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STARRING : EXECUTIVE BRANCH MEMBERS: United States of America President Barack
 Obama, United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, LEGISLATIVE BRANCH MEMBERS:
 United States Justices and their Legal Counsel/Advisor Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell &
       Berkowitz, The Muslim Brotherhood/Egypt President Mohammad Morsi and other
 And The Muslim Brotherhood
We now know Barack Hussein Obama KNEW within TWO HOURS that
the ATTACK on the Benghazi Consulate was carried out by
TERRORISTS. We now know that THREE Emails were sent all going
DIRECTLY to the White House SITUATION Room in which the last
email IDENTIFIED the Muslim Brotherhood connected group Ansar
al-Sharia is taking responsibility.

WHY the COVERUP? WHY the LACK of ADEQUATE Security at
the Consulate? Let us go back in time.
Benghazi according to Memos and Reports by
Ambassador Chris Stevens and others was in a “State
freely roaming the streets.           FREQUENT
assassinations, bombings and kidnappings. On
September 11, the day the Libyan Consulate was
attacked and Ambassador Chris Stevens was
MURDERED, Stevens wrote a Memo describing the
Despite    WIDESPREAD         cause  for    MORE
SECURITY at Consulate, the AMOUNT of Security
Personnel at the Consulate is MINIMUM! On
September 11, 9:30 p.m. Benghazi time, 3:30 in the
afternoon in Washington, a COORDINATED
TERRORIST attack – really a more of a SMALL-
SCALE invasion – took place over a several hour
period. With the Muslim Brotherhood-Connected
Islamic Flag flying, the INVADERS (an Islamic
Group called al-Sharia) would SCALE the walls and
BEGIN the attack. Being ARMED with ROCKET-
PROPELLED grenades, mortars and machine guns.
Despite the attack taking place over a several hour period, NO help is DISPATCHED! The Muslim Brotherhood-
LINKED forces out numbered the SCANT Security at the Consulate. If they SIMPLY wanted to KILL Ambassador
Stevens and the other Americans, they could have LOBBED dozens of RPGs and mortars at the building that American
Personnel were hiding out in and gotten OUT QUICKLY! It is OBVIOUS they were trying to take HOSTAGES!
Specifically, Ambassador Stevens. More than likely to TRADE for the Muslim Brotherhood’s beloved Blind Sheik.
     Egypt has asked for the RELEASE of the SO-CALLED Blind Sheik (Omar-Abdel-Rahman) and
     DESPITE White House DENIALS, New York Congressman Peter King says, “The Administration IS
     WEIGHING the possibility.”
the attackers weren’t able to extract Ambassador Chris Stevens is This VIDEO is DISGUSTING and
WHYHILLARY CLINTON (United States Secretary of State): UNKNOWN. They may have been trying to
FLUSH him out by SETTING FIRE to the building he was hiding in. And instead of escaping from the building he was
      JAY CARNEY (White House Press Secretary): This is in RESPONSE to a VIDEO that is
On September 12, the White House NARRATIVE began it was the ANTI-Muslim YouTube Video that CAUSED the attack
on the Libyan Consulate:
      the airing on the INTERNET of a very HATEFUL, very OFFENSIVE VIDEO. to DENIGRATE the
      Religious beliefs of others.
Obama would CROWN this FANTASY at the
UN. Mentioning the YouTube VIDEO SIX

This YouTube STORY would last TWO weeks
when Obama would FINALLY admit that it was a
TERRORIST attack. But then would BLAME the
him ERRONEOUS information.

On September 13, a LIBYAN Newscast would
CONNECT the Muslim Brotherhood President
Mohammad Morsi with the attack of the Libyan
Consulate. . . Video of this would be UPLOADED
to YouTube which would SUBSEQUENTLY

Western Journalism      would     obtain   an
EXCLUSIVE copy of this video.
On October 8, Kevin DuJan would write an article
on CHARGING that “Obama had
been INVOLVED in the Benghazi Attack. That he
RELEASE the Blind Sheik to the Muslim
Brotherhood in EXCHANGE for Ambassador

On October 15, Western Journalism BROKE the
News that a SOURCE (WITHIN the White House)
had stated that, “Barack Hussein Obama INDEED
of Chris Stevens as PART of an OCTOBER

What we are NOW WITNESSING is the
BIGGEST COVER-UP in U.S. History that will be

                                                                  our founding, the United States has
                                                                  been a Nation that respects all
                                                                  faiths. We REJECT all efforts to
                                                                  degenerate the religious beliefs of
                                                                  others. But there is absolutely NO
                                                                  justification for this type of
                                                                  senseless violence. None. The
                                                                  World MUST stand together to
                                                                  unequivocally, reject these brutal

JAY CARNEY: This is fairly a volatile situation and it IS IN RESPONSE not to United States’ policy,
NOT to obviously the Administration, NOT to the American people. It IS IN RESPONSE TO A VIDEO.
A FILM that we have JUDGED to be reprehensible and disgusting. That in NO WAY justifies any violent
reaction to it. But this is NOT a case of PROTEST directed at the United States at large or U.S. Policy.
This is IN RESPONSE TO A VIDEO that is offensive and. . .to Muslims.
REPORTER: Jay, Let’s be clear . . .
                                                  JAY CARNEY: These PROTESTS were in
                                                  REACTION to a VIDEO that had spread to
                                                  the Region.
                                                  REPORTER: At Benghazi?
JAY CARNEY: We certainly DON’T KNOW! We DON’T KNOW otherwise. You know we have NO
information to suggest that it was a PREPLANNED ATTACK! The UNREST that we have seen around the
Region has been in REACTION to a VIDEO that Muslims. . .many Muslims find offensive.

REPORTER: Your operating assumption is that. . .that was IN RESPONSE to the VIDEO in
Benghazi? I just want to CLEAR THAT UP! That’s the FRAME MARK? That’s the
OPERATING assumption?
REPORTER: . . .that there are folks that
DISPUTE that this looks like something
OTHER than the VIDEO. . .

JAY CARNEY: I think that there has been MIXED
reports on this Jake even in the Press, which some of
it has been SPECULATIVE! What I am telling you
is this is under investigation. The UNREST around
the Region has been IN RESPONSE to this
VIDEO. We DO NOT at this moment have
information to SUGGEST or to TELL you that. .
.would INDICATE any of this UNREST was PRE-
PLANNED!           Jake, again, what we have seen is
UNREST around the Region in RESPONSE to a
VIDEO! . . .
The CAUSE of the UNREST was a VIDEO. . .

The REASON why there’s UNREST is BECAUSE of the FILM! This is in RESPONSE to the FILM!

We REJECT its MESSAGE and its CONTENTS!                    We find it both DISGUSTING and
REPREHENSIBLE! America has a history of religious tolerance and respect for religious beliefs and that
history goes back to our Nation’s founding. But there is absolutely. . .as I’ve said, absolutely NO
justification at all for RESPONDING to this MOVIE with VIOLENCE and we are MAKING . . .we are
WORKING rather that Muslims around the GLOBE hear that message. . . .

We are RESPONDING to and COPING with and DEALING with Countries around the GLOBE
UNREST brought about by this offensive VIDEO!
REPORTER: You said earlier said
                                                           that the course. . .CAUSE of the
                                                           UNREST was a VIDEO and you
                                                           REPEATED IT . . .something
                                                           SIMILAR later on. . . I just want to
                                                           be CLEAR . . .Is that TRUE of
                                                           Benghazi and Cairo?
JAY CARNEY: I’m saying . . .that. . .the INCIDENT in Benghazi, as well as elsewhere, these are ALL
being INVESTIGATED! What I am saying, is that we have NO EVIDENCE at this time to SUGGEST
otherwise. That. . .That there was a PRE-PLAN or. . .an ULTERIOR INSTIGATION behind that

We DON’T have and did NOT have CONCRETE evidence to SUGGEST that this was NOT in reaction to
the FILM! But we are obviously INVESTIGATING the matter. .
UNITED STATES SECRETARY OF STATE HILLARY CLINTON: Nobody wants to get answers more than I
do. These were people who I care deeply about. I knew Chris Stevens. I asked him PERSONALLY to be in
Benghazi during Libyan Revolution. I PERSONALLY nominated him to being Ambassador because I could
not think of a better person to represent the United States. Somebody who understood what was at stake for Libya,
what was at stake for the United States. How these Revolutions – you know – could be so positive or could be
HIJACKED. He understood that and he was instrumental in working with the Libyans. So I care deeply about what
happened that night. I care deeply about what we’re going to be doing going forward and I want everybody to know
that we’re going to get to the bottom of this and when we do that, information will all be public and people will
be able to draw their own conclusions.

The Film Producer BLAMED for IGNITING riots WORLDWIDE is in JAIL TONIGHT! The California man is being
held WITHOUT BAIL on charges that he VIOLATED PROBATION! Nakoula Basseley Nakoula was sent to PRISON for
BANK FRAUD in 2009, and as part of his SUPERVISED release, he’s NOT ALLOWED to use any devices that can
ACCESS the INTERNET or POST anything to the Web WITHOUT his Probation Officer’s PERMISSION. The Trailer for
his LOW-BUDGET film, “Innocence of Muslims,” was posted on YOUTUBE over the SUMMER. Actors who were in the
film are NOW FEARING for their LIVES!

      ACTRESS: My life has been turned upside down. I’m having to live pretty much in HIDING.

      REPORTER: Can you ever go home again?

      ACTRESS: I don’t know. I don’t think so.

Four of the actors in the movie plan to sue the producer saying, “there was NO MENTION of Islam in the script they were
asked to perform.” And THAT film IS BLAMED for several DEADLY attacks – INCLUDING the one at the U.S. Embassy
in Libya on September 11 that KILLED four Americans including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens. A law enforcement
source tells CNN WITHIN 24 hours of the attack, U.S. INTELLIGENCE SAW signs that it WAS the work of AL-
QEADA or other extremists. WHITE HOUSE Officials have been CRITIZED for ORGINALLY BLAMING it on
PROTESTS over the Anti-Muslim film.
Iran says it RESERVES RIGHT to RETALIATE    A U.S. California FEDERAL Judge has declared EGYPTIAN-American
if attacked                                 Nakoula Basseley Nakoula a “FLIGHT RISK” and ORDERED him
Netanyahu: RED lines MUST be set for IRAN
                                            detained. Nakoula was behind the cruelly-produced Anti-Islam film that
                                            has INFLAMED parts of the Middle East. Nakoula has a LENGTHY
                                            criminal record. He was sentenced to 21 months in prison due to 2010
                                            Check Fraud conviction and was BARRED from using COMPUTERS
                                            or the INTERNET for FIVE (5) years WITHOUT APPROVAL from
                                            his PROBATION Officer. On September 18, EGYPT’S Prosecutor
                                            General ORDERED seven (7) EGYPTIAN Coptic Christians including
                                            Nakoula and a U.S. Pastor to TRIAL. The Prosecutor General requested
                                            that the eight (8) Defendants be ARRESTED by INTERPOL and
                                            HANDED OVER to EGYPTIAN Authorities.
The bucks stop with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton?                          At least that’s
what Clinton told CNN in an interview on yesterday about the attack in Benghazi that led to the
death of Ambassador Chris Stevens. In fact, the argument over what happened in Benghazi was a
huge part of tonight’s Presidential Debate. Ben has the “Reality Check” you won’t see anywhere
BEN SWANN: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made the statement in an interview with
CNN. Here’s a portion:

          Department. 60,000 plus people all over the world - 275 posts. The President and
          Vice President certainly WOULDN'T be KNOWLEDGABLE about SPECIFIC
          decisions that are made by SECURITY PROFESSIONALS.

So what EXACTLY did Secretary of State Hillary Clinton take RESPONSIBILITY FOR?                 Well to
understand that you have to consider what Vice President Biden said in last week's VP Debate.

          BIDEN: We WEREN’T told they wanted more security. We did NOT know they
          wanted MORE SECURITY.
The reason why Biden's statement was so SUPRISING because the House OVERSIGHT Committee
                               13-SECURITY RELATED incidents had
ANNOUNCED last week that at least

TAKEN PLACE in the LAST SIX MONTHS at the Mission in Libya and in a letter sent to

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton from the Committee, "MULTIPLE U.S.
Government Officials have CONFIRMED that PRIOR to the September 11 ATTACK, the U.S. Mission in
Libya made REPEATED REQUESTS for INCREASE Security in Benghazi. The Mission in Libya, however,
was DENIED these RESOUCES by OFFICIALS in Washington."
So that means:

1 - The U.S. Mission in Libya made REPEATED requests for security.

2 – Those REQUESTS were DENIED by Washington.

3 – Vice President Biden says the White House DIDN’T KNOW.

4 – Secretary of State Clinton now says she’s the one RESPONSIBLE; and she went on to say this:
HILLARY CLINTON: . . .In the wake of an attack like this, in the fog of war, there is always going
to be confusion and I believe it is absolutely fair to say that everyone had the SAME intelligence.
Everyone who spoke. . .

REPORTER: BAD intelligence it seems though. . .

HILLARY CLINTON: Well, everyone who spoke tried to give the information that they had. As
time has gone on, the information has CHANGED. We’ve gotten more detail. But that’s NOT
surprising. That always happens.
BEN SWANN: But in the Spirit of “Reality Check,” let’s deal in REALITY. Because what Secretary Clinton said
right there, is NOT TRUE. She’s going back to the YouTube video, we thought it was a protest, turns –out- it-wasn’t
argument. As Reality Check has told you, information from across the INTELLIGENCE Community within 24 Hours of
that attack, pointed to an attack by Ansor al-Sharia – a Libyan Branch of Al Qaeda – and yet the prevailing narrative
from statements from President Obama, UN Secretary Susan Rice and even Clinton herself, FOCUSED on the
INFLUENCE of the YouTube video.

So the bottom line here, even though NATIONAL Media CONTINUES to PRAISE Clinton for “FALLING on her
SWORD,” as they say; she’s done NOTHING of the kind! Hasn’t RESIGNED! Hasn’t been FIRED! Isn’t taking the
fall for anything! She hasn’t even made a PUBLIC APOLOGY to the family of Secretary Stevens and the three other
Americans for NOT passing along and approving those REQUESTS for MORE SECURITY.
Why not an apology to the YouTube filmmaker - - Who even if you disagree with his movie, was
NOT responsible for those DEATHS of four Americans after all?

At least this - - Tell us what SPECIFIC policies and protocol might be changed in light of what
happened. You see it’s HARD to take RESPONSIBILITY and CLAIM you’ve done NOTHING
wrong. And that is REALITY CHECK!

Reporter: So you think that if we had walked away from this and didn't give them money today, it would be
worse for us from the security standpoint?

HILLARY CLINTON: I do. I do. We're building a relationship that just did not exist. I said in our last trip
when you were with me, that we had a huge trust deficit in part because the United States had. . .to be. . .to be
fair, we had helped create the problem we are now fighting.

HILLARY CLINTON: Because when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, we had this brilliant idea that
we were going to come to Pakistan and create a force of Mujahideen, equip them with stinger missiles and
everything else to go after the Soviets inside of Afghanistan; and we were successful. The Soviets left
WERE FANATICAL in Afghanistan and Pakistan leaving them WELL ARMED, CREATING A MESS
FRANKLY that at the time we really didn't recognize. WE WERE SO HAPPY TO SEE THE SOVIET
BE SO MUCH BETTER." Now you look back, the people we are fighting today, we were supporting in the
fight against the Soviets.
We also have a history of kinda moving in and out of Pakistan. I mean let's remember here the people we are fighting today,
WE FUNDED 20 YEARS AGO and we did it because we were locked in this struggle with the Soviet Union. They
invaded Afghanistan and we did not want to see them control Central Asia and we "WENT TO WORK" and it was
President Reagan IN PARTNERSHIP with the Congress led by Democrats who said, "You know what, sounds like a pretty
good idea. Let's deal with the ISI, and the Pakistani Military and let's go RECRUIT these Mujahideen and. . . that's great!
Let's get some to come from Saudi Arabia and other places importing their Wahhabi brand of Islam so that we can go and
beat the Soviet Union;” and guess what, they retreated, they LOST BILLIONS OF DOLLARS and it LED TO THE
COLLAPSE OF THE SOVIET UNION. So there's a very strong argument which is, "IT WASN'T A BAD
HARVEST!" So we then left Pakistan. We said, "Okay, FINE you DEAL WITH THE STINGERS that WE LEFT ALL
stopped dealing with the Pakistani Military and with ISI and we are NOW are MAKING UP FOR A LOT OF LOST TIME!
Beverly Eckert - Lost her husband (Sean Rooney) in the DOMESTIC Terrorist acts
                      carried out by the United States on September 11, 2001. She was an ACTIVIST and
                      advocate for the creation of the 9/11 Commission to INVESTIGATE 9/11. Advocate
                      PUSHING for the TRUTH behind the 9/11 Attacks. Reports allege that Eckert was
                      OFFERED money to keep SILENT but REFUSED! She died in a commuter aircraft
                      accident. She met with United States President Barack Obama as an advocate of
                      those affected by 9/11 "LESS THAN A WEEK" before her DEATH/MURDER on
                      February 12, 2009.

It appears that President Barack Obama, his Legal Counsel/Advisor Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell
& Berkowitz may have seen Beverly Eckert and the 40+ passengers as COLLATERAL DAMAGE
and took out the airplane she and others were on. It appears that BECAUSE President Barack
Obama and Baker Donelson were NOT stopped, MORE people would be placed on Obama’s
Michael H. Doran - Attorney who volunteered his services to help VICTIMS of the
                       September 11, 2001 attacks receive compensation. It appears Doran and a law firm
                       associate (Matthew Schnirel) were killed/murdered in a plane crash near Cleveland.
                       Reports have it that the National Transportation Safety Board is trying to figure out
                       the cause of the plane crash. There are alleged reports that the Cirrus SR-22 (i.e.
                       type of plane Doran was piloting) has a BUILT-IN PARACHUTE. "The aircraft is
                       perhaps known for being equipped with the Cirrus Aircraft Parachute System
                       (CAPS), an EMERGENCY Parachute CAPABLE of LOWERING the ENTIRE
                       AIRCRAFT (and OCCUPANTS) to the GROUND in an EMERGENCY."

           The pilot can reach overhead in the cockpit and pull a red handle that deploys a fuel rocket that
pulls the parachute from the back of the plane. Concerns as to whether an EXPERIENCED and FAA
Certified Pilot as Michael Doran TRIED to use this SAFETY/EMERGENCY feature. "Eyewitness accounts,
according to published reports, said Mr. Doran directed the plane away from neighboring houses, and he
was hailed as a hero."
           So it appears from reports that Doran took the necessary precautions to avoid casualties on the
of the CIRRUS SR-22 he was piloting! Is it a COINCIDENT that Michael Doran represented some of the
VICTIMS in the 9/11 attacks? Is it a COINCIDENT that Doran represented one of the VICTIMS in the
Flight 3407 Airplane Crash on February 12, 2009? Is it a COINCIDENT that one of the VICTIMS on
Flight 3407 was Beverly Eckert (wife of 9/11 Attacks Victim Sean Rooney) who just happened to meet
with United States President Barack Obama less than a week before her life ended in a plane crash and
then approximately TWO (2) MONTHS later, the life of attorney Michael Doran and his associate are taken
in a plane crash? DATE of DEATH/MURDER April 28, 2009.
David F. Wherley - Major General. Was the Commanding General of Joint
                Force Headquarters, District of Columbia National Guard. Responsible for
                operational readiness and command and control of District of Columbia Army
                and Air National Guard units. "Wherley was the officer who scrambled fighters
                into Washington's skies on the day of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks."
                           Major General David Wherley retired June 30, 2008 and appears may
                have been KILLED/MURDERED on June 22, 2009 – i.e. approximately
                TWO (2) months from Doran’s DEATH/MURDER and approximately FOUR (4)
                months     from   Eckert’s   DEATH/MURDER           –    because    of    the
                information/knowledge regarding the 9/11 Attacks!
W. Lee Rawls - Chief of Staff and Senior
Counsel to FBI Director Robert Mueller.
Mueller was placed in Office as
DIRECTOR on September 4, 2001
[seven (7) days prior to the 9/11 Attacks]
- MANAGING Partner in Baker
Donelson (the firm of former SENATE
Majority Leader Howard H. Baker Jr.
[DESCENDENT of Founding of Baker
Donelson] - DIED December 5, 2010.

Richard Holbrooke - SPECIAL
Envoy     to    PAKISTAN   and
AFGHANISTAN . . . was in a
meeting WITH Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton -DIED December
13, 2010.
John Wheeler II - U.S. MILITARY Expert who served THREE Republican
Presidents was KILLED and his body was FOUND at a Waste Landfill -
December 31, 2010.

Lawrence Eagleburger - SENIOR Foreign Policy Advisor with Baker
Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz - Member of the BOARD of
DIRECTORS of the Halliburton Company [i.e. company in which former Vice
from approximately 1995 - 2000] - CLOSE friend of the Clintons - DIED
June 4, 2011.

                                   U.S. President Bill and Hillary Clinton
NAVY SEAL    “SIX”    TEAM MEMBERS That Appear To Have Been
Taken Off The Field Because Of   KNOWLEDGE Of The TRUTH
Behind The LIE Of KILLING Osama Bin Laden About May 1, 2011 - -
MURDERED/KILLED August 6, 2011, Approximately THREE (3)
MONTHS After The Alleged Killing Of Osama Bin Laden!

                                                                  NAVY SEAL Victims that may have been
                                                                  KILLED/MURDERED to be kept SILENT:

                                                                  AFGHANISTAN: United States of America’s
                                                                  GOVERNMENT uses       TAXPAYERS’
                                                                  Monies To Pay TERRORISTS:

REPORTER: Thank you Mr.

Senator John McCain and Senator
Lindsey Graham both said today
they want to have “WATERGATE-
Style” hearings on the attack on
the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi
and said that, “If you nominate
Susan Rice to be Secretary of
State, they will everything in their
power to block her nomination.”
As Senator Graham said, “He
simply doesn’t TRUST
Ambassador Rice AFTER what
she said about Benghazi.” I’d like
your reaction to that and would
those THREATS deter you from
making a nomination like that?
you know we’reBARACK OBAMA: I think it is I’m not going to comment at this point on various nominations that
 PRESIDENT after an election now. Well first,
important for us to findout my Cabinet for the Second Term. Those are things that are still being discussed. But let
 I’ll put forward to fill out exactly what happened in
Benghazi and I’m happy toSusan Rice, she has done EXEMPLARY work. She has represented the United States in
 me say specifically about cooperate in any ways that
Congress wants.the Unitedprovided everyskill and professionalism and toughness and grace.
 our interests in We have Nations with bit of
information that we have and we will continue to
provide information and we’ve gotanFULL-BLOWN
    As I’ve said before, she made a
investigation and all of REQUEST of the White
    appearance AT the that information will be
disgorged to Congress; and I her best
    House in which she gave don’t think there’s any
debate in this Country that when you have that (4)
    understanding of the INTELLIGENCE four
Americans KILLED, that’s a PROBLEMMcCain got to
    had been provided to her. If Senator and we
getand Senator Graham and others want to go
     to the bottom of it and there needs to be
accountability. We’ve got to bring those whoand
    after somebody, they should go after me carried it
outIto justice. They WON’T get any DEBATE from me
      am happy to have that discussion with
on them.But whenthem go go after the UN
    that! But for they to after the UN Ambassador,
APPARENTLY because they think she’s an EASY
    Ambassador who had NOTHING to do with
TARGET, then they’ve got a problem with me. And
    Benghazi and was simply making a
should I choose, if I think that she would be the best
    presentation based on INTELLIGENCE that
person to serve America, in the capacity of the State
    she had received and to besmirch her
Department, then I will nominate her. That’s not a
    reputation is outrageous and . . .
determination that I’ve made yet.
As I’ve said before, she made an appearance AT the
REQUEST of the White House in which she gave her best
understanding of the INTELLIGENCE that had been
provided to her. If Senator McCain and Senator Graham
and others want to go after somebody, they should go after
me and I am happy to have that discussion with them.

 Senator John McCain

   UNDERSTANDING                HOW
      OFFICIALS and Their LEGAL
     Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz) –
HOW can United States of America
                              President Barack Obama and his Legal
                              Counsel/Advisor Baker Donelson
                              Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz handle
                              INVESTIGATIONS involving their OWN
                              and their CONSPIRATORS/CO-
                 A Call For   CONSPIRATORS Criminal
       “IMPEACHMENT”          VIOLATIONS? Understanding HOW
                              President Obama/Baker Donelson and
                              CONGRESS will TRY and COVER-UP
 The SAME Law Firm (Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz –
  Investigation (FBI) Director Robert Mueller) it appears is Legal Counsel
  to Presidents of the United States, United States Congressional Members and
  Supreme        Court       of       the       United        States     Justices: - The FBI is handling
  the INVESTIGATION(S) in the Benghazi Attack – CONFLICT OF
  INTEREST is CLEARLY presented and the INVESTIGATION(S) has
 The SAME Law Firm (Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell &
  Berkowitz) that provide Legal Counsel/Advice to President Barack
  Obama appears relied upon its TIES/CONNECTIONS as CHIEF
  COUNSEL to the United States Citizenship and Immigration
  Services to create the FAKE/FORGED Certificate of Live Birth
  released by United States of America President Barack Obama on or
   about April 27, 2011 – i.e. you are to believe that a Year Old
   United States President that has had SEVERAL Passports in the
   past PRIOR to becoming the President of the United States does
   NOT have a PHOTOCOPY of his Birth Certificate in his
   PERSONAL records that he had to request copies from the
   Hawaii Department of Health - - Are you that STUPID?
 Are Americans and Foreign Nations/Leaders/Citizens supposed to be that STUPID? Why was it
  necessary for President Barack Obama to have what clearly is a FAKE/FORGED Certificate of Live
  Birth (most likely CREATED by his Legal Counsel/Advisor Baker Donelson) released to the PUBLIC?

 Why did President Obama not simply provide a
  PHOTOCOPY as the examples of the Hawaii
  Certificate of Live Births pulled from the
  Internet below?       Do you        have a
  PHOTOCOPY of your Birth Certificate?
   The SAME Law Firm (Baker Donelson – SENIOR Advisor to the
    Executive Office of the United States President and COUNSEL
    to the DEPUTY SECRETARY of the United States Department
    of Health & Human Services) appears DRAFTED/CREATED
    Legislation known as ObamaCare – Patient Protection
    Affordable Health Care Act. Then Baker Donelson as Legal
    Counsel/Advisor to CONGRESSIONAL Members engaged in
    CRIMINAL/FRAUDULENT practices to get it passed and then
    had their Client President Barack Obama sign it into law and
    then their Clients - the Justices of the Supreme Court of the
    United States acted upon it.           All of this was done
    OF-INTEREST             present        and      having      it
    WITHOUT making KNOWN their CRIMINAL practices in the
    handling of this matter. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?
    ObamaCare may be VOID and CHALLENGED! So those
    looking to CHALLENGE if attempts are made to FORCE them
    to comply may find this information BENEFICIAL!
   The SAME Law Firm (Baker Donelson – had its
    attorneys/judges placed in position as DIRECTOR of
    the Administrative Office of the United States Court)
    attempted to SNEAK out one of their employees (James
    Duff) on September 15, 2011 – the SAME date that
    Vogel Denise Newsome requested a WRITTEN Status
    Report regarding INVESTIGATIONS against United
    States of America President Barack Obama from United
    States KENTUCKY Senator Rand Paul. .

                                The 2012 November Elections
                                 appear may have been
                                 COMPROMISED by the
                                 TAINTED Supreme Court of the
                                 United States Ruling in Citizens
                                 United v Federal Election
                                 Commission, 558 U.S. 50 (2010)
                                 – i.e. which unlawfully/illegally
                                 allowed for the HIJACKING of
                                 Elections by BIG MONEY
                                 INTERESTS GROUPS which
                                 have COMPROMISED the
                                 Elections rendering them
                                Baker Donelson is also Legal
                                 Counsel for the Federal Judges
SUSAN RICE: They’re not on the ground yet but they have already begun looking at all sorts of evidence of
various sorts already available to them and to us and they will SUSAN RICE:and continue the investigations. So
                                                                get on the ground Well Bob let me tell you
we’ll want to see the results of that investigation to draw what we understand to be But based on the best
                                                                any definitive conclusions. the assessment
                                                                at present. First of all, very importantly as
information we have to date, what our assessment is as of the present, is in FACT what it began SPONTANEOUSLY
in Benghazi as a REACTION to what had transpired some hours earlier in Cairo.with the Presidentyou know there
                                                                you discussed Where of course as there is
                                                             BOB           SCHIEFFER:
was a VIOLENT PROTEST outside our Embassy SPARKED BY THIS HATEFUL VIDEO! But soon after that         Madam
                                                                an investigation that the United States
SPONTANEOUS PROTEST began outside of our Consulate in Benghazi, we that this is something like
                                                             Ambassador, he says believed that it looks
                                                               HEAVY beenwill launch led by thestages
                                                                Government                            FBI.
EXTREMIST elements individuals joined in that effort withthat hasWEAPONS thethe sort that are unfortunately
                                                                                in of PLANNING
readily now available in Libya POST-Revolution; and that it spunhas begun. into something much much more
                                                                That from there
                                                             for MONTHS! I understand that you
                                                     have been saying that you think that it has
SCHIEFFER: But you do NOT agree with him that this was something that had been PLOTTED we several
                                                     been SPONTANEOUS. Are out not on
                                                       BOB SCHIEFFER: But they’re not
months ago?                                          the same page here?
                                                       there yet.

RICE: We do not have information at present that leads us to conclude that this was PREMEDITATED or PRE-
DAVID GREGORY: This is Susan Rice five days AFTER the attack.

Can you say definitively that the attacks on our Consulate in Libya that killed Ambassador
Stevens and others there – their security personnel – that was spontaneous? Was it a planned
attack? Was there a terrorist element to it?

SUSAN RICE: Well, let me tell you the best information that we have at present. First of all,
there’s an FBI Investigation which is ongoing and we look to that investigation to give us the
definitive word as to what transpired. But putting together the best information that we have
available to us today - our current assessment is what happened in Benghazi was in fact, initially
a spontaneous reaction to what had transpired hours before in Cairo. Almost a copycat of the
demonstrations against our facility in Cairo - which were prompted of course by the video.
GREGORY: Senator, you said that two days before that, that Director Petraeus said it was TERRORISM.
Why didn’t Ambassador Rice call it TERRORISM two days later?

DIANNE FEINSTEIN (Jewish – CHAIRMAN of the United States Senate’s Intelligence Committee):
Because she could speak publicly only on UNCLASSIFIED speaking points. I have some concerns with
those speaking points. But let me correct one thing.

GREGORY: Right. What are the concerns and why speak at all? In other words, why was there reference
to being a terrorist attack taken out of the PUBLIC talking points?

FEINSTEIN: That is something that we’re going to find out. But it was. That’s the point. Now with the
allegation that the White House CHANGED those talking points – that is FALSE! There was only ONE
thing that was CHANGED and I’ve checked into this – I believe it to be ABSOLUTE fact – and that was the
word “CONSULATE” was CHANGED to “MISSION.” That’s the ONLY CHANGE that anyone in the
White House made and I have CHECKED this out! . .
MIKE ROGERS (United States Congressman – CHAIRMAN House Intelligence Committee – FORMER
FBI Agent): And-- and this one is a counterpoint here, and-- and again, we get along well here but we may
disagree on this issue. But we get along well on many, many issues. What they. . . What was said, and as I
conclude the course of that INVESTIGATION was that at some point that those so-called talking points – in
other words the narratives of how we would call this event - went up to what is called a DEPUTY’S
that could tell us WHO CHANGED what! So that. . . there goes the DISCONNECT! . . . So the
intelligence community said this is-- this was a terrorist act.
GREGORY: Why wouldn’t we call it what it was? That’s what I don’t get!
REP. ROGERS: That’s a great question.
GREGORY: Why not just call it what it was? WHO. . .WHY are we PROTECTING?
FEINSTEIN: I happen to think that’s ABSOLUTELY CORRECT! I don’t know WHO we were
PROTECTING. I do know that the answer given to us is, “We didn’t want to name a group until we had
some certainty.” Well where this went awry is that anybody that brings weapons and martyrs and RPGs and
breaks into an asset of the United States is a Terrorist in my view. I mean that’s pretty clear. Also, the other
                                                                  point was once the video was PUT
                                                                  TOGETHER it was CLEAR that there was
                                                                  NO DEMONSTRATION!               This should
                                                                  have been KNOWN MUCH EARLIER. It
                                                                  also raises the concern of talking points by
                                                                  Committee and I have some concerns about
GREGORY: Was there a COVER-UP? Do you believe that the President or anybody serving the President
DELIBERATELY MISLEAD the American people about the TRUE NATURE of this attack for POLITICAL



FEINSTEIN: No. . .That’s correct!

GREGORY:       Do you believe anyone MISLEAD the American people DELIBERATELY for POLITICAL

MIKE ROGERS: This is what I know. I            ROGERS: But the narrative was…
know the narrative was WRONG and that
the Intelligence was RIGHT! Now getting        GREGORY:           …does contradict Susan Rice.          This is
between there and there, I think you have to   important. You’re saying, Petraeus says, look, I said it was
be     careful    about     making     those   terrorism all along. Susan Rice told the American people…
ACCUSATIONS. I think that you should
                                               ROGERS: Well. . .
have to PROVE IT! As an OLD FBI
Agent, you should PROVE it first! . .          GREGORY: …no, we thought it was spontaneous. There’s a

GREGORY: So bottom line, as you say
ROGERS: And even more important-- even more important than that, the-- the narrative as it went from the-- at
least the CIA and other intelligence agencies was accurate as for what we know today. It was an act of
terrorism. We knew that. So the difference was what happened when it went outside the intelligence
community for, as-- as the senator called it, you know, a committee to look at this thing and make the determination
on what the narrative was. The narrative was wrong. And why that’s important, this isn’t just about…
                                               GREGORY: Yeah.
                                               ROGERS: …parsing words and who was right. There were
                                               some policy decisions made based on the narrative that was not
                                               consistent with the intelligence that we had. That’s my
                                               concern. And we need to say, hey, we need to figure out how
                                               that happened, and let’s make sure this doesn’t happen
                                               GREGORY: Yeah.
                                               FEINSTEIN: We gave…
GREGORY: Did our people die because we didn’t protect
                                    them adequately? Is that the bottom line here?

                                    FEINSTEIN: …we gave the direc-- David, we gave the
                                    direction yesterday that this whole process is going to be
                                    checked out.
FEINSTEIN: We are going to find out WHO made CHANGES in the ORIGINAL statement. Until we
do, I really think it’s unwarranted to make accusations.
So What Are Some of The DARK Secrets
CORRUPT Government Officials may be HIDING?
It appears White Supremacists/Jewish ZIONISTS
use of United States of America’s Military to
Muslims and Christians.    The USE of a White
Supremacist    Law    Firm  (Baker   Donelson
Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz), the United
States’ Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to
COVER UP the WAR CRIMES of the United
States of America and ISRAEL!
Other DARK Secrets CORRUPT Government Officials may be HIDING?                                                           It appears the BOTCHED
KIDNAPPING planned by U.S. President Barack Obama/Secretary of State Hillary Clinton/Secretary of
Defense Leon Panetta/FBI Director Robert Mueller/CIA Director David Petraeus of United States
Ambassador Chris Stevens in EXCHANGE for Egypt’s BLIND Sheikh. It appears the September 11, 2012
attacks were PAID to be CARRIED out by one of the United States of America’s TERRORIST Cell(s) – Al
Qaeda. Protests may have been SPARKED and INITIATED by President Obama’s Administration to COVER-
UP/HIDE Middle East PROTESTS in REACTION to United States of America Secretary of State Hillary
Clinton’s Television INTERVIEW “PRAISING” America’s WAR CRIMES in the Middle East – MOCKING such
crimes as STINGERS and then THREATENING Sanctions against Countries OPPOSING the United States of
America! http:/
GREGORY: We are back. Joined now by the man leading the charge against the Obama administration and
U.N. ambassador Susan Rice on this issue of Benghazi, the senior senator from South Carolina Republican
Lindsey Graham. Senator, let’s get right into it. You’ve just heard the chairs of the Intelligence Committees
on Benghazi. The bottom line point, did Director Petraeus call this terrorism from the get go? They say
yes. They don’t understand why the administration didn’t call it the same two days later. How do you

SENATOR LINDSEY GRAHAM (Armed Services Committee): Well, I think one of the reasons that
Susan Rice told the story she did, if the truth came out a few weeks before the election that our consulate in
Benghazi, Libya, had been overrun by an al Qaeda sponsored or affiliated militia, that destroys the
narrative we’ve been hearing for months that al Qaeda has been dismantled, bin Laden is dead, we’re
safer. And Susan Rice just did not say it was a result of a mob spawned by a video like Cairo. She actually
said on Face The Nation, “I want to remind the American people this president promised to go after bin
Laden, refocus on al Qaeda. He got bin Laden. Al Qaeda has been dismantled. And the truth of the
matter is nothing could’ve been further from the truth, and the story she told reinforced a political
narrative helpful to the president, but disconnected from reality.
GREGORY: But let me just interrupt on that point. Let’s be-- be very
                                   clear about what you’re saying because you also heard Senator
                                   Feinstein say unequivocally the notion that there was a cover-up or
                                   an attempt to mislead for political reasons is absolutely wrong. She
                                   says that it’s character assassination, the way you’re criticizing her, who.
                                   . . you believe the president of the United States sent his ambassador to
                                   the U.N. out to mislead the American people so that he could get some
                                   sort of political gain before the election? That’s the cover-up you. .
                                   .you’re accusing them of?

GRAHAM: No. I’m saying that the ambassador that had nothing to do with Benghazi-- why would
you choose someone who had nothing to do with Benghazi to tell us about Benghazi? That’s kind of
odd. The president said, why pick on her? She didn’t know anything about Benghazi. She was the
most politically compliant person they could find. I don’t know what she knew but I know the story she
told was misleading. I don’t know why it was misleading. But let me put this in context. Would this
White House mislead the American people about national security events? I think they might simply
because when the bin Laden raid occurred, they leaked every detail about the raid. We have a Pakistani
doctor in custody because they told about the role he played. The underwear bomber case where we
stopped a plot in Yemen came out in the New York Times. They told us about how this administration
stopped the cyber-- the role of cyber-attacks on Iranian nuclear program in three weeks. We heard a lot of
GRAHAM: So would-- if they would leak classified information to make him look good, would they
withhold information to prevent him from LOOKING BAD? I think you could say look at that. And
secondly, our Democratic colleagues on the Valerie Plame case and Scooter Libby, all insisted the Bush
administration could not investigate themselves. When we alleged that the leaks at the highest level of
government that compromised classified information to help the president look strong politically, they would
not agree to special counsel. You got two U.S. attorneys under Eric Holder investigating the highest
levels of this government for crimes, leaking classified information to make themselves look
good. Now, you have a situation where we’re being the mis-- the American people are being misled, and
details that could hurt them politically, are not coming forth until after the election.
                                                       GREGORY:         Why Senator--       hold   on,   one
                                                       second. Why did the…
                                                       GRAHAM: So, I want to get to the bottom of it.

                                                       GREGORY: Why did the office of the Director of
                                                       National Intelligence on September 28th issue a
                                                       statement in which they-- effectively bolstering the
                                                       very remarks that Susan Rice made on this
                                                       program and others, that there was a spontaneous
                                                       element to this and there was-- contradictory
                                                       information? Was she not working off the same--
                                                       talking points that the intelligence community was
                                                       working off of and that were changed or were not
                                                       said publicly, as Senator Feinstein said, for some
                                                       reason to-- to cover up or to-- to not tip their hand
                                                       that they were investigating these terror groups?
GRAHAM: Isn’t it kind of odd, if the reason is to take al Qaeda out of the equation, to make sure that
al Qaeda doesn’t know that we are onto them, that the story they told helps the president enormously
three weeks before the election because I don’t buy that for one bit. That-- that makes no sense to
me. Al Qaeda knew we knew about them. We had people in Germany that survived the attack that could
be interviewed. We had drones overhead. I think it’s very odd that the storyline they chose omitted al
GRAHAM: …which would help the president enormously, and I don’t buy it. So-- and I don’t buy the
Intel community did a great job. I-- I like Mike Rogers and Dianne Feinstein, but to say the intelligence
committee-- community did a good job, what about the months before this attack? What about the rise
of al Qaeda in Benghazi? What about the British ambassador closing the consulate in Benghazi
because it was too dangerous for the British? What about the Red Cross leaving? What about all of
the warnings come out of Benghazi? Did the CIA tell the president that Benghazi is falling into the
hands of al Qaeda? And I blame the president more than anybody else. Susan rice is a bit player
here. Was he-- was he informed of the June attack on our consulate where they blew a hole where 40
people could go through? Was he aware of the August 15th cable where Stevens was saying we can’t
withstand a coordinated al Qaeda attack? There are 10 militia groups all over Benghazi. I blame the
president for…
GREGORY: Senator….
GRAHAM: ….making this a death trap. I blame the president for not having assets available to help these
people for eight hours. We need a select committee not only to look at intelligence failures, but how could the
Department of Defense not help these poor people for over eight hours and why did the Department of State for
months ignore pleas for help? We need to get this under one roof.
GREGORY: Senator, can Susan Rice-- can Susan Rice be confirmed of Secretary of State if nominated by the
GRAHAM: I-- I don’t know. You know, I’m deferential to the president’s picks. I voted for Kagan and
Sotomayor. President, oh-- Senator Obama voted against John Bolton, Alito and Roberts. He had a very high bar for
confirmation. I have a very low bar. I’m going to listen to what Susan Rice has to say, put her entire record in
context, but I’m not going to give her a plus for passing on a narrative…

GREGORY: But your…
GRAHAM: …that was misleading to the American people…
GREGORY: You wouldn’t filibuster her nomination?
GRAHAM: ….and whether she knew it was misleading or
not. I’m going to wait and see what the State Department’s
review has, but I’m very disappointed in-- Susan Rice,
somebody who had nothing-- who knew nothing about
Benghazi, telling a story that was disconnected from reality
that did make the president look good at a time when quite
frankly the narrative should-- should have been challenged,
not reinforced that al Qaeda was dismantled. That’s what
they wanted us to believe, that al Qaeda was dismantled,
and Benghazi was exhibit A that that storyline was not
working and was untrue.
GRAHAM: ….making this a death trap. I blame the president for not having assets available to help these
people for eight hours. We need a select committee not only to look at intelligence failures, but how could the
Department of Defense not help these poor people for over eight hours and why did the Department of State for
months ignore pleas for help? We need to get this under one roof.

See Page 190:
•   Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz
                                              •   U.S. President Barack Obama
                                              •   U.S. Congressional Members (i.e. John Boehner, John
                                                  McCain, Mitchell McConnell, Nancy Pelozi, etc.)
                                              •   Supreme Court of the United States Justices
                                              •   U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
                                              •   U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta
                                              •   U.S. FBI Director Robert Mueller
                                              •   U.S. CIA Director David Petraeus
                                              •   Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
GREGORY: Why wouldn’t we call it what it was? •   Egypt President Muhammad Morsi/The Muslim
That’s what I don’t get!                          Brotherhood
                                              •   AL QAEDA – Appears is a Terrorist Cell CREATED by the
REP. ROGERS: That’s a great question.             U.S. CIA with MANY SUB-Cells as - Ansar al-Shari:
                                            , or
GREGORY: Why not just call it what it was?
EGYPT, WATCH what you do and HOW you do it. You’re
                                       teetering with the CONGRESS in having your AID CUT OFF if
                                       you KEEP inciting violence between the Israelis and Palestinians –
                                                       11/18/12 U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham

            The CONSEQUENCES Of Making DEALS With DEVILS:
The Muslim Brotherhood/Egypt President Mohammad Morsi – Former U.S. President William “Bill”
         Clinton – U.S. President Barack Obama – U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
Reports allege Middle East citizens may have been PAID to STAGE the Protests.

Reports allege the “Muhammad Movie” was PAID for by JEWISH Supporters.


                                                                               TERRY JONES– Florida “LUNATIC
                                                                            PASTOR” Alleged To Have Been Involved
                                                                                       With the Video
                     2008:        COMPLAINT    AND   REQUEST    FOR

NOVEMBER 2008: Faxes to U.S. Senator/President-Elect Barack Obama
OCTOBER 2010:      Emergency Motion To Stay; Emergency Motion For
Enlargement Of Time and Other Relief The United States Supreme Court
Deems Appropriate To Correct The Legal Wrongs/Injustices Reported Herein
                                      BERKOWITZ, PC? MEET THEM:
                       BAKER DONELSON = TERRORISM: The unlawful use
                       or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized
                       group against people or property with the intention of
EGYPT, WATCH what      intimidating or coercing societies or governments often for
  you do and HOW       ideological or political reasons.
  you do it. You’re              Baker Donelson. . .is an ORGANIZED White Supremacist
 teetering with the    Organization/Business that has relied upon its power, positions
    CONGRESS in        and CONTROL over the United States Government to
   having your AID     UNLAWFULLY use and THREATEN use of FORCE or VIOLENCE
CUT OFF if you KEEP    against people (i.e. such as Newsome, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.)
  inciting violence    or property with the intention of INTIMIDATING or COERCING
between the Israelis   societies or governments for EVIL/WICKED and POLITICAL
  and Palestinians     POWER/GAIN.
                                                                        United States Government

    Road To

                                                                        CIA                 FBI
BAKER          DONELSON               =      DOMESTIC              TERRORISM:
Terrorism that occurs primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the
United States [18 USCA § 2331(5)]. Terrorism that is carried out
           This is what happened on 9/11 (September 11, 2001) - Under the
DIRECTION/LEADERSHIP/CONTROL of its Legal Counsel/Advisors (i.e. Baker Donelson, etc.),
President George W. Bush, Vice President Richard Bruce "Dick" Cheney, the
United States Congress/Legislature, etc. carried out one of the MOST
HORRIFIC Crimes on United States soil - - the bombing of its OWN "World Trade
Centers" and the DOWNING of its OWN Passenger Jets on United States soil which cost
the lives of MANY. . .MANY. . .Innocent people/citizens. 9/11 was a TERRORIST Act carried
out by Baker Donelson, the United States Government and other CONSPIRATORS/CO-
CONSPIRATORS against its OWN Country. 9/11 WAS NOT the acts of the man claimed to
be Osama Bin Laden. 9/11 was the United States Government and was done to INSTILL                &
Fear in the United States citizens to provide TERRORIST Groups like Baker Donelson and      DESTRUCTION
the United States Government, etc. with an EXCUSE to INVADE Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran            AHEAD
and other countries under FALSE PRETENSE - to UNLAWFULLY/ILLEGALLY take
control of their RESOURCES: Oil, Gas, Gold, Coal, Monies, Lands, etc.
                                                              United States Government

                                                            CIA                      FBI
                                                                                ROAD THAT
                                                                                  LED TO
BAKER       DONELSON            =    DOMESTIC           TERRORISM:              GOLIATH’S
Terrorism that occurs primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the     DESTRUCTION
United States [18 USCA § 2331(5)]. Terrorism that is carried out
                                                   United States Government

                                                  CIA                    FBI
BAKER DONELSON = INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM:                                                 United States Government

Terrorism that occurs primarily outside the territorial jurisdiction of the United
States, or that transcends national boundaries by the means in which it is
carried out, the people it is intended to intimidate, or the place where the
perpetrators operate to seek asylum.
             Terrorist Groups as Baker Donelson/United States Presidents/United States
Government and their CONSPIRATORS/CO-CONSPIRATORS for Decades/Years have taken
their TERRORIST acts OUTSIDE the United States INTO Foreign Countries/Lands - - for      CIA                   FBI
and CONTROL- - where such Terrorist Groups as Baker Donelson/United States
Government, etc. OPERATE to seek asylum and set up CAMPS/FORTS to SURVEY their
Targets/Victims that they seek to OVERTHROW.
Abraham           John F.             Robert          Medgar        Malcolm X        Martin Luther
    Lincoln          Kennedy            Kennedy           Evers                           King, Jr.

BAKER DONELSON = TERRORIST:                                  One who engage in acts or an act of
terrorism. Somebody who uses VIOLENCE or the THREAT of violence, especially BOMBING,
          Terrorist Groups as Baker Donelson/United States Presidents/United States Government and their
CONSPIRATORS/CO-CONSPIRATORS have engaged in acts of TERRORISM. They have not ONLY subjected Newsome to
VIOLENCE, THREATS and having her KIDNAPPED, etc. but have used such TERRORIST acts not only in the
PRESENT but also in the PAST in its ASSASSINATIONS of: (1) Former President Abraham Lincoln; (2) Former
President John F. Kennedy; (3) President Kennedy's brother Robert Kennedy; (4) Civil Rights Leader
Malcolm X; (5) Civil Rights Leader Medgar Evers; (6) Civil Rights Leader Martin Luther King Jr., and MANY
others who OPPOSED Slavery, OPPRESSION, BONDAGE and sought to move the United States forward
RATHER than back to the Past as Baker Donelson and the United States Government is trying to do now. - -
To INSTILL FEAR in people and a TOOL of CONTROL/INTIMIDATION, these people were ASSASSINATED for political
DAVID GREGORY: Senator can Susan Rice
                                                      be confirmed as Secretary of State if nominated
                                                      by the President?
LINDSEY GRAHAM (United States Senator – Armed Services Committee): I don’t know. I’m differential
to the President’s picks. I voted for Kagan and Sotomayor. President . . .Senator Obama voted AGAINST
John Bolton, Alito and Roberts. He had a VERY HIGH bar for confirmation. I have a very LOW bar. I’m
going to listen what Susan Rice has to say, put her ENTIRE record in context, but I’m NOT going to give her
a plus for passing on a narrative that was MISLEADING to the American people. . . .

GREGORY: You wouldn’t FILIBUSTER her nomination?

GRAHAM: . . .and whether she KNEW it was misleading or not.

I’m going to wait and see what the States Department’s Review
has. But I’m very disappointed in Susan Rice – somebody who had
nothing. . .who knew nothing about Benghazi telling a story that
was DISCONNECTED from reality that did make the President
look good and at a time
GRAHAM: when quite franklyMABUS’ EMPLOYMENT HISTORY – Baker Donelson Bearman
                            the narrative should have
been challenged not REINFORCED that Berkowitz: was
                           Caldwell & Al Qaeda
DISMANTLED. That’s what they wanted us to believe.
That Al Qaeda was DISMANTLED and Benghazi was
EXHIBIT “A” that, that STORYLINE was NOT working

- was UNTRUE!! . . .
                                       Baker Donelson Is Legal Counsel To President Barack Obama, Congressional
                                       Members and Supreme Court Justices:
KERRY LADKA: This question actually comes from a
                                                                 Brain Trust that my friends at Global Telecom Supply in
                                                                 Minneola yesterday.

                                                                 PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: Ah hah.

                                                                 LADKA: We were sitting around talking about Libya and
                                                                 we were reading and became aware of reports that the State
                                                                 Department REFUSED EXTRA security for our Embassy
                                                                 in Benghazi, Libya PRIOR to the attacks that KILLED
                                                                 four Americans. WHO was it that DENIED ENHANCED
                                                                 security and WHY?
PRESIDENT OBAMA: Let me first of all talk about our Diplomats because they serve all around the world and do an
incredible job in a very dangerous situation and these aren’t just Representatives of the United States, their my
Representatives. I send them there. Often times into harm’s way. I know these folks and I know their families. So nobody
is more concerned about their safety and security than I am. So as soon as we found out that the Benghazi Consulate was
being overrun I was on the phone with my National Security Team and I gave them THREE INSTRUCTIONS:

          No. 1:       Beef up our security and safe. . . procedures. Not just in Libya but in every Embassy and Consulate in
the Region.
              No. 2:  Investigate EXACTLY what happened. REGARDLESS of where the FACTS lead us. To make sure
that folks are HELD ACCOUNTABLE and it DOESN’T happen again; and
             No. 3: We are going to FIND OUT WHO DID THIS and we are going to HUNT THEM DOWN. Because
one of the things I have said throughout my presidency is, “When folks mess with Americans, we go AFTER

Now Governor Romney had a different response. While we were still dealing with our Diplomats being THREATENED,
Governor Romney put out a Press Release. Trying to make POLITICAL POINTS and that’s NOT how a Commander-In-
Chief operates. You DON’T turn National Security into a POLITICAL Issue. Certainly NOT right when it’s happening . .

           It appears from research, United States of America Secretary of State
HILLARY CLINTON conducted a television interview in which she BOAST
about the United States’ ROLE in bringing about the COLLAPSE of the Soviet
Union as well as the STINGERS the United States’ Wars have left across the
Middle East.

            It appears from the Television Interview, Secretary of State HILLARY
CLINTON BOAST about the United States of America’s creation of Terrorist Cells
as AL QAEDA and how the United States of America is NOW fighting its
CREATIONS (i.e. Terrorist Cell Members of groups CREATED by it). Secretary
Hillary Clinton also THREATENING SANCTIONS on Middle Eastern Nations
that opposes the United States of America’s TERRORIST Acts and/or War Crimes!

             Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Television Interview was out there and
available in MANY PUBLIC Social/Internet Forums. However, it appears that in
would follow from Secretary Clinton’s Television Interview, United States of
America President Barack Obama and his Legal Counsel/Advisor Baker Donelson
Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz (i.e. having WHITE SUPREMACIST and
JEWISH ties/connections) resorted to using their CONTROL and connections
with Social Forums as to PUSH and PROMOTE their ROLE in
that reports allege was FINANCED by JEWISH supporters – and PUSHED by a
JEWISH-Run MAINSTREAM Media for purposes of INCITING and
PROVOKING the unrest in the Middle East MASTERMINDED by the United
States of America, ISRAEL and their ALLIES!
1) The United States of America has INITIATED and
STARTED Wars for purposes of TRAINING White
Supremacist Group Members; and

2) The United States of America has CONSPIRED with
Israel to use the United States’ Military to fight Israel’s
RELIGIOUS Wars AGAINST Muslim/Islamic Nations as
well as Christians – i.e. in that it is NO Secret that Israel is
ANTI-Muslim/Islamic as well as ANTI-Christian.

However, to use the United States of America’s Military
forces to carry out such HORRENDOUS and HIDEOUS
War Crimes to PROMOTE their HIDDEN
are War Crimes that may require SWIFT JUSTICE to END
the TERRORIST Acts of the United States of America,
Israel and their Allies in the Middle East and other Regions!
. . .not everybody agrees with some of the decisions I’ve made. But when it comes to our
National Security, I mean what I say. I said I’d end the War in Libya. . .in Iraq and I did. I said
that we’d go after Al Qaeda and Bin Laden – We have! I said that we’d transition out of
Afghanistan and start making sure that Afghans are responsible for their own security – That’s
what I’m doing; and when it comes to this issue – When I say that we are going to find out
ULTIMATELY RESPONSIBLE for what’s taking place there, because these are my folks and
I’m the one who has to GREET THE COFFINS when they come home, you know I MEAN
Secretary Clinton has done an
WORKS for me. I’m the President
and that’s why nobody is more
interested in finding out EXACTLY
what happened than I do.
The day AFTER the attack Governor I
stood in the Rose Garden and I told the
American people and the WORLD that
we are going to find out EXACTLY
what happened, that this was an ACT
of TERROR, and I also said we’re
and a few days later, I was there
greeting the CASKETS coming into
Andrews Air Force Base and grieving
with the families. And the suggestion
that anybody in MY Team or the
Secretary    of    State,  our     UN
Ambassador, anybody on MY Team
would play POLITICS or MISLEAD
Governor is OFFENSIVE. That’s
NOT what we do. That’s NOT what I
do as President. That’s NOT what I do
as Commander-In-Chief.
The bucks stop with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton? At least that’s what Clinton
told CNN in an interview on yesterday about the attack in Benghazi that led to the death of
Ambassador Chris Stevens. In fact, the argument over what happened in Benghazi was a huge
part of tonight’s Presidential Debate. Ben has the “Reality Check” you won’t see anywhere
BEN SWANN: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made the statement in an interview with
CNN. Here’s a portion:

           HILLARY CLINTON: I take responsibility. I’m in charge of the State Department -
           60,000 plus people all over the world – 275 Posts. The President and the Vice
           President certainly wouldn’t be KNOWLEDGEABLE about SPECIFIC decisions
           that are made by SECURITY PROFESSIONALS.
BEN SWANN: So what exactly did Secretary of State Hillary Clinton TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for?
Well to understand that, you have to consider what Vice President Biden said in last week’s VP Debate:

         VICE PRESIDENT JOSEPH BIDEN: We WEREN’T TOLD they wanted more security. We did
         NOT know they wanted MORE security.

BEN SWANN: The reason why Biden’s statement was so SURPRISING because the House OVERSIGHT
Committee announced last week that at least 13 SECURITY-RELATED incidents had taken place in the
PAST six (6) months at the Mission in Libya and in the letter sent to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
from the Committee:

         “Multiple U.S. federal government officials have confirmed. . .that, PRIOR to the Sept. 11
         attack, the U.S. mission in Libya made REPEATED requests for INCREASED security in
         Benghazi. . .The mission in Libya, however, was DENIED these resources by officials in
         Washington.” – Letter to Sec. of State Hillary Clinton
So that means:

           1 - The U.S. Mission in Libya made REPEATED requests for security.

           2 – Those REQUESTS were DENIED by Washington.

           3 – Vice President Biden says the White House DIDN’T KNOW.

           4 – Secretary of State Clinton now says she’s the one RESPONSIBLE; and she went on to say
                    HILLARY CLINTON: . . .In the wake of an attack like this, in the fog of war, there is always
                    going to be confusion and I believe it is absolutely fair to say that everyone had the SAME
                    intelligence. Everyone who spoke. . .

                    REPORTER: BAD intelligence it seems though. . .

                    HILLARY CLINTON: Well, everyone who spoke tried to give the information that they had.
                    As time has gone on, the information has CHANGED. We’ve gotten more detail. But that’s
                    NOT surprising. That always happens.
BEN SWANN: But in the Spirit of “Reality Check,” let’s deal in REALITY. Because what Secretary Clinton
said right there, is NOT TRUE. She’s going back to the YouTube video, we thought it was a protest, turns –out- it-
wasn’t argument. As Reality Check has told you, information from across the INTELLIGENCE Community
within 24 Hours of that attack, pointed to an attack by Ansor al-Sharia – a Libyan Branch of Al Qaeda – and
yet the prevailing narrative from statements from President Obama, UN Secretary Susan Rice and even Clinton
herself, FOCUSED on the INFLUENCE of the YouTube video.

So the bottom line here, even though NATIONAL Media CONTINUES to PRAISE Clinton for “FALLING on
her SWORD,” as they say; she’s done NOTHING of the kind! Hasn’t RESIGNED! Hasn’t been FIRED! Isn’t
taking the fall for anything! She hasn’t even made a PUBLIC APOLOGY to the family of Secretary Stevens and
the three other Americans for NOT passing along and approving those REQUESTS for MORE SECURITY.

Why not an apology to the YouTube filmmaker - - Who even if you disagree with his movie, was NOT responsible
for those DEATHS of four Americans after all?

At least this - - Tell us what SPECIFIC policies and protocol might be changed in light of what happened. You see
it’s HARD to take RESPONSIBILITY and CLAIM you’ve done NOTHING wrong. And that is REALITY
It appears these Americans and others have
DIED because TERRORISTS as Baker Donelson
Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz and their
TERRORIST CELLS – Al Qaeda - have NOT been
NEWS ANCHOR: Is the United States supporting Al Qaeda in SYRIA? Reality Check looked at a report
from Reuters last week that indicates that the answer is YES!
          So why did an Irish journalist claim that Ben was "supporting propaganda in support of Syria's
leader?" Ben has the REALITY CHECK that you won't see anywhere else.

BEN SWASENN: It was Sunday when Anonymous was able to hack the Reuters News Service Twitter
account. Well as part of that, they twitted our Realty Check based on a Reuters article that the Obama
clip from that report:
BEN SWASENN:    But the BIG QUESTION that       NO
                          ONE IS ASKING, "WHO ARE THESE
                          REBELS   THAT    THE                     U.S.      IS
                          SUPPORTING? Well buried at          the bottom of that
                          Reuters Article,
                                        "Recent News reports from the region has
                          suggested thatthe influence and numbers of Islamist
                          Militants someof them connected to Al Qaeda or its
                          affiliates havebeen GROWING AMONG ASSAD'S
                              In response a PRO-OPPOSITION REPORTER from
                          theIrish Times Online, Mary
                          Fitzgerald, called our story PRO-ASSAD
                          propaganda.    So   is Are we
                                                   that   TRUE?
                          SHIELDING for Assad? Or maybe
                          we are just SHIELDING FOR THE

FACT NUMBER 1:                         There is NO
                             QUESTION that Al Qaeda FIGHTERS ARE
                             PART OF THE OPPOSITION FORCES
                             ATTEMPTING TO OVERTHROW Syria's
                             Government - - From the New York Times: July
                                   "One al-Qaeda operative a 56-year old known
                             as Abu Thuhu who lives near Kirkuk in Iraq, spoke to
                             an Iraqi reporter for the New York Times on Tuesday.
                             'We have experience now fighting the Americans, and
                             more experience now with the Syrian revolution,’ he
                             said. 'Our big hope is to form a Syrian-Iraqi Islamic
                             state for all Muslims, and then announce our war
                             against Iran and Israel, and free Palestine.'"
                               Well we already know that much of the
                             opposition in Libya to overthrow Gadaffi
                             were al-Qaeda fighters. But if we look at
                             HISTORY, NONE OF THIS IS
                             ANYTHING NEW!

FACT NUMBER 2: The creation
                                           of al-Qaeda wasn't Islamic fundalmentalism, it
                                           was the CIA. The Mujahideen was created by the
                                           CIA to create problems for the Soviets. You might say that's
                                           crazy talk right? Here's Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

                                                       HILLARY CLINTON: To be fair, we had helped create the
                                                problem we are now fighting.

                                                      REPORTER: How?

HILLARY CLINTON: Because when the Soviet Union
invaded Afghanistan, we had this brilliant idea that we were

             create a force
going to come to Pakistan and

of Mujahideen, equip them with stinger
missiles and everything else to go after the Soviets inside of
BEN SWASENN: Ah, so it's NOT a conspiracy
                          theory, it's HISTORY; and its HISTORY that's
                          being REPEATED in Libya and NOW in SYRIA!
                          But there is a BIGGER PROBLEM HERE! One
                          that     EVERY      American     SHOULD        BE
                          QUESTIONING!         We're fighting al-Qaeda in
                          Afghanistan, but we're ALSO BOMBING al-Qaeda
                          TARGETS in PAKISTAN and in YEMEN; and as
                          we do that, something occurs KNOWN AS
                          COLLATERAL DAMAGE! Hundreds of civilians
                          in Yemen have been KILLED in just the first half of
                          2012, by U.S. AIR STRIKES AIMED at al-Qaeda
                          fighters. From NPR:
                                              "In the mid-May strike
                              in Joar, for example, Yemeni officials
                              said two militants and eight civilians
                              were killed. According to residents we
                              spoke with, no militants were killed but
                              there were 17 to 26 civilian deaths.
                              That was just one of more than 40
                              documented strikes this year alone."

BEN SWASENN: By the way, in that picture right there, that boy is
                         15 years old and he was wounded while watching his father and
                         brother die in one of those air strikes. So what YOU NEED TO
                         KNOW TONIGHT IS HEAVY!                   OUR GOVERNMENT IS
                         WAR WITH AL-QAEDA - in IRAQ where al-Qaeda had NO
                         presence BEFORE the U.S. War, al-Qaeda is NOW THRIVING!
                         The SAME al-Qaeda - YES - CREATED BY THE U.S.
                         GOVERNMENT in order to HARM the SOVIETS and today, at
                         least 13,000 CIVILIANS in Afghanistan are DEAD as a result of that
                         War with al-Qaeda.

                           So with all respect to Ms. Fitzgerald, from the Irish Times, this is
                         NOT propaganda! Rather it is the QUESTION that EVERY
                         American SHOULD BE DEMANDING ANSWERS ON FROM
                         CONGRESS and this PRESIDENT! WHY ARE WE GIVING al-
                         Qaeda fighters MONEY and WEAPONS to OVERTHROW yet
                         ANOTHER GOVERNMENT in the Middle East?

                              TODAY our Government claims they are FREEING the
                              people of Syria! TOMORROW, if HISTORY TELLS
                              US ANYTHING,         we will be KILLING and
                              WOUNDING civilians in AIR STRIKES and then
                              REFERRING to them as COLLATERAL DAMAGE in a
                              War with an ENEMY who we BROUGHT to POWER - -
                              and that is REALITY CHECK!!!!

Taking on the United States of America’s CREATED
Middle East TERRORIST CELL(S) – Al Qaeda - being
used to OVERTHROW the Syrian Government

HOLDING the United States of America’s President and
CONGRESSIONAL Members RESPONSIBLE for what appears to be
their ROLE in the OVERTHROW of Syrian Government!
Syria President Bashar al-Assad KNOWS the INTERNATIONAL
TERRORISTS – United States of America and its Middle East

If “CHEMICAL WEAPONS” that are alleged may be used – HOLD the
United States of America’s President Barack Obama/CONGRESS and
their Legal Counsel/Advisor Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell &
Berkowitz     and    their     CONSPIRATORS/CO-CONSPIRATORS
Baker Donelson is Legal Counsel/Advisor to the United
States of America Presidents, Congressional Members and
Supreme Court of the United States.

It appears Baker Donelson played a MAJOR Role in using its
employees – David S. Addington and Lawrence Eagleburger to
produce a FALSE “Iraq Study Group Report” with its Supreme
Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor on the Panel as well. NO
Weapons of Mass Destruction were found in IRAQ. Look at the
LIVES lost from such LIES and TERRORIST’S Acts!
George C. Montgomery

Baker Donelson is Legal Counsel/Advisor to the United States of America Presidents, Congressional Members and
Supreme Court of the United States – Places its employees in positions as U.S. Ambassadors, in agencies as the
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) for purposes of furthering its WHITE
SUPREMACIST/TERRORIST Agendas. For instance, Howard BAKER (a descendant of founder of Baker
Donelson) served as CHIEF of Staff to United States President as well as U.S. Ambassador.

GEORGE C. MONTGOMERY a Baker Donelson employee also served as a U.S. Ambassador and is hailed for
knowing “the value of working with U.S. embassies on behalf of his clients in the MIDDLE EAST. Diplomats
always have the most UP-TO-DATE PICTURE of the region, he says, and the MOST IN-DEPTH understanding
The United States of America LIED about
“Weapons of Mass Destruction” in Iraq it
appears for purposes of GAINING access to
the region to build and organize its
TERRORIST Cells – Al Qaeda – to
OVERTHROW Middle East Governments and

They were successful in getting Saddam
Hussein.    Now they are AFTER Syria
President Bashar al-Assad; however, did NOT
expect President al-Assad to use whatever
means NECESSARY to DEFEND Syria from
these INTERNATIONAL Terrorists.
Syria President Bashar al-Assad may know that the United States of America is BROKE
FINANCIALLY – i.e. CANNOT afford to CONTINUE to SECRETLY finance its Middle East
Therefore, it appears that United States of America President Barack Obama – like
President George W. Bush – took on a battle on the advice of WHITE RACIST Legal
Counsel Baker Donelson and NOW MUST “TUCK-TAIL” in DEFEAT.           It is time to
HOLD the United States of America RESPONSIBLE for its ROLE in the Middle East
WAR CRIMES and then ABANDONING opposition forces who are continuing to look
for monies and weapons from the United States of America and its
It appears from the News coverage, the PLAN was to put Mitt Romney in the White House. However,
it appears that an ELEVENTH (11TH ) Hour event may have occurred that caused for the
SCRAPPING of this 2012 ELECTION FRAUD/SCAM - - putting Barack Obama BACK in the White
House RATHER than going with Mitt Romney. What may that have been? OOPS

1. The POSTING of Vogel Denise Newsome’s SlideShare Document entitled, UNDERSTANDING THE

2. The November 5, 2012 (day BEFORE Presidential Election) Supreme Court of United States
   filing by Vogel Denise Newsome:
Well we always say that elections have CONSEQUENCES especially for the LOSING Campaign. It's
CLEAR that the Romney Campaign was PREPARED for a VICTORY ELECTION NIGHT. Sources
today told of the moment that Romney himself said, "It's NOT going to happen" while his wife Ann
CRIED by his side that night. The Campaign VICTORY CELEBRATION FIREWORKS in Boston
Harbor had to be TAKEN DOWN - disassembled - and then SOMEHOW this ended up on the web.
PRESIDENT-ELECT, a section on the INAUGURATION and how to JOIN the Romney
Administration that of course wasn't to be.

The PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT That EXPOSED The United States of America’s
The POSTING of Mitt Romney’s PRESIDENT-Elect Website was NO ACCIDENT!

This is information the PUBLIC/WORLD needs to see so they can understand how CORRUPT
and TAINTED the United States of America’s ELECTIONS are.

Elections CONTROLLED/RUN by White Supremacist and Jewish ZIONISTS!
In May 2008,    Obama asked Lu to begin planning for a possible presidential transition.
  Obama warned him to tell NO one about the nascent operation, even his own wife, so Lu
  quietly rented a small office in D.C. and secretly met with people who had worked                                      on
  previous Democratic presidential transition efforts. The planning efforts produced policy options on a wide range of topics,
  compiled names of and began vetting potential political appointees for top jobs, arranged over 100 security clearances, and
  managed the logistics for expanding the operations after Election Day.


While President Barack Obama’s knowledge of becoming President of the United States of
America appears to have been as early as May of 2008, report(s) allege that Mitt Romney appears
to have known as early            as JUNE 2012, if NOT before!
                                 Americans’ VOTING RIGHTS!
Now YOU know the TRUTH as to WHY Michelle Obama
had on an OLD DRESS and Ann Romney the RED.
Now YOU know the TRUTH as to WHY Mitt Romney
did NOT have a CONCESSION Speech, WHY he had
the     Campaign      VICTORY       CELEBRATION
FIREWORKS on his side and WHY Mitt Romney’s
PRESIDENT-Elect Website was up and ready to go
leading to the “ELECTION BEING YANKED” right from
underneath Romney and WHY it took OVER an HOUR
for him to prepare and give his CONCESSION Speech –
i.e. it appears they had to BREAK THE NEWS WHY
they were NOT putting him in the White House!

following day!
PURPOSES - - WHY the General Petraeus SEX
SCANDAL does NOT pass the “SMELL TEST” - it appears:

1.   FRONT/COVER-UP for the LAST minute decision to
     YANK of the Presidential Elections from Mitt Romney that
     was originally PLANNED
2.   The PLAN was to place Mitt Romney in the White House;
     therefore, President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Leon
     Panetta, General Petraeus and others would have been
     out – AVOIDING a carry over in the Benghazi Attack
     Investigation(s); however, because of the LAST-MINUTE
     blow and the EXPOSURE of ObamaFraudGate, this was
     a CRISIS that the Obama Administration, CONGRESS,
     the SUPREME COURT of the United States and their
     Legal Counsel/Advisor Baker Donelson Bearman
     Caldwell & Berkowitz did NOT see coming.  PS
CONNECTIONS May Be Used In The COVER-UP Of ObamaFraudGate – Beginning at Page 242:

          Leonard Goldenson – President of ABC
          Leslie Monves – President of CBS
          Jeffrey Zucker – President and Chief Executive Officer of NBC
          Gerald Levin – Chief Executive Officer of Time Warner
          Steven Anthony Ballmer – Chief Executive Officer of MicroSoft
The Mainstream Media is PRO-Obama and BIAS:            
PUSHING JEWISH PRACTICES and BELIEFS: It appears ObamaFraudGate included placing the FIRST GAY President in the
White House. It is NO SECRET that Congressman Barney Frank (Jewish – U.S. House Committee on FINANCIAL Services) is
GAY! What is DISTURBING are REPORT(S) that President Obama may have engaged in CRIMINAL acts to have his
HOMOSEXUAL lifestyle kept SECRET:
So Barack Obama’s “SECRET” KILL LIST may have begun BEFORE his entering the White House:

It appears NOT MEETING the REQUIREMENT under the 25th Amendment of the United States Constitution to
become President of the United States, United States of America President Barack Obama, his Legal Counsel/Advisor Baker
Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz, the United States CONGRESS and SUPREME COURT of the United States
and other CONSPIRATORS/CO-CONSPIRATORS conspired to put Barack Obama in the White House and a COURSE
ObamaFraudGate - The Benghazi COVER-UP
ObamaFraudGate - The Benghazi COVER-UP
ObamaFraudGate - The Benghazi COVER-UP
ObamaFraudGate - The Benghazi COVER-UP
ObamaFraudGate - The Benghazi COVER-UP
ObamaFraudGate - The Benghazi COVER-UP
ObamaFraudGate - The Benghazi COVER-UP
ObamaFraudGate - The Benghazi COVER-UP
ObamaFraudGate - The Benghazi COVER-UP
ObamaFraudGate - The Benghazi COVER-UP
ObamaFraudGate - The Benghazi COVER-UP
ObamaFraudGate - The Benghazi COVER-UP
ObamaFraudGate - The Benghazi COVER-UP
ObamaFraudGate - The Benghazi COVER-UP
ObamaFraudGate - The Benghazi COVER-UP

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ObamaFraudGate - The Benghazi COVER-UP

  • 1. STARRING : EXECUTIVE BRANCH MEMBERS: United States of America President Barack Obama, United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, LEGISLATIVE BRANCH MEMBERS: United States CONGRESSIONAL Members, JUDICIAL BRANCH MEMBERS: SUPREME COURT of United States Justices and their Legal Counsel/Advisor Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz, The Muslim Brotherhood/Egypt President Mohammad Morsi and other CONSPIRATORS/CO-CONSPIRATORS
  • 2. - The GATE KEEPERS
  • 4. We now know Barack Hussein Obama KNEW within TWO HOURS that the ATTACK on the Benghazi Consulate was carried out by TERRORISTS. We now know that THREE Emails were sent all going DIRECTLY to the White House SITUATION Room in which the last email IDENTIFIED the Muslim Brotherhood connected group Ansar al-Sharia is taking responsibility. WHY the COVERUP? WHY the LACK of ADEQUATE Security at the Consulate? Let us go back in time.
  • 5. Benghazi according to Memos and Reports by Ambassador Chris Stevens and others was in a “State of BORDERLINE Anarchy” with TERRORISTS freely roaming the streets. FREQUENT assassinations, bombings and kidnappings. On September 11, the day the Libyan Consulate was attacked and Ambassador Chris Stevens was MURDERED, Stevens wrote a Memo describing the DETERIORATING CONDITIONS in Benghazi. Despite WIDESPREAD cause for MORE SECURITY at Consulate, the AMOUNT of Security Personnel at the Consulate is MINIMUM! On September 11, 9:30 p.m. Benghazi time, 3:30 in the afternoon in Washington, a COORDINATED TERRORIST attack – really a more of a SMALL- SCALE invasion – took place over a several hour period. With the Muslim Brotherhood-Connected Islamic Flag flying, the INVADERS (an Islamic Group called al-Sharia) would SCALE the walls and BEGIN the attack. Being ARMED with ROCKET- PROPELLED grenades, mortars and machine guns.
  • 6. Despite the attack taking place over a several hour period, NO help is DISPATCHED! The Muslim Brotherhood- LINKED forces out numbered the SCANT Security at the Consulate. If they SIMPLY wanted to KILL Ambassador Stevens and the other Americans, they could have LOBBED dozens of RPGs and mortars at the building that American Personnel were hiding out in and gotten OUT QUICKLY! It is OBVIOUS they were trying to take HOSTAGES! Specifically, Ambassador Stevens. More than likely to TRADE for the Muslim Brotherhood’s beloved Blind Sheik. Getting IMPATIENT with Obama’s SLOW TIME TABLE to SECRETLY release the CONVICTED TERRORIST: Egypt has asked for the RELEASE of the SO-CALLED Blind Sheik (Omar-Abdel-Rahman) and DESPITE White House DENIALS, New York Congressman Peter King says, “The Administration IS WEIGHING the possibility.”
  • 7. the attackers weren’t able to extract Ambassador Chris Stevens is This VIDEO is DISGUSTING and WHYHILLARY CLINTON (United States Secretary of State): UNKNOWN. They may have been trying to FLUSH him out by SETTING FIRE to the building he was hiding in. And instead of escaping from the building he was REPREHENSIBLE! OVERCOME by SMOKE INHALATION. JAY CARNEY (White House Press Secretary): This is in RESPONSE to a VIDEO that is On September 12, the White House NARRATIVE began it was the ANTI-Muslim YouTube Video that CAUSED the attack OFFENSIVE! on the Libyan Consulate: UNITED STATES AMBASSADOR To The United Nations SUSAN RICE: …Recent VIOLENCE was the airing on the INTERNET of a very HATEFUL, very OFFENSIVE VIDEO. to DENIGRATE the UNITED STATES PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: We REJECT all efforts Religious beliefs of others.
  • 8. Obama would CROWN this FANTASY at the UN. Mentioning the YouTube VIDEO SIX times! This YouTube STORY would last TWO weeks when Obama would FINALLY admit that it was a TERRORIST attack. But then would BLAME the INTELLIGENCE Community for FEEDING him ERRONEOUS information. On September 13, a LIBYAN Newscast would CONNECT the Muslim Brotherhood President Mohammad Morsi with the attack of the Libyan Consulate. . . Video of this would be UPLOADED to YouTube which would SUBSEQUENTLY DISAPPEAR! Western Journalism would obtain an EXCLUSIVE copy of this video.
  • 9. On October 8, Kevin DuJan would write an article on CHARGING that “Obama had been INVOLVED in the Benghazi Attack. That he had PLANNED on as an OCTOBER SURPRISE to RELEASE the Blind Sheik to the Muslim Brotherhood in EXCHANGE for Ambassador Stevens.” On October 15, Western Journalism BROKE the News that a SOURCE (WITHIN the White House) had stated that, “Barack Hussein Obama INDEED ORCHESTRATED the ATTEMPTED-Kidnapping of Chris Stevens as PART of an OCTOBER SURPRISE!” What we are NOW WITNESSING is the BIGGEST COVER-UP in U.S. History that will be MARVELED at UNTIL the END of TIME! TREASON!
  • 10. PRESIDENT OBAMA: Since our founding, the United States has been a Nation that respects all faiths. We REJECT all efforts to degenerate the religious beliefs of others. But there is absolutely NO justification for this type of senseless violence. None. The World MUST stand together to unequivocally, reject these brutal acts. JAY CARNEY: This is fairly a volatile situation and it IS IN RESPONSE not to United States’ policy, NOT to obviously the Administration, NOT to the American people. It IS IN RESPONSE TO A VIDEO. A FILM that we have JUDGED to be reprehensible and disgusting. That in NO WAY justifies any violent reaction to it. But this is NOT a case of PROTEST directed at the United States at large or U.S. Policy. This is IN RESPONSE TO A VIDEO that is offensive and. . .to Muslims.
  • 11. REPORTER: Jay, Let’s be clear . . . JAY CARNEY: These PROTESTS were in REACTION to a VIDEO that had spread to the Region. REPORTER: At Benghazi? JAY CARNEY: We certainly DON’T KNOW! We DON’T KNOW otherwise. You know we have NO information to suggest that it was a PREPLANNED ATTACK! The UNREST that we have seen around the Region has been in REACTION to a VIDEO that Muslims. . .many Muslims find offensive. REPORTER: Your operating assumption is that. . .that was IN RESPONSE to the VIDEO in Benghazi? I just want to CLEAR THAT UP! That’s the FRAME MARK? That’s the OPERATING assumption? JAY CARNEY: It’s NOT an ASSUMPTION!
  • 12. REPORTER: . . .that there are folks that DISPUTE that this looks like something OTHER than the VIDEO. . . JAY CARNEY: I think that there has been MIXED reports on this Jake even in the Press, which some of it has been SPECULATIVE! What I am telling you is this is under investigation. The UNREST around the Region has been IN RESPONSE to this VIDEO. We DO NOT at this moment have information to SUGGEST or to TELL you that. . .would INDICATE any of this UNREST was PRE- PLANNED! Jake, again, what we have seen is UNREST around the Region in RESPONSE to a VIDEO! . . .
  • 13. The CAUSE of the UNREST was a VIDEO. . . The REASON why there’s UNREST is BECAUSE of the FILM! This is in RESPONSE to the FILM! We REJECT its MESSAGE and its CONTENTS! We find it both DISGUSTING and REPREHENSIBLE! America has a history of religious tolerance and respect for religious beliefs and that history goes back to our Nation’s founding. But there is absolutely. . .as I’ve said, absolutely NO justification at all for RESPONDING to this MOVIE with VIOLENCE and we are MAKING . . .we are WORKING rather that Muslims around the GLOBE hear that message. . . . We are RESPONDING to and COPING with and DEALING with Countries around the GLOBE UNREST brought about by this offensive VIDEO!
  • 14. REPORTER: You said earlier said that the course. . .CAUSE of the UNREST was a VIDEO and you REPEATED IT . . .something SIMILAR later on. . . I just want to be CLEAR . . .Is that TRUE of Benghazi and Cairo? JAY CARNEY: I’m saying . . .that. . .the INCIDENT in Benghazi, as well as elsewhere, these are ALL being INVESTIGATED! What I am saying, is that we have NO EVIDENCE at this time to SUGGEST otherwise. That. . .That there was a PRE-PLAN or. . .an ULTERIOR INSTIGATION behind that UNREST. . . We DON’T have and did NOT have CONCRETE evidence to SUGGEST that this was NOT in reaction to the FILM! But we are obviously INVESTIGATING the matter. .
  • 15. UNITED STATES SECRETARY OF STATE HILLARY CLINTON: Nobody wants to get answers more than I do. These were people who I care deeply about. I knew Chris Stevens. I asked him PERSONALLY to be in Benghazi during Libyan Revolution. I PERSONALLY nominated him to being Ambassador because I could not think of a better person to represent the United States. Somebody who understood what was at stake for Libya, what was at stake for the United States. How these Revolutions – you know – could be so positive or could be HIJACKED. He understood that and he was instrumental in working with the Libyans. So I care deeply about what happened that night. I care deeply about what we’re going to be doing going forward and I want everybody to know that we’re going to get to the bottom of this and when we do that, information will all be public and people will be able to draw their own conclusions. A BEAST Who PREYS On VICTIMS And Will Do ANYTHING To HIDE Her CRIMES!
  • 16. The Film Producer BLAMED for IGNITING riots WORLDWIDE is in JAIL TONIGHT! The California man is being held WITHOUT BAIL on charges that he VIOLATED PROBATION! Nakoula Basseley Nakoula was sent to PRISON for BANK FRAUD in 2009, and as part of his SUPERVISED release, he’s NOT ALLOWED to use any devices that can ACCESS the INTERNET or POST anything to the Web WITHOUT his Probation Officer’s PERMISSION. The Trailer for his LOW-BUDGET film, “Innocence of Muslims,” was posted on YOUTUBE over the SUMMER. Actors who were in the film are NOW FEARING for their LIVES! ACTRESS: My life has been turned upside down. I’m having to live pretty much in HIDING. REPORTER: Can you ever go home again? ACTRESS: I don’t know. I don’t think so. Four of the actors in the movie plan to sue the producer saying, “there was NO MENTION of Islam in the script they were asked to perform.” And THAT film IS BLAMED for several DEADLY attacks – INCLUDING the one at the U.S. Embassy in Libya on September 11 that KILLED four Americans including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens. A law enforcement source tells CNN WITHIN 24 hours of the attack, U.S. INTELLIGENCE SAW signs that it WAS the work of AL- QEADA or other extremists. WHITE HOUSE Officials have been CRITIZED for ORGINALLY BLAMING it on PROTESTS over the Anti-Muslim film.
  • 17. Iran says it RESERVES RIGHT to RETALIATE A U.S. California FEDERAL Judge has declared EGYPTIAN-American if attacked Nakoula Basseley Nakoula a “FLIGHT RISK” and ORDERED him Netanyahu: RED lines MUST be set for IRAN detained. Nakoula was behind the cruelly-produced Anti-Islam film that has INFLAMED parts of the Middle East. Nakoula has a LENGTHY criminal record. He was sentenced to 21 months in prison due to 2010 Check Fraud conviction and was BARRED from using COMPUTERS or the INTERNET for FIVE (5) years WITHOUT APPROVAL from his PROBATION Officer. On September 18, EGYPT’S Prosecutor General ORDERED seven (7) EGYPTIAN Coptic Christians including Nakoula and a U.S. Pastor to TRIAL. The Prosecutor General requested that the eight (8) Defendants be ARRESTED by INTERPOL and HANDED OVER to EGYPTIAN Authorities.
  • 18. The bucks stop with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton? At least that’s what Clinton told CNN in an interview on yesterday about the attack in Benghazi that led to the death of Ambassador Chris Stevens. In fact, the argument over what happened in Benghazi was a huge part of tonight’s Presidential Debate. Ben has the “Reality Check” you won’t see anywhere else. BEN SWANN: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made the statement in an interview with CNN. Here’s a portion: HILLARY CLINTON: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CREATED AL-QAEDA!
  • 19. HILLARY CLINTON: I TAKE RESPONSIBILITY! I'm in charge of the State Department. 60,000 plus people all over the world - 275 posts. The President and Vice President certainly WOULDN'T be KNOWLEDGABLE about SPECIFIC decisions that are made by SECURITY PROFESSIONALS. So what EXACTLY did Secretary of State Hillary Clinton take RESPONSIBILITY FOR? Well to understand that you have to consider what Vice President Biden said in last week's VP Debate. BIDEN: We WEREN’T told they wanted more security. We did NOT know they wanted MORE SECURITY.
  • 20. The reason why Biden's statement was so SUPRISING because the House OVERSIGHT Committee 13-SECURITY RELATED incidents had ANNOUNCED last week that at least TAKEN PLACE in the LAST SIX MONTHS at the Mission in Libya and in a letter sent to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton from the Committee, "MULTIPLE U.S. Government Officials have CONFIRMED that PRIOR to the September 11 ATTACK, the U.S. Mission in Libya made REPEATED REQUESTS for INCREASE Security in Benghazi. The Mission in Libya, however, was DENIED these RESOUCES by OFFICIALS in Washington." HILLARY CLINTON: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CREATED AL-QAEDA!
  • 21. So that means: 1 - The U.S. Mission in Libya made REPEATED requests for security. 2 – Those REQUESTS were DENIED by Washington. 3 – Vice President Biden says the White House DIDN’T KNOW. 4 – Secretary of State Clinton now says she’s the one RESPONSIBLE; and she went on to say this:
  • 22. HILLARY CLINTON: . . .In the wake of an attack like this, in the fog of war, there is always going to be confusion and I believe it is absolutely fair to say that everyone had the SAME intelligence. Everyone who spoke. . . REPORTER: BAD intelligence it seems though. . . HILLARY CLINTON: Well, everyone who spoke tried to give the information that they had. As time has gone on, the information has CHANGED. We’ve gotten more detail. But that’s NOT surprising. That always happens. HILLARY CLINTON: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CREATED AL-QAEDA!
  • 23. BEN SWANN: But in the Spirit of “Reality Check,” let’s deal in REALITY. Because what Secretary Clinton said right there, is NOT TRUE. She’s going back to the YouTube video, we thought it was a protest, turns –out- it-wasn’t argument. As Reality Check has told you, information from across the INTELLIGENCE Community within 24 Hours of that attack, pointed to an attack by Ansor al-Sharia – a Libyan Branch of Al Qaeda – and yet the prevailing narrative from statements from President Obama, UN Secretary Susan Rice and even Clinton herself, FOCUSED on the INFLUENCE of the YouTube video. So the bottom line here, even though NATIONAL Media CONTINUES to PRAISE Clinton for “FALLING on her SWORD,” as they say; she’s done NOTHING of the kind! Hasn’t RESIGNED! Hasn’t been FIRED! Isn’t taking the fall for anything! She hasn’t even made a PUBLIC APOLOGY to the family of Secretary Stevens and the three other Americans for NOT passing along and approving those REQUESTS for MORE SECURITY.
  • 24. Why not an apology to the YouTube filmmaker - - Who even if you disagree with his movie, was NOT responsible for those DEATHS of four Americans after all? At least this - - Tell us what SPECIFIC policies and protocol might be changed in light of what happened. You see it’s HARD to take RESPONSIBILITY and CLAIM you’ve done NOTHING wrong. And that is REALITY CHECK! HILLARY CLINTON: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CREATED AL-QAEDA!
  • 25. Reporter: So you think that if we had walked away from this and didn't give them money today, it would be worse for us from the security standpoint? HILLARY CLINTON: I do. I do. We're building a relationship that just did not exist. I said in our last trip when you were with me, that we had a huge trust deficit in part because the United States had. . .to be. . .to be fair, we had helped create the problem we are now fighting. REPORTER: How? HILLARY CLINTON: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CREATED AL-QAEDA!
  • 26. HILLARY CLINTON: Because when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, we had this brilliant idea that we were going to come to Pakistan and create a force of Mujahideen, equip them with stinger missiles and everything else to go after the Soviets inside of Afghanistan; and we were successful. The Soviets left Afghanistan and then we said, "GREAT, GOOD BYE!" LEAVING THESE TRAINED PEOPLE WHO WERE FANATICAL in Afghanistan and Pakistan leaving them WELL ARMED, CREATING A MESS FRANKLY that at the time we really didn't recognize. WE WERE SO HAPPY TO SEE THE SOVIET UNION FALL and we thought, "OKAY FINE, WE'RE OKAY NOW. EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE SO MUCH BETTER." Now you look back, the people we are fighting today, we were supporting in the fight against the Soviets. HILLARY CLINTON: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CREATED AL-QAEDA!
  • 27. We also have a history of kinda moving in and out of Pakistan. I mean let's remember here the people we are fighting today, WE FUNDED 20 YEARS AGO and we did it because we were locked in this struggle with the Soviet Union. They invaded Afghanistan and we did not want to see them control Central Asia and we "WENT TO WORK" and it was President Reagan IN PARTNERSHIP with the Congress led by Democrats who said, "You know what, sounds like a pretty good idea. Let's deal with the ISI, and the Pakistani Military and let's go RECRUIT these Mujahideen and. . . that's great! Let's get some to come from Saudi Arabia and other places importing their Wahhabi brand of Islam so that we can go and beat the Soviet Union;” and guess what, they retreated, they LOST BILLIONS OF DOLLARS and it LED TO THE COLLAPSE OF THE SOVIET UNION. So there's a very strong argument which is, "IT WASN'T A BAD INVESTMENT TO END THE SOVIET UNION, but LET'S BE CAREFUL WHAT WE SOW BECAUSE WE WILL HARVEST!" So we then left Pakistan. We said, "Okay, FINE you DEAL WITH THE STINGERS that WE LEFT ALL OVER YOUR COUNTRY, you DEAL WITH THE MINES THAT ARE ALONG THE BORDER, and by the way, WE DON'T WANT TO HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH YOU, in fact, WE ARE SANCTIONING YOU!" So we stopped dealing with the Pakistani Military and with ISI and we are NOW are MAKING UP FOR A LOT OF LOST TIME!
  • 28. Beverly Eckert - Lost her husband (Sean Rooney) in the DOMESTIC Terrorist acts carried out by the United States on September 11, 2001. She was an ACTIVIST and advocate for the creation of the 9/11 Commission to INVESTIGATE 9/11. Advocate PUSHING for the TRUTH behind the 9/11 Attacks. Reports allege that Eckert was OFFERED money to keep SILENT but REFUSED! She died in a commuter aircraft accident. She met with United States President Barack Obama as an advocate of those affected by 9/11 "LESS THAN A WEEK" before her DEATH/MURDER on February 12, 2009. elDenise/beverlyeckert-wife- of-911-victim-wikipedia-info It appears that President Barack Obama, his Legal Counsel/Advisor Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz may have seen Beverly Eckert and the 40+ passengers as COLLATERAL DAMAGE and took out the airplane she and others were on. It appears that BECAUSE President Barack Obama and Baker Donelson were NOT stopped, MORE people would be placed on Obama’s SECRET KILL List:
  • 29. Michael H. Doran - Attorney who volunteered his services to help VICTIMS of the September 11, 2001 attacks receive compensation. It appears Doran and a law firm associate (Matthew Schnirel) were killed/murdered in a plane crash near Cleveland. Reports have it that the National Transportation Safety Board is trying to figure out the cause of the plane crash. There are alleged reports that the Cirrus SR-22 (i.e. type of plane Doran was piloting) has a BUILT-IN PARACHUTE. "The aircraft is perhaps known for being equipped with the Cirrus Aircraft Parachute System (CAPS), an EMERGENCY Parachute CAPABLE of LOWERING the ENTIRE AIRCRAFT (and OCCUPANTS) to the GROUND in an EMERGENCY." The pilot can reach overhead in the cockpit and pull a red handle that deploys a fuel rocket that pulls the parachute from the back of the plane. Concerns as to whether an EXPERIENCED and FAA Certified Pilot as Michael Doran TRIED to use this SAFETY/EMERGENCY feature. "Eyewitness accounts, according to published reports, said Mr. Doran directed the plane away from neighboring houses, and he was hailed as a hero." So it appears from reports that Doran took the necessary precautions to avoid casualties on the ground BUT DIDN'T TRY THE EMERGENCY BACK-UP PARACHUTE that is SPECIAL FEATURE of the CIRRUS SR-22 he was piloting! Is it a COINCIDENT that Michael Doran represented some of the VICTIMS in the 9/11 attacks? Is it a COINCIDENT that Doran represented one of the VICTIMS in the Flight 3407 Airplane Crash on February 12, 2009? Is it a COINCIDENT that one of the VICTIMS on Flight 3407 was Beverly Eckert (wife of 9/11 Attacks Victim Sean Rooney) who just happened to meet with United States President Barack Obama less than a week before her life ended in a plane crash and then approximately TWO (2) MONTHS later, the life of attorney Michael Doran and his associate are taken in a plane crash? DATE of DEATH/MURDER April 28, 2009. MICHAEL DORAN – BUFFALO NEWS REPORTING CRASH:
  • 30. David F. Wherley - Major General. Was the Commanding General of Joint Force Headquarters, District of Columbia National Guard. Responsible for operational readiness and command and control of District of Columbia Army and Air National Guard units. "Wherley was the officer who scrambled fighters into Washington's skies on the day of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." Major General David Wherley retired June 30, 2008 and appears may have been KILLED/MURDERED on June 22, 2009 – i.e. approximately TWO (2) months from Doran’s DEATH/MURDER and approximately FOUR (4) months from Eckert’s DEATH/MURDER – because of the information/knowledge regarding the 9/11 Attacks!
  • 31. W. Lee Rawls - Chief of Staff and Senior Counsel to FBI Director Robert Mueller. Mueller was placed in Office as DIRECTOR on September 4, 2001 [seven (7) days prior to the 9/11 Attacks] - MANAGING Partner in Baker Donelson (the firm of former SENATE Majority Leader Howard H. Baker Jr. [DESCENDENT of Founding of Baker Donelson] - DIED December 5, 2010. Richard Holbrooke - SPECIAL Envoy to PAKISTAN and AFGHANISTAN . . . was in a meeting WITH Secretary of State Hillary Clinton -DIED December 13, 2010.
  • 32. John Wheeler II - U.S. MILITARY Expert who served THREE Republican Presidents was KILLED and his body was FOUND at a Waste Landfill - December 31, 2010. Lawrence Eagleburger - SENIOR Foreign Policy Advisor with Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz - Member of the BOARD of DIRECTORS of the Halliburton Company [i.e. company in which former Vice President Dick Cheney was CHAIRMAN and CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER from approximately 1995 - 2000] - CLOSE friend of the Clintons - DIED June 4, 2011. U.S. President Bill and Hillary Clinton
  • 33. NAVY SEAL “SIX” TEAM MEMBERS That Appear To Have Been Taken Off The Field Because Of KNOWLEDGE Of The TRUTH Behind The LIE Of KILLING Osama Bin Laden About May 1, 2011 - - MURDERED/KILLED August 6, 2011, Approximately THREE (3) MONTHS After The Alleged Killing Of Osama Bin Laden! NAVY SEAL Victims that may have been KILLED/MURDERED to be kept SILENT: victims-in-080611-attack-possible-911-cover-up AFGHANISTAN: United States of America’s GOVERNMENT uses TAXPAYERS’ Monies To Pay TERRORISTS: paysterrorist2 paid-360-million-us-tax-dollars
  • 34. REPORTER: Thank you Mr. President. Senator John McCain and Senator Lindsey Graham both said today they want to have “WATERGATE- Style” hearings on the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi and said that, “If you nominate Susan Rice to be Secretary of State, they will everything in their power to block her nomination.” As Senator Graham said, “He simply doesn’t TRUST Ambassador Rice AFTER what she said about Benghazi.” I’d like your reaction to that and would those THREATS deter you from making a nomination like that?
  • 35. you know we’reBARACK OBAMA: I think it is I’m not going to comment at this point on various nominations that PRESIDENT after an election now. Well first, important for us to findout my Cabinet for the Second Term. Those are things that are still being discussed. But let I’ll put forward to fill out exactly what happened in Benghazi and I’m happy toSusan Rice, she has done EXEMPLARY work. She has represented the United States in me say specifically about cooperate in any ways that Congress wants.the Unitedprovided everyskill and professionalism and toughness and grace. our interests in We have Nations with bit of information that we have and we will continue to provide information and we’ve gotanFULL-BLOWN As I’ve said before, she made a investigation and all of REQUEST of the White appearance AT the that information will be disgorged to Congress; and I her best House in which she gave don’t think there’s any debate in this Country that when you have that (4) understanding of the INTELLIGENCE four Americans KILLED, that’s a PROBLEMMcCain got to had been provided to her. If Senator and we getand Senator Graham and others want to go to the bottom of it and there needs to be accountability. We’ve got to bring those whoand after somebody, they should go after me carried it outIto justice. They WON’T get any DEBATE from me am happy to have that discussion with on them.But whenthem go go after the UN that! But for they to after the UN Ambassador, APPARENTLY because they think she’s an EASY Ambassador who had NOTHING to do with TARGET, then they’ve got a problem with me. And Benghazi and was simply making a should I choose, if I think that she would be the best presentation based on INTELLIGENCE that person to serve America, in the capacity of the State she had received and to besmirch her Department, then I will nominate her. That’s not a reputation is outrageous and . . . determination that I’ve made yet.
  • 36. As I’ve said before, she made an appearance AT the REQUEST of the White House in which she gave her best understanding of the INTELLIGENCE that had been provided to her. If Senator McCain and Senator Graham and others want to go after somebody, they should go after me and I am happy to have that discussion with them. Senator John McCain UNDERSTANDING HOW THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA’S WHITE HOUSE – CONGRESS – SUPREME COURT Will Try And COVER-UP The TERRORIST ACTS of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA’S CORRUPT GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS and Their LEGAL COUNSEL/ATTORNEYS (Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz) – CONSPIRATORS/CO-CONSPIRATORS
  • 37. HOW can United States of America ObamaFraudGate President Barack Obama and his Legal Counsel/Advisor Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz handle INVESTIGATIONS involving their OWN and their CONSPIRATORS/CO- A Call For CONSPIRATORS Criminal “IMPEACHMENT” VIOLATIONS? Understanding HOW President Obama/Baker Donelson and CONGRESS will TRY and COVER-UP ObamaFraudGate!
  • 38. INFORMATION BEING WITHHELD FROM THE PUBLIC/WORLD:  The SAME Law Firm (Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz – SENIOR COUNSEL/CHIEF OF STAFF to Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director Robert Mueller) it appears is Legal Counsel to Presidents of the United States, United States Congressional Members and Supreme Court of the United States Justices: - The FBI is handling the INVESTIGATION(S) in the Benghazi Attack – CONFLICT OF INTEREST is CLEARLY presented and the INVESTIGATION(S) has been COMPROMISED!
  • 39.  The SAME Law Firm (Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz) that provide Legal Counsel/Advice to President Barack Obama appears relied upon its TIES/CONNECTIONS as CHIEF COUNSEL to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services to create the FAKE/FORGED Certificate of Live Birth released by United States of America President Barack Obama on or 50 about April 27, 2011 – i.e. you are to believe that a Year Old United States President that has had SEVERAL Passports in the past PRIOR to becoming the President of the United States does NOT have a PHOTOCOPY of his Birth Certificate in his PERSONAL records that he had to request copies from the Hawaii Department of Health - - Are you that STUPID?
  • 40.  Are Americans and Foreign Nations/Leaders/Citizens supposed to be that STUPID? Why was it necessary for President Barack Obama to have what clearly is a FAKE/FORGED Certificate of Live Birth (most likely CREATED by his Legal Counsel/Advisor Baker Donelson) released to the PUBLIC?  Why did President Obama not simply provide a PHOTOCOPY as the examples of the Hawaii Certificate of Live Births pulled from the Internet below? Do you have a PHOTOCOPY of your Birth Certificate?
  • 41. The SAME Law Firm (Baker Donelson – SENIOR Advisor to the Executive Office of the United States President and COUNSEL to the DEPUTY SECRETARY of the United States Department of Health & Human Services) appears DRAFTED/CREATED Legislation known as ObamaCare – Patient Protection Affordable Health Care Act. Then Baker Donelson as Legal Counsel/Advisor to CONGRESSIONAL Members engaged in CRIMINAL/FRAUDULENT practices to get it passed and then had their Client President Barack Obama sign it into law and then their Clients - the Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States acted upon it. All of this was done WITHHOLDING from the PUBLIC/WORLD the CONFLICT- OF-INTEREST present and having it UNLAWFULLY/ILLEGALLY FORCED on Americans WITHOUT making KNOWN their CRIMINAL practices in the handling of this matter. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? ObamaCare may be VOID and CHALLENGED! So those looking to CHALLENGE if attempts are made to FORCE them to comply may find this information BENEFICIAL!
  • 42. The SAME Law Firm (Baker Donelson – had its attorneys/judges placed in position as DIRECTOR of the Administrative Office of the United States Court) attempted to SNEAK out one of their employees (James Duff) on September 15, 2011 – the SAME date that Vogel Denise Newsome requested a WRITTEN Status Report regarding INVESTIGATIONS against United States of America President Barack Obama from United States KENTUCKY Senator Rand Paul. . senatorrandpaulcorrectedversionwithmailingreceipts  The 2012 November Elections appear may have been COMPROMISED by the TAINTED Supreme Court of the United States Ruling in Citizens United v Federal Election Commission, 558 U.S. 50 (2010) – i.e. which unlawfully/illegally allowed for the HIJACKING of Elections by BIG MONEY INTERESTS GROUPS which have COMPROMISED the Elections rendering them NULL/VOID!  Baker Donelson is also Legal Counsel for the Federal Judges Association.
  • 43. SUSAN RICE: They’re not on the ground yet but they have already begun looking at all sorts of evidence of various sorts already available to them and to us and they will SUSAN RICE:and continue the investigations. So get on the ground Well Bob let me tell you we’ll want to see the results of that investigation to draw what we understand to be But based on the best any definitive conclusions. the assessment at present. First of all, very importantly as information we have to date, what our assessment is as of the present, is in FACT what it began SPONTANEOUSLY in Benghazi as a REACTION to what had transpired some hours earlier in Cairo.with the Presidentyou know there you discussed Where of course as there is BOB SCHIEFFER: was a VIOLENT PROTEST outside our Embassy SPARKED BY THIS HATEFUL VIDEO! But soon after that Madam an investigation that the United States SPONTANEOUS PROTEST began outside of our Consulate in Benghazi, we that this is something like Ambassador, he says believed that it looks HEAVY beenwill launch led by thestages Government FBI. EXTREMIST elements individuals joined in that effort withthat hasWEAPONS thethe sort that are unfortunately in of PLANNING readily now available in Libya POST-Revolution; and that it spunhas begun. into something much much more That from there for MONTHS! I understand that you violent. have been saying that you think that it has SCHIEFFER: But you do NOT agree with him that this was something that had been PLOTTED we several been SPONTANEOUS. Are out not on BOB SCHIEFFER: But they’re not months ago? the same page here? there yet. RICE: We do not have information at present that leads us to conclude that this was PREMEDITATED or PRE- PLANNED!
  • 44. DAVID GREGORY: This is Susan Rice five days AFTER the attack. Can you say definitively that the attacks on our Consulate in Libya that killed Ambassador Stevens and others there – their security personnel – that was spontaneous? Was it a planned attack? Was there a terrorist element to it? SUSAN RICE: Well, let me tell you the best information that we have at present. First of all, there’s an FBI Investigation which is ongoing and we look to that investigation to give us the definitive word as to what transpired. But putting together the best information that we have available to us today - our current assessment is what happened in Benghazi was in fact, initially a spontaneous reaction to what had transpired hours before in Cairo. Almost a copycat of the demonstrations against our facility in Cairo - which were prompted of course by the video.
  • 45. GREGORY: Senator, you said that two days before that, that Director Petraeus said it was TERRORISM. Why didn’t Ambassador Rice call it TERRORISM two days later? DIANNE FEINSTEIN (Jewish – CHAIRMAN of the United States Senate’s Intelligence Committee): Because she could speak publicly only on UNCLASSIFIED speaking points. I have some concerns with those speaking points. But let me correct one thing. GREGORY: Right. What are the concerns and why speak at all? In other words, why was there reference to being a terrorist attack taken out of the PUBLIC talking points? FEINSTEIN: That is something that we’re going to find out. But it was. That’s the point. Now with the allegation that the White House CHANGED those talking points – that is FALSE! There was only ONE thing that was CHANGED and I’ve checked into this – I believe it to be ABSOLUTE fact – and that was the word “CONSULATE” was CHANGED to “MISSION.” That’s the ONLY CHANGE that anyone in the White House made and I have CHECKED this out! . .
  • 46. MIKE ROGERS (United States Congressman – CHAIRMAN House Intelligence Committee – FORMER FBI Agent): And-- and this one is a counterpoint here, and-- and again, we get along well here but we may disagree on this issue. But we get along well on many, many issues. What they. . . What was said, and as I conclude the course of that INVESTIGATION was that at some point that those so-called talking points – in other words the narratives of how we would call this event - went up to what is called a DEPUTY’S MEETING. When asked, there was no one in the PROFESSIONAL INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY that could tell us WHO CHANGED what! So that. . . there goes the DISCONNECT! . . . So the intelligence community said this is-- this was a terrorist act. GREGORY: Why wouldn’t we call it what it was? That’s what I don’t get! REP. ROGERS: That’s a great question. GREGORY: Why not just call it what it was? WHO. . .WHY are we PROTECTING? FEINSTEIN: I happen to think that’s ABSOLUTELY CORRECT! I don’t know WHO we were PROTECTING. I do know that the answer given to us is, “We didn’t want to name a group until we had some certainty.” Well where this went awry is that anybody that brings weapons and martyrs and RPGs and breaks into an asset of the United States is a Terrorist in my view. I mean that’s pretty clear. Also, the other point was once the video was PUT TOGETHER it was CLEAR that there was NO DEMONSTRATION! This should have been KNOWN MUCH EARLIER. It also raises the concern of talking points by Committee and I have some concerns about that.
  • 47. GREGORY: Was there a COVER-UP? Do you believe that the President or anybody serving the President DELIBERATELY MISLEAD the American people about the TRUE NATURE of this attack for POLITICAL reasons? FEINSTEIN: No! GREGORY: ABSOLUTELY NOT Senator? FEINSTEIN: No. . .That’s correct! GREGORY: Do you believe anyone MISLEAD the American people DELIBERATELY for POLITICAL reasons? MIKE ROGERS: This is what I know. I ROGERS: But the narrative was… know the narrative was WRONG and that the Intelligence was RIGHT! Now getting GREGORY: …does contradict Susan Rice. This is between there and there, I think you have to important. You’re saying, Petraeus says, look, I said it was be careful about making those terrorism all along. Susan Rice told the American people… ACCUSATIONS. I think that you should ROGERS: Well. . . have to PROVE IT! As an OLD FBI Agent, you should PROVE it first! . . GREGORY: …no, we thought it was spontaneous. There’s a disconnect. GREGORY: So bottom line, as you say Petraeus…
  • 48. ROGERS: And even more important-- even more important than that, the-- the narrative as it went from the-- at least the CIA and other intelligence agencies was accurate as for what we know today. It was an act of terrorism. We knew that. So the difference was what happened when it went outside the intelligence community for, as-- as the senator called it, you know, a committee to look at this thing and make the determination on what the narrative was. The narrative was wrong. And why that’s important, this isn’t just about… GREGORY: Yeah. ROGERS: …parsing words and who was right. There were some policy decisions made based on the narrative that was not consistent with the intelligence that we had. That’s my concern. And we need to say, hey, we need to figure out how that happened, and let’s make sure this doesn’t happen again. GREGORY: Yeah. FEINSTEIN: We gave…
  • 49. GREGORY: Did our people die because we didn’t protect them adequately? Is that the bottom line here? FEINSTEIN: …we gave the direc-- David, we gave the direction yesterday that this whole process is going to be checked out. GREGORY: Right. FEINSTEIN: We are going to find out WHO made CHANGES in the ORIGINAL statement. Until we do, I really think it’s unwarranted to make accusations.
  • 50. So What Are Some of The DARK Secrets CORRUPT Government Officials may be HIDING? It appears White Supremacists/Jewish ZIONISTS use of United States of America’s Military to FIGHT Israel’s RELIGIOUS Wars AGAINST Muslims and Christians. The USE of a White Supremacist Law Firm (Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz), the United States’ Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to COVER UP the WAR CRIMES of the United States of America and ISRAEL!
  • 51. Other DARK Secrets CORRUPT Government Officials may be HIDING? It appears the BOTCHED KIDNAPPING planned by U.S. President Barack Obama/Secretary of State Hillary Clinton/Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta/FBI Director Robert Mueller/CIA Director David Petraeus of United States Ambassador Chris Stevens in EXCHANGE for Egypt’s BLIND Sheikh. It appears the September 11, 2012 attacks were PAID to be CARRIED out by one of the United States of America’s TERRORIST Cell(s) – Al Qaeda. Protests may have been SPARKED and INITIATED by President Obama’s Administration to COVER- UP/HIDE Middle East PROTESTS in REACTION to United States of America Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s Television INTERVIEW “PRAISING” America’s WAR CRIMES in the Middle East – MOCKING such crimes as STINGERS and then THREATENING Sanctions against Countries OPPOSING the United States of America! http:/
  • 52. GREGORY: We are back. Joined now by the man leading the charge against the Obama administration and U.N. ambassador Susan Rice on this issue of Benghazi, the senior senator from South Carolina Republican Lindsey Graham. Senator, let’s get right into it. You’ve just heard the chairs of the Intelligence Committees on Benghazi. The bottom line point, did Director Petraeus call this terrorism from the get go? They say yes. They don’t understand why the administration didn’t call it the same two days later. How do you react? SENATOR LINDSEY GRAHAM (Armed Services Committee): Well, I think one of the reasons that Susan Rice told the story she did, if the truth came out a few weeks before the election that our consulate in Benghazi, Libya, had been overrun by an al Qaeda sponsored or affiliated militia, that destroys the narrative we’ve been hearing for months that al Qaeda has been dismantled, bin Laden is dead, we’re safer. And Susan Rice just did not say it was a result of a mob spawned by a video like Cairo. She actually said on Face The Nation, “I want to remind the American people this president promised to go after bin Laden, refocus on al Qaeda. He got bin Laden. Al Qaeda has been dismantled. And the truth of the matter is nothing could’ve been further from the truth, and the story she told reinforced a political narrative helpful to the president, but disconnected from reality.
  • 53. GREGORY: But let me just interrupt on that point. Let’s be-- be very clear about what you’re saying because you also heard Senator Feinstein say unequivocally the notion that there was a cover-up or an attempt to mislead for political reasons is absolutely wrong. She says that it’s character assassination, the way you’re criticizing her, who. . . you believe the president of the United States sent his ambassador to the U.N. out to mislead the American people so that he could get some sort of political gain before the election? That’s the cover-up you. . .you’re accusing them of? GRAHAM: No. I’m saying that the ambassador that had nothing to do with Benghazi-- why would you choose someone who had nothing to do with Benghazi to tell us about Benghazi? That’s kind of odd. The president said, why pick on her? She didn’t know anything about Benghazi. She was the most politically compliant person they could find. I don’t know what she knew but I know the story she told was misleading. I don’t know why it was misleading. But let me put this in context. Would this White House mislead the American people about national security events? I think they might simply because when the bin Laden raid occurred, they leaked every detail about the raid. We have a Pakistani doctor in custody because they told about the role he played. The underwear bomber case where we stopped a plot in Yemen came out in the New York Times. They told us about how this administration stopped the cyber-- the role of cyber-attacks on Iranian nuclear program in three weeks. We heard a lot of
  • 54. GRAHAM: So would-- if they would leak classified information to make him look good, would they withhold information to prevent him from LOOKING BAD? I think you could say look at that. And secondly, our Democratic colleagues on the Valerie Plame case and Scooter Libby, all insisted the Bush administration could not investigate themselves. When we alleged that the leaks at the highest level of government that compromised classified information to help the president look strong politically, they would not agree to special counsel. You got two U.S. attorneys under Eric Holder investigating the highest levels of this government for crimes, leaking classified information to make themselves look good. Now, you have a situation where we’re being the mis-- the American people are being misled, and details that could hurt them politically, are not coming forth until after the election. GREGORY: Why Senator-- hold on, one second. Why did the… GRAHAM: So, I want to get to the bottom of it. GREGORY: Why did the office of the Director of National Intelligence on September 28th issue a statement in which they-- effectively bolstering the very remarks that Susan Rice made on this program and others, that there was a spontaneous element to this and there was-- contradictory information? Was she not working off the same-- talking points that the intelligence community was working off of and that were changed or were not said publicly, as Senator Feinstein said, for some reason to-- to cover up or to-- to not tip their hand that they were investigating these terror groups?
  • 55. GRAHAM: Isn’t it kind of odd, if the reason is to take al Qaeda out of the equation, to make sure that al Qaeda doesn’t know that we are onto them, that the story they told helps the president enormously three weeks before the election because I don’t buy that for one bit. That-- that makes no sense to me. Al Qaeda knew we knew about them. We had people in Germany that survived the attack that could be interviewed. We had drones overhead. I think it’s very odd that the storyline they chose omitted al Qaeda… GREGORY: Mm-Hm. GRAHAM: …which would help the president enormously, and I don’t buy it. So-- and I don’t buy the Intel community did a great job. I-- I like Mike Rogers and Dianne Feinstein, but to say the intelligence committee-- community did a good job, what about the months before this attack? What about the rise of al Qaeda in Benghazi? What about the British ambassador closing the consulate in Benghazi because it was too dangerous for the British? What about the Red Cross leaving? What about all of the warnings come out of Benghazi? Did the CIA tell the president that Benghazi is falling into the hands of al Qaeda? And I blame the president more than anybody else. Susan rice is a bit player here. Was he-- was he informed of the June attack on our consulate where they blew a hole where 40 people could go through? Was he aware of the August 15th cable where Stevens was saying we can’t withstand a coordinated al Qaeda attack? There are 10 militia groups all over Benghazi. I blame the president for…
  • 56. GREGORY: Senator…. GRAHAM: ….making this a death trap. I blame the president for not having assets available to help these people for eight hours. We need a select committee not only to look at intelligence failures, but how could the Department of Defense not help these poor people for over eight hours and why did the Department of State for months ignore pleas for help? We need to get this under one roof. GREGORY: Senator, can Susan Rice-- can Susan Rice be confirmed of Secretary of State if nominated by the president? GRAHAM: I-- I don’t know. You know, I’m deferential to the president’s picks. I voted for Kagan and Sotomayor. President, oh-- Senator Obama voted against John Bolton, Alito and Roberts. He had a very high bar for confirmation. I have a very low bar. I’m going to listen to what Susan Rice has to say, put her entire record in context, but I’m not going to give her a plus for passing on a narrative… GREGORY: But your… GRAHAM: …that was misleading to the American people… GREGORY: You wouldn’t filibuster her nomination? GRAHAM: ….and whether she knew it was misleading or not. I’m going to wait and see what the State Department’s review has, but I’m very disappointed in-- Susan Rice, somebody who had nothing-- who knew nothing about Benghazi, telling a story that was disconnected from reality that did make the president look good at a time when quite frankly the narrative should-- should have been challenged, not reinforced that al Qaeda was dismantled. That’s what they wanted us to believe, that al Qaeda was dismantled, and Benghazi was exhibit A that that storyline was not working and was untrue.
  • 57. GRAHAM: ….making this a death trap. I blame the president for not having assets available to help these people for eight hours. We need a select committee not only to look at intelligence failures, but how could the Department of Defense not help these poor people for over eight hours and why did the Department of State for months ignore pleas for help? We need to get this under one roof. See Page 190:
  • 58. Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz • U.S. President Barack Obama • U.S. Congressional Members (i.e. John Boehner, John McCain, Mitchell McConnell, Nancy Pelozi, etc.) • Supreme Court of the United States Justices • U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton • U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta • U.S. FBI Director Robert Mueller • U.S. CIA Director David Petraeus • Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu GREGORY: Why wouldn’t we call it what it was? • Egypt President Muhammad Morsi/The Muslim That’s what I don’t get! Brotherhood • AL QAEDA – Appears is a Terrorist Cell CREATED by the REP. ROGERS: That’s a great question. U.S. CIA with MANY SUB-Cells as - Ansar al-Shari:, or GREGORY: Why not just call it what it was? WHO. . .WHY are we PROTECTING?
  • 59. EGYPT, WATCH what you do and HOW you do it. You’re teetering with the CONGRESS in having your AID CUT OFF if you KEEP inciting violence between the Israelis and Palestinians – 11/18/12 U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham The CONSEQUENCES Of Making DEALS With DEVILS: The Muslim Brotherhood/Egypt President Mohammad Morsi – Former U.S. President William “Bill” Clinton – U.S. President Barack Obama – U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
  • 60. Reports allege Middle East citizens may have been PAID to STAGE the Protests. Reports allege the “Muhammad Movie” was PAID for by JEWISH Supporters. TERRY JONES– Florida “LUNATIC PASTOR” Alleged To Have Been Involved With the Video
  • 63. OCTOBER 2010: Emergency Motion To Stay; Emergency Motion For Enlargement Of Time and Other Relief The United States Supreme Court Deems Appropriate To Correct The Legal Wrongs/Injustices Reported Herein
  • 64. WHO IS BAKER, DONELSON, BEARMAN, CALDWELL & BERKOWITZ, PC? MEET THEM: BAKER DONELSON = TERRORISM: The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of EGYPT, WATCH what intimidating or coercing societies or governments often for you do and HOW ideological or political reasons. you do it. You’re Baker Donelson. . .is an ORGANIZED White Supremacist teetering with the Organization/Business that has relied upon its power, positions CONGRESS in and CONTROL over the United States Government to having your AID UNLAWFULLY use and THREATEN use of FORCE or VIOLENCE CUT OFF if you KEEP against people (i.e. such as Newsome, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.) inciting violence or property with the intention of INTIMIDATING or COERCING between the Israelis societies or governments for EVIL/WICKED and POLITICAL and Palestinians POWER/GAIN. United States Government A Road To Destruction CIA FBI
  • 65. BAKER DONELSON = DOMESTIC TERRORISM: Terrorism that occurs primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States [18 USCA § 2331(5)]. Terrorism that is carried out AGAINST one's OWN Government or FELLOW CITIZENS. This is what happened on 9/11 (September 11, 2001) - Under the DIRECTION/LEADERSHIP/CONTROL of its Legal Counsel/Advisors (i.e. Baker Donelson, etc.), President George W. Bush, Vice President Richard Bruce "Dick" Cheney, the United States Congress/Legislature, etc. carried out one of the MOST HORRIFIC Crimes on United States soil - - the bombing of its OWN "World Trade Centers" and the DOWNING of its OWN Passenger Jets on United States soil which cost the lives of MANY. . .MANY. . .Innocent people/citizens. 9/11 was a TERRORIST Act carried out by Baker Donelson, the United States Government and other CONSPIRATORS/CO- CONSPIRATORS against its OWN Country. 9/11 WAS NOT the acts of the man claimed to DOOM be Osama Bin Laden. 9/11 was the United States Government and was done to INSTILL & Fear in the United States citizens to provide TERRORIST Groups like Baker Donelson and DESTRUCTION the United States Government, etc. with an EXCUSE to INVADE Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran AHEAD and other countries under FALSE PRETENSE - to UNLAWFULLY/ILLEGALLY take control of their RESOURCES: Oil, Gas, Gold, Coal, Monies, Lands, etc. United States Government CIA FBI
  • 66. THE ROAD THAT LED TO BAKER DONELSON = DOMESTIC TERRORISM: GOLIATH’S Terrorism that occurs primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the DESTRUCTION United States [18 USCA § 2331(5)]. Terrorism that is carried out AGAINST one's OWN Government or FELLOW CITIZENS. United States Government CIA FBI
  • 67. BAKER DONELSON = INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM: United States Government Terrorism that occurs primarily outside the territorial jurisdiction of the United States, or that transcends national boundaries by the means in which it is carried out, the people it is intended to intimidate, or the place where the perpetrators operate to seek asylum. Terrorist Groups as Baker Donelson/United States Presidents/United States Government and their CONSPIRATORS/CO-CONSPIRATORS for Decades/Years have taken their TERRORIST acts OUTSIDE the United States INTO Foreign Countries/Lands - - for CIA FBI purposes of DESTROYING lives, INTIMIDATION, COERCION/THREATS/FEAR, OPPRESSION and CONTROL- - where such Terrorist Groups as Baker Donelson/United States Government, etc. OPERATE to seek asylum and set up CAMPS/FORTS to SURVEY their Targets/Victims that they seek to OVERTHROW.
  • 68. Abraham John F. Robert Medgar Malcolm X Martin Luther Lincoln Kennedy Kennedy Evers King, Jr. BAKER DONELSON = TERRORIST: One who engage in acts or an act of terrorism. Somebody who uses VIOLENCE or the THREAT of violence, especially BOMBING, KIDNAPPING, and ASSASSINATION, to INTIMIDATE, often for POLITICAL purposes. Terrorist Groups as Baker Donelson/United States Presidents/United States Government and their CONSPIRATORS/CO-CONSPIRATORS have engaged in acts of TERRORISM. They have not ONLY subjected Newsome to VIOLENCE, THREATS and having her KIDNAPPED, etc. but have used such TERRORIST acts not only in the PRESENT but also in the PAST in its ASSASSINATIONS of: (1) Former President Abraham Lincoln; (2) Former President John F. Kennedy; (3) President Kennedy's brother Robert Kennedy; (4) Civil Rights Leader Malcolm X; (5) Civil Rights Leader Medgar Evers; (6) Civil Rights Leader Martin Luther King Jr., and MANY others who OPPOSED Slavery, OPPRESSION, BONDAGE and sought to move the United States forward RATHER than back to the Past as Baker Donelson and the United States Government is trying to do now. - - To INSTILL FEAR in people and a TOOL of CONTROL/INTIMIDATION, these people were ASSASSINATED for political purposes/power.
  • 69. DAVID GREGORY: Senator can Susan Rice be confirmed as Secretary of State if nominated by the President? LINDSEY GRAHAM (United States Senator – Armed Services Committee): I don’t know. I’m differential to the President’s picks. I voted for Kagan and Sotomayor. President . . .Senator Obama voted AGAINST John Bolton, Alito and Roberts. He had a VERY HIGH bar for confirmation. I have a very LOW bar. I’m going to listen what Susan Rice has to say, put her ENTIRE record in context, but I’m NOT going to give her a plus for passing on a narrative that was MISLEADING to the American people. . . . GREGORY: You wouldn’t FILIBUSTER her nomination? GRAHAM: . . .and whether she KNEW it was misleading or not. I’m going to wait and see what the States Department’s Review has. But I’m very disappointed in Susan Rice – somebody who had nothing. . .who knew nothing about Benghazi telling a story that was DISCONNECTED from reality that did make the President look good and at a time
  • 70. GRAHAM: when quite franklyMABUS’ EMPLOYMENT HISTORY – Baker Donelson Bearman the narrative should have been challenged not REINFORCED that Berkowitz: was Caldwell & Al Qaeda DISMANTLED. That’s what they wanted us to believe. That Al Qaeda was DISMANTLED and Benghazi was EXHIBIT “A” that, that STORYLINE was NOT working - was UNTRUE!! . . . Baker Donelson Is Legal Counsel To President Barack Obama, Congressional Members and Supreme Court Justices:
  • 71. KERRY LADKA: This question actually comes from a Brain Trust that my friends at Global Telecom Supply in Minneola yesterday. PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: Ah hah. LADKA: We were sitting around talking about Libya and we were reading and became aware of reports that the State Department REFUSED EXTRA security for our Embassy in Benghazi, Libya PRIOR to the attacks that KILLED four Americans. WHO was it that DENIED ENHANCED security and WHY? PRESIDENT OBAMA: Let me first of all talk about our Diplomats because they serve all around the world and do an incredible job in a very dangerous situation and these aren’t just Representatives of the United States, their my Representatives. I send them there. Often times into harm’s way. I know these folks and I know their families. So nobody is more concerned about their safety and security than I am. So as soon as we found out that the Benghazi Consulate was being overrun I was on the phone with my National Security Team and I gave them THREE INSTRUCTIONS: No. 1: Beef up our security and safe. . . procedures. Not just in Libya but in every Embassy and Consulate in the Region. No. 2: Investigate EXACTLY what happened. REGARDLESS of where the FACTS lead us. To make sure that folks are HELD ACCOUNTABLE and it DOESN’T happen again; and No. 3: We are going to FIND OUT WHO DID THIS and we are going to HUNT THEM DOWN. Because one of the things I have said throughout my presidency is, “When folks mess with Americans, we go AFTER them.” Now Governor Romney had a different response. While we were still dealing with our Diplomats being THREATENED, Governor Romney put out a Press Release. Trying to make POLITICAL POINTS and that’s NOT how a Commander-In- Chief operates. You DON’T turn National Security into a POLITICAL Issue. Certainly NOT right when it’s happening . .
  • 72. FACTS IN UNDERSTANDING THE TIMELINE-OF-EVENTS LEADING TO THE BENGHAZI ATTACK COVER-UP: It appears from research, United States of America Secretary of State HILLARY CLINTON conducted a television interview in which she BOAST about the United States’ ROLE in bringing about the COLLAPSE of the Soviet Union as well as the STINGERS the United States’ Wars have left across the Middle East. It appears from the Television Interview, Secretary of State HILLARY CLINTON BOAST about the United States of America’s creation of Terrorist Cells as AL QAEDA and how the United States of America is NOW fighting its CREATIONS (i.e. Terrorist Cell Members of groups CREATED by it). Secretary Hillary Clinton also THREATENING SANCTIONS on Middle Eastern Nations that opposes the United States of America’s TERRORIST Acts and/or War Crimes! Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Television Interview was out there and available in MANY PUBLIC Social/Internet Forums. However, it appears that in an effort to COVER-UP the BACKLASH, OPPOSITION and UPRISINGS that would follow from Secretary Clinton’s Television Interview, United States of America President Barack Obama and his Legal Counsel/Advisor Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz (i.e. having WHITE SUPREMACIST and JEWISH ties/connections) resorted to using their CONTROL and connections with Social Forums as to PUSH and PROMOTE their ROLE in the CREATION and DISTRIBUTION of the “MUHAMMAD MOVIE” – a movie that reports allege was FINANCED by JEWISH supporters – and PUSHED by a JEWISH-Run MAINSTREAM Media for purposes of INCITING and PROVOKING the unrest in the Middle East MASTERMINDED by the United States of America, ISRAEL and their ALLIES!
  • 73. WHY IS THIS INFORMATION IMPORTANT? WELL IT APPEARS: 1) The United States of America has INITIATED and STARTED Wars for purposes of TRAINING White Supremacist Group Members; and white-supremacist-english 2) The United States of America has CONSPIRED with Israel to use the United States’ Military to fight Israel’s RELIGIOUS Wars AGAINST Muslim/Islamic Nations as well as Christians – i.e. in that it is NO Secret that Israel is ANTI-Muslim/Islamic as well as ANTI-Christian. However, to use the United States of America’s Military forces to carry out such HORRENDOUS and HIDEOUS War Crimes to PROMOTE their HIDDEN RACIST/RELIGIOUS Agenda is UNACCEPTABLE and are War Crimes that may require SWIFT JUSTICE to END the TERRORIST Acts of the United States of America, Israel and their Allies in the Middle East and other Regions!
  • 74. . . .not everybody agrees with some of the decisions I’ve made. But when it comes to our National Security, I mean what I say. I said I’d end the War in Libya. . .in Iraq and I did. I said that we’d go after Al Qaeda and Bin Laden – We have! I said that we’d transition out of Afghanistan and start making sure that Afghans are responsible for their own security – That’s what I’m doing; and when it comes to this issue – When I say that we are going to find out EXACTLY what happened, EVERYBODY WILL be HELD ACCOUNTABLE, and I am ULTIMATELY RESPONSIBLE for what’s taking place there, because these are my folks and I’m the one who has to GREET THE COFFINS when they come home, you know I MEAN WHAT I SAY!
  • 75. Secretary Clinton has done an EXTRAORDINARY job but she WORKS for me. I’m the President and I’m ALWAYS RESPONSIBLE and that’s why nobody is more interested in finding out EXACTLY what happened than I do.
  • 76. The day AFTER the attack Governor I stood in the Rose Garden and I told the American people and the WORLD that we are going to find out EXACTLY what happened, that this was an ACT of TERROR, and I also said we’re going to HUNT DOWN THOSE WHO COMMITTED THIS CRIME; and a few days later, I was there greeting the CASKETS coming into Andrews Air Force Base and grieving with the families. And the suggestion that anybody in MY Team or the Secretary of State, our UN Ambassador, anybody on MY Team would play POLITICS or MISLEAD when we LOST FOUR OF OUR OWN Governor is OFFENSIVE. That’s NOT what we do. That’s NOT what I do as President. That’s NOT what I do as Commander-In-Chief.
  • 77. The bucks stop with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton? At least that’s what Clinton told CNN in an interview on yesterday about the attack in Benghazi that led to the death of Ambassador Chris Stevens. In fact, the argument over what happened in Benghazi was a huge part of tonight’s Presidential Debate. Ben has the “Reality Check” you won’t see anywhere else. BEN SWANN: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made the statement in an interview with CNN. Here’s a portion: HILLARY CLINTON: I take responsibility. I’m in charge of the State Department - 60,000 plus people all over the world – 275 Posts. The President and the Vice President certainly wouldn’t be KNOWLEDGEABLE about SPECIFIC decisions that are made by SECURITY PROFESSIONALS.
  • 78. BEN SWANN: So what exactly did Secretary of State Hillary Clinton TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for? Well to understand that, you have to consider what Vice President Biden said in last week’s VP Debate: VICE PRESIDENT JOSEPH BIDEN: We WEREN’T TOLD they wanted more security. We did NOT know they wanted MORE security. BEN SWANN: The reason why Biden’s statement was so SURPRISING because the House OVERSIGHT Committee announced last week that at least 13 SECURITY-RELATED incidents had taken place in the PAST six (6) months at the Mission in Libya and in the letter sent to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton from the Committee: “Multiple U.S. federal government officials have confirmed. . .that, PRIOR to the Sept. 11 attack, the U.S. mission in Libya made REPEATED requests for INCREASED security in Benghazi. . .The mission in Libya, however, was DENIED these resources by officials in Washington.” – Letter to Sec. of State Hillary Clinton
  • 79. So that means: 1 - The U.S. Mission in Libya made REPEATED requests for security. 2 – Those REQUESTS were DENIED by Washington. 3 – Vice President Biden says the White House DIDN’T KNOW. 4 – Secretary of State Clinton now says she’s the one RESPONSIBLE; and she went on to say this: HILLARY CLINTON: . . .In the wake of an attack like this, in the fog of war, there is always going to be confusion and I believe it is absolutely fair to say that everyone had the SAME intelligence. Everyone who spoke. . . REPORTER: BAD intelligence it seems though. . . HILLARY CLINTON: Well, everyone who spoke tried to give the information that they had. As time has gone on, the information has CHANGED. We’ve gotten more detail. But that’s NOT surprising. That always happens.
  • 80. BEN SWANN: But in the Spirit of “Reality Check,” let’s deal in REALITY. Because what Secretary Clinton said right there, is NOT TRUE. She’s going back to the YouTube video, we thought it was a protest, turns –out- it- wasn’t argument. As Reality Check has told you, information from across the INTELLIGENCE Community within 24 Hours of that attack, pointed to an attack by Ansor al-Sharia – a Libyan Branch of Al Qaeda – and yet the prevailing narrative from statements from President Obama, UN Secretary Susan Rice and even Clinton herself, FOCUSED on the INFLUENCE of the YouTube video. So the bottom line here, even though NATIONAL Media CONTINUES to PRAISE Clinton for “FALLING on her SWORD,” as they say; she’s done NOTHING of the kind! Hasn’t RESIGNED! Hasn’t been FIRED! Isn’t taking the fall for anything! She hasn’t even made a PUBLIC APOLOGY to the family of Secretary Stevens and the three other Americans for NOT passing along and approving those REQUESTS for MORE SECURITY. Why not an apology to the YouTube filmmaker - - Who even if you disagree with his movie, was NOT responsible for those DEATHS of four Americans after all? At least this - - Tell us what SPECIFIC policies and protocol might be changed in light of what happened. You see it’s HARD to take RESPONSIBILITY and CLAIM you’ve done NOTHING wrong. And that is REALITY CHECK!
  • 81. It appears these Americans and others have DIED because TERRORISTS as Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz and their TERRORIST CELLS – Al Qaeda - have NOT been stopped.
  • 82. NEWS ANCHOR: Is the United States supporting Al Qaeda in SYRIA? Reality Check looked at a report from Reuters last week that indicates that the answer is YES! So why did an Irish journalist claim that Ben was "supporting propaganda in support of Syria's leader?" Ben has the REALITY CHECK that you won't see anywhere else. BEN SWASENN: It was Sunday when Anonymous was able to hack the Reuters News Service Twitter account. Well as part of that, they twitted our Realty Check based on a Reuters article that the Obama Administration IS SECRETELY PROVIDING SUPPORT TO OPPOSITION FORCES in SYRIA. Here's a clip from that report:
  • 83. BEN SWASENN: But the BIG QUESTION that NO ONE IS ASKING, "WHO ARE THESE REBELS THAT THE U.S. IS SUPPORTING? Well buried at the bottom of that Reuters Article, "Recent News reports from the region has suggested thatthe influence and numbers of Islamist Militants someof them connected to Al Qaeda or its affiliates havebeen GROWING AMONG ASSAD'S OPPONENTS.” In response a PRO-OPPOSITION REPORTER from theIrish Times Online, Mary Fitzgerald, called our story PRO-ASSAD propaganda. So is Are we that TRUE? SHIELDING for Assad? Or maybe we are just SHIELDING FOR THE TRUTH! HILLARY CLINTON: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CREATED AL-QAEDA!
  • 84. FACT NUMBER 1: There is NO QUESTION that Al Qaeda FIGHTERS ARE PART OF THE OPPOSITION FORCES ATTEMPTING TO OVERTHROW Syria's Government - - From the New York Times: July 25: "One al-Qaeda operative a 56-year old known as Abu Thuhu who lives near Kirkuk in Iraq, spoke to an Iraqi reporter for the New York Times on Tuesday. 'We have experience now fighting the Americans, and more experience now with the Syrian revolution,’ he said. 'Our big hope is to form a Syrian-Iraqi Islamic state for all Muslims, and then announce our war against Iran and Israel, and free Palestine.'" Well we already know that much of the opposition in Libya to overthrow Gadaffi were al-Qaeda fighters. But if we look at HISTORY, NONE OF THIS IS ANYTHING NEW! HILLARY CLINTON: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CREATED AL-QAEDA!
  • 85. FACT NUMBER 2: The creation of al-Qaeda wasn't Islamic fundalmentalism, it was the CIA. The Mujahideen was created by the CIA to create problems for the Soviets. You might say that's crazy talk right? Here's Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. HILLARY CLINTON: To be fair, we had helped create the problem we are now fighting. REPORTER: How? HILLARY CLINTON: Because when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, we had this brilliant idea that we were create a force going to come to Pakistan and of Mujahideen, equip them with stinger missiles and everything else to go after the Soviets inside of Afghanistan. HILLARY CLINTON: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CREATED AL-QAEDA!
  • 86. BEN SWASENN: Ah, so it's NOT a conspiracy theory, it's HISTORY; and its HISTORY that's being REPEATED in Libya and NOW in SYRIA! But there is a BIGGER PROBLEM HERE! One that EVERY American SHOULD BE QUESTIONING! We're fighting al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, but we're ALSO BOMBING al-Qaeda TARGETS in PAKISTAN and in YEMEN; and as we do that, something occurs KNOWN AS COLLATERAL DAMAGE! Hundreds of civilians in Yemen have been KILLED in just the first half of 2012, by U.S. AIR STRIKES AIMED at al-Qaeda fighters. From NPR: "In the mid-May strike in Joar, for example, Yemeni officials said two militants and eight civilians were killed. According to residents we spoke with, no militants were killed but there were 17 to 26 civilian deaths. That was just one of more than 40 documented strikes this year alone." HILLARY CLINTON: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CREATED AL-QAEDA!
  • 87. BEN SWASENN: By the way, in that picture right there, that boy is 15 years old and he was wounded while watching his father and brother die in one of those air strikes. So what YOU NEED TO KNOW TONIGHT IS HEAVY! OUR GOVERNMENT IS BOMBING SITES AROUND THE WORLD IN AN ONGOING WAR WITH AL-QAEDA - in IRAQ where al-Qaeda had NO presence BEFORE the U.S. War, al-Qaeda is NOW THRIVING! The SAME al-Qaeda - YES - CREATED BY THE U.S. GOVERNMENT in order to HARM the SOVIETS and today, at least 13,000 CIVILIANS in Afghanistan are DEAD as a result of that War with al-Qaeda. So with all respect to Ms. Fitzgerald, from the Irish Times, this is NOT propaganda! Rather it is the QUESTION that EVERY American SHOULD BE DEMANDING ANSWERS ON FROM CONGRESS and this PRESIDENT! WHY ARE WE GIVING al- Qaeda fighters MONEY and WEAPONS to OVERTHROW yet ANOTHER GOVERNMENT in the Middle East? TODAY our Government claims they are FREEING the people of Syria! TOMORROW, if HISTORY TELLS US ANYTHING, we will be KILLING and WOUNDING civilians in AIR STRIKES and then REFERRING to them as COLLATERAL DAMAGE in a War with an ENEMY who we BROUGHT to POWER - - and that is REALITY CHECK!!!! HILLARY CLINTON: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CREATED AL-QAEDA!
  • 88. Taking on the United States of America’s CREATED Middle East TERRORIST CELL(S) – Al Qaeda - being used to OVERTHROW the Syrian Government
  • 89. The RIGHT to DEFEND AGAINST “INTERNATIONAL TERRORIST” – MASKED as Al-Qeada - by WHATEVER Means NECESSARY! HOLDING the United States of America’s President and CONGRESSIONAL Members RESPONSIBLE for what appears to be their ROLE in the OVERTHROW of Syrian Government!
  • 90. Syria President Bashar al-Assad KNOWS the INTERNATIONAL TERRORISTS – United States of America and its Middle East TERRORIST CELL (Al-Qaeda) - he is FIGHTING. If “CHEMICAL WEAPONS” that are alleged may be used – HOLD the United States of America’s President Barack Obama/CONGRESS and their Legal Counsel/Advisor Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz and their CONSPIRATORS/CO-CONSPIRATORS RESPONSIBLE!
  • 91. Baker Donelson is Legal Counsel/Advisor to the United States of America Presidents, Congressional Members and Supreme Court of the United States. It appears Baker Donelson played a MAJOR Role in using its employees – David S. Addington and Lawrence Eagleburger to produce a FALSE “Iraq Study Group Report” with its Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor on the Panel as well. NO Weapons of Mass Destruction were found in IRAQ. Look at the LIVES lost from such LIES and TERRORIST’S Acts!
  • 92. George C. Montgomery Baker Donelson is Legal Counsel/Advisor to the United States of America Presidents, Congressional Members and Supreme Court of the United States – Places its employees in positions as U.S. Ambassadors, in agencies as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) for purposes of furthering its WHITE SUPREMACIST/TERRORIST Agendas. For instance, Howard BAKER (a descendant of founder of Baker Donelson) served as CHIEF of Staff to United States President as well as U.S. Ambassador. GEORGE C. MONTGOMERY a Baker Donelson employee also served as a U.S. Ambassador and is hailed for knowing “the value of working with U.S. embassies on behalf of his clients in the MIDDLE EAST. Diplomats always have the most UP-TO-DATE PICTURE of the region, he says, and the MOST IN-DEPTH understanding of the POLITICS and CULTURE.”
  • 93. The United States of America LIED about “Weapons of Mass Destruction” in Iraq it appears for purposes of GAINING access to the region to build and organize its TERRORIST Cells – Al Qaeda – to OVERTHROW Middle East Governments and take CONTROL! They were successful in getting Saddam Hussein. Now they are AFTER Syria President Bashar al-Assad; however, did NOT expect President al-Assad to use whatever means NECESSARY to DEFEND Syria from these INTERNATIONAL Terrorists.
  • 94. Syria President Bashar al-Assad may know that the United States of America is BROKE FINANCIALLY – i.e. CANNOT afford to CONTINUE to SECRETLY finance its Middle East TERRORIST CELL – Al Qaeda and OPPOSITION forces. Therefore, it appears that United States of America President Barack Obama – like President George W. Bush – took on a battle on the advice of WHITE RACIST Legal Counsel Baker Donelson and NOW MUST “TUCK-TAIL” in DEFEAT. It is time to HOLD the United States of America RESPONSIBLE for its ROLE in the Middle East WAR CRIMES and then ABANDONING opposition forces who are continuing to look for monies and weapons from the United States of America and its CONSPIRATORS/CO-CONSPIRATORS!
  • 95.
  • 96. It appears from the News coverage, the PLAN was to put Mitt Romney in the White House. However, it appears that an ELEVENTH (11TH ) Hour event may have occurred that caused for the SCRAPPING of this 2012 ELECTION FRAUD/SCAM - - putting Barack Obama BACK in the White House RATHER than going with Mitt Romney. What may that have been? OOPS 1. The POSTING of Vogel Denise Newsome’s SlideShare Document entitled, UNDERSTANDING THE GAME AND WHY THERE WILL BE NO CHANGE: 2012 NOVEMBER ELECTIONS 2. The November 5, 2012 (day BEFORE Presidential Election) Supreme Court of United States filing by Vogel Denise Newsome: writ-et-al-us-supreme-court-received-110512
  • 97. Well we always say that elections have CONSEQUENCES especially for the LOSING Campaign. It's CLEAR that the Romney Campaign was PREPARED for a VICTORY ELECTION NIGHT. Sources today told of the moment that Romney himself said, "It's NOT going to happen" while his wife Ann CRIED by his side that night. The Campaign VICTORY CELEBRATION FIREWORKS in Boston Harbor had to be TAKEN DOWN - disassembled - and then SOMEHOW this ended up on the web. The Romney PRESIDENTIAL TRANSITION WEBSITE featuring the OFFICIAL Logo of the PRESIDENT-ELECT, a section on the INAUGURATION and how to JOIN the Romney Administration that of course wasn't to be. The PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT That EXPOSED The United States of America’s 2012 ELECTION FRAUD: obamafraudgate
  • 98. The POSTING of Mitt Romney’s PRESIDENT-Elect Website was NO ACCIDENT! This is information the PUBLIC/WORLD needs to see so they can understand how CORRUPT and TAINTED the United States of America’s ELECTIONS are. Elections CONTROLLED/RUN by White Supremacist and Jewish ZIONISTS!
  • 99. In May 2008, Obama asked Lu to begin planning for a possible presidential transition. Obama warned him to tell NO one about the nascent operation, even his own wife, so Lu quietly rented a small office in D.C. and secretly met with people who had worked on previous Democratic presidential transition efforts. The planning efforts produced policy options on a wide range of topics, compiled names of and began vetting potential political appointees for top jobs, arranged over 100 security clearances, and managed the logistics for expanding the operations after Election Day. While President Barack Obama’s knowledge of becoming President of the United States of America appears to have been as early as May of 2008, report(s) allege that Mitt Romney appears to have known as early as JUNE 2012, if NOT before! WHAT FRAUDULENT/CRIMINAL ACTS – STEALING/THEFT of Americans’ VOTING RIGHTS!
  • 100. Now YOU know the TRUTH as to WHY Michelle Obama had on an OLD DRESS and Ann Romney the RED. Now YOU know the TRUTH as to WHY Mitt Romney did NOT have a CONCESSION Speech, WHY he had the Campaign VICTORY CELEBRATION FIREWORKS on his side and WHY Mitt Romney’s PRESIDENT-Elect Website was up and ready to go the NEXT day and the PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT leading to the “ELECTION BEING YANKED” right from underneath Romney and WHY it took OVER an HOUR for him to prepare and give his CONCESSION Speech – i.e. it appears they had to BREAK THE NEWS WHY they were NOT putting him in the White House! Now you KNOW WHY the STOCKS CRASHED the following day!
  • 101. THE BONE THROWN FOR DISTRACTION PURPOSES - - WHY the General Petraeus SEX SCANDAL does NOT pass the “SMELL TEST” - it appears: 1. FRONT/COVER-UP for the LAST minute decision to YANK of the Presidential Elections from Mitt Romney that was originally PLANNED 2. The PLAN was to place Mitt Romney in the White House; therefore, President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Leon Panetta, General Petraeus and others would have been out – AVOIDING a carry over in the Benghazi Attack Investigation(s); however, because of the LAST-MINUTE blow and the EXPOSURE of ObamaFraudGate, this was a CRISIS that the Obama Administration, CONGRESS, the SUPREME COURT of the United States and their Legal Counsel/Advisor Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz did NOT see coming.  PS obama-obamafraudgate
  • 102. UNDERSTANDING THE JEWISH CONTROL Of The MAINSTREAM MEDIA And How CONNECTIONS May Be Used In The COVER-UP Of ObamaFraudGate – Beginning at Page 242: Leonard Goldenson – President of ABC Leslie Monves – President of CBS Jeffrey Zucker – President and Chief Executive Officer of NBC Gerald Levin – Chief Executive Officer of Time Warner Steven Anthony Ballmer – Chief Executive Officer of MicroSoft The Mainstream Media is PRO-Obama and BIAS: us-mediaprotectionofhim
  • 103. PUSHING JEWISH PRACTICES and BELIEFS: It appears ObamaFraudGate included placing the FIRST GAY President in the White House. It is NO SECRET that Congressman Barney Frank (Jewish – U.S. House Committee on FINANCIAL Services) is GAY! What is DISTURBING are REPORT(S) that President Obama may have engaged in CRIMINAL acts to have his HOMOSEXUAL lifestyle kept SECRET: So Barack Obama’s “SECRET” KILL LIST may have begun BEFORE his entering the White House: It appears NOT MEETING the REQUIREMENT under the 25th Amendment of the United States Constitution to become President of the United States, United States of America President Barack Obama, his Legal Counsel/Advisor Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz, the United States CONGRESS and SUPREME COURT of the United States and other CONSPIRATORS/CO-CONSPIRATORS conspired to put Barack Obama in the White House and a COURSE OF ACTION to take AGAINST Citizens CHALLENGING his QUALIFICATIONS!