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Inte g rating D ig ital C itiz e nsh ip into
the C lassro o m
w ith M yBig C am p u s
w ith M yBig C am p u s

Anastasia Trekles
Clinical Associate Professor, Purdue University Calumet
Board Member, Indiana Computer Educators (ISTE Affiliate)
O u tline
•       Intro d uctio ns and g o als

        D ig ital citiz e nship in yo ur scho o l and
        classro o m

•       M yBig C am p us (M BC ) fo r d igital citiz e nship
        b e st p ractice s sup p o rt

    •       G e tting starte d

            Assignm e nts and C o llab o ratio n

    •       Re so urce Lib rary and cre ating le sso ns

        M o re info rm atio n
Backch anne l
    D iscu ssio n
•   Ke e p th e d iscu ssio n g o ing and sh are w ith
    yo u r p e e rs

•   h ttp ://to d aysm e e m /iste 2 01 2 -m b c

•   Yo u r M BC acco u nt w ill g o aw ay afte r 2 4
    h o u rs, b u t yo u ’ll still b e ab le to vie w
    e ve ryth ing in th e p u b lic M BC sp ace
W h e n w e lim it kid s’ acce ss and
ig no re th e p ro b le m , th e y lo o k at
scho o l “co m p u ting ” like th is...
O r w o rse ...
Le arning d o e sn’t h ap p e n w h e n stu d e nts are b o re d
- w e kno w th is alre ad y!
S o w e d o w h at w e can to e ng ag e th e m , b u t are
sch o o l p o licie s h o ld ing u s b ack?
S tu d e nts g e ne rally w ill u se th e Inte rne t th e w ay
th e y w ant to , and acce ss th e site s th e y w ant to ,
w h ile aw ay fro m h o m e (se e Yan, 2 009).
Th e y also sp e nd a lo t o f tim e trying to circu m ve nt
o u r b e st e ffo rts to “p ro te ct” th e m o nline at sch o o l.
W H Y?
D o n’t w e w ant th is
inste ad ?
W h at d o e s it m e an to b e a “D ig ital
C itiz e n” anyh o w ?
          N ine th e m e s o f D ig ital C itiz e nship (
          http ://www.d igitalcitiz e nsh ip .ne t/N ine _ Ele m e nts.h tm l)
               Access: Fu ll p articip atio n in so cie ty
               Commerce: Bu ying and se lling o f g o o d s
               Communication: Ex ch ang e o f info rm atio n
               Literacy: U nd e rstand ing ap p ro p riate u se s o f te ch no lo g y
               Etiquette: S tand ard s o f co nd u ct and p ro ce d u re
               Law: Re sp o nsib ility fo r actio ns and d e e d s
               Rights and Responsibilities: U nd e rstand ing o u r d ig ital
               fre e d o m s
               Wellness: Ph ysical and p sych o lo g ical w e ll-b e ing in th e
               o nline w o rld

      •        Security and Self-Protection: Pre cautio ns to g uarante e
               safe ty
W h y S ch o o ls Find it D ifficu lt
to Te ach D ig ital C itiz e nship
•     Th e C h ild re n’s Inte rne t
     Pro te ctio n Act (C IPA) is
     th e p rim ary law
     e nfo rcing filte ring o n
     sch o o l ne tw o rks
     Pub lic scho o ls and
     lib rarie s m ust b e C IPA-
     co m p liant in o rd e r to
     re ce ive Fe d e ral E-Rate
     fund s

•    40% o f lib rarie s e m p lo y
     C IPA-re q uire d filte ring
     o n th e ir ne tw o rks           (See Jaeger & Yan, 2009)
     1 00% o f sch o o ls e m p lo y
     th o se sam e filte rs
(M is)U nd e rstand ing
•   C IPA
        C IPA d ictate s that filte rs b lo ck visu al im ag e ry o n the
        Inte rne t th at is:
            O b sce ne

    •       C o ntains child p o rno g rap h y

    •       Is “h arm ful to m ino rs”

        C IPA co m p liance (and co m p liance w ith the C hild re n’s
        O nline Privacy Pro te ctio n Act [C O PPA]) re q u ire s an
        Inte rne t safe ty p o licy that ad d re sse s:
    •       Lim itatio ns o n acce ss to inap p ro p riate m ate rials o nline

    •       Safe ty and se curity whe n using e le ctro nic m ail, chat ro o m s, and
            o th e r co m m unicatio n fo rum s
            U nauth o riz e d acce ss and circum ve nting o f filte rs th ro ug h h acking

    •       D isse m inatio n o f p e rso nal info rm atio n o f m ino rs
(M is)U nd e rstand ing
     C IPA
C IPA d o e s N O T:

       •     H ave any im p act o n te ache rs o r o the r ad ults at the
             sch o o l (o r lib rary)

       •     Pro hib it te ache rs fro m o ve rrid ing filte ring o f site s
             wh e n ne e d e d fo r e d ucatio nal p urp o se s

       •     Re q uire the b lo cking o f so cial m e d ia site s like
             Yo uTub e , W ikip e d ia, o r Face b o o k
             Re fe r to “inap p ro p riate ” te x t, o nly im ag e ry

       •     Ad d re ss inte lle ctual p ro p e rty, cyb e rb ullying ,
             p lagiarism , o r any o the r e thical issue s re late d to
             Inte rne t use
D ig ital C itiz e nsh ip
•   CDuwrriculu m To d ay
     H o lland sw o rth ,
       o d y, and
     D o no van (2 01 1 )
     p ro vid e an
     inte re sting stu d y
     o f w h at is
     actu ally tau g h t at
     m any sch o o ls

•    M any are no t
     fo llo w ing state
     stand ard s,
     and /o r
     co nce ntrate o nly
O nline is D iffe re nt
           •   C an w e re ally co ntro l
               e ve ryth ing kid s se e
               o nline ?
               M any sch o o ls re aliz e
               th at th e y can’t

           •   S o m e are im p le m e nting
               d ig ital safe ty and
               citiz e nsh ip cu rricu lum
               d ue to state stand ard s
               and ne w E-Rate
               re g u latio ns
               Bu t w h at d o e s th is
               cu rricu lum lo o k like ?
Ele m e nts o f
C o m p le te D C
Le sso ns
    In o rd e r to inco rp o rate d ig ital citiz e nsh ip the m e s (
    http ://ww w .d ig italcitiz e nsh ip .ne t/N ine _ Ele m e nts.htm l) m o re fu lly, it
    is ne ce ssary to :

•        Allo w fu ll p articip atio n and acce ss to co m m u nicatio n and
         sharing to hap p e n o nline

•        H e lp stu d e nts u nd e rstand co nte x t and w h at is and is no t
         ap p ro p riate to share , use , and re m ix
         Ensure th at stud e nts und e rstand issu e s o f p u b lic ve rsu s p rivate
         info rm atio n

•        Ensure th at stud e nts und e rstand th e d iffe re nce b e twe e n
         ad ve rtise m e nts and re al co nte nt

•        Allo w stud e nts to co m e to th e ir o w n co nclu sio ns, and h e lp th e m
         re fle ct o n wh y th e y m ad e tho se cho ice s

•        Enfo rce re aso nab le co nse q u e nce s o f inap p ro p riate actio ns
S tate C o re
    SThtand oard stand ard s ad o p te d b y m any
        e C o m m n C o re S
     state s stre ss d ig ital lite racy and th e ab ility to
     co m p re h e nd and ap p ly info rm atio n in a varie ty
     o f w ays fro m g rad e 2 o n up (
     h ttp ://w w w .co re stand ard s.o rg /ab o ut-th e -stand ard

•    So , if w e are no t e x p o sing stud e nts to
     o p p o rtunitie s to m ake im p o rtant d iscrim inatio ns
     and d e cisio ns in th e re al o nline sp ace th at th e y
     o ccup y b e yo nd sch o o l, th e n w e are d o ing th e m
     a d isse rvice
To o ls fo r C re ating D ig ital
•   C itiz eleamfroums -
      M yBig C ns p
      Lig h tsp e e d fo r fre e to
      any ind ivid u al (o r
      sch o o ls w ith Lig h tsp e e d
      su b scrip tio ns)
      Ex te nd s th e classro o m
      into a safe o nline
      e nviro nm e nt th at lo o ks
      and acts like Face b o o k
      and o th e r p o p u lar site s

•     Allo w s fo r m o nito ring -
      no stu d e nt is
      ano nym o u s o r invisib le
      at any tim e
M yBig C am p us
    O ve rvie w
•   As a co m m u nicatio n syste m , it allo w s te ach e rs and
    stu d e nts to co nne ct and share id e as and re so u rce s

•   It also se rve s as an LM S , and is co m p le te ly FREE:
    h ttp ://w w w .m yb ig cam p u m /faq s/ho w -can-i-start-

•   D e sig ne d to w o rk w ith Lig htsp e e d filte ring se rvice s,
    b u t anyo ne can u se it

•   M BC le ts yo u h ave co ntro l o ve r w h at stu d e nts se e ,
    b u t yo u can also re le ase it to o , to cre ate im p o rtant
    te ach ab le m o m e nts
Re so ugrce ng th s orary th e Re so u rce
                             Lib f M BC is
•   O ne o f th e re at stre
     Lib rary
     N e ve r w o rry ab o u t no t h aving acce ss to re so u rce s
     yo u w ant o nline

•    N o rm ally b lo cke d co nte nt is acce ssib le , and file s
     can b e sto re d in th e clo u d - no m o re lo sing class
     tim e se arch ing fo r th e rig h t re so u rce s o r g e tting IT
     ap p ro val

•    Te ach e rs can also u p lo ad th ing s to th e lib rary o f
     th e ir o w n - e ve ryth ing is au to -m anag e d th ro u g h
     C IPA-co m p liant p o licie s au to m atically
C oo llab nois ratio n to auto -e nab le d
•    C llab o ratio safe r th anks
     p o licie s and m o nito ring fo r lang uag e and p h o to
     p o sting

•    O p tio ns fo r vario us typ e s o f g ro u p s, allo w ing
     co llab o ratio n acro ss d istricts and aro und th e
     g lo b e

•    Blo g s, Instant m e ssag ing , and Face b o o k-like
     “d iscussio n stre am ,” w ith th e ab ility to re p o rt
     ab u se and re ce ive no tificatio ns

•    Pe rso n-to -p e rso n co nve rsatio ns ke p t clo se d
     b e tw e e n stud e nts in sch o o l b uild ing s and
S ch o o lw o rk
•   Allo w s fo r th e p o sting o f assig nm e nts, q uiz z e s,
    class no te s, and o th e r p e rtine nt ite m s

•   G rad e s can b e e x p o rte d fo r vario u s stu d e nt
    info rm atio n syste m s

•   C ale nd ars and p ag e s o f co nte nt can also b e
    sh are d w ith stu d e nts o r o th e r g ro up s - g re at fo r
    activitie s, sp o rts, te ach e r co llab o ratio n

•   Bund le s can also b e u se d to g ro u p co nte nt,
    lib rary ite m s, and file s, and o rg aniz e it b y
    stand ard s if yo u like (se e
    h ttp ://yo utu.b e /rU C g -U PS6O I)
Le sso n Id e as
•   C o llab o rative w riting :
    h ttp ://w w w .yo u tu b e .co m /w atch?v= Eh BR0t1 k1 N A

•   Flip p e d C lassro o m :
    h ttp ://w w w .yo u tu b e .co m /w atch?v= 3D RG p _ D lC x A

•   Virtu al fie ld trip s:
    h ttp ://w w w .yo u tu b e .co m /w atch?v= G 5 Bw 2 PG rr-Y

•   Backch anne l co nve rsatio n:
    h ttp ://w w w .yo u tu b e .co m /w atch?v= cm e jYVVnp 9s

•   M o b ile le arning initiative s (ye s, the re is an ap p !):
    h ttp ://w w w .yo u tu b e .co m /w atch?v= Q kh x u _ o nKlM
Try it!
•   Take th e to u r anytim e :
    h ttp ://w w w .m yb ig cam p u m /to u r

•   Lig h tS p e e d ’s Yo u Tu b e C h anne l:
    h ttp ://w w w .yo u tu b e .co m /u se r/Lig h tsp e e d S y

•   W h e n yo u ’re lo g g e d in g e t h e lp at
    h ttp ://w w w .m yb ig cam p u m /h e lp
S ug g e ste d Re ad ing
•   C h ild re n’s O nline Privacy Pro te ctio n Act, 91 U .S .C . §§ 65 01 -65 06 (2 01 0).

•   C h ild re n’s Inte rne t Pro te ctio n Act o f 2 000, Pu b . L. N o . 1 06– 5 5 4, 2 0 U .S .C . §§
    6801 , 6777, 91 34 and 47 U .S .C . § 2 5 4.

•   C o o ke , L. (2 007). C o ntro lling th e ne t: Eu ro p e an ap p ro ach e s to co nte nt and acce ss
    re g u latio n. Jo u rnal o f Info rm atio n S cie nce , 33(3), 360-376. d o i:
    1 0.1 1 77/01 65 5 5 1 5 06072 1 63

•   Fre ch e tte , J. (2 005 ). C yb e r-d e m o cracy o r cyb e r-h e g e m o ny? e x p lo ring th e p o litical
    and e co no m ic stru ctu re s o f th e inte rne t as an alte rnative so u rce o f info rm atio n.
    Lib rary Tre nd s, 5 3(4), 5 5 5 -5 75 , 664.

•   H o lland sw o rth , R., D o w d y, L., & D o no van, J. (2 01 1 ). D ig ital citiz e nsh ip in K-1 2 : It
    take s a villag e . Te ch Tre nd s, 5 5 (4), 37-47. d o i: 1 0.1 007/s1 1 5 2 8-01 1 -05 1 0-z

•   H o u g h to n-Jan, S . (2 01 0). Inte rne t filte ring . Lib rary Te ch no lo g y Re p o rts, 46(8),
    2 5 -33, 45 .

•   H u nte r, C .D . (2 000). Inte rne t filte r e ffe ctive ne ss – Te sting o ve r- and u nd e rinclu sive
    b lo cking d e cisio ns o f fo u r p o p u lar w e b filte rs. S o cial S cie nce C o m p u te r Re vie w ,
    1 8(2 ), 2 1 4-2 2 2 . d o i: 1 0.1 1 77/089443930001 8002 09

•   Jae g e r, P. T., & Yan, Z. (2 009). O ne law w ith tw o o u tco m e s: C o m p aring th e
    im p le m e ntatio n o f C IPA in p u b lic lib rarie s and sch o o ls. Info rm atio n Te ch no lo g y and
S ug g e ste d Re ad ing
•   Le ssig , L. (1 999). Th e law o f the h o rse : W h at cyb e rlaw m ig h t te ach . H arvard
    Law Re vie w , 1 999(1 1 3), 5 01 -5 49.

•   Laz arinis, F. (2 01 0). O nline risks o b structing safe inte rne t acce ss fo r stud e nts.
    Th e Ele ctro nic Lib rary, 2 8(1 ), 1 5 7-1 70. d o i: 1 0.1 1 08/02 4604701 1 02 3441

•   Juke s, I., M cC ain, T., & C ro cke tt, L. (2 01 1 ). Ed ucatio n and th e ro le o f th e
    e d ucato r in th e future . Ph i D e lta Kap p an, 92 (4), 1 5 -2 1 .

•   Janse n, B. A. (2 01 0). Inte rne t filte ring 2 .0: C he cking inte lle ctual fre e d o m and
    p articip ative p ractice s at th e sch o o lh o use d o o r. Kno wle d g e Q ue st, 39(1 ),
    46-5 3.

•   O x le y, C . (2 01 0). D ig ital citiz e nship : D e ve lo p ing an e th ical and re sp o nsib le
    o nline culture . Inte rnatio nal S ch o o l Lib rariansh ip : Se le cte d Pap e rs fro m the
    IASL Annual C o nfe re nce , 1 -1 1 .

•   Pre nsky, M . (2 001 ). D ig ital native s, d ig ital im m ig rants. O n th e H o riz o n 9(5 ),
    1 – 5 . Re trie ve d fro m
    http ://ww w.m arcp re m /writing /Pre nsky% 2 0-% 2 0D ig ital% 2 0N ative s,% 2
S ug g e ste d Re ad ing
•   Pre sto n, C .B. (2 007). Zo ning th e inte rne t: A ne w ap p ro ach to p ro te cting
    ch ild re n o nline . Brig ham Yo u ng U nive rsity Law Re vie w , 2 007(6),
    1 41 7-1 469.

•   Ram asw am i, R. (2 01 0). N o th ing to LO L ab o ut. TH E Jo urnal, 37(6), 2 4-30.

•   Ro d d e n, K. (2 003). The C h ild re n’s Inte rne t Pro te ctio n Act in p u b lic sch o o ls:
    The g o ve rnm e nt ste p p ing o n p are nts’ to e s? Fo rd h am Law Re vie w , 71 (5 ),
    2 1 41 -2 1 75 .

•   W e ig e l, C ., Jam e s, C ., & G ard ne r, H . (2 009). Le arning : Pe e ring b ackw ard
    and lo o king fo rw ard in th e d ig ital e ra. Inte rnatio nal Jo urnal o f Le arning
    and M e d ia, 1 (1 ), 1 -1 8. d o i: 1 0.1 1 62 /ijlm .2 009.0005

•   W illard , N . (2 01 0). Te ach the m to sw im . Kno w le d g e Q ue st: Jo u rnal o f th e
    Am e rican Asso ciatio n o f S cho o l Lib rarians, 39(1 ), 5 4-61 .

•   Yan, Z. (2 009). D iffe re nce s in h ig h sch o o l and co lle g e stu d e nts’ b asic
    kno w le d g e and p e rce ive d e d ucatio n o f Inte rne t safe ty: D o h ig h sch o o l
    stu d e nts re ally b e ne fit fro m th e C h ild re n’s Inte rne t Pro te ctio n Act? Jo urnal
    o f Ap p lie d D e ve lo p m e ntal Psycho lo g y, 30(3), 2 09-2 1 7. d o i:
    1 0.1 01 6/j.ap p d e v.2 008.1 0.007
W e b Re so urce s
•   Balance d Filte ring : http ://b alance d filte ring .o rg /

•   S p e e d o f C re ativity: http ://w w w .sp e e d o fcre ativity.o rg

•   M arc Pre nsky’s w riting s:
    http ://w w w .m arcp re m /w riting

•   C am ille M ayd o nik’s p o rtfo lio :
    http ://e p o rtfo lio .cam ille te ach e m /artifacts/re se arch p ap e rs

•   C IPA O ve rvie w :
    http ://w w w .fcc.g o v/g u id e s/ch ild re ns-inte rne t-p ro te ctio n-act

•   S o cial M e d ia tip s fro m th e Fe d e ral Trad e C o m m issio n:
    http ://w w w .ftc.g o v/b cp /e d u /p u b s/co nsu m e r/te ch /te c1 tm
Th ank yo u!
Anastasia M. Trekles
C linical Asso ciate Pro fe sso r
Purd u e U nive rsity C alu m e t
atre kle s@ p u rd u e .e d u
@ instru ct_ te ch o n Tw itte r
face b o o m /ice ind iana
z e ld a2 3p u b lish ing .co m /iste 2 01 2

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Mitigating Cheating and Plagiarism
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Assessment: Managing Tests, Projects, and Grade Center
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iPads in the Classroom
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ISTE 2012 - Digital Citizenship and MyBigCampus

  • 1. Inte g rating D ig ital C itiz e nsh ip into the C lassro o m w ith M yBig C am p u s w ith M yBig C am p u s Anastasia Trekles Clinical Associate Professor, Purdue University Calumet Board Member, Indiana Computer Educators (ISTE Affiliate)
  • 2. O u tline • Intro d uctio ns and g o als D ig ital citiz e nship in yo ur scho o l and classro o m • M yBig C am p us (M BC ) fo r d igital citiz e nship b e st p ractice s sup p o rt • G e tting starte d Assignm e nts and C o llab o ratio n • Re so urce Lib rary and cre ating le sso ns M o re info rm atio n
  • 3. Backch anne l D iscu ssio n • Ke e p th e d iscu ssio n g o ing and sh are w ith yo u r p e e rs • h ttp ://to d aysm e e m /iste 2 01 2 -m b c • Yo u r M BC acco u nt w ill g o aw ay afte r 2 4 h o u rs, b u t yo u ’ll still b e ab le to vie w e ve ryth ing in th e p u b lic M BC sp ace
  • 4. W h e n w e lim it kid s’ acce ss and ig no re th e p ro b le m , th e y lo o k at scho o l “co m p u ting ” like th is...
  • 5. O r w o rse ...
  • 6. Le arning d o e sn’t h ap p e n w h e n stu d e nts are b o re d - w e kno w th is alre ad y! S o w e d o w h at w e can to e ng ag e th e m , b u t are sch o o l p o licie s h o ld ing u s b ack?
  • 7. S tu d e nts g e ne rally w ill u se th e Inte rne t th e w ay th e y w ant to , and acce ss th e site s th e y w ant to , w h ile aw ay fro m h o m e (se e Yan, 2 009). Th e y also sp e nd a lo t o f tim e trying to circu m ve nt o u r b e st e ffo rts to “p ro te ct” th e m o nline at sch o o l. W H Y?
  • 8. D o n’t w e w ant th is inste ad ?
  • 9. W h at d o e s it m e an to b e a “D ig ital C itiz e n” anyh o w ? N ine th e m e s o f D ig ital C itiz e nship ( http ://www.d igitalcitiz e nsh ip .ne t/N ine _ Ele m e nts.h tm l) Access: Fu ll p articip atio n in so cie ty Commerce: Bu ying and se lling o f g o o d s Communication: Ex ch ang e o f info rm atio n Literacy: U nd e rstand ing ap p ro p riate u se s o f te ch no lo g y Etiquette: S tand ard s o f co nd u ct and p ro ce d u re Law: Re sp o nsib ility fo r actio ns and d e e d s Rights and Responsibilities: U nd e rstand ing o u r d ig ital fre e d o m s Wellness: Ph ysical and p sych o lo g ical w e ll-b e ing in th e o nline w o rld • Security and Self-Protection: Pre cautio ns to g uarante e safe ty
  • 10. W h y S ch o o ls Find it D ifficu lt to Te ach D ig ital C itiz e nship • Th e C h ild re n’s Inte rne t Pro te ctio n Act (C IPA) is th e p rim ary law e nfo rcing filte ring o n sch o o l ne tw o rks Pub lic scho o ls and lib rarie s m ust b e C IPA- co m p liant in o rd e r to re ce ive Fe d e ral E-Rate fund s • 40% o f lib rarie s e m p lo y C IPA-re q uire d filte ring o n th e ir ne tw o rks (See Jaeger & Yan, 2009) 1 00% o f sch o o ls e m p lo y th o se sam e filte rs
  • 11. (M is)U nd e rstand ing • C IPA C IPA d ictate s that filte rs b lo ck visu al im ag e ry o n the Inte rne t th at is: O b sce ne • C o ntains child p o rno g rap h y • Is “h arm ful to m ino rs” C IPA co m p liance (and co m p liance w ith the C hild re n’s O nline Privacy Pro te ctio n Act [C O PPA]) re q u ire s an Inte rne t safe ty p o licy that ad d re sse s: • Lim itatio ns o n acce ss to inap p ro p riate m ate rials o nline • Safe ty and se curity whe n using e le ctro nic m ail, chat ro o m s, and o th e r co m m unicatio n fo rum s U nauth o riz e d acce ss and circum ve nting o f filte rs th ro ug h h acking • D isse m inatio n o f p e rso nal info rm atio n o f m ino rs
  • 12. (M is)U nd e rstand ing C IPA C IPA d o e s N O T: • H ave any im p act o n te ache rs o r o the r ad ults at the sch o o l (o r lib rary) • Pro hib it te ache rs fro m o ve rrid ing filte ring o f site s wh e n ne e d e d fo r e d ucatio nal p urp o se s • Re q uire the b lo cking o f so cial m e d ia site s like Yo uTub e , W ikip e d ia, o r Face b o o k Re fe r to “inap p ro p riate ” te x t, o nly im ag e ry • Ad d re ss inte lle ctual p ro p e rty, cyb e rb ullying , p lagiarism , o r any o the r e thical issue s re late d to Inte rne t use
  • 13. D ig ital C itiz e nsh ip • CDuwrriculu m To d ay H o lland sw o rth , o d y, and D o no van (2 01 1 ) p ro vid e an inte re sting stu d y o f w h at is actu ally tau g h t at m any sch o o ls • M any are no t fo llo w ing state stand ard s, and /o r co nce ntrate o nly
  • 14. O nline is D iffe re nt • C an w e re ally co ntro l e ve ryth ing kid s se e o nline ? M any sch o o ls re aliz e th at th e y can’t • S o m e are im p le m e nting d ig ital safe ty and citiz e nsh ip cu rricu lum d ue to state stand ard s and ne w E-Rate re g u latio ns Bu t w h at d o e s th is cu rricu lum lo o k like ?
  • 15. Ele m e nts o f C o m p le te D C Le sso ns In o rd e r to inco rp o rate d ig ital citiz e nsh ip the m e s ( http ://ww w .d ig italcitiz e nsh ip .ne t/N ine _ Ele m e nts.htm l) m o re fu lly, it is ne ce ssary to : • Allo w fu ll p articip atio n and acce ss to co m m u nicatio n and sharing to hap p e n o nline • H e lp stu d e nts u nd e rstand co nte x t and w h at is and is no t ap p ro p riate to share , use , and re m ix Ensure th at stud e nts und e rstand issu e s o f p u b lic ve rsu s p rivate info rm atio n • Ensure th at stud e nts und e rstand th e d iffe re nce b e twe e n ad ve rtise m e nts and re al co nte nt • Allo w stud e nts to co m e to th e ir o w n co nclu sio ns, and h e lp th e m re fle ct o n wh y th e y m ad e tho se cho ice s • Enfo rce re aso nab le co nse q u e nce s o f inap p ro p riate actio ns
  • 16. S tate C o re SThtand oard stand ard s ad o p te d b y m any e C o m m n C o re S state s stre ss d ig ital lite racy and th e ab ility to co m p re h e nd and ap p ly info rm atio n in a varie ty o f w ays fro m g rad e 2 o n up ( h ttp ://w w w .co re stand ard s.o rg /ab o ut-th e -stand ard ) • So , if w e are no t e x p o sing stud e nts to o p p o rtunitie s to m ake im p o rtant d iscrim inatio ns and d e cisio ns in th e re al o nline sp ace th at th e y o ccup y b e yo nd sch o o l, th e n w e are d o ing th e m a d isse rvice
  • 17. To o ls fo r C re ating D ig ital • C itiz eleamfroums - M yBig C ns p availab Lig h tsp e e d fo r fre e to any ind ivid u al (o r sch o o ls w ith Lig h tsp e e d su b scrip tio ns) Ex te nd s th e classro o m into a safe o nline e nviro nm e nt th at lo o ks and acts like Face b o o k and o th e r p o p u lar site s • Allo w s fo r m o nito ring - no stu d e nt is ano nym o u s o r invisib le at any tim e
  • 18. M yBig C am p us O ve rvie w • As a co m m u nicatio n syste m , it allo w s te ach e rs and stu d e nts to co nne ct and share id e as and re so u rce s • It also se rve s as an LM S , and is co m p le te ly FREE: h ttp ://w w w .m yb ig cam p u m /faq s/ho w -can-i-start- • D e sig ne d to w o rk w ith Lig htsp e e d filte ring se rvice s, b u t anyo ne can u se it • M BC le ts yo u h ave co ntro l o ve r w h at stu d e nts se e , b u t yo u can also re le ase it to o , to cre ate im p o rtant te ach ab le m o m e nts
  • 19. Re so ugrce ng th s orary th e Re so u rce Lib f M BC is • O ne o f th e re at stre Lib rary N e ve r w o rry ab o u t no t h aving acce ss to re so u rce s yo u w ant o nline • N o rm ally b lo cke d co nte nt is acce ssib le , and file s can b e sto re d in th e clo u d - no m o re lo sing class tim e se arch ing fo r th e rig h t re so u rce s o r g e tting IT ap p ro val • Te ach e rs can also u p lo ad th ing s to th e lib rary o f th e ir o w n - e ve ryth ing is au to -m anag e d th ro u g h C IPA-co m p liant p o licie s au to m atically
  • 20. C oo llab nois ratio n to auto -e nab le d • C llab o ratio safe r th anks p o licie s and m o nito ring fo r lang uag e and p h o to p o sting • O p tio ns fo r vario us typ e s o f g ro u p s, allo w ing co llab o ratio n acro ss d istricts and aro und th e g lo b e • Blo g s, Instant m e ssag ing , and Face b o o k-like “d iscussio n stre am ,” w ith th e ab ility to re p o rt ab u se and re ce ive no tificatio ns • Pe rso n-to -p e rso n co nve rsatio ns ke p t clo se d b e tw e e n stud e nts in sch o o l b uild ing s and
  • 21. S ch o o lw o rk • Allo w s fo r th e p o sting o f assig nm e nts, q uiz z e s, class no te s, and o th e r p e rtine nt ite m s • G rad e s can b e e x p o rte d fo r vario u s stu d e nt info rm atio n syste m s • C ale nd ars and p ag e s o f co nte nt can also b e sh are d w ith stu d e nts o r o th e r g ro up s - g re at fo r activitie s, sp o rts, te ach e r co llab o ratio n • Bund le s can also b e u se d to g ro u p co nte nt, lib rary ite m s, and file s, and o rg aniz e it b y stand ard s if yo u like (se e h ttp ://yo utu.b e /rU C g -U PS6O I)
  • 22. Le sso n Id e as • C o llab o rative w riting : h ttp ://w w w .yo u tu b e .co m /w atch?v= Eh BR0t1 k1 N A • Flip p e d C lassro o m : h ttp ://w w w .yo u tu b e .co m /w atch?v= 3D RG p _ D lC x A • Virtu al fie ld trip s: h ttp ://w w w .yo u tu b e .co m /w atch?v= G 5 Bw 2 PG rr-Y • Backch anne l co nve rsatio n: h ttp ://w w w .yo u tu b e .co m /w atch?v= cm e jYVVnp 9s • M o b ile le arning initiative s (ye s, the re is an ap p !): h ttp ://w w w .yo u tu b e .co m /w atch?v= Q kh x u _ o nKlM
  • 23. Try it! • Take th e to u r anytim e : h ttp ://w w w .m yb ig cam p u m /to u r • Lig h tS p e e d ’s Yo u Tu b e C h anne l: h ttp ://w w w .yo u tu b e .co m /u se r/Lig h tsp e e d S y • W h e n yo u ’re lo g g e d in g e t h e lp at h ttp ://w w w .m yb ig cam p u m /h e lp
  • 24. S ug g e ste d Re ad ing • C h ild re n’s O nline Privacy Pro te ctio n Act, 91 U .S .C . §§ 65 01 -65 06 (2 01 0). • C h ild re n’s Inte rne t Pro te ctio n Act o f 2 000, Pu b . L. N o . 1 06– 5 5 4, 2 0 U .S .C . §§ 6801 , 6777, 91 34 and 47 U .S .C . § 2 5 4. • C o o ke , L. (2 007). C o ntro lling th e ne t: Eu ro p e an ap p ro ach e s to co nte nt and acce ss re g u latio n. Jo u rnal o f Info rm atio n S cie nce , 33(3), 360-376. d o i: 1 0.1 1 77/01 65 5 5 1 5 06072 1 63 • Fre ch e tte , J. (2 005 ). C yb e r-d e m o cracy o r cyb e r-h e g e m o ny? e x p lo ring th e p o litical and e co no m ic stru ctu re s o f th e inte rne t as an alte rnative so u rce o f info rm atio n. Lib rary Tre nd s, 5 3(4), 5 5 5 -5 75 , 664. • H o lland sw o rth , R., D o w d y, L., & D o no van, J. (2 01 1 ). D ig ital citiz e nsh ip in K-1 2 : It take s a villag e . Te ch Tre nd s, 5 5 (4), 37-47. d o i: 1 0.1 007/s1 1 5 2 8-01 1 -05 1 0-z • H o u g h to n-Jan, S . (2 01 0). Inte rne t filte ring . Lib rary Te ch no lo g y Re p o rts, 46(8), 2 5 -33, 45 . • H u nte r, C .D . (2 000). Inte rne t filte r e ffe ctive ne ss – Te sting o ve r- and u nd e rinclu sive b lo cking d e cisio ns o f fo u r p o p u lar w e b filte rs. S o cial S cie nce C o m p u te r Re vie w , 1 8(2 ), 2 1 4-2 2 2 . d o i: 1 0.1 1 77/089443930001 8002 09 • Jae g e r, P. T., & Yan, Z. (2 009). O ne law w ith tw o o u tco m e s: C o m p aring th e im p le m e ntatio n o f C IPA in p u b lic lib rarie s and sch o o ls. Info rm atio n Te ch no lo g y and
  • 25. S ug g e ste d Re ad ing • Le ssig , L. (1 999). Th e law o f the h o rse : W h at cyb e rlaw m ig h t te ach . H arvard Law Re vie w , 1 999(1 1 3), 5 01 -5 49. • Laz arinis, F. (2 01 0). O nline risks o b structing safe inte rne t acce ss fo r stud e nts. Th e Ele ctro nic Lib rary, 2 8(1 ), 1 5 7-1 70. d o i: 1 0.1 1 08/02 4604701 1 02 3441 • Juke s, I., M cC ain, T., & C ro cke tt, L. (2 01 1 ). Ed ucatio n and th e ro le o f th e e d ucato r in th e future . Ph i D e lta Kap p an, 92 (4), 1 5 -2 1 . • Janse n, B. A. (2 01 0). Inte rne t filte ring 2 .0: C he cking inte lle ctual fre e d o m and p articip ative p ractice s at th e sch o o lh o use d o o r. Kno wle d g e Q ue st, 39(1 ), 46-5 3. • O x le y, C . (2 01 0). D ig ital citiz e nship : D e ve lo p ing an e th ical and re sp o nsib le o nline culture . Inte rnatio nal S ch o o l Lib rariansh ip : Se le cte d Pap e rs fro m the IASL Annual C o nfe re nce , 1 -1 1 . • Pre nsky, M . (2 001 ). D ig ital native s, d ig ital im m ig rants. O n th e H o riz o n 9(5 ), 1 – 5 . Re trie ve d fro m http ://ww w.m arcp re m /writing /Pre nsky% 2 0-% 2 0D ig ital% 2 0N ative s,% 2 .
  • 26. S ug g e ste d Re ad ing • Pre sto n, C .B. (2 007). Zo ning th e inte rne t: A ne w ap p ro ach to p ro te cting ch ild re n o nline . Brig ham Yo u ng U nive rsity Law Re vie w , 2 007(6), 1 41 7-1 469. • Ram asw am i, R. (2 01 0). N o th ing to LO L ab o ut. TH E Jo urnal, 37(6), 2 4-30. • Ro d d e n, K. (2 003). The C h ild re n’s Inte rne t Pro te ctio n Act in p u b lic sch o o ls: The g o ve rnm e nt ste p p ing o n p are nts’ to e s? Fo rd h am Law Re vie w , 71 (5 ), 2 1 41 -2 1 75 . • W e ig e l, C ., Jam e s, C ., & G ard ne r, H . (2 009). Le arning : Pe e ring b ackw ard and lo o king fo rw ard in th e d ig ital e ra. Inte rnatio nal Jo urnal o f Le arning and M e d ia, 1 (1 ), 1 -1 8. d o i: 1 0.1 1 62 /ijlm .2 009.0005 • W illard , N . (2 01 0). Te ach the m to sw im . Kno w le d g e Q ue st: Jo u rnal o f th e Am e rican Asso ciatio n o f S cho o l Lib rarians, 39(1 ), 5 4-61 . • Yan, Z. (2 009). D iffe re nce s in h ig h sch o o l and co lle g e stu d e nts’ b asic kno w le d g e and p e rce ive d e d ucatio n o f Inte rne t safe ty: D o h ig h sch o o l stu d e nts re ally b e ne fit fro m th e C h ild re n’s Inte rne t Pro te ctio n Act? Jo urnal o f Ap p lie d D e ve lo p m e ntal Psycho lo g y, 30(3), 2 09-2 1 7. d o i: 1 0.1 01 6/j.ap p d e v.2 008.1 0.007
  • 27. W e b Re so urce s • Balance d Filte ring : http ://b alance d filte ring .o rg / • S p e e d o f C re ativity: http ://w w w .sp e e d o fcre ativity.o rg • M arc Pre nsky’s w riting s: http ://w w w .m arcp re m /w riting • C am ille M ayd o nik’s p o rtfo lio : http ://e p o rtfo lio .cam ille te ach e m /artifacts/re se arch p ap e rs • C IPA O ve rvie w : http ://w w w .fcc.g o v/g u id e s/ch ild re ns-inte rne t-p ro te ctio n-act • S o cial M e d ia tip s fro m th e Fe d e ral Trad e C o m m issio n: http ://w w w .ftc.g o v/b cp /e d u /p u b s/co nsu m e r/te ch /te c1 tm
  • 28. Th ank yo u! Anastasia M. Trekles C linical Asso ciate Pro fe sso r Purd u e U nive rsity C alu m e t atre kle s@ p u rd u e .e d u @ instru ct_ te ch o n Tw itte r face b o o m /ice ind iana z e ld a2 3p u b lish ing .co m /iste 2 01 2

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  2. What we’re going to look at today - explain the story of the presentation, started with course paper in ethics - how do we define ethics in terms of kids and technology? We want them to learn, but we want them to be safe... where do we draw the line? It’s definitely a gray area
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