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D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited

 Secure Programming

                                  Sandeep Giri

D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited

   What Is Security?
     Confidentiality (also known as secrecy), meaning that
      the computing system's assets can be read only by
      authorized parties.
     Integrity, meaning that the assets can only be
      modified or deleted by authorized parties in
      authorized ways.
     Availability, meaning that the assets are accessible to
      the authorized parties in a timely manner (as
      determined by the systems requirements). The failure
      to meet this goal is called a denial of service.

D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited

                  Why Secure Programming?

Note: suid (set user ID) is a program which while running behaves as the owner of
the particular file not as the one who runs it.
setgid: set group ID
D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited

    What needs to be secured?
 Viewers of remote data
    – For e.g. Browser,Applets,Email clients,Word processors
 Application programs used by the administrator
 Servers
   – Local (daemons like syslog)
   – Network-accessible servers (network daemons
   – Web-based applications(Sp. Case of above)
 Setuid/setgid programs (like passwd).

D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited


D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited

                                   The Key is:

        “Paranoia is a Virtue”
                                         Solutions follow….

D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited

     Validation of Inputs
         – Examples
         – Different types of inputs
     Buffer Overflows
     Structure Program Internals
     Sending Information Back Judiciously
     Language-Specific Issues
         – C/C++
         – Perl
         – Shell Scripting Languages

D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited

                                Validate All Input
                  Properly Check the input for valid data
 SQLQUERY= “s e le c t s o m e thing fro m ta ble whe re us e rna m e =
  ‘”+ us e rid + ”’ a nd p a s s wo rd = ‘”+ p a s s wd + ”’”;
 “a d m in’” will c o nv e rt the q ue ry into
 “s e le c t s o m e thing fro m ta ble whe re us e rna m e = ‘a d m in’’ a nd p a s s wo rd = ‘a ny thing ”
 (N te ‘’ a fte r a d m in)

 “a d m in’--” will c o nv e rt the q ue ry into
 “s e le c t s o m e thing fro m ta ble whe re us e rna m e = ‘a d m in’--’ a nd p a s s wo rd = ‘a ny thing ”
 (N te e ve ry thing a fte r ‘--’ is c o m m e nte d )

D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited

Validate All Input->

   Another Example:
   system("mail " . $form_data{"email"});


This will mail him a copy of /etc/passwd.
D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited

Validate All Input->
     Determine what is legal and reject anything that does not match
        that definition but not the reverse.
        Following pattern for input may be enough:
          [A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_,+@-.=]* or ^[A-Za-z]+(_[A-Za-z]+)? or

          (.[A-Z]+(-[A-Z0-9]+)*)? or (@[A-Za-z0-9]+(=[A-Za-z0-9-]+) or


     When accepting cookie values, check if the domain
      value for any cookie you're using is the expected one.
     While parsing input, temporarily drop all privileges,
      or even create separate processes

D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited

Validate All Input->

     Different Types Of User Input
      Environment variables
          Input may be in the form of environment variables (e.g.
            PATH,IFS etc.) inherited from parent process
          Example Code:
          Sy s te m (“d a te ”);
    Se t PA to the c urre nt d ire c to ry a nd m a ke a
    tro ja ne d d a te c o m m a nd . N w , y o ur d a te c o m m a nd
    will be e x e c ute d with p a re nts p rivile g e s .

D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited

Validate All Input->types->environment variables->
     Yet Another Example
     I - (Internal field separator, used to separate
     the command line arguments.)
    Sy s te m (“/us r/bin/d a te ”);

se t IFS= ‘/’;
Now create a Trojaned program with name usr and set
PATH to current directory.Your ‘usr’ will be executed instead
of date because this command will be interpreted as
$ us r bin d a te
D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited

Validate All Input->types->environment variables->

     Reset all the variables.
     For example,
           set IFS = ‘nt’
     Always extract and erase environment variables
     and set these according to your needs.

D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited

  Validate All Input->types->

     File Names
         Common mistakes:
         ftp> ls

        you shouldn't support ``wild-cards'', that is,
           expanding filenames using ``*'', ``?'', ``[''
           (matching ``]''), and possibly ``{'' (matching ``}'').
     File Contents
      If a program takes directions from a file, it must not
D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited

  Validate All Input->types->
     Writing data to the file

    When it is must to write the data from cgi script
    (for example picture uploading script),
    the file should not be in a executable/accessible

D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited

  Validate All Input->types->

     Web-Based Inputs (Especially CGI Scripts)
         – Cross site scripting
          Displaying the formatted text received from
          another user may trick JavaScript(or Other
          compts) and may result in befooling the current
          user or crashing the browser.
          Such vulnerabilities existed in most of the online
          systems like: Yahoo,google, hotmail,indiatimes..
         Quick Fix:
         delete_every <script>….</script>
         But it has got some problems…

D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited

   Validate All Input->types->Web based IO->

    What If input includes tags like this:
         – <sc<script></script>ript>evil-code()</sc<script></script>ript>

         – <b onmousover="...">go here</b>
         – <img [line_break] src="javascript:alert(document.location)">

         – <a href="javas&#99;ript&#35;[code]">

         – <div onmouseover="[code]">

         – <img src="javascript:[code]">
         – <img dynsrc="javascript:[code]"> [IE]

         – <input type="image" dynsrc="javascript:[code]"> [IE]

         – <bgsound src="javascript:[code]"> [IE]

         List goes on …
D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited

   Validate All Input->types->Web based IO->

          – Only allow a few tags,if it is

             <p> ,<b> , <i>, <em>, <strong>, <pre> , <br>

          – while displaying html as such convert

                ‘<‘ to &lt; , > to &gt;, & to &amp;

          – One may use his own type of tags

                Ex m p le [im g ]. . [/im g ] (a s us e d by Ya BB)

          – Accept only legal characters:

             $summary =~ tr/A-Za-z0-9 .://dc;

          – Remove Special characters

             $s =~ s/[<>"'%;()&+]//g;

          Can use PHP code to filter HTML posted by Konstantin Riabitsev:

D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited

          Buffer Overflow – A Big Deal
A buffer overflow occurs when you write a set of values into a fixed length buffer
and write at least one value outside that buffer's boundaries (usually past its
end). A buffer overflow can occur when reading input from the user into a buffer,
but it can also occur during other kinds of processing in a program.

The Problem:                                          Sample Execution
                                                      $ p ro g a bc
int main(int argc,char **argv) {                      abc
    char buffer[100];                                 $ p ro g < v e ry lo ng s tring >
    if(argc>1)                                        core dumped (segmentation
                                                      $ p ro g “% s a nd e e p ”
                                                      (format string problem)

D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited

 Buffer Overflow->

    Exploit-Technique ( an overview )
    EIP – Before a function is called, the address of
     returning location is stored in EIP

D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited                 Buffer Overflow-> Suggestions:

   Instead Of       Use

   Gets             Fgets

   Strcpy           strncpy*,with NULLtermination

                    Strlcpy : a bit inefficient, fills with zeros

   Strcat           strncat*,with NULL termination

                    Strlcat : a bit inefficient

   Printf           With proper formatting e.g.: printf(“%s”,str); not printf(str);

   Sprintf          with length maximizing formatting. E.g.: Sprintf(buf,“%2s”,str);

   Scanf            with length maximizing formatting eg: scanf(“%5s”,str),

   sscanf           with length maximizing formatting

D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited

 Buffer Overflow->

    Overflows can be avoided by using:
     Code Checking Utilities:
         – flawfinder,RATS,ITS4, Slint

         – Using Memory leak checking utilities like Memleak for VC++ available
     Libraries like
         – Libmib, C++ Std :: string, libsafe,glibc
     Compilers like :Stack Guard,Stack Shield
            which check if return address is changed.
      OS like : Immunix OS ,Bastile Linux
       Linux Variants,with low level security against bof
Index Other languages like Java,Perl,PHP
D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited

        Structure Program Internals
     Software Engineering Principles
         – Economy of mechanism/Simplicity.
               KISS - keep it simple, stupid
         – Open design.
               Do not depend on attacker’s ignorance.
         – Complete mediation.
               Every access attempt must be checked
         – Fail-safe defaults
               The default should be denial of service
         – Separation of privilege.
               Defeating one protection system shouldn't enable
                complete access.
D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited

   Structure Program Internals-> Software Engineering Principles->

         – Least common mechanism.
               Minimize use of shared mechanisms (e.g. use of the /tmp
                or /var/tmp directories).
         – Psychological acceptability / Easy to use
                Users will routinely and automatically use the
                 protection mechanisms correctly.
                Mistakes will be reduced if the security
                 mechanisms closely match the user's mental
                 image of his or her protection

D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited

 Structure Program Internals->

    Secure the Interface
    Separate Data and Control
    Minimize Privileges
        Prevents problems due to accident, error, or attack.
          – Granted privileges
          – The Time the Privilege Can Be Used & is active
          – The Modules Granted the Privilege
          – the Accessible Data
          – the Resources Available

D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited

 Structure Program Internals->

     Minimize the Functionality of a Component
     Avoid Creating Setuid/Setgid Scripts
     Configure Safely and Use Safe Defaults
     Load Initialization Values Safely
     Fail Safe
     Avoid Race Conditions/ Sharing violation
        Anomalous behavior due to unexpected critical dependence on
        the relative timing of events

D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited

Structure Program Internals-> Sharing violation(due to racing)->

     A crude example:

        Password Conflict.
     Another Example:

        check(file);//checks if file has proper permissions
        write(file,data); //writes data to file
        What if file got changed in between checking and modifying data?
        This generally happens with temporary file creation.
     Solution:

          – Use locks on files

          – Use open() function of C

          – Create random name file/open using O_CREATE|O_EXCL

Index     – Use tmpfile()
D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited

    Send Information Back Judiciously
     Minimize Feedback
     Don't Include Comments
     Control Formatting (``Cross Site Scripting'')
     Prevent Include/Configuration File Access
         <Files *.inc>
         Order allow,deny
         Deny from all

D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited

    Language-Specific Issues
     Biggest security problem with C and C++ programs is buffer overflow;

     C has the additional weakness of not supporting exceptions,

     Manual memory management(malloc,alloc,free,new delete)

     Be as strict as you reasonably can in declaring types.

        use ``enum'' to define enumerated values (and not just a ``char'' or ``int''
        with special values).

     Turn On Warnings to check overflows

          gcc -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wstrict-prototypes

          You might want ``-W -pedantic'' too.

D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited

 Language-Specific Issues->C/C++ ->

    Detect format string bugs by including following

        header file

         /* in header.h */
         #ifndef __GNUC__

         # define __attribute__(x) /*nothing*/

         extern void logprintf(const char *format, ...)


         extern void logprintva(const char *format,
           va_list args)

D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited

    Language-Specific Issues->       Perl
      read man page perlsec(1) first to learn taint mode (-T)

      open, glob, and back tick functions call the shell to expand
      perl open() function comes with, frankly, ``way too much magic'‘

             //open a file s which is specified by user.
             O p e n(HA DLE, s );
             Loophole/exploit: s=“|s o m e c o m m a nd ”
          Solution: use sysopen() instead.
      turn on the warning flag (-w)

      It is recommended to use sudo instead of setuid version of Perl,
        which is default in some cases.
Index In regex, switch /e – expression evaluation- is dangerous
D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited

 Language-Specific Issues->

    Shell Scripting Languages
     Never use as setuid/setgid
     On some systems,Fundamentally insecure
        because prone to race condition

D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited

                             I would again say:
                                   “The Key - ”

         Paranoia is a Virtue

D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited


D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited



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Secure Programming

  • 1. D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited Secure Programming Sandeep Giri Index
  • 2. D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited What Is Security?  Confidentiality (also known as secrecy), meaning that the computing system's assets can be read only by authorized parties.  Integrity, meaning that the assets can only be modified or deleted by authorized parties in authorized ways.  Availability, meaning that the assets are accessible to the authorized parties in a timely manner (as determined by the systems requirements). The failure to meet this goal is called a denial of service. Index
  • 3. D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited Why Secure Programming? Note: suid (set user ID) is a program which while running behaves as the owner of the particular file not as the one who runs it. setgid: set group ID Index
  • 4. D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited What needs to be secured?  Viewers of remote data – For e.g. Browser,Applets,Email clients,Word processors  Application programs used by the administrator  Servers – Local (daemons like syslog) – Network-accessible servers (network daemons ftpd,telnetd,apache,sendmail). – Web-based applications(Sp. Case of above)  Setuid/setgid programs (like passwd). Index
  • 5. D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited HOW??? Index
  • 6. D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited The Key is: “Paranoia is a Virtue” Solutions follow…. Index
  • 7. D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited Index  Validation of Inputs – Examples – Different types of inputs  Buffer Overflows  Structure Program Internals  Sending Information Back Judiciously  Language-Specific Issues – C/C++ – Perl – Shell Scripting Languages Index
  • 8. D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited Validate All Input Properly Check the input for valid data Example: SQLQUERY= “s e le c t s o m e thing fro m ta ble whe re us e rna m e = ‘”+ us e rid + ”’ a nd p a s s wo rd = ‘”+ p a s s wd + ”’”; Input: “a d m in’” will c o nv e rt the q ue ry into “s e le c t s o m e thing fro m ta ble whe re us e rna m e = ‘a d m in’’ a nd p a s s wo rd = ‘a ny thing ” (N te ‘’ a fte r a d m in) o “a d m in’--” will c o nv e rt the q ue ry into “s e le c t s o m e thing fro m ta ble whe re us e rna m e = ‘a d m in’--’ a nd p a s s wo rd = ‘a ny thing ” (N te e ve ry thing a fte r ‘--’ is c o m m e nte d ) o Index
  • 9. D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited Validate All Input-> Another Example: Code: system("mail " . $form_data{"email"}); Exploit/Loophole: Input: http://server/script.cgi?email=;mail</etc/passwd" This will mail him a copy of /etc/passwd. Index
  • 10. D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited Validate All Input-> Solutions/Suggestions:  Determine what is legal and reject anything that does not match that definition but not the reverse. Following pattern for input may be enough: [A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_,+@-.=]* or ^[A-Za-z]+(_[A-Za-z]+)? or (.[A-Z]+(-[A-Z0-9]+)*)? or (@[A-Za-z0-9]+(=[A-Za-z0-9-]+) or (,[A-Za-z0-9]+(=[A-Za-z0-9-]+))*)?$  When accepting cookie values, check if the domain value for any cookie you're using is the expected one.  While parsing input, temporarily drop all privileges, or even create separate processes Index
  • 11. D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited Validate All Input-> Different Types Of User Input  Environment variables Input may be in the form of environment variables (e.g. PATH,IFS etc.) inherited from parent process Example Code: Sy s te m (“d a te ”); Exploit: Se t PA to the c urre nt d ire c to ry a nd m a ke a TH tro ja ne d d a te c o m m a nd . N w , y o ur d a te c o m m a nd o will be e x e c ute d with p a re nts p rivile g e s . Index
  • 12. D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited Validate All Input->types->environment variables->  Yet Another Example I - (Internal field separator, used to separate FS the command line arguments.) Code: Sy s te m (“/us r/bin/d a te ”); Exploit/loophole: se t IFS= ‘/’; Now create a Trojaned program with name usr and set PATH to current directory.Your ‘usr’ will be executed instead of date because this command will be interpreted as $ us r bin d a te Index
  • 13. D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited Validate All Input->types->environment variables-> Solution: Reset all the variables. For example, set IFS = ‘nt’ Always extract and erase environment variables and set these according to your needs. Index
  • 14. D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited Validate All Input->types->  File Names Common mistakes: ftp> ls */../*/../*/../*/../*/../*/../*/../*/../*/../ */../*/../*/../* config-file=../../../etc/passwd&user=guest you shouldn't support ``wild-cards'', that is, expanding filenames using ``*'', ``?'', ``['' (matching ``]''), and possibly ``{'' (matching ``}'').  File Contents If a program takes directions from a file, it must not Index
  • 15. D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited Validate All Input->types->  Writing data to the file When it is must to write the data from cgi script (for example picture uploading script), the file should not be in a executable/accessible directory. Index
  • 16. D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited Validate All Input->types->  Web-Based Inputs (Especially CGI Scripts) – Cross site scripting Displaying the formatted text received from another user may trick JavaScript(or Other compts) and may result in befooling the current user or crashing the browser. Such vulnerabilities existed in most of the online systems like: Yahoo,google, hotmail,indiatimes.. Quick Fix: delete_every <script>….</script> But it has got some problems… Index
  • 17. D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited Validate All Input->types->Web based IO-> What If input includes tags like this: – <sc<script></script>ript>evil-code()</sc<script></script>ript> – <b onmousover="...">go here</b> – <img [line_break] src="javascript:alert(document.location)"> – <a href="javas&#99;ript&#35;[code]"> – <div onmouseover="[code]"> – <img src="javascript:[code]"> – <img dynsrc="javascript:[code]"> [IE] – <input type="image" dynsrc="javascript:[code]"> [IE] – <bgsound src="javascript:[code]"> [IE] List goes on … Index
  • 18. D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited Validate All Input->types->Web based IO-> Solutions: – Only allow a few tags,if it is <p> ,<b> , <i>, <em>, <strong>, <pre> , <br> – while displaying html as such convert ‘<‘ to &lt; , > to &gt;, & to &amp; – One may use his own type of tags Ex m p le [im g ]. . [/im g ] (a s us e d by Ya BB) – Accept only legal characters: $summary =~ tr/A-Za-z0-9 .://dc; – Remove Special characters $s =~ s/[<>"'%;()&+]//g; Can use PHP code to filter HTML posted by Konstantin Riabitsev: Index
  • 19. D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited Buffer Overflow – A Big Deal A buffer overflow occurs when you write a set of values into a fixed length buffer and write at least one value outside that buffer's boundaries (usually past its end). A buffer overflow can occur when reading input from the user into a buffer, but it can also occur during other kinds of processing in a program. The Problem: Sample Execution $ p ro g a bc int main(int argc,char **argv) { abc char buffer[100]; $ p ro g < v e ry lo ng s tring > if(argc>1) core dumped (segmentation fault) strcpy(buffer,argv[1]); $ p ro g “% s a nd e e p ” printf(buffer) <garbage>andeep } (format string problem) Index
  • 20. D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited Buffer Overflow-> Exploit-Technique ( an overview ) EIP – Before a function is called, the address of returning location is stored in EIP Index
  • 21. D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited Buffer Overflow-> Suggestions: Instead Of Use Gets Fgets Strcpy strncpy*,with NULLtermination Strlcpy : a bit inefficient, fills with zeros Strcat strncat*,with NULL termination Strlcat : a bit inefficient Printf With proper formatting e.g.: printf(“%s”,str); not printf(str); Sprintf with length maximizing formatting. E.g.: Sprintf(buf,“%2s”,str); Scanf with length maximizing formatting eg: scanf(“%5s”,str), sscanf with length maximizing formatting Index
  • 22. D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited Buffer Overflow-> Overflows can be avoided by using:  Code Checking Utilities: – flawfinder,RATS,ITS4, Slint – Using Memory leak checking utilities like Memleak for VC++ available at  Libraries like – Libmib, C++ Std :: string, libsafe,glibc  Compilers like :Stack Guard,Stack Shield which check if return address is changed.  OS like : Immunix OS ,Bastile Linux Linux Variants,with low level security against bof Index Other languages like Java,Perl,PHP 
  • 23. D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited Structure Program Internals  Software Engineering Principles – Economy of mechanism/Simplicity. KISS - keep it simple, stupid – Open design. Do not depend on attacker’s ignorance. – Complete mediation. Every access attempt must be checked – Fail-safe defaults The default should be denial of service – Separation of privilege. Defeating one protection system shouldn't enable complete access. Index
  • 24. D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited Structure Program Internals-> Software Engineering Principles-> – Least common mechanism. Minimize use of shared mechanisms (e.g. use of the /tmp or /var/tmp directories). – Psychological acceptability / Easy to use  Users will routinely and automatically use the protection mechanisms correctly.  Mistakes will be reduced if the security mechanisms closely match the user's mental image of his or her protection Index
  • 25. D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited Structure Program Internals->  Secure the Interface  Separate Data and Control  Minimize Privileges Prevents problems due to accident, error, or attack. Minimize: – Granted privileges – The Time the Privilege Can Be Used & is active – The Modules Granted the Privilege – the Accessible Data – the Resources Available Index
  • 26. D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited Structure Program Internals->  Minimize the Functionality of a Component  Avoid Creating Setuid/Setgid Scripts  Configure Safely and Use Safe Defaults  Load Initialization Values Safely  Fail Safe  Avoid Race Conditions/ Sharing violation Anomalous behavior due to unexpected critical dependence on the relative timing of events Index
  • 27. D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited Structure Program Internals-> Sharing violation(due to racing)->  A crude example: Password Conflict.  Another Example: check(file);//checks if file has proper permissions wait(sometime); write(file,data); //writes data to file What if file got changed in between checking and modifying data? This generally happens with temporary file creation.  Solution: – Use locks on files – Use open() function of C – Create random name file/open using O_CREATE|O_EXCL Index – Use tmpfile()
  • 28. D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited Send Information Back Judiciously  Minimize Feedback  Don't Include Comments  Control Formatting (``Cross Site Scripting'')  Prevent Include/Configuration File Access <Files *.inc> Order allow,deny Deny from all </Files> Index
  • 29. D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited Language-Specific Issues C/C++  Biggest security problem with C and C++ programs is buffer overflow;  C has the additional weakness of not supporting exceptions,  Manual memory management(malloc,alloc,free,new delete)  Be as strict as you reasonably can in declaring types. use ``enum'' to define enumerated values (and not just a ``char'' or ``int'' with special values).  Turn On Warnings to check overflows gcc -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 You might want ``-W -pedantic'' too. Index
  • 30. D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited Language-Specific Issues->C/C++ ->  Detect format string bugs by including following header file /* in header.h */ #ifndef __GNUC__ # define __attribute__(x) /*nothing*/ #endif extern void logprintf(const char *format, ...) __attribute__((format(printf,1,2))); extern void logprintva(const char *format, va_list args) __attribute__((format(printf,1,0))); Index
  • 31. D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited Language-Specific Issues-> Perl  read man page perlsec(1) first to learn taint mode (-T)  open, glob, and back tick functions call the shell to expand filename  perl open() function comes with, frankly, ``way too much magic'‘ Example: //open a file s which is specified by user. O p e n(HA DLE, s ); N Loophole/exploit: s=“|s o m e c o m m a nd ” Solution: use sysopen() instead.  turn on the warning flag (-w)  It is recommended to use sudo instead of setuid version of Perl, which is default in some cases. Index In regex, switch /e – expression evaluation- is dangerous
  • 32. D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited Language-Specific Issues-> Shell Scripting Languages  Never use as setuid/setgid  On some systems,Fundamentally insecure because prone to race condition Index
  • 33. D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited I would again say: “The Key - ” Paranoia is a Virtue Index
  • 34. D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited Questions? Index
  • 35. D. E. Shaw India Software Private Limited Thanks Index

Hinweis der Redaktion

  1. Include ln –s /etc/passwd tmp technique in race condition..tmp file creation.. SSI.. Format string bugs. To be removed from “ send.. ” to new topic
  2. Can be removed
  3. remove
  4. remove
  5. remove
  6. Remove till avoid race conditions
  7. “ Electric Fence and Val grind ” is tool which solves the problem use ``enum&apos;&apos; to define enumerated values (and not just a ``char&apos;&apos; or ``int&apos;&apos; with special values).