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Text Classification in Deep Web
                   Presented by:

   Zakaria Suliman Zubi
    Associate Professor
Computer Science Department
     Faculty of Science
      Sirte University
        Sirte, Libya

•   Abstract.
•   Introduction.
•   Deep Content Mining.
•   Modeling the Web Documents.
•   Web Documents Classification Methods.
•   Preprocessing phases.
•   Classifier Naive Bayesian (CNB).
•   Classifier K-Nearest Neighbor (CK-NN).
•   Implementation.
•   Results and Discussion.
•   Conclusion.
•   References.


• The World Wide Web is a rich source of knowledge that can be
  useful to many applications.

   – Source?
      • Billions of web pages and billions of visitors and

   – What knowledge?
      • e.g., the hyperlink structure and a variety of languages.

   – Purpose?
      • To improve users’ effectiveness in searching for
        information on the web.
      • Decision-making support or business management.
• Web’s Characteristics:
  – Large size
  – Unstructured
  – Different data types: text, image, hyperlinks and user usage
  – Dynamic content
  – Time dimension
  – Multilingual (i.e. Latin, non Latin languages)

• The Data Mining (DM) is a significant subfield of this area.

• Using a Classification Methods such as K-Nearest Neighbor
  (CK-NN) and Classifier Naïve Bayes (CNB).

• The various activities and efforts in this area are referred to as
  Web Mining.                                           4
• Abstract.
• Introduction.

•   Deep Content Mining.
•   Modeling the Web Documents.
•   Web Documents Classification Methods.
•   Preprocessing phases.
•   Classifier Naive Bayesian (CNB).
•   Classifier K-Nearest Neighbor (CK-NN).
•   Implementation.
•   Results and Discussion.
•   Conclusion.
•   References.


 The Internet is probably the biggest world’s database were the data is available using
easily accessible techniques.

Data is held in various forms: text, multimedia, database.

 Web pages keep standard of html (or another ML family member) which makes it kind
of structural form, but not sufficient to easily use it in data mining.

Web mining – the application of data mining techniques is to extract knowledge from
Web content, structure, and usage.

 Deep web also defined as hidden web, invisible web or invisible Internet refers to the
lower novae of the global network.

The easiest way is to put Deep Web as a part of data mining, where web resources are
explored. It is commonly divided into three:                              6
Introduction is looking
                             Web usage mining
                                        for useful patterns in logs and
                                        documents containing history
                                        of user’s activity
  Web mining – the application of data mining techniques is to
  extract knowledge from Web content, structure, and usage.

                                                      W e b M in in g

                                           Web content mining is the closest
                                                  one to the “classic” data
W e b C o n t e n t M in in g                W e bmining”,Masi nWCM mostly W e b
                                                   S tru c tu re  in g                  U s a g e M in in g
                                                  operates on text and it is
                                              generally common way to put
                    Text                     informatione rin kInternet as text,
                                                            H y p lin s                   W e b S e rv e r L o g s

                  Im a g e                          D o c u m e n t S tru c tu re d   A p p lic a t io n L e v e l L o g s
                                              Web structured mining goal is to
                   A u d io                                                  A p p lic a t io n         S e rv e r L o g s
                                                use nature of the Internet
                   V e d io
                                                connection structure as it is a
                                                bunch of documents connected
         S tru c tu re d R e c o rd s           with links.
•   Abstract.
•   Introduction.
•   Deep Content Mining.

•   Modeling the Web Documents.
•   Web Documents Classification Methods.
•   Preprocessing phases.
•   Classifier Naive Bayesian (CNB).
•   Classifier K-Nearest Neighbor (CK-NN).
•   Implementation.
•   Results and Discussion.
•   Conclusion.
•   References.

Deep W Content M
      eb        ining

• Deep Web Content Mining is the process of extracting
  useful information from the contents of Web
  documents. It may consist of text, images, audio,
  video, or structured records such as lists and tables.”

• “Deep Web Content mining refers to the overall
  process of discovering potentially useful and
  previously unknown information or knowledge from
  the Web data.”

•   Abstract.
•   Introduction.
•   Deep Content Mining.
•   Modeling the Web Documents.

•   Web Documents Classification Methods.
•   Preprocessing phases.
•   Classifier Naive Bayesian (CNB).
•   Classifier K-Nearest Neighbor (CK-NN).
•   Implementation.
•   Results and Discussion.
•   Conclusion.
•   References.

Modeling the W Documents
 • We represent the Web data in the binary format where all
   of the keywords derived from the schema.
 • If a keyword is in a frequent schema, a 1 is stored in related
   cell and otherwise a 0 is stored in it.
 • The attributes of frequent schemas are stated as follow:

    – QI1: Data Mining Extract Hidden Data from Database = {Data,
      Mining, Hidden, Database}, stop word {from};

    – QI2: Web Mining discovers Hidden information on the Web ={Web,
      Mining, Hidden}, stop words {on, the};

    – QI3: Web content Mining is a branch in Web Mining= {Web,
      Mining} , stop words {is, a, in};

    – QI4: Knowledge discovery in Database= {Database}, stop word {in}.

      Data   Mining Extract Database Hidden        Web Other          Stop
                                                                key   words

QI1    1       1         1         1         1          0        0      1

QI2    0       1         0         0         1          2        2      2

QI3    0       2         0         0         0          2        2      3

QI4    0       0         0         1         0          0        3      1

             Tab1. Represent web data in binary scale
•   Abstract.
•   Introduction.
•   Deep Content Mining.
•   Modeling the Web Documents.
•   Web Documents Classification Methods.

•   Preprocessing phases.
•   Classifier Naive Bayesian (CNB).
•   Classifier K-Nearest Neighbor (CK-NN).
•   Implementation.
•   Results and Discussion.
•   Conclusion.
•   References.

W Documents Classification

•    Web documents consist of text, images, videos and audios.
•    Text data in web documents are defined to be the most
•    The automatic text classification is the process of assigning a
     text document to one or more predefined categories based on
     its content.
•     Automatic text web document classification requires three main
     consecutive phases in constructing a classification system listed as

        1.   Collect the text documents in corpora and tag them.

        2.   Select a set of features to represent the defined classes.

        3.   The classification algorithms must be trained and tested using the
             collected corpora in the first stage.                  14
The text classification problem is composed of several sub problems such as:
The document indexing: Document indexing is related to with the way of
     extracting the document's keywords, two main approaches to achieve the
     document indexing, the first approach considers index terms as bags of words
     and the second approach regards the index terms as phrases.

The weighting assignment: Weight assignment techniques associate a real number
    that ranges from 0 to 1 for all documents’ terms weights will be required to
    classify new arrived documents.

Learning based text classification algorithm :. A text classification algorithm used
    is inductive learning algorithm based on probabilistic theory and different
    models were emphasized such as Naive Bayesian models (Which always shows
    good result and widely used in text classification). Another text classification
    methods have been emerged to categorize documents such as K-Nearest
    Neighbor KNN which compute the distances between the document index
    terms and the known terms of each category. The accuracy will be tested by K-
    fold cross-validation method.
•   Abstract.
•   Introduction.
•   Deep Content Mining.
•   Modeling the Web Documents.
•   Web Documents Classification Methods.
•   Preprocessing phases.

•   Classifier Naive Bayesian (CNB).
•   Classifier K-Nearest Neighbor (CK-NN).
•   Implementation.
•   Results and Discussion.
•   Conclusion.
•   References.

Preprocessing phases
                                            The data used in this work
                                            are collected from many
                                            news web sites. The data set
                                            consist of 1562 Arabic
                                            documents of different
                                            lengths that belongs to 6
                                            categories, the categories
Table 2. Number of Documents per Category
                                            are ( Economic , Cultural ,
 First phase: is the preprocessing          Political , Social , Sports ,
 step where documents are prepared          General ), Table 2 represent
 to make it adequate for further use,       the number of documents
 stop words removal and rearrange of        for each category.
 the document contents are some
 steps in this phase.
Second phase is the weighting assignment phase, it is defined as
the assignment of real number that relies between 0 and 1 to each
keyword and this number indicates the imperativeness of the
keyword inside the document.
Many methods have been developed and the most widely used model is the tf-idf
weighting factor. This weight of each keyword is computed by multiplying the
term factor (tf) with the inverse document factor (idf) where:
Fik = Occurrences of term tK in document Di.
tfik = fik/max (fil) normalized term frequency occurred in document.
dfk = documents which contain tk .
idfk= log (d/dfk) where d is the total number of documents and dfk is number of
document s that contains term tk.
wik = tfik * idfk for term weight, the computed w ik is a real number ɛ[0,1].

•   Abstract.
•   Introduction.
•   Deep Content Mining.
•   Modeling the Web Documents.
•   Web Documents Classification Methods.
•   Preprocessing phases.
•   Classifier Naive Bayesian (CNB).

•   Classifier K-Nearest Neighbor (CK-NN).
•   Implementation.
•   Results and Discussion.
•   Conclusion.
•   References.

Classifier Naive B of class (CNB   ayesian
P(class| document) : It’s the probability  )
given a document, or the probability that a given
document D belongs to probability-driven algorithm
 Bayesian learning is a a given class C, and that is our
target. on Bayes probability theorem it is highly
P(document ) : The probability of a document, we can
 recommended in text classification
notice that p(document ) is a Constance divider to
every calculation, so we can ignore it.
 A documents can be modeled as sets of words thus the
P( class ): Theclass ) can be written in two way Where:
 P(document | probability of a class (or category), we
can compute it from the number of documents in the
category dividedProbability that number inoften outperform more
  p(wordi |C )The Naive Bayesian can all of a given
               : by documents the i-th word
categories. occurs in a document from class C, and this Classifier task
 document      sophisticated classification methods.
 can be calculated as follow: incoming objects to their appropriate
               is to categorize
P(document | Class. : It’s the probability of document
               class )
in a given class.

•   Abstract.
•   Introduction.
•   Deep Content Mining.
•   Modeling the Web Documents.
•   Web Documents Classification Methods.
•   Preprocessing phases.
•   Classifier Naive Bayesian (CNB).
•   Classifier K-Nearest Neighbor (CK-NN).

•   Implementation.
•   Results and Discussion.
•   Conclusion.
•   References.

Classifier K-Nearest Neighbor
•     K-Nearest Neighbor is a widely used text classifier especially in text mining
     because of its simplicity and efficiency.

•    It’s a a supervised learning algorithm where the result of a new occurrence
     query is classified based on the K-nearest neighbor category measurement.

•    Its training-phase consists of nothing more than storing all training examples as

•    It works based on minimum distance from the query instance to the training
     samples to determine the K nearest neighbors.

•    After collecting K nearest neighbors, we take simple majority of these K-
     nearest neighbors to be the prediction of the query-instance.

•    CK-NN algorithm consists of several multivariate attributes names X i that will
     be used to classify the object Y. We will deal only with quantitative Xi and
     binary (nominal) Y.                                          22
• Example: Suppose that the K factor is set to be equal to 8 (there are 8 nearest
  neighbors) as a parameter of this algorithm. Then the distance between the
  query-instance and all the training samples is computed, so there are only
  quantitative Xi.
• All training samples are included as nearest neighbors if the distance of this
  training sample to the query is less than or equal to the Kth smallest distance
  in this case the distances are sorted of all training samples to the query and
  determine the Kth as a minimum distance.
• The unknown sample is assigned the most common class among its k nearest
  neighbors. Then we find the distances between the query and all training
• The K training samples are the closest K nearest neighbors for the unknown
  sample. Closeness is defined in terms of Euclidean distance, where the
  Euclidean between two points, X = (x1, x2,...,xn ) and Y = (y1, y2,...,yn) is:

•   Abstract.
•   Introduction.
•   Deep Content Mining.
•   Modeling the Web Documents.
•   Web Documents Classification Methods.
•   Preprocessing phases.
•   Classifier Naive Bayesian (CNB).
•   Classifier K-Nearest Neighbor (CK-NN).
•   Implementation.

•   Results and Discussion.
•   Conclusion.
•   References.


The implementation of the proposed Deep Web Text Classifier
(DWTC) demonstrates the importance of classifying the Latin text on
the web documents needs for information retrieval to illustrate both
keywords extraction and text classifiers used in the Algorithms
     Keywords extraction: Text web documents are scanned to find the
      keywords each one is normalized. Normalization process consists of
      removing stop words, removing punctuation mark and non-letters in
      Latin letters shown in table 3.
     Some stop words:

                         Tab 3: The Example of stop words and non -letters.
 Terms weighting: There are two criterions:
     First criterion the more number of times a term occurs in documents which belongs to
        some category, the more it is relative to that category.
     Second criterion the more the term appears in different documents representing different
        categories; the less the term is useful for discriminating between documents as
        belonging to different categories.
     In this implementation we used the commonly used approach which is Normalized
        tf×idf to overcome the problem of variant documents lengths.
 Algorithms implementation :this implementation were mainly developed for testing the
  effectiveness of CK-NN and CNB algorithms when it is applied to the Latin text.
     We supplies a set of labeled text documents supplied to the system, the labels are used
        to indicate the class or classes that the text document belongs to. All documents
        belonging to the data set should be labeled in order to learn the system and then test it.
     The system distinguishes the labels of the training documents but not those of the test
     The system will compare between the two classifiers and report the most higher
        accuracy classifier for the current labeled text documents.
 The system will compare these results and select the best average accuracy result rates for
  each classifier and uses the greater average accuracy result rates in the system. The system
  will choose the higher rate to start the retrieving process.
•   Abstract.
•   Introduction.
•   Deep Content Mining.
•   Modeling the Web Documents.
•   Web Documents Classification Methods.
•   Preprocessing phases.
•   Classifier Naive Bayesian (CNB).
•   Classifier K-Nearest Neighbor (CK-NN).
•   Implementation.
•   Results and Discussion.

•   Conclusion.
•   References.

Results and Discussion
  • The data used in this work are collected from many web sites. The
        data set consist of 3533 Latin and non- Latin text documents of
        different lengths that belongs to 6 categories, the categories are
   ( Economic, Cultural, Political, Social, Sports and General). Table 2.

 • To test the system, the documents in the data set were preprocessed
                                               to find main categories.

• Various splitting percentages were used to see how the number of
  training documents impacts the classification effectiveness.

• Different k values starting from 1 and up to 20 in order were used to
  find the best results for CK-NN. Effectiveness started to decline at
• A comparison between the two algorithms and make labeling to the
  sample data, the classifier has been indicated in the system also
•   The k-fold cross-validation method is used to test the accuracy of the

•   Our result is roughly near from the other developer's results.

•   The results of the conducted experiments are included on the last columns in
    Table 4 and table 5. Our result is roughly near from each other results.

•   It is induced from the below results that the Classifier K-Nearest Neighbors
    (CK-NN) with an average (93.08%) has better than Classifier Naïve
    Bayesian that had (90.03%) in Latin text.

•   It means that the DWTC system in this case will use the CK-NN for Latin
    text classification and extraction instead of CNB.

•   In case of non –Latin text the DWTC system will use CNB text
    classification which has the average of 91.05% in Non- Latin classification
    and extraction instead of CK-NN with the average of 88.06% indicated in
•   Abstract.
•   Introduction.
•   Deep Content Mining.
•   Modeling the Web Documents.
•   Web Documents Classification Methods.
•   Preprocessing phases.
•   Classifier Naive Bayesian (CNB).
•   Classifier K-Nearest Neighbor (CK-NN).
•   Implementation.
•   Results and Discussion.
•   Conclusion.

•   References.

• An evaluation to the use of Classifier K-Nearest Neighbor (CK-NN) and
  Classifier Naïve Bayes (CNB) to the classification Arabic text was considered.

• A development of a special corpus which consists of 3533 documents that
  belong to 6 categories.

• An extracted feature set of keywords and terms weighting in order to improve
  the performance were indicated as well.

• As a result we applied two algorithms for classifying to the text documents with
  a satisfactory number of patterns for each category.

• The accuracy was measured by the use of k-fold cross-validation method to test
  the accuracy of the system.

• We proposed an empirical Latin and non-Latin text classifier system called the
  Deep Web Text Classifier (DWTC).
• The system compares the results between both classifiers used (CK-NN, CNB)
  and select the best average accuracy result rates in case of Latin or non-Latin
•   Abstract.
•   Introduction.
•   Deep Content Mining.
•   Modeling the Web Documents.
•   Web Documents Classification Methods.
•   Preprocessing phases.
•   Classifier Naive Bayesian (CNB).
•   Classifier K-Nearest Neighbor (CK-NN).
•   Implementation.
•   Results and Discussion.
•   Conclusion.
•   References.

[2] Alexandrov M., Gelbukh A. and Lozovo. (2001). Chi-square Classifier for
   Document Categorization. 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Text
   Processing and Computational Linguistics, Mexico City.

[37] Zakaria Suliman Zubi. 2010. Text mining documents in electronic data
   interchange environment. In Proceedings of the 11th WSEAS international
   conference on nural networks and 11th WSEAS international conference on
   evolutionary computing and 11th WSEAS international conference on Fuzzy
   systems (NN'10/EC'10/FS'10), Viorel Munteanu, Razvan Raducanu, Gheorghe
   Dutica, Anca Croitoru, Valentina Emilia Balas, and Alina Gavrilut (Eds.).
   World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS), Stevens
   Point, Wisconsin, USA, 76-88.

[38] Zakaria Suliman Zubi. 2009. Using some web content mining techniques for
    Arabic text classification. In Proceedings of the 8th WSEAS international
    conference on Data networks, communications, computers (DNCOCO'09), Manoj
    Jha, Charles Long, Nikos Mastorakis, and Cornelia Aida Bulucea (Eds.). World
    Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS), Stevens Point,
    Wisconsin, USA, 73-84.                                           33
Thank you !!!

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Web Documents Classification Methods

  • 1. Text Classification in Deep Web Mining Presented by: Zakaria Suliman Zubi Associate Professor Computer Science Department Faculty of Science Sirte University Sirte, Libya 1
  • 2. Contents • Abstract. • Introduction. • Deep Content Mining. • Modeling the Web Documents. • Web Documents Classification Methods. • Preprocessing phases. • Classifier Naive Bayesian (CNB). • Classifier K-Nearest Neighbor (CK-NN). • Implementation. • Results and Discussion. • Conclusion. • References. 2
  • 3. Abstract • The World Wide Web is a rich source of knowledge that can be useful to many applications. – Source? • Billions of web pages and billions of visitors and contributors. – What knowledge? • e.g., the hyperlink structure and a variety of languages. – Purpose? • To improve users’ effectiveness in searching for information on the web. • Decision-making support or business management. 3
  • 4. Continue • Web’s Characteristics: – Large size – Unstructured – Different data types: text, image, hyperlinks and user usage information – Dynamic content – Time dimension – Multilingual (i.e. Latin, non Latin languages) • The Data Mining (DM) is a significant subfield of this area. • Using a Classification Methods such as K-Nearest Neighbor (CK-NN) and Classifier Naïve Bayes (CNB). • The various activities and efforts in this area are referred to as Web Mining. 4
  • 5. Contents • Abstract. • Introduction. • Deep Content Mining. • Modeling the Web Documents. • Web Documents Classification Methods. • Preprocessing phases. • Classifier Naive Bayesian (CNB). • Classifier K-Nearest Neighbor (CK-NN). • Implementation. • Results and Discussion. • Conclusion. • References. 5
  • 6. Introduction  The Internet is probably the biggest world’s database were the data is available using easily accessible techniques. Data is held in various forms: text, multimedia, database.  Web pages keep standard of html (or another ML family member) which makes it kind of structural form, but not sufficient to easily use it in data mining. Web mining – the application of data mining techniques is to extract knowledge from Web content, structure, and usage.  Deep web also defined as hidden web, invisible web or invisible Internet refers to the lower novae of the global network. The easiest way is to put Deep Web as a part of data mining, where web resources are explored. It is commonly divided into three: 6
  • 7. Introduction is looking Web usage mining for useful patterns in logs and documents containing history of user’s activity Web mining – the application of data mining techniques is to extract knowledge from Web content, structure, and usage. W e b M in in g Web content mining is the closest one to the “classic” data W e b C o n t e n t M in in g W e bmining”,Masi nWCM mostly W e b S tru c tu re in g U s a g e M in in g operates on text and it is generally common way to put Text informatione rin kInternet as text, H y p lin s W e b S e rv e r L o g s Im a g e D o c u m e n t S tru c tu re d A p p lic a t io n L e v e l L o g s Web structured mining goal is to A u d io A p p lic a t io n S e rv e r L o g s use nature of the Internet V e d io connection structure as it is a bunch of documents connected S tru c tu re d R e c o rd s with links. 7
  • 8. Contents • Abstract. • Introduction. • Deep Content Mining. • Modeling the Web Documents. • Web Documents Classification Methods. • Preprocessing phases. • Classifier Naive Bayesian (CNB). • Classifier K-Nearest Neighbor (CK-NN). • Implementation. • Results and Discussion. • Conclusion. • References. 8
  • 9. Deep W Content M eb ining • Deep Web Content Mining is the process of extracting useful information from the contents of Web documents. It may consist of text, images, audio, video, or structured records such as lists and tables.” • “Deep Web Content mining refers to the overall process of discovering potentially useful and previously unknown information or knowledge from the Web data.” 9
  • 10. Contents • Abstract. • Introduction. • Deep Content Mining. • Modeling the Web Documents. • Web Documents Classification Methods. • Preprocessing phases. • Classifier Naive Bayesian (CNB). • Classifier K-Nearest Neighbor (CK-NN). • Implementation. • Results and Discussion. • Conclusion. • References. 10
  • 11. Modeling the W Documents eb • We represent the Web data in the binary format where all of the keywords derived from the schema. • If a keyword is in a frequent schema, a 1 is stored in related cell and otherwise a 0 is stored in it. • The attributes of frequent schemas are stated as follow: – QI1: Data Mining Extract Hidden Data from Database = {Data, Mining, Hidden, Database}, stop word {from}; – QI2: Web Mining discovers Hidden information on the Web ={Web, Mining, Hidden}, stop words {on, the}; – QI3: Web content Mining is a branch in Web Mining= {Web, Mining} , stop words {is, a, in}; – QI4: Knowledge discovery in Database= {Database}, stop word {in}. 11
  • 12. Cont… Data Mining Extract Database Hidden Web Other Stop key words words QI1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 QI2 0 1 0 0 1 2 2 2 QI3 0 2 0 0 0 2 2 3 QI4 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 1 Tab1. Represent web data in binary scale 12
  • 13. Contents • Abstract. • Introduction. • Deep Content Mining. • Modeling the Web Documents. • Web Documents Classification Methods. • Preprocessing phases. • Classifier Naive Bayesian (CNB). • Classifier K-Nearest Neighbor (CK-NN). • Implementation. • Results and Discussion. • Conclusion. • References. 13
  • 14. W Documents Classification eb Methods • Web documents consist of text, images, videos and audios. • Text data in web documents are defined to be the most tremendously. • The automatic text classification is the process of assigning a text document to one or more predefined categories based on its content. • Automatic text web document classification requires three main consecutive phases in constructing a classification system listed as follows: 1. Collect the text documents in corpora and tag them. 2. Select a set of features to represent the defined classes. 3. The classification algorithms must be trained and tested using the collected corpora in the first stage. 14
  • 15. Cont… The text classification problem is composed of several sub problems such as: The document indexing: Document indexing is related to with the way of extracting the document's keywords, two main approaches to achieve the document indexing, the first approach considers index terms as bags of words and the second approach regards the index terms as phrases. The weighting assignment: Weight assignment techniques associate a real number assignment that ranges from 0 to 1 for all documents’ terms weights will be required to classify new arrived documents. Learning based text classification algorithm :. A text classification algorithm used is inductive learning algorithm based on probabilistic theory and different models were emphasized such as Naive Bayesian models (Which always shows good result and widely used in text classification). Another text classification methods have been emerged to categorize documents such as K-Nearest Neighbor KNN which compute the distances between the document index terms and the known terms of each category. The accuracy will be tested by K- fold cross-validation method. 15
  • 16. Contents • Abstract. • Introduction. • Deep Content Mining. • Modeling the Web Documents. • Web Documents Classification Methods. • Preprocessing phases. • Classifier Naive Bayesian (CNB). • Classifier K-Nearest Neighbor (CK-NN). • Implementation. • Results and Discussion. • Conclusion. • References. 16
  • 17. Preprocessing phases The data used in this work are collected from many news web sites. The data set consist of 1562 Arabic documents of different lengths that belongs to 6 categories, the categories Table 2. Number of Documents per Category are ( Economic , Cultural , First phase: is the preprocessing Political , Social , Sports , step where documents are prepared General ), Table 2 represent to make it adequate for further use, the number of documents stop words removal and rearrange of for each category. the document contents are some steps in this phase. 17
  • 18. Continue Second phase is the weighting assignment phase, it is defined as the assignment of real number that relies between 0 and 1 to each keyword and this number indicates the imperativeness of the keyword inside the document. Many methods have been developed and the most widely used model is the tf-idf weighting factor. This weight of each keyword is computed by multiplying the term factor (tf) with the inverse document factor (idf) where: Fik = Occurrences of term tK in document Di. tfik = fik/max (fil) normalized term frequency occurred in document. dfk = documents which contain tk . idfk= log (d/dfk) where d is the total number of documents and dfk is number of document s that contains term tk. wik = tfik * idfk for term weight, the computed w ik is a real number ɛ[0,1]. 18
  • 19. Contents • Abstract. • Introduction. • Deep Content Mining. • Modeling the Web Documents. • Web Documents Classification Methods. • Preprocessing phases. • Classifier Naive Bayesian (CNB). • Classifier K-Nearest Neighbor (CK-NN). • Implementation. • Results and Discussion. • Conclusion. • References. 19
  • 20. Classifier Naive B of class (CNB ayesian P(class| document) : It’s the probability ) given a document, or the probability that a given document D belongs to probability-driven algorithm Bayesian learning is a a given class C, and that is our target. on Bayes probability theorem it is highly based P(document ) : The probability of a document, we can recommended in text classification notice that p(document ) is a Constance divider to every calculation, so we can ignore it. A documents can be modeled as sets of words thus the P( class ): Theclass ) can be written in two way Where: P(document | probability of a class (or category), we can compute it from the number of documents in the category dividedProbability that number inoften outperform more p(wordi |C )The Naive Bayesian can all of a given : by documents the i-th word categories. occurs in a document from class C, and this Classifier task document sophisticated classification methods. can be calculated as follow: incoming objects to their appropriate is to categorize P(document | Class. : It’s the probability of document class ) in a given class. 20
  • 21. Contents • Abstract. • Introduction. • Deep Content Mining. • Modeling the Web Documents. • Web Documents Classification Methods. • Preprocessing phases. • Classifier Naive Bayesian (CNB). • Classifier K-Nearest Neighbor (CK-NN). • Implementation. • Results and Discussion. • Conclusion. • References. 21
  • 22. Classifier K-Nearest Neighbor (CK-NN) • K-Nearest Neighbor is a widely used text classifier especially in text mining because of its simplicity and efficiency. • It’s a a supervised learning algorithm where the result of a new occurrence query is classified based on the K-nearest neighbor category measurement. • Its training-phase consists of nothing more than storing all training examples as classifier. • It works based on minimum distance from the query instance to the training samples to determine the K nearest neighbors. • After collecting K nearest neighbors, we take simple majority of these K- nearest neighbors to be the prediction of the query-instance. • CK-NN algorithm consists of several multivariate attributes names X i that will be used to classify the object Y. We will deal only with quantitative Xi and binary (nominal) Y. 22
  • 23. Continue • Example: Suppose that the K factor is set to be equal to 8 (there are 8 nearest neighbors) as a parameter of this algorithm. Then the distance between the query-instance and all the training samples is computed, so there are only quantitative Xi. • All training samples are included as nearest neighbors if the distance of this training sample to the query is less than or equal to the Kth smallest distance in this case the distances are sorted of all training samples to the query and determine the Kth as a minimum distance. • The unknown sample is assigned the most common class among its k nearest neighbors. Then we find the distances between the query and all training samples. • The K training samples are the closest K nearest neighbors for the unknown sample. Closeness is defined in terms of Euclidean distance, where the Euclidean between two points, X = (x1, x2,...,xn ) and Y = (y1, y2,...,yn) is: 23
  • 24. Contents • Abstract. • Introduction. • Deep Content Mining. • Modeling the Web Documents. • Web Documents Classification Methods. • Preprocessing phases. • Classifier Naive Bayesian (CNB). • Classifier K-Nearest Neighbor (CK-NN). • Implementation. • Results and Discussion. • Conclusion. • References. 24
  • 25. Implementation The implementation of the proposed Deep Web Text Classifier (DWTC) demonstrates the importance of classifying the Latin text on the web documents needs for information retrieval to illustrate both keywords extraction and text classifiers used in the Algorithms implementation:  Keywords extraction: Text web documents are scanned to find the keywords each one is normalized. Normalization process consists of removing stop words, removing punctuation mark and non-letters in Latin letters shown in table 3.  Some stop words: Tab 3: The Example of stop words and non -letters. 25
  • 26. Continue  Terms weighting: There are two criterions:  First criterion the more number of times a term occurs in documents which belongs to some category, the more it is relative to that category.  Second criterion the more the term appears in different documents representing different categories; the less the term is useful for discriminating between documents as belonging to different categories.  In this implementation we used the commonly used approach which is Normalized tf×idf to overcome the problem of variant documents lengths.  Algorithms implementation :this implementation were mainly developed for testing the effectiveness of CK-NN and CNB algorithms when it is applied to the Latin text.  We supplies a set of labeled text documents supplied to the system, the labels are used to indicate the class or classes that the text document belongs to. All documents belonging to the data set should be labeled in order to learn the system and then test it.  The system distinguishes the labels of the training documents but not those of the test set.  The system will compare between the two classifiers and report the most higher accuracy classifier for the current labeled text documents.  The system will compare these results and select the best average accuracy result rates for each classifier and uses the greater average accuracy result rates in the system. The system will choose the higher rate to start the retrieving process. 26
  • 27. Contents • Abstract. • Introduction. • Deep Content Mining. • Modeling the Web Documents. • Web Documents Classification Methods. • Preprocessing phases. • Classifier Naive Bayesian (CNB). • Classifier K-Nearest Neighbor (CK-NN). • Implementation. • Results and Discussion. • Conclusion. • References. 27
  • 28. Results and Discussion • The data used in this work are collected from many web sites. The data set consist of 3533 Latin and non- Latin text documents of different lengths that belongs to 6 categories, the categories are ( Economic, Cultural, Political, Social, Sports and General). Table 2. • To test the system, the documents in the data set were preprocessed to find main categories. • Various splitting percentages were used to see how the number of training documents impacts the classification effectiveness. • Different k values starting from 1 and up to 20 in order were used to find the best results for CK-NN. Effectiveness started to decline at k>15. • A comparison between the two algorithms and make labeling to the sample data, the classifier has been indicated in the system also 28
  • 29. Continue • The k-fold cross-validation method is used to test the accuracy of the system. • Our result is roughly near from the other developer's results. • The results of the conducted experiments are included on the last columns in Table 4 and table 5. Our result is roughly near from each other results. • It is induced from the below results that the Classifier K-Nearest Neighbors (CK-NN) with an average (93.08%) has better than Classifier Naïve Bayesian that had (90.03%) in Latin text. • It means that the DWTC system in this case will use the CK-NN for Latin text classification and extraction instead of CNB. • In case of non –Latin text the DWTC system will use CNB text classification which has the average of 91.05% in Non- Latin classification and extraction instead of CK-NN with the average of 88.06% indicated in table5. 29
  • 30. Contents • Abstract. • Introduction. • Deep Content Mining. • Modeling the Web Documents. • Web Documents Classification Methods. • Preprocessing phases. • Classifier Naive Bayesian (CNB). • Classifier K-Nearest Neighbor (CK-NN). • Implementation. • Results and Discussion. • Conclusion. • References. 30
  • 31. Conclusion • An evaluation to the use of Classifier K-Nearest Neighbor (CK-NN) and Classifier Naïve Bayes (CNB) to the classification Arabic text was considered. • A development of a special corpus which consists of 3533 documents that belong to 6 categories. • An extracted feature set of keywords and terms weighting in order to improve the performance were indicated as well. • As a result we applied two algorithms for classifying to the text documents with a satisfactory number of patterns for each category. • The accuracy was measured by the use of k-fold cross-validation method to test the accuracy of the system. • We proposed an empirical Latin and non-Latin text classifier system called the Deep Web Text Classifier (DWTC). • The system compares the results between both classifiers used (CK-NN, CNB) and select the best average accuracy result rates in case of Latin or non-Latin 31 text.
  • 32. Contents • Abstract. • Introduction. • Deep Content Mining. • Modeling the Web Documents. • Web Documents Classification Methods. • Preprocessing phases. • Classifier Naive Bayesian (CNB). • Classifier K-Nearest Neighbor (CK-NN). • Implementation. • Results and Discussion. • Conclusion. • References. 32
  • 33. References [2] Alexandrov M., Gelbukh A. and Lozovo. (2001). Chi-square Classifier for Document Categorization. 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics, Mexico City. [37] Zakaria Suliman Zubi. 2010. Text mining documents in electronic data interchange environment. In Proceedings of the 11th WSEAS international conference on nural networks and 11th WSEAS international conference on evolutionary computing and 11th WSEAS international conference on Fuzzy systems (NN'10/EC'10/FS'10), Viorel Munteanu, Razvan Raducanu, Gheorghe Dutica, Anca Croitoru, Valentina Emilia Balas, and Alina Gavrilut (Eds.). World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS), Stevens Point, Wisconsin, USA, 76-88. [38] Zakaria Suliman Zubi. 2009. Using some web content mining techniques for Arabic text classification. In Proceedings of the 8th WSEAS international conference on Data networks, communications, computers (DNCOCO'09), Manoj Jha, Charles Long, Nikos Mastorakis, and Cornelia Aida Bulucea (Eds.). World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS), Stevens Point, Wisconsin, USA, 73-84. 33
  • 35. 35