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˃Growth in Digital and Search Marketing
˃Google results – what the searcher sees?
˃Recap of AdWords dashboard
˃Ad Extensions
˃Location and call extensions
˃New enhanced ads
˃Remarketing and other ad formats
˃Shopping results and Product Listing Ads
˃Tracking and reporting
˃Optimising and management
˃What‟s new elsewhere?
IAB/PwC - Total Market Size First Half 2012 (Oct 2012)
˃ Digital Adspend in H1 2012 reached £2,591 million (£2.6 billion); this is a record
˃ Spending on digital advertising grew by 12.6% year on year.
AA/Warc Expenditure Report (Jan 2013)
˃ The size of the annual UK online advertising market is expected to reach £5.3bn
(year ending 2012), more than 31% of all UK advertising
˃ Q3 growth still at 10% (year on year)
The online industry has experienced strong growth across all advertising categories.
˃ Paid-for listings maintained its position as the largest single category with a 59%
share of the market. £1,527 million was spent on search in the first half of 2012.
˃ Display advertising accounted for 23% of digital advertising in H1 2012, with £591
million spent across all display formats from Jan – June 2012.
˃ Accounting for 17% of the market, classifieds continue to make up an important part
of the share at £427 million for the first half of 2012.
˃ Lead Generation, Search Affiliate, Solus E-mail, mobile SMS / MMS and Audio
Advertising accounted for £45m with a 2% share of the market.
Source: IAB/PcW
£1,527 million was spent on search in the first half of 2012. Source: IAB/PcW
Advertising spend by category
Pay per
click ads
Pay per
click ads
Organic or
search results
Listing ads
Account ID
Select date
Graph &
& data
˃Makes your ad stand out
˃More information for user
˃Users more likely to click
on your ad (probably the
˃Achieve higher click
through rate (CTR) and
Quality Score
˃Appears <10% of the time
˃Some only appear in top 3
positions e.g. Sitelinks
˃Can cause bid inflation
Pros Cons
Currently at campaign level –
will be available at ad group level for enhanced campaigns
˃Most advertisers do not have access to this extension,
because it is still in beta
New enhanced ads have Google call forwarding (for free) and
additional features
˃ Designed by Google to help better manage campaigns and budgets for a
multi-device world. Note: Universal Analytics will be able to track across
these devices
˃ Allow you to manage bids across devices, locations, and time of day - all
from a single campaign
˃ Count Phone calls and App downloads as conversions in AdWords
˃ Google will automatically be upgrading all AdWords campaigns to enhanced
campaigns starting on July 22, 2013.
˃ There is now an upgrade centre to make upgrading to enhanced
campaigns easier
Legacy Enhanced
Devices Separate campaigns for
each device - with separate
budgets, bids, ads, URLs and
Combined campaign – use bid modifiers to
turn mobile bids up or down (-100 % to +300%)
You can‟t have a separate mobile campaign
and there is no control over desktops and
Tablets (combined campaign only).
Difficult to manage bids at keyphrase level
for each device, as mobile modifier is at ad
group level - so Bid inflation expected!
You can use campaign optimiser as bids will
be automatically adjusted for mobile, but it‟s
either on or off!
Geo-targeting Separate campaigns for
each target area
You can still can have separate campaigns for
each location, but It is easy to use bid modifier
for each location, eg for towns within a
national campaign
Scheduling Turn campaign on and off (15
mins) with bid modifiers
Combines results with time and bid
URL and
Destination URL could be
targeted at keyword level
Destination URL can now only be targeted at
ad group level – is this a problem for 3rd party
software that used URL tracking at keyword
Legacy Enhanced
Sitelinks Simple to set-up at campaign level
Data lost when links changed
Additional control – e.g. ad groups
and mobiles
Additional and saved reports (data
Offer ad
Not available Create offer extension for use in
Call extension Free call extension (Click to call -
Mobile only)
Google Call forwarding $1 in
Click to call data was shown in
Google forwarding numbers are
now free on all devices
You control when a call is a classed
as a conversion
Better reporting - Call conversion is
now an extra column
Social extension were set-up
manually, for each campaign.
Campaigns will include social
extensions automatically
App extension Basic targeting – contextual,
managed placements, by operating
Advanced targeting of users; based
on people‟s context like location, time
of day and specific device.
• Flexibility: can be added at ad group level
• More detailed reporting: Find out the number of clicks that occurred on
any part of your ad, every time an individual Sitelink appeared. Break
down the statistics by campaign, ad group or ad.
• Data retention: Edit your Sitelink extension without resetting its
performance statistics.
• Customised Sitelinks for mobile
• Scheduling with start and end dates
• Matt Van Wagner reported improved results with ad group Sitelinks
˃Simpler to set-up but:
˃Can‟t have separate campaigns for each device - what
about mobile only campaigns for mobile sites?
˃Bid modifier only for mobiles (-100 to +300%)
˃Lack of control e.g. tablet specific campaigns, bid
modification at ad group not keyword level
˃Expected to lead to bid inflation, as everyone is forced to
use mobile
˃You can have preferred ad for mobile, but you have to
manually select ad in each ad group
˃ Some features really liked – eg. Sitelinks (ad group level and
retention of data), bid modification for geo-targeting
˃ Everyone is unhappy with the loss of control over devices
˃ Optimisation is confusing at the keyphrase level when each
device performs differently
˃ You can choose to use conversion optimiser bidding strategy, as
this adjust the bid by device and overcomes some of these
˃ Recommend -25% on your mobile modifier for now, this may
change when everyone is forced to switch
˃ Many advise sticking it out until Google has made all the changes
– however if you have campaigns with all devices you are best to
transfer now (due to learning curve)
˃ Will Google relent and give us on bid modifiers for Tablets and
desktops? They did U-turn on ad rotation!
˃Uses code added on all the pages of your site (either
AdWords or Analytics code)
˃Set-up in AdWords – create a Display campaign set-up for
˃Create target audience according to the pages they visited
– if they match the criteria a cookie is added to their
machine (can come from any or a specific source (segment)
– not just PPC traffic)
˃Create ad groups with different ads (image and text)
˃When a user visits another site in the Google Display
Network (GDN) they are shown the remarketing ad
˃Cost per click is high as advertisers “compete for the users”
Client 1 Client 2 Client 3 Client 4
Conv. (1-
rate (1-
Conv. (1-
rate (1-
rate (1-
Conv. (1-
rate (1-
TOTAL 445 84 1.7% 2833 220 2.57% 559 118 2.44% 862 1716 1.06%
Brand 39 0 6.7% 413 0 8.99% 433 0 5.13% - - -
Remarketing 9 84 2.3% 54 215 3.11% 15 118 1.34% 179 1716 3.06%
Competitors - - - 216 0 2.01% - - - 184 0 1.88%
Vouchers 29 0 15.26%
˃ Remarketing in Google is on a CPC basis but its success has pushed the
prices up (one account has increased from 78p to £1.38 in a year)
˃ Retargeting is also available outside of Google via ad-serving networks or
Demand Side Platforms (DSP) – mainly sold on a CPM basis
˃ Facebook have launched Facebook Exchange in the UK (via a limited
number of distributors) - offering Retargeting and Behavioural targeting on
a CPM basis
Keywords =
Organic shopping
(Merchant Centre)
Products ad
Product Listing
Map and
Local listings
1. Live Merchant Centre Account with active product feed or
upload from your product/website database – manual CSV good
for small number of products
2. Add your AdWords ID into Merchant Centre
3. Within AdWords link each campaign to Merchant Centre using
Product extensions section of Ad Extensions tab
4. Create a campaign just for PLA
5. Create ad groups for each product category or brand
6. Create the ad by selecting the ad type “product listing ad” (but
you do not need to add any keyphrases)
7. For each ad group create a target or filter in the Autotarget
tab, this must relate to the content of your original database or
CSV file uploaded to Merchant Centre (press “Verify” to check)
8. Product Listing Ads are now available for mobile
˃ Use one campaign and many ad groups – each ad group targeted
to one product or brand
˃ Use “All products” targeting in one ad group to catch the rest but bid
˃ PLA are useful for doing research prior to setting up search
˃ Use See search terms to check what you are found for – add
negative keywords or check the quality of the data in your feed
˃ If you have a limited number of products you can manually create a
CSV with the correct data
˃ Use additional AdWords fields in your feed to exclude or target
specific products
˃ You may have to bid much higher in competitive sectors to get
shown ie. when eBay/Amazon or other high street brands are bidding
˃ Check your search ads CTR as they may be relegated to below the
organic results for position 4!
˃ You can use tracking URLS to distinguish from text ads
˃Can be used in addition to PLA ads e.g. when you do not
have a Merchant Centre account
˃Create campaign and ad groups to target a specific
category or section of your site
˃Create dynamic ads on Ads tab
˃Use Autotarget tab to target by Title tag, Category, URL or
page content
˃ PPC conversion tracking code should be added to your „thank you‟ page
after a successful lead or sale
˃ Track both “1 conversion per click” and “Many conversions per click”
˃ Link your AdWords and Analytics accounts;
˃ Click and cost data is imported into Analytics
˃ Analytics data is imported into AdWords (bounce rate, time on site, pages per
visit, % new visitors)
˃ Use of imported Goals for other conversions e.g. Calls, Event tracking (e.g.
downloads or video plays)
˃ Use of multi-path attribution, plus first click, assisted and last click conversions
˃ For ecommerce sites –
˃ Automatically return buyers from the payment gateway to a „thank you‟ page on
your site
˃ Use ecommerce tracking in Analytics
˃ Use Dynamic PPC conversions code to bring sales value into AdWords
˃ Use goals and sales funnels to see cart abandonment
˃ Use of URL builder and UTM codes on destination URLs
˃ For non-AdWords campaigns, eg LinkedIn, Facebook or email
˃ For transferring source data to CRM systems e.g. on completion of a form.
The actual field used will
depend on your shopping
cart and the program
used to write your
ecommerce software e.g.
Last click before a
Assisted click – in conversion path
˃ Call tracking software is now available to
determine the keywords that triggered a phone
call from your website
˃ Ideal for sites where conversions are also taken
over the phone as well as online
˃ Dynamic code is added to your website, which
generates unique phone numbers every visit
˃ If the number is called it is redirected to your
normal phone number, with the option to record
the call
˃ The users‟ referral data is sent to the tracking
software and a virtual page is fired and tracked
in Analytics
˃ A Goal can be set-up in Analytics and imported
back into AdWords to allow “Call Optimisation”
˃ Campaign set-up – granular structure with thousands of target keyphrases.
Use of campaign settings such as devices and geo-targeting to increase
relevancy and Quality Score
˃ Quality Score – Google‟s measure of relevancy – it affects your position and
how much you pay (e.g. QS of 8/10 you pay half as compared with 4/10)
˃ Click through rate – use ad extensions to make them more relevant and stand
out, pause phrases and ads with a CTR below 1%, otherwise this drags down
your QS
˃ Position and bidding – you may have to bid lower (cost per click) and settle for
position 3-6 to avoid the bidding war of position 1-3, where the CPC will be too
˃ Conversion rates – use of landing pages and ad testing to maximise
conversion rates
˃ Cost per acquisition (CPA) – most sites have a typical conversion rate of 1%.
Your cost per sale (or lead) will be 100 x your cost per click – how much is a
sale worth to you?
˃ Revenue and ROI – optimising for revenue and ROI is normally the primary
objective of ecommerce websites (as compared to conversion rates and CPA)
˃Broad match modifier has now been introduced. This works
in the same way as Google
˃Sitelinks now available
˃Updated reporting interface
˃now less clicks required to create a report
˃Enhanced keyword research tool – additional research
filters now available when carrying out research .i.e.
Devices, brand names, max number of suggested keywords
˃Power Editor has been upgraded
˃tidier with a more user friendly interface
˃Conversion tracking now available through Facebook
˃Mobile App install ads
˃when users click on the ad on a mobile device, they will be directed
to the App Store or Google Play to install the app.
˃Lead collection
˃Users who click on your LinkedIn ads will see a lead collection bar
above your website that will prompt them to request contact.
˃You will be notified by email when you receive a lead
˃Video Campaigns - show a 30 second video in your ad
instead of a standard image. When the ad is clicked, the
video will expand to cover the entire ad unit. After watching
the video, users will see a ‟Send me info‟ option, allowing
you to collect leads.
˃ Google has more new features to help advertisers maximise their clicks and
˃ Ad extensions allow advertisers to augment their ads with extra information:
˃ Making ads stand out - encouraging click throughs (CTR)
˃ Some only displayed in top 3 positions and usually <10% of impressions
˃ Local presence (Google+ page) and mobile ads are also important – but the
new enhanced campaigns have received a mixed response!
˃ Remarketing (stalking) continues to be effective but bid inflation has now made
traditional contextual Display too expensive
˃ Google Shopping will shortly be paid results only!
˃ Product Listing ads (PLA) are the main method to display shopping results
˃ PLA conversion rates are high but CPC is increasing (big brands dominate)
˃ Dynamic search ads do not stand out as much, there is limited control and are less
˃ Integration between AdWords and Analytics (and dynamic conversion tracking);
now allow easier optimisation based on revenue and ROI
˃ Other platforms are innovating but playing catch-up with AdWords functionality
Ann Stanley
eBusiness Club Action Planning Workshops
> Website development
> Analytics and Conversion
> Optimising an E-commerce business
> Social media for business
> Paid Online marketing
> Mobile marketing and Apps
> Business Communications and productivity
> Tel: 0845 603 8370

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Whats new in Paid Search Advertising - May 2013

  • 1.
  • 2. ˃Growth in Digital and Search Marketing ˃Google results – what the searcher sees? ˃Recap of AdWords dashboard ˃Ad Extensions ˃Location and call extensions ˃New enhanced ads ˃Remarketing and other ad formats ˃Shopping results and Product Listing Ads ˃Tracking and reporting ˃Optimising and management ˃What‟s new elsewhere?
  • 3. IAB/PwC - Total Market Size First Half 2012 (Oct 2012) ˃ Digital Adspend in H1 2012 reached £2,591 million (£2.6 billion); this is a record ˃ Spending on digital advertising grew by 12.6% year on year. AA/Warc Expenditure Report (Jan 2013) ˃ The size of the annual UK online advertising market is expected to reach £5.3bn (year ending 2012), more than 31% of all UK advertising ˃ Q3 growth still at 10% (year on year)
  • 4. The online industry has experienced strong growth across all advertising categories. Search: ˃ Paid-for listings maintained its position as the largest single category with a 59% share of the market. £1,527 million was spent on search in the first half of 2012. Display: ˃ Display advertising accounted for 23% of digital advertising in H1 2012, with £591 million spent across all display formats from Jan – June 2012. Classifieds: ˃ Accounting for 17% of the market, classifieds continue to make up an important part of the share at £427 million for the first half of 2012. Other: ˃ Lead Generation, Search Affiliate, Solus E-mail, mobile SMS / MMS and Audio Advertising accounted for £45m with a 2% share of the market. Source: IAB/PcW
  • 5. £1,527 million was spent on search in the first half of 2012. Source: IAB/PcW Advertising spend by category Search Display Classified Others
  • 6.
  • 7. Pay per click ads Pay per click ads Organic or natural search results Product Listing ads Local business listings
  • 8. Menus Navigation panel Account ID Select date Tabs Graph & display options Results & data Alerts Advanced features
  • 9.
  • 10. ˃Makes your ad stand out ˃More information for user ˃Users more likely to click on your ad (probably the headline) ˃Achieve higher click through rate (CTR) and Quality Score ˃Appears <10% of the time ˃Some only appear in top 3 positions e.g. Sitelinks ˃Can cause bid inflation Pros Cons
  • 11. Currently at campaign level – will be available at ad group level for enhanced campaigns
  • 12.
  • 13.
  • 14. ˃Most advertisers do not have access to this extension, because it is still in beta
  • 15.
  • 16.
  • 17.
  • 18.
  • 19.
  • 20.
  • 21.
  • 22. New enhanced ads have Google call forwarding (for free) and additional features
  • 23.
  • 24. ˃ Designed by Google to help better manage campaigns and budgets for a multi-device world. Note: Universal Analytics will be able to track across these devices ˃ Allow you to manage bids across devices, locations, and time of day - all from a single campaign ˃ Count Phone calls and App downloads as conversions in AdWords ˃ Google will automatically be upgrading all AdWords campaigns to enhanced campaigns starting on July 22, 2013. ˃ There is now an upgrade centre to make upgrading to enhanced campaigns easier enhanced-campaigns-more.html
  • 25. Legacy Enhanced Devices Separate campaigns for each device - with separate budgets, bids, ads, URLs and keyphrases Combined campaign – use bid modifiers to turn mobile bids up or down (-100 % to +300%) You can‟t have a separate mobile campaign and there is no control over desktops and Tablets (combined campaign only). Difficult to manage bids at keyphrase level for each device, as mobile modifier is at ad group level - so Bid inflation expected! You can use campaign optimiser as bids will be automatically adjusted for mobile, but it‟s either on or off! Geo-targeting Separate campaigns for each target area You can still can have separate campaigns for each location, but It is easy to use bid modifier for each location, eg for towns within a national campaign Scheduling Turn campaign on and off (15 mins) with bid modifiers Combines results with time and bid adjustment Keyword Destination URL and tracking Destination URL could be targeted at keyword level Destination URL can now only be targeted at ad group level – is this a problem for 3rd party software that used URL tracking at keyword
  • 26. Legacy Enhanced Sitelinks Simple to set-up at campaign level Data lost when links changed Additional control – e.g. ad groups and mobiles Additional and saved reports (data retained) Offer ad extension Not available Create offer extension for use in store Call extension Free call extension (Click to call - Mobile only) Google Call forwarding $1 in desktops/tablets Click to call data was shown in segment Google forwarding numbers are now free on all devices You control when a call is a classed as a conversion Better reporting - Call conversion is now an extra column Social extensions Social extension were set-up manually, for each campaign. Campaigns will include social extensions automatically App extension Basic targeting – contextual, managed placements, by operating system. Advanced targeting of users; based on people‟s context like location, time of day and specific device.
  • 27.
  • 28.
  • 29.
  • 30. • Flexibility: can be added at ad group level • More detailed reporting: Find out the number of clicks that occurred on any part of your ad, every time an individual Sitelink appeared. Break down the statistics by campaign, ad group or ad. • Data retention: Edit your Sitelink extension without resetting its performance statistics. • Customised Sitelinks for mobile • Scheduling with start and end dates • Matt Van Wagner reported improved results with ad group Sitelinks
  • 31.
  • 32. ˃Simpler to set-up but: ˃Can‟t have separate campaigns for each device - what about mobile only campaigns for mobile sites? ˃Bid modifier only for mobiles (-100 to +300%) ˃Lack of control e.g. tablet specific campaigns, bid modification at ad group not keyword level ˃Expected to lead to bid inflation, as everyone is forced to use mobile ˃You can have preferred ad for mobile, but you have to manually select ad in each ad group
  • 33. ˃ Some features really liked – eg. Sitelinks (ad group level and retention of data), bid modification for geo-targeting ˃ Everyone is unhappy with the loss of control over devices ˃ Optimisation is confusing at the keyphrase level when each device performs differently ˃ You can choose to use conversion optimiser bidding strategy, as this adjust the bid by device and overcomes some of these issues ˃ Recommend -25% on your mobile modifier for now, this may change when everyone is forced to switch ˃ Many advise sticking it out until Google has made all the changes – however if you have campaigns with all devices you are best to transfer now (due to learning curve) ˃ Will Google relent and give us on bid modifiers for Tablets and desktops? They did U-turn on ad rotation!
  • 34.
  • 35. ˃Uses code added on all the pages of your site (either AdWords or Analytics code) ˃Set-up in AdWords – create a Display campaign set-up for Remarketing ˃Create target audience according to the pages they visited – if they match the criteria a cookie is added to their machine (can come from any or a specific source (segment) – not just PPC traffic) ˃Create ad groups with different ads (image and text) ˃When a user visits another site in the Google Display Network (GDN) they are shown the remarketing ad ˃Cost per click is high as advertisers “compete for the users”
  • 36.
  • 37.
  • 38. Client 1 Client 2 Client 3 Client 4 Campaign Conv. (1- per-click) View- through Conv. Conv. rate (1- per-click) Conv. (1- per-click) View- through Conv. Conv. rate (1- per-click) Conv. (1-per- click) View- through Conv. Conv. rate (1- per-click) Conv. (1- per-click) View- through Conv. Conv. rate (1- per-click) TOTAL 445 84 1.7% 2833 220 2.57% 559 118 2.44% 862 1716 1.06% Brand 39 0 6.7% 413 0 8.99% 433 0 5.13% - - - Remarketing 9 84 2.3% 54 215 3.11% 15 118 1.34% 179 1716 3.06% Competitors - - - 216 0 2.01% - - - 184 0 1.88% Vouchers 29 0 15.26% ˃ Remarketing in Google is on a CPC basis but its success has pushed the prices up (one account has increased from 78p to £1.38 in a year) ˃ Retargeting is also available outside of Google via ad-serving networks or Demand Side Platforms (DSP) – mainly sold on a CPM basis ˃ Facebook have launched Facebook Exchange in the UK (via a limited number of distributors) - offering Retargeting and Behavioural targeting on a CPM basis
  • 39.
  • 40.
  • 41.
  • 42.
  • 43. Keywords = Luggage Organic shopping results (Merchant Centre) AdWords Products ad extension Product Listing ads Map and Local listings
  • 44.
  • 45.
  • 46. 1. Live Merchant Centre Account with active product feed or upload from your product/website database – manual CSV good for small number of products 2. Add your AdWords ID into Merchant Centre 3. Within AdWords link each campaign to Merchant Centre using Product extensions section of Ad Extensions tab 4. Create a campaign just for PLA 5. Create ad groups for each product category or brand 6. Create the ad by selecting the ad type “product listing ad” (but you do not need to add any keyphrases) 7. For each ad group create a target or filter in the Autotarget tab, this must relate to the content of your original database or CSV file uploaded to Merchant Centre (press “Verify” to check) 8. Product Listing Ads are now available for mobile
  • 47.
  • 48.
  • 49. ˃ Use one campaign and many ad groups – each ad group targeted to one product or brand ˃ Use “All products” targeting in one ad group to catch the rest but bid lower ˃ PLA are useful for doing research prior to setting up search campaigns ˃ Use See search terms to check what you are found for – add negative keywords or check the quality of the data in your feed ˃ If you have a limited number of products you can manually create a CSV with the correct data ˃ Use additional AdWords fields in your feed to exclude or target specific products ˃ You may have to bid much higher in competitive sectors to get shown ie. when eBay/Amazon or other high street brands are bidding ˃ Check your search ads CTR as they may be relegated to below the organic results for position 4! ˃ You can use tracking URLS to distinguish from text ads
  • 50.
  • 51. ˃Can be used in addition to PLA ads e.g. when you do not have a Merchant Centre account ˃Create campaign and ad groups to target a specific category or section of your site ˃Create dynamic ads on Ads tab ˃Use Autotarget tab to target by Title tag, Category, URL or page content
  • 52.
  • 53.
  • 54. ˃ PPC conversion tracking code should be added to your „thank you‟ page after a successful lead or sale ˃ Track both “1 conversion per click” and “Many conversions per click” ˃ Link your AdWords and Analytics accounts; ˃ Click and cost data is imported into Analytics ˃ Analytics data is imported into AdWords (bounce rate, time on site, pages per visit, % new visitors) ˃ Use of imported Goals for other conversions e.g. Calls, Event tracking (e.g. downloads or video plays) ˃ Use of multi-path attribution, plus first click, assisted and last click conversions ˃ For ecommerce sites – ˃ Automatically return buyers from the payment gateway to a „thank you‟ page on your site ˃ Use ecommerce tracking in Analytics ˃ Use Dynamic PPC conversions code to bring sales value into AdWords ˃ Use goals and sales funnels to see cart abandonment ˃ Use of URL builder and UTM codes on destination URLs ˃ For non-AdWords campaigns, eg LinkedIn, Facebook or email ˃ For transferring source data to CRM systems e.g. on completion of a form.
  • 55. The actual field used will depend on your shopping cart and the program used to write your ecommerce software e.g. php
  • 56.
  • 57.
  • 58.
  • 59.
  • 60. Last click before a conversion Assisted click – in conversion path
  • 61.
  • 62.
  • 63. ˃ Call tracking software is now available to determine the keywords that triggered a phone call from your website ˃ Ideal for sites where conversions are also taken over the phone as well as online ˃ Dynamic code is added to your website, which generates unique phone numbers every visit ˃ If the number is called it is redirected to your normal phone number, with the option to record the call ˃ The users‟ referral data is sent to the tracking software and a virtual page is fired and tracked in Analytics ˃ A Goal can be set-up in Analytics and imported back into AdWords to allow “Call Optimisation”
  • 64.
  • 65.
  • 66. ˃ Campaign set-up – granular structure with thousands of target keyphrases. Use of campaign settings such as devices and geo-targeting to increase relevancy and Quality Score ˃ Quality Score – Google‟s measure of relevancy – it affects your position and how much you pay (e.g. QS of 8/10 you pay half as compared with 4/10) ˃ Click through rate – use ad extensions to make them more relevant and stand out, pause phrases and ads with a CTR below 1%, otherwise this drags down your QS ˃ Position and bidding – you may have to bid lower (cost per click) and settle for position 3-6 to avoid the bidding war of position 1-3, where the CPC will be too high! ˃ Conversion rates – use of landing pages and ad testing to maximise conversion rates ˃ Cost per acquisition (CPA) – most sites have a typical conversion rate of 1%. Your cost per sale (or lead) will be 100 x your cost per click – how much is a sale worth to you? ˃ Revenue and ROI – optimising for revenue and ROI is normally the primary objective of ecommerce websites (as compared to conversion rates and CPA)
  • 67.
  • 68. ˃Broad match modifier has now been introduced. This works in the same way as Google ˃Sitelinks now available ˃Updated reporting interface ˃now less clicks required to create a report ˃Enhanced keyword research tool – additional research filters now available when carrying out research .i.e. Devices, brand names, max number of suggested keywords
  • 69. ˃Power Editor has been upgraded ˃tidier with a more user friendly interface ˃Conversion tracking now available through Facebook ˃Mobile App install ads ˃when users click on the ad on a mobile device, they will be directed to the App Store or Google Play to install the app.
  • 70. ˃Lead collection ˃Users who click on your LinkedIn ads will see a lead collection bar above your website that will prompt them to request contact. ˃You will be notified by email when you receive a lead ˃Video Campaigns - show a 30 second video in your ad instead of a standard image. When the ad is clicked, the video will expand to cover the entire ad unit. After watching the video, users will see a ‟Send me info‟ option, allowing you to collect leads.
  • 71. ˃ Google has more new features to help advertisers maximise their clicks and conversions ˃ Ad extensions allow advertisers to augment their ads with extra information: ˃ Making ads stand out - encouraging click throughs (CTR) ˃ Some only displayed in top 3 positions and usually <10% of impressions ˃ Local presence (Google+ page) and mobile ads are also important – but the new enhanced campaigns have received a mixed response! ˃ Remarketing (stalking) continues to be effective but bid inflation has now made traditional contextual Display too expensive ˃ Google Shopping will shortly be paid results only! ˃ Product Listing ads (PLA) are the main method to display shopping results ˃ PLA conversion rates are high but CPC is increasing (big brands dominate) ˃ Dynamic search ads do not stand out as much, there is limited control and are less effective ˃ Integration between AdWords and Analytics (and dynamic conversion tracking); now allow easier optimisation based on revenue and ROI ˃ Other platforms are innovating but playing catch-up with AdWords functionality
  • 73. eBusiness Club Action Planning Workshops > Website development > Analytics and Conversion > Optimising an E-commerce business > Social media for business > Paid Online marketing > Mobile marketing and Apps > Business Communications and productivity > > Tel: 0845 603 8370

Editor's Notes

  1. This diagram shows the principles of using call tracking technology, which is particularly suitable for B2B or service sites where a large proportion of the enquiries are over the phone rather than via an online form or other transaction.These are the steps involved in call tracking technology:User carries out a searchUser clicks on your adThey arrive on your website and see unique dynamic number served using the JavaScript code*They call your unique number – redirecting to your office numberThe information about the source of the traffic is matched up with the call and sent to the call tracking dashboard This information can be used to determine which keyphrases or sources of traffic generate conversions by phoneWhen a call is made a “Virtual page is visited” on your website, which is then recorded in your AnalyticsYou can set this page up as a Goal, and import this data back into AdWords to enable optimisation based on calls rather than completion of an online formCall tracking technology is available by investing in third party software. There are a few suppliers on the market, however the technology is relatively new, so you may have to shop around.*Most systems offer dynamic call number generation - where you add a code to your website and it generates a unique phone number that is displayed to each user when they arrive on the site. The software can determine the source of the traffic, and if they then call the phone number, this information is matched up and sent to Analytics and the call tracking dashboard; enabling you to see the source of the call (right down to the keyword they typed in).