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            The Business Value
              of Going Green

            FEBRUARY 1, 2011

                    And you….?

 Never really heard of green building – nor

 understand the hype?

 Heard of “being green” – energy efficient?

 Know of LEED buildings in PA, understand it

 involves more than energy efficiency?



           The Pirates are doing it

     Through the work of greening
        initiatives during the 2010 season
        the Pirates recycled:
       27.7 tons of Glass
       5.5 tons of aluminum cans
       22.2 tons of plastic
       14.5 tons of paper
       101.1 tons of baled cardboard
       11.2 tons of used cooking oil
       42.5 tons of yard waste
       262.3 tons of food waste
       61.9 tons of other recyclable materials


    Every person is affected:


    Tenants (Organizations)
    Occupants (Individuals)

Everyone is involved and affected:



                          / Subs



      The impact of the design construction
       and operation of the built
       environment has profound
       implication for human health
       environment and economy.
      On average people spend over 85% of
       their time inside a building.

 Green Building Movement:

 The trend has risen dramatically
  over the past decade
 Federal, State and Local agencies
  are requiring sustainable facilities
  and making laws to support them.
     US General Services Administration
      requires LEED certification on new


          Green Building Movement:

   Green Building: transform the
    way built environments are
    designed, built, and operated
   Impact earliest stages of planning
    to beyond the end of life
   Encompass production and fate of
    every substance that crosses into
    or out of a project

    US Buildings:
 72% of electricity consumption
 39% of energy use
 38% of all carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions
 40% of raw materials use
 30% of waste output
 14% of potable water consumption

Green Building aims to minimize human
 impact on natural resources


    Green Buildings:

               Generate   economic
               Areresource-efficient
               & comfortable
               Contain the amenities
               necessary for better
               quality of life

    Green Buildings:
   Green building is propelled by belief
    that design, construction, and
    operation of buildings can & should
       energy efficiency
       smart growth
       water conservation
       indoor environmental quality
       material selection and life-cycle


Savings of

                                              WATER             SAVINGS
                                               USE               50-90%
                               CARBON        SAVINGS
                               SAVINGS        30-50%

  Test   Capital E

                        Facility Life Cycle Cost


               Operations &     Design &
               Maintenance     Construction
                   6%              2%

                                    Based on 30-year lifecycle BOMA report


 Triple Bottom Line:
    Measures projects based on performance in society,
     environment, and economy
                   (people, planet, profit)

 Green buildings measure/enhance the sustainability of
 buildings based on TBL
 Refocusesthe measurement of corporate performance
 from shareholder’s perspective (mostly financial) to a
 stakeholder’s (any impact on anyone)

            U.S. Green Building Council
                        Non-profit   founded 1993
                        Nation’sforemost coalition
                         of green leaders
  Promotes   environmentally responsible,
   profitable, and healthy buildings
  Members are from more than 15,000 diverse
  More than 70 regional chapters


LEED: Leadership in Energy
and Environmental Design

                  LEED designed to meet need to
                  system to define and
                  measure green buildings
                  First committee comprised of:
                  architects, real estate agents, a
                  building owner, a lawyer, an
                  environmentalist, and other
                  industry representatives

  LEED – Green Building Rating System

  Third-party   green building certification
  Nationallyaccepted benchmark for the
  design, construction, and operation of high
  performance green buildings.
  Voluntary,consensus-based, comprehensive,
  and flexible
  Prevents   “greenwashing”


LEED Score Card


             LEED Prerequisites & Credits

   Prerequisites required, credits optional
   100 base points, 6 Innovation & Design points, 4
    Regionalization points (110 total)

       Certified: 40-49 points      Gold: 60-79 points
       Silver: 50-59 points         Platinum: 80+ points

                   LEED Rating Systems


                   LEED or Leeds?

            LEED                           Leeds

          Green Building                   City in the UK
          Rating System

                Using LEED as a Guide

 Sustainable practices are best management practices
 Many implemented at low cost/no cost, not capital

 Actual certification costs money – Do you need a
    Is there an ROI for your organization?
    Will your business stock go up?
    Are your clients asking you about your “greenness”?
    What is your public image?
    Does management have personal initiative?
    What is your competitor doing?


       Why consider green…. Or LEED?

         Getty Center
         Adobe Incorporated
         Missouri Botanical Garden (MOBOT)
         State of Colorado
         Dr. James Heneghan
         Pentagon
         GE
         Synopsys
         Cushman & Wakefield

                  Where to start?

Use LEED (or parts of it) as a Business Tool to 
Measure Your Success

“You can’t manage what you can't measure”


                          Energy Consumption
Defining and              Water Consumption
Measuring                 Recycling/Waste Diversion
your KPIs                 Green Cleaning
                          Comfort Calls
What works for            Greenhouse Gas Reduction/Carbon
your organization?         Footprint
                          Alternative Transportation
                          RMI claims
                          Energy Use Index – EUI
                          Data Center Use
                          Purchasing
                     You can’t manage what you can’t measure.

           LEED - Sustainable Sites (SS)


                           Surrounding                 Hardscape
                             Habitat                  Management


                            Landscape                 Heat Island
                           Management                   Effect



LEED – Water Efficiency (WE)

      Water Management

                  “When the
                  well's dry, we
                  know the
                  worth of
                  Benjamin Franklin


Indoor Plumbing Fixture Efficiency


                         Low flow

  Indoor Plumbing Fixture Efficiency

                      75% water savings
                       from faucets


                Water Savings = Cost Savings
   C&W at Adobe Towers water management program saved
    more than $30k per year and provided a 22% return on
   A commercial office building in Boston replaced existing 3.5
    gpf toilets with low-flow 1.6 gpf toilets
       Reduced water use by 15%
       Initial cost of $32,000
       Estimated annual savings of $22,800 and 1.4 year payback
   An office building in Boston installed 30 efficient aerators
       Reduced water use by 190.000 gallons per year
       Initial cost $300
       Estimated savings of $1,250 per year with a simple 2 month payback

            Water Performance Measurement

Whole Building Meter
Submetering: have permanent meter for one
 more water system
         Irrigation
         Indoor Plumbing Fixtures
         Cooling Towers
         Domestic Hot Water
         Other Process


        Energy & Atmosphere (EA)

  Energy costs are a large portion of overall
   operating expenses of buildings
   2005 average energy cost
    $1.51/SF for an office building

EPA’s Energy Star


       Energy Star Portfolio Manager – managed by the EPA

       Free website to input the following data:
         Type of facility
         Location
         Size
         Space types
         Occupants
         Computers per occupant
         Utility data

© Copyright 2010 Cassidy Turley.                            37



According to the Environmental
 Protection Agency, the average
 commercial building should be
    able to reduce its energy
  consumption by 30%, easily.


                      If you need to
                      reduce energy use
                      by 10% - where do
                      you begin?


   Materials & Resources

       Life Cycle Example:
Carpet Tile vs Roll Floor Covering


       Life Cycle Example:
Maintenance/Replacement Expense

  Replace         Replace
 stained or     entire carpet
worn tiles as   when stained
   needed        and worn

    Sustainable Purchasing


                 Sustainable Purchasing

   Everyday goods –
       Paper (printer, notebooks, envelopes etc)
       Binders, Desk Accessories
       Toner Cartridges

               Sustainable Purchasing
           Durable Goods – Electronics
            and Furnishings


                     Waste Diversion

 Understand your waste stream – do an audit
 Where do these items go and how much?
      Paper
      Food
      Cardboard
      Pallets
      Electronics
      Green landscape
      Other?


    Waste Diversion – Make it competitive

 Set your metric and a goal that is reasonable
 Push the limit a little – make it successful


         Indoor Environmental Quality

 Air Quality
 Daylight and Views
 Green Cleaning
 Thermal Comfort

 Occupant Comfort: Occupant Survey
       Survey building occupants
         thermal comfort
         indoor air quality
         lighting levels
         building cleanliness
         acoustics
         occupant comfort


                Green Cleaning Policy

 Green Cleaning (low cost , no cost)
    Sustainable cleaning systems
    Sustainable cleaning products
    Appropriate dilution systems
    Proper training in hazardous use, disposal and packaging
    Hand soaps - no antimicrobial
    Equipment that reduces IAQ

             Innovations/Region Points

 Get creative!
 Go above and beyond

 Get extra points based on where your building is



    The Business Case
   For LEED Certification

             Adobe Towers
   Adobe Systems Incorporated’s Headquarters Buildings


                               Adobe Towers
              Adobe Systems Incorporated’s Headquarters Buildings

  •   3 buildings, 1 million square feet, completed 1996-2003
  •   64 sustainability projects completed over five years
  •   Cost: $1.4 million; rebates: $389k; annual savings: $1.2 million
  •   9.1 month payback; 121% ROI (Return On Investment)
                  • Electricity use reduced 37%
                  • Natural gas use reduced 41%
                  • Domestic water use reduced 22%
                  • Landscape irrigation water use reduced 76%
                  • Up to 85% of its solid waste diverted through
                    composting and recycling
                  • CO2 emissions reduced 19%; with Renewable
                         Energy Credits, 38.2%.

        Cost Summary of Projects
Description          # Projects         Cost   Rebate      Savings           ROI
Load Management           26       $445,248    $205,437    $729,185       304%
Lighting                  19       $300,701    $ 44,918    $155,616          61%
Equipment                 6        $298,439    $122,575    $107,976          61%
Monitor & Controls        1        $ 39,472    $ 11,000    $ 12,001          42%
Water Management          3        $145,732    $   5,396   $ 31,287          22%
Waste Stream              1         $     0    $      0    $137,380     immediate
Office Supplies           1         $     0    $      0    $   8,700    immediate
Sustainable Janitorial    1         $     0    $      0    $     0           n/a
Indoor Air Quality        1         $     0    $      0    $     0           n/a
Alternative Trans         1         $     0    $      0    $     0           n/a
Compostable Paper         1         $     0    $      0    $     0           n/a
Purchase Alter Energy     1        $ 16,000    $      0    $     0           n/a
LEED Consult(3 bldgs) 1            $105,000    $      0    $     0           n/a
Register/Cert (3 bldg)                     1   $ 12,000    $     0       $          0
Total                     64      $1,362,592   $389,326    $1,182,145        121%


 Load Management

     26 separate load management projects:
     •6 applications of motion sensors to curtail
     •Adjusted run-times on equipment and
      motors, including garage fans, boilers, and
      fountain pumps
     •Rescheduled parking garage lighting to
      reduce operating hours
     •Relocated thermostats from ceiling’s in
      IDC closet to optimize temperature

Lighting Retrofits

                  19 Separate Lighting

                  •Converted incandescent
                   lamps to compact
                  • Retrofitted high-pressure
                   high sodium lamps in
                   garage to fluorescents
                  • Upgraded fluorescent T8
                   lamps to latest generation
                  • Changed fluorescent exit
                   signs to LED



  C O N S I D E R T H AT M O S T E X I T S I G N S U S E T W O 2 0
   WAT T I N C A N D E S C E N T B U L B S ( A T O TA L O F 4 0
       WAT T S O P E R AT E D 2 4 H O U R S P E R D AY ) ,

        R E T R O - F I T B U L B S U S E O N LY 1 . 4 WAT T S .

   AT $ . 1 0 P E R K W H , Y O U C A N E X P E C T T O S AV E
               LIFE OF THE LED EXIT SIGN

               Green Cleaning

                                 Multiple Projects:

                                 •100% Green Chemicals
                                 •Automatic Solution Dispensers
                                 •Microfiber Dust-mops and Wipes
                                 •High-filtration Vacuum Cleaners
                                 •Use of incentive bonuses


              Waste Management

                                    Multiple Combined Projects:

                                    •Categorized recycling containers
                                     installed in each break room:
                                     Compost, Recycling, Trash
                                    •Battery and toner cartridge recycling
                                     in every break room
                                    •All food waste is composted
                                    •Light bulbs, lamps and e-waste are
                                     recycled through outside contractors
                                    •Grass-cycling employed to maintain
                                     lawns with no waste
                                    •Side-saddle waste baskets added in
                                     each office to accommodate both
                                     recycling and composting in each

          Benefits of Conservation
• Reduced Operating Costs
               $1.2 million reduction in annual operating costs
• Increased Building Value
               A reduction in annual operating costs of $1.2 million equals
               an increase in building value of $18 - $20 million.
• Increased Productivity
               Studies by Carnegie Mellon show productivity increases ranging
               from .4% to 18% in green buildings
• Increased Market for Potential Employees
               Environmental issues are increasingly important to employees
               and potential employees
• Increased Investor Market
               12% of the investor market only invests in socially and
               environmentally responsible companies
               Federal & State Governments give preference to Green Buildings
• Reduced Environmental Footprint


Adobe’s Savings Through Sustainability

         Total progress as of December 31, 2008:

         • Effectively reduced electricity use 39%
         • Reduced natural gas use 37%
         • Reduced domestic water use 38%
         • Reduced landscape water use 76%
         • Diverting up to 98% of its solid waste through
           composting and recycling
         • Reduced CO2 emissions 19%; with Renewable Energy
           Credits, 38.2%
         • Cumulative savings in San Jose to date, $6,288,972

         Impact of LEED Certification

 Description     # Projects     Cost     Rebate      Savings    ROI

 Before Registering 30        $888,912   $277,092    $647,747   106%

 After Registering   34       $473,680   $112,234    $534,398   148%

 Total               64       $1,362,592 $389,326 $1,182,145    121%



  it is easy
 being green,
…and profitable!

        Celia Hammond


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The Business Value of Going Green

  • 1. 2/1/2011 The Business Value of Going Green CELIA HAMMOND, LEED AP O+M, BEP FEBRUARY 1, 2011 And you….?  Never really heard of green building – nor understand the hype?  Heard of “being green” – energy efficient?  Know of LEED buildings in PA, understand it involves more than energy efficiency? 1
  • 2. 2/1/2011 CONSOL ENERGY CENTER The Pirates are doing it  Through the work of greening initiatives during the 2010 season the Pirates recycled:  27.7 tons of Glass  5.5 tons of aluminum cans  22.2 tons of plastic  14.5 tons of paper  101.1 tons of baled cardboard  11.2 tons of used cooking oil  42.5 tons of yard waste  262.3 tons of food waste  61.9 tons of other recyclable materials 2
  • 3. 2/1/2011 Every person is affected: Owners Designers Engineers Contractors Sub-Contractors Tenants (Organizations) Occupants (Individuals) Everyone is involved and affected: Owners Tenants/ Designers Occupant Contractor Engineers / Subs 3
  • 4. 2/1/2011 Why?  The impact of the design construction and operation of the built environment has profound implication for human health environment and economy.  On average people spend over 85% of their time inside a building. Green Building Movement:  The trend has risen dramatically over the past decade  Federal, State and Local agencies are requiring sustainable facilities and making laws to support them.  US General Services Administration requires LEED certification on new construction 4
  • 5. 2/1/2011 Green Building Movement:  Green Building: transform the way built environments are designed, built, and operated  Impact earliest stages of planning to beyond the end of life  Encompass production and fate of every substance that crosses into or out of a project US Buildings: 72% of electricity consumption 39% of energy use 38% of all carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions 40% of raw materials use 30% of waste output 14% of potable water consumption Green Building aims to minimize human impact on natural resources 5
  • 6. 2/1/2011 Green Buildings:  Generate economic benefits  Areresource-efficient & comfortable  Contain the amenities necessary for better quality of life Green Buildings:  Green building is propelled by belief that design, construction, and operation of buildings can & should address:  energy efficiency  smart growth  water conservation  indoor environmental quality  material selection and life-cycle 6
  • 7. 2/1/2011 Average Savings of Green Buildings WASTE COST WATER SAVINGS USE 50-90% CARBON SAVINGS SAVINGS 30-50% 35% ENERGY SAVINGS 30% Source: Test Capital E Facility Life Cycle Cost Occupant Salaries 92% Operations & Design & Maintenance Construction 6% 2% Based on 30-year lifecycle BOMA report 14 7
  • 8. 2/1/2011 Triple Bottom Line:  Measures projects based on performance in society, environment, and economy (people, planet, profit)  Green buildings measure/enhance the sustainability of buildings based on TBL  Refocusesthe measurement of corporate performance from shareholder’s perspective (mostly financial) to a stakeholder’s (any impact on anyone) U.S. Green Building Council  Non-profit founded 1993  Nation’sforemost coalition of green leaders  Promotes environmentally responsible, profitable, and healthy buildings  Members are from more than 15,000 diverse organizations  More than 70 regional chapters 8
  • 9. 2/1/2011 LEED: Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design  LEED designed to meet need to system to define and measure green buildings  First committee comprised of: architects, real estate agents, a building owner, a lawyer, an environmentalist, and other industry representatives LEED – Green Building Rating System  Third-party green building certification program  Nationallyaccepted benchmark for the design, construction, and operation of high performance green buildings.  Voluntary,consensus-based, comprehensive, and flexible  Prevents “greenwashing” 9
  • 11. 2/1/2011 LEED Prerequisites & Credits  Prerequisites required, credits optional  100 base points, 6 Innovation & Design points, 4 Regionalization points (110 total)  Certified: 40-49 points  Gold: 60-79 points  Silver: 50-59 points  Platinum: 80+ points LEED Rating Systems 11
  • 12. 2/1/2011 LEED or Leeds? LEED Leeds Green Building City in the UK Rating System Using LEED as a Guide  Sustainable practices are best management practices  Many implemented at low cost/no cost, not capital  Actual certification costs money – Do you need a plaque?  Is there an ROI for your organization?  Will your business stock go up?  Are your clients asking you about your “greenness”?  What is your public image?  Does management have personal initiative?  What is your competitor doing? 12
  • 13. 2/1/2011 Why consider green…. Or LEED?  Getty Center  Adobe Incorporated  Missouri Botanical Garden (MOBOT)  State of Colorado  Dr. James Heneghan  Pentagon  GE  Synopsys  Cushman & Wakefield Where to start? Use LEED (or parts of it) as a Business Tool to  Measure Your Success “You can’t manage what you can't measure” 13
  • 14. 2/1/2011  Energy Consumption Defining and  Water Consumption Measuring  Recycling/Waste Diversion your KPIs  Green Cleaning  Comfort Calls What works for  Greenhouse Gas Reduction/Carbon your organization? Footprint  Alternative Transportation  RMI claims  Energy Use Index – EUI  Data Center Use  Purchasing You can’t manage what you can’t measure. LEED - Sustainable Sites (SS) Commuter Travel Surrounding Hardscape Habitat Management Site Impacts Landscape Heat Island Management Effect Stormwater Management 14
  • 15. 2/1/2011 LEED – Water Efficiency (WE) Water Management “When the well's dry, we know the worth of water.” Benjamin Franklin 15
  • 16. 2/1/2011 Indoor Plumbing Fixture Efficiency Waterless Fixtures Low flow Fixtures Low-flow diaphragms Indoor Plumbing Fixture Efficiency  75% water savings from faucets 16
  • 17. 2/1/2011 Water Savings = Cost Savings  C&W at Adobe Towers water management program saved more than $30k per year and provided a 22% return on investment  A commercial office building in Boston replaced existing 3.5 gpf toilets with low-flow 1.6 gpf toilets  Reduced water use by 15%  Initial cost of $32,000  Estimated annual savings of $22,800 and 1.4 year payback  An office building in Boston installed 30 efficient aerators  Reduced water use by 190.000 gallons per year  Initial cost $300  Estimated savings of $1,250 per year with a simple 2 month payback Water Performance Measurement Whole Building Meter Submetering: have permanent meter for one more water system  Irrigation  Indoor Plumbing Fixtures  Cooling Towers  Domestic Hot Water  Other Process 17
  • 18. 2/1/2011 Energy & Atmosphere (EA)  Energy costs are a large portion of overall operating expenses of buildings 2005 average energy cost  $1.51/SF for an office building EPA’s Energy Star 18
  • 19. 2/1/2011 Energy Star Portfolio Manager – managed by the EPA Free website to input the following data:  Type of facility  Location  Size  Space types  Occupants  Computers per occupant  Utility data © Copyright 2010 Cassidy Turley. 37 19
  • 20. 2/1/2011 Energy Consumption According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the average commercial building should be able to reduce its energy consumption by 30%, easily. Metering If you need to reduce energy use by 10% - where do you begin? 20
  • 21. 2/1/2011 Materials & Resources Life Cycle Example: Carpet Tile vs Roll Floor Covering 21
  • 22. 2/1/2011 Life Cycle Example: Maintenance/Replacement Expense Replace Replace stained or entire carpet worn tiles as when stained needed and worn Sustainable Purchasing 22
  • 23. 2/1/2011 Sustainable Purchasing  Everyday goods –  Paper (printer, notebooks, envelopes etc)  Binders, Desk Accessories  Toner Cartridges Sustainable Purchasing  Durable Goods – Electronics and Furnishings 23
  • 24. 2/1/2011 Waste Diversion  Understand your waste stream – do an audit  Where do these items go and how much?  Paper  Food  Cardboard  Pallets  Electronics  Green landscape  Other? 24
  • 25. 2/1/2011 Waste Diversion – Make it competitive  Set your metric and a goal that is reasonable  Push the limit a little – make it successful 25
  • 26. 2/1/2011 Indoor Environmental Quality  Air Quality  Daylight and Views  Green Cleaning  Thermal Comfort Occupant Comfort: Occupant Survey  Survey building occupants  thermal comfort  indoor air quality  lighting levels  building cleanliness  acoustics  occupant comfort 26
  • 27. 2/1/2011 Green Cleaning Policy  Green Cleaning (low cost , no cost)  Sustainable cleaning systems  Sustainable cleaning products  Appropriate dilution systems  Proper training in hazardous use, disposal and packaging  Hand soaps - no antimicrobial  Equipment that reduces IAQ Innovations/Region Points  Get creative!  Go above and beyond  Get extra points based on where your building is 27
  • 28. 2/1/2011 ADOBE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED The Business Case For LEED Certification Adobe Towers Adobe Systems Incorporated’s Headquarters Buildings 28
  • 29. 2/1/2011 Adobe Towers Adobe Systems Incorporated’s Headquarters Buildings • 3 buildings, 1 million square feet, completed 1996-2003 • 64 sustainability projects completed over five years • Cost: $1.4 million; rebates: $389k; annual savings: $1.2 million • 9.1 month payback; 121% ROI (Return On Investment) • Electricity use reduced 37% • Natural gas use reduced 41% • Domestic water use reduced 22% • Landscape irrigation water use reduced 76% • Up to 85% of its solid waste diverted through composting and recycling • CO2 emissions reduced 19%; with Renewable Energy Credits, 38.2%. Cost Summary of Projects Description # Projects Cost Rebate Savings ROI Load Management 26 $445,248 $205,437 $729,185 304% Lighting 19 $300,701 $ 44,918 $155,616 61% Equipment 6 $298,439 $122,575 $107,976 61% Monitor & Controls 1 $ 39,472 $ 11,000 $ 12,001 42% Water Management 3 $145,732 $ 5,396 $ 31,287 22% Waste Stream 1 $ 0 $ 0 $137,380 immediate Office Supplies 1 $ 0 $ 0 $ 8,700 immediate Sustainable Janitorial 1 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 n/a Indoor Air Quality 1 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 n/a Alternative Trans 1 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 n/a Compostable Paper 1 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 n/a Purchase Alter Energy 1 $ 16,000 $ 0 $ 0 n/a LEED Consult(3 bldgs) 1 $105,000 $ 0 $ 0 n/a Register/Cert (3 bldg) 1 $ 12,000 $ 0 $ 0 n/a Total 64 $1,362,592 $389,326 $1,182,145 121% 29
  • 30. 2/1/2011 Load Management 26 separate load management projects: •6 applications of motion sensors to curtail lighting •Adjusted run-times on equipment and motors, including garage fans, boilers, and fountain pumps •Rescheduled parking garage lighting to reduce operating hours •Relocated thermostats from ceiling’s in IDC closet to optimize temperature readings Lighting Retrofits 19 Separate Lighting Modifications •Converted incandescent lamps to compact fluorescent • Retrofitted high-pressure high sodium lamps in garage to fluorescents • Upgraded fluorescent T8 lamps to latest generation • Changed fluorescent exit signs to LED 30
  • 31. 2/1/2011 ROI C O N S I D E R T H AT M O S T E X I T S I G N S U S E T W O 2 0 WAT T I N C A N D E S C E N T B U L B S ( A T O TA L O F 4 0 WAT T S O P E R AT E D 2 4 H O U R S P E R D AY ) , W H I L E A N L E D E X I T S I G N S U S E S 2 WAT T S A N D L E D R E T R O - F I T B U L B S U S E O N LY 1 . 4 WAT T S . AT $ . 1 0 P E R K W H , Y O U C A N E X P E C T T O S AV E OVER $450 IN ENERGY COSTS ALONE OVER THE LIFE OF THE LED EXIT SIGN Green Cleaning Multiple Projects: •100% Green Chemicals •Automatic Solution Dispensers •Microfiber Dust-mops and Wipes •High-filtration Vacuum Cleaners •Training •Use of incentive bonuses 31
  • 32. 2/1/2011 Waste Management Multiple Combined Projects: •Categorized recycling containers installed in each break room: Compost, Recycling, Trash •Battery and toner cartridge recycling in every break room •All food waste is composted •Light bulbs, lamps and e-waste are recycled through outside contractors •Grass-cycling employed to maintain lawns with no waste •Side-saddle waste baskets added in each office to accommodate both recycling and composting in each office Benefits of Conservation • Reduced Operating Costs $1.2 million reduction in annual operating costs • Increased Building Value A reduction in annual operating costs of $1.2 million equals an increase in building value of $18 - $20 million. • Increased Productivity Studies by Carnegie Mellon show productivity increases ranging from .4% to 18% in green buildings • Increased Market for Potential Employees Environmental issues are increasingly important to employees and potential employees • Increased Investor Market 12% of the investor market only invests in socially and environmentally responsible companies Federal & State Governments give preference to Green Buildings • Reduced Environmental Footprint 32
  • 33. 2/1/2011 Adobe’s Savings Through Sustainability Total progress as of December 31, 2008: • Effectively reduced electricity use 39% • Reduced natural gas use 37% • Reduced domestic water use 38% • Reduced landscape water use 76% • Diverting up to 98% of its solid waste through composting and recycling • Reduced CO2 emissions 19%; with Renewable Energy Credits, 38.2% • Cumulative savings in San Jose to date, $6,288,972 Impact of LEED Certification Description # Projects Cost Rebate Savings ROI Before Registering 30 $888,912 $277,092 $647,747 106% After Registering 34 $473,680 $112,234 $534,398 148% Total 64 $1,362,592 $389,326 $1,182,145 121% 33
  • 34. 2/1/2011 ANOTHER PERSPECTIVE Actually, it is easy being green, …and profitable! Celia Hammond 202-550-5713 34