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Aaron Shilo
Who am I ?

• Married + 2.5 children
• A DBA for 10 years.
• Oracle And Sql-Server Certified Professional.
• Used to be CTO@johnbryce training.
• Lead my own consulting business.
• Advisor to / BezeqInt / Lavie Time-tec and more

More about me @

 Introduction to PowerShell

 Using PowerShell to automate administrative tasks

 Governing Your Enterprise with PolicyBased Management

 Extend Policy Based Management to the Enterprise Scaling PowerShell

 Enhance your usage of DMVs

 Developing maintenance tasks using SSIS Multi Server Administration
  in SQL Server 2008 R2

 Deploying apps using the Data Tier
Introduction to PowerShell

   New Command-line shell & Scripting Language
                    Improves productivity & control
                    Accelerates automation of system admin
                    Works with existing scripts

                      TechNet ScriptCenter
                          Exchange Server 2007
                          Terminal Server
Hundreds of Scripts       WMI, Registry, Hardware, etc.
                          Community-Submitted scripts

 Books & Training     Manning Publications
                      O’Reilly Media
    Materials         Sapien Press & others…

                      MS MVPs
                      PowerShell Team Blog
Community Support     Active Newsgroup
                      Channel 9: DFO Show
What is Powershell?
Revolutionary new interactive shell and scripting language
    •Based on .NET
    •New set of built-in tools (+120)
    •New language to take advantage of .NET
    •A new “object-pipeline” system view
    •Can continue to use current tools
    •Can continue to use current automation (COM)

•Automate administration of multiple servers through a task-oriented scripting
•Accelerate script authoring, testing and debugging and write customer tools in a
 new command shell environment
•Utilize new scripts and Cmdlets
•Manage command-line services, processes, registry, and WMI data
•Manage and/or automate administration tasks for server roles such as IIS and
 Active Directory
•Automate Terminal Server configuration changes by means of PowerShell scripts,
 and examine configuration similarities and differences across a Terminal Server
•Manage an Internet Information Services 7.0 environment.
•Remotely manage servers.
No Fear, Uncertainty or Doubt

• Do I need to learn .NET before I can use PowerShell?
   – No - you can continue to use existing tools.
• Do I need to rewrite all my existing tools?
   – No - existing tools will run just fine.
• Do I need to learn the new language?
   – No - You can easily run existing commands without modification.
• Learning the new
   – Online help is full of examples that are ready to use
   – The new language elements make interacting with .NET a snap.
   – Using .NET can help you where new tools don’t exist and opens a vast space
      of productivity
   – Learn at your own pace, PowerShell will be ready for you
10 reasons why you should learn to use
1: It’s not going away any time soon
Microsoft has made it clear that PowerShell is here to stay. In fact,
PowerShell version 2 is not only included in Windows Server 2008 R2
and in Windows 7, it is enabled by default. Part of the reason why
Microsoft has done this is that going forward, many add-on products
will be based on PowerShell.
2: Most Microsoft products will eventually use it
Virtually all of the server products Microsoft is producing right now can
be managed through PowerShell. From an administrative standpoint,
this means that if you become proficient in PowerShell, you will have
the skill set necessary for managing most of Microsoft‘s newer
products. The basic built-in PowerShell commands are used in every
product that supports PowerShell. However, some server products
extend PowerShell to include additional cmdlets.
3: You can’t do everything from the GUI any more
When Microsoft created Exchange 2007, it designed the GUI so that it
    could be used only for the most common administrative functions.
    Any obscure functions or anything potentially destructive has to be
    performed using PowerShell. I expect this design philosophy to carry
    over to other Microsoft products.
4: It can make your life easier
Believe it or not, using the command line can make your life easier.
    Suppose for a moment that you need to update an Active Directory
    attribute for a thousand users. Performing the task manually would
    likely take hours to complete. Using PowerShell, though, you can
    complete the task using a single line of code.
5: Many GUIs are PowerShell front ends
Many of the GUI interfaces that Microsoft has been designing for its
various products are actually front end interfaces to PowerShell.
Probably the best known example of this is the Exchange
Management Console. Although this utility looks like a standard
management tool, it is built entirely on top of PowerShell. Any
function you perform through the GUI actually generates PowerShell
code that completes the requested task. In many cases, the console
even shows you the PowerShell command that was used at the
completion of the task.
6: Microsoft certification exams contain PowerShell questions
Microsoft has been adding PowerShell-specific questions to many of its
new certification exams. My experience with these exams has been
that you don‘t necessarily have to know the full command syntax, but
you do need to know which command you should be using in a
given situation.
7: You can use PowerShell commands to manage your domains
If you have domain controllers running Windows Server 2003 with
    Service Pack 2 or higher, you can install the Active Directory Web
    Services on at least one domain controller. After doing so, you will be
    able to use the Windows 7 RSAT Suite to manage Windows 2003 and
    Windows 2008 domains.
8: It enables interactivity between products
PowerShell is the common thread between all the new server products
    Microsoft is creating, so I expect to start seeing PowerShell used as a
    mechanism for providing interactivity between server products. I
    have yet to see a real world example of this interactivity, but
    eventually I would expect to be able to use a PowerShell script to
    work seamlessly between products such as IIS, SQL Server, and
9: Microsoft says it’s important
Just because someone at Microsoft says that something is important,
that doesn‘t mean I take it as gospel. However, In the October 2009
issue of TechNet Magazine, Microsoft says, ―It‘s safe to say that the
single most important skill a Windows administrator will need in the
coming years is proficiency with Windows PowerShell.‖
Such a bold statement is hard to ignore. This is especially true given the
fact that this statement mirrors what I‘ve been hearing from various
people at Microsoft every time I have made a trip to Redmond lately.
10: If you don’t learn it, someone else will
As we all know, the economy is in a slump, and many companies are
downsizing. Needless to say, there is a lot of competition for the few
IT jobs that are available. Therefore, if you suddenly find yourself
looking for another job, your odds of finding one may be better if
you can list PowerShell among your skill set.

•A cmdlet (pronounced "command-let")
•is a single-feature command that manipulates objects in Windows
•You can recognize CMDlets by their name format –
      •a verb and noun separated by a dash (-),
Powershell - Recommendations

      Start using Windows PowerShell
      Don‘t throw away any existing scripts or
      batch files – they can still be used!
      Don‘t forget the power of the wildcard, such
      as ―*‖
      Don‘t deploy Windows PowerShell on any
      machine where it is not actually needed
      Centrally-Control Windows PowerShell
      security settings through GPOs – do it now!
Powershell : lets do it
PowerShell: variable syntax

 Basic syntax similar to all scripting languages
   $a = ―value‖
   $a = 1 + 2
   $a += 137
 Built-in support for types
   $a = [xml]―<test><a>avalue</a></test>‖
   [int]$a = 42
   or cast to arbitrary .NET object
PowerShell: parsing

 Two contexts:
   command context
     starts with regular character
     tries to execute command
   expression context
     starts with num, var, or quoted string
     executes as expression
 Can reset mode with ―( )‖
   (Get-Date).day + 2
PowerShell: array and hash

 $a = 1,2,3,4
 $a += 5..10
   + adds elements to array
   .. is range operator. What is $a[1..3]?
      $a[1], $a[2], $a[3]
 $a = @{ one=1; val = get-childitem }
 $a[‗val‘]
 $
PowerShell: if/switch

 if { <test> } { <true> } else { <false> }
   elseif { <test> } { <else> }
 switch (<var>) { <val> { <case>; break } … }
   default case
 switch –regex (<var>) { word.* { <case> } … }
   dropping break gives multiple matches
 $_: variable referring to current <var>
 where { <test> }
PowerShell: looping

 while($a –lt 137) { <block> }
 foreach($var in get-process) { <block> }
   IEnumerable support
   Shorten foreach to %
 ls | %{ $_.Length }
   receive piped objects
   $_ as before
 for { $i = 0; $i –lt 10; $i += 2} { $i }
   regular for loop
PowerShell: useful operators

 &, .
   call operator
   $a = ―Get-childitem‖; &$a # calls get-childitem
   . used for executing scripts in current context
 -as, -is
   is/as in C#
   $a –as [int]
   if { $a –is [System.DateTime] } { … }
PowerShell: functions

 function [(args)] { <body> }
   if Param is first statement, then gives parameters
   arguments passed in $args
   input passed in $input
 parameter passing on cmd line
   add –x 2 –y 3
   add 2 3
Useful commands

 get-member
   return the members of an object
   eg. get-member –MemberType property
      or, method
 Authenticode signing
   can use certificates to verify scripts
   checks the hash and returns
PowerShell: errors

 throw
   throw ―error‖
   same as ThrowTerminatingError in Cmdlets
 trap
   catch exceptions
   trap [DivideByZeroException] { <do something> }
   break/continue semantics
PowerShell: surprises

 Drives
   C, D
   Env, Alias, HKLM, variable, function
   mount lets you create others
 variable scoping
   private, local, script, global
PowerShell: surprises

 import/export –CSV
 get-unique
   $(foreach ($line in get-content C:Test1File1.txt)
     {$line.tolower().split(" ")}) | sort | get-unique
 get-item
 group
 $x = new-object –COM <ProgID>
   eg. Outlook.Application
PowerShell: surprises

   calc
   $calc = get-process calc
   $calc.add_exited({write-host $this.Processname has exited})
   $calc.HasExited
   $calc.kill()
   $calc.HasExited

 a chunk of script
   a type in PowerShell
      $x = [scriptblock]{$y = 137}
 Can be used as an EventHandler delegate
   this is what‘s happening in the last example
   object parameter -> $this
   EventArgs parameter -> $_
Cmdlet creation

 Subclass of System.Management. Automation.Cmdlet
   must have an attribute
      gives ―verb‖ and ―noun‖ components of name
   overrides at least one of
      BeginProcessing, ProcessRecord, EndProcessing
 use make-shell command to include it
   adds dll to set of cmdlets
   requires some registry manipulation
Cmdlet creation

 Cmdlet parameters
   add [Parameter] attribute
      Mandatory=true|false
      Position=<index>
      … others for in-pipeline action
 Return value: any object
   native object facilities allow inspection
   can use arbitrary code
Example in script

 function MyWhere {
  param ( [scriptblock]$expression )
  begin { $matches = 0 }
  process {
  if ( &$expression ) { $_; $matches++ }
  end { "Found $matches matches" }
Execution Policy

 AllSigned
   require a digital signature and prompt
   user must agree to run script
 RemoteSigned
   only files from internet need to be signed
   default setting
 Unrestricted
   no signing required
 Attacks on AllSigned?
Using PowerShell to Manage And automate
administrative tasks

 SQLPS.exe – The SQL Server Mini-Shell
 SQL Server Management Objects – SMO
 Using ADO.NET for Queries
 To make things easier for administrators using PowerShell for SQL
  Server, Microsoft created an executable - a mini-shell - which
  automatically loads the SQL Server PowerShell snap-ins. The
  program is called sqlps.exe and is included when you install SQL
  Server 2008. Besides automatically loading the snap-ins the
  sqlps.exe environment enables script execution automatically by
  setting the execution policy to RemoteSigned.
 This mini-shell can be invoked in a number of ways. You can use the
  Windows Start, Run menu item and type in sqlps and start it that
  way. SQL Server Agent jobs can use the SQL Server Agent
  PowerShell subsystem in a step to run a script by selecting the step
  type of PowerShell. Each time a step runs the PowerShell step it
  loads a separate copy of sqlps.exe into memory, each taking about
  40MB, so caution is advised when using this feature.
 The most interesting method is within SQL Server Management
  Studio. In Object Explorer you can right-click on any object in the
  ―tree‖ under an instance and select ―Start PowerShell‖, and sqlps.exe
  will start up, and the Set-Location cmdlet is used to set the current
  location in the shell window to the object you pointed to. This
  provides a very nice ability to do some ad-hoc browsing of SQL
  Server objects as necessary.
SQL Server Management Objects - SMO

 SQL Server Management Objects (SMO) is the object library
  provided by Microsoft to perform administrative actions against SQL
  Server. The library is built on top of the .NET Framework (2.0) so
  applications written using SMO are using managed code and benefit
  from the features available within the Framework, including the
  security and cleanup features. SMO was introduced with SQL Server
  2005 and allows you to manage servers running SQL Server 2000,
  SQL Server 2005, and SQL Server 2008.
Using ADO.NET for Queries

 ADO.NET has two sets of objects, a connected set that allows you to
  connect with a data source, run queries and return result sets, and a
  disconnected set of objects that allow you to work with the data
  after it‘s been collected. Here‘s a list of the objects.

 ADO.NET Object     Description
 Object             A connection to the data source

                    Can represent a query against a database, a call to a stored procedure, or a direct
 Command Object     request to return the contents of a specific table
 Object             Designed to return query results as quickly as possible
 Object             Groups a number of changes to a database and treats them as a single unit of work

                    The Connection object has a BeginTransaction method that can be used to create
                    Transaction objects
 Parameter Object   Allows the specification of parameters for stored procedures or parameterized queries

 DataAdapter        Acts as a bridge between the database and the disconnected objects in the ADO.NET
 Object             object model
ADO.NET Object      Description

                    Allows the examination of data through collections of rows and
DataTable Object    columns
Object              Corresponds to a column in a table

Constraint Object   Defines and enforces column constraints
DataRow Object      Provides access to the DataTable's Rows collection
DataSet Object      The container for a number of DataTable objects
Object              Defines the relations between DataTables in the DataSet object
DataView Object     Allows the examination of DataTable data in different ways
Using the Set-ExecutionPolicy Cmdlet

 The Set-ExecutionPolicy cmdlet enables you to determine which
  Windows PowerShell scripts (if any) will be allowed to run on your
  computer. Windows PowerShell has four different execution policies:

    Restricted - No scripts can be run. Windows PowerShell can be
     used only in interactive mode.
    AllSigned - Only scripts signed by a trusted publisher can be
    RemoteSigned - Downloaded scripts must be signed by a
     trusted publisher before they can be run.
    Unrestricted - No restrictions; all Windows PowerShell scripts
     can be run.
Using PowerShell to Manage And automate
          administrative tasks

 Scripting has been a powerful tool for Unix administrators for a long
  time. Windows administrators have had fewer and less capable
  options for automating administrative processes until the
  introduction of PowerShell.
 There are a great many sites providing quality information on using
  PowerShell to automate administrative tasks. The addition of
  PowerShell support to SQL Server 2008 tool set adds an extra
  dimension of manageability to the Windows Server
  environment. You should review the available books and online
  material to develop your skills in using this powerful tool, and by
  doing so automate and streamline the processes in your own
Governing Your Enterprise with Policy-Based
Enterprise Policy Management

              • Provide auditors with assurance that SQL Server
Compliance      complies with all security and business guidelines
              • Complement All Actions Audited

              • Ensure peak performance
              • High levels of security & reliability

              • Drive strategic management initiative to control
  Costs         costs
              • More efficient and proactive management
 Policy-Based Management Framework
    Introduction to the Framework
    Evaluation Modes
 Extending Policy-Based Management to the Enterprise
    Solution Architecture
    Considerations for Large-Scale Environments
    Centralized Reporting
Policy-Based Management

Defines the evaluation mode, target filters, and schedule of the conditions.


Specifies a set of allowed states of a managed target with regard to a facet


                      Set of related logical properties


Category    Policy       Target

Policy Evaluation Modes

On Demand                                    On Schedule
• Evaluate a policy when specified by user   • SQL Server 2008 only
• Available through SSMS or Windows          • SQL Server Agent job periodically evaluates
  PowerShell™                                  a policy
• Option to force certain conditions to
  comply with policy
• Supports down-level evaluation
  (depends on properties exposed)
                                    Evaluation modes

On Change: Prevent                           On Change: Log Only
• SQL Server 2008 only                       • SQL Server 2008 only
• DDL triggers prevent policy violations     • Event notification evaluates a policy when a
                                               relevant change is made
On Demand Evaluation
              Windows PowerShell™ Integration
 Windows PowerShell™ is a framework and runtime for executing
  management commands
 Cmdlets are instances of .NET classes that process input objects from the
 SQL Server Provider for Windows PowerShell™ encompasses SMO

    Invoke-PolicyEvaluation –Policy
    Trustworthy.xml -TargetServerName inst1

    Invoke-SQLCMD –Query ”SELECT name FROM
    sys.Databases;” –ServerInstance
Extend you enterprise- Bringing it all together

      results                          policy

     results                            policy

      results                           policy
Enterprise Policy Management
Extend to the Enterprise
    Bringing It All Together


   results                      policy


Extend to the Enterprise- Central Management
                    Logically group instances based on
                     business function(s)
                    Centrally publish policies to groups of
                     SQL Server 2008 instances
                    Evaluate policies on-demand against
                     a group of servers
                    Filter by logical groups in Windows
                     PowerShell™ scripts
Extend to the Enterprise- Scaling PowerShell
                       Add Intelligence to Policies
                          Place each policy in a category
                          Define server restrictions for
                           versions and editions where
Extend to the Enterprise- Scaling PowerShell
                      Create Custom Server Groups in the
                         Run specific policies against a list
                          of servers
                         Examples: Production,
                          Development, PCI

                      Define Concurrent Jobs
                         Define multiple concurrent
                          executions based on Policy
                          Category and/or logical Central
                          Management Server group
Extend to the Enterprise
Benefits of Upgrading to SQL Server 2008
                     Real-Time Enforcement and
                        Monitor the event log through
                          Alerting integration
                     Advanced functionality and
                      integration with SSMS
                        Dependency, health states,
                          subscriptions, history
                     Scale
                     Security
                     Access to other rich features in SQL
                      Server 2008
Centralizing Policy History
                    SQL Server 2008




syspolicy_policy_execution_history            policy
Additional Resources
                   Policy Based Management
 Enterprise Policy Management Framework
 Policy Based Management Blog
 Lara Rubbelke‘s Blog
 Dan Jones‘ Blog
 Buck Woody‘s Blog
Additional Resources
                    Windows PowerShell™
 To learn more about the Windows PowerShell™ scripting Language
 Windows PowerShell™ Blog
 Allen White‘s Blog
 SQL Server PowerShell Overview
Extend Policy Based Management to the
  Enterprise Scaling PowerShell Evaluation

The Enterprise Policy Management Framework (EPM) is a solution to
  extend SQL Server 2008 Policy-Based Management to all versions of
  SQL Server in an enterprise, including SQL Server 2000 and SQL
  Server 2005. The EPM Framework will report the state of specified
  SQL Server instances against policies that define intent, desired
  configuration, and deployment standards.
When the Enterprise Policy Management Framework (EPM) is
implemented, policies will be evaluated against specified instances of
SQL Server through PowerShell. This solution will require at least one
instance of SQL Server 2008. The PowerShell script will run from this
instance through a SQL Server Agent job or manually through the
PowerShell interface. The PowerShell script will capture the policy
evaluation output and insert the output to a SQL Server table. SQL
Server 2008 Reporting Services reports will deliver information from
the centralized table.
This solution requires the following components to be configured in
   your environment. All SQL Server 2008 requirements listed below
   may be executed from and managed on the same instance:

§   SQL Server 2008 instance to store policies
§   SQL Server 2008 instance to act as the Central Management Server
§   SQL Server 2008 instance to execute the PowerShell script
§   SQL Server management database to archive policy evaluation results
§   SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services to render and deliver policy
    history reports
Extend Policy Based Management to the
Enterprise Scaling PowerShell Evaluation
Enhance your usage of DMVs
 SQL Server 2000 provided
    ~11 PerfMon objects and counters
    Access to some system tables
    A few table-valued functions
 SQL Server 2005 introduced numerous long-awaited performance
  measurement metrics
 Compared to SQL 2000, SQL 2005
    Approximately tripled SQL-specific PerfMon objects and counters
    Created numerous views and functions (~80 Dynamic Management Views
     and Functions) that provide very useful and previously unavailable
     performance information
 SQL 2008
    Added four SQL-specific PerfMon objects and counters
    Added ~40 Dynamic Management Views and Functions

 Sheer number of performance views and new metrics can be dizzying
 New metrics documented in
     Books Online
     Numerous articles and books
 However, much of the literature simply defines the DMVs and metrics,
  so knowing where to begin is extremely difficult


 Performance analyst must understand
    Which PerfMon objects and DMVs are pertinent to a particular
    How to interpret numerous metrics provided by new objects and
    Most valuable views and metrics

Emphasis of Presentation

 Highlight most useful of the newly available
    SQL Server-specific PerfMon objects and counters
    DMVs
 How to convert the numeric DMV identifiers into understandable text
 Properly use and interpret most important
    SQL Server-specific PerfMon objects and counters
    DMV metrics

SQL Server PerfMon Objects

 Many more useful metrics, e.g.,
    Wait statistics
    Tempdb (General Statistics)
    Cursors
    Transactions
    .Net Data Provider for SQL Server
    Deprecated Features (2008)

Wait Statistics Object

 Subset of this information was previously available only via complex
  queries from several disparate sources
 Small overlap with Locks object
 Instances where Counters would normally be
 Most useful instances
     Cumulative wait time (ms)
     Average wait time (ms)

Wait Statistics Object

 Cumulative wait time (ms) instance extremely useful
 Unfortunately, still only counts values within the last second
    Sampling every 15-30 seconds usually provides an adequate
 Use sys.dm_os_wait_stats to determine
    Total wait times by specific type of wait without sampling problems
    Discussed later in presentation

Wait Statistics Object
 Summarizes very useful counters including
    Lock waits (total for all lock resources)
    Log buffer waits
    Log write waits
    Memory grant queue waits
    Network IO waits
    Non-Page latch waits
    Page IO latch waits
    Page latch waits
    Thread-safe memory object waits
    Transaction ownership waits

Lockable PerfMon Resources

Resource                Description
AllocUnit (2005/2008)   Allocation unit
Application             Application-specified resource
Database                Entire database
Extent                  Contiguous group of 8 data or index pages
File (2005/2008)        Database file
HoBT (2005/2008)        Heap or B-Tree index
Key                     Row lock within an index that protects range of keys in
                        serializable transactions
Metadata (2005/2008)    Meta data or catalog information
Object (2005/2008)      Job flow synchronization object, table, stored procedure, or
Page                    8-kilobyte (KB) data or index page
RID                     Row ID. Used to lock a single row within a table
Table (replaced by      Entire table, including all data and indices
Object on 2005/2008)                                                                   75
Deprecated Features Object
 Simplifies detection of deprecated feature usage since last SQL Server
  instance restart
 Examples of deprecated features/counters
     '::' function calling syntax
     Data types: text ntext or image
     DATABASEPROPERTYEX('IsFullTextEnabled')
     sp_adduser
     sysindexes
     sysobjects
 Use Deprecation Announcement & Deprecation Final Support trace
  events to determine exact causes                                         76
Critical General Views
 Required for converting numeric DMV identifiers into understandable text
 Many were available under 2000 with slightly different names
     2000 sysobjects -> 2005 sys.objects
     See ―Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL)‖ topic
      in BOL for further info
 sys.databases
     Lists all databases and their IDs so proper associations can be made
 sys.partitions
     Only way to decode HOBT IDs returned by lock-specific information,
      e.g. blocked process records
 sys.configurations
     Provides information regarding OS and SQL Server configurations
 sys.dm_os_sys_info
     Provides information regarding system (can be sampled once or
     Useful for determining whether hyperthreading is active and accessible77
sys.dm_os_sys_info Useful Columns

 No parameters required
 Number of logical CPUs on the system
 Ratio of number of logical or physical cores exposed by one physical
  processor package (hyperthread_ratio)
 Amount of physical memory available
 Amount of virtual memory available to the process in user mode.
  This can be used to determine whether SQL Server was started by
  using a 3-GB switch
 Date and time SQL Server last started

Database-Specific Views

 Query for each database separately
 sys.objects
     Lists all database objects such as tables, views, stored procedures,
 sys.indexes
     Lists all indices and their associated table IDs
     Does not provide row counts as sysindexes does
 sys.filegroups
     Lists all file groups and their IDs
 sys.database_files
     Lists all physical database files and their IDs

Dynamic Management Views and Functions

 “Designed to give you a window into what's going on inside SQL
 Two types
    DMV - Pure view, i.e., no parameters required
    DMF - Table-valued function, i.e., parameters required
        Parameters usually specify database, table, index, partition, etc.
 Provide significant amount of information regarding
    System
    Databases
    Internal workings of SQL Server
    Performance

Dynamic Management Views and Functions

 Some were possible with complex queries on 2000
    When possible
        Very clumsy to use
        Required temp tables
        Required significant understanding of the underlying tables
 Most DMVs are very simple to use
    Some still require joins with other DMVs and DMFs
 Some may lessen need for using SQL Trace

Dynamic Management Views and Functions

 Contain values since last SQL Server instance restart, unless manually
     Perfect for periodic or intermittent sampling
     Therefore, must compute differences between adjacent or distant
      samples for same database, file, table, index, etc.
 Many DMVs can be reset manually using command similar to
     DBCC SQLPERF ('sys.dm_os_wait_stats', CLEAR)

Dynamic Management Views and Functions –
             General Guidelines
 Most performance DMVs begin with sys.dm_
 Must reconcile numeric IDs with static views that contain textual
 Values accumulated from last SQL Server instance restart
    Sample rates can range from once per minute to a few times per
    Must calculate differences between individual sample records
    Be sure to diff records with same database ID, object ID, and index

Dynamic Management Views and Functions –
           General Usage Scenario
 Method 1
    Capture before monitored activities begin and store results into a
     SQL table or a spreadsheet
    Execute workload (whether natural production or test)
    Capture again and compare value differences
    Load into spreadsheets for further analysis, if necessary
 Method 2
    Capture every <n> minutes and store results in a flat file
    After workload and capture process complete, load data into SQL
    Use SQL to compare incremental value differences and store results
    Extract interval data to spreadsheets for further analysis

Dynamic Management Views and Functions –
              Usage Warnings
 Microsoft assures us these views DO NOT BLOCK (single exception
  cited below) as usage of older system tables could
     However, be careful of execution frequency when cross apply or
      several joins involved because resource consumption could be
 Beware of the following two
     sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats, which examines the data within
      the physical files and provides extremely valuable data, can block
      depending upon the option used, but not nearly as badly as
     sys.dm_tran_locks can consume large amounts of CPU and can
      generate huge output when # of locks large
         Use only if absolutely necessary

Dynamic Management Views and Functions
                Category List
View Category                          View Category
Change Data Capture Related Dynamic    Query Notifications Related Dynamic
Management Views                       Management Views
Common Language Runtime Related        Replication Related Dynamic Management
Dynamic Management Views               Views
Database Mirroring Related Dynamic     Resource Governor Dynamic Management
Management Views                       Views
Database Related Dynamic Management    Service Broker Related Dynamic
Views                                  Management Views
Execution Related Dynamic Management   SQL Server Extended Events Dynamic
Views and Functions                    Management Views
Full-Text Search Related Dynamic       SQL Server Operating System Related
Management Views                       Dynamic Management Views
Index Related Dynamic Management       Transaction Related Dynamic Management
Views and Functions                    Views and Functions
I/O Related Dynamic Management Views   Security Related Dynamic Management
and Functions                          Views
Object Related Dynamic Management
Views and Functions
Execution-Related Dynamic Management Views
                 and Functions
 Most commonly used ones
    sys.dm_exec_query_stats
    sys.dm_exec_requests
    sys.dm_exec_sessions
    sys.dm_exec_sql_text
 Other less commonly used ones
    sys.dm_exec_cached_plans
    sys.dm_exec_connections
    sys.dm_exec_cursors

sys.dm_exec_query_stats DMV

 Returns aggregate performance statistics for cached and completed
  query plans
     Top <n> can be returned for any category
          Execution count, CPU time, CLR time, and elapsed time
          Physical and logical reads, Logical writes
     Activity Monitor on 2008 appears to use this DMV primarily
 Currently active long-running queries NOT shown via this view
 View contains one row per query plan
     Lifetime of a row is tied to the plan itself
 Can reduce dependence upon SQL statement tracing, but
  creation_time, last_execution_time, and accumulated values MUST be
  accounted for

sys.dm_exec_query_stats Columns

 ―Starting and ending positions of the query‖… ―within the text of its
  batch or persisted object‖
 Pointer to plan, which can be passed to the sys.dm_exec_sql_text
 Times at which plan was compiled and last executed
 # of times plan executed since last compilation
 Total, minimum, maximum, and last amounts consumed by executions
  since compilation
     CPU, CLR, and elapsed times, all in microseconds
     Physical and logical reads, Logical writes

sys.dm_exec_query_stats Example

 Returns top 20 query statements that performed most logical reads
   select top 20 [sql_handle], creation_time, execution_count,
     last_execution_time, total_worker_time, total_physical_reads,
     last_physical_reads, max_physical_reads, total_logical_reads,
     last_logical_reads, max_logical_reads, total_logical_writes,
     last_logical_writes, max_logical_writes, total_clr_time, last_clr_time,
     max_clr_time, total_elapsed_time, last_elapsed_time,
     SUBSTRING(st.text, (qs.statement_start_offset/2) + 1,
       ((CASE statement_end_offset
       WHEN -1 THEN DATALENGTH(st.text)
       ELSE qs.statement_end_offset END
       - qs.statement_start_offset)/2) + 1) as statement_text
     FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats as qs
     CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(qs.sql_handle) as st
     ORDER BY total_physical_reads DESC
       Note how other DMVs and DMFs are used
sys.dm_exec_requests Columns

 Timestamp when request arrived
 Status of the request
 Identifies current type of command being processed, e.g., select,
  insert, update, etc.
 Plan handles and offsets similar to sys.dm_exec_query_stats
 If blocked, ID of session blocking request
 If request currently (or previously) blocked, returns wait type and wait
  time (ms)
 # of transactions and result sets open for request
 CPU, total elapsed times in (ms)
 Physical and logical reads, Logical writes
 # of rows that have been returned to the client by this request

sys.dm_exec_requests Example

 Returns batches that contain top 20 currently active query statements
  that consumed the most CPU
  select top 20 *
        from sys.dm_exec_requests ExecReq
        OUTER APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text
        (ExecReq.sql_handle) ExecSQLText
        where (session_id > 50 and session_id <>
        @@spid) and
                command not like 'WAITFOR%'
        order by cpu_time desc

Index Related Dynamic Management Views and
 sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats
    Returns information regarding query code usage of tables and
     indices, e.g., inserts, updates, deletes, random accesses, and
     sequential accesses
 sys.dm_db_index_operational_stats
    ―Returns current low-level I/O, locking, latching, and access method
     activity for each partition of a table or index in the database‖
    Most commonly useful metric tracks actual forwarded record
 sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats
    Execute infrequently because physical files are interrogated and
     causes some blocking to occur

sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats DMV

 Returns
    One row per index
    Number of seeks, scans, lookups, and updates for user and system
        Seeks  random
        Scans  sequential
    Time of last seek, scan, lookup, and update for user and system
 System category
    Maintenance, e.g., statistics updates
 User category
    Insert, update, delete, and select operations
 Reports user statements, not record counts
    One insert statement can result in millions of rows being inserted
    View will report one, not millions
 Helps determine index and table usage patterns
    Particularly useful for identifying indices that are never used by   94
sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats Example

List Rarely-Used Indices For Specific DB With Resolved Names
     declare @dbid int = db_id()
     select objectname=object_name(inxusage.object_id),
       inxusage.object_id,, sysinx.index_id, user_seeks, user_scans,
       user_lookups, user_updates
     from sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats inxusage,
                  sys.indexes sysinx
     where database_id = @dbid and
         objectproperty(inxusage.object_id,'IsUserTable') = 1 and
         sysinx.object_id = inxusage.object_id and
         sysinx.index_id = inxusage.index_id
     order by (user_seeks + user_scans + user_lookups +
         user_updates) asc
sys.dm_db_index_operational_ stats DMF

 One row per index
 Helpful for
    Determining how indices are used
    Identifying contention areas
 Four parameters required
    { database_id | NULL | 0 | DEFAULT } (use db_id() for current db)
    { object_id | NULL | 0 | DEFAULT }
    { index_id | NULL | -1 | DEFAULT }
    { partition_number | NULL | 0 | DEFAULT }
 Use NULL parameters to obtain information for all databases and files
   select * from sys.dm_db_index_operational_stats (NULL, NULL,
     NULL, NULL)

sys.dm_db_index_operational_ stats Columns Pt 1

 Cumulative counts
    Range and table scans started on index or heap
    Single row retrievals from index or heap
    Rows that were fetched through forwarding record
    Row locks requested
    Page locks requested
 Cumulative counts and elapsed times database engine
    Waited on row lock
    Waited on page lock
    Waited because of latch contention
    Waited on I/O page latch

sys.dm_db_index_operational_ stats Columns Pt 2

 Cumulative counts
    Leaf-level insert, delete, update, delayed delete operations
    Above leaf-level insert, delete, update, delayed delete operations
    Zeroes  heap operations
    Leaf-level page allocations in the index or heap
    For an index, page allocation corresponds to a page split
    Page allocations caused by page splits above leaf level
    Page compression attempt and success counts (2008)

sys.dm_db_index_operational_ stats Usage Pt 1

 Reports actual operation counts, not user statements
    One insert statement can result in millions of rows being inserted
    View will report millions, not one
 To analyze a common access pattern to the table or index partition
    leaf_insert_count
    leaf_delete_count
    leaf_update_count
    leaf_ghost_count
    range_scan_count
    singleton_lookup_count

sys.dm_db_index_operational_ stats Usage Pt 2

 To identify latching and locking contention
    page_latch_wait_count and page_latch_wait_in_ms
         Indicate whether latch contention exists on index or heap, and
          significance of contention
    row_lock_count and page_lock_count
         Indicate how many times the Database Engine tried to acquire
          row and page locks
    row_lock_wait_in_ms and page_lock_wait_in_ms
         Indicate whether lock contention exists on index or heap, and
          significance of contention
 To analyze statistics of physical I/Os on an index or heap partition
    page_io_latch_wait_count and page_io_latch_wait_in_ms
         Indicate how many physical I/Os were issued to bring index or
          heap pages into memory and how much waiting was involved

sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats DMF

 Five parameters required
     { database_id| NULL | 0 | DEFAULT } (use db_id() for current db)
     { object_id| NULL | 0 | DEFAULT }
     { index_id| NULL | -1 | DEFAULT }
     { partition_number| NULL | 0 | DEFAULT }
 LIMITED mainly provides fragmentation information
 Strict locking scheme not used for LIMITED or SAMPLED, so DETAILED
  mode primary cause of any blocking
 DETAILED provides much useful information
     Record count, forwarded record count, min-max-avg record


 Use NULL parameters to obtain information for all databases and files
   select * from sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats (NULL, NULL, NULL,
    Used instead of SAMPLED when index or heap has < 10,000 pages
    Provides information about non-leaf levels

sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats Columns

 Index_type_desc
     Index type
 Index_id, index_level
     0  heap
 Index_depth
     # of index levels
 Avg_fragmentation_in_percent
     Logical fragmentation for indexes or extent fragmentation for
     Indices with values > 30 are candidates for rebuild/reorganization
 Fragment_count
     Number of fragments in the leaf level
 Avg_fragment_size_in_pages
     Average number of pages per fragment in the leaf level
     Larger is better
 Forwarded_record_count
     # of heap records having forward pointers to another data location   103
I/O Related Dynamic Management Views and
 sys.dm_io_pending_io_requests
 sys.dm_io_virtual_file_stats

sys.dm_io_virtual_file_stats DMF

 Returns I/O statistics for data and log files, one row per file
 Use NULL parameters to obtain information for all databases and files
   select * from sys.dm_io_virtual_file_stats (NULL, NULL)
 Equivalent to select * from ::fn_virtualfilestats(-1,-1) on SQL 2000

sys.dm_io_virtual_file_stats Columns

 ID of database
 ID of file
 Number of milliseconds since SQL Server instance started (useful for
  detecting restarts)
 Number of reads and writes issued against this file
 Total number of bytes read from and written to this file
 Total time, in milliseconds, users waited for I/O completions overall, as
  well as reads and writes specifically
 Number of disk bytes used by this file

SQL Server Operating System-Related Dynamic
              Management Views
 Abundant views
 Most frequently used views
    sys.dm_os_wait_stats
    sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks
    sys.dm_os_latch_stats

sys.dm_os_wait_stats DMV

 Useful for diagnosing performance issues with
    SQL Server
    Specific queries and batches
    Expands upon PerfMon Wait Statistics object
 Returns information about waits encountered by threads in execution
    226 possible wait types
    Several of these are innocuous because they are accumulated as
     part of normal SQL Server operation
        Very important to eliminate normal wait types from


 Very useful to categorize and group individual wait types to simplify
  understanding and analysis, e.g.,

sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks DMV

 Reports information about currently waiting tasks
    Can be used to construct blocker/waiter lists
 Important Fields
    Total wait time (ms) for wait type
    Name of wait type
    Task currently holding this resource
    Blocking task session ID
    Description of resource being consumed

sys.dm_os_latch_stats DMV

 SQL Server uses numerous kinds of latches (118 documented as of
  2008 SP1)
 Latch times can be helpful in verifying I/O subsystem performance
    Large latch wait times often indicate poor I/O performance
 View returns information regarding all latch types
    Very useful to categorize and group individual wait types to
      simplify understanding, e.g.,
         BUFFER_POOL_GROW and BUFFER into Buffer
          ALLOC_FREESPACE_CACHE into Allocation

Transaction Related Dynamic Management Views
                 and Functions
 Numerous views
 sys.dm_tran_locks is useful, but can distort system depending upon #
  of locks being held

sys.dm_tran_locks DMV

 Each row represents currently active request to lock manager for lock
  that has been granted or is waiting to be granted
 Result set columns are divided into two main groups — resource and
     Resource group describes resource on which the lock request is
      being made
         Resource type same as lockable resource
     Request group describes the lock request


 SQL Server 2008 provides a wealth of performance information
 Numerous Dynamic Views are essential for uncovering and resolving
  performance bottlenecks
 Dynamic Views and Functions are
    Easy to use
    Well documented
    Low overhead with very few exceptions

New sys.dm_ DMVs and DMFs in SQL 2008
View Name                        View Name                          View Name
dm_audit_actions                 dm_fts_fdhosts                     dm_server_audit_status
dm_audit_class_type_map          dm_fts_outstanding_batches         dm_tran_commit_table
dm_cdc_errors                    dm_os_dispatcher_pools             dm_xe_map_values
dm_cdc_log_scan_sessions         dm_os_dispatchers                  dm_xe_object_columns
perties                          dm_os_memory_brokers               dm_xe_objects
dm_database_encryption_keys      dm_os_memory_node_access_stats     dm_xe_packages
dm_db_mirroring_auto_page_rep                                       dm_xe_session_event_actio
air                              dm_os_memory_nodes                 ns
dm_db_mirroring_past_actions     dm_os_nodes                        dm_xe_session_events
dm_db_persisted_sku_features     dm_os_process_memory               mns
dm_db_script_level               dm_os_spinlock_stats               dm_xe_session_targets
dm_exec_procedure_stats          dm_os_sys_memory                   dm_xe_sessions
dm_exec_trigger_stats            on
dm_filestream_file_io_handles    ools
                                 dm_resource_governor_workload_g                                115
dm_filestream_file_io_requests   roups
Enhance your usage of DMVs
Developing maintenance tasks using SSIS Multi
Server Administration in SQL Server 2008 R2
Developing maintenance tasks using SSIS Multi
 Server Administration in SQL Server 2008 R2
Deploying apps using the Data Tier

 Data-Tier Applications, abbreviated DAC
 R2 makes it easier for DBAs to move databases around from server
  to server in much the same way virtualization admins move guest
  OS‘s around between physical hosts.

 No more need for backup and restore.

 Easily deploy databases.
The following steps illustrate a simple
  deployment process:

A database developer completes the development of a Finance version
   1.0 DAC, and then builds a FinanceVersion1.dacpac DAC package.

A database administrator deploys the Finance 1.0 DAC to production.
   The production instance of the database engine now has a deployed
   DAC that has an application name of Finance, a version of 1.0, and an
   associated database named Finance.

The database developer then starts work on the next version, and when
  development completes builds a FinanceVersion2.dacpac.
The database administrator then runs the Upgrade Data-tier Application
  Wizard specifying both the current deployed version 1.0 DAC and the
  version 2.0 DAC package. The wizard performs the following steps:

    Verifies that the deployed DAC and the DAC package both have
     their application names set to Finance. It also evaluates whether
     the instance of the Database Engine meets the requirements
     specified in the server selection policy (if defined) in the version
     2.0 DAC.

    Deploys the Finance version 2.0 DAC from the DAC package. This
     creates a new database with a temporary name.

    Sets the original database to read-only if it is not already in read-
     only mode, and copies the data to the new database.
 If the original database was in read-only mode, the new database
      is set to read-only.

     The original database is renamed by appending a string to the
      end of the database name.

     The new database is assigned the original database name:

After the database administrator has confirmed that the new database is
   operating correctly, the original database can be archived.
 The DAC does not include the data inside your database. For
  deployment best practices, you should have any necessary data
  (configuration tables, basic lookup tables) already scripted out as
  part of your deployment strategy. With the DAC approach, it makes
  sense to put these scripts inside the database as objects.

   For example, you might have a stored procedure called usp_deploy
   that populates all of the necessary configuration tables via insert
Deploying apps using the Data Tier
So We Got Some Time Left ….

   Filtered indices.
   Resource Governor.
   CDC – change data capture.
   T-sql New Features.
 All PPT & samples @
PowerShell for Administrators

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PowerShell for Administrators

  • 1. Aaron Shilo
  • 2. Who am I ? • Married + 2.5 children • A DBA for 10 years. • Oracle And Sql-Server Certified Professional. • Used to be CTO@johnbryce training. • Lead my own consulting business. • Advisor to / BezeqInt / Lavie Time-tec and more More about me @
  • 3. Topics  Introduction to PowerShell  Using PowerShell to automate administrative tasks  Governing Your Enterprise with PolicyBased Management  Extend Policy Based Management to the Enterprise Scaling PowerShell Evaluation  Enhance your usage of DMVs  Developing maintenance tasks using SSIS Multi Server Administration in SQL Server 2008 R2  Deploying apps using the Data Tier
  • 5. Powershell New Command-line shell & Scripting Language Improves productivity & control Accelerates automation of system admin Easy-to-use Works with existing scripts
  • 6. More Control TechNet ScriptCenter Exchange Server 2007 Terminal Server Hundreds of Scripts WMI, Registry, Hardware, etc. Community-Submitted scripts Books & Training Manning Publications O’Reilly Media Materials Sapien Press & others… MS MVPs PowerShell Team Blog Community Support Active Newsgroup Channel 9: DFO Show
  • 7. What is Powershell? Revolutionary new interactive shell and scripting language •Based on .NET •New set of built-in tools (+120) •New language to take advantage of .NET •A new “object-pipeline” system view •Can continue to use current tools •Can continue to use current automation (COM)
  • 8. Benefits •Automate administration of multiple servers through a task-oriented scripting language •Accelerate script authoring, testing and debugging and write customer tools in a new command shell environment •Utilize new scripts and Cmdlets •Manage command-line services, processes, registry, and WMI data •Manage and/or automate administration tasks for server roles such as IIS and Active Directory •Automate Terminal Server configuration changes by means of PowerShell scripts, and examine configuration similarities and differences across a Terminal Server farm. •Manage an Internet Information Services 7.0 environment. •Remotely manage servers.
  • 9. No Fear, Uncertainty or Doubt • Do I need to learn .NET before I can use PowerShell? – No - you can continue to use existing tools. • Do I need to rewrite all my existing tools? – No - existing tools will run just fine. • Do I need to learn the new language? – No - You can easily run existing commands without modification. • Learning the new – Online help is full of examples that are ready to use – The new language elements make interacting with .NET a snap. – Using .NET can help you where new tools don’t exist and opens a vast space of productivity – Learn at your own pace, PowerShell will be ready for you
  • 10. 10 reasons why you should learn to use PowerShell 1: It’s not going away any time soon Microsoft has made it clear that PowerShell is here to stay. In fact, PowerShell version 2 is not only included in Windows Server 2008 R2 and in Windows 7, it is enabled by default. Part of the reason why Microsoft has done this is that going forward, many add-on products will be based on PowerShell. 2: Most Microsoft products will eventually use it Virtually all of the server products Microsoft is producing right now can be managed through PowerShell. From an administrative standpoint, this means that if you become proficient in PowerShell, you will have the skill set necessary for managing most of Microsoft‘s newer products. The basic built-in PowerShell commands are used in every product that supports PowerShell. However, some server products extend PowerShell to include additional cmdlets.
  • 11. 3: You can’t do everything from the GUI any more When Microsoft created Exchange 2007, it designed the GUI so that it could be used only for the most common administrative functions. Any obscure functions or anything potentially destructive has to be performed using PowerShell. I expect this design philosophy to carry over to other Microsoft products. 4: It can make your life easier Believe it or not, using the command line can make your life easier. Suppose for a moment that you need to update an Active Directory attribute for a thousand users. Performing the task manually would likely take hours to complete. Using PowerShell, though, you can complete the task using a single line of code.
  • 12. 5: Many GUIs are PowerShell front ends Many of the GUI interfaces that Microsoft has been designing for its various products are actually front end interfaces to PowerShell. Probably the best known example of this is the Exchange Management Console. Although this utility looks like a standard management tool, it is built entirely on top of PowerShell. Any function you perform through the GUI actually generates PowerShell code that completes the requested task. In many cases, the console even shows you the PowerShell command that was used at the completion of the task. 6: Microsoft certification exams contain PowerShell questions Microsoft has been adding PowerShell-specific questions to many of its new certification exams. My experience with these exams has been that you don‘t necessarily have to know the full command syntax, but you do need to know which command you should be using in a given situation.
  • 13. 7: You can use PowerShell commands to manage your domains If you have domain controllers running Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 2 or higher, you can install the Active Directory Web Services on at least one domain controller. After doing so, you will be able to use the Windows 7 RSAT Suite to manage Windows 2003 and Windows 2008 domains. 8: It enables interactivity between products PowerShell is the common thread between all the new server products Microsoft is creating, so I expect to start seeing PowerShell used as a mechanism for providing interactivity between server products. I have yet to see a real world example of this interactivity, but eventually I would expect to be able to use a PowerShell script to work seamlessly between products such as IIS, SQL Server, and Exchange.
  • 14. 9: Microsoft says it’s important Just because someone at Microsoft says that something is important, that doesn‘t mean I take it as gospel. However, In the October 2009 issue of TechNet Magazine, Microsoft says, ―It‘s safe to say that the single most important skill a Windows administrator will need in the coming years is proficiency with Windows PowerShell.‖ Such a bold statement is hard to ignore. This is especially true given the fact that this statement mirrors what I‘ve been hearing from various people at Microsoft every time I have made a trip to Redmond lately. 10: If you don’t learn it, someone else will As we all know, the economy is in a slump, and many companies are downsizing. Needless to say, there is a lot of competition for the few IT jobs that are available. Therefore, if you suddenly find yourself looking for another job, your odds of finding one may be better if you can list PowerShell among your skill set.
  • 15. CMDlets •A cmdlet (pronounced "command-let") •is a single-feature command that manipulates objects in Windows PowerShell. •You can recognize CMDlets by their name format – •a verb and noun separated by a dash (-), •Get-Help •Get-Process •Start-Service.
  • 16. Powershell - Recommendations Start using Windows PowerShell immediately! Don‘t throw away any existing scripts or batch files – they can still be used! Don‘t forget the power of the wildcard, such as ―*‖ Don‘t deploy Windows PowerShell on any machine where it is not actually needed Centrally-Control Windows PowerShell security settings through GPOs – do it now!
  • 18. PowerShell: variable syntax  Basic syntax similar to all scripting languages  $a = ―value‖  $a = 1 + 2  $a += 137  Built-in support for types  $a = [xml]―<test><a>avalue</a></test>‖  [int]$a = 42  or cast to arbitrary .NET object
  • 19. PowerShell: parsing  Two contexts:  command context  starts with regular character  tries to execute command  expression context  starts with num, var, or quoted string  executes as expression  Can reset mode with ―( )‖  (Get-Date).day + 2
  • 20. PowerShell: array and hash  $a = 1,2,3,4  $a += 5..10  + adds elements to array  .. is range operator. What is $a[1..3]?  $a[1], $a[2], $a[3]  $a = @{ one=1; val = get-childitem }  $a[‗val‘]  $
  • 21. PowerShell: if/switch  if { <test> } { <true> } else { <false> }  elseif { <test> } { <else> }  switch (<var>) { <val> { <case>; break } … }  default case  switch –regex (<var>) { word.* { <case> } … }  dropping break gives multiple matches  $_: variable referring to current <var>  where { <test> }
  • 22. PowerShell: looping  while($a –lt 137) { <block> }  foreach($var in get-process) { <block> }  IEnumerable support  Shorten foreach to %  ls | %{ $_.Length }  receive piped objects  $_ as before  for { $i = 0; $i –lt 10; $i += 2} { $i }  regular for loop
  • 23. PowerShell: useful operators  &, .  call operator  $a = ―Get-childitem‖; &$a # calls get-childitem  . used for executing scripts in current context  -as, -is  is/as in C#  $a –as [int]  if { $a –is [System.DateTime] } { … }
  • 24. PowerShell: functions  function [(args)] { <body> }  if Param is first statement, then gives parameters  arguments passed in $args  input passed in $input  parameter passing on cmd line  add –x 2 –y 3  add 2 3
  • 25. Useful commands  get-member  return the members of an object  eg. get-member –MemberType property  or, method  Authenticode signing  can use certificates to verify scripts  checks the hash and returns
  • 26. PowerShell: errors  throw  throw ―error‖  same as ThrowTerminatingError in Cmdlets  trap  catch exceptions  trap [DivideByZeroException] { <do something> }  break/continue semantics
  • 27. PowerShell: surprises  Drives  C, D  Env, Alias, HKLM, variable, function  mount lets you create others  variable scoping  private, local, script, global
  • 28. PowerShell: surprises  import/export –CSV  get-unique  $(foreach ($line in get-content C:Test1File1.txt) {$line.tolower().split(" ")}) | sort | get-unique  get-item  group  $x = new-object –COM <ProgID>  eg. Outlook.Application
  • 29. PowerShell: surprises  calc  $calc = get-process calc  $calc.add_exited({write-host $this.Processname has exited})  $calc.HasExited  $calc.kill()  $calc.HasExited
  • 30. Scriptblocks  a chunk of script  a type in PowerShell  $x = [scriptblock]{$y = 137} &$x;  Can be used as an EventHandler delegate  this is what‘s happening in the last example  object parameter -> $this  EventArgs parameter -> $_
  • 31. Cmdlet creation  Subclass of System.Management. Automation.Cmdlet  must have an attribute  gives ―verb‖ and ―noun‖ components of name  overrides at least one of  BeginProcessing, ProcessRecord, EndProcessing  use make-shell command to include it  adds dll to set of cmdlets  requires some registry manipulation
  • 32. Cmdlet creation  Cmdlet parameters  add [Parameter] attribute  Mandatory=true|false  Position=<index>  … others for in-pipeline action  Return value: any object  native object facilities allow inspection  can use arbitrary code
  • 33. Example in script  function MyWhere { param ( [scriptblock]$expression ) begin { $matches = 0 } process { if ( &$expression ) { $_; $matches++ } } end { "Found $matches matches" } }
  • 34. Execution Policy  AllSigned  require a digital signature and prompt  user must agree to run script  RemoteSigned  only files from internet need to be signed  default setting  Unrestricted  no signing required  Attacks on AllSigned?
  • 35. Using PowerShell to Manage And automate administrative tasks  SQLPS.exe – The SQL Server Mini-Shell  SQL Server Management Objects – SMO  Using ADO.NET for Queries
  • 36.  To make things easier for administrators using PowerShell for SQL Server, Microsoft created an executable - a mini-shell - which automatically loads the SQL Server PowerShell snap-ins. The program is called sqlps.exe and is included when you install SQL Server 2008. Besides automatically loading the snap-ins the sqlps.exe environment enables script execution automatically by setting the execution policy to RemoteSigned.
  • 37.  This mini-shell can be invoked in a number of ways. You can use the Windows Start, Run menu item and type in sqlps and start it that way. SQL Server Agent jobs can use the SQL Server Agent PowerShell subsystem in a step to run a script by selecting the step type of PowerShell. Each time a step runs the PowerShell step it loads a separate copy of sqlps.exe into memory, each taking about 40MB, so caution is advised when using this feature.
  • 38.  The most interesting method is within SQL Server Management Studio. In Object Explorer you can right-click on any object in the ―tree‖ under an instance and select ―Start PowerShell‖, and sqlps.exe will start up, and the Set-Location cmdlet is used to set the current location in the shell window to the object you pointed to. This provides a very nice ability to do some ad-hoc browsing of SQL Server objects as necessary.
  • 39. SQL Server Management Objects - SMO  SQL Server Management Objects (SMO) is the object library provided by Microsoft to perform administrative actions against SQL Server. The library is built on top of the .NET Framework (2.0) so applications written using SMO are using managed code and benefit from the features available within the Framework, including the security and cleanup features. SMO was introduced with SQL Server 2005 and allows you to manage servers running SQL Server 2000, SQL Server 2005, and SQL Server 2008.
  • 40. Using ADO.NET for Queries  ADO.NET has two sets of objects, a connected set that allows you to connect with a data source, run queries and return result sets, and a disconnected set of objects that allow you to work with the data after it‘s been collected. Here‘s a list of the objects. ADO.NET Object Description Connection Object A connection to the data source Can represent a query against a database, a call to a stored procedure, or a direct Command Object request to return the contents of a specific table DataReader Object Designed to return query results as quickly as possible Transaction Object Groups a number of changes to a database and treats them as a single unit of work The Connection object has a BeginTransaction method that can be used to create Transaction objects Parameter Object Allows the specification of parameters for stored procedures or parameterized queries DataAdapter Acts as a bridge between the database and the disconnected objects in the ADO.NET Object object model
  • 41. ADO.NET Object Description Allows the examination of data through collections of rows and DataTable Object columns DataColumn Object Corresponds to a column in a table Constraint Object Defines and enforces column constraints DataRow Object Provides access to the DataTable's Rows collection DataSet Object The container for a number of DataTable objects DataRelation Object Defines the relations between DataTables in the DataSet object DataView Object Allows the examination of DataTable data in different ways
  • 42. Using the Set-ExecutionPolicy Cmdlet  The Set-ExecutionPolicy cmdlet enables you to determine which Windows PowerShell scripts (if any) will be allowed to run on your computer. Windows PowerShell has four different execution policies:  Restricted - No scripts can be run. Windows PowerShell can be used only in interactive mode.  AllSigned - Only scripts signed by a trusted publisher can be run.  RemoteSigned - Downloaded scripts must be signed by a trusted publisher before they can be run.  Unrestricted - No restrictions; all Windows PowerShell scripts can be run.
  • 43. Using PowerShell to Manage And automate administrative tasks
  • 44. Conclusion  Scripting has been a powerful tool for Unix administrators for a long time. Windows administrators have had fewer and less capable options for automating administrative processes until the introduction of PowerShell.  There are a great many sites providing quality information on using PowerShell to automate administrative tasks. The addition of PowerShell support to SQL Server 2008 tool set adds an extra dimension of manageability to the Windows Server environment. You should review the available books and online material to develop your skills in using this powerful tool, and by doing so automate and streamline the processes in your own environment.
  • 45. Governing Your Enterprise with Policy-Based Management
  • 46. Enterprise Policy Management • Provide auditors with assurance that SQL Server Compliance complies with all security and business guidelines • Complement All Actions Audited Consistency • Ensure peak performance • High levels of security & reliability • Drive strategic management initiative to control Costs costs • More efficient and proactive management
  • 47.  Policy-Based Management Framework  Introduction to the Framework  Evaluation Modes  Extending Policy-Based Management to the Enterprise  Solution Architecture  Considerations for Large-Scale Environments  Centralized Reporting
  • 48. Policy-Based Management Defines the evaluation mode, target filters, and schedule of the conditions. Policy Specifies a set of allowed states of a managed target with regard to a facet Condition Set of related logical properties Facet
  • 49. Server Restriction Category Policy Target Evaluation Mode
  • 50. Policy Evaluation Modes On Demand On Schedule • Evaluate a policy when specified by user • SQL Server 2008 only • Available through SSMS or Windows • SQL Server Agent job periodically evaluates PowerShell™ a policy • Option to force certain conditions to comply with policy • Supports down-level evaluation (depends on properties exposed) Evaluation modes On Change: Prevent On Change: Log Only • SQL Server 2008 only • SQL Server 2008 only • DDL triggers prevent policy violations • Event notification evaluates a policy when a relevant change is made
  • 51. On Demand Evaluation Windows PowerShell™ Integration  Windows PowerShell™ is a framework and runtime for executing management commands  Cmdlets are instances of .NET classes that process input objects from the pipeline  SQL Server Provider for Windows PowerShell™ encompasses SMO Invoke-PolicyEvaluation –Policy DatabaseStatus.xml, Trustworthy.xml -TargetServerName inst1 Invoke-SQLCMD –Query ”SELECT name FROM sys.Databases;” –ServerInstance “MyServerInstance”
  • 52. Extend you enterprise- Bringing it all together policy results policy results policy results policy results policy results policy results
  • 54. Extend to the Enterprise Bringing It All Together policy results policy results policy results policy results policy results policy results
  • 55. Extend to the Enterprise- Central Management Server  Logically group instances based on business function(s)  Centrally publish policies to groups of SQL Server 2008 instances  Evaluate policies on-demand against a group of servers  Filter by logical groups in Windows PowerShell™ scripts
  • 56. Extend to the Enterprise- Scaling PowerShell Evaluation  Add Intelligence to Policies  Place each policy in a category  Define server restrictions for versions and editions where appropriate
  • 57. Extend to the Enterprise- Scaling PowerShell Evaluation  Create Custom Server Groups in the CMS  Run specific policies against a list of servers  Examples: Production, Development, PCI  Define Concurrent Jobs  Define multiple concurrent executions based on Policy Category and/or logical Central Management Server group
  • 58. Extend to the Enterprise Benefits of Upgrading to SQL Server 2008  Real-Time Enforcement and Reporting  Monitor the event log through Alerting integration  Advanced functionality and integration with SSMS  Dependency, health states, subscriptions, history  Scale  Security  Access to other rich features in SQL Server 2008
  • 59. Centralizing Policy History SQL Server 2008 policy results policy results policy results syspolicy_policy_execution_history policy results syspolicy_policy_execution_history_details
  • 60. Additional Resources Policy Based Management  Enterprise Policy Management Framework   Policy Based Management Blog   Lara Rubbelke‘s Blog   Dan Jones‘ Blog   Buck Woody‘s Blog 
  • 61. Additional Resources Windows PowerShell™  To learn more about the Windows PowerShell™ scripting Language  00-9a66-430f-bd56-ec48bfca154f&DisplayLang=en  Windows PowerShell™ Blog   Allen White‘s Blog   SQL Server PowerShell Overview 
  • 62. Extend Policy Based Management to the Enterprise Scaling PowerShell Evaluation The Enterprise Policy Management Framework (EPM) is a solution to extend SQL Server 2008 Policy-Based Management to all versions of SQL Server in an enterprise, including SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005. The EPM Framework will report the state of specified SQL Server instances against policies that define intent, desired configuration, and deployment standards.
  • 63. When the Enterprise Policy Management Framework (EPM) is implemented, policies will be evaluated against specified instances of SQL Server through PowerShell. This solution will require at least one instance of SQL Server 2008. The PowerShell script will run from this instance through a SQL Server Agent job or manually through the PowerShell interface. The PowerShell script will capture the policy evaluation output and insert the output to a SQL Server table. SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services reports will deliver information from the centralized table.
  • 64. This solution requires the following components to be configured in your environment. All SQL Server 2008 requirements listed below may be executed from and managed on the same instance: § SQL Server 2008 instance to store policies § SQL Server 2008 instance to act as the Central Management Server § SQL Server 2008 instance to execute the PowerShell script § SQL Server management database to archive policy evaluation results § SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services to render and deliver policy history reports
  • 65. Extend Policy Based Management to the Enterprise Scaling PowerShell Evaluation
  • 67. Overview  SQL Server 2000 provided  ~11 PerfMon objects and counters  Access to some system tables  A few table-valued functions  SQL Server 2005 introduced numerous long-awaited performance measurement metrics  Compared to SQL 2000, SQL 2005  Approximately tripled SQL-specific PerfMon objects and counters  Created numerous views and functions (~80 Dynamic Management Views and Functions) that provide very useful and previously unavailable performance information  SQL 2008  Added four SQL-specific PerfMon objects and counters  Added ~40 Dynamic Management Views and Functions 67
  • 68. Overview  Sheer number of performance views and new metrics can be dizzying  New metrics documented in  Books Online  Numerous articles and books  However, much of the literature simply defines the DMVs and metrics, so knowing where to begin is extremely difficult  -8a2a-4375-8f2f-5d799aa67b5c&displaylang=en 68
  • 69. Overview  Performance analyst must understand  Which PerfMon objects and DMVs are pertinent to a particular problem  How to interpret numerous metrics provided by new objects and views  Most valuable views and metrics 69
  • 70. Emphasis of Presentation  Highlight most useful of the newly available  SQL Server-specific PerfMon objects and counters  DMVs  How to convert the numeric DMV identifiers into understandable text  Properly use and interpret most important  SQL Server-specific PerfMon objects and counters  DMV metrics 70
  • 71. SQL Server PerfMon Objects  Many more useful metrics, e.g.,  Wait statistics  Tempdb (General Statistics)  Cursors  Transactions  .Net Data Provider for SQL Server  Deprecated Features (2008) 71
  • 72. Wait Statistics Object  Subset of this information was previously available only via complex queries from several disparate sources  Small overlap with Locks object  Instances where Counters would normally be  Most useful instances  Cumulative wait time (ms)  Average wait time (ms) 72
  • 73. Wait Statistics Object  Cumulative wait time (ms) instance extremely useful  Unfortunately, still only counts values within the last second  Sampling every 15-30 seconds usually provides an adequate representation  Use sys.dm_os_wait_stats to determine  Total wait times by specific type of wait without sampling problems  Discussed later in presentation 73
  • 74. Wait Statistics Object  Summarizes very useful counters including  Lock waits (total for all lock resources)  Log buffer waits  Log write waits  Memory grant queue waits  Network IO waits  Non-Page latch waits  Page IO latch waits  Page latch waits  Thread-safe memory object waits  Transaction ownership waits 74
  • 75. Lockable PerfMon Resources Resource Description AllocUnit (2005/2008) Allocation unit Application Application-specified resource (2005/2008) Database Entire database Extent Contiguous group of 8 data or index pages File (2005/2008) Database file HoBT (2005/2008) Heap or B-Tree index Key Row lock within an index that protects range of keys in serializable transactions Metadata (2005/2008) Meta data or catalog information Object (2005/2008) Job flow synchronization object, table, stored procedure, or view Page 8-kilobyte (KB) data or index page RID Row ID. Used to lock a single row within a table Table (replaced by Entire table, including all data and indices Object on 2005/2008) 75
  • 76. Deprecated Features Object  Simplifies detection of deprecated feature usage since last SQL Server instance restart  Examples of deprecated features/counters  '::' function calling syntax  Data types: text ntext or image  DATABASEPROPERTY  DATABASEPROPERTYEX('IsFullTextEnabled')  DBCC DBREINDEX  DBCC INDEXDEFRAG  DBCC SHOWCONTIG  NOLOCK or READUNCOMMITTED in UPDATE or DELETE  sp_adduser  sysindexes  sysobjects  Use Deprecation Announcement & Deprecation Final Support trace events to determine exact causes 76
  • 77. Critical General Views  Required for converting numeric DMV identifiers into understandable text  Many were available under 2000 with slightly different names  2000 sysobjects -> 2005 sys.objects  See ―Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL)‖ topic in BOL for further info  sys.databases  Lists all databases and their IDs so proper associations can be made  sys.partitions  Only way to decode HOBT IDs returned by lock-specific information, e.g. blocked process records  sys.configurations  Provides information regarding OS and SQL Server configurations  sys.dm_os_sys_info  Provides information regarding system (can be sampled once or repeatedly)  Useful for determining whether hyperthreading is active and accessible77
  • 78. sys.dm_os_sys_info Useful Columns  No parameters required  Number of logical CPUs on the system  Ratio of number of logical or physical cores exposed by one physical processor package (hyperthread_ratio)  Amount of physical memory available  Amount of virtual memory available to the process in user mode. This can be used to determine whether SQL Server was started by using a 3-GB switch  Date and time SQL Server last started 78
  • 79. Database-Specific Views  Query for each database separately  sys.objects  Lists all database objects such as tables, views, stored procedures, etc.  sys.indexes  Lists all indices and their associated table IDs  Does not provide row counts as sysindexes does  sys.filegroups  Lists all file groups and their IDs  sys.database_files  Lists all physical database files and their IDs 79
  • 80. Dynamic Management Views and Functions  “Designed to give you a window into what's going on inside SQL Server”  Two types  DMV - Pure view, i.e., no parameters required  DMF - Table-valued function, i.e., parameters required  Parameters usually specify database, table, index, partition, etc.  Provide significant amount of information regarding  System  Databases  Internal workings of SQL Server  Performance 80
  • 81. Dynamic Management Views and Functions  Some were possible with complex queries on 2000  When possible  Very clumsy to use  Required temp tables  Required significant understanding of the underlying tables  Most DMVs are very simple to use  Some still require joins with other DMVs and DMFs  Some may lessen need for using SQL Trace 81
  • 82. Dynamic Management Views and Functions  Contain values since last SQL Server instance restart, unless manually reset  Perfect for periodic or intermittent sampling  Therefore, must compute differences between adjacent or distant samples for same database, file, table, index, etc.  Many DMVs can be reset manually using command similar to  DBCC SQLPERF ('sys.dm_os_wait_stats', CLEAR) 82
  • 83. Dynamic Management Views and Functions – General Guidelines  Most performance DMVs begin with sys.dm_  Must reconcile numeric IDs with static views that contain textual names  Values accumulated from last SQL Server instance restart  Sample rates can range from once per minute to a few times per day  Must calculate differences between individual sample records  Be sure to diff records with same database ID, object ID, and index ID 83
  • 84. Dynamic Management Views and Functions – General Usage Scenario  Method 1  Capture before monitored activities begin and store results into a SQL table or a spreadsheet  Execute workload (whether natural production or test)  Capture again and compare value differences  Load into spreadsheets for further analysis, if necessary  Method 2  Capture every <n> minutes and store results in a flat file  After workload and capture process complete, load data into SQL tables  Use SQL to compare incremental value differences and store results  Extract interval data to spreadsheets for further analysis 84
  • 85. Dynamic Management Views and Functions – Usage Warnings  Microsoft assures us these views DO NOT BLOCK (single exception cited below) as usage of older system tables could  However, be careful of execution frequency when cross apply or several joins involved because resource consumption could be high  Beware of the following two  sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats, which examines the data within the physical files and provides extremely valuable data, can block depending upon the option used, but not nearly as badly as DBCC SHOWCONTIG  sys.dm_tran_locks can consume large amounts of CPU and can generate huge output when # of locks large  Use only if absolutely necessary 85
  • 86. Dynamic Management Views and Functions Category List View Category View Category Change Data Capture Related Dynamic Query Notifications Related Dynamic Management Views Management Views Common Language Runtime Related Replication Related Dynamic Management Dynamic Management Views Views Database Mirroring Related Dynamic Resource Governor Dynamic Management Management Views Views Database Related Dynamic Management Service Broker Related Dynamic Views Management Views Execution Related Dynamic Management SQL Server Extended Events Dynamic Views and Functions Management Views Full-Text Search Related Dynamic SQL Server Operating System Related Management Views Dynamic Management Views Index Related Dynamic Management Transaction Related Dynamic Management Views and Functions Views and Functions I/O Related Dynamic Management Views Security Related Dynamic Management and Functions Views Object Related Dynamic Management 86 Views and Functions
  • 87. Execution-Related Dynamic Management Views and Functions  Most commonly used ones  sys.dm_exec_query_stats  sys.dm_exec_requests  sys.dm_exec_sessions  sys.dm_exec_sql_text  Other less commonly used ones  sys.dm_exec_cached_plans  sys.dm_exec_connections  sys.dm_exec_cursors 87
  • 88. sys.dm_exec_query_stats DMV  Returns aggregate performance statistics for cached and completed query plans  Top <n> can be returned for any category  Execution count, CPU time, CLR time, and elapsed time  Physical and logical reads, Logical writes  Activity Monitor on 2008 appears to use this DMV primarily  Currently active long-running queries NOT shown via this view  View contains one row per query plan  Lifetime of a row is tied to the plan itself  Can reduce dependence upon SQL statement tracing, but creation_time, last_execution_time, and accumulated values MUST be accounted for 88
  • 89. sys.dm_exec_query_stats Columns  ―Starting and ending positions of the query‖… ―within the text of its batch or persisted object‖  Pointer to plan, which can be passed to the sys.dm_exec_sql_text DMF  Times at which plan was compiled and last executed  # of times plan executed since last compilation  Total, minimum, maximum, and last amounts consumed by executions since compilation  CPU, CLR, and elapsed times, all in microseconds  Physical and logical reads, Logical writes 89
  • 90. sys.dm_exec_query_stats Example  Returns top 20 query statements that performed most logical reads select top 20 [sql_handle], creation_time, execution_count, last_execution_time, total_worker_time, total_physical_reads, last_physical_reads, max_physical_reads, total_logical_reads, last_logical_reads, max_logical_reads, total_logical_writes, last_logical_writes, max_logical_writes, total_clr_time, last_clr_time, max_clr_time, total_elapsed_time, last_elapsed_time, max_elapsed_time, SUBSTRING(st.text, (qs.statement_start_offset/2) + 1, ((CASE statement_end_offset WHEN -1 THEN DATALENGTH(st.text) ELSE qs.statement_end_offset END - qs.statement_start_offset)/2) + 1) as statement_text FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats as qs CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(qs.sql_handle) as st ORDER BY total_physical_reads DESC Note how other DMVs and DMFs are used 90
  • 91. sys.dm_exec_requests Columns  Timestamp when request arrived  Status of the request  Identifies current type of command being processed, e.g., select, insert, update, etc.  Plan handles and offsets similar to sys.dm_exec_query_stats  If blocked, ID of session blocking request  If request currently (or previously) blocked, returns wait type and wait time (ms)  # of transactions and result sets open for request  CPU, total elapsed times in (ms)  Physical and logical reads, Logical writes  # of rows that have been returned to the client by this request 91
  • 92. sys.dm_exec_requests Example  Returns batches that contain top 20 currently active query statements that consumed the most CPU select top 20 * from sys.dm_exec_requests ExecReq OUTER APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text (ExecReq.sql_handle) ExecSQLText where (session_id > 50 and session_id <> @@spid) and command not like 'WAITFOR%' order by cpu_time desc 92
  • 93. Index Related Dynamic Management Views and Functions  sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats  Returns information regarding query code usage of tables and indices, e.g., inserts, updates, deletes, random accesses, and sequential accesses  sys.dm_db_index_operational_stats  ―Returns current low-level I/O, locking, latching, and access method activity for each partition of a table or index in the database‖  Most commonly useful metric tracks actual forwarded record fetches  sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats  Execute infrequently because physical files are interrogated and causes some blocking to occur  Replaces DBCC SHOWCONTIG 93
  • 94. sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats DMV  Returns  One row per index  Number of seeks, scans, lookups, and updates for user and system queries  Seeks  random  Scans  sequential  Time of last seek, scan, lookup, and update for user and system queries  System category  Maintenance, e.g., statistics updates  User category  Insert, update, delete, and select operations  Reports user statements, not record counts  One insert statement can result in millions of rows being inserted  View will report one, not millions  Helps determine index and table usage patterns  Particularly useful for identifying indices that are never used by 94 queries
  • 95. sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats Example List Rarely-Used Indices For Specific DB With Resolved Names declare @dbid int = db_id() select objectname=object_name(inxusage.object_id), inxusage.object_id,, sysinx.index_id, user_seeks, user_scans, user_lookups, user_updates from sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats inxusage, sys.indexes sysinx where database_id = @dbid and objectproperty(inxusage.object_id,'IsUserTable') = 1 and sysinx.object_id = inxusage.object_id and sysinx.index_id = inxusage.index_id order by (user_seeks + user_scans + user_lookups + user_updates) asc 95
  • 96. sys.dm_db_index_operational_ stats DMF  One row per index  Helpful for  Determining how indices are used  Identifying contention areas  Four parameters required  { database_id | NULL | 0 | DEFAULT } (use db_id() for current db)  { object_id | NULL | 0 | DEFAULT }  { index_id | NULL | -1 | DEFAULT }  { partition_number | NULL | 0 | DEFAULT }  Use NULL parameters to obtain information for all databases and files select * from sys.dm_db_index_operational_stats (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) 96
  • 97. sys.dm_db_index_operational_ stats Columns Pt 1  Cumulative counts  Range and table scans started on index or heap  Single row retrievals from index or heap  Rows that were fetched through forwarding record  Row locks requested  Page locks requested  Cumulative counts and elapsed times database engine  Waited on row lock  Waited on page lock  Waited because of latch contention  Waited on I/O page latch 97
  • 98. sys.dm_db_index_operational_ stats Columns Pt 2  Cumulative counts  Leaf-level insert, delete, update, delayed delete operations  Above leaf-level insert, delete, update, delayed delete operations  Zeroes  heap operations  Leaf-level page allocations in the index or heap  For an index, page allocation corresponds to a page split  Page allocations caused by page splits above leaf level  Page compression attempt and success counts (2008) 98
  • 99. sys.dm_db_index_operational_ stats Usage Pt 1  Reports actual operation counts, not user statements  One insert statement can result in millions of rows being inserted  View will report millions, not one  To analyze a common access pattern to the table or index partition  leaf_insert_count  leaf_delete_count  leaf_update_count  leaf_ghost_count  range_scan_count  singleton_lookup_count 99
  • 100. sys.dm_db_index_operational_ stats Usage Pt 2  To identify latching and locking contention  page_latch_wait_count and page_latch_wait_in_ms  Indicate whether latch contention exists on index or heap, and significance of contention  row_lock_count and page_lock_count  Indicate how many times the Database Engine tried to acquire row and page locks  row_lock_wait_in_ms and page_lock_wait_in_ms  Indicate whether lock contention exists on index or heap, and significance of contention  To analyze statistics of physical I/Os on an index or heap partition  page_io_latch_wait_count and page_io_latch_wait_in_ms  Indicate how many physical I/Os were issued to bring index or heap pages into memory and how much waiting was involved 100
  • 101. sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats DMF  Five parameters required  { database_id| NULL | 0 | DEFAULT } (use db_id() for current db)  { object_id| NULL | 0 | DEFAULT }  { index_id| NULL | -1 | DEFAULT }  { partition_number| NULL | 0 | DEFAULT }  { LIMITED | SAMPLED | DETAILED | NULL | DEFAULT }  LIMITED mainly provides fragmentation information  Strict locking scheme not used for LIMITED or SAMPLED, so DETAILED mode primary cause of any blocking  DETAILED provides much useful information  Record count, forwarded record count, min-max-avg record lengths 101
  • 102. sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats  Use NULL parameters to obtain information for all databases and files select * from sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'DETAILED')  DETAILED mode  Used instead of SAMPLED when index or heap has < 10,000 pages  Provides information about non-leaf levels 102
  • 103. sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats Columns  Index_type_desc  Index type  Index_id, index_level  0  heap  Index_depth  # of index levels  Avg_fragmentation_in_percent  Logical fragmentation for indexes or extent fragmentation for heaps  Indices with values > 30 are candidates for rebuild/reorganization  Fragment_count  Number of fragments in the leaf level  Avg_fragment_size_in_pages  Average number of pages per fragment in the leaf level  Larger is better  Forwarded_record_count  # of heap records having forward pointers to another data location 103
  • 104. I/O Related Dynamic Management Views and Functions  sys.dm_io_pending_io_requests  sys.dm_io_virtual_file_stats 104
  • 105. sys.dm_io_virtual_file_stats DMF  Returns I/O statistics for data and log files, one row per file  Use NULL parameters to obtain information for all databases and files select * from sys.dm_io_virtual_file_stats (NULL, NULL)  Equivalent to select * from ::fn_virtualfilestats(-1,-1) on SQL 2000 105
  • 106. sys.dm_io_virtual_file_stats Columns  ID of database  ID of file  Number of milliseconds since SQL Server instance started (useful for detecting restarts)  Number of reads and writes issued against this file  Total number of bytes read from and written to this file  Total time, in milliseconds, users waited for I/O completions overall, as well as reads and writes specifically  Number of disk bytes used by this file 106
  • 107. SQL Server Operating System-Related Dynamic Management Views  Abundant views  Most frequently used views  sys.dm_os_wait_stats  sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks  sys.dm_os_latch_stats 107
  • 108. sys.dm_os_wait_stats DMV  Useful for diagnosing performance issues with  SQL Server  Specific queries and batches  Expands upon PerfMon Wait Statistics object  Returns information about waits encountered by threads in execution  226 possible wait types  Several of these are innocuous because they are accumulated as part of normal SQL Server operation  Very important to eliminate normal wait types from consideration 108
  • 110. sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks DMV  Reports information about currently waiting tasks  Can be used to construct blocker/waiter lists  Important Fields  Total wait time (ms) for wait type  Name of wait type  Task currently holding this resource  Blocking task session ID  Description of resource being consumed 110
  • 111. sys.dm_os_latch_stats DMV  SQL Server uses numerous kinds of latches (118 documented as of 2008 SP1)  Latch times can be helpful in verifying I/O subsystem performance  Large latch wait times often indicate poor I/O performance  View returns information regarding all latch types  Very useful to categorize and group individual wait types to simplify understanding, e.g.,  BUFFER_POOL_GROW and BUFFER into Buffer  ALLOC_CACHE_MANAGER, ALLOC_CREATE_FREESPACE_CACHE, ALLOC_CREATE_RINGBUF, ALLOC_EXTENT_CACHE, and ALLOC_FREESPACE_CACHE into Allocation 111
  • 112. Transaction Related Dynamic Management Views and Functions  Numerous views  sys.dm_tran_locks is useful, but can distort system depending upon # of locks being held 112
  • 113. sys.dm_tran_locks DMV  Each row represents currently active request to lock manager for lock that has been granted or is waiting to be granted  Result set columns are divided into two main groups — resource and request  Resource group describes resource on which the lock request is being made  Resource type same as lockable resource  Request group describes the lock request 113
  • 114. Conclusions  SQL Server 2008 provides a wealth of performance information  Numerous Dynamic Views are essential for uncovering and resolving performance bottlenecks  Dynamic Views and Functions are  Easy to use  Well documented  Low overhead with very few exceptions 114
  • 115. New sys.dm_ DMVs and DMFs in SQL 2008 View Name View Name View Name dm_audit_actions dm_fts_fdhosts dm_server_audit_status dm_audit_class_type_map dm_fts_outstanding_batches dm_tran_commit_table dm_cdc_errors dm_os_dispatcher_pools dm_xe_map_values dm_cdc_log_scan_sessions dm_os_dispatchers dm_xe_object_columns dm_cryptographic_provider_pro perties dm_os_memory_brokers dm_xe_objects dm_database_encryption_keys dm_os_memory_node_access_stats dm_xe_packages dm_db_mirroring_auto_page_rep dm_xe_session_event_actio air dm_os_memory_nodes ns dm_db_mirroring_past_actions dm_os_nodes dm_xe_session_events dm_xe_session_object_colu dm_db_persisted_sku_features dm_os_process_memory mns dm_db_script_level dm_os_spinlock_stats dm_xe_session_targets dm_exec_procedure_stats dm_os_sys_memory dm_xe_sessions dm_resource_governor_configurati dm_exec_trigger_stats on dm_resource_governor_resource_p dm_filestream_file_io_handles ools dm_resource_governor_workload_g 115 dm_filestream_file_io_requests roups
  • 116. Enhance your usage of DMVs
  • 117. Developing maintenance tasks using SSIS Multi Server Administration in SQL Server 2008 R2
  • 118. Developing maintenance tasks using SSIS Multi Server Administration in SQL Server 2008 R2
  • 119. Deploying apps using the Data Tier  Data-Tier Applications, abbreviated DAC
  • 120.  R2 makes it easier for DBAs to move databases around from server to server in much the same way virtualization admins move guest OS‘s around between physical hosts.  No more need for backup and restore.  Easily deploy databases.
  • 121. The following steps illustrate a simple deployment process: A database developer completes the development of a Finance version 1.0 DAC, and then builds a FinanceVersion1.dacpac DAC package. A database administrator deploys the Finance 1.0 DAC to production. The production instance of the database engine now has a deployed DAC that has an application name of Finance, a version of 1.0, and an associated database named Finance. The database developer then starts work on the next version, and when development completes builds a FinanceVersion2.dacpac.
  • 122. The database administrator then runs the Upgrade Data-tier Application Wizard specifying both the current deployed version 1.0 DAC and the version 2.0 DAC package. The wizard performs the following steps:  Verifies that the deployed DAC and the DAC package both have their application names set to Finance. It also evaluates whether the instance of the Database Engine meets the requirements specified in the server selection policy (if defined) in the version 2.0 DAC.  Deploys the Finance version 2.0 DAC from the DAC package. This creates a new database with a temporary name.  Sets the original database to read-only if it is not already in read- only mode, and copies the data to the new database.
  • 123.  If the original database was in read-only mode, the new database is set to read-only.  The original database is renamed by appending a string to the end of the database name.  The new database is assigned the original database name: Finance. After the database administrator has confirmed that the new database is operating correctly, the original database can be archived.
  • 124.  The DAC does not include the data inside your database. For deployment best practices, you should have any necessary data (configuration tables, basic lookup tables) already scripted out as part of your deployment strategy. With the DAC approach, it makes sense to put these scripts inside the database as objects. For example, you might have a stored procedure called usp_deploy that populates all of the necessary configuration tables via insert statements.
  • 125. Deploying apps using the Data Tier
  • 126. So We Got Some Time Left ….  Filtered indices.  Resource Governor.  CDC – change data capture.  T-sql New Features.
  • 127.   All PPT & samples @