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Multi-threading U Nyein Oo COO/Director(IT) Myanma Computer Co., Ltd IADCS Diploma Course
What’s a Thread? ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],1. Introduction
Initial Remarks about Threads ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],1. Introduction (cont;)
Some spesific uses for threads ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],1. Introduction (cont;)
Multitasking vs. Multithreading ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],1. Introduction (cont;)
Overview of Multitasking ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],1. Introduction (cont;)
Processes in a Multitasking Environment ,[object Object],1. Introduction (cont;)
Overview of Multithreading ,[object Object],[object Object],1. Introduction (cont;)
Properties of Multiple Threads ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],1. Introduction (cont;)
Possible Uses for Multithreading ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],1. Introduction (cont;)
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
3. Threaded States: Life Cycle of a Thread ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
3. Thread States: Life Cycle of a Thread
4. Thread Priorities and Thread Scheduling ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object] // public class  ThreadTester { // create and start threads public static void  main( String args[] ) { PrintThread thread1, thread2, thread3, thread4; // create four PrintThread objects thread1 =  new  PrintThread(  "thread1"  ); thread2 =  new  PrintThread(  "thread2"  ); thread3 =  new  PrintThread(  "thread3"  ); thread4 =  new  PrintThread(  "thread4"  ); System.err.println(  "Starting threads"  ); // start executing PrintThreads thread1.start(); thread2.start(); thread3.start(); thread4.start(); System.err.println(  "Threads started"  ); } }  // end class ThreadTester Class  ThreadTester  creates four  PrintThread s and calls their  start  methods Lines 33-71 Lines 38-48 Lines 51-69 class  PrintThread  extends  Thread { private int  sleepTime; // PrintThread constructor assigns name to thread  // by calling superclass Thread constructor public  PrintThread( String name ) { super ( name ); // sleep between 0 and 5 seconds sleepTime = ( int ) ( Math.random() *  5000  ); // display name and sleepTime System.err.println(  "Name: "  + getName() +  ";  sleep: "  + sleepTime ); } // control thread's execution public void  run() { // put thread to sleep for a random interval try  { System.err.println( getName() +  " going to sleep"  ); // put thread to sleep Thread.sleep( sleepTime ); } Thread  run  method prints a  String  saying the thread is going to sleep and thread sleeps // if thread interrupted during sleep, catch exception  // and display error message catch  ( InterruptedException interruptedException ) { System.err.println( interruptedException.toString() ); } // print thread name System.err.println( getName() +  " done sleeping"  ); } }  // end class PrintThread Thread prints name when done sleeping PrintThread  inherits from  Thread  so each object of the class can execute in parallel Constructor initializes  sleepTime  to be 0 to 4.999 seconds and outputs name and value of  sleepTime
5. Thread Synchronization ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
6. Producer/Consumer Relationship without    Synchronization ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object] Line 10 Lines 15-37 // public class  ProduceInteger  extends  Thread { private  HoldIntegerUnsynchronized sharedObject; // initialize ProduceInteger thread object public  ProduceInteger( HoldIntegerUnsynchronized shared ) { super (  &quot;ProduceInteger&quot;  ); sharedObject = shared; } // ProduceInteger thread loops 10 times and calls  // sharedObject's setSharedInt method each time public void  run() { for  (  int  count =  1 ; count <=  10 ; count++ ) { // sleep for a random interval try  { Thread.sleep( (  int  ) ( Math.random() *  3000  ) ); } // process InterruptedException during sleep catch ( InterruptedException exception ) { System.err.println( exception.toString() ); } // call sharedObject method from this  // thread of execution sharedObject.setSharedInt( count ); } Method  run  loops 10 times,  sleep ing 0-3 seconds and calling  setSharedInt System.err.println(  getName() +  &quot; finished producing values&quot;  + &quot;Terminating &quot;  + getName() ); } }  // end class ProduceInteger Thread prints that it finished Instance variable  sharedObject  refers to object  shared Line 10 Lines 15-39 Line 23 Lines 31-32 // public class  ConsumeInteger  extends  Thread { private  HoldIntegerUnsynchronized sharedObject; // initialize ConsumerInteger thread object public  ConsumeInteger( HoldIntegerUnsynchronized shared ) { super (  &quot;ConsumeInteger&quot;  ); sharedObject = shared; } // ConsumeInteger thread loops until it receives 10 // from sharedObject's getSharedInt method public void  run() { int  value, sum =  0 ; do  { // sleep for a random interval try  { Thread.sleep( ( int ) ( Math.random() *  3000  ) ); } // process InterruptedException during sleep catch ( InterruptedException exception ) { System.err.println( exception.toString() ); } value = sharedObject.getSharedInt(); sum += value; }  while  ( value !=  10  ); Each iteration causes the thread to  sleep  0-3 seconds Call method  getSharedInt  and assign to variable  sum System.err.println( getName() +  &quot; retrieved values totaling: &quot;  + sum + &quot;Terminating &quot;  + getName() ); } }  // end class ConsumeInteger Thread prints that it is done consuming Initializes  sharedObject  to refer to object  shared Method  run  contains a  do / while  structure that loops 10 times Line 4 Lines 7-13 Lines 16-22 // // Definition of class HoldIntegerUnsynchronized. public class  HoldIntegerUnsynchronized { private int  sharedInt =  -1 ; // unsynchronized method to place value in sharedInt public void  setSharedInt(  int  value ) { System.err.println( Thread.currentThread().getName() + &quot; setting sharedInt to &quot;  + value ); sharedInt = value; } // unsynchronized method return sharedInt's value public int  getSharedInt() { System.err.println( Thread.currentThread().getName() + &quot; retrieving sharedInt value &quot;  + sharedInt ); return  sharedInt; } }  // end class HoldIntegerUnsynchronized Instance variable  sharedInt  is the shared buffer Method  setSharedInt  not  synchronized Method  getSharedInt  not  synchronized Lines 6-20 // // Show multiple threads modifying shared object. public class  SharedCell { // execute application public static void  main( String args[] ) { HoldIntegerUnsynchronized sharedObject = new  HoldIntegerUnsynchronized(); // create threads ProduceInteger producer =  new  ProduceInteger( sharedObject ); ConsumeInteger consumer =  new  ConsumeInteger( sharedObject ); // start threads producer.start(); consumer.start(); } }  // end class SharedCell Method  main  creates a  ProduceInteger  thread and a  ConsumeInteger  thread and starts them
7. Producer/Consumer Relationship with    Thread Synchronization ,[object Object] Line 10 Lines 15-37 // // Definition of threaded class ProduceInteger public class  ProduceInteger  extends  Thread { private  HoldIntegerSynchronized sharedObject; // initialize ProduceInteger thread object public  ProduceInteger( HoldIntegerSynchronized shared ) { super (  &quot;ProduceInteger&quot;  ); sharedObject = shared; } // ProduceInteger thread loops 10 times and calls  // sharedObject's setSharedInt method each time public void  run() { for  (  int  count =  1 ; count <=  10 ; count++ ) { // sleep for a random interval try  { Thread.sleep( (  int  ) ( Math.random() *  3000  ) ); } // process InterruptedException during sleep catch ( InterruptedException exception ) { System.err.println( exception.toString() ); } // call sharedObject method from this  // thread of execution sharedObject.setSharedInt( count ); } Instance variable  sharedObject  refers to object  shared Method  run  loops 10 times,  sleep ing 0-3 seconds and calling  setSharedInt System.err.println(  getName() +  &quot; finished producing values&quot;  + &quot;Terminating &quot;  + getName() ); } }  // end class ProduceInteger Thread prints that it finished
// // Definition of threaded class ConsumeInteger public class  ConsumeInteger  extends  Thread { private  HoldIntegerSynchronized sharedObject; // initialize ConsumerInteger thread object public  ConsumeInteger( HoldIntegerSynchronized shared ) { super (  &quot;ConsumeInteger&quot;  ); sharedObject = shared; } // ConsumeInteger thread loops until it receives 10 // from sharedObject's getSharedInt method public void  run() { int  value, sum =  0 ; do  { // sleep for a random interval try  { Thread.sleep( ( int ) ( Math.random() *  3000  ) ); } // process InterruptedException during sleep catch ( InterruptedException exception ) { System.err.println( exception.toString() ); } value = sharedObject.getSharedInt(); sum += value; }  while  ( value !=  10  ); System.err.println( getName() +  &quot; retrieved values totaling: &quot;  + sum + &quot;Terminating &quot;  + getName() ); } }  // end class ConsumeInteger Thread prints that it is done consuming Initializes  sharedObject  to refer to object  shared Method  run  contains a  do / while  structure that loops 10 times Each iteration causes the thread to  sleep  0-3 seconds Call method  getSharedInt  and assign to variable  sum Line 6 Line 7 Lines 12-39 Line 14 // // Definition of class HoldIntegerSynchronized that // uses thread synchronization to ensure that both // threads access sharedInt at the proper times. public class  HoldIntegerSynchronized { private int  sharedInt =  -1 ; private boolean  writeable =  true ;  // condition variable // synchronized method allows only one thread at a time to  // invoke this method to set the value for a particular // HoldIntegerSynchronized object public synchronized void  setSharedInt(  int  value ) { while  ( !writeable ) {  // not the producer's turn // thread that called this method must wait  try  { wait();  } // process Interrupted exception while thread waiting catch  ( InterruptedException exception ) { exception.printStackTrace(); } } System.err.println( Thread.currentThread().getName() + &quot; setting sharedInt to &quot;  + value ); // set new sharedInt value sharedInt = value; Variable  sharedInt  represents the shared buffer Variable  writeable  is the monitor condition variable Method  setSharedInt  now  synchronized Check if  sharedInt  can be written Lines 44-70 Line 46 writeable =  false ; // tell a waiting thread to become ready notify();  } // synchronized method allows only one thread at a time to  // invoke this method to get the value for a particular // HoldIntegerSynchronized object public synchronized int  getSharedInt() { while  ( writeable ) {  // not the consumer's turn // thread that called this method must wait  try  { wait(); } // process Interrupted exception while thread waiting catch  ( InterruptedException exception ) { exception.printStackTrace(); } } // indicate that producer cant store another value  // because a consumer just retrieved sharedInt value writeable =  true ; // tell a waiting thread to become ready notify();  System.err.println( Thread.currentThread().getName() + &quot; retrieving sharedInt value &quot;  + sharedInt ); Method  getSharedInt  now  synchronized Check if  sharedInt  can be read return  sharedInt; } }  // end class HoldIntegerSynchronized Lines 6-20 // // Show multiple threads modifying shared object. public class  SharedCell { // execute application public static void  main( String args[] ) { HoldIntegerSynchronized sharedObject = new  HoldIntegerSynchronized(); // create threads ProduceInteger producer =  new  ProduceInteger( sharedObject ); ConsumeInteger consumer =  new  ConsumeInteger( sharedObject ); // start threads producer.start(); consumer.start(); } }  // end class SharedCell Method  main  creates a  ProduceInteger  thread and a  ConsumeInteger  thread and starts them
Program Output ProduceInteger setting sharedInt to 1 ConsumeInteger retrieving sharedInt value 1 ProduceInteger setting sharedInt to 2 ConsumeInteger retrieving sharedInt value 2 ProduceInteger setting sharedInt to 3 ConsumeInteger retrieving sharedInt value 3 ProduceInteger setting sharedInt to 4 ConsumeInteger retrieving sharedInt value 4 ProduceInteger setting sharedInt to 5 ConsumeInteger retrieving sharedInt value 5 ProduceInteger setting sharedInt to 6 ConsumeInteger retrieving sharedInt value 6 ProduceInteger setting sharedInt to 7 ConsumeInteger retrieving sharedInt value 7 ProduceInteger setting sharedInt to 8 ConsumeInteger retrieving sharedInt value 8 ProduceInteger setting sharedInt to 9 ConsumeInteger retrieving sharedInt value 9 ProduceInteger setting sharedInt to 10 ProduceInteger finished producing values Terminating ProduceInteger ConsumeInteger retrieving sharedInt value 10 ConsumeInteger retrieved values totaling: 55 Terminating ConsumeInteger   Output of numbers is properly synchronized
8. Producer/Consumer Relationship:    The Circular Buffer ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object] Lines 7-24 Lines 19-22 // // Class for updating JTextArea with output. // Java extension packages import  javax.swing.*; public class  UpdateThread  extends  Thread { private  JTextArea outputArea; private  String messageToOutput; // initialize outputArea and message public  UpdateThread( JTextArea output, String message ) { outputArea = output; messageToOutput = message; } // method called to update outputArea public void  run() { outputArea.append( messageToOutput ); } }  // end class UpdateThread Class  UpdateThread  passed as a parameter to  SwingUtilities  method  invokeLater  to ensure GUI updates properly Method  run  appends text to  outputArea Line 9 // import  javax.swing.*; public class  ProduceInteger  extends  Thread { private  HoldIntegerSynchronized sharedObject; private  JTextArea outputArea; // initialize ProduceInteger public  ProduceInteger( HoldIntegerSynchronized shared, JTextArea output ) { super (  &quot;ProduceInteger&quot;  ); sharedObject = shared; outputArea = output; } // ProduceInteger thread loops 10 times and calls  // sharedObject's setSharedInt method each time public void  run() { for  (  int  count =  1 ; count <=  10 ; count++ ) { // sleep for a random interval // Note: Interval shortened purposely to fill buffer try  { Thread.sleep( ( int ) ( Math.random() *  500  ) ); } Places output in  JTextArea   outputArea // process InterruptedException during sleep catch ( InterruptedException exception ) { System.err.println( exception.toString() ); } sharedObject.setSharedInt( count ); } // update Swing GUI component  SwingUtilities.invokeLater(  new  UpdateThread( outputArea, &quot;&quot;  + getName() +  &quot; finished producing values&quot;  + &quot;Terminating &quot;  + getName() +  &quot;&quot;  ) ); } }  // end class ProduceInteger SwingUtilities  method  invokeLater  ensures GUI updates properly
// import  javax.swing.*; public class  ConsumeInteger  extends  Thread { private  HoldIntegerSynchronized sharedObject; private  JTextArea outputArea; // initialize ConsumeInteger public  ConsumeInteger( HoldIntegerSynchronized shared, JTextArea output ){ super (  &quot;ConsumeInteger&quot;  ); sharedObject = shared; outputArea = output; } Places output in  JTextArea   outputArea // ConsumeInteger thread loops until it receives 10 // from sharedObject's getSharedInt method public void  run() { int  value, sum = 0; do  { // sleep for a random interval try  { Thread.sleep( ( int ) ( Math.random() *  3000  ) ); } // process InterruptedException during sleep catch ( InterruptedException exception ) { System.err.println( exception.toString() ); } value = sharedObject.getSharedInt(); sum += value; }  while  ( value !=  10  ); // update Swing GUI component  SwingUtilities.invokeLater(  new  UpdateThread( outputArea, &quot;&quot;  + getName() +  &quot; retrieved values totaling: &quot;  +  sum +  &quot;Terminating &quot;  + getName() +  &quot;&quot;  ) ); } }  // end class ConsumeInteger SwingUtilities  method  invokeLater  ensures GUI updates properly
// // Show multiple threads modifying shared object. import  java.awt.*; import  java.awt.event.*; import  java.text.DecimalFormat; // Java extension packages import  javax.swing.*; public class  SharedCell  extends  JFrame { // set up GUI public  SharedCell() { super (  &quot;Demonstrating Thread Synchronization&quot;  ); JTextArea outputArea =  new  JTextArea(  20 ,  30  ); getContentPane().add(  new  JScrollPane( outputArea ) ); setSize(  500 ,  500  ); show(); // set up threads  HoldIntegerSynchronized sharedObject = new  HoldIntegerSynchronized( outputArea ); ProduceInteger producer =  new  ProduceInteger( sharedObject, outputArea ); ConsumeInteger consumer =  new  ConsumeInteger( sharedObject, outputArea ); // start threads producer.start(); consumer.start(); } // execute application public static void  main( String args[] ) { SharedCell application =  new  SharedCell(); application.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame. EXIT_ON_CLOSE  ); } }  // end class SharedCell Set up threads Set up GUI Start threads Execute application
Program Output
9. Daemon Threads ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],10.  Runnable  Interface ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]

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  • 1. Multi-threading U Nyein Oo COO/Director(IT) Myanma Computer Co., Ltd IADCS Diploma Course
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  • 13. 3. Thread States: Life Cycle of a Thread
  • 14.
  • 15. // public class ThreadTester { // create and start threads public static void main( String args[] ) { PrintThread thread1, thread2, thread3, thread4; // create four PrintThread objects thread1 = new PrintThread( &quot;thread1&quot; ); thread2 = new PrintThread( &quot;thread2&quot; ); thread3 = new PrintThread( &quot;thread3&quot; ); thread4 = new PrintThread( &quot;thread4&quot; ); System.err.println( &quot;Starting threads&quot; ); // start executing PrintThreads thread1.start(); thread2.start(); thread3.start(); thread4.start(); System.err.println( &quot;Threads started&quot; ); } } // end class ThreadTester Class ThreadTester creates four PrintThread s and calls their start methods
  • 16. Lines 33-71 Lines 38-48 Lines 51-69 class PrintThread extends Thread { private int sleepTime; // PrintThread constructor assigns name to thread // by calling superclass Thread constructor public PrintThread( String name ) { super ( name ); // sleep between 0 and 5 seconds sleepTime = ( int ) ( Math.random() * 5000 ); // display name and sleepTime System.err.println( &quot;Name: &quot; + getName() + &quot;; sleep: &quot; + sleepTime ); } // control thread's execution public void run() { // put thread to sleep for a random interval try { System.err.println( getName() + &quot; going to sleep&quot; ); // put thread to sleep Thread.sleep( sleepTime ); } Thread run method prints a String saying the thread is going to sleep and thread sleeps // if thread interrupted during sleep, catch exception // and display error message catch ( InterruptedException interruptedException ) { System.err.println( interruptedException.toString() ); } // print thread name System.err.println( getName() + &quot; done sleeping&quot; ); } } // end class PrintThread Thread prints name when done sleeping PrintThread inherits from Thread so each object of the class can execute in parallel Constructor initializes sleepTime to be 0 to 4.999 seconds and outputs name and value of sleepTime
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  • 19. Line 10 Lines 15-37 // public class ProduceInteger extends Thread { private HoldIntegerUnsynchronized sharedObject; // initialize ProduceInteger thread object public ProduceInteger( HoldIntegerUnsynchronized shared ) { super ( &quot;ProduceInteger&quot; ); sharedObject = shared; } // ProduceInteger thread loops 10 times and calls // sharedObject's setSharedInt method each time public void run() { for ( int count = 1 ; count <= 10 ; count++ ) { // sleep for a random interval try { Thread.sleep( ( int ) ( Math.random() * 3000 ) ); } // process InterruptedException during sleep catch ( InterruptedException exception ) { System.err.println( exception.toString() ); } // call sharedObject method from this // thread of execution sharedObject.setSharedInt( count ); } Method run loops 10 times, sleep ing 0-3 seconds and calling setSharedInt System.err.println( getName() + &quot; finished producing values&quot; + &quot;Terminating &quot; + getName() ); } } // end class ProduceInteger Thread prints that it finished Instance variable sharedObject refers to object shared
  • 20. Line 10 Lines 15-39 Line 23 Lines 31-32 // public class ConsumeInteger extends Thread { private HoldIntegerUnsynchronized sharedObject; // initialize ConsumerInteger thread object public ConsumeInteger( HoldIntegerUnsynchronized shared ) { super ( &quot;ConsumeInteger&quot; ); sharedObject = shared; } // ConsumeInteger thread loops until it receives 10 // from sharedObject's getSharedInt method public void run() { int value, sum = 0 ; do { // sleep for a random interval try { Thread.sleep( ( int ) ( Math.random() * 3000 ) ); } // process InterruptedException during sleep catch ( InterruptedException exception ) { System.err.println( exception.toString() ); } value = sharedObject.getSharedInt(); sum += value; } while ( value != 10 ); Each iteration causes the thread to sleep 0-3 seconds Call method getSharedInt and assign to variable sum System.err.println( getName() + &quot; retrieved values totaling: &quot; + sum + &quot;Terminating &quot; + getName() ); } } // end class ConsumeInteger Thread prints that it is done consuming Initializes sharedObject to refer to object shared Method run contains a do / while structure that loops 10 times
  • 21. Line 4 Lines 7-13 Lines 16-22 // // Definition of class HoldIntegerUnsynchronized. public class HoldIntegerUnsynchronized { private int sharedInt = -1 ; // unsynchronized method to place value in sharedInt public void setSharedInt( int value ) { System.err.println( Thread.currentThread().getName() + &quot; setting sharedInt to &quot; + value ); sharedInt = value; } // unsynchronized method return sharedInt's value public int getSharedInt() { System.err.println( Thread.currentThread().getName() + &quot; retrieving sharedInt value &quot; + sharedInt ); return sharedInt; } } // end class HoldIntegerUnsynchronized Instance variable sharedInt is the shared buffer Method setSharedInt not synchronized Method getSharedInt not synchronized
  • 22. Lines 6-20 // // Show multiple threads modifying shared object. public class SharedCell { // execute application public static void main( String args[] ) { HoldIntegerUnsynchronized sharedObject = new HoldIntegerUnsynchronized(); // create threads ProduceInteger producer = new ProduceInteger( sharedObject ); ConsumeInteger consumer = new ConsumeInteger( sharedObject ); // start threads producer.start(); consumer.start(); } } // end class SharedCell Method main creates a ProduceInteger thread and a ConsumeInteger thread and starts them
  • 23.
  • 24. Line 10 Lines 15-37 // // Definition of threaded class ProduceInteger public class ProduceInteger extends Thread { private HoldIntegerSynchronized sharedObject; // initialize ProduceInteger thread object public ProduceInteger( HoldIntegerSynchronized shared ) { super ( &quot;ProduceInteger&quot; ); sharedObject = shared; } // ProduceInteger thread loops 10 times and calls // sharedObject's setSharedInt method each time public void run() { for ( int count = 1 ; count <= 10 ; count++ ) { // sleep for a random interval try { Thread.sleep( ( int ) ( Math.random() * 3000 ) ); } // process InterruptedException during sleep catch ( InterruptedException exception ) { System.err.println( exception.toString() ); } // call sharedObject method from this // thread of execution sharedObject.setSharedInt( count ); } Instance variable sharedObject refers to object shared Method run loops 10 times, sleep ing 0-3 seconds and calling setSharedInt System.err.println( getName() + &quot; finished producing values&quot; + &quot;Terminating &quot; + getName() ); } } // end class ProduceInteger Thread prints that it finished
  • 25. // // Definition of threaded class ConsumeInteger public class ConsumeInteger extends Thread { private HoldIntegerSynchronized sharedObject; // initialize ConsumerInteger thread object public ConsumeInteger( HoldIntegerSynchronized shared ) { super ( &quot;ConsumeInteger&quot; ); sharedObject = shared; } // ConsumeInteger thread loops until it receives 10 // from sharedObject's getSharedInt method public void run() { int value, sum = 0 ; do { // sleep for a random interval try { Thread.sleep( ( int ) ( Math.random() * 3000 ) ); } // process InterruptedException during sleep catch ( InterruptedException exception ) { System.err.println( exception.toString() ); } value = sharedObject.getSharedInt(); sum += value; } while ( value != 10 ); System.err.println( getName() + &quot; retrieved values totaling: &quot; + sum + &quot;Terminating &quot; + getName() ); } } // end class ConsumeInteger Thread prints that it is done consuming Initializes sharedObject to refer to object shared Method run contains a do / while structure that loops 10 times Each iteration causes the thread to sleep 0-3 seconds Call method getSharedInt and assign to variable sum
  • 26. Line 6 Line 7 Lines 12-39 Line 14 // // Definition of class HoldIntegerSynchronized that // uses thread synchronization to ensure that both // threads access sharedInt at the proper times. public class HoldIntegerSynchronized { private int sharedInt = -1 ; private boolean writeable = true ; // condition variable // synchronized method allows only one thread at a time to // invoke this method to set the value for a particular // HoldIntegerSynchronized object public synchronized void setSharedInt( int value ) { while ( !writeable ) { // not the producer's turn // thread that called this method must wait try { wait(); } // process Interrupted exception while thread waiting catch ( InterruptedException exception ) { exception.printStackTrace(); } } System.err.println( Thread.currentThread().getName() + &quot; setting sharedInt to &quot; + value ); // set new sharedInt value sharedInt = value; Variable sharedInt represents the shared buffer Variable writeable is the monitor condition variable Method setSharedInt now synchronized Check if sharedInt can be written
  • 27. Lines 44-70 Line 46 writeable = false ; // tell a waiting thread to become ready notify(); } // synchronized method allows only one thread at a time to // invoke this method to get the value for a particular // HoldIntegerSynchronized object public synchronized int getSharedInt() { while ( writeable ) { // not the consumer's turn // thread that called this method must wait try { wait(); } // process Interrupted exception while thread waiting catch ( InterruptedException exception ) { exception.printStackTrace(); } } // indicate that producer cant store another value // because a consumer just retrieved sharedInt value writeable = true ; // tell a waiting thread to become ready notify(); System.err.println( Thread.currentThread().getName() + &quot; retrieving sharedInt value &quot; + sharedInt ); Method getSharedInt now synchronized Check if sharedInt can be read return sharedInt; } } // end class HoldIntegerSynchronized
  • 28. Lines 6-20 // // Show multiple threads modifying shared object. public class SharedCell { // execute application public static void main( String args[] ) { HoldIntegerSynchronized sharedObject = new HoldIntegerSynchronized(); // create threads ProduceInteger producer = new ProduceInteger( sharedObject ); ConsumeInteger consumer = new ConsumeInteger( sharedObject ); // start threads producer.start(); consumer.start(); } } // end class SharedCell Method main creates a ProduceInteger thread and a ConsumeInteger thread and starts them
  • 29. Program Output ProduceInteger setting sharedInt to 1 ConsumeInteger retrieving sharedInt value 1 ProduceInteger setting sharedInt to 2 ConsumeInteger retrieving sharedInt value 2 ProduceInteger setting sharedInt to 3 ConsumeInteger retrieving sharedInt value 3 ProduceInteger setting sharedInt to 4 ConsumeInteger retrieving sharedInt value 4 ProduceInteger setting sharedInt to 5 ConsumeInteger retrieving sharedInt value 5 ProduceInteger setting sharedInt to 6 ConsumeInteger retrieving sharedInt value 6 ProduceInteger setting sharedInt to 7 ConsumeInteger retrieving sharedInt value 7 ProduceInteger setting sharedInt to 8 ConsumeInteger retrieving sharedInt value 8 ProduceInteger setting sharedInt to 9 ConsumeInteger retrieving sharedInt value 9 ProduceInteger setting sharedInt to 10 ProduceInteger finished producing values Terminating ProduceInteger ConsumeInteger retrieving sharedInt value 10 ConsumeInteger retrieved values totaling: 55 Terminating ConsumeInteger Output of numbers is properly synchronized
  • 30.
  • 31. Lines 7-24 Lines 19-22 // // Class for updating JTextArea with output. // Java extension packages import javax.swing.*; public class UpdateThread extends Thread { private JTextArea outputArea; private String messageToOutput; // initialize outputArea and message public UpdateThread( JTextArea output, String message ) { outputArea = output; messageToOutput = message; } // method called to update outputArea public void run() { outputArea.append( messageToOutput ); } } // end class UpdateThread Class UpdateThread passed as a parameter to SwingUtilities method invokeLater to ensure GUI updates properly Method run appends text to outputArea
  • 32. Line 9 // import javax.swing.*; public class ProduceInteger extends Thread { private HoldIntegerSynchronized sharedObject; private JTextArea outputArea; // initialize ProduceInteger public ProduceInteger( HoldIntegerSynchronized shared, JTextArea output ) { super ( &quot;ProduceInteger&quot; ); sharedObject = shared; outputArea = output; } // ProduceInteger thread loops 10 times and calls // sharedObject's setSharedInt method each time public void run() { for ( int count = 1 ; count <= 10 ; count++ ) { // sleep for a random interval // Note: Interval shortened purposely to fill buffer try { Thread.sleep( ( int ) ( Math.random() * 500 ) ); } Places output in JTextArea outputArea // process InterruptedException during sleep catch ( InterruptedException exception ) { System.err.println( exception.toString() ); } sharedObject.setSharedInt( count ); } // update Swing GUI component SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new UpdateThread( outputArea, &quot;&quot; + getName() + &quot; finished producing values&quot; + &quot;Terminating &quot; + getName() + &quot;&quot; ) ); } } // end class ProduceInteger SwingUtilities method invokeLater ensures GUI updates properly
  • 33. // import javax.swing.*; public class ConsumeInteger extends Thread { private HoldIntegerSynchronized sharedObject; private JTextArea outputArea; // initialize ConsumeInteger public ConsumeInteger( HoldIntegerSynchronized shared, JTextArea output ){ super ( &quot;ConsumeInteger&quot; ); sharedObject = shared; outputArea = output; } Places output in JTextArea outputArea // ConsumeInteger thread loops until it receives 10 // from sharedObject's getSharedInt method public void run() { int value, sum = 0; do { // sleep for a random interval try { Thread.sleep( ( int ) ( Math.random() * 3000 ) ); } // process InterruptedException during sleep catch ( InterruptedException exception ) { System.err.println( exception.toString() ); } value = sharedObject.getSharedInt(); sum += value; } while ( value != 10 ); // update Swing GUI component SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new UpdateThread( outputArea, &quot;&quot; + getName() + &quot; retrieved values totaling: &quot; + sum + &quot;Terminating &quot; + getName() + &quot;&quot; ) ); } } // end class ConsumeInteger SwingUtilities method invokeLater ensures GUI updates properly
  • 34. // // Show multiple threads modifying shared object. import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.text.DecimalFormat; // Java extension packages import javax.swing.*; public class SharedCell extends JFrame { // set up GUI public SharedCell() { super ( &quot;Demonstrating Thread Synchronization&quot; ); JTextArea outputArea = new JTextArea( 20 , 30 ); getContentPane().add( new JScrollPane( outputArea ) ); setSize( 500 , 500 ); show(); // set up threads HoldIntegerSynchronized sharedObject = new HoldIntegerSynchronized( outputArea ); ProduceInteger producer = new ProduceInteger( sharedObject, outputArea ); ConsumeInteger consumer = new ConsumeInteger( sharedObject, outputArea ); // start threads producer.start(); consumer.start(); } // execute application public static void main( String args[] ) { SharedCell application = new SharedCell(); application.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame. EXIT_ON_CLOSE ); } } // end class SharedCell Set up threads Set up GUI Start threads Execute application
  • 36.