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1. P ar e n t s u s u al l y g i v e an al l owan ce t o t h e i r ch i l d r e n o n d o i n g their household chores. Do 
you think children should be paid to do chores? 
I think an allowance is a good idea because it gives the child a little independence. It will teach the child how to be 
responsible for jobs duties in the home. The income will teach the children about money, s a vi ngs a nd res pons i bilities . 
Thi s wi l l a l so ens ure tha t the chi l dren wi l l b e mo r e r es p o n s i b l e towa r d s th e wo r k . I s u p p o r t th e 
i d ea o f paying allowance to the children for household chores. 
2. Dog-owners are advised to walk their dogs twice a day. Do you think this is really necessary? 
I thi nk thi s i s rea l l y n ec es s a ry fo r b o th th e own er a n d fo r th e d o g. Do g’s own er a n d d o g b o th n eed s ome 
ki nd of phys i ca l a c tivity to f i g h t o b es i t y . Wa l k i n g wi l l h el p th em to r el a x a n d r el i ev e th ei r energy. 
Exercising with the dog also promotes human-animal bond. Gen er a l l y , d o g s a r e g o i n g to be h a p p i er a n d 
mo r e c o n t en t i f i t receives adequate exercise. 
3. Do you think vegetables should be a par t of your daily diet –why? 
Absolutely, Yes. Healthy diets rich in fruits and vegetables may reduce the risk of cancer and other chronic diseases. Fruits 
and vegetables also provide essential vitamins and minerals, fiber, and other substances that are important for good health. 
Most fruits and vegetables are naturally low in fat and calories and are filling. They also help you to fight obesity. 
4. People have a tendency to sit in front of the television for long hours continuously. Do you think this affects 
health? If yes, in what way? 
Watching a television has severely negative impact on the viewers. I t a dds burden to our bra i n a nd ca us es l ong -term 
phys i ca l ha rm. Wa tchi ng a tel evi s i on not onl y ki l l s your frui tful time but a l s o expos es you to obes i ty. Many 
studies have proved its ill effect on a human health. Study shows that every hour of TV watching shortens life by 22 minutes. 
5. N o w a d a y s , t h e u s e o f m o b i l e p h o n e s i s b e c o m i n g m o r e p r o m i n e n t . 
W h a t i s y o u r o p i n i o n o n t h e u s a g e o f m o b i l e phones? 
Cell phones have gradually become an integral part of one’s life. It has helped us to connect better to our family and friends. 
However, the use of mobile phone should be regulated among children below13. They should not be exposed to the 
radiations of a mobile phone. The mobile phone radiations may cause cancer. Although the use of mobile phone cannot be 
eliminated, we should try to limit its use in our day to day life. 
6. Technology seems to be advancing day by day. Will the growing trend of technology hinder lifestyles in any way? 
This is true that technology has touched all aspects of our lives. We have grown dependent on technology. History has 
proved that technology has benefitted human kind in many ways – be it medical science, be it automobile industry, or be it 
Information Technology. I do not see growing trend of technology hindering our lifestyles in anyway. 
7. P e o p l e ar e s ome t ime s ju d g e d o n t h e b as i s o f t h e i r cas t e o r color. Do you think this is fair? 
No, this is not fair. It’s not a good idea to judge a people on the basis o f th ei r c a s t e o r c o l o r . We s h o u l d t a k e 
t i me to k n ow n ew p eo p l e before making judgment about them. External appearance or caste often does not tell us 
anything about a person. A person should be judged on his merits and qualities. A good person can be from any caste or can 
be of any color. 
8. If you had a disagreement with a close fr iend, how would you go about handling it? 
Well, any two people in a friendship are going to disagree from time to time. I f I ha s a di s a greement wi th my c l os e 
fr i end, fi r s t thi ng I woul d do i s to cool down. Secondl y, I woul d try to s ee the s i tua ti on from his perspective. 
After that, I would try to talk to him. We might correct in our own opinions and this should not affect our friendships. 
9. N owad ay s , p ar e n t s h av e t h e h ab i t o f l e t t i n g t h e i r ch i l d r e n make their own decisions. Do 
you think this is a healthy trend? 
W e a l l l ea r n fr om o u r mi s ta kes . I t’s i mp o r ta n t fo r c h i l d r en to ma ke their own decision and learn from their 
mistakes. This will also make them self-dependent. Sometimes it is also important for children to fa i l . After a l l , fa i lure 
wi l l tea ch them the mos t impor ta nt l es s ons of th ei r l i v es . B y a l l mea n s , i t i s g o o d to en c o u r a g e 
o u r c h i l d r en to make their own decision. 
10. Education was different 100 years ago. Some people who were considered educated 100 years ago would 
probably not be considered educated today. Would you agree or disagree?
I would disagree on this. In the past, it is true that we had very few s c h o l a r s . B u t we s h o u l d a l s o n o t e th a t we 
d i d n o t h a v e th e k i n d o f resources we have now. In the past, there was less number of colleges, the technology was 
not so developed, and there were no online resources for study. Inspire of all these limitations, people in the past managed 
to get good education. 
11. In y o u r o p i n i o n , wh e r e i s t h e b e s t l o cat i o n t o r ai s e a f ami l y . Why do you feel that w 
I have lived in several places with my family, however, I really think that a place that allows your children to have the freedom 
to be outside, play with their friends, and access a life that creates memories is the best place. I gues s I woul d thi nk tha t 
the s uburbs a nd rura l towns fa c i l ita te i s the bes t pl a ce. Thes e pl a ces a l s o ha ve c omp a r a t i v el y l ow 
c r i me r a t es , s o a s p a r en t y o u c a n r el a x a b i t more. 
12. From your point of view, is it better to work in a large organization or in a small organization? Please explain 
I would like to work in big organization. Working in a large company provides access to a host of resources. Working with A 
large group of people for a large company brings a lot of relationships. Working for a l a rge compa ny i s us ua l ly a l es s 
vol a ti l e envi ronment tha n a sma l l orga ni za tion. Ha vi ng a wel l -known compa ny on your CV ca n open a lot of 
doors in future. 
13. Are you influenced by advertising? What makes you choose the products you buy? 
I do not usually buy the things advertisements show. Advertising is no longer informative; it uses tricks and catchy phrases to 
get us to buy s omethi ng. Now da ys , I thi nk a dver ti s i ng i s tota l l y over -ra ted. Wh e n I b uy a p ro duct, I mak e s ure 
th a t th i s i s r eally wh at I ’m l o o kin g fo r . Price also plays an important role in my decision when I am buying a product. 
14. Do you prefer to read true stories about real people who have actually lived or do you prefer stor ies 
about made -up people and events? Explain your choice. 
Well, I prefer to read books about real people. These books are very inspiring. These books are mostly about people’s fall and 
rise in their l i fe a nd we ca n l ea rn a l ot from thi s . Thes e books tend to be very moti va ti ona l a nd ca n i ns pi r e 
o n e’s l i fe. Th es e b o o ks p r o v i d e a deeper and better understanding of real people lives. 
15. Today, many people are living longer and many old people are being cared for by their children or 
grandchildren. How does this situation affect the family? 
This will have both financial & emotional bearing on the family. The family will be emotionally more attached to each other. 
The children /grandchildren will have a sense of satisfaction & pride when they support their parents or grandparents. On the 
other hand, the children would be more burdened financially because they have to incur all the cost of their aging parents. 
16. Descr ibe an event or celebrat ion that has special meaning to your family. Please describe event. 
O n e s u c h ev en t i s wed d i n g o f my el d es t b r o th er . I t h a s a s p ec i a l meaning in my life because he is the 
eldest among all siblings and his wedding was first in my family in our generation. All our friends a nd fami l y got together 
on tha t oc ca s i on a nd we rea l l y ha d l ots of fun during his wedding. I really cherish his wedding all the time. 
17. Should children be allowed to read any kind of books they want or should the parents decide what kind of books 
to read? What is your opinion? 
I n my o p i n i o n , th e p a r en t s s h o u l d d ec i d e wh a t k i n d b o o k s th ei r children will read. Not all the books 
are suitable for children. Some books a re very ha rd to comprehend. The pa rents s houl d pi c k r i ght kind of books 
for their children. This will make sure that children are reading the right books according to their age and mental status. 
18. Imagine you were reading a book to prepare for a test . Would you read this book in a different 
way than if you were reading this book simply for enjoyment? Please explain 
Of course, I’ll read in a different way when I am reading a book for a t es t . Wh en I a m r ea d i n g f o r en j o ymen t , I 
ma y s k i p s ome o f th e details. I may not tend to memorize the details. However, when I am r ea d i n g fo r a tes t, I ’l l 
rea d wi th ful l i ntent a nd try to remember a l l the details. I’ll try to memorize as much as I can. 
19. W h o i s t h e b e s t t e a c h e r f o r a c h i l d - a f a m i l y m e m b e r o r someone outside 
the family? Please explain your answer. 
I guess no one can understand your children better than you. So, a family member will b a better teacher you’re your child 
than an outsider. I think the children will trust a family member more than outsider. This will give the parents a chance to 
connect better with their children. Additionally, a family member can observe the child all the time.
20. Wh e n t ak i n g a t r i p t o a n e w l o cat i o n , d o y o u l i k e t o h av e a guide to lead you around or 
do you prefer to explore on your own? Please explain. 
I would like to explore the new place on my own. This will make sure th a t th er e i s n o b o d y to d i s tu r b me. I c a n 
t a k e my own t i me a n d enjoy the place. This will add to my excitement as guided tour tends to be planned and time 
bound. I can relax, stay, and enjoy the place as much as I can if I don’t have a guide with me. 
21. If you had the choice, would you choose to live for 12 months in a very warm location or a very cold location? 
I wo u l d c h o o s e a c o l d er p l a c e to s ta y i f gi v en a c h o i c e. I th i n k I ’l l enjoy a colder place more than a warmer place. 
I can continue with my routi ne l i ke exer c i s i ng even i n a col der pl a ce. A wa rmer pl a ce t en d s to b e mo r e 
f a t a l f o r u s . I n a c o l d er p l a c e, u c a n s i mp l y choose to be at home and enjoy different things with your family. 
22. Do y o u t h i n k t h at i t i s e as i e r t h at t o l e ar n n e w s u b j e c t s b y your self or is it bet ter to 
have a teacher help you with a new subject? Please explain. 
I t i s much ea s i er to l ea rn a new s ubj ec t wi th the hel p of a tea cher . There a re ma ny a dva nta ge of ha vi ng a 
tea cher – first, a teacher ca n a c t a s gui de to l ea d you to s uc ces s . Second, the tea cher ca n explain the complex 
subject in a very easy way. A teacher will teach the subject in the easiest way possible by giving some realistic example.. 
23. When children are arguing or fighting, what is the best way for a parent to deal with this conflict? 
There are few things that a parent can do in such scenario. Thep a r e n t s h o u l d c a l m d o w n f i r s t a n d s h o u l 
d p a y m o r e a t t e n t i o n towards his child feelings. Parent should make sure that argument comes to and first. When 
the situation becomes more manageable, parent should try to convince his child. Parent should project himself as a friend of 
their child. This way, they will connect more with their children. 
24. Do you think it is possible that some children turn out bad no matter what their parents do? Please. 
Well, in some cases this is really true. There are many parents who do a l l the "r i ght" thi ngs . They a re pres ent, 
a ttenti ve, ca r i ng, a nd encoura gi ng. However , thei r chi l dren wi l l turn out ba d. A chi l d per s ona l ity depends 
on ma ny fa c tor s l i ke heredi ta ry a nd envi ronmenta l . 
S o , o n l y p a r e n t ’ s e f f o r t s a r e n o t e n o u g h t o determine how the children will turn out. 
25. Do you think television has had a positive or negative effect on family life? Please explain. 
TV has both negative as well as positive effects on family life. It brings a variety of entertainment to your bedroom. It has 
proved to be great babysitter, time-filler, and a substitute for friend. On the other hand, TV has long-term negative effect 
on your health and mental stress level. It may cause an increase in the violence level. 
26. Do you like playing more in individual or in team sports? Please explain 
I l i ke to pl a y team s por ts . I s ha re l ots of ha ppi nes s wi th my teamma tes whi l e pl a yi ng. I t tea ches me a 
grea t dea l of team work a nd coordi na ti on. I t a l s o tea ches me how to ma ke s tra tegy a nd how to execute 
them. When we win, we have a bunch of guys to celebrate and when we lose, there are people who can consol each other. 
27. Given a choice, would you like to live in a large city or small town, please explain. 
I woul d l i ke l i ve i n a l a rge c i ty. A bi g c i ty ha s ma ny fa c i l iti es . The public transportation used to be very good in 
the big city. Secondly, you h a v e a c c es s o f b es t s c h o o l s a n d b es t p a r k s i n th e c i t y . Th i r d l y , y o u ha ve 
l ots of s hoppi ng ma l l s a nd ha ng out pl a ce where you ca n s pend your leisure time. 
28. L ike 500 year s ago the established t ruth was the ear th is flat now that has been changed. What can 
you say about this? 
Wel l , i t i s a n es ta bl i shed fa c t tha t the ea r th i s a c tua l l y round a nd fl a t. The fl a t ea r th theory i s ma i nl y 
cons i s tent wi th s ome phra s e i n Quran and Bible. However, scientist has numerous prove that earth 
i s a c tu a l l y r o u n d . Du r i n g a p a r t i a l ec l i p s e, th e c u r v e o f ea r th i s c l ea r l y vi sible on the s un. Thi s 
proves tha t Ea r th i s round a nd not flat. 
29. What is your greatest achievement? 
My greatest achievement till date is when I manage to move from a Hindi medium school to an English medium school. 
Initially, I had a v er y to u g h t i me to c omp r eh en d th e l ec tu r e i n th e c l a s s . La t er , I improved my 
voca bul a ry a nd s ta r ted getti ng thos e l ec tures . After few months, it was like a routine for me.
30. D o y o u p r e f e r t o s e e a m o v i e a t a t h e a t r e w i t h a g r o u p o f people or would you 
later watch a film at home on a television? Give reasons. 
I wo u l d l o v e to wa t c h a mo v i e i n a th ea t r e. No th i n g c a n b ea t 
th ee x p e r i e n c e o f l a r g e s c r e e n , g o o d s o u n d s y s t em , a n d a g r e a t ambience. Watching a movie 
in theatre is fun-filled experience. You go out, meet your fr i ends , ha ve a ni ce time, a nd wa tch the movi e. Overall, 
it’s a great experience to watch a movie in a theater. 
31. Do you prefer to eat meals in your home or outside your home? Please explain. 
Ea ti ng your mea l a t home i s hea l thi er tha n ea ti ng a t food s ta l l s or res ta ura nts . The outs i de food ma y be 
too much s pi c y or too much oi l y whi ch i s not good for hea l th. The home mea l i s cer ta i nl y more hygienic 
than outside food. Meal at home is also less expensive than having a meal at a restaurant. Eating at home can save your life. 
32. Do you like to read children books? Explain your answer. 
Yes I do like reading children books. Reading a children book is af u n . Th e s to r i es t en d to be i n s p i r a t i o n a l a n d 
o n e c a n l ea r n f ew lessons from them. The language is a very easy and you can read at a great pace. Children books are 
great source of entertainment and they can help you to relax. 
33. People have friend for many different reasons. What qualities should a person have for you to choose that 
person as a friend? 
A per s on who l i kes me a nd res pec ts me wi l l ma ke a good fr i end. Bes i des , I woul d a l s o wa nt him to be 
hones t. A per s on whom I ca n t r u s t i mp l i c i t l y wo u l d ma k e a g o o d f r i en d . I wo u l d l i k e to s ee a 
p er s o n wh o s t a n d s b y me i n my b a d d a y s a s my f r i en d . A g o o d friend always stays connected with you 
and be ready to help you

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  • 1. 1. P ar e n t s u s u al l y g i v e an al l owan ce t o t h e i r ch i l d r e n o n d o i n g their household chores. Do you think children should be paid to do chores? I think an allowance is a good idea because it gives the child a little independence. It will teach the child how to be responsible for jobs duties in the home. The income will teach the children about money, s a vi ngs a nd res pons i bilities . Thi s wi l l a l so ens ure tha t the chi l dren wi l l b e mo r e r es p o n s i b l e towa r d s th e wo r k . I s u p p o r t th e i d ea o f paying allowance to the children for household chores. 2. Dog-owners are advised to walk their dogs twice a day. Do you think this is really necessary? I thi nk thi s i s rea l l y n ec es s a ry fo r b o th th e own er a n d fo r th e d o g. Do g’s own er a n d d o g b o th n eed s ome ki nd of phys i ca l a c tivity to f i g h t o b es i t y . Wa l k i n g wi l l h el p th em to r el a x a n d r el i ev e th ei r energy. Exercising with the dog also promotes human-animal bond. Gen er a l l y , d o g s a r e g o i n g to be h a p p i er a n d mo r e c o n t en t i f i t receives adequate exercise. 3. Do you think vegetables should be a par t of your daily diet –why? Absolutely, Yes. Healthy diets rich in fruits and vegetables may reduce the risk of cancer and other chronic diseases. Fruits and vegetables also provide essential vitamins and minerals, fiber, and other substances that are important for good health. Most fruits and vegetables are naturally low in fat and calories and are filling. They also help you to fight obesity. 4. People have a tendency to sit in front of the television for long hours continuously. Do you think this affects health? If yes, in what way? Watching a television has severely negative impact on the viewers. I t a dds burden to our bra i n a nd ca us es l ong -term phys i ca l ha rm. Wa tchi ng a tel evi s i on not onl y ki l l s your frui tful time but a l s o expos es you to obes i ty. Many studies have proved its ill effect on a human health. Study shows that every hour of TV watching shortens life by 22 minutes. 5. N o w a d a y s , t h e u s e o f m o b i l e p h o n e s i s b e c o m i n g m o r e p r o m i n e n t . W h a t i s y o u r o p i n i o n o n t h e u s a g e o f m o b i l e phones? Cell phones have gradually become an integral part of one’s life. It has helped us to connect better to our family and friends. However, the use of mobile phone should be regulated among children below13. They should not be exposed to the radiations of a mobile phone. The mobile phone radiations may cause cancer. Although the use of mobile phone cannot be eliminated, we should try to limit its use in our day to day life. 6. Technology seems to be advancing day by day. Will the growing trend of technology hinder lifestyles in any way? This is true that technology has touched all aspects of our lives. We have grown dependent on technology. History has proved that technology has benefitted human kind in many ways – be it medical science, be it automobile industry, or be it Information Technology. I do not see growing trend of technology hindering our lifestyles in anyway. 7. P e o p l e ar e s ome t ime s ju d g e d o n t h e b as i s o f t h e i r cas t e o r color. Do you think this is fair? No, this is not fair. It’s not a good idea to judge a people on the basis o f th ei r c a s t e o r c o l o r . We s h o u l d t a k e t i me to k n ow n ew p eo p l e before making judgment about them. External appearance or caste often does not tell us anything about a person. A person should be judged on his merits and qualities. A good person can be from any caste or can be of any color. 8. If you had a disagreement with a close fr iend, how would you go about handling it? Well, any two people in a friendship are going to disagree from time to time. I f I ha s a di s a greement wi th my c l os e fr i end, fi r s t thi ng I woul d do i s to cool down. Secondl y, I woul d try to s ee the s i tua ti on from his perspective. After that, I would try to talk to him. We might correct in our own opinions and this should not affect our friendships. 9. N owad ay s , p ar e n t s h av e t h e h ab i t o f l e t t i n g t h e i r ch i l d r e n make their own decisions. Do you think this is a healthy trend? W e a l l l ea r n fr om o u r mi s ta kes . I t’s i mp o r ta n t fo r c h i l d r en to ma ke their own decision and learn from their mistakes. This will also make them self-dependent. Sometimes it is also important for children to fa i l . After a l l , fa i lure wi l l tea ch them the mos t impor ta nt l es s ons of th ei r l i v es . B y a l l mea n s , i t i s g o o d to en c o u r a g e o u r c h i l d r en to make their own decision. 10. Education was different 100 years ago. Some people who were considered educated 100 years ago would probably not be considered educated today. Would you agree or disagree?
  • 2. I would disagree on this. In the past, it is true that we had very few s c h o l a r s . B u t we s h o u l d a l s o n o t e th a t we d i d n o t h a v e th e k i n d o f resources we have now. In the past, there was less number of colleges, the technology was not so developed, and there were no online resources for study. Inspire of all these limitations, people in the past managed to get good education. 11. In y o u r o p i n i o n , wh e r e i s t h e b e s t l o cat i o n t o r ai s e a f ami l y . Why do you feel that w I have lived in several places with my family, however, I really think that a place that allows your children to have the freedom to be outside, play with their friends, and access a life that creates memories is the best place. I gues s I woul d thi nk tha t the s uburbs a nd rura l towns fa c i l ita te i s the bes t pl a ce. Thes e pl a ces a l s o ha ve c omp a r a t i v el y l ow c r i me r a t es , s o a s p a r en t y o u c a n r el a x a b i t more. 12. From your point of view, is it better to work in a large organization or in a small organization? Please explain I would like to work in big organization. Working in a large company provides access to a host of resources. Working with A large group of people for a large company brings a lot of relationships. Working for a l a rge compa ny i s us ua l ly a l es s vol a ti l e envi ronment tha n a sma l l orga ni za tion. Ha vi ng a wel l -known compa ny on your CV ca n open a lot of doors in future. 13. Are you influenced by advertising? What makes you choose the products you buy? I do not usually buy the things advertisements show. Advertising is no longer informative; it uses tricks and catchy phrases to get us to buy s omethi ng. Now da ys , I thi nk a dver ti s i ng i s tota l l y over -ra ted. Wh e n I b uy a p ro duct, I mak e s ure th a t th i s i s r eally wh at I ’m l o o kin g fo r . Price also plays an important role in my decision when I am buying a product. 14. Do you prefer to read true stories about real people who have actually lived or do you prefer stor ies about made -up people and events? Explain your choice. Well, I prefer to read books about real people. These books are very inspiring. These books are mostly about people’s fall and rise in their l i fe a nd we ca n l ea rn a l ot from thi s . Thes e books tend to be very moti va ti ona l a nd ca n i ns pi r e o n e’s l i fe. Th es e b o o ks p r o v i d e a deeper and better understanding of real people lives. 15. Today, many people are living longer and many old people are being cared for by their children or grandchildren. How does this situation affect the family? This will have both financial & emotional bearing on the family. The family will be emotionally more attached to each other. The children /grandchildren will have a sense of satisfaction & pride when they support their parents or grandparents. On the other hand, the children would be more burdened financially because they have to incur all the cost of their aging parents. 16. Descr ibe an event or celebrat ion that has special meaning to your family. Please describe event. O n e s u c h ev en t i s wed d i n g o f my el d es t b r o th er . I t h a s a s p ec i a l meaning in my life because he is the eldest among all siblings and his wedding was first in my family in our generation. All our friends a nd fami l y got together on tha t oc ca s i on a nd we rea l l y ha d l ots of fun during his wedding. I really cherish his wedding all the time. 17. Should children be allowed to read any kind of books they want or should the parents decide what kind of books to read? What is your opinion? I n my o p i n i o n , th e p a r en t s s h o u l d d ec i d e wh a t k i n d b o o k s th ei r children will read. Not all the books are suitable for children. Some books a re very ha rd to comprehend. The pa rents s houl d pi c k r i ght kind of books for their children. This will make sure that children are reading the right books according to their age and mental status. 18. Imagine you were reading a book to prepare for a test . Would you read this book in a different way than if you were reading this book simply for enjoyment? Please explain Of course, I’ll read in a different way when I am reading a book for a t es t . Wh en I a m r ea d i n g f o r en j o ymen t , I ma y s k i p s ome o f th e details. I may not tend to memorize the details. However, when I am r ea d i n g fo r a tes t, I ’l l rea d wi th ful l i ntent a nd try to remember a l l the details. I’ll try to memorize as much as I can. 19. W h o i s t h e b e s t t e a c h e r f o r a c h i l d - a f a m i l y m e m b e r o r someone outside the family? Please explain your answer. I guess no one can understand your children better than you. So, a family member will b a better teacher you’re your child than an outsider. I think the children will trust a family member more than outsider. This will give the parents a chance to connect better with their children. Additionally, a family member can observe the child all the time.
  • 3. 20. Wh e n t ak i n g a t r i p t o a n e w l o cat i o n , d o y o u l i k e t o h av e a guide to lead you around or do you prefer to explore on your own? Please explain. I would like to explore the new place on my own. This will make sure th a t th er e i s n o b o d y to d i s tu r b me. I c a n t a k e my own t i me a n d enjoy the place. This will add to my excitement as guided tour tends to be planned and time bound. I can relax, stay, and enjoy the place as much as I can if I don’t have a guide with me. 21. If you had the choice, would you choose to live for 12 months in a very warm location or a very cold location? I wo u l d c h o o s e a c o l d er p l a c e to s ta y i f gi v en a c h o i c e. I th i n k I ’l l enjoy a colder place more than a warmer place. I can continue with my routi ne l i ke exer c i s i ng even i n a col der pl a ce. A wa rmer pl a ce t en d s to b e mo r e f a t a l f o r u s . I n a c o l d er p l a c e, u c a n s i mp l y choose to be at home and enjoy different things with your family. 22. Do y o u t h i n k t h at i t i s e as i e r t h at t o l e ar n n e w s u b j e c t s b y your self or is it bet ter to have a teacher help you with a new subject? Please explain. I t i s much ea s i er to l ea rn a new s ubj ec t wi th the hel p of a tea cher . There a re ma ny a dva nta ge of ha vi ng a tea cher – first, a teacher ca n a c t a s gui de to l ea d you to s uc ces s . Second, the tea cher ca n explain the complex subject in a very easy way. A teacher will teach the subject in the easiest way possible by giving some realistic example.. 23. When children are arguing or fighting, what is the best way for a parent to deal with this conflict? There are few things that a parent can do in such scenario. Thep a r e n t s h o u l d c a l m d o w n f i r s t a n d s h o u l d p a y m o r e a t t e n t i o n towards his child feelings. Parent should make sure that argument comes to and first. When the situation becomes more manageable, parent should try to convince his child. Parent should project himself as a friend of their child. This way, they will connect more with their children. 24. Do you think it is possible that some children turn out bad no matter what their parents do? Please. Well, in some cases this is really true. There are many parents who do a l l the "r i ght" thi ngs . They a re pres ent, a ttenti ve, ca r i ng, a nd encoura gi ng. However , thei r chi l dren wi l l turn out ba d. A chi l d per s ona l ity depends on ma ny fa c tor s l i ke heredi ta ry a nd envi ronmenta l . S o , o n l y p a r e n t ’ s e f f o r t s a r e n o t e n o u g h t o determine how the children will turn out. 25. Do you think television has had a positive or negative effect on family life? Please explain. TV has both negative as well as positive effects on family life. It brings a variety of entertainment to your bedroom. It has proved to be great babysitter, time-filler, and a substitute for friend. On the other hand, TV has long-term negative effect on your health and mental stress level. It may cause an increase in the violence level. 26. Do you like playing more in individual or in team sports? Please explain I l i ke to pl a y team s por ts . I s ha re l ots of ha ppi nes s wi th my teamma tes whi l e pl a yi ng. I t tea ches me a grea t dea l of team work a nd coordi na ti on. I t a l s o tea ches me how to ma ke s tra tegy a nd how to execute them. When we win, we have a bunch of guys to celebrate and when we lose, there are people who can consol each other. 27. Given a choice, would you like to live in a large city or small town, please explain. I woul d l i ke l i ve i n a l a rge c i ty. A bi g c i ty ha s ma ny fa c i l iti es . The public transportation used to be very good in the big city. Secondly, you h a v e a c c es s o f b es t s c h o o l s a n d b es t p a r k s i n th e c i t y . Th i r d l y , y o u ha ve l ots of s hoppi ng ma l l s a nd ha ng out pl a ce where you ca n s pend your leisure time. 28. L ike 500 year s ago the established t ruth was the ear th is flat now that has been changed. What can you say about this? Wel l , i t i s a n es ta bl i shed fa c t tha t the ea r th i s a c tua l l y round a nd fl a t. The fl a t ea r th theory i s ma i nl y cons i s tent wi th s ome phra s e i n Quran and Bible. However, scientist has numerous prove that earth i s a c tu a l l y r o u n d . Du r i n g a p a r t i a l ec l i p s e, th e c u r v e o f ea r th i s c l ea r l y vi sible on the s un. Thi s proves tha t Ea r th i s round a nd not flat. 29. What is your greatest achievement? My greatest achievement till date is when I manage to move from a Hindi medium school to an English medium school. Initially, I had a v er y to u g h t i me to c omp r eh en d th e l ec tu r e i n th e c l a s s . La t er , I improved my voca bul a ry a nd s ta r ted getti ng thos e l ec tures . After few months, it was like a routine for me.
  • 4. 30. D o y o u p r e f e r t o s e e a m o v i e a t a t h e a t r e w i t h a g r o u p o f people or would you later watch a film at home on a television? Give reasons. I wo u l d l o v e to wa t c h a mo v i e i n a th ea t r e. No th i n g c a n b ea t th ee x p e r i e n c e o f l a r g e s c r e e n , g o o d s o u n d s y s t em , a n d a g r e a t ambience. Watching a movie in theatre is fun-filled experience. You go out, meet your fr i ends , ha ve a ni ce time, a nd wa tch the movi e. Overall, it’s a great experience to watch a movie in a theater. 31. Do you prefer to eat meals in your home or outside your home? Please explain. Ea ti ng your mea l a t home i s hea l thi er tha n ea ti ng a t food s ta l l s or res ta ura nts . The outs i de food ma y be too much s pi c y or too much oi l y whi ch i s not good for hea l th. The home mea l i s cer ta i nl y more hygienic than outside food. Meal at home is also less expensive than having a meal at a restaurant. Eating at home can save your life. 32. Do you like to read children books? Explain your answer. Yes I do like reading children books. Reading a children book is af u n . Th e s to r i es t en d to be i n s p i r a t i o n a l a n d o n e c a n l ea r n f ew lessons from them. The language is a very easy and you can read at a great pace. Children books are great source of entertainment and they can help you to relax. 33. People have friend for many different reasons. What qualities should a person have for you to choose that person as a friend? A per s on who l i kes me a nd res pec ts me wi l l ma ke a good fr i end. Bes i des , I woul d a l s o wa nt him to be hones t. A per s on whom I ca n t r u s t i mp l i c i t l y wo u l d ma k e a g o o d f r i en d . I wo u l d l i k e to s ee a p er s o n wh o s t a n d s b y me i n my b a d d a y s a s my f r i en d . A g o o d friend always stays connected with you and be ready to help you