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N e tb ook P latform R S P Training

Netbook Platform for ‘08

<DATE>             May 2008
 <BY: >   Mobile Platforms Group Marketing

Complementary Sales Tools & Assets
                                                           remove this slide prior to presentation

The following netbook-related materials are also available for your use:

Document & Link                                                             Format       New Rev        File Location

Netbook Selling Guide for Field & OEM Customers                             PPT          TBD            SMCR
Netbook 30.3.30 for Field & OEM Customers                                   PPT          June           SMCR
Intel® Atom™ Processor Marketing Overview Presentation                      PPT          TBD            SMCR

Netbook Processor/Platform Brief for Field & OEM Customers (public at launch) SMCR ( at
                                                      PDF       Minor edits
                                                                - late May    launch)
Intel Internet device processor family direct sample copy
                                                        PDF                              TBD            SMG Messaging Central

Q2’08 NDA Consumer Sales Guide                                              PDF          TBD            SMCR
Brand Communication Package for Intel® Atom™ processor                      PPT          N/A            SMCR

                                                                Intel Confidential
                                   *Other names and trademarks can be claimed as properties of others
Complementary Sales Tools & Assets
                                                 remove this slide prior to presentation

•   P u rp os e of th is G u id e
•   Th e p os itioning gu id e is inte nd e d for training O E M s , ch anne l and R S P s u s ing non-
    N D A gu id e line s .
•   It is not inte nd e d to b e u s e d with e nd -u s e r cons u m e rs or in re tail (e .g., as collate ral,
    te ar s h e e ts , m e rch and is ing, e tc).

•   H ow to U s e th is G u id e :
•   Th e gu id e is ap p rove d for non-N D A u s e with th e following re s trictions :
     –   Th e m ate rial m ay not b e p os te d on a p u b lic we b s ite or p os te d o n re tail s tore s or s h are d with
         e nd cons u m e rs . If any u s e b e yond th e ap p rove d non-N D A u s e is d e s ire d , you m u s t ge t
         ap p roval from you r local or b u s ine s s u nit P R , m arke ting and or le gal p e r b u s ine s s u nit
         p roce s s .

•   Vie w in p re se ntation m od e , and d o not d e l te l gal inform ation sl e .
                                                       e e                      id
•   S pe ake r note s are incl e d

•   S h e lf life :
•   Th e inform ation in th is d ocu m e nt is valid for conte nt p u b lis h e d from M ay 23, 2008
    th rou gh S e p te m b e r 26, 2008. N e w p rod u cts or inform ation introd u ce d d u ring th is
    p e riod m ay re s u lt in an u p d ate to th is d ocu m e nt or a Q & A p u b lis h e d s e p arate ly.

                                                      Intel Confidential
                         *Other names and trademarks can be claimed as properties of others
Introd u cing th e Inte l® Atom ™ p roce s s or.
          Bu ilt with th e world ’s s m alle s t trans is tors 1 .

                                                                            • Intel® Atom™ processor, new
                                                                              groundbreaking low-power architecture
                                                                            • Designed for small devices with long
                                                                              battery life
                                                                            • Built on Intel® 45nm technology
                                                                              (47+ million transistors on a single chip)

                                                                            • Supports Intel® Core™2 Duo processor
                                                                              instruction set to provide a robust
                                                                              Internet experience

¹ Processor comparison based on current Intel® architecture products. Transistor comparison based on 45nm processors in

                                                              Intel Confidential
                                 *Other names and trademarks can be claimed as properties of others
Bu t b e fore we m ove on…
Le t’s as k a fe w s im p le qu e s tions …

                                  Intel Confidential
     *Other names and trademarks can be claimed as properties of others
Q u e s tion: Wh at d o you re com m e nd to you r cu s tom e r?
    Motorcycle                Car                                  PC Speakers             HiFi Speakers

                 or                                                                   or

         Maneuverability                                                     Basic Needs
          Or Capacity?                                                   Or A Full Experience?

     Gas Stove        Multi-Cooker                                  Economy                  Business
                                                                      Class                   Class
                 or                                                                   or

          Single Usage                                                       Basic Or Luxury?
       Or Multi-functions?

                 Ans we r: Th at d e p e nd s on…

                                              Intel Confidential
                 *Other names and trademarks can be claimed as properties of others
… wh at th e ir ne e d s are !
Motorcycle                Car                                  PC Speakers             HiFi Speakers

             or                                                                   or

  Number of Passengers?                                             First Time Buyer?
    Traffic Conditions?                                          Demanding Expectations?

Gas Stove         Multi-Cooker                                  Economy                  Business
                                                                  Class                   Class
             or                                                                   or

    Single Focus Tasks?                                                    Budget Limits?

        D iffe re nt N e e d s H ave D iffe re nt S olu tions !

                                          Intel Confidential
             *Other names and trademarks can be claimed as properties of others
Is Inte l s e lling oth e r
                                     kind s of p rod u cts ?

                             Intel Confidential
*Other names and trademarks can be claimed as properties of others
Ans we r:                       NO

b u t Inte l Atom ™ p roce ssor h as e nab le d a
 ne w clas s of d e vice s calle d N E TBO O KS
 and you ne e d to know th e d iffe re nce with
       wh at you h ave b e e n s e lling s o far -
                  N O TE BO O K S


    N ote b ook                                                        N e tb ook

                                      Intel Confidential
         *Other names and trademarks can be claimed as properties of others
Wh at is a N e tb ook?

S m all, s im p le and afford ab le
d e vice s to conne ct to
th e Inte rne t p owe re d b y th e
Inte l® Atom ™ p roce s s or

                                                 Intel Confidential
                    *Other names and trademarks can be claimed as properties of others
A N e w C ate gory of D e vice s
        Want th e “Be s t Inte rne t                             Want S im p le and                        Want a R ich e r, F u lle r
     E xp e rie nce in You r P ocke t”?                       Afford ab le Inte rne t U s e ?                 E xp e rie nce ?

               G e t a M ob ile                                    G e t a N e tb ook                       G e t a N ote b ook
              Inte rne t D e vice                                                                            or a D e s ktop

                 Infotainm e nt,                                       Inte rne t u s e             E nte rtainm e nt, P rod u ctivity
                   O n th e G o                                                                            and M u ltitas king

                Targe t S P P                                          Targe t S P P                             Targe t S P P
                M ID : > $800*                                      N e tb ook: > $250*                      N ote b ook: > $600*
                                                                                                              D e s ktop : > $400*

* Prices are US $ and are just indicative and can vary from Country to country

                                                                        Intel Confidential
                                      *Other names and trademarks can be claimed as properties of others
N e tb ook P latform for 2008
                                         Inte l® Ato m ™
                                                                      Inte l® C h ip s e t
                                            P roce s s or

Inte l® Atom ™ P roce s s or N 270 (D iam ond ville )                                                                              Intel® Atom™
                                                                                                                                  Processor N270
•Based on Intel’s 45nm Hi-K Metal Gate Process Technology
•1.6 GHz
•533 MHz FSB
•512k L2 Cache
•1 Core; 2 Threads

M ob ile Inte l® 945G S E E xp re s s C h ip s e t (C alis toga)                                                          945GSE
• 133 MHz Core Frequency                                                                                                                       ICH7-M
• Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator 950
• Single Channel DDR2 400/533 Memory Support

                                                           Intel Confidential – INTERNAL ONLY
     *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. All dates, plans and features are preliminary and subject to change without notice.
N e tb ooks In You r Life
          D is cove r th e                                                     Bring th e Inte rne t
          Inte rne t                                                           With You

           Blog and S u rf                                                     S m all and Ligh t
           E m ail and C h at                                                  Long Batte ry Life
           S ocial N e tworking                                                Wire le s s C onne ctivity

          Le arn on                                                            G e t S tarte d with
          th e Inte rne t                                                      th e Inte rne t

           H om e work                                                         E as y to U s e
           R e s e arch                                                        Afford ab le
           O nline N e ws                                                      F irs t Tim e Bu ye rs

N ow E ve ryone C an C onne ct, Le arn and S h are

                                       Intel Confidential
          *Other names and trademarks can be claimed as properties of others
N ote b ook or N e tb ook?

Le t’s h e lp you r cu s tom e rs m ake th e
right m ob ile ch oice !

                                           Intel Confidential
              *Other names and trademarks can be claimed as properties of others
F orm Factors
            N ote b ook                                                             N e tb ook

                  -1 7ay                                                                      ”
                                                                                           1 0 ay
               1 4s p l                                                                 7- p l
                di                                                                      d is

     M u ltip le
  F orm F actors       O p tical D rive                                          S m all & Ligh t
                                                                     Flash storage and or Harddrives
Larger Harddrives, HD/DVD drives                                        upto 80GB, optional external
                                                                         opticals, smaller keyboard

                                                Intel Confidential
                   *Other names and trademarks can be claimed as properties of others
N e tb ooks and N ote b ooks
 - C om p le m e nt E ach O th e r
C re ate , E d it and S tore C onte nt
           on N ote b ooks                                                 Vie w C onte nt
                                                                            Anywh e re
                                                                           with N e tb ooks

           • E d it P h otos                                                • Vie w P h otos
           • R ip M u s ic                                                  • S tre am M u s ic
           • E ncod e Vid e os                                              • Watch O nline Vid e os

                                            Intel Confidential
               *Other names and trademarks can be claimed as properties of others
As k you r cu s tom e r wh at th e y ne e d b e fore m aking a
     re com m e nd ation

                                                       If no or not s u re , h e re are s om e s ce narios
                                                               wh e re a note b ook wou ld b e b e tte r:

                                       • M u ltitas king p e rform ance
                                       • G re at 3D e xp e rie nce
• F irs t tim e P C b u ye r?
• S im p le Inte rne t u s e ?
• G re ate r p ortab ility?            • G re ate r u p grad e ab ility
                                       • Ins tall ap p lications
     If ye s , th e n a
  ne tb ook is a gre at                • D o s o m u ch m ore !
         ch oice .

                                                           Intel Confidential
                              *Other names and trademarks can be claimed as properties of others
U s e r E xp e rie nce D iffe re ntiation
      N e tb ooks                                                        N ote b ooks
C onte nt C ons u m p tion                                      C onte nt C re ation & E d iting
Basic Computing Applications                                        Install Advanced Software

                                                               Download, store and listen to Music,
     Listening to Music
                                                   •   All th e cap ab ilitie splayne tb ooks PLUS :
                                                                                 of CDs
                                                   •   Ins tall S oftware
      Photo Viewing                                •   D ownload , s tore andphotos,to M u s ic,
                                                                     Edit, store lis te n videos
 Video Viewing (Streaming)
                                                       p lay C D s           Watch DVDs
                                                   •   E d it and s tore p h otos & vid e os
       Voice over IP                               •   Watch D VD Video Conferencing,
     Instant Messaging                             •   Vid e o-C onfe reweb surfing experience
                                                                 Richer ncing
                                                   •   R ich e r We b S u rfing E xp e rie nce
Playing basic Online Games                         •   OPlay richer, interactive & installed games,
                                                          p e n, e d it, and s tore large file s
                                                   •   Ins tall and p lay rich e r inte large files,
                                                                   Open, edit, store ractive
                                                       gam e s
     Social Networking                             •   M u ltitas king      Multi-tasking

                                          Intel Confidential
             *Other names and trademarks can be claimed as properties of others
Netbook vs . Notebook
                                           Netbook                                                                        Notebook
                                  Device for Internet                                                            Multi-purpose PC

                                                                                               Performance for Multi-tasking, Content
                       Purpose built for Internet use
                                                                                               Creation, Intense Workloads & Internet
             Web: Learn, Communicate, Play &                                                       Entertainment, Productivity & Rich
                          View                                                                                   Web

                              Compact form factor                                                             Range of form factors
                                (7-10” screen)                                                                   (> 10” screen)
Processor Price

                                   ~$250 -$350 *                                                                      $400 and above *
                  * Prices are US $ and are just indicative and can vary from Country to

                                                                                                       Includes: Core™2 Family includes Dual Core & Single
                                                                                                       Core Ultra-low Voltage and Dual Core Low Voltage

                                                                                  Intel Confidential
                                                *Other names and trademarks can be claimed as properties of others
C all to Action
                            N e tb ooks are s m all, s im p le and afford ab le
                            d e vice s for th e Inte rne t p owe re d b y
                            th e Inte l® Atom ™ p roce s s or

                                            F its You r Life                      F its You r Life s tyle

   R e com m e nd
   N e tb ooks to:

                                          Be ginne rs looking to                e xp e rie nce d u s e rs wh o
                                          e nrich th e ir le arning            want p ortab ility to conne ct
                                             with th e inte rne t                anywh e re all th e tim e

G e t S tarte d and G e t G oing with a N e tb ook!

                                              Intel Confidential
                 *Other names and trademarks can be claimed as properties of others

                                 Intel Confidential
    *Other names and trademarks can be claimed as properties of others
Inte l h as th e R igh t P roce s s or to m e e t you r
    M ob ile N e e d s
Intel understands that mobile users have unique needs and has developed different
processor technologies to meet these different needs.

       Notebooks                       Mobile Internet Devices                                  Netbooks

   Complete mobile PC –                  Purpose-built computing                            Great companion or
    best choice for most                  device for ultra-mobile                         starter device for easy-
         customers                                 users                                     access to the web

  Provides the richest,                    Puts the full Internet                          Designed for simple
  most complete mobile                      experience in your                              Internet-focused
       experience                                 pocket                                        activities

                                                  Intel Confidential
                     *Other names and trademarks can be claimed as properties of others
Inte l-p owe re d C las s m ate P C s
 - p u rp os e -b u ilt for e d u cation

Th e N e tb ook P latform for ‘08 enables a simple and
affordable platform for Internet-centric usage
                               C las s m ate P C C ate gory is a s u b -s e t of th e N e tb ook
                               P latform for ‘08 th at is focu s e d on a s p e cific U s age
                               M od e l are a (E d u cation)

                                                                                   C u s tom
                                         K id / las s room
                                                                                  E d u cation
                                            F rie nd ly ID
                                                                                  S oftware
                                                                            Wate r R e s is tant
                                        R u gge d D e s ign
                                                                              K e yb oard

                                          Intel Confidential
             *Other names and trademarks can be claimed as properties of others
A ne tb ook is not a note b ook re p lace m e nt

N ote b ook u s age s                                                                 and m ore …
 Simple       Advanced            Creativity              Gaming        Entertainment Productivity
internet       Internet

               Upload               Create             Play main-                         Maintain
                                                                              Rip a
               photos                photo               stream                              a
               or video             albums               games                            budget
N e tb ook
 u s age        Watch              Create                MMORPG                           Complex
                                                                            Watch a
                 HD               SD or HD               (online)                          school
                video              videos                 games                           projects

                                    Digital                Play              Stream
              Maintain                                                                     Word
                                   Content               RPG/FPS             media
               a blog                                                                    processing
                                   Creation               games

                                                            LAN             Watch a
              Download               Edit
                                                           parties          High-Def       Taxes
                video               photos

                                           Intel Confidential
              *Other names and trademarks can be claimed as properties of others
MID & Netbook Positioning
                         Mobile Internet Devices                                                                              Netbooks

                     The Best Internet                                                                       Simple and affordable
                     experience in your pocket                                                               Internet- use

What’s The Same
                       Intel® Atom™ Microarchitecture                                                          Intel® Atom™ Microarchitecture
                       Primarily Linux*, Some Windows*                                                         Linux* and Windows*
Size                 4.5”-7” screen (most <6”)                                                                 7-10” screen
Usage                “In hand” usage                                                                           “Sit down” usage
                     Those who want access to full internet                                                    (1) Introduction to computing for 1st
Target Users                                                                                                   time buyers/users (2) Secondary device
                     on the go - Gen Y, Active Parents and
Price                Mobile Professionals                                                                      for Internet use
Weight               >$400                                                                                     Target $250 SPP
Battery Life         As light as ~250g                                                                         As light as ~2lbs
                     As long as ~6 hr                                                                          As long as 4+ hr
                     WiFi + WWAN, GPS, BT                                                                      WiFi

Device Examples

25                                                                        Intel Confidential
                *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. All dates, plans and features are preliminary and subject to change without notice.

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  • 1. N e tb ook P latform R S P Training Netbook Platform for ‘08 Value Proposition <DATE> May 2008 <BY: > Mobile Platforms Group Marketing 1
  • 2. Complementary Sales Tools & Assets remove this slide prior to presentation The following netbook-related materials are also available for your use: Document & Link Format New Rev File Location Netbook Selling Guide for Field & OEM Customers PPT TBD SMCR Netbook 30.3.30 for Field & OEM Customers PPT June SMCR Intel® Atom™ Processor Marketing Overview Presentation PPT TBD SMCR Netbook Processor/Platform Brief for Field & OEM Customers (public at launch) SMCR ( at PDF Minor edits - late May launch) Intel Internet device processor family direct sample copy PDF TBD SMG Messaging Central Q2’08 NDA Consumer Sales Guide PDF TBD SMCR Brand Communication Package for Intel® Atom™ processor PPT N/A SMCR Intel Confidential *Other names and trademarks can be claimed as properties of others
  • 3. Complementary Sales Tools & Assets remove this slide prior to presentation • P u rp os e of th is G u id e • Th e p os itioning gu id e is inte nd e d for training O E M s , ch anne l and R S P s u s ing non- N D A gu id e line s . • It is not inte nd e d to b e u s e d with e nd -u s e r cons u m e rs or in re tail (e .g., as collate ral, te ar s h e e ts , m e rch and is ing, e tc). • H ow to U s e th is G u id e : • Th e gu id e is ap p rove d for non-N D A u s e with th e following re s trictions : – Th e m ate rial m ay not b e p os te d on a p u b lic we b s ite or p os te d o n re tail s tore s or s h are d with e nd cons u m e rs . If any u s e b e yond th e ap p rove d non-N D A u s e is d e s ire d , you m u s t ge t ap p roval from you r local or b u s ine s s u nit P R , m arke ting and or le gal p e r b u s ine s s u nit p roce s s . • Vie w in p re se ntation m od e , and d o not d e l te l gal inform ation sl e . e e id • S pe ake r note s are incl e d ud • S h e lf life : • Th e inform ation in th is d ocu m e nt is valid for conte nt p u b lis h e d from M ay 23, 2008 th rou gh S e p te m b e r 26, 2008. N e w p rod u cts or inform ation introd u ce d d u ring th is p e riod m ay re s u lt in an u p d ate to th is d ocu m e nt or a Q & A p u b lis h e d s e p arate ly. Intel Confidential *Other names and trademarks can be claimed as properties of others
  • 4. Introd u cing th e Inte l® Atom ™ p roce s s or. Bu ilt with th e world ’s s m alle s t trans is tors 1 . • Intel® Atom™ processor, new groundbreaking low-power architecture • Designed for small devices with long battery life • Built on Intel® 45nm technology (47+ million transistors on a single chip) • Supports Intel® Core™2 Duo processor instruction set to provide a robust Internet experience ¹ Processor comparison based on current Intel® architecture products. Transistor comparison based on 45nm processors in production. Intel Confidential *Other names and trademarks can be claimed as properties of others
  • 5. Bu t b e fore we m ove on… Le t’s as k a fe w s im p le qu e s tions … Intel Confidential *Other names and trademarks can be claimed as properties of others
  • 6. Q u e s tion: Wh at d o you re com m e nd to you r cu s tom e r? Motorcycle Car PC Speakers HiFi Speakers or or Maneuverability Basic Needs Or Capacity? Or A Full Experience? Gas Stove Multi-Cooker Economy Business Class Class or or Single Usage Basic Or Luxury? Or Multi-functions? Ans we r: Th at d e p e nd s on… Intel Confidential *Other names and trademarks can be claimed as properties of others
  • 7. … wh at th e ir ne e d s are ! Motorcycle Car PC Speakers HiFi Speakers or or Number of Passengers? First Time Buyer? Traffic Conditions? Demanding Expectations? Gas Stove Multi-Cooker Economy Business Class Class or or Single Focus Tasks? Budget Limits? Multitasking? D iffe re nt N e e d s H ave D iffe re nt S olu tions ! Intel Confidential *Other names and trademarks can be claimed as properties of others
  • 8. Is Inte l s e lling oth e r kind s of p rod u cts ? Intel Confidential *Other names and trademarks can be claimed as properties of others
  • 9. Ans we r: NO b u t Inte l Atom ™ p roce ssor h as e nab le d a ® ne w clas s of d e vice s calle d N E TBO O KS and you ne e d to know th e d iffe re nce with wh at you h ave b e e n s e lling s o far - N O TE BO O K S AND N ote b ook N e tb ook Intel Confidential *Other names and trademarks can be claimed as properties of others
  • 10. Wh at is a N e tb ook? S m all, s im p le and afford ab le d e vice s to conne ct to th e Inte rne t p owe re d b y th e Inte l® Atom ™ p roce s s or Intel Confidential *Other names and trademarks can be claimed as properties of others
  • 11. A N e w C ate gory of D e vice s Want th e “Be s t Inte rne t Want S im p le and Want a R ich e r, F u lle r E xp e rie nce in You r P ocke t”? Afford ab le Inte rne t U s e ? E xp e rie nce ? G e t a M ob ile G e t a N e tb ook G e t a N ote b ook Inte rne t D e vice or a D e s ktop Infotainm e nt, Inte rne t u s e E nte rtainm e nt, P rod u ctivity O n th e G o and M u ltitas king Targe t S P P Targe t S P P Targe t S P P M ID : > $800* N e tb ook: > $250* N ote b ook: > $600* D e s ktop : > $400* * Prices are US $ and are just indicative and can vary from Country to country Intel Confidential *Other names and trademarks can be claimed as properties of others
  • 12. N e tb ook P latform for 2008 Inte l® Ato m ™ Inte l® C h ip s e t P roce s s or Inte l® Atom ™ P roce s s or N 270 (D iam ond ville ) Intel® Atom™ Processor N270 •Based on Intel’s 45nm Hi-K Metal Gate Process Technology •1.6 GHz •533 MHz FSB •512k L2 Cache •1 Core; 2 Threads M ob ile Inte l® 945G S E E xp re s s C h ip s e t (C alis toga) 945GSE • 133 MHz Core Frequency ICH7-M • Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator 950 • Single Channel DDR2 400/533 Memory Support Intel Confidential – INTERNAL ONLY *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. All dates, plans and features are preliminary and subject to change without notice.
  • 13. N e tb ooks In You r Life D is cove r th e Bring th e Inte rne t Inte rne t With You  Blog and S u rf  S m all and Ligh t  E m ail and C h at  Long Batte ry Life  S ocial N e tworking  Wire le s s C onne ctivity Le arn on G e t S tarte d with th e Inte rne t th e Inte rne t  H om e work  E as y to U s e  R e s e arch  Afford ab le  O nline N e ws  F irs t Tim e Bu ye rs N ow E ve ryone C an C onne ct, Le arn and S h are Intel Confidential *Other names and trademarks can be claimed as properties of others
  • 14. N ote b ook or N e tb ook? Le t’s h e lp you r cu s tom e rs m ake th e right m ob ile ch oice ! Intel Confidential *Other names and trademarks can be claimed as properties of others
  • 15. F orm Factors N ote b ook N e tb ook ” -1 7ay ” 1 0 ay 1 4s p l 7- p l di d is M u ltip le F orm F actors O p tical D rive S m all & Ligh t Flash storage and or Harddrives Larger Harddrives, HD/DVD drives upto 80GB, optional external opticals, smaller keyboard Intel Confidential *Other names and trademarks can be claimed as properties of others
  • 16. N e tb ooks and N ote b ooks - C om p le m e nt E ach O th e r C re ate , E d it and S tore C onte nt on N ote b ooks Vie w C onte nt Anywh e re with N e tb ooks • E d it P h otos • Vie w P h otos • R ip M u s ic • S tre am M u s ic • E ncod e Vid e os • Watch O nline Vid e os Intel Confidential *Other names and trademarks can be claimed as properties of others
  • 17. As k you r cu s tom e r wh at th e y ne e d b e fore m aking a re com m e nd ation If no or not s u re , h e re are s om e s ce narios wh e re a note b ook wou ld b e b e tte r: • M u ltitas king p e rform ance • G re at 3D e xp e rie nce • F irs t tim e P C b u ye r? • S im p le Inte rne t u s e ? • G re ate r p ortab ility? • G re ate r u p grad e ab ility • Ins tall ap p lications If ye s , th e n a ne tb ook is a gre at • D o s o m u ch m ore ! ch oice . Intel Confidential *Other names and trademarks can be claimed as properties of others
  • 18. U s e r E xp e rie nce D iffe re ntiation N e tb ooks N ote b ooks C onte nt C ons u m p tion C onte nt C re ation & E d iting Basic Computing Applications Install Advanced Software Download, store and listen to Music, Listening to Music • All th e cap ab ilitie splayne tb ooks PLUS : of CDs • Ins tall S oftware Photo Viewing • D ownload , s tore andphotos,to M u s ic, Edit, store lis te n videos Video Viewing (Streaming) p lay C D s Watch DVDs • E d it and s tore p h otos & vid e os Voice over IP • Watch D VD Video Conferencing, s Instant Messaging • Vid e o-C onfe reweb surfing experience Richer ncing • R ich e r We b S u rfing E xp e rie nce Playing basic Online Games • OPlay richer, interactive & installed games, p e n, e d it, and s tore large file s Email • Ins tall and p lay rich e r inte large files, Open, edit, store ractive gam e s Social Networking • M u ltitas king Multi-tasking Intel Confidential *Other names and trademarks can be claimed as properties of others
  • 19. Netbook vs . Notebook Netbook Notebook Device for Internet Multi-purpose PC Usage Performance for Multi-tasking, Content Purpose built for Internet use Creation, Intense Workloads & Internet Web: Learn, Communicate, Play & Entertainment, Productivity & Rich View Web Size Compact form factor Range of form factors (7-10” screen) (> 10” screen) Processor Price ~$250 -$350 * $400 and above * * Prices are US $ and are just indicative and can vary from Country to country Brands Includes: Core™2 Family includes Dual Core & Single Core Ultra-low Voltage and Dual Core Low Voltage Intel Confidential *Other names and trademarks can be claimed as properties of others
  • 20. C all to Action N e tb ooks are s m all, s im p le and afford ab le d e vice s for th e Inte rne t p owe re d b y th e Inte l® Atom ™ p roce s s or F its You r Life F its You r Life s tyle R e com m e nd N e tb ooks to: Be ginne rs looking to e xp e rie nce d u s e rs wh o e nrich th e ir le arning want p ortab ility to conne ct with th e inte rne t anywh e re all th e tim e G e t S tarte d and G e t G oing with a N e tb ook! Intel Confidential *Other names and trademarks can be claimed as properties of others
  • 21. BACKUP Intel Confidential *Other names and trademarks can be claimed as properties of others
  • 22. Inte l h as th e R igh t P roce s s or to m e e t you r M ob ile N e e d s Intel understands that mobile users have unique needs and has developed different processor technologies to meet these different needs. Notebooks Mobile Internet Devices Netbooks Complete mobile PC – Purpose-built computing Great companion or best choice for most device for ultra-mobile starter device for easy- customers users access to the web Provides the richest, Puts the full Internet Designed for simple most complete mobile experience in your Internet-focused experience pocket activities Intel Confidential *Other names and trademarks can be claimed as properties of others
  • 23. Inte l-p owe re d C las s m ate P C s - p u rp os e -b u ilt for e d u cation Th e N e tb ook P latform for ‘08 enables a simple and affordable platform for Internet-centric usage models C las s m ate P C C ate gory is a s u b -s e t of th e N e tb ook P latform for ‘08 th at is focu s e d on a s p e cific U s age M od e l are a (E d u cation) C u s tom K id / las s room C E d u cation F rie nd ly ID S oftware Wate r R e s is tant R u gge d D e s ign K e yb oard Intel Confidential *Other names and trademarks can be claimed as properties of others
  • 24. A ne tb ook is not a note b ook re p lace m e nt N ote b ook u s age s and m ore … Simple Advanced Creativity Gaming Entertainment Productivity internet Internet Upload Create Play main- Maintain Rip a photos photo stream a CD or video albums games budget N e tb ook u s age Watch Create MMORPG Complex Watch a HD SD or HD (online) school DVD video videos games projects Digital Play Stream Maintain Word Content RPG/FPS media a blog processing Creation games LAN Watch a Download Edit parties High-Def Taxes video photos movie Intel Confidential *Other names and trademarks can be claimed as properties of others
  • 25. MID & Netbook Positioning Mobile Internet Devices Netbooks The Best Internet Simple and affordable Positioning experience in your pocket Internet- use What’s The Same Technology Intel® Atom™ Microarchitecture Intel® Atom™ Microarchitecture OS Primarily Linux*, Some Windows* Linux* and Windows* What’s Different Size 4.5”-7” screen (most <6”) 7-10” screen Usage “In hand” usage “Sit down” usage Those who want access to full internet (1) Introduction to computing for 1st Target Users time buyers/users (2) Secondary device on the go - Gen Y, Active Parents and Price Mobile Professionals for Internet use Weight >$400 Target $250 SPP Battery Life As light as ~250g As light as ~2lbs As long as ~6 hr As long as 4+ hr Wireless WiFi + WWAN, GPS, BT WiFi Device Examples 25 Intel Confidential *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. All dates, plans and features are preliminary and subject to change without notice.

Hinweis der Redaktion

  1. Note: Change visual to local currency as needed Key Takeaway: The new Intel® Atom™ processor was designed ‘from the ground up’ for simple, Internet-centric devices. This new technology has the ability to open a new era in mobile computing and offers more types of devices for mobile users to stay connected. Intel® brings to life a new class of affordable, easy to use Netbooks and Mobile Internet Devices (MIDs). These simple devices are focused on an Internet-centric user, designed for tasks such as browsing, photo sharing, video viewing, and social networking. What is the Intel® Atom™ processor? Intel has extended our architecture, using industry-leading 45nm, Hi-K chips to drive the Internet-focused market with low power, low cost technologies. The Intel® Atom™ processor (formerly “Silverthorne” and “Diamondville”) enables a new class of Mobile Internet Devices (MIDs) and simple, affordable Internet-centric computers, next generation CE devices, and more - putting the best computing technology in your pocket. The Intel® Atom™ processors: designed from the ground-up for low-power and high performance. With screens ranging from 10 to as small as 5 inches, Intel believes these new class of MID and Netbook devices will enable unprecedented Internet access to e-mail, videos, television, games, music, pictures and even office applications, to provide users with unprecedented Internet access and content. MIDs (Mobile Internet Devices): ultra portable, pocket-sized devices, like Apple’s iPhone*. Customers want a supplemental device to access the Internet for staying on top of work and personal lives. Attractive for mobile workers, parents and globe trotters. MIDs can be used for calls, taking/viewing pictures, texting, chatting, e-mail, net browsing, and as a GPS system. MIDs are primarily aimed at consuming content, not creating it. Netbooks are a new category of Internet devices that look similar to a very small notebook with a keyboard and smaller ~10” screen. These are made possible by a new generation of low power, low cost processors, like the n ew Intel ® Atom™ processor. The Intel ® Atom™ processor was designed for these simple, Internet-centric devices. They offer a great solution for Internet access at an affordable price, without the hassle of maintaining and updating software. Like Mobile Internet Devices (MIDs), they don’t typically have a CD/DVD drive. Instead, they come with pre-installed, software running on the Linux or Vista operating system. The small size , long battery life and lower price makes Netbooks a great choice for customers looking for a secondary device for family members or travel. Netbooks are best for consuming content and Internet-centric applications like accessing and working on social networking sites like MySpace*, FaceBook*, YouTube*, and for simple online games. Netbooks can also be used for travel or for note taking in classrooms, and other educational uses by adults or children.
  2. Is Intel getting into the vacuum business???
  3. No, we’re not entering a new business. But this analogy of upright and handheld vacs helps to illustrate a similar opportunity brought about by the introduction of netbooks. We are confident that the right solution for many of your customers is to have both notebooks and netbooks in their home. Lets spend a minute defining what we mean by “netbook”.
  4. Netbooks represent a new category of affordable mobile computing devices purpose-built for simple online usages. The ‘new category’ aspect is important to convey, since netbooks really are not designed to be used in the same way as a notebook. Notebooks have a richer feature set, better performance, and therefore more capabilities. We’ll talk about more about what differentiates a netbook from a notebook in a minute.
  5. And no matter what you want to do, Intel has the very best solution! If you want the very best PC experience, purchase a Centrino2 and Core2Duo based PC. They allow you to not only consume content on the internet but also encode HD video, run multiple applications at the same time, transcode and post a video youtube very quickly If you want the best Internent experience in your pocket, our recently announced Centrino Atom processors are the perfect solution If you want affordable, simple devices, the Intel Atom processor in the form of a netbook or nettop is the perfect solution
  6. Notebook or netbook? This is a new question which has come about very recently in large part as the result of Intel’s innovations in the areas of low power and the world’s smallest microprocessor design. However, there are some critical differences between netbooks and notebooks, so we’ll use this positioning guide to help you talk to consumers about the different capabilities of each.
  7. Now, some final considerations before recommending a netbook. Is your customer reasonably confident that they are just looking for a device for simple online usages like the ones we’ve discussed? Then by all means, netbooks are a fantastic choice! However, in addition to the specific usage examples we just talked about, there are other questions that you may want to ask your customer in order to help them choose the right portable: Is this their first device for using the internet? Help them understand that netbooks are a great introduction to computing, but a full-featured notebook offers more possibilities as they expand their knowledge and comfort level. Think of it as future-proofing their purchase… Do they have a child leaving for college in the near future? Even if their current usage is restricted to simple online usages around the home or while traveling, a child’s computing needs grow exponentially when they move on to higher education. Purchasing a notebook now gives the parent the option of sending it along for the educational ride. Do they foresee any multitasking in the future? There are many examples, but generally the greater processing power of a notebook will make for a better multitasking experience. The internet is a limitless source of content – do they foresee uploading to or downloading from the web? If so they’ll need the storage capabilities of a notebook. Almost as limitless is the supply of software applications. If they think they’ll want to load applications in the future – they’ll need a notebook.