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George Mauer
 Owner of Humble Pi Consulting
 Current senior developer at Surge
 Former Senior Software
Developer at EPS Software
 Member - VirtualBrownBag,
VirtualAltNet, gnocode,
PhpNOLA, RubyBayou
 Improv and sketch Comedy with @togakangaroo
About Me
12:00 PM CST Thursdays on Livemeeting
Twitter: @virtualbrownbag
Javascript is….
 Actually called ECMAScript
 Why Javascript?
Most popular language
Lightweight conceptually
It will make your C# a lot better
All the cool kids are doing it
I want it!
 You got it…in your browser
 Use developer add-ons
 Chrome (Ctrl+Shift+J)
 IE (F12)
 Firefox
 Web Development Helper
 Enable Console and we’re interactive
In the browser Javascript interacts with the
Document Object Model
Browser’s interpretation of HTML
I wanna…use it?
Your script in the page
 <script> tag
 Inline
 Or Link
 Another HTTP request is made and the script file is downloaded
 Cached
 Order and download timing matters
 Words!
 Minification
 Bundling
 CDNs
 Global scope
 You have to be careful of the source
 For now let’s use console.log(…)
Syntax – Javascript is NOT Java
 No type declaration
 var someInt = 123
 console.log(someInt)
 Strings use “ or ‘
 Yes, there are
 exceptions and try…catch blocks
 do…while loops
 if and switch statements
 No, we will not talk about them
 Except the for loop
 There is no function to evaluate strings
 There is nothing to: eval(“alert(‘javascript!’)”);
 (There totally is, but shhh…)
 Semi-colons are optional…ish
Control Structures
 Yes, there are
 exceptions and try…catch blocks
 do…while loops
 if and switch statements
 No, we will not talk about them
 Except the for loop
 There is no function to
 var someString = “alert(‘javascript!’)”;
 (There totally is, but shhh…)
 Semi-colons are optional…ish
Concept #1 – Objects as Hashes
 No such thing as
classes, just objects
 So there’s just
anonymous objects
 Object Literal:
 Comma-separated,
Colon denoted hash
 Trailing commas not
 Nothing is immutable
 You can add properties
 Functions too!
var person = {
name: "Brian May",
occupation: "Mucisian",
who: function() {
console.log(": I used to be in
person.phD = "Astronomy";
person.playMusic = function() {
console.log("Is this the real life?");
Concept #1 – Objects as Hashes
 Objects ARE Hashes/Dictionaries
myObject.propertyName == myObject[“propertyName”]
 Use console.dir() to explore objects
 Arrays
 Comma separated, Square brackets
 Elements in array can be of any type
 Arrays are objects
 Use the function
 No type information
on parameters
 All functions return
something (though it
might be undefined)
 When invoking
parameters are
always optional
 Do you care?
function youLike(name) {
if(typeof name === 'undefined') {
console.error("I don’t know who to like");
return 'I like ' + name;
// I like fred
// I don’t know who to like
// undefined
Concept #2 – First Class Functions
 Functions are objects
 Can be stored in variables
 Or parameters to other functions
 Functions can have properties! They are just
objects that can be invoked.
 So how are they not objects?
 Functions are invokable
 That’s it (for now)
Concept #3 – Loose Typing
 Really there are types
Strings, Integers, floats
But you can write whatever you
 JS has it covered: 99% of the
time it just works
Concept #3 – Loose Typing
 Loose means coercions on the spot
 This can get wonky
 1+2+"3" == "33“
 "1"+2+3 == "33“
 2==false;
 === operator will prevent coercion and is
 It’s weird but if you know what you’re doing…
Concept #4 – Closures
 Addresses one of the biggest problems –
global scope
 Functions can be nested inside each other
 Great for helper functions
 Scope works exactly as you instinctively
think it would
 Most of the time
Concept #4 – Closures
 Self-executing
functions solve
global scope
var someFunc = function() {
(function() {
 Shorten to
Public? Private? Static?
We got you
Concept #4 – Closures
Lots of variations on this module pattern
Concept #5 – Prototypes
 Javascript is object-oriented and has no classes!
 Prototype inheritance
 Simpler – each object has a prototype object
 Flexible – can mimic class inheritance and more
 Remember: Every object is a hash
 Plus a [[prototype]] attribute (revealed in some browsers by the
__proto__ property)
 Q: Do you have a cupOfSugar?
 Yes I do (object has cupOfSugar in the hash)
 No I don’t but let me ask Peter (object does not but Peter is the
 No I don’t (object does not and [[prototype]] is null)
 Can be used to emulate Class Inheritance
 Enables duck-typing, class-wide dynamicism, more!
 I recommend a style where you do not use this often
Concept #5 – Prototypes: new
 Javascript has a ‘new’ keyword
 Very different from C# new
 You don’t really need to use ‘new’ for OO in Javascript
 What does ‘new do’?
 All functions have a not null prototype property
 creates a function with the [[prototype]] set to the constructor function’s
prototype property
 You can enforce ‘new’
 Anti-intuitively works on functions but not objects
 Newer versions of Javascript (> 1.8.5) deprecate ‘new’ for
 Constructor functions denoted via convention.
 Capitalize constructor functions
 camelCase non-constructor functions
What is JSON?
 A subset of Javascript for transporting data
 Functionally equivalent to XML
 But way more succinct
 Lingua franca for ajax data-exchange
 – look at the dev tools network tab
 JSON is parsed with JSON parser, not eval’ed!
Cross-Domain Ajax
 I go to and log in
 My browser stores information (cookies)
to identify me to Amazon
 I then go to
 Uses ajax to contact
 My browser thinking the amazon session is
still on sends my Amazon
 Amazon sends back secret information to!
Same Origin Policy
 Browsers limit your ability to request resources across
 In general you can request and use across domains
 Display images
 Run scripts
 Display iframe
 You cannot have programmatic access to these resources
 Analyze images from other domains in JS
 Get arbitrary scripts as a string
 Inspect cross-domain iframe’s DOM
 Resources for understanding:
 Eric Law on the policy
 Phil Haack on a simple exploit with this
Cross-Domain Solutions
 Display data from other domains in iframes
 Cannot use that data
 Do all queries to other domains server side
 Can much better control caching
 Protected better against format changes
 Takes up your bandwith
 Service returns and executes:
 Cross-domain script execution is ok
 Assumes you have a global method called myMethod
 Evaluated, not parsed like JSON
 Dangerous – if the site is compromised it can inject any script!
myMethod({name: ‘George’})
Always think
twice when
sending secure
Odds and Ends – Jasmine
 Testing is even more important in dynamic
 No compiler to catch errors
 Easy to screw up global state
 Jasmine is a lightweight testing framework
 Based on ruby’s rspec
 Really simple and easy to learn
 Sample specs from gim.ShannonGame
Odds and Ends – Coffeescript
 Lightweight Javascript compiler that removes
the suck
 Gets rid of the function keyword
 Significant whitespace and no need for parens
 Postfix conditions (number = 42 if answer== true)
 Splats and object decomposition
 Comprehensions
 Easier inheritance setups
 Try it out
 Reverse compiler is a great learning tool
 Heavily influencing the future of Javascript
Why Libraries?
 Mismatches in browser implementations
 The standard DOM interface is awful
 Internet Explorer <8 sucks
 Unforeseen standards adopted (ie. CSS)
 Standardize these away
 jQuery, prototype, mootools, ext-js, yui, others
 - Try them out
Some Resources
 Douglas Crockford’s JavaScript the Good Parts
 Video
 Mozilla Developer Center – by far the best documentation
 When searching for javascript help, add on “MDC”
 Introduction to javascript from MDC
 Javascript OO
 Javascript Garden
 Fascinating Elegant Code beginner series
 Hidden Features of Javascript on StackOverflow
 – In-browser js prototyping sandbox complete with syntax highlighting, formatting,
javascript libraries inclusion, and code pasting for sharing
 Google Closure – how not to write javascript
 The console object API
 JSLint – Douglas Crockford’s syntax checker.
 Best explanation of the new keyword.
 Paul Irish Learns from jQuery source, and more
 jQuery API Reference
That Web 2.0 thing? Yeah, that.
Let’s talk about AJAX
HTTP Model
 Problems
 Refresh is ugly
 Unnecessary bandwith
 The operation is user triggered
 Solution
 Use javascript to fetch data and update the page when it is returned
 jQuery has some great helpers for this. Example
The Global Scope
 You don’t have to use var
 If you don’t, assignment
bubbles up like you would
 All the way to the global
window object!
 So always use var
 Isolate yourself from global
scope with self-executing
 Explanation of variables,
properties, scopes
function doStuff() {
var firstName = 'Fred';
function changeName() {
firstName = 'Jim';
lastName = 'Halpern';
firstName; // undefined
lastName; // Halpern – huh?
window.lastName; // Halpern – uh oh!
(function() {
More Javascript - Prototypes
 Javascript is object-oriented and has no classes!
 Prototype inheritance
 Simpler – each object has a prototype object
 Flexible – can mimic class inheritance and more
 Remember: Every object is a hash
 Plus a [[prototype]] attribute (revealed in some browsers by
the __proto__ property)
 Q: Do you have a cupOfSugar?
 Yes I do (object has cupOfSugar in the hash)
 No I don’t but let me ask Peter (object does not but Peter is the
 No I don’t (object does not and [[prototype]] is null)
 Can be used to emulate Class Inheritance
 Enables duck-typing, class-wide dynamicism, more!
What’s new?
 Javascript has a ‘new’ keywoad
 But no traditional inheritance
 You don’t really need to use ‘new’ for OO in
 What does ‘new do’?
 All functions have a not null prototype
 creates a function with the [[prototype]] set to
the constructor function’s prototype property
 You can enforce ‘new’
 Anti-intuitively works on functions but not objects
 Newer versions of Javascript (> 1.8.5)
deprecate ‘new’ for
 Constructor functions denoted via convention.
 Capitalize constructor functions
 camelCase non-constructor functions
function createPerson(name, age) {
return {
name: name,
age: age,
toString: function() { return + " is " +
this.age + " years old“; }
var bob = createPerson("bob", 39);
var sal = createPerson("sal", 22);
var Cat = function(catName) {
this.catName = catName;
Cat.prototype.meow = function() {
console.log(this.catName+" says meow");
var mittens = new Cat("Mittens");
var whiskers = new Cat("Whiskers");
What’s this?
 Javascript has the ‘this’ keyword
 Use it to refer to the current scope / context
 Sort of
 Lots of caveats
 It usually works how you think but double check
 Can also be substituted with function’s call() or
apply() methods
 Can be useful for method reuse
Odds and Ends – RegEx
 Traditionally more important in dynamic languages
 Two ways to create
var r1 = /^a+./;
var r2 = new RegEx("^a+.");
r1.exec(str); // Returns array of matches
r1.test(str); // Returns true if there is a match
str.match(r1); //Returns an array of Matches; //Returns idx if there is a match or -1
str.replace(r1); //Returns string with regex replaced
str.split(r1); //Returns an array of substrings
Odds and Ends – XSS
 Cross Site Scripting – someone causes their
Javascript to run on your site for other users
 Dangerous for: Comments / forums / twitter feeds
where you can post things other people can see
 Search areas or GET urls where long user
submissions can be embedded in a link
 Examples of simple XSS attacks
 How to prevent it:
 Ensure all user input reflected back is Html encoded
 Don’t place anything from GET requests on the page
 Be aware and think!
Javascript Weirdness - Hoisting
 Variable declarations are
moved to the top of the scope
 Function declarations are
created and declared in the
same step
 At the top of the scope
 Function assignments are
similar to variable
 Consider declaring all
variables in scope with one
var statement
 var bob, joe, jill;
var num = 56;
function calc() {
var num = 12;
function calc_isReally() {
var num;
num = 12;
Javascript Weirdness
 loops through all keys on hash / properties
on object
 Including those in the prototype chain which isn’t very
 Use hasOwnProperty() if this is not desired behavior
 Don’t use this to enumerate Arrays
 for loop – similar to for loop in c# or c++
 Use it to loop through arrays
 But remember Array.length is a calculated property!
 for(var i=0; i<arr.length; ++i) { }  Bad!
 for(var i=0, len=arr.length; i<len; ++i) { }  OK
Javascript Weirdness
 String Duality
 Native and object representations of strings
 typeof comparison won’t always work
 Do you really need to check type?
 Really?
 parseInt(), parseFloat() are not so simple
 What should parseInt("010") return?
 Read the MDC docs when using built-in functions
(there aren’t that many)

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All of Javascript

  • 2.  Owner of Humble Pi Consulting  Current senior developer at Surge  Former Senior Software Developer at EPS Software  Member - VirtualBrownBag, VirtualAltNet, gnocode, PhpNOLA, RubyBayou  Improv and sketch Comedy with @togakangaroo About Me
  • 3. 12:00 PM CST Thursdays on Livemeeting Twitter: @virtualbrownbag
  • 4. Javascript is….  Actually called ECMAScript  Why Javascript? Most popular language Lightweight conceptually It will make your C# a lot better All the cool kids are doing it
  • 5. I want it!  You got it…in your browser  Use developer add-ons  Chrome (Ctrl+Shift+J)  IE (F12)  Firefox  Web Development Helper  Enable Console and we’re interactive
  • 6. In the browser Javascript interacts with the Document Object Model Browser’s interpretation of HTML I wanna…use it?
  • 7. Your script in the page  <script> tag  Inline  Or Link  Another HTTP request is made and the script file is downloaded  Cached  Order and download timing matters  Words!  Minification  Bundling  CDNs  Global scope  You have to be careful of the source  For now let’s use console.log(…)
  • 8. Syntax – Javascript is NOT Java  No type declaration  var someInt = 123  console.log(someInt)  Strings use “ or ‘  Yes, there are  exceptions and try…catch blocks  do…while loops  if and switch statements  No, we will not talk about them  Except the for loop  There is no function to evaluate strings  There is nothing to: eval(“alert(‘javascript!’)”);  (There totally is, but shhh…)  Semi-colons are optional…ish
  • 9. Control Structures  Yes, there are  exceptions and try…catch blocks  do…while loops  if and switch statements  No, we will not talk about them  Except the for loop  There is no function to  var someString = “alert(‘javascript!’)”; eval(someString);  (There totally is, but shhh…)  Semi-colons are optional…ish
  • 10. Concept #1 – Objects as Hashes  No such thing as classes, just objects  So there’s just anonymous objects  Object Literal:  Comma-separated, Colon denoted hash  Trailing commas not allowed  Nothing is immutable  You can add properties  Functions too! var person = { name: "Brian May", occupation: "Mucisian", who: function() { console.log(": I used to be in Queen") } }; person.phD = "Astronomy"; person.playMusic = function() { console.log("Is this the real life?"); }
  • 11. Concept #1 – Objects as Hashes  Objects ARE Hashes/Dictionaries myObject.propertyName == myObject[“propertyName”]  Use console.dir() to explore objects  Arrays  Comma separated, Square brackets  Elements in array can be of any type  Arrays are objects
  • 12. Functions  Use the function keyword  No type information on parameters  All functions return something (though it might be undefined)  When invoking parameters are always optional  Do you care? function youLike(name) { if(typeof name === 'undefined') { console.error("I don’t know who to like"); return; } return 'I like ' + name; } console.log(youLike('fred')) // I like fred console.log(youLike()) // I don’t know who to like // undefined
  • 13. Concept #2 – First Class Functions  Functions are objects  Can be stored in variables  Or parameters to other functions  Functions can have properties! They are just objects that can be invoked.  So how are they not objects?  Functions are invokable  That’s it (for now)
  • 14. Concept #3 – Loose Typing  Really there are types Strings, Integers, floats But you can write whatever you want  JS has it covered: 99% of the time it just works
  • 15. Concept #3 – Loose Typing  Loose means coercions on the spot  This can get wonky  1+2+"3" == "33“  "1"+2+3 == "33“  2==false;  === operator will prevent coercion and is recommend  It’s weird but if you know what you’re doing…
  • 16. Concept #4 – Closures  Addresses one of the biggest problems – global scope  Functions can be nested inside each other  Great for helper functions  Scope works exactly as you instinctively think it would  Most of the time
  • 17. Concept #4 – Closures  Self-executing functions solve global scope issue var someFunc = function() { //stuff } someFunc(); (function() { //stuff })  Shorten to
  • 18. Public? Private? Static? We got you Concept #4 – Closures Lots of variations on this module pattern
  • 19. Concept #5 – Prototypes  Javascript is object-oriented and has no classes!  Prototype inheritance  Simpler – each object has a prototype object  Flexible – can mimic class inheritance and more  Remember: Every object is a hash  Plus a [[prototype]] attribute (revealed in some browsers by the __proto__ property)  Q: Do you have a cupOfSugar?  Yes I do (object has cupOfSugar in the hash)  No I don’t but let me ask Peter (object does not but Peter is the [[prototype]])  No I don’t (object does not and [[prototype]] is null)  Can be used to emulate Class Inheritance  Enables duck-typing, class-wide dynamicism, more!  I recommend a style where you do not use this often
  • 20. Concept #5 – Prototypes: new  Javascript has a ‘new’ keyword  Very different from C# new  You don’t really need to use ‘new’ for OO in Javascript  What does ‘new do’?  All functions have a not null prototype property  creates a function with the [[prototype]] set to the constructor function’s prototype property  You can enforce ‘new’  Anti-intuitively works on functions but not objects  Newer versions of Javascript (> 1.8.5) deprecate ‘new’ for Object.create(withPrototype)  Constructor functions denoted via convention.  Capitalize constructor functions  camelCase non-constructor functions
  • 21. What is JSON?  A subset of Javascript for transporting data  Functionally equivalent to XML  But way more succinct  Lingua franca for ajax data-exchange  – look at the dev tools network tab  JSON is parsed with JSON parser, not eval’ed!
  • 22. Cross-Domain Ajax  I go to and log in  My browser stores information (cookies) to identify me to Amazon  I then go to  Uses ajax to contact  My browser thinking the amazon session is still on sends my Amazon  Amazon sends back secret information to!
  • 23. Same Origin Policy  Browsers limit your ability to request resources across domains  In general you can request and use across domains  Display images  Run scripts  Display iframe  You cannot have programmatic access to these resources  Analyze images from other domains in JS  Get arbitrary scripts as a string  Inspect cross-domain iframe’s DOM  Resources for understanding:  Eric Law on the policy  Phil Haack on a simple exploit with this
  • 24. Cross-Domain Solutions  Display data from other domains in iframes  Cannot use that data  Do all queries to other domains server side  Can much better control caching  Protected better against format changes  Takes up your bandwith  JSONP  Service returns and executes:  Cross-domain script execution is ok  Assumes you have a global method called myMethod  Evaluated, not parsed like JSON  Dangerous – if the site is compromised it can inject any script! myMethod({name: ‘George’}) Always think twice when sending secure data!
  • 25. Odds and Ends – Jasmine  Testing is even more important in dynamic languages  No compiler to catch errors  Easy to screw up global state  Jasmine is a lightweight testing framework  Based on ruby’s rspec  Really simple and easy to learn  Sample specs from gim.ShannonGame
  • 26. Odds and Ends – Coffeescript  Lightweight Javascript compiler that removes the suck  Gets rid of the function keyword  Significant whitespace and no need for parens  Postfix conditions (number = 42 if answer== true)  Splats and object decomposition  Comprehensions  Easier inheritance setups  Try it out  Reverse compiler is a great learning tool  Heavily influencing the future of Javascript (Harmony)
  • 27. Why Libraries?  Mismatches in browser implementations  The standard DOM interface is awful  Internet Explorer <8 sucks  Unforeseen standards adopted (ie. CSS)  Standardize these away  jQuery, prototype, mootools, ext-js, yui, others  - Try them out
  • 28. Some Resources  Douglas Crockford’s JavaScript the Good Parts  Video  Mozilla Developer Center – by far the best documentation  When searching for javascript help, add on “MDC”  Introduction to javascript from MDC  Javascript OO  Javascript Garden  Fascinating Elegant Code beginner series  Hidden Features of Javascript on StackOverflow  – In-browser js prototyping sandbox complete with syntax highlighting, formatting, javascript libraries inclusion, and code pasting for sharing  Google Closure – how not to write javascript  The console object API  JSLint – Douglas Crockford’s syntax checker.  Best explanation of the new keyword.  Paul Irish Learns from jQuery source, and more  jQuery API Reference RATE ME ON SPEAKERRATE:
  • 29.
  • 30. That Web 2.0 thing? Yeah, that. Let’s talk about AJAX
  • 31. HTTP Model  Problems  Refresh is ugly  Unnecessary bandwith  The operation is user triggered  Solution  Use javascript to fetch data and update the page when it is returned  jQuery has some great helpers for this. Example
  • 32. The Global Scope  You don’t have to use var  If you don’t, assignment bubbles up like you would think  All the way to the global window object!  So always use var  Isolate yourself from global scope with self-executing functions  Explanation of variables, properties, scopes function doStuff() { var firstName = 'Fred'; function changeName() { firstName = 'Jim'; lastName = 'Halpern'; } changeName(); } doStuff(); firstName; // undefined lastName; // Halpern – huh? window.lastName; // Halpern – uh oh! (function() { …doWhatever… })();
  • 33. More Javascript - Prototypes  Javascript is object-oriented and has no classes!  Prototype inheritance  Simpler – each object has a prototype object  Flexible – can mimic class inheritance and more  Remember: Every object is a hash  Plus a [[prototype]] attribute (revealed in some browsers by the __proto__ property)  Q: Do you have a cupOfSugar?  Yes I do (object has cupOfSugar in the hash)  No I don’t but let me ask Peter (object does not but Peter is the [[prototype]])  No I don’t (object does not and [[prototype]] is null)  Can be used to emulate Class Inheritance  Enables duck-typing, class-wide dynamicism, more!
  • 34. What’s new?  Javascript has a ‘new’ keywoad  But no traditional inheritance  You don’t really need to use ‘new’ for OO in Javascript  What does ‘new do’?  All functions have a not null prototype property  creates a function with the [[prototype]] set to the constructor function’s prototype property  You can enforce ‘new’  Anti-intuitively works on functions but not objects  Newer versions of Javascript (> 1.8.5) deprecate ‘new’ for Object.create(withPrototype)  Constructor functions denoted via convention.  Capitalize constructor functions  camelCase non-constructor functions function createPerson(name, age) { return { name: name, age: age, toString: function() { return + " is " + this.age + " years old“; } } } var bob = createPerson("bob", 39); var sal = createPerson("sal", 22); ------------------------------------------------------------- var Cat = function(catName) { this.catName = catName; }; Cat.prototype.meow = function() { console.log(this.catName+" says meow"); } var mittens = new Cat("Mittens"); var whiskers = new Cat("Whiskers");
  • 35. What’s this?  Javascript has the ‘this’ keyword  Use it to refer to the current scope / context  Sort of  Lots of caveats  It usually works how you think but double check  Can also be substituted with function’s call() or apply() methods  Can be useful for method reuse
  • 36. Odds and Ends – RegEx  Traditionally more important in dynamic languages  Two ways to create var r1 = /^a+./; var r2 = new RegEx("^a+."); r1.exec(str); // Returns array of matches r1.test(str); // Returns true if there is a match str.match(r1); //Returns an array of Matches; //Returns idx if there is a match or -1 str.replace(r1); //Returns string with regex replaced str.split(r1); //Returns an array of substrings
  • 37. Odds and Ends – XSS  Cross Site Scripting – someone causes their Javascript to run on your site for other users  Dangerous for: Comments / forums / twitter feeds where you can post things other people can see  Search areas or GET urls where long user submissions can be embedded in a link  Examples of simple XSS attacks  How to prevent it:  Ensure all user input reflected back is Html encoded  Don’t place anything from GET requests on the page  Be aware and think!
  • 38. Javascript Weirdness - Hoisting  Variable declarations are moved to the top of the scope  Function declarations are created and declared in the same step  At the top of the scope  Function assignments are similar to variable declarations  Consider declaring all variables in scope with one var statement  var bob, joe, jill; var num = 56; function calc() { console.log(num); var num = 12; console.log(num); } function calc_isReally() { var num; console.log(num); num = 12; console.log(num); }
  • 39. Javascript Weirdness  loops through all keys on hash / properties on object  Including those in the prototype chain which isn’t very helpful  Use hasOwnProperty() if this is not desired behavior  Don’t use this to enumerate Arrays  for loop – similar to for loop in c# or c++  Use it to loop through arrays  But remember Array.length is a calculated property!  for(var i=0; i<arr.length; ++i) { }  Bad!  for(var i=0, len=arr.length; i<len; ++i) { }  OK
  • 40. Javascript Weirdness  String Duality  Native and object representations of strings  typeof comparison won’t always work  Do you really need to check type?  Really?  parseInt(), parseFloat() are not so simple  What should parseInt("010") return?  Read the MDC docs when using built-in functions (there aren’t that many)