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Welcome soldier, to the

Battlefield Play4Free Basic Training

        Here, you’ll find various tips and tricks that can help you change the way you play, so
you can achieve your full potential.
        First of all, you can’t win a war all by yourself. You need teamplay, you need
reinforcements, and that's the single most important thing in the Battlefield. That’s what I’ll teach
you in this Basic Training.
        Also, your mind must always be in control over your body. While in action a soldier can
sometimes lose himself. Most of the times, this result in death. We don’t want that, so,
remember, your mind controls your hand, which controls your mouse.
        Oh, and to be as lethal as possible, you need to know where are the keys to use your
battle gear. I recommend this configuration1, but you can always change it to your like, soldier.

                               Let’s start your basic training.

1) Infantry

      Most of your fighting time, you’ll be on foot. There are enemy positions that don’t offer the
      possibility to use vehicles as transportation or artillery. So you must rely on your weapon,
                                   reflexes and skill to win the battle.

                                    1.1) Shooting and Killing
         The primary objective of the war is to conquer land and, in this case, flags. Remember:
Cap, Cap, Cap … The second one is to kill and destroy the enemy. To do that, you have a
serious of weaponry at your disposal, as an Infantry troop. Your primary weapon varies from
class to class.
         As a Medic, you’ll have an LMG (Light Machine Gun). Don’t think you are Rambo with
this. This gun is actually very heavy, so you’ll take more time to aim down sights,it has, in
average, less accuracy than the other gun classes, and takes loads of time to reload. It’s best
characteristic is the large magazine. Use this to your advantage, by suppressing your enemies
with fire, forcing them to take cover and giving some time to teammates to move up. Play as a
team to win every single skirmish.
         As an Engineer, you’ll have an SMG (Sub Machine Gun). It is a lightweight gun, with the
usual 20-30 round magazines. The weakness of this gun comes from its light bullets, who deal
little damage. On the other hand, its fast speed while aiming down sights combined with its fast
ROF, make this a reliable weapon in close range combat. Get closer to your enemy and kill
every single one.
         As an Assault, you’ll rely on your rifle to kill as many enemies as possible. It is, in
average, a 25-30 round gun, with decent accuracy and damage ratio. It is the most general
purpose gun in your arsenal. Depending on the model you need to adjust your playing style.
In this class, you’ll have some weapons that use burst fire mode to fire, instead of the default full
auto of the generality of the guns. This can come in handy when you really want to improve
accuracy, but in tight situations or in close combat it can determine if you live or die. Once
again, use what best suits your playing style.
         Finally, as a Recon, your main weapon will be your sniper-rifle. It is extremely accurate
and with great stopping power, dealing up to 80 points of damage, from a distance, to the body.
There are two sub-types of sniper-rifles: the semi-automatic and the bolt action ones. Generally,
the bolt action rifles are more accurate and with better damage, while the semi-automatic offers
you the possibility to correct the shooting angle or to re-shot the enemy to take him down,
before he was time to take cover or run away. Remember: your bullet leaves a trail when shot
(except in some gun models), so enemies can trace down the bullet to know where you are.
         Also, almost all these classes can use shotguns to unleash hell upon their opponents.
Personally, recruit, I don’t incentive you to use automatic shotguns. But that’s up to you to
decide. Shotguns generally rely on their stopping power to overcome their short range, so get
closer to the enemy before taking the shot.

The most important of all, you need to know your gun. Use this site 2 to compare values between
                            the models available to your use, soldier.

2 (All credit go to “wtfwtf” and “Sforek”)
Once you know what weapon to use, you’ll need a secondary weapon, or a side-arm.
This is a small hand pistol that you carry with you to use in tight situations. There are various
types of side-arms. Time to learn something, soldier: Use this weapon when you run out of
ammo. Not in your inventory, but on your magazine. It’s faster to just take out your sidearm to
finish off your opponent than to fully reload your primary weapon. You may forget this in the first
times, but, remember, your mind must control your body.
        Finally, as a last resource, you have your fighting knife. With it, you can easily take out
anyone in the battlefield in the most silent way possible. When facing an opponent that is
unaware of your presence, always try to knife him. It doesn’t give out your position to his
teammates. Also, and, once again, remember, your mind must control your body. When turning
corners, you may bump into enemies. Quickly reach to your knife and slice him up. They won’t
even know what hit them. You may forget this in the first times, but, keep practicing, recruit.

                 1.2) Location
        Now that you know what you need to
do to kill people, you need to know how to
get to them. While on the battlefield, you
need to know where you are and where you
need to go. Location and tactics are bound
together. By default, you can zoom in on
your HUD (Heads Up Display) map, by
pressing N. You can also use M to make
available a large and full version of your
area. This comes in handy when you are
respawning and you want to know if there
are tanks or APC’s available on your team
base. Also, use the maps to get to know
different routes or alternative ways to go to
where you want to, if the main way is being
blocked or heavily defended. Always try to
flank your enemy position. When moving
from point A to B, try to strafe or zig-zag to
prevent any fire from the front. You’ll be
much harder to hit.
1.3) Staying alive

      Just because you can respawn 10 seconds after you die, it doesn’t mean you want to die.
Is the battlefield, staying alive is as important as killing your targets. So there are basic
movements that you can make to get to where you want to, without dying.
When defending a position, pick high ground with some cover, if possible. When attacking
always try to find cover next to the flag, so you have at least one side covered from enemy fire.
This means: don’t sit in the middle of an open field.
While in cover, there are some breaches that you can use to take a quick glance at the other
side, to see if it is clear and if you can pass. Also, use the Rear View key (F by default, I use Z)
when facing the opposite side of the cover to take a more wide view of the other side of the
cover. Using this, you can spot enemies coming through that corner without letting them know
you are there. When they pass, quickly stab them in the back. They won’t even know what hit
Look for medic packs and ammo boxes to stay operational in the field. You can request this by
using the “q” button. Don’t be afraid to use adrenaline shots or field bandages. If you are
defending a flag and you die, 10 seconds is more than enough for the opposite team to take
control of that position. You don’t want that. When you need to clear a corner, jump and rotate
the camera. A jumping enemies if harder to hit, and you can have the surprise element to kill
enemies ducked and waiting to kill you on the other side. Remember, soldier: Stay alive!
2) Vehicles

       Both teams have different types of vehicles that offer a mean of transport while on big
areas, extra firepower, etc, etc. You need to know each and every one of them to know where
and when to use it.
        There are three main types of vehicles: land vehicles, water vehicles and air vehicles.
This won’t be an exaggerated guide to vehicles. You can find that in this post 3.

                                       2.1) Land Vehicles

          In this type of vehicles, we can distinguish two more: the transportation vehicles and the
attack ones. The transportation, and depending on the faction, has also two different types of
vehicles, the light and the heavy ones. The light ones (DPV - Desert Patrol Vehicle - for the
Russians and the LSV - Light Strike Vehicle - for the Americans) offer high speed and 3 seats,
one heavy machine gun mounted on top, but lacks of protection, making it a 1 shot kill to any
armoured artillery, and allows the passage of bullets, making it relatively easy to kill the driver.
Also, although the US version is faster, it lacks on mobility, because it’s turret can only rotate
90º to 140º degrees, making it unable to shoot back or sides.
          The heavy ones (GAZ - for the Russians - and the HMMVW - for the Americans) have a
little bit more of armor, cover the passengers better and also have a mounted heavy machine
gun on top. However, they have 4 seats but are slower. The machine gun can rotate 360º in all
vehicles of this kind. A tip from a veteran: The GAZ is very tall, use its machine gun mounted on
top to shoot from tall barriers, while using these barriers as firing cover. This transportation
vehicles are better suited to capture flags and to transport troops from point A to B. Use them
while fully loaded to achieve better results.

(All credit goes to BubbaWatson)
The attack land vehicles are the tanks and the APC’s (Armored Personnel Carrier). This
ones are the big guys when it comes to destruction and to eliminate heavily defended positions.
The tanks offer around 300 points of damage to other vehicles from its main turret, altought it
can be unlocked, by training, the Coaxial Gun, a 25 round machine gun mounted on the turret,
prepared to kill enemy infantry units. It has 1000 points of armor. Its weak spot is the turret
head. It has a second seat, a heavy machine gun on the turret head. The passenger in this
place can use Ctrl (by default) to crouch and hide from enemy fire or while reloading. The APC
is an amphibious vehicles (It can go through land and water). It has 4 more seats besides the
driver, each with a light machine gun that can only rotate around 50º. The APC has a 5 shot
turret (each dealing around 80 damage to other vehicles) and a secondary unlockable TOW
(Tube-launched, Optically-tracked, Wire command data link, guided missile), especially
designed to inflict more damage (around 150 points) and be able to reach those vehicles trying
to get away from you, recruit. Never go to battle on foot when there is one of these available for
you to use. You’ll be much more effective and you’ll kill many more bad guys. Use M to see if
they are available on your base. Sometimes, this vehicles can spawn outside the base, for
example, in the Dragon Valley region, our intel verifies that there are APC’s available both on A
and B bases. Get to know the map you are fighting.
2.2) Water vehicles

 Besides the APC, the other water vehicle available to use of our forces is the inflatable boat.
 This is a fast moving vehicle that can reach firm land without being noticed by major forces. It
has a machine gun mounted on the front and, besides the driver and turret user, it can transport
    more 4 teammates. When fully loaded and well used, it can make a difference. Use this
especially to go up rivers, like in Oman, where the river can lead you right behind D base. If you
bail out of the boat and find yourself in the middle of the ocean, remeber, you can “sprint” in the
water to swim faster. Also, in the US Carrier, there is a side door that leads to a rear entry to the
     ship. There are two additional boats there. Once again, get to know your surroundings.
2.3) Air vehicles

In this type of vehicles we have the fixed wing aircrafts and the helicopter. The fixed wing
aircrafts are mostly known by jets. They are fast moving and agile, well suited to destroy other
air vehicles and also bomb the ground, when unlocked by training. A well trained pilot can
unleash          hell       upon          his         opponents        with        this        beauty.
The helicopters are more maneuverable than the jets, but are slower. They are vulnerable to
APC’s and mounted machine guns on transportation vehicles, as well as rocket launchers, so
remember to fly fast and fly on the extremes (very high or very low). Inside this type, there is,
once again, two sub-types of helicopters, the attack ones and the transportation ones. The
attack choppers are faster and have missiles to destroy vehicles and infantry. They also have a
second seat that has a 25 round heavy gun and a tracer dart gun. The pilot can also unlock, by
training, the air-land missiles anti-armor. When low on health, remember to return to your base.
In the spawn zone to helicopters, you can replenish armor and reload faster.
Still on this attack chopper we have the MH-6 Little Bird. This is a small chopper found on B
base in the Dragon Valley region, that has two heavy machine guns mounted on top. It is very
fast and agile, hard to it and a hell to infantry when in the hands of an experienced pilot. It can
also deal damage to APC’s.
The transport choppers are slower but have extra armor. The US version has two machineguns
with 200 rounds and fast ROF, one each side, while the Russian version has two 50. caliber
machine guns with 50 rounds each, also, one in each side. Both have more 4 seats besides the
two machine gun users and the pilot. Fly this chopper high and use it to capture flags. Fully
loaded, this choppers can capture a flag in less than 4 seconds. Also, the transportation seats
offer the possibility to engineers to repair the helicopter while flying. Don’t forget this. And don’t
underestimate the machineguns on the sides. They can deal damage to every vehicle, being a
deadly gun against infantry, especially the US version. If you don’t have teammates to help you
use this vehicle, just park it on top of a building, sideways, and start
shooting at people. The US helicopter machineguns need to “heat up”
so tap the firing button i
nstead of holding it to start spinning the gun. This way, it will always
be prepared to fire at sight.

                      Every vehicles is important in some part of the battle,
                   recruit, you just need to learn where and when to use them.
2.4) Destroying vehicles

    Sure, it’s good when you are the one destroying everything and everyone, but, how to stop
   enemies from doing it ? And how to prevent them from stopping you? That’s why you are on
                        Basic Training recruit. See if you can learn something.
Everyone can deal damage to vehicles. As an Engineer, you have the best gadget to do so, the
rocket launcher. This weapon is best used in combination with the tracer dart. When facing an
armored vehicle, just take the cart and shoot it at the tank. A white square will appear over the
tagged vehicle, awarding you +10 points and giving all your teammates the enemy position.
Also, with this, the rockets from the rocket launcher will follow the enemy vehicle, so you don’t
need to shoot straight to the tank or APC or whatever. This allows the engineers to fire from
behind cover. Another good way to eliminate vehicles is to use the C4 on your assault class. 2
C4 packs destroy an aPC and 4 destroy a tank. Try to reach the enemies without them noticing
you, this means sprinting when they are facing the turret in the other way. Plant, step aside and
Kabom! Another great thing to know is that you can sneak up behind enemy GAZ or Humvees
and kill the turret operator from the rear opening (It’s even easier on the Humvee) Also,
grenades to some damage to vehicles (around 80 points). When you see that a enemy vehicle
is letting smoke out, it means their armor is almost down. Use this to take it out. Another thing is
the APC wheels. If you fire your weapon to the wheels, it will damage the APC (only 2 or 3
points per bullet). Use this to get the enemies attention to you, so your teammates can go
behind it and plant C4 or fire when the enemy is already on fire. It means he is almost running
out of ammo. Also, in this situation, they tend to get out of the vehicle and you can kill them.
With some luck, an engineer can repair the damaged vehicle and your team gets extra
firepower. Finally, there are the mounted rocket launchers, such as the TOW. They do around
300 damage, but someone seated on the TOW is an easy target to anyone. Fire and run, find
cover and wait for the TOW to reload, repeat until Kabom! To destroy enemy aircrafts, you can
also use the anti-air mounted weapons. You need to know their locations on the map. Again, fire
and run, when locked on, enemies can deploy flares to get some time before you can re-lock
them, and turn around to kill you. They know where you are, so … don’t be there. You’ll be a
ghost. Also, you can repair the AA (IGLA) if you are an engineer. It will take for ages to spawn a
new one,in the meantime, the enemy's aircraft will be free to do whatever they want to. Repair the AA
(IGLA). But if you are the one on the aircraft, to avoid being destructed, fly low and fly fast, wait
for the big BEEEEP to launch your flares and take out those AA positions before engaging
enemy units. If you are on the tank or APC and you are being tagged by someone, deploy
smoke (X by default) to get that sticky tracer dart out. Don’t be static while capturing flags and
don’t move your turret in just one direction, keep moving and you may kill enemies trying to
plant C4 in you by running over them. Look in all directions. Fire from cover when possible and
if not, fire then get back behind a wall or corner.
                                        Stay alive, kill the rest.
3) Classes and gadgets

 There are 4 classes that you can use in your advantage. All of them are important, and when
                                properly used, all of them are lethal.
As I said before, recruit, each of these classes have specific weapons. Besides that, they also
have different gadgets to use while in battle. Let’s take a look at this objects:

         As a Medic, your primary disposable equipment will be your medi pack. When dropped,
fellow soldiers can heal themselves by standing over or near it. The more you train its usage,
the bigger will be its action radius and speed of healing. You gain +10 points by soldiers healed.
The more they heal, the more you win. Yet, the medi pack has a limited “health” to offer. You
can upgrade this by training the usage of additional medi packs, to a limit of 3, having the
possibility to regenerate health the health of your teammates in different parts of the map. But
remember, enemies can also use your medi packs to
heal themselves. When playing in any other classes,
press “q” and choose “Need Medic”. A medic icon will
appear over you, so that Medic can know when you are
in need of a medi pack. Also, using two or more medi
packs don’t accerelate the speed of healing. Another
gadget at your disposal is the Defibrillator. It allows you
to revive fallen teammates (doesn’t work if they died by
explosion) with a quick shock. This tool can also be
used to eliminate enemies. Keep your team alive. With
some training you can heal your teammates with your
vehicle with the Medivac Vehicle skill. Use this to act
like an ambulance. Use this tools in combination with
the Combat Triage expertise to know your team and
enemies health status to act more efficiently on the
battlefield. Finally, you also have the Frontline Flare.
Deploy this when capturing a flag you respawn at the
flare when dead. Use it to keep you and your
teammates on the frontline. But don’t drop it on the
open, try to cover its position. A good Medic can make
all the difference in a squad. Use your big gun and
Medi Packs to ensure safety of all operations on the

                                             You’re a Medic.
As an Assault, you’ll be on the frontline. You’ll be in charge of keeping your team
resupplied with ammo. Acting like a Medi Pack, your ammo box contains limited amount of
ammo to all weapons, including claymores, C4, RPG, Airburst Grenade Launcher, Anti-Tank
Mines and Smoke grenades (If you have them completely trained with 5 training points). You
can also deploy two ammo boxes, if this skill in trained. Be careful, enemies can use it to get
ammo and can also destroy it with 1 shot. Another handy tool is the smoke grenade. Use it to
block vision to your enemies. Deploy it when conquering flags to hide your presence. They may
know that there is something there, but if they don’t know where you are, they can’t hit you. You
can train to have a total of 5 smoke grenades. When training in this skill is full, you gain the
ability to recharge smoke grenades ammo at ammo boxes. Another important gadget when
trying to cap flags is the Request Reinforcements flares. When activated, all nearby soldiers that
die within 25 seconds will respawn in that general area.
Make sure to use it while behind cover, ‘cause taking
damage will cancel the request. Use all the personal at
your disposal where you need them.
Finally, a very good and important tool is the C4
charges. There are many ways to use them: the most
obvious one is planting them on enemy vehicles, step
back and Kabom! You can also plant them on your own
vehicle, especially light and agile ones, drive them
against an enemy vehicle or defended position, get out
before collision and Kabom! Another way to use this
gadget is to make a trap to your opponents. Plant them
near flags, wait for them to come and try to capture
them, and then Kabom! Plant them in narrow entries that
enemies usually use, when they pass, Kabom! Plant
them on tanks, helicopters or whatever, and abandon
them in the open field. When an enemy enters, Kabom!
Also, you can throw the C4 charges over walls and
barriers, do it to kill enemies in a large radius without
even seeing them. You start with 2, enough to destroy
and APC, but can train to use up to 6 C4 charges. 4 are
enough to destroy a Tank. If playing as an Assault, make
sure to look for the 3 bullets icon over allies. This means
they requested ammunition using the “q” function. Move
fast, kill faster. Stay undercover and behind enemy lines
to make the most damage.

                                     You’re an Assault unit.
As an Engineer, you’re an expert in damage control and damage infliction. You
are a mobile unit, equipped with gadgets that are useful against armored enemy units. You start
with a RPG and a Vehicle Repair Tool. The RPG is a rocket launcher that can inflict around 300
damage to vehicles. Aim a little higher, because of the bullet drop. You start with two rockets,
but can train to manage up to 6. The Vehicle Repair Too, as the name suggests, repairs allied
armored vehicles. It repair 3 HP per hit while on base level, but, with train, you can repair up to
7 HP per hit. This doesn't inflict damage but can be used to pick-up mines, allied or foes. This
skill can also be improved to repair moving vehicles. If you are the pilot, vehicles within a 10
meter radius will be automatically healed by 2% every 0.5 seconds. another gadget is the Anti-
Vehicle Mine. When deployed, enemy vehicles that pass on top will be destroyed. Also, you can
shoot at them to destroy them, provoking an explosion. Use this to make a splash damage to a
group of enemies. Another useful skill to an engineer is the Engineering Damage Assessment.
With this, he can evaluate the damage status of any occupied vehicle, friend of foe. Finally,
there is the Airburst Grenade. This weapon allows to detonate grenades over enemies behind
cover. The range is set when using the Zoom button. Use the Mouse Wheel to select manually
the range. It does around 35 damage. Use to kill those camping soldiers who didn’t had a
training like this. Destroy those tanks and APC, repair your allied ones and win the war!

                                       You’re an Engineer.
Last but not least, we have the Recon. Notice that this class name isn’t Sniper,
it’s Recon. Why? Because this isn’t just an Elite shooter, he is more than that. As Recon, your
main deployable gadget is the Motion Sensor. This will shown any enemy movement in the
HUD mini-map. It also shows the direction the enemy is facing, with a smaller dot. Use this to
pass unnoticed or to kill them from behind. Remember, when you kill someone, they will know
your location. Sometimes is better just to pass by to a best location. This also applies to spotted
enemies using “q”. As a Recon this is very important. Spot as many enemies as you can. Look
for higher ground, like cranes, and try to give directions to your teammates. Another useful
gadget is the claymore. This mine can deal up to 45 damage to only one side. Plant it on top of
stairs or narrow entries, and if possible, covered by bushes, etc. You can have up to 5
claymores. If they don’t kill your enemy, at least they warn you that he is behind you. The other
gadget is the Mortar Strike. Use this binoculars while stationary to call 6 mortars shells to target
location. These do 50 damage in a 10 meters radius. Training reduces reload time. If you keep
pressing the Fire button, you can stay zoomed in while using the binoculars, but, once activated,
you need to use them. This means you can’t just use this to get a better look of faraway places
in the Battlefield. But, the true power of a trained recon is in his abilities gained through the
intense training. The Advanced Reconnaissance allows you to reveal enemies close to the one
    you spotted. You win +10 points for each spotted enemy that is killed by your teammates. Any
good soldier must always keep an eye on the minimap. With this combat expertise, a Recon can
        give out most of the enemy's positions to his teammates. The maximum amount of targets
     spotted with this ability can reach up to 6, with training points. The Tactical Target Selections
                                                   makes the Recon susceptible to his enemies’ health
                                              status. He can then think of the best way to engage that
                                                position. He can, and should, also pass this intel to his
                                            teammates, using a program like teamspeak or using the
                                                   chat. Another ability is the Target Identification. This
                                            shows the enemy or allied class. A icon appears over the
                                          target persona in the HUD, indicating the class he is using.
                                           Once again, this is helpful to get an idea of how to engage
                                                 the enemy. Also, by working on allies, you can ask for
                                           ammo or medi packs more directly. Finally, and one of the
                                             most precious abilities, only gained with lots of training is
                                            the Combat Infiltration. You become nearly undetectable,
                                             avoiding any scans or motion sensor detectors. Use it to
                                                   get behind enemy lines and lay waist. Remember, a
                                                Recon can be a lonely soldier, but he is still part of the
                                             squad. By transmitting precious intel from behind enemy
                                           lines, breaches can be made in their defense, and a lot of
                                            damage can be caused, because of you. Use your sniper
                                            rifle when in need and after evaluating the situation. Your
                                           bullet leaves a trail, so keep moving. Spot, spot, spot. And
                                               most important of all, a Recon uses more his brain than
                                                                                                   his gun.
                                                            Think fast, you’re a Recon.
4) Advanced tactics

         Now that you know the basics of war, it’s time to really kick some ass. Remember to play
as team. By the way, soldier, you can try to enter a clan for some intense battles. This often use
programs such as Teamspeak or Mumble. If looking for a Portuguese clan, please contact me,
your official Kylo1, to apply for “Critic Play”.
         But let's get to business. In an Assault at a enemy location, all the bases start as neutral.
In early battles, speed is fundamental to get that precious edge over the battle course. To
achieve maximum efficiency at capturing flags, use transport vehicles fully loaded. Once all the
flags have been captured, the battle for their domain starts. This is where defense and offense
need to be balanced. If all of your team goes out to conquer new flags, all your other bases will
be vulnerable. Try to get at least 2 ou 3 soldiers with you when defending or attacking a
position. Try to get diversity in that squad: 1 medix, 1 assault, 1 engineer … This way, it’s harder
to run out of health or ammo. Look for alternative routes. There are often paths that go behind
enemy lines. In some cases, you can also attack from underneath and from the skies. On
Dalian, for example, there is a tunnel that passes underneath A and ends behind the enemy
defence line. In B, there is also a ladder that goes up the building. When up there, clean the flag
by killing the enemies there and jump down. Conquer and leave. In Oman, the river in the left
side of the map ends right behind D. A fully loaded boat can take D in a blink. In Dragon Valley,
there is a part of the river, from A to B that is shallow, allowing transportation vehicles and tanks
to get a flanking opportunity when trying to conquer B. There is also the dry river in D. You can
get there in safety and then attack from the opening in the barrier, or simply go to the back of
that base and flank from there. Coming from B, there is also another opening in the barrier,
allowing for infantry to sneak in and maybe climb up the ladder to the building and attack from
there. In Mashtuur, on C, the cement barrier on the north side, facing A is broken, allowing
tanks, APC’s and other vehicles to get a flanking opportunity on that hard to conquer base. Also,
infantry can climb the first building on that side to get a clean shot to all the enemies defending
that base. Also in that area, there’s a bridge that you can cross to get to A. In Sharqui, the hill
next to C can be taken by going around it, by the unfinished building and flanking or attacking
from behind. After that is taken care of, teammates can get a better position up in the front,
storming the enemies defending C. All this tactics can make the difference from a trained
soldier, like you and one that doesn’t even know their existence. Always get the best intel
possible before the mission, soldier.

Congratulations soldier, you’ve finished the Battlefield Play4Free Basic Training. You are now a
fully operational unit, with precious knowledge to achieve maximum potential in battle. Use what
           you learned. Help your team and go home safe and alive. I’m proud of you.
  Please, use this star in your Forum signature as a sign of your recent training. Use it proudly.
Remember your captain, remember who teached you. I’ll be more than happy to see you on the
 Battlefield, to fight at your side. I’ll even be more proud if I get sniper or flanked by any of you.


 Now go out there, soldier, and kill those bastards. The Battlefield
                            awaits you!

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Battlefield play4Free Basic Training

  • 1. Welcome soldier, to the Battlefield Play4Free Basic Training Here, you’ll find various tips and tricks that can help you change the way you play, so you can achieve your full potential. First of all, you can’t win a war all by yourself. You need teamplay, you need reinforcements, and that's the single most important thing in the Battlefield. That’s what I’ll teach you in this Basic Training. Also, your mind must always be in control over your body. While in action a soldier can sometimes lose himself. Most of the times, this result in death. We don’t want that, so, remember, your mind controls your hand, which controls your mouse. Oh, and to be as lethal as possible, you need to know where are the keys to use your battle gear. I recommend this configuration1, but you can always change it to your like, soldier. Let’s start your basic training. 1
  • 2. 1) Infantry Most of your fighting time, you’ll be on foot. There are enemy positions that don’t offer the possibility to use vehicles as transportation or artillery. So you must rely on your weapon, reflexes and skill to win the battle. 1.1) Shooting and Killing The primary objective of the war is to conquer land and, in this case, flags. Remember: Cap, Cap, Cap … The second one is to kill and destroy the enemy. To do that, you have a serious of weaponry at your disposal, as an Infantry troop. Your primary weapon varies from class to class. As a Medic, you’ll have an LMG (Light Machine Gun). Don’t think you are Rambo with this. This gun is actually very heavy, so you’ll take more time to aim down sights,it has, in average, less accuracy than the other gun classes, and takes loads of time to reload. It’s best characteristic is the large magazine. Use this to your advantage, by suppressing your enemies with fire, forcing them to take cover and giving some time to teammates to move up. Play as a team to win every single skirmish. As an Engineer, you’ll have an SMG (Sub Machine Gun). It is a lightweight gun, with the usual 20-30 round magazines. The weakness of this gun comes from its light bullets, who deal little damage. On the other hand, its fast speed while aiming down sights combined with its fast ROF, make this a reliable weapon in close range combat. Get closer to your enemy and kill every single one. As an Assault, you’ll rely on your rifle to kill as many enemies as possible. It is, in average, a 25-30 round gun, with decent accuracy and damage ratio. It is the most general purpose gun in your arsenal. Depending on the model you need to adjust your playing style. In this class, you’ll have some weapons that use burst fire mode to fire, instead of the default full auto of the generality of the guns. This can come in handy when you really want to improve accuracy, but in tight situations or in close combat it can determine if you live or die. Once again, use what best suits your playing style. Finally, as a Recon, your main weapon will be your sniper-rifle. It is extremely accurate and with great stopping power, dealing up to 80 points of damage, from a distance, to the body. There are two sub-types of sniper-rifles: the semi-automatic and the bolt action ones. Generally, the bolt action rifles are more accurate and with better damage, while the semi-automatic offers you the possibility to correct the shooting angle or to re-shot the enemy to take him down, before he was time to take cover or run away. Remember: your bullet leaves a trail when shot (except in some gun models), so enemies can trace down the bullet to know where you are. Also, almost all these classes can use shotguns to unleash hell upon their opponents. Personally, recruit, I don’t incentive you to use automatic shotguns. But that’s up to you to decide. Shotguns generally rely on their stopping power to overcome their short range, so get closer to the enemy before taking the shot. The most important of all, you need to know your gun. Use this site 2 to compare values between the models available to your use, soldier. 2 (All credit go to “wtfwtf” and “Sforek”)
  • 3. Once you know what weapon to use, you’ll need a secondary weapon, or a side-arm. This is a small hand pistol that you carry with you to use in tight situations. There are various types of side-arms. Time to learn something, soldier: Use this weapon when you run out of ammo. Not in your inventory, but on your magazine. It’s faster to just take out your sidearm to finish off your opponent than to fully reload your primary weapon. You may forget this in the first times, but, remember, your mind must control your body. Finally, as a last resource, you have your fighting knife. With it, you can easily take out anyone in the battlefield in the most silent way possible. When facing an opponent that is unaware of your presence, always try to knife him. It doesn’t give out your position to his teammates. Also, and, once again, remember, your mind must control your body. When turning corners, you may bump into enemies. Quickly reach to your knife and slice him up. They won’t even know what hit them. You may forget this in the first times, but, keep practicing, recruit. 1.2) Location Now that you know what you need to do to kill people, you need to know how to get to them. While on the battlefield, you need to know where you are and where you need to go. Location and tactics are bound together. By default, you can zoom in on your HUD (Heads Up Display) map, by pressing N. You can also use M to make available a large and full version of your area. This comes in handy when you are respawning and you want to know if there are tanks or APC’s available on your team base. Also, use the maps to get to know different routes or alternative ways to go to where you want to, if the main way is being blocked or heavily defended. Always try to flank your enemy position. When moving from point A to B, try to strafe or zig-zag to prevent any fire from the front. You’ll be much harder to hit.
  • 4. 1.3) Staying alive Just because you can respawn 10 seconds after you die, it doesn’t mean you want to die. Is the battlefield, staying alive is as important as killing your targets. So there are basic movements that you can make to get to where you want to, without dying. When defending a position, pick high ground with some cover, if possible. When attacking always try to find cover next to the flag, so you have at least one side covered from enemy fire. This means: don’t sit in the middle of an open field. While in cover, there are some breaches that you can use to take a quick glance at the other side, to see if it is clear and if you can pass. Also, use the Rear View key (F by default, I use Z) when facing the opposite side of the cover to take a more wide view of the other side of the cover. Using this, you can spot enemies coming through that corner without letting them know you are there. When they pass, quickly stab them in the back. They won’t even know what hit them. Look for medic packs and ammo boxes to stay operational in the field. You can request this by using the “q” button. Don’t be afraid to use adrenaline shots or field bandages. If you are defending a flag and you die, 10 seconds is more than enough for the opposite team to take control of that position. You don’t want that. When you need to clear a corner, jump and rotate the camera. A jumping enemies if harder to hit, and you can have the surprise element to kill enemies ducked and waiting to kill you on the other side. Remember, soldier: Stay alive!
  • 5. 2) Vehicles Both teams have different types of vehicles that offer a mean of transport while on big areas, extra firepower, etc, etc. You need to know each and every one of them to know where and when to use it. There are three main types of vehicles: land vehicles, water vehicles and air vehicles. This won’t be an exaggerated guide to vehicles. You can find that in this post 3. 2.1) Land Vehicles In this type of vehicles, we can distinguish two more: the transportation vehicles and the attack ones. The transportation, and depending on the faction, has also two different types of vehicles, the light and the heavy ones. The light ones (DPV - Desert Patrol Vehicle - for the Russians and the LSV - Light Strike Vehicle - for the Americans) offer high speed and 3 seats, one heavy machine gun mounted on top, but lacks of protection, making it a 1 shot kill to any armoured artillery, and allows the passage of bullets, making it relatively easy to kill the driver. Also, although the US version is faster, it lacks on mobility, because it’s turret can only rotate 90º to 140º degrees, making it unable to shoot back or sides. The heavy ones (GAZ - for the Russians - and the HMMVW - for the Americans) have a little bit more of armor, cover the passengers better and also have a mounted heavy machine gun on top. However, they have 4 seats but are slower. The machine gun can rotate 360º in all vehicles of this kind. A tip from a veteran: The GAZ is very tall, use its machine gun mounted on top to shoot from tall barriers, while using these barriers as firing cover. This transportation vehicles are better suited to capture flags and to transport troops from point A to B. Use them while fully loaded to achieve better results. 3 (All credit goes to BubbaWatson)
  • 6. The attack land vehicles are the tanks and the APC’s (Armored Personnel Carrier). This ones are the big guys when it comes to destruction and to eliminate heavily defended positions. The tanks offer around 300 points of damage to other vehicles from its main turret, altought it can be unlocked, by training, the Coaxial Gun, a 25 round machine gun mounted on the turret, prepared to kill enemy infantry units. It has 1000 points of armor. Its weak spot is the turret head. It has a second seat, a heavy machine gun on the turret head. The passenger in this place can use Ctrl (by default) to crouch and hide from enemy fire or while reloading. The APC is an amphibious vehicles (It can go through land and water). It has 4 more seats besides the driver, each with a light machine gun that can only rotate around 50º. The APC has a 5 shot turret (each dealing around 80 damage to other vehicles) and a secondary unlockable TOW (Tube-launched, Optically-tracked, Wire command data link, guided missile), especially designed to inflict more damage (around 150 points) and be able to reach those vehicles trying to get away from you, recruit. Never go to battle on foot when there is one of these available for you to use. You’ll be much more effective and you’ll kill many more bad guys. Use M to see if they are available on your base. Sometimes, this vehicles can spawn outside the base, for example, in the Dragon Valley region, our intel verifies that there are APC’s available both on A and B bases. Get to know the map you are fighting.
  • 7. 2.2) Water vehicles Besides the APC, the other water vehicle available to use of our forces is the inflatable boat. This is a fast moving vehicle that can reach firm land without being noticed by major forces. It has a machine gun mounted on the front and, besides the driver and turret user, it can transport more 4 teammates. When fully loaded and well used, it can make a difference. Use this especially to go up rivers, like in Oman, where the river can lead you right behind D base. If you bail out of the boat and find yourself in the middle of the ocean, remeber, you can “sprint” in the water to swim faster. Also, in the US Carrier, there is a side door that leads to a rear entry to the ship. There are two additional boats there. Once again, get to know your surroundings.
  • 8. 2.3) Air vehicles In this type of vehicles we have the fixed wing aircrafts and the helicopter. The fixed wing aircrafts are mostly known by jets. They are fast moving and agile, well suited to destroy other air vehicles and also bomb the ground, when unlocked by training. A well trained pilot can unleash hell upon his opponents with this beauty. The helicopters are more maneuverable than the jets, but are slower. They are vulnerable to APC’s and mounted machine guns on transportation vehicles, as well as rocket launchers, so remember to fly fast and fly on the extremes (very high or very low). Inside this type, there is, once again, two sub-types of helicopters, the attack ones and the transportation ones. The attack choppers are faster and have missiles to destroy vehicles and infantry. They also have a second seat that has a 25 round heavy gun and a tracer dart gun. The pilot can also unlock, by training, the air-land missiles anti-armor. When low on health, remember to return to your base. In the spawn zone to helicopters, you can replenish armor and reload faster. Still on this attack chopper we have the MH-6 Little Bird. This is a small chopper found on B base in the Dragon Valley region, that has two heavy machine guns mounted on top. It is very fast and agile, hard to it and a hell to infantry when in the hands of an experienced pilot. It can also deal damage to APC’s. The transport choppers are slower but have extra armor. The US version has two machineguns with 200 rounds and fast ROF, one each side, while the Russian version has two 50. caliber machine guns with 50 rounds each, also, one in each side. Both have more 4 seats besides the two machine gun users and the pilot. Fly this chopper high and use it to capture flags. Fully loaded, this choppers can capture a flag in less than 4 seconds. Also, the transportation seats offer the possibility to engineers to repair the helicopter while flying. Don’t forget this. And don’t underestimate the machineguns on the sides. They can deal damage to every vehicle, being a deadly gun against infantry, especially the US version. If you don’t have teammates to help you use this vehicle, just park it on top of a building, sideways, and start shooting at people. The US helicopter machineguns need to “heat up” so tap the firing button i nstead of holding it to start spinning the gun. This way, it will always be prepared to fire at sight. Every vehicles is important in some part of the battle, recruit, you just need to learn where and when to use them.
  • 9. 2.4) Destroying vehicles Sure, it’s good when you are the one destroying everything and everyone, but, how to stop enemies from doing it ? And how to prevent them from stopping you? That’s why you are on Basic Training recruit. See if you can learn something. Everyone can deal damage to vehicles. As an Engineer, you have the best gadget to do so, the rocket launcher. This weapon is best used in combination with the tracer dart. When facing an armored vehicle, just take the cart and shoot it at the tank. A white square will appear over the tagged vehicle, awarding you +10 points and giving all your teammates the enemy position. Also, with this, the rockets from the rocket launcher will follow the enemy vehicle, so you don’t need to shoot straight to the tank or APC or whatever. This allows the engineers to fire from behind cover. Another good way to eliminate vehicles is to use the C4 on your assault class. 2 C4 packs destroy an aPC and 4 destroy a tank. Try to reach the enemies without them noticing you, this means sprinting when they are facing the turret in the other way. Plant, step aside and Kabom! Another great thing to know is that you can sneak up behind enemy GAZ or Humvees and kill the turret operator from the rear opening (It’s even easier on the Humvee) Also, grenades to some damage to vehicles (around 80 points). When you see that a enemy vehicle is letting smoke out, it means their armor is almost down. Use this to take it out. Another thing is the APC wheels. If you fire your weapon to the wheels, it will damage the APC (only 2 or 3 points per bullet). Use this to get the enemies attention to you, so your teammates can go behind it and plant C4 or fire when the enemy is already on fire. It means he is almost running out of ammo. Also, in this situation, they tend to get out of the vehicle and you can kill them. With some luck, an engineer can repair the damaged vehicle and your team gets extra firepower. Finally, there are the mounted rocket launchers, such as the TOW. They do around 300 damage, but someone seated on the TOW is an easy target to anyone. Fire and run, find cover and wait for the TOW to reload, repeat until Kabom! To destroy enemy aircrafts, you can also use the anti-air mounted weapons. You need to know their locations on the map. Again, fire and run, when locked on, enemies can deploy flares to get some time before you can re-lock them, and turn around to kill you. They know where you are, so … don’t be there. You’ll be a ghost. Also, you can repair the AA (IGLA) if you are an engineer. It will take for ages to spawn a new one,in the meantime, the enemy's aircraft will be free to do whatever they want to. Repair the AA (IGLA). But if you are the one on the aircraft, to avoid being destructed, fly low and fly fast, wait for the big BEEEEP to launch your flares and take out those AA positions before engaging enemy units. If you are on the tank or APC and you are being tagged by someone, deploy smoke (X by default) to get that sticky tracer dart out. Don’t be static while capturing flags and don’t move your turret in just one direction, keep moving and you may kill enemies trying to plant C4 in you by running over them. Look in all directions. Fire from cover when possible and if not, fire then get back behind a wall or corner. Stay alive, kill the rest.
  • 10. 3) Classes and gadgets There are 4 classes that you can use in your advantage. All of them are important, and when properly used, all of them are lethal. As I said before, recruit, each of these classes have specific weapons. Besides that, they also have different gadgets to use while in battle. Let’s take a look at this objects: As a Medic, your primary disposable equipment will be your medi pack. When dropped, fellow soldiers can heal themselves by standing over or near it. The more you train its usage, the bigger will be its action radius and speed of healing. You gain +10 points by soldiers healed. The more they heal, the more you win. Yet, the medi pack has a limited “health” to offer. You can upgrade this by training the usage of additional medi packs, to a limit of 3, having the possibility to regenerate health the health of your teammates in different parts of the map. But remember, enemies can also use your medi packs to heal themselves. When playing in any other classes, press “q” and choose “Need Medic”. A medic icon will appear over you, so that Medic can know when you are in need of a medi pack. Also, using two or more medi packs don’t accerelate the speed of healing. Another gadget at your disposal is the Defibrillator. It allows you to revive fallen teammates (doesn’t work if they died by explosion) with a quick shock. This tool can also be used to eliminate enemies. Keep your team alive. With some training you can heal your teammates with your vehicle with the Medivac Vehicle skill. Use this to act like an ambulance. Use this tools in combination with the Combat Triage expertise to know your team and enemies health status to act more efficiently on the battlefield. Finally, you also have the Frontline Flare. Deploy this when capturing a flag you respawn at the flare when dead. Use it to keep you and your teammates on the frontline. But don’t drop it on the open, try to cover its position. A good Medic can make all the difference in a squad. Use your big gun and Medi Packs to ensure safety of all operations on the Battlefield. You’re a Medic.
  • 11. As an Assault, you’ll be on the frontline. You’ll be in charge of keeping your team resupplied with ammo. Acting like a Medi Pack, your ammo box contains limited amount of ammo to all weapons, including claymores, C4, RPG, Airburst Grenade Launcher, Anti-Tank Mines and Smoke grenades (If you have them completely trained with 5 training points). You can also deploy two ammo boxes, if this skill in trained. Be careful, enemies can use it to get ammo and can also destroy it with 1 shot. Another handy tool is the smoke grenade. Use it to block vision to your enemies. Deploy it when conquering flags to hide your presence. They may know that there is something there, but if they don’t know where you are, they can’t hit you. You can train to have a total of 5 smoke grenades. When training in this skill is full, you gain the ability to recharge smoke grenades ammo at ammo boxes. Another important gadget when trying to cap flags is the Request Reinforcements flares. When activated, all nearby soldiers that die within 25 seconds will respawn in that general area. Make sure to use it while behind cover, ‘cause taking damage will cancel the request. Use all the personal at your disposal where you need them. Finally, a very good and important tool is the C4 charges. There are many ways to use them: the most obvious one is planting them on enemy vehicles, step back and Kabom! You can also plant them on your own vehicle, especially light and agile ones, drive them against an enemy vehicle or defended position, get out before collision and Kabom! Another way to use this gadget is to make a trap to your opponents. Plant them near flags, wait for them to come and try to capture them, and then Kabom! Plant them in narrow entries that enemies usually use, when they pass, Kabom! Plant them on tanks, helicopters or whatever, and abandon them in the open field. When an enemy enters, Kabom! Also, you can throw the C4 charges over walls and barriers, do it to kill enemies in a large radius without even seeing them. You start with 2, enough to destroy and APC, but can train to use up to 6 C4 charges. 4 are enough to destroy a Tank. If playing as an Assault, make sure to look for the 3 bullets icon over allies. This means they requested ammunition using the “q” function. Move fast, kill faster. Stay undercover and behind enemy lines to make the most damage. You’re an Assault unit.
  • 12. As an Engineer, you’re an expert in damage control and damage infliction. You are a mobile unit, equipped with gadgets that are useful against armored enemy units. You start with a RPG and a Vehicle Repair Tool. The RPG is a rocket launcher that can inflict around 300 damage to vehicles. Aim a little higher, because of the bullet drop. You start with two rockets, but can train to manage up to 6. The Vehicle Repair Too, as the name suggests, repairs allied armored vehicles. It repair 3 HP per hit while on base level, but, with train, you can repair up to 7 HP per hit. This doesn't inflict damage but can be used to pick-up mines, allied or foes. This skill can also be improved to repair moving vehicles. If you are the pilot, vehicles within a 10 meter radius will be automatically healed by 2% every 0.5 seconds. another gadget is the Anti- Vehicle Mine. When deployed, enemy vehicles that pass on top will be destroyed. Also, you can shoot at them to destroy them, provoking an explosion. Use this to make a splash damage to a group of enemies. Another useful skill to an engineer is the Engineering Damage Assessment. With this, he can evaluate the damage status of any occupied vehicle, friend of foe. Finally, there is the Airburst Grenade. This weapon allows to detonate grenades over enemies behind cover. The range is set when using the Zoom button. Use the Mouse Wheel to select manually the range. It does around 35 damage. Use to kill those camping soldiers who didn’t had a training like this. Destroy those tanks and APC, repair your allied ones and win the war! You’re an Engineer.
  • 13. Last but not least, we have the Recon. Notice that this class name isn’t Sniper, it’s Recon. Why? Because this isn’t just an Elite shooter, he is more than that. As Recon, your main deployable gadget is the Motion Sensor. This will shown any enemy movement in the HUD mini-map. It also shows the direction the enemy is facing, with a smaller dot. Use this to pass unnoticed or to kill them from behind. Remember, when you kill someone, they will know your location. Sometimes is better just to pass by to a best location. This also applies to spotted enemies using “q”. As a Recon this is very important. Spot as many enemies as you can. Look for higher ground, like cranes, and try to give directions to your teammates. Another useful gadget is the claymore. This mine can deal up to 45 damage to only one side. Plant it on top of stairs or narrow entries, and if possible, covered by bushes, etc. You can have up to 5 claymores. If they don’t kill your enemy, at least they warn you that he is behind you. The other gadget is the Mortar Strike. Use this binoculars while stationary to call 6 mortars shells to target location. These do 50 damage in a 10 meters radius. Training reduces reload time. If you keep pressing the Fire button, you can stay zoomed in while using the binoculars, but, once activated, you need to use them. This means you can’t just use this to get a better look of faraway places in the Battlefield. But, the true power of a trained recon is in his abilities gained through the intense training. The Advanced Reconnaissance allows you to reveal enemies close to the one you spotted. You win +10 points for each spotted enemy that is killed by your teammates. Any good soldier must always keep an eye on the minimap. With this combat expertise, a Recon can give out most of the enemy's positions to his teammates. The maximum amount of targets spotted with this ability can reach up to 6, with training points. The Tactical Target Selections makes the Recon susceptible to his enemies’ health status. He can then think of the best way to engage that position. He can, and should, also pass this intel to his teammates, using a program like teamspeak or using the chat. Another ability is the Target Identification. This shows the enemy or allied class. A icon appears over the target persona in the HUD, indicating the class he is using. Once again, this is helpful to get an idea of how to engage the enemy. Also, by working on allies, you can ask for ammo or medi packs more directly. Finally, and one of the most precious abilities, only gained with lots of training is the Combat Infiltration. You become nearly undetectable, avoiding any scans or motion sensor detectors. Use it to get behind enemy lines and lay waist. Remember, a Recon can be a lonely soldier, but he is still part of the squad. By transmitting precious intel from behind enemy lines, breaches can be made in their defense, and a lot of damage can be caused, because of you. Use your sniper rifle when in need and after evaluating the situation. Your bullet leaves a trail, so keep moving. Spot, spot, spot. And most important of all, a Recon uses more his brain than his gun. Think fast, you’re a Recon.
  • 14. 4) Advanced tactics Now that you know the basics of war, it’s time to really kick some ass. Remember to play as team. By the way, soldier, you can try to enter a clan for some intense battles. This often use programs such as Teamspeak or Mumble. If looking for a Portuguese clan, please contact me, your official Kylo1, to apply for “Critic Play”. But let's get to business. In an Assault at a enemy location, all the bases start as neutral. In early battles, speed is fundamental to get that precious edge over the battle course. To achieve maximum efficiency at capturing flags, use transport vehicles fully loaded. Once all the flags have been captured, the battle for their domain starts. This is where defense and offense need to be balanced. If all of your team goes out to conquer new flags, all your other bases will be vulnerable. Try to get at least 2 ou 3 soldiers with you when defending or attacking a position. Try to get diversity in that squad: 1 medix, 1 assault, 1 engineer … This way, it’s harder to run out of health or ammo. Look for alternative routes. There are often paths that go behind enemy lines. In some cases, you can also attack from underneath and from the skies. On Dalian, for example, there is a tunnel that passes underneath A and ends behind the enemy defence line. In B, there is also a ladder that goes up the building. When up there, clean the flag by killing the enemies there and jump down. Conquer and leave. In Oman, the river in the left side of the map ends right behind D. A fully loaded boat can take D in a blink. In Dragon Valley, there is a part of the river, from A to B that is shallow, allowing transportation vehicles and tanks to get a flanking opportunity when trying to conquer B. There is also the dry river in D. You can get there in safety and then attack from the opening in the barrier, or simply go to the back of that base and flank from there. Coming from B, there is also another opening in the barrier, allowing for infantry to sneak in and maybe climb up the ladder to the building and attack from there. In Mashtuur, on C, the cement barrier on the north side, facing A is broken, allowing tanks, APC’s and other vehicles to get a flanking opportunity on that hard to conquer base. Also, infantry can climb the first building on that side to get a clean shot to all the enemies defending that base. Also in that area, there’s a bridge that you can cross to get to A. In Sharqui, the hill next to C can be taken by going around it, by the unfinished building and flanking or attacking from behind. After that is taken care of, teammates can get a better position up in the front, storming the enemies defending C. All this tactics can make the difference from a trained soldier, like you and one that doesn’t even know their existence. Always get the best intel possible before the mission, soldier.
  • 15. Conclusion Congratulations soldier, you’ve finished the Battlefield Play4Free Basic Training. You are now a fully operational unit, with precious knowledge to achieve maximum potential in battle. Use what you learned. Help your team and go home safe and alive. I’m proud of you. Please, use this star in your Forum signature as a sign of your recent training. Use it proudly. Remember your captain, remember who teached you. I’ll be more than happy to see you on the Battlefield, to fight at your side. I’ll even be more proud if I get sniper or flanked by any of you. [align=center][url=][img] Dleet3D/Photo.jpg[/img][/url][/align] Now go out there, soldier, and kill those bastards. The Battlefield awaits you!