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CON 124
Basic Concrete Mix Design Proportioning
Session 5
Examples of Concrete Proportioning
Examples of Proportioning Concrete
 Absolute volume method
 Trial mixture using the Water-Cement ratio
Proportioning Concrete Mixtures
Example 1
Using the Absolute Volume Method
Abs Vol Density = Weight/Volume
(no voids)
Specific Gravity =
Abs Vol Density / Density of Water
Proportioning Concrete Mixtures
Absolute Volume Method for Example 1 using
the equations below:
Abs Vol=Wt/(Specific Gravity x Density of Water)
Wt=Abs Vol x Specific Gravity x Density of Water
Density of Water = 62.4 lbs per cu ft ( @ 40C)
1 Cubic yard concrete = 27 cubic feet
Conditions for Example 1
 Concrete for a building foundation
 Specified Compressive Strength: f c= 3500 psi
 Type I cement; Relative Density = 3.15
 Design for minimum 3 in of concrete cover
 Minimum distance between reinforcement bars is 4 in;
 Only admixture allowed is air entrainment
 No statistical data on mixes available
 Coarse Aggregate: ¾ in gravel; OD Relative Density = 2.68;
Absorption = 0.5%; Oven dry density = 100 lbs/cuft; Moisture
= 2%
 Fine Aggregate: Natural sand; OD Relative Density = 2.64;
Absorption = 0.7%; Moisture = 6%; Fineness Modulus = 2.80
Specifications for Example 1
 Strength: No statistical data available; fcr =
fc + 1200; therefore, fcr = 3500 + 1200 = 4700
psi (Table 11 CON 124 Proportioning Methods)
 Water to Cement ratio: No required Max
(Table 1 CON Proportioning and Mix Design);
Recommended W/C ratio for fcr = 4700 psi
, 0.42 interpolated (Fig 1 or Table 3 CON 124
Proportioning and Mix Design)
Specifications for Example 1 (Cont)
 Coarse Aggregate Size: ¾ in nominal maximum
size adequate ¾ distance between reinforcing
bars also between reinforcing bars and forms
 Air Content: Target air of 6% needed to improve
workability and reduced bleeding. Design 6% +/-
1%, Max of 7%
 Slump: Not specified, range 1 to 3 in adequate
(foundations, CON 124 Proportioning and Mix
Specifications for Example 1 (cont)
 Water Content: 3-in slump, air entrained
concrete, ¾ in nominal maximum size
aggregate; requires 305 lbs/cu yd (Fig 3 and
Table 5,CON 124 Proportioning and Mix
Design); Crushed gravel particles reduce water
by 35 lbs, Estimated water content of 270 lbs
 Cement Content: Based on max W/C ratio and
water content; 270 lbs/0.42 = 643 lbs
Specifications for Example 1 (cont)
 Coarse Aggregate Content: Bulk volume CA
recommended using a fine aggregate Fineness
Modulus of 2.80 is 0.62 (Fig 3 or Table 4, CON
Proportioning and Mix Design); CA (oven dry) weighs
100 lbs/cu ft, thus for a cubic yard of concrete(27 cu ft)
requires 100x27x0.62 = 1674 lbs/cu yd
 Admixture Content: 7% air, 0.9 fl oz/100 lbs of cement
 Fine Aggregate Content: Volume is determined by
subtracting absolute volumes of known ingredients
from 27 cu ft/ cu yd (see next slide), Absolute Volume =
27.0 – 19.50 = 7.50 cu ft; Weight of dry fine aggregate
= 7.50x2.64x62.4 = 1236 lbs
Absolute Volume Computation
for Fine Aggregate Content
Water = 270
1 • 62.4
= 4.33 ft3
Cement =
3.15 • 62.4
= 3.27 ft3
Air =
7.0 • 27
= 1.89 ft3
aggregate =
2.68 • 62.4
= 10.01 ft3
Subtotal = 19.50 ft3
Fine aggregate volume=27-19.50= 7.50 ft3
Fine aggregate mass =7.50 • 2.64 • 62.4 = 1236 lb
Mixture Design for Example
1 per Cubic Yard
 Water: 270 lbs
 Cement: 643 lbs
 Coarse Aggregate (dry): 1674 lbs
 Fine Aggregate (dry): 1236 lbs
 Total weight: 3823
 Air-entraining admixture: 5.8 fl oz
 Slump: 3-in (+/- ¾ in for trial batch)
 Air Content: 7%
Trial Batch Corrections for Moisture in
 Dry Batch Weights need correction for absorbed
and surface moisture (MC)
 Mixing water reduction due to amount of free
moisture contributed by aggregates
 Coarse Aggregate (CA) MC is 2%; Fine Aggregate
(FA) MC is 6%
 CA (2% MC) = 1674 lbs x 1.02 = 1707 lbs
 FA (6% MC) = 1236 lbs x 1.06 = 1310 lbs
 Estimated mix water: 270 lbs – (1674 x 0.015) –
(1236 x 0.053) = 179 lbs
Estimated Batch Weights for Aggregate
Moisture Content
 Water (to be added): 179 lbs
 Cement: 643 lbs
 CA (2% MC,wet) 1707 lbs
 FA (6% MC, wet) 1310 lbs
 Total Batch Weight: 3839 lbs/ 1 Cubic Yd
Laboratory Trial Batch
(2.0 cu ft; or 2/27 cu yd)
 Trial batch concrete needed for air, slump, and
casting of cylinders for strength
 Water: 179 lbs x 2/27 = 13.26 lb
 Cement: 643 lbs x 2/27 = 47.63 lb
 CA, wet: 1707 lbs x 2/27 = 126.44 lb
 FA, wet: 1310 lbs x 2/27 = 97.04 lb
 Total laboratory trial batch: 284.37 lbs
 Air Entraining admixture: 5.8 fl oz x 2/27 = 0.43
Laboratory Trial Batch Data
 Lab trial batch concrete testing:
 Measured Slump, 4-in
 Air Content, 8%
 Density (unit weight), 141.49 lbs
 Pre-measured water remained unused, original
amount of water was 13.26 lbs, only used 13.12 lbs
 Mixture Design: Water = 13.12 lbs, Cement =
47.63 lbs, CA (2% MC) = 126.44 lbs, FA (6%MC) =
97.04; Total trial batch = 284.23 lbs/ 2.0 cu ft
Yield of Laboratory Trial Batch
 Total laboratory batch weight : 284.23 lbs
 Laboratory density (unit weight): 141.49
lbs/cu ft
 Yield: 284.23lbs/141.49 lbs/cu ft = 2.009 cu ft
Mixing Water Content of Trial Batch for
1- cubic yard
 Water added: 13.12 lbs
 Free Water CA: 126.44/1.02 x 0.015 = 1.86 lbs
 Free Water FA: 97.04 /10.6 x 0.053 = 4.85 lbs
 Total Water: 19.83 lbs
 Mix water needed / cu yd for same slump:
19.83 lbs x 27.00 cu ft/cu yd/2.009 cu ft = 267
1 yard Concrete Trial Batch
 Measured 4-in slump unacceptable more than 0.75 in above
designed 3-in max
 Trial yield slightly exceeds design
 Air content of 8% is unacceptable, more than 0.50% above designed
7% max
 Reestimate amount of air entraining admixture for a 7% max air
content, and adjust water to obtain 3-in slump
 Increase mixing water by 5 lbs for each 1%;reduce mixing water by
10 lbs for 1-in reduction in slump:
(5 x 1) – (10 x 1) + 267 lbs = 262 lbs/cu yd
 With less mixing water needed, less cement required for desired
water-cement ratio of 0.42:
262 lbs/cu yd/0.42 = 624 lbs/ cu yd
New Adjusted Concrete Batch Volumes
per Cubic Yard
 Water: 262/1 x 62.4 = 4.20 cu ft
 Cement: 624/3.15 x 62.4 = 3.17 cu ft
 CA: 1674/2.68 x 62.4 = 10.01 cu ft
 Air: 7.0/100 x 27.0 = 1.89 cu ft
 Total from above: 19.27 cu ft
 FA: 27.00 – 19.27 = 7.73 cu ft
Adjusted Dry Weights for 1 Cubic Yard
 FA (dry): 7.73 x 2.64 x 62.4 = 1273 lbs
 Air dosage; 0.8 fl oz/ 100 lbs of cement to achieve 7% air:
0.8 fl oz x 624/100 = 5.0 fl oz
 Designed Batch weights:
 Water = 262 lbs
 Cement = 624 lbs
 CA (dry) = 1674 lbs
 FA (dry) = 1273 lbs
 Total Batch = 3833 lbs
 Estimated Concrete Density (unit weight) at SSD
 (262 + 624 + (1674 x 1.005) + (1273 x 1.007)) divided by
27 = 142.60 lb/cu ft
Example 2 Proportioning by Trial
Mixtures Using W/C ratio
 Trial batching verifies that a concrete mixture meets
design requirements prior to use in construction.
 Trial mixtures should use the same materials proposed
for the work.
 Three mixtures with three different water-cementing
materials ratios or cementing materials contents
should be made.
 The trial mixtures should have a slump and air content
within ±20 mm (±0.75 in.) and ± 0.5%, respectively, of
the maximum permitted.
 Three cylinders for each water-cementing materials
ratio should be tested at 28 days.
Laboratory Trial Mixtures Using the
Water-Cement Ratio
 Conditions:
 Foundation wall requiring air-entrained concrete exposed to
moderate sulfate soils
 Compressive strength, fcr, 4000 psi @ 28 days, Type II cement
 Minimum thickness of wall is 10-in; concrete cover over ½-in
diameter reinforcing bars 3-in
 Specifications:
 Water-cement ratio vs compressive strength relationship based
on field and previous lab data
 Test records of materials used, std dev is 300 psi
 Max W/C ratio for the above conditions should be 0.50
 (Table 1 CON 124 Concrete Proportioning and Mix Design)
Concrete Trial Mixture Designed
Compressive Strengths
 Standard Deviation (S) of 300 psi
 fcr = fc + 1.34S = 4000 + 1.34 (300) = 4402 psi
 Or fcr = fc + 2.33S – 500 = 4000 + 2.33 (300) – 500
= 4199 psi
 Therefore fcr = 4400 psi
 W/C ratio for air-entrained concrete is 0.55 for an
fcr of 4400psi; Exposure Conditions requirements
govern; Thus W/C ratio of 0.50 used producing
higher strengths than needed to satisfy structural
between strength
and water to
cement ratio
based on field and
laboratory data for
specific concrete
Example 2 Concrete Trial Batch Mixture
 Aggregate: 1½-in max size is satisfactory; less than
1/5 wall thickness; less than ¾ the clear distance
between reinforcing bars, as well as forms
 Air Content: Exposure conditions and workability
require moderate level, target concrete air with an
1½-in aggregate is 4.5%+/- 1%, aim for 5.5%+/- 0.5%
in trial batch
 Slump: 1-3-in for placing a reinforced concrete
foundation wall; trial batch for 3-in +/- 0.75 in
 Slump
 Agg. Size
 W/C
 Cement content
Example graphical relationship for a
particular aggregate source
demonstrating the relationship
between slump, aggregate size, water
to cement ratio, and cement content.
Example 2 Batch Quantities
 Batch size contains 20 lbs of cement
 Mixing Water: 20 lbs x 0.50 = 10 lbs (values
entered as initial weights, Col 2)
 FA & CA (SSD) proportions used from mixes used
to develop graph above
 Mixing continues until a workable concrete of 3-
in slump is reached
 Results of slump, air, unit weight, and description
and workability are noted on data sheet
Example 2 Trial Batch Data
 Workability: (from data sheet) The amounts
of FA & CA not used are recorded, Col
3, Masses of aggregates used (Col 2 minus Col
3) are recorded in Col 4
 Additional information on slump, water
required, cement quantities are recorded
Example 2 Mixture Proportions for 1
Cubic Yard
 From Col 5 of data sheet, use batch yield (volume) &
density (unit weight) for mixture proportions
 Example, Cement lbs/cu yd = 27 cuft//volume of
concrete in batch x lbs of cement in batch; % of FA is
calculated; cement content is 539 lbs/cu yd; FA
aggregate is 33.5% of total aggregate
 Air content and slump were acceptable; 28-day
compressive strengths were 4950 psi (greater than fcr )
 Mixture in Col 5, with slump and air content, 1-3-in and
3.5% to 5.5%,respectively, now ready for submission.
Example 2 Trial
Mixture Data
Trial mixture data sheet (inch-
pound units).
Test Results of Laboratory Trial
Mixtures for Example 2 at a W/C Ratio
of 0.50, economy & workability
percent of
1 3 5.4 144 539 33.5 Good
2 2¾ 4.9 144 555 27.4 Harsh
3 2½ 5.1 144 549 35.5 Excellent
4 3 4.7 145 540 30.5 Excellent
Results of Laboratory Trial Mixtures
(Inch-Pound Units) for economy and
workability of mixture adjustments.
Common Mix Design Mistakes
 Not varying water-cement ratio (3 point curve)
 Not monitoring slump loss during mix design
to identify false setting tendency in cement
 Not monitoring early age concrete
temperatures to identify retardation effects of
water reducers
Proportioning Concrete Mixes
 Ordering Concrete by ASTM C94
 Option A -
 manufacturer assumes responsibility for
 purchaser specifies:
 strength requirements
 durability, placeability, density requirements
Proportioning Concrete Mixes
 Ordering Concrete by ASTM C94
 Option B -
 purchaser assumes responsibility for proportions
 purchaser specifies:
 cement content
 max allowable water content
 admixtures (type and dose)
Proportioning Concrete Mixes
 Ordering Concrete by ASTM C94
 Option C -
 manufacturer assumes responsibility for
proportions with minimum allowable cement
content specified by purchaser
 purchaser specifies:
 required compressive strength
 minimum cement content
 admixtures (type and dose)
Please return to Blackboard and watch
the following videos:
 Video 1: Concrete Sampling
 Video 2: Concrete Temperature
 Video 3: Density

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Concrete Mix Design Proportioning Examples

  • 1. CON 124 Basic Concrete Mix Design Proportioning Session 5 Examples of Concrete Proportioning
  • 2. Examples of Proportioning Concrete Mixtures  Absolute volume method  Trial mixture using the Water-Cement ratio method
  • 3. Proportioning Concrete Mixtures Example 1 Using the Absolute Volume Method Abs Vol Density = Weight/Volume (no voids) Specific Gravity = Abs Vol Density / Density of Water Vol
  • 4. Proportioning Concrete Mixtures Absolute Volume Method for Example 1 using the equations below: Abs Vol=Wt/(Specific Gravity x Density of Water) Wt=Abs Vol x Specific Gravity x Density of Water Density of Water = 62.4 lbs per cu ft ( @ 40C) 1 Cubic yard concrete = 27 cubic feet
  • 5. Conditions for Example 1  Concrete for a building foundation  Specified Compressive Strength: f c= 3500 psi  Type I cement; Relative Density = 3.15  Design for minimum 3 in of concrete cover  Minimum distance between reinforcement bars is 4 in;  Only admixture allowed is air entrainment  No statistical data on mixes available  Coarse Aggregate: ¾ in gravel; OD Relative Density = 2.68; Absorption = 0.5%; Oven dry density = 100 lbs/cuft; Moisture = 2%  Fine Aggregate: Natural sand; OD Relative Density = 2.64; Absorption = 0.7%; Moisture = 6%; Fineness Modulus = 2.80
  • 6. Specifications for Example 1  Strength: No statistical data available; fcr = fc + 1200; therefore, fcr = 3500 + 1200 = 4700 psi (Table 11 CON 124 Proportioning Methods)  Water to Cement ratio: No required Max (Table 1 CON Proportioning and Mix Design); Recommended W/C ratio for fcr = 4700 psi , 0.42 interpolated (Fig 1 or Table 3 CON 124 Proportioning and Mix Design)
  • 7. Specifications for Example 1 (Cont)  Coarse Aggregate Size: ¾ in nominal maximum size adequate ¾ distance between reinforcing bars also between reinforcing bars and forms (cover)  Air Content: Target air of 6% needed to improve workability and reduced bleeding. Design 6% +/- 1%, Max of 7%  Slump: Not specified, range 1 to 3 in adequate (foundations, CON 124 Proportioning and Mix Design)
  • 8. Specifications for Example 1 (cont)  Water Content: 3-in slump, air entrained concrete, ¾ in nominal maximum size aggregate; requires 305 lbs/cu yd (Fig 3 and Table 5,CON 124 Proportioning and Mix Design); Crushed gravel particles reduce water by 35 lbs, Estimated water content of 270 lbs  Cement Content: Based on max W/C ratio and water content; 270 lbs/0.42 = 643 lbs
  • 9. Specifications for Example 1 (cont)  Coarse Aggregate Content: Bulk volume CA recommended using a fine aggregate Fineness Modulus of 2.80 is 0.62 (Fig 3 or Table 4, CON Proportioning and Mix Design); CA (oven dry) weighs 100 lbs/cu ft, thus for a cubic yard of concrete(27 cu ft) requires 100x27x0.62 = 1674 lbs/cu yd  Admixture Content: 7% air, 0.9 fl oz/100 lbs of cement  Fine Aggregate Content: Volume is determined by subtracting absolute volumes of known ingredients from 27 cu ft/ cu yd (see next slide), Absolute Volume = 27.0 – 19.50 = 7.50 cu ft; Weight of dry fine aggregate = 7.50x2.64x62.4 = 1236 lbs
  • 10. Absolute Volume Computation for Fine Aggregate Content Water = 270 1 • 62.4 = 4.33 ft3 Cement = 643 3.15 • 62.4 = 3.27 ft3 Air = 7.0 • 27 100 = 1.89 ft3 Coarse aggregate = 1674 2.68 • 62.4 = 10.01 ft3 Subtotal = 19.50 ft3 Fine aggregate volume=27-19.50= 7.50 ft3 Fine aggregate mass =7.50 • 2.64 • 62.4 = 1236 lb
  • 11. Mixture Design for Example 1 per Cubic Yard  Water: 270 lbs  Cement: 643 lbs  Coarse Aggregate (dry): 1674 lbs  Fine Aggregate (dry): 1236 lbs  Total weight: 3823  Air-entraining admixture: 5.8 fl oz  Slump: 3-in (+/- ¾ in for trial batch)  Air Content: 7%
  • 12. Trial Batch Corrections for Moisture in Aggregates  Dry Batch Weights need correction for absorbed and surface moisture (MC)  Mixing water reduction due to amount of free moisture contributed by aggregates  Coarse Aggregate (CA) MC is 2%; Fine Aggregate (FA) MC is 6%  CA (2% MC) = 1674 lbs x 1.02 = 1707 lbs  FA (6% MC) = 1236 lbs x 1.06 = 1310 lbs  Estimated mix water: 270 lbs – (1674 x 0.015) – (1236 x 0.053) = 179 lbs
  • 13. Estimated Batch Weights for Aggregate Moisture Content  Water (to be added): 179 lbs  Cement: 643 lbs  CA (2% MC,wet) 1707 lbs  FA (6% MC, wet) 1310 lbs  Total Batch Weight: 3839 lbs/ 1 Cubic Yd
  • 14. Laboratory Trial Batch (2.0 cu ft; or 2/27 cu yd)  Trial batch concrete needed for air, slump, and casting of cylinders for strength  Water: 179 lbs x 2/27 = 13.26 lb  Cement: 643 lbs x 2/27 = 47.63 lb  CA, wet: 1707 lbs x 2/27 = 126.44 lb  FA, wet: 1310 lbs x 2/27 = 97.04 lb  Total laboratory trial batch: 284.37 lbs  Air Entraining admixture: 5.8 fl oz x 2/27 = 0.43
  • 15. Laboratory Trial Batch Data  Lab trial batch concrete testing:  Measured Slump, 4-in  Air Content, 8%  Density (unit weight), 141.49 lbs  Pre-measured water remained unused, original amount of water was 13.26 lbs, only used 13.12 lbs  Mixture Design: Water = 13.12 lbs, Cement = 47.63 lbs, CA (2% MC) = 126.44 lbs, FA (6%MC) = 97.04; Total trial batch = 284.23 lbs/ 2.0 cu ft
  • 16. Yield of Laboratory Trial Batch  Total laboratory batch weight : 284.23 lbs  Laboratory density (unit weight): 141.49 lbs/cu ft  Yield: 284.23lbs/141.49 lbs/cu ft = 2.009 cu ft
  • 17. Mixing Water Content of Trial Batch for 1- cubic yard  Water added: 13.12 lbs  Free Water CA: 126.44/1.02 x 0.015 = 1.86 lbs  Free Water FA: 97.04 /10.6 x 0.053 = 4.85 lbs  Total Water: 19.83 lbs  Mix water needed / cu yd for same slump: 19.83 lbs x 27.00 cu ft/cu yd/2.009 cu ft = 267 lbs
  • 18. 1 yard Concrete Trial Batch Adjustments  Measured 4-in slump unacceptable more than 0.75 in above designed 3-in max  Trial yield slightly exceeds design  Air content of 8% is unacceptable, more than 0.50% above designed 7% max  Reestimate amount of air entraining admixture for a 7% max air content, and adjust water to obtain 3-in slump  Increase mixing water by 5 lbs for each 1%;reduce mixing water by 10 lbs for 1-in reduction in slump: (5 x 1) – (10 x 1) + 267 lbs = 262 lbs/cu yd  With less mixing water needed, less cement required for desired water-cement ratio of 0.42: 262 lbs/cu yd/0.42 = 624 lbs/ cu yd
  • 19. New Adjusted Concrete Batch Volumes per Cubic Yard  Water: 262/1 x 62.4 = 4.20 cu ft  Cement: 624/3.15 x 62.4 = 3.17 cu ft  CA: 1674/2.68 x 62.4 = 10.01 cu ft  Air: 7.0/100 x 27.0 = 1.89 cu ft  Total from above: 19.27 cu ft  FA: 27.00 – 19.27 = 7.73 cu ft
  • 20. Adjusted Dry Weights for 1 Cubic Yard  FA (dry): 7.73 x 2.64 x 62.4 = 1273 lbs  Air dosage; 0.8 fl oz/ 100 lbs of cement to achieve 7% air: 0.8 fl oz x 624/100 = 5.0 fl oz  Designed Batch weights:  Water = 262 lbs  Cement = 624 lbs  CA (dry) = 1674 lbs  FA (dry) = 1273 lbs  Total Batch = 3833 lbs  Estimated Concrete Density (unit weight) at SSD  (262 + 624 + (1674 x 1.005) + (1273 x 1.007)) divided by 27 = 142.60 lb/cu ft
  • 21. Example 2 Proportioning by Trial Mixtures Using W/C ratio  Trial batching verifies that a concrete mixture meets design requirements prior to use in construction.  Trial mixtures should use the same materials proposed for the work.  Three mixtures with three different water-cementing materials ratios or cementing materials contents should be made.  The trial mixtures should have a slump and air content within ±20 mm (±0.75 in.) and ± 0.5%, respectively, of the maximum permitted.  Three cylinders for each water-cementing materials ratio should be tested at 28 days.
  • 22. Laboratory Trial Mixtures Using the Water-Cement Ratio  Conditions:  Foundation wall requiring air-entrained concrete exposed to moderate sulfate soils  Compressive strength, fcr, 4000 psi @ 28 days, Type II cement  Minimum thickness of wall is 10-in; concrete cover over ½-in diameter reinforcing bars 3-in  Specifications:  Water-cement ratio vs compressive strength relationship based on field and previous lab data  Test records of materials used, std dev is 300 psi  Max W/C ratio for the above conditions should be 0.50  (Table 1 CON 124 Concrete Proportioning and Mix Design)
  • 23. Concrete Trial Mixture Designed Compressive Strengths  Standard Deviation (S) of 300 psi  fcr = fc + 1.34S = 4000 + 1.34 (300) = 4402 psi  Or fcr = fc + 2.33S – 500 = 4000 + 2.33 (300) – 500 = 4199 psi  Therefore fcr = 4400 psi  W/C ratio for air-entrained concrete is 0.55 for an fcr of 4400psi; Exposure Conditions requirements govern; Thus W/C ratio of 0.50 used producing higher strengths than needed to satisfy structural needs
  • 24. Relationship between strength and water to cement ratio based on field and laboratory data for specific concrete ingredients.
  • 25. Example 2 Concrete Trial Batch Mixture Data  Aggregate: 1½-in max size is satisfactory; less than 1/5 wall thickness; less than ¾ the clear distance between reinforcing bars, as well as forms  Air Content: Exposure conditions and workability require moderate level, target concrete air with an 1½-in aggregate is 4.5%+/- 1%, aim for 5.5%+/- 0.5% in trial batch  Slump: 1-3-in for placing a reinforced concrete foundation wall; trial batch for 3-in +/- 0.75 in
  • 26. Relationship between:  Slump  Agg. Size  W/C  Cement content Example graphical relationship for a particular aggregate source demonstrating the relationship between slump, aggregate size, water to cement ratio, and cement content.
  • 27. Example 2 Batch Quantities  Batch size contains 20 lbs of cement  Mixing Water: 20 lbs x 0.50 = 10 lbs (values entered as initial weights, Col 2)  FA & CA (SSD) proportions used from mixes used to develop graph above  Mixing continues until a workable concrete of 3- in slump is reached  Results of slump, air, unit weight, and description and workability are noted on data sheet
  • 28. Example 2 Trial Batch Data  Workability: (from data sheet) The amounts of FA & CA not used are recorded, Col 3, Masses of aggregates used (Col 2 minus Col 3) are recorded in Col 4  Additional information on slump, water required, cement quantities are recorded
  • 29. Example 2 Mixture Proportions for 1 Cubic Yard  From Col 5 of data sheet, use batch yield (volume) & density (unit weight) for mixture proportions  Example, Cement lbs/cu yd = 27 cuft//volume of concrete in batch x lbs of cement in batch; % of FA is calculated; cement content is 539 lbs/cu yd; FA aggregate is 33.5% of total aggregate  Air content and slump were acceptable; 28-day compressive strengths were 4950 psi (greater than fcr )  Mixture in Col 5, with slump and air content, 1-3-in and 3.5% to 5.5%,respectively, now ready for submission.
  • 30. Example 2 Trial Mixture Data Sheet Trial mixture data sheet (inch- pound units).
  • 31. Test Results of Laboratory Trial Mixtures for Example 2 at a W/C Ratio of 0.50, economy & workability Batch no. Slump, in. Air content percent Density lb/ft3 Cement content, lb/yd3 Fine aggregate, percent of total aggregate Worka- bility 1 3 5.4 144 539 33.5 Good 2 2¾ 4.9 144 555 27.4 Harsh 3 2½ 5.1 144 549 35.5 Excellent 4 3 4.7 145 540 30.5 Excellent Inch-Pound Results of Laboratory Trial Mixtures (Inch-Pound Units) for economy and workability of mixture adjustments.
  • 32. Common Mix Design Mistakes  Not varying water-cement ratio (3 point curve)  Not monitoring slump loss during mix design to identify false setting tendency in cement  Not monitoring early age concrete temperatures to identify retardation effects of water reducers
  • 33. Proportioning Concrete Mixes  Ordering Concrete by ASTM C94  Option A -  manufacturer assumes responsibility for proportions  purchaser specifies:  strength requirements  durability, placeability, density requirements
  • 34. Proportioning Concrete Mixes  Ordering Concrete by ASTM C94  Option B -  purchaser assumes responsibility for proportions  purchaser specifies:  cement content  max allowable water content  admixtures (type and dose)
  • 35. Proportioning Concrete Mixes  Ordering Concrete by ASTM C94  Option C -  manufacturer assumes responsibility for proportions with minimum allowable cement content specified by purchaser  purchaser specifies:  required compressive strength  minimum cement content  admixtures (type and dose)
  • 37. Please return to Blackboard and watch the following videos:  Video 1: Concrete Sampling  Video 2: Concrete Temperature  Video 3: Density