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Basics to Test Driven Development
May 2014 Minh Ngoc Dang
Senior Developer at ThoughtWorks
ThoughtWorks University Trainer
Minh Ngoc Dang
Lots of reasons! Here are a select few
Verify functionality of
Catch bugs and prevent them from
coming back
Serve as documentation for
maintainability purposes
? How do we make sure we have full test coverage?
? How can we be confident all cases are covered?
? How can we prevent bugs from happening?
Writing tests before writing code
Write the minimum amount of code
necessary to make tests pass
Rinse and repeat
Back to previously posed questions
Cases Covered? Bug Prevention?
Tests written before code
Tests written before code
Ensure all code covered by tests
Tests written before code
Ensure all code covered by tests
High test coverage
Back to previously posed questions
Cases Covered? Bug Prevention?
Test cases reflect exactly what code
Test cases reflect exactly what code
Visible list of functionality
Test cases reflect exactly what code
Visible list of functionality
Easy to see which
cases are missing
Back to previously posed questions
Cases Covered? Bug Prevention?
Mental shift in thinking up test case
before code
Mental shift in thinking up test case
before code
Encourage edge case testing
Mental shift in thinking up test case
before code
Encourage edge case testing
Help prevent bugs in
edge cases
Back to previously posed questions
Cases Covered? Bug Prevention?
Ease in debugging
Confidence in refactoring
Help define usage – How should the
code be used?
Only write necessary code – YAGNI!
New Test New Test New Test
You are given strings of different lengths. If
the number of vowels are more than 30%
of the string length then insert ‘mommy’ for
each continuous set of vowels.
 his → hmommys
 hear → hmommyr
✗ hear → hmommymommyr
“” → “” // empty string
“str” → “str” // no vowels
“a” → “mommy” // single vowel
“blah” → “blah” // < 30% length
“bla” → “blmommy” // > 30% length
“blaa” → “blmommy” // continuous vowels
“blaaha” → “blmommyhmommy”
// multi sets of vowels
“blA” → “blmommy” // capital letters
Null → raise exception // null checks
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
public class MommifierTest {
public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() {
String word = "";
Mommifier mommifier = new Mommifier();
String mommifiedWord = mommifier.mommify(word);
assertEquals("", mommifiedWord);
public class Mommifier {
public String mommify(String word) {
return null;
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
public class MommifierTest {
public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() {
String word = "";
Mommifier mommifier = new Mommifier();
String mommifiedWord = mommifier.mommify(word);
assertEquals("", mommifiedWord);
public class Mommifier {
public String mommify(String word) {
return "";
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
public class MommifierTest {
public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() {
String word = "";
Mommifier mommifier = new Mommifier();
String mommifiedWord = mommifier.mommify(word);
assertEquals("", mommifiedWord);
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
public class MommifierTest {
public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() {...}
public void shouldNotMommifyWordsWithNoVowels() {
String word = "str";
Mommifier mommifier = new Mommifier();
String mommifiedWord = mommifier.mommify(word);
assertEquals("str", mommifiedWord);
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
public class MommifierTest {
public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() {...}
public void shouldNotMommifyWordsWithNoVowels() {
String word = "str";
Mommifier mommifier = new Mommifier();
String mommifiedWord = mommifier.mommify(word);
assertEquals("str", mommifiedWord);
public class Mommifier {
public String mommify(String word) {
return word;
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
public class MommifierTest {
public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() {...}
public void shouldNotMommifyWordsWithNoVowels() {
String word = "str";
Mommifier mommifier = new Mommifier();
String mommifiedWord = mommifier.mommify(word);
assertEquals("str", mommifiedWord);
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
public class MommifierTest {
public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() {...}
public void shouldNotMommifyWordsWithNoVowels() {...}
public void shouldMommifyVowel() {
String word = "a";
Mommifier mommifier = new Mommifier();
String mommifiedWord = mommifier.mommify(word);
assertEquals("mommy", mommifiedWord);
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
public class MommifierTest {
public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() {...}
public void shouldNotMommifyWordsWithNoVowels() {...}
public void shouldMommifyVowel() {
String word = "a";
Mommifier mommifier = new Mommifier();
String mommifiedWord = mommifier.mommify(word);
assertEquals("mommy", mommifiedWord);
public class Mommifier {
public String mommify(String word) {
for (char character : word.toCharArray()) {
if (character == 'a'
|| character == 'e'
|| character == 'i'
|| character == 'o'
|| character == 'u'){
return "mommy";
return word;
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
public class MommifierTest {
public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() {...}
public void shouldNotMommifyWordsWithNoVowels() {...}
public void shouldMommifyVowel() {
String word = "a";
Mommifier mommifier = new Mommifier();
String mommifiedWord = mommifier.mommify(word);
assertEquals("mommy", mommifiedWord);
public class Mommifier {
public String mommify(String word) {
for (char character : word.toCharArray()) {
if (character == 'a'
|| character == 'e'
|| character == 'i'
|| character == 'o'
|| character == 'u'){
return "mommy";
return word;
public class Mommifier {
private static final String VOWELS = "aeiou";
private static final String REPLACEMENT_WORD = "mommy";
public String mommify(String word) {
for (Character character : word.toCharArray()) {
if (isAVowel(character)) {
return word;
private boolean isAVowel(Character character) {
return VOWELS.contains(character.toString());
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
public class MommifierTest {
public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() {...}
public void shouldNotMommifyWordsWithNoVowels() {...}
public void shouldMommifyVowel() {
String word = "a";
Mommifier mommifier = new Mommifier();
String mommifiedWord = mommifier.mommify(word);
assertEquals("mommy", mommifiedWord);
private Mommifier mommifier;
public void setUp() {
mommifier = new Mommifier();
public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() {
assertEquals("", mommifier.mommify(""));
public void shouldNotMommifyWordsWithNoVowels() {
assertEquals("str", mommifier.mommify("str"));
public void shouldMommifyVowel() {
assertEquals("mommy", mommifier.mommify("a"));
private Mommifier mommifier;
public void setUp() {
mommifier = new Mommifier();
public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() {
assertEquals("", mommifier.mommify(""));
public void shouldNotMommifyWordsWithNoVowels() {
assertEquals("str", mommifier.mommify("str"));
public void shouldMommifyVowel() {
assertEquals("mommy", mommifier.mommify("a"));
import ...;
public class MommifierTest {
private Mommifier mommifier;
public void setUp() {...}
public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() {...}
public void shouldNotMommifyWordsWithNoVowels() {...}
public void shouldMommifyVowel() {...}
public void shouldMommifyConsonantsAndSingleVowel() {
assertEquals("blmommy", mommifier.mommify("bla"));
import ...;
public class MommifierTest {
private Mommifier mommifier;
public void setUp() {...}
public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() {...}
public void shouldNotMommifyWordsWithNoVowels() {...}
public void shouldMommifyVowel() {...}
public void shouldMommifyConsonantsAndSingleVowel() {
assertEquals("blmommy", mommifier.mommify("bla"));
public class Mommifier {
private static final String VOWELS = "aeiou";
private static final String REPLACEMENT_WORD = "mommy";
public String mommify(String word) {
String mommifiedWord = "";
for (Character character : word.toCharArray()) {
if (isAVowel(character)) {
mommifiedWord += REPLACEMENT_WORD;
} else {
mommifiedWord += character;
return mommifiedWord;
private boolean isAVowel(Character character) {
return VOWELS.contains(character.toString());
import ...;
public class MommifierTest {
private Mommifier mommifier;
public void setUp() {...}
public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() {...}
public void shouldNotMommifyWordsWithNoVowels() {...}
public void shouldMommifyVowel() {...}
public void shouldMommifyConsonantsAndSingleVowel() {
assertEquals("blmommy", mommifier.mommify("bla"));
private Mommifier mommifier;
public void setUp() {...}
public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() {...}
public void shouldNotMommifyWordsWithNoVowels() {...}
public void shouldMommifyVowel() {...}
public void shouldMommifyConsonantsAndSingleVowel() {...}
public void shouldNotMommifyLessThan30PercentVowels() {
assertEquals("blah", mommifier.mommify("blah"));
private Mommifier mommifier;
public void setUp() {...}
public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() {...}
public void shouldNotMommifyWordsWithNoVowels() {...}
public void shouldMommifyVowel() {...}
public void shouldMommifyConsonantsAndSingleVowel() {...}
public void shouldNotMommifyLessThan30PercentVowels() {
assertEquals("blah", mommifier.mommify("blah"));
private static final double THRESHOLD = 0.3;
public String mommify(String word) {
int vowelCount = 0;
String mommifiedWord = "";
for (Character character : word.toCharArray()) {
if (isAVowel(character)) {
mommifiedWord += REPLACEMENT_WORD;
} else {
mommifiedWord += character;
return word;
return mommifiedWord;
private Mommifier mommifier;
public void setUp() {...}
public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() {...}
public void shouldNotMommifyWordsWithNoVowels() {...}
public void shouldMommifyVowel() {...}
public void shouldMommifyConsonantsAndSingleVowel() {...}
public void shouldNotMommifyLessThan30PercentVowels() {
assertEquals("blah", mommifier.mommify("blah"));
public String mommify(String word) {
return word;
return replaceVowels(word);
private boolean vowelCountLessThanThreshold(String word){...}
private String replaceVowels(String word) {...}
private boolean isAVowel(Character character) {...}
private Mommifier mommifier;
public void setUp() {...}
public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() {...}
public void shouldNotMommifyWordsWithNoVowels() {...}
public void shouldMommifyVowel() {...}
public void shouldMommifyConsonantsAndSingleVowel() {...}
public void shouldNotMommifyLessThan30PercentVowels() {
assertEquals("blah", mommifier.mommify("blah"));
private Mommifier mommifier;
public void setUp() {...}
public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() {...}
public void shouldNotMommifyWordsWithNoVowels() {...}
public void shouldMommifyVowel() {...}
public void shouldMommifyConsonantsAndSingleVowel() {...}
public void shouldNotMommifyLessThan30PercentVowels() {...}
public void shouldMommifyContinuousVowelsOnlyOnce() {
assertEquals("blmommyh”, mommifier.mommify("blaah"));
private Mommifier mommifier;
public void setUp() {...}
public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() {...}
public void shouldNotMommifyWordsWithNoVowels() {...}
public void shouldMommifyVowel() {...}
public void shouldMommifyConsonantsAndSingleVowel() {...}
public void shouldNotMommifyLessThan30PercentVowels() {...}
public void shouldMommifyContinuousVowelsOnlyOnce() {
assertEquals("blmommyh”, mommifier.mommify("blaah"));
public String mommify(String word) {...}
private String replaceVowels(String word) {
String mommifiedWord = "";
for (Character character : word.toCharArray()) {
if (!isVowel(character)) {
mommifiedWord += character;
} else if(!mommifiedWord.endsWith(REPLACEMENT_WORD)){
mommifiedWord += REPLACEMENT_WORD;
return mommifiedWord;
private boolean vowelCountLessThanThreshold(String word){...}
private boolean isVowel(Character character) {...}
private Mommifier mommifier;
public void setUp() {...}
public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() {...}
public void shouldNotMommifyWordsWithNoVowels() {...}
public void shouldMommifyVowel() {...}
public void shouldMommifyConsonantsAndSingleVowel() {...}
public void shouldNotMommifyLessThan30PercentVowels() {...}
public void shouldMommifyContinuousVowelsOnlyOnce() {
assertEquals("blmommyh”, mommifier.mommify("blaah"));
private Mommifier mommifier;
public void setUp() {...}
public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() {...}
public void shouldNotMommifyWordsWithNoVowels() {...}
public void shouldMommifyVowel() {...}
public void shouldMommifyConsonantsAndSingleVowel() {...}
public void shouldNotMommifyLessThan30PercentVowels() {...}
public void shouldMommifyContinuousVowelsOnlyOnce() {...}
public void shouldMommifyMultipleSetsOfVowels() {
assertEquals("blmommyhmommy”, mommifier.mommify("blaha"));
private Mommifier mommifier;
public void setUp() {...}
public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() {...}
public void shouldNotMommifyWordsWithNoVowels() {...}
public void shouldMommifyVowel() {...}
public void shouldMommifyConsonantsAndSingleVowel() {...}
public void shouldNotMommifyLessThan30PercentVowels() {...}
public void shouldMommifyContinuousVowelsOnlyOnce() {...}
public void shouldMommifyMultipleSetsOfVowels() {
assertEquals("blmommyhmommy”, mommifier.mommify("blaha"));
public void setUp() {...}
public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() {...}
public void shouldNotMommifyWordsWithNoVowels() {...}
public void shouldMommifyVowel() {...}
public void shouldMommifyConsonantsAndSingleVowel() {...}
public void shouldNotMommifyLessThan30PercentVowels() {...}
public void shouldMommifyContinuousVowelsOnlyOnce() {...}
public void shouldMommifyMultipleSetsOfVowels() {...}
public void shouldMommifyCapitalVowels() {
assertEquals("BLmommy", mommifier.mommify("BLA"));
public void setUp() {...}
public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() {...}
public void shouldNotMommifyWordsWithNoVowels() {...}
public void shouldMommifyVowel() {...}
public void shouldMommifyConsonantsAndSingleVowel() {...}
public void shouldNotMommifyLessThan30PercentVowels() {...}
public void shouldMommifyContinuousVowelsOnlyOnce() {...}
public void shouldMommifyMultipleSetsOfVowels() {...}
public void shouldMommifyCapitalVowels() {
assertEquals("BLmommy", mommifier.mommify("BLA"));
public class Mommifier {
private static final String VOWELS = "aeiou";
private static final String REPLACEMENT_WORD = "mommy";
private static final double THRESHOLD = 0.3;
public String mommify(String word) {...}
private String replaceVowels(String word) {...}
private boolean vowelCountLessThanThreshold(String word){...}
private boolean isVowel(Character character) {
Character lowerCase = Character.toLowerCase(character);
return VOWELS.contains(lowerCase.toString());
public void setUp() {...}
public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() {...}
public void shouldNotMommifyWordsWithNoVowels() {...}
public void shouldMommifyVowel() {...}
public void shouldMommifyConsonantsAndSingleVowel() {...}
public void shouldNotMommifyLessThan30PercentVowels() {...}
public void shouldMommifyContinuousVowelsOnlyOnce() {...}
public void shouldMommifyMultipleSetsOfVowels() {...}
public void shouldMommifyCapitalVowels() {
assertEquals("BLmommy", mommifier.mommify("BLA"));
public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() {...}
public void shouldNotMommifyWordsWithNoVowels() {...}
public void shouldMommifyVowel() {...}
public void shouldMommifyConsonantsAndSingleVowel() {...}
public void shouldNotMommifyLessThan30PercentVowels() {...}
public void shouldMommifyContinuousVowelsOnlyOnce() {...}
public void shouldMommifyMultipleSetsOfVowels() {...}
public void shouldMommifyCapitalVowels() {...}
@Test(expected = NullPointerException.class)
public void shouldErrorOnNull() {
public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() {...}
public void shouldNotMommifyWordsWithNoVowels() {...}
public void shouldMommifyVowel() {...}
public void shouldMommifyConsonantsAndSingleVowel() {...}
public void shouldNotMommifyLessThan30PercentVowels() {...}
public void shouldMommifyContinuousVowelsOnlyOnce() {...}
public void shouldMommifyMultipleSetsOfVowels() {...}
public void shouldMommifyCapitalVowels() {...}
@Test(expected = NullPointerException.class)
public void shouldErrorOnNull() {
“” → “”
“str” → “str”
“a” → “mommy”
“blah” → “blah”
“bla” → “blmommy”
“blaa” → “blmommy”
“blaaha” → “blmommyhmommy”
“blA” → “blmommy”
Null → raise exception
public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString
public void shouldNotMommifyWordsWithNoVowels
public void shouldMommifyVowel
public void shouldMommifyConsonantsAndSingleVowel
public void shouldNotMommifyLessThan30PercentVowels
public void shouldMommifyContinuousVowelsOnlyOnce
public void shouldMommifyMultipleSetsOfVowels
public void shouldMommifyCapitalVowels
public void shouldErrorOnNull
Gabriel Gavasso
Anand Iyengar
Thao Dang
Hung Dang
Mommifier Dojo by TWU team

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TDD for the Win

  • 1. TDD FOR THE WIN Basics to Test Driven Development May 2014 Minh Ngoc Dang
  • 2. Senior Developer at ThoughtWorks ThoughtWorks University Trainer Minh Ngoc Dang
  • 4. WHY TESTING? Lots of reasons! Here are a select few Verify functionality of application Catch bugs and prevent them from coming back Serve as documentation for maintainability purposes
  • 5. BUT WHAT ABOUT…? ? How do we make sure we have full test coverage? ? How can we be confident all cases are covered? ? How can we prevent bugs from happening?
  • 10. TEST DRIVING MEANS Writing tests before writing code Write the minimum amount of code necessary to make tests pass Rinse and repeat
  • 12. WHY TDD? Back to previously posed questions Test Coverage? Cases Covered? Bug Prevention?
  • 14. TEST COVERAGE Tests written before code Ensure all code covered by tests
  • 15. TEST COVERAGE Tests written before code Ensure all code covered by tests High test coverage
  • 16. WHY TDD? Back to previously posed questions Test Coverage? Cases Covered? Bug Prevention?
  • 17. TEST CASES Test cases reflect exactly what code does
  • 18. TEST CASES Test cases reflect exactly what code does Visible list of functionality
  • 19. TEST CASES Test cases reflect exactly what code does Visible list of functionality Easy to see which cases are missing
  • 20. WHY TDD? Back to previously posed questions Test Coverage? Cases Covered? Bug Prevention?
  • 21. BUG PREVENTION Mental shift in thinking up test case before code
  • 22. BUG PREVENTION Mental shift in thinking up test case before code Encourage edge case testing
  • 23. BUG PREVENTION Mental shift in thinking up test case before code Encourage edge case testing Help prevent bugs in edge cases
  • 24. WHY TDD? Back to previously posed questions Test Coverage? Cases Covered? Bug Prevention?
  • 26. TIME SAVER Ease in debugging Confidence in refactoring
  • 27. DRIVING DESIGN Help define usage – How should the code be used? Only write necessary code – YAGNI!
  • 28. SO HOW CAN I TDD?
  • 29. RED – GREEN - REFACTOR New Test New Test New Test Red GreenRefactor Red GreenRefactor Red GreenRefactor
  • 30. EXAMPLE You are given strings of different lengths. If the number of vowels are more than 30% of the string length then insert ‘mommy’ for each continuous set of vowels.  his → hmommys  hear → hmommyr ✗ hear → hmommymommyr
  • 31. TEST CASES “” → “” // empty string “str” → “str” // no vowels “a” → “mommy” // single vowel “blah” → “blah” // < 30% length “bla” → “blmommy” // > 30% length “blaa” → “blmommy” // continuous vowels “blaaha” → “blmommyhmommy” // multi sets of vowels “blA” → “blmommy” // capital letters Null → raise exception // null checks
  • 32. TEST import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; public class MommifierTest { @Test public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() { String word = ""; Mommifier mommifier = new Mommifier(); String mommifiedWord = mommifier.mommify(word); assertEquals("", mommifiedWord); } }
  • 33. SOURCE public class Mommifier { public String mommify(String word) { return null; } }
  • 34. TEST import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; public class MommifierTest { @Test public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() { String word = ""; Mommifier mommifier = new Mommifier(); String mommifiedWord = mommifier.mommify(word); assertEquals("", mommifiedWord); } }
  • 35. SOURCE public class Mommifier { public String mommify(String word) { return ""; } }
  • 36. TEST import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; public class MommifierTest { @Test public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() { String word = ""; Mommifier mommifier = new Mommifier(); String mommifiedWord = mommifier.mommify(word); assertEquals("", mommifiedWord); } }
  • 37. TEST import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; public class MommifierTest { @Test public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() {...} @Test public void shouldNotMommifyWordsWithNoVowels() { String word = "str"; Mommifier mommifier = new Mommifier(); String mommifiedWord = mommifier.mommify(word); assertEquals("str", mommifiedWord); } }
  • 38. TEST import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; public class MommifierTest { @Test public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() {...} @Test public void shouldNotMommifyWordsWithNoVowels() { String word = "str"; Mommifier mommifier = new Mommifier(); String mommifiedWord = mommifier.mommify(word); assertEquals("str", mommifiedWord); } }
  • 39. SOURCE public class Mommifier { public String mommify(String word) { return word; } }
  • 40. TEST import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; public class MommifierTest { @Test public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() {...} @Test public void shouldNotMommifyWordsWithNoVowels() { String word = "str"; Mommifier mommifier = new Mommifier(); String mommifiedWord = mommifier.mommify(word); assertEquals("str", mommifiedWord); } }
  • 41. TEST import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; public class MommifierTest { @Test public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() {...} @Test public void shouldNotMommifyWordsWithNoVowels() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyVowel() { String word = "a"; Mommifier mommifier = new Mommifier(); String mommifiedWord = mommifier.mommify(word); assertEquals("mommy", mommifiedWord); } }
  • 42. TEST import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; public class MommifierTest { @Test public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() {...} @Test public void shouldNotMommifyWordsWithNoVowels() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyVowel() { String word = "a"; Mommifier mommifier = new Mommifier(); String mommifiedWord = mommifier.mommify(word); assertEquals("mommy", mommifiedWord); } }
  • 43. SOURCE public class Mommifier { public String mommify(String word) { for (char character : word.toCharArray()) { if (character == 'a' || character == 'e' || character == 'i' || character == 'o' || character == 'u'){ return "mommy"; } } return word; } }
  • 44. TEST import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; public class MommifierTest { @Test public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() {...} @Test public void shouldNotMommifyWordsWithNoVowels() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyVowel() { String word = "a"; Mommifier mommifier = new Mommifier(); String mommifiedWord = mommifier.mommify(word); assertEquals("mommy", mommifiedWord); } }
  • 45. SOURCE public class Mommifier { public String mommify(String word) { for (char character : word.toCharArray()) { if (character == 'a' || character == 'e' || character == 'i' || character == 'o' || character == 'u'){ return "mommy"; } } return word; } }
  • 46. SOURCE public class Mommifier { private static final String VOWELS = "aeiou"; private static final String REPLACEMENT_WORD = "mommy"; public String mommify(String word) { for (Character character : word.toCharArray()) { if (isAVowel(character)) { return REPLACEMENT_WORD; } } return word; } private boolean isAVowel(Character character) { return VOWELS.contains(character.toString()); } }
  • 47. TEST import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; public class MommifierTest { @Test public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() {...} @Test public void shouldNotMommifyWordsWithNoVowels() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyVowel() { String word = "a"; Mommifier mommifier = new Mommifier(); String mommifiedWord = mommifier.mommify(word); assertEquals("mommy", mommifiedWord); } }
  • 48. TEST private Mommifier mommifier; @Before public void setUp() { mommifier = new Mommifier(); } @Test public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() { assertEquals("", mommifier.mommify("")); } @Test public void shouldNotMommifyWordsWithNoVowels() { assertEquals("str", mommifier.mommify("str")); } @Test public void shouldMommifyVowel() { assertEquals("mommy", mommifier.mommify("a")); }
  • 49. TEST private Mommifier mommifier; @Before public void setUp() { mommifier = new Mommifier(); } @Test public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() { assertEquals("", mommifier.mommify("")); } @Test public void shouldNotMommifyWordsWithNoVowels() { assertEquals("str", mommifier.mommify("str")); } @Test public void shouldMommifyVowel() { assertEquals("mommy", mommifier.mommify("a")); }
  • 50. TEST import ...; public class MommifierTest { private Mommifier mommifier; @Before public void setUp() {...} @Test public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() {...} @Test public void shouldNotMommifyWordsWithNoVowels() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyVowel() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyConsonantsAndSingleVowel() { assertEquals("blmommy", mommifier.mommify("bla")); } }
  • 51. TEST import ...; public class MommifierTest { private Mommifier mommifier; @Before public void setUp() {...} @Test public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() {...} @Test public void shouldNotMommifyWordsWithNoVowels() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyVowel() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyConsonantsAndSingleVowel() { assertEquals("blmommy", mommifier.mommify("bla")); } }
  • 52. SOURCE public class Mommifier { private static final String VOWELS = "aeiou"; private static final String REPLACEMENT_WORD = "mommy"; public String mommify(String word) { String mommifiedWord = ""; for (Character character : word.toCharArray()) { if (isAVowel(character)) { mommifiedWord += REPLACEMENT_WORD; } else { mommifiedWord += character; } } return mommifiedWord; } private boolean isAVowel(Character character) { return VOWELS.contains(character.toString()); } }
  • 53. TEST import ...; public class MommifierTest { private Mommifier mommifier; @Before public void setUp() {...} @Test public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() {...} @Test public void shouldNotMommifyWordsWithNoVowels() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyVowel() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyConsonantsAndSingleVowel() { assertEquals("blmommy", mommifier.mommify("bla")); } }
  • 54. TEST private Mommifier mommifier; @Before public void setUp() {...} @Test public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() {...} @Test public void shouldNotMommifyWordsWithNoVowels() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyVowel() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyConsonantsAndSingleVowel() {...} @Test public void shouldNotMommifyLessThan30PercentVowels() { assertEquals("blah", mommifier.mommify("blah")); }
  • 55. TEST private Mommifier mommifier; @Before public void setUp() {...} @Test public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() {...} @Test public void shouldNotMommifyWordsWithNoVowels() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyVowel() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyConsonantsAndSingleVowel() {...} @Test public void shouldNotMommifyLessThan30PercentVowels() { assertEquals("blah", mommifier.mommify("blah")); }
  • 56. SOURCE ... private static final double THRESHOLD = 0.3; public String mommify(String word) { int vowelCount = 0; String mommifiedWord = ""; for (Character character : word.toCharArray()) { if (isAVowel(character)) { mommifiedWord += REPLACEMENT_WORD; vowelCount++; } else { mommifiedWord += character; } } if((double)vowelCount/word.toCharArray().length < THRESHOLD){ return word; } return mommifiedWord; } ...
  • 57. TEST private Mommifier mommifier; @Before public void setUp() {...} @Test public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() {...} @Test public void shouldNotMommifyWordsWithNoVowels() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyVowel() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyConsonantsAndSingleVowel() {...} @Test public void shouldNotMommifyLessThan30PercentVowels() { assertEquals("blah", mommifier.mommify("blah")); }
  • 58. SOURCE public String mommify(String word) { if(vowelCountLessThanThreshold(word)){ return word; } return replaceVowels(word); } private boolean vowelCountLessThanThreshold(String word){...} private String replaceVowels(String word) {...} private boolean isAVowel(Character character) {...}
  • 59. TEST private Mommifier mommifier; @Before public void setUp() {...} @Test public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() {...} @Test public void shouldNotMommifyWordsWithNoVowels() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyVowel() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyConsonantsAndSingleVowel() {...} @Test public void shouldNotMommifyLessThan30PercentVowels() { assertEquals("blah", mommifier.mommify("blah")); }
  • 60. TEST private Mommifier mommifier; @Before public void setUp() {...} @Test public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() {...} @Test public void shouldNotMommifyWordsWithNoVowels() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyVowel() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyConsonantsAndSingleVowel() {...} @Test public void shouldNotMommifyLessThan30PercentVowels() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyContinuousVowelsOnlyOnce() { assertEquals("blmommyh”, mommifier.mommify("blaah")); }
  • 61. TEST private Mommifier mommifier; @Before public void setUp() {...} @Test public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() {...} @Test public void shouldNotMommifyWordsWithNoVowels() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyVowel() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyConsonantsAndSingleVowel() {...} @Test public void shouldNotMommifyLessThan30PercentVowels() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyContinuousVowelsOnlyOnce() { assertEquals("blmommyh”, mommifier.mommify("blaah")); }
  • 62. SOURCE ... public String mommify(String word) {...} private String replaceVowels(String word) { String mommifiedWord = ""; for (Character character : word.toCharArray()) { if (!isVowel(character)) { mommifiedWord += character; } else if(!mommifiedWord.endsWith(REPLACEMENT_WORD)){ mommifiedWord += REPLACEMENT_WORD; } } return mommifiedWord; } private boolean vowelCountLessThanThreshold(String word){...} private boolean isVowel(Character character) {...} ...
  • 63. TEST private Mommifier mommifier; @Before public void setUp() {...} @Test public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() {...} @Test public void shouldNotMommifyWordsWithNoVowels() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyVowel() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyConsonantsAndSingleVowel() {...} @Test public void shouldNotMommifyLessThan30PercentVowels() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyContinuousVowelsOnlyOnce() { assertEquals("blmommyh”, mommifier.mommify("blaah")); }
  • 64. TEST private Mommifier mommifier; @Before public void setUp() {...} @Test public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() {...} @Test public void shouldNotMommifyWordsWithNoVowels() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyVowel() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyConsonantsAndSingleVowel() {...} @Test public void shouldNotMommifyLessThan30PercentVowels() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyContinuousVowelsOnlyOnce() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyMultipleSetsOfVowels() { assertEquals("blmommyhmommy”, mommifier.mommify("blaha")); }
  • 65. TEST private Mommifier mommifier; @Before public void setUp() {...} @Test public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() {...} @Test public void shouldNotMommifyWordsWithNoVowels() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyVowel() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyConsonantsAndSingleVowel() {...} @Test public void shouldNotMommifyLessThan30PercentVowels() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyContinuousVowelsOnlyOnce() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyMultipleSetsOfVowels() { assertEquals("blmommyhmommy”, mommifier.mommify("blaha")); }
  • 66. TEST @Before public void setUp() {...} @Test public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() {...} @Test public void shouldNotMommifyWordsWithNoVowels() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyVowel() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyConsonantsAndSingleVowel() {...} @Test public void shouldNotMommifyLessThan30PercentVowels() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyContinuousVowelsOnlyOnce() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyMultipleSetsOfVowels() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyCapitalVowels() { assertEquals("BLmommy", mommifier.mommify("BLA")); }
  • 67. TEST @Before public void setUp() {...} @Test public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() {...} @Test public void shouldNotMommifyWordsWithNoVowels() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyVowel() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyConsonantsAndSingleVowel() {...} @Test public void shouldNotMommifyLessThan30PercentVowels() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyContinuousVowelsOnlyOnce() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyMultipleSetsOfVowels() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyCapitalVowels() { assertEquals("BLmommy", mommifier.mommify("BLA")); }
  • 68. SOURCE public class Mommifier { private static final String VOWELS = "aeiou"; private static final String REPLACEMENT_WORD = "mommy"; private static final double THRESHOLD = 0.3; public String mommify(String word) {...} private String replaceVowels(String word) {...} private boolean vowelCountLessThanThreshold(String word){...} private boolean isVowel(Character character) { Character lowerCase = Character.toLowerCase(character); return VOWELS.contains(lowerCase.toString()); } }
  • 69. TEST @Before public void setUp() {...} @Test public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() {...} @Test public void shouldNotMommifyWordsWithNoVowels() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyVowel() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyConsonantsAndSingleVowel() {...} @Test public void shouldNotMommifyLessThan30PercentVowels() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyContinuousVowelsOnlyOnce() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyMultipleSetsOfVowels() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyCapitalVowels() { assertEquals("BLmommy", mommifier.mommify("BLA")); }
  • 70. TEST @Test public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() {...} @Test public void shouldNotMommifyWordsWithNoVowels() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyVowel() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyConsonantsAndSingleVowel() {...} @Test public void shouldNotMommifyLessThan30PercentVowels() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyContinuousVowelsOnlyOnce() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyMultipleSetsOfVowels() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyCapitalVowels() {...} @Test(expected = NullPointerException.class) public void shouldErrorOnNull() { mommifier.mommify(null); }
  • 71. TEST @Test public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString() {...} @Test public void shouldNotMommifyWordsWithNoVowels() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyVowel() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyConsonantsAndSingleVowel() {...} @Test public void shouldNotMommifyLessThan30PercentVowels() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyContinuousVowelsOnlyOnce() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyMultipleSetsOfVowels() {...} @Test public void shouldMommifyCapitalVowels() {...} @Test(expected = NullPointerException.class) public void shouldErrorOnNull() { mommifier.mommify(null); }
  • 72. TEST CASES “” → “” “str” → “str” “a” → “mommy” “blah” → “blah” “bla” → “blmommy” “blaa” → “blmommy” “blaaha” → “blmommyhmommy” “blA” → “blmommy” Null → raise exception
  • 73. TEST CASES public void shouldNotMommifyEmptyString public void shouldNotMommifyWordsWithNoVowels public void shouldMommifyVowel public void shouldMommifyConsonantsAndSingleVowel public void shouldNotMommifyLessThan30PercentVowels public void shouldMommifyContinuousVowelsOnlyOnce public void shouldMommifyMultipleSetsOfVowels public void shouldMommifyCapitalVowels public void shouldErrorOnNull
  • 76. THANK YOU Gabriel Gavasso Anand Iyengar Thao Dang Hung Dang Mommifier Dojo by TWU team

Hinweis der Redaktion

  1. This talk will be mainly about what benefits Test Driven Development brings and includes a practical example.
  2. Before we start on TDD, let’s quickly look at testing
  3. Why do we test? For a number of reasons! Testing allows us to verify the behaviour of software and ensures these are not changed unintentionally. It allows us to track bugs. Call out the possible ones and having a test in place prevents it from coming back. It also serves as documentation for the current state of the software.
  4. But if we add tests after we have completed a functionality… How do we make sure we have full test coverage? How can we be confident all cases are covered? How can we prevent bugs from happening in the first place?
  5. This is where TDD comes in!
  6. … or Test Driven Development!
  7. But wait…
  8. … what exactly does TDD even mean?
  9. Test driving means… We write the tests before implementing the code. And then we write the minimum amount of code possible to make this single test pass – baby steps. Then we write another test and the process repeats.
  10. But why test first?
  11. Let’s go back to the questions we asked previously for writing tests after: How can we be more confident about: Test coverage Test cases covered Preventing bugs
  12. Tests written before implementing code
  13. Means that all the code you write should be covered by a test. Writing minimum amount of code to make tests pass means that you won’t have untested code.
  14. This will result in higher test coverage
  15. So yay. What about test cases?
  16. Writing tests first and having high code coverage means the tests reflect exactly what the code does.
  17. Having a very visible list of the current functionality of the software…
  18. …allows you to see which cases are tested and which are missing
  19. Finally bug prevention
  20. TDD creates a mental shift in having more focus on test cases
  21. When we can see all currently tested cases and try and think about which cases are missing it encourages people to think about the edge cases where the software is likely to fail
  22. And what we expect to happen in these cases.
  23. TDD helps address all these questions…
  24. But that’s not all
  25. Having a high level of test coverage means that it is much easier to debug. Just need to go to the test case you want and debug that. This also ensures that we are not breaking functionality when refactoring. Allowing people to be more confident to make bolder and more risky refactorings.
  26. TDD also helps drive out the design of the software. When you write tests first, you think about the usage of the code before writing it, making it more usable. Writing only a minimum necessary amount of code means there are no unnecessary functionality that needs support. You ain’t gonna need it!
  27. Now that we’ve been through why.. Let’s talk about the how
  28. Red – Green – Refactor. Write the test, see your code fail for the right reasons to make sure you’re testing the right thing (red) Make the test pass (green) Only refactor while the tests are green Write a new test and repeat the process
  29. Let’s go through a coding example of TDD
  30. Thinking up different possible test cases
  31. Let’s start with a test. Since the implementation does not exist, it will not compile.
  32. Make the code compile
  33. Now the test fails for the right reason
  34. Minimum step necessary to make it pass.
  35. And it passes
  36. Now we need another test case to force us to add more functionality to the code
  37. It fails for the right reason
  38. Again minimum amount of code to make it pass – remembering to keep the old tests passing too.
  39. And they pass
  40. Adding actual replacement of vowels.
  41. It fails for the right reason
  42. And the logic for vowel replacement is added
  43. Tests all pass
  44. Now that tests pass we can go ahead and refactor
  45. Notice the logic has changed. It’s a step for us to improve our design.
  46. Tests still pass
  47. Since tests are also code we can refactor this too
  48. And they still pass
  49. Adding new tests for actual replace mixed vowels and consonants
  50. It fails for the right reason
  51. And we modify the code to make it pass.
  52. And all tests including old ones still work
  53. Now for the logic of not replacing vowels if it’s less than 30%
  54. It fails for the right reason
  55. we modify the code to make the tests pass
  56. It does
  57. We can then go and refactor the code to make it more readable and maintainable
  58. Making sure our tests still pass
  59. Continuous vowels
  60. Fails for the right reason
  61. Adding logic
  62. Tests pass
  63. How about multiple sets of vowels in a word?
  64. It passes since our code already works with this scenario. Sometimes people like to change the code to see it fail just to make sure it’s passing for the right reason and not because of some coincidence.
  65. How about capital letters?
  66. It fails.
  67. Again making it pass
  68. And it does
  69. Null checks?
  70. It already passes because runtime exceptions.
  71. And we’re done! Let’s look at all the test cases we came up before.
  72. The tests now serve as documentations of these functionality.
  73. In terms of writing different types of tests, I personally prefer to Test Drive from ‘Top down” This means starting out writing higher level tests such as functional tests or integration tests and then using this to drive out your unit tests. And having your unit tests then drive out the implementation.
  74. Here are some books if you’re interested in reading more about TDD: Test Driven Development by example by Kent Beck Refactoring by Martin Fowler
  75. Special thanks – any questions?