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Chapter 14
   Semantic Web Mining
     As mentioned in Chapter 8, although the ideas are still somewhat fuzzy,
   the Web is evolving into the semantic Web. The technologies that are being
   developed will eventually give us machine-understandable Web pages. Fur-
   thermore, Web mining is now a reality. The challenge therefore is to carry
   out semantic Web mining. That is, we need to mine the semantic Web. The
   question is, what does it mean to mine the semantic Web? Note that the
   semantic Web is about machine-understandable Web pages to make the
   Web more intelligent and able to provide useful services to the user. This
   means that the information on Web pages may have to be mined so that the
   machine can understand the content. Essentially, we need to carry out
   machine learning on the Web.
      Another challenge is to mine the RDF and XML documents to develop
   semantic Web services. One can also mine the ontologies and other data-
   bases so that the Web is made more intelligent. While we briefly discussed
   semantic Web mining in Chapter 8, we will explore this topic in some detail
   in this chapter. In particular, we will examine each of the technologies dis-
   cussed in Chapter 8 and discuss the impact of Web mining.

      Chapter 8 discussed the semantic Web and provided an example con-
   cept of operation. In this section, we discuss semantic Web mining. It is
   essentially mining the information pertaining to the semantic Web. This
   means mining Web pages so that the machine can better understand the
   information. It also means mining the data sources to develop an effective
   semantic Web.
      Exhibit 1 illustrates semantic Web mining. It is essentially mining vari-
   ous XML and RDF documents as well as mining ontologies and metadata. It
   also includes mining the data sources on the Web and mining the informa-
   tion relating to the information management technologies. Note that in
   Chapter 7, while we discussed semantic Web, it was difficult to give a defi-
   nition of the semantic Web. That is, it is not possible to say that this is
   where the Web ends and the semantic Web begins. The semantic Web is
   essentially an evolution of the Web. We will not end with the semantic Web.
   It will evolve as far as we can see. In the same way, semantic Web mining

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Web mining

                                      XML, RDF,
                                     ontologies and
                                     data modeling
           Information                technologies             Database
          management                                         technology:
           technology:                                           query,
          collaboration,                                    transactions,
           multimedia,                                        metadata,
            knowledge                                           storage

                                      Web mining

                   Exhibit 1.    Semantic Web Mining Technologies

  will evolve from Web mining. The ultimate goal is to make the Web easier
  to use. In addition, we want to mine the large quantities of information on
  the Web so that humans can better perform their tasks.
    Exhibit 2 illustrates a semantic Web mining concept of operation. As we
  have mentioned in Chapter 8, the brokering service matches subscribers
  and publishers. With semantic Web mining, the brokering services use Web
  mining to determine the best publishers for the subscribers and to advise
  them. That is, it is not just a matching service; it mines the information and
  data sources, finds the best match, and provides advice for future services
  and enhancements.
     Exhibit 3 shows how Web mining agents can be integrated with the loca-
  tor agents and user agents. That is, the Web mining agents give advice to the
  user agents as well as to the locator agents in terms of finding the resources.

     As we have mentioned in Part I, the Web has both structured and
  unstructured documents. That is, while some of the data may be in rela-
  tional databases, XML is becoming the de facto standard for Web docu-
  ments. The W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) has developed standards
  for RDF. Therefore, we can expect both XML and RDF documents to
  become the standard document exchange languages for the Web. This

Copyright © 2003 CRC Press LLC
Publisher service:                Publisher service:
                   finding the best route                maintaining

                              Broker/matching service
                                 uses Web mining

                        request the                      Subscription:
                         best route                    request schedules

             Exhibit 2.   Concept of Operation for Semantic Web Mining

                              Agents acting on behalf of users

                 User agent             User agent               User agent

                              Agents carrying out Web mining

                    Mining                   Mining                agent
                    agent                    agent

                                  Agents finding resources

                    Locator                  Locator                agent
                     agent                    agent

                                        Resource                 Resource

                     Exhibit 3.   Agents for Semantic Web Mining

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                     database management     XML/RDF
                     system + data           database
                     mining tool

     Exhibit 4. Tight Integration between Data Miner and XML/RDF Database

                          Mining tool

                     database management

    Exhibit 5.   Loose Integration between Data Miner and XML/RDF Database

  means that there will be XML and, eventually, RDF databases on the Web.
  One can think of the semantic Web in terms of different kinds of databases
  such as XML, RDF, multimedia, relational, and object databases, which also
  have to be mined.
     Exhibits 4 and 5 illustrate the tight coupling and loose coupling
  approaches for semantic Web mining. In the tight coupling approach, the
  Web miner and XML data manager are tightly integrated. In the loose cou-
  pling approach, the data miner is an interface to the XML data manager.
  Note that, as illustrated in Exhibit 6, one can extract structure from the
  XML and RDF documents and mine the structured database. Some of the
  key points were discussed in the previous chapters on mining semistruc-
  tured databases.

     In Chapter 8, we discussed ontologies for the semantic Web. Ontologies
  were also discussed in Chapter 5 when we addressed metadata for Web
  data management. The question is, what is the relationship between ontol-
  ogies and Web mining? We feel that this is a two-way relationship. Web min-
  ing can help to develop ontologies. Note that ontologies are somewhat
  standard definitions about various entities and events such as vehicles,
  wines, animals, etc. One could mine the data on the Web and develop ontol-


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Data mining

                                                       Structure from


                  Exhibit 6.     Extracting Structure and then Mining

   ogies. For example, by mining the data we may find that there is a special
   kind of wine. This type of wine can then be included in the wine ontology.
      One can also mine the ontologies on the Web so that it is made more
   intelligent. This is illustrated in Exhibit 7. While ontologies are developed
   from metadata and ontologies in turn generate, for example, RDF schemas,
   one could mine the metadata, ontologies, and RDF schemas toward devel-
   oping the semantic Web. That is, the information mined from ontologies
   and schemas can be used perhaps to better understand Web pages. There
   is still much to be done here.

      In Chapter 13, we discussed agents and Web mining. Agents are a key
   technology for the semantic Web. Therefore, we will revisit agents for com-
   pleteness. As we have mentioned earlier, agents are essentially processes
   that have well-defined interfaces, and communicate with each other
   through well-defined protocols. The question is, what is the relationship
   between agents and Web mining? One is that agent technology can be used
   for Web mining. That is, we could use agents to mine the data on the Web.
   While we could use simple processes for data and Web mining, with agents
   we can have protocol-based communication between the agents. A mining
   agent could communicate with a resource manager agent and a resource
   manage agent could communicate with a locator agent, all through well-
   defined protocols.


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                                     +                    Ontologies

                                                         XML + RDF

                     Exhibit 7.   Ontologies and Web Data Mining

     How can Web mining support agents? With Web mining, we can find var-
  ious resources, patterns, and trends. This in turn could help toward con-
  structing various types of agents. We can use Web mining to support a vari-
  ety of agents to carry out their jobs. These will include locator agents,
  resource management agents, and agents for knowledge management and
  collaboration, among others.
     Exhibit 8 illustrates agents mining data as well as using Web mining to
  locate resources on the Web. The ideas discussed here also apply for the
  semantic Web. That is, we need agents to mine the data on the Web as well
  as Web pages so that the machine can understand the Web pages better.
  Eventually, this means that the burden placed on the human could be

     In Chapter 8, we discussed an alternative way to view the semantic Web.
  In this view, the semantic Web is considered a database management sys-
  tem managing millions of objects. This means that the semantic Web can
  query and manage the data in a large distributed database.
    In Exhibit 7, Chapter 8, we illustrated how database functions can be
  applied to the semantic Web. In Exhibit 9, we illustrate how data mining can

Copyright © 2003 CRC Press LLC
Mining agent A:                     Mining agent B:
                   does collaborative                  does collaborative
                   mining with mining                  mining with mining
                        agent B                             agent A

                                                          Locator agent:
                      Web mining:                        locates resources
                       mines the                        on the Web based
                      data sources                     on information given
                      on the Web                        by the Web miner

                                         Data source
                                         on the Web
                    Exhibit 8.    Revisiting Agents and Web Mining

                                    Semantic Web + mining

                       Information                       Information
                         source A                          source B

                           Database system + Data mining:
                           integration, modeling,
                           querying, indexing,
                           data mining

                           Information                 Information
                             source C                    source D

              Exhibit 9.    Web Mining and Semantic Web as a Database


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               RDF                                            RDF


               XML                                            XML


                                     Web mining

              Exhibit 10.   Web Mining and Semantic Interoperability

  be included as part of the semantic Web function. That is, the database sys-
  tem which is the semantic Web can carry out data mining to extract often
  previously unknown patterns and trends. There is still a lot of research to
  be done in considering the semantic Web as a large heterogeneous data-
  base system. For example, we need to examine schema integration, feder-
  ated database concepts, and many other issues. We also need to include
  data mining as part of this research.

     In Chapter 8, we discussed semantic interoperability. Here, the various
  RDF and XML documents have to interoperate. The database researchers
  have carried out extensive research on semantic heterogeneity in hetero-
  geneous and federated databases. Many of the concepts are also applica-
  ble to the semantic Web. Note that this is essentially what we discussed in
  Chapter 8 when we considered the semantic Web as a large heterogeneous
  databases manager.
    Exhibit 10 illustrates an approach for the interoperability of RDF docu-
  ments. Note that there may be several interpretations of the same entity
  and the same interpretation for different entities. The interoperability man-


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Integration manager
                                         uses Web mining

                          XML                XML                XML

                                                             Data source C
                       Data source A

                                         Data source B

         Exhibit 11.   Mining for Semantic Interoperability of XML Databases

   ager has to handle such heterogeneity. This is where Web mining could
   help. The various ontologies could be mined to support interoperability.
      In addition, the data sources on the Web could be mined. The informa-
   tion extracted from mining could be given as input to the interoperability
   manager. Exhibit 11 illustrates an example of integrating XML documents.
   Here again, the interoperability manager uses Web mining to handle
   semantic heterogeneity.

      In Chapter 8, we provided an overview of Web services. This is one of
   the rapidly growing areas in Web technology. The idea is essentially to pro-
   vide a number of Web services, including publishing, subscription, direc-
   tory, and many others, to Web users, who make use of the services by call-
   ing appropriate service routines.
      Exhibit 12 illustrates the concept of incorporating data mining not only
   as a Web service but also using it to enhance the Web services. For exam-
   ple, one could have a data mining service mine the data sources on the
   Web. Data mining can also be used to broker the information. That is, the
   broker service could use data mining to match publishers with subscrib-
   ers. This is an area that is still largely unexplored. While we have the vari-
   ous pieces such as Web services and Web mining, we need to integrate the
   two to provide better quality services to the users.


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Data/information                      Data
                    management                          mining
                       services                         service

                                     Web services
                        use data mining for managing services

                       Publishing                      Directory
                      subscription                      service

                    Exhibit 12. Web Services and Web Mining

     In Chapter 8, we discussed the evolution of the Web to the semantic
  Web. As we have mentioned, we cannot say at which point the Web ends
  and the semantic Web begins. It will be a continuous process. The Web will
  continually evolve to become the semantic Web and, some say, the knowl-
  edge Web eventually. There is only one Web, and as we make progress with
  technologies and applications, the Web will continue to be enhanced. We
  also stress that applications as technologies alone will not be sufficient.
  Applications will drive the way the Web evolves. This is why we provide a
  brief overview of various applications in Chapter 16. While our focus is on
  Web mining for these applications, we will discuss how these applications
  are driving the Web.
     Exhibit 13 illustrates semantic Web mining. We started with data mining
  in the mid-1990s. At that time, many of the data mining tools mined only
  relational databases. In 2000, we began to see multimedia data mining
  tools, especially text mining tools, and Web mining tools appear. These
  tools will eventually evolve into semantic Web mining tools. That is, seman-
  tic Web mining is about data mining on the Web to make the Web more
  intelligent. By 2005, we should begin to see such tools emerge. For exam-
  ple, these tools will mine Web pages and give advice to both the system
  and the users.

    E-commerce is the killer application for the Web. We have provided an
  overview of E-commerce in Chapter 2, and we have discussed the semantic

Copyright © 2003 CRC Press LLC
Data mining in 2005:
                                       semantic Web mining
                                 i.e., mining the semantic Web
                                   and intelligent Web mining

                                     Data mining in 2000:
                                    multimedia data mining
                                         Web mining

                                     Data mining in 1995:
                                        mainly mining
                                     relational databases

                   Exhibit 13.      Evolution of Semantic Web Mining

   Web and E-commerce in Chapter 8. We revisit E-commerce in this chapter
   for completion. E-commerce is about carrying out transactions on the Web
   between the consumer and the business or between businesses. In
   [THUR00], we discussed how Web data management technologies could be
   used for E-commerce. We also briefly illustrated how Web mining could
   help business intelligence. We revisit this topic in this section.
     Web mining is one of the key technologies to gather business intelli-
   gence. It is illustrated in Exhibit 14. With Web mining, one can develop cus-
   tomer profiles and buying trends, and carry out targeted marketing. We can
   use many of the mining techniques such as classification, clustering, and

                  E-commerce                                     Mine usage
                      site                                        patterns

                      Strategy to
                                                             Mine public and
                                                             private databases
                       Web site

                      Exhibit 14. Web Mining for E-Commerce

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link analysis to develop profiles of customers. We can extract information,
  such as “customers who bought X also bought Y,” and “customers who pur-
  chased X and Y are likely to purchase Z.” This way, we could market Z prod-
  ucts to customers who have purchased X and Y.
     We will discuss the various applications of Web mining in Chapter 17. As
  we have stated, applications drive the development of the Web. That is,
  applications drive technologies, and technologies in turn generate new
  applications. There are many similarities between gathering business intel-
  ligence and gathering intelligence for counter-terrorism. This is one of the
  reasons we have discussed business intelligence analysis throughout this
  book. We will focus on counter-terrorism in Part III, and will revisit busi-
  ness intelligence in Chapter 27.

     This chapter has provided a broad overview of semantic Web mining.
  We examined the semantic Web concepts discussed in Chapter 8 and
  described the impact of Web mining. We started with a discussion of
  semantic Web mining concepts and discussed a concept of operation.
  Then we discussed mining XML and RDF documents as well as the seman-
  tic interoperability of these documents. We also discussed the use of
  agents in semantic Web mining and described the notion of incorporating
  mining into the semantic Web when the semantic Web is considered to be
  a heterogeneous database manager. Finally, we discussed the evolution of
  the semantic Web and also examined the use of Web mining in E-commerce.
     The previous four chapters essentially examined data management,
  information retrieval, information management, and semantic Web technol-
  ogies and discussed the impact of Web mining. The next three chapters will
  address some related topics. Chapter 15 will discuss Web usage and struc-
  ture mining, which is another major component of Web mining. Web mining
  prototypes and products will be the subject of Chapter 16. We provide a
  broad overview of applications in Chapter 17. This will then set the stage
  for discussion in Part III of counter-terrorism as one of the critical applica-
  tions for data and Web mining. Web mining is used to gather business intel-
  ligence so that organizations can get information about competitors and
  improve their business practices. Similarly, business intelligence can be
  used to learn about the strategies of the adversary to counter terrorism.


Copyright © 2003 CRC Press LLC

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Semantic Web Mining

  • 1. Chapter 14 Semantic Web Mining INTRODUCTION As mentioned in Chapter 8, although the ideas are still somewhat fuzzy, the Web is evolving into the semantic Web. The technologies that are being developed will eventually give us machine-understandable Web pages. Fur- thermore, Web mining is now a reality. The challenge therefore is to carry out semantic Web mining. That is, we need to mine the semantic Web. The question is, what does it mean to mine the semantic Web? Note that the semantic Web is about machine-understandable Web pages to make the Web more intelligent and able to provide useful services to the user. This means that the information on Web pages may have to be mined so that the machine can understand the content. Essentially, we need to carry out machine learning on the Web. Another challenge is to mine the RDF and XML documents to develop semantic Web services. One can also mine the ontologies and other data- bases so that the Web is made more intelligent. While we briefly discussed semantic Web mining in Chapter 8, we will explore this topic in some detail in this chapter. In particular, we will examine each of the technologies dis- cussed in Chapter 8 and discuss the impact of Web mining. CONCEPTS IN SEMANTIC WEB MINING Chapter 8 discussed the semantic Web and provided an example con- cept of operation. In this section, we discuss semantic Web mining. It is essentially mining the information pertaining to the semantic Web. This means mining Web pages so that the machine can better understand the information. It also means mining the data sources to develop an effective semantic Web. Exhibit 1 illustrates semantic Web mining. It is essentially mining vari- ous XML and RDF documents as well as mining ontologies and metadata. It also includes mining the data sources on the Web and mining the informa- tion relating to the information management technologies. Note that in Chapter 7, while we discussed semantic Web, it was difficult to give a defi- nition of the semantic Web. That is, it is not possible to say that this is where the Web ends and the semantic Web begins. The semantic Web is essentially an evolution of the Web. We will not end with the semantic Web. It will evolve as far as we can see. In the same way, semantic Web mining 231 Copyright © 2003 CRC Press LLC
  • 2. Web mining XML, RDF, metadata, ontologies and data modeling Information technologies Database management technology: technology: query, collaboration, transactions, multimedia, metadata, knowledge storage management Semantic Web mining Exhibit 1. Semantic Web Mining Technologies will evolve from Web mining. The ultimate goal is to make the Web easier to use. In addition, we want to mine the large quantities of information on the Web so that humans can better perform their tasks. Exhibit 2 illustrates a semantic Web mining concept of operation. As we have mentioned in Chapter 8, the brokering service matches subscribers and publishers. With semantic Web mining, the brokering services use Web mining to determine the best publishers for the subscribers and to advise them. That is, it is not just a matching service; it mines the information and data sources, finds the best match, and provides advice for future services and enhancements. Exhibit 3 shows how Web mining agents can be integrated with the loca- tor agents and user agents. That is, the Web mining agents give advice to the user agents as well as to the locator agents in terms of finding the resources. XML, RDF, AND WEB DATA MINING As we have mentioned in Part I, the Web has both structured and unstructured documents. That is, while some of the data may be in rela- tional databases, XML is becoming the de facto standard for Web docu- ments. The W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) has developed standards for RDF. Therefore, we can expect both XML and RDF documents to become the standard document exchange languages for the Web. This 232 Copyright © 2003 CRC Press LLC
  • 3. Publisher service: Publisher service: finding the best route maintaining schedules Broker/matching service uses Web mining Subscription: request the Subscription: best route request schedules Exhibit 2. Concept of Operation for Semantic Web Mining Agents acting on behalf of users User agent User agent User agent Agents carrying out Web mining Mining Mining Mining agent agent agent Agents finding resources Locator Locator Locator agent agent agent Resource Resource Resource Exhibit 3. Agents for Semantic Web Mining 233 Copyright © 2003 CRC Press LLC
  • 4. XML/RDF database management XML/RDF system + data database mining tool Exhibit 4. Tight Integration between Data Miner and XML/RDF Database Mining tool XML/RDF XML/RDF database management database system Exhibit 5. Loose Integration between Data Miner and XML/RDF Database means that there will be XML and, eventually, RDF databases on the Web. One can think of the semantic Web in terms of different kinds of databases such as XML, RDF, multimedia, relational, and object databases, which also have to be mined. Exhibits 4 and 5 illustrate the tight coupling and loose coupling approaches for semantic Web mining. In the tight coupling approach, the Web miner and XML data manager are tightly integrated. In the loose cou- pling approach, the data miner is an interface to the XML data manager. Note that, as illustrated in Exhibit 6, one can extract structure from the XML and RDF documents and mine the structured database. Some of the key points were discussed in the previous chapters on mining semistruc- tured databases. ONTOLOGIES AND WEB DATA MINING In Chapter 8, we discussed ontologies for the semantic Web. Ontologies were also discussed in Chapter 5 when we addressed metadata for Web data management. The question is, what is the relationship between ontol- ogies and Web mining? We feel that this is a two-way relationship. Web min- ing can help to develop ontologies. Note that ontologies are somewhat standard definitions about various entities and events such as vehicles, wines, animals, etc. One could mine the data on the Web and develop ontol- 234 Copyright © 2003 CRC Press LLC
  • 5. Data mining tool Extract Structure from XML/RDF documents XML/RDF documents Exhibit 6. Extracting Structure and then Mining ogies. For example, by mining the data we may find that there is a special kind of wine. This type of wine can then be included in the wine ontology. One can also mine the ontologies on the Web so that it is made more intelligent. This is illustrated in Exhibit 7. While ontologies are developed from metadata and ontologies in turn generate, for example, RDF schemas, one could mine the metadata, ontologies, and RDF schemas toward devel- oping the semantic Web. That is, the information mined from ontologies and schemas can be used perhaps to better understand Web pages. There is still much to be done here. AGENTS AND WEB DATA MINING In Chapter 13, we discussed agents and Web mining. Agents are a key technology for the semantic Web. Therefore, we will revisit agents for com- pleteness. As we have mentioned earlier, agents are essentially processes that have well-defined interfaces, and communicate with each other through well-defined protocols. The question is, what is the relationship between agents and Web mining? One is that agent technology can be used for Web mining. That is, we could use agents to mine the data on the Web. While we could use simple processes for data and Web mining, with agents we can have protocol-based communication between the agents. A mining agent could communicate with a resource manager agent and a resource manage agent could communicate with a locator agent, all through well- defined protocols. 235 Copyright © 2003 CRC Press LLC
  • 6. Metadata concepts Web mining Semantic + Ontologies Web ontology mining XML + RDF schemas Exhibit 7. Ontologies and Web Data Mining How can Web mining support agents? With Web mining, we can find var- ious resources, patterns, and trends. This in turn could help toward con- structing various types of agents. We can use Web mining to support a vari- ety of agents to carry out their jobs. These will include locator agents, resource management agents, and agents for knowledge management and collaboration, among others. Exhibit 8 illustrates agents mining data as well as using Web mining to locate resources on the Web. The ideas discussed here also apply for the semantic Web. That is, we need agents to mine the data on the Web as well as Web pages so that the machine can understand the Web pages better. Eventually, this means that the burden placed on the human could be eased. WEB MINING AND THE SEMANTIC WEB AS A DATABASE In Chapter 8, we discussed an alternative way to view the semantic Web. In this view, the semantic Web is considered a database management sys- tem managing millions of objects. This means that the semantic Web can query and manage the data in a large distributed database. In Exhibit 7, Chapter 8, we illustrated how database functions can be applied to the semantic Web. In Exhibit 9, we illustrate how data mining can 236 Copyright © 2003 CRC Press LLC
  • 7. Mining agent A: Mining agent B: does collaborative does collaborative mining with mining mining with mining agent B agent A Web Locator agent: Web mining: locates resources mines the on the Web based data sources on information given on the Web by the Web miner Data source on the Web Exhibit 8. Revisiting Agents and Web Mining Semantic Web + mining Information Information source A source B Database system + Data mining: integration, modeling, querying, indexing, data mining Information Information source C source D Exhibit 9. Web Mining and Semantic Web as a Database 237 Copyright © 2003 CRC Press LLC
  • 8. Ontologies RDF RDF Ontology mining XML XML Interoperability manager Web mining Exhibit 10. Web Mining and Semantic Interoperability be included as part of the semantic Web function. That is, the database sys- tem which is the semantic Web can carry out data mining to extract often previously unknown patterns and trends. There is still a lot of research to be done in considering the semantic Web as a large heterogeneous data- base system. For example, we need to examine schema integration, feder- ated database concepts, and many other issues. We also need to include data mining as part of this research. SEMANTIC INTEROPERABILITY AND WEB MINING In Chapter 8, we discussed semantic interoperability. Here, the various RDF and XML documents have to interoperate. The database researchers have carried out extensive research on semantic heterogeneity in hetero- geneous and federated databases. Many of the concepts are also applica- ble to the semantic Web. Note that this is essentially what we discussed in Chapter 8 when we considered the semantic Web as a large heterogeneous databases manager. Exhibit 10 illustrates an approach for the interoperability of RDF docu- ments. Note that there may be several interpretations of the same entity and the same interpretation for different entities. The interoperability man- 238 Copyright © 2003 CRC Press LLC
  • 9. Integration manager uses Web mining XML XML XML Data source C Data source A Data source B Exhibit 11. Mining for Semantic Interoperability of XML Databases ager has to handle such heterogeneity. This is where Web mining could help. The various ontologies could be mined to support interoperability. In addition, the data sources on the Web could be mined. The informa- tion extracted from mining could be given as input to the interoperability manager. Exhibit 11 illustrates an example of integrating XML documents. Here again, the interoperability manager uses Web mining to handle semantic heterogeneity. WEB SERVICES AND WEB MINING In Chapter 8, we provided an overview of Web services. This is one of the rapidly growing areas in Web technology. The idea is essentially to pro- vide a number of Web services, including publishing, subscription, direc- tory, and many others, to Web users, who make use of the services by call- ing appropriate service routines. Exhibit 12 illustrates the concept of incorporating data mining not only as a Web service but also using it to enhance the Web services. For exam- ple, one could have a data mining service mine the data sources on the Web. Data mining can also be used to broker the information. That is, the broker service could use data mining to match publishers with subscrib- ers. This is an area that is still largely unexplored. While we have the vari- ous pieces such as Web services and Web mining, we need to integrate the two to provide better quality services to the users. 239 Copyright © 2003 CRC Press LLC
  • 10. Data/information Data management mining services service Web services use data mining for managing services Publishing Directory subscription service service Exhibit 12. Web Services and Web Mining WEB MINING VS. SEMANTIC WEB MINING In Chapter 8, we discussed the evolution of the Web to the semantic Web. As we have mentioned, we cannot say at which point the Web ends and the semantic Web begins. It will be a continuous process. The Web will continually evolve to become the semantic Web and, some say, the knowl- edge Web eventually. There is only one Web, and as we make progress with technologies and applications, the Web will continue to be enhanced. We also stress that applications as technologies alone will not be sufficient. Applications will drive the way the Web evolves. This is why we provide a brief overview of various applications in Chapter 16. While our focus is on Web mining for these applications, we will discuss how these applications are driving the Web. Exhibit 13 illustrates semantic Web mining. We started with data mining in the mid-1990s. At that time, many of the data mining tools mined only relational databases. In 2000, we began to see multimedia data mining tools, especially text mining tools, and Web mining tools appear. These tools will eventually evolve into semantic Web mining tools. That is, seman- tic Web mining is about data mining on the Web to make the Web more intelligent. By 2005, we should begin to see such tools emerge. For exam- ple, these tools will mine Web pages and give advice to both the system and the users. A NOTE ON E-COMMERCE, BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE, AND SEMANTIC WEB MINING E-commerce is the killer application for the Web. We have provided an overview of E-commerce in Chapter 2, and we have discussed the semantic 240 Copyright © 2003 CRC Press LLC
  • 11. Data mining in 2005: semantic Web mining i.e., mining the semantic Web and intelligent Web mining Data mining in 2000: multimedia data mining Web mining Data mining in 1995: mainly mining relational databases Exhibit 13. Evolution of Semantic Web Mining Web and E-commerce in Chapter 8. We revisit E-commerce in this chapter for completion. E-commerce is about carrying out transactions on the Web between the consumer and the business or between businesses. In [THUR00], we discussed how Web data management technologies could be used for E-commerce. We also briefly illustrated how Web mining could help business intelligence. We revisit this topic in this section. Web mining is one of the key technologies to gather business intelli- gence. It is illustrated in Exhibit 14. With Web mining, one can develop cus- tomer profiles and buying trends, and carry out targeted marketing. We can use many of the mining techniques such as classification, clustering, and E-commerce Mine usage site patterns Strategy to Mine public and improve private databases Web site Exhibit 14. Web Mining for E-Commerce 241 Copyright © 2003 CRC Press LLC
  • 12. link analysis to develop profiles of customers. We can extract information, such as “customers who bought X also bought Y,” and “customers who pur- chased X and Y are likely to purchase Z.” This way, we could market Z prod- ucts to customers who have purchased X and Y. We will discuss the various applications of Web mining in Chapter 17. As we have stated, applications drive the development of the Web. That is, applications drive technologies, and technologies in turn generate new applications. There are many similarities between gathering business intel- ligence and gathering intelligence for counter-terrorism. This is one of the reasons we have discussed business intelligence analysis throughout this book. We will focus on counter-terrorism in Part III, and will revisit busi- ness intelligence in Chapter 27. SUMMARY This chapter has provided a broad overview of semantic Web mining. We examined the semantic Web concepts discussed in Chapter 8 and described the impact of Web mining. We started with a discussion of semantic Web mining concepts and discussed a concept of operation. Then we discussed mining XML and RDF documents as well as the seman- tic interoperability of these documents. We also discussed the use of agents in semantic Web mining and described the notion of incorporating mining into the semantic Web when the semantic Web is considered to be a heterogeneous database manager. Finally, we discussed the evolution of the semantic Web and also examined the use of Web mining in E-commerce. The previous four chapters essentially examined data management, information retrieval, information management, and semantic Web technol- ogies and discussed the impact of Web mining. The next three chapters will address some related topics. Chapter 15 will discuss Web usage and struc- ture mining, which is another major component of Web mining. Web mining prototypes and products will be the subject of Chapter 16. We provide a broad overview of applications in Chapter 17. This will then set the stage for discussion in Part III of counter-terrorism as one of the critical applica- tions for data and Web mining. Web mining is used to gather business intel- ligence so that organizations can get information about competitors and improve their business practices. Similarly, business intelligence can be used to learn about the strategies of the adversary to counter terrorism. 242 Copyright © 2003 CRC Press LLC