable, new behaviors emerge with the
    addition of modules with little or no change to other
    More fault tolerant, partial behaviors tend to persist even
    when many modules fail to act
 Deficiencies of Behavior-based robots:
    'Higher order' reasoning and logic functions are too
    No capacity to learn from mistakes except through
    changes, addition, or subtraction of modules
Part III. Making our
Bioinformatics Pipelines
Organic, and Adaptable
Many Bioinformatics Pipelines
resemble Shakey by:
  Involving centralized controller systems which control every
  aspect of pipeline behavior
  Mixing the logic for selecting tasks from a list together with
  the logic for performing these tasks
Except that, unlike Shakey, many
  Have little or no knowledge of their computing environment
  Have no, or very little, capacity to:
     perform tasks in different orders, opportunistically
     temporarily re-focus their work on smaller subsets of the
     total task list
     run tasks in parallel
  Lack intelligent points for human agent inclusion
  Are subject to human will at every level
Behavior Based Pipelines are
     ideal for dealing with
heterogeneous data efficiently
They are Modular
 Much like Object Oriented Programming
 Failure is easy to diagnose and fix
 Failure in one module does not (necessarily) impact other
 module actions
 Failure in one module does not (necessarily) require other
 modules to be rerun, or require complex skipping logic in
 the pipeline code
They are Adaptable

 New analyses should simply require plugging in a new
 module, with minimal or no 'rewiring' of other modules
 Reanalyses should simply require the removal of certain
 outputs, and possibly a reset of the completion state of a
 particular task to accomplish, and all downstream tasks
 should either react to the presence of new data, or require
 minimal state manipulation to get them to rerun themselves
 Modules can be augmented, or replaced as needed, with
 little or no change to other modules, as long as their original
 functionality is maintained or assumed by another module
They are Scalable

 Modules can be deployed onto as many different machines
 as are available (servers, nodes on a cluster, nodes in a
 cloud) to expand throughput
 Modules with high resource requirements can be deployed
 onto separate machines from those with low resource
 Modules can be grouped together on different machines, or
 sets of machines, according to functionality, or data
They act Autonomously

 Individual modules can 'react' to data to produce information
 as soon as the data is made available in the 'environment'
 Datasets can be moved through the pipeline at different
 Modules do not require humans to manage them, but,
 instead, react and respond to different human inputs at
 many different places
 Humans are really just another intelligent agent in the
They can act Opportunistically

  Modules can be tied into multiple task-management
     overall dataset-task list
     priority dataset-task list
     machine specific dataset-task lists
     manual intervention
  The priority system can be set to take precedence over the
  overall system, but if priority datasets get backlogged, the
  system can still opportunistically process items in the overall
  system until the backlog is cleared, and the priority system
  can then regain the focus of some or all machines in the
They are sensitive to their computing
environment, and knowledgeable of the
resources they need to work
 Modules should know how much memory, file system
 space, etc. they need
 Modules should know about other modules that would
 compete with them for scarce resources
 This may run counter to the ethos of platform nutrality, but,
 for instance (if you are running on redhat/centos) you can
 parse /proc/meminfo for memory information (my $meminfo
 = YAML::LoadFile('/proc/meminfo')), ps for information on
 other processes running in the environment, df for
 filesystem information, etc.
These systems have other advantages:
 They make it easy to get up and running with 1-2 modules
 tested on a small dataset, which can then be applied to all
 other datasets available, and yet to come
 They allow for 'partial solutions', e.g. some data will always
 be produced even if the entire pipeline is not finished (what
 pipeline is ever 'finished', anyway), or if one or more parts of
 the pipeline are discovered to have bugs
 New modules can be created, tested against 1 or more
 datasets, and then 'released to the wild' so that they can
 autonomously fill in the gaps for all previously received data,
 and then analyze all data received in the future
 Buggy modules can be pulled out of the pipeline, fixed and
 tested in the same way
Part IV. The IGSP Encode
Pipeline designed to generate data for
the Encyclopedia of DNA Elements

For both EncODE and non EncODE cell_lines and treatments:
    Automates movement of data from sequencing staging to IGSP server
    Aligns raw sequence files to hg19 using bwa (previously hg18 using
    Generates feature density distributions of whole-genome sequence data
    aligned to hg19
    Generates visual tracks of data in the IGSP internal UCSC Genome
    Generates submission tarballs of bam, peaks, parzen bigWigs, and
    base count bigWigs to be submitted to UCSC
Compute Infrastructure
 4 Centos Compute Nodes: 8 core (2.50 Ghz, dual quad core
 procs), 32GB 1066Mhz Ram, Primary 120GB HDD,
 Secondary 250GB HDD
 Duke Shared Cluster Resource: 19 high priority Encode
 nodes, each with 8 cores and 16 GB Ram
 Compute nodes connected to DSCR via NFS mounted
 volume provided by a Netapp NAS array of 42 15k 450GB
 FC disks exported through a 10G Fibre-E link
 Raw Data, and analytical output stored on two NFS
 mounted volumes provided by a Netapp NAS array of 14
 7.2k sata disks, 1TB and 750G in size
 Each compute node contains its own, locally mounted 230G
 scratch directory to minimize NFS read-write concurrency
Pipeline composed of many different
agents, each falling into one of three
 Runner Agents: These simply read through a list of datasets and
 tasks to be done on each dataset, and launch the necessary
 processing agents required to accomplish each task on the
 dataset. They do not care whether it is possible for the agent to
 accomplish the task on the dataset
 Processing Agents: These are small programs designed to perform
 a specific processing task on a given dataset. In addition, they are
 designed to know when it is possible to perform the task (based on
 prerequisites), whether the resources (memory, storage space,
 etc) required for it to run are available, and whether other
 programs which are running on the system will compete with it in
 ways which adversely effect its performance
Main Task List

Composed of a set of worksheets in a Google
Spreadsheet. This has a number of advantages:
   Allows people all over the world to keep track of what has
   been done, and what remains to be done
   Since the Google Spreadsheet API is also available to
   agents on any internet connected computer, it can be used
   by runner and processing agents on any number of servers
The third type of agents in this system
are humans
The google spreadsheet model makes it very easy to plug
humans into the overall logic of the system:
   arguments, variables, and state switches can be
   communicated to an agent using meta-fields on the
   worksheet. The values for these fields can be filled in by
   humans, or other computer agents
   processing agents can be coded to require prerequisite
   meta-fields which require a human to switch on before they
   processing agents can write data to information fields upon
   completion, failure, or both. This might include changing the
   state of prerequisite fields required by other agents
   processes requiring human intervention can be replaced by
   computational logic over time, as the logic becomes
   formalized into one or more agents
Part V.
use strict;
use Getopt::Std;
use Google::Spreadsheet::Agent;
# usually other modules are used

my $goal = basename($0);
$goal =~ s/;

my $cell_line = shift or die "cell_linen";
my $technology = shift or die "technologyn";
my $replicate = shift or die "replicaten";
my $google_page = ($replicate =~ m/.*_TP.*/) ? 'combined' : $technology;

my %opts;
getopts('dr:P:', %opts);
my $debug = $opts{d};
$data_root = $opts{r} if ($opts{r})
$google_page = $opts{P} if ($opts{P});

my $prerequisites = [];
$prerequisites->[0] = ($replicate =~ m/.*_TP.*/) ? 'combined' : 'aligned';

my $google_agent = Google::Spreadsheet::Agent->new(
      agent_name => $goal, page_name => $google_page, debug => $debug,
      max_selves => 3,
      bind_key_fields => { cellline => $cell_line, technology => $technology, replicate => $replicate },
      prerequisites => $prerequisites
my $min_gigs = 18; # start with an 18G /scratch2 availability
my $gigs_avail = &get_scratch_availability or exit(1);
exit if ($gigs_avail < $min_gigs);

sub get_scratch_availability {
  my $opened = open (my $df_in, '-|', 'df', '-h', '/scratch2');
  unless ($opened) {
     print STDERR "Couldnt check scratch2 usage $!n";
  my $in = <$df_in>; # skip first line
  $in = <$df_in>;
  chomp $in;
  close $df_in;
  my $gigs_avail = (split /s+/, $in)[3];
  $gigs_avail =~ s/D+$//;
  return $gigs_avail;

use YAML::Any qw/LoadFile/;
my $min_mem = 16; # requires about 16-18G memory to run
exit if (&get_available_memory <= $min_mem);
sub get_available_memory {
  my $info = LoadFile('/proc/meminfo') or die "Couldnt load meminfo $!n";
  my $free_mem = $info->{MemFree};
  $free_mem =~ s/D+$//;
  my $buffers = $info->{Buffers};
  my $cached = $info->{Cached};
  $buffers =~ s/D+$//;
  $cached =~ s/D+$//;
  $free_mem += $buffers + $cached;
  $free_mem /= (1024*1024);
  return $free_mem;
sub agent_code {
  my $entry = shift;
  my $replicate_root = join('/', $data_root, $cell_line, $technology, 'sequence_'.$replicate);
  my $db_name = getDBName($replicate_root);
  my $scratch_root = $replicate_root;
  $scratch_root =~ s/$data_root//scratch2/;

    my $helper_command = join(' ', join('/', $generic_apps_dir, ''),
                $replicate_root, join('/', $replicate_root, 'bwa_'.$entry->{build}, ''),
                $cell_line, $technology, $entry->{sex}, $entry->{build}, $db_name

    print STDERR "Running ${helper_command}n";
    if ($?) {
        print "Problem running parzen_helper $!";

    my $parzen_track_name = $db_name . "_parzen";
    my $scratch_parzen_dir = join('/', $scratch_root, 'parzen_'.$build);
    my $parzen_dir = join('/', $replicate_roo 'parzen_'.$build);
    $parzen_dir =~ s/sata2/sata4/;

    my $wiggle_helper = join(' ', join('/', $generic_apps_dir, ''),
               $build, $parzen_track_name, $parzen_dir, $scratch_parzen_dir

    print STDERR "Running ${wiggle_helper}n";
     if ($?) {
        print STDERR "Problem running wiggle_helper $!n";
    return 1;
use FindBin;
use Google::Spreadsheet::Agent;

my $google_agent = Google::Spreadsheet::Agent->new(
         agent_name => 'agent_runner',
         page_name => 'all',
         bind_key_fields => { cellline => 'all', technology => 'all', replicate => 'all' }

# iterate through each page on the database, get runnable rows, and run each runnable on the row
foreach my $page_name ( map { $_->title } $google_agent->google_db->worksheets ) {
   foreach my $runnable_row (
        grep {
             $_->content->{ready} && !$_->content->{complete}
         } $google_agent->google_db->worksheet({ title => $page_name })->rows
        foreach my $goal (keys %{$runnable_row->content}) {
           next if ($runnable_row->content->{$goal}; # r,1,F cause it to skip

            # some of these will skip because they are fields without agents
            my $goal_agent = $FindBin::Bin.'/../agent_bin/'.$goal.'';
            return unless (-x $goal_agent);

             my @cmd = ($goal_agent);
             foreach my $query_field ( sort {
                $google_agent->config->{key_fields}->{$a}->{rank} <=> $google_agent->config->{key_fields}->{$b}->{rank}
               } keys %{$google_agent->config->{key_fields}} ) {
                   next unless ($row_content->{$query_field});
                   push @cmd, $row_content->{$query_field};
            system( join(' ', @cmd).'&');
            sleep 5;
Future Plans
1. Making inter-lab communication more concrete, automatic
2. Each server can have its own 'task' view of a particular
   google spreadsheet worksheet, in that it can have its own
   unique set of executable agent_bin scripts tied to a set of
   fields that systems on other servers would ignore
3. Put some of the runner code, and requirements checking
   routines into Google::Spreadsheet::Agent for version 1.1

The Institute for Genome Sciences and Policy (IGSP)
The Encode Consortium
Terry Furey
Alan Boyle
Greg Crawford
Mark DeLong
Rob Wagner
Peyton Vaughn
Darrin Mann
Alan Cowles

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London bosc2010

  • 1. Dealing with the Data Deluge: What can the Robotics Community Teach us? Making our pipelines organic, adaptable, and scalable Darin London
  • 2. Part I. The Challenges of NextGen Sequencing Data
  • 3. Datasets 50+ Cell Lines Each sequenced with up to 2 different technologies (DNaseHS and FAIRE) and 3 different ChIP-Seq antibodies (CTCF, PolII, c-Myc), as well as a Control (Input) for comparison Most involved multiple biological replicates, and some biological replicates were sequenced multiple times to create technical replicates of the same biological sample 1.3 Gb zipped raw data per Cell_line-Technology-Replicate on average 351 Gb zipped raw sequence data analyzed (and counting...)
  • 4.
  • 5. Some characteristics of NextGen Sequencing Data heterogeneous in time: comes in batches by lane and sample order of date of sample submission does not fix the order of date of receipt of data heterogeneous in size: some samples will produce more data than others size affects timing of most computational tasks heterogeneous in quality: some data will not merit being run through the entire pipeline some data may merit extra analysis
  • 6.
  • 7.
  • 8. Part II. A Tale of Two Robots
  • 9. Meet Shakey The first fully autonomous robot able to reason about its surroundings Pioneered many algorithms to model data from multiple sensors into a central world map, apply one or more plans of action, and determine appropriate action behaviors to achieve these plans If science is the 'Art of the Soluble' then Shakey demonstrated the solubility of autonomous robotics to the world.
  • 10. That being said... The autonomous systems roving on mars, fighting in Afghanistan, and cleaning our floors do not share much in common with Shakey.
  • 11. These systems descend from more practical approaches pioneered in the 1980s by Rodney Brooks and others In 1986, he introduced the world to Allen, a Behavior-based robot based on the Subsumption Architecture
  • 12. Behavior-based Robots Attempt to mimic biological actions, rather than human cognition Built out of many small modules Modules act autonomously by continuously sensing the environment for specific signals, and immediately perform a specific action based on that sensory input Modules arranged hierarchically, with higher layer modules able to mask (subsume) the input or output of lower layer modules (lower layer modules are not aware that they are being subsumed) There is no central planning module The intelligence of the system is completely distributed throughout all the smaller subsystems, each designed to achieve certain parts of the overall task list opportunistically as the environment becomes favorable to it acting as it is designed to act
  • 13. Cost-Benefit Analysis Benefits of Behavior-based robots over AI: Easier and cheaper to build Scale better with existing technology More easily adaptable, new behaviors emerge with the addition of modules with little or no change to other modules More fault tolerant, partial behaviors tend to persist even when many modules fail to act Deficiencies of Behavior-based robots: 'Higher order' reasoning and logic functions are too complex No capacity to learn from mistakes except through changes, addition, or subtraction of modules
  • 14. Part III. Making our Bioinformatics Pipelines Organic, and Adaptable
  • 15. Many Bioinformatics Pipelines resemble Shakey by: Involving centralized controller systems which control every aspect of pipeline behavior Mixing the logic for selecting tasks from a list together with the logic for performing these tasks
  • 16. Except that, unlike Shakey, many pipelines: Have little or no knowledge of their computing environment Have no, or very little, capacity to: perform tasks in different orders, opportunistically temporarily re-focus their work on smaller subsets of the total task list run tasks in parallel etc. Lack intelligent points for human agent inclusion Are subject to human will at every level
  • 17. Behavior Based Pipelines are ideal for dealing with heterogeneous data efficiently
  • 18. They are Modular Much like Object Oriented Programming Failure is easy to diagnose and fix Failure in one module does not (necessarily) impact other module actions Failure in one module does not (necessarily) require other modules to be rerun, or require complex skipping logic in the pipeline code
  • 19. They are Adaptable New analyses should simply require plugging in a new module, with minimal or no 'rewiring' of other modules Reanalyses should simply require the removal of certain outputs, and possibly a reset of the completion state of a particular task to accomplish, and all downstream tasks should either react to the presence of new data, or require minimal state manipulation to get them to rerun themselves Modules can be augmented, or replaced as needed, with little or no change to other modules, as long as their original functionality is maintained or assumed by another module
  • 20. They are Scalable Modules can be deployed onto as many different machines as are available (servers, nodes on a cluster, nodes in a cloud) to expand throughput Modules with high resource requirements can be deployed onto separate machines from those with low resource requirements Modules can be grouped together on different machines, or sets of machines, according to functionality, or data proximity
  • 21. They act Autonomously Individual modules can 'react' to data to produce information as soon as the data is made available in the 'environment' Datasets can be moved through the pipeline at different rates Modules do not require humans to manage them, but, instead, react and respond to different human inputs at many different places Humans are really just another intelligent agent in the system
  • 22. They can act Opportunistically Modules can be tied into multiple task-management systems overall dataset-task list priority dataset-task list machine specific dataset-task lists manual intervention The priority system can be set to take precedence over the overall system, but if priority datasets get backlogged, the system can still opportunistically process items in the overall system until the backlog is cleared, and the priority system can then regain the focus of some or all machines in the system
  • 23. They are sensitive to their computing environment, and knowledgeable of the resources they need to work Modules should know how much memory, file system space, etc. they need Modules should know about other modules that would compete with them for scarce resources This may run counter to the ethos of platform nutrality, but, for instance (if you are running on redhat/centos) you can parse /proc/meminfo for memory information (my $meminfo = YAML::LoadFile('/proc/meminfo')), ps for information on other processes running in the environment, df for filesystem information, etc.
  • 24. These systems have other advantages: They make it easy to get up and running with 1-2 modules tested on a small dataset, which can then be applied to all other datasets available, and yet to come They allow for 'partial solutions', e.g. some data will always be produced even if the entire pipeline is not finished (what pipeline is ever 'finished', anyway), or if one or more parts of the pipeline are discovered to have bugs New modules can be created, tested against 1 or more datasets, and then 'released to the wild' so that they can autonomously fill in the gaps for all previously received data, and then analyze all data received in the future Buggy modules can be pulled out of the pipeline, fixed and tested in the same way
  • 25. Part IV. The IGSP Encode Pipeline
  • 26. Pipeline designed to generate data for the Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (EncODE) For both EncODE and non EncODE cell_lines and treatments: Automates movement of data from sequencing staging to IGSP server Aligns raw sequence files to hg19 using bwa (previously hg18 using maq) Generates feature density distributions of whole-genome sequence data aligned to hg19 Generates visual tracks of data in the IGSP internal UCSC Genome Browser Generates submission tarballs of bam, peaks, parzen bigWigs, and base count bigWigs to be submitted to UCSC
  • 27. Compute Infrastructure 4 Centos Compute Nodes: 8 core (2.50 Ghz, dual quad core procs), 32GB 1066Mhz Ram, Primary 120GB HDD, Secondary 250GB HDD Duke Shared Cluster Resource: 19 high priority Encode nodes, each with 8 cores and 16 GB Ram Compute nodes connected to DSCR via NFS mounted volume provided by a Netapp NAS array of 42 15k 450GB FC disks exported through a 10G Fibre-E link Raw Data, and analytical output stored on two NFS mounted volumes provided by a Netapp NAS array of 14 7.2k sata disks, 1TB and 750G in size Each compute node contains its own, locally mounted 230G scratch directory to minimize NFS read-write concurrency issues
  • 28. Pipeline composed of many different agents, each falling into one of three categories: Runner Agents: These simply read through a list of datasets and tasks to be done on each dataset, and launch the necessary processing agents required to accomplish each task on the dataset. They do not care whether it is possible for the agent to accomplish the task on the dataset Processing Agents: These are small programs designed to perform a specific processing task on a given dataset. In addition, they are designed to know when it is possible to perform the task (based on prerequisites), whether the resources (memory, storage space, etc) required for it to run are available, and whether other programs which are running on the system will compete with it in ways which adversely effect its performance
  • 29. Main Task List Composed of a set of worksheets in a Google Spreadsheet. This has a number of advantages: Allows people all over the world to keep track of what has been done, and what remains to be done Since the Google Spreadsheet API is also available to agents on any internet connected computer, it can be used by runner and processing agents on any number of servers
  • 30. The third type of agents in this system are humans The google spreadsheet model makes it very easy to plug humans into the overall logic of the system: arguments, variables, and state switches can be communicated to an agent using meta-fields on the worksheet. The values for these fields can be filled in by humans, or other computer agents processing agents can be coded to require prerequisite meta-fields which require a human to switch on before they run processing agents can write data to information fields upon completion, failure, or both. This might include changing the state of prerequisite fields required by other agents processes requiring human intervention can be replaced by computational logic over time, as the logic becomes formalized into one or more agents
  • 31. Part V. Google::Spreadsheet::Agent
  • 32. #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use Getopt::Std; use Google::Spreadsheet::Agent; # usually other modules are used my $goal = basename($0); $goal =~ s/; my $cell_line = shift or die "cell_linen"; my $technology = shift or die "technologyn"; my $replicate = shift or die "replicaten"; my $google_page = ($replicate =~ m/.*_TP.*/) ? 'combined' : $technology; my %opts; getopts('dr:P:', %opts); my $debug = $opts{d}; $data_root = $opts{r} if ($opts{r}) $google_page = $opts{P} if ($opts{P}); my $prerequisites = []; $prerequisites->[0] = ($replicate =~ m/.*_TP.*/) ? 'combined' : 'aligned'; my $google_agent = Google::Spreadsheet::Agent->new( agent_name => $goal, page_name => $google_page, debug => $debug, max_selves => 3, bind_key_fields => { cellline => $cell_line, technology => $technology, replicate => $replicate }, prerequisites => $prerequisites ); $google_agent->run_my(&agent_code); exit;
  • 33. my $min_gigs = 18; # start with an 18G /scratch2 availability requirement my $gigs_avail = &get_scratch_availability or exit(1); exit if ($gigs_avail < $min_gigs); sub get_scratch_availability { my $opened = open (my $df_in, '-|', 'df', '-h', '/scratch2'); unless ($opened) { print STDERR "Couldnt check scratch2 usage $!n"; return; } my $in = <$df_in>; # skip first line $in = <$df_in>; chomp $in; close $df_in; my $gigs_avail = (split /s+/, $in)[3]; $gigs_avail =~ s/D+$//; return $gigs_avail; } use YAML::Any qw/LoadFile/; my $min_mem = 16; # requires about 16-18G memory to run exit if (&get_available_memory <= $min_mem); sub get_available_memory { my $info = LoadFile('/proc/meminfo') or die "Couldnt load meminfo $!n"; my $free_mem = $info->{MemFree}; $free_mem =~ s/D+$//; my $buffers = $info->{Buffers}; my $cached = $info->{Cached}; $buffers =~ s/D+$//; $cached =~ s/D+$//; $free_mem += $buffers + $cached; $free_mem /= (1024*1024); return $free_mem; }
  • 34. sub agent_code { my $entry = shift; my $replicate_root = join('/', $data_root, $cell_line, $technology, 'sequence_'.$replicate); my $db_name = getDBName($replicate_root); my $scratch_root = $replicate_root; $scratch_root =~ s/$data_root//scratch2/; my $helper_command = join(' ', join('/', $generic_apps_dir, ''), $replicate_root, join('/', $replicate_root, 'bwa_'.$entry->{build}, ''), $cell_line, $technology, $entry->{sex}, $entry->{build}, $db_name ); print STDERR "Running ${helper_command}n"; `$helper_command`; if ($?) { print "Problem running parzen_helper $!"; return; } my $parzen_track_name = $db_name . "_parzen"; my $scratch_parzen_dir = join('/', $scratch_root, 'parzen_'.$build); my $parzen_dir = join('/', $replicate_roo 'parzen_'.$build); $parzen_dir =~ s/sata2/sata4/; my $wiggle_helper = join(' ', join('/', $generic_apps_dir, ''), $build, $parzen_track_name, $parzen_dir, $scratch_parzen_dir ); print STDERR "Running ${wiggle_helper}n"; `$wiggle_helper`; if ($?) { print STDERR "Problem running wiggle_helper $!n"; return; } return 1; }
  • 35. #!/usr/bin/perl use FindBin; use Google::Spreadsheet::Agent; my $google_agent = Google::Spreadsheet::Agent->new( agent_name => 'agent_runner', page_name => 'all', bind_key_fields => { cellline => 'all', technology => 'all', replicate => 'all' } ); # iterate through each page on the database, get runnable rows, and run each runnable on the row foreach my $page_name ( map { $_->title } $google_agent->google_db->worksheets ) { foreach my $runnable_row ( grep { $_->content->{ready} && !$_->content->{complete} } $google_agent->google_db->worksheet({ title => $page_name })->rows ){ foreach my $goal (keys %{$runnable_row->content}) { next if ($runnable_row->content->{$goal}; # r,1,F cause it to skip # some of these will skip because they are fields without agents my $goal_agent = $FindBin::Bin.'/../agent_bin/'.$goal.''; return unless (-x $goal_agent); my @cmd = ($goal_agent); foreach my $query_field ( sort { $google_agent->config->{key_fields}->{$a}->{rank} <=> $google_agent->config->{key_fields}->{$b}->{rank} } keys %{$google_agent->config->{key_fields}} ) { next unless ($row_content->{$query_field}); push @cmd, $row_content->{$query_field}; } system( join(' ', @cmd).'&'); sleep 5; } } } exit;
  • 36. Future Plans 1. Making inter-lab communication more concrete, automatic 2. Each server can have its own 'task' view of a particular google spreadsheet worksheet, in that it can have its own unique set of executable agent_bin scripts tied to a set of fields that systems on other servers would ignore 3. Put some of the runner code, and requirements checking routines into Google::Spreadsheet::Agent for version 1.1
  • 37. Acknowledgements The Institute for Genome Sciences and Policy (IGSP) The Encode Consortium Terry Furey Alan Boyle Greg Crawford Mark DeLong Rob Wagner Peyton Vaughn Darrin Mann Alan Cowles